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Weak Ties and The Core Discussion Network - Why People Regularly Discuss

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Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483

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Weak ties and the core discussion network: Why people regularly discuss
important matters with unimportant alters夽
Mario Luis Small ∗
University of Chicago, 1126 East 59 Street, Chicago 60637, IL, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Researchers have paid increasing attention to the core discussion network, the set of friends and family
Core discussion network people turn to when discussing important matters. For nearly thirty years, social network researchers
Strong ties have argued that the network is composed of ego’s closest or most important alters. This assumption,
Weak ties
however, has not been tested empirically. Using original data on an online representative quota sur-
Discussion topics
vey of 2000 respondents, I find that 45% of the core discussion network is composed of people whom
Important alters respondents do not consider important to them. In fact, the core discussion network includes doctors, co-
workers, spiritual leaders, and other alters whom ego confides in without feeling emotionally attached
to. I examine what respondents consider important matters and why they approach weak ties to discuss
these. Placing emphasis on the process through which ego mobilizes alters, I develop two theoretical
perspectives, which focus on how people identify those appropriate to a topic and how they respond to
opportunities in interactional contexts. Findings suggest that ego discusses important matters with non-
close alters at times because they are known to be knowledgeable (targeted mobilization) and at times
because they are available when important issues arise (opportune mobilization). Results suggest that
recent findings about changes in the core discussion network of Americans are consistent with several
different possibilities about the nature of strong ties, including those in which there has been no change
at all.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction A major reason behind the wide use of this concept is that
the discussion network can be elicited relatively inexpensively
One of the most important and widely-used concepts in the in a questionnaire using the CDN name generator, which asks
study of social support networks over the past thirty years has respondents to report the names of those with whom they dis-
been the “core discussion network” (Marsden, 1987; McPherson cuss important matters (Burt, 1984; see McCallister and Fischer,
et al., 2006; Fischer, 2008). The core discussion network (CDN), 1978). Because of its practicality, generality, and reliability, the CDN
defined as the set of alters with whom ego discusses important name generator has been used in major national and international
matters, is believed to represent people’s close, important, trust- surveys, helping scientists understand the size and composition
worthy, and socially supportive partners (Burt, 1984; Marsden, of people’s core networks in numerous contexts (Marsden, 1987;
1987; McPherson et al., 2006). The core discussion network has Ruan, 1998; Völker and Flap, 2002; Suzman, 2009). Perhaps the
been used to understand questions as varied as how networks most famous of these surveys have been the 1985 and 2004 General
affect happiness (Burt, 1987), how people respond to hurricanes Social Surveys (GSS), which have been used to understand changes
(Hurlbert et al., 2000), how connected they remain as they age in the core discussion networks of Americans over the past 25 years.
(Cornwell et al., 2008), and how isolated Americans have become In fact, a recent study of these changes sparked major controversy
(McPherson et al., 2006). by suggesting that Americans had fewer supportive ties than in the
past (McPherson et al., 2006; Fischer, 2008, 2011, 2012; Brashears,
2011; Paik and Sanchagrin, 2013).
Nevertheless, few researchers have examined the primary
夽 I thank Kate Cagney, Anna Counts, Claude Fischer, Ed Laumann, Paolo Parigi, assumption that the core discussion network represents, as
Bernice Pescosolido, and Kristen Schilt for comments and criticisms. This research McPherson et al. (2006:353) put it, “the people who are very
was made possible by generous funding from the Canadian Institute for Advanced
close to us.” That is, while the CDN name generator has been
Research and the University of Chicago. All errors are my own.
∗ Tel.: +1 773 702 8798. shown to exhibit high reliability (Burt, 1984; Bailey and Marsden,
E-mail address: 1999; Straits, 2000), substantially less is known about its construct

0378-8733/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483 471

validity, the extent to which the measure captures what it is theo- greater caution in how we theorize social support, attachment, and
retically expected to.1 Is “the core discussion network,” in fact, the trust.
representation of an actor’s strong ties?
Early proponents such as Burt (1984) were clear in their belief
2. Theoretical perspectives
that an actor (ego) would reserve disclosing those issues she finds
most important to the people (alters) in her network who are clos-
The CDN name generator asks, “From time to time, most people
est or most important to her. And, in fact, as I show below, this
discuss important matters with other people. Looking back over
understanding of the core discussion network itself has remained
the last six months—who are the people with whom you discussed
consistent since the mid-1980s (e.g., McPherson et al., 2006; but
matters important to you?” Designers of the question, and many
see Bearman and Parigi, 2004; Marin, 2004). However, this under-
subsequent researchers, believe that this question will elicit a set
standing is not based on documented evidence that people are
of names constituting respondents’ strong ties. In what follows,
emotionally attached to those with whom they discuss important
I discuss the theoretical foundations behind that perspective and
matters. Nor is it based on a theoretical model about how people
discuss two alternatives based, respectively, on research on social
go about seeking support from others when they need to discuss
capital and on social support.
those issues that matter to them most. In fact, the process through
which actors approach others to discuss important matters has
been under-theorized. 2.1. Strong ties perspective
As I discuss below, other literatures suggest that people may reg-
ularly confide in others for a host of reasons unrelated to how close Many researchers believe that the core discussion network is
they are to the confider. In fact, people may confide regularly in peo- composed of respondents’ strong ties. The strength of a tie was
ple to whom they are not close, and close partners may be regularly defined by Granovetter in an oft-cited passage as “a (probably
avoided when important topics need to be discussed. That is, the set linear) combination of the amount of time, the emotional inten-
of alters with whom important matters are discussed and the set to sity, the intimacy (mutual confiding), and the reciprocal services
whom ego is close may be different sets of alters—undermining the which characterize the tie” (1973:1361). The network is expected
central assumption behind the core discussion network as a rep- to be composed primarily of alters important to ego because strong
resentation of strong ties. If so, then what to make of the findings ties tend to be strong in multiple respects. Trusting others with
from major national surveys about “the core discussion network” sensitive, private, or otherwise important issues requires a strong
becomes unclear. Stated differently, while we know that the CDN connection of the kind typically associated with strong emotional
name generator elicits a network reliably, we do not know that this attachments (Granovetter, 1973). Thus, the network is expected to
network is, in fact, composed of respondents’ strong ties—and, if be composed of people who are close, intimate, and emotionally
not, what the alternative might be. By implication, we do not yet important.
know with certainty whether patterns or changes in the core dis- This perspective can be seen in both the intention behind and
cussion network imply patterns or changes in the nature of strong the standard interpretation of the GSS name generator. In his paper
associations or attachments. proposing the addition of the name generator to the GSS, Burt
The following study, then, is driven by a straightforward ques- (1984) explains the motivation behind the approach: “Intimacy
tion: do people in fact turn to those who are closest or most stated in terms of discussing personal matters is the proposed cri-
important to them when discussing important matters? (And, if terion. The respondent is asked to focus on emotionally close ties in
not, why not?) I suggest that theorizing the process through which which specific matters of a personal nature have been discussed”
actors approach others to discuss important matters leads to alter- (Burt, 1984:317; see also Bailey and Marsden, 1999; McCallister
native predictions about the composition of the core discussion and Fischer, 1978; Straits, 2000).2 The ties elicited by the generator
network and about the relationship between personal attachment are expected to be intimate and emotionally close. And as he argues
and social support. I propose that actors may be perfectly willing later they are expected to be “the five most important discussion
to discuss important matters with those to whom they are not partners” (Burt, 1984:328).
close—provided the latter are knowledgeable on the topics they Later authors adopt the same perspective. Marsden argues that
care about or available when such topics need to be discussed. the measure should capture overall strength: “the GSS criterion
In what follows, I first discuss three theoretical perspectives on could be expected to elicit reasonably strong ties, with promi-
what the core discussion network represents: the traditional strong nent representation of kin among those cited” (1987:123). He adds:
ties perspective, and two mobilization perspectives that I derive “The theoretical case favoring ‘discussing important matters’ as a
from the existing literature. After generating hypotheses from the name generator was the view that influence processes and normat-
perspectives, I discuss the data, an original survey of 2000 respon- ive pressures operate through intimate, comparatively strong ties”
dents that provides an opportunity to examine these questions in (Marsden, 1987:123; see also Burt, 1985). Mollenhorst et al., using a
greater depth than existing surveys have allowed. To anticipate slight variation of the GSS name generator, replace the terms “emo-
the results, I find that close to half of the alters elicited by the tionally close tie” and “strong tie” with “confidant,” while making a
core discussion network are not people whom respondents con- similar point: “While people can have many network members and
sider important to them, and that a major part of the reason is that even many friends, they do not tend to discuss important personal
people are willing to confide in those who are not close when the matters with every one of them, but only with those they really
latter are either knowledgeable on the topics they care about or trust. We therefore use the word ‘confidant’ to indicate these core
regularly available when such topics need to be discussed. I con- discussion network members. . .” (2008:938).
clude by presenting alternative plausible interpretations of recent In their controversial study, McPherson et al. (2006:353) explain
findings related to the core discussion network, and by calling for the underlying logic of the core discussion network in similar

