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Re Engineering Traditional Learning Model With Outcome Based Learning Curve Using Embedded Training Laboratory

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Re-Engineering Traditional Learning Model with Outcome-Based

Learning Curve using Embedded Training Laboratory
Ezenwa Opara; Mbonu, Ekene S.; Udemezue, Obinna E.;
Okereke, Chukwunenye G.; Uzoeto, Anurika C.
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Ezenwa Opara |

This paper presents the design and implementation of an indigenous Mbonu, Ekene S. | Udemezue, Obinna
outcome-based 8051 microcontroller training kit. Most of the existing E. | Okereke, Chukwunenye G. | Uzoeto,
microcontroller training kits available do not have local content, and Anurika C. "Re-Engineering Traditional
also have problems with maintenance and repair when they develop Learning Model with Outcome-Based
Learning Curve using Embedded
faults. Users usually dump these kits when they develop faults due to
Training Laboratory" Published in
a lack of trained technical maintenance personnel. This project used International Journal
components that are locally available to implement an outcome-based of Trend in
8051 microcontroller training kit that is modular and easy to use. In Scientific Research
the methodology, the bottom-top approach was used to design the and Development
individual modules of the kit before fabricating them on a printed (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
circuit board (PCB). The user manual was then developed and 6470, Volume-7 |
experiments in it were tested using the developed training kit. The Issue-3, June 2023, IJTSRD55127
result of the work is an outcome-based 8051 microcontroller training pp.163-173, URL:
kit that meets the National Universities Commission (NUC) and
Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
standards. It has various modules for the user to practice several 8051
International Journal of Trend in
microcontroller programming experiments. The work can be Scientific Research and Development
deployed in university laboratories for microcontrollers and Journal. This is an Open Access article
embedded systems training. Specifically, there are courses in distributed under the
Mechatronics engineering, FUTO, that can be taught using this kit. terms of the Creative
KEYWORDS: Microcontroller, 8051, motherboard, circuit Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

In the art of programming on a desktop and learning In desktop environments, the applications access
how to program microcontroller systems, you might peripheral functions via APIs or device drivers
be surprised to find that programming provided in the OS. Whereas in microcontroller
microcontrollers are quite different from what you are applications, it is not unusual to access the
used to, and what you have learned before. For peripheral registers directly. However, most
example: Cortex-M microcontroller vendors also provide
device driver libraries to make it easier for
Most microcontroller systems do not have a
software developers to create their applications.
graphic user interface (GUI).
The microcontroller system might not contain any Memory size and power consumption are
constraining factors in many microcontroller
operating system (typically this is called bare
systems. In contrast, the amount of memory and
metal). Or, in some instances, a lightweight
RTOS is used, which only manages task processing power in a desktop environment is
scheduling and inter-task communication. Unlike significantly greater.
desktop environments, many of these operating In desktop environments, the use of assembly
systems do not provide other system Application language is quite rare, and most application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) for data developers use a wide range of high-level
communication and peripheral control. programming languages, including
Java/JavaScript, C#, and Python. Today, most

