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J Management Studies - 2021 - Jiang - The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design A Configurational Approach

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Journal of Management Studies 58:4 June 2021


The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design:

A Configurational Approach

Feifei Jianga, Xiaoying Zhengb, Di Fanc,

Pengxiang Zhangd,* and Sali Lie
Xi’an Jiaotong University; bUniversity of International Business and Economics; cSwinburne University
of Technology; dPeking University; eUniversity of South Carolina

ABSTRACT The rapid growth of the sharing economy has attracted a recent surge of academic
interest. However, few studies to date address performance variation among sharing platforms.
Building on the notion of business model design and applying a configurational approach, we
develop a conceptual model that investigates what combinations of design elements can en-
hance the performance of sharing platforms. Data from 189 platforms and fuzzy-­set qualitative
comparative analysis (fsQCA) reveal six business model designs, each with its own performance
implications. Of these, four configurations lead to high performance and two lead to low perfor-
mance. Our study advances current understanding of the sharing economy and sheds important
light on business model research.
Keywords: business model design, fsQCA, performance, sharing economy, transaction

The sharing economy is defined as a class of economic arrangements in which asset own-
ers and users mutualize access to products or services (Wang et al., 2017). This phrase
is more than a buzzword. Successful pioneers of sharing platforms, such as Grab and
Airbnb, have transformed today’s business landscape (Chang and Sokol, 2020; Garud
et al., 2020; Gerwe and Silva, 2020).[1] Yet, despite their economic significance, many
sharing platforms perform unsatisfactorily. Chasin et al. (2018) report that one in four
sharing platforms cease to operate within 35 months after launch. However, little is known
about the considerable performance heterogeneity of sharing platforms. Addressing this
issue is critical to the development of the sharing economy.

Address for reprints: Pengxiang Zhang, Peking University, Guanghua School of Management, 5 Yiheyuan
Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China (
Authors contributed equally to the paper, and names of the authors are ranked randomly.

© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Recent work in business model research may offer important insights into this issue. By
business model, we mean the way in which a firm transacts business with all parties to cre-
ate value (Zott and Amit, 2007). This stream of research highlights the critical impact of
business model design on performance; yet two issues remain unaddressed. First, the build-
ing blocks of a business model design and the theoretical mechanisms used to explain per-
formance implications remain underdeveloped (Zott et al., 2011). Second, business model
design –­that is, configurations of interdependent business model elements (Zott and Amit,
2007) –­calls for a more holistic perspective. Thus, the effect of business model designs on
firm performance may not be as straightforward as originally thought; this is tested with
a regression approach (Foss and Saebi, 2017). This study addresses these gaps by asking:
What configurations of design elements may lead to performance differences in sharing platforms?
To this end, we first extend Zott and Amit’s (2007, 2008) theorization of the efficiency-­
based business model design in the context of the sharing economy and highlight how
costs associated with sharing products/services can structurally affect overall perfor-
mance. Specifically, we identify six design elements that are most salient in the sharing
economy. They are as follows: (1) asset-­lightness, describing the extent to which the shared
products/services are provided by platforms (Sohn et al., 2013); (2) frequency of recurring
transactions; (3) anonymity between asset owners and users; (4) transferability, that is, the
extent to which the transacted assets can be moved geographically (Anand and Delios,
1997); (5) modularity, defined as the extent to which products/services can be separated
and recombined (Markman and Waldron, 2014); and (6) product category, that is, referring
to a customer’s ability to judge the quality of a product or service before purchasing be-
fore purchasing (Nelson, 1981). Taken together, these elements can further advance our
understanding of how business model design impacts performance for sharing platforms.
Second, we adopt a configurational approach using the fuzzy-­set qualitative comparative
analysis (fsQCA) technique for a sample of 189 sharing platforms to investigate the dif-
ferent impacts of various design configurations upon performance (see Fiss, 2011).
This study makes three contributions to the literature. First, answering calls for more
theory in business model studies (Zott et al., 2011), we reveal six main business-­model
design elements. Second, we extend the sharing economy literature by explaining the
significant variations in performance among sharing platforms with different business
model designs. Finally, we show that ‘low-­performing’ configurations are not mirror im-
ages of ‘high-­performing’ ones. This asymmetry in business model design configurations
challenges earlier, simpler, and narrower views of the relationship between antecedents
and organizational outcomes.

The Sharing Economy: Embracing Distinctive Business Model Designs
While the rapid growth of the sharing economy has attracted significant attention, schol-
ars have developed multiple terms and definitions to capture its nature –­each with a dis-
tinctive focus on how sharing platforms organize transactions with external stakeholders
(Parente et al., 2018; Zott and Amit, 2007). For example, Bardhi and Eckhardt (2012,

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The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design 951

p. 881) use the term access-­based economy to describe ‘transactions that may be market
mediated in which no transfer of ownership takes place’. This is frequently used to refer
to car-­and house-­sharing services. Alternatively, Belk (2014, p. 1597) characterizes the
sharing economy as collaborative consumption, in which ‘people [coordinate] the acquisition
and distribution of a resource for a fee or other compensation’. Attention is mostly on
person-­to-­person transactions of goods (e.g., online flea markets). In a consulting report,
Bughin and Mischke (2016) call the sharing economy a gig economy, meaning this eco-
nomic arrangement uses digital platforms to connect skilled workers with consumers for
temporary jobs. Table I summarizes some of the most prevalent terms and definitions in
the domain of the sharing economy. These diverse terms and definitions capture distinc-
tive business model designs that sharing platforms present. Following Wang et al. (2017),
we define the sharing economy as a platform-­based economic arrangement in which
parties mutualize access to products or services.
To scrutinize such variations in how sharing platforms operate, we focus on their busi-
ness model design –­that is, how they organize and manage their transactions with parties
(Zott and Amit, 2007). Consider an example that contrasts two sharing platforms in the
short-­term car rental business. At Zipcar, the platform owns a dedicated fleet of vehicles
and can make them available to customers, whereas at Turo individuals own the cars and
can rent them to other users. Although both business model designs focus on the same
market, they exhibit markedly different ways of sharing cars with users. Notably, Zipcar
carries tremendous risk because it owns its vehicles, while Turo merely affords access
to cars owned by private providers. Configuring such designs represents a fundamental
concern for sharing platforms. They seek to identify the ‘best’ business model design that
can efficiently organize sharing activities with parties.
It has long been recognized that business model design plays an important role in firm
performance (Markides and Charitou, 2004). Afuah (2004) conceptually develops a stra-
tegic framework in which the critical components of a business model are introduced to
determine firm performance. Zott and Amit (2007) empirically show that novelty-­based
business model designs improve firm performance. However, the literature remains
largely silent on how these effects occur. At this point, these analyses are too abstract and
descriptive when explaining how business model designs influence performance. The
building blocks of the business model designs, and the theoretical mechanisms through
which they affect performance, thus demand more clarity (Zott et al., 2011).

Business Model Design in the Sharing Economy

Firms design their business models to create value. Some firms do this more efficiently
than others (Amit and Zott, 2001). In this perspective, efficiency represents a major
source of value due to its role in reducing costs. Value creation can derive from the at-
tenuation of uncertainty, coordination costs, and information asymmetry (Williamson,
1975). This is particularly pertinent for the sharing economy, where a tremendous num-
ber of transactions occur among asset owners and users. High scalability of a business
model design enables providers to share access to their products/services at little cost,
attracting an increasing number of users. Thus, by employing an efficiency-­based busi-
ness model design, these firms may extract more value from transactions and generate
more performance.
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Table I. Terms and definitions in relation to the sharing economy

Terms Definition Literature

Access-­based economy Transactions that may be market-­mediated in Bardhi and Eckhardt (2012)
which no transfer of ownership takes place.
Commercial sharing Marketer-­managed arrangements providing Lamberton and Rose (2012)
systems customers with product benefits without
Collaborative A market in which people coordinate the Belk (2014)
consumption acquisition and distribution of a resource
for a fee or other compensation.
On-­demand economy A term that describes digital platforms that Cockayne (2016)
connect consumers to a service or commod-
ity through the use of a mobile application
or website.
Gig economy A digital, on-­demand platform that enables a Burtch et al. (2018)
flexible work arrangement.
Lateral exchange market A market that is formed through an interme- Perren and Kozinets (2018)
diating technology platform that facilitates
exchange activities among a network of
equivalently positioned economic actors.
Sharing economy A socioeconomic system that allows peers to Grewe and Silva (2020)
grant temporary access to their underuti-
lized physical and human assets through
online platforms.
Sharing economy A platform-­based economic arrangement in The current study
which parties mutualize access to the prod-
ucts or services.