1 2
Specifically, researchers have examined how people understand “important The term “private matters” was later changed to “important matters,” to mini-
matters” and whether question wording alters the composition of the reported mize strong divergences in the interpretation of the question (Marsden, 1987; Burt,
network (see Bailey and Marsden, 1999; Straits, 2000). 1985).
472 M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483

There are some things that we discuss only with people who shared the idea that actors will seek resources from those in their
are very close to us. These important topics may vary with the networks to benefit their own circumstances. Actors will specifi-
situation or the person—we may ask for help, probe for infor- cally seek those in their network who possess a relevant resource.
mation, or just use the person as a sounding board for important For example, the unemployed will seek job information from not
decisions—but these are the people who make up our core net- just anyone in their network but those they think will be useful in
work of confidants. the job search (Lin, 2001; but see Granovetter, 1974). By implica-
tion, whether the alter is close or important to ego is secondary to
And later: “The closer and stronger our tie with someone, the
whether the alter is useful by virtue of possessing the resource:
broader the scope of their support for us. . . and the greater the
the utility of the tie, rather than its affective character, is what
likelihood that they will provide major help in a crisis. These are
primarily motivates ego. From this perspective, then, people seek
important people in our lives” (McPherson et al., 2006:354).
support from those who are most useful, not necessarily those who
In sum, many researchers believe that, since people only trust
are closest or most emotionally important.
those things that matter to them most to those who matter to them
From this focus on mobilization, an alternative to the strong ties
most, the CDN name generator will produce a list of intimate alters.
perspective may be derived. In any given discussion of an impor-
This perspective leads to a first hypothesis:
tant matter, ego would seek the alter most relevant to the topic at
H1a (strong ties perspective): The core discussion network (the hand. By extension, the core discussion network would be the net-
set of alters with whom important matters are typically dis- work that results from the regular process of seeking as discussion
cussed) will be composed primarily of alters who are important partners those who are most useful—that is, most knowledgeable
to ego. or otherwise relevant, independent of emotional attachment—for
the matters that people routinely find important. For example, an
While this expectation is widely assumed, it has not actually
individual needing to confide in work-related matters will likely
been tested. The 1985 GSS came close to asking whether ego was
consistently discuss them with a coworker, even if she does not
close to the alters reported (General Social Survey, 1985:53; see
consider the coworker ‘important to her life’ (c.f. McPherson et al.,
Burt and Guliarte, 1986). Nevertheless, rather than asking respon-
2006:354). In this way, the coworker would form part of the core
dents whether they were close to each alter, the GSS asked them,
discussion network. There is evidence consistent with the idea that
after all names had been elicited, “Do you feel equally close to all
people seek regular discussion partners in this fashion. Furman
these people?” If they replied in the negative, they were asked
(1997) found that elderly women in a hair salon regularly dis-
which of the reported alters they felt “especially close to.” As posed,
cussed personal matters related to cancer-related hair loss with
the question allowed respondents to rank some alters as closer than
other elderly women in the salon, even though they did not have
others; it did not permit them to report that a recorded alter was not
otherwise strong relationships. Similarly, Small (2009) found that
close (or important) at all. The researchers assumed that alters who
mothers whose children were enrolled in childcare centers rou-
were not close to ego simply would not be mentioned. The 2004
tinely discussed important matters related to their children with
GSS dropped this question altogether and did not replace it with
other mothers in the centers, even when they did not consider those
one more suited to our question (General Social Survey, 2004:82).
mothers important to them. Thus, a hypothesis about mobilization
may be derived:
2.2. Mobilization perspectives
H2 (targeted mobilization): Ego will tend to discuss important
I introduce two alternative models under which the core dis- matters with those alters most relevant to the topic, even when
cussion network will not necessarily be composed of ego’s closest those alters are not close.3
alters. The alternatives conceive of the core discussion network The hypothesis suggests a high degree of differentiation among
less as an inherently meaningful structure of relations than as the alters by topic. If actors primarily discuss matters with those who
realization of the regular, ongoing process of discussing important are relevant, then as long as they find multiple topics important
issues with others. From this perspective, “the core discussion net- their network should be partitioned into alter-topic pairs. That
work” is not necessarily composed of either strong ties or ties of is, to the extent that people find, say, religion, family, and work
any other kind; it is simply the set of alters ego regularly turns important to their lives, they would consistently talk separately
to others to discuss important matters. For this reason, the key to to religious friends, family members, and colleagues, respectively,
understand it is examine the process through which actors decide about each topic. There is evidence supportive of this idea (Fischer,
to engage others when they have important matters to discuss. 1982). In one of the few studies to explicitly examine what the
Research relevant to this process arises in the literature on indi- core discussion network represents, Bearman and Parigi (2004)
viduals’ social capital, which defines social capital as the resources asked a representative sample of North Carolinians a version of the
inherent in actors’ social relations (Coleman, 1988; Bourdieu, 1986; GSS name generator and encountered what they called “topic-alter
Lin, 2001). Researchers have distinguished access to social capital, dependency,” wherein different issues were regularly discussed
which refers to the characteristics of actors’ social network, from with people occupying different roles. For example, respondents
the mobilization of social capital, which refers to the process of talked with spouses about money and household finances, while
seeking resources from others (Lin, 2001). Most of the work on with relatives they tended to discuss relationships more than other
mobilization focuses on the activation of ties for the purposes of topics (see also Wellman and Wortley, 1990; Small, 2009:Chapter
obtaining jobs or moving up the occupational ladder, rather than 4).
for discussing personal, intimate, or otherwise important matters.
In addition, much of it has focused on the consequences of mobiliza-
tion, rather than the process of mobilization itself (but see Smith,
2007). Nonetheless, the literature offers a useful starting point.
Note that this expectation is consistent with the notion that, in given contexts,
2.3. Targeted mobilization actors may choose not to approach those who are relevant to a topic, as Smith
(2007) found with respect to job-seekers actions in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
For example, actors may end up not discussing work matters with colleagues at
While Coleman (1986, 1988), Bourdieu (1986), and Lin (2001) all—they are simply more likely to discuss such matters with colleagues than with
differed in several respects in their conception of social capital, they others in their network.
M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483 473