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55127 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 163
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
microcontroller projects are still based on C and 1. To interface:
C++. In some instances, a small portion of the LCD to 8051 microcontrollers.
software could be written in assembly language LEDs to 8051 microcontrollers.
[1]. Seven segment display to 8051 microcontrollers.
In the literature discussing microprocessors, we often Keypad to 8051 microcontrollers.
Motors to 8051 microcontrollers.
see the term embedded system. Microprocessors and
microcontrollers are widely used in embedded system AC load to 8051 microcontrollers.
products. An embedded product uses a 2. To integrate the various interfaces of the
microprocessor (or microcontroller) to do one task controller kit into a single design.
and one task only. A printer is an example of an
3. To produce the PCB for the 8051 microcontroller
embedded system since the processor inside it
performs only one task; namely, getting the data and
printing it. Contrast this with a Pentium-based PC (or 4. To produce an outcome-based manual for
any x86 IBM-compatible PC). A PC can be used for common experiments on 8051 microcontrollers.
any number of applications such as a word processor, IV. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
print server, bank teller terminal, video game player, The authors H. Apaydin and N. Fusun [3] presented a
network server, or internet terminal. Software for a paper where the design of the 16F877 microcontroller
variety of applications can be loaded and run. Of experiment set was realized. They have described and
course, the reason a PC can perform myriad tasks is performed a novel learning environment design to
that it has RAM memory and an operating system that comprehend the response of electric circuits. The
loads the application software into RAM and lets the modules in the experiment set are similar to those in
CPU run it. In an embedded system, there is only one the ISIS program. Because the modules are similar to
application software that is typically burned into the circuit diagrams of the simulations, students will
ROM. An x86 PC contains or is connected to various not be strangers when practicing in the real
embedded products such as the keyboard, printer, environment. At the same time, the students will be
modem, disk controller, sound card, CD-ROM driver, able to reinforce what they have learned by using the
mouse, and so on. Each one of these peripherals has a experiment set outside the school. All the same, their
microcontroller inside it that performs only one task. system failed to expose the students to the
For example, inside every mouse, there is a programming part of microcontroller but only focused
microcontroller that performs the task of finding the on the schematic connections and simulation.
mouse position and sending it to the Pc [2].
In [4] miniaturization is the main contribution of
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT Edukit which is module based and used 8051
Training kits and lab equipment shipped and sold in microcontroller. An ice-cream size box contains the
Nigeria have significant low maintenance rate due to whole Edukit which proves that the Edukit is simple,
lack of local contents and unavailability of trained portable, low cost, consuming less power.
maintenance personnel associated with such kits and
equipment. Thus, users are forced to either ship the Moreover, the Edukit is a module based which in turn
product abroad when they develop faults or dump makes it a low-cost and suitable educational tool for
them and get new ones. In addition, these products any discipline of science and engineering. This is a
are shipped with ambiguous user guide/manual which brilliant one with its modularity and multi-module but
do not conform with the COREN or NUC standards. lacks the ability for a user(s) to follow a well-
documented laboratory manual to perform the various
Thus, there is need to develop and produce training experiments associated the modules.
kits whose components should not only be sourced
locally, but the maintenance personnel should be The product [5] Unity Board is a platform that brings
readily available. This project is an attempt to solve both Professionals and Students (Industry and
the identified problems with respect to 8051 Academia) together; made-in-Nigeria IoT (internet of
microcontroller training kit. things) fully featured Development Board &
Educational Kit bringing the internet of things at your
III. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES fingertips for every user. With the possibility of
The aim of this project is to design and implement an talking to the cloud, great opportunities are created
outcome based 8051 microcontroller kit with a well- like using smart technologies to solve unique
documented manual. In order to achieve the above problems and design revolutionary innovations. It is
aim, the work shall be geared towards the following user-friend and fully compatible with Arduino and
objectives: peripheral modules making it programmable with

