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9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer-Operator Manual

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Operator Manual


Hach Company.All rights reserved.

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Table of Contents 1

Table of Contents

1 Analyzer Overview
1.1 Overview ................................................................................................13
1.2 Schematic Process Overview ................................................................14
1.3 pH Regulation ........................................................................................15
1.3.1 Non-Cationic Applications ........................................................15
1.3.2 Cationic Applications ................................................................15
1.4 Calibration and Grab Sample Processes ...............................................17
1.4.1 Automatic Calibration Cycle .....................................................17
1.4.2 Manual Calibration Cycle .........................................................18
1.4.3 Grab Sample Measurement Cycle ...........................................18

2 Installation
2.1 Analyzer Inspection and Unpacking.......................................................19
2.2 Instrument Preparation...........................................................................19
2.3 Presentation of the Analyzer ..................................................................20
2.3.1 Analyzer Front Panel................................................................20
2.3.2 Analyzer Rear Panel ................................................................21
2.4 Instrument Mounting ..............................................................................22
2.4.1 Panel Mounting ........................................................................22
2.4.2 Wall Mounting ..........................................................................23
2.5 Step-by-Step Installation ........................................................................24
2.5.1 Mains Power Connection .........................................................24
2.5.2 RS485 Connection ...................................................................29
2.5.3 Input/Output Connections ........................................................31
2.5.4 Sample Tubes Installation........................................................32
2.5.5 Reagents Installation................................................................33
2.5.6 Magnetic Stirrer Installation......................................................34
2.5.7 Reagents Volume Declaration .................................................35
2.5.8 Flow Rate Adjustment ..............................................................36
2.5.9 Sample pH Conditioning Check ...............................................37
2.5.10 Reference Electrode Installation ..............................................38
2.5.11 Sodium Ion Selective Electrode Installation .............................40
2.5.12 Fill Electrolyte Reservoir ..........................................................41
2.6 Analyzer Stabilization.............................................................................42
2.7 Analyzer Setup.......................................................................................42

3 Operating Instructions
3.1 Data Entry ..............................................................................................43
3.1.1 Function Keys ..........................................................................43
3.1.2 Numeric Fields .........................................................................44
3.1.3 Alphanumeric Fields.................................................................45
3.1.4 List Element Fields...................................................................46
3.1.5 Incremental Value Fields..........................................................46

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

2 Table of Contents - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3.1.6 Data Entry Input Errors.............................................................46

3.2 Measurement Screens ...........................................................................47
3.2.1 Principal Display .......................................................................47
3.2.2 Historical Display ......................................................................48
3.2.3 Alarms Screen ..........................................................................48
3.3 Main Menu..............................................................................................49
3.3.1 Verification................................................................................50
3.3.2 Grab Sample ............................................................................52
3.4 Menu Structure Overview.......................................................................54

4 System Setup
4.1 System Setup - Menu Overview .............................................................56
4.2 Date and Time........................................................................................56
4.3 Display Options ......................................................................................57
4.4 Passwords ..............................................................................................58
4.5 Default Values ........................................................................................58
4.6 Adjust mA Output ...................................................................................59
4.7 Factory Settings .....................................................................................59

5 User Setup
5.1 User Setup - Menu Overview .................................................................62
5.2 Measurement .........................................................................................63
5.2.1 Targeted pH (Non-Cationic Applications Only).........................63
5.2.2 Total Gas/Water Ratio (Cationic Applications Only).................63
5.2.3 Measure Steps .........................................................................63
5.2.4 Reactivation Frequency............................................................64
5.2.5 Datalogger Setup......................................................................65
5.2.6 Graph Time Base .....................................................................66
5.3 Alarms ....................................................................................................66
5.3.1 Alarm 1 and 2 ...........................................................................67
5.3.2 Warning Alarm..........................................................................68
5.3.3 System Alarm ...........................................................................68
5.3.4 System and Warning Alarm Table............................................69
5.4 mA Outputs ............................................................................................70
5.4.1 Output 0 to 3.............................................................................70
5.4.2 Event Indication ........................................................................71
5.4.3 Test...........................................................................................72
5.5 RS485 ....................................................................................................72
5.6 Sample Channels ...................................................................................73
5.6.1 Channel Activation....................................................................73
5.6.2 Sequence .................................................................................74
5.6.3 Channel Names........................................................................74

6 Calibration
6.1 Calibration - Menu Overview ..................................................................76
6.2 Start Calibration......................................................................................76

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Table of Contents 3

6.2.1 Calibrate Known Addition.........................................................76

6.2.2 One Point Calibration ...............................................................78
6.2.3 Two Point Calibration ...............................................................79
6.3 Automatic Calibration Setup...................................................................80
6.4 Calibration Results .................................................................................81
6.5 Calibration Loggings ..............................................................................81
6.6 Custom Adjustment................................................................................82
6.7 Temperature Calibration ........................................................................82

7 Maintenance and Diagnostics

7.1 Maintenance Schedule...........................................................................83
7.2 Battery Replacement..............................................................................83
7.3 Fuse Replacement .................................................................................84
7.4 Maintenance and Diagnostics Menu Option ..........................................85
7.5 Maintenance and Diagnostics - Menu Overview....................................85
7.6 Reagent Changes ..................................................................................86
7.6.1 Adjust Bottle Volumes ..............................................................86
7.6.2 Priming Tubes ..........................................................................87
7.6.3 Bottles Full ...............................................................................87
7.7 Calibration Diagnostics ..........................................................................88
7.8 Raw Values ............................................................................................88
7.9 Test Accessories....................................................................................88
7.9.1 Hydraulics ................................................................................89
7.9.2 Relays ......................................................................................89
7.9.3 Logical Inputs ...........................................................................90
7.10 Sensor Reactivation ...............................................................................90
7.11 Extended Stop........................................................................................91
7.12 Start Up ..................................................................................................92
7.13 Software Versions ..................................................................................92

8 Troubleshooting
8.1 General Faults........................................................................................93
8.2 Detection of Functional Faults................................................................95
8.3 Miscellaneous Problems ........................................................................96

9 Contact information

10 Specifications
10.1 Technical Specifications.........................................................................99
10.2 Model Identification System .................................................................101

Appendix A: Spare Parts and Accessories

A.1 Accessories - Options - Maintenance Kits ...........................................103
A.2 Spare Parts - In Contact with Sample ..................................................104
A.3 Spare Parts - In Contact with Cell or Electrodes..................................104
A.4 Spare Parts - In Contact with Reagents or Standard Solution .............105
A.5 Electronics............................................................................................105

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

4 Table of Contents - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

A.6 Additional Hardware .............................................................................106

A.7 Documentation .....................................................................................106
A.8 Consumables .......................................................................................106

Appendix B: Configuration Tables

B.1 User Configuration Table .....................................................................107

Appendix C: Reagent Preparation

C.1 Conditioning Reagent...........................................................................113
C.2 Standard Solutions ...............................................................................113
C.3 Automatic Calibration Solution (10 ppm Na) ........................................114
C.4 3M KCl..................................................................................................114
C.5 0.5M NaNO3 ........................................................................................114

Appendix D: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

D.1 Diisopropylamine (DIPA) ......................................................................115
D.2 Potassium Chloride ..............................................................................118
D.3 Sodium Chloride...................................................................................121
D.4 Sodium Nitrate......................................................................................123

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Manual Overview 5

Manual Overview

About This Manual

The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be
accurate. However, Hach Ultra assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may
be contained in this manual. In no event will Hach Ultra be liable for direct, indirect,
special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in
this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In the interest of
continued product development, Hach Ultra reserves the right to make improvements in
this manual and the products it describes at any time, without notice or obligation.
Published in Europe.
Copyright 2006 by Hach Ultra. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this
manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
written permission of Hach Ultra.
Revision History
Revision A, October 2006, Hach Ultra
Revision B, January 2007, Hach Ultra
Revision C, April 2007, Hach Ultra
Revision D, August 2007, Hach Ultra
Revision E, December 2007, Hach Ultra

Safety Precautions
Please read the entire manual before unpacking, setting up, or operating this instrument.
Pay particular attention to all warning and caution statements. Failure to do so could
result in serious injury to the operator or damage to the equipment.
To the ensure the protection provided by this equipment is not impaired, do not use or
install this equipment in any manner other than that which is specified in this manual.
Safety Conventions

In this manual, a warning is used to indicate a condition which, if not met, could cause
serious personal injury and/or death. Do not move beyond a warning until all conditions
have been met. If this warning sign appears on the instrument itself, refer to
Precautionary Labels on page 7 for an explanation.

A caution is used to indicate a condition which, if not met, could cause minor or
moderate personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Do not move beyond a
caution until all conditions have been met.

A note is used to indicate important information or instructions that should be considered
before operating the equipment.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

6 Manual Overview - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Safety Recommendations
For safe operation, it is imperative that these service instructions be read before use and
that the safety recommendations mentioned herein be scrupulously respected. If danger
warnings are not heeded to, serious material or bodily injury could occur.

The installation of the instrument should be performed exclusively by personnel
specialized and authorized to work on electrical installations, in accordance with
relevant local regulations.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Service and Repairs

None of the instruments components can be serviced by the user. Only personnel from
Hach Ultra or its approved representative(s) is (are) authorized to attempt repairs to the
system and only components formally approved by the manufacturer should be used.
Any attempt at repairing the instrument in contravention of these principles could cause
damage to the instrument and corporal injury to the person carrying out the repair. It
renders the warranty null and void and could compromise the correct working of the
instrument and the electrical integrity or the CE compliance of the instrument.
If you have any problems with installation, starting, or using the instrument please
contact the company that sold it to you. If this is not possible, or if the results of this
approach are not satisfactory, please contact the manufacturers Customer Service.
Potential Safety Hazards
The following potential safety hazards are associated with operating the analyzer:
Electrical (line voltage)
Potentially hazardous chemicals

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Manual Overview 7

Precautionary Labels
Read all labels and tags attached to the instrument. Personal injury or damage to the
instrument could occur if not observed.

This symbol, when noted on a product, indicates a potential hazard which could
cause serious personal injury and/or death. The user should reference this
instruction manual for operation and/or safety information.
This symbol, when noted on a product enclosure or barrier, indicates that a risk of
electrical shock and/or electrocution exists and indicates that only individuals
qualified to work with hazardous voltages should open the enclosure or remove
the barrier.

This symbol indicates that the marked item can be hot and should not be touched
without care.

This symbol indicates the presence of devices sensitive to electrostatic discharge

and indicates that care must be taken to prevent damage to them.

This symbol identifies a risk of chemical harm and indicates that only individuals
qualified and trained to work with chemicals should handle chemicals or perform
maintenance on chemical delivery systems associated with the equipment.

This symbol indicates the need for protective eye wear.

This symbol indicates the need for protective hand wear.

This symbol identifies the location of the connection for protective earth (ground).

Electrical equipment marked with this symbol may not be disposed of in European
public disposal systems. In conformity with European local and national
regulations, European electrical equipment users must now return old or
end-of-life equipment to the manufacturer for disposal at no charge to the user.

Products marked with this symbol indicates that the product contains toxic or
hazardous substances or elements. The number inside the symbol indicates the
environmental protection use period in years.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

8 Manual Overview - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Important Information

Product Recycling Information

Electrical equipment marked with this symbol may not be disposed of in European public
disposal systems after 12 August 2005. In conformity with European local and national
regulations (EU Directive 2002/96/EC), European electrical equipment users must now
return old or end-of-life equipment to the manufacturer for disposal at no charge to the
Note: For return for recycling, please contact the equipment manufacturer or supplier for
instructions on how to return end-of-life equipment for proper disposal.

Elektrogerte, die mit diesem Symbol gekennzeichnet sind, drfen in Europa nach dem 12. August 2005
nicht mehr ber die ffentliche Abfallentsorgung entsorgt werden. In bereinstimmung mit lokalen und
nationalen europischen Bestimmungen (EU-Richtlinie 2002/96/EC), mssen Benutzer von
Elektrogerten in Europa ab diesem Zeitpunkt alte bzw. zu verschrottende Gerte zur Entsorgung
kostenfrei an den Hersteller zurckgeben.
Hinweis: Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Hersteller bzw. an den Hndler, von dem Sie das Gert bezogen
haben, um Informationen zur Rckgabe des Altgerts zur ordnungsgemen Entsorgung zu erhalten.

A partir du 12 aot 2005, il est interdit de mettre au rebut le matriel lectrique marqu de ce symbole par
les voies habituelles de dchetterie publique. Conformment la rglementation europenne (directive
UE 2002/96/EC), les utilisateurs de matriel lectrique en Europe doivent dsormais retourner le matriel
us ou prim au fabricant pour limination, sans frais pour l'utilisateur.
Remarque: Veuillez vous adresser au fabricant ou au fournisseur du matriel pour les instructions de
retour du matriel us ou prim aux fins d'limination conforme.

Le apparecchiature elettriche con apposto questo simbolo non possono essere smaltite nelle discariche
pubbliche europee successivamente al 12 agosto 2005. In conformit alle normative europee locali e
nazionali (Direttiva UE 2002/96/EC), gli utilizzatori europei di apparecchiature elettriche devono restituire
al produttore le apparecchiature vecchie o a fine vita per lo smaltimento senza alcun costo a carico
Nota: Per conoscere le modalit di restituzione delle apparecchiature a fine vita da riciclare, contattare il
produttore o il fornitore dellapparecchiatura per un corretto smaltimento.

Elektriske apparater, der er mrket med dette symbol, m ikke bortskaffes i europiske offentlige
affaldssystemer efter den 12. august 2005. I henhold til europiske lokale og nationale regler (EU-
direktiv 2002/96/EF) skal europiske brugere af elektriske apparater nu returnere gamle eller udtjente
apparater til producenten med henblik p bortskaffelse uden omkostninger for brugeren.
Bemrk: I forbindelse med returnering til genbrug skal du kontakte producenten eller leverandren af
apparatet for at f instruktioner om, hvordan udtjente apparater bortskaffes korrekt.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

Important Information - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Elektronikutrustning som r mrkt med denna symbol kanske inte kan lmnas in p europeiska offentliga
sopstationer efter 2005-08-12. Enligt europeiska lokala och nationella freskrifter (EU-direktiv 2002/96/
EC) mste anvndare av elektronikutrustning i Europa nu terlmna gammal eller utrangerad utrustning
till tillverkaren fr kassering utan kostnad fr anvndaren.
Obs! Om du ska terlmna utrustning fr tervinning ska du kontakta tillverkaren av utrustningen eller
terfrsljaren fr att f anvisningar om hur du terlmnar kasserad utrustning fr att den ska bortskaffas
p rtt stt.

A partir del 12 de agosto de 2005, los equipos elctricos que lleven este smbolo no debern ser
desechados en los puntos limpios europeos. De conformidad con las normativas europeas locales y
nacionales (Directiva de la UE 2002/96/EC), a partir de esa fecha, los usuarios europeos de equipos
elctricos debern devolver los equipos usados u obsoletos al fabricante de los mismos para su
reciclado, sin coste alguno para el usuario.
Nota: Srvase ponerse en contacto con el fabricante o proveedor de los equipos para solicitar
instrucciones sobre cmo devolver los equipos obsoletos para su correcto reciclado.

