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P22-3rd and 4th Sem Syllabus (ME)

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(With effect from 2023 -24)

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Bachelor Degree
Mechanical Engineering

III & IV Semester

Out Come Based Education

Choice Based Credit System
[National Education Policy Scheme]

P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya - 571 401, Karnataka

[An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi,
Grant – in – Aid Institution (Government of Karnataka),
Accredited by NBA (All UG Programs), NAAC and Approved by AICTE, New Delhi]

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Ph : 08232- 220043, Fax : 08232 – 222075,Web :
P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

“PESCE shall be a leading institution imparting quality Engineering and Management education
developing creative and socially responsible professionals.”

 Provide state of the art infrastructure, motivate the faculty to be proficient in their field of
specialization and adopt best teaching-learning practices.
 Impart engineering and managerial skills through competent and committed faculty using
outcome based educational curriculum.
 Inculcate professional ethics, leadership qualities and entrepreneurial skills to meet the
societal needs.
 Promote research, product development and industry-institution interaction.

Highly committed in providing quality, concurrent technical education and continuously striving to meet
expectations of stake holders.


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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

About Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 1962 during the origination of the
institute. The department was granted academic autonomy in the year 2009. The department presently offers B.E
in Mechanical Engineering, M Tech in Machine Design, M.Sc., (Engg.) by research and research leading to Ph.D.
The present intake capacity of the department is 180 for BE, 24 for M Tech Machine Design. The department has
a faculty-student ratio of 1:15 for UG courses and 1:12 for PG courses. The department has well established
laboratories to meet the academic requirements of UG and PG programmes and a skilled technical faculty to train
the students. The department has its own library which has a collection of about 4600 reference books.
The department is accredited with NBA for 3Years in 2019.
The department regularly organizes industrial visits, technical talk by experts from industries and institutes in
contemporary areas to bridge the gap between syllabi and current corporate developments. The students are
encouraged to undergo industrial training as well as to take up industry oriented projects during their academic
course. Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA), formed by the students and faculty of the department
regularly organizes co-curricular and extracurricular activities for the students.

Department Vision

“Be a department well recognized for its ability to develop competent mechanical engineers capable of working in
global environment”
Department Mission

The Mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to:

Provide quality education by competent faculty.
Provide adequate infrastructure and learning ambience for the development of essential technical skills.
Inculcate a sense of higher education and research orientation.
Foster industry interaction.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has formulated the following programme educational
objectives for the under-graduate program in Mechanical Engineering:
The Mechanical Engineering graduates will be able to:

PEO1: Use the fundamentals of basic science, mathematics and mechanical engineering, to pursue their
career as engineers as well as to lead and manage teams in global organizations.
PEO2: Pursue advanced education, research and development and engage in the process of life-long
PEO3: Become entrepreneurs in a responsible, professional and ethical manner to serve the society.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Engineering graduates should be able to:

PSO1: Apply computer simulation and experimental methods in the design and development of sustainable
products of mechanical systems.
PSO2: Utilize the knowledge of advanced manufacturing and condition monitoring techniques in industrial

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (III –Semester)

Sl. Teaching Hrs / Week Examination
No. Course Code Course Title Department Credit Marks
L T P s CIE SEE Total
1 P22MA301 Transforms and Series MA 2 2 - 3 50 50 100
2 P22ME302 Basic Thermodynamics ME 3 - - 3 50 50 100
3 P22ME303 Fluid Mechanics & Machinery ME 3 - - 3 50 50 100
4 P22ME304 Manufacturing Process – I ME 3 - 2 4 50 50 100
5 P22ME305 Material Science & Metallurgy ME 3 - 2 4 50 50 100
6 P22MEL306 Computer Aided Machine Drawing ME - - 2 1 50 50 100
7 P22HSMC307 Employability Enhancement Skills - III HSMC - 2 - 1 50 50 100

8 P22BFE308 Biology For Engineers ME 2 - - 2 50 50 100

P22NSS309 National Service Scheme (NSS) NSS
9 P22PED309 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and
PED - - 2 0 100 - 100
P22YOG309 Yoga YOGA
Total 21

10 P22MDIP301 Additional Mathematics – I MA 2 2 - 0 100 - 100

11 P22HDIP307 Additional Communicative English - I HSMC - 2 - 0 100 - 100

Bachelor of Engineering (IV –Semester)

Teaching Hrs / Week Examination
Department Credits Marks
No. Course Code Course Title
1 P22MA401A Applied Mathematical Methods MA 2 2 - 3 50 50 100
2 P22ME402 Applied Thermodynamics ME 3 - - 3 50 50 100
3 P22ME403 Mechanics of Materials ME 3 - - 3 50 50 100
4 P22ME404 Manufacturing Process – II ME 3 - 2 4 50 50 100
5 P22ME405 Mechanical Measurements and Metrology ME 3 - 2 4 50 50 100
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
6 P22MEL406 ME - - 2 1 50 50 100
7 P22HSMC407A Employability Enhancement Skills - IV HSMC - 2 - 1 50 50 100
8 P22INT408 Internship – I ME - - - 2 - 100 100
P22NSS409 National Service Scheme (NSS)
9 P22PED409 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and
PED - - 2 0 100 - 100
P22YOG409 Yoga YOGA
Total 21

10 P22MDIP401 Additional Mathematics – II MA 2 2 - 0 100 - 100

11 P22HDIP407 Additional Communicative English - II HSMC - 2 - 0 100 - 100

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22MA301 Credits: 03
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 2-2-0 CIE Marks: 50
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 40 SEE Marks: 50
Course Learning Objectives:
1 Understand the concept of infinite series; learn and apply Fourier series to represent
periodical physical phenomena in engineering analysis.
2 To facilitate students to study, analyse and apply various transforms to solve engineering

No. of hours
Unit Syllabus content
Theory Tutorial
I Infinite Series: Introduction, convergence, divergence and
oscillation of a series, Tests for convergence – Comparison test,
Ratio test, Cauchy’s root test Raabe’s test, (All tests without proof)-
Problems. 06 02
Self-study component: Integral Test, Alternating series, Leibnitz’s
theorem – absolute and conditional convergence.
II Fourier Series:
Introduction, periodic function, even and odd functions, Dirichlet’s
conditions, Euler’s formula for Fourier series (no proof). Fourier
series for functions of arbitrary period of the form 2L (all particular
cases) – problems, analysis- Illustrative examples from engineering 06 02
field. Half Range Fourier series- Construction of Half range cosine
and sine series and problems. Practical harmonic analysis-
Illustrative examples from engineering field.
Self study: Complex Fourier series.
III Laplace Transforms:
Definition – Transforms of elementary functions. Properties of
Laplace Transforms- linearity, Change of scale, shifting, Transform
of Derivative and Integrals, Transform of a function multiplied by 𝒕𝒏
and division t (no proof)-Problems, Transforms of periodic function, 06 02
unit step function (All results without proof)-Problems only.
Inverse Laplace Transforms: Evaluation of inverse transforms by
standard methods. Convolution theorem - Problems only.
Self-study component- Transform of Unit impulse function.
Solution of ODE by Laplace method and L-R-C circuits.
IV Fourier Transforms:
Complex Fourier Transform: Infinite Fourier transforms and
Inverse Fourier transforms. Properties of Fourier Transforms-
linearity Change of scale, shifting and modulation (no proof)-
Problems, Fourier sine and cosine transforms and Inverse Fourier 06 02
cosine and sine transforms with properties-Problems
Convolution theorem and Parseval’s identity for Fourier Transform
(no proof)-problems.
Self study: Fourier integrals- Complex forms of Fourier integral.

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

V Z-Transforms: Definition. Some standard Z-transforms. Properties-

linearity, Damping, Shifting, multiplication by n, initial and final value
theorem-problems. Evaluation of Inverse Z- transforms- problems.
06 02
Application to Difference Equations: Solutions of linear difference
equations using Z- transforms.
Self study: Convolution theorem and problems, two sided Z-transforms.

COURSE OUTCOMES: On completion of the course, student should be able to:

CO1 Understand the fundamental concepts of infinite series, transforms of
CO2 Apply series and transform techniques to obtain series expansion, discrete and continuous
transformation of various mathematical functions.
CO3 Analyze various signals using series expansions and differential, integral
and difference equations using transforms
CO4 Evaluate indefinite integrals, differential equations and difference equations subject to
initial conditions using transforms and develop series for a discontinuous function

TEACHING - LEARNING PROCESS: Chalk and Talk, power point presentation,

animations, videos.

1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics (44th Edition 2018), Khanna Publishers, New
2. E. Kreysizig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and sons, 10th Ed. (Reprint) 2016.

1. V. Ramana: Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGraw –Hill Education, 11th Ed.,
2. H. C. Taneja, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Volume I & II, I.K. International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi
Publications, Reprint, 2010.



One question from each unit carrying two marks Answer any TWO sub questions for maximum 18 marks from
each each unit

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 2
CO2 2 3
CO3 3 2
CO4 2 3
Strength of correlation: Low-1, Medium- 2, High-3

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME302 Semester: III L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period-Lecture: 40Hrs. Exam: 3Hrs. Weightage: CIE:50 %; SEE: 50%
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of thermodynamics and temperature scales.
 Determine heat, work, internal energy and enthalpy for flow and non-flow processes using
First and Second law of thermodynamics.
 Determine changes in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy using T-dS relations for ideal
 Identify the properties of substances on property diagrams and obtain the data from property
 Apply concepts of thermodynamics in analyzing the thermal efficiencies of heat engines,
Carnot cycles and the coefficients of performance for refrigerators.
Course Content
Fundamental Concepts and Definitions: Definition of thermodynamics. Microscopic and
Macroscopic approaches, Thermodynamic system, thermodynamic properties, State, path, process
and cycle, quasi-static process, thermodynamic equilibrium, reversible and irreversible processes,
Zeroth law of thermodynamics, measurement of temperature, scales of temperature, Numerical
Problems. Work and Heat: Thermodynamic definition of work, sign convention, displacement
work, displacement work done for different thermodynamic processes. Definition of heat and its
sign convention. Comparison of work and heat. Numerical problems on work transfer.
9 Hrs
Self-study component: Types of thermometers, concept of absolute scale of temperature,
mechanical forms of work.
First Law of Thermodynamics: Statement, application of first law of thermodynamics to a
system undergoing a cyclic process and a change of state, concept of energy, energy as a property
of the system. First law applied to thermodynamic processes. Definition and significance of
internal energy, enthalpy and specific heats. Numerical on systems undergoing closed process.
Steady flow process: First law applied to a control volume, derivation of steady flow energy
equation on unit mass and time basis, application of SFEE for mechanical devices. Numerical
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Engineering application of SFEE, SFEE for unsteady flow process (Tank
filling and Tank emptying).
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal reservoir; Source and sink. Heat engine, heat pump
and refrigerator. Efficiency and coefficient of performance. Kelvin–Planck and Clausius
statements for Second law of thermodynamics and equivalence of the two Statements. Reversible
and Irreversible processes. Factors that make the process irreversible. Carnot cycle, reversed
Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem. Numerical problems on heat engines and heat pumps. Entropy:
Definition, Clausius theorem, Clausius inequality, Principle of increase of entropy, T-dS relations,
Numerical Problems.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Available and unavailable energy, irreversibility. Concept of Exergy.