This general pairing of topics with relevant alters would be The researcher who has done the most to articulate an alter-
expected for most matters that people seem to find important: native in the social support literature is Pescosolido (1992), who
work, faith, health, family, and so on. While for some topics the has proposed a “social organization of support” model. The model
most relevant alter is also likely to be close—e.g., when the topic is covers a wide array of elements of social support, and testing it
family—for many others, such as work or faith, the most relevant is beyond the scope of the present article. However, the model,
alter will often be a non-close one, such as an office colleague or a in addition to other critiques of purposive theories of behavior,
fellow church member. And since most people have only a handful may be used to generate an alternative to the targeted mobiliza-
of close alters, many of the alters whom they regularly approach tion model. An alternative to the purposive actor is a pragmatist
because of their usefulness for a particular issue would often be actor, who, rather than searching her network until she finds the
those to whom they are weakly tied. Thus, a hypothesis about the most relevant alter, would mobilize the alter who happens to be
composition of the core discussion network may be derived: present and available when the need for support arises, an actor
who responds to contextual opportunities (Joas, 1996:Chapter 3;
H1b (mobilization perspectives): The core discussion network
Dewey, 2004[1916]). Empirical research suggests that actors often
will not be primarily composed of alters who are important to
satisfice (Simon, 1956), making decisions based on the opportu-
nities available in the contexts in which they find themselves,
This hypothesis stands in opposition to the strong ties perspec- rather than seeking the optimal solution. For example, Pescosolido
tive. (1992:1124) studied whom, among a range of available options
Taking the mobilization perspective to its logical conclusion such as friends, family, doctors, and neighbors, people turned to
leads to an additional prediction. The people who are most relevant when needing medical advice. She found that availability mattered:
and useful to discuss a given important topic are not necessarily people who were working were more likely to use co-workers; peo-
family, friends, or even acquaintances; often, they are experts (see ple who were married, family members. Small (2009) also found
Merton et al., 1983; Perry and Pescosolido, 2010). Few will be more that people often get support from those in their social surround-
knowledgeable or supportive about an actor’s depression than a ings. In his study of mothers whose children were enrolled in
therapist, whose livelihood depends on communicating knowledge childcare centers, he discovered that mothers often found them-
and support. The same may be said of a spiritual leader when the selves discussing important matters regarding children with other
topic is faith, a family doctor when the topic is health, or a physical center mothers in part because they interacted regularly with
trainer when the topic is fitness. In fact, the rise of service exper- those mothers during fieldtrips, parent meetings, fundraisers, and
tise has expanded the range of available professionals whose role drop-off and pick-up times. In short, actors may ultimately be prag-
is to listen and provide advice on a consistent basis, particularly on matists when mobilizing their ties, responding to opportunities in
important matters that are of a personal nature. Further, the pro- their social environments.
fessionalization of support has created incentives for such experts Thus, ego may tend to discuss important matters with non-
to encourage regular interaction, often in the spirit (or guise) of important alters because these alters are available in their everyday
the importance of prevention. Today, regular visits to physical the- contexts, such as work, school, and so on:
rapists, trainers, and other experts for support are common (e.g.,
H4 (opportune mobilization): Ego will tend to discuss important
Olfson and Marcus, 2010). The presence of these experts is a prima
matters with those alters most available for discussion, even
facie reason to expect many core discussion partners to not be of
when those alters are not close.
the archetypal strong tie expected by the traditional model. Thus,
we may hypothesize: This hypothesis acknowledges that people interact with and
often seek support from those in their everyday surroundings.
H3 (mobilization and experts): Ego will tend to discuss impor-
To summarize: our overarching question is whether ego does
tant matters that involve expertise with people professionally
in fact turn to her closest or most important alters when dis-
obligated to serve as discussion partners.
cussing important matters (and if not, why not). Three perspectives
This hypothesis acknowledges that the people with whom we offer predictions, based on their understanding of how people seek
discuss important matters regularly today are often professionals. support. The strong-ties perspective expects the network to be
composed primarily of alters important to ego (H1a); both mobi-
lization perspectives do not expect this to be the case (H1b). The
2.4. Opportune mobilization targeted mobilization perspective expects ego to discuss a given
important matter with alters relevant to the topic (H2) and, fur-
Finally, I introduce a third, highly related perspective that, ther, as a result, that many of the alters unimportant to ego will
while also focused on mobilization, follows from an important be people professionally expected to serve as discussion partners
critique of the social capital model. This critique derives from (H3). The opportune mobilization perspective expects ego to dis-
research on social support. The underlying purposive-actor model cuss a given important matter with those alters most available for
that is a foundation of social capital mobilization theory (see discussion (H4).
Kadushin, 2004) has been criticized for its overreliance on indi-
vidual choice independent of context (Uehara, 1990; Pescosolido,
1992; Emirbayer and Goodwin, 1994; Small, 2009). For example, 3. Data
it seems to assume that, when faced with a problem, ego first
mentally scans her network for the most relevant alter and then Addressing these questions requires a survey containing the
targets only that alter, sidestepping others less ideal for the topic GSS name generator, a separate measure of whether the alters
along the way. Researchers have argued that seeking support from are close or important, the actual topics ego has discussed, and
others—and, by extension, approaching them to discuss impor- a wide range of possible alter types. The study will employ the
tant matters—rarely follows such a prescribed procedure, since Core Networks and Important Alters (CNIA) survey, an original
actors’ behavior is often not purposive but habitual or practical online survey of over 2000 respondents who formed part of a panel
or responsive to contextual opportunities (see Pescosolido, 1992; who agreed to participate in social scientific research. The survey
also Merton, 1936; Bourdieu, 1977; Emirbayer and Goodwin, 1994; was fielded by the professional survey firm Qualtrics. Respondents
Small, 2009). were selected to match the characteristics of the national U.S.
474 M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483

population. The sample characteristics, discussed in Appendix and may be read as a sample representative of last important discuss-
shown in Table A1, confirm that the sample matched the US ions. For clarity, I will refer to this as the “last discussion sample”
national population closely. Respondents were asked about their and to the former as the “name generator replication sample.”
social networks, demographic characteristics, wellbeing, and other The CNIA survey contains the unique questions required to
issues. Respondents were randomly assigned to one of two panels address the present issues with some depth. It allows the exam-
of questions aimed at answering different aspects of the questions ination of a battery of questions that would be prohibitively costly
guiding the present study. to incorporate into the General Social Survey. Furthermore, as an
One randomly-assigned half of the sample (n = 991) was asked analytical survey designed to test among competing theories about
the GSS name generator question. Next, respondents were asked the composition of the core discussion network, it is ideal. How-
two questions intended to capture explicitly those alters who are ever, important limitations should be noted. First, while the survey
important to them (as opposed to the alters with whom they dis- followed a quota design to generate a sample comparable to the
cussed important matters). First, respondents were asked to name 2000 national population (as the GSS did), it should not be read
people who were not in their family but important to them: “Other as a conventional probability sample survey, since respondents
than your family, who are the people you would consider impor- were drawn from online volunteers. Among other things, those
tant to you? These may be people you have already named or they respondents are expected to be somewhat more educated than the
may be people you have not mentioned yet. Either is fine. . . Please national population, even if familiarity with the internet is becom-
list one person who is important to you and who is not a member ing increasingly ubiquitous in the U.S. (see Appendix). Second, since
of your family.” After their response, they were asked if there were the CNIA survey was an online rather than in-person survey, the
any other respondents; they could name up to 5 alters. After impor- answers culled from its GSS name generator are not comparable
tant non-kin had been elicited, respondents were then asked to to those in the actual GSS. I specifically warn against compar-
name up to 5 family members they considered important to them: isons about network size or other characteristics. Researchers have
“Now, think about the family members that you consider impor- documented that online and in-person name generators produce
tant to you. While all family are significant to us, some may stand different answers about the size of the discussion network (Vehovar
out as especially important. . . Please list one member of your fam- et al., 2008). In-person surveys are known to generate slightly larger
ily who is important to you.” An extensive name interpreter also numbers of alters.
asked respondents a battery of questions about the alters, including Still, the CNIA survey employed several features designed to
demographic characteristics, frequency of interaction, and length improve accuracy in reporting and to yield numbers as reason-
of time known. ably approximate to those of the GSS as possible given the bounds
Comparing the list of discussion alters (up to 5, from the GSS of an online survey (see Coromina and Coenders, 2006; Vehovar
name generator) to the list of important alters (up to 10, from the et al., 2008). Vehovar et al. (2008) found that the number of alters
important kin and non-kin name generators) should elucidate how reported is influenced by the number of boxes presented on the
many discussion alters respondents consider important. Since up screen to enter names: the higher the number of boxes, the larger
to 10 important alters may be named but only 5 discussion alters the number of alters respondents feel compelled to report. For this
need be named, the chances are low that a discussion partner who reason, the survey asked respondents to name a single alter on a
was important to ego was somehow missed by the important-alters screen, subsequently asked if there was anyone else, and, if appro-
generators. To the extent that the list of discussion alters is pop- priate, proceeded to a new screen where a single new name could be
ulated by important alters, respondents would be turning to their entered. This procedure reduced over-reporting of alters. In addi-
most important alters to discuss their most important matters, pro- tion, for both samples the name generator was the first question
viding support for the strong ties perspective. To the extent it is not, asked after eligibility was determined, to reduce not only ques-
the data are more consistent with the mobilization perspectives.4 tion order bias but also respondent fatigue, both of which have
The other randomly sampled half of respondents (n = 1019) been offered as possible explanations for the perceived lowering
received an alternative to the GSS name generator that, rather of reported alters in the 2004 GSS (Fischer, 2008, 2012; but see
than ask respondents to report on their discussion partners, first McPherson et al., 2009; Brashears, 2011).5
asked them to recall the last time they discussed a matter that
was important to them. They were then asked to report on the
topic they talked about and the person they talked to. (A name
interpreter also asked respondents about alters’ demographic char-
acteristics, frequency of interaction, and length of time known.)
This experience-based question allows us to examine the topics For all respondents, the name generator was the first question asked after eli-
gibility was determined. Eligibility was determined by asking respondents their
they consider important and to probe the relationship between top-
gender, race/ethnicity, and employment status, which were the variables used to
ics discussed and the alters involved. Respondents’ answers about match the national population (see Appendix). Because the survey was also con-
the last discussion they had on a topic they considered important cerned with wellbeing, and because wellbeing questions are especially sensitive to
question order effects, two subjective wellbeing questions were elicited at the very
start of the survey, immediately before eligibility was determined. (These were the
GSS subjective wellbeing question [“Taken all together, how would you say things
Notice that the question asks about important alters, rather than close ones. are these days – would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too
Throughout the discussion, we have used the terms more or less interchangeably, happy?”] and the widely-used Diener et al. (1985) satisfaction with Life Scale.)
as has much of the literature, with some justification. If an alter is truly close, then Immediately after eligibility was determined, respondents were taken at random
she or he is very likely also important to ego. However, an important alter need not be to either the name generator replication question or the last discussion question.
a close one; e.g., many who are not close to their mother still consider her important By asking the network questions at the start of the survey, question-order effects
to their lives. The umbrella category “people we consider important” includes the that have affected other studies (Fischer, 2012) were avoided as much as practically
sub-categories “people to whom we are close” and “people to whom we are not.” possible. Since respondents were allocated at random to one of the two subsam-
Ideally, the CNIA survey might have separately asked whether discussion partners ples after the eligibility questions, the eligibility questions should have no impact
were important and whether they were close. However, asking both questions risked on the differences between the two subsamples. However, it is possible that the
generating attrition (and noise), given that respondents might feel themselves to be wellbeing questions had an impact on the topics that respondents in the last dis-
answering the same questions repeatedly about multiple alters. Asking about the cussions sample recalled discussing. For example, as I show below, happiness and
umbrella category provides a conservative test of the mobilization prediction that life goals appear often as respondents’ topic of discussion, which might be due to
the core discussion network will include many weak ties. If, say, 40% of alters are the fact that respondents had previously been asked to think of whether they were
not important, we know that at least that many are not close. satisfied with their lives on the whole.
M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483 475

