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Business Models For Industrial Symbiosis A Taxonomy Focused On The Form of Governance

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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

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Business models for industrial symbiosis: A taxonomy focused on the form of T

Luca Fraccasciaa,b, Ilaria Giannoccaroc, , Vito Albinoc

Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering “Antonio Ruberti”, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Department of Mechanics, Mathematics, and Management, Polytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy


Keywords: The aim of this paper is to propose a taxonomy of industrial symbiosis (IS) business models. Rather than to adopt
Industrial symbiosis a firm perspective, we take a system perspective and focus on the governance of the system made up of the firms
Sustainable business models implementing IS, being the latter considered an important factor influencing firm’s competitive advantage. Four
Taxonomy extreme IS business models are identified, characterized on the basis of two governance features: (1) need for
coordination and (2) centralization of control. For each model, the main characteristics are presented and the
main factors influencing firm value creation and value capture discussed. In doing so, our study contributes to
Circular economy
clarify how and why firms applying IS practice can gain competitive advantage, a major gap in the current
literature. Consequently, we contribute to the practical development of IS, which appears to be still not fully
exploited by firms, despite its relevance.

1. Introduction CE strategies. It involves complex and multiple relationships among

firms producing and using wastes (forming the so-called IS network),
Facing the challenge to pursue sustainable development, firms are rather than considering product-service systems or models of colla-
looking for new ways to do business delivering at the same time en- borative consumption, in which mainly customers play a central role.
vironmental and social benefits (e.g., Schaltegger et al., 2016). Sus- Such a difference aspect modifies the source of competitive advantage
tainable business models are proposed to help firms in this regard (e.g., for firms, so that a specific analysis of business models is required for IS
Boons and Lüdeke-Freund, 2013; Manninen et al., 2018). systems.
A very promising sustainable business model derives from the firm’s We also note a limitation of CE business models that needs to be
adoption of Industrial Symbiosis (IS) practice. This is a collaborative overcome. Despite the diversity of the business model conceptualiza-
approach concerning the physical exchange of materials, energy, and tions used, most of the CE business models proposed mainly adopt the
services between partnering firms and utility sharing of related infra- firm perspective, with a notable exception (Tsvetkova and Gustafsson,
structures (Chertow, 2000; Lombardi and Laybourn, 2012). In parti- 2012). This is problematic because integrating CE into business models
cular, wastes produced by a firm are used as inputs by other firms. requires a systemic view that considers different elements of the system
There are many examples of successful adoptions of the IS practice and their interrelations (Evans et al., 2017; Zucchella and Previtali,
(e.g., Jacobsen, 2006; Taddeo et al., 2017; Yang and Feng, 2008) as 2018). This is especially true for an IS system, where firms are em-
well as many studies in the literature investigating models and ap- bedded in a complex and effective network of IS relationships, invol-
proaches of implementation (e.g., Albino and Fraccascia, 2015; ving a variety of actors (i.e., stakeholders, government, social actors,
Chertow and Ehrenfeld, 2012; Doménech and Davies, 2011). facilitators, and firms). Neglecting this crucial aspect limits the under-
However, an overall framework for classifying IS business models is stating of the source of value creation and value capture for firms im-
currently lacking in the literature. Many classifications are proposed in plementing CE and, in particular, IS.
the literature, but they refer to circular economy (CE) business models Therefore, the aim of this paper is providing a taxonomy specifically
in general (Bocken et al., 2014; Boons and Lüdeke-Freund, 2013; developed for IS business models, which adopts the system rather than
Lewandowski, 2016; Lüdeke-Freund et al., 2018b, 2018a; Manninen the firm perspective. In doing so, we refer to business model literature
et al., 2018) and do not explicitly focus on IS. However, IS differs from and more recent conceptualizations including system dimensions.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I. Giannoccaro).
Received 9 January 2019; Received in revised form 11 March 2019; Accepted 14 March 2019
0921-3449/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

