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CWT5016 User's Manual: Arameter

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1 CWT5016 User’s manual 2

1 PREFACE............................................................................................................................................ 3
2 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 4

V3.0 3
2.1 PARAMETER................................................................................................................................... 4
INSTALL.............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 SIZE ............................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 LED INDICATOR DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 5
3.3 TERMINAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 6
4 SETUP PARAMETERS FOR RTU ..................................................................................................... 7
4.1 ACCESS SETUP MODE .................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 SETUP BASIC PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................ 8
4.2.1 Setup “CS number” .................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.2 Setup basic parameters ........................................................................................................... 8
4.2.3 Alarm parameters..................................................................................................................... 9
4.2.4 ALL SMS .................................................................................................................................11
4.2.5 System Prio .............................................................................................................................11
4.3 INPUT AND OUTPUT ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 Setup input and output types ................................................................................................. 13
4.3.2 Define alarm and recover sms of digital input........................................................................ 15
4.3.3 Setup inputs timeouts............................................................................................................. 15
4.3.4 Setup digital inputs/outputs port name................................................................................... 16
4.3.5 CS’s DIN authority.................................................................................................................. 17
4.4 SETUP AIN PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................. 18
4.4.1 Setup Ain parameters............................................................................................................. 18
4.4.2 Setup AIN alarm and recover sms ......................................................................................... 19
4.4.3 Setup AD inputs name............................................................................................................ 20
4.4.4 CS’s AIN Authority .................................................................................................................. 20
4.5 GPRS PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................... 21
4.5.1 GPRS parameters .................................................................................................................. 21
4.6 SETUP I-SENSORS........................................................................................................................ 23
4.6.1 Buzzer .................................................................................................................................... 23
4.6.2 Tmp100 sensor (optional) ...................................................................................................... 23
4.6.3 Internal battery (optional) ....................................................................................................... 24
4.7 SETUP EXTEND TEMPERATURE SENSOR ........................................................................................ 25
4.7.1 Setup extend temperature...................................................................................................... 25
4.8 OTHERS SETTING......................................................................................................................... 26
4.8.1 Realtime Interlock................................................................................................................... 26
4.8.2 Timers..................................................................................................................................... 27
4.8.3 Weekly timers ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.8.4 Define users commands ........................................................................................................ 28


3 CWT5016 User’s manual 4

Thank you for using the CWT5016 GPRS data logger. You will know well about the functions and
CWT5016 has been designed as a cost effective, low power, self contained data logger. It combines
operation methods of this product quickly through this User’s Manual.
4 digital inputs, 4 drivable relay outputs, 4 analog inputs and 4 special temperature sensor inputs with
This product is mainly used for remote alarming and control application based on GSM network. Please
embedded GSM/GPRS module to provide an all in one instrument for data logging, remote data
use it according to the parameters and technical specifications in the User’s Manual. Meanwhile, the
acquisition, alarm and control.
Notes shall be considered for the usage of radio-control products, especially GSM products. Our
It uploads real time data on schedule or alarm or pre-defined condition happens via SMS or GPRS.
Company bears no liability for property loss or bodily injury arising from abnormal or incorrect usage of
Alarm levels can also be set for any of the digital inputs, analog inputs and temperature inputs; it support
this product.
User-defined SMS alarm messages and the outputs can also be controlled via SMS or GPRS.
CWT5016 comes with an easy to use configuration SW for setting up all parameters, including
Package list
setting alarm levels or states and pre-defined conditions for GPRS transmit etc. The configuration can be
product quantity done on a PC or from sms command.
Its internal 256KB memory logs more than 1000 records. Flexible data logging interval starts from 1
CWT5016 GPRS data logger 1pcs
minute up to 24 hours.
RS232 cable 1pcs
12V Adaptor 1pcs 2.1 Parameter
GSM antenna 1pcs
Parameter item Reference scope
CD 1pcs
DC Power supply 9-28V DC (Standard adapter: DC 12V/1.5A)
Power consumption 12V input Max. 150mA/Average 50mA
Frequency range Dual-frequency 900/1800/850/1900Mhz
SIM Card Supporting 3V SIM Card
Antenna 50 Ω SMA Antenna interface
Serial RS232
Temperature range -30°C ~ +70 °C
Humidity range Relative humidity 95%
Digital Input 4 digital inputs(Dry contact)
output 4 drivable relay outputs(open-collector outputs)
Output drive voltage Equal to input DC voltage
Output drive power Drive voltage ≤35V, drive current ≤500mA
Analog Input 4 analog inputs(4~20mA or 0~5V)
Temperature input 4 DS18B20 inputs (temperature range -55°C ~ +125 °C )
memory 256K
Audio interface 3.5mm audio in and audio out
Exterior dimension 130×80×25mm
Weight 370 g