Take TaskRabbit as an example. A user posts the desired task via TaskRabbit and
then, receives mini-­profiles of a few workers deemed most appropriate by an algorithm,
with the final selection up to the user. The user can schedule the specific time and pay
through the platform after the task is completed as expected. Upon completion of the
task, the user can rate the worker. If a worker receives too many unfavourable reviewers,
the worker is banned from listing on TaskRabbit. This process helps the user to lower the
costs of searching for ‘matched’ workers and monitoring service quality. Hence, by con-
figuring business model designs, these sharing platforms focus on reducing the potential
search costs and uncertainty involved among parties.

A Configurational Approach of Business Model Designs

Amit and Zott (2007, p. 183) suggest that ‘configuration theory provides a useful starting
point for developing measures of business model designs, because it considers holistic
configurations, or gestalts, or design elements’. No single design element can delineate
the full picture of business model designs; rather, a combination of different elements is
required to distinguish between different types of business model designs. Further, the

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effect of each design element on firm performance is often conditioned by the presence
or absence of other elements, indicating the existence of multiple interactions and equifi-
nality. As suggested by Zott and Amit (2011, p. 1019), business model designs ‘emphasize
a system-­level, holistic approach to explaining how firms “do business”’. We, therefore,
adopt a configurational approach to elaborate on our theory of business model designs. In
what follows, we discuss the specific design elements and their link to firm performance.
Zott and Amit (2008) propose a comprehensive theoretical framework of business model
design in which three factors directly affecting transaction efficiency are identified: costs for
providing resources, average number of transactions, and costs of collaborating with ex-
ternal stakeholders. Following this line, we go one step further to develop design elements
in the sharing economy context; these represent basic requirements in structuring orches-
trating transactions among parties. The first factor is the focal platform’s costs for provid-
ing their own resources for transactions. In the context of the sharing economy, this factor
indicates asset-­lightness, which describes the extent to which the shared assets are provided
by platforms. The second factor concerns the average number of transactions, which is
quite straightforward in the context of the sharing economy: the number represents the
frequency of sharing behaviours among users of the focal sharing platform. The third factor
is the cost for focal platforms to collaborate with a supplier/partner in a transaction, which
hinges on the level of asset specificity and behavioural uncertainty based on the transac-
tion economics reasoning (Poppo et al., 2016). More specifically, in the sharing economy,
asset specificity –­reflected in anonymity, transferability and modularity –­emphasizes the
extent of specificity of the shared goods/services. Behavioural uncertainty is reflected in
the shared product category, including search, experience, and credence goods.
We thus follow this framework and develop six design elements which as listed as fol-
lows: asset-­lightness, frequency, anonymity, transferability, modularity, and product category. These
design elements together reveal an array of options for sharing platforms to configure
business model designs. Below, we explain how each design element can affect perfor-
mance of sharing platforms. The definition of our six design elements and their effects
on platform performance are summarized in Table II.

Asset-­lightness. This design element describes the extent to which shared products/
services belong to focal sharing platforms compared to external stakeholders (Sohn et
al., 2013). The heavier the assets, the higher the cost to the platform due to the labour,
maintenance, and raw materials needed to support their infrastructure (Bursh et al.,
2012). The portfolio of assets varies across the sharing economy. Some platforms are
asset-­heavy since they have internalized tangible or fixed assets, such as Zipcar which
owns its own fleet; whereas others, like Lyft, have access to the same assets but rely on
ownership by users. All else being equal, lighter assets lead to lower costs and resource
requirements incurred by the platform, and therefore higher performance. However,
it is sometimes difficult to maintain the quality of user-­provided goods/services which
can devastate platform performance.

Frequency. Frequency refers to the number of times the sharing activities occur within a
certain time period (David and Han, 2004). This varies substantially among sectors. For
example, a used-­fashion sharing site (e.g., Poshmark) has relatively frequent transactions,

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Table II. Definitions of key constructs and their relationships to performance

to platform
Design elements Definition performance

Asset-­lightness Describes the extent to which shared products/services belong to Contingent

focal sharing platforms compared to external stakeholders (Sohn et
al., 2013) for example, Zipcar is an asset-­heavy business model as it
needs to own a vast fleet of cars.
Frequency Refers to the number of times the sharing activities occur within Contingent
certain amount of time (Williamson, 1985; David and Han, 2004)
for example, Poshmark has relatively frequent transactions while
Beepi doesn’t.
Anonymity Captures the extent of the physical and/or virtual co-­presence of Contingent
social actors in a transaction (Perren and Kozinets, 2018) for
example, Users in Lending Club are anonymized as they have no
opportunities for social communication.
Transferability Refers to the extent to which the assets being transacted can be Positive
moved geographically to serve other users (Anand and Delios,
1997) for example, Khan Academy allows users to share content
anytime anywhere.
Modularity Refers to the extent to which an application service can be divided Contingent
into sequenced activities (Banalieva and Dhanaraj, 2019; Markman
and Waldron, 2014) for example, Mobike disaggregates the bike-­
sharing service into small and isolated modules that are delivered
in a sequence, including positioning, biking, parking and paying.
Product category Refers to the goods type built upon on platforms (Nelson, 1981), Negative
including search, experience, and credence goods for example,
Poshmark provides search goods (e.g., used clothes); Airbnb pro-
vides credence goods (accommodations); Khan Academy provides
credence goods (education).

while a used-­car trading site (e.g., Beepi) does not have equivalent frequency because
most buyers only purchase a car once every few years. In general, more frequent
transactions suggest more opportunities to charge a commission fee, implying a lucrative
potential. Yet, high amounts of information asymmetry and uncertainty associated with
the transaction can produce high costs, thereby hurting platform performance.

Anonymity. Given that the sharing economy channels multiple parties together, an
important design element pertains to the physical presence and exposure of personal
information of social actors in a transaction, a.k.a. anonymity (Perren and Kozinets,
2018). Anonymity captures the extent of the physical and/or virtual co-­presence of
social actors in a transaction (Perren and Kozinets, 2018) and provides an opportunity
for social interaction between users and providers. A high level of anonymity
represents ‘a society of strangers’ (Bardhi and Eckhardt, 2012, p. 884), where only
limited communication among users is allowed. For example, lenders who invest in
loans of other network borrowers will be anonymized in Lending Club, thus having

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no opportunity to interact socially. In contrast, lower anonymity permits intense social

connection. For example, TaskRabbit connects vetted skilled freelance laborers with
actors in nearby neighbourhoods seeking services such as cleaning, delivery, or house
repair. The strong social interaction created between users and taskers inspires feelings
of friendliness and social satisfaction (Perren and Kozinets, 2018).
Effects of anonymity on performance are contingent on several factors. In some cases,
the opportunity for social interactions associated with low anonymity can be costly, as these
interactions require specific efforts that may not be repeatable in other transactions. For
example, a tasker who serves a user develops specific routines and capabilities that are only
valued by that user, and new efforts will be required in the future (i.e., ‘cost’). High anonym-
ity business models, in contrast, avoid these costs, thereby leading to higher performance. In
other situations, some sharing activities require interpersonal interactions in order to better
communicate services (e.g., Uber). In these cases, arbitrarily imposing anonymity could
spawn information asymmetry which is detrimental to performance. In sum, the relation-
ship between anonymity and platform performance is dependent upon other conditions.