These conceptualizations extend the firm dimensions (e.g., strategy, companies might be enhanced) (Boons et al., 2017; Chertow, 2000;
structure, and revenue model), to include features referring to the Tudor et al., 2007).
whole system, such as supply chain, governance, and customers. They The network of entities among which IS relationships exist is re-
are applied to supply networks (e.g., Mason and Leek, 2008), industrial ferred to as IS network (ISN) (Fichtner et al., 2005). According to the
clusters (e.g., Arıkan and Schilling, 2011), and e-business models (e.g., 3–2 heuristic logic proposed by Chertow (2007), an ISN is defined as a
Zott et al., 2011). In particular, these extended models recognize that network in which there are at least three different entities exchanging
value creation and value capture are affected by how the complex, at least two different types of waste. The entities may belong to a single
interconnected set of exchange relationships and activities among large organization such as an industrial group (e.g. the Guitang Group),
multiple players (i.e., suppliers, partners, customers) is physically may be separate industrial plants of a single company or, in general,
structured and managed (Zott et al., 2011; Zott and Amit, 2009). This may correspond to independent firms. This is consistent with the con-
accords well with the IS features above-mentioned. ceptualization of IS relationship given by Chertow et al. (2000) and
Therefore, we focus on the governance of the IS system and argue Lombardi and Laybourn (2012).
that it influences how firms create and capture value by means of the However, in ISNs, each company can be simultaneously involved in
adoption of IS. In particular, we propose a taxonomy of IS business more symbiotic relationships with other companies. The IS practice
models based on two IS governance dimensions, i.e., the need for co- allows firms to encompass the borders of traditional supply chains be-
ordination and the centralization of control (Arıkan and Schilling, cause symbiotic relationships are usually implemented among compa-
2011). Extreme values of these two dimensions give rise to four cate- nies belonging to different industries that might not cooperate in tra-
gories of IS business models that we characterize in terms of main value ditional business models (Bansal and McNight, 2009; Geng and Côté,
creation and value capture features. 2007; Herczeg et al., 2018; Jensen, 2016). In addition to waste pro-
The paper is organized as follows. First, we describe the theoretical ducers and waste receivers, also companies carrying out waste treat-
background of this study by providing a literature review of IS, business ment processes can take part in ISNs, when a waste treatment process is
models, and sustainable business models. Then, we discuss our tax- required to make the waste able to be used as input (e.g., Aviso, 2014;
onomy of IS business models, highlighting for each class the main Hein et al., 2017b; Lèbre et al., 2017; Liwarska-Bizukojc et al., 2009;
features and the main sources of value creation and capture. Finally, we Shi and Chertow, 2017).
present the implications of our study. Two prominent formation mechanisms of ISNs have been re-
cognized in the literature. ISNs can be designed by adopting a top-down
2. Theoretical background approach or can spontaneously emerge from the bottom, as the result of
a self-organized process carried out by different companies (Chertow
2.1. Industrial symbiosis and Ehrenfeld, 2012; Doménech and Davies, 2011; Park et al., 2008;
Zhang et al., 2010).
IS is recognized as an approach able to support the transition to-
wards CE (e.g., Ghisellini et al., 2016; Korhonen et al., 2018). Ac- 2.2. Business models: definitions and conceptualizations
cording to the symbiotic practice, materials, energy, and water gener-
ated as wastes by one production process can be used by other The business model is a popular concept spread in strategic and
production processes instead of being discharged. Companies can use technology management literature. The term mainly refers to the con-
wastes to replace production inputs or exploit them to generate new ceptual logic of how the firm creates and appropriates economic value
products, which are sold on the market (Albino and Fraccascia, 2015). (Osterwalder, 2004). Many conceptualizations are available, each dif-
By adopting the IS practice, companies gain economic benefits thanks fering in scope and conceptual focus (e.g., Wirtz, 2011; Zott et al.,
to reducing waste discharge costs and input purchase costs (Esty and 2011). Despite this, all of them recognize the strategic intent of the
Porter, 1998; Yuan and Shi, 2009) while creating environmental and business model as a tool for designing business activities as well as for a
social benefits for the collectivity. In particular, environmental benefits comprehensive, cross-company description and analysis. The business
can be created in form of lower amounts of wastes disposed of in model reflects the firm realized strategy, highlighting the combination
landfills, lower amounts of primary inputs, raw materials, and fossil of product and market factors needed to implement such a strategy, and
fuels used by industry, and lower amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) the functions of all the involved actors. Furthermore, it defines: (1) the
emissions generated (e.g., Hashimoto et al., 2010; Jacobsen, 2006; value proposition, i.e., what is the firm’s basic approach to competitive
Martin and Eklund, 2011; Sokka et al., 2011). From the social per- advantage; (2) the value creation, i.e., what is the source of firm’s
spective, the IS practice can create new jobs and help to preserve the competitive advantage; and (3) the value capture, i.e., how the firm
current ones (Mirata and Emtairah, 2005; Sgarbossa and Russo, 2017). generates revenue and profit (Richardson, 2008).
Accordingly, the European Commission has explicitly recommended the Zott and Amit (2009) conceptualize the firm’s business model as a
adoption of the IS approach (Domenech and Bahn-Walkowiak, 2017; system of interdependent activities that transcends the focal firm and
European Commission, 2015) and policymakers in many countries have spans its boundaries. In fact, even though some researchers view the
introduced IS into their economic agenda as a tool for reaching a sus- business model closer to the firm (e.g., Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart,
tainable economic development (e.g., Liu et al., 2017). 2010; Hurt, 2008), others place it closer to the network in which the
IS can be adopted at different geographic levels: within a facility, firm is involved (e.g., Amit and Zott, 2001; Tapscott et al., 2000). In
among co-located companies, and among companies not in close fact, a business model cannot be reduced to issues that concern the
proximity (Chertow, 2000). Technical and economic issues dominate internal organization of firms. Many activities relevant to the focal
the choice of the spatial level. The close proximity among the involved firms for creating and capturing value will be not performed by the firm
companies is an essential requisite for the feasibility of the symbiotic itself, but by its extended network, which includes suppliers, partners,
exchange when physical infrastructures (e.g., pipelines) are required to and customers. These actors contribute to define the overall “size of the
operate the IS synergy (e.g., Han et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2016). In the value pie”, which is the upper limit of the firm’s value capture potential.
other cases, IS relationships may arise among firms very distant from How this complex network of activities is organized is also critical for
each other as far as they are economically convenient (Jensen et al., value creation and value capture. Therefore, some business model
2011; Lyons, 2007; Sterr and Ott, 2004). Nevertheless, geographic conceptualizations include value network, supply chain, and govern-
proximity is considered as a potential facilitator for IS relationships ance of the system as relevant dimensions. For example, Hamel (2000)
because of economic (waste transportation costs are minimized when introduces the customer interface and the value network beyond the
companies are in close proximity) and social issues (trust among classical elements concerning the core strategy and the strategic