5 CWT5016 User’s manual 6

3.3 Terminal Description

6 5 4 3 2 1
3.1 size

Install SIM card

①. DC9-28V (power in)
Press the small yellow dot,
the SIM card drawer will DC positive terminal of the DC power supply (+)
spring out automatically. Take
out the drawer, put the SIM GND Negative terminal of the DC power supply (- )
card in it on the slot direction Warning :must be careful that the polarity is not reversed, otherwise, the output will be damage
and plug back the drawer.
②. RS232

RXD Receive Data Connect RS232 cable orange wire

Buzzer Reset button:press
the button to clear buzzer TXD Transmit Data Connect RS232 cable blue wire
alarm sound GND Ground Connect RS232 cable black wire

③. 4 digital inputs (NO or NC)

MIC:3.5mm audio in,connect MIC to monitor voice
SPK:3.5mm audio out,connect loudspeaker to speak DI0~DI3 Connect NO or NC
GND Connect COM

④. 4 drivable relay outputs

3.2 LED indicator description DO0~DO3 negative pole of relay coil

DC Positive pole of relay coil
Indicator Status Indication description
Light on during It will be light on when the system sends short messages and ⑤. 4 temperature inputs
SRV (Orange)
handling light off when the handling is over T+ DS18B20 VDD
It will flicker periodically when the system is under operation, and GND DS18B20 GND
ACT(Yellow) Flicker
the interval time is 6 sec TI0~TI3 DS18B20 DQ
GSM module signal indicator, which will flicker slowly after the
NET (Red) Flicker ⑥. 4 analog inputs
system is registered in GSM network
AIN0~AIN3 Connect analog device output
Light on during
BAT (Green) It is on during interior battery is charging AGD GND


7 CWT5016 User’s manual 8

4 SETUP PARAMETERS FOR RTU 4.2 Setup basic parameters

4.1 Access setup mode 4.2.1 Setup “CS number”

RTU under working mode, the “CS number” can send sms commands to control RTU and receive sms
Connect RTU and computer with RS232 cable, and open the configuration software, make RTU access
(include alarm sms, report sms etc). User can set 10 CS numbers, CS0-CS9
setup mode according to the following figure.
Note: Please choose the serial port No. and rate correctly, the default communication rate is 9600;
default password is “000000”

4.2.2 Setup basic parameters

Definition: Working mode and setup mode

In setup mode, all functions are disabled, only to setup parameters. And RTU must be restart to enter
working mode, all functions is enabled, the RTU can alarm and be control.

Access setup mode, the simcard and antenna is no need, but access wording mode, the simcard and
antenna is necessary.