Transferability. Given the geographic concept of space, another design element in the
sharing economy is transferability, which refers to the extent to which the assets being
transacted can be moved geographically to serve other users (Anand and Delios, 1997).
High transferability mostly emerges in online businesses, indicating that products/
services can be easily moved to serve alternative customers from anywhere in the world.
Khan Academy, principally designed as an online video-­sharing education site, serves
as a good example. Relying on a simple and intuitive interface design, the business
model designs of Khan Academy allow users to share content anytime and anywhere.
Low transferability, conversely, partially occurs in a location-­based exchange –­that is,
online-­to-­offline. In this scenario, the products/services can only be provided to users
in a limited location at a certain time. Consequently, the emergence of a transaction
is partially bound by location, thereby increasing barriers between connected actors.
Transferability, therefore, is strongly expected to enhance performance and serves as
an important contingency for the influence of other design elements.

Modularity. For sharing platforms to optimize organization of their complex activities,

modularity is often needed as one of the design elements (Jacobides et al., 2018).
Modularity, adopted in traditional industries such as car manufacturing, software, and
computers, describes the extent to which a component can be separated and recombined
(Schilling, 2000). It allows interdependent components to be connected by different
interfaces with limited coordination required. In the context of the sharing economy,
the degree of modularity in a transaction partly depends on the extent to which an
application service can be divided into sequenced activities (Banalieva and Dhanaraj,
2019) or parcelled (Markman and Waldron, 2014). A highly modularized example is
Mobike, which disaggregates the bike-­sharing service into small and isolated modules
that are delivered in sequence and include positioning, biking, parking and paying.
Such modules act as coordination mechanisms, enabling riders to automatically access
any ‘Mobikes’. This convenient transaction is achieved by bundling with standardized
complementary service parties such as maps (Baidu Maps, Gaode Maps, Google

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Maps, etc.); credit card systems; and mobile payment systems (WeChat Pay, Alipay,
etc.) through the application programming interfaces (APIs). Moreover, seat height
may be adjusted to address the heterogeneous needs of riders. Therefore, by dividing
the sharing activity into multiple modules and making them accessible to users, sharing
platforms provide a modular process for users to share products or services.
When the shared goods/services are split into flexible components and employ stan-
dardized third-­party interfaces, the efficiency of sharing between users and providers
should be significantly improved. However, modularity may result in the loss of created
value when the components constituting the shared goods/services are tightly connected
and difficult to disentangle. For example, Quid[2] offers business-­to-­business strategic
problem solving, which is an integrated service program and cannot be divided or stan-
dardized, because there is virtually no commonality between any two firm cases. Forcing
modularity in such conditions may sacrifice the value created.
Product category. The last element is product category. Nelson (1981) classifies products
into search, experience, and credence goods, based on whether or not consumers can
judge product quality before purchasing. Specifically, search goods (e.g., cell phones)
are those about which consumers can acquire information on product quality prior to
buying. Experience goods (e.g., films and restaurants) are products for which evaluation
and consumption occur simultaneously. Credence goods (e.g., legal services and doctors)
are products for which evaluation is difficult even after consumption. Product category
captures behavioural uncertainty –­the extent to which the user cannot effectively
observe or evaluate the goods/services provided by the asset owner (Poppo et al., 2016).
Many sharing platforms shape their product category and behaviour uncertainty by
monitoring transactions (e.g., GPS tracking) and encouraging reviews and ratings by cus-
tomers and providers. Consider Uber as an example. After submitting the trip request, a
passenger can receive an immediate response from an Uber driver, with a waiting time,
car make and plate number. Further, the route and price of a trip are calculated by Uber,
reducing the possible uncertainty between passengers and drivers. Users greatly value
the certainty of knowing when the car will arrive rather than discovering a cab stochasti-
cally by standing on the side of the road. In the setting of the sharing economy, we argue
for the importance of strategically choosing the target goods/services to be shared. The
uncertainty involved in credence goods may breed providers’ opportunistic behaviours
in the sharing activities, for example, hiding some crucial information, resulting in bad
performance. Product category, then, can significantly affect cost in the sharing economy.
In sum, based on the configurational approach, we aim to investigate how these six
design elements combined to scale up and/or scale down sharing platform performance.
To do so, we utilize the fsQCA technique to perform analysis.

Sample and Data
We compiled multiple sources of data and a matched global sharing economy data-
base. Sharing Economy Universe database from Silk provides publicly available infor-
mation on 976 sharing platforms founded between 1995 and 2014.[3] Applause Sharing

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Economy App Quality Index comprises software applications with more than 150 in-­
store reviews. Given that platforms in these two databases are mainly from Organisation
for Economic Co-­operation and Development (OECD) countries, we collected addi-
tional data on platforms from some important emerging economies. For instance, shar-
ing platforms from China were collected because China has become one of the world’s
largest homes to such platforms. Its transaction volume topped $500 billion during 2016
and it is predicted to maintain a high annual growth rate of 40 per cent in the coming 5
years (Pennington, 2017). In total, we had 1,009 sharing platforms as an initial data pool.
Four screening criteria were used in this cross-­sectional study. First, we excluded plat-
forms with no public investment data from mass media (e.g., corporate annual reports or
financial news). Only 368 sharing platforms disclosed their venture capital funding infor-
mation in the original data pool. Second, in order to match sales revenue with assets (the
number of employees), we used only cases with complete financing and accounting in-
formation, leaving 236. The data for finance and employees were collected from Owler.
com.[4] Third, we ruled out sharing platforms that could not receive at least US$10,000
in the Series A round of venture capital funding during the 10-­year period after their in-
ception. Meyer and Crane (2013) suggest that the average small business requires about
US$10,000 of start-­up capital, which is also a rough indicator of the minimum level of
early stage financing. Thus, our testing sample was reduced to 194. Fourth, we dropped
another five sharing platforms due to switches in business model design during the obser-
vation window period (1995–­2019). This left 189 sharing platforms in our final dataset.
To mitigate the concern of potential sampling bias, we followed prior studies such as
Campbell et al. (2016) and Cui et al. (2017), examining whether systematic differences
existed between the target platforms in the final sample and those excluded. We found no
significant differences in any of the causal conditions. More importantly, since the study
adopts fsQCA to analyze data, the fuzzy set analysis, unlike regression analysis, does not
rely on assumptions of a given probability distribution (Campbell et al., 2016). Thus,
fsQCA methodologists suggest that sample representativeness is ‘less of an issue’ in a fuzzy
set framework because calibrated sets help reduce sample dependence (Fiss, 2011, p. 402).
Analytical Approach
To realize the configurational approach, we utilize the fsQCA technique to perform set-­
theoretic analysis. Grounded in set theory, fsQCA suits a ‘middle-­way’ research design
between a purely deductive variable-­oriented design and a purely inductive case-­based
design (Misangyi et al., 2017). This technique is particularly relevant for our study pur-
poses –­applying the configurational logic and exploring configurations of design ele-
ments to explain variation in performance among sharing platforms.
The analytical technique has the following features: first, it identifies how multiple de-
sign elements combine in distinct configurations to affect platform performance (that is,
conjunctural causation); second, it can assess whether multiple configurations are linked
to the same outcome (that is, equifinality); third, it can examine whether either the pres-
ence or the absence of any particular design elements may be connected to performance
(that is, asymmetry); and fourth, it can work with a small-­to-­medium sized sample, which
is likely to be the case when studying an emerging phenomenon such as the sharing econ-
omy (Cui et al., 2017; Fiss, 2011; Misangyi et al., 2017; Ragin, 2008).
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Measures and Calibration

