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Gonzalez Garcia 2022 A Competency Model For Nurse Execut

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Received: 18 March 2021 Revised: 24 February 2022 Accepted: 25 March 2022

DOI: 10.1111/ijn.13058


A competency model for nurse executives

Alberto González García RN, MSc, MBA, PhD, Professor1 |

Arrate Pinto-Carral BSc, MSc, PhD, Professor2 |
Silvia Pérez González RN, BSc, MSc, PhD Student, Professor3 |
Pilar Marqués-Sánchez RN, MSc, PhD, Professor2

Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing
Department, Universidad de Leo  n, Leo
n, Spain Abstract
Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing and Background: Nurses capable of adequately developing their competencies in the
Physiotherapy Department, Grupo SALBIS
n, Universidad de Leo
n, Leo
management field are essential for the sustainability of health-care organizations.
Spain Such competencies should be included in a model of specific competencies.
n Hospital, Leo
Surgical Department, Leo n, Aim: The aim of this research is to propose a competency model for nurse executives.
Methods: The Delphi method was applied to reach a consensus on the required com-
Correspondence petencies, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to determine the
Arrate Pinto-Carral, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Nursing and Physiotherapy construct validity and reduce the data set's dimensionality. Consensus was defined
Department, Universidad de Leo  n, Calle El based on at least 80% of the experts agreeing with the proposed competencies. For
Hayedo n 1-7 -A, Leo n 24007, Spain.
Email: each competency, the development levels were beginner, advanced beginner, com-
petent, highly competent and expert.
Results: From among the 51 competencies that were identified to define a model for
nurse executives, decision-making, leadership and communication stood out. The
PCA indicated the structural validity of the proposed model by saturation of the prin-
cipal components (Cronbach's α > 0.631).
Conclusion: Nurses wishing to develop their professional careers as nurse executives
must first develop the competencies shown in the proposed model. Nurse executives
should follow the educational programmes specified in this study, to adapt their
knowledge to this role's requirements.

chief nurse, competency, governance, nurse director, nurse executive

Summary statement
What is already known about this topic?
• The Nurse Executive has a very complex role in health care and has a great impact
in institutional governance and sustainability of health-care organizations, improv-
ing quality of care and patient outcome.
• The necessary competencies for nurse executives are usually not clearly defined,
which could explain the lack of conceptualization of their roles.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. International Journal of Nursing Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Int J Nurs Pract. 2022;28:e13058. 1 of 11
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• Little research has been addressed to competencies for nurse executives in any
What this paper adds?
• Fifty-one competencies were defined, structured according to their defining char-
acteristics in six dimensions: management; communication and technology; leader-
ship and teamwork; knowledge of the health system; nursing knowledge and
• The level of development of each competency ranged across ‘competent’, ‘very
competent’ and ‘expert’.
• The training needed for nurse managers is at master's and doctoral study levels.
The implications for this paper:
• This model has implications for organizational policies, the efficiency of organiza-
tions and their sustainability, as well as for the education and practice of nursing
• The proposed model contributes to the definition of the nurse executives' func-
tions, their selection processes, the design of their curriculum in traditional aca-
demic institutions and to continuous professional development programs by
• A better understanding of competencies is likely to provide information on inter-
ventions that can improve nurses' work environment, patient care, patient safety
and organizational outcomes.