How to know current mode:

Method 1: Check the ACT light, if the ACT light flickers twice per second, that means it is under the setup
mode; the flicker period of the ACT light can be up to 6 sec under the working mode.
Attention: gsm band, com bps, uart, pin code, country code please using the default parameter
Method 2: Check the information from the serial port, if the character string of “dtu come in setup mode”
occurs, it means that RTU is under the setup mode.  Alarm for GSM signal low
GSM signal normal range is 18-32,RTU sends alarm sms to CS number when RTU’s GSM signal value


9 CWT5016 User’s manual 10

below the preset threshold, the default is 11.  auto answer call of service phone numbers

 Daily report Attention: This option is valid for the RTU models that have audio interface.
enable the option, RTU will send a report sms to CS number at 10:00 every morning for reporting current
If MIC and speaker are connected; RTU auto answer when CS numbers call it, so user can remote
states, through which the user can make sure the normal operation of RTU.
monitor voice and speaking.
 Proof time
 Auto add basic description with alert sms
Proof time is keeping the RTU’s os (operation system) has correct time. RTU can execute daily report,
Enable this option, the description (such as install position, user information) that have been defined by
timing arm or disarm, timing output at correct time.
user will show in alarm sms and daily report sms.
Send proof time sms to cs when power up
 print RTU alarm events by com port
When RTU power up, it send a sms to CS0 to request proof time, CS0 can reply sms”999” to RTU to
Enable this option, when RTU alarm, it sends the alarm data to com port with CWT_IO data format.
complete proof time.
 delay send sms time when alarm(disarm delay)
Send proof time sms to sp when power up
Define the time; you have an enough time to disarm RTU when you go into the monitor area.
SP phone number is a phone that cans automatic reply a SMS to any incoming SMS, RTU use it to
update interior Clocker by the timestamp in SMS, the SMS contents is not important.  Holding time after arm(arm delay time)
Define the time; you have an enough time to arm RTU when you leave the monitor area.
 Device description
You can add description with RTU (such as install position, user information), the description is show in  Extend information with report
RTU alarm sms. RTU can send report sms to cs phones by timer or user’s inquiry by sms command, this function is
designed to let user know the RTU is stilling working and its status, enable or disable follow information
 Device ID
to show in report.
The device ID is an 8-byte ASCII characters which is show in RTU state sms.

4.2.3 Alarm parameters

 Interior temperature: The internal temperature sensor is optional, if RTU has added it, the
temperature value will show in the daily report.

Attention:A standard RTU have not internal temperature sensor

 Device Id: enable this option, ID will show in the daily report.
 Arm status: enable this option, arm or disarm status will show in the daily report.
 Signal of gsm network: enable this option, GSM signal value will show in the daily report.
 Device’s memo: enable this option, Device description will show in the daily report.
 Power supply status: enable this option, the daily report will show power supply status
 Ex-temperature:

Attention: This option is valid for the RTU models that have temperature inputs (DS18B20 inputs).

Enable this option, all the value of extend temperature sensor will show in the daily report.
 Alarm inputs: enable this option, the inputs that are in alarm status will show in the daily report.
 ring when alert
 AD0~AD3: enable those options, all the value of AD input will show in the daily report.
Enable this option, RTU will give CS number a phone call then send sms when alarm


11 CWT5016 User’s manual 12

4.2.4 ALL SMS Authority Explanation

admin Can Arm/disarm or not
Modify by sms This CS number can be modify by sms command or not
Change cs phones This CS number can modify other CS number by sms command or not
Powerup sms Can receive the status sms or not when RTU is restarted by sms command
Daily report sms Can receive the daily report or not
Timer mms Null
Alarm mms Null
I-tmp alarm sms Can receive the alarm sms or not when internal temperature sensor alarm
I-tmp alarm ring Can receive the alarm phone call or not when internal temperature sensor alarm
Power fail sms Can receive the alarm sms of power failure or not
Power fail ring Can receive the alarm phone call of power failure or not
Signal low alarm Null
Sample sms Null
M2M svr RTU send sms to the CS number with CWT_IO protocol
In this page, you can see all sms contents that you have defined, include digital inputs alarm/recover
Arm notify Can receive sms when RTU arm or disarm
sms, AD inputs alarm/recover sms etc. you can Double-click it to modify.