4. Findings Table 1
Why did you discuss (the topic you discussed) with (the person you talked to)?

4.1. Important alters Alter type by motivation

Important Non-important Total

Respondents in the CNIA replication sample reported an aver-
S/he is good to talk 0.45 0.58 0.42 1.00
age of 1.69 discussion partners, with a range of 0–5. Seventeen
to about any topic
percent reported no alters. While online and in-person name gen- S/he is an expert or 0.20 0.41 0.59 1.00
erator results are not comparable, I note that in the 2004 GSS, the insightful on the
average size of the core discussion network was similar, though (as topic
expected) larger, with 2.08 alters, with 24.6% of respondents repor- S/he was available 0.15 0.42 0.59 1.00
when I needed to
ting no alters (McPherson et al., 2006). In our survey, the number of discuss the topic
important alters is 4.2, which is substantially higher than the num- I am not sure 0.03 0.21 0.79 1.00
ber of discussion partners, increasing our confidence that important Other 0.18 0.52 0.48 1.00
alters who could have been nominated as discussion partners are Total 1.00
If “Other”:
not missing.
Because the topic 0.44 0.56 0.44 1.00
Our first hypotheses (H1a vs. H1b) refer to the extent to which involved alter
the network of partners for discussing important matters is com- Because alter and 0.14 0.35 0.65 1.00
prised of important alters. For the sample as a whole, 45.3% of alters ego are related
with whom important matters are discussed are non-important Because alter had 0.13 0.69 0.31 1.00
a need
alters. For men, the proportion consisting of non-important alters
Uncategorized 0.30 0.47 0.53 1.00
is 48.1%; for women, 41.6%. Contrary to the predominant strong “Other” total 1.00
ties model, the name generator is capturing many alters whom
Source: Core Networks and Important Alters Survey, last discussions sample (n = 728
respondents do not report as being important alters. People do not last discussions; an additional 258 respondents had not discussed an important mat-
necessarily reserve those issues that matter to them most to those ter during the previous 6 months). Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding.
who (they feel) matter to them most.6 Under “Other,” “Uncategorized” reflects a wide array of understandings of motiva-
Furthermore, respondents seem to avoid some of their impor- tion. See text.

tant alters when discussing important matters. Note that, since the
mean number of important alters is 4.2 and the mean number of dis-
available (H4). The CNIA last discussions sample asks respondents
cussion partners is 1.7, the average respondent could have included
to report why they discussed the topic they talked about with the
2.5 more important alters as part of their discussion network with-
person they talked to during their last discussion of an important
out reaching the question limit of 5 discussion partners. In fact,
matter. The question was designed to assess the extent to which
of the 78.1% of respondents who listed more important alters than
knowledgeableness or availability were motivating factors from the
discussion alters, 93.7% had not reached the limit, meaning that the
perspective of respondents. Table 1 exhibits the results.
large majority of respondents could have but opted not to report
The first column in Table 1 shows that 45% of the time respon-
some of their important alters as people with whom they discussed
dents reported turning to whom they turned because the person
important matters.
was good to talk to about any topic. However, almost 20% of the
time respondents reported that their motivation was the person’s
4.2. Why ego sought non-important alters knowledgeableness (expertise or insight) on the topic, consistent
with H2. Furthermore, 15% of the time, respondents reported tur-
The next set of findings examine why so many alters in the ning to others merely because the latter were available when the
core discussion network are not important by exploring why topic needed to be discussed, consistent with H4. Happenstance,
respondents approached whom they approached when discussing context, and opportunity play a role.
important matters. For most of the analyses that follow, I turn The remaining responses in the first column help present a
to the CNIA last discussions sample, which allows us to exam- full picture of actors’ motivations. Eighteen percent of the time,
ine how respondents made decisions about whom to approach on respondents reported another reason. Respondents who answered
the last time they discussed something they thought important. “Other” were subsequently asked to describe in a few words why
The targeted mobilization perspective expects ego to turn to alter they turned to whom they turned. The most common responses
because alter is knowledgeable about a topic ego wishes to discuss were as follows: because the topic involved alter, 44% (e.g., “because
(H2); the opportune mobilization perspective, because alters are it involved him,” “because its [sic] something we both need to
agree on,” “because we share the costs”); because alter and ego
are related, 14% (e.g., “because he is my significant other and I try
to share things with him,” “she’s my mother,” “she is my wife”);
An examination of the distribution of discussion partners who are important
shows evidence of bimodality. Among respondents who had any discussion part- and because alter had a need, 13% (e.g., “because she wanted to
ners, 35.0% considered none of them important and 43.6% considered all of them talk about them,” “because he’s having trouble,” “he brought it
important. The latter number might be due to the possibility that respondents up,” “help her understand her finances,” “he had a stroke,” “she
interpreted the name generator question as referring to alters who were close or has a family member with cancer”).7 In a separate analysis, I also
important to them. In a small study, Bailey and Marsden (1999) examined how 50
respondents interpreted the name generator and found that 43% interpreted the
examined the extent to which men and women differed in their
question literally, 28% interpreted it as eliciting names of people with whom they motivations. The differences were not substantial.8 Taken together,
had general discussions, 13% interpreted it as eliciting names of close or important
alters, and the rest in other ways. The 13% figure suggests that the bimodality is
not primarily driven by question interpretation. It is also only somewhat driven by
the average small number of discussion partners. Of those who considered none The rest of the responses did not fall into a set of clear categories, reflecting a
of their discussion partners important, 27.5% had more than one partner; of those wide array of understandings of motivation (e.g., “to inform others,” “I do not trust
who considered all of them important, 50.7% had more than one partner. Interest- the government,” “wanted to,” “was upset,” and “happy that it happened”).
ingly, therefore, people seem to discuss important matters either exclusively with The percentage reporting that the alter was good to talk to about any topic
or rarely with alters who are close to them. In either case, however, they seem to was 47.5% for men, 43.2% for women; those reporting that the alter was expert or
avoid many of their close partners when discussing such matters (see above). insightful, 20.1% for men, 19.3% for women.
476 M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483

