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The Designand Constructionofa Robotic Arm Usingan 8051 Microcontroller

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The Design and Construction of a Robotic Arm Using an 8051 Microcontroller

Thesis · June 2007

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Olawale David Jegede

University of Manitoba


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Proceedings of the 2007 Computer Science and IT Education Conference

Development of a Microcontroller Based

Robotic Arm
Jegede Olawale, Awodele Oludele, Ajayi Ayodele,
and Ndong Miko Alejandro
Babcock University, Ilisan- Remo, Nigeria;;

Robotic arm has become popular in the world of robotics. The essential part of the robotic arm is
a programmable microcontroller based brick capable of driving basically three stepper motors
design to form an anthropomorphic structure. The first design was for experimental use on a hu-
man-size industrial robot arm called PUMA 560 used to explore issues in versatile object han-
dling and compliance control in grasp actions (Bejczy & Jau, 1986). This paper explains the
method of interfacing the robotic arm stepper motors with the programmed 8051-based micro-
controller which are used to control the robot operations. We have employed the assembly lan-
guage in programming our microcontroller. A sample robot which can grab (by magnetizing) and
release small objects (by demagnetizing) is built for demonstrating the method explained.
Keywords: MCU, PUMA, PIO, LATCH, I/O

Taking a look back at the history of robot development, a special kind of human-size industrial
robotic arm called Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly (PUMA) came into existence.
This type of robot is often termed anthropomorphic because of the similarities between its struc-
ture and the human arm. The individual joints are named after their human-arm counterparts. “It
is worth noting that in our work, the hand is magnetic and not a generalized manipulator. In the
proper sense of the word, manipulation is the function of the arm. The function of the arm is to
position and orient the hand, act as a mechanical connection and power and sensing transmission
link between the hand and the main body of the person. The full functional meaning of the arm
rests in the hand” (Bejczy & Jau, 1986). Our work provides important elements that are required
to build a simple robotic arm of very high quality. As stated earlier we are making use of the
8051-based microcontroller.
Material published as part of this publication, either on-line or
in print, is copyrighted by the Informing Science Institute. The 8051’s instruction set is optimized
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to redistribute to lists requires specific permission and payment The primary objective is to make the
of a fee. Contact to request Robotic arm, which comprises of three
redistribution permission. stepper motors, to interface with the In-
Development of a Microcontroller Based Robotic Arm

tel 8051-based micro-controller. It provides more interfaces to the outside world and has larger
memory to store many programs.

The scope of this work involves confirming the 8051 micro-controller Input/Output (I/O) signals
are compatible with that of the robotic arm stepper motors and testing of the robot’s motor sig-
nals through programming the 8051 microcontroller. Assembly programming is used to develop
the programs for the EPROM 2732 on the 8051 micro-controller platform that takes robot’s mo-
tor signal as I/O and controls the robot operation programmatically.
We have assumed that after figuring out the interface issues for the Robot with the 8051 micro-
controller, the same knowledge can be extended to make very complex robots with enhanced

We were able to perform a detailed study of the robotic arm and the 8051 micro-controller. We
tested the built robotic arm, and the stepper motors when the robot is loaded. We also learnt and
familiarized with the 8051 micro-controller using assembly language, and converting the assem-
bly language codes to hexadecimal codes using a development board.

The word ‘robotics’, meaning the study of robots was coined by Isaac Asimov. Robotics involves
elements of both mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as control theory, computing and
now artificial intelligence (Selig, 1992). According to the Robot Institute of America, “A robot is
a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools or spe-
cialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks”
(Robotics Research Group, n.d.)
The fact that a robot can be reprogrammed is important: it is definitely a characteristic of robots.
In order to perform any useful task the robot must interface with the environment, which may
comprise feeding devices, other robots, and
most importantly people.

Mechanical Structure of the

In constructing our arm, we made use of three
stepper motors and gears since our structure is
a three dimensional structure. A typical proto-
type that we employed is as shown in Figure 1.
There is a stepper motor at the base, which
allows for circular movement of the whole
structure; another at the shoulder which allows
for upward and downward movement of the
arm; while the last stepper motor at the wrist
allows for the picking of objects by the mag-
netic hand.

