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5 Lesson Five

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,,I AM''




THANK YOU! (3) Our "BelovedMighty I AM Presence,"
loved Saint Germain andJesus; our Beloved Godfre and Lotus;
Beloved Nada and the Great Divine Director; all the Ascended
Masters, the Great Angelic Host, the Cosmic Beings, and the
Forces of the Elements!
The Blessed Saint Germain Foundation and Board of
Directors; the Saint Germain Press; our Beloved Messengers;
ourselves, and all under this Radiation; our own Beloved United
States of America, and the Three Americas too; forever, for-
ever, and forever!


176 (LessonFive)


O "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence"t O Beloved Mighty

Unfed Flamet Descend into our midst in the Fullness of Thy
Mighty Power and abide with us always. Blaze fortti visible to
the physical sight of all mankindl Enfold us within Thy Dazzling
Heartt Let Thy Clarion Call envelopthe Earthl Speakthrough
every human Heart, until all hear Thy BlessedVoice and obey
Its Mighty Command for Perfection. Reveal Thy Eternal Law
of Life, the Mighty Truth and Reality which Thou artl Set
mankind Free and hold Thy Dominion within us all forevert
The Mighty Presenceof the Unfed Flame is within this Holy
Templet Let all on Earth keep silent before It forever and be
at Peace; in Humble, Grateful, T,oving, Willing, Adoring,
Illumined Obedience, and Full Acceptance of Its Mighty
Keep us humble before Theel Positive to the world, and
forever in the Service of the Ascended Host of Lightt


Mtghty Sacred Fire! COIN/E FORTH and do Your Perfect

Work nowt
Mighty Sacred,FirelCOME FORTH and claim Your own
Mighty Sacred,Fire!COME FORTH and take Your Toll

(LessonFive) 177
The Forces of the Sacred Fere move into action wi h F '
Power and are Victorious NOWI (3)

Mighty Arcturus, Beloved Saint Germain and

, Jesus,Bq.
loved Godfre and Lotus; and Great cosmic Anger"on whorc
crown blazesthe word "IJnion"; God and Goddessof Harmonyi
God and Goddessof purity; God and Goddessof
Justice; God
and Goddessof Liberty; God and Goddessof viciory, ail who
came with You from venus; your Limitless, Invincibie Legionr
of cosmic victory, and all who govern this systemof worrdrt

coME FORTH this instant inthat sacred,Fire of a Thou.

sand sunstDissolveand consumeall human selfishnissand dis.
cord from the planet forever!
(Repeat three times)

"The Sacred Fire of God never failst" ,,The Sacred Fira

of God never fails!" "The Sacred.Fire of God ,r.u.ifuilrfEi
the "Mighty I AM vrr"rrrcJ:{G;g91gtr_Egrt
In the Name of the "Beloved Mighty I AM presence,,,wc
sayto all human creationt Not By the Victory of the sacred Fire,
you have no powert Your day is!Be thou dissohred
consumed from the face of the Earth forever!
(Repeat three times)

The Limitless Legions of the sacred,Fire now sweepacross

the face of the Earth, and all human d.arknessd.isap^pearst
(Repeat three times)

(Follow with)
we charge all our Music and Decreeswith Beloved saint
Germain andJesus,BelovedGodfre and.Lotus, Beloved Nad.a

178 (LessonFive)
,,r'(l the Great Divine Director'sAscendedMasterconsciousness,
I'stantaneousActivity and Furfiilment, Eternally sustained
We thank Thee Thou dost alwaysanswerour every
I nstantly, Infinitely, and Eternally!

"I AM"! "I AM"! "I AM"! God'sInvincibre

Love, Victory,
and Power of the Sacred,Fire everywhere forevert
(Repeat nine times)


MANIFEST! In all our AscendedJesusChrist Victory,
and Freedom, attained RIGHT NOW!
I AM"t (3)

(LessonFive) 179

I pledge allegiance to God, the "Beloved Mighty I AM

Presence," to the Flag of the United States of America, and
to the Republic for which It stands, one Nation under God,
indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all!

America, we love you! America, we love you! America, we

love you! And our Love is grear enough to hold you Eternally
Victorious in the Light!


I believe in the United States of America as a God-

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose
just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a
Democracy in a Republic, a Sovereign Nation of many Sover.
eign states; a Perfect Union, one and inseparable; established
upon those Principles of Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Hu-
manity, for which American Patriots sacrificed their lives and
fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love
It, to support Its Constitution, to obey Its Laws, to respect Its
Flag, and to defend It against all enemies, everywhere foreverl


(Cassette- or Leader may read from BelovedSaint Germain's
"I AM" Discourses,Volume 3)

180 (LessonFive)

Beloved Great Divine Director's Original Invocation-1938

Thou Infinite, Mrghty, All-powerful, Active Presence,Godl

Thou "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"Creator of all that isl
Always Majestic in Thy Conquering PresencetWe ever grow
in deeper Praise, Thanks, and Gratitude to Thee for Thy Life,
Light, Love, and Intelligent Power, manifest everywherein the
Universet We give Power only to Theet We forever withdraw
all power we have ever given to outer things, and stand serene
in Thy Majestic Presence,Love, Wisdom, and Power. Enable
us to understand and feel Thy Radiant Power, always active
in our beings and worlds.
Thou Mighty, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, whose Law
is Justice, whose Power is Invinciblel Protect America in Thy
Great Blazing, Loving PresencelReveal to the authorities of
the United Statesof America any wrong activitiesl "I AM" the
Mighty Channel of Justice, claiming all now and for all time,
that they serve only "The Light of God that never fails" and
Americal No human thought shall enter inl No human hand
shall be raised against Her; for She is sealedwithin the Love
of the Great Ascended Host of Light forevert
Mighty God of the Universel Thy Love, Light, Wisdom,
Intelligence, andJustice shall fill every office in this Landt All
political graft shall be wiped out foreverl And Thou shalt reign
through Thy Creation, through Thy Children in PerfectJustice
to alll
Mighty Light of the Universel Blaze forth Thy Rays into
the Hearts of mankind everywheretLet there be Lightl Lightl
Lightt Let there be more Light! The Pure Christ Light! The