Table 2
Effect of mobilization variables on odds that alter was non-important, last discussion of important matter.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

b eb b eb b eb

Reported motivation
Ego turned to alter because knowledgeable on topic 0.554*** 1.74 0.638*** 1.892 0.691*** 1.995
(0.193) (0.214) (0.221)
Ego turned to alter because alter was available 0.515** 1.673 0.652*** 1.919 0.684*** 1.981
(0.217) (0.237) (0.241)
Ego characteristics
Age 0.0173*** 1.017 0.0151** 1.015
(0.00632) (0.00752)
Female −0.513*** 0.598 −0.478*** 0.620
(0.165) (0.170)
Black 0.0620 1.064 0.303 1.354
(0.261) (0.427)
Latino 0.0619 1.064 −0.0574 0.944
(0.248) (0.289)
Asian 1.328*** 3.773 1.124* 3.076
(0.515) (0.595)
Employed 0.234 1.264 0.192 1.212
(0.183) (0.187)
Alter characteristics
Age 0.0009 1.001
Female −0.204 0.815
Black −0.792 0.453
Latino −0.166 0.847
Asian −0.364 0.695
Controls for ego education and income? N Y Y
Log likelihood −498.7 −450.1 −432.8
Observations 728 694 670

For sources: see Table 1. Figures are unstandardized logit coefficients and odds ratios for regression of log odds that alter was not important on predictors. Standard errors
in parentheses.
p < 0.1.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

the findings in the first column of Table 1 suggest that about half the to seek someone knowledgeable or someone who is available, after
time people report being motivated by the nature of the relation to controls (Long, 1997; Agresti, 2002). I control for both ego-level
the alter (related or good talker), closely followed by being moti- and alter-level variables. At the ego level, I control for education,
vated by need-related factors (alter is knowledgeable, otherwise income, full-time employment, gender, and race. Education and
relevant, or in need). income are entered in categories—six education categories, for less
The last three columns relate to whether actors’ reported moti- than high school through graduate or professional degree, and 24
vations help account for their discussion of important matters with income categories, for less than $1000 through $150,000 or more.
non-important alters. When the reported motivation was to seek an Education, income, and employment are entered to account for the
alter who could talk about any topic, respondents spoke to impor- fact that in at least some contexts individuals of high SES have
tant alters more often (58% of the time) than non-important alters been shown to mobilize weak ties frequently (Granovetter, 1974).
(42%). However, when the motivation was to seek someone either Age, gender, and race are entered to account for reported demo-
knowledgeable or who was available, respondents spoke to non- graphic differences in core discussion network size and potential
important alters more often than important ones, 59% of the time differences in willingness to turn to non-important alters (Marsden,
in both cases. These descriptive statistics are consistent with the 1987; Cornwell et al., 2008). At the alter level, I control for alter’s
expectations in H2 and H4 about why people turn to non-important age, gender, and race, which allows us to account for potential alter
alters. effects (e.g., the possibility that people are more willing to discuss
I test these predictions systematically. Since the hypotheses sensitive topics with non-close alters if the latter are women) and
relate to the relationship between ego and alter, our analytical also, since ego demographics are included, for potential homophily
options are, in theory, either dyadic or ego-centric regressions. effects (i.e., the possibility that people are more willing to discuss a
Dyadic models, however, conceive of the pair as a unit and of all sensitive matter with a non-close alter who is the same background,
variables as contained in the pair. Our core variables of interest, and thus perceived as more capable of empathy) (see McPherson
ego’s reported motivations for turning to a non-important alter, are et al., 2001).
measured only for the ego. For this reason, I run regressions with Table 2 exhibits the results. It lists the effects of both mobi-
ego as the unit of analysis and include both alter- and ego-level vari- lization variables on the odds that the alter approached for an
ables. Since the outcome of interest—whether the alter with whom important matter was a non-important alter, before and after
an important matter was discussed was non-important—is dichoto- adjusting for ego and alter characteristics. For clarity of exposi-
mous, OLS regression would produce inconsistent estimates. I thus tion, the table does not present the included controls for education
run a logit regression, wherein the log of the odds that the alter (five indicator variables) and income (23 indicator variables). Each
was non-important is a linear function of the reported motivation pair of columns presents logit coefficients and odds ratios. The
M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483 477

first row shows that, consistent with H2, when ego turned to alter a matter they considered important to them. The topics are listed
because alter was knowledgeable about the topic, the odds that in Table 3.
the alter was not important were greater, and this result held after The categories were derived inductively from the raw responses
controlling for both ego and alter characteristics. After controls, based on naturally emerging patterns and substantive cleavages
the odds of discussing matters with an non-important alter were between the responses. To confirm the reliability of the resulting
99.5% greater when the motivation was someone knowledgeable. coding scheme, an additional researcher blind to the inductive pro-
When the motivation was availability, the odds were 98% greater, cess separately and independently coded the raw topics based on
consistent with H4. Interestingly, the impact of motivation was the previously-developed scheme. A pair-wise assessment using
more robust than that of most demographic variables. The most two different reliability measures found that 84.2% and 87.8% of
notable exceptions were gender, wherein women are only 62% as topics, respectively, were coded identically by the researchers, indi-
likely as men to approach non-important alters; and age, wherein cating high reliability.9 In the table, three of the topics have been
each year increased the odds of approaching a non-important alter listed under shorter names for presentation purposes. The topic
by 1.5%. The education and income variables, consistent with the “Career” refers to “education, work, and retirement.” For exam-
employment variables, did not have statistically significant effects ple, “finding a new job,” “going back to school,” and “plans for
(available upon request). retirement” were all classified under that category. Similarly, the
In all, the results suggest not only that close to half of alters topic “Family” refers to “family, spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend.”
in the core discussion network are non-important alters, but also Examples of raw responses are “about grandma,” “having a child,”
that an important part of the reason is that actors seek those who “I talked about my boyfriend,” and “my husband’s affair with my
are knowledgeable and those who are available when seeking to sister.” Finally, the topic “Happiness and life goals” refers to “hap-
discuss what they care about. In the rest of the analysis, I probe piness, life goals, and aspirations.” Examples of raw responses are
deeper on the two mobilization perspectives. “my life,” “my broken dreams,” and “the meaning of life.”
Of 723 raw responses, 209 (29%) could be classified under two
4.3. Probing further on targeted mobilization topic categories, for different reasons. Sometimes, respondents
reported talking about two different issues. In these cases, the raw
What respondents report as their motivations may not be response was classified under two categories, the first of them cor-
reflected in their actions. If the mobilization perspective holds, then responding to the first topic reported by respondents. For example,
people should in practice be discussing particular topics with those “school and boyfriend” was classified as career and as family. Other
most relevant to the topic (H2). For example, they should actu- two-category responses were compound topics. In those cases, the
ally be discussing religion with those people in their network most response received two classifications, the first of them being the
knowledgeable about religion. Do they? primary topic. For example, the response “buying a house” was
Any assessment of this question using survey data will face seri- classified as housing and personal finances. In addition, when an
ous limitations, for two reasons: (a) we do not know in advance individual was involved, the classification referring to individuals
what topics a given actor will find important, and (b) we can only was listed first (e.g., “my husband’s heart condition” was classified
know in a limited sense whether a given alter is relevant to a topic. as family and health). 10
The first problem is that, since people may find an infinite array The first column lists the proportion of all last discussions that
of topics important, a survey must allow them to report the topic were mainly about each listed topic—that is, wherein the topic was
in open-ended format (see Bearman and Parigi, 2004). The open- the only topic, the first of two topics, or the primary of a com-
ended format complicates the job of specifying in advance the right pound topic. The most commonly discussed topic was the family,
types of alters in the name interpreter section of a survey: if we did with about a quarter of respondents discussing family issues dur-
not know that someone is likely to find “fitness and exercise” an ing their last important conversation. The general topic of career
important topic, we would not think of entering “physical trainer” was the second most commonly discussed. Personal finances, hap-
as an alter category, to assess whether the actor is turning to a piness and life goals, and health followed, with about 12%, 10%, and
trainer to discuss fitness. The second problem is that, even if we 7% of respondents, respectively. The top five topics captured 71% of
knew the topics in advance, identifying the appropriate alter would all main conversation topics. The second column lists the propor-
not be straightforward. The best person with whom to discuss one’s tion of all last discussions involving each topic, whether as first or
cancer diagnosis might be either a doctor or a friend with cancer, second topic. The findings are largely similar with respect to fam-
and without knowing which friends have cancer a full assessment ily and career. Notice, however, that personal finance, happiness
of the actor’s choice set is not possible. and life goals, and health are much more prominent, meaning that
In spite of these concerns, the CNIA allows us to assess this ques- the topics often arise in conjunction with other primary topics. In
tion theoretically to a greater extent than any prior survey. The the case of health, part of the reason is that many conversations
survey contained questions on whether the alter was of a wide array about health involve the family (e.g., “my brother’s health,” “my
of types identified from the GSS, from a pilot study, and from prior dad dying,” “my husband’s depression”). Personal finance and hap-
research (Bearman and Parigi, 2004). In addition, the second prob- piness and life goals, by contrast, are discussed in conjunction with
lem is not insurmountable, provided a reasonable array of likely a wide array of topics. The second column confirms the primacy of
types of alters is available: even though we cannot predict an ego’s the top five topics.
optimal alter for a given problem, we can reasonably expect that,
for a given problem, a kind of alter is more appropriate than nor-
mal. For example, if the targeted mobilization perspective holds, an
As I discuss below, 29% of topics could be classified under two categories. The
actor discussing cancer should still be more likely to talk to a doc-
first reliability measure, 84.2%, indicates the proportion of all topics whose only or
tor in her network than she typically talks to doctors. This rationale first classification by both researchers was identical. The second reliability measure,
will inform our analysis. 87.8% refers to the extent to which either the single classification or the pair of
We begin by examining in some detail what topics respondents classifications for a topic was the same in both researchers’ coding or no classification
considered important; we then turn to whether topics and alters in one researcher’s two-category coding differed from any classification in the other.
Raw topics and coding classifications are available upon request.
match as expected by the targeted mobilization perspective. The 10
A handful of responses could be categorized under three topics (e.g., “the econ-
CNIA asked respondents to report, in a few words but in open-ended omy, gas prices, health”). However the number of responses in that group was too
format, what they talked about during the last time they discussed small to prove informative in any analysis.
478 M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483

