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I Bca II Sem Data Structures

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Course Code: CAC04 Course Title: Data Structures using C

Course Credits: 03 Hours/Week: 03

Total Contact Hours: 42 Formative Assessment Marks: 30
Exam Marks: 70 Exam Duration: 03 Hours
Course Outcomes (COs):
After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to:

• Describe how arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are
represented in memory and used by algorithms
• Describe common applications for arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees,
and graphs
• Write programs that use arrays, records, linked structures, stacks, queues, trees, and
• Demonstrate different methods for traversing trees
• Compare alternative implementations of data structures with respect to performance
• Describe the concept of recursion, give examples of its use
• Discuss the computational efficiency of the principal algorithms for sorting, searching, and

Course Content
Content Hours
Unit - 1
Introduction to data structures: Definition; Types of data structures - Primitive & 8 Non-primitive, Linear
and Non-linear; Operations on data structures.
Dynamic memory allocation: Static & Dynamic memory allocation; Memory allocation and de-
allocation functions - malloc, calloc, realloc and free.
Algorithm Specification, Performance Analysis, Performance Measurement
Recursion: Definition; Types of recursions; Recursion Technique Examples - GCD, Binomial
coe0fficient nCr, Towers of Hanoi; Comparison between iterative and recursive functions. 10
Unit - 2
Arrays: Basic Concepts – Definition, Declaration, Initialisation, Operations on arrays; Types of 10
arrays; (ADT); Representation of Linear Arrays in memory;
Traversing linear arrays; Inserting and deleting elements; Sorting – Selection sort,
Bubble sort, Quick sort, Merge sort, Insertion sort; Searching - Sequential Search,
Binary search; Iterative and Recursive searching; Multidimensional arrays; Representation of
multidimensional arrays; Sparse matrices.

Unit - 3

Linked list: Basic Concepts – Definition and Representation of linked list, Types of linked lists - 8
Singly linked list, Doubly liked list, Header liked list, Circular linked list; Representation of Linked
list in Memory;
Operations on Singly linked lists – Traversing, Searching, Insertion, Deletion; Memory allocation;
Garbage collection,
Unit - 4
Stacks: Basic Concepts – Definition and Representation of stacks; Operations on stacks; 8
Applications of stacks; Infix, postfix and prefix notations; Conversion from infix to postfix using
stack; Evaluation of postfix expression using stack; Application of stack in function calls.
Queues: Basic Concepts – Definition and Representation of queues; Types of queues - Simple
queues, Circular queues, Double ended queues, Priority queues; Operations on Simple queues;
Unit - 5

Trees: Definition; Tree terminologies –node, root node, parent node, ancestors of a node, 8
siblings, terminal & non-terminal nodes, degree of a node, level, edge, path, depth;
Binary tree: Type of binary trees - strict binary tree, complete binary tree, binary search tree and
heap tree; Array representation of binary tree. Traversal of binary tree; preorder, inorder and
postorder traversal;
Graphs - Introduction

Text Books
1. Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni: Fundamentals of Data Structures

1. Tanenbaum: Data structures using C (Pearson Education)

2. Kamathane: Introduction to Data structures (Pearson Education)
3. Y. Kanitkar: Data Structures Using C (BPB)
4. Kottur: Data Structure Using C
5. Padma Reddy: Data Structure Using C
6. Sudipa Mukherjee: Data Structures using C – 1000 Problems and Solutions (McGraw Hill
Education, 2007))
Course Code: CAC04P Course Title: Data Structures Lab
Course Credits: 02 Hours/Week: 04
Total Contact Hours: 52 Formative Assessment Marks: 10
Exam Marks: 40 Exam Duration: 03 Hours
Programming Lab
Part A:
1. Program to find GCD using recursive function
2. Program to display Pascal Triangle using binomial function 3. Program to generate n Fibonacci numbers using
recursive function.
4. Program to implement Towers of Hanoi.
5. Program to implement dynamic array, find smallest and largest element of the array.
6. Program to create two files to store even and odd numbers.
7. Program to create a file to store student records In a file ****** sort the records
8. Program to read the names of cities and arrange them alphabetically.
9. Program to sort the given list using selection sort technique.
10. Program to sort the given list using bubble sort technique.
Part B:
1. Program to sort the given list using insertion sort technique. Replace technique with algorithm
2. Program to sort the given list using quick sort technique.
3. Program to sort the given list using merge sort technique.
4. Program to search an element using linear search technique.
5. Program to search an element using recursive binary search technique.
6. Program to implement Stack.
7. Program to convert an infix expression to postfix.
8. Program to implement simple queue.
9. Program to implement linear linked list.
10. Program to display traversal of a tree.
11. Doubly linked list, circular
12. Graphs programs

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