(LessonFive) 181
Great Cosmic Light! "The Light of God that neaerfails!" Des'
cend into the Earth with Thy Legions of Lightt Place the
of mankind securely upon the Pathway of Lightt Lead t
back once more into that Light and Perfection from
they camet To that end, raise the Liquid Light in our
and the bodies of all mankindl Take It back into Thyselfl M
us Pure and wholly Perfect as Thou artl Make us Crysta
Temples of Pure Christ Light, through which will ever
Thy Mighty Golden, Miracle-working Lightning of Divine Love;
to create Thy Perfection everywherel
"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"all "I AM" or have,
everhope to be or have, is Thinel COME FORTHIControl
manifest Thy Invincible Perfection through my body, brai
mind, will, and through all my feelingl Pour forth Thy
Glory and Perfection on'Earth, as Thou art in the
Masters' Octave of Lightl We thank Theel
Beloved Master Saint Germain andJesus, Beloved
and Lotus, Beloved Nada and the Great Divine Director,
Great Ascended Host of Lightt We greet Thee and blessThee,
in the Name of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence"lWe
our Hearts' Love in praise and thanks to Thee, for releasi
to the Children of Earth this Glorious Understanding of
"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence."We, as one, offer ourselve$l
as Thy Channel, so humbly, so gratefully, so reverently, so
earnestly, so joyouslyt Use us in every way You can in the Ser'
vice of the Light!We are readyl We are willinglWe are Lovin$,
Adoring, Illumined Obedience to the Lightl We ask You to focus
into our meeting place Your Mightiest Cosmic Activities of the
SacredFire and Cosmic Raysof Light, that They may be a Con-
stant Source of Radiation to Purify, Protect, Illumine, Heal,
Bless, Prosper, and Encourage all who are here tonightl We
thank Theel

182 (LessonFive)
In the Name of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"we
greet Thee and blessThee, Great CosmicMessengers,Beloved
Cyclopea, Mighty Silent Watcher, Great Divine Director, Won-
drous Legions of Light, and Great Angelic Host! We give praise
and thanks for the Mighty, Harmonious Accomplishment which
You alone are bringing aboutt With the desire to render our
consciouscooperation, we call upon Thee, Thou Infinite "Be-
loved Mighty I AM Presence"tDoThou so illumine the Under-
standing of the Children of Light everywhere,that we may all
assistwithout limit.
In the Name of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"we
greet Thee and blessThee, BelovedSanat Kumara, the Lords
of the Flame, the Tall Master from Venus (Mighty Victory),
and Thy AssociatestWe accept the Full Power of the Unfed
Flame in Its Limitless, Cosmic Activity! Keep It Eternally sus-
tained, as the only Acting Presencewithin mankind and the
Earth forever! We thank Thee it is done. Accept our Love,
Gratitude. and Praiset


(The Magic Presence,Volume 2, Chapter 2)

"The concept that it is possible for All-Perfection to create

imperfection, or anything unlike Itself is absurd, vicious, and
entirely untruet The Supreme Creator gives to the individual
with Free Will the use of the Attributes of the Creator with which
to manipulate manifestation at his particular point in the
Universe. The individual is endowed with the capacity to form
conclusions, through using the intellect alone, which are the
results of fragmentary information. It comes about from using

(LessonFive) 183
only a part of the Creative Powers with which the
is endowed
"Conclusions drawn from partial instead of complete inr
formation must of necessitybring about unsatisfactory resultl
The individual must have Free Will or he could not be
Creator. If one chooses to experiment with the spoke i
of the entire wheel, there is naught to say him nay in his desi
to experience those results. ;
"The wheel of manifestation cannot and is not comp
until the individual recognizes the'Mighty I AM Presence,'
It is the only Source which knows all that is required to
any pattern of manifestation to produce Perfection for him
"All Patterns of Perfection are stored within the
Knowing, Fathomless,Dazzling Mind of the'Mrghty I AM
ence,' and can never be made manifest in the physical
of mankind until the outer activity of the mind, which is t
intellectual consciousness,is illumined by the Ray of Gol
Light within the Heart. This Ray comes always and only
the Electronic Body of the individual. This is 'The
Presence'-'I AM.'
"This'Mighty I AM Presence'ofmankind's being does
cognize, and never can create the maze of confusion, ch
and destruction which exists in the outer mentalitv and
of humanity, anymore than the Sun creates a cloud. It is th(
birthright and privilege of every individual to express
Fullness of this Glorious Inner Presenceand Power of
tion; but if the personal self will not call the Power of
'Presence'into action, through the Higher Mentality, into
outer activity at all times, then all outer experience merely
mains the ever-changing condition, or dumping ground of
thoughts and feelings of other human beings surrounding it:

184 (LessonFive)
"The 'Presence' of the 'Mighty I AM' abides within the
Electronic Body of every individual, resting from twelve to fifty
feet or more above the physical body, and is occupied only with
creating, expanding, and forever pouring out Perfection. It lives
in Its own Realm, doing Creative Work at Cosmic Levels.
"Only in the outer activity of the human personality, which
is,but a fragmentary part of each one's individuality, can im-
perfection be generated and experienced. It is through the
Higher Mentality that the Discriminative and Selective In-
telligence acts. In this Body, the Individualized Intelligence can
look upon the discord of human creation and observe the con-
ditions by which the personality is surrounded and those it is
passing through; but does not accept them into Its Consciousness
nor world. It seeswhat is required to produce Perfection in the
physical experience, and can reach into the Electronic Body-
the individual's'Mighty I AM Presence'-and draw forth that
which produces Perfection in the outer activity."