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pure substances: Definition of pure substance, two-property rule, behaviour of pure substance
(steam) with reference to T-v, P-T and T-h diagrams. Definitions: Sub-cooled liquid, saturated
liquid, mixture, saturated vapor, superheated vapor, triple point, critical point, sensible heat, latent
heat and super heat. Properties of steam, quality of steam and its determination. Measurement of
dryness fraction using throttling calorimeter, separating and throttling calorimeter. Expressions for
the change in internal energy, enthalpy, work, heat, entropy in various processes, Use of Mollier
8 Hrs
Self-study component: P-v-T surface, Bucket and Barrel calorimeter.
Ideal and Real Gases: Concept of an ideal gas, basic gas laws, characteristic gas equation,
Avogadro’s law and Universal gas constant, Vander Waal’s Equation of state, Reduced Co-
ordinates, Compressibility factor and law of corresponding states. Numerical Problems. Mixtures
of Gases: Mole fraction and mass fraction, Partial pressure and Dalton’s Law of partial pressure,
Amagat’s laws of partial volumes. Internal energy, enthalpy and specific heats of gas mixtures.
Simple Numerical on gas mixtures.
7 Hrs
Self-study component: Relation between volumetric and gravimetric analysis.
Text Books
1. P.K.Nag, “Basic and Applied Thermodynamics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2006,
ISBN: 9780070260627.
2. Yunus A. Cenegal, “Thermodynamics– An Engineering Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill,
Featured Edition, 2001, ISBN: 9780072383324.
Reference Books
1. Van and Wylen, “Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics”, Wiley Eastern limited,
2nd Edition, 1976, ISBN: 9780471902294.
2. Mahesh. M. Rathore, “Thermal Engineering”, McGraw Hill Pvt Ltd., 1st Edition, New
Delhi, 2010,ISBN: 9780070681132
3. Spalding and Cole, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, ELBS Publications, 1985, ISBN:
4. R.K.Rajput, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd, 3rd Edition,
2011, ISBN: 9789380298405.
5. Domkundwar, Kothandaraman, “A course in Thermal Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and
Co., New Delhi, 2004, ISBN: 9788177000214.

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics such as system, properties, state, cycles and
equilibrium on different thermodynamic processes.
2. Apply the fundamental concepts and laws of thermodynamics on control mass and control
3. Analyse the performance of different thermodynamic processes and thermal systems
such as Carnot cycle, heat engines, heat pumps, refrigerators and entropy by applying laws
of thermodynamics.
4. Analyse the properties of working substances and gas mixtures on property diagrams to
study the irreversibility and feasibility of the process.
Course Articulation Matrix
Program Outcomes PS
Course Outcomes O
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
Apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics
CO1 such as system, properties, state, cycles and 3
equilibrium on different thermodynamic
CO2 Apply the fundamental concept and laws of
thermodynamics on control mass and control 3
Analyse the performance of different
CO3 thermodynamic processes and thermal 3
systems such as Carnot cycle, heat engines, heat
pumps, refrigerators and entropy by applying
laws of thermodynamics.
Analyse the properties of working substances
CO4 and gas mixtures on property diagrams to study 3
the irreversibility and feasibility of the process.
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
COs Marks Distribution
Unit Total Marks
Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit V (%)
CO1 2+9 2+9 2+9 33 33%
CO2 2+9 2+9 22 22%
CO3 9 9 9 27 27%
CO4 9 9 18 18%
20 20 20 20 20 100 100%
Application =55% Analysis = 45%

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME303 Semester: III L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period-Lecture: 40 Hrs. Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE: 50%; SEE:50%
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Understand the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics and its applications to the
various engineering fields involving fluid flow problems.
 Understand and apply the principles of fluid statics, fluid kinematics and dynamics.
 Determine flow rates, pressure changes, minor and major head losses for pipe flow.
 Understand the basic principles, governing equations and applications of turbomachines.
 Present an overall frame work for the fluid dynamic design and performance analysis of
Course Content
Properties of fluids: Introduction, properties of fluids, viscosity, Newton’s law of viscosity, surface
tension, capillarity. Fluid statics: Pascal’s law, fluid pressure at a point, pressure variation in a static
fluid. Simple manometers and differential manometers. Total pressure, centre of pressure in vertical
and inclined plane surfaces submerged in liquid. Buoyancy, Buoyant force and centre of buoyancy
(concept only).
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Bourdon’s tube pressure gauge and bellows pressure gauge.
Fluid kinematics: Types of fluid flow, continuity equation in three dimensions (Cartesian co-ordinate
system only) and velocity and acceleration, velocity potential function, stream function. Fluid
Dynamics: Euler’s equation of motion, Bernoulli’s equation for ideal and real fluids. Fluid Flow
measurements: Venturimeter, Orifice meter. Darcy and Chezy equations for loss of head due to
friction in pipes, numerical problems, Concepts of dimensional analysis.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Pitot tube and its types, Minor losses in flow through pipes.
Fundamentals of turbo machines: Parts of turbo machine, classification of turbomachines, Euler
turbine equation and alternate form of Euler turbine equation and components of energy transfer.
Degree of reaction, general expression for degree of reaction. Utilization factor, relation between
utilization factor and degree of reaction. Condition for maximum utilization in Impulse, reaction and
50% reaction turbines. Velocity triangles for different values of degree of reaction, numerical
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Aerofoil section blade terminology.
Impulse turbine: Velocity triangles and power. Effect of friction and condition for maximum
efficiency, Design parameters and design of Pelton turbines, numerical problems. Reaction turbines:
Velocity triangles, power and efficiency of reaction turbines. Runner shapes for different blade speeds,
design parameters and design of reaction turbines (Francis and Kaplan turbines). Draft tube: types of
draft tube, design of draft tube and functions of draft tube, numerical problems.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Unit quantities and their significance, performance curves of impulse and
reaction turbines.

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Centrifugal Pumps: Introduction, working principle, parts, definition of manometric head, suction
head, delivery head, static head, efficiencies. Manometric, mechanical and overall efficiencies,
velocity diagram and work done, numerical problems, minimum starting speed, net positive suction
head, priming. Multi-stage centrifugal pump for high head and high discharge, numerical problems.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Vapour pressure and cavitation, effects of cavitation and its control.
Text Books
1. K.W. Bedford, Victor Streeter, E. Benjamin Wylie, “Fluid Mechanics”, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Education Private Limited, 9th edition, 1997, ISBN: 9780070625372.
2. Dr. R. K. Bansal, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi publications Ltd.,
New Delhi. 9thedition, 2015, ISBN: 9788131808153.
3. B K Venkanna, “Fundamentals of Turbomachinary”, PHI Learning Pvt. Limited, 2009,
ISBN: 978-8120337756.
4. D. G. Shepherd, “Principles of Turbo Machinery”, Macmillan Company, 1964.
Reference Books
1. Dr. Jagadish Lal, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics”, Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2002, ISBN: 9788120002722.
2. Dr. K.L.Kumar, “Engineering Fluid Mechanics”, S Chand Ltd., 2010, ISBN:
3. Frank M.White, “FluidMechanics”, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited, 7th edition,
2011, ISBN: 9780071333122.
4. V. Ganesan, “Gas Turbines”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Limited, 3rd Edition, 2010,
ISBN: 978-0070681927.
5. G. Gopalakrishnan, “A Treatise on Turbo machines”, Scitech Publications (India) Pvt.
Ltd., 1st Edition, 2008, ISBN: 9788187328988.
6. V. Kadambi and Monohar Prasad, “An introduction to energy conversion”, Volume III,
New Age International Private Limited, 2011, ISBN: 978- 8122431896.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply the mathematical knowledge of fluid mechanics to predict the behaviour of a fluid flow.
2. Apply the knowledge of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics while addressing problems of
mechanical engineering.
3. Analyse fluid flow problems with the use of fluid properties and measurement of pressure in
engineering applications.
4. Illustrate the basic principles and operations of turbo-machines to appreciate the concept of
velocity triangles for different values of reaction.
5. Apply the basics of fluid mechanics for the design and analysis of pipe flows as well as fluid

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Articulation Matrix

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
CO1 Apply the mathematical knowledge of
fluid mechanics to predict the behaviour 3
of a fluid flow.
CO2 Apply the knowledge of fluid statics,
kinematics and dynamics while
addressing problems of mechanical
CO3 Analyse fluid flow problems with the
use of fluid properties and measurement 3
of pressure in engineering applications.
CO4 Illustrate the basic principles and
operations of turbo-machines to
appreciate the concept of velocity
triangles for different values of reaction.
Apply the basics of fluid mechanics for
CO5 the design and analysis of pipe flows as 2 2
well as fluid machinery.

SEE- Course Assessment Plan

Total Weightage
COs Marks Distribution
Marks (%)
Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V
CO1 2+9 11 11%
CO2 2+9 11 11%
CO3 9 9 18 18%
CO4 2+9 2+9 2+9 33 33%
CO5 9 9 9 27 27%
20 20 20 20 20 100
Application =55% Analysis = 45%

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Manufacturing Process - I
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME304 Semester: III L-T-P: 3-0-2 Credits: 04
Total Theory Teaching Hours: 40 Exam: 3Hrs. Weightage: CIE: 50%; SEE: 50%
Total Laboratory Hours: 24
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Acquire basic knowledge about casting, welding and metal cutting theory which are relevant to
manufacturing of engineering components.
 Give comprehensive insight regarding the mechanical equipment and operations involved to fulfill
various applications.
Course Content
Introduction to Casting: Concept of Manufacturing process, Casting process- Steps involved,
advantages, limitations and applications of casting process. Patterns: Definition, Pattern materials,
classification of patterns, Pattern allowances. Binder: Definition and types. Casting defects, causes
and remedies.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Melting furnace classification.
Sand Moulding: Types of sand moulds, Ingredients of moulding sand and properties, core making,
principles of gating: Elements of gating system, types of gates, gating ratio, Risers: types and
functions. Special Moulding Process: CO2 moulding, Shell moulding, permanent mould casting,
Pressure die casting, Squeeze Casting.
8 Hrs
Self study component: stir casting and centrifugal casting.
Special types of welding: Resistance welding-principle, working principle, advantages, disadvantages
and applications of the following types-Seam welding, Spot welding, Friction welding, Explosive
welding. Metallurgical aspect in welding: Formation of different zones during welding, Heat Affected
Zone (HAZ), Parameters affecting HAZ, Welding defects.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: weldability and friction stir welding.
Theory of Metal Cutting: Introduction, Single point cutting tool nomenclature, geometry, orthogonal
and oblique cutting, Mechanism of chip formation, Types of chips Cutting tool materials: HSS,
Carbides, Coated carbides, CBN and Ceramics. Heat generation in metal cutting, factors affecting heat
generation. Tool Wear: Causes and types, effects of cutting parameters on tool life, tool failure
criteria, Taylor’s tool life equation, simple problems on tool life evaluation.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Cutting Fluids: Desired properties, types and selection.
Machine Tools and Mechanisms: Constructional feature of turret lathe, Turret lathe indexing
mechanism, Shaping Machine-classification of shaping machine, Shaper mechanism - Crank and
slotted lever quick return mechanism and hydraulic driving mechanism, Planing Machine-
classification of planer - Planer mechanism -open and cross belt drive mechanism.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Milling machine and grinding machine.