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Arduino IDE and compatible with all the example user(s) to perform all the possible experiments
codes and libraries for Arduino. This product fails to associated with the trainer kit.
acquaint the user(s) especially students who are new
to the basics of microcontroller programming and
A. Materials
interfacing. It is focused on IoT and would be The following tools were used to carry out this
appreciated more by professionals who are already project. For clarity, the list has been subdivided into
armed with the fundamentals of microcontroller. hardware and software tools.
The main purpose of the paper [6] is designing a
Hardware tools
suitable educational kit to educate beginner with basic
programming algorithm using microcontroller which
Soldering iron
involves hardware and software. This new expansion Soldering lead
board is suitable for newcomers who want to learn
PCB copper board
microcontroller programming. Primary school PCB etching solution
children can use scratch programming to learn basic
Driller and drilling bits
microcontroller programming. Secondary or higher- Cutter
level student can use C++ languages to write the Plier
microcontroller program. The system is modular and Screw driver
has an accompanying laboratory manual for effective
learning of the laboratory sessions associated with the Software tools
board. However, the trainer board runs on Arduino Proteus Design Suite
which is intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and M-IDE Studios for MCS-51
anyone interested in creating interactive objects or Top-win programmer software
environments [6] and not tailored to undergraduates B. Methods
who wish to really learn and understand A. Interfacing LCD to 8051 microcontroller
microcontroller programming basics.
In [7] the paper explains the design and development
of Personal Computer Less (PC-Less)
Microcontroller Training Kit. It was developed based
on Lattepanda processor and Arduino microcontroller
as target. The training kit is equipped with advanced
input-output interfaces that adopted the concept of
low cost and low power system. The preliminary
usability testing proved this device can be used as a
tool for microcontroller programming and industrial
automation training. By adopting the concept of Figure 1: Interfacing LCD to 8051
portability, the device could be operated in the rural microcontroller
area where electricity and computer infrastructure are The circuit diagram given in figure 1 shows how to
limited. Furthermore, the training kit is suitable for interface a 20×4 LCD module with AT89c51
student of electrical engineering student from microcontroller. Capacitor C3, resistor R1 and push
university and vocational high school. Nevertheless, button switch form the reset circuitry. Ceramic
the system is Arduino based and failed to expose capacitors C1, C2 (33pF each) and crystal X1 is
students to the basics of microcontroller programing related to the clock circuitry which produces the
especially the control of I/O ports. system clock frequency. P2.0 to P2.7 pins of the
The of authors of the literatures reviewed have done microcontroller is connected to the DB0 to DB7 pins
commendable works based on their focus. However, of the LCD module respectively and through this
there still exists a knowledge gap of how this route, data are sent to the LCD module. P3.6 and P3.7
wonderful equipment would be used. Many of the are connected to the enable (E), register select (RS)
researchers focused on implementation without pins of the microcontroller, while read/write (RW)
considering the users of the trainer board. A perfect pin is connected to ground (constant LOGIC 0), and
example is the work of [4] which produced a multi- through these pins the control signals are transferred
module trainer kit but lacked a user manual. to the LCD module. The potentiometer RV1 is used
for adjusting the contrast of the LCD. Detailed
This research focuses on modularity and production
procedure for programing of LCD can be found in
of self-explanatory laboratory manuals which help the
Appendix A.

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Table 1 below shows a summary of the LCD pin pins namely RS, R/W and E. It is the logic state of
description, a detailed explanation of LCD pin these pins that make the module to determine whether
description, LCD initialization is contained in a given data input is a command or data to be
appendix A. displayed.
Make R/W low.
Table 1: Pin Description of 20X4 LCD
Make RS=0 if data byte is a command and make
Pin No. Name Function
RS=1 if the data byte is a data to be displayed.
This pin must be
1 VSS Place data byte on the data register.
connected to the ground
Pulse E from high to low.
Positive supply voltage
2 VCC Repeat above steps for sending another data.
pin (5V DC)
3 VEE Contrast adjustment B. Interfacing LED to 8051 microcontrollers
4 RS Register selection
5 R/W Read or write
6 E Enable
7 DB0 Data
8 DB1 Data
9 DB2 Data
10 DB3 Data
11 DB4 Data
12 DB5 Data Figure 2: Interfacing LED to 8051
13 DB6 Data microcontroller
14 DB7 Data Figure 2 shows the interface of LEDs to the
15 LED+ Back light LED+ microcontroller. The components used for the
interface are:
20×4 LCD module commands
20×4 LCD module has a set of preset command AT89C51 (8051 Microcontroller)
instructions. Each command will make the module to 8 LEDs
do a particular task. The commonly used commands 8 Resistors – 1KΩ
and their function are given in the table 2 below. Crystal oscillator – 11.0592MHz
2 Capacitors – 33pF
Table 2: Commonly used commands in LCDs 2 Resistors – 10KΩ
Command Function 1 Capacitor – 10µF
LCD ON, Cursor ON, Cursor 1 Push Button
blinking ON 8051 Programmer
01 Clear screen 5V Power Supply
02 Return home
Circuit Design
04 Decrement cursor In the circuit, LEDs are connected to the port P0 of
06 Increment cursor the MCU and are pulled up through a 0.220k ohms
0E Display ON, Cursor blinking OFF resistor. As shown in figure 3.2 above, an external
Force cursor to the beginning of crystal oscillator is connected to the MC through pin
1stline 18 and 19. Crystal pins are connected to the ground
Force cursor to the beginning of through two capacitors of 10uF.
2nd line
38 Use 2 lines and 5×7 matrix How to Control LEDs
83 Cursor line 1 position 3 LEDs are semiconductor light sources. Commonly
3C Activate second line used LEDs have biasing voltage of 1.7V and working
current of 5mA-30mA. When an LED is applied with
08 Display OFF, Cursor OFF
its required voltage and current, it glows with full
C1 Jump to second line, position1
intensity. The LED is similar to the normal PN diode
OC Display ON, Cursor OFF
but it emits energy in the form of light. The color of
C1 Jump to second line, position1
light depends on the band gap of the semiconductor.
C2 Jump to second line, position2 The LED is connected to the AT89C51
Sending data to the LCD. microcontroller with the help of a current limiting
The steps for sending data to the LCD module is resistor. The value of this resistor is calculated using
given below. As already discussed, LCD module has the following formula.

