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12.2.1 Resolution Principle (1) : - Resolution Refutation Proves A Theorem by

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1 Resolution Principle(1)

• Resolution refutation proves a theorem by

negating the statement to be proved and adding

this negated goal to the set of axioms that are

known to be true.
• Use the resolution rule of inference to show that

this leads to a contradiction.
• Once the theorem prover shows that the negated

goal is inconsistent with the given set of axioms, it

follows that the original goal must be consistent.

Resolution Theorem Proving 2

12.2.1 Resolution Principle(2)

•   Steps for resolution refutation proofs

•   Put the premises or axioms into clause form(12.2.2).
• Add the negation of what is to be proved, in clause form, to

the set of axioms.
•   Resolve these clauses together, producing new clauses that

logically follow from them(12.2.3).
•   Produce a contradiction by generating the empty clause.
• The substitutions used to produce the empty clause are

those under which the opposite of the negated goal is


Resolution Theorem Proving 3

12.2.1 Resolution Principle(3)

• Prove that “Fido will die.” from the statements

“Fido is a dog.”,
“All dogs are animals.” and
“All animals will die.”
• Changing premises to predicates
• (x) (dog(X) → animal(X))
• dog(fido)
• Modus Ponens and {fido/X}
• animal(fido)
• (Y) (animal(Y) → die(Y))

• Modus Ponens and {fido/Y}
• die(fido)

Resolution Theorem Proving
12.2.1 Resolution Principle(4)

q  Equivalent Reasoning by Resolution

Ü  Convert predicates to clause form

Predicate form Clause form

1. (x) (dog(X) → animal(X)) ¬dog(X) animal(X)

2. dog(fido) dog(fido)
3. (Y) (animal(Y) → die(Y))
 ¬animal(Y) die(Y)

Ü  Negate the conclusion

4. ¬die(fido) ¬die(fido)

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12.2.1 Resolution Principle(4)

• Equivalent Reasoning by Resolution(continued)

¬dog(X) animal(X) ¬animal(Y) die(Y)
dog(fido) ¬dog(Y) die(Y)


die(fido) ¬die(fido)

Resolution proof for the “dead dog” problem

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12.2.2 Converting to Clause


q  Step 1: Eliminate the logical connectives → and

Ü  a b = (a → b) (b → a)
Ü  a → b = ¬a b

q  Step 2: Reduce the scope of negation

Ü  ¬(¬a) = a
Ü  ¬(a b) = ¬a ¬b
Ü  ¬(a b) = ¬a ¬b
Ü  ¬( X) a(X) = ( X) ¬a(X)

Ü  ¬( X) b(X) = ( X) ¬b(X)

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12.2.2 Converting to Clause


q  Step 3: Standardize by renaming all variables so

that variables bound by different quantifiers have

unique names.
Ü  ( X) a(X) ( X) b(X) = ( X) a(X) ( Y) b(Y)

q  Step 4: Move all quantifiers to the left to obtain a

prenex normal form.
q  Step 5: Eliminate existential quantifiers by using


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12.2.2 Converting to Clause

q  Step 6: Drop all universal quantifiers
q  Step 7: Convert the expression to the conjunction

of disjuncts form
Ü  (a b) (c d)
= (a (c d)) (b (c d))
= (a c) (a d) (b c) (b d)
q  step 8: Call each conjunct a separate clause
q  step 9: Standardize the variables apart again.
Variables are renamed so that no variable

symbol appears in more than one clause.
( X)(a(X) b(X))=( X)a(X) ( Y)b(Y)

Resolution Theorem Proving 9

12.2.2 Converting to Clause


q  Skolemization
Ü  Skolem constant
Ø  ( X)(dog(X)) may be replaced by dog(fido) where the name fido

is picked from the domain of definition of X to represent that

individual X.
Ü  Skolem function
Ø  If the predicate has more than one argument and the
existentially quantified variable is within the scope of universally

quantified variables, the existential variable must be a function

of those other variables.
Ø  ( X)( Y)(mother(X,Y)) ( X)mother(X,m(X))

Ø  ( X)( Y)( Z)( W)(foo (X,Y,Z,W))
( X)( Y)( W)(foo(X,Y,f(X,Y),w))

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12.2.2 Converting to Clause

q  Example of Converting Clause Form
( X)([a(X) b(X)] [c(X,I) ( Y)(( Z)[C(Y,Z)] d(X,Y))])

( X)(e(X))
Ü  step 1: ( X)(¬[a(X) b(X)] [c(X,I) ( Y)(¬( Z)[c(Y,Z)]

d(X,Y))]) ( x)(e(X))
Ü  step 2: ( X)([¬a(X) ¬b(X)] [c(X,I) ( Y)(( Z)[¬c(Y,Z)]

d(X,Y))]) ( x)(e(X))
Ü  step 3: ( X)([¬a(X) ¬b(X)] [c(X,I) ( Y)(( Z)[¬c(Y,Z)]

d(X,Y))]) ( W)(e(W))
Ü  step 4: ( X)( Y)( Z)( W)( [¬a(X) ¬b(X)] [c(X,I) (¬c(Y,Z)

d(X,Y))]) (e(W))
Ü  step 5: ( X)( Z)( W)( [¬a(X) ¬b(X)] [c(X,I) (¬c(f(X),Z)

d(X,f(X)))]) (e(W))
Ü  step 6: [¬a(X) ¬b(X)] [c(X,I) (¬c(f(X),Z) d(X,f(X)))]) e(W)
Resolution Theorem Proving 11
12.2.2 Converting to Clause


q  Example of Converting Clause Form(continued)