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Practical Content
24 Hrs
Testing of molding sand and core sand:
1. Compression, shear and permeability tests on green sand specimen.
2. Sieve analysis to find grain fineness number of base sand.
Foundry and casting:
3. Use of foundry tools and other equipments.
4. Preparation of moulds using two moulding boxes with and without Patterns (Split pattern, Core
5. Production of metal component using sand casting.
Machining processes:
6. Preparation of one model on lathe involving plain turning, facing, knurling and eccentric turning.
7. External threads cutting, V-thread and square thread.
8. Taper turning by different methods.
9. Cutting of V-groove using a shaper.
10. Surface grinding.
Text Books
1. Serope Kalpak Jian and Steven R Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”,
Pearson Education Asia, 4th Edition, 2002, ISBN: 97881775817062.
2. Dr. K. Radhakrishna, “Manufacturing Process-I”, 5th Edition, Sapna Book House, 2006, ISBN:
Reference Books
1. P. N. Rao, “Manufacturing and Technology: Foundry Forming and Welding”, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2nd Edition, 2013, ISBN: 97893832866143.
2. Roy A Lindberg, “Process and Materials of Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, 1998,
ISBN: 9780205118175.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply the concept of primary manufacturing processes such as casting, welding and machining.
2. Identify real-time applications of special casting, welding and Machining processes.
3. Examine the defects in casting and welding by analysing the microstructure.
4. Analyse various cutting parameters in metal cutting.
5. Prepare a report as an individual or as a team member to communicate effectively.
mmary_randcad=0#v= >5.
Course Articulation Matrix
Course Outcomes Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0
1 2
Apply the concept of primary
CO1 manufacturing processes such as 3
casting, welding and machining.

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Identify real-time applications

CO2 of special casting, welding and 3
Machining processes.
Examine the defects in casting
CO3 and welding by analysing the 3
Analyse various cutting
CO4 3
parameters in metal cutting.
Prepare a report as an
CO5 individual or as a team member 3 3 1
to communicate effectively.
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
Total Weight
COs Marks Distribution Marks age
Unit I Unit Unit III Unit IV Unit V
CO1 2+9 2+9 22 22%
CO2 2+9 2+9 2+9 33 33%
CO3 9 9 9 9 36 36%
CO4 9 9 9%
CO5 Note: Assessment only in CIE
20 20 20 20 20 100 100%
Application =55% Analysis = 45%

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME305 Semester: III L-T-P: 3-0-2 Credits: 04
Total Theory Teaching Hours: 40 Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE:50%;
Total Laboratory Hours: 24 SEE:50%
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Material science and Metallurgy perceives materials behavior and atomic characterization, interpret
with the selection of materials for suitable applications.
 The course introduces basic knowledge over phase diagrams and also deals with behaviors,
transformation of metals expose to different environment and heat treatment.
 Course also exposed to inculcate the knowledge over advanced materials and composite materials.
Course Content
Structure of Crystalline Solids: Atomic bonding in solids, Fundamental concepts of unit cell, space
lattice, Bravais lattice, Unit cells for cubic structure and HCP, study of stacking of layers of atoms in
cubic structures and HCP, Calculation of atomic radius, co-ordination number and atomic packing
factors for different cubic structures. Crystal imperfections - point, line, surface and volume defects.
Diffusion Mechanisms and Fick’s laws of diffusion. 8 Hrs
Self-study component: Crystal planes and Direction
Mechanical characteristics of metals: Tensile properties, true stress and true strain, Hardness,
Rockwell, Vickers and Brinell hardness testing, plastic deformation - slip and twinning. Fracture type,
stages in Cup and Cone fracture, fracture toughness, Griffith’s criterion. Fatigue test, S-N curves,
factors affecting fatigue life and protection methods. The creep curves, Mechanism of creep.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: ASTM standards for different mechanical tests.
Phase Diagrams and Solid Solution: Solid solutions, Rules governing formation of solid solutions,
Phase diagram- Basic terms, phase rule, cooling curves, construction of Phase diagrams, interpretation
of equilibrium diagrams, Types of Phase diagrams, Lever rule. Iron Carbon Equilibrium Diagram:
Phases in the Fe-C system, invariant reactions, critical temperatures, Microstructures of slowly cooled
steels, effect of alloying elements on the Fe-C diagram. Construction of TTT diagram, TTT diagram for
hypo and hyper eutectoid steels. 8 Hrs
Self-study component: Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) diagram.
Heat Treatment and Strengthening Method: Annealing and its types, normalizing, hardening,
tempering, martempering, austempering, surface hardening: case hardening, carburizing, cyaniding,
nitriding, Induction hardening, hardenabilty, Jominy end-quench test.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Age hardening of Al and Cu alloys
Composites: Classification, functions of matrix and reinforcement in composites, Rule of mixture,
Polymer, metal and ceramic matrix composites, carbon- carbon composites, Applications of composites.
Advanced Materials: Nanomaterials- Size-dependant properties, applications, Shape Memory Alloys
(SMA) - Characteristics, applications, Metallic glasses: properties and applications.
8 Hrs
Self-study component: Cryogenic materials

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Practical Content
24 Hrs
1. Preparation of specimen for metallographic examination.
2. Rockwell Hardness test.
3. Brinell Hardness test.
4. Vickers Hardness test.
5. Tension test using a UTM.
6. Izod Impact Tests.
7. Charpy Impact Tests.
8. Heat treatment: Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening and Tempering of Ferrous alloys and study
their hardness.
9. Shear tests using UTM.
10. Bending Test using UTM.
Text Books
1. Willian D. Callister Jr., “Materials Science and Engineering – an Introduction”, John Wiley
India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi, 6th Edition, 2006, ISBN: 978-0471736967.
2. Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep, “Essentials of Materials For Science and Engineering”, CL
Engineering, 2nd Edition, 2006, ISBN: 978-0495244462.
Reference Books
1. James F. Shackel ford, “Introduction to Material Science for Engineering”, 6th edition
Pearson, Prentice Hall, New Jersy, 2006.
2. V. Raghavan, “Physical Metallurgy, Principles and Practices”, PHI 2nd Edition, New Delhi,
2006, ISBN: 978-8120330129.
3. Smith, “Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering”, 3rd Edition McGraw Hill, 1997.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply the fundamental concepts of material science and metallurgy.
2. Apply various heat treatment processes to ferrous and nonferrous metals.
3. Analyse materials properties, composition and their phase transformation.
4. Make use of experimental data for writing a report as an individual or as a team member to
communicate effectively.

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Course Articulation Matrix

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the fundamental concepts
CO1 of material science and 3
Apply various heat treatment
CO2 processes to ferrous and 3
nonferrous metals.
Analyse materials properties,
CO3 composition and their phase 3
Make use of experimental data
for writing a report as an
CO4 3 3 1
individual or as a team member
to communicate effectively.
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
Total Weightage
COs Marks Distribution
Marks (%)
Unit I Unit II Unit Unit IV Unit V
CO1 2+9 2+9 2+9 2+9 44 44%
CO2 2+9 11 11%
CO3 9 9 9 9 9 45 45%
CO4 Note: Assessment only in CIE
20 20 20 20 20 100 100%
Application =55% Analysis = 45%

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22MEL306 Semester: III L-T-P: 0-0-2 Credits: 01
Contact Period - Lecture: 30(P) Hrs Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Empower the students with drafting skills and strengthen their ability to draw, read and interpret
machine parts.
 Assemble the machine parts using computer software and implementing the standards, codes and
Course Content
Part - A
Section and Development of Solids: Sections of Pyramids, Prisms, Cone and Cylinder resting only
on their bases. True shape of sections, Development of lateral surfaces.
Orthographic Views: Conversion of isometric views into orthographic projections of simple machine
parts. (Bureau of Indian standards conventions are to be followed for the drawings).
Thread Forms and Fasteners: Thread terminology, sectional view of threads. ISO Metric (Internal
and External), BSW (Internal and External), square and ACME threads. Hexagonal headed bolt and
nut with washer (assembly). 16 Hrs
Part - B
Assembly Drawings
Solids of Protrusion, Assembly drawing of following machine parts (3D parts to be created and
assemble and then generating 2D drawing with required views, including part drawing).
Introduction to geometrical dimensioning and tolerance.
1. Screw Jack
2. I.C. Engine Connecting Rod
3. Plummer Block
4. Machine Vice 14 Hrs
Case study
1. Identify the engineering drawings symbols using GD and T.
2. Assembly drawing of fuel injector, knuckle joint, cotter joint and riveted joints.
3. Preparing Bill of Materials for mechanical system.
Text Books
1. N.D. Bhat and V.M. Panchal, “Machine Drawing”, Charotar Publishing House, 46th Edition, 2011,
ISBN: 9789380358390.
2. K.R. Gopala Krishna, “Machine Drawing”, Subhash Publication, Revised and enlarged edition,
2017, ISBN: 978-93-83214-81-5.
Reference Books
1. N. Siddeshwar, P. Kannaiah and V.V.S. Sastri, “Machine Drawing”, published by Tata Mc. Graw
Hill, 2010, ISBN: 9780074603376.
2. Tryambaka Murthy, “Machine Drawing”, CBS Publications, 2nd Edition, 2008, ISBN:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply the concepts of engineering drawing to develop mechanical components.
2. Apply the concepts of section of solids to analyse cut section of machine components.
3. Develop the mechanical components in 2D and 3D environment and assemble the same.
4. Create the components of mechanical systems using modern CAD tool.
5. Communicate effectively through sketching and drawing.

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Course Articulation Matrix

Course Outcomes
Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the concepts of engineering drawing 3
CO1 2
to develop mechanical components.
Apply the concepts of section of solids to
CO2 analyse cut section of machine 3 3
Develop the mechanical components in 2D
CO3 and 3D environment and assemble the 3
Create the components of mechanical
CO4 3 3 1 1
systems using modern CAD tool.
Communicate effectively through
CO5 3
sketching and drawing.
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
Total Marks Weightage
COs Marks Distribution
Part A Part B
CO1 8 8 16%
CO2 5 7 12 24%
CO3 8 7 15 30%
CO4 7 8 15 30%
CO5 Note: Assessment only in CIE
20 30 50
Application =40% Develop = 60%

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22HSMC307 Credits: 01
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 0:2:0 CIE Marks: 50
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 30 SEE Marks: 50
Course Learning Objectives: This course will enable the students to:
 Calculations involving percentages, profit & loss and discounts.
 Explain concepts behind logical reasoning modules of direction sense and blood relations.
 Prepare students for Job recruitment process and competitive exams.
 Develop Problem Solving Skills.
 Apply programming constructs of C language to solve the real-world problem.
UNIT – I 06 Hours
Quantitative Aptitude: Number System – Divisibility & Remainder, Multiples & Factors,
Integers, HCF & LCM, Decimal Fractions, Surds & Indices, Simplification.
Self-study component: Linear equations.
UNIT – II 06 Hours
Quantitative Aptitude: Percentages, Profits, Loss and Discounts.
Logical Reasoning: Blood Relations.