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N to other nurses (Clark, 2012) (Figure 1). Likewise, they are responsible
for managing resources, organizing nursing care, planning and evaluat-
Economic and social changes have led to an adaptation of health care ing the services provided and contributing to the achievement of opti-
at all levels and a change in the way these services are provided mal results for both their organizations and patients, as well as
(Cathcart & Greenspan, 2012; Cummings et al., 2010; Ding providing support and motivation for teamwork (American Organiza-
et al., 2019; Kantanen et al., 2017). The principal drivers for the devel- tion of Nurse Executives, 2015; Scoble & Russell, 2003). Due to the
opment of high-level management competencies are the relationships increasing responsibilities that the nurse executives must address,
between the economy, sustainability and quality of health care, which extensive training—including adaptation to complex environments and
are directly related to higher performance and results (Boyatzis, 1982; competencies—are often required, for which a doctoral level is prefer-
Groves, 2011; Kerfoot & Luquire, 2012; MacMillan-Finlayson, 2010; able (Clark, 2012). While management competencies are an essential
Savage & Kub, 2009). resource to identify, guide and train nurse executives (Meadows &
In this context, nurses must be a part of the health-care core ser- Dwyer, 2015), such competence training in management must go
vices, so that health-care organizations can address these changes beyond the field of nursing (Baxter & Warshawsky, 2014;
(Aiken et al., 2011; Thorne, 2019). Accordingly, Whitt et al. (2011) Chase, 2012; DeOnna, 2006).
affirmed that when nurses are involved in different parts of the Although there is no standard definition of managerial compe-
health-care process (management and nursing care), better results are tence (Gunawan et al., 2019), it can be defined as the correct combi-
achieved (Ho et al., 2017). nation and application of nurse executives' knowledge, attitudes and
skills in specific management functions that are observed and mea-
sured as behaviours (Gunawan et al., 2020).
1.1 | BACKGROUND The necessary competencies for nurse executives have been
described by different researchers. Chase, for instance, identified tech-
Nurse executives (in Spanish: ‘directora de enfermería’ and ‘sub- nical, human, conceptual, leadership and financial management skills
directora de enfermería’) are responsible for aligning the mission, (Chase, 2010). The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE)
vision, values, philosophy and culture of their organizations with nurs- identified relationship management, communication, leadership, knowl-
ing care activities, as well as for transferring this corporate perspective edge of the health-care environment and financial skills as strategic
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FIGURE 1 Management level

areas of competency development (American Organization of Nurse 2.2 | Delphi methodology

Executives, 2015). For their part, González-García et al. (2020) identi-
fied the basic core competencies—relationship management, communi- This study was carried out using four rounds of the Delphi method, to
cation, listening, leadership, conflict management, ethical principles and obtain a consensus from a panel of experts (Linstone et al., 1975),
team management skills—for nurse executives in Spain, whereas since a global vision will provide more solid information than that
Pillay (2011) pointed out that people management and organizational offered by a single expert and thus reduce subjectivity (Linstone
capacity, along with strategic thinking, were the key competencies. et al., 1975; Varela-Ruiz et al., 2012).
Conversely, literature indicates that it is necessary to improve the The objective of the first Delphi round was to reach a consensus
knowledge about the competencies for nurse executives among the panel of experts on the competencies necessary for nurse
(Meadows, 2016; Scoble & Russell, 2003; Vance, 2009), since the nec- executives. During the second round, the experts were individually
essary competencies are usually not clearly defined, which could asked if they wanted to reconsider their opinions in light of the
explain the lack of conceptualization of their roles. The same issue is group's responses. In the third round, they were asked for their opin-
evident in the Spanish context, which has no competency model for ions on the competencies of nurse executives at the operational level
the performance of managerial functions at senior management levels. and the training required for each of the competence levels (expert,
Therefore, this study aimed to propose a competency model that highly competent, competent, advanced beginner and novice), so as to
nurse executives should develop in the Spanish Health System. To this reach a consensus. The fourth round allowed the experts to reconsider
end, through expert consensus, the following specific objectives were their answers in light of the responses obtained from the third round.
proposed for nurse executives:

• to determine the competencies required, 2.2.1 | Consensus

• to describe the required level of development of these
competencies, For this study, consensus was defined based on at least 80% of the
• to describe the training necessary to develop each of the required experts agreeing with (i) the competencies by answering ‘agree’ or
competencies and ‘totally agree’ in the questionnaires, (ii) the level of the competencies
• to evaluate the proposed model's structural validity. and (iii) the type of training required. In cases where no agreement
was reached, the points were omitted for the next Delphi round.