Elektrische apparatuur die is voorzien van dit symbool mag na 12 augustus 2005 niet meer worden
afgevoerd naar Europese openbare afvalsystemen. Conform Europese lokale en nationale wetgegeving
(EU-richtlijn 2002/96/EC) dienen gebruikers van elektrische apparaten voortaan hun oude of afgedankte
apparatuur kosteloos voor recycling of vernietiging naar de producent terug te brengen.
Nota: Als u apparatuur voor recycling terugbrengt, moet u contact opnemen met de producent of
leverancier voor instructies voor het terugbrengen van de afgedankte apparatuur voor een juiste

Sprzt elektryczny oznaczony takim symbolem nie moe by likwidowany w europejskich systemach
utylizacji po dniu 12 sierpnia 2005. Zgodnie z europejskimi, lokalnymi i pastwowymi przepisami prawa
(Dyrektywa Unii Europejskiej 2002/96/EC), uytkownicy sprztu elektrycznego w Europie musz obecie
przekazywa Producentowi stary sprzt lub sprzt po okresie uytkowania do bezpatnej utylizacji.
Uwaga: Aby przekaza sprzt do recyklingu, naley zwrci si do producenta lub dostawcy sprztu w
celu uzyskania instrukcji dotyczcych procedur przekazywania do utylizacji sprztu po okresie

Qualquer equipamento elctrico que ostente este smbolo no poder ser eliminado atravs dos
sistemas pblicos europeus de tratamento de resduos slidos a partir de 12 de Agosto de 2005. De
acordo com as normas locais e europeias (Directiva Europeia 2002/96/EC), os utilizadores europeus de
equipamentos elctricos devero agora devolver os seus equipamentos velhos ou em fim de vida ao
produtor para o respectivo tratamento sem quaisquer custos para o utilizador.
Nota: No que toca devoluo para reciclagem, por favor, contacte o produtor ou fornecedor do
equipamento para instrues de devoluo de equipamento em fim de vida para a sua correcta

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Important Information

Product Disposal
The following only applies to European customers.

Hach Ultra is committed to ensuring that the risk of any environmental damage or
pollution caused by any of its products is minimized as far as possible. The European
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2002/96/EC) that came
into force on August 13 2005 aims to reduce the waste arising from electrical and
electronic equipment; and improve the environmental performance of all those involved
in the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment.

In conformity with European local and national regulations (EU Directive 2002/96/EC
stated above), electrical equipment marked with the above symbol may not be disposed
of in European public disposal systems after 12 August 2005.
Hach Ultra will offer to take back (free of charge to the customer) any old,
unserviceable or redundant analyzers and systems which carry the above symbol, and
which were originally supplied by Hach Ultra. Hach Ultra will then be responsible for the
disposal of this equipment.
In addition, Hach Ultra will offer to take back (at cost to the customer) any old,
unserviceable or redundant analyzers and systems which do not carry the above symbol,
but which were originally supplied by Hach Ultra. Hach Ultra will then be responsible for
the disposal of this equipment.
Should you wish to arrange for the disposal of any piece of equipment originally supplied
by Hach Ultra, please contact your supplier or our After Sales Service department in
Geneva for instructions on how to return this equipment for proper disposal.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

Important Information - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Restriction of Hazardous Substances

The following only applies to exports of the product into the Peoples Republic of China.


Products contain toxic or hazardous substances or elements.

Environment Protection Use Period Marking (years).

Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements

Hexavalent Polybrom Polybrom

Lead Mercury Cadmium Chromium Biphenyls Diphenyls
Part Name (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr VI) (PBB) (PBDE)

Transmitter box X
(with battery)
Power PCB O O
O: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all homogeneous material for
this part is below the limit requirement

X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the
homogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Analyzer Overview 13

1 Analyzer Overview

1.1 Overview
The Polymetron 9245 Sodium Analyzer is a continuous on-line monitor for direct
measurement of sodium in power generation processes.
The measurement is based on a direct potentiometric technique using a highly sensitive
sodium glass electrode. The difference of potential between the glass electrode and the
reference electrode is directly proportional to the logarithm of sodium concentration as
shown by the Nernst law:

KNa-S : Selectivity constant of the ion S
aS : Activity of the ion S
ZS : Valency of the ion S
ED : Diffusion potential (conductivity dependant)

The analyzer features low maintenance, automatic or manual process calibration and
uses a sodium-sensitive glass electrode together with a reference electrode to measure
sodium concentrations in a sample that has been previously conditioned to a pH > 10.5.
External grab sample analysis is also available for this high-accuracy analyzer.
The system consists of two integrated units, the electronics control section and the liquid
handling section.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

14 Analyzer Overview - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

1.2 Schematic Process Overview

The illustration below shows the major components of the analyzer.

Fig 1-1: Analyzer Overview Diagram

1 Sample inlet flow adjustment 10 Auto-calibration pump

2 Fast loop sample outlet 11 Reactivation pump
3 Magnetic stirrer 12 Reference electrode
4 Conditioning valve 13 Sodium ion-selective electrode
5 Stirrer motor 14 Temperature electrode
6 Overflow vessel 15 Reactivation solution
7 Sample level detector 16 Conditioning solution
8 Drain 17 Calibration solution
9 Drain pump

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Analyzer Overview 15

1.3 pH Regulation
1.3.1 Non-Cationic Applications
In order to ensure the accuracy and the repeatability of low sodium concentrations, pH
must be constant and preferably maintained at or above 11.2 to maintain the lowest
proton interference.
The 9245 uses the injection of vapor of diisopropylamine (DIPA) to obtain high pH level
without sodium contamination. Using the siphon effect of the liquid sample column, DIPA
is mixed with the sample without using any pump or pressurized gas. A fine regulation of
the siphon effect is performed using a 3-way valve.
The pH is evaluated directly and continuously from the conductivity of the conditioned
sample in the cell. In the solution, the most mobile proton (H+) has the biggest influence
on conductivity. Therefore, by controlling the conductivity, its concentration can be
maintained constant. In addition, the pH is controlled from the conductivity by modifying
the gas/liquid ratio thus simultaneously maintaining a constant pH.
In temperature variations, the system automatically modifies the gas/liquid ratio and then
adds DIPA vapors to compensate the DIPA solubility in the sample.
If the sample is already partially conditioned by a customer system (e.g. with NH3 up to
pH 9.5 - 10.5), the regulation system evaluates the pH and adds the necessary DIPA
quantity to reach its pHtarget 0.2 and minimizes DIPA consumption.
The pH can be set to between 10.7 and 11.6 pH. The DIPA consumption is 500 mL/
month at 25C for a sample pHtarget of 11.2.

1.3.2 Cationic Applications

Instruments to be used in cationic applications are configured at the factory and can be
identified by their model number of 09245=A=1xxx (the 1 identifies it as being for cationic
Measurement of trace level sodium concentrations after cationic resin processes
requires an assisted conditioning because the pH in the sample to be measured will only
be between 2 and 4.
The 9245 analyzer uses a gas pump with no moving parts (based on the pizo principal)
to effect this assisted conditioning. The pump is controlled by the analyzers electronics
and works according to the amount of sample conditioning required. The flow rate of the
pump is factory set at 200 cc/min. of gas.
An exit tube ensures that any DIPA vapors not dissolved in the sample are recovered
and evacuated to the drain along with the sample.
In a cationic application, the 9245 does not use conductivity to evaluate the pH.
However, it can be adjusted according to the sample pH by a time ratio of the
conditioning valve aperture. A specific Tgas/Twater ratio is used for each channel in order
to minimize the DIPA consumption and to adjust a constant pH.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

16 Analyzer Overview - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

The usual Tgas/Twater ratio values are as follows:

2 180%
2.3 80%
2.6 50%
2.9 30%
3.5 15%
4.0 10%

Refer to Sample pH Conditioning Check on page 37 for the procedure to select the
correct ratio in relation to the initial pH sample. DIPA Consumption
The consumption of DIPA will depend on the values defined in the above table. With a
ratio of 100% (i.e. the volume of sample is equal to the volume of gas) the consumption
of DIPA will be approximately 90 mL/day.
The following table gives additional typical consumption according to the Tgas/Twater ratio

Tgas/Twater Consumption
Ratio (days per liter)
180% 6.25
150% 7.5
100% 11
80% 14
50% 22.5
30% 37

The instrument continuously monitors the use of DIPA. A warning alarm will be triggered
if the calculated volume in the bottle is less than 100 mL. A system alarm (and
suspension of measurements) will be triggered when the calculated volume is less than
50 mL.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Analyzer Overview 17

1.4 Calibration and Grab Sample Processes

HUA recommend (as per ASTM D 2791) that the concentration of the solution manually
added should be higher than 100 ppb sodium. Measuring under this value is possible (10
or 23 ppb for example) but the lower the concentration, the higher the risk of
contamination. Accuracy can therefore suffer at levels below 100 ppb. Also, for improved
accuracy, any solution manually introduced should be at the same temperature that was
used for calibration.
For details on setting up and running these processes, refer to the sections entitled
Calibration on page 75 and Grab Sample on page 52.
It is highly recommended to have an electrode activation (answer YES when activation
is proposed) to ensure the electrode is reactivated prior to any calibration or grab
sample measurements.
1.4.1 Automatic Calibration Cycle
This process calculates the slope and offset of the ISE sodium electrode and the
reference electrode. It is based on the measurement of the potential and temperature of
three different samples, two of which contain known concentrations of sodium:
Measurement of a first sample of unknown concentration
Measurement of a second sample of known concentration
Measurement of a third sample of known concentration
The additions of known concentration are made to the overflow vessel which is partially
emptied to avoid any spillage. The volume of the overflow vessel has been factory
defined during preparation of the instrument. This parameter can only be modified by a
qualified service technician.
The cycle is as follows:
1) Phase 1: The sample to which the known additions will be made is measured.
This measurement must be stable and less than 10 ppb and becomes the
background point measurement P0 displayed on the analyzer.
2) Phase 2: The electrode is reactivated. This consists of injecting Sodium Nitrate
into the solution to maintain a high level of sodium measurement for a minimum
of 5 minutes.
3) Phase 3: The measurement cell is rinsed. The overflow vessel is then refilled
with fresh sample.
4) Phase 4: The overflow vessel is drained slightly to allow enough room for the
addition of the first calibration solution.
5) Phase 5: The first calibration solution of known concentration is added and
mixed with the sample. The overflow vessel is drained into the measurement cell
and the first concentration measured and displayed as P1 on the analyzer.
6) Phase 6: The overflow vessel is rinsed and refilled with fresh sample.
7) Phase 7: The overflow vessel is drained slightly to allow enough room for the
addition of the second calibration solution.
8) Phase 8: The second calibration solution of known concentration is added and
mixed with the sample. The overflow vessel is drained into the measurement cell
and the second concentration measured and displayed as P2 on the analyzer.
9) Phase 9: The measurement cell is rinsed. The slope and offset are calculated
and displayed. If the calculated slope and offset values are within the acceptable
limits they will be used for all future measurements. Normal measurement is then

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

18 Analyzer Overview - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

1.4.2 Manual Calibration Cycle

This process calculates the slope and offset of the ISE sodium electrode and the
reference electrode. It is based on the measurement of potential and temperature of two
different samples of known sodium concentration.
The concentration values of the two calibration solutions must be entered into the
analyzer prior to calibration (see Two Point Calibration on page 79). The lower
concentration should be greater than 50 ppb and the relationship between low and high
concentration should be 10 or more. The recommended low value is 100 ppb and the
high value is 1,000 ppb.
The cycle is as follows:
1) Phase 1: The electrode is reactivated. This consists of injecting Sodium Nitrate
into the solution to maintain a high level of sodium measurement for a minimum
of 5 minutes.
2) Phase 2: The measurement cell is rinsed.
3) Phase 3: The overflow vessel is rinsed and refilled with fresh sample.
4) Phase 4: The overflow vessel is drained, and the system waits for the operator to
fill the overflow vessel with the low value calibration solution.
5) Phase 5: The overflow vessel is drained into the measurement cell and the first
concentration measured.
6) Phase 6: The overflow vessel is rinsed and then drained. The system waits for
the operator to fill the overflow vessel with the high value calibration solution.
7) Phase 7: The overflow vessel is drained into the measurement cell and the
second concentration measured.
8) Phase 8: The measurement cell is rinsed. The slope and offset are calculated
and displayed. If the calculated slope and offset values are within the acceptable
limits, indicated by the message Calibration ok, they will be used for all future

1.4.3 Grab Sample Measurement Cycle

The measurement cycle is as follows:
1) Phase 1: The electrode is reactivated. This consists of injecting Sodium Nitrate
into the solution to maintain a high level of sodium measurement for a minimum
of 5 minutes.
2) Phase 2: The measurement cell is rinsed.
3) Phase 3: The overflow vessel is rinsed and refilled with fresh sample.
4) Phase 4: The overflow vessel is drained, and the system waits for the operator to
fill the overflow vessel with the grab sample.
5) Phase 5: The overflow vessel is drained into the measurement cell and the
sample concentration measured.
6) Phase 6: The measurement cell is rinsed, during which time the measurement
value is displayed. After rinsing, normal measurements are then resumed.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 19

2 Installation

The instrument should only be assembled by qualified staff. Mains power should only be
connected once installation has been completed and checked.

2.1 Analyzer Inspection and Unpacking

The instrument has been factory tested and checked prior to shipping. We nevertheless
recommend that you perform a visual inspection in order to ensure that it has not been
damaged. Any marked packaging is a potential sign of damage that may not be
immediately visible. Keep all packaging in the event of claims.
Open the box. Take the packing list from the box and check the presence of all the items
selected. If any parts or accessories are missing, refer to your distributor or to Hach Ultra.
2.2 Instrument Preparation
Before installing the analyzer, think about the following precautions:
Place the analyzer close to the sample point. This will allow the response time to
be reduced.
The sample should be homogenous and representative.
The temperature of the sample should be between 5 and 45C.
The pressure of the sample should be between 0.2 and 6 bar and remain
relatively stable.
The solution should be free of particles. The sample lines should be in PE/PTFE/
FEP (4x6 mm).
Avoid any location with a corrosive atmosphere or subject to liquid spills.
Chose a dry and dust-free location.
The ambient temperature of the analyzer should not exceed 45C. If the
temperature is below 5C, the analyzer should be installed in a heated cabinet
(not provided by Hach Ultra).

Do not connect power prior to mounting and plumbing the instrument.

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20 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.3 Presentation of the Analyzer

2.3.1 Analyzer Front Panel

Fig 2-1: Analyzer Front Panel

1 User interface 4 Door lock

2 Overflow vessel 5 Reagent shelf
3 Measuring cell 6 Frame for panel mounting

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 21

2.3.2 Analyzer Rear Panel

Fig 2-2: Analyzer Rear Panel

1 Local controller box 4 Sample inlet valves

2 Electrolyte reservoir 5 Calibration canister
3 Pump box 6 Reactivation reagent canister

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

22 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.4 Instrument Mounting

Whether the instrument is to be mounted on a panel or wall, it is important to note that it
must be placed in an upright position with the transmitter at the top. It is recommended
to use a spirit level to ensure that the instrument is correctly positioned and not leaning
to one side.

2.4.1 Panel Mounting

For the panel mount model, the dimensions of the panel and fixation holes are as follows:

Fig 2-3: Panel Mounting

All dimensions above are in millimeters [inches].

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 23

2.4.2 Wall Mounting

Use the wall mounting kit to fix the instrument to the wall.

Fig 2-4: Wall Mounting Kit

Use these to drill the four holes for fixing the instrument on the wall. The distance
between the two pieces is 460 mm.

It is extremely important to respect this gap of 460 mm to avoid bending the cabinet
out of shape while fitting.

Fig 2-5: Wall Mounting

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24 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.5 Step-by-Step Installation

No intervention should be made on the instrument without first switching off the power.