Self-study component: Inferred meaning, Chain rule.

UNIT – III 06 Hours
Logical Reasoning: Direction Sense Test.
Verbal Ability: Change of Speech and Voice, Sentence Correction.

Self-study component: Height & distance.

Introduction: Keywords and Identifier, Variables and Constants, Data Types, Input/Output,
Operators, Simple Programs.
Flow Control: If…else, for Loop, while Loop, break and continue, switch…case, goto, Control
Flow Examples, Simple Programs.
Functions: Functions, User-defined Functions, Function Types, Recursion, Storage Class,
Arrays: Arrays, Multi-dimensional Arrays, Arrays & Functions, Programs.
Self-study component: Evaluation of Expression.
Pointers: Pointers, Pointers & Arrays, Pointers and Functions, Memory Allocation, Array &
Pointer Examples.
Strings: String Functions, String Examples, Programs.
Structure and Union: Structure, Struct & Pointers, Struct & Function, Unions, Programs.
Programming Files: Files Input/output
Self-study component: Error handling during I/O operations.

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Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to:

Course Outcomes with Action verbs for the
COs Taxonomy Level Indicator
Course topics
Exhibit amplified level of confidence to express
CO1 Applying L3
themselves in English.
Solve the problems based on Number systems,
CO2 Analyzing L4
percentages, profit & loss and discounts.
Solve logical reasoning problems based on
CO3 Analyzing L4
direction sense and blood relations.
Apply suitable programming constructs of C
CO4 language and / or suitable data structures to solve Applying L3
the given problem.
Text Book(s):
1. The C Programming Language (2nd edition) by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie.
2. C in Depth by S K Srivastava and Deepali Srivastava.
3. Quantitative aptitude by Dr. R. S Agarwal, published by S. Chand private limited.
4. Verbal reasoning by Dr. R. S Agarwal, published by S. Chand private limited.
Reference Book(s):
1. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill. Brian W.
Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The ‘C’ Programming Language, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma, McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.
Web and Video link(s):
1. Problem Solving through Programming in C -


COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 3 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 2 2

CO4 2 2 2 1

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22BFE308 Credits: 02
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 2:0:0 CIE Marks: 50
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 25 SEE Marks: 50
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Familiarize the students with the basic biological concepts and their engineering applications.
 Enable the students with an understanding of bio-design principles to create novel devices
and structures.
 Provide the students an appreciation of how biological systems can be re-designed as
substitute products for natural systems.
 Motivate the students to develop the interdisciplinary vision of biological engineering.
Course Content
Biomolecules And Their Applications (Qualitative): Carbohydrates (cellulose-based water
filters, PHA and PLA as bio-plastics), Nucleic acids (DNA Vaccine for Rabies and RNA vaccines
for Covid19, Forensics – DNA fingerprinting), Proteins (Proteins as food – whey protein and meat
analogs, Plant based proteins), lipids (bio-diesel, cleaning agents/detergents), Enzymes (glucose-
oxidase in bio-sensors, lingolytic enzyme in bio-bleaching).
Human Organ Systems And Bio-Designs-1 (Qualitative): Brain as a CPU system (architecture,
CNS and Peripheral Nervous System, signal transmission, EEG, Robotic arms for prosthetics,
Engineering solutions for Parkinson’s disease), Heart as a pump system (architecture, electrical
signaling - ECG monitoring and heart related issues, reasons for blockages of blood vessels,
design of stents, pace makers, defibrillators).
(architecture, gas exchange mechanisms, spirometry, abnormal lung physiology - COPD,
Ventilators, Heart-lung machine), Kidney as a filtration system (architecture, mechanism of
filtration, CKD, dialysis systems).
Nature Bio Inspired Materials And Mechanisms (Qualitative): Echolocation (ultra sonography,
sonars), Photosynthesis (photovoltaic cells, bionic leaf). Bird flying (GPS and aircrafts).
Trends In Bio- Engineering (Qualitative): DNA origami and Bio-computing, Bio-imaging and
Artificial Intelligence for disease diagnosis, Self healing Bio-concrete (based on bacillus spores,
calcium lactate nutrients and bio-mineralization processes), Bio-remediation and Bio-mining via
microbial surface adsorption (removal of heavy metals like Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic).

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Suggested Learning Resources:

 Human Physiology, Stuart Fox, Krista Rompolski, McGraw-Hill eBook, 16thEdition, 2022.
 Biology for Engineers, Thyagarajan S, SelvamuruganN, Rajesh M. P, Nazeer R. A,
Thilagaraj W, Barathi. S and Jaganthan M.K, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
 Biology for Engineers, Arthur T.Johnson, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2011.
 Bio-medical Instrumentation, Leslie Cromwell, Prentice Hall, 2011.
 Biology for Engineers, Sohini Singh and Tanu Allen,Vayu Education of India, New Delhi,
 Bio-mimetics: Nature Based Innovation,Yoseph Bar-Cohen,1st edition, 2012, CRC Press.
 Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods and Technologies, D. Floreano and
C. Mattiussi, MIT Press, 2008.
 Bio-remediation of heavy metals: bacterial participation, C R Sunil Kumar, N Geetha, A C
Udayashankar, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019.
 3D Bio-printing: Fundamentals, Principles and Applications by Ibrahim Ozbolat, Academic
Press, 2016.
 Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science, Maria Rodriguez Mende, Academic Press,
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
 VTUEDUSAT/SWAYAM/NPTEL/MOOCS/Coursera/MIT-open learning resource
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Understand the bio-design principles involved in building novel devices and structures.
2. Elucidate the basic biological concepts through relevant industrial/Engineering application.
3. Apply innovative bio based solutions solving socially relevant problems.

Course Articulation Matrix

Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Understand the bio-design
CO1 principles involved in building novel 2 1 1 1 1 1
devices and structures.
Elucidate the basic biological
CO2 concepts through relevant industrial 2 1 1 1 1 1
Apply innovative bio based solutions
CO3 2 2 2 2 1 2
solving socially relevant problems.

Blooms Level Marks Weightage Maps Course Outcome to the

Corresponding Blooms Level
Understand/Elucidate 50-60%
Apply 35-50%

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22NSS309/409 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:0:2 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: - SEE Marks: -
Pre-requisites to take this Course:
1. Students should have a service oriented mind set and social concern.
2. Students should have dedication to work at any remote place, anytime with available
resources and proper time management for the other works.
3. Students should be ready to sacrifice some of the time and wishes to achieve service
oriented targets on time.
Corse Objectives :National Service Scheme (NSS) will enable the students to:
1. Understand the community in which they work
2. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
3. Develop among themselves a sense of social & civic responsibility & utilize their
knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
4. Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities & gain skills
mobilizing community participation to acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
5. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters & practice national integration
social harmony
1. Organic farming, Indian Agriculture (Past, Present and Future) Connectivity for marketing.
2. Waste management– Public, Private and Govt organization, 5 R’s.
3. Setting of the information imparting club for women leading to contribution in social and
economic issues.
4. Water conservation techniques – Role of different stakeholders– Implementation.
5. Preparing an actionable business proposal for enhancing the village income and approach
for implementation.
6. Helping local schools to achieve good results and enhance their enrolment in Higher/
vocational education.
7. Developing Sustainable Water management system for rural areas and implementation
8. Contribution to any national level initiative of Government of India. Foreg. Digital India,
Skill India, Swachh Bharat, Atmanirbhar Bharath,Make in India, Mudra scheme, Skill
development programs etc.
9. Spreading public awareness under rural outreach programs.(minimum5 programs).
10. Social connect and responsibilities.
11. Plantation and adoption of plants. Know your plants.
12. Organize National integration and social harmony events /workshops /seminars.
(Minimum 02 programs).
13. Govt. school Rejuvenation and helping them to achieve good infrastructure.

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ONENSS – CAMP @ College /University /Stateor Central GovtLevel /NGO’s /General Social
Students have to take up anyone activity on the above said topics and have to prepare content for
awareness and technical contents for implementation of the projects and have to present strategies
for implementation of the same. Compulsorily students have to attend one camp.
CIE will be evaluated based on their presentation, approach and implementation strategies.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the importance of his / her responsibilities towards society.
CO2: Analyze the environmental and societal problems/issues and will be able to design
solutions for the same.
CO3: Evaluate the existing system and to propose practical solutions for the same for sustainable
CO4: Implement government or self-driven projects effectively in the field.

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22PED309 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:0:2 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: SEE Marks: -
Fitness Components Meaning and Importance, Fit India Movement, Definition of fitness,
Components of
fitness, Benefits of fitness, Types of fitness and Fitness tips.
Practical Components: Speed, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, and Agility
A. Fundamental skills
Speed 1. Skills in Raiding: Touching with hands, Use of leg-toe touch, squat
Strength leg thrust, side kick, mule kick, arrow fly kick, crossing of baulk
Endurance line. Crossing of Bonus line.
Agility 2. Skills of holding the raider: Various formations, catching from
Flexibility particular position, different catches, catching formation and
3. Additional skills in raiding: Escaping from various holds, techniques
of escaping from chain formation, offense and defense.
4. Game practice with application of Rules and Regulations.
B. Rules and their interpretations and duties of the officials.
A. Fundamental skills
1. Skills in Chasing: Sit on the box (Parallel & Bullet toe method), Get
up from the box (Proximal & Distal foot method), Give Kho
(Simple, Early, Late & Judgment), Pole Turn, Pole Dive, Tapping,
Kho kho Hammering, Rectification of foul.
2. Skills in running: Chain Play, Ring play and Chain & Ring mixed
3. Game practice with application of Rules and Regulations.
B. Rules and their interpretations and duties of the officials.
A. Fundamental skills
1. Skills in Raiding: Touching with hands, Use of leg-toe touch, squat
leg thrust, side kick, mule kick, arrow fly kick, crossing of baulk
line. Crossing of Bonus line.
2. Skills of holding the raider: Various formations, catching from
Kabaddi particular position, different catches, catching formation and
3. Additional skills in raiding: Escaping from various holds, techniques
of escaping from chain formation, offense and defense.
4. Game practice with application of Rules and Regulations.
B. Rules and their interpretations and duties of the officials

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22YOG309 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:0:2 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: SEE Marks: -
Course objectives:
1) To enable the student to have good health.
2) To practice mental hygiene.
3) To possess emotional stability.
4) To integrate moral values.
5) To attain higher level of consciousness.