Table 3
Topic of last discussion of important matter.

Main topic Main or secondary topic

All All Males Females Difference

Family 0.25 0.27 0.22 0.31 0.09

Career 0.16 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.00
Personal finances 0.12 0.18 0.19 0.17 −0.02
Happiness and life goals 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.01
Health 0.07 0.14 0.11 0.16 0.05
Housing 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.01
Politics 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.03 −0.05
Economy 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.07 −0.03
Current national events 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.03 −0.04
Other relationship 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.02
Current local events 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
Other topics 0.08 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Source: see Table 1. “Other topics” includes a battery of uncategorized subjects such as “fixing license suspension,” “legal matters,” “zombie movies,” and “a big trip.”

Columns three to five present gender differences in topics discussions survey included an extensive name interpreter mod-
discussed. Men and women tend to find the same topics of conver- ule which asked a number of questions about the roles or positions
sation important. Nevertheless, women are about 9% more likely of the alters with whom the last important conversation was held,
to talk about family, 5% more likely to talk about health, and 5% including whether they were kin members, co-workers, personal
less likely to talk about politics than men. Notably, while women advisors, and health professionals. Unfortunately, it did not include
are more likely to discuss family, they are not less likely to discuss questions on whether the alters were accountants or brokers.
career, consistent with the work that finds that as women have Table 4 examines whether respondents were more likely than
entered their labor market, their preoccupation with family has normal to turn to specific categories of alters when discussing one
not decreased, leading to the worries associated with juggling the of the top five topics. I first discuss the top panel. The first column
second shift (Hochschild, 1989; Jacobs and Gerson, 2004; Bianchi examines whether people reserve certain topics for those whom
et al., 2006). they consider important. The next four columns examine four cat-
Overall, the findings in Table 3 differ in several respects from egories of alters that, from the targeted mobilization perspective,
those of Bearman and Parigi (2004). They found that the most should be prioritized for certain topics: kin (family); coworkers
common topics were “money and house” (15.8%), “life and health” (work); health professionals, which refers to doctors, physical
(12.4%), “ideology and religion” (12.1%), “community issue” (11.9%), trainers, or therapists (health); and personal advisors (happiness
and “politics and election” (11.3%). Whereas in our survey the fam- and life goals).
ily was the most common topic, in Bearman and Parigi (2004) it The first row of the table presents the overall proportion of
was only discussed by 9.9% of respondents, and only as part of a respondents in each alter category. Among all discussions, 49.7%
broader category of “family and education.” Similarly, the topic of (or 50% rounded) of all discussions involved important alters. (Thus,
work, our second most common, was discussed by only 10.3% of when asked about their last discussions of an important matter, a
their respondents.11 majority of respondents report that the alter was someone they
did not later identify as important.12 ) The rest of the row indi-
4.4. Topics and alters cates that among all last discussions, 64.0% involved kin members;
7.7%, coworkers; only 2.9%, health professionals; and 8.0%, advi-
The targeted mobilization perspective expects people to dis- sors. (Note that the categories are not mutually exclusive.) People
cuss particular topics with those alters especially relevant to the discuss relatively few important matters with coworkers, health
topics (H2). It further expects that people will turn to profession- professionals, and advisors.
als when professionals are the most relevant discussion partners The figures in the first row also constitute the expected pro-
(H3). Consider the five most common topics. On the topic of portion of discussions with alters in each topic in a world in
family, respondents would be expected to address kin members; which the topic does not matter. Rows 2 through 6 exhibit the
on career, co-workers; on personal finances, accountants or bro-
kers; on happiness and life goals, therapists, spiritual guides, or
other personal advisors; on health, medical professionals. The last
This figure is based on the proportion of respondents who had experienced last
discussions and who reported usable data on the topic of discussion (n = 723). When
all who reported last discussions are included (n = 734), the figure is 48.6%. Note that
The findings would be expected to differ for several reasons. One, the two studies the proportion of important alters in GSS replication sample was 54.7%. One must
sampled different populations. Bearman and Parigi’s (2004) survey was conducted be cautious in interpreting this 6 percentage point difference, because the statistics
in North Carolina in 1997; the present study spanned the entire U.S. in 2011. Two, in the two samples differ not only in question wording but also in unit of analysis.
our survey was undertaken during the midst of the Great Recession, where jobs and One figure (54.7%) refers to the proportion of alters in the average core discussion
personal finances have figured prominently in people’s minds. Three, our categories network who respondents considered important or close; the other (48.6%) refers to
are not exactly comparable to Bearman and Parigi’s (2004). A preliminary analysis the proportion of respondents whose last important conversation involved someone
attempted to code the CNIA responses with their categories. The data could only be they considered important or close. Still, if respondents are accurate in their reports
classified according to their categories after rather liberal readings of their mean- of whom they discuss important matters with (c.f. Bernard et al., 1984), then the
ing, and, even then, a substantial minority of subjects remained uncategorized. For proportion of last discussions involving important alters should be consistent with
example, the topics of family and education were clearly distinct in our responses, the proportion of important alters in the core discussion network (as long as people
with the latter often reported in the context of career decisions. In the authors’ sur- approach the important alters within their CDN with the same frequency that they
vey, the responses on family and education were related enough to constitute a approach the non-important alters). In this context, it is notable that the two figures
single category. (The authors do not discuss their coding scheme in detail.) Finally, are similar, which increases our confidence that the results based on the last dis-
29% of our responses required two-category classifications, which were not part of cussions sample are informative about the finding regarding non-important alters
the scheme of the Bearman and Parigi (2004) survey. in the replication sample.
M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483 479

Table 4
Relationship between topic and alter type, five most common topics, last discussion of important matter.