Ü  step 7: [가 나] [다 (라 마)] 바
= [가 나 다 바] [가 나 라 마 바]

[¬a(X) ¬b(X) c(X,I) e(W)]
[¬a(X) ¬b(X) ¬c(f(X),Z) d(X,f(X)) e(W)]

Ü  step 8: (i) ¬a(X) ¬b(X) c(X,I) e(W)
(ii) ¬a(X) ¬b(X) ¬c(f(X),Z) d(X,f(X)) e(W)

Ü  step 9: (i) ¬a(X) ¬b(X) c(X,I) e(W)
(ii) ¬a(U) ¬b(U) ¬c(f(U),Z) d(U,f(U)) e(V)

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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Binary Resolution Step

Ü  For any two clauses C1 and C2, if there is a literal L1 in C1
that is complementary to a literal L2 in C2, then delete L1 and

L2 from C1 and C2 respectively, and construct the disjunction

of the remaining clauses. The constructed clause is a

resolvent of C1 and C2.

q  Examples of Resolution Step

Ü  C1=a ¬b, C2=b c
Ø  Complementary literals : ¬b,b

Ø  Resolvent: a c
Ü  C1=¬a b c, C2=¬b d
Ø  Complementary literals : b, ¬b

Ø  Resolvent : ¬a c d

Resolution Theorem Proving 13

12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof

q  Justification of Resolution Step
Ü  Theorem
Ø Given two clause C1 and C2, a resolvent C of C1 and C2 is a

logical consequence of C1 and C2.
Ü  Proof
Ø  Let C1=L C1’, C2=¬L C2’, and C=C1’ C2’, where C1’ and

C2’ are disjunction of literals.
Ø  Suppose C1 and C2 are true in an interpretation I.
Ø  We want to prove that the resolvent C of C1 and C2 is also true

in I.
Ø  Case 1: L is true in I
•  Then since C2 = ¬L C2’ is true in I, C2’ must be true in I, and

thus C=C1’ C2’ is true in I.
Ø  Case 2: L is false in I
•  Then since C1 = L C1’ is true in I, C1’ must be true in I. Thus,

C=C1’ C2’ must be true in I.

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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Resolution in Propositional Logic

1. a ← b c a ¬b ¬c
2. b b
3. c ← d e c ¬d ¬e
4. e f e f
5. d ¬f d

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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Resolution in Propositional Logic (continued)

Ü  First, the goal to be
 ¬a a ¬b ¬c

proved, a , is negated
and added to the clause
 ¬b ¬c b
Ü  The derivation of
 ¬c c ¬d ¬e

indicates that the
database of clauses
 e f ¬d ¬e
is inconsistent.
d f ¬d

f ¬f

Resolution Theorem Proving 16

12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Resolution on the predicate calculus

Ü  A literal and its negation in parent clauses produce a
resolvent only if they unify under some substitution σ. σ Is

then applied to the resolvent before adding it to the clause

Ü  C1 = ¬dog(X) animal(X)

C2 = ¬animal(Y) die(Y)
Resolvent : ¬dog(Y) die(Y) {Y/X}

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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  “Lucky student”
1. Anyone passing his history exams and winning the lottery is

Ø  X(pass(X,history) win(X,lottery) → happy(X))
2. Anyone who studies or is lucky can pass all his exams.
Ø  X Y(study(X) lucky(X) → pass(X,Y))
3. John did not study but he is lucky
Ø  ¬study(john) lucky(john)
4. Anyone who is lucky wins the lottery.
Ø  X(lucky(X) → win(X,lottery))

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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Clause forms of “Lucky student”

1. ¬pass(X,history) ¬win(X,lottery) happy(X)
2. ¬study(X) pass(Y,Z)
¬lucky(W) pass(W,V)
3. ¬study(john)
4. ¬lucky(V) win(V,lottery)
5. Negate the conclusion “John is happy”


Resolution Theorem Proving 19

12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof

q  Resolution refutation for the “Lucky Student”

¬pass(X, history) ¬win(X,lottery) happy(X) win(U,lottery) ¬lucky(U)

¬pass(U, history) happy(U) ¬lucky(U) ¬happy(john)

lucky(john) ¬pass(john,history) ¬lucky(join)

¬pass(john,history) ¬lucky(V) pass(V,W)

¬lucky(john) lucky(john)


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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  “Exciting Life”
1. All people who are not poor and are smart are happy.
Ø  X(¬poor(X) smart(X) → happy(X))
2. Those people who read are not stupid.
Ø  Y(read(Y) → smart(Y))
Ø  {assume X(smart(X) ¬stupid(X))}
3. John can read and is wealthy.
Ø  read(john) ¬poor(john)
Ø  {assume Y(wealthy(Y) ¬poor(Y))}
4. Happy people have exciting lives.
Ø  Z(Happy(Z) → exciting(Z))
5. Negate the conclusion.
Ø “Can anyone be found with an exciting life?”