An important procedure to prepare the dataset for fsQCA is calibration. In conventional
methods, variables are measured on either raw values or sample-­specific scales (i.e., sample-­
specific mean and standard deviation, with all variations treated as important); whereas
fsQCA takes one more step, using external criteria and/or distribution to calibrate vari-
ables, and suggests that not all variations are important (Fiss, 2011; Ragin, 2008). That
is, calibration is a process of assigning cases with set membership scores (Schneider and
Wagemann, 2012). Following some ‘best practices’ recommended by prior fsQCA studies
(e.g., Campbell et al., 2016; Crilly, 2011; Fiss, 2011; Judge et al., 2014), we adopted both
three-­value and four-­value schemes to calibrate measurements of outcomes and causal
conditions. When external standards can be implemented using specified values of an
interval scale, we use the three-­value scheme corresponding to the three key breakpoints
of (a) fully in membership (the upper bound of set membership of a case in a fuzzy set,
assigned a value of ‘1’); (b) fully out membership (the lower bound of set membership of
a case in a fuzzy set, assigned a value of ‘0’); and (c) a crossover point (that is, the point of
maximum ambiguity and neither in nor out of a particular set, assigned a value of 0.5)
(Fiss, 2011; Ragin, 2008). If the information is not systematic or strictly comparable from
case to case (Ragin, 2008), we use the four-­value scheme, which marks ‘more in than out’
at 0.67 and ‘more out than in’ at 0.33, in addition to fully in membership (set as 1) and
fully out membership (set as 0). Calibration anchors are reported in Table III.
To minimize the subjectivity of the judgment, we assigned two independent and well-­
trained raters simultaneously to calibrate the causal conditions. The raters calibrated the
cases through diversified evidence to achieve triangulation (e.g., relevant literature, field
interviews and social news) (Fan et al., 2016). They first discussed and confirmed guide-
lines for calibration, then searched for a wealth of information about the platforms, and
finally calibrated independently. If there were inconsistencies across their coding, they
discussed and reconciled these before deciding the membership of a causal condition.

Platform Performance
Revenue is commonly used for assessing performance of sharing platforms (Abrate and
Viglia, 2019; Crisostomi et al., 2020, p. 120; Rai et al., 2006). We used the natural log-
arithm (ln) of sales revenue for 2019 divided by the number of years in existence as the
outcome in this study. This ratio captures the amount of revenues sharing platforms
generated in the focal year, accounting for the time it took to reach the revenue level.
With reference to Fiss (2011) and Greckhamer (2016), we adopted the adjusted distribu-
tion method to calibrate high performance. Following Greckhamer (2016) with a stricter
standard on data distribution (i.e., the 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles), we initially chose
the crossover point at 4.0 (about the 50th percentile) and decided upon 7.8 as a high full-­
membership anchor (about the 95th percentile). Accordingly, the full non-­membership
anchor was set at 0.2 (about the 5th percentile). We are also interested in whether and
how various design elements combine in the absence of high performance. Utilizing the
negation calculation function via fsQCA 3.0, low performance is accomplished by taking
the converse of the outcome in the set of sharing platforms (Fiss, 2011).

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The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design 959
Table III. Calibration of the sharing economy outcomes and conditions

Constructs Measurement Anchors Note and References

High The natural logarithm (ln) of estimated 7.8, 4.0, 0.2 Distribution-­adjusted
performance platforms’ revenue/age for 2019 calibration anchor
points following Fiss
Low performance Based on the negation of the calculation As Above As Above
Asset-­lightness The natural logarithm (ln) of the num- 500,300,100 Qualitative & exter-
ber of permanent employees nal knowledge. See
Ragin (2008) and
Crilly (2011)
Frequency The ratio of Daily Active Users to 0.5,0.33,0.15 Qualitative & exter-
Monthly Active Users (DAU/MAU) nal knowledge. See
Ragin (2008) and
Crilly (2011)
Anonymity The extent to which person-­to-­person 1, 0.67, 0.33, 0 Qualitative & exter-
interactions between service providers nal knowledge. See
and customers are involved Ragin (2008) and
Crilly (2011)
Transferability The scope with which the shared assets 1, 0.67, 0.33, 0 Qualitative & exter-
can be moved geographically to serve nal knowledge. See
alternative users Ragin (2008) and
Crilly (2011)
Modularity By assessing the extent to which (1) mul- 1, 0.67, 0.33, 0 Qualitative & exter-
tiple service components are involved nal knowledge. See
in the transaction, (2) the components Ragin (2008) and
are undertaken/provided by semi-­ Crilly (2011)
independent players, and (3) different
functions are involved on the platform
Product category Whether the goods type built upon on 1, 0.5, 0 Qualitative & exter-
platforms is search, or experience, or nal knowledge. See
credence goods. Ragin (2008) and
Crilly (2011)

Note: Calibration anchors refer to qualitative breakpoints adopted in the calibration process. These are set by theoreti-
cal and external knowledge or data distribution characteristics (Fiss, 2011; Ragin, 2008). For instance, a three-­value
fuzzy set has three calibration anchors representing full membership, crossover (i.e., maximum ambiguity), and full non-­
membership, respectively.

Design Elements
Extending Zott and Amit’s (2008) work, we identified six design elements: asset-­lightness,
frequency, anonymity, transferability, modularity, and product category.

Asset-­lightness. Based on prior studies on the asset valuation model (Ang and Straub,
1998), we utilized the number of permanent employees (as the direct costs associated

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with the production process) to measure asset-­lightness. We calibrated asset-­lightness by

grouping the employee numbers into four categories: fewer than 100 (e.g., Crowdcube)
as fully in membership (1); 101-­300 (e.g., Poshmark) as more in than out (0.67); 301–­500
(e.g., Postmates) as more out than in (0.33); and more than 500 (e.g., Zipcar) as fully out
membership (0).

Frequency. Daily Active Users (DAU) and Monthly Active Users (MAU) reflect the number
of users that visit a particular application at least once during a given day or month
(Emmanouilides and Hammond, 2000). Since DAU and MAU are common metrics to
reflect the user activeness, we used the ratio of Daily Active Users to Monthly Active
Users (DAU/MAU) to evaluate the frequency of application usage. The larger the ratio
of DAU/MAU grows, the more frequently the application are used in 1 month. For
example, when DAU/MAU reaches 1.00, it means that the app is used every day. We
were, therefore, able to calibrate the frequency by grouping the ratio into four categories:
high (DAU/MAU>0.5) as fully in membership; moderate (0.33<DAU/MAU≤0.5) as
more in than out in the set membership of frequency, low (0.15<DAU/MAU≤0.33) as
more out than in the set membership of frequency, and quite low (DAU/MAU≤0.15) as
fully out membership.

Anonymity. Following Bardhi and Eckhardt (2012), we measured anonymity by the extent
to which physical and/or virtual interactions between service providers and users occur.
Correspondingly, transactions that offer little or no direct interaction (e.g., Lending Club)
were coded as fully in membership (1), while transactions requiring inevitable offline in-­
person meetings (e.g., household chore services) were coded as fully out membership (0).
In the remaining sectors, we allocated a low degree of membership (0.33) to transactions
involving virtual direct interaction (e.g., online forum or online education) and partial
membership (0.67) to transactions involving one-­sided attachment between providers
and users (e.g., Poshmark).

Transferability. We measured transferability as the degree to which a certain asset can be

moved to serve alternative customers (Anand and Delios, 1997), ranging from worldwide
to country-­specific to local to neighbourhood. We assessed each company’s membership
using a four-­value fuzzy set (Ragin, 2008). Assets that can be easily distributed around
the world (e.g., video, photos, or messages) were coded as being fully in in this set (1.00);
within a country (e.g., physical production) as more in than out in the set membership
of transferability (0.67); at a local place (e.g., household chores) as more out than in the
set membership of transferability (0.33); and in the neighbourhood (e.g., calling a taxi)
as fully out (0).
Modularity. We assessed modularity according to the extent to which a sharing activity
can be independently parcelled out and undertaken by alternative users. Transactions
that can be totally parcelled out and undertaken by alternative users (e.g., Zipcar, which
empowers drivers to use the services independently) are set as fully in membership (1.00);
those that mostly enable this (e.g., BlaBlaCar, which allows users easy access to an empty
seat in a car but they sometimes must communicate with drivers about routes) are set
as more in than out at (0.67); those that make this partially possible (e.g., the online flea

© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design 961

market Poshmark) are classified as more out than in (0.33); and those that have to man-
age the activities internally, such as Quid and TaskRabbit, are fully out membership (0).