4.2.5 System Prio

In this page, you can set authorization for CS numbers

“O” means enable authorization; “X” means disable authorization.


13 CWT5016 User’s manual 14

4.3 Input and Output  Sound

Means this channel input alarm event can cause internal buzzer and extend buzzer or siren action.

4.3.1 Setup input and output types  Use digital input 1 as arm control
Enable this option, RTU is in arm mode if digital input 1 is opened, RTU is in disarm mode if digital input
1 is closed, so user can connect a button to switch mode for arm or disarm

ATTENTION: Use digital input1 as arm control you need select the type of input1 is “TO CLOSE
ALARM (LEVEL)” and delete the alarm/recover sms of input 1

 Counter
Enable or disable this channel input as counter input which catch greater than 100ms plus.

 Counter upload timer

Setup the counter GPRS upload interval

 Counter upload only changed data

Automatic counter upload mode is a mode to Save GPRS, not report data if value not changed.

Attention: This option is valid for the RTU models that have GPRS function.
Digital inputs types

Input signals have two types, EDGE_IN (edge triggering) and LEVEL_IN (state triggering). Output types

ATTENTION: The key deference between Level and Edge is Level input has recovery sms message 0 disable
and Level input can repeat alarm status sms notify by an interval. 1 relay drivable output Drive relay, drive electricity <0.2A
Output drive relay voltage Equal to input DC voltage
Output power: Drive voltage ≤35V, drive current ≤200mA
2 Buzzer This line’s actions will synchronize with internal buzzer.
3 SNAPSHOOT This line wills shortly action when any alarm happens.
Level input alarm 4 SIREN This line continuous drives for 1 minute by default. And the
interval can be user define.

 Remember outputs status

RTU’s outputs default status is open; it is possible closed during working. After restart, the outputs will be
Typical edge alarm reset, status is open. If enable the option, output can recover the status that before restart.

 24 Hours
If enable this option, the digital input will execute alarm action (send alarm sms, interlock etc) when it is
triggered, even RTU is in disarm status.


15 CWT5016 User’s manual 16

4.3.2 Define alarm and recover sms of digital input

3. Alarms ensure timeouts

It is a counter of alarm status ensure timer, designed to avoid shake mistakes. 0 means no counter.

All of the input lines sms can be modify. A SMS composed of not more than 60 characters

4.3.3 Setup inputs timeouts

4.3.4 Setup digital inputs/outputs port name

This page designed to setup input timeouts property. There are 3 interval related with inputs.
1. Alarm sms limit interval
It is designed to avoid amounts of alarm/recover sms in a short time. If you send sms command to require inputs status, there is a contrast of returning

from:+8613480165874 from:+8613480165874
High voltage:normal Input 0 :normal
Low voltage:alarm Input 1 :alarm
High water level:normal Input 2 :normal
Low water level:normal Input 3 :normal

Have setup input name Have not setup input name

2. Alarm sms resend interval Setup outputs name is same

It is designed for repeat alarm status notifies to phones, 0 means disable repeat notification.


17 CWT5016 User’s manual 18

4.3.5 CS’s DIN authority

4.4 Setup Ain parameters
This page can setup the authority of CS phone receive digital input alarm sms and alarm call
“O” means this cs phone will receive related line in sms, “X” means not. 4.4.1 Setup Ain parameters

The analog input is designed to receive 0~20mA or 0~5V signal from an analog sensor

You can preset a high and a low level for every AD input, if current value is above the high level or below
the low level, RTU alarm. You also can send sms command to RTU to get current value.

RTU connect a temperature transmitter, it analog output range is 4-20 ma for monitor temperature range
is 0℃-50℃, you want to get alarm and current temperature value when temperature is above 40℃ or
below 10℃.


 Urgent

This settings means CS0 don’t receive input 0 alarm If checked, in any case, the RTU will execute alarm action (send alarm sms, interlock etc) when the AD
CS1 don’t receive input1 alarm sms. input is over normal range, even RTU is in disarm status.
CS3 don’t receive input0 alarm sms.  Sound alarm
Means this line alarm event will cause internal buzzer and extend buzzer or siren action.

