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Me - Vii and Viii Sem Syllabus

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(With effect from 2018- 19 Academic year)



(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
Grant -in- Aid Institution (Government of Karnataka)

Ph : 08232- 220043, Fax : 08232 – 222075,Web :

PES College of Engineering, Mandya, started in the year 1962, has become
autonomous institute in the academic year 2008-09. Since, then it has been doing the
academics and assessment activities successfully. The college is running eight undergraduate
and eight Postgraduate programs including MBA and MCA which are affiliated to VTU,
India has recently become a Permanent Member of the Washington Accord. The accord
was signed by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) on behalf of India on 13 th June
2014. It enables not only the mobility of our degree globally but also establishes equivalence
to our degrees with that of the member nations. The implementation of Outcome Based
Education (OBE) has been the core issue for enabling the equivalence and of Indian degrees
and their mobility across the various countries.
Our Higher Educational Institution has adopted the Choice Based Credit System
(CBCS) based semester structure with OBE scheme and grading system. Which provides the
flexibility in designing curriculum and assigning credits based on the course content and
hours of teaching. There lies a shift in thinking, teaching and learning process moving
towards Students Centric from Teachers Centric education which enhances the knowledge,
skills and moral values of each student.
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) provides the options for the students to select
from the number of prescribed courses. The CBCS provides a ‘cafeteria’ type approach in
which the students can Choose electives from a wide range of courses of their choice, learn at
their own pace, undergo additional courses and acquire more than the required credits, adopt
an interdisciplinary approach for learning which enables integration of concepts, theories,
techniques. These are greatly enhances the skill/employability of students.
In order to increase the Industry/Corporate readiness, many Soft Skills, self learning
components and Personality Development modules have been added to the existing
curriculum. In order to enhance creativity and innovation Mini Project and Industrial visit and
Interaction are made mandatory for all undergraduate programs.

Dr. Umesh D R Dr. R Girisha

Deputy Dean (Academic) Dean (Academic)
Associate Professor, Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engg. Dept. of Computer Science and Engg.
College Vision
“A leading institution imparting quality engineering and management education developing
creative and socially responsible professionals”
College Mission
Mission of P E S College of Engineering is to,
 Provide state of the art infrastructure, motivate the faculty to be proficient in their
field of specialization and adopt best teaching-learning practices.
 Impart engineering and managerial skills through competent and committed faculty
using outcome based educational curriculum.
 Inculcate professional ethics, leadership qualities and entrepreneurial skills to meet
the societal needs.
 Promote research, product development and industry-institution interaction.

About Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 1962 during the
origination of the institute. The department was granted academic autonomy in the year 2009.
The department presently offers B.E in Mechanical Engineering, M Tech in Machine Design,
M.Sc., (Engg.) by research and research leading to Ph.D. The present intake capacity of the
department is 180 for BE, 24 for M Tech Machine Design. The department has a faculty-
student ratio of 1:15 for UG courses and 1:12 for PG courses. The department has well
established laboratories to meet the academic requirements of UG and PG programmes and a
skilled technical faculty to train the students. The department has its own library which has a
collection of about 4600 reference books.
The department is accredited with NBA for 3Years in 2019.
The department regularly organizes industrial visits, technical talk by experts from industries
and institutes in contemporary areas to bridge the gap between syllabi and current corporate
developments. The students are encouraged to undergo industrial training as well as to take
up industry oriented projects during their academic course. Mechanical Engineering
Association (MEA), formed by the students and faculty of the department regularly organizes
co-curricular and extracurricular activities for the students.

Department Vision
“Be a department well recognized for its ability to develop competent mechanical engineers
capable of working in global environment”
Department Mission
The Mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to:
Provide quality education by competent faculty.
Provide adequate infrastructure and learning ambience for the development of essential
technical skills.
Inculcate a sense of higher education and research orientation.
Foster industry interaction.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has formulated the following programme
educational objectives for the under-graduate program in Mechanical Engineering:
The Mechanical Engineering graduates will be able to:
PEO1: Use the fundamentals of basic science, mathematics and mechanical engineering,
to pursue their career as engineers as well as to lead and manage teams in
global organizations.
PEO2: Pursue advanced education, research and development and engage in the
process of life-long learning.
PEO3: Become entrepreneurs in a responsible, professional and ethical manner to serve
the society.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Engineering graduates should be able to:
PSO1: Apply computer simulation and experimental methods in the design and
development of sustainable products of mechanical systems.
PSO2: Utilize the knowledge of advanced manufacturing and condition monitoring
techniques in industrial applications.

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal,
and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as
a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.
(An Autonomous Institution, Under VTU)

Scheme of Teaching and Examination VII Semester B.E. (ME)

Sl. Course Teaching Hrs/Week Total
Course Title Marks
No. Code Dept. Credit
Core Course I
1. P18ME71 Mechanical 4 - - 4 50 50 100
Automatic Control Engineering
Core Course II
2. P18ME72 Mechanical 4 - - 4 50 50 100
Mechanical Vibrations
Core Course III
3. P18ME73 Mechanical 4 - - 4 50 50 100
Production Management
4. P18ME74x Professional Elective-III Mechanical 2 1 - 3 50 50 100
5. P18MEO75x Open Elective-II Mechanical 3 - - 3 50 50 100
Laboratory I
6. P18MEL76 Mechanical - - 3 1.5 50 50 100
Design Lab
Laboratory II
7. P18MEL77 Mechanical - - 3 1.5 50 50 100
Simulations Lab
8. P18ME78 Project Work Phase - I and seminar Mechanical - - 4 2 100 - 100
Total 23 450 350 800

List of Electives
Professional Elective-III Open Elective - II
Sl. Course Course Sl. Course Course
No. Code title No. Code title
1. P18ME741 Power Plant Engineering 1. P18MEO751 Total Quality Management
2. P18ME742 Hydraulics and Pneumatics 2. P18MEO752 Operations Research
3. P18ME743 Theory of Plasticity 3. P18MEO753 Renewable Energy Technology
4. P18ME744 Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion 4. P18MEO754 Finite Element Method in Engineering

Scheme of Teaching and Examination VIII Semester B.E. (ME)

Sl. Course Teaching Hrs/Week Total
Course Title Marks
No. Code Dept. Credit
Core Course
1. P18ME81 Mechanical 4 - - 4 50 50 100
Industrial Robotics
2. P18ME82x Professional Elective-IV Mechanical 2 1 - 3 50 50 100
3. P18ME83 Internship Mechanical - - - 2 50 50 100
4. P18ME84 Project Work Phase - II Mechanical - - - 6 100 100 200
5. P18ME85 Self Study course and Seminar Mechanical - - 4 2 50 - 50
Total 17 300 250 550

List of Electives
Professional Elective-IV
Sl. Course Course
No. Code title
1. P18ME821 Operations Research
2. P18ME822 Foundry and Welding Technology
3. P18ME823 Tribology
4. P18ME824 Computational Fluid Dynamics
Department of Mechanical Engineering


Course Code: P18ME71 Semester: VII L-T-P: 3-2-0 Credits: 04
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 50, SEE: 50
Course Objectives: The course aims at strengthening the ability of students in design and
analysis of linear continues-time control systems to improve their static and transient behavior.
Course Content
Introduction: Concept of automatic controls, open and closed loop control systems, concepts
of feedback control systems, requirement of an ideal control system. Examples of control
systems - speed control system, home heating system, traffic control system, liquid level
control system. Mathematical Models of Physical Systems: Definition of Laplace
transformation, transfer function models, mathematical models of mechanical systems,
models of electrical circuits, models of DC and AC motors, models of hydraulic systems and
models of thermal systems. Analogous Systems: Force-voltage analogy and force-current
analogy. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Concept of superposition for linear systems with examples.
Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs: Transfer functions definition, block diagram
representation of system elements, reduction of block diagrams. Signal flow graphs-signal
flow graph terminology from block diagram, Manson’s gain formula. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Transfer function of multiple input multiple output control Systems
Time Response Analyses: Introduction, transient and steady state response of control
system. First order system response to step and ramp inputs, concepts of time constant and its
importance in speed of response. Second order system response to step input, transient
response specifications. Steady-state error analysis, steady-state error constants- static
position error constant, static velocity error constant and static acceleration error constant.
Types of Controllers: Proportional, integral, proportional-integral, proportional-integral-
differential controllers. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Study of various controllers in automated machines.
Mathematical Concept of Stability: Stability definition, characteristic root locations and
stability, Routh’s stability criterion, special cases of Routh’s criterion. Frequency Response
Analysis: Polar plots, relative stability- concepts phase margin and gain margin. Nyquist
stability criterion, stability analysis using Nyquist plot. Frequency response analysis using
Bode plot: Bode attenuation diagrams, stability analysis using Bode plots. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: System compensation: Series and feedback compensation.
Root Locus Analysis: Introduction, definition of root loci, general rules for constructing root
loci, root locus analysis of control systems. State-Space Analysis: Introduction, definitions,
state-space equations, transformation matrix, controllability, and observability, Kalman and
Gilberts test. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: MATLAB program to generate root-locus plot.
Text Books
1. Katsuhiko Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 5th Edition,
2010, ISBN: 9788120340107.
2. Rao V Dukkipati, “Control Systems”, Narosa Publishing House, 2008,
ISBN: 978-8173195549.
Reference Books
1. Joseph J. Distefano, Allen R. Stubberud and Avan J. Williams, “Feedback and Control
Systems”, Schaum’s Outlines series, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2 nd Edition, 2003,
ISBN: 9780070582880.
2. I. J. Nagarath and M. Gopal, “Control systems”, New age International publishers, 4th
Edition, 2006, ISBN: 9788122417753.
VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering
3. F. Golnaraghi and B.C. Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, 9th
Edition, 2009, ISBN: 9780470048962.
4. Ashfaq Husain and Haroon Ashfaq, “Control Systems”, Dhanpat Rai and Co., 2015,
ISBN: 9788177000276.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Identify the different types of control systems and develop mathematical
CO1 model for the mechanical, electrical, servo mechanism and hydraulic III
Make use of block diagrams and signal flow graphs to represent the systems
CO2 consisting of number of components and develop mathematical models III
using reduction technique of these block diagrams and signal flow graphs.
CO3 Analyse the time response and steady-state error of the system. IV
Apply the Routh’s stability criterion to understand the stability of the various
CO4 control systems and analyse frequency response of control system using III, IV
Nyquist stability criterion and Bode plot.
Develop root loci from open loop transfer functions of control systems and
analyse the behavior of roots with system gain.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Identify the different types of control
systems and develop mathematical model
CO1 3 3
for the mechanical, electrical, servo
mechanism and hydraulic systems.
Make use of block diagrams and signal
flow graphs to represent the systems
consisting of number of components and
CO2 3 3
develop mathematical models using
reduction technique of these block
diagrams and signal flow graphs.
Analyse the time response and steady-
CO3 1 3
state error of the system.
Apply the Routh’s stability criterion to
understand the stability of the various
CO4 control systems and analyse frequency 2 3
response of control system using Nyquist
stability criterion and Bode plot.
Develop root loci from open loop transfer
CO5 functions of control systems and analyse 3 2
the behavior of roots with system gain.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME72 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 04
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours. Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course objectives: The course aims at enabling the students to synthesize their knowledge of
engineering science and mathematics to formulate the solutions of mechanical vibratory
Course Content
Undamped Free Vibrations: Introduction, basic concepts of vibration, simple harmonic
motion, types of vibration, elements of vibrating system, Equivalent stiffness of spring
combinations- springs in series and parallel, single degree of freedom systems, determination
of natural frequency using Newton’s law and energy methods. Damped Free Vibrations:
Introduction, types of damping, free vibrations with viscous damping, under-damped, over-
damped and critically damped system and logarithmic decrement. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Eddy current and Coulomb damping.
Forced Vibrations: Introduction, forced vibration with constant harmonic excitation, steady
state vibrations, forced vibration with rotating and reciprocating unbalance, forced vibration
with coulomb and viscous drag, vibration isolation, force transmissibility, forced vibrations
due to excitation of the support; absolute motion and relative motion. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Work done by a harmonic force on a harmonic motion, energy
dissipated by damping.
Vibration Measuring Instruments: Vibrometer, velocity pick-up and accelerometer,
frequency measuring instruments. Whirling of Shafts: Introduction, critical speed of a light
shaft having a single disc without damping, critical speed of a light shaft having a single disc
with damping. Fourier Series and Harmonic Analysis: Analytical methods and numerical
methods. 08 Hrs
Self Study Component: Beats phenomenon
Two Degrees of Freedom Systems: Introduction, undamped systems, principal modes of
vibration, combined rectilinear and angular modes, undamped forced vibrations with
harmonic excitation. Vibration absorbers, undamped dynamic vibration absorber
(description only), influence coefficients, Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem.
Noise Engineering: Frequency and sound dependent human response, decibel scale,
relationship between sound pressure level, sound power level and sound intensity scale.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Centrifugal pendulum absorber
Multi Degree Freedom Systems: Introduction, determination of natural frequencies,
Rayleigh’s method, Dunkerley’s method, Runge-Kutta Method, Stodola’s method, Holzer’s
method, orthogonality principle, matrix iteration method. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Rayleigh-Ritz method for finding natural frequencies.
Text Books
1. V. P. Singh, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Dhanpat Rai and Company Pvt. Ltd., 2016,
ISBN: 9788177004014.
2. G. K. Grover, “Mechanical vibrations”, Nemchand and Brothers, 8th Edition, 2009,
ISBN: 9788185240565.
Reference Books
1. Singiresu S Rao, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Pearson Education India, 4th Edition, 2003,
ISBN: 978-8177588743.
2. S. Graham Kelly, Schaum’s Outline Series, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Tata McGraw
Hill, Special Indian edition, 2007, ISBN: 9780070616790.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 3