Alter is important Alter is kin Alter is coworker Alter is advisor Alter is health pro.

Percentage of all last discussions 0.50 0.64 0.08 0.08 0.03

Percent increase in the raw probability that alter is of the listed type when the topic is
Family 0.03 0.07 0.18 −0.06 −0.64
Career 0.03 −0.03 0.85 0.16 −0.76
Personal finances 0.02 0.07 −0.50 −0.03 0.08
Happiness and life goals 0.18 −0.02 −0.59 0.72 1.51
Health −0.11 0.08 −0.31 0.34 0.77

Conditional increase in predicted Alter is kin Alter is coworker Alter is advisor Alter is health pro.
odds that alter is of the listed
b b b
type when the topic is b e b e b e b eb

Family 0.204 1.226

Career 1.028*** 2.796
Happiness and life goals 0.780* 2.181
Health 1.750** 5.752

Source: see Table 1. Top panel presents raw figures, with bold typeset identifying theorized alter-topic matches. Bottom panel presents results of logistic regressions with
outcome as the alter type and predictor as the relevant topic after controlling for ego’s age, gender, race, employment, education, and income and alter’s age, gender, and
p < 0.1.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

percent increase (or decrease) in the unadjusted probability that topic is health, respondents are 77% more likely to talk to health
the alter is of a given type, for each topic. The closer the num- professionals than they typically do; when the topic is happiness,
ber is to zero, the less it is the case that respondents match 151% more likely (H3). By the same token, they are substantially less
alter and topic. For example, when the topic was family, respon- likely to talk to health professionals about the domain-irrelevant
dents talked to kin members 68.3% of the time (not shown). topics of family and career. In all, for 22.0% of all last discussions,
Since the typical proportion of discussions with kin members is the alter matched the topic as expected by the targeted mobiliza-
64.0%, the percent increase associated with the topic of family is tion perspective (not shown). If we consider only all discussions
(0.683–0.640)/0.640 or 6.7%, as indicated in the second column, in which the topic could be matched to an alter type given our
second row. That is, when the topic was family, people spoke to data—that is, those in which the topic was family, career, happi-
kin members 6.7% more often than they typically do. Since figures ness and life goals, and health—the percentage that matched was
close to zero represent minimal deviations from expected or typical 35.5%.13
patterns, 6.7% does not represent much of an increase over typical The bottom panel of Table 4 tests these relationships in a series
behavior. of statistical models. The panel presents the results of four logistic
The first column on the top panel of Table 4 suggests that, when regressions predicting the log odds that the alter was a kin mem-
the topics are family, career, or personal finances, people do not ber, co-worker, adviser, and health professional as a linear function
distinguish important from non-important alters. However, people of whether the topic was family, work, happiness and life goals,
are somewhat more likely to discuss their happiness and life goals and health, respectively, after controlling for both ego character-
with important than with non-important alters; and a bit less likely istics (age, gender, race, employment, education, and income) and
to discuss health. The second column suggests that people turn a alter characteristics (age, gender, and race). It examines whether,
bit more to family when the topic is family, though not especially in practice, respondents did, in fact, turn to relevant alters for
so. In fact, they do not especially turn to family for any particular given topics, after other ego and alter differences are accounted
topic. People might turn to family because they are close to family for. The results are consistent with the raw numbers. When the
(strong ties perspective), or for some other reason, but not because topic was family, the odds that respondents turned to kin mem-
family are relevant to particular topics (targeted mobilization per- bers were 22.6% greater than for other topics, after other factors
spective). were accounted for, but this result was not statistically signif-
However, columns three, four, and five paint a different picture. icant. However, when the topic was work, the odds that they
Since the proportions of all discussions involving each category of turned to co-workers were 179.6% greater than it was for other
alter are low—coworker, 7.7%, advisor 8.0%, and health professional, topics; when the topic was happiness and life goals, the odds
2.9%—we can expect some volatility in the figures. However, if the that they turned to an advisor were 118.1% greater than for other
targeted mobilization perspective (H2, H3) is correct, the figures
should still trend in the right direction—and they do. When the
topic is career, respondents are 85% more likely to talk to cowork- 13
Gender differences were minor. Because the numbers in some of the cells for
ers than they typically talk to coworkers. Interestingly, they are Table 4 are small, the proportion matched for each pair cannot be assessed reliably
substantially less likely to talk to coworkers than they typically do for each topic by gender. However, we can assess the overall proportion of discuss-
when the topic is personal finances, happiness, or health. Similarly, ions in which alter and topic matched as theoretically predicted. For men, 21.8% of
all last discussions involved a topic in which the alter matched the topic; for women,
when the topic is happiness and life goals, they are about 72% more
22.7%. If we consider discussions in the four “matchable” topics, the percentages are
likely to talk to someone they consider an advisor than they usu- 38.3% for men, 33.6% for women. By and large, men and women appear to discuss
ally do; when the topic is health, 34% more likely. Finally, when the important matters with topic-appropriate alters at about the same rate.
480 M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483

topics; when the topic was health, the odds that they turned to Table 5
Membership in social, voluntary, and political organizations.
a health professional were 475.2% greater than when the topic
was anything else. These three sets of results were statistically Proportion of respondents
significant. with at least one
In all, with the exception of the topic of family (which
respondents are more likely but not significantly so to approach Church or religious affiliated group 0.35
the relevant alters), respondents approach topic-relevant alters Professional or academic society 0.13
Sports group 0.13
at very high rates, consistent with the targeted mobilization
Hobby or garden club 0.13
perspective. Labor union 0.09
Service club 0.08
4.5. Probing further on opportune mobilization Veterans’ group 0.08
Literary or art discussion group 0.07
Fraternal group 0.06
I now probe the role of availability in greater detail. Youth group 0.05
Tables 1 and 2 showed that (a) respondents seeking to discuss School service group 0.05
important matters were often motivated to speak to an alter Political club 0.05
primarily because of her or his availability, and (b) being Fraternity or sorority 0.04
Nationality group 0.04
motivated by availability statistically increased the probability
Farm organization 0.02
that they discussed such matters with a non-important alter,
Source: CNIA Name generator replication sample.
consistent with H4. If respondents’ self-reports are, indeed, accu-
rate, then they should be reflected in behavior: people with
more opportunities to interact with non-important alters should in last discussions), I use the CNIA replication sample. I regress
have more non-important alters in their core discussion net- the proportion of non-important alters in the network on the
work. respondent’s organizational membership after controls. The dis-
Testing that proposition quantitatively is difficult. We cannot tribution of organizational memberships seen in Table 5 requires
easily obtain a sample of respondents’ interactions, particularly taking account of non-linearity, since most respondents partici-
not of interactions where we can ascertain whether non-important pate in one or two kinds of organizations and few in more than
alters are present. Even if we could—i.e., even if we could that. The number of organizational memberships naturally sorts
address the methodological problems behind operationalizing into three categories: respondents with no memberships (20.2%);
“interaction” and “availability” and obtaining reliable data on an those with one kind of membership (50.2%); and those multi-
interaction’s participants, their characteristics, and whether impor- ple kinds of memberships (29.7%). For this reason, I estimate
tant matters were discussed—the proportion of all interactions the effect of organizational membership as a categorical variable,
in which ego discusses important matters is probably miniscule. with no membership as the baseline and both one and more
(This is part of the reason designers of the CDN name genera- than one membership as the predictors. I control for the total
tors give respondents a six-month, rather than, say, one-week the size of the core discussion network, since it is possible that,
window to think of those with whom they have discussed impor- as the network gets larger, respondents may be naturally more
tant matters.) However, we can still test the implications of H4 comfortable with allowing non-important alters. Finally, I control
by assessing whether people whose routine activities provide for respondents’ age, gender, race, employment, education, and
more opportunities to interact with non-important alters have income.
a higher proportion of such alters in their core discussion net- Table 6 exhibits the results. Participating in just one voluntary,
work. social, or political organization has no impact on the proportion
After time at home and at work or school, the next place of non-important alters in the core discussion network, probably
where most Americans spend regular time interacting with oth- because of the limited exposure to weak ties that it provides. How-
ers is the set of social, voluntary, and political organizations in ever, participating in two or more (as opposed to none) increases
which they participate, such as churches, professional societies, the proportion of non-important alters by 0.15 percentage points,
sports groups, labor unions, and the like (Fischer, 1982). The extent a result that is statistically significant. Furthermore, as the core
of participation in these organizations provides as close a proxy discussion network increases in size, the proportion composed of
as any to the set of opportunities people have to interact with non-important alters decreases, though only slightly. The rest of the
acquaintances or weak ties on a regular basis. The GSS asked
respondents a set of questions about their involvement in such
Table 6
activities, and these questions were added to the CNIA replication
Effect of organizational membership on proportion of non-important alters in core
sample. discussion network.
Table 5 exhibits the proportion of respondents who belong to
Organizational memberships
one of fifteen social, voluntary, and political organizations in the
One type of membership 0.050
CNIA replication sample. Most respondents, 54%, were members (0.054)
of at least one organization (not shown). Religious organizations Two or more types of memberships 0.147**
constituted the most popular organizational memberships, by far, (0.059)
with 35% of respondents reporting memberships. Next were pro- Respondent characteristics
fessional groups, sports groups, and hobby clubs, each with about Size of core discussion network −0.066***
13% of respondents reporting being members. No other category (0.016)
of membership was common to more than 10% of respondents. Controls? Y
Observations 553
The average number of memberships was 1.36, with a standard R-squared 0.118
deviation of 1.34 (not shown).
Source: CNIA Name generator replication sample. Model includes controls for age,
I test whether membership in more kinds of organizations
gender, race, employment, education, and income. Standard errors in parentheses.
increases the proportion of non-important alters in the core * p < 0.1
discussion network. Since the outcome is the composition of the **
p < 0.05.
core discussion network (rather than the characteristic of alters p < 0.01.
M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483 481