BelovedMrs. G. W. Ballard
("Voice of the I AM,"a August 1936)

The Ascended Masters, onJuly 4, 7936, gave Their third

specific Decree for the complete Freedom of mankind and the
Earth. This forms the Triple Activity of Their Application of
the Great Cosmic Law, and before It no discord nor sinister
activity can longer exist.
This Mighty Decree is the Freedom all mankind has been
waiting for throughout the centuries in order to open the way
for the Great Cosmic Law to act with sufficient intensity and
speed to give the complete release that must take place, if

(LessonFive) 185
humanity is to survive. It is the one thing the whole Earth needs
most-today-in order to let the "Mighty I AM Presence"have
the Greatest Expansion of Its Light and Love. Every human
being on Earth is benefited tremendously wheneverthis Decree
is issued for anyone, or the whole of mankind.
This Mighty Decree, which the Ascended Masters sent forth
on the Fourth of July for all mankind and the Earth, released
the first Wave of Its Action that moment-through everyhuman
body and the planet itself. Now it becomesthe duty and privilege
of everyonewho understands the Law and calls to the "Mighty
I AM Presence"to issuethat same Decree at least three times
daily; until It sweepsforward with such intensity that It clears
away all obstruction to the Full Expansion of the Light within
both the individual and the very Earth itself.
This Mighty Decree is the Ascended Masters' Command
to Legions of Angels of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love to
descendinto the physical octave of Earth; to seize,bind and
remove from within and around every human being, the Earth
and its atmosphere,all entities-carnate and discarnate. If they
be carnate, to annihilate them, their cause and effect from
existenceforevert If they be discarnate,to take them to the As-
cended Masters and offer them this Eternal Instruction of the
"Mighty I AM Presence"for acceptance.
If the discarnate ones accept It, they are taken to the
Schoolsof the AscendedMasters, shown how to apply this Law,
and make their Ascension.If they will not accept this Glorious
Light and make ConsciousEffort for their Freedom, they are
held bound until theywillingly, gladly, and lovingly accept rhis
Eternal Law of Life and fulfill their own Decree to make the
When we refer to entities of human creation, we mean car.
nate entities. We mean thosethought forms created by human

186 (LessonFive)
beings-through discordant, destructivethoughts and words,
and energized by inharmonious feeling. These exist within the
aura of every human being until he gives the command to his
own "Mighty I AM Presence" to consume them.
The Use of the Violet Consuming Flame as Beloved Saint
Germain has instructed, if used daily with intensity, will dissolve
and purify all thesehumanly-created entities; but when the Stu-
dent calls through his "I AM Presence"direct to the Angels of
the Blue Lightning of Divine Love, he can have the Assistance
of these BlessedBeings whose Duty it is to render Help-that
the AscendedMasters decreefor all who make earnestCall-
to complete their Victory quickly. This doesnot relieve the Stu-
dent of the necessityof using the Violet Consuming Flame as
he has been taught; but it enablesthe Flame to have much more
InstantaneousAction and to releasemore power.
When we refer to the discarnate entities, we mean those
human beingswho have passedthrough so-calleddeath. If they
do not call to God with enough intensity to draw the attention
of an Ascended Master to cut them free from Earth and take
them to the Octave of Light, or if they have not the knowledge
of the "Mighty I AM Presence" to which they can call and be
taken out of the atmosphereof Earth, they remain in the homes,
localities, and atmosphere in which they lived while in the
physical body.
These are known as earthbound entities, for they do not
know how to make a Call that will bring the Assistanceof the
AscendedMasters to cut them free from their earthly appetites
and conduct them safely through the Earth's atmosphere-to
the Octave of Light. In that Octavethey can be taught the Great
Truth and Law of the "Mighty I AM Presence."Then, through
their own ConsciousEffort, they can reach up for the Assistance
that gives them the Eternal Victory of the Ascension.

(LessonFive) 187
The atmosphere of Earth is loaded with these discarnate
entities. They are good, bad, and indifferent-some very
vicious. Thev remain in the aura of the Earth because their
desires, being principally physical appetites, bind them
for further gratification. Why? Becausethey are still held wi
the emotional body, in which those desiresdo not dissolve
so-calledphysical death unlesscremation takes place. If
is done, they are freed to go through to the Octave of
for Assistance.
Not knowing how to get out of the Earth's atmosphere
they attach themselves to those with whom they associated i
the physical life, or to thosewhom they greatly disliked-
times to gratify their feelings of revenge-and even move abo
in the same houses or localities.
If they have had vicious desires while in the physi
embodiment, they can still gratify those desiresfrom the
plane, through the body of anyone who will let them stay
his aura. This is what accountsfor drink, smoke, and sex
sions, insanity, cruelty, viciousness, intense anger,
suicide, continued discord, and destructive activity of every ki
Mankind, and Students in general do not understand
condition in the slightest degree, and hence, do not make
necessaryeffort to free themselvesfrom these destructive
disturbing conditions that cause all the tragedy on Earth.
However, the Great Law of Life will not operate ltself,
until individuals get the Ascended Masters' Understanding
Its Operation, there is very little permanent Help for
-until people can be taught this Law.
If all discarnate entities could be taken from the
sphere of Earth, ninety-sevenpercent of all mankind's trou
would be solved-letting Peace and Harmony reign thro
the world, to the GreatJoy and Freedom of the whole hum

188 (LessonFive)
race, and also to the Blessing and Freedom of the discarnates
themselves.Since the end of 1939, all discarnateshave been
taken out of the United Statesof America, the three Americas
and Switzerland. If the Students from other nations will make
the Call for the Ascended Host to take the discarnates out of
the nation from which they come, the Ascended Masters will
begin their removal from the Earth.
Students and all readers should remember that when we
call Angels of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love to seize,bind,
and annihilate all humanly created entities, no one can anni-
hilate God, which the Life in every human being isl Neither
can Divine Love annihilate a human bodyl Therefore, the only
things that can be annihilated are the discordant and vicious
thought (and feeling) forms which hang around the bodies of
most individuals.
These are the causesof chronic diseasesand limitations
of every description. Such creations should be annihilated, and
the soonerthe better for themselvesand the whole Earth. Please
remember, Beloved Ones, Angels of the Blue Lightning of
Divine Love never annihilate human bodiesl The entities and
the discord do that, so there is nothing to fear in using this Ap-
plication of the Law and the Call to the "Presence."
People often say, "But my loved one who has passedon
was kind and I loved him very much." That is no doubt true,
but do you realize how much energy is absorbed from your world
by such a discarnate being-energ'y that your "Mighty I AM
Presence" gives you, with which you should expand Its Per-
fection? You are not helping the disembodied one by letting
him hang around in your aura and absorb your energ'y,when
he should be learning the Laws of Life and of the Universe,
working to free himself and gain his Ascensionl You are doing
such a one an injustice by enabling him to stay in the Earth's