Department of Mechanical Engineering
3. J. S. Rao and K. Gupta, “Theory and Practice of Mechanical Vibrations”, New Age
International Publications, 2001, ISBN: 9788122404425.
4. Leonanrd Meirovitch, “Elements of Vibrations Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, Special
Indian Edition, 2007, ISBN: 8177000470.
5. Austin H Church, “Mechanical Vibrations”, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN:
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply basic concepts of vibrations to analyse damped and undamped free
vibratory systems.
CO2 Apply basic concepts of vibrations to analyse forced vibratory systems. III
Identify different vibration measuring instruments to analyse the vibration
responses of mechanical systems.
Analyse the natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes of two
degrees of freedom systems with the Applications of basics of vibrations.
Apply numerical methods to analyse natural frequencies and mode shapes
of multi degrees of freedom systems.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply basic concepts of vibrations to
CO1 analyse damped and undamped free 3 2
vibratory systems.
Apply basic concepts of vibrations to
CO2 3 2 2
analyse forced vibratory systems.
Identify different vibration measuring
CO3 instruments to analyse the vibration 3 2 2
responses of mechanical systems.
Analyse the natural frequencies and
corresponding mode shapes of two degrees
CO4 3 2 2
of freedom systems with the Applications
of basics of vibrations.
Apply numerical methods to analyse
CO5 natural frequencies and mode shapes of 2 3 1
multi degrees of freedom systems.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 4

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME73 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 04
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 50, SEE: 50
Course Objectives: The course aims at enabling the students to understand the basic
concepts of management, production, forecasting, inventory and various scheduling
techniques related to manufacturing.
Course Content
Introduction: Introduction, Meaning and concepts of Production Management (PM), areas
of PM, evolution of PM, product strategies, product focused system, production to stock or to
order, productive system positioning strategies, product life cycle, relationship between the
product life cycle and productive system types, process life cycles and technology,
interdependent product lines, Organization of the Operations Functions: Process focused
organization, product focused organization structure, difference between process and product
focused. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Functions of Production Management, meaning of productivity,
techniques to improve productivity.
Forecasting: Need for forecasting, objectives and limitations of forecasting, uses of
forecasting, Classification of Forecasting Methods: Time series method, components time
series methods, simple moving average, weighted moving averages, exponentially weighted
moving averages, least square or regression, trend model with seasonal variation, Delphi
technique. 11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Error (MSE),
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE).
Facilities Location and Layout: Introduction, general procedure for location, factors
affecting location, locational analysis, cost analysis, quantitative method, weight method,
GRID method, objectives of plant layout, factors affecting plant layout, material flow pattern.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Factors to be considered to select foreign locations, types of plant
layouts, list the computer approaches to layout design.
Scheduling: Define scheduling, scheduling strategies, scheduling sequence operation
standard scheduling techniques, Johnson’s rule for 2 machines, 3 machines and n machines,
graphical method for 2 machines and n jobs, indexing method. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Forward and backward scheduling, different types of control charts.
Inventory Control: Types of inventory control, parts associated with inventory control,
inventory control terminology, classification of inventory items, selective control of
inventory, problems on ABC analysis on inventory, deterministic model in inventory control.
Production Control: Dispatching and expediting the orders, centralized and decentralized
dispatching process order control. Follow up and progress reporting, rescheduling and
priority rules. 11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Order release, dispatching, reporting and status control, general
duties of dispatching section.
Text Books
1. Buffa and Sarin, “Modern Production/Operations Management”, Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd., 8th Edition, 2007, ISBN: 9788126513727.
2. Joseph G.Monks, “Operations Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 2004,
ISBN: 0070588708.
Reference Books
1. Barry Shore, “Operations Management”, McGraw Hill Inc., 1973, ISBN:

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 5

Department of Mechanical Engineering
2. Samuel Eilon, “Elements of Production Planning and Control”, Universal Publishing
Corporation, 1991, ISBN: 9788185027098.
3. R. Panneerselvam, “Production and Operations Management”, PHI Publishers, 3rd
Edition, 2006, ISBN: 9788120345553.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply basic strategies of production management to develop a new product
CO1 with respect to product and process life cycle. Select suitable operational III,IV
functions to organize better production system.
Apply different forecasting techniques to predict and analyze trend model
with seasonal variation.
Identify the different methods for analysis of facility location and layout
for effective flow of men and material.
Analyze different scheduling techniques and strategies for optimal
utilization of time and machines.
CO5 Apply various inventory models to analyze and control production system. III,IV
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01
Apply basic strategies of production
management to develop a new product with
CO1 respect to product and process life cycle. 3
Select suitable operational functions to
organize better production system.
Apply different forecasting techniques to
CO2 predict and analyze trend model with 3 3
seasonal variation.
Identify the different methods for analysis
CO3 of facility location and layout for effective 3 1
flow of men and material.
Analyze different scheduling techniques and
CO4 strategies for optimal utilization of time and 2 3
Apply various inventory models to analyze
CO5 3 2
and control production system.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 6

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME741 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours. Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: The course is helps the student to understand about power plants and its
working and the student must able to understand the importance of renewable sources.
Course Content
Introduction: Indian energy scenario, location of power plants in India, economics of power
generation, classification, power plant terminologies in load estimation, load factor, use
factor, diversity factor and demand factor, numericals, choice of power plant, factors
affecting the operation of power plant, electro-gas dynamic generator, magneto hydro
dynamics generator, fuel cell energy conversion. 08 Hrs
Self Study Component: Thermionic and thermoelectric energy conversion.
Hydroelectric and Thermal Power Plant: Introduction, classification of the plant general
layout and essential elements of hydroelectric power plant and its working, flow duration and
mass curves, hydrographs, numericals. Hydrological cycle, selection of sites for hydroelectric
power plant, advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power plant. Thermal Power
Plant: General layout of steam power plant, coal burning methods; different types of stokers,
equipment for preparation and burning of pulverized coal, unit system and bin system,
pulverized fuel burners: long flame burner, short flame burner, tangential burner and cyclone
burner. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Applications, merits and demerits of thermal power plant.
Steam generation: A brief account of boilers: LaMont boiler, Benson boiler, Loeffler boiler
and Velox boiler. Chimneys- natural, forced, induced and balanced draft. Steam Generator
Accessories: Superheaters and reheaters, different types of cooling towers, coal and ash
handling - different types of coal storage and coal conveyors, pneumatic and hydraulic
methods of ash handling systems, feed water treatments. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Lancashire boiler and Babcock-Wilcox boiler.
Diesel Engine Plant: General layout of Diesel power plant, method of starting diesel
engines, cooling and lubrication system for the diesel engine, filters, centrifuges, oil heaters,
intake and exhaust system. Gas Turbine Power Plant: Advantages and disadvantages of the
gas turbine plant, open and closed cycle turbine plants with the accessories.
Solar Power Plant: Introduction, layout, solar cell fundamentals and classification,
Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT), solar panel. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Super heater controls, methods of reheaters and dust collectors.
Nuclear Power Plant: Introduction, nuclear fuels, nuclear fission and fusion, working of a
nuclear power plant, types of reactors- pressurized water reactor- boiling water reactor,
effects of nuclear radiation, different methods for nuclear waste disposal-low, medium and
high level waste disposal, advantages, disadvantages and limitations.
Safety and Environmental Impact of Power Plant: Social and economic issues of power
plant, thermal pollution from thermal power plants, noise pollution and its control, natural
and artificial radio activity nuclear power and environment, radiations from nuclear power
plant effluents, high level wastes, methods to reduce pollution, global warming- effects and
its control, standardization for environmental pollution. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Locations of nuclear power plants, express the various types of
nuclear wastes.
Text Books
1. Arora, S Domkundwar and AV Domkundwar, “A course in Power Plant
Engineering”, Dhanpatrai and Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2014, ISBN:9788177001075.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 7