2.2.2 | Participants
2.1 | Literature review
In this study, we decided to invite experts from two categories—
This study was based on the results of the scoping review carried out health management and health environment—and 12 groups, since
during 2018–2021 to identify the necessary competencies for nurse the objective was to obtain a 360 image of the nurse manager envi-
executives (González-García et al., 2021). Electronic databases (Web ronment (Table 1). Therefore, 50 experts were contacted by tele-
of Science, Scopus, PubMed and CINAHL) were used, and 56 compe- phone; all agreed to participate. Subsequently, an e-mail was sent
tencies were identified and utilized as the basis for the Delphi study, with the informed consent, commitments and explanations of the pro-
which assesses the competencies for executive positions. cess. None of the experts dropped out of the study.
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T A B L E 1 Sociodemographic
Characteristics Range/category Frequency Percentage
characteristics of the panel expert
Age <40 10 20
41–50 15 30
51–60 18 36
>60 7 14
Sex Female 32 64
Male 18 36
Education Master's degree 34 68
PhD 14 28
Expert group 1 Minister of health 3 6.1
Expert group 2 Head of the health department 5 10
Expert group 3 General Council of Nurses 3 6
Expert group 4 Scientific association 4 8
Expert group 5 Trade union 3 6
Expert group 6 General manager 5 10
Expert group 6 Medical director 2 4
Expert group 6 Nurse executive 5 10
Expert group 6 Management director 1 2
Expert group 7 Middle nurse manager 2 4.1
Expert group 8 Nursing supervisor 3 6.1
Expert group 9 Nurse 3 6.1
Expert group 9 Doctor 2 4.1
Expert group 9 Assistant nursing care technician 2 4.1
Expert group 10 Nursing degree students 2 4.1
Expert group 11 Research/teaching 4 8.2
Expert group 12 Lawyer 1 1

2.2.3 | Variables • Level of competency development of the nurse executives: To

agree on the level of development of their competencies at each
The study variables comprised the following: level of management, the degree of agreement or disagreement
with each competency was recorded on a Likert scale of one to
• Sociodemographic variables: To proceed with defining the profile five (1 = Beginner; 5 = Expert), while the type of training required
of the experts, information was collected relating to their age, sex, to develop these competencies was rated on a Likert scale of one
profession, university education, postgraduate training, profes- to six (1 = University Extension Diploma, 2 = Continuous Education,
sional role, place of study, years of professional practice and mana- 3 = Experto Universitario [University Expert – specialized postgrad-
gerial experience, managerial functions performed and uate program in Spain], 4 = University Specialization Diploma,
international experience. 5 = Master's degree and 6 = PhD).
• Competencies: The list of competencies to be proposed to the
experts was derived from the literature review.
2.2.5 | Level of development

2.2.4 | Delphi questionnaires For the purpose of this study, the term ‘development level’ was used
to refer to the depth of knowledge that nurse executives needed to
Two ad hoc questionnaires were developed as measurement acquire in each competence, at each of the functional levels. Thus, the
instruments: levels of development were as follows:

• Competencies required for nurse executives: Each participant • Beginner follows the rules and plans.
rated their level of agreement or disagreement with each compe- • Advanced beginner provides partial solutions to unfamiliar or com-
tence on a Likert scale of one to five (1 = Strongly disagree; plex situations.
5 = Strongly agree). • Competent demonstrates strong competence.
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• Highly competent demonstrates significant competence. and ‘competent’ levels. The way to reach the required level of devel-
• Expert demonstrates behaviours of the competency model. opment of each competence was also agreed upon, during these
rounds. Table 2 shows the final consensus, which constitutes the
competency model for nurse executives in Spain, grouped into six
2.3 | Principal component analysis dimensions, based on their defining characteristics (Figure 2).
Table 3 presents the consensus regarding the training necessary
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a data transformation tech- for the development of each of the competency levels.
nique, whose objective is to reduce the multivariate data's dimension-
ality and preserve as much relevant information as possible
(Sewell, 2008). The factor analyses were carried out following the 3.3 | Principal components analysis
Thurstone theory (Thurstone, 1931, 1957) in three phases:
(i) evaluation of the adequacy of the data for the factor analysis, For the PCA, the competencies were grouped based on their defin-
(ii) extraction of the factors and (iii) rotation and interpretation of the ing characteristics into six dimensions. The first three dimensions—
factors. management; communication and technology; and leadership and
To determine the data's suitability for factor analysis, the Kaiser– teamwork—were saturated in four main components; the fourth
Meyer–Olkin test was used. The next step consisted of factor extrac- and fifth dimensions—knowledge of the health system and
tion using the Kaiser criterion, which takes a decision based on an personality—were saturated in two main components, whereas the
eigenvalue greater than one (Kaiser, 1960), and a scree plot, which is a sixth dimension—nursing knowledge—was saturated in only one
graphical representation of the eigenvalues (Cattell, 1966). Finally, to component (Table 4). Since the factor loadings of each of the inte-
achieve a simple, and easy to interpret structure, the factors were gral items of each dimension far exceeded the lower limit of 0.4,
rotated and interpreted by means of the varimax rotation method and and the Cronbach's α demonstrated the quality of the fit (Table 4),
Kaiser's standardization. it can be concluded that the proposed model is structurally

