Me - Vii and Viii Sem Syllabus
Me - Vii and Viii Sem Syllabus
Me - Vii and Viii Sem Syllabus
Department Vision
“Be a department well recognized for its ability to develop competent mechanical engineers
capable of working in global environment”
Department Mission
The Mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to:
Provide quality education by competent faculty.
Provide adequate infrastructure and learning ambience for the development of essential
technical skills.
Inculcate a sense of higher education and research orientation.
Foster industry interaction.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has formulated the following programme
educational objectives for the under-graduate program in Mechanical Engineering:
The Mechanical Engineering graduates will be able to:
PEO1: Use the fundamentals of basic science, mathematics and mechanical engineering,
to pursue their career as engineers as well as to lead and manage teams in
global organizations.
PEO2: Pursue advanced education, research and development and engage in the
process of life-long learning.
PEO3: Become entrepreneurs in a responsible, professional and ethical manner to serve
the society.
List of Electives
Professional Elective-III Open Elective - II
Sl. Course Course Sl. Course Course
No. Code title No. Code title
1. P18ME741 Power Plant Engineering 1. P18MEO751 Total Quality Management
2. P18ME742 Hydraulics and Pneumatics 2. P18MEO752 Operations Research
3. P18ME743 Theory of Plasticity 3. P18MEO753 Renewable Energy Technology
4. P18ME744 Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion 4. P18MEO754 Finite Element Method in Engineering
List of Electives
Professional Elective-IV
Sl. Course Course
No. Code title
1. P18ME821 Operations Research
2. P18ME822 Foundry and Welding Technology
3. P18ME823 Tribology
4. P18ME824 Computational Fluid Dynamics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
In the self-study course and seminar, the student has to choose and study the courses related to
the program discipline with her/his own efforts under the guidance of a course instructor/
project guide, using study materials available in open sources i.e. Massive open online course
(MOOC) NPTEL courses.
Further, in addition to the above, the department has to release the pool of courses from the
list of available 8 weeks NPTEL online courses. The student has to register for the course
from the available pool during VII/VIII semester and the same will be reflected in the grade
card of the VIII semester. The 50 marks CIE assessment is based on the final NPTEL score
(i.e. Online assignments: 25% + Proctored exam: 75%). The NPTEL score will be mapped
directly to the CIE marks as per the calculation below only if he /she has completed the
NPTEL course (i.e. Certification).
CIE = (NPTEL Score X 1.5)/2=[Maximum CIE should be 50 marks]
[Ex.-1: If NPTEL score is 60 then the CIE will be = (60 X 1.5)/2=45
Ex.-2: If NPTEL score is 80 then the CIE will be= (80X 1.5)/2=50 (Maximum CIE
should be 50 Marks)]
If the student fails to complete the NPTEL course at the end of the VIII semester, then the
department has to constitute a committee consisting of the head of the department, two senior
faculty members of the department, one of them may be the internal guide. The evaluation is
based on a report, presentation, and viva voce and the assessment is a relative evaluation in
context to the student completed NPTEL course (i.e. the CIE score should be less than the
score of the student cleared NPTEL course).