The Health Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of various yoga techniques have been supposed to improve
 body flexibility,
 performance,
 stress reduction,
 attainment of inner peace, and
 self-realization.
The system has been advocated as a complementary treatment to aid the healing of several
ailments such as
 coronary heart disease,
 depression,
 anxiety disorders,
 asthma, and
 extensive rehabilitation for disorders including musculoskeletal problems and
traumatic brain injury.
The system has also been suggested as behavioral therapy for smoking cessation and substance
abuse (including alcohol abuse).
If you practice yoga, you may receive these physical, mental, and spiritual benefits:
 Physical
1. Improved body flexibility and balance
2. Improved cardiovascular endurance (stronger heart)
3. Improved digestion
4. Improved abdominal strength
5. Enhanced overall muscular strength
6. Relaxation of muscular strains
7. Weight control
8. Increased energy levels
9. Enhanced immune system
 Mental
1. Relief of stress resulting from the control of emotions
2. Prevention and relief from stress-related disorders

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3. Intellectual enhancement, leading to improved decision-making skills

 Spiritual
1. Life with meaning, purpose, and direction
2. Inner peace and tranquility
3. Contentment
Yoga, its origin, history and development. Yoga, its meaning, definitions.
Different schools of yoga, Aim and Objectives of yoga, importance of prayer
Yogic practices for common man to promote positive health
Rules to be followed during yogic practices by practitioner
Yoga its misconceptions,
Difference between yogic and non yogic practices
Suryanamaskar prayer and its meaning, Need, importance and benefits of Suryanamaskar12
count, 2 rounds
Asana, Need, importance of Asana. Different types of asana. Asana its meaning by name,
technique, precautionary measures and benefits of each asana
Different types of Asanas
a. Sitting 1. Padmasana
2. Vajrasana
b. Standing 1. Vrikshana
2. Trikonasana
c. Prone line 1. Bhujangasana
2. Shalabhasana
d. Supine line 1. Utthitadvipadasana
2. Ardhahalasana

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Additional Mathematics - I
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
SEMESTER – III (Lateral Entry: Common to all branches)
Course Code: P22MDIP301 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 2-2-0 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 40 SEE Marks: -
Course Learning Objectives: The mandatory learning course P21MATDIP31 viz., Additional
Mathematics-I aims to provide basic concepts of complex trigonometry, vector algebra, differential &
integral calculus, vector differentiation and various methods of solving first order differential
Complex Trigonometry: Complex Numbers: Definitions & properties. Modulus and
amplitude of a complex number, Argand’s diagram, De-Moivre’s theorem (without proof).
Vector Algebra: Scalar and vectors. Vectors addition and subtraction. Multiplication of 12Hrs
vectors (Dot and Cross products). Scalar and vector triple products-simple problems
Self-study components: De-Moivre’s theorem (without proof). Roots of complex number -
Simple problems.
Differential Calculus: Polar curves –angle between the radius vector and the tangent pedal 10Hrs
equation- Problems. Taylors series and Maclaurin’s series expansions- Illustrative examples.
Partial Differentiation: Elimentary problems. Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions of
two variables. Total derivatives-differentiation of composite and implicit function.
Self-study components: Review of successive differentiation. Formulae for nth derivatives of
standard functions- Liebnitz’s theorem (without proof). Application to Jacobians, errors &
Integral Calculus: reduction formulae for sin x, cosnx, and sinmxcosmx and evaluation of 10Hrs

these with standard limits-Examples. Applications of integration to area, length of a given

curve, volume and surface area of solids of revolution.
Self-study components: Differentiation under integral sign (Integrals with constants limits)-
Simple problems.
Vector Differentiation: Differentiation of vector functions. Velocity and acceleration of a 10Hrs
particle moving on a space curve. Scalar and vector point functions. Gradient, Divergence,
Curl and Laplacian (Definitions only).
Self-study components: Solenoidal and irrotational vector fields-Problems.
Ordinary differential equations (ODE’s): Introduction-solutions of first order and first degree 10Hrs
differential equations: homogeneous, exact, linear differential equations of order one and
equations reducible to above types
Self-study components: Applications of first order and first degree ODE’s - Orthogonal
trajectories of Cartesian and polar curves. Newton’s law of cooling, R-L circuits- Simple
illustrative examples from engineering field.

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Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Demonstrate the fundamental concepts –in complex numbers and vector algebra to
analyze the problems arising in related area of engineering field.
CO2: Identify – partial derivatives to calculate rate of change of multivariate functions
CO3: Apply - the acquired knowledge of integration and differentiation to evaluate double and
triple integrals to compute length surface area and volume of solids of revolution and
indentify velocity, acceleration of a particle moving in a space
CO4: Find analytical solutions by solving first order ODE’s which arising in different branches
of engineering.
Text Book:
 B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 43rd Ed., 2015.
Reference books:
1. E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Ed., 2015.
2. N.P.Bali and Manish Goyal: Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publishers,7th Ed., 2007.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Additional Communicative English – I

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22HDIP307 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:2:0 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 40 SEE Marks: -
Introduction to Communication Skills 6 Hours
Introduction to communication, Meaning and process, Channels of communication, Elements of
communication, Barriers to effective communication. Activities - Making introductions, Sharing
personal information, Describing feelings and opinions.
Listening Skills I 4 Hours
Hearing vs. Listening, Types of listening, Determinants of good listening, Active listening process,
Barriers to listening, Activities - Listening for pronunciation practice, Listening for personal
communication, Listening for communication - language functions
Speaking Skills I 6 Hours
Basics of speaking, Elements and Functions of speaking, Structuring your speech, Focusing on
fluency, Homographs and Signpost words. Activities – Free Speech and Pick and Speak
Reading Skills I 4 Hours
Developing reading as a habit, Building confidence in reading, improving reading skills, Techniques
of reading - skimming and scanning. Activities - understanding students’ attitudes towards reading,
countering common errors in reading, developing efficiency in reading.
Writing Skills I 4 Hours
Improving writing skills, Spellings and punctuation, Letter and Paragraph writing. Activity – Writing
your personal story
Body Language and Presentation Skills 6 Hours
Elements of body language, Types, Adapting positive body language, Cultural differences in body
language. 4 Ps in presentations, Overcoming the fear of public speaking, Effective use of verbal and
nonverbal presentation techniques. Activity – Group presentations
Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to,
CO 1: Understand the role of communication in personal and professional success
CO 2: Comprehend the types of technical literature to develop the competency of students to
apprehend the nature of formal communication requirements.
CO 3: Construct grammatically correct sentences to strengthen essential skills in speaking & writing
and to develop critical thinking by emphasizing cohesion and coherence
CO 4: Demonstrate effective individual and teamwork to accomplish communication goals.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Textbooks and Reference Books:

1. Communication Skills by Sanjay Kumar and Pushpa Lata, Oxford University Press - 2015.
2. Everyday Dialogues in English by Robert J. Dixson, Prentice-Hall of India Ltd., 2006.
3. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan& Meera Banerjee (Macmillan)
4. The Oxford Guide to Writing and Speaking, John Seely, Oxford.
5. English Language Communication Skills - Lab Manual cum Workbook by Rajesh Kumar
Singh, Cengage learning India Pvt Limited – 2018

CO – PO – PSO Matrix
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
O1 O2 O3
CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
CO4 2
CO 2 2 2

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22MA401A Credits: 03
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 2-2-0 CIE Marks: 50
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 40 SEE Marks: 50
Course Learning Objectives:
1 Familiarize the importance of calculus of complex functions associated in dual plane,
best fit curves and regression lines, random variables and probability distributions,
solutions of ordinary differential equations by using power series.
2 Apply C-R equations to find analytic, potential, stream functions, evaluate complex
integrals, properties of regression lines, probability functions to analyse distributions,
solve differential equations by power series method.

No. of hours
Unit Syllabus content
Theory Tutorial
I Calculus of complex functions:
Introduction to complex variables. Definitions- limit, continuity,
differentiability and Analytic functions of f(z) : Cauchy- Riemann
equations in Cartesian and polar forms (no proof)-Harmonic function
and Problems. Applications to flow problems. Construction of
analytic functions when 𝑢 𝑜𝑟 𝑣 𝑜𝑟 𝑢 ± 𝑣 are given- Milne-Thomson 06 02
Conformal transformations: Introduction. Discussion of
transformations for 𝑊 = 𝑧 2 , 𝑊 = 𝑒 𝑧 , 𝑊 = 𝑧 + 1⁄𝑧 𝑧 ≠ 0
Self-Study: Derivation of Cauchy- Riemann equation in Cartesian
and polar form
II Complex integration:
Bilinear Transformations- Problems, line integrals of complex
function. Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula. Taylor’s and
Laurent’s series (Statements only)- illustrative examples. Singularities, 06 02
poles and residues with examples, Cauchy’s Residues Theorem
(statement only)- Illustrative examples.
Self-Study:– Contour integration Type-I & Type-II problems
III Statistical Methods:
Statistics: Brief review of measures of central tendency and
dispersion. Moments, skewness and kurtosis.
Curve Fitting: Curve fitting by the method of least squares, fitting
the curves of the forms 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 + , 𝑦 = 𝑎b 𝑥 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥2+ 𝑏𝑥 + c. 06 02
Correlation and regression: Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
and rank correlation- problems, Regression analysis, lines of
regression and problems.
Self-Study: Fit a curve of the form 𝑦 = 𝑎 + 𝑏x, y = a +bx+cx2
IV Probability and Distribution:
Random variables and Probability Distributions: Review of random
variables. Discrete and continuous random variables-problems. 06 02
Binomial, Poisson, Exponential and Normal distributions (with usual
notation of mean and variance)-: problems.

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Joint Probability Distributions : Introduction, Joint probability and

Joint distribution of discrete random variables and continuous random
Self-study: Geometric and Gamma distributions- problems.
V Special functions:
Power series solution of a second order ODE, Series solution-
Frobenius method. Series solution of Bessel’s differential equation
leading to J n x  . Expansions for J 1 x and J 1 x . . Series solutions
2 2
06 02
of Legendre’s differential equation leading to Pn x  -Legendre’s
polynomials - simple illustrative examples
Self study: Basics of Series solutions of ODE’s; analytic, singular
point and basic recurrence relations.

COURSE OUTCOMES: On completion of the course, student should be able to:

CO1 Understand fundamental concepts in calculus of complex functions, statistics,
probability and special functions.
CO2 Apply tools taught to analyze transformations arising in engineering field and evaluate
complex integrals and draw statistical inferences
CO3 Analyze problems in engineering field by employing special functions, complex
functions and statistical methods.
CO4 Evaluate integrals of complex functions, regression and correlation coefficient,
probability of a discrete and continuous variable, series solution of special differential

TEACHING - LEARNING PROCESS: Chalk and Talk, power point presentation,

animations, videos.

1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics (44th Edition 2018), Khanna Publishers, New
2. E. Kreysizig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and sons, 10th Ed. (Reprint)
1. V. Ramana: Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGraw –Hill Education,11th Ed..
2. H. C. Taneja, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Volume I & II, I.K. International Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics,
Laxmi Publications, Reprint, 2010.