Department of Mechanical Engineering
2. P. K. Nag, “Power Plant Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition. 2014, ISBN:
Reference Books
1. Jagadish Lal, “Hydraulic Machines”, Metropollitan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., 1994, ISBN:
978 8120000261.
2. F.T. Morse, “Power Plant Engineering”, G. Van Nostrand, 3rd Edition 1953,
ISBN: 9780442055561.
3. G.R.Nagpal and S.C.Sharma, “Power Plant Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, 16th
Edition 2015, ISBN: 9788174093097.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply economical aspects to identify suitable locations for power plant and
analyse the factors affecting the performance based on load variations.
Identify various elements of hydro electric and thermal power plants and
analyse hydro graphs and flow duration curve.
CO3 Recognize various types of boilers and its accessories in steam power plant. III
Identify elements, operations of Diesel, gas and solar power plants. III
Apply the principles of nuclear fission and fusion to understand the working
CO5 of a nuclear power plant and Identify safety, environmental issues of power III
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply economical aspects to identify suitable
locations for power plant and analyse the
CO1 3 2
factors affecting the performance based on
load variations.
Identify various elements of hydro electric and
CO2 thermal power plants and analyse hydro 3 2
graphs and flow duration curve.
Recognize various types of boilers and its
CO3 3
accessories in steam power plant.
Identify elements, operations of Diesel, gas
and solar power plants.
Apply the principles of nuclear fission and
fusion to understand the working of a nuclear
CO5 3 1 1
power plant and Identify safety,
environmental issues of power plants.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 8

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME742 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours; Exam: 3 Hours. Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: This course exposes the students to understand the application of fluid
power in process and manufacturing industries. To provide students with an understanding of
the components utilized in modern industrial fluid power system. To develop a measurable
degree of competence in the design, construction and operation of fluid power circuits.
Course Content
Introduction to Hydraulic Power: Definition of hydraulic system, advantages, limitations,
applications, Pascal’s law, structure of hydraulic control system, problems on Pascal's law.
Hydraulic Pump: Classification, pumping theory, construction and working of gear pumps,
vane pumps and piston pumps, pump performance characteristics, pump selection factors,
problems. Hydraulic Actuators: Single and double acting cylinder, mechanics of hydraulic
cylinder loading, hydraulic cushioning, special types of cylinders. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: screw pump, gear motor, vane motor and piston motor.
Control Components in Hydraulic Systems: Directional control valves, symbolic
representation, constructional features, pressure control valves - direct and pilot operated
types. Flow Control Valves (FCV), non pressure and pressure compensated FCV, servo
valve, cartridge valve and hydraulic fuse. Hydraulic Circuit Design and Analysis: Control
of single and double acting hydraulic cylinder, regenerative circuit, double pump hydraulic
system, counter balance valve application, hydraulic cylinder sequencing circuits, locked
cylinder using pilot check valve, cylinder synchronizing circuits, speed control of hydraulic
cylinder, automatic cylinder reciprocating system, hydraulic motor braking system, air-over-
oil circuit. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: check valve, needle valve, pump unloading circuit.
Maintenance of Hydraulic Systems: Hydraulic oils, desirable properties, sealing devices,
accumulators, reservoir system, filters and strainers, problem caused by gases in hydraulic
fluids, wear of moving parts due to solid particle contamination, temperature control,
troubleshooting and remedies in hydraulic systems. Introduction to Pneumatic Control:
Definition of pneumatic system, advantages, limitations, applications, choice of working
medium, characteristics of compressed air, structure of pneumatic control system, rod less
cylinder types, working and advantages, rotary cylinder type construction and application,
design parameters selection. 11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Beta ratio of filters.
Pneumatic Control Valves: Directional control valves, pressure control valves, flow control
valves, types and construction, use of memory valve, quick exhaust valve, time delay valve,
shuttle valve, twin pressure valve, symbols, simple pneumatic control, direct and indirect
actuation pneumatic cylinders, speed control of cylinders - supply air throttling and exhaust
air throttling. 08 Hrs
Self Study Component: Selection criteria of D C values.
Multi-Cylinder Applications: Coordinated and sequential motion control, motion and
control diagrams, signal elimination methods, cascading method principle, practical
application examples (up to two cylinders) using cascading method. Compressed Air:
Production of compressed air- compressors, preparation of compressed air-driers, filters,
regulators, lubricators, mufflers, distribution of compressed air, piping layout. 09 Hrs
Self Study Component: Maintenance of lubricator.
Text Books
1. Anthony Esposito “Fluid Power with applications”, Pearson Education, 5th Edition,
Inc. 2000, ISBN: 9780130102256.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
2. Andrew Parr “Pneumatics and Hydraulics”, Jaico Publishing Co., 1st Edition, 2000,
ISBN: 9788172241896.
Reference Books
1. S. R. Majumdar “Oil Hydraulic Systems Principles and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing company Ltd., 2001, ISBN: 9780071406697.
2. S. R. Majumdar “Pneumatic systems”, by Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co, 1995,
ISBN: 9780071359658.
3. Pippenger Hicks “Industrial Hydraulics”, McGraw Hill, New York, 2nd Edition, 1980,
ISBN: 9780070664777.
4. Dr. H. D. Ramachandra “Hydraulics and Pneumatics”, Sudha Publications, 2013,
ISBN: 9788193001042.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes Level
Apply Pascal’s law for analysing the pressure distribution in hydraulic
Identify the various control components in hydraulic system and design the
hydraulic circuits.
Identify different trouble shooting techniques in maintenance of hydraulic
systems and also components of pneumatic system.
CO4 Apply the concepts of control elements in pneumatic system. III
Identify the multi-cylinder applications in various fields and filters,
CO5 regulators and lubricators in pneumatic system. III

Course Articulation Matrix

Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply Pascal’s law for analysing the
CO1 3 1
pressure distribution in hydraulic system.
Identify the various control components
CO2 in hydraulic system and design the 3 2
hydraulic circuits.
Identify different trouble shooting
techniques in maintenance of hydraulic
CO3 3
systems and also components of
pneumatic system.
Apply the concepts of control elements in
CO4 3
pneumatic system.
Identify the multi-cylinder applications
CO5 in various fields and filters, regulators 3
and lubricators in pneumatic system.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Course Code: P18ME743 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 50, SEE: 50
Course Objectives: To provide a basic understanding of the plasticity theory as applied to
metal working processes and their analysis for improved quality and productivity.
Course Content
Fundamental of Elasticity: Concept of stress, equilibrium equation stress transformation
laws, spherical and deviator stress tensors, octahedral stresses, concept of strain,
representation strain, compatibility equations, deviator and spherical strain tensors, strain
transformation laws, octahedral strains, elastic strain energy, theories of strength, numerical.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine), maximum shear stress
theory (Tresca).
Plastic Deformation of Metals: Crystalline structure in metals, mechanism of plastic
deformation, factors affecting plastic deformation, strain hardening, recovery, recrystalization
and grain growth, flow figures (Luder’s lines).Yield Criteria: Introduction, yield or plasticity
conditions, Tresca and Von-Mises criteria, experimental evidence for yield criteria (a) Lode’s
experiment (b) Quinney’s experiment. The Haigh-Westergaard stress space. Traces of the
yield surfaces in 2D stress space. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Maximum principal strain theory (Saint-Venant), total strain energy
per unit volume (Haigh).
Stress- Strain Relations: Introduction, types of materials, empirical equations, theories of
plastic flow, experimental verification of Saint-Venant’s theory of plastic flow, concept of
plastic potential, maximum work hypothesis, concepts of stress rate. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Mechanical work for deforming a plastic substance.
Slip Line Field Theory: Introduction, basic equations for incompressible two dimensional
flow, continuity equations (Geiringer equation), stresses in conditions of plain strain,
convention for slip lines, solutions of plastic deformation problem, geometry of slip line filed,
properties of slip lines, construction of slip line nets, super position of slip line fields. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Velocity discontinuity at certain slip lines.
Bending of Beams: Introduction, analysis of stresses, linear and non-linear stress-strain
curve, shear stress distribution, residual stresses in plastic bending, numerical. Torsion of
Bars: Introduction, plastic torsion of a circular bar, elastic- perfectly - plastic material, elastic
work hardening material, residual stresses and numerical. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Plane strain bending of beam and plastic torsion of a circular bar.
Text Books
1. Sadhu Singh, “Theory of Plasticity and Metal Forming Processes”, Khanna
Publishers, 3rd Edition, 2015, ISBN: 9788174090509.
2. R. A. W. Slater, “Engineering Plasticity: Theory and Application to Metal Forming
Processes”, McMillan Press Ltd, 1st Edition, 1977, ISBN: 9780333157091.
Reference Books
1. J. Chakraborty, “Theory of plasticity”, Butter-Heinemann publisher, 3rd Edition, 2007,
ISBN: 9789380931715.
2. Jacob Lubliner, “Plasticity Theory”, Dover publications Inc, 1st Edition, 2008,
ISBN: 9780486462905.
3. Avitzur, B., “Metal Forming Processes and Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 1st Edition,1968,
ISBN: 9780070025103.
4. L. M. Kachanov, “Fundamentals of the Theory of Plasticity”, Dover Publication,