(LessonFive) 189
atmosphere-instead of calling your "Mighty I AM Presence"
into action to take him through to the Octave of Light where
he can be taught how to gain his Eternal Victory of the Ascen.
In regard to discarnate entities, they are responsible for
insanity, vicious appetites,vicious actions,crime, and contagious
diseases.Many times, one'ssenseof physical exhaustionis due
to nothing elsebut a discarnateentity in one'sown aura, follow.
ing him around and absorblng the energy from his physical body
in order to survive. No end of businessdeals are blocked for
years by some discarnate entity who does not want someoneto
succeed because of vicious feelings of revenge, resentment,
jealousy, and all the other unkind feelings with which human
beings are many times unfortunately filled.
In one case, a man who had not been able to get a posi.
tion for five yearswas told to dismissall the entities in his body
and world. He did as instructed, with his wife's assistance,and
within twenty-four hours obtained a most remarkable position,
which he still holds, and that wasmonths ago. This is the trouble
in thousandsof caseswhere people do not seemable to get work.
If the Studentsof the "I AM" and all readersof theseBookr
will do as the Ascended Masters have requested in using these
Decrees,their own Blessingswill transcend their fondest dreams;
and the Assistanceto mankind and the Earth will surpassall
description. You will have InstantaneousRelief from distressing
conditions which have bound you for a lifetime, or perhaps
many lifetimes.
Discarnate entities are also responsiblefor mental and
health conditions of long standing- alwayl To deny that these
entities exist is but ignorance of the forces that are acting, and
which every human being is struggling under today, whether
he be good or bad, wise or ignorant. To deny a thing doesnot

190 (Lesson
remove it from existenceor having an effect in the physical ex-
perience of individuals and the Earth.
Entities-carnate and discarnate-do exist on this Earth,
but through his Call to the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the
AscendedMasters, every individual has Complete Mastery over
them and his world! He can clear all his activities from any such
interference, if he will make this Call as the Ascended Masters
have requestedthe "I AM" Studentsto dotThe AscendedMas-
ters did this for the entire Earth and mankind on the Fourth
ofJuly. Such is our opportunity to servetIt is our privilege and
our duty, that the Earth may be freed, and we ourselveshave
Complete Mastery over all in our own individual lives and ac'
tivities. Aside from the Knowledge of the "Mighty I AM
Presence"and the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame, this Call
to seize,bind, and remove all entities from the Earth is the most
Transcendent Help and Blessing that can come to every per-
son in the world, and will bring the Earth into Divine Order
through Divine Love quicker than any other one thing which
can be done in the outer life today.
We plead with all the "I AM" Students-and individuals
everywhere-to use the following Decreesat least three times
a day to keep your beings and worlds free from all entities,car-
nate and discarnate. Through this Application, you will not
only move forward in a World of Perfection of your own, but
you will help to lift the load that weighs heavily upon all man-
kind and the Earth itself; for even nature suffers from these
entities, and will not too long tolerate their interference with
her Perfection. They are the causesof all cataclysmicactivity,
which is but the recoil of their own viciousnessreturning upon
them and consuming them from the atmosphere of Earth, so
mankind may have a fresh start to make further effort toward

(LessonFive) 191
By the time the "I AM" Students have used these Decrees
for a few weeks,they will find their affairs moving forward with
great speed, and no further interference from intermittent
discord which constantly distressesthem. With the intense Call
to the "Mighty I AM Presence"and Ascended Masters to send
Angels of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love to seize,bind and
remove all entities from humanity, the Earth, and its at'
mosphere, the Cosmic Light from the Great Central Sun will
blaze with such intensity that Perfection unbelieaubleyill corne
forth-almost instantly-at the Call of the Students of the
"I AM." This is the InstantaneousAction we want you all to
experience, and so you shalll

Reference Material - Optional Reading in Group Lessons

Taken frorn Volume IX, Discourse IV
Near the end of 1939, the Mighty Astrea, the Goddessof
Light, and others of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings
took away all discarnate entities from the United States of
America; and no more will ever be allowed to remain or enter
here. Since then, they have taken all discarnate entities from
the Three Americas and Switzerland.The "I AM" Student Body
has been asked to keep decreeing for them to be taken away
from all mankind, the Earth, and its atmosphere,until it is com-
pletely accomplished.
There are two kinds of entities: first, the discarnate en-
tities, which are those who have cast off the physical body; se-
cond, there are the humanly-created entities, which are the
thought and feeling creation produced by destructive thoughts,
feelings,spokenwords, and acts-through hate, anger, jealousy
and so on-by those who are in physical embodiment.
All individuals who passout of the body, if they have been

L92 (Lesson
principally constructive in their desires, do not remain in the
atmosphereof Earth, but are taken by the Higher Mental Body
and the Ascended Masters directly to the Octave of Light-
which is that part of the Earth's atmosphere above all destruc-
tive vibratory action. This is not the AscendedMasters'Octave,
but is simply the upper atmosphere of Earth where those who
passout of the body dwell between embodiments. There they
rest for a time, absorb the results of the Earth Life, and receive
Instruction from the AscendedMastersbetween embodiments,
until they come into the lifetime, the physical embodiment, in
which they receive the Ascended Masters' Conscious
Understanding of the "Mighty I AM Presence" and begin to
use this Law of the "I AM" to dissolve and consume all their
discordant creations,limitations, mistakes,and problems* by
the use of the Violet Consuming Flame. When that is ac-
complished, they are given Assistanceby one or more of the
Ascended Masters to accomplish the Victory of the Ascension.
Once that is attained, they never take on physical embodiment
Children who passout of the body through so-calleddeath
stay in the Octave of Light until they re-embody again.
When people sleep, the waking consciousnessof the in-
dividual goes to the Octave of Light and receivesInstruction
while the physical body is being filled with energy, unless one
experiencesunpleasant or destructive sensationswhile the body
sleeps.In that case, the waking consciousnessdoes not get out
of the lower atmosphere of Earth, but becomescaught in the
destructive feelings and creations there.