2.4 | Ethical approvals

A Delphi research not involves human subjects, human material,
human tissues or human data. Therefore, the approval of an ethics This study presents a competency model that should be developed
committee was not necessary. for nurse executives (in Spanish: ‘directora de enfermería’ and ‘sub-
All subjects gave their informed consent for inclusion before they directora de enfermería’) (Figure 1) in the Spanish Health System. The
participated in the Delphi study. model is composed of 51 competencies structured according to their
defining characteristics in six dimensions: management; communica-
tion and technology; leadership and teamwork; knowledge of the
3 | RESULTS health system; nursing knowledge and personality (Figure 2). These
findings are aligned with the AONE model, which identified 35 compe-
3.1 | Expert panel's demographics tencies (American Organization of Nurse Executives, 2015). Although
51 competencies were identified using the AONE model as a basis
A total of 50 experts agreed to participate in the Delphi study. Table 1 (Pillay, 2011), these models differed from our proposal, in the
shows their demographic characteristics. weighting given to some of the competencies that coincided with
their models, such as those related to business management. This
competency model allows the different health services and the health
3.2 | A competency model for nurse executives organizations that comprise them, to define the executive nurse posi-
agreed upon by the panel of experts tion and the expected level of performance. At the same time, it
allows the inclusion of the competencies and the level of development
The response rate was 100% for all the Delphi rounds. During the first required for these positions in the application process for access to
and second Delphi rounds, 51 competencies from the proposed list executive nursing positions.
were agreed upon, on the basis of a consensus of more than 80%. The Regarding the development of the competencies, an agreement
competencies constituting the model were determined based on was reached in Delphi rounds 3 and 4. The experts agreed that the
round 2 (Table 2), in which competencies with a consensus of less competencies should be developed at the following levels: ‘compe-
than 80% were eliminated. tent’ (considered to have been achieved when there was a strong
During the third and fourth Delphi rounds, it was demonstrated demonstration of competence), ‘highly competent’ (achieved when
that the 51 competencies were necessary in nurse executives, with a there was a significant demonstration of competencies) and ‘expert’
consensus that these should be at the ‘expert’, ‘highly competent’ (achieved when demonstrating behaviours of the competency model).
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TABLE 2 Model of competencies for nurse executives