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

Table 1 propose a modular approach to analyze business models of industrial

Firm vs. system dimensions in business model conceptualizations. ecosystems, which highlights the involved actors and their interaction
Firm-level dimensions System-level dimensions patterns aimed at creating value. This is consistent with system-level
conceptualization of business models.
Content Supply Chain To the best of our knowledge, no sustainable business model clas-
Structure Value network
sification focuses on the governance dimension. We overcome this lack
Revenue model Customer interface
Activity Governance
with reference to a specific class of sustainable business models, i.e.
those implementing the IS practice.

resources of the firm. Doganova and Eyquem-Renault (2009) add the 3. Framework for classifying is business models
list of the partners and channels, through which firm’s value is pro-
duced and delivered, among the three main building blocks of a busi- To develop our framework, following Richardson (2008), we first
ness model along with the value proposition and the revenue model. consider that any business model is defined by three elements: (1) the
Zott and Amit (2010) argue that the system governing relationships value proposition, (2) the value creation, and (3) the value capture.
between the firms and its partners (suppliers and customers) together However, we note that the value proposition is not critical to differ IS
with the content and the structure are elements of a successful business business models, because for all of them the value proposition relies on
model. Table 1 summarizes the main dimensions included in the firm- two main CE strategies: (1) “creating value from waste”; and (2)
and system-level conceptualizations of business models. Referring to “maximize material and energy efficiency”. The first strategy corre-
this study, in this paper, we consider the governance of the system sponds to using waste to produce new products to sell to the market or
made up of all the actors involved in the adoption the IS practice as a to other firms; the second strategy concerns reducing the amount of
fundamental dimension of IS business model. We explain our argu- virgin materials used in the production processes (Bocken et al., 2014).
mentations in the next sections. Thus, we neglect this dimension in further analysis. It follows that IS
business models differ only on the basis of value creation and value
capture. Value creation refers to the ability of ISNs to develop value for
2.3. Sustainable business models final customers in terms of products and services exploiting the two CE
strategies above-mentioned. Value captures resides in the ability of IS
Sustainable business models “create competitive advantage through firms to capture customer value optimizing costs and revenues coming
superior customer value and contribute to a sustainable development of the from the two CE strategies.
company and society” (Lüdeke-Freund, 2010, p. 23). Therefore, com- Referring to the recent conceptualizations of business models em-
pared to a classical business model, the value proposition of a sus- phasizing the system perspective, we recognize that the governance of
tainable business model includes value for society and natural en- IS systems is important in affecting both value creation and value
vironment in addition to the economic value for the firm (Boons and capture. This describes how the network of relationships resulting from
Lüdeke-Freund, 2013; Manninen et al., 2018; Schaltegger et al., 2016). the implementation of IS practice is organized and managed so influ-
Different classifications of sustainable business models have been encing both the value creation and the value capture (Fig. 1). This
developed in the literature, based on several criteria. The earliest variable is shown to be very critical for the efficacy of IS systems (Sun
classification is provided by Bocken et al. (2014), who identify eight et al., 2017b)
archetypes on the basis of the type of innovation, i.e. technological, In the following, we first define the governance dimensions of an IS
social, or organizational oriented innovations. Similarly, Lüdeke- system: (1) need for coordination and (2) centralization of control.
Freund et al. (2018a) identify 45 patterns of sustainable business Then, we discuss the four classes of IS business models so identified. In
models on the basis of ecological, social, and economic sustainability particular, for each class, we describe the main features by providing
dimensions of sustainability. Other classifications focus on the strate- empirical examples and we elucidate the value