 Upload step

Attention: This option is valid for the RTU models that have GPRS function.
If the change of AD input is more than “upload step”, RTU upload current value to server by GPRS.

 Minimum time of twice AD alarm sms (AINAS time)

After executed an alarm action (send alarm sms, interlock etc.) When AD inputs over normal range, in
the AINAS time RTU will not execute any alarm action (send alarm sms, interlock etc.) even AD inputs
are over normal range frequently. The purpose of setting AINAS time is user will not receive many alarm


19 CWT5016 User’s manual 20

sms in the time when the AIN value is fluctuates at low value or high value. “0” means disable the 4.4.3 Setup AD inputs name
function. “0” means disable the function.

 Interval of resend AD alarm state sms (AINLS time)

After executed a alarm action(send alarm sms, interlock etc.) when AD inputs over normal range, if the
duration of the alarm signal overrun the AINLS time, RTU will execute a alarm action(send alarm sms,
interlock etc.) again. The purpose of setting AINLS time is alarm to user repeatedly at regular
intervals during the AD input is in state of over normal range. “0” means disable the function.

 Timespan of ensure AD alarm (AINDLY time)

RTU will not execute any alarm action(send alarm sms, interlock etc.) in the AINDLY time even AD inputs
over normal range, if the duration of the alarm signal overrun the AINDLY time, RTU will execute a alarm
action(send alarm sms, interlock etc.). “0” means disable the function.

 Setup lag
When AD inputs over normal range, RTU will alarm. But will not return to normal state before AIN return
into range high value-lag and low value+lag.
For example: normal range is 10~40, lag is 5, RTU send alarm sms when AIN value is 10 or 40. But RTU
send recover sms when AIN value is 35(40-5) or 15(10+5)

If you send sms command to query AD inputs value, the AD inputs name show in the sms
For example, set the AD input 0 channel name is “temperature”, the sms is:

From:+8613480165874 ATTENTION: a name composed of not more than 24

Temperature current value :21.33 characters
AD input 1 current value:60
AD input 2 current value:0
AD input 3 current value:0

The purpose of setting lag is user will not receive many alarm when the AIN value is fluctuates at low 4.4.4 CS’s AIN Authority
value or high value. “0” means disable the function.
This page can setup the table of CS phone receive AD input line in alarm property.
4.4.2 Setup AIN alarm and recover sms “O” means this cs phone will receive related line in sms, “X” means not.

The current value is showed in end of alarm or recovers sms. A SMS composed of not more than 60


21 CWT5016 User’s manual 22

4.5 GPRS parameters

4.5.1 GPRS parameters

In this page, you can set GPRS parameters.

 Server address
It is an IP of server or domain names, IP must be a static and public IP address

 Service port
It is a TCP/IP port of applications on server

You can select TCP/UDP transport protocols for sever

 Service Protocol
You can select communication protocols between GPRS RTU and server
They are Modbus TCP, CWT_IO and RS232 bidirectional transparent transmission

Important:CWT_IO and GRPS DTU protocols can support TCP or UDP; but MODBUS TCP protocol
only support TCP; so if you use the CWT5002, the transport protocol must be TCP

 Idle timeout
It is valid for TCP server; it means if there is no data transferred in the time, the server is disconnected.
“APN, user, password, DNS addr”, you can consult the GSM operation Set to 0 to disable the function

 GPRS idle time  Response timeout

Means if GPRS RTU has no data transferred in the time, GPRS will off line, set the time to 0, means It is valid for CWT_IO and Modbus TCP communication protocols, it means after GPRS RTU send data
GPRS always on line. messages to server if GPRS RTU have not received response data from server in the time, the GPRS
RTU will send data again. Set to 0 to disable the function.
 Modbus TCP unit ID:
It is valid if data transfer with Modbus TCP protocol  Heart timeout
 Enable com data to GPRS server
GPRS RTU support RS232 Transparent Transmission

 Set parameters of server:

4 servers can be add, they can receive data from GPRS RTU at the same time
You can set parameters for every server


23 CWT5016 User’s manual 24

You can preset a high and a low temperature value, if temperature is over normal range, RTU alarm. You
4.6 Setup I-sensors also can send sms command to RTU to get current temperature.