Ø  X(exciting(W))

Resolution Theorem Proving 21

12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Clause forms of “exciting life”

1. poor(X) ¬smart(X) happy(X)
2. ¬read(Y) smart(Y)
3. read(john)
4. ¬happy(Z) exciting(Z)
5. ¬exciting(W)

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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Resolution refutation for the “exciting life”

¬exciting(W) ¬happy(Z) exciting(Z)

¬happy(Z) poor(X) ¬smart(X) happy(X)

poor(X) ¬smart(X) ¬read(Y) smart(Y)

¬poor(john) poor(Y) ¬read(Y)

¬read(john) read(john)


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12.2.3 Binary Resolution Proof


q  Another resolution refutation for “exciting life”

¬happy(Z) exciting(Z) poor(X) ¬smart(X) happy(X)

¬read(Y) smart(Y) exciting(Z) poor(Z) ¬smart(Z)

¬read(Y) exciting(Y) poor(Y) ¬poor(john)

read(john) ¬read(john) exciting(john)

exciting(john) ¬exciting(W)


Resolution Theorem Proving 24

12.2.4 Strategies for Resolution(1)

q  Order of clause combination is important

Ü  N clauses → N2 ways of combinations or checking to see

whether they can be combined
Ü  Search heuristics are very important in resolution proof


q  Strategies
Ü  Breadth-First Strategy

Ü  Set of Support Strategy

Ü  Unit Preference Strategy

Ü  Linear Input Form Strategy

Resolution Theorem Proving 25

12.2.4 Strategies for Resolution(2)
q  Breadth-First Strategy
Ü  First round: each clause is compared for resolution with

every other clause in the clause space.
Ü  Second round: generate the clauses by resolving the

clauses produced at the first round with all the original

Ü  Nth round: generate the clauses by resolving all clauses at

level n-1 against the elements of the original clause set and

all clauses previously produced.
Ü  Characteristics
Ø  it guarantees finding the shortest solution path because it
generates every search state for each level before going any

Ø  It is a complete strategy in that it is guaranteed to find a

refutation if one exists.
Ü  Figure 12.8 (p. 530)
Resolution Theorem Proving 26
12.2.4 Strategies for Resolution(3)

q  Set of Support Strategy

Ü  Specify a subset(T) of a set of input clauses(S) called the set

of support such that S-T is satisfiable.
Ü  Require that resolvents in each resolution have an ancestor

in the set of support(T).
Ü  Based on the insight that the negation of what we want to

prove true is going to be responsible for causing the clause

space to be contradictory.
Ü  Forces resolutions between clauses of which at least one is

either the negated goal clause or a clause produced by

resolutions on the negated goal.
Ü  Figure 12.6 (p. 528)

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12.2.4 Strategies for Resolution(4)

q  Unit Preference Strategy

Ü  Try to produce a resultant clause that has fewer literals than

the parent clauses.
Ü  Resolving with a clause of one literal, called a unit clause,

will guarantee that the resolvent is smaller than the largest

parent clause.
Ü  Figure 12.9 (p. 531)

Resolution Theorem Proving 28

12.2.4 Strategies for Resolution(5)

q  Linear Input Form Strategy

Ü  a direct use of the negated goal and the original axioms
Ü  Take the negated goal and resolve it with one of the axioms.

The result is then resolved with one of the axioms to get

another new clause. The new clause is again resolved with

one of the axioms.
Ü  Try to resolve the most recently obtained clause with the

original axioms.

Resolution Theorem Proving 29

12.2.5 Answer Extraction from

Resolution Refutations(1)
q  Extract the correct answer by retaining
information on the unification substitutions made

in the resolution refutation.
Ü  Retain the original conclusion that was to be proved.
Ü  Introduce each unification made in the resolution process

into the conclusion.

q  Example of answer extraction

Ü  Fido goes wherever John goes.
Ø  at(john, X) → at(fido, X)

Ü  John is at the library.

Ø  at(john, library)
Ü  Negate the conclusion “Where is Fido?”
Ø  ¬at(fido, Z)

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12.2.5 Answer Extraction from

Resolution Refutations(2)

q  Example of answer extraction(continued)

at(fido, Z)
 ¬at(fido, Z) ¬at(john, X) at(fido, X)


at(fido, X)
 ¬at(john, X) at(john, library)


at(fido, library)

Resolution Theorem Proving 31

12.2.5 Answer Extraction from

Resolution Refutations(3)
q  “Exciting Life”
 ¬exciting(W) ¬happy(Z) exciting(Z)

{Z/W} {Z/W}
 ¬happy(Z) poor(X) ¬smart(X) happy(X)

{X/Z} {X/Z}
poor(X) ¬smart(X)
 ¬read(Y) smart(Y)

¬poor(john) poor(Y) ¬read(Y)

{john/Y} {john/Y}

 ¬read(john) read(john)

{} {}
Resolution Theorem Proving 32

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