The electrical installation should be carried out by duly qualified personnel. A supply
voltage of 100-240 VAC is acceptable without changing the configuration. The power
supply terminals can be removed from their housing to make connection easier.
For safety reasons, it is imperative to respect the working procedure below:
Use a three-wire power cable (live + neutral + earth), sized for supplying the
required power.
The instrument should be connected to the mains via a circuit-breaker or fuse
whose value should be less or equal to 20 A. It should be located in proximity and
be identified.
This connection should cut-off the live and the neutral when electrical problems
occur or when the user wishes to intervene inside the instrument. On the other
hand, the earth conductor should always be connected.

2.5.1 Mains Power Connection

1) Open the glass window and then open the panel to have access to the rear side
of the analyzer.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 25

2) Pass the power

supply cable through
the cable gland
located at the back
left of the bottom of
the cabinet.

3) Open the I/O

connection box on
the rear panel.

4) Unscrew the two

fixing elements...

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26 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

5) ...and allow the I/O

box to rotate down.

6) Pass the mains

power cable through
the back end cable
gland on the

7) Open the transmitter

front door.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 27

8) Remove the metallic

shielding plate
protecting access to
the main board.

9) Take the power

supply connector
and note where the
earth, live, and
neutral must be

10) Connect the power

supply cables to the

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28 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

11) ...and put the

connector back in

12) Replace the metallic

shielding plate.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 29

2.5.2 RS485 Connection

1) Connect the RS485

cable as indicated.
Connection is the
same on the CPU
board for both the
PROFIBUS options.

2) Close the transmitter


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30 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3) Put the I/O box back

in its normal

4) Fix the I/O box back

in place with the 2

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 31

2.5.3 Input/Output Connections

1) Analog output Iout 0 is used for the measurement signals. Other analog
outputs can be freely linked to different parameters like measurement,
temperature refer to the chapter entitled User Setup on page 61 for details.
2) Relays Rel 8 is linked to the system alarm and is normally energized. Rel 7 is
linked to the warning alarm. The position of the contact represented on the figure
corresponds to a state when the relay is not energized. See Alarms on page 66
for details.
3) Digital Input Only two logical inputs (dry contacts) are used for the 9245:
- In 2 (on J32) for remote calibration
- In 7 (on J38) for Inhibit sample (also used to Start / Standby the analyzer)

4) Close the I/O box.

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32 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.5.4 Sample Tubes Installation

Sample inlet connection - 6 mm (or '') in polyethylene or PTFE or FEP. If
particulate matter is present in the sample, pre-filtration is necessary. A filter
should be inserted in the sample line. One is available as an option. Use new
pipes for all connections during installation.
Flow rate - > 5.5 to 30 L/hour (an absolute minimum of 5.5 L/hour is essential).
Pressure - 0.2 to 6 bars (8-100 psig)
Sample acidity - Sample acidity should not be more than 300 ppm CaCO3
Temperature - Temperature must be between 5-45 C.

For continuous monitoring of sample with a temperature between 5-10C it is
recommended that the installation should include a static heat-exchanger system (see
Accessories - Options - Maintenance Kits on page 103 for a list of part numbers).

At this stage of the installation, make sure that the flow valve is closed.
The connection of the pipes is done by insertion into the quick release connections found
under the sampling block.
Be sure that the sample line is correctly flushed before any connection to avoid particle
injection into the 9245 hydraulic system.
1) Connect the drain outlet.
2) Connect the sample inlet/outlet.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 33

2.5.5 Reagents Installation

1) Prepare the reagents according to Reagent Preparation on page 113. Install the
reagent canisters in their place and connect them to their respective tubes.
2) Install and connect the conditioning solution (diisopropylamine).

3) Install and connect the reactivation

solution (blue R label).

4) If you have this option, install and

connect the auto calibration
standard (yellow CAL label).

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

34 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.5.6 Magnetic Stirrer Installation

1) On the front of the

panel, remove the
plastic bag from the
overflow vessel

2) Remove the
magnetic stirrer from
the bag and install it
in the overflow

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 35

2.5.7 Reagents Volume Declaration

As you will now be using the analyzer menus to input data, it may be useful to familiarize
yourself with the data entry procedures by reading the section entitled Data Entry on
page 43 of this manual.

1) Open the sample valve and check that there is no leakage in the hydraulic path.
2) Power on the analyzer.
3) Select the Menu option from the display.

4) Select MAINTENANCE/DIAG. from the

main menu and press Enter

5) Select the REAGENT CHANGES option

and press Enter

6) Set the BOTTLES FULL parameter to Yes

and press Enter.
7) Press Esc to return to the MAINTENANCE/
DIAG. menu.

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36 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.5.8 Flow Rate Adjustment

8) From the MAINTENANCE/DIAG. menu

select START UP and press Enter
9) First, the system automatically primes both
the calibration and reactivation tubes.
10) Check that there are no air bubbles in the
reagent tubes for reactivation and if you
have the option, for auto calibration.

11) The next step allows you to regulate the

sample flow on the measurement channel.
12) The flow rate should be around 6 L/h, but
greater than 5.5 L/h.

13) Using a screwdriver, regulate the channels

sample flow by turning counter-clockwise to
increase the flow rate or clockwise to
decrease the flow rate.
14) The process is repeated until the flow is
correctly regulated for the channel. At this
point select OK.

15) On completion, an Action completed

message will be displayed. Select Esc to

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 37

2.5.9 Sample pH Conditioning Check

At this stage, the electrodes will not have been installed. Non-Cationic Applications

1) Install a calibrated pH sensor type 8417 in

the center position of the measurement
chamber which is normally used for the ISE
sodium electrode.
2) On the analyzer, press Start on the main
menu to start the measurement process.
3) Check that the pH value of the sample after
conditioning is greater than 10.5. If not,
check the quality of the conditioning product
used and/or the conditioning pump. Cationic Applications

1) With a calibrated pH sensor type 8417 measure the pH of the sample outside of
the analyzer.
2) Determine the gas injection time ratio depending on the sample pH measured in
Step 1. Enter this value into the analyzer as described in Total Gas/Water Ratio
(Cationic Applications Only) on page 63. The standard values are listed below:

pH Tgas/Twater Ratio
2 180%
2.3 80%
2.6 50%
2.9 30%
3.5 15%
4.0 10%

3) As illustrated in the procedure for cationic applications above, install the same
pH sensor in the center position of the measurement chamber.
4) On the analyzer, press Start on the main menu to start the measurement
5) Measure the pH in the conditioned sample to check if the pump ratios are
efficient enough to obtain a pH of around 11.0. If necessary, update the ratio to
maintain a final constant pH of 11.0 0.2.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

38 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.5.10 Reference Electrode Installation

1) Remove the
reference sensor
from its box.
2) Remove the plastic
reservoir from the
bottom (the storage
solution is KCl 3M)
and install the O-ring
as shown.

3) With care, turn the

bottom electrolyte
tube ferrule with a
maximum turn to
lock it.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 39

4) Remove the plastic

plug on the entry

5) Install the reference

electrode in the
extreme left
6) Connect the
reference cable (the
one without the blue
label on it) to the
reference electrode.

7) Connect the
electrolyte tube to
the reference

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

40 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.5.11 Sodium Ion Selective Electrode Installation

It is critical to preserve the integrity of the sodium ion selective electrode as much as
possible. This is why this electrode must be installed at the very last moment after all
other adjustments.

1) Remove the sodium

ion selective sensor
from its box.
2) Remove the plastic
reservoir from the
bottom (the storage
solution is standard
tap water) and shake
gently (as you would
a thermometer) to
dispose of any
3) Install the O-ring as
indicated right.

4) Install the ISE in the

middle position of
the measurement
5) Connect the AS7
cable (with the blue
label) to the

After the electrodes
installation, it is very
important that none of the
electrode heads are
touching the bottom part of
the measuring cell. An
example of the electrodes
correct position is shown

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Installation 41

2.5.12 Fill Electrolyte Reservoir

1) The electrolyte
reservoir is located
at the back of the
2) Take the KCl
electrolyte bottle and
insert the tip of the
tapered spout into
the reservoir inlet
tube (illustrated
right) as far as it will
go but without
exerting any extra
3) Squeeze on the
bottle as many times
as necessary to fill
the reservoir to
about 3/4 of its
capacity. If you have
any difficulty filling
the reservoir, raise
the spout of the
bottle very slightly to
avoid an air lock.

4) Using thumb and

forefinger, pump on
the electrolyte tube
between the
reservoir and the
reference electrode
to remove any air
bubbles that may
have formed.
5) If necessary, clean
any KCl drops from
the analyzer and the

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

42 Installation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

2.6 Analyzer Stabilization

At this stage the analyzer has been completely installed, but needs to run for a period of
time to stabilize.
1) Push the start button.
2) Leave the system to run for a couple of hours before starting any calibrations.

2.7 Analyzer Setup

After the analyzer has stabilized, the system and user parameters must be set, followed
by an initial calibration.
1) SYSTEM SETUP - see System Setup on page 55.
2) USER SETUP- see User Setup on page 61.
3) CALIBRATION - see Calibration on page 75 and launch a two point calibration.

The complete calibration cycle will last around 1 hour. However, the instrument cannot
be calibrated until at least one complete measurement cycle has been successfully
performed. An attempt to calibrate the instrument before this will result in a Not
authorized message being displayed.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Operating Instructions 43

3 Operating Instructions

All screen display examples in the following sections are shown as black on a white
background for clarity purposes, and therefore do not reflect the actual colors used on
the instrument display.

3.1 Data Entry

3.1.1 Function Keys
The display panel of the 9245 has 5 function keys (illustrated below) to allow menu option
selection, field selection, and data entry options.

Fig 3-1: Function Keys

The Esc key cancels data input or goes back to the previous screen.
The Enter key validates the input and goes on to the next step.
The Up Arrow keys select the option displayed immediately above them on the

When a screen requiring data entry is displayed, the first editable field is always
highlighted (as illustrated left in Fig 3-2 below). To select other fields on the screen, scroll
through them by pressing the Up Arrow function key under the Select option. As each
field is selected, the data element available for update is highlighted.

Fig 3-2: Field and Menu Selection

The same is also true when a menu is displayed (as illustrated right in Fig 3-2 above). In
this case, the first available option is always highlighted. Scroll to the required option by
pressing the Up Arrow function key under the Select option.
Data entry is effected in a variety of ways depending upon the characteristics of the data
field being accessed. The following examples show the different ways of entering data
when required.

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44 Operating Instructions - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3.1.2 Numeric Fields

These fields require that the user enter one or more numeric values into a field. The type
of field determines the available input. In some fields only digits 0 through 9 would be
available to select whereas in other fields the decimal point and/or minus sign may also
be available.

The highlighted field in the example left is a

numerical data element which requires input
from the user.
As this is a date field, only digits 0 through 9 will
be available for selection.
For data elements such as these, press the
function key under either the Up Arrow or Down
Arrow options to initiate data entry.

The first digit will then be highlighted, and a new

Right Arrow option replaces the Select option
at the bottom of the screen.
Press the function key under the Up Arrow
option to increase the value of the field by 1.
Press the function key under the Down Arrow
option to decrease the value of the field by 1.
Press the function key under the Right Arrow
option to accept the currently displayed digit and
move one digit to the right (i.e. 5 in the example
Press the Enter function key to accept the data
and move to the next input field.
It is not necessary to enter data into each of the
available data elements that make up the data
For example, if it was required to simply change
the date from the 25/07/05 to 25/08/05, the
following steps are all that are required:
Press the function key under the Right
Arrow option until the digit 7 is highlighted.
Press the function key under the Up Arrow
option to increase the value of the field by 1
to 8.
Press the Enter function key to accept the
complete data field (25/08/05) and move to
the next data input field.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Operating Instructions 45

3.1.3 Alphanumeric Fields

These fields require that the user enter one or more alphanumeric values into a field. The
type of field determines the available input. In some fields only upper case alpha
characters may be allowed, in others upper and lower case alphanumeric characters my
be allowed, etc.

In this example, a name is required to give to the

channel. The complete alphanumeric character
set is available to choose from, including upper
and lower case alpha characters.
Press the function key under either the Up
Arrow or Down Arrow options to initiate data

The first character will then be highlighted, and a

new Right Arrow option replaces the Select
option at the bottom of the screen.
Press the function key under the Up Arrow or
Down Arrow option to scroll through the list of
available characters.
Press the function key under the Right Arrow
option to accept the currently displayed
character and move to the next character.
Press the Enter function key to accept the
complete field and move to the next data input

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46 Operating Instructions - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3.1.4 List Element Fields

This type of data entry is where a pre-defined list of available data values are available
to the user who must select the one which is applicable. Free-format text is not allowed.

The highlighted field in the example left is a data

element where there is only a limited number of
valid options (i.e. the seven days of the week).
For data elements such as these, press the
function key under the Up Arrow option to scroll
forward through the pre-defined list (in this
example Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...) or
press the function key under the Down Arrow
option to scroll backward through the list.
When the required list element is displayed
press the Enter function key to accept the data
and move to the next data input field.

3.1.5 Incremental Value Fields

These are fields where a value is displayed on the screen and the user has the option of
increasing or decreasing the value.

In this example, the whole value, rather than an

individual digit, is highlighted.
Use the Up Arrow function keys under the plus
or minus symbols to increase or decrease the
value by 1.
On completion press the Enter function key, to
accept the new value.

3.1.6 Data Entry Input Errors

After entering data for a field, the system will verify the validity of the data. For example,
if a date of 41/12/05 is entered, the system will not accept it. If any field is found to be
invalid, an appropriate error message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen and
the system reverts back to the original value for that field.
Press one of the Up Arrow function keys to acknowledge the error, and re-enter the
data, or Esc to acknowledge the error and exit the screen.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Operating Instructions 47

3.2 Measurement Screens

3.2.1 Principal Display

Fig 3-3: Principal Measurement Screen

An example of this display is given above. It shows the details of the current sample
being measured, both numerically and graphically.
The x-axis and y-axis of the graph are user-definable. The x-axis (horizontal) is defined
by the value set in the graph time base parameter (see Graph Time Base on page 66)
and the y-axis (vertical) is defined by the high and low values in the Analog Output 1
scale (see mA Outputs on page 70).
The options at the bottom of the screen will include three of the following:
Hist - Selecting this option will show the last four measurements (see Fig 3-4 on
page 48 as an example). The details of the current measurement are also
Stop - Select this option to stop the current process on the analyzer. This could be
a measurement, verification or grab sample process. The option is only available
when one of these processes is currently running. You will be asked for
confirmation (YES or NO) that you want to stop the process.
Start - Select this option to start the analyzer. This option is only available when
the analyzer has been stopped.
Menu - This will bring up the main menu screen as illustrated in Fig 3-6 on
page 49.
Alarm - This option will appear flashing on the screen if any alarms have been set.
Selecting this option will take you to the alarms screen as illustrated in Fig 3-5 on
page 48.