User can set “Adjust” value to calibrating temperature value

4.6.1 Buzzer
 Timespan of twice alarm sms
Attention: This setting is valid for the RTU models that have buzzer.
It is designed to avoid amounts of alarm/recover sms in a short time.
The buzzer can be activated when alarm.  TMPRS time: timespan of resend alarm sms
In this page, you can enable or disable the buzzer and set interval time of alarm It is designed for repeat alarm status notifies to phones, 0 means disable repeat notification.

 time of ensure alarm

It is a counter of alarm status ensure timer, designed to avoid shake mistakes. 0 means no counter.

4.6.3 Internal battery (optional)

Attention: This setting is valid for the RTU models that are internal battery.
It is designed to realize power lost alarm
When external power cut off, RTU Powered by internal battery and alarm to cs numbers

4.6.2 Tmp100 sensor (optional)

Attention: This setting is valid for the RTU models that are added interior temperature sensor, the
tmp100 temperature is optional, a standard RTU have not internal temperature sensor.

 time of ensure power alarm

When the time of external power lost is over the time, RTU alarm, “0” means disable the function.
Battery parameter:
 Lithium battery
 Voltage: 3.7V
 Capacity: 800mAh
 Limited voltage for charging 4.2V
 Implementation standard GB/T 18287-2000


25 CWT5016 User’s manual 26

4.7 Setup extend temperature sensor 4.8 Others setting

4.7.1 Setup extend temperature 4.8.1 Realtime Interlock

CWT5016 can connect 4 extend wired temperature sensors DS18B20.

You can preset a high and a low level for every channel, if the current temperature is above the high level
or below the low level, CWT5016 alarm. You can also send sms command to get current temperature.

DS18B20 temperature probes

temperature range: -55℃~+125℃; precision:±0.5℃

Realtime interlock is a local strategy, it is designed to outputs automatically execute action under some
internal triggering conditions.
For example
If digital input 0 alert, output 0 close pulse 5 seconds.

 Adjustments
You can set the value to reduce error.
 Alarm sms interval
The time is designed to avoid amounts of alarm/recover sms in a short time.
 Re-alarm sms interval
Designed for repeat alarm status notifies to phones, 0 means disable repeat notification.
 Alarm ensuring timer
It is a counter of alarm status ensure timer, designed to avoid shake mistakes. 0 means no counter.
 “24 Hours” property
If checked, the channel will execute alarm action (send alarm sms, interlock etc) when it is triggered,
even CWT5016 is in disarm status.
 “Sound” property
Means this line alarm event will cause internal buzzer and extend buzzer or siren action.
 “Enable” property
Enable or disable this channel’s alarm


27 CWT5016 User’s manual 28

4.8.2 Timers 4.8.3 Weekly timers

7 times can be set in a week, RTU execute a task in each time.

For example, execute send daily report at Monday 10:30 RTU

Timers is designed to time execute task, task include arm, disarm, open/close output etc. 4.8.4 Define users commands

 Minutes timers Users can define 6 commands instead of system commands.

4 minute counters can be set, RTU execute a task every the minute interval. For example, user set “close” instead of system command “IOOH”, so user can send “close” to close
For example, RTU execute output 0 pulse every 30 minutes output

 Second timers
4 second counters can be set, RTU execute a task every the second interval.

 System timers
6 times can be set in a day, RTU execute a task in each time.
For example, at 8:30 execute output 0 on, at 17:00 execute output 0 off.


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