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
1st Edition, 2004, ISBN: 9780486435831.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply the equation for stress transformation, spherical, deviator, octahedral
stresses and strains, and analyse the same.
Identify factors affecting plastic deformation, strain hardening, recovery,
CO2 recrystalization, cubical dilation, true stress - strain and analyse for Yield III, IV
CO3 Analyse the plastic flow of material using various theories. IV
Develop basic equation for incompressible two dimensional flows,
continuity equation and analyse the slip line field.
Analyse stress distribution in plastic bending of beams and residual stresses
in torsion of bars.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01
Apply the equation for stress transformation,
CO1 spherical, deviator, octahedral stresses and 3 2
strains, and analyse the same.
Identify factors affecting plastic
deformation, strain hardening, recovery,
CO2 3 2
recrystalization, cubical dilation, true stress -
strain and analyse for Yield stress.
Analyse the plastic flow of material using
CO3 3
various theories.
Develop basic equation for incompressible
CO4 two dimensional flows, continuity equation 3 2
and analyse the slip line field.
Analyse stress distribution in plastic bending
CO5 of beams and residual stresses in torsion of 3

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
CourseCode:P18ME744 Semester: VII L-T-P:4-0-0 Credits:03
Contact Period -Lecture: 52 Hours; Exam: 3 Hours. Weightage %: CIE: 50, SEE: 50
Course Objectives: The objectives of the course are to develop the students an ability to
understand the thermodynamics of compressor, turbine and combustion chambers, the linked
system performance of all components in the gas turbine engine and to have a basic
understanding on the working of aircraft and rocket engines.
Course Content
Centrifugal Compressors: Ideal energy transfer. actual energy transfer- slip, analytical
method of finding slip factor, power input factor, pressure coefficient, compressor efficiency,
inlet or inducer section, when the entrance is axial, sizing of inducer section, pre-whirl,
impeller passage, effect of impeller blade shape on performance, impeller channel,
compressor diffuser, losses in centrifugal compressor, compressor characteristic, surging and
choking. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Carnot cycle, Stirling cycle with regenerator.
Axial Flow Compressors: Introduction, description, performance analysis, momentum or
filament analysis, spatial velocity diagram, symmetric stage, non-symmetric axial inflow,
non-symmetric axial out flow, actual energy transfer, airfoil analysis one dimensional ideal
incompressible flow, two dimensional flow with friction, blading efficiency, losses in terms
of air angles and drag coefficient of performance- flow coefficient, pressure coefficient, work
coefficient, blade loading, cascade characteristic, blade angles, Reynolds and Mach number
effects, overall performance, compressor characteristics, numerical examples. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Compressor stall and surge.
Combustion Systems: Introduction, combustion mechanism, pressure losses, combustion
intensity, combustion efficiency, shape of the combustion chamber, stabilizing or primary
zone, dilution and mixing, combustion chamber arrangements, fuel injection system.
Regenerator: Introduction, types of regenerator, heat transfer in direct type exchangers-,
number of exchanger heat transfer units, capacity ratio, relation between Number of Transfer
Unit (NTU) and Stanton number, relations between NTU and effectiveness (no derivation),
Effect of flow arrangement, effect of C min/Cmax<1 for regenerator, log mean rate equation
compared to effectiveness-NTU approach, rotary heat exchanger- effect of matrix speed,
effect of longitudinal conduction, core pressure drop, economic approach of heat exchanger
design, numerical examples. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Requirement of combustion chamber, exchanger heat transfer
Axial flow gas turbines: Introduction, ideal impulse turbine, impulse turbine with loss,
blade speed ratio, velocity ratio and torque, velocity compounded turbine, reaction turbine,
reheat factor, blade speed ratio for reaction turbine, comparison of turbine types, forces on
blade, cascade analysis, three dimensional flow analysis – the free vortex blades, constant
angle nozzle stage, turbine flow passage, impulse blading, reaction blading. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Turbine and nozzle efficiencies, degree of reaction- Impulse
Unit 5
Aircraft Propulsion: Principle of jet propulsion, classification of propulsive devices, basic
working of turbojet, turboprop, turbofan, turboshaft. Theory of propulsion, thrust, thrust
power, propulsive efficiency and thermal efficiency of turbojet engine.
Rocket propulsion: Chemical Rockets, classification, performance parameters for chemical
rockets and their relationship, energy and efficiencies. Solid propellant rockets: solid
propellants, types, burning rate, grain configurations, typical fuels and oxidizers, properties
and specifications, liquid propellant rockets, liquid propellant feed systems, injectors, liquid

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propellant, precautions in propellant handling, hybrid rockets, cooling of rocket motors
(description only). 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Types of propellers, combustion processes in solid and liquid
propellant rockets.
Text Books
1. P.R. Khajuria and S. P. Dubey, “Gas Turbines and Propulsive System”, Dhanpat Rai
Publication, 2012, ISBN: 9788189928483.
2. V Ganeshan, “Gas Turbines”, McGraw Hill Publication, 3rd Edition, 2010, ISBN:
Reference Books
1. H. I. H Saravanamutto, GFC Rogers and H Cohen, “Gas Turbine Theory”, Pearson
Education, 5th Edition, 2001, ISBN: 9788178085340.
2. S. M. Yahya, “Turbines Compressor and Fans”, McGraw Hill Education, 4th Edition,
2010, ISBN: 9780070707023.
3. Philip Hill, and Carl Peterson, “Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion”,
Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2009, ISBN: 9788131729519.
4. G. P. Sutton and Oscar Biblarz, “Rocket Propulsion elements”, Wiley, 9th Edition
2017 ISBN: 9781118753651.
5. S. M. Yahya, “Fundamentals of Compressible Flow with Aircraft and Rocket
Propulsion”, New Age International Publishers, 6th Edition, 2018, ISBN:
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply the basics of energy transfer to analyse the performance of
centrifugal compressors.
Apply the basics of energy transfer to analyse the performance of axial
flow compressors.
Apply combustion mechanism to analyse the efficiencies of different
combustion chamber and heat exchangers.
Apply the basics of energy transfer to analyse the performance of axial
flow turbines.
Apply theory of propulsions to understand working of different propulsive
devices and analyse their performance parameters.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the basics of energy transfer to
CO1 analyse the performance of centrifugal 3 2
Apply the basics of energy transfer to
CO2 analyse the performance of axial flow 3 2
Apply combustion mechanism to analyse the
CO3 efficiencies of different combustion chamber 3 2
and heat exchangers.
Apply the basics of energy transfer to
CO4 analyse the performance of axial flow 3 2
Apply theory of propulsions to understand
CO5 working of different propulsive devices and 3 2
analyse their performance parameters.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Title: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (open elective-II)
Course Code: P18MEO751 Semester: VII L-T-P: 3-2-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 50; SEE: 50
Course Objectives: The course aims at enabling the students to understand the basic
concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM). Identify and develop appropriate tools in
TQM to solve real life problems.
Course Content
Introduction: Definition, basic approach, Gurus of Total Quality Management (TQM),
awareness, defining quality, primary elements of TQM, historical review, obstacles, benefits
of TQM. Leadership: Definitions, characteristics of quality leaders, leadership concepts, the
seven habits of highly effective people, ethics, the Deming philosophy, role of TQM leaders,
implementation, quality council, core values, concepts and framework, quality statements,
strategic planning, communications, decision making. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Characteristics of successful teams.
Customer Satisfaction: Introduction to customer, customer perception of quality, feedback,
using customer complaints, service quality, translating needs into requirements, customer
retention, additional comments. Continuous Process Improvement: Introduction, process,
the Juran trilogy, improvement strategies, types of problems, Plan Do Study Adjust (PDSA)
cycle, Kaizen reengineering. Statistical Process Control: Pareto diagram, process flow
diagram, cause and effect diagram, check sheets, histograms, statistical fundamentals, control
charts, state of control, out of control process, control charts for variables, control charts for
attributes, scatter diagrams. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Objectives of performance measures.
Benchmarking: Introduction, benchmarking, reasons to benchmark, process, deciding what
to benchmark, understanding current performance, planning, studying others, learning from
the data, using the findings, pitfalls and criticisms of benchmarking. Quality Management
Systems: Introduction, benefits of ISO registration, ISO 9000 series of standards, sector-
specific standards, ISO 9001 requirements, implementation, documentation, writing the
documents internal audits, registration, closing comments. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Limitations of quality of cost, TQM exemplary organization.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Definition, types of maintenance, steps in
introduction of TPM in an organization, pillars of TPM – 5S, Jishu Hozen, quality
maintenance, planned maintenance. Environmental Management Systems (EMS):
Definition, basic EMS, EMS under ISO 14001, costs and benefits of EMS. TQM Tools and
Techniques: The seven traditional tools of quality, Six sigma, concepts, methodology,
applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Applications and importance of Measurement System Analysis
Quality Function Deployment (QFD): Introduction, the QFD team, benefits of QFD, the
voice of the customer, organization of information, house of quality, QFD process, examples
and conclusion. Quality by Design: Introduction, rationale for implementation benefits,
teams, communication models, implementation, tools, misconceptions and pitfalls.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Computers and quality function (Data Collection), Kano model.
Text Books
1. Dale H. Besterfield, “Total Quality Management”, Pearson Publishers, 2018, ISBN:
2. V K Khanna, “Total Quality Management”, New Age International Publishers, 2008,