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R= (V-1.7)/15mA, where V is the input voltage. Digit Drive Pattern
To display digits on 7 segment, we need to glow
Generally, microcontroller outputs a maximum
different segments. For instance, to display three (3)
voltage of 5V. Thus, the value of resistor calculated
on seven segment you need to glow these segments a,
for this is 330 Ohms. This resistor can be connected
b, c, d and g. Table 3.3 shows the Hex values sent
to either the cathode or the anode of the LED.
from PORT1 to Display digits from 0 to 9.
How to program the LEDs
The details of how to program the LEDs are shown in Table 3: Display numbers on a seven segment
appendix A. display in common cathode configuration
Number g f e d c b a
C. Interfacing Seven Segment Display to 8051 0 0111111
Microcontroller 1 0000110
2 1011011
3 1001111
4 1100110
5 1101101
6 1 1 11 1 0 1
7 0 0 00 1 1 1
8 1 1 11 1 1 1
How to program seven segment display
A complete guide on how to operate the seven
segment display is contained in appendix A.
Figure 3: Interfacing seven segment D. Interfacing Keypad to 8051 microcontrollers
The schematic in figure 3 shows the interface of a
double digit seven segment display to an 8051
microcontroller (89C51). The code for this can be
found in appendix B; seven segment display source
Circuit Components
AT89C51 Microcontroller
AT89C51 Programming board
Programming cable
12V DC battery or adaptor
Common Cathode 7 segment Display
Resistors – 10KΩ X 2, 330Ω, 1KΩ X 8
Figure 4: Proteus Simulation of Interfacing 4*4
1KΩ X 8 Resistor Pack
matrix keypad with 8051
33pF Ceramic capacitors x 2
11.0592 MHz crystal Circuit Design
10µF Electrolytic capacitor In the circuit, Keypad is connected to the port P1 of
Push button the MCU and are pulled up through a 0.220k ohms
Connecting wires resistor. As shown in figure 4 above, an external
crystal oscillator is connected to the MC through pin
Circuit Design
18 and 19. Crystal pins are connected to the ground
In this circuit, pins a to h of the 7 segment are
through two capacitors of 10uF. The columns of the
connected to the PORT 1 of the 89c51 MC and com
keypad are connected to the upper nibbles of P1 and
pin is connected to the ground through the 220-ohm
the rows connected to the lower nibbles of P1. Also
resistor. This resistor is used to drop the voltage.
the LCD is connected is connected to P2 in other to
Since a common cathode seven segment is used,
display the results of the operation of the Keypad.
LOGIC 1 is sent to the segments to glow.
The components used for this circuit includes;
The operating voltage of this LED’s is 2V to 3V but
AT89C51 (8051 Microcontroller)
from controller we will get 5V so to drop the
Keypad module
remaining voltage we have to connect a to g pins to
Crystal oscillator – 11.0592MHz
the controller through the resistor.
2 Capacitors – 33pF