Figure 1. Anthropomorphic Type of

Robot Design (Selig, 1992, p.29)

Jegede, Awodele, Ajayi, & Miko

A microcontroller is an entire computer manufactured on a single chip. Microcontrollers are usu-
ally dedicated devices embedded within an application e.g. as engine controllers in automobiles
and as exposure and focus controllers in cameras. In order to serve these applications, they have a
high concentration of on-chip facilities such as serial ports, parallel input/output ports, timers,
counters, interrupt control, analog-to-digital converters, random access memory, read only
memory, etc. The I/O, memory, and on-chip peripherals of a microcontroller are selected depend-
ing on the specifics of the target application. Since microcontrollers are powerful digital proces-
sors, the degree of control and programmability they provide significantly enhances the effective-
ness of the application.
Embedded control applications also distinguish the microcontroller from its relative, the general-
purpose microprocessor. Embedded systems often require real-time operation and multitasking
capabilities. Real-time operation refers to the fact that the embedded controller must be able to
receive and process the signals from its environment as they are received. Multitasking is the ca-
pability to perform many functions in a simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous manner (Yeralan, S.
& Emery, 2000, p. 2).

Figure 2. Block diagrams of a Microcontroller (microElectronika, 2004)

The various components of the MCU shown in Figure 2 are explained below:
Random Access Memory (RAM): RAM is used for temporary storage of data during run-
ROM: ROM is the memory which stores the program to be executed.
SFR Registers: Special Function Registers are special elements of RAM.
Program Counter: This is the "engine" which starts the program and points to the mem-
ory address of the instruction to be executed. Immediately upon its execution, value of
counter increments by 1.

Development of a Microcontroller Based Robotic Arm

Control Logic: As the name implies, it which supervises and controls every aspect of op-
erations within MCU, and it cannot be manipulated. It comprises several parts, the most
important ones including: instructions decoder, Arithmetical Logic Unit (ALU) and Ac-
A/D Converter: A/D stands for analog to digital. They convert analog signals to digital
I/O Ports: To be of any practical use, microcontrollers have ports which are connected to
the pins on its case. Every pin can be designated as either input or output to suit user's
Oscillator: This is the rhythm section of the MCU. The stable pace provided by this in-
strument allows harmonious and synchronous functioning of all other parts of MCU.
Timers: timers can be used for measuring time between two occurrences and can also
behave like a counter. The Watchdog Timer resets the MCU every time it overflows, and
the program execution starts anew (much as if the power had just been turned on).
Power Supply Circuit: this powers the MCU. (MikroElectronika, 2004).

The method employed in designing and constructing the robotic arm are based on the operational
characteristics and features of the microcontrollers, stepper motors, the electronic circuit diagram
and most importantly the programming of the microcontroller and stepper motors.

Block Diagram
The block diagram of our work is as shown in Figure 3.

KEYPAD Motor driver




Sensor driver

Figure 3. Block diagram

Jegede, Awodele, Ajayi, & Miko

Circuit Diagram
The electronic circuit diagram of the development board is as shown in Figure 4. The connection
of the identified components and devices are as shown. The components shown are: the MCU, the
LATCH 74LS373, the EPROM 2732, Intel 8255 PIO, diodes, resistors, capacitors, inductors,
transistors, and op-amps. This components work together to achieve the set goal of controlling
the anthropomorphic-like arrangement of the stepper motor. The microcontroller is the processing
device that coordinates all the activities of all the components for proper functioning.

Power Supply
This is used to power the whole system i.e. the Control Unit, Magnetic Sensing Unit, and the
Stepper Motors. The transformer is a 220/12V step down transformer. We used a bridge rectifier
to convert the 12V alternating current to direct current.
The unregulated output from the filtering circuit is fed into a voltage regulator LM7805 and
LM7812. These two are chosen for the design because the LM7805 has an output of +5V which
is required to power the Control Unit, and the Magnetic Coil while the LM7812 has an output of
+12v which is required to power the Stepper motors.
The TIP41 connected to the IC regulators functions as an emitter follower amplifier making sure
that at least the required voltage by the Control Unit, the Magnetic Coil and the Stepper Motors

MCU 8051
This is the processor. It coordinates the operation of the robotic arm by collecting information
from the EPROM, the LATCH, and the PIO; interprets and then execute the instructions. It is the
heart of the whole system.