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
ISBN: 9788122417999.
Reference Books:
1. Dr. S Kumar, “Total Quality Management”, 1st Edition, Laxmi Publications, 2016,
ISBN: 9789385935817.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply concepts of strategic planning, decision making and characteristics of
leaders in organizations.
Apply the concepts of customer perception of quality, continuous process
improvement and statistical process control.
Apply the concept of benchmarking process in quality control and quality
management systems.
Identify different concepts of total productive management and environmental
management systems.
Apply the concepts of quality function deployment and quality by design in
Exemplary Organizations.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply concepts of strategic planning,
CO1 decision making and characteristics of 3
leaders in organizations.
Apply the concepts of customer
perception of quality, continuous process
CO2 3
improvement and statistical process
Apply the concept of benchmarking
CO3 process in quality control and quality 3
management systems.
Identify different concepts of total
CO4 productive management and 3 1
environmental management systems.
Apply the concepts of quality function
CO5 deployment and quality by design in 3
Exemplary Organizations.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Title: OPERATIONS RESEARCH (open elective-II)
Course Code: P18MEO752 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: The course aims at enabling the students to understand the basic concepts
of Operations Research. Identify and develop operation research models from the verbal
description of real life and optimize the solutions.
Course Content
Introduction: Definition, scope of Operations Research (OR) approach and limitations of OR
models, characteristics and phases of OR, mathematical formulation of linear programming
problems, graphical solution for maximization and minimization problems. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Advantages and disadvantages of OR.
Linear Programming Problems: Simplex method, slack, surplus and artificial variables,
degeneracy and procedure for resolving degeneracy, Big-M method, two phase method. 2 Hrs
Self Study Component: Dual simplex method.
Transportation and Assignment: Formulation of transportation problem, initial feasible
solution methods, optimality test, degeneracy in transportation problem, assignment problem,
Hungarian method, traveling salesman problem. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Unbalanced transportation and assignment problems.
Network Analysis in Project Planning (PERT and CPM): Project, project planning, project
scheduling, project controlling, network terminologies. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Crashing of networks.
Inventory and Models: Classical EOQ models, EOQ model with price breaks, EOQ with
shortage, newsboy problem. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Probabilistic EOQ model
Text Books
1. Taha H. A. “Operations Research and Introduction”, Pearson Education, 10th Edition,
2014, ISBN: 9780134444017.
2. Prem Kumar Gupta and D.S. Hira, S “Operation Research”, Chand Publication, 2011,
ISBN: 9788121902816.
Reference Books
1. AM Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, and Tamilaravari “Operation Research”, Pearson
Education, 2006, ISBN: 8131700003.
2. Hiller and Liberman, “Introduction to Operation Research”, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition
2001, ISBN: 8131700003.
3. Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg, “Operations Research: Principles and Practice”,
Wiley India, 2nd Edition 2007, ISBN: 9780471086086.
4. S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, Kedarnath Ramnath and Co. 2002, 2nd Edition,
2002, ISBN: 9789385935145.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Formulate real world problems as a Linear programming model and
demonstrate solution by graphical method.
Apply the sensitivity analysis technique to identify the direction and
magnitude of change of a Linear programming model.
Apply the specific LPP like transportation and assignment and analyse the
CO4 Apply the different project model and analyze the solution. III, IV
CO5 Apply the different Inventory models and analyze the solution. III, IV
VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 17
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Formulate real world problems as a Linear
CO1 programming model and demonstrate solution 3
by graphical method.
Apply the sensitivity analysis technique to
CO2 identify the direction and magnitude of change 3 3
of a Linear programming model.
Apply the specific LPP like transportation and
CO3 3 3
assignment and analyse the solution.
Apply the different project model and analyze
CO4 3 3
the solution.
Apply the different Inventory models and
CO5 3 3
analyze the solution.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Title: RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY (Open elective-II)

Course Code:P18MEO753 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: The course aims at strengthening the design capabilities of the students
by exposing them to the design of different mechanical elements that are commonly used in
Course Content
Introduction: Energy as a source, introduction to renewable energy technologies, Indian and
global scenario of conventional and renewable energy sources, need for renewable energy
sources. Energy Storage: Introduction, necessity of energy storage, energy storage methods,
energy and environment. Solar Radiation: Solar thermal process, beam and global radiation,
extra-terrestrial and terrestrial radiation, spectral distribution of extra-terrestrial radiation,
solar constant, solar radiation at the earth’s surface, solar radiation data. 09 Hrs
Self Study Component: Hydrogen energy, depletion of solar radiation and thermionic
Solar Radiation Measurement: Introduction, principles of working of solar radiation
measuring devices - pyranometer, shading ring, pyrheliometer, sunshine recorder.
Solar Thermal Systems: Introduction to solar thermal conversion, collection, solar energy
collection devices - liquid flat plate collectors, solar air heaters, concentrating collectors
(cylindrical, parabolic, paraboloid) application of solar energy water heating, solar heating
and cooling, solar thermal power plant and solar pond, principle of working. 11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Solar radiation geometry, solar radiation measuring angles, the
slope, angstrom pyrheliometer.
Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Systems: Basic principle of SPV conversion, characteristics and
classification of photo voltaic systems, solar cell fundamentals, types of solar cells, solar
cell, module, panel and array construction, photovoltaic thermal systems. Geothermal
Energy Conversion: Principle of working of different geothermal stations with schematic
diagram, methods of harnessing the geothermal energy, potential in India, problems
associated with geothermal conversion, scope of geothermal energy. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Photovoltaic module I-V characteristics, efficiency and quality of
the cell, heat pump and binary fluid geothermal power system.
Wind Energy: Availability of wind energy in India, wind machines: types and their
characteristics, horizontal and vertical axis wind mills, wind turbine aerodynamics, problems
associated with wind power. Tidal Power: Tides and waves as energy suppliers and their
mechanics, tidal-energy conversion systems, limitations. Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion (OTEC): Principle of working, ocean temperature differences, OTEC systems,
recent OTEC developments, problems associated with OTEC. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: power in the wind, OTEC cycle, bio fouling.
Energy from Biomass: Biomass resource, biomass conversion technologies, photosynthesis,
energy plantation, biogas production by anaerobic fermentation, description of biogas plants
(KVIC digester), problems involved with biogas production, bio fuels and biogas economic
aspects, advantages and application of biomass. Hydrogen Energy: Utilization of hydrogen
energy as renewable form of energy sources, production of hydrogen, electrolysis of water,
thermal decomposition of water, thermo chemical production and bio-chemical production.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Deenbhandhu bio gas plant and Iodine sulphur cycle.
Text Books

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
1. G.D. Rai, “Non-Conventional Energy Sources”, Khanna publishers, 6rd Edition 2004,
ISBN: 9788174090737.
2. Subhas. P. Sukhatme, J. K. Nayak, “Solar energy”, Tata McGraw Hill India, 3rd Edition,
2009, ISBN: 9780070142961.
Reference Books
1. N. K. Bansal, Manfred Kleeman and Mechaelmeliss,“Renewable Energy Sources and
Conversion Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001, ISBN:9780074600238.
2. John. W. Twidell, Tony Weir, “Renewable Energy Resources”, Routledge, 4th Edition,
2014, ISBN: 9780415633581.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify renewable energy resources and their utilization. III
Apply the basic concepts of solar radiation to understand the working
principle of different solar energy conversion devices.
Apply the working principle of solar photovoltaic and geothermal energy
systems for harnessing solar and geothermal energy.
Apply the working principle of wind, tidal and ocean energy system for
harnessing energy.
Identify characteristics of biomass energy and the methods of production of
hydrogen for utilization as a renewable form of source of energy.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01
Identify renewable energy resources and their
CO1 3
Apply the basic concepts of solar radiation to
CO2 understand the working principle of different 3
solar energy conversion devices.
Apply the working principle of solar
CO3 photovoltaic and geothermal energy systems 3
for harnessing solar and geothermal energy.
Apply the working principle of wind, tidal
CO4 and ocean energy system for harnessing 3
Identify characteristics of biomass energy and
the methods of production of hydrogen for
CO5 3
utilization as a renewable form of source of

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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Course Code: P18MEO754 Semester: VII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: The course aims to provide an introductory approach to finite element
method as a basic numerical tool for solving mechanical engineering problems.
Course Content
Introduction to FEM: Need for use of FEM, advantages and disadvantages of FEM,
engineering applications of FEM, steps involved in FEM, discretization process, types of
elements (1D, 2D, 3D), size of the elements, location of nodes, node numbering scheme, body
force and surface force, strain- displacement relations, stress-strain relations, concept of plane
stress and plane strain and their stress-strain relations, principle of minimum potential energy
and derivation of potential energy functional for a 3D elastic body. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Numerical integration by Gaussian quadrature.
Interpolation Models: Displacement function, nodal degrees of freedom, convergence
criteria, geometric isotropy, Pascal’s triangle for 2D polynomial, different co-ordinate systems
used in FEM, interpolation or shape functions for 1D linear bar elements and 2D linear
triangular (CST) element in cartesian and natural co-ordinate systems. Lagrangian polynomial,
shape functions for linear quadrilateral element (QUAD 4), iso-parametric, sub-parametric and
super-parametric elements, concept of Jacobian matrix, Jacobian matrix for CST element.
11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Simplex, complex and multiplex elements, Pascal’s pyramid for 3-D
Element Stiffness Matrix and Load Vectors: Strain displacement matrix, stiffness matrix
and load vector for linear bar element, strain displacement matrix and stiffness matrix for CST
element, assembly of elements by direct stiffness method, treatment of boundary conditions-
elimination and penalty methods, numericals on axially loaded uniformly tapered and stepped
bars. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Characteristics of stiffness matrix for CST element under plane
stress and plane strain conditions.
Analysis of Plane Trusses: Introduction, plane truss and plane frame structures, plane truss-
assumptions in analysis of truss, local and global coordinate systems, transformation of local
variables to global coordinates, stiffness and stress matrices for plane truss element, analysis
of truss members. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Comparison of beams and trusses.
Analysis of Beams: Introduction, Hermite shape function for beam element in cartesian
coordinates, stiffness matrix and load vector for beam element, and analysis of beams.
Analysis of Heat Transfer Problems: Steady state heat transfer, 1D heat conduction-
governing equation, boundary conditions, one-dimensional element, Galerkin’s approach to
heat conduction problems, numericals on 1D heat transfer through composite wall. 11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Different types of boundary conditions in heat transfer problem.
Text Books
1 Chandrakanth S Desai and J. F. Abel, “Introduction to the Finite Element Method”,
CBS, 1st Edition, 2005, ISBN: 9788123908953.
2 T. R. Chandrupatla and A. D. Belegundu, “Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering”, Pearson, 4th Edition, 2011, ISBN: 9780132162746.
Reference Books
1 Singiresu S Rao, “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, Elsevier Publisher, 5th
Edition, 2008, ISBN: 9789380931555.
2 O. C. Zienkiewicz, “The FEM its Basics and Fundamentals”, Elsevier Publisher, 6th
VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 21
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-8131211182.
3 J. N. Reddy, “Finite Element Method”, McGraw Hill, International Edition, 2005,
ISBN: 9780072466850.
4 Daryl. L. Logon, “Finite Element Methods”, Thomson Learning 5th Edition, 2011,
ISBN: 9780495668251.
5 David V. Hutton, “Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd, 2005, ISBN: 978-0070601222.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply the basic concepts and mathematical preliminaries of FEM required to
solve basic field problems.
Develop interpolation models for 1D and 2D elements that satisfy
CO2 convergence criteria and geometric isotropy and use isoparametric concept in V
the finite element analysis.
Formulate element stiffness matrices and load vectors for different elements
using variational principle and analyze axially loaded bars.
Make use of finite element formulations in analysing the stresses, strains
and reactions of trusses and transversely loaded beams.
Analyse the stresses, strains and reactions of transversely loaded beams and
heat transfer problems.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the basic concepts and mathematical
CO1 preliminaries of FEM required to solve basic 3 2
field problems.
Develop interpolation models for 1D and 2D
elements that satisfy convergence criteria and
CO2 1 3
geometric isotropy and use isoparametric
concept in the finite element analysis.
Formulate element stiffness matrices and load
CO3 vectors for different elements using variational 1 3
principle and analyze axially loaded bars.
Make use of finite element formulations in
CO4 analysing the stresses, strains and reactions of 3 2
trusses and transversely loaded beams.
Analyse the stresses, strains and reactions of
CO5 transversely loaded beams and heat transfer 3