I. Management II. Communication and technology

1. Analytical thinking (EXP) 9. Communication skills (EXP)
2. Decision-making (EXP) 10. Feedback (EXP)
3.Innovation (V. COMP) 11. Evaluation of information and its sources (EXP)
4.Estrategic management (EXP) 12 listening (EXP)
5. Human resources management (EXP) 13. Information systems and computers (V. COMP)
6. Legal aspects (V. COMP) 14. Technology (COMP)
7. Organizational management (EXP) 15. English medium level of writing (COMP)
8. Result orientation (EXP)
III. Leadership and team work IV. Knowledge of the health system
16. Relationship management (EXP) 31. Care management systems (V. COMP)
17.Lidership (EXP) 32. User care skills (V. COMP)
18. Career planning (V. COMP) 33. Health policy (EXP)
19.Influence (EXP) 34. Identification and responsibility with the organization (EXP)
20. Change management (EXP) 35. Knowledge of the health environment (EXP)
21. Delegate (EXP) 36. Quality and safety (V. COMP)
22. Conflict management (EXP) 37. Quality and improvement processes (EXP.)
23. Ethical principles (EXP)
24. Power and empowerment (V. COMP)
25. Critical thinking (V. COMP)
26. Collaboration and team management skills (EXP)
27. Interpersonal relations (EXP)
28. Multi-professional management (EXP)
29. Team building strategies (EXP)
30. Talent management (EXP)
V. Nursing knowledge VI. Personality
38. Clinical skills (COMP.) 45. Serve as a model (EXP)
39. Standard nursing practice (COMP) 46. Awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses (V. COMP)
40. Nurse research (V. COMP) 47. Strategic vision (EXP)
41. Nursing theories (COMP) 48. Personal and professional balance (V. COMP)
42. Care planning (V. COMP) 49. Compassionate (V. COMP)
43. Nursing training planning (V. COMP) 50. Emotional intelligence (EXP)
44. Professionalism (EXP) 51.Integrity (EXP)

Abbreviations: Comp, competent; Exp, expert; V.Comp, very competent.

This proposal coincides with that of AONE, which uses the compe- achieved through continuous training, the ‘Experto Universitario’
tent, proficient and expert levels for the development of competen- and the university specialization diploma. Regarding the ‘highly com-
cies, and highlights how these levels are achieved through master's or petent’0 level, a consensus was reached relating to the ‘Experto
doctoral studies (Crawford et al., 2017; Waxman et al., 2017). Further- Universitario’, the university specialization diploma or the master's
more, the results of the present study emphasize the need for a high degree. Finally, the ‘expert’ level is achieved through master's and
level of competence development, similar to the conclusion of doctoral studies. Rizany et al. (2018) point out that the competency
Sandehang et al. (2019) and Clark (2012), who stated that the nurse of nurse executives was greater when they have developed
executives required a deep development of competencies beyond the advanced studies (master's or doctorate), in addition to having expe-
field of nursing. rience in a wide field of changing environments (Clark, 2012). These
During Delphi rounds 3 and 4, the expert panel reached a con- results involve university institutions, given that the evidence points
sensus on the training that the nurse executives should develop at to the fact that the training required for nurse excutives is funda-
the executive level for the three levels of competencies (‘expert’, mentally of a university nature and that these organizations are
‘highly competent’ and ‘competent’). The ‘competent’ level is responsible for the development of training programmes. The
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F I G U R E 2 Dimensions of the nurse executive

competency model

T A B L E 3 Level of competencies
Univ. Ext. Cont. Ed Univ. Exp. Univ. spec. D Master Ph.D.
development and training
Novice 100%
Noviced advance 90% 98%
Competent 90% 90% 96%
Very competent 96% 100% 96% 96%
Expert 96% 96%

Abbreviations: Cont. Ed, continuing education; Master, Master's degree; Univ. Exp., university expert;
Univ. Ext., university extension diploma; Univ. Spec. D., university specialization diploma.

competency model is a guide for the development of training at the The communication skills expected from nurse executives should
level of university expert, university specialist, master's degree and include the ability to transmit critical thinking, make nursing teams
doctorate for the executive manager. reflect before acting (Scoble & Russell, 2003) and facilitate conflict
The PCA verified the competency model for nurse executives at resolution and shared decision-making, as well as the creation, partici-
the operational levels, evidencing the importance of competencies pation and management of teams (Garman et al., 2006).
that defined the three main components: communication (communi-
cation skills, relationship management and conflict management),
leadership (leadership skills and team management) and decision- 4.1 | Limitations
making (decisions based on ethical principles). The eigenvalue
obtained confirms the importance of the relationship between This study included competencies from very different environments,
decision-making and ethical principles (Loreggia et al., 2018), the where the role of nurse executives was not understood in the same
need for strong leadership in working teams (Berrios Martos way. To overcome this limitation, the levels of consensus necessary
et al., 2008) and communication as a fundamental factor for conflict to validate the competencies in the Spanish health system were
resolution (Garman et al., 2006). raised.
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TABLE 4 Factor structure of the proposed competency model