(LessonFive) 193
(Study Group Outline I)
Sweepthrough the Earth and its atmosphere,this instantt
seize,bind, hold inactive, and removeall the rest of the discar.
nate entities, their clawsand emissaries,and thoseof the black
magicians; all discordantly qualified substance;all war lordc,
all dictators; all spies; all strike agitators; and all individualr
whose accumulation is wholly destructive. Take them to the
compound of Light and hold them there, until all destructive
qualities and accumulation-cause, effect, record, and memory
- are consumed from their Life Streams; and they turn and
servethe Light in Humble, Grateful, Illumined Obedienceto
the Perfection of Life forever, and make Restitution a Billion.
fold for their desecrationof Life, until all Life, substanceand
Energy are Ascended and Free, evervwhere foreverl

SONG (sing one)

Cen ro LrcHT (8); Goonrss oF puRrrv (tb);

194 (Lesson Five)

("Voice of the I AM,"@ January 1940)

I wish to add one Word to what Beloved Saint Germain

mid to you and in answerto what you askedthis morning, Lotus.
With the consuming of the astral and psychic world and the
removalof the entitiesfrom America, it will include the thought-
forms of vicious forces by which mankind has created and built
the conditions that have sometimes been far worse than even
Intense anger, intense hatred, intense sex depravity will
create thought-fonns more powerful than the ordinary discar-
nate, becausethey are charged with the constant energ'yof the
individual. When they reach the form as large, or nearly as large
as the form of the individual who has been their creator, they
become very powerfull This Consuming Action that is going
on is one of the conditions which will bring such release to
mankind after this week.

Beloved Goddessof Light

("Voice of the I AM,"@ March 1940)

Try to follow Me for just a moment. I know it is a long

reach, but try. Here We were, operating within the Earth's at-
mosphere, dissolving, consuming, and forever removing the
viciousnessin thosewho are inhabitants of the psychic, or astral
plane. It was the destructive force generated and created by
mankind through more than two and a half million yearstThat
is only a part of itt

(LessonFive) 195
Now then, in one great leap, stand with Me in the Radiance
of the Great Central Sun, looking upon this, the lowest vibratory
action in any system of planetsl Be assured of this-there are
no planets existing which have a lower vibratory action than
this Earthl That is the reason why this Preparation had to be
made for the release of these unfortunate beings who had been
caught and held in the psychic plane for-O My People-that
you only knew how longl
Do you know, some of those people caught in the astral
and psychic world had not embodied in thousands and
thousands of years? You cannot imagine what their condition
wasl How could progress be made where there was no.
To remain forever upon this Earth with no change of vibra-
tory action would finally mean inertial To remain in any other
sphere of activity in one vibratory action means, so far as the
height or depth of that vibratory action is concerned, that it
would become inertiat ...
I want some of you to comprehend this now clearly; other-
wise I would not mention it. You have been at the circus, most
of you I think, at least as children, and you have seen the cages
of wild animals. When there is a little disturbance, you have
seen how they are all on their feet-alert, roaring, and having
a noisy time!
Well, that is only a slight comparison to the condition of
the places these forces are in, from the astral world, where they
are compelled to look upon the Earth and see how they may
no longer in{luence and drag the children of Earth into the mire
and depth of their own filthl They are worse than those caged
animals; but after a time they will subside, for they willbe com-
pelled to listen and be taught some portion of each day.
When the Ascended Masters come around them, they are

196 (LessonFive)
absolutelystillt Their hatred is terrible to behold, but they know
they cannot touch nor harm the AscendedOnes; therefore, they
have to listen to what They say; and one day, this Truth will
find an inroad, and even the frightful condition of millions of
years standing will be annihilated from the Earth.

Beloved Harmony
("Voice of the I AM,"@ January1940)

I did not have such a great part in this recent Great

Achievement, but My part comes now. After the Great Ones
have cleansed and purified that great belt of the Earth's atmo-
sphere, then I mrrsi charge the whole of it and re-establish it
by the Substance of Harmonyt Then Harmony will be the
pressure upon mankind instead of humanity's own discordant
creation-a vastly different thing, I assure you. If you saw two
objects before you, and the pressure of either Harmony or
discord upon the two, you would soon decide with Me that the
Pressure of Harmonv is much more desirable.

(LessonFive) 197

(Originally published by Wesley Bradshaw. Copied from a reprint in

the National Tribune, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1880. May be secured
from the Saiht Germain Press, Inc.)

The last time I ever saw Anthony Sherman was on the

fourth of July, 1859, in Independence Square. He was then
ninety-nine years old and becoming very feeble; but though so
old, his dimming eyesrekindled as he gazedupon Independence
Hall, which he came to gaze upon once more before he was
gathered Home.
"Let us go into the Hall," he said. "I want to tell you an
incident of Washington's life-one which no one alive knows
of except myself, and if you live, you will before long see it
"From the opening of the Revolution we experienced all
phasesof fortunb-now good and now ill, one time victorious
and another conquered. The darkest period we had, I think,
waswhen Washington, after severalreverses,retreated to Valley
Forge, where he resolvedto passthe winter of.'77. Ahl I have
often seenthe tears coursing down our dear old commander's
careworn cheeks, as he would be conversing with a confiden-
tial officer about the condition of his poor soldiers. You have
doubtless heard the story of Washington going to the thicket
to pray. Well, it was not only true, but he used often to Pray
in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of
whose Divine Providence brought us safely through those dark
days of tribulation.
"One day, I remember it well, the chilly winds whistled
through the leafless trees. Though the sky wds cloudless and
the sun shone brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all

(LessonFive) 199
the afternoon alone. When he came out I noticed his face was
a shade paler than usual, and there seemed to be something
on his mind of more than ordinary importance. Returning just
after dusk, he dispatched an orderly to the quarters of the officer
I mention who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary
conversation of about half an hour, Washington, gazing upon
his companion with that strange look of dignity which he alone
could command, said to the latter:
" 'I do not know whether it is owing to the anxiety of my
mind or what; but this afternoon as I was sitting at this table
engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb
me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly
beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict
orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before
I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second,
a third, and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but
received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight
raising of the eyes. By this time I felt strange sensationsspreading
through me. I would have risen, but the riveted gaze of the be-
ing before me rendered volition impossible. I essayedonce more
to address her, but my tongue had become useless.Even thought
itself suddenly became paralyzed. A new influence-mysterious,
potent, irresistible-took possessionof me. All I could do was
to gaze steadily, vacantly, at my unknown visitant. Gradually
the surrounding atmosphere seemed as though becoming filled
with sensations-and luminous. Everything about me seemed
to rarify, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and
yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel
as one dlortg, or rather to experience the sensations which I have
sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think,
I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I
was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly, at my companion.