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 22

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Title: DESIGN LAB
Course Code: P18MEL76 Semester: VII L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credits: 1.5
Contact Period - Lecture: 36 Hours ; Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 50, SEE: 50
Course Objectives: This course enables the students to understand the basic concepts of natural
frequency of spring-mass system, vibration characteristics of rotor, pressure distribution in
journal bearing.
Course Content
Exp-1:Determination of natural frequency of single DOF undamped spring-mass free vibration
Exp-2:Determination of natural frequency of single DOF undamped equivalent spring-mass free
vibration system.
Exp-3: Study of single DOF damped torsional free vibration system.
Exp-4:Study of forced vibration of single DOF equivalent spring - mass – damper system
Exp-5:Determination of natural frequency by Dunkerley’s principle
Exp-6: Determination of critical speed of a rotating shaft.
Exp-7: Determination of vibration characteristics of rotor (Demonstration only). 21 Hrs
Exp-8:Determination of Fringe constant of Photo elastic material using a Circular disc subjected
To diametric compression.
Exp-9:Determination of stress concentration using Photo elasticity for a circular disk with
circular hole under compression
Exp-10:Performance study of governors.
Exp-11:Determination of a Pressure distribution in Journal bearing
Exp-12:Determination of Principal Stresses and strains in a member subjected to combined
loading using Strain rosettes.
Exp-13:Determination of gyroscopic torque in a Gyroscope. 15 Hrs
Reference Books
1. V.P. Singh, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Dhanpat Rai and Co (P) Ltd., ISBN:
2. S.S. Rattan, “Theory of Machines”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2015,
ISBN: 9789351343479.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify safe operating practices and requirements for laboratory experiments III
Apply principles of vibration to analyse characteristics of single degree of
freedom systems.
Apply the concepts of stress concentration and pressure distribution to
analyse photo elastic material and journal bearing respectively.
CO4 Analyze the performance parameters of governors and gyroscopes. IV
Make use of experimental data to prepare clear and concisely lab reports as an
individual or as a team member to communicate effectively.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Identify safe operating practices and
CO1 3 2
requirements for laboratory experiments
Apply principles of vibration to analyse
CO2 characteristics of single degree of freedom 3 3
CO3 Apply the concepts of stress concentration and 3 3

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 23

Department of Mechanical Engineering
pressure distribution to analyse photo elastic
material and journal bearing respectively.
Analyze the performance parameters of
CO4 3
governors and gyroscopes.
Make use of experimental data to prepare clear
CO5 and concisely lab reports as an individual or as a 3 3 3
team member to communicate effectively.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Course Code: P18MEL77 Semester: VII L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credits: 1.5
Contact Period - Lecture: 36 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: This course enables the students to simulate Turning, Drilling,
Milling/Cutting operations using simulation packages, to build hydraulic circuits using single
acting cylinder and double acting cylinder and to generate response plot of control system
using MATLAB.
Course Content
1. Modeling of simple machine parts and generating machine codes for CNC production
using standard CAM packages.
2. Simulation of Turning, Drilling, Milling/Cutting operations on a Computer using CAM
3. Three typical simulations to be carried out using simulation packages like Master CAM, or
any equivalent software. 21 Hrs
4. Design and building of hydraulic circuits using single acting cylinder and double acting
cylinder and its analysis.
5. Unit-step response plot of control system using MATLAB, for (i) its open loop transfer
function and (ii) its state-space equation and to determine rise time, peak time, maximum
overshoot and settling time in the unit-step response plot.
6. Root locus plot, Bode plot and Nyquist plot of control systems using MATLAB, for (i) its
open loop transfer function and (ii) its state-space equation. 15 Hrs
Reference Books
1. P.N. Rao, “CAD/CAM Principles and Application”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd edition,
2010, ISBN: 0070681937.
2. Groover, “Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw
Hill. 2003.
3. Rao V Dukkipati, “Control Systems”, Narosa Publishing House, 2008, ISBN: 978-
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply the basic concepts of advanced manufacturing techniques to
commercially available CAM tool.
Apply the basics of machining processes such as Turning, Drilling and
Milling to CAM tool.
Develop MATLAB programs to plot step-response curve, root locus,
Nyquist and Bode plots of control systems.
Interpret the results obtained for preparing a report as an individual to
communicate effectively.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the basic concepts of advanced
CO1 manufacturing techniques to 3 3 2
commercially available CAM tool.
Apply the basics of machining processes
CO2 such as Turning, Drilling and Milling to 3
CAM tool.
Develop MATLAB programs to plot
CO3 step-response curve, root locus, Nyquist 2 3 2
and Bode plots of control systems.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 25

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Interpret the results obtained for
CO4 preparing a report as an individual to 3 3 3
communicate effectively.


Course Code: P18ME78 Semester: VII L-T-P: 0-0-4 Credits: 2
Contact Period - Lecture: 36 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 100
Course Objectives: This course enables the students to conduct a project work on topics related
to mechanical engineering or interdisciplinary topics integrated with mechanical engineering.
Course Content : The Project Work Phase - I and seminar evaluation shall be of 100 marks
CIE. It is based on the submission of report consisting Title, Introduction, Literature Survey,
Objectives and Methodology (50 marks) and presentation (50 marks).
Course Outcomes
Identify title, introduction, literature survey and Formulation of
objectives and methodology.
Course Articulation Matrix

Program Outcomes PSO

Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Identify title, introduction, literature survey
CO1 and Formulation of objectives and 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1

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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Course Code: P18ME81 Semester: VIII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 04
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE: 50
Course Objectives: The course aims at enabling the students to familiarize students with
brief history of robot and basic concepts of industrial robot. Expose the students to
kinematics of robots and programming of robot. Make the students familiar with various
applications of robots in industry.
Course Content
Introduction: Automation and robotics, brief history of robotics, classifications of robots,
geometrical configuration, advantages and applications of each, work volume, wrist and its
motions, links and joints. End Effectors: Types of grippers and tools, resolution, accuracy
and repeatability, numericals. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Latest developments in robots.
Structure of Robotic System: Robot drive system, hydraulic, electric and pneumatic drive
system, advantages and disadvantages, feedback components, position and velocity sensors,
types of actuators, internal state sensors, encoders, potentiometers and resolver, external state
sensors, tactile sensing, proximity sensing, range sensing, and force-torque sensors. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Applications of hydraulic, electric and pneumatic drive system.
Kinematic Analysis and Coordinate Transformation: Direct kinematic problem in
robotics, geometry based direct kinematic analysis, coordinate and vector transformation
using matrices, the orientation matrix and translator vector, homogeneous transformation
matrices, three dimensional homogeneous transformations, Denavit-Hartenberg (DH)
convention, implementing the DH convention, obtaining the DH displacement matrices.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Applications of DH method in three axis robot arm and wrist.
Robot Programming: Introduction, methods of robot programming, lead through method,
textual robot language method, a robot program as a path in space, motion interpolation, wait,
signal and delay commands, branching, the textual robot languages, generations of robot
programming languages, robot language structure, robot language elements and functions,
programs. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Capabilities and limitations of lead through methods.
Autonomous Mobile Robots: Locomotion, key issues for locomotion, legged mobile robots,
leg-types and configurations and stability, examples of legged robot locomotion, gaits-biped,
quadraped and hexaped, wheeled mobile robots, wheeled locomotion, design space.
Applications of Robots in Manufacturing: Material transfer, general considerations in
robot material handling pick and place, palletizing operations, machine loading and
unloading; die casting, plastic moulding, forging, machining and stamping press operations.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Applications of robots in processing operations.
Text Books
1. Michell Grover, Mitchel Weiss and Roger Nagel, “Industrial Robots”, McGraw Hill,
2nd Edition, 2012, ISBN: 139780070265097.
2. K.S. Fu, R.C. Gonzales and Lee, “Robotics”, McGraw Hill, 1stedition, 2008, ISBN:
Reference Books
1. Yoramn Koren, “Robotics for Engineers”, Mc Graw hill Intl. Book Co., 1987, ISBN:
2. Robert J. Schilling, “Fundamentals of Robotics”, PHI, 1st Edition, 2011, ISBN:
VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 27
Department of Mechanical Engineering
3. Richard D. Klafter, C Thomas A, “Robotic Engineering”, PHI, 1993, ISBN:
4. R.K. Mittal and J. Nagarath, “Robotics and Control” Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition,
2007, ISBN: 0070482934.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Identify robots based on geometrical configuration, work volume,
resolution, and accuracy of various configurations of robot.
Identify different types of drive system and sensors required for specific
Analyse kinematics and coordinate transformation of robots using DH
CO4 Develop robot task program using robot language. V
Apply the concepts of different autonomous mobile robot systems in
manufacturing industries.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01
Identify robots based on geometrical
CO1 configuration, work volume, resolution, and 3 2
accuracy of various configurations of robot.
Identify different types of drive system and
CO2 3
sensors required for specific applications.
Analyse kinematics and coordinate
CO3 1 3 2 2
transformation of robots using DH method.
Develop robot task program using robot
CO4 1 3 2
Apply the concepts of different autonomous
CO5 mobile robot systems in manufacturing 3

