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Beam Worksheet

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ENGL 1302 BEAM Worksheet

Instructions: Use this chart to help you map what information each of your peer reviewed journal articles provides you with in support of your
position . Make sure to include proper citations with specific information that you quote or paraphrase from your sources in each category row.

Article Citation Background Exhibits Arguments Method / Theory

Patterns: What materials / sources What materials provide What sources / which What materials / sources
Last Name provide relevant specific examples / data to scholars provide researched provide methods of
Last Name and Last Name background information / be interpreted for use in conclusions / reasons / research to ground your
Last Name, et al. facts for your paper? List your paper? List those evidence for use in your argument or provide a
those materials and provide materials and provide paper? Which sources help theoretical lens for your
quoted evidence as quoted evidence as set up important debates / analysis / reasoning in your
examples next to those examples next to those counter points that you paper? List those materials
materials: materials: need to address in your and provide quoted
paper? List those sources evidence as examples next
and provide quoted to those materials:
evidence as examples next
to those references:
Perdomo et al “Overpopulation and “Historical and current “Overpopulation and
abandonment of pets are overpopulation and abandonment of pets
long-standing and abandonment prevention worldwide generate
burgeoning concerns that systems have been unable multimillion-dollar costs
involve uncontrolled to solve these problems” that are commonly met by
breeding and selling, illegal (Perdomo et al. 6) governmental and
trafficking, overpopulation, - Provides a nongovernmental sectors
and pet safety and statement that may rather than by the private
well-being issues” cause others to owners responsible for
(Perdomo et al. 1). argue that their release” (Perdomo et
- Provides prevention systems al. 3)
background on why have already solved - This statement
adoption is a topic the issues that come proves that negative
that needs to be with adoption. effects are ongoing
considered. problems that
negatively affect
society and shows
that prevention
systems are lacking.
Kay et al “result in hundreds of Uses data such as sex, age,
healthy, adoptable breed, coat color, source,
companion animals being surrender reason,
euthanized each year due to population in shelter, and
lack of available space, outcome of return. (Kay et
financial issues, and a lack al. 379)
of resources” (Kay et al.
- Background info
shows the reason
why hundreds of
animals are victims
of unnecessary
O’Connor et al. Interviews with potential The selection of
adopters that help gain a participants might have
deeper understanding of an caused a bias in the data
adopters expectations since staff introduced
(O’Connor et al. 362). participants to the study
(O’Connot et al. 380)
Powell et al “3.2 million animals are Data was collected based
(characterizing) adopted from animal on owner reports.
shelters in the US each - Limitation to study
year” (Powell et al. 1) since owners may
- Shows that the pet not always be
market is a vast completely honest.
industry. (Powell et al. 9)
Dinwoodie et al. “most people acquire pet
dogs from various
distribution channels
including commercial and
backyard breeders, pet
stores, rescues, and shelters
where dogs may be
selected” (Dinwoodie et al.
- Provides
background on the
various types of
methods people can
acquire animals.
Thompson and Young “strategies described here
are small but important
element in the larger
project of relieving
suffering and reducing the
increasing population of
at-risk companion animals”
(Thompson and Young
- Some may argue
that their strategies
of “cooling out the
mark on animal
adoption” do not
have any effects on
the process of
adopting and
animal population.
Works Cited

Galus, Weronika, et al. “Vitamin D Supplementation Practices among Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Professionals.” Journal of Clinical Medicine,
vol. 11, 2022, pp. 7278-7289. Academic Search Complete, jcm11247278.

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