200 (LessonFive)
" 'Presently, I heard a voice saying, "Son of the Republic,
look and learn," while at the same time my visitor extended
her arm eastwardly. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some
distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and
I looked upon a strange scene. Before me lay spread out in one
vast plain all the countries of the world-Europe, Asia, Africa,
and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and
America the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and
America lay the Pacific. "Son of the Republic," said the same
mysterious voice as before, "look and learn." At that moment
I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or
rather floating in mid-air between Europe and America. Dip-
ping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he
sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with
his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a dark cloud
raised from each of these countries, and joined in mid-ocean.
For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly
westward until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp
flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard
the smothered groans and cries of the American people. A
second time the Angel dipped water from the ocean and
sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back
to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view. A third
time I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic,
look and learn." I cast my eyesupon America and beheld villages
and towns and cities springing up one after another, until the
whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with
them. Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, "Son of the
Republic, the end of the century comethl Look and learn."
" 'At this, the dark, shadowy angel turned his face south-
ward, and from Africa I saw an ill-omened spectre approach
our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter.

(LessonFive) 201
The inhabitants presently set themselvesin battle array
each other. As I continued looking, I saw a bright Angel-
whose brow rested a Crown of Light on which was traced
word "Union,"-bearing the American Flag, which he
between the divided nation, and said, "Remember, ye
brethren." Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them t
weapons, became friends once more and united around
National Standard.
" 'And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son
the Republic, look and learn." At this, the dark, shadowy
placed a trumpet to his mouth and blew three distinct
and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon
Asia, and Africa. Then my eyesbeheld a fearful scene:
each of thesecountries arosethick, black clouds that were
joined into one. And throughout this massthere gleamed a
red light by which I saw hordes of armed men who, movi
with the cloud, marched by land and sailedby seato Americai;
which country was enveloped in the volume of cloud. And
dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country
burn the villages, towns, and cities that I beheld springing u
As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashi
of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal
bat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, "Son of
Republic, look and learn." When the voicehad ceased,the
shadowyangel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and
blew a long and fearful blast. ii
" 'Instantly a light as of a thousand sunsshone down frorn
aboveme, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud
which enveloped America. At the same moment, the Angel
upon whose head still shone the word "Llnion," and who bore
our National Flag in one hand and a sword in the other;
descendedfrom the heavensattended by legionsof white spiritor

202 (Lesson
These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I
perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who, immediately tak-
ing courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed
the battle. Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard
the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and
Iearn." As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time
dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America.
Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies
it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.
" 'Then once more I beheld the villages, towns, and cities
springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright
Angel, planting the azure standard He had brought in themidst
of them, cried with a loud voice: "While the stars remain and
the heavens send down dew upon the Earth, so long shall the
Union last." And taking from His brow the Crown on which
blazoned the word "IJnion," He placed it upon the Standard
while the people, kneeling down, said, "Amen."
" 'The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I
at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld.
This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon
the mysterious visitor who, in the same voice I had heard before,
said, "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus inter-
preted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The
most fearful is the third passing which, the whole world united
shall not prevail against her. " 'Let every child of the Republic
learn to live for his God, his land, and Union." With these words
the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that
I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth,
progrgss, and destiny of the United States!' "
"Such, my friends," concluded the venerable narrator,
".were the words I heard from Washington's own lips, and
America will do well to profit by them." [sEEcoloR PIcruRE e]

(LessonFive) 203
SONG (sing one)
Oun OwN Bnrovno LaNn (14); Tun Srr_rNr
SnNrtNnr (10); or AMERTcA(54).

204 (LessonFive)
Mighty Victory
("Voice of the I AM,"a October 1938)

Do you realize, Beloved Ones, what your Goddess of Liberty

means to you? I am not speaking of the Statue; I am speaking
of the reality, the Mother of the American people, the God-
Mother of you-wondrous beyond all wordst In preparation for
your coming, She, in that great moment, revealed to
Washington the future of America-the episodes that were to
take place; but because there were not sufficient individuals
having the Understanding of Life, the first two episodes took
place exactly as was shown.
The Goddess of Liberty saw if something more than or-
dinary were not brought forth to the assistance of mankind,
the people would perish completely in the third episode. That
Great One was shown the Power of LightlHow could that Power
be released? Not by the Light Itselfl Then, how did Her Great
Presence of Life know sufficiently clear to say: "If necessary,
that Light as of a Thousand Suns would be released to dissolve
and consume all human viciousness and discord from the
planet"? Then Her Great Presence must have seen there would
be enough of humanity awaken to the Power of their "Presence"
to make the Calls which would enable the Power of the Cosmic
Light to release Itself at a given time - to do Its Perfect Work.
You heard Me say "a given time." That is not prophecy-a given
time according to the Call released by humanity.

(LessonFive) 205
BelovedMr. G. W. Ballard
("Voiceof theI AM,"a October1938)

O Glorious Flag of America! Of Light and of Freedoml

We bow before Thy Majesty and Glory, and we kiss the Ra-
diance that flows forth from Thy Mighty Presence.
We thank Thee, O Beloved Goddessof Liberty, for hav-
ing brought forth this Emblem of Thy Purity, Freedom, and
Blessingto America and the world. May Thy Mighty Radiance
go forth everywhere, to bless and fill mankind with Courage,
Strength, and Happiness;and to be an Eternal Reminder that
America is the last spot on Earth where the Glory and Freedom
for mankind can be brought forthl May all the world awaken
to know and feel the Full Blessingand Power of that which our
Flag means to all. Its Blessings are not only poured out to
America, but to all the world; for that Flag symbolizesthe Ltght
of the world. May Its Mighty Light take Its Full Dominion and
express everywhere in the Hearts of mankindl
O "Mighty I AM Presence"lHold that waving Splendor
in the Cosmic Light over America until the Golden Age finds
Its Full Dominion and Expressionin the world, Peaceon Earth
once again reigns, and all pour forth goodwill to manl In the
Fullness of all Life holds for each one, may all give obedience
to Life and pour Love and Kindness to the world.
May our Flag hold forever Its Mighty Blessing and Lightl
We thank Thee, O Great Host of Light, Thou dost take com-
mand this day, and hold forever in Thy Invincible Protection
our Constitution, our Supreme Court, our Declaration of In-
dependencelReleasethe Fullnessof all the Perfection Life holds,
and all our Flag means to America and the worldl We stand
in the Glory of the Mighty Victory of Light, until every Heart

206 (LessonFive)
in America feels the same great Love, the same great En-
thusiasm, the samegreat Power and Light-until It fills all the
Earth and is Eternallv Sustainedt