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2 Resistors – 10KΩ For clarity, a full description of the interfacing of the
1 Capacitor – 10µF Dc motors, AC load with 8051 microcontroller
1 Push Button (89c51) through the respective drivers are given
8051 Programmer below.
LCD module
F. Interfacing servo motor to 8051
5V Power Supply
microcontroller through L293D Driver
How to program a keypad
A well detailed procedure on how to program a
keypad is contained in appendix A.
E. Interfacing Motors to 8051 microcontroller

Figure 6: Interfacing servo motor with MCU

Circuit explanation
As shown in figure 6, the servo motor is connected to
port 3 of the 8051 MC through the IC L293D driver.
Figure 5: Driver board interfaced with the Pin 19 and 18 of the MC are used to set the clock
Motherboard frequency of the microcontroller while pin 9 is the
Figure 5 above shows the circuit diagram of the reset pin. The control wire of the servo motor is
interface of motor drivers, AC load and 8051 connected to P3.0, through this pin the
microcontroller. Capacitor C3, resistor R1 and push microcontroller controls the degree of rotation of the
button switch forms the reset circuitry. Ceramic servo (as programmed). The VCC (power supply)
capacitors C1, C2 (330pF each) and crystal X1 is wire of the servo is connected to OUT1 of the L293D
related to the clock circuitry which produces the and the last wire of the servo is grounded. Also pin
system clock frequency. The maximum output current 1(EN1), 9(EN2) and 16(VSS) of IC L293D is
of microcontroller pin is 15mA at 5V. But the power connected to a 5v power supply. A full description of
requirements of most DC motors is out of this range. how to program and operate a servo motor is
Also, the back emf (electromotive force) which is contained in appendix A.
produced by the motor may damage the G. Interfacing DC motor to 8051 microcontroller
microcontroller. Hence, the need to interface DC through L293D
motors with microcontroller through drivers. L293D
Driver, UNL2003 Driver and MOC 3021 were used
as contained in figure 3.5. In other to achieve
modularity, all the motor drivers were mounted on a
separate board referred to as the driver board.
Components used
AT89C51 (8051 Microcontroller)
Drivers (MOC 3021, UNL2003, L293D)
Dc motor (DC motor, servo motor and stepper Figure 7: Interfacing DC motor with MCU
Circuit Explanation
Crystal oscillator – 11.0592MHz
The 8051 microcontroller by default has all the pins
2 Capacitors – 33pF
high. As shown in figure 7 Pin 18 and 19 were used
2 Resistors – 10KΩ
to set the controller’s clock frequency. A crystal
1 Capacitor – 10µF
oscillator is used parallel with two capacitors. Pin 9 is
1 Push Button
called the RESET pin, which is used to reset the
8051 Programmer
microcontroller to its initial values. From the circuit
5V Power Supply

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diagram, pin 9 is configured to receive a low when array of seven NPN Darlington transistor pairs.
the push button is pressed (there was no code written Darlington pair is constructed by connecting two
for this operation, it’s a hardware function by bipolar transistors to achieve high current
default). Port 1.0 has been configured to receive a amplification. In ULN2003A, 7 pins are input pins
HIGH by default, unless the FORWARD button is and 7 pins are output pins, two pins are for Vcc
pressed. (power supply) and Ground. Here we are using four
From figure 7, the two input pin of L293D (i.e. IN1 input and four output pins.
and IN2) are connected to P3.0 and P3.1 of the I. Interfacing AC Load to 8051 microcontroller
microcontroller. this is the channel through which the Figure 9 shows how to interface AC load to MC this
microcontroller sends in high and low signals. From is achieved through two methods;
the assembly code written, the 8051 was programmed By interfacing the AC load to the controller via a
to always send a high as default to keep the DC motor driver (UNL2003) and a relay RL1
moving in a backward direction, but when the push Through a TRIAC BT138 and its driver MOC 3021
button is pressed the signal goes low thereby telling
the 8051 to send a low signal to the driver which
changes the direction of the motor to forward. The
control program for this operation is contained in
appendix B.
H. Interfacing Stepper motor with 8051
microcontroller through UNL2003