Product category. We used search, experience, and credence goods as product category
to assess the extent of behavioural uncertainty in the sharing economy exchanges
(Nelson, 1981). ‘Search’ goods are associated with the least uncertainty; ‘credence’
goods with the most. We, therefore, set the benchmark of credence goods (e.g., Khan
Academy) to 1.0 as fully in membership; experience goods (e.g., TaskRabbit) to 0.5 (the
crossover point); and search goods (e.g., Zipcar) to 0 as fully out membership.

Analytical Procedures
Analysis of necessary conditions. We started the analysis by testing whether any factor was a
necessary condition to achieve high performance and its negation (e.g., low performance),
respectively. A causal condition is called ‘necessary’ or ‘almost always necessary’ if the
instances of the outcome (high or low performance) constitute a subset of the instances
of the causal condition (Ragin, 2008). In line with Greckhamer (2011), we adopt an
individual consistency score of 0.90 as the cut-­off threshold. As shown in Table IV,
none of the individual factors exceeds the threshold of 0.90. Therefore, there was no
individual factor qualifying as a necessary condition for both outcomes; that is, none
of the design elements can be individually claimed as the necessary condition to reach
either high or low performance.

Sufficiency analyses. An algorithm based on Boolean algebra is used to logically reduce the
Truth Table[5] rows to simplified combinations (Fiss, 2011). Details are supplemented
in Appendix 1. Consistency thresholds –­0.830 for high-­performance configurations
and 0.808 for low-­performance configurations –­are adopted. The frequency threshold
is set at 2.0, which is a sound standard to ensure at least two representative cases for
each configuration identified by fsQCA3.0 (Judge et al., 2014). Our configurational
results are generated and reported in Table V.
Two fit indicators, solution consistency and coverage, are reported in Table V. These
aid the interpretation of results (Greckhamer, 2011; Ragin, 2008). The consistency score
measures how well the solution corresponds to the data (Crilly, 2011; Ragin, 2008), which
is calculated for each configuration separately as well as for the whole solution. Although
consistency should be as close to 1 as possible to suggest that a subset relationship exists –­
that is, all cases (assuming equal to 1) would share a condition and the outcome –­existing
studies generally suggest an acceptable consistency level of 0.80 (Crilly, 2011; Fiss, 2011;
Greckhamer, 2011; Ragin, 2008). We obtain overall consistency values of 0.86 and 0.81
for high-­performance and low-­performance outcomes, respectively, and the individual
consistency scores of all six configurations are also greater than 0.80.
The solution coverage scores measure how important a causal combination is to the
outcome (Ragin, 2008). We obtained the identical overall coverage scores of 0.41 with
solutions for the high-­and low-­performance sharing platforms. These overall cover-
age levels indicate the empirical importance of our solutions as a whole (Crilly, 2011;
Ragin, 2008). Although there is no threshold to judge the acceptable level of the overall

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962 F. Jiang et al.
Table IV. Testing necessary conditions of high and low performance

High Performance Low Performance

Causal Configurational
Solutions Consistency Coverage Consistency Coverage

Asset-­lightness 0.79 0.50 0.89 0.58

Frequency 0.58 0.74 0.47 0.58
Anonymity 0.58 0.68 0.49 0.55
Transferability 0.61 0.63 0.54 0.54
Modularity 0.71 0.64 0.65 0.56
Product category 0.47 0.65 0.51 0.68

Necessary conditions are calculated with the fsQCA 3.0 software.
A causal condition is called ‘necessary’ or ‘almost always necessary’ if the instances of the outcome constitute a subset
of the instances of the causal condition (Ragin, 2008). The individual coverage score is a gauge of empirical importance
or weight (see Ragin, 2008), which shows the proportion of the sum of the outcome membership score (i.e., high/low
performance in our study) that is ‘covered’ by a causal condition (Ragin, 2008).
In contrast to coverage scores, the individual consistency score is the more important indicator. A consistency score of 1
indicates that individual causal condition meets the rule across all cases. The more cases that fail to meet the consistency
criterion, and the larger the distance from meeting the criterion, the further the consistency score will fall below 1 (Ragin,
2008). In line with Greckhamer (2011) and Schneider et al. (2010), we adopt a consistency score of 0.90, as the cut-­off
threshold. In our analysis above, no individual factor is a necessary condition for both outcomes; that is, none of the design
elements can be individually claimed as the necessary condition to reach either high or low performance.

coverage (Misangyi et al., 2017; Ragin, 2008), prior studies show a comparable range
of overall coverage scores between 0.30 and 0.50 for small and medium-­sized samples
(e.g., 10-­300) (see Cui et al., 2017; Fiss, 2011; Greckhamer, 2016). Table V also reports
the raw coverage and unique coverage levels for each individual configurational solu-
tion. The raw coverage measures the explanatory power of an individual configurational
solution. However, any single observation might be explained by multiple configurations,
and therefore a measure of each configuration’s unique contribution to the solutions is
provided in the form of unique coverage (Greckhamer, 2011; Ragin, 2008).
Table V displays the results of fuzzy-­set analysis of configurations of the design ele-
ments’ causal conditions on platform performance. Following Greckhamer (2011) and
Ragin (2008), the intermediate solutions generated by fsQCA 3.0 are reported, because
the intermediate solutions are more conservative and have stronger empirical plausibility
than complex and parsimonious solutions (Ragin, 2008). Thus, four distinctive config-
urations are obtained for high performance and two for low performance. In regard
to the notation, a black circle (●) indicates the presence of a condition, while a circled
cross (⊗) indicates its absence. Blank spaces indicate ambiguous situations, in which the
corresponding causal condition may be either present or absent and therefore, plays no
significant roles in the configurational solutions.

Robustness Tests
Robustness checks were performed to examine the stability of the configurations.
Following previous studies, we adopted four main types of robustness checks: different
calibration rules; use of the PRODUCT[6] value; reduced threshold; and decreased

© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Table V. Fuzzy set configurations of sharing economy

High Performance Low Performance

Design Elements Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4 Configuration 5 Configuration 6

Asset-­lightness ● ⊗ ● ● ● ●
Frequency ● ● ⊗ ● ⊗ ⊗
Anonymity ● ● ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Transferability ● ● ⊗ ⊗
Modularity ● ● ● ⊗ ⊗
Product category ⊗ ⊗ ● ⊗ ●
Consistency 0.92 0.94 0.83 0.85 0.82 0.84
Raw Coverage 0.15 0.17 0.10 0.23 0.33 0.34
Unique Coverage 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.08
Representative Case Poshmark (PBSE) Zipcar (RBSE) Khan Academy Uber (LBSE) Quid (KBSE) TaskRabbit (LBSE)
Overall Solution 0.86 0.81
Overall Solution 0.41 0.41
The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design


Following Ragin (2008), only intermediate solutions are reported.
● indicates the presence of a condition; ⊗ indicates the absence of a condition; blank spaces indicate that the presence or absence does not affect performance.
Representative cases are identified by fsQCA3.0 when cases have membership greater than 0.5.
PBSE=Product-­based sharing economy; RBSE=Rental-­based sharing economy; KBSE=Knowledge-­based sharing economy; and LBSE=Labor-­based sharing economy.

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964 F. Jiang et al.

frequency of cut-­off value.[7] For instance, following Fiss (2011), we conducted sensitivity
analyses by varying the crossover point ±25 per cent for our measures during the cali-
brations. Minor differences were observed regarding the configuration of solutions, but
our results remain robust. Specifically, when the crossover point of the calibrations floats
upward by 25 per cent, the coverage value for high-­performance cases remains at 0.41,
while the consistency value drops to 0.83. Meanwhile, the overall coverage value and the
consistency for low-­performance cases increase to 0.43 and 0.89, respectively. When it
floats downward 25 per cent, the coverage and consistency for high-­performance cases
change to 0.45 and 0.87, respectively; while those for low-­performance cases drop to
0.39 and 0.69, respectively, but Configuration 5 disappears. We also adopted a higher
cut-­off (0.60) of PRODUCT, which further justifies our selected raw consistency cut-­
off points. As shown in Appendix 1, the PRODUCT values of covered solutions are
generally greater than 0.60, with the exception of the third raw cut-­off point for low
performance with a slightly marginalized value (0.551). In general, we confirm that all
six solutions obtained from the main tests are robust.


