Object Oriented Concepts: 18CS45 Model Question Paper-1 With Effect From 2019-20 (CBCS Scheme)
Object Oriented Concepts: 18CS45 Model Question Paper-1 With Effect From 2019-20 (CBCS Scheme)
Object Oriented Concepts: 18CS45 Model Question Paper-1 With Effect From 2019-20 (CBCS Scheme)
Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a Write the differences between Procedure oriented and Object oriented languages L1 04
b L1,L2 10
List and Explain features of Object oriented program.
c L1, L3 06
What is an inline function? Develop a C++ inline function to fin maximum of
two numbers
Q.02 a L1, L2 06
Define friend function. Illustrate with an example.
b L1, L2 08
What is constructor? Mention Types and explain with example.
c L2 06
Explain function overloading with an example.
Q. 03 a List and Explain Java buzz words. L1,L2 08
b L3 08
How foreach is different from for loop. Develop a program to show working of
foreach loop.
c L2 04
With an example explain the working of >> and >>> operators in C++.
Q.04 a Define Bytecode. Explain portability in Java. L1,L2 05
b L1,L2 10
Define Type casting. Explain Types of Type casting with an example.
c L3 05
Develop a program to show working of switch case.
Q. 05 a L1, L2 09
Define Inheritance. Explain the types of Inheritance in Java.
b L2 05
Explain Java garbage collector.
c L2 06
Write a note on final keyword.
Q. 06 a L1,L2 08
Define Exception. Explain with an example.
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b Develop a program to show the use super keyword. L3 08
c L2 04
Distinguish between Method overloading and Method overriding in Java.
Q. 07 a L1,L2 08
What is Thread? Explain the two ways of creating a Thread in Java.
b L2 06
Explain packages in Java with an example.
c L3 06
Develop a program to show synchronization in Java.
Q. 08 a L1, L2 06
What are Access Specifiers? Explain them.
b What are Interfaces? Explain Interfaces in java. L1,L2 06
c L3 08
Develop a program to demonstrate Thread priorities in Java.
Q. 09 a L2 04
Describe key features of Swings in Java.
b L2 06
Compare AWT and Swings.
c L3 10
Write a note on JFrame and JButton.
Q. 10
Explain the following with suitable code.
i L2,L3 5mark
JLabel ii JCombobox s x4
JTextField iv Jlist
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.
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