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME821 Semester: VIII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: The course aims at enabling the students to understand the basic
concepts of Operations Research. Identify and develop operation research models from the
verbal description of real life and optimize the solutions.
Course Content
Introduction: Definition, scope of Operations Research (OR) approach and limitations of
OR models, characteristics and phases of OR, mathematical formulation of Linear
Programming Problems (LPP), graphical solution for maximization and minimization
problems. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Advantages and disadvantages of operations research.
Linear Programming Problems: Simplex method, slack, surplus and artificial variables,
degeneracy and procedure for resolving degeneracy. Big-M method, two phase method.
12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Dual simplex method.
Transportation and Assignment: Formulation of transportation problem, initial feasible
solution methods, optimality test, degeneracy in transportation problem, assignment problem,
Hungarian method, traveling salesman problem. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Unbalanced transportation and assignment problems.
Network Analysis in Project Planning (PERT and CPM): Project, project planning,
project scheduling, project controlling, network terminologies, PERT and CPM. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Crashing of networks. .
Game Theory: Formulation of games, two people-zero sum game, games with and without
saddle point, graphical solution (2 x n, m x 2 game) and dominance property. Queuing
Theory: Queuing system and their characteristics. The M/M/1 queuing system, steady state
performance analyzing of M/M/1 system. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Competitive games.
Text Books
1. Taha H. A “Operations Research and Introduction”, Pearson Education, 10th Edition,
2014, ISBN No.9780134444017.
2. S.D. Sharma “Operations Research”, Kedarnath Ramnath and Co., 2nd Edition,
2002, ISBN : 978938593545.
Reference Books
1. AM Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, A Tamilaravari “Operations Research”, Pearson
Education 2006, ISBN: 8131700003.
2. Hiller and Liberman, “Introduction to Operations Research”, McGraw Hill, 5th
Edition, 2001, ISBN: 8131700003.
3. Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg “Operations Research”, Principles and practice Wiley
India, 2nd Edition, 2007, ISBN: 9780471086086.
4. Prem Kumar Gupta, D.S. Hira S “Operation Research”, Chand Publication, 2011,
ISBN: 9788121902816.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Formulate real world problems as a Linear programming model and
demonstrate solution by graphical method..
Apply the sensitivity analysis technique to identify the direction and
magnitude of change of a Linear programming model.
VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 29
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Apply the specific LPP like transportation and assignment and analyse the
CO4 Apply the different project model and analyze the solution. III, IV
CO5 Apply the different Inventory models and analyze the solution. III, IV
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01
Formulate real world problems as a Linear
CO1 programming model and demonstrate solution 3
by graphical method.
Apply the sensitivity analysis technique to
CO2 identify the direction and magnitude of 3 3
change of a Linear programming model.
Apply the specific LPP like transportation
CO3 3 3
and assignment and analyse the solution.
Apply the different project model and
CO4 3 3
analyze the solution.
Apply the different Inventory models and
CO5 3 3
analyze the solution.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 30

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME822 Semester: VIII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: The course aims at understanding and strengthening the knowledge of
advancements in Foundry and Welding technology to the students by exposing them to
different Foundry and welding techniques that are commonly used in industries.
Course Content
Solidification of Castings: Introduction, concept of solidification of metals, solidification of
pure metals, nucleation, homogeneous or self-nucleation, heterogeneous nucleation, growth,
solidification of alloys, alloyed metal characteristics, main types of alloys, solid solution
alloys, their characteristics and solidification, phase diagram, coring or segregation, types of
segregation, solute distribution, solidification phenomenon and grain structure, mechanism of
dendrite, formation and dendrite growth solidification rate, directional solidification and
control of solidification to obtain sound castings. Metallurgy of Cast Steel: Composition,
structure, control of properties, macrostructure, microstructure, inclusions, heat- treatment,
annealing, normalizing, stress relief annealing, liquid quench and tempering. 10 Hrs
Self study component: Alloy steels, measurement of hardenability and its significance,
production heat treating.
Principles of Gating: Gating System, requirements, purposes of functions of the gating
system, pouring cups and basins, spruers, gates, their characteristics and different types,
design of gating system, objectives achieved from good design, defects occurring due to
improper design of gating system, turbulence in gating system, metal flow rate and velocity
calculations, design criteria for pouring basin, design of sprue, pouring time, design of runner
and gates, pressurized and unpressurized gating system, streamlining the gating system,
practical rules for gating practice, elimination of slag and dross for copper, ferrous and light
metal alloys. Principles of Risering: Introduction, functions of a riser, types of riser, open
and blind risers, riser and directional solidification, increasing riser efficiency and promoting
directional solidification, insulating materials, exothermic materials, chills, padding, feeder
head (or riser system), design, general principles, riser shape, riser size, Chvorinove’s rule,
riser location and riser feeding distance. 10 Hrs
Self study component: Risering practice for alloys- heat loss from risers.
Casting Design Considerations: Functional design, mechanical strength, dimensional design
factors, simplification of foundry practice, molding and coring, elimination of coring,
metallurgical design, Shakeout/ Cleaning/ Finishing: Modern developments, punch out
machines, shakeout tables and decks, high frequency shakeouts, vibrating shakeout
conveyors, rotary separators, robots and manipulators, fettling (cleaning) of castings; removal
of cores, cleaning of castings surfaces, hand methods and mechanical methods, blast cleaning,
process control, blast cleaning abrasives, air blasting, mechanical blast cleaning
(wheelabrator system), hydro blasting, safety considerations when blast cleaning nonferrous
casting, chemical cleaning, removal of gates and riser, removal of fins and other unwanted
projections from castings, finishing of castings; grinding castings. 10 Hrs
Self study component: Surface treatment of castings.
Special Welding Processes: Electron beam welding, laser beam welding, ultrasonic welding,
explosion welding, electro slag and electro gas welding, cold pressure welding, friction stir
welding, diffusion bonding and adhesive bonding. Cracks in Welding: Introduction,
classifications in weld cracks, hot and cold cracks, nomenclature, location and orientation of
weld cracks, weld metal cracks, base metal cracks, factors contribution to weld cracking.
12 Hrs
Self study component: Specific weld cracks: Chevron cracks, lamellar cracks, reheat
cracking, stress corrosion cracking.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Defects in Welding: Classification of weld defects, general sources of weld defects, surface
or visual defects, subsurface weld defects, weld defects in arc welding processes, resistance
welding defects, defects in friction welding, defects in welds of other welding processes.
Weld Inspection, Quality Control and Inspection of Welding Defects: Introduction, destructive
tests, tensile test, bend test, toughness testing test, hardness, visual inspection, liquid
penetrate testing, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing, magneto graphic test,
radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing and acoustic emission testing. 10 Hrs
Self study component: Comparison of NDT methods, vacuum testing, halide testing, Helium
Text Books
1. O. P. Khanna,“ Foundry Technology”, Dhanpat Rai Publication(p) Ltd, Revised edition,
2015, ISBN:9788189928346.
2. Parmar. R. S, ”Welding Processes and Technology”, 3rd Edition, Khanna Publishers,
2013, ISBN:9788174091260.
Reference Books
1. John Campbell, “Casting”, Butterworth Heinnmann, 2nd Edition, 2004, ISBN:
2. P.N.Rao, “Manufacturing Technology Foundry, Forming and Welding”, McGraw
Hill, 4th Edition, volume 1, 2013, ISBN: 9789383286614.
3. Dr. K. Radha Krishna, “Manufacturing process-I”, Sapna Book House, Bangalore. 5th
Edition, 2006, ISBN: 8128002074.
4. Carl R Loper and Philip C Rosenthal, Richard W Heine, “Principles of Metal Casting”,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2001, ISBN: 9780070993488.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply the concepts of solidification and nucleation of metals in casting
CO2 Identify the different gating and riser systems to obtain sound casting. III
Identify the different modern equipments and factors affecting in casting
Identify different types of welding techniques and factors contributing to
weld cracks.
Identify the different welding defects using different non destructive testing
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01
Apply the concepts of solidification and
CO1 3
nucleation of metals in casting process.
Identify the different gating and riser
CO2 3
systems to obtain sound casting.
Identify the different modern equipments
CO3 3 1
and factors affecting in casting design.
Identify different types of welding
CO4 techniques and factors contributing to weld 3
Identify the different welding defects using
CO5 3
different non destructive testing methods.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 32

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Title: TRIBOLOGY
Course Code: P18ME823 Semester: VIII L-T-P: 4-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: The course aims at strengthening the capability of students to integrate
friction, wear and lubrication theories in design, manufacturing and operation of sustainable
machine elements and their maintenance.
Course Content
Introduction to Tribology: Introduction, friction, laws of friction, friction theories, surface
contaminants and frictional heating, wear- classification of wear, abrasive wear and adhesive
wear, corrosive wear, fatigue and fretting wear, mechanisms of wear, basic wear testing
methods- pin on disc wear tester and dry sand rubber wheel abrasion tester, wear resistant
materials. Surface Roughness: Introduction, standardization of surface roughness, M and E
system, center line average, root mean square roughness, probability distribution function,
autocorrelation function, Abbott bearing area curve, surface roughness measurement
techniques-stylus method, interferometric method, optical profilometer and pneumatic method.
10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Industrial importance of tribology.
Lubricants and Lubrication: Types of bearing, lubricants, types of lubricants, lubrication,
types of sliding lubrication-fluid-film lubrication, boundary lubrication and extreme boundary
lubrication, properties of oils and equation of flow- viscosity, Newton’s law of viscous flow,
effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity, viscosity index, viscosity measuring apparatus-
U-tube viscometer, Saybolt universal viscometer and Redwood viscometer, Hagen-Poiseuille
law, flow through capillary tube, flow between parallel stationary plates. 10 Hrs
Self Study component: Types of additives.
Hydrodynamic Lubrication: Friction forces and power loss in lightly loaded bearing,
coefficient of friction for a lightly loaded bearing (Petroff’s equation), limits of hydrodynamic
lubrication, numerical examples of lightly loaded full-journal bearing, tower’s experiments,
Reynold’s investigations, mechanism of pressure development in an oil film, application of
converging oil film in thrust bearing, formation of a converging oil film in a partial and full
journal bearings, Reynold’s equation in two dimensions. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Concept of Navier- Stokes.
Idealized Hydrodynamic Bearings: Definition of idealized bearings, idealized plane-slider
bearing with a fixed shoe-pressure distribution, load carrying capacity, coefficient of friction,
idealized slider bearing with a pivoted shoe-load carrying capacity, frictional resistance,
coefficient of friction, location of the pivot point of a slider bearing with a pivot shoe,
Numerical. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Location of center of pressure of idealized slides bearing.
Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing: Idealized journal bearings- infinitely long-full journal
bearing- oil film thickness, Sommerfeld substitution, pressure distribution (description only),
load carrying capacity, Sommerfeld number, viscous friction, modified Sommerfeld solution.
Infinitely short-full journal bearing- pressure distribution (description only), load capacity and
friction force, numerical on idealized hydrodynamic journal bearing.
Porous Bearings: Introduction to porous bearings, equations for porous bearings and working
principle. Hydrostatic Lubrication: Introduction to hydrostatic lubrication, types of
hydrostatic lubrication systems, hydrostatic step bearings, load carrying capacity and oil flow
through the hydrostatic step bearing, numerical on hydrostatic lubrication. 12 Hrs
Self Study Component: Advantages and disadvantages of magnetic bearing.
Text Books
1. Basu S K., Sengupta S N.and Ahuja B. B., “Fundamentals of Tribology”, PHI, 1st