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48 Operating Instructions - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3.2.2 Historical Display

Fig 3-4: Historical Measurement Screen

This screen shows the last four sample measurements, the last grab sample
measurement and the last verification and gap measurements. Underneath, the actual
potential between the glass electrode and the reference electrode is displayed along with
the temperature.
Select Main to return to the main measurement screen.
3.2.3 Alarms Screen

Fig 3-5: Alarm Screen

Alarms S1-S4 relate to the four alarm outputs. This is followed by the warning alarm (W!)
and the system alarm (small graphic). The message against each alarm will indicate OK
(no problems encountered), INACTIVE (the alarm has been deactivated), or a message
indicating the reason for the alarm.
For information on setting up the alarms, please refer to Alarms on page 66. In addition,
Table 5-4 on page 69 lists all the possible error messages and indicates the type of alarm
(warning or system). If a manual alarm acceptance has been set up, select Enter to
deactivate the alarms.
Select Hist. to go to the history display, or Esc to return to the measurement display.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Operating Instructions 49

3.3 Main Menu

The main menu is accessible from any one of the measurement screens (as illustrated
in Fig 3-3 on page 47 for example). To access the main menu screen for setting up the
analyzer, press the Up Arrow function key under the Menu option.
Access to the Main Menu will require a password if a PROGRAMMING password has
been set (see Passwords on page 58).

Fig 3-6: Main Menu Screen

The first option in the menu will always be highlighted by default. To scroll to the option
required, press the Up Arrow function key under the Select option.
Scrolling past the last item in the list will take you back to the first item. It is not possible
to scroll upwards through any list.

Detailed information on each of the main menu options is available elsewhere in this
manual as follows:
VERIFICATION - See section entitled Verification on page 50
GRAB SAMPLE - See section entitled Grab Sample on page 52
CALIBRATION - See section entitled Calibration on page 75
MAINTENANCE/DIAG. - See section entitled Maintenance and Diagnostics on
page 83
USER SETUP - See section entitled User Setup on page 61
SYSTEM SETUP - See section entitled System Setup on page 55

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50 Operating Instructions - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3.3.1 Verification
HUA recommend (as per ASTM D 2791) that the concentration of the solution manually
added should be higher than 100 ppb sodium. Measuring under this value is possible
but the lower the concentration, the higher the risk of contamination. Accuracy can
therefore suffer at levels below 100 ppb. Also, for improved accuracy, any solution
manually introduced should be at the same temperature that was used for calibration.

This option allows you to verify the measurement

using a solution of known sodium concentration.
This is a measurement verification cycle only, and no
adjustments to parameters or calibration data will be

First enter the concentration of the verification solution

in the VALID. SOL field.
Select START to commence the process.

The first step of this cycle allows the reactivation of the

electrode. The message SENSOR ACTIVATION is
Select Yes to reactivate the sensor (this is highly
recommended for greater accuracy). Select No if time
is more important than accuracy.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Operating Instructions 51

The reactivation process is automatically followed by a

rinsing of the overflow vessel and measuring cell using
the process sample.
A progress bar (regularly refreshed) is displayed
showing the time remaining to complete the
verification process.
Flow rate and measurements are also displayed.

Upon completion of the rinsing step, the analyzer is

ready for the first manual step in the cycle.
Place the lid of the overflow vessel on the side and
pour approximately 200 mL of the solution into the
overflow vessel, as prompted on screen. Manual
introduction is complete when the sample overflows at
the back of the overflow vessel.
Place the lid back on top of the overflow vessel and
select OK to start the measurement.

The display switches back to the main measurement

screen and displays the measurement value.
The progress bar at the top of the screen monitors the
measurement time of the sample.
If you wish to abort the process at any time during the
measurement cycle, select Stop.

Once measurement of the solution is complete, the

measured value and time will be displayed against
verif. s. This should be almost identical to the value
entered in the VALID. SOL field previously.
The value displayed in gap, will be the percentage
difference between the concentration of the
verification solution entered in the VALID. SOL field,
and the concentration measured by the instrument. If
this value is too high, then a calibration of the analyzer
is recommended.
Once the cycle is complete, the analyzer automatically
reverts back to standard measurement mode.
Select Main to go back to the main measurement

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52 Operating Instructions - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3.3.2 Grab Sample

HUA recommend (as per ASTM D 2791) that the concentration of the solution manually
added should be higher than 100 ppb sodium. Measuring under this value is possible
but the lower the concentration, the higher the risk of contamination. Accuracy can
therefore suffer at levels below 100 ppb. Also, for improved accuracy, any solution
manually introduced should be at the same temperature that was used for calibration.

Similar to the verification process, this option allows

measurement of a sample of your choice.
Before starting this process, ensure you have a
sample of approximately 200 mL to measure.

The first step of this cycle allows the reactivation of the

electrode. The message SENSOR ACTIVATION is
Select Yes to reactivate the sensor (this is highly
recommended for greater accuracy). Select No if time
is more important than accuracy.

The reactivation process is automatically followed by a

rinsing of the overflow vessel and measuring cell using
the process sample.
A progress bar (regularly refreshed) is displayed
showing the time remaining to complete the process.
Flow rate and measurements are also displayed.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Operating Instructions 53

Upon completion of the rinsing step, the analyzer is

ready for the first manual step in the cycle.
Place the lid of the overflow vessel on the side and
pour approximately 200 mL of the solution into the
overflow vessel, as prompted on screen. Manual
introduction is complete when the sample overflows at
the back of the overflow vessel.
Place the lid back on top of the overflow vessel and
select OK to start the measurement.

The display switches back to the main measurement

screen and displays the measurement value.
The progress bar at the top of the screen monitors the
measurement time of the sample.
If you wish to abort the process at any time during the
measurement cycle, select Stop.

Once measurement of the sample has completed, the

measurement value and time will be displayed against
grab s.
Once the cycle is complete, the analyzer automatically
reverts back to standard measurement mode.
Select Main to go back to the main measurement

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

54 Operating Instructions - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

3.4 Menu Structure Overview

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - System Setup 55

4 System Setup

Before attempting to setup the analyzer, ensure that you have read and understood how
to enter and update data fields as described in the section entitled Function Keys on
page 43.

Press the Up Arrow function key under the Menu

option on the measurement screen to display the Main
Access to the Main Menu will require a password if a
PROGRAMMING password has been set (see
Passwords on page 58).
The password is a 4-digit numeric field. Enter the
Press the Enter function key to accept and validate
the password.

If no password has been set, or once a valid password

has been entered, then the Main Menu will be
Press the Up Arrow function key under the Select
option to scroll through the menu until you reach the
SYSTEM SETUP option, then press the Enter
function key.

The System Setup Menu is displayed.

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56 System Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

4.1 System Setup - Menu Overview

Fig 4-1: System Setup Menu

4.2 Date and Time

Select the DATE/TIME option to access the date/time


This option allows you to set up the system date and

Scroll to the required day and press the Enter function
Enter the day, month, and year.
Enter the time in HH:MM:SS format (24 hour clock).
On completion press Esc to return to the main System
Setup menu.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - System Setup 57

4.3 Display Options

Table 4-1: Display Options

Value Description
GB English
D German
Language Sp Spanish
I Italian
F French
g-mg/L Micrograms - Milligrams / Liter
Concentration Units
ppb/ppm Parts per Billion / Parts per Million
C Degrees Celsius
Temperature Units
F Degrees Fahrenheit

Select the DISPLAY option to set up the display


Select the LANGUAGE, CONC. UNIT and

TEMPERATURE UNIT fields in turn, and set your
preferences by scrolling through the available options
(listed in Table 4-1 above).

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58 System Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

4.4 Passwords

Select the PASSWORDS option to set passwords for

access to programming, calibration and system setup
By default all passwords are set to 0000.

Each password is a 4-digit numeric field. Enter the

required value for each of the three passwords. A
value of 0000 signifies no password is required to gain
access to those menu options.

4.5 Default Values

Select the DEFAULT VALUES option to erase all the

previously set user parameters and load the default
values (refer to Configuration Tables on page 107 for
a list of all the default values).

A warning message is displayed and confirmation of

this action is required.
To exit from the screen without loading the default
values, press the Esc function key.
To load the default values, select the Yes option.
A number of informational screens will be displayed
during the process.
When the process is complete, the display reverts to
the measurement screen.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - System Setup 59

4.6 Adjust mA Output

Select the ADJUST mA OUTPUT option to access the

analyzers analog output parameters. These can be
set to 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA (see details on how this is
done in mA Outputs on page 70).
Each mA output can be individually calibrated on 2
Adjustments should be made based on accurate
readings from a multimeter.

You have the option to adjust any of the four available

outputs. The process is exactly the same for each of
the outputs.
Select the mA output you wish to change to display
the next screen.
Ensure the multimeter is connected to the selected

The option to increase or decrease the low end value

(0 mA or 4 mA depending on your setting) is
Change the value up or down by selecting the Minus
or Plus indicators at the bottom of the screen.
On completion press the Enter function key and the
display changes to 20 mA.
Enter the adjustment value in the same way as for the
low end value. On completion press the Enter function
key, and the display reverts back to the main ADJUST
mA OUTPUT screen, to allow you to select the next
output to adjust.

4.7 Factory Settings

This option is reserved for qualified Hach Ultra

service personnel.
If you believe that changes to the settings may be
required, please contact your local Hach Ultra

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60 System Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Setup 61

5 User Setup

Before attempting to setup the analyzer, ensure that you have read and understood how
to enter and update data fields as described in the section entitled Function Keys on
page 43.
The default and available settings for these options are listed in the Configuration
Tables on page 107. For easy reference, it is recommended that once the user setup
process has been completed, your specific settings should be logged in this table.

Press the Up Arrow function key under the Menu

option on the Measurement Screen to display the
Main Menu.
Access to the Main Menu will require a password, if a
PROGRAMMING password has been set (see
Passwords on page 58).
The password is a 4-digit numeric field. Enter the
Press the Enter function key to accept and validate
the password.

If no password has been set, or once a valid password

has been entered, then the Main Menu will be
Press the Up Arrow function key under the Select
option to scroll through the menu until you reach the
USER SETUP option, then press the Enter function

The User Setup Menu is displayed.

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62 User Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

5.1 User Setup - Menu Overview

Fig 5-1: User Setup Menu

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Setup 63

5.2 Measurement
5.2.1 Targeted pH (Non-Cationic Applications Only)

Select the pH option and enter the target pH value for

your application. The measured pH value of the
sample in the measuring cell should be within 0.2 pH
of the target.

5.2.2 Total Gas/Water Ratio (Cationic Applications Only)

If the analyzer has been set up for cationic

applications, the screen illustrated left is displayed.
Enter the ratio of gas to water to minimize the DIPA
consumption. This is part of the installation procedure
and is explained in Sample pH Conditioning Check
on page 37

5.2.3 Measure Steps

Select the MEASURE STEPS option to set up the

measurement timings.

To ensure a continuous measurement cycle, it is

recommended to leave these times at their default
values of rinse and wait of zero, and measurement of
1 minute.

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64 User Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

5.2.4 Reactivation Frequency

Select the ACTIVAT. FREQ option to set the time

period between electrode reactivation. When this time
period expires, the electrode is reactivated
automatically with an injection of a small amount of
reactivation solution.

Set the reactivation mode to either a Frequency or a

fixed date.
If set to frequency, the recommended time period is 24
hours so that the electrode is reactivated on a daily
If this value is set to zero, then no electrode reactivation
will take place during the calibration process and as such
the calibration may be inaccurate. It is highly
recommended to set this parameter to 24.

If set to a fixed date, define the day and time of the

week when reactivation takes place. Set the day of the
week to an asterisk if reactivation is not to take place
on that day.
When the days have been defined, set the time in
In the example screen shown left, reactivation will
occur automatically every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 3 oclock in the afternoon.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Setup 65

5.2.5 Datalogger Setup

This option allows you to view data held in the

analyzers internal memory.

Select the VIEW DATA option to display the requested


All information matching the parameters selected in

the VIEW SETUP option is displayed on the screen.
Select the Arrow key at the bottom of the screen to
scroll through the data if it covers more than one

Select the VIEW SETUP option to define the

parameters for the data you wish to view.
The FROM data field is the date (DD/MM/YY) from
which you want to start viewing data.
The AT data field is the time (HH:MM:SS format) from
which you want to start viewing the data.
Set the CH field to ALL or Channel 1 to view data.
If you wish to see the ALARMS information (both
system and warning alarms), select Yes in this field, or
No if alarm information is not required.

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66 User Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

5.2.6 Graph Time Base

For graphical displays, enter the number of hours as

the base line for the graph. This can be 4, 8, 12, 16, 20
or a 24 hour period.

5.3 Alarms

Select the ALARMS option to set up the parameters

for all the alarms including the system and warning

Select the alarm to set up.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Setup 67

5.3.1 Alarm 1 and 2

Table 5-1: Alarms 1 and 2 Parameters

Value Description
Trigger the alarm when the measurement is above or below a
pre-defined limit
Sample flow Trigger the alarm when the sample flow rate is too low
Trigger the alarm when the channel is active i.e. during the
Active channel
measurement cycle
None Alarm not required
Attributes Channel 1 Defines the channel number on which the alarm is triggered
Limit nnnn Define the limit when the alarm should be triggered
Up Trigger alarm when measurement is above the limit
Down Trigger alarm when measurement is below the limit
Delay nnn seconds The delay before the alarm is activated
Hysteresis nn% Hysteresis %
N.O. Normally open
N.C. Normally closed

Depending on the mode set, a different screen will be

The example left shows the Limit mode screen.
The example illustrated indicates that alarm number 2
is set up on Channel 1, and the alarm is triggered
when a measurement of 21.00 ppm is exceeded, and
after a delay of 15 seconds.

With the mode set to either Active Channel or

Sample Flow, you only have the possibility of setting
the relay, as illustrated left.

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68 User Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

5.3.2 Warning Alarm

Table 5-2: Warning Alarm Parameters

Value Description
Yes Activate the warning alarm
No Deactivate the warning alarm
Manual When the alarm is triggered, turn it off by pressing the Enter function key
Accept When the alarm is triggered, it will turn itself off only when the reason for
the alarm being triggered is no longer valid
N.O. Normally open
N.C. Normally closed

Set the parameters as required (see explanations in

Table 5-2 above).

5.3.3 System Alarm

Table 5-3: System Alarm Parameters

Value Description
Yes Activate the warning alarm
No Deactivate the warning alarm
N.O. Normally open
N.C. Normally closed

Set the parameters as required (see explanations in

Table 5-3 above).

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Setup 69

5.3.4 System and Warning Alarm Table

The following table lists the different system and warning alarms:

Table 5-4: System and Warning Alarms

Message Description Category

Reset measure mod. Reset the measure module System
Reset LC module Reset the local controller module System
LC Error Local controller module error Warning
Err. measure mod. Measure module error Warning
Comms error Communication error Warning
Temp > 45C (113F) Temperature too high Warning
Temp < 5C (45F) Temperature too low Warning
Measure error Measurement error Warning
Meas.time over Measurement cycle time too long Warning
Cal.time over Calibration cycle time too long Warning
Flow x < min Not enough sample Warning
No condit. No sample conditioner (< 50 mL) System
Channel inhib. The sample is inhibited Warning
Cal. sol < 100 mL Calibration solution level low Warning
Electro. < 10 mL Electrolyte volume level low Warning
Activ. sol. < 100 mL Reactivation solution level low Warning
Condit. < 100 mL Conditioning solution level very low Warning
P0 too high Base measurement P0 is too high Warning
P2 < 5 x P1 2nd point calibration < 5 times 1st point Warning
Slope drift Slope over tolerance Warning
Offset drift Offset over tolerance Warning
Sample x < C Sample concentration x is below threshold C Warning
Sample x < 0 ppb Sample concentration x is negative Warning
Sample x > 1000 ppm Sample concentration is too high Warning

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70 User Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

5.4 mA Outputs

Select the mA OUTPUTS option to set up the

parameters for all the analog outputs.

Select the output you wish to update.