Management dimension

CP 1 CP2 CP3 CP4

Result orientation 0.789
Strategic management 0.725
Innovation 0.710
Legal aspects 0.936
Analytical thinking 0.554
Organizational management 0.968
Decision-making 0.980
Explained variance 32.325% 18.075% 12.822% 11.569%
Eigenvalue 2.263 1.265 0.898 0.810
α Cronbach 0.631

Communication and technology dimension

CP 1 CP2 CP3 CP4

Listening 0.905
Information systems and computers 0.679
English medium level of writing 0.874
Technology 0.636
Feedback 0.88
Communication skills 0.589
Evaluation of information and its sources 0.826
Explained variance 31.326% 17.341% 16.065% 13.076%
Eigenvalue 2.193 1.214 1.125 0.915
α Cronbach 0.6

Leadership and teamwork dimension

CP 1 CP2 CP3 CP4

Change management 0.812
Influence 0.802
Lidership 0.703
Delegater 0.696
Collaboration and team management skills 0.85
Critical thinking 0.786
Team building strategies 0.736
Career planning 0.707
Ethical principles 0.885
Power and empowerment 0.765
Conflict management 0.936
Explained variance 46.309% 12.796% 10.286% 8.17%
Eigenvalue 5.094 1.408 1.131 0.899
α Cronbach 0.876

Knowledge dimension of the health care system

CP 1 CP2
Quality and safety 0.971
Quality and improvement processes 0.948
Identification and responsibility with the organization 0.917
Health policy 0.838
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TABLE 4 (Continued)

Knowledge dimension of the health care system

CP 1 CP2
Explained variance 57.954% 29.970%
Eigenvalue 2.318 1.199
α Cronbach 0.749

Nursing knowledge

CP 1
Nursing training planning 0.918
Nurse research 0.910
Nursing theories 0.822
Clinical skills 0.777
Explained variance 73.733%
Eigenvalue 2.949
α Cronbach 0.808


CP 1 CP2
Awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses 0.905
Strategic vision 0.891
Personal and professional balance 0.836
Compassionate 0.884
Emotional intelligence 0.735
Explained variance 54,76% 21,705%
Eigenvalue 2,738 1,085
α Cronbach 0,809

Abbreviation: CP, principal component.

5 | C O N CL U S I O N S Any nurses wishing to develop their professional careers as nurse

executives must first develop the competencies shown in the pro-
This study proposes a competency model for nurse executives. Nurse posed model.
executives must develop all these competencies (as relevant to their This study also indicates the training needed by senior manage-
practice) in today's rapidly evolving health-care system. In conclusion, ment to develop the required competencies. Both, the nurses who
this study yielded a consensus on 51 competencies necessary in nurse want to be promoted to nurse executives and the nurses currently at
executives, from which the following competencies: decision-making; this level, should follow the educational programmes specified in this
relationship management; communication; listening; leadership; con- study, to adapt their knowledge to this role's requirements.
flict management; ethical principles; collaboration and team manage-
ment; orientation to leadership and good governance of health CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
organizations should be highlighted and based on the social responsi- There is no conflict of interest.
bility of health professionals. Nurse executives are responsible for
aligning the mission, vision and values of their organizations and man- AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
aging its resources. The health outcomes will depend on their ability Alberto González, Pilar Marqués and Arrate Pinto designed the study
to develop the required competencies. Therefore, nurses or nurse and wrote the research protocol. Alberto González did the acquisition
managers at other functional levels should not be promoted to the of data. Alberto González and Arrate Pinto did the statistical analysis.
role of nurse executives without advanced management training. Alberto González, Pilar Marqués, Arrate Pinto and Silvia Pérez pre-
The study indicates the precise level of development required for pared the manuscript draft. Pilar Marqués, Arrate Pinto and Silvia
each of the competencies of nurse executives. The nurses should Pérez supervised the survey and checked the data. All authors con-
develop these competencies before being promoted to roles, such as tributed to the revisions in depth for the manuscript and approved
nurse executives. the final manuscript.
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