Figure 9: Interfacing AC driver with MCU

J. Integrating the Various Interfaces of the
Controller into a Single Design
The overall integration of the various components of
the controller kit is presented here. Figure 10 below
shows the circuit diagram of the entire kit, with each
section clearly labelled.
Figure 8: Interfacing stepper motor with MCU
Circuit design
To Interface stepper motor with 8051, we just need to
give 0 and 1 to the four wires of stepper motor
depending on which mode we want to run the stepper
motor. As shown in figure 3.8, the stepper motor is
connected to P3 of the microcontroller through
UNL20003A. an external crystal oscillator is
connected to the MC through pin 18 and 19, Crystal
pins are connected to the ground through two
capacitors of 10uF. The four wires of the motor A, B,
Figure 10: Overall circuit design for the
C and D are connected to the output ports (1C – 4C)
microcontroller training kit
of the UNL2003A driver for receiving amplified
signal, while the remaining two wires are connected The control section
to pin 9(COM) of the driver this serves as the power This section contains the 8051 microcontroller
supply to the motor (12V). Four input pins (1B – 4B) (89c51), it is the brainbox of the training kit. All other
of the driver is connected to the first four pins of P3 components of the kit are interfaced to the ports of the
(i.e. P3.0, P3.1, P3.2 and P3.4) respectively and rest MCU to carry out experiments on the board. As
two wires should be connected to a proper 12v supply already explained, the MCU contains external circuit
(depending on the stepper motor). Here we have used like the crystal oscillator which accounts for the
the unipolar stepper motor. We have connected four oscillating frequency of the MC and also the reset
ends of the coils to the first four pins of port 2 of button which is connected to pin 9 of the MC and
8051 through the ULN2003A. ULN2003A is the pulled down through a 1k resistor. Pin 1.0 is also

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connected to a push button, which can be O. Testing the hardware modules
programmed to do something. The remaining ports Continuity test was also carried out on each of the
are looped out to a connector so they be interfaced separate hardware modules and the necessary
with other components. The MCU is directly mounted corrections were made. With the motherboard
on the motherboard of the training kit alongside other powered off, the 8051 microcontroller was
components like LEDs, LCD and seven segment programmed and mounted on the motherboard in the
display unit. appropriate position. the motherboard was powered
on. This was done successively for each module
First section (Power Supply Unit)
being tested and it was observed and results noted.
This is the part of the system that regulate and filters
the input voltage. P. Software Testing
The software testing involved several processes. First
Second, fifth and sixth section (UNL 2003, MOC
the various software to write and upload the code was
3021 and L293D)
downloaded. M-IDE was used to write and compile
These section shows the different drivers which has
the assembly code. The code for each module was
already been discussed earlier, these drivers are all
written, compiled to hex file and burned to the
mounted on a separate board called the daughter
microcontroller. In burning the code, the Topall8
board or driver board. It is used for interfacing Dc
software was used together with the hardware
motors and Ac load to the microcontroller.
programmer connected to the PC. Several subroutines
Third section (Display Unit) written to ensure that each module works fine.
This section contains the output devices used in the Initially, a lot of syntax errors were encountered but
training kit. A detailed explanation of the working the code was carefully debugged over and over until
principles of these devices are given in the previous everything started as expected. Some of the sample
sections. The output devices covered I this design codes are shown in Appendix A.
include LEDs, LCDs and double digits seven segment
display. These devices are mounted directly on the VI. STRUCTURED ALGORITHM
Several technologies are involved in programming the
motherboard of the training kit alongside the MCU.
microcontroller. The programming code first has to
Fourth section (keypad module) be written, compiled and burned to the
This is a separate module on its own. The keypad is microcontroller before mounting it on the
the primary input device to the microcontroller, the motherboard. The 8051 Assembly language or C can
principle of operation and programming of the be used to program the chip and the following are the
keypad has been discussed in the section above. software used in writing and compiling the code:
K. Manual for common experiments on 8051 Top Win Software with the programmer
microcontrollers M-IDE
To fulfil this objective, a laboratory guide containing
step by step procedures on how to operate and
carryout several practical on the training kit is
attached to this report as appendix A. Also, a storage
device containing all the firmware for different
modules of the training kit has been provided.
L. System Testing
The system consists of two parts: the hardware and
the software. Various tests were carried out on these
parts to ensure good working of the system.
M. Hardware Testing
As earlier stated, the hardware part of the system is in
modules. The various modules were first tested
separately, then integrated as required and also tested
to ensure compatibility.
N. Testing the Motherboard
On the motherboard, continuity test was first carried
out to ensure that all the components are properly
connected. The motherboard was then powered on
through the power supply unit.