5.4.1 Output 0 to 3

Table 5-5: Analog Output Parameters

Choose the attribute that triggers the analog output:

Measurement channel
Attribute Current (mV)

The attribute variable cannot be applied to Channel 0, which is reserved
for the continuous live output signal.
Type Choose either a 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA analog output
Mode Select between linear and dual (see graph in Fig 5-2 below)
Low The value corresponding to the low end of the scale
Middle The value corresponding to the mid-point of the scale (only for dual mode)
High The value corresponding to the high end of the scale

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Setup 71

Fig 5-2: Linear and Dual Slopes

The screen illustrated left shows the Linear mode.

As shown, an analog output will be activated on a
measurement. The lower end of the scale will be 0 mA
on a value of 1 ppm and the high end of the scale will
be 20 mA on a value of 12 ppm.
The difference in display between this and the Dual
mode, is that an extra field (MIDDLE) is required in
addition to the LOW and HIGH values.

Output 1 should always be assigned to the measurement channel (as illustrated
above). The low and high values will be the values on the y-axis of the graphical display
on the main measurement screen (see Fig 3-3 on page 47).

5.4.2 Event Indication

Select the EVENT INDICATION option in the mA

Outputs menu to display the options available for
event setting.
Select the option for which you want to set an event.

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72 User Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Define the attribute for the event. This is one of the 4

mA outputs (0 to 3) or None.
The MODE can be either a Preset val or Frozen.
If a preset value is chosen, you will be required to
enter the value of the analogue output that will be
forced, when that event occurs.
In the illustration left, as FLOW1 < MIN was the event
chosen, then when then the flow rate drops below the
minimum allowed, a value of 6 mA will be forced on
the analog output 2.

5.4.3 Test

This option allows you to enter a value into the mA

Press the Enter function key to force this value on all
the analog outputs. The value can then be verified
with the use of a multimeter connected to the analyzer.

5.5 RS485

Select the RS485 option to set up the parameters for

the communications protocol.
An RS-485 communications interface card can be
purchased as an option with a communications
protocol of MODBUS-JBUS.

Table 5-6: RS-485 Communications Parameters

Device N. The number of the Monec device (0-33)

Baud Transmission speed (600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200)
Parity Odd, even, or no
Stop Bit 1 or 2
Swap Word Yes or No. Yes will reverse the order of the data transmitted

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Setup 73

Enter the parameters as described in Table 5-6 above.

Press the Enter function key to accept each data
Press the Esc function key to return to the user setup

5.6 Sample Channels

Select the SAMPLE CHANNELS option to set up the

parameters for the sample channels.

These options allow the activation or deactivation of

the measurement channel, and the assignment of a
name to the channel.
Measurements are only taken on active channels.
As this is a single channel analyzer, the number of
channels is set to 1.

5.6.1 Channel Activation

Using the Up and Down Arrow keys, define whether

the channel is activated (Activ) or deactivated

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74 User Setup - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

5.6.2 Sequence

For this version of the analyzer (single channel)

samples can only be analyzed on channel 1.
Therefore, the default sequence (as illustrated left)
should be left as is.

5.6.3 Channel Names

Define the name of the channel with free-format

alphanumeric text up to a maximum of 8 characters.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Calibration 75

6 Calibration

Before attempting to calibrate the analyzer, ensure that you have read and understood
how to enter and update data fields as described in the section entitled Function Keys
on page 43.
The instrument cannot be calibrated until at least one complete measurement cycle has
been successfully performed. An attempt to calibrate the instrument before this will
result in a Not authorized message being displayed.

In order to obtain accurate measurement results, the analyzer should be calibrated on a

regular basis. Two basic methods of calibration are available:
Automatic calibration - Parameters can be set up so that the analyzer will
perform a calibration automatically on pre-defined days at a pre-defined time (see
Automatic Calibration Setup on page 80). This type of calibration is always done
using known calibration solution concentrations.
Manual calibration - The user can manually perform a calibration on an ad-hoc

Before starting a calibration It is very important to ensure that the Reactivation
Frequency parameter (see Reactivation Frequency on page 64) is greater than zero.
If set to zero, the electrode reactivation process will not take place during calibration and
as such the measurement results may well be out of limits.

Select CALIBRATION from the main menu, and

press the Enter function key to select it.

The calibration menu is displayed.

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76 Calibration - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

6.1 Calibration - Menu Overview

Fig 6-1: Calibration Menu

6.2 Start Calibration

Select the START CALIBRATION option to

calibrate the analyzer manually.

6.2.1 Calibrate Known Addition

Select the CAL.KNOWN ADDITION option to

calibrate the analyzer by mixing the sample with
a known concentration of calibration solution.
The concentration of the calibration solution is
defined in Automatic Calibration Setup on
page 80.
The instrument first checks that the volume of
calibration solution remaining is enough. If not, a
warning alarm is activated and the instrument
returns to normal measurement with the original

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Calibration 77

If the volume of solution is OK, the background

point measurement (P0) to be used as the base
measurement value is taken. This is the
measurement against the sample before any
additions of the calibration solution have been
A progress bar is displayed showing the
progress to date and approximate time
The instrument waits for a stable measurement
(variation less than 1 mV per minute) or for a
maximum of 10 minutes.

The measurement must be stable and less than

1 per thousand of the calibration solution
concentration, otherwise the instrument returns
to normal measurement with the original
parameters. Provided the measurement is OK,
the P0 measurement details are displayed on
If the reactivation frequency parameter is not
zero (as is highly recommended), the electrode
will be reactivated.

When the reactivation process is complete, the

overflow vessel is rinsed to remove all traces of

After rinsing, the overflow vessel is re-filled with

sample plus 2mL of the calibration solution.
The sample is then measured and the details
displayed against P1.

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78 Calibration - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

When the measurement is stable, the details are

displayed at the top of the screen against
measurement P1.
The overflow vessel is then rinsed and re-filled
with sample plus 20mL of the calibration
This sample is then measured and the details
displayed against P2.

Once the final measurement is stable, the offset

and slope for this calibration are calculated.
The default values of the offset and slope are
displayed along with the calculated values for
the last and current calibration.
A message is displayed indicating the success
or failure of the calibration.
For the details on how this success or failure
condition is determined, and how to proceed,
see the description in Calibration Results on
page 81.

6.2.2 One Point Calibration

Select the MAN.OFFSET CAL option to start the

one point calibration process.
This process requires that a calibration solution
of known sodium concentration is available.
The recommended minimum concentration is
100 ppb.

If necessary, enter the concentration of the

calibration solution, and select START to initiate
the calibration process.
Then, provided the reactivation frequency
parameter is not zero (as is highly
recommended), the electrode is reactivated.
On completion this is followed by a rinsing of the
overflow vessel.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Calibration 79

When prompted, fill the overflow vessel with the

calibration solution select OK to start the

The calibration solution is measured and the

results displayed.
Once the final measurement is stable, the offset
for the calibration is calculated.
The success or failure screen is then displayed
(see examples in Calibration Results on
page 81).

6.2.3 Two Point Calibration

Select the MAN.OFFSET+SLOPE CAL option

to start the two point calibration process.
This process requires that two calibration
solutions of known sodium concentrations are
The recommended low concentration is 100 ppb
and the high is 1000 ppb.

If necessary, enter the concentrations of the

calibration solution, and select START to initiate
the calibration process.
Then, provided the reactivation frequency
parameter is not zero (as is highly
recommended), the electrode is reactivated.
On completion this is followed by a rinsing of the
overflow vessel.
The process is then very similar to the one-point
calibration above, except after the instrument
measures the low value calibration solution, the
overflow vessel will be rinsed and you will be
asked to fill it with the high value calibration
The success or failure screen is then displayed
(see examples in Calibration Results on
page 81).

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80 Calibration - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

6.3 Automatic Calibration Setup

Select the AUTO. CAL. SETUP option to access

its sub-menu and set the calibration parameters.
This allows the analyzer to be automatically
calibrated at pre-defined and regular intervals.
The process is the same as described in
Calibrate Known Addition on page 76 except it
is initiated automatically at the pre-defined time.

Turn the automatic calibration on or off by

selecting Yes or No as appropriate.
Note that even if this is set to Yes, it is still
possible to calibrate the analyzer manually if

CAL.SOL defines the concentration of the

calibration solution.
MODE can either be set up to a fixed date or to
a specified frequency.
If the mode is set to fixed date, enter the day(s)
of the WEEK when the calibration will be
performed. Set the day to an asterisk to skip that
Set the HOUR field (HH:MM:SS format on a 24
hour clock) to the time the automatic calibration
should start.
In the illustration left, a calibration is set to start
on a fixed time scale and will begin every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 19:30 in the
If the mode is set to frequency, then the week
and hour data fields will be replaced by a TIME
PERIOD field. Enter the calibration frequency in
hours into this field.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Calibration 81

6.4 Calibration Results

After the slope and offset have been calculated, the default parameters, last calibration
details and current calibration details are displayed, along with a Calibration ok or
Calibration error message.
The criteria for accepting or rejecting the calibration is as follows:
The slope must be within 10% of the standard slope
The offset must be within 59 mV from the reference point

If the calibration is accepted, the parameters are updated and the instrument returns to
the normal measurement mode after a short delay.
If the calibration is rejected an alarm is set and the parameters remain unchanged. After
a short delay the analyzer returns to the normal measurement mode.
For details of the calibration results, select the calibration loggings option as described
6.5 Calibration Loggings

Select the CALIBRATION LOGGINGS option to

view historical information about previous

The screen will list the following information

about previous calibrations:
Date and time.
Whether the calibration was automatic or
The values of the slope and offset.

Use the Arrow key to scroll through the data.

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82 Calibration - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

6.6 Custom Adjustment

Where the analyzer displays values that are

slightly above or below the expected value, the
CUSTOM.ADJ option can be used to manually
adjust the measurement value.
Enter a positive or negative value which will be
added to the measurement value.
This option can only be used to make minor
adjustments. The allowable adjustment value is
between -0.1 ppb and +0.1 ppb.
If the displayed and expected values differ
significantly, the analyzer should be recalibrated.

6.7 Temperature Calibration

Select the TEMPERATURE CALIB. option to

calibrate the temperature electrode.

The measured temperature reading is displayed

in the raw temp field.
Take a temperature reading with a certified
thermometer and press OK to continue.
Then enter this temperature reading into the
CAL.TEMP. field.
Press OK to calibrate.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Maintenance and Diagnostics 83

7 Maintenance and Diagnostics

Periodic maintenance will ensure accurate and consistent analysis results. Verify the
levels of the calibration solution and reagents and refill where necessary.
7.1 Maintenance Schedule
The following table shows the suggested maintenance schedule for the 9245 Sodium
Analyzer. Selection of parts for preventive maintenance is detailed in Consumables on
page 106.

Table 7-1: Maintenance Schedule

Every 3 Every 6 As
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Months Months Needed
Verification X X X
Calibration X X
Electrode reactivation X X
Temperature calibration X X
Refill calibration solution X X
Refill reactivation solution X X
Electrolyte X X
Conditioning solution
(non-cationic applications)

Conditioning solution Refer to DIPA Consumption on page 16 for an

indication on how often the conditioning solution will need X
(cationic applications) to be changed.
The following items are performed by the Hach Ultra service group
System check-up X
External audit X

7.2 Battery Replacement

The transmitter is delivered with a CR1220 (3V) lithium battery included to safeguard the
time function in the instrument when not powered up. Should this internal battery
malfunction or require replacement it must be replaced with exactly the same battery
type CR1220 (3V) UL Certified (compulsory VARTA, RENATA or MATSUSHITA).

There is a risk of explosion if the replacement battery does not correspond to the correct
model as indicated above. Do not throw away used batteries, but send them to a local
recycling center.

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84 Maintenance and Diagnostics - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

7.3 Fuse Replacement

The following illustration shows the position of the fuse, which is located next to the
mains connectors on the power supply board under the shielding plate.

Fig 7-1: Location of the Fuse

Two replacement fuses are supplied with the instrument and these must be used to
replace faulty or blown fuses.
If for any reason these replacements are no longer available, only the following
alternatives should be used:
JDYX2, LITEFUSE, type 213, rated 2 AT, 250 VAC
JDYX2, SIBA, Type 179120, rated 2 AT, 250 VAC
JDYX2, SCHURTER, Type FST, rated 2 AT, 250 VAC

If there is any difficulty in obtaining these replacement fuses, please contact your local
Hach Ultra representative for advice and assistance.

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9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Maintenance and Diagnostics 85

7.4 Maintenance and Diagnostics Menu Option

There are a number of maintenance and diagnostic procedures that can be performed
using the software. These options can be found in the MAINTENANCE/DIAG. menu
option of the main menu, and are explained in detail in the rest of this section.

The maintenance and diagnostics screen gives

a list of maintenance procedures.
Select MAINTENANCE/DIAG. from the main
menu to display the maintenance and
diagnostics screen.

7.5 Maintenance and Diagnostics - Menu Overview

Fig 7-2: Maintenance And Diagnostics Menu

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86 Maintenance and Diagnostics - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

7.6 Reagent Changes

This procedure is applicable to each change of

reagent solution. It allows the regulation of the
volumes of solutions in the bottles.
The analyzer consistently checks the
consumption of these solutions, triggering an
alarm when these levels get too low (see table
This option must be selected each time a
solution is refilled or changed to reset the
measurement parameters.

The conditioning reagent and electrolyte consumption are approximate measurements,
so a discrepancy between measurement and actual consumption may occur. The
conditioning solution consumption has been measured for a pH of 11.2 at an ambient
temperature of 25C.

For the alarm levels for the reagents, please refer to the table in System and Warning
Alarm Table on page 69.
7.6.1 Adjust Bottle Volumes

Select the ADJUST BOTTLE VOLS. option to

set the reagent volumes.
This option should be used to set the default
values of reagents or when bottles are being
used that are not full (see Bottles Full on
page 87).

Enter the volumes for the conditioning solution,

reactivation solution, calibration solution and
electrolyte in milliliters.
Press Select to move from one field to another
to keep the value displayed, or press Enter on
completion of a field to move to the next.
Press the Esc function key on completion.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Maintenance and Diagnostics 87

7.6.2 Priming Tubes

After refilling the bottles (reference electrolyte,

calibration solution and reactivation solution)
and/or after exchanging the empty bottle of
conditioning reagent with a new one, select the
This will set off the process to purge and refill the

A progress bar is displayed while the process

Press the Esc function key at any time to abort
the process and return to the menu.

7.6.3 Bottles Full

If the bottles of reagent are full, select Yes and

the default values for the volumes will be set.
These values can be viewed and modified by
selecting the ADJUST BOTTLE VOLS. option in
the menu.
If you select No to this option, you will manually
have to enter the correct values using the

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

88 Maintenance and Diagnostics - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

7.7 Calibration Diagnostics

This option is reserved for after sales service

technicians to verify that the last calibration was
working correctly.

7.8 Raw Values

This option is reserved for after sales service

technicians to verify that the electrodes are
functioning correctly.

7.9 Test Accessories

This option allows you to check that a number of

accessories, as well as the alarm relays and
logical inputs are functioning correctly.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Maintenance and Diagnostics 89

7.9.1 Hydraulics

TEST HYDRAULICS allows you to check that all

accessories apart from relays and logical inputs
are working correctly.

The screen allows selection of the solenoid

valves, the conditioning valve, the pumps, the
mixer or the drain.
Select the element you wish to test and then
select On to activate it or Off to deactivate.
Note that if the conditioning valve is turned On
here, it cannot be turned Off using this option.
The instrument will turn it off automatically after
50 test cycles.
Press Esc to exit the screen.