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 33

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Edition, 2009, ISBN: 9788120327238.
2. B. C. Mujumdar, “Introduction to Tribology of Bearings”, S. Chand (G/L) and
Company Ltd, 2nd Edition, 2010, ISBN: 9788121929875.
Reference Books
1. E. I. Redzimovskay, “Lubrication of Bearings Theoretical Principles and Design”,
The Ronald Press Company, 1st edition, 1959, ASIN: B0000EGL66.
2. Dudley D. Fuller, “Theory and Practice of Lubrication for Engineers”, John Wiley
and Sons, 2nd Edition, 1984, ISBN: 9780471047032.
3. Desmond F. Moore, “Principles and Applications of Tribology”, Pergamaon Press, 1st
edition, 1975, ISBN: 9780080179025.
4. Sushil Kumar Srivastava, “Tribology in Industries”, S Chand and Company Limited,
2004, ISBN: 9788121920452.
5. Prasanta Sahoo, “Engineering Tribology”, PHI, 2005, ISBN: 9788120327245.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply the basics of friction, laws of friction and different types of wear and
CO1 wear mechanisms and analyse surface texture and roughness characteristics III, IV
using its measuring techniques.
CO2 Identify the properties of lubricants and develop Hagen-Poiseuille law. III, V
Apply the concept of lightly loaded bearings and develop Petroff’s
Develop expressions for pressure distribution, load carrying capacity,
coefficient of friction and frictional resistance in an idealized slider bearing.
Develop expressions for pressure distribution, load carrying capacity and oil
flow through the hydrodynamic journal bearing, hydrostatic step bearing.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the basics of friction, laws of friction and
different types of wear and wear mechanisms
CO1 3 3
and analyse surface texture and roughness
characteristics using its measuring techniques.
Identify the properties of lubricants and
CO2 3 2
develop Hagen-Poiseuille law.
Apply the concept of lightly loaded bearings
CO3 3 3
and develop Petroff’s equation.
Develop expressions for pressure distribution,
load carrying capacity, coefficient of friction
CO4 1 3
and frictional resistance in an idealized slider
Develop expressions for pressure distribution,
load carrying capacity and oil flow through the
CO5 1 3
hydrodynamic journal bearing, hydrostatic step

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME824 Semester: VIII L-T-P-H: 4-0-0-4 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 52 Hours Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: CIE: 50 SEE: 50
Course Objectives: This course will prepare students in the fundamentals of the
computational approach to study fluid flow and heat transfer problems and will provide a
deeper understanding of the physical models and governing equations of fluid dynamics. It
will also impart the knowledge of numerical techniques to the solution of fluid dynamics and
heat transfer problems.
Course Content
Governing Equations: Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), comparison of
experimental, theoretical and computational approaches, 3-D general mass conservation,
momentum and energy equations in differential form, integral form. Partial Differential
Equations (PDE): classification of PDE, hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic forms of
equations and their physical behavior, physical boundary conditions. 11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Forms of the governing equations particularly suited for CFD work,
generic form of equations, impact of CFD on automobile, engine and manufacturing
Finite Difference Method: Derivation of finite difference equations for first and second
order accuracy, different numerical schemes-explicit and implicit approach-upwind,
downwind, FTCS, etc., truncation error, round-off and discretization errors and analysis of
stability, error propagation, application of numerical methods to selected model equations;
wave equation, heat equation, Laplace equation. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Stability properties of explicit and implicit methods, numerical
dissipation and numerical dispersion.
Finite Volume Method for Diffusion: Finite volume formulation of steady state one
dimensional diffusion problems, finite volume methods for diffusion equation-one
dimensional unsteady heat conduction through explicit, Crank-Nicolson and fully implicit.
Finite Volume Method for Convection Diffusion: Finite volume formulation of steady state
one dimensional convection-diffusion problems- central, upwind, hybrid, power-law, QUICK
differencing schemes. 11 Hrs
Self Study Component: Properties of discretization schemes-conservativeness,
boundedness, transportive.
Overview of Ansys Workbench: (Teaching by Industry Experts)
Introduction, mechanical overview, starting mechanical, working with units, basic analysis
procedure, mechanical interface, menus, toolbars, graphics controls and selection, outline tree
and details, tagging and tree filtering, graphics window, mechanical application wizard,
scoping loads and supports, engineering data application. General pre-processing:
Geometry, connections, co-ordinate systems, named selections, object generator, selection
information. Meshing: Global, local meshing controls, mesh troubleshooting, virtual
topology, submodelling. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Need for CFD, applications of CFD, Convergence criteria
Introduction to Analysis: (Teaching by Industry Experts)
Vibration Analysis (Free Vibration): Basics of free vibration, geometry, contact, solution
setup, modal results, vibration with pre-stress. Thermal Analysis (Steady State Thermal
Analysis): Basics of steady state heat transfer, geometry, material property, thermal contact,
thermal boundary conditions, solution options, and results post-processing. Results and Post
Processing: Viewing results, legend controls, contour controls, post processing utilities,
exporting results, convergence and scoping. 10 Hrs
Self Study Component: Numerical stability, turbulence modeling.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 35

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Text Books
1. John C. Tannehill, Dule A Anderson and Richard H Pletcher, “Computational Fluid
Mechanics and Heat Transfer”, CRC press, 3rd Edition, 2011, ISBN:
2. SuhasV Patankar, “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, CRC Press, 1980,
ISBN: 139780891165224.
Reference Books
1. T.J. Chung, “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Cambridge University Press, 2nd
edition, 2010, ISBN: 139780521769693.
2. John D. and Anderson, Jr., “Computational fluid Dynamics- The basics with
applications”, McGraw-Hill, Inc.1995, ISBN:139780070016859.
3. Muralidhar, K., and Sundararajan, T., “Computational Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2ndedition, 2009,
ISBN: 139788173195228.
4. Versteeg, H.K., and Malalasekera, W., “An Introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics-The finite volume Method”, Pearson, 2nd edition, 2007,
ISBN: 139780131274983.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Apply the concepts of partial differential equations to understand behavior
of the equation with suitable boundary conditions.
Develop finite difference discretization methods and implement them to
analyse engineering problems.
Develop finite volume discretization methods and implement them to
analyse engineering problems.
Identify the modern CFD tool to build flow geometries, generate mesh and
select suitable solvers to obtain the solutions.
Develop the numerical solutions for free vibration and steady state thermal
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the concepts of partial differential
CO1 equations to understand behavior of the 3
equation with suitable boundary conditions.
Develop finite difference discretization
CO2 methods and implement them to analyse 2 3
engineering problems.
Develop finite volume discretization
CO3 methods and implement them to analyse 2 3
engineering problems.
Identify the modern CFD tool to build flow
CO4 geometries, generate mesh and select 3 2 2
suitable solvers to obtain the solutions.
Develop the numerical solutions for free
CO5 3
vibration and steady state thermal problems.

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 36

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Title: INTERNSHIP
Course Code: P18ME83 Semester: VIII L-T-P: 0-0-0 Credits: 02
Exam: 3 Hours Weightage % : CIE: 50, SEE:50
Course Objectives: All students have to undergo mandatory internship of 8 weeks during the
vacation of VI and VII Semesters.
Course Content
The area for internship shall be a mechanical industry/ consultancy / service firms related to
mechanical engineering. An examination should be conducted during VIII semester and the
prescribed credit shall be counted for the same semester. Internship shall be considered as a
head of passing and shall be consider for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-up /
complete the internship shall be declared as failed and have to complete during the
subsequent examination after satisfying the internship requirements.
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
Course Outcomes
Adapt the industrial knowledge in the appropriate field related to mechanical
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Adapt the industrial knowledge in the
CO appropriate field related to mechanical 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 37

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME84 Semester: VIII L-T-P: 0-0-4 Credits: 06
Exam: 3 Hours Weightage %: SEE:100, CIE: 100
Course Objectives: Course Objectives: This course enables the students to conduct a project
work on topics related to mechanical engineering or interdisciplinary topics integrated with
mechanical engineering.
Course Content : The Project Work Phase - II shall be of CIE for 100 marks and SEE for 100
marks. It is based on the submission of report consisting title, abstract, introduction, literature
survey, objectives and methodology, experimentation, analysis, results, discussions and
conclusions for 100 marks and presentation for 100 marks.
Course Outcomes Level
Identify title, introduction, literature survey and Formulation of
objectives and methodology.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Identify title, introduction, literature survey
CO and Formulation of objectives and 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 38

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Code: P18ME85 Semester: VIII L-T-P: 0-0-4 Credits: 02
Weightage % : CIE: 50

In the self-study course and seminar, the student has to choose and study the courses related to
the program discipline with her/his own efforts under the guidance of a course instructor/
project guide, using study materials available in open sources i.e. Massive open online course
(MOOC) NPTEL courses.
Further, in addition to the above, the department has to release the pool of courses from the
list of available 8 weeks NPTEL online courses. The student has to register for the course
from the available pool during VII/VIII semester and the same will be reflected in the grade
card of the VIII semester. The 50 marks CIE assessment is based on the final NPTEL score
(i.e. Online assignments: 25% + Proctored exam: 75%). The NPTEL score will be mapped
directly to the CIE marks as per the calculation below only if he /she has completed the
NPTEL course (i.e. Certification).
CIE = (NPTEL Score X 1.5)/2=[Maximum CIE should be 50 marks]
[Ex.-1: If NPTEL score is 60 then the CIE will be = (60 X 1.5)/2=45
Ex.-2: If NPTEL score is 80 then the CIE will be= (80X 1.5)/2=50 (Maximum CIE
should be 50 Marks)]
If the student fails to complete the NPTEL course at the end of the VIII semester, then the
department has to constitute a committee consisting of the head of the department, two senior
faculty members of the department, one of them may be the internal guide. The evaluation is
based on a report, presentation, and viva voce and the assessment is a relative evaluation in
context to the student completed NPTEL course (i.e. the CIE score should be less than the
score of the student cleared NPTEL course).

VII and VIII Semester Syllabus 2018-2019 39

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