Next, we interpret our findings by referring to representative cases generated from fsQCA
3.0. These cases are associated with each configuration of Truth Tables, where cases
with membership greater than 0.5 imply substantive case knowledge (Cui et al., 2017).
All qualitative case information was collected from publicly available archival sources
(e.g., corporate reports, news, and media interviews). Based on the six configurations, we
developed the corresponding propositions outlined below.

Product-­based Sharing Economy

Configuration 1 shows the business model design labelled product-­based sharing economy
(PBSE). This is characterized by light assets, high transferability, and search goods. This
term vividly describes a sharing platform organizing selling and trading/bartering mer-
chandise online. This scenario involves light assets, high frequency, high anonymity, high
transferability, and search goods. sharing platforms with light assets are relieved of high
production costs. The transactional configuration of high anonymity and high trans-
ferability suggests that users share goods swiftly with few social interactions, which may
speed up business transactions. sharing platforms using such a design still manage to
make transactions occur smoothly, despite users’ inability to customize the goods as they
wish and having to encounter the same transaction condition multiple times within a
short period of time. Search goods also suggests that the sharing platform can clearly
convey the information (e.g., quality and use conditions) about the goods being shared,
reducing the probability of opportunism. All the cost merits deriving from search goods,
high anonymity, and high transferability enable sharing platforms to compensate for the
hassle of frequent transactions in the process of goods sharing. In addition, frequent
transactions allude to more commission fees taken by sharing platforms, which implies
the potential to achieve high performance.
A representative case associated with this configuration is Poshmark, which is identified
by fsQCA3.0’s case identification function. Founded in 2011, Poshmark is a peer-­to-­peer
© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design 965

social commerce marketplace with over 4 million sellers, 25 million items and 5,000
brands. Its branding is ‘for fashion where anyone can buy, sell and share their personal
style’. In a recent interview with Business Insider, company CEO Manish Chandra said
that one advantage of Poshmark is its ability to make fashion products commoditized
and searchable over the internet –­in other words, search goods. Against traditional be-
liefs that fashion is difficult to assess and generally a credence good by nature, Manish
creatively utilizes social networks to make style products more searchable. As he noted,
‘people want to see clothes through people’ (Hanbury, 2018). The success of Poshmark
also benefits from ‘a well-­timed boom in second-­hand clothing sales driven by millen-
nials’ desire to buy something unique and different and also be more environmentally
conscious’, according to Manish (Hanbury, 2018). In addition, to enhance transferability,
Poshmark provides sellers with a pre-­paid, pre-­addressed label ready to paste on the box.
All arrangements of Poshmark, except modularity, jointly lead to high performance. In
just 1 year (from 2018 to 2019), Poshmark doubled its sales revenues from USD $1 billion
to $2 billion. Based on the arguments above, we suggest:

Proposition 1: A PBSE business model design: High performance is associated with light
assets, high frequency, high anonymity, high transferability, and search goods.

Rental-­based Sharing Economy

Configuration 2 is termed rental-­based sharing economy (RBSE) and is characterized
by heavy assets. It allows users on-­demand access to goods owned by the sharing plat-
forms (see Bardhi and Eckhardt, 2012). Configuration 2 suggests that heavy assets result
in high performance when combined with highly frequent transactions, high anonymity
and modularity, and search goods. Heavy assets, though costly, may positively influence
performance by taking shared goods/services under a platform’s control. Sharing search
goods in a modular way requires minimal coordination costs because there is little infor-
mation asymmetry between the platform and users. Under this condition, social interac-
tions are no longer necessary to the sharing activities. Thus, high anonymity has become a
highly desirable design element to reduce costs. Further, high frequency of sharing activ-
ities adds to the potential market value with relatively few concerns for cumulative costs.
Zipcar is the company we use to represent this case. As the world’s leading business-­
to-­customer car-­sharing network, Zipcar provides users with on-­demand access to cars
by the hour or the day around the world. In September 2016, it announced that it had
1 million users across 500 cities in nine countries, with a fleet of nearly 12,000 vehi-
cles. The company’s success can be explained by the dedication of their strategic leader,
Luke Schneider, to streamlining the rental processes by replacing people with technol-
ogy. Covering fuel, insurance, parking and maintenance, Zipcar offers convenient and
frequent use of a vehicle, with potential monthly savings of $600. Zipcar is designed
with a high modular procedure: becoming a user, booking, getting, and returning the
car. Zipcar sends each user a Zipcard that locks and unlocks vehicles. When booking
a car (a kind of search good), users can easily browse all vehicle performance infor-
mation online. The reserved car is parked in a local lot, often within walking distance

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966 F. Jiang et al.

of the user, and is ready for use with the keys in the ignition. The fee is automatically
charged through Zipcar’s proprietary technology system that requires little user interac-
tion beyond waving a Zipcard in front of the reader located on the windshield. The radio
frequency-­identification technology is a key feature of the Zipcar product, which allows
the company to realize an anonymous self-­service. Owning the fleet of cars helps Zipcar
to easily achieve the high anonymity, modularity and frequency conditions needed to off-
set the high cost of heavy assets, thereby allowing the company to gain more commission
fees with stronger potential to achieve high performance. Based on the reasons above,
we suggest:

Proposition 2: A RBSE business model design: High performance is associated with

heavy assets, high frequency, high anonymity, high modularity, and search goods.

Knowledge-­based Sharing Economy

Configurations 3 and 5 reveal some similarities, such as low anonymity, high transferabil-
ity, credence goods, and low frequency. Such an overlap of elements bonds both business
model designs to a knowledge-­based sharing economy (KBSE), which often provides
opportunities to involve users in projects and contribute to their knowledge and achieve-
ment. A comparison of configurations linked to high performance (Configuration 3) and
low performance (Configuration 5) underscores that modularity is a key element affect-
ing sharing economy performance. Specifically, Configuration 3 suggests that a KBSE
displays high performance only when it is accompanied by high modularity. In this busi-
ness model design, even if transacting credence goods (associated with high behavioural
uncertainty), users remain interested if the sharing economy is modular, because high
modularity allows them to track goods step-­by-­step to reduce providers’ opportunistic
behaviours. With the light-­asset approach, together with other design elements, the col-
laborative economy can sustain the overall costs at a lower level.
Khan Academy serves as a representative case. Launched in 2006, Khan Academy
is now one of the world’s most popular peer-­to-­peer education websites and describes
its mission as providing ‘a free world-­class education for anyone, anywhere’. As of
September 2019, its channel on YouTube had more than 5.11 million subscribers and
its videos had been viewed nearly 1.7 billion times. Education is a kind of credence good
in the sense that neither students nor teachers can easily evaluate the teaching effect in
advance. To deal with the high uncertainty embedded in credence goods, Salman Khan,
the founder of Khan Academy, addressed the principal flaw in education systems: the
emphasis placed on learning within rigid time constraints. ‘If you make “when” and
“how long” the variables’, Salman told the audience, ‘you end up with less gaps in learn-
ing’ (The Lavin Agency, 2012). In other words, the transfer of knowledge is more effec-
tive and trading education content is more efficient. Therefore, he argues, if students can
learn at their own pace, in fun, modular and interactive ways (e.g., through games and
the peer-­review system), they will ultimately gain a better understanding of the concepts
being taught. Given this belief, the contents of Khan Academy include thousands of
video clips made in digestible 5–­20 minutes chunks, especially designed for viewing on