7.9.2 Relays

Select this option to check that all eight relays

are working correctly.

Select the relay you wish to test and then select

On to activate it or Off to deactivate it.
Press Esc to exit the screen.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

90 Maintenance and Diagnostics - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

7.9.3 Logical Inputs

Choose this option to check the logical inputs


Each logical input shows either Open or Closed

to indicate its current status.
Press Esc to exit the screen.

7.10 Sensor Reactivation

Usually, the electrode is reactivated

automatically based on the time delay set in
Reactivation Frequency on page 64.
This option allows a manual reactivation.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Maintenance and Diagnostics 91

7.11 Extended Stop

If the instrument is not to be used for an

extended period of time, select this option to
shut the analyzer down in a controlled manner.

Place all the tubes in demineralized water for

Press OK to continue

A progress bar will be displayed whilst the shut

down is being performed.

On completion, you will be informed to remove

and store the electrodes.
Press ESC to exit

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

92 Maintenance and Diagnostics - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

7.12 Start Up

This process guides you through various steps

required to set the instrument up for initial
measurements, or to restart after a long period
of inactivity. This includes regulating the sample
flow and purging the pumps of reagent.

This step allows you to regulate the sample flow

on the measurement channel.
Regulate the flow of the sample to ensure a
slight overflow into the overflow vessel.
Select OK to continue.
On completion, an Action completed message
will be displayed. Select Esc to exit.

7.13 Software Versions

Select the SOFTWARE VERSIONS option for

information regarding the name and version of
the installed software.

The screen illustrated left will be shown.

The installed software versions for the analyzer
are displayed for informational purposes.
To exit the display, press the Esc function key.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Troubleshooting 93

8 Troubleshooting

8.1 General Faults

Before opening the instrument, ensure the power supply has been switched off.

Table 8-1: General Faults


The instrument is not properly
No power connected. Check power and
Replace fuse (see Fuse
Defective fuse Replacement on page 84
for details)
Cable connecting power with
No display on the screen CPU board is not properly Check plugs
plugged in
Connection between CPU
board and PSU module is not Check plugs
Short circuit in power supply
Visually check power supply
Hardware is defective Call the Service Technician
RESET the instrument by
Malfunctioning CPU board or temporarily interrupting the
Display is incorrect
software is defective power (5-10 secs). Call on the
Service Technician
If there is no response,
RESET the instrument by
temporarily interrupting the
Keyboard does not operate; all CPU malfunctioning, external
power (5-10 seconds). Check
keys are inactive interferences
each key again. If there is no
change, call the Service
Check programming
Instrument was not correctly parameters - correspondence
programmed with the electrode characteris-
System, including electrode, Calibrate the whole system
not properly calibrated. (electrode connected).
Check all electrode
Measurement is not correct Electrode not well connected.
Visually check the electrode
Electrode does not function,
and the correspondence
may be incompatibility with the
between the application and
the electrode specifications
If error persists, call the
CPU board is defective.
Service Technician.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

94 Troubleshooting - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Table 8-1: General Faults


Check the electrode is well
Electrode not well connected
Look for any chemical,
Interferences temperature or pressure
Measurement unstable source of interference
(standard applications)
Measuring cable shielding is
Check and connect
not well connected
If problem persists, call on the
Defective CPU board
Service Technician.
Adjust the pH in the measuring
Incorrect conditioning cell until it is between 11 and
Verify in a beaker of water that
the pump is working correctly.
Defective pump
Flow rate should be around
Measurement unstable 250 cc/min.
(cationic applications)
Replace the bottle of
No diisopropylamine
No electrolyte Refill the electrolyte solution
Change the electrode and
Electrode not working
verify the problem is fixed.
Option not activated Call a service technician
Verify the electrical
connections and voltage. If the
Pump is not connected
voltage is around 70 volts
Pump not working change the pump
(cationic applications) Verify the instrument is in
Instrument not in START mode START mode. Stop and
Check there is no system
System alarm activated
Check the electrode is
Electrode not well connected
properly connected.
Temperature measurement is
Temperature not calibrated Calibrate for temperature.
not correct
If problem is not solved, call on
Defective measuring board
the Service Technician.
Make sure the electrode is
properly connected.
Program the instrument again.
Malfunctioning CPU board
Data on the screen cannot be
and/or some other transmitter If steps 1-3 do not remedy the
hardware is defective. problem, reset the instrument:
interrupt the power for 5-10
If problem is not solved, call on
the Service Technician.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Troubleshooting 95

Table 8-1: General Faults


Check whether the relay
Instrument was not properly
parameters have been
properly programmed.
Check that the programmed
set points are compatible with
the programmed measuring
Alarm relays do not drop out range.
Hardware is defective Check the relay characteristics
with an ohmmeter.
If problem is not solved,
contact the Service
Instrument was not properly Check the output-current
programmed parameters
Defective connections of the
Check cables
Monec with peripherals
Wrong output current, output Compare the measured value
current remains at 0 or 20 mA with the output-current
Hardware is defective measurement
If problem persists, call the
Service Technician
Output current not calibrated Calibrate output current

8.2 Detection of Functional Faults

Table 8-2: Lack of Precision

Pollution of the electrolyte Check the parts and change the electrolyte
Leak of electrolyte Check the parts and change the electrolyte
Calibrate again to check the parameters. If the
Error during calibration or incorrect calibration error is confirmed, check the calibration
current (too high, too low or unstable)
Check the temperature given by the
transmitter and calibrate it (see Temperature
Temperature calibration has not been operated Calibration on page 82). If you have chosen
manual compensation check the value is
Flow rate too low (5 l/h recommended) Check the sample inlet circuit
The sample temperature or pressure is out of Change the electrode location or modify the
the specifications sample so that it meets the specifications
The electrolyte potential is not equal to -50 mv Enter the correct value

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

96 Troubleshooting - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

8.3 Miscellaneous Problems

Table 8-3: Miscellaneous Problems

There is no electrolyte in the electrode (leak of
The electrode potential is null when measuring electrolyte)
There is no sample in the cell
Connection problem to the anode circuit (loose
The electrode potential is negative contact)
Leak of electrolyte
There may be a short-circuit on the
The sample temperature does not correspond temperature connection or temperature
to the specifications electrode calibration was not performed

Concentration displayed on the screen falls Replace the electrolyte

abnormally The sample rate is insufficient

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9 Contact information
HACH Company Repair Service in the Repair Service in Repair Service in
World Headquarters United States: Canada: Latin America, the
Caribbean, the Far East,
P.O. Box 389 HACH Company Hach Sales & Service
Loveland, Colorado Ames Service Canada Ltd. Indian Subcontinent,
80539-0389 U.S.A. 100 Dayton Avenue 1313 Border Street, Unit 34 Africa, Europe, or the
Tel (800) 227-HACH Ames, Iowa 50010 Winnipeg, Manitoba Middle East:
(800) -227-4224 Tel (800) 227-4224 R3H 0X4
(U.S.A. only) (U.S.A. only) Tel (800) 665-7635 Hach Company World
Fax (970) 669-2932 Fax (515) 232-3835 (Canada only) Headquarters, Tel (204) 632-5598 P.O. Box 389 Fax (204) 694-5134 Loveland, Colorado, 80539-0389 U.S.A.
Tel +001 (970) 669-3050
Fax +001 (970) 669-2932
Willsttterstrae 11 Pacific Way Unit 1, Chestnut Road Htteldorferstr. 299/Top 6
D-40549 Dsseldorf Salford Western Industrial Estate A-1140 Wien
Tel. +49 (0)2 11 52 88-320 GB-Manchester, M50 1DL IRL-Dublin 12 Tel. +43 (0)1 9 12 16 92
Fax +49 (0)2 11 52 88-210 Tel. +44 (0)161 872 14 87 Tel. +353(0)1 46 02 5 22 Fax +43 (0)1 9 12 16 92-99 Fax +44 (0)161 848 73 24 Fax +353(0)1 4 50 93 37
S.A.S. B.V.
Juchstrasse 1 Motstraat 54
CH-8604 Hegnau 33, Rue du Ballon B-2800 Mechelen Laan van Westroijen 2a
Tel. +41(0)44 9 45 66 10 F-93165 Noisy Le Grand Tl. +32 (0)15 42 35 00 NL-4003 AZ Tiel
Fax +41(0)44 9 45 66 76 Tl. +33 (0)1 48 15 68 70 Fax +32 (0)15 41 61 20 Tel. +31(0)344 63 11 30 Fax +33 (0)1 48 15 80 00 Fax +31(0)344 63 11 50
kandevej 21 Vinthundsvgen 159A Via Riccione, 14 Edif. Arteaga Centrum
DK-2700 Brnshj SE-128 62 Skndal I-20156 Milano C/Larrauri, 1C- 2 Pl.
Tel. +45 36 77 29 11 Tel. +46 (0)8 7 98 05 00 Tel. +39 02 39 23 14-1 E-48160 Derio/Vizcaya
Fax +45 36 77 49 11 Fax +46 (0)8 7 98 05 30 Fax +39 02 39 23 14-39 Tel. +34 94 657 33 88 Fax +34 94 657 33 97
Av. do Forte n8 ul. Opolska 143 a Leansk 2a/1176 Roncka 21
Fraco M PL-52-013 Wrocaw CZ-141 00 Praha 4 SK-831 07 Bratislava
P-2790-072 Carnaxide Tel. +48 (0)71 342 10-83 Tel. +420 272 12 45 45 Vajnory
Tel. +351 214 253 420 Fax +48 (0)71 342 10-79 Fax +420 272 12 45 46 Tel. +421 (0)2 4820 9091
Fax +351 214 253 429 Fax +421 (0)2 4820 9093
Hegyalja t 7-13. Str. Leonida, nr. 13 8, Kr. Sarafov str.
H-1016 Budapest Sector 2 BG-1164 Sofia LTD.T.
Tel. +36 (06)1 225 7783 RO-020555 Bucuresti Tel. +359 (0)2 963 44 54 Hilal Mah. 75. Sokak
Fax +36 (06)1 225 7784 Tel. +40 (0) 21 201 92 43 Fax +359 (0)2 866 04 47 Arman Plaza No: 9/A Fax +40 (0) 21 201 92 43 TR-06550 ankaya/ANKARA Tel. +90 (0)312 440 98 98 Fax +90 (0)312 442 11 01

98 - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer


Fajfarjeva 15 27 27, Avlidos str
SI-1230 Domale GR-115 27 GR-115 27 Athens
Tel. +386 (0)59 051 000 . +30 210 7777038 Tel. +30 210 7777038
Fax +386 (0)59 051 010 Fax +30 210 7777976 Fax +30 210 7777976

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Specifications 99

10 Specifications

10.1 Technical Specifications

Table 10-1: Technical Specifications

0 to 10,000 ppb freely programmable
Measuring range
0 to 200 ppm with K-Kit option
0.1 ppb or 5% of reading, whichever is greater
Accuracy Cationic application: 2 ppb or 5% reading, whichever is
< 0.02 ppb or 1.5% reading, whichever is greater within
10C variation
Response time 0.1 to 10 ppb T(90%) = 180 secs
Electrode type pH glass electrode
Number of channels 1 channel
Interference phosphate 10 ppm Measurement variation less 0.1 ppb.
Sample temperature interference < 0.5% / C
Power station / indoor / demineralized water plant or
Typical environment
instrumentation room
Suspended solids < 2 NTU, no oil, no grease.
Temperature range for storage -20 to 60C (2 to 140F)
Relative humidity 10 to 80%
Ambient temperature 5 to 50C (41 to 122F)
Sample temperature variation Stabilization in 10 mins from 15C to 30C
6 to 10 pH
pH range of sample
Cationic application: 2 to 10 pH
Flow rate 5 L/h during sampling phase
Pressure 0.2 to 6 bar (3 - 87 psi)
Acidity Less than 250 ppm (equivalent CaCO3)

Power supply voltage fluctuation 10%

Over voltage category 2 (according to standard EN 61010-1)
Pollution degree 2 (according to standard CEI 664)
Altitude < 2000 m
Measurement category Cat II, Class 1 (overvoltage < 1500V)

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

100 Specifications - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Table 10-1: Technical Specifications

850 x 450 x 252.5mm [33.46 x 17.71 x 9.94in]
Maximum panel dimension
(H x L x D)
Simple fittings for 6 mm O.D. tubing or " O.D. in
Inlet PE-low density.
" OD in PHED-PTFE-SS as option
Outlet Barbed stem for 12 mm (" I.D.) hose
Transmitter: IP65 (NEMA 4)
Panel: IP50 (Dust protection)
Optional Enclosure: IP54 (Splash water proof),
Protection rate
Instrument is designed to avoid DIPA vapor inside the
enclosure. All DIPA vapor is collected and sent to the
instrument drain
Cell PMMA - compact (minimum tubing)
Flame rate Conform UL
Maximum weight 15 - 30 Kg
Mains power supply 100 - 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 10%, automatic switching
Max. consumption 80 VA.
Fuse 5x20 cartridge T2AL-250V following CEI127
Last Cal Date, Historical, Concentration, Temperature,
Number: 4
4-20 or 0-20 mA (650 ohms)
Analog outputs
1 x Relay (conc)
1 x Relay (conc)
1 x Warning
1 x System
Logic input
Remote AutoCal
EN 61326 (1997) and EN61326 A1 (1998) and EN61326
European standards A2 (2001) Class A for EMC
EN601010-1 (2001) for low voltage safety
International standards
UL & CSA agreement E226594

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Specifications 101

10.2 Model Identification System

The analyzer identification number and the instrument serial number are located on the
label on the back panel, and can be found on order confirmation and invoice papers.