BelovedGoddessof Music
("Voice of the I AM,"a January 1940)

In My closing Words, I want to say something that I know

must touch your Hearts as few things can. You love your
America, and the representation of your Flag tonight calls this
to My attention. Do you know, there is the completed Flag of
your America in the Royal Teton in jewels of perfect color,
brought down long, Iong, long centuries before America was
ever conceived? Then do you not understand how great was
Beloved Saint Germain's Wisdom and how He watched very
carefully, allowing those to assert their authority and their feel-
ing in connection with it? Yet one day, when you see that Flag
in the New Age come forth, and the Fullness and Completeness
of It, you will drop to your knees in such Gratitude as you have
never felt in the world; and there will be not one single person
in America who is loyal to America that will not feel it.
America was conceived in the Light a long, long time agot
Once, when a great civilization had reached its apex upon this
Land, that Flag was used. It was preserved, and this is the first
time it has ever been mentioned to the outer world. Please con-
sider It a Mighty Sacred Trust to you, and cherish the thought
-the memory-until the day that you see It in Its physical form
wave before your eyes. That will be the completed America-
when Peace on Earth, goodwill to man, will be a reality.

(LessonFive) 207
("Voice of the I AM,"@ March 1936)

Beloved Cyclopeais that Great Cosmic Messengerfrom the

Great Central Sun, who, for our Earth, has charge of and con-
trols the Activity of the All-Seeing Eye of God.
This Great Presence,by the Outpouring of the Great Flame
of Divine Love from His Heart, and the Projection of Mighty
Light Rays to humanity and the Earth, awakens and expands
the Activity of the Inner, or True Spiritual Sight, in the in-
dividual. The Love which He pours out is the actual Energy
and Substancefrom His Ascended Master Body.
He purifies and illumines the atmosphere of Earth by the
focusing of Gigantic Light Raysof Pure Electronic Force, which
He draws from the Heart of the Great Central Sun.
This Marvelous Being comes from out the Great Silence
at the beginning of each Cycle to pour out Love and Light,
that those activities may be intensified and expanded within
the consciousness of mankind and the atmosphereof Earth.
This Great One is the Presiding Being for the Incoming
Golden, or "I AM" Ag., and is the Protecting Presencefor
America. That is the reasonfor the use of the Symbol of the
All-seeing Eye within the Triangle forming the capstoneto the
pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States- as shown on
our one dollar bill. [sEEPAGEzz2]
The motto, "A new order of the ages," has definite
reference to the new civilization which is to come forth in
America, of which Beloved Cyclopea is the Great, Guarding
Cosmic Master. Beloved Saint Germain is the Great Cosmic
Authority for the Activity of America in the Servicewhich She
is to give to the rest of the world-as the Cup of Light of the
"Mighty I AM Presence."

208 (LessonFive)
The Rays of Light which pour forth from the Eye within
the triangle at the top of the pyramid on the Great Seal repre-
sent the actual Outpouring from Cyclopea; for FIe seesin all
directions and pours out His Light and Love wherever needed
upon Earth. From that Eye nothing can be hidden, for that
Great Presenceseesall things, seesthrough all things, and sees
Perfection everywhere-forever! Through His Mighty Light Rap
passthe Patterns of Perfection for mankind and the Earth; for
they are registered within the Consciousnessof humanity and
the atmosphereof Earth in Forms of Living Ltght to be fulfilled
in physical experience.
The triangle on the Great Sealsignifiesthe Triune Activity
of Beloved Cyclopea, the Silent Watcher, and the Great Divine
Director, completing the work of building the new civilization
in America and being its controlling Intelligence through Their
Power of Vision and Light.
These three Great Cosmic Beings control the Expansion
of the Light in Its Cosmic Activity to our Earth, as well as to
our humanity. Beloved Saint Germain and Those workingwith
Him control the Expansion of the Light through the Ascended
Master Activity; and all is being brought forth into amazing
Perfection through Their combined Activity to blessthis Earth
and mankind forever, so all may expressthe same Great Glory,
Freedom, and Perfection They manifest.
Beloved Cyclopea protects and guides our Beloved America
through Cosmic Activities by the Projection bf StupendousRays
of Light, focused and poured through the Great Eye in the north
wall of the Great Audience Hall in the Retreat of the Royal
Teton-as describedin UnaeiledMystertes.Within that Mar-
velous Sanctuary is the only place on this planet where Its
Activity takes place.
Until 1932 this Luminous Being only came from out the

(LessonFive) 209
Great Silence once in a hundred years to give His Great Out-
pouring of Cosmic Light to our Earth; but since then, He has
come forth once in six months and poured out His Great Release
of Love-which floods the Earth with His Light. This will con-
tinue for the next one hundred years in order to hasten the
Perfection which must come into manifestation on our Earth
on Cosmic Schedule. Those Rays will illumine the Consciousness
and expand the Light within the Hearts of mankind everywhere.
In appearance, this Beloved Master is Glorious and Magnif-
icent to behold! His eyesfascinate one by the Tremendous Light
and Power which shines out through them; but the Wisdom
and Love that flow to the beholder bring such Peace, one simply
worships in silent adoration the Mighty Presence and Intel-
ligence which can be so celestial! Great Streams of White Light-
ning flash forth from His Head; a Ray of Divine Love blazes
from His Fleart, and an Intense Radiance comes forth from
the Throat Center. The Garments He wears are transcendently
beautiful-the Jewels which adorn them being Condensations
of Light that flash continually.
The Adorable Presence of Beloved Cyclopea is tall,
majestic, and Godlike in every detail, the very Embodiment of
the Limitless Power of Light and Love; and the beholder realizes
that He wields Power and Authority which could control a
system of worlds.
May the Students of the "Mighty I AM Presence," America,
and the world know more of this Marvelous Being of Light and
Love, and be forever grateful for the Gift He continually bestows
so graciously upon all.
Cyclopea, Thou All-Seeing Eye of God! May the "Mighty
I AM Presence" bless Thee forever with our Limitless, Eternal
Love and Gratitude for the Transcendent Service Thou dost
bestow upon mankind and this Earth.