controls (not shown, available upon request) had no impact, which need to discuss something important tilts decision-making toward
indicates that demographic and socio-economic variables do not acquaintances and weak ties. These findings introduce a set of ques-
account for differences in the proportion of non-important alters tions that conventional survey data are unable to address, questions
in the core discussion network.14 In all, respondents seem to have about the role of social interaction and opportunities present in the
non-important alters in the CDN when they are exposed to many context of tie activation. As such, they are consistent with recent
opportunities to interact with non-important alters. work emphasizing the importance of context in the operation of
social networks (Small, 2009; Doreian and Conti, 2012; Chua, 2012;
Sailer and McCulloh, 2012).
5. Conclusions
Finally, the results suggest that the findings of studies using the
CDN name generator in large-scale surveys should be interpreted
The analysis has shown that close to half of the core dis-
with caution. If the core discussion network is composed of at least
cussion network consists of alters whom respondents do not
three kinds of alters—those who are close, those who are knowl-
consider personally important. In addition, it has suggested that the
edgeable, and those who are available—rather than one kind, then
prevalence of weak ties in the network is due to at least two forms of
patterns in the core discussion network could refer to patterns in
mobilization, purposive and opportune, which research on the core
one, two, or three different kinds of mobilization of close alters.
discussion network has not accounted for. To conclude, I outline the
Without deeper analyses, recorded changes in the core discussion
implications of these results.
network are not necessarily informative about changes in close
First, the idea that people reserve intimate matters for their
intimates is not supported by the evidence. The results call into
To highlight the implication of these findings, consider the
question scholars’ proposition that “there are some things we dis-
recent debate over the decline in the core discussion networks
cuss only with people who are very close to us” (McPherson et al.,
of Americans (McPherson et al., 2006; Fischer, 2008, 2011, 2012;
2006:353), and that “these are important people in our lives”
Brashears, 2011; Paik and Sanchagrin, 2013). McPherson et al.
(2006:354). The core discussion network is not a representation
(2006) report, based on GSS data, that the core discussion net-
of our strong ties; it is a combination of the people we are close to,
work decreased in size from 2.98 in 1985 to 2.08 in 2004. A
people we are not close to but who are knowledgeable about the
number of researchers have cast doubt on these findings, sug-
matters we regularly find important, and people we are not close
gesting that the findings are inconsistent with other data in the
to but who are available because of our routine activities. Actors
GSS (Fischer, 2008, 2011) or that question order effects (Fischer,
are motivated to confide in others by multiple, rather than a single,
2012) or interviewer effects (Paik and Sanchagrin, 2013) may
set of factors, such that the strength of a tie is neither a necessary
account for the results. Brashears (2011), one of the authors of
nor a sufficient condition for the pursuit of confidants. While the
the original study, suggests using subsequent experimental data
CDN name generator remains a convenient way to produce a net-
that the results may hold for network size but not for social isola-
work, the sociological understanding of what that network is needs
Naturally, the results of the present study cannot speak to
Second, people have a strong tendency to discuss important
whether the CDN did, in fact, change over time. The findings do
matters with those who are knowledgeable, regardless of whether
suggest, however, that there are several possible outcomes even
the latter are close. The results have shown to a greater degree than
if the network did decrease in size. One would be that people
prior work that people specialize and differentiate, matching the
have fewer strong ties than they did in the 1980s. Another, how-
topics they are concerned with to the people who can talk about
ever, would be that the number of strong ties has remained the
them. The topics they tend to discuss range widely, but 70% of all last
same but that the number of weak ties they turn to because
discussions concern one of only five topics: family, career, finances,
of the latter’s knowledgeableness has decreased. A person seek-
happiness, and health. It is especially notable that, since several
ing a knowledgeable source has more options in the 2000s than
of these topics lend themselves to expertise, many of the alters
she did in the 1980s, in large part due to the spread of inter-
in the core discussion network whom ego does not consider per-
net access. Whereas someone in the 1980s seeking to discuss a
sonally important are professionals, therapists, doctors, and others
health matter might first seek an acquaintance in the field or even
with whom people have become accustomed to discussing personal
a doctor for information, one today may just as well first seek
matters. As I discuss below, this finding has important implications The same could be said about many topics involv-
for how we interpret patterns or changes in the core discussion
ing career, happiness and wellbeing, and finances. If so, then what
network. The CNIA survey has allowed a closer examination of the
would have changed over the past 30 years is not the nature of
topic-alter matching question than prior studies. However, fully
our close associations but the nature of our pursuit of informa-
addressing the extent and range of this process requires new and
tion from weak ones. The results of the present study suggests that
possibly new kinds of datasets.
both possibilities would be consistent with an average reduction
Third, people exhibit tendencies that may be described as prag-
of one alter in the size of the core discussion network of Ameri-
matist or opportunistic (in the non-negative sense): they turn to
others who are available when matters they wish to discuss arise.
Researchers hoping to understand the network of strong ties
The decision to seek another as a confidant is not necessarily made
would do well to heed Fischer’s (1982) insistence that we employ
independent of social context or primarily with an eye to the extent
multiple measures to capture different aspects of what a strong
to which the potential confidant is close; it is often made in inter-
tie may constitute (see Marin, 2004). To be sure, multiple meas-
actional settings, where the balance of available alters and the
ures are costly, and the advantages of having representative
data for a national sample surely outweighed the disadvantage
of having a single measure in the GSS. However, such conve-
Because of a high number of missing observations in the organizational mem- nience probably calls for extra vigilance in the interpretation of
bership variable, I ran a separate set of analyses following a multiple imputation results. In all, our results call for greater attention to the pro-
approach, wherein multiple values for a missing case are drawn from a distribu- cess of seeking others for support as, in fact, a process, one in
tion of possible values and results from those multiple possibilities are estimated
and averaged out (Little and Rubin, 1989). The results were similar. The effect of
which varying, context-dependent motivations are realized in a
one membership was 0.315 (0.526); the effect of two or more memberships, 106* stable network of confidants whose characteristics deserve greater
(0.057). Results are available upon request. attention.
482 M.L. Small / Social Networks 35 (2013) 470–483

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