0 Standard (0.01 to 10,000 ppb)

1 Kit K (1 ppb to 200 ppm
0 Panel Version
1 Wall-Mount Enclosure
0 Standard
1 With RS485
2 With Profibus
0 Standard
1 With AutoCal

0 9 2 4 5 = A =
Fig 10-1: Model Identification Matrix

Analyzer model 9245 single channel, grab sample, manual calibration
Standard version (0.01 to 10,000 ppb)
Panel version
With Profibus option
With AutoCal option

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

102 Specifications - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Spare Parts and Accessories 103

Appendix A: Spare Parts and Accessories

A.1 Accessories - Options - Maintenance Kits

Table A-1: Accessories, Options & Maintenance Kits

Description Part Number

Optional kit for Profibus DP: board + operators manual 09125=A=1485
Optional kit for RS485 JBUS/MODBUS: board + operators manual 09125=A=2485
1 year spare part kit for 9245-9240 (all ranges).
Includes items and quantities below:
1 x 09240=C=0310 Reference electrode for 9245-9240 Sodium analyzer
1 x 09240=C=0320 Sodium glass electrode for 9245-9240 Sodium analyzer
1 x 363140,00500 KCl 3M electrolyte for reference electrode, 500 ml
1 x 595=000=002 In-line filter 09240=A=8000
0.02 x 151065,08699 PTFE Tubing 0.8X1.6mm (per meter)
2 x 151399,90002 Tygon tubing 1.6X3.2mm (per meter)
0.25 x 151065,08699 PTFE Tubing 2X6mm (per meter)
2 x 151575,00006 PolyEthylene tubing 4X6mm (per meter)
Kit for Instrumentation Technicians on 9245 - 9240 - includes items below.
1 x 689=132=008 Sampling solenoid valve, 3/2way, NPS 0.8 (0.2 - 6 bars)
1 x 689=132=024 Sampling electrovalve 3/2 ways (on overflow vessel)
1 x 09240=A=9170 Connector (IP65) for any electrovalve of 924x
1 x 226=004=013 Teflon coated magnetic stirrer diam 4.5X15mm
1 x 578=602=703 Quick fitting for 8mm O.D. tubing
1 x 578=601=703 Quick fitting for 6mm O.D. tubing 09240=A=8010
1 x 578=401=501 Stopper (red) for quick fitting, 6mm
1 x 09200=A=5510 Internal bus communication module for 9245-9240
1 x 09240=A=1500 Potentiometric measurement module for 9245-9240
1 x 09240=A=0320 Cable AS7, Connectors mounted both ends
1 x 09240=A=9510 DIPA bottle complete with porous cartridge, tap
1 x 32965 Locking key for 924x enclosure
Kit of canisters for 9245-9240 sodium analyzer.
Includes: 2 x bottles 0.5L all equipped with caps, stickers and tubing for 09240=A=8020
Reactivation and AutoCal; 1 x Flask PolyEthylene 1L with anti-drop spout
Wall-mount enclosure for 9245-9240 sodium analyzer made of ABS (windows
in PMMA)
Kit for installation of option "cationic application 09240=A=8315
Static heat exchanger system complete (no consumables, 1-4 channels).
Includes inlet & outlet connectors (for 4/6mm tubing) and mounting 09240=A=8400
(2 x flanges and screws)
Static heat exchanger system complete, US version (no consumables, 1-4
channels). Includes inlet & outlet connectors (for 1/4 inch OD tubing) and 09240=A=8405
mounting (2 x flanges and screws)
Kit for an installation in USA (for 9245 mono-channel version) w/ pre-mounted
imperial (1/4''OD) quick connectors. 09245=A=8300
For Operator Manual in US (Hach) format, see P/N DOC026.53.00741
Optional Automatic calibration, complete for installation on 9245 sodium
Recommended for sample < 0.1ppb

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

104 Spare Parts and Accessories - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

A.2 Spare Parts - In Contact with Sample

Table A-2: Spare Parts - In Contact with Sample

Description Part Number

Cleaning brush for static heat exchanger system 09240=A=9840

Tubing silicone 12x17 mm (per meter) from 924x column to drain 359110,52012

Set of tools for disconnecting in and out sampling tubes on 924x quick fittings 578=507=602

Quick fitting for 6mm external diameter (O.D.) tubing 578=601=703

Quick fitting for 8mm external diameter (O.D.) tubing 578=602=703

Tubing in PTFE, 2x6 mm (per meter) 590=060=026

In-Line filter for tubing 4mm I.D; body made of PP 595=000=002

Sampling solenoid valve, 3/2way, NPS 0.8 (0.2 - 6 bars)
For connector, see P/N 09240=A=9172 689=132=008
For mounting, special torx screw driver at P/N 820=000=006
Solenoid valve on over-flow vessel, 3/2 ways (also called conditioning valve)
For connector, see P/N 09240=A=9171 689=132=024
For mounting, special torx screw driver at P/N 820=000=006
Pump 24VDC, membrane, 0.1L/mn, for 924x-flush pump 695=004=004

A.3 Spare Parts - In Contact with Cell or Electrodes

Table A-3: Spare parts - In Contact with Cell or Electrodes

Description Part Number

Electrolyte reservoir for 9245-9240 complete (includes mounting and tubing) 09240=A=0700
Conductivity sensor for 9245-9240
For tightening, see seal P/N 429=120=030 09240=C=0256
For mounting, see threaded sleeves P/N 359015,20035)
Reference electrode for 9245-9240 sodium analyzer 09240=C=0310
Sodium glass electrode for 9245-9240 sodium analyzer 09240=C=0320
Threaded sleeve PG13.5 359015,20035
Reference electrolyte KCl 3M, 500 ml 363140,00500
O-Ring 12x3mm, EPDM 429=120=030

Cap in PE for 6mm hole - Like gas canal of 9245-9240 measurement cell. 431=210=006

Cap in PE for 20mm hole - Like first well of 9245-9240 measurement cell 431=210=020

Flask PolyEthylene 1L with anti-drop spout 490=001=040

Silicone tubing 6x8 mm (per meter) 590=160=080

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Spare Parts and Accessories 105

A.4 Spare Parts - In Contact with Reagents or Standard Solution

Table A-4: Spare Parts - In Contact with Reagents or Standard Solution

Description Part Number

Conditioning DIPA bottle w/ MSDS sticker (for 9073, 9186 , 924x).
For tap, see P/N09240=C=0510; for porous cartridge, see 09073=C=0340
Porous cartridge for gaseous conditioning in 9245-9240, 9186, 9073 09073=C=0340
DIPA Merck bottle cap adapter (GL40 -> GL45) 09073=C=0350
Orion monoethylamine bottle cap adapter 09186=C=0360
Anti-backflush valve complete for 9245-9240 analyzer on the AutoCalibration
port of the OverFlowVessel
DIPA bottle complete with porous cartridge, tap 09240=A=9510
Tap for DIPA bottle with quick connector (compatible with bottles P/N
490=010=011 and former P/N 09073=A=0310)

Tubing in PTFE, 0.8x.6 mm (per meter) 151065,08699

Tygon tubing 1.6X3.2mm (per meter) 151399,90002

Tubing in PE (low density), 6x8 mm (per meter) 151400,22387

Tubing in PE (low density), 4x6 mm (per meter) 151575,00006

Teflon coated magnetic stirrer 4.5X15mm (for 9245-9240 analyzers) 226=004=013

9186, 924x conditioning bottle (for tap, see P/N09240=C=0510; for porous
cartridge, see 09073=C=0340)

Stopper (red) for quick fitting, 6mm 578=401=501

Gas-pump 80V, (highly resistant to aggressive vapor of DIPA) 695=004=006

Micro-pulses pump for Auto-calibration 695=114=000
Micro-pulses pump for regeneration 695=114=005

A.5 Electronics
Table A-5: Electronics

Description Part Number

CPU board with display for Monec E9200, loaded with latest software 09200=A=1045
Power supply board for Monec E9200 09200=A=2000
Complete transmitter MONEC 9200 for 9245-9240 sodium analyzers 09200=A=4000
Users connections / Interface board for 9245 mono-channel analyzer 09200=A=5012
Internal bus communication module for 9245-9240 09200=A=5510
Cable AS7, valid as is for 9245-9240 MEAS. - Cut blue ring for REF.
(0.75m; connectors mounted both ends)
Potentiometric measurement module for 9245-9240 sodium analyzers. 09240=A=1500
IP 65 connector for 9245-940 electrovalve on OFV (conditioning) w/ molded
cable (400mm; equipped w/ insulated-wire-ferrules)
IP 65 connector for 9245-940 sample electrovalve w/ molded cable
(920mm; equipped w/ insulated-wire-ferrules)

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

106 Spare Parts and Accessories - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

A.6 Additional Hardware

Table A-6: Additional Hardware

Description Part Number

Door (all equipped to mount) on 9245 - 9240 sodium analyzers (in PMMA) 09240=C=0201
Locking key for 924x enclosure (same as 410/510 wall-mount) 32965
Elbow torx screw driver T6 820=000=006

A.7 Documentation

Table A-7: Documentation

Description Part Number

Operator's manual in French for 9245 sodium analyzer, A4 format 221=092=045
Operator's manual in English for 9245 sodium analyzer, A4 format 221=192=045
Operator's manual in German for 9245 sodium analyzer, A4 format 221=292=045
Operator's manual in Italian for 9245 sodium analyzer, A4 format 221=492=045
Operator's manual in Spanish for 9245 sodium analyzer, A4 format 221=592=045

A.8 Consumables

Table A-8: Consumables

Description Part Number

1 year spare part kit for 9245/40 (all ranges). Includes:
1 x 09240=C=0310 Reference electrode for 9245/40 sodium analyzer
1 x 09240=C=0320 sodium glass electrode for 9245/40 sodium analyzer
1 x 363140,00500 KCl 3M electrolyte for reference electrode, 500 ml
1 x 595=000=002 In-line filter 09240=A=8000
0.02 x 151065,08699 PTFE Tubing 0.8X1.6mm (per meter)
2 x 151399,90002 Tygon tubing 1.6X3.2mm (per meter)
0.25 x 151065,08699 PTFE Tubing 2X6mm (per meter)
2 x 151575,00006 PolyEthylene tubing 4X6mm (per meter)

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Configuration Tables 107

Appendix B: Configuration Tables

B.1 User Configuration Table

Table B-1: User Configuration Table

User Configuration
Option Default Value Possible Values Selected Values Date
pH 11.20 09.00 - 12.50
Rinse time 000 seconds 0 - 999 seconds
Measure time 0380 seconds 0 - 9999 seconds
Wait time 000 seconds 0 - 999 seconds
Reactivation freq. 000 hours 0 - 999 hours
4 hours
8 hours
12 hours
Graph time base 12 hours
16 hours
20 hours
24 hours
Mode Limit Active channel
Sample flow
Attrib Channel 1 Channel 1
Limit 1.00 ppm
Direction Up
Delay 0 seconds 0 - 999 seconds
Hysteresis 0% 0 - 99%
Relay N.O.
Mode Limit Active channel
Sample flow
Attrib Channel 1 Channel 1
Limit 1.00 ppm
Direction Up
Delay 0 seconds 0 - 999 seconds
Hysteresis 0% 0 - 99%
Relay N.O.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

108 Configuration Tables - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Table B-1: User Configuration Table

User Configuration
Option Default Value Possible Values Selected Values Date
Mode Limit Active channel
Sample flow
Attrib Channel 1 Channel 1
Limit 1.00 ppm
Direction Up
Delay 0 seconds 0 - 999 seconds
Hysteresis 0% 0 - 99%
Relay N.O.
Mode Limit Active channel
Sample flow
Attrib Channel 1 Channel 1
Limit 1.00 ppm
Direction Up
Delay 0 seconds 0 - 999 seconds
Hysteresis 0% 0 - 99%
Relay N.O.
Alarm Yes
Accept Auto.
Relay N.O.
Alarm Yes
Relay N.C.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Configuration Tables 109

Table B-1: User Configuration Table

User Configuration
Option Default Value Possible Values Selected Values Date
0-20 mA
Type 0-20 mA
4-20 mA
Mode Linear
Low 0 ppb
Middle 100 ppb
High 1 ppm
Channel 1-4
Attrib Channel 1
0-20 mA
Type 0-20 mA
4-20 mA
Mode Linear
Low 0 ppb
Middle 100 ppb
High 1 ppm
Channel 1-4
Attrib None
0-20 mA
Type 0-20 mA
4-20 mA
Mode Linear
Low 0 ppb
Middle 100 ppb
High 1 ppm

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

110 Configuration Tables - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Table B-1: User Configuration Table

User Configuration
Option Default Value Possible Values Selected Values Date
Channel 1-4
Attrib None
0-20 mA
Type 0-20 mA
4-20 mA
Mode Linear
Low 0 ppb
Middle 100 ppb
High 1 ppm
Channel 1-4
Attrib None
0-20 mA
Type 0-20 mA
4-20 mA
Mode Linear
Low 0 ppb
Middle 100 ppb
High 1 ppm
Channel 1-4
Attrib None
0-20 mA
Type 0-20 mA
4-20 mA
Mode Linear
Low 0 ppb
Middle 100 ppb
High 1 ppm

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Configuration Tables 111

Table B-1: User Configuration Table

User Configuration
Option Default Value Possible Values Selected Values Date
Attrib Output 1
Output 1-6
Preset value
Mode Frozen


Attrib Output 1
Output 1-6
Preset value
Mode Frozen
Attrib Output 1
Output 1-6
Preset value
Mode Frozen
Attrib Output 1
Output 1-6
Preset value
Mode Frozen
Attrib Output 1
Output 1-6
Preset value
Mode Frozen
Attrib Output 1
Output 1-6
Preset value
Mode Frozen

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

112 Configuration Tables - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Table B-1: User Configuration Table

User Configuration
Option Default Value Possible Values Selected Values Date
Device no. 0 0 - 33
Baud 19200
Parity No Odd
Stop bit 1
Swap word No
Channel 1 On
Channel 2 On
Channel 3 On
Channel 4 On
Sequence All set to 1 1
Channel 1 Sample 1 Free format
Channel 2 Sample 2 Free format
Channel 3 Sample 3 Free format
Channel 4 Sample 4 Free format

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Reagent Preparation 113

Appendix C: Reagent Preparation

To familiarize yourself with handling precautions, dangers and emergency procedures,
always review the Material Safety Data Sheets prior to handling containers, reservoirs,
and delivery systems that contain chemical reagents and standards. Protective eye
wear is always recommended when contact with chemicals is possible.

C.1 Conditioning Reagent

Use of Diisopropylamine (CAS no: 108-18-9; see Diisopropylamine (DIPA) on
page 115 for MSDS) in the conditioning bottle is preferred.
A minimum pH of 10.5 should be maintained when measured in the central well of
the measuring cell.
Replenish the reagent every 3 months, or more frequently if necessary.

Careful selection of the chemical company supplying DIPA will allow direct connection of
the bottles it comes in to the diffuser cap. Therefore decanting may not be necessary.

The standard conditioner cap (G45 thread) fits on our bottles. An optional cap is available
that adapts wide-mouth MERCK bottles to the pH conditioner/bottle cap (see Spare
Parts - In Contact with Reagents or Standard Solution on page 105). These caps avoid
the transfer to the original bottle DIPA available from us. Other adapters are available on
Monoethyamine, diethylamine and ammonia can also be used. Ammonia or ethanolamie
is possible but increase the lowest detectable concentration over the 1ppb.
C.2 Standard Solutions
For the preparation of LOW and HIGH standard sodium solutions:
1 g/L Na solution
1) Rinse 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (A class) with ultra pure water.
2) Put 2.543 g NaCl inside this flask and add ultra pure water almost to the line
delimiting the volume.
3) Shake the flask until the salt is dissolved and add ultra pure water the flask to the
line delimiting the final volume of 1L.
4) Shake a final time.
5) Store this solution in a plastic bottle (label & date), well rinsed before with ultra
pure water.

10 ppm Na solution
1) Rinse at least 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (A class) with ultra pure water.
2) Measure very precisely 10 mL of the previous solution (1 g/L) with a micro-
pipette or a glass pipette (A class) and put it inside the volumetric flask.
3) Add ultra pure water to the line delimiting the final volume of 1L and shake it.
4) Before transferring into the storage canister, rinse it well with ultra pure water a
first time and with a small fraction of the 10ppm Na solution a second time.
5) Transfer to the storage canister (label & date).

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

114 Reagent Preparation - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

Standard Solution 1 (Low)

1) Pipette 10 ml of the 10 ppm solution into a one liter volumetric flask and make up
to the one liter mark with high purity water to give the low standard solution.
2) Transfer this solution to a storage canister, label it STANDARD SOLUTION 1
(LOW) with the preparation date.
Standard Solution 2 (High)
1) Transfer 100 ml of the 10 ppm solution to a one liter volumetric flask and make
up to the mark with high purity water to give the high standard solution.
2) Transfer this solution to a storage canister, label it STANDARD SOLUTION 2
(HIGH) with the preparation date.
It is not advisable to prepare static sodium solutions of less than 50 ppb because low
concentration solutions rapidly become contaminated and change in concentration.
The HIGH and LOW standard solutions are typically ten times different in sodium
concentration for an accurate calibration and an immediate understanding in slope
Any concentration difference can be used with the requirement that the HIGH solution
should be at least five times the concentration of the LOW solution. It is necessary to
have a significant change in electrode output to achieve an accurate calibration.
C.3 Automatic Calibration Solution (10 ppm Na)
1) Rinse at least 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (A class) with ultra pure water.
2) Measure very precisely 10 mL of the previous solution (1 g/L) with a micro-
pipette or a glass pipette (A class) and put it inside the volumetric flask.
3) Add ultra pure water to the line delimiting the final volume of 1L and shake it.
4) Before transferring into the canister for this solution (label C) on the analyzer,
rinse it well with ultra pure water a first time and with a small fraction of the
10ppm Na solution a second time.
5) If you have too much of this solution for this bottle, rinse another plastic bottle
and store it in there (label & date).