210 (Lesson

"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!"Enfold me now in my
Mighty, Magic, Electronic Tube of AscendedMasters'Light-
SubstancetMake It so Powerful that no human creation can
passthroughl See that It keepsme Invisible, Invincible, and
Invulnerable to everything but Thy Almighty Perfection, and
Infinitely and Divinely Sensitiveto Thee and Thy Divine Per-
fection, "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence"t
(Visualize and feel It.)

"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence"and Great Sanat Kumara!
Keep me and everyperson, place, condition, and thing under
the Radiation of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, sur-
rounded with the Invincible Wall of Blue Flame outside the
Tube of Light, as added Protection until all are Free in the
Ascension. We thank Thee Thou dost alwavs answer our every
(Visualize and feel It.)

"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!"Blaze up through me
now, Your Mighty Violet Consuming Flame, the Purifying
Power of Divine Love, in Its most Powerful, Dynamic Activity!
Consumecause,effect, record, and memory forever of all hu-
man concepts,desires,and feelingsin my being and world, and
every mistake for which my outer self is responsible! Replace

(LessonFive) 2Il
it with the Ascended Masters'Electronic Substanceof Light,
Love, Purity, and Perfection; and hold Your Dominion within
me forevert
(Visualize and feel It.)

"Beloved Mighty I AM Presencet"Expand Thy Light in
every cell of my body, until Its Radiance blazesthrough my
flesh, Eternally sustainedl

"Beloved Mighty I AM Presencel" Charge my body with
such a Power of the Pressureof Light, that It just pushesout
all imperfection, impurity, and every record of discord that
causespain or distressin the physical body. Sweepit out and
seethat it remains outl Take command of each human form,
O Powers of Lightl
"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence"and the Higher Mental
Body of each one! Stand Master over that form and compel its
Obediencel Make me an electromagnet to attract everything
good, and to repel any vicious thing that attempts to enter my
body. I accept that Great Outpouring of Love made manifest
and Eternally sustainedl

"Beloved Mtghty I AM Presencet"COME FORTH in Your
Infinite Ascended Master Powert Charge my mind; being,
world, and activity, and that of all the Children of Light
everywhere, with the Great Divine Director's Ascended Master
Consciousness,InstantaneousActivity and Fulfillment, that we
may have the full benefit of His Consciousness,
made physically
manifest now, Eternally sustainedl

212 (Lesson
"Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"Great Host of Ascended
Masters, Mighty Legions of Light, Great Angelic Host, and
Great CosmicBeingslCOME FORTH in Your Infinite Powerl
Charge my being and world, BelovedSaint Germain'sActivity
of the "I AM," America, and all who servethe Light through-
out the world, with Thy Invincible Protection, Eternally

(BeloaedJesus' Decree- Christmas, 1935)
In the Name of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"the
Books of the Saint Germain Series,the Periodical known as the
"Voice of the I AM," @ and the Radio Transcriptions shall be
the most sought-after Books, Periodicals, and Transcriptions
on the face of this planet, to the Upliftment of God's Children,
everywhere forevert

(BeloaedJesus' D ecree)
In the Name of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"such
Freedom, Health, Prosperity, and Harmonious Action shall
come forth for America and the world"NOW, as have never
before been experienced on Earthl

(LessonFive) 2L3
(The "I AM" Discourseq Volume 3, DiscourseXXXIII)
luly 4, 1932

I N V OCA T I ON : Mighty, Sustaining, Enfolding Presencel
We give praise and thanks for Thy Life Everlasting, Thy Youth
Eternal, Thy Light Illumining.


O America! WE LOVE YOUI Mighty Seedof God'sEter-

nal Manifestation, We give praise and thanks that Thou art
sustainedand governed by God alonel The day on which in-
dependence within Thy Heart was established, Thou didst
become a Radiating Center of Light to all humanity. We give
praise and thanks that out of all will come Peaceand Prosperi-
ty to mankind in Thy Embrace. Back of Thee is the Power that
uill sustainand maintain the Reign of God on Earth!His Light
shall illurnine and strengthen the Hearts of Thy children in all
ruling places; and out of all shall come Love, Justice, and
Wisdom. America, We love you! America, We love youl
America, We love yout America, We love you! America, We
love you! Today, O America, those Mighty Messengersof God
who have passedbefore look upon Thee with their Hearts filled
with Love and Strength, the Love of the "Mighty I AM
Presence,"flowing forth to heal, to bless,and to prosper Thy
inhabitants. The very substanceof Earth is being quickened
into greater activity; and as the Children of God walk the Earth,
so shall they feel the Cunent of God flowing in, quickening them
into greater Love, Loyalty and desire for Thy Freedom. O
America! Thou dost seem to have become bound. but Thou

214 (LessonFive)
art nottThou art entering into Thy Great Freedom. Thou dost
seem in the throes of pain, but Thou wilt be born into that
Great Peace,Health, Happiness,and Prosperity. We give praise
and thanks that this is God's Wisdom-the "Mighty I AM
Presence"- speaking.
The Christ Ch,ildenfolding Thee, Arnerica, hasgrown into
Majesty and Power. It no longer plead,s but commands obe-
dience of all that is of the outer to the Serttice of the Inner
Presence. The Power of Divine Love goaems Thee and con-
sunl,esall unlike ltself. America! We give praise and thanl<sThou
art a Great Jewel within the Heart of God, the Lamp of Illu-
mination lighted by the "Mighty I AM Presence,"the Chalice,
the Crystal Cup, holdingwithin Its Pure Radiance the Freedom,
Peace,Health, Prosperity, and Illumination of thosewho dwell
within Thy embrace. May all the world feel Thy Radiance and
be blest by It. PeacetPeacelPeacetAnd on Earth Goodwill to
Beloaed,Mighty Arcturus


(Cassette-or Leader may read from Beloved Saint Germain's
"I AM" Discourses,Volume III)



(LessonFive) 215

THANK YOUI (3) Our "BelovedMighty I AM Presence,"Be-
loved Saint Germain andJesus;our BelovedGodfre and Lotus;
BelovedNada and the Great Divine Director; all the Ascended
Masters,the Great Angelic Host, the Cosmic Beings, and the
Forcesof the Elementst
The BlessedSaint Germain Foundation and Board of Di-
rectors,the Saint Germain Press,our BelovedMessengers, our-
selves,and all under this Radiation; our own Beloved United
Statesof America and the Three Americas too; forever, for-
ever, and foreverl

216 (LessonFive)

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