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One question from each unit carrying two marks Answer any TWO sub questions for maximum 18 marks
each from each unit

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 2
CO2 2 3
CO3 3 2
CO4 2 3
Strength of correlation: Low-1, Medium- 2, High-3

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME402 Semester: IV L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 40Hrs. Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE: 50%; SEE: 50%
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Apply thermodynamic concepts to understand the working of air standard and vapor power cycles.
 Determine the performance of air standard and vapor power cycles.
 Describe the working of mechanical systems involving compressors, refrigerators and IC engines.
 Determine the performance parameters of systems involving compressors, refrigerators and IC
Course Content
Air Standard Cycles: Otto cycle and Diesel cycle: P-V and T-S diagrams, description and
efficiencies. Comparison of Otto and Diesel cycles. Brayton cycle for gas turbine power plants.
Deviations of practical gas turbine cycles from ideal cycles. Modified Brayton cycle like inter-cooling,
reheating and regeneration. Numerical Problems.
9 Hrs
Self study component: P-V and T-S diagrams, description of Dual cycle, Sterling cycle, Atkinson
Vapour Power Cycles: Carnot vapour power cycle and its performance. Simple Rankine cycle:
description, T-S diagram and expression for efficiency. Comparison of Carnot and Rankine cycles.
Effects of operating parameters on the performance of simple Rankine cycle. Deviation of simple
Rankine cycle from Ideal cycles. Reheat Cycle, Ideal regenerative cycle and practical regenerative
cycles with open and closed type feed water heaters, Numerical Problems.
9 Hrs
Self study component: Ideal cycles for jet propulsion, turbo jet cycle, turbo jet, ram jet and turbo
prop engines.
Reciprocating Air Compressors: Working of single stage reciprocating air compressors, Work input
using P-V diagram and steady flow analysis. Effect of clearance volume on volumetric efficiency,
isothermal and mechanical efficiencies. Multistage compression, advantages of multistage
compression. Expression for optimum intermediate pressure with perfect and imperfect inter cooling.
Numerical Problems.
7 Hrs
Self study component: Brief explanation of rotary compressors, fans and blowers.
Refrigeration: Introduction, Units of refrigeration and COP, Refrigerants and Properties of good
refrigerants, refrigerating effect, capacity, power required to drive the compressor. Analysis of
Mechanical vapor compression refrigeration systems with T-s and P-h diagrams, effect of sub-cooling
and super-heating. numerical problems. Psychrometry: Psychrometric properties, relations,
processes, chart, summer and winter air conditioning systems, numerical problems.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Vapor absorption refrigeration system and steam jet refrigeration

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Testing of I.C. Engines: Testing of SI and CI engines. Performance factors, basic testing factors and
basic measurements for engine performance. Indicated power, friction power: Willian’s line method,
Morse test and motoring test. Brake power: principle of mechanical, hydraulic and eddy current
dynamometers. Fuel consumption: volumetric type. Air consumption: Air box method to determine air
consumption. Heat balance sheet and related numerical problems.
7 Hrs
Self-study component: Combustion in I C engines, delay period and factors affecting delay period.
Diesel knock and methods of controlling diesel knock.
Text Books
1. P.K.Nag, “Basic and Applied Thermodynamics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition 2009, ISBN:
2. Yunus A. Çengel Michael A. Boles, “Thermodynamics–An engineering approach”, Tata
McGraw Hill, 6th edition, 2007, ISBN: 9780073305370.
Reference Books
1. Gordon J. Van Wylen, “Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics”, John Wiley and Sons
Canada, Limited, 3rd edition, 1988, ISBN: 9780471610762.
2. D B Spalding and E H Cole, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, Arnold 1973, 3rd edition, ISBN:
3. R K Rajput, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, Laxmi Publications, 4th Edition, ISBN:
4. S Domkundwar,C P Kothandaraman and V Domkundwar “ A course in Thermal Engineering”,
Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2004, ISBN: 9788177000214.
5. M.L.Mathurand R.P.Sharma, “Internal Combustion Engines”, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2010, ISBN:
6. Mahesh M Rathore, “Thermal Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition, 2010 ISBN:
7. Ganesan, “Internal Combustion Engines”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2012, ISBN:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply the knowledge of thermodynamics to describe the different thermodynamic cycles.
2. Apply the basic principles of thermodynamics to describe the working of mechanical systems
involving various power producing and power absorbing machines.
3. Analyze the performance of air standard cycles and vapor power cycles.
4. Analyze the performance parameters of air compressors, refrigerators and I C engines.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Articulation Matrix

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 0
Apply the knowledge of thermodynamics to
CO1 describe the different thermodynamic 3
Apply the basic principles of
thermodynamics to describe the working of
CO2 mechanical systems involving various power 3
producing and power absorbing machines.
Analyze the performance of air standard
CO3 3
cycles and vapor power cycles.
Analyze the performance parameters of air
CO4 3
compressors, refrigerators and I C engines.
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
Total Marks Weightage
COs Marks Distribution
Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V
CO1 2+9 2+9 22 22%
CO2 2+9 2+9 2+9 33 33%
CO3 9 9 18 18%
CO4 9 9 9 27 27%
20 20 20 20 20 100
Application =55% Analysis = 45%

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME403 Semester: IV L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 03
Contact Period - Lecture: 40 Hrs. Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Understand the basic concepts of stress, strain and deformation of mechanical elements subjected to
axial, bending and torsional loads.
 Analyze shear force, bending moment in beams and crippling load in columns.
Course Content
Simple stresses and strains: Stress, types, Saint Venant’s principle, stress-strain curve for mild steel,
working stress, proof stress, factor of safety, Hooke’s law, modulus of elasticity, strain energy, proof
resilience, longitudinal strain, lateral strain, poison’s ratio, stress strain analysis of bars of uniform cross
section, stepped bars, circular bar with continuously varying section, principle of superposition.
Modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus, relation among elastic constants.
7 Hrs
Self study component: Rectangularbar with continuously varying section, volumetric strain.
Compound bars: Stress analysis of composite bars. Thermal stresses in uniform and compound bars.
Compound stresses: Principal planes and stresses, plane of maximum shear stress in general 2D
system. Mohr’s circle diagram (2D).
8 Hrs
Self study component: Strain on inclined plane due to normal stress in X and Y directions.
Shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams (SFD and BMD): Types of beams, loads and supports,
shear force and bending moment, sign conventions, point of contraflexure, and relationship between
load intensity, shear force and bending moment. SFD and BMD for different beams subjected to
concentrated loads, uniformly distributed load, uniformly varying load and inclined loads.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Applications of beams.
Bending and shear stresses in Beams: Theory of simple bending, assumptions in simple bending,
relationship between bending stresses and radius of curvature, relationship between bending moment
and radius of curvature, section modulus. Bending stresses in beams of uniform section. Shearing
stresses in beams, shear stress across rectangular, I and T sections. (Moment of Inertia to be provided
for numerical problems). Deflection of Beams: Introduction, Differential equation of deflection;
Flexural rigidity, Macaulay’s method for simply supported beams with point load and UDL.
9 Hrs
Self study component: Beam of uniform strength-uniform beam of rectangular section replaced by
beam of constant depth and width.

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Torsional stresses: Introduction to torsion, pure torsion, assumptions, derivation of torsional equation,
polar modulus, torsional rigidity and torque transmitted by solid and hollow circular shafts. Columns:
Introduction to Columns, Euler theory for axially loaded elastic long columns, Euler equation for
columns with Both ends hinged and Both ends fixed, Limitations of Euler’s theory, Rankine’s formula.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Euler equation for one end fixed and other end is free, and one end fixed and
the other end is hinged.
Text Books
1. S. S. Bhavikatti, “Strength of Materials”, Vikas Publication House-Pvt Ltd, 2nd edition, 2000, ISBN:
2. S. S. Rattan, “Strength of Materials”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2011, ISBN:
Reference Books
1. James M. Gere, Stephen P. Timoshenko, “Mechanics of Materials”, CBS Publishers and
Distributers Delhi. ISBN: 978-9390219421, 2016.
2. W.A. Nash, “Strength of Materials”, Schaum’s Outline Series, 4th Edition, 2007, ISBN:
3. Dr. R. K. Bansal, “Strength of Materials”, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi, 5th Edition, 2007, ISBN:
4. Ferdinand P Beer, E Russell Johnston, JR., John T DeWolf adapted by N Shivaprasad and S
Krishnamurthy, “Mechanics of Materials”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “Mechanics of Materials”, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi. 2002.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to;
1. Apply the concepts of normal stresses, strain, shear stress, bending stress torsional stress and
buckling stress in mechanical components.
2. Apply the fundamentals of thermal stress and compound stresses in bars of uniform and compound
3. Analyse the uniform, stepped, compound bars, beams for different cross section and columns.
4. Analyse the beams for deflection using Macaulay’s method.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Articulation Matrix

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the concepts of normal
stresses, strain, shear stress,
CO1 bending stress torsional stress and 3
buckling stress in mechanical
Apply the fundamentals of thermal
stress and compound stresses in 3
bars of uniform and compound
Analyse the uniform, stepped,
compound bars, beams for
CO3 3
different cross section and
Analyse the beams for deflection
CO4 3
using Macaulay’s method.
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
COs Marks Distribution Total Marks
Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit
CO1 2+9 2+9 2+9 33 33%
CO2 2+9 2+9 22 22%
CO3 9 9 9 27 27%
CO4 9 9 18 18%
20 20 20 20 20 100
Application =55% Analysis = 45%

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
Department of Mechanical Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME404 Semester: IV L-T-P: 3-0-2 Credits: 04
Total Theory Teaching Hours: 40 Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE: 50 %;SEE: 50%
Total Laboratory Hours: 24
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
• Understand the basic metal forming processes of forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing, sheet metal
forming and powder metallurgy.
• Give complete insight regarding the mechanical equipment and operations involved to fulfil various
Course Content
Introduction to Metal Working: Classification of metal working processes, characteristics of wrought
products, advantages and limitations of metal working processes. Effect of parameters in metal forming
process-Temperature, strain rate, friction and lubrication, hydrostatic pressure in metal working,
Deformation zone geometry, workability of materials, residual stresses in wrought products.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Concepts of biaxial and triaxial stresses, plane stress and plane strain.
Forging and Rolling: Classification of forging processes, forging machines and equipments, Forging die-
design parameters. Material flow lines in forging. Forging defects, Residual stresses in forging,
advantages and dis-advantages of forging. Classification of Rolling processes. Rolling mills, Defects in
rolled products, Rolling variables roll camber.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Hand forging equipments and operations.
Extrusion and Drawing: Types of Extrusion, Extrusion variables, Extrusion dies. Seamless tube
extrusion, Lubrication in Extrusion, Deformation of metal flow in extrusion, Defects in extruded
products. Drawing equipment, Elements of drawing Die, dead zone formation, drawing variables, Tube
drawing-classification of tube drawing.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Extrusion of brittle metals.
Sheet Metal Forming: Sheet metal forming methods, Dies and Punches-classification of dies. Open back
inclinable press, Limiting drawing ratio in drawing, Forming limit criterion, Defects in deep drawn
products. High energy rate forming (HERF) - Explosive forming, electro magnetic forming, electro
hydraulic forming.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Parameters affecting drawability.
Powder Metallurgy: Basic steps in powder metallurgy, methods of powder production, Characteristics of
metal powder. Conditioning and blending powders, Compacting metal powders, Sintering-sintering
mechanism, Isostatic pressing, types of isostatic pressing, finishing operations of powder metallurgy parts,
advantages, disadvantages and applications of powder metallurgy.
8 Hrs

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Self study component: Safety and environmental aspects of powder metallurgy.