C.4 3M KCl
1) To prepare 1L of 3M KCl, rinse 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (A class) with ultra
pure water.
2) Put 223.5 g of KCl inside this flask and add ultra pure water almost to the line
delimiting the volume.
3) Shake the flask until the salt is dissolved and add ultra pure water to the flask up
to the line delimiting the final volume of 1L.
4) Shake a final time.

C.5 0.5M NaNO3

1) Rinse 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (A class) with ultra pure water.
2) Put 42.5g of NaNO3 inside this flask and add ultra pure water almost to the line
delimiting the volume.
3) Shake the flask until the salt is dissolved and add ultra pure water to the flask
until the line delimiting the final volume of 1L.
4) Shake a final time.
5) Put 500 mL of this solution in the correct bottle for this solution on the analyzer.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 115

Appendix D: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

D.1 Diisopropylamine (DIPA)

Table D-1: MSDS - Diisopropylamine (DIPA)


Catalogue No: 803646
Product name: diisopropylamine for synthesis


CAS no: 108-18-9
Molecular weight: 101.19
Chemical formula: C6H15N

EC index no: 612-048-00-5

EINECS number: 203-558-5

Highly flammable. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.


After skin contact: wash off with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing.
After eye contact: rinse out with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes with the eyelid held wide
open. Summon eye specialist.
After inhalation: fresh air.
If swallowed: give plenty of water to drink, induce vomiting. Summon doctor.


Suitable extinguishing media: water, CO2, foam, powder

Special risks: combustible. Vapors heavier than air. Formation of explosive mixtures possible
with air. Keep away from sources of ignition.
The following may develop in event of fire: NO.


Soak up with a liquid absorbent, e.g. Chemizorb or Rhonesec. Clean contaminated area.


Handling: no further requirements.
Storage: store tightly closed, cool, dry, protected from air. Take measures to prevent electro-
static charging.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

116 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer


Personal protective equipment:
respiratory protection: required when vapors/aerosols are generated. Filter K (acc. to DIN
3181) for NH3
eye protection: required
hand protection: required
industrial hygiene: change contaminated clothing. Application of skin-protective barrier
cream recommended. Wash hands after working with substance.


Form: liquid
Color: colorless
Odor: amine-like
Ph value: not available
Melting temperature: -96C
Boiling temperature: 83 - 84C
Ignition temperature: 295C DIN51794
Flash point: -17C DIN51755
Explosion limits:
Lower: 1.5 vol%
Upper: 8.5 vol%
Vapor pressure: (20C) 100 hPa

Density: (20C) 0.72 g/cm3

Solubility in:
water (20C) soluble
organic solvents (20C) soluble


Conditions to be avoided: none
Substances to be avoided: oxidizing agents, acids
Hazardous decomposition products: no information available
Further information: hygroscopic, sensitive to air


Acute toxicity: DL50 (oral, rat) = 770 mg/kg
Further toxicological information:
after skin contact: severe irritations
after eye contact: severe irritation
after inhalation: irritations of the mucous membranes, coughing, and dyspnoea. Danger of
skin absorption

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 117


Do not allow to enter drinking water supplies, waste water, or soil!


Product: there are no uniform EC regulation for the disposal of chemicals or residues. Chemical
residues generally count as special waste. The disposal of the latter is regulated in the EC
member countries through corresponding laws and regulations, and in the federal republic of
germany also by the individual federal states. We recommend that you contact either the
authorities in charge or approved waste disposal companies which will advise you on how to
dispose of special waste.
Packaging: disposal in accordance with local legal provisions.

The above-mentioned data correspond to our current state of knowledge. They serve as a
description of the products in regard to necessary safety measures and do not guarantee the
described chemical properties. These indications describe the safety precautions to take
against the related product and they are not a guaranty of the described product properties.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

118 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

D.2 Potassium Chloride

Table D-2: MSDS - Potassium Chloride


Intended/recommended use: electrolyte for reference electrode in 9245 sodium analyzer
Chemical formula: KCl 3M in water
Molecular weight: 74.55 g/mol
Product name: Potassium Chloride


Ingredients: Hazardous
KCl: Not hazardous
Water (H2O): Not Hazardous

Critical hazards to man:

No danger Avoid: Skin contact: X Ingestion: X Inhalation: X Eye contact: X

Critical hazards to environment: none.


Immediate professional medical assistance required: yes no X
Symptoms General First Aid procedures
Inhaling mist can cause mucus Remove to fresh air. Provide oxygen if
membrane irritation. needed.
Skin contact: Mild irritation. Wash with soap and water.
Immediately flush with water, holding
Eye contact: Irritation eyelids open. If problems persist, get
medical attention.
Large doses may cause nausea, Drink plenty of water induce vomiting, and
vomiting, and abdominal pain. if necessary, get medical attention if
May affect heart. irritation persists.


Fire hazard: None: X Flammable: Avoid heat, flame, sparks:
Fire extinguishing media to be used: Suitable extinguishing media in adaptation to materials
stored in the immediate neighborhood. Prevent fire-fighting water from entering surface water
or groundwater.
Special risk: Non-combustible.
Explosion hazard: None

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 119


Personal precautions: Do not inhale vapors/aerosols.
Environmental precautions: Do not allow entering sewerage system.
Methods for cleaning up: Clean up with absorbent paper and air out area.


Handling: No further information.
Storage: Tightly closed.


Protective clothing: None: Overalls: Glasses: Gloves: X Other:
Ventilation: None: Vent hood: Mechanical (General): Special:
Individual protection: Protective clothing should be selected specifically for the working place.
Wash hands after handling. Avoid prolonged exposure.
Respiratory protection: Required when vapors/aerosols are generated or use in a chemical
fume hood.
Skin Protection: Wear compatible chemical resistant gloves.
Eye Protection: Wear protection glasses.


Appearance: liquid. Odor: odorless. Color: colorless
Vapor pressure: Vapor density
Boiling point: 100-107C Melting point: 0C
That of water (air=1): N/A
Specific gravity (H2O=1):1 Evaporation rate N/A Autoflammability N/A pH in solution: neutral


Stable: X Unstable:
Conditions to avoid: No information available
No: X Possible:
Hazardous reactions:
Materials to avoid: strong oxidizing agents, strong acids
Hazardous decomposition or by-products: no information available


Toxicity: No information available
Laboratory tests show no adverse mutagenic effects.


Environmental toxicity: quantitative data on ecological effect of this product are not available.


Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

120 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer


No special precautions. Not subject to transport regulations.


No special regulations.


Consider all national and local rules and regulations.

The above-mentioned data correspond to our current state of knowledge. They serve as a
description of the products in regard to necessary safety measures and do not guarantee the
described chemical properties. These indications describe the safety precautions to take
against the related product and they are not a guaranty of the described product properties.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 121

D.3 Sodium Chloride

Table D-3: MSDS - Sodium Chloride


Intended/recommended use: 10 ppm (Na) calibration standard for 9245 sodium analyzer
Chemical formula: NaCl 10 ppm in water
Molecular weight: 58.44 g/mol
Product name: Sodium Chloride


Ingredients: Hazardous
NaCl: Not hazardous
Water (H2O): Not Hazardous

Generally not hazardous in normal handling, however good laboratory practices should
always be used. Avoid long term exposure to skin or by inhalation.
Critical hazards to environment: none.


Immediate professional medical assistance required: yes no X
Symptoms General First Aid procedures
Inhaling mist can cause mucus
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air.
membrane irritation.
Skin contact: Mild irritation. Wash exposed area with soap and water.
Wash eyes with plenty of water for at least
Eye contact: Irritation. 15 minutes, lifting lids occasionally. Seek
Medical Aid.
Give several glasses of milk or water.
Vomiting may occur spontaneously, but it
Ingestion: If swallowed in large amounts,
is not necessary to induce. Never give
can disrupt biological process.
anything by mouth to an unconscious


Fire hazard: None: X Flammable: Avoid heat, flame, sparks:
Fire extinguishing media to be used: Any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire
Special risk: Non-combustible.
Explosion hazard: None


This material is non hazardous, wipe up and dispose of down drain.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

122 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer


Store in a cool dry place and tightly closed. This Material is not considered hazardous. Store
away from water reactive material.


Protective clothing: None: X Overalls: Glasses: Gloves: Other:
Ventilation: None: X Vent hood: Mechanical (General): Special:


Appearance: liquid. Odor: odorless. Color: colorless
Vapor pressure: Vapor density
Boiling point: 100C Melting point: 0C
That of water (air=1): N/A
Specific gravity (H2O=1):1 Evaporation rate N/A Autoflammability N/A pH in solution: neutral


Stable: X Unstable:
Conditions to avoid: No information available
No: X Possible:
Hazardous reactions:
Materials to avoid: Water reactive materials
Hazardous decomposition or by-products: no information available


Toxicity: No information available
Laboratory tests show no adverse mutagenic effects.


Environmental toxicity: none


Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations.


No special precautions. Not subject to transport regulations.


No special regulations.


Consider all national and local rules and regulations.

The above-mentioned data correspond to our current state of knowledge. They serve as a
description of the products in regard to necessary safety measures and do not guarantee the
described chemical properties. These indications describe the safety precautions to take
against the related product and they are not a guaranty of the described product properties.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 123

D.4 Sodium Nitrate

Table D-4: MSDS - Sodium Nitrate


Intended/recommended use: 0.5 M NaNO3 reactivation solution for 9245 sodium analyzer

Chemical formula: NaNO3 0.5 M (42.5 g/L) in water

Molecular weight: 85 g/mol

Product name: Sodium Nitrate


Ingredients: Hazardous
NaNO3: Hazardous
Water (H2O): Not Hazardous

Critical hazards to man:

No danger Avoid: Skin contact: X Ingestion: X Inhalation: Eye contact: X

Critical hazards to environment: none.


Immediate professional medical assistance required: yes no X
Symptoms General First Aid procedures
Inhaling mist can cause mucus
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air.
membrane irritation.
Skin contact: Mild irritation. Wash exposed area with soap and water.
Wash eyes with plenty of water for at least
Eye contact: Irritation. 15 minutes, lifting lids occasionally. Seek
Medical Aid.
Induce vomiting immediately as directed
Ingestion: If swallowed in large amounts, by medical personnel. Never give any-
can disrupt biological process. thing by mouth to an unconscious person.
Get medical attention.


Fire hazard: None: Flammable: Avoid heat, flame, sparks: X
Fire extinguishing media to be used: Any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire.
Water spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool.
Special risk: dried NaNO3 is sensitive to mechanical impact (explosion).

Explosion hazard: dried NaNO3 decomposes explosively when heated > 538C.


Remove all sources of ignition.

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

124 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer


Store in a cool dry place and tightly closed. Store away from water reactive material.


Protective clothing: None: X Overalls: Glasses: Gloves: X Other:
Ventilation: None: X Vent hood: Mechanical (General): Special:


Appearance: liquid. Odor: odorless. Color: colorless
Vapor pressure: Vapor density
Boiling point: 100-103C Melting point: 0C
That of water (air=1): N/A
Specific gravity (H2O=1):1 Evaporation rate N/A Autoflammability N/A pH in solution: neutral


Stable: X Unstable:
Conditions to avoid: No information available
No: X Possible:
Hazardous reactions: Materials to avoid: Water reactive materials; Reacts with acids to emit
toxic fumes of NO2

Hazardous decomposition: Emits nitrous oxides when heated


Oral rat LD50: 1267 mg of NaNO3/kg.
Investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector.


Environmental toxicity: N/A


Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations.


No special precautions for small quantities (< 5L). For higher quantities use precautions
According to UN/NA: UN1498 Packing Group: III


No special regulations.


Consider all national and local rules and regulations.

The above-mentioned data correspond to our current state of knowledge. They serve as a
description of the products in regard to necessary safety measures and do not guarantee the
described chemical properties. These indications describe the safety precautions to take
against the related product and they are not a guaranty of the described product properties.

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - Annex 125


Tables and Illustrations

Fig. 1-1 Analyzer Overview Diagram ..............................................................14
Fig. 2-1 Analyzer Front Panel .........................................................................20
Fig. 2-2 Analyzer Rear Panel..........................................................................21
Fig. 2-3 Panel Mounting..................................................................................22
Fig. 2-4 Wall Mounting Kit...............................................................................23
Fig. 2-5 Wall Mounting....................................................................................23
Fig. 3-1 Function Keys....................................................................................43
Fig. 3-2 Field and Menu Selection ..................................................................43
Fig. 3-3 Principal Measurement Screen .........................................................47
Fig. 3-4 Historical Measurement Screen ........................................................48
Fig. 3-5 Alarm Screen.....................................................................................48
Fig. 3-6 Main Menu Screen ............................................................................49
Fig. 4-1 System Setup Menu ..........................................................................56
Table 4-1 Display Options .................................................................................57
Fig. 5-1 User Setup Menu...............................................................................62
Table 5-1 Alarms 1 and 2 Parameters...............................................................67
Table 5-2 Warning Alarm Parameters ...............................................................68
Table 5-3 System Alarm Parameters.................................................................68
Table 5-4 System and Warning Alarms .............................................................69
Table 5-5 Analog Output Parameters ................................................................70
Fig. 5-2 Linear and Dual Slopes .....................................................................71
Table 5-6 RS-485 Communications Parameters ...............................................72
Fig. 6-1 Calibration Menu ...............................................................................76
Table 7-1 Maintenance Schedule ......................................................................83
Fig. 7-1 Location of the Fuse ..........................................................................84
Fig. 7-2 Maintenance And Diagnostics Menu .................................................85
Table 8-1 General Faults ...................................................................................93
Table 8-2 Lack of Precision ...............................................................................95
Table 8-3 Miscellaneous Problems....................................................................96
Table 10-1 Technical Specifications ....................................................................99
Fig. 10-1 Model Identification Matrix...............................................................101
Table A-1 Accessories, Options & Maintenance Kits.......................................103
Table A-2 Spare Parts - In Contact with Sample .............................................104
Table A-3 Spare parts - In Contact with Cell or Electrodes..............................104
Table A-4 Spare Parts - In Contact with Reagents or Standard Solution ........105
Table A-5 Electronics .......................................................................................105
Table A-6 Additional Hardware ........................................................................106
Table A-7 Documentation ................................................................................106
Table A-8 Consumables...................................................................................106
Table B-1 User Configuration Table.................................................................107
Table D-1 MSDS - Diisopropylamine (DIPA)....................................................115
Table D-2 MSDS - Potassium Chloride............................................................118
Table D-3 MSDS - Sodium Chloride ................................................................121
Table D-4 MSDS - Sodium Nitrate ...................................................................123

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

126 Annex - 9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer

POLYMETRON Operator Manual

9245 Single Channel Sodium Analyzer - User Notes 127

User Notes

Operator Manual POLYMETRON

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