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The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design 967

the computer. This content is thus highly modular, easily transferred, and useful for stu-
dents who use it less frequently than a daily curriculum.
Configuration 5, conversely, shows a KBSE designed with low modularity. Lack of
modularity enables more communication between parties, thereby strengthening the
owners’ control over information. This in turn increases the uncertainty surrounding
credence goods. An exemplar case is Quid, a business-­to-­business platform that searches,
analyses and visualizes the world’s collective intelligence to help answer future direction-­
related questions. The majority of Quid’s clients are corporations that focus on strategic
problems, implying that its major service is a type of credence good. Quid’s CEO Bob
Goodson claims that ‘we are doing something different that hasn’t been done before’.
Quid can source the internet for information on a client’s strategic queries, then compile
and organize that data into a visual map so that clients can see what trends and themes
are emerging most often in the media. Hence Quid allows non-­technical users in enter-
prises to independently access the world’s high-­value information (e.g., news articles, blog
posts, company profiles, and patents) for unique and shareable insights. These corporate
clients generally subscribe to Quid’s service on a yearly or monthly basis, indicating a
low frequency. Quid proprietary algorithms employ artificial intelligence and Natural
Language Processing to quickly find insights across millions of data points, thereby mak-
ing the service highly transferable. However, users with complex problems come from
more than 80 industries including such companies as eBay, Hyundai, Intel, and Pepsi.
It is, therefore, difficult to divide tasks into specific components applicable to all users.
In other words, Quid is faced with a variety of questions that cannot easily be answered
in a modular and anonymous way. Overall, Quid has designed a costly business model
characterized by a lack of modularity, thereby limiting its performance. Based on the
comparison between Configurations 3 and 5, we suggest:

Proposition 3: A KBSE business model design: High performance is associated with low
frequency, low anonymity, high transferability, and credence goods, while the absence
of modularity is related to low performance.

Labour-­based Sharing Economy

Configurations 4 and 6 represent business model designs that require offline services (low
anonymity and low transferability) shared by users (light assets). Most cases using these
designs employ the labour-­based sharing economy (LBSE), an on-­demand platform that
enables individuals to freelance their skills and expertise (Burtch et al., 2018). In addi-
tion to low anonymity, low transferability and light assets, Configuration 4 also exhibits
high modularity and high frequency. These transaction characteristics are combined to
strongly signal the relatively low-­cost structure of this business model design. A repre-
sentative example of Configuration 4 is Fiverr. Founded in 2010, Fiverr is fundamen-
tally transforming the way businesses and freelancers collaborate. It provides a platform
for freelancers who offer mostly digital services –­that is, graphic design, translation,
video production, and voiceovers –­to customers worldwide. Fiverr freelancers advertise
tasks they are willing to perform for a fixed price on the platform, and buyers pick and
purchase their interested services. The service is streamlined, creating an on-­demand,
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968 F. Jiang et al.

e-­commerce-­like experience that makes working with freelancers as easy as buying some-
thing on Amazon. Such a business model design has contributed much to its great suc-
cess. In 2019, active users were up 17 per cent to 2.4 million. After the world went into
lockdown due to Covid-­19, Fiverr saw a 12 per cent surge in active users from April to
June compared to a typical rise of about 5 per cent over that time period. Fiverr went
IPO in 2019 and reported $107.1 million in revenue for the 2019 fiscal year.
Configuration 6, as another typical LBSE, shows low performance. Compared with
Configuration 4, this particular business model design exhibits different elements –­low
modularity and low frequency –­which suggest strong potential for poor performance.
TaskRabbit is a representative case in our data. Established in 2008, TaskRabbit –­a
platform connecting freelance labour with local actors seeking help in errands –­is indeed
an online social community. After entering the task description, the task poster will see
photographs and profiles of a few taskers and start a chat with the one selected. On its
app, the firm also describes the social aspect of its platform: ‘TaskRabbit connects you to
safe and reliable help in your neighbourhood’, thus binding TaskRabbit services to local
networks. TaskRabbit faces high variety in the process of completing various home im-
provement services, such as cleaning, mounting, moving, and assembling. As such it is not
modularly designed, which and increases risks. For example, taskers may feel hurt when
they are paid less than the minimum wage to do undesirable tasks. They may consider
leaving the platform under such conditions. Despite taking a high commission fee (30 per
cent) for each task, TaskRabbit’s poor performance is due to its low number of sharing
transactions per user (low frequency). All these elements combined to produce a less
than satisfactory outcome for TaskRabbit. In September 2017, it was sold to IKEA to
increase cash flow. Based on comparison between Configurations 4 and 6 of the LBSE,
we suggest:

Proposition 4: A LBSE business model design: High performance is associated with light
assets, high frequency, low anonymity, low transferability, and high modularity, while
the absence of frequency and modularity is related to low performance.

This study provides a holistic view of how business model design elements can jointly af-
fect the performance of sharing platforms. Six configurations of distinct business model
designs are theorized. We demonstrate how four of the six configurations can lead to
high performance, while the other two may result in lower performance.

Theoretical Implications
This study offers three important theoretical contributions. First, we contribute to the
business model research by uncovering six key design elements, addressing Zott et al.’s
(2011) calls for further research into the building blocks in business models. The six
elements are based on Zott and Amit’s (2007) framework and are listed as follows: asset-­
lightness, frequency, anonymity, transferability, modularity, and product category. These
design elements each describe a specific, operationalizable component of business

© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design 969

models that is particularly relevant to the transaction efficiency of sharing activities.

In particular, our focus on product category also answers a call for research to identify
types of resources that have been shared (Eckhardt et al., 2019). Moreover, by identi-
fying six specific design elements, we pioneer investigation of business model design as
Second, we meaningfully add to the sharing economy literature by considering per-
formance variation based on business model designs. Existing research on the sharing
economy has focused on its conceptualization and characteristics (Eckhardt et al., 2019;
Gerwe and Silva, 2020); drivers (Stofberg et al., 2019); governance mechanisms (Benson
et al, 2020); and social or environmental implications (Jiang and Tian, 2018; Zervas et
al., 2017). Some strategy research has also considered the entry strategy of the sharing
economy (Garud et al., 2020; Paik et al., 2019; Phung et al., 2020) and entry responses of
the affected incumbent firms (Chang and Sokol, 2020). However, business model designs
and their performance implications for sharing platforms remain poorly understood.
We build upon the recent development of business model studies –­that is, business
model design, which focuses on how firms ‘do business’ (Zott et al., 2011). We identify
multiple business model designs in the sharing economy context. Of these, four share
similar opportunities in thriving, while the other two designs may result in failure due to
inherent cost problems. These findings imply that business model designs help to explain
differences in sharing platform performance. We, therefore, enrich the emerging liter-
ature on the sharing economy in considering various business model designs and their
respective performance outcomes, which also answers Zott et al.’s (2011) calls for further
research on business model performance.
Third, our work speaks directly to the importance of looking at business design through
a configurational lens (Zott and Amit, 2007) using a fsQCA approach, which provides an
alternative explanation to study causal complexity compared to regression. Regression
generally assumes that the effects of the cues are symmetric –­that is, poor performance
is caused by the opposite of what causes high performance. We challenge this implicit
assumption and extend prior work by showing that the configurations that relate to high
performance are not the mirror image of those that relate to lower performance. This
study reveals ‘high-­performing’ and ‘low-­performing’ configurations for knowledge-­and
labour-­based sharing economy. The ‘low-­performing’ configuration of each business
model design is not simply the opposite of the ‘high-­performing’ configuration.
Our work also shows that a single design element, such as asset-­lightness, is not suffi-
cient in shaping the performance of a sharing platform. The influences of most design
elements are contingent upon the presence or absence of other conditions. Specifically,
across the six configurations, two design elements –­frequency and credence goods –­
operate as substitutes for each other and should not coexist for sharing platforms that
achieve high performance. It is well recognized that credence goods increase the likeli-
hood of a provider’s opportunistic behaviour (Mellewigt et al., 2018). Such challenges
are accentuated when transactions are frequent. Our findings suggest that sharing plat-
forms should not take on both challenges at the same time. The substitutive relationship
between high frequency and credence goods is not always sufficient for high performance
(as Configuration 5 shows). Moreover, of anonymity, transferability, and modularity, we
find some evidence suggesting modularity to be the most important element of the three.
© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
970 F. Jiang et al.