This is a D-type transparent latch. It is an 8 bit register that has 3 state bus driving outputs, full
parallel access for loading, and buffer control inputs. It is transparent because when the enable
EN(enable) input is high, the output will look exactly like the D input. This latch particularly
separates the data and address information from the MCU before sending to the instructed desti-
nation. The high-impedance state and increased high logic-level drive provide these registers
with the capability of being connected directly to and driving the bus lines in a bus-organized sys-
tem without need for interface or pull-up components. These latches are particularly attractive for
implementing buffer registers, I/O ports, bidirectional bus drivers, and working registers.
We are using this latch because there is a need to separate our 8 bit data and 8 bit address infor-
mation from the common line of the MCU, and send them to the appropriate device(s).

8255 PIO
This is a programmable input/output device. It interfaces the connection between the 8051, the
LATCH 74LS373, and the EPROM 2732 to external devices such as the stepper motors, (as is
our own case) thereby allowing for communication.

(EPROM) 2732
EPROM stands for Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory. We made use of this external
EPROM specifically because it makes the controller cheaper, allows for longer programs, and
because its content can be changed during run time and can also be saved after the power is off.

Development of a Microcontroller Based Robotic Arm

Figure 4. Control Unit

(Digitouch, 2006)
The overall diagrammatical layout of the complete circuit diagram of the whole control unit is
shown in Figure 4.

Stepper Motor
The stepping motor is a motor that is driven and controlled by an electrical pulse train generated
by the MCU (or other digital device). Each pulse drives the stepping motor by a fraction of one
revolution, called the step angle.

Jegede, Awodele, Ajayi, & Miko

The Magnetic Sensing Unit

The magnetic sensing unit consists of a magnetic coil which can be magnetized simply by the
action of the port P1.0 of the 8051. The port 1.0 was made use of because when designated as
output, each of the pin can be connected up to four TTL inputs. That is why we have connected
the pin 1.0 to the magnetic coil through three TTL logic.
The design is such that on the downward movement of the wrist, the 8051 sends an electrical sig-
nal to the Darlington pair connected to the magnetic coil.
The magnetic sensing unit is powered on by three BC548 Darlington NPN pair transistor, through
a diode each and a 5k resistor. The pair amplifies the current and makes the magnetic coil turn
into magnet. Then any magnetic material could be picked (by attraction) and then movement con-
tinues. The magnetic material can then be dropped at another point when the wrist is made to
come down, this also is an action from the 8051 as it withdraws the electrical signal from the coil.

Control Circuit
This is the control panel of the system as it oversees the operations of the mechanical arm, and
the magnetic sensing unit. The MCU 8051 of the control unit acts as the brain of the control panel
as it coordinates all the activities of the other devices. When power (+5V) was supplied to the
control unit, the MCU started off by loading the program from the EPROM M2732A, interpreted
and executed the instruction codes through the various operational principles which had been de-
scribed in details in chapter three (session 3.2).
The 8051 then sends signal to the stepper motor which moves 9° per step. The stepper motor
(M3) at the wrist first moves five times (45°) turning the gears to cause a downward movement of
the hand. The stepper motor at the shoulder (M2) moves next stepping five times (45°) and makes
the connected gears to cause the movement of the arm 45° forward. Then the stepper motor at the
base(M1) moves either ten times (90°) or twenty times (180°), depending on the button pressed,
causing the whole structure to turn from right to left( or vice versa) through the connected gears.
The magnetic coil resting on the hand becomes magnetized immediately the last gear on the hand
stops moving. Then, it magnetizes (picks) any magnetic material it can find and then M3 and M2
moves the arm up while M1 moves (rotates the structure) from left to right (or vice versa) and
then the 8051 demagnetizes the magnetic coil thereby making the hand to drop the metallic ob-