Practical Content
24 Hrs
1. Use of forging tools and equipments.
2. Preparing model involving upsetting, drawing and bending operations, along with length and volume
i. Model-I
ii. Model-II
iii. Model-III
3. Use of sheet metal tools and equipments.
4. Preparing sheet metal model.
i. Model-I
ii. Model-II
iii. Model-III
5. Demonstration on extrusion honing process.
6. Demonstration of forming the parts from metallic powders.
Text Books
1. George E. Dieter, “Mechanical Metallurgy”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education, 3rd Edition, 2013, ISBN:
2. Serope Kalpak Jain and Stevan R. Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”, Pearson
Education, 4th Edition, 2014, ISBN: 978-9332535800.
Reference Books
1. J.T. Black, Ronald A. Kohser, “Materials and Processes in manufacturing”, Wiley, 11th Edition,
2011, ISBN: 978-0470924679.
2. G. W. Rowe, “Principles of Industrial metal working process”, CBS Publisher, 1st Edition, 2005,
ISBN: 978-8123904283.
3. Amitabha Ghosh and Asok Kumar Mallik, “Manufacturing Science”, East-West press Pvt. Ltd.,
2010, ISBN: 978-8176710633.
4. Sadhu Singh, “ Theory of Plasticity and Metal Forming Processes”, Khanna Publishers, 2003,
ISBN: 978-8174090508.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply the concept of metal forming processes, types and applications.
2. Apply the knowledge of metal forming processes for production of engineering parts.
3. Analyse the various process parameters in metal forming processes.
4. Make use of experimental data for writing a report as an individual or as a team member to
communicate effectively.
Course Articulation Matrix
Course Outcomes Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply the concept of metal
CO1 forming processes, types and 3

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Apply the knowledge of metal

CO2 forming processes for 3
production of engineering parts.
Analyse the various process
CO3 parameters in metal forming 3
Make use of experimental data
for writing a report as an
CO4 individual or as a team 3 3
member to communicate
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
Total Weightag
COs Marks Distribution
Marks e (%)
Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V
CO1 2+9 2+9 22 22%
CO2 9 2+9 2+9 2+9 42 42%
CO3 9 9 9 9 36 36%
CO4 Note: Assessment only in CIE
20 20 20 20 20 100 100%
Application =64% Analysis = 36%

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22ME405 Semester: IV L-T-P: 3-0-2 Credits: 04
Total Theory Teaching Hours: 40 Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Total Laboratory Hours: 24
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 The basic concepts of measurement and metrology, and strengthening their knowledge about
advancements in system of limits, fits, tolerances and gauging of mechanical elements.
 The various measuring equipment’s and use of this in industry for quality inspection.
Course Content
Basic Concepts of Measurement and Metrology: Definition and significance of measurement,
Generalized measurement system, Performance characteristics of measuring instruments (Only static
characteristics), Inaccuracy of Measurements, Definition and objectives of metrology. Standards,
Line and end standard, Wave length standard, Transfer from line to end standard. Slip gauges,
Wringing phenomena, Numerical problems on building of slipgauges and calibration of end bars.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Imperial standard yard and International Prototype meter
System of Limits, Fits, Tolerances and Gauging: Definition of tolerance, specification in assembly,
Principle of interchangeability and selective assembly. Concept of limits of size and tolerances,
Compound tolerances, accumulation of tolerances. Definition of fits, types of fits. Hole basis system
and shaft basis system, Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing. Classification of gauges, Basic
concept of design of gauges (Taylor's principles), wear allowance on gauges. Types of gauges -plain
plug gauge, ring gauge, snap gauge, gauge materials, numerical problems on gauge design
8 Hrs
Self study component: Limit gauges for tapers.
Comparators: Characteristics and classification of comparators. Mechanical comparators- Johnson
Mikrokator, Sigma Comparators, Optical Comparators -principles, Zeiss ultra-optimeter, Electric and
Electronic Comparators, LVDT, Pneumatic Comparators, Solex Comparator. Back Pressure gauges,
Surface Roughness and Metrology of Screw Thread: Surface roughness terminology, Methods of
measuring surface roughness, Taylor-Hobson Talysurf, Analysis of surface traces, Measurement of
basic elements of thread, worked examples.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Measurements of alignment using Autocollimator
Transducers: Introduction, Transfer efficiency, classification of transducers. Mechanical
Transducers: diaphragms, bellows. Electrical transducers: sliding contact resistive type, capacitive
transducer, Piezo-Electric transducer. Signal Conditioning: Inherent problems in Mechanical
systems, Electrical intermediate modifying devices, Input circuitry-simple current sensitive circuit,
Electronic amplifiers, Filters, Types of filters, telemetry.
8 Hrs
Self study component: Applications of Transducers.
Strain Measurement: Methods of strain measurement, Strain gauges, Preparation and mounting of

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strain gauges. Measurement of Force: Introduction, Proving ring. Measurement of Torque:

Introduction, Hydraulic dynamometer. Measurement of Pressure: Introduction, McLeod gauge,
Pirani Gauge. Temperature Measurement: Thermocouple, Laws of thermocouple, Thermocouple
8 Hrs
Self study component: Pyrometers, Optical pyrometers.
Practical Content
24 Hrs
1. Calibration of measuring instruments.
2. Measurement of angle using Sine bar and Sine Centre.
3. Measurements using Profile Projector.
4. Measurements using Toolmaker’s Microscope.
5. Measurement of alignment using Autocollimator.
6. Calibration of LVDT.
7. Measurements of Surface roughness using Tally surf.
8. Mechanical Comparator.
9. Measurement of Screw threads parameters using floating carriage.
10. Measurement of cutting tool forces using drill tool Dynamometer.
Text Books
1. R. K. Jain “Engineering Metrology”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 20th Edition, 2004, ISBN:
2. Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni and John H.Lienhard,
“Mechanical Measurements”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 6 Edition, 2007, ISBN: 9780201847659.

Reference Books
1. I. C. Gupta, “Engineering Metrology”, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 7th Edition, 2012, ISBN:
2. Alsutko and Jerry Faulk, “Industrial Instrumentation”, Delmar cengage learning, 1996, ISBN:
3. R. S. Sirohi and H. C. Radha Krishna, “Mechanical Measurements”, New Age International,
Revised 3rd Edition, 2013, ISBN: 9788122403831.
4. Doblin, “Measurement Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, 2012, ISBN: 9780070699687.

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Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply fundamentals of metrology and measurement
2. Design tolerances and fits for selected product quality
3. Analyze appropriate method and instruments for inspection of various mechanical systems.
4. Make use of experimental data for writing a report as an individual or as a team member to
communicate effectively.
Course Articulation Matrix
Course Outcomes Program Outcomes PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
CO1 Apply fundamentals of
metrology and 3
CO2 Design tolerances and fits
for selected product 3
CO3 Analyze appropriate
method and instruments
for inspection of various
mechanical systems.
CO4 Make use of
experimental data for
writing a report as an
3 3
individual or as a team
member to communicate

SEE- Course Assessment Plan

Total Marks Weightage
COs Marks Distribution
Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit
CO1 2+9 2+9 2+9 2+9 2+9 55 55%
CO2 9 9 9%
CO3 9 9 9 9 36 36%
CO4 Note: To be assessed only in CIE
20 20 20 20 20 100 100%
Application =55% Design=9% Analysis = 36%

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22MEL406 Semester: IV L-T-P: 0-0-2 Credits: 1
Contact Period-Lecture: 30(P) Hrs. Exam: 3 Hrs. Weightage: CIE:50%; SEE:50%
Course Learning Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to,
 Understand the basic measurement techniques of fluid flow.
 Evaluate the performance of vanes, turbines, pumps, compressor and blower.
 Provide training to students to enhance their practical skills.
 Develop team qualities and ethical principles.
PART-A 10 Hrs
Exp-1 Calibration of Venturi meter and determination of its co-efficient of discharge.
Exp-2 Calibration of Orifice meter and determination of its co-efficient of discharge.
Exp-3 Calibration of V-Notch for flow through channel.
Exp-4 Determination of coefficient of friction in flow through pipes.
Exp-5 Determination of Vane efficiency (Coefficient of impact) for different vanes.
PART-B 20 Hrs
Exp-6 Performance test on Pelton wheel Turbine.
Exp-7 Performance test on Centrifugal Pump.
Exp-8 Performance test on Reciprocating Pump.
Exp-9 Performance test on Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor.
Exp-10 Performance test on Air Blower.
Reference Books
1. Dr. Jagadish Lal, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics”, Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt .Ltd, New
Delhi, 2002, ISBN: 9788120002722.
2. Dr. R.K.Bansal, “Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines”, Laxmi publications Ltd., New
Delhi, 9 Edition, 2015, ISBN: 9788131808153.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to,
1. Apply Bernoulli’s principle to determine flow rate, pressure changes for flow through pipes
and examine the fluid flow rate in an open channel.
2. Compare the effect of friction in pipes of different materials.
3. Analyse the performance parameters of vanes, turbine, pumps, compressor and blower.
4. Make use of experimental data for writing a report as an individual or as a team member to
communicate effectively.

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Course Articulation Matrix

Program Outcomes PSO
Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 01 02
Apply Bernoulli’s principle to
CO1 determine flow rate, pressure changes 3 2 1
for flow through pipes and examine
the fluid flow rate in an open
Compare the effect of friction in pipes 3
CO2 1 1
of different materials.
Analyse the performance parameters of 3 3 2
vanes, turbine, pumps, compressor and
Make use of experimental data for
writing a report as an individual or as a 3 3
team member to communicate
SEE- Course Assessment Plan
Total Marks Weightage
COs Marks Distribution
Part A Part B Viva- Voce
CO1 8 8 16%
CO2 7 7 14%
CO3 25 25 50%
CO4 10 10 20%
15 25 10 50
Application =16% Analysis = 64% Communication =20%

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
SEMESTER – IV for Civil, Mech, IP & Automobile Branches only
Course Code: P22HSMC407A Credits: 01
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 0:2:0 CIE Marks: 50
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 30 SEE Marks: 50
Course Learning Objectives: This course will enable the students to:
 Calculations involving simple and compound interest, averages, alligations & mixtures,
proportions, variations and partnership.
 Explain concepts behind logical reasoning modules of series, coding & decoding, seating
and data arrangements.
 Develop problem solving through Python language.
UNIT – I 06 Hours
Quantitative Aptitude: Simple and Compound Interest, Averages.
Logical Reasoning: Series, Coding & Decoding.

Self-study Mensuration
UNIT – II 06 Hours
Quantitative Aptitude: Alligations and Mixtures, Ratios, Proportions and Variations.
Logical Reasoning: Seating Arrangement, Data Arrangement.

Self-study Types of cryptarithm

UNIT – III 06 Hours
Quantitative Aptitude: Partnership.
Verbal Ability: Sentence Completion, Ordering of Sentences.