Its existence alone may compensate for the advantage of anonymity and transferability
taken together. Based on our results, a successful sharing economy should at least include
the modular design element or both the anonymity and transferability elements.

Practical Implications
Our work establishes a much-­needed bridge between scholarly work based on strategy
and the practical needs of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and incumbents to capi-
talize within the sharing economy. Specifically, as the sharing economy has led to dra-
matic changes in how transactions are arranged, entrepreneurs and even incumbents
can benefit from using new platform-­mediated approaches to aggregate their offerings.
This study theorizes four business model designs that are likely to be successful and two
others that are more likely to be unsuccessful, thus laying a foundation for actionable
dialogue with managers on the relative success of sharing platforms. Given the difficulty
in changing established business model designs, it is particularly important for entrepre-
neurs to formulate such designs effectively and cheaply at an early stage. Our findings
can be useful for venture capitalists who are interested in investing in emerging sharing
platforms. Investors need to be mindful of their guidance and investments in the sharing
economy start-­ups by evaluating their business model designs.

Limitations and Future Research Directions

Our work has several limitations that further research may address. First, our study
on business model designs of the sharing economy ignores a crucial topic –­gover-
nance mechanisms. It is noted that the sharing economy is a hybrid governance model
(Jacobides et al., 2018). However, existing studies fail to explore the elements needed to
clearly conceptualize hybrid sharing platforms along the market-­hierarchy continuum.
Further knowledge is required about which models are market-­like or near the hierarchy,
and what happens to a sharing platform whose governance is not appropriate. Thus,
we invite future research to directly speak to the theory of transaction cost economics’
(TCE) discriminating alignment claim –­alignment between transaction characteristics
and governance (Williamson, 1985) –­to see if the fit between transaction characteristics
and governance influences the performance of sharing platforms.
Second, although business model designs in the sharing economy are critical, entrepre-
neur pioneering in this nascent market often begins with vague ideas, particularly on how
to link activities to create value. This raises the question of how entrepreneurs develop an
effective business model design in a sharing economy. Moreover, for example, as sharing
platforms often evolve with the tensions that arise from their private interests and public
regulations (e.g., Uber), it would be interesting to observe how entrepreneurs can keep
the fundamentals of their original design while adapting it to better meet government
Third, the indirect measures (i.e., anonymity and modularity) in our work lead to
possible subjectivity, though we invited two independent researchers to set calibration
thresholds based on existing theory and substantial knowledge. Our measures of plat-
form performance raise another concern. While this measure is consistent with our the-
ory and is widely accepted in the seminal work of entrepreneurial firm context (Patel et

© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design 971

al., 2015), it may not directly capture actual performance (e.g., profits). It would, there-
fore, be valuable for future research to collect data from other sources and develop more
direct measures, such as profits, that are tailored to the sharing economy and alternative

Given the important role in creating value played by the sharing economy, both scholars
and practitioners need a systematic understanding of how sharing platforms configure
their business model designs. Based on the framework of business model designs, this study
develops six new design elements –­asset-­lightness, frequency, anonymity, transferability,
modularity, and product category –­that are particularly relevant to the efficiency of shar-
ing activities. Using a configurational approach and fsQCA, our findings uncover four
business model prototypes of sharing economy –­product-­based, access-­based, knowledge-­
based, and labour-­based –­each having its own ‘high-­performing’ configurations. In addi-
tion, two of the four prototypes (i.e., knowledge-­and labour-­based) own ‘low-­performing’
configurations. Our study contributes to understanding on the sharing economy phenom-
enon and sheds light on the business model literature in terms of theoretical development
and empirical examinations. We suggest the sharing economy as an exciting area for future
research and hope there are more endeavours to join in such a field.

The authors appreciate the excellent guidance by Editor Gideon Markman and three anonymous review-
ers. This research was supported by the University of South Carolina Center for International Business
Education and Research (CIBER) grants, and the National Natural Science Foundation’s Major Program of
China (Grant ‘Research on Major Theoretical and Practice Issues in Innovation-­Driven Entrepreneurship’
72091310) Project Five (Grant ‘Research on the Theory and Strategy of Innovation-­Driven International
Corporate Entrepreneurship’ 72091314).

[1] Evidence shows that the size of the sharing economy was approximately $15 billion in 2014 and will
reach $335 billion in global revenue by 2025 (PwC, 2014).
[2] With the use of Quid in this study, we would like to acknowledge the focus is on its inception and for-
mative years, when it was largely built on a knowledge sharing business-­to-­business model. However,
we would like to note, like many start-­ups, Quid has pivoted and became a professional data service
company, being merged with NetBase in 2020.
[3] The database from Silk was updated to year 2014 only.
[4] As a community-­based competitive insights firm, provides trigger events, real-­time com-
pany news and dynamic firmographic data.
[5] Truth Table, as a key tool for analysing causal complexity using QCA, allows structured and focused
comparisons, and lists ‘the logically possible combinations of causal conditions and the empirical out-
come associated with each configuration’ (Ragin, 2008, p. 22).
[6] Schneider and Wagemann (2012) propose using the ‘PRODUCT’ parameter of consistency, which is
obtained by multiplying the raw consistency value by the PRI score. The PRODUCT value is a com-
plementary consistency measurement.
[7] Due to space limitations, we limit reporting of robustness tests. The robustness results of using reduced
threshold and decreased frequency of cut-­off values are available upon request.

© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Causal Conditions Number Outcome Consistency

Product High
Asset-­lightness Frequency Anonymity Transferability Modularity Category (≥2) performance Raw PRI PRODUCT

0 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 0.946 0.901 0.916

1 1 1 1 1 0 4 1 0.944 0.853 0.869
0 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 0.940 0.881 0.892
1 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0.897 0.745 0.767
1 1 0 0 1 0 9 1 0.854 0.670 0.688
1 0 0 1 1 1 6 1 0.830 0.571 0.626
1 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0.782 0.475 0.481
1 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 0.766 0.442 0.449
1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0.722 0.315 0.321
F. Jiang et al.

1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0.714 0.324 0.324

1 0 1 1 1 0 37 0 0.651 0.371 0.491
Asset-­ Frequency Anonymity Transferability Modularity Product (≥2) Low perfor- Raw PRI PRODUCT
lightness Category mance
1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0.864 0.666 0.679

© 2021 Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0.862 0.676 0.676
1 0 0 1 0 1 6 1 0.808 0.542 0.551
1 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0.797 0.512 0.519
1 0 0 1 1 1 6 0 0.739 0.340 0.374
1 1 0 0 1 0 9 0 0.691 0.304 0.312
1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0.687 0.227 0.233
1 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 0.667 0.128 0.131
Appendix 1. Continued

Causal Conditions Number Outcome Consistency

Product High
Asset-­lightness Frequency Anonymity Transferability Modularity Category (≥2) performance Raw PRI PRODUCT

1 0 1 1 1 0 37 0 0.658 0.384 0.508

0 1 1 1 1 0 3 0 0.545 0.107 0.108
0 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 0.498 0.082 0.084

Raw consistency refers to the degree to which membership in that corner of the vector space is a consistent subset of membership in the outcome (Ragin, 2017); PRI consistency refers
to an alternative measure of consistency for fuzzy sets based on a quasi-­proportional reduction in error calculation (Ragin, 2017). The PRODUCT value of consistency is a comple-
mentary consistency measurement, which results from multiplying Raw consistency by PRI (Schneider and Wagemann, 2012).bThe column of ‘Number of cases’ that are greater than
2 is kept because a high standard of frequency cut-­off (=2) is set.cThe truth table analysis serves two key goals in this study. First, it identifies explicit connections between combinations
of causal conditions and outcomes. By listing the different logically possible combinations of conditions, it is possible to assess not only the sufficiency of a specific configurational
solution, but also the sufficiency of the other logically possible combinations of conditions that can be constructed from these causal conditions (Ragin, 2008, p. 24). Second, it can
transparently reveal the rationale of cut-­off decisions in the sufficiency analyses.
The Sharing Economy and Business Model Design

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