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D. Result of interfacing Keypad to 8051
Figure 14 below shows the interfacing of 4*4 Keypad
to 8051 microcontrollers.


A. Result of interfacing LCD to 8051
Interfacing LCD to 8051 microcontrollers board was Figure 14: Interfacing Keypad to 8051
realized and shown in figure 11 below. microcontrollers
E. Result of interfacing Motors to 8051
Figure 15 below shows the result of interfacing DC
motor to the board using the driver module.

Figure 11: LCD Module on the Motherboard

B. Result of interfacing LEDs to 8051
Figure 12 below shows the hardware result of the
LEDs connected to the 8051 microcontroller board.

Figure 15: Interfacing DC motor to the board

Figure 12: LED Module on the Motherboard using the driver module
C. Result of interfacing seven segment display to F. Result of integrating the various interfaces of
8051 microcontrollers the controller kit into a single design
The seven segment display interfaced to the Figures 16 and 17 below shows the integration of
motherboard is shown in figure 13 below. various modules to the motherboard.

Figure 13: Seven segment display Module on the Figure 16: Integration of seven segment and
Motherboard LCD modules to the motherboard.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
will in turn increase the interest of students in the
study of microcontrollers.
With the well-developed study and user manual,
lecturers can comfortably teach microcontroller
related courses properly and in details and
students in turn will be well equipped practically.
With the use of assembly language in this work,
students will be more acquainted with the basics
of programming language.
With the execution of this work, the approach of
building from scratch and maintenance will be
imbibed in students.
Figure 17: Integration of keypad and LCD Embedded systems are important in mechatronics
modules to the motherboard. engineering as many mechatronic systems have
embedded systems on them. It is encouraged that
G. Production of a manual for common students at their undergraduate level should learn and
experiments on 8051 microcontrollers master embedded system programming. This project
The accompanying manual for common experiments
provides a solid foundation for starters and
can be found in Appendix A.
professional. Universities, skill acquisition and
VIII. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS private users are encouraged to deploy this kit to their
Following the procedure of practical 2.1 Blinking labs and be effectively utilized.
LEDs of the manual in appendix A, the code was
Training boards like this with recent microcontroller
compiled and downloaded into the microcontroller
should be developed to enable researchers and
chip. The result shown in figure 18. clearly proves
learners practice and learn with later model
that both the code and experimental procedures
worked very well. Other modules were also tested
and were confirmed okay. XI. CONCLUSION
This work has successfully produced an outcome-
based 8051 microcontroller training kit with a well
detailed user manual. The result of this work is
recommended for mass production.
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