Self-study Game based assessments

UNIT – IV PYTHON - I 06 Hours
Python Basics: The print statement, Comments, Python Data Structures and Data Types, String
Operations in Python, Simple Input & Output, Simple Output Formatting, Operators in Python
Python Program Flow: Indentation, The If statement and its’ related statement, An example with if
and it’s related statement, The while loop, The for loop, The range statement, Break & Continue,
Assert, Examples for looping.
Functions and Modules: Create your own functions, Function parameters, Variable Arguments,
Scope of a Function, Function Documentations, Lambda Functions & map, n Exercise with
functions, Create a Module, Standard Modules.
Self-study List-like types

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UNIT – V PYTHON - II 06 Hours

Exceptions Handling: Errors, Exception handling with try, handling Multiple Exceptions, Writing
your own Exception.
File Handling: File handling Modes, Reading Files, Writing & Appending to Files, Handling File
Exceptions, The with statement.
Classes in Python: New Style Classes, Creating Classes, Instance Methods, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions.
Generators and Iterators: Iterators, Generators, The Functions any and all, With Statement, Data
Self-study Debugging
Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to:

Course Outcomes with Action verbs for the Course Bloom’s

COs Level Indicator
topics Taxonomy Level

Solve the problems based on simple and compound

CO1 interests, averages, alligations & mixtures, ratios, Applying L3
proportions, variations and partnerships.
Solve logical reasoning problems based on seating
arrangements, data arrangement and verbal ability
CO2 Applying L3
skills of sentence corrections and ordering of
Apply suitable programming constructs of Python
CO3 language and / or suitable data structures to solve the Analyzing L4
given problem.
Design and Develop solutions to problems using
CO4 Analyzing L4
Text Book(s):
1. Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach by Reema Thareja.
2. Allen B. Downey, “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist”, 2nd Edition,
Green Tea Press, 2015
3. Quantitative aptitude by Dr. R. S Agarwal, published by S. Chand private limited.
4. Verbal reasoning by Dr. R. S Agarwal, published by S. Chand private limited.
Reference Book(s):
1. Al Sweigart, “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python”, 1st Edition, No Starch Press, 2015.
2. Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma, McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.
Web and Video link(s):
 Learn Python by example -
 Learn Python -
 Python tutor: Visualize code in Python -

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COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 2 2

CO4 2 2

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Internship - I
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22INT409 Credits: 02
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:0:2 CIE Marks: -
Total Number of Teaching Hours: - SEE Marks: 100
All the students registered to II year of BE shall have to undergo a mandatory internship of 02
weeks during the intervening vacation of II and III semesters or III and IV semester. Internship
shall include Inter / Intra Institutional activities. A Semester End Examination (Presentation
followed by question-answer session) shall be conducted during IV semester and the prescribed
credit shall be included in IV semester. The internship shall be considered as a head of passing and
shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take up / complete the internship
shall be declared fail and shall have to complete during subsequent Semester End Examination
after satisfying the internship requirements. (The faculty coordinator or mentor has to monitor the
students’ internship progress and interact to guide them for the successful completion of the

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22PED409 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:0:2 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: - SEE Marks: -
Fitness Components Track Events
1.1. Starting Techniques: Standing start and Crouch start (its variations)
use of Starting Block.
1.2. Acceleration with proper running techniques.
Athletics 1.3. Finishing technique: Run Through, Forward Lunging and Shoulder
Track- Sprints
Jumps- Long Jump
Throws- Shot Put Long Jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Flight in the air (Hang Style/Hitch
Kick) and Landing
Shot put: Holding the Shot, Placement, Initial Stance, Glide, Delivery
Stance and Recovery (Perry O’Brien Technique.
A. Fundamental skills
1. Service: Under arm service, Side arm service, Tennis service,
Floating service.
Kho kho 2. Pass: Under arm pass, Over head pass.
3. Spiking and Blocking.
4. Game practice with application of Rules and Regulations
B. Rules and their interpretation and duties of officials.
A. Fundamental skills:
Overhand service, Side arm service, two hand catching, one hand
overhead return,side arm return.
B. Rules and their interpretations and duties of officials
Throw ball 110 Mtrs and 400Mtrs:
Athletics Hurdling Technique :Lead leg Technique, Trail leg Technique ,Side
Track- 110 &400 Mtrs Hurdling, Over the Hurdles
Crouch start (its variations) use of Starting Block.
Jumps- High Jump
Throws- Discuss Approach to First Hurdles, In Between Hurdles, Last Hurdles to
Throw Finishing.
High jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Bar Clearance (Straddle) and
Discus Throw: Holding the Discus, Initial Stance Primary Swing, Turn,
Release and Recovery (Rotation in the circle).

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[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22YOG409 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:0:2 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: - SEE Marks: -
Course objectives:
6) To enable the student to have good health.
7) To practice mental hygiene.
8) To possess emotional stability.
9) To integrate moral values.
10) To attain higher level of consciousness.

The Health Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of various yoga techniques have been supposed to improve
 body flexibility,
 performance,
 stress reduction,
 attainment of inner peace, and
 self-realization.
The system has been advocated as a complementary treatment to aid the healing of several
ailments such as
 coronary heart disease,
 depression,
 anxiety disorders,
 asthma, and
 extensive rehabilitation for disorders including musculoskeletal problems and
traumatic brain injury.
The system has also been suggested as behavioral therapy for smoking cessation and substance
abuse (including alcohol abuse).
If you practice yoga, you may receive these physical, mental, and spiritual benefits:
 Physical
10. Improved body flexibility and balance
11. Improved cardiovascular endurance (stronger heart)
12. Improved digestion
13. Improved abdominal strength
14. Enhanced overall muscular strength
15. Relaxation of muscular strains
16. Weight control
17. Increased energy levels
18. Enhanced immune system
 Mental

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4. Relief of stress resulting from the control of emotions

5. Prevention and relief from stress-related disorders
6. Intellectual enhancement, leading to improved decision-making skills
 Spiritual
4. Life with meaning, purpose, and direction
5. Inner peace and tranquility
6. Contentment
Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, its need and importance.
Yama :Ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacarya, aparigraha
Niyama :shoucha, santosh, tapa, svaadhyaya, Eshvarapranidhan
Suryanamaskar12 count- 4 rounds of practice
Asana, Need, importance of Asana. Different types of asana. Asana its meaning by name,
technique, precautionary measures and benefits of each asana
Different types of Asanas
a. Sitting 1. Sukhasana
2. Paschimottanasana
b. Standing 1. Ardhakati Chakrasana
2. Parshva Chakrasana
c. Prone line 1. Dhanurasana
d. Supine line 1. Halasana
2. Karna Peedasana
Meaning, importance and benefits of Kapalabhati.
40 strokes/min 3 rounds
Meaning, Need, importance of Pranayama. Different types. Meaning by name, technique,
precautionary measures and benefits of each Pranayama
Pranayama – 1. Suryanuloma –Viloma 2. Chandranuloma-Viloma 3. Suryabhedana
4. Chandra Bhedana 5. Nadishodhana

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Additional Mathematics - II
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
SEMESTER – IV (Lateral Entry: Common to all branches)
Course Code: P22MDIP401 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 2-2-0 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 40 SEE Marks: -
Course Objectives: The mandatory learning course: P21MATDIP401 viz., Additional
Mathematics-II aims to provide essential concepts of linear algebra, introductory concepts of
second & higher order differential equations along with various techniques/ methods to solve
them, Laplace & inverse Laplace transforms and elementary probability theory.
Linear Algebra: Introduction - Rank of matrix by elementary row operations - Echelon
form of a matrix. Consistency of system of linear equations - Gauss elimination method.
Gauss-Jordan and LU decomposition methods. Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a
square matrix. 10 Hrs
Self-study Components: Application of Cayley-Hamilton theorem (without proof) to
compute the inverse of a matrix-Examples.
Higher order ODE’s: Linear differential equations of second and higher order equations 14 Hrs
with constant coefficients. Homogeneous /non-homogeneous equations. Inverse
differential operators. and variation of parameters. Solution of Cauchy’s homogeneous
linear equation and Legendre’s linear differential equation.
Self-study Components: Method of undetermined coefficients
Multiple Integrals: Double and triple integrals-region of integration. Evaluation of 10 Hrs
double integrals by change of order of integration.
Vector Integration: Vector Integration: Integration of vector functions. Concept of a line
integrals, surface and volume integrals. Green’s, Stokes’s and Gauss theorems (without
proof) problems.
Self-study Components: Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.
Laplace transforms: Laplace transforms of elementary functions. Transforms of 12Hrs
derivatives and integrals, transforms of periodic function and unit step function-Problems
only. Inverse Laplace transforms: Definition of inverse Laplace transforms. Evaluation of
Inverse transforms by standard methods.
Self-study Components: Application to solutions of linear differential equations and
simultaneous differential equations..
Probability: Introduction. Sample space and events. Axioms of probability. Addition and 06Hrs
multiplication theorems. Conditional probability – illustrative examples.
Self-study Components: State and prove Bayes’s theorem

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Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Apply matrix theory for solving systems of linear equations in the different areas of
linear algebra.
CO2: Solve second and higher order differential equations occurring in of electrical
circuits, damped/un-damped vibrations.
CO3: Identify - the technique of integration evaluate double and triple integrals by change of
variables, and vector integration technique to compute line integral
CO4: Explore the basic concepts of elementary probability theory and, apply the same to
the problems of decision theory,
Text Book:
 B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 43rd Ed., 2015.
Reference books:
1. E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Ed., 2015.
2. N.P.Bali and Manish Goyal: Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publishers,7th Ed., 2007.

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Additional Communicative English - II

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & OBE Scheme]
Course Code: P22HDIP407 Credits: 00
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P): 0:2:0 CIE Marks: 100
Total Number of Teaching Hours: 30 SEE Marks: -
Listening Skills II 2 Hours
Levels of listening, Active listening, Techniques of listening. Activity: Listening for main ideas and
Listening for specific information
Speaking Skills II 6 Hours
Language of discussion – Giving opinion, agreeing / disagreeing, asking questions, making
suggestions. Sentence stress – content and structure words, Speaking situations, Intonations and
Summarizing skills
Reading Skills II 2 Hours
Guessing meaning from the context, Understanding graphical information, Summarizing. Activity:
Book review
Writing Skills II 4 Hours
Linkers and connectives, Sentence and paragraph transformation, Mind mapping techniques, Letter
writing, Essay writing
Email Etiquette 4 Hours
Parts of an email, Writing an effective subject line, email language and tone. Activity: Email
writing practice - Scenario based emails
Group Presentations 2 Hours
Group presentations by the students
Goal Setting 2 Hours
Defining goals, types of goals, Establishing SMART goals, Steps in setting goals, Goal setting
Individual Presentations 4 Hours
Individual presentation by the students
Teamwork 4 Hours
Defining teams, Team vs. Group, Benefits and challenges of working in teams, Stages of team
building, Building effective teams, Case studies on teamwork
Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to,
CO 1: Understand the role of communication in personal and professional success
CO 2: Comprehend the types of technical literature to develop the competency of students to
apprehend the nature of formal communication requirements.
CO 3: Construct grammatically correct sentences to strengthen essential skills in speaking &
writing and to develop critical thinking by emphasizing cohesion and coherence
CO 4: Demonstrate effective individual and teamwork to accomplish communication goals.

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Textbooks and Reference Books:

1. Communication Skills by Sanjay Kumar and Pushpa Lata, Oxford University Press - 2015.
2. Everyday Dialogues in English by Robert J. Dixson, Prentice-Hall of India Ltd., 2006.
3. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan& Meera Banerjee (Macmillan)
4. The Oxford Guide to Writing and Speaking, John Seely, Oxford.
5. English Language Communication Skills - Lab Manual cum Workbook by Rajesh Kumar
Singh, Cengage learning India Pvt Limited – 2018
6. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey, Simon & Schuster – 2020
7. You Are the Team: 6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great by Michael G. Rogers

CO – PO – PSO Matrix
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
CO4 2
CO 2 2 2

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