This work is able to successfully accomplish the defined functionality. A sample robot which can
rotate, magnetize an object, lower and raise its arm, by being controlled by the 8051 microcon-
troller is built successfully. The 8051-development board is soldered and it used the required pro-
cedure for the correct operation of the controller. The 8051 development board has been inter-
faced to the stepper motors such that the anthropomorphic like structure can be controlled from
the buttons at the base of the structure (robotic arm).
There are four buttons being controlled by the control unit at the base of the arm:
• ON/OFF: the ON button puts on the system while the OFF button puts off the system
• START/STOP: the START button starts the movement of the whole arm from its reset
point, while the STOP button takes the arm back to its reset button after completion of its

Development of a Microcontroller Based Robotic Arm

• RIGHT-LEFT/LEFT-RIGHT: when this button is switched to the RIGHT-LEFT part it

causes movement from right to left, while the LEFT-RIGHT part causes movement from
left to right.
• 180/90: when the button is on 180, it causes a rotation of 180 degree of the base stepper
motor, but when put on 90 degrees, it causes rotation of 90 degrees.

In this paper we have interfaced the robot with different kinds of I/O devices and our method al-
lows for storing more programs to enhance more functionality. From our work, we deduced that
in comparison to humans, robots can be much stronger and are therefore able to lift heavier
weights and exert larger forces. They can be very precise in their movements, reduce labor costs,
improve working conditions, reduce material wastage and improve product quality (Mair, 1988).
This is why they’re very important in industries because the overall objective of industrial engi-
neering is productivity (Hicks, 1994, p. 61).
Meanwhile, intelligent Control is the discipline that implements Intelligent Machines (IMs) to
perform anthropormorphic tasks with minimum supervision and interaction with a human opera-
tor. This project can be further enhanced to as a multi-disciplinary project involving electrical and
computer engineers to work together to create more complex, intelligent robots controlled by the
8051 micro-controller.

Bejczy, A. K., & Jau, B. M. (1986). Smart hand systems for robotics and teleoperation. Proceedings of the
Sixth CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practise of Robots and Manipulators, Hermes Pub-
Engelberger, J. F. (1989). Robotics in service (pp 224-226). Kogan Page.
Hall, D. V. (2004). Microprocessors and interfacing, Programming and hardware (pp 278-279). McGraw
Hicks, P. E. (1994). Industrial engineering and management. McGraw-Hill.
Mair, G. M. (1988). Industrial robotics. Prentice Hall.
microElectronika. (2004). Architecture and programming of 8051 MCU (Chapter 1).
Pont, M. J. (2002). Embedded C. Addison-Wesley.
Robotics Research Group. (n.d.). Learn More History. Retrieved from
Selig, J. M. (1992). Introductory robotics. Prentice Hall.
Valavanis, K. P., & Saridis, G. N. (1992). Intelligent robotics. Academic Publishers.
Yeralan, S., & Emery, H. (2000). Programming and interfacing the 8051 microcontroller in C and Assem-
bly. Rigel Press.

Jegede, Awodele, Ajayi, & Miko

Jegede Olawale is a fresh graduate of Babcock University, Nigeria
where he obtained a first class degree in Computer Engineering Tech-
nology. He is a member of the Nigeria Society of Engineers and the
Nigeria Computer Society. He is a Cisco Certified Network Associate.
His areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence, Telecommunica-
tions, Digital Electronics, Control and Networking. He has published
works in several journals of international repute.

Awodele Oludele is a graduate of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria with

a Master degree from the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
He has had several years experience in teaching computer science
courses at the university level. He is currently a lecturer in the depart-
ment of Computer Science and Maths, Babcock University, Nigeria
and He is currently undergoing his PhD program . He is a full member
of the Nigeria Computer Society and the Computer Professional Regis-
tration Council of Nigeria. His areas of interest are Artificial Intelli-
gence and Computer Architecture. He has published works in several journals of international
Ajayi Ayodele is a fresh graduate of Babcock University, Nigeria
where she obtained a degree in Computer Engineering Technology.
She is a Cisco Certified Network Associate. Her areas of interest in-
clude Artificial Intelligence, Digital Electronics, and Networking. She
has published works in several journals of international repute.

Ndong Miko Alejandro is a fresh graduate of Babcock University,

Nigeria where he obtained a degree in Computer Engineering Technol-
ogy. His areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence and Telecom-
munications. He has published works in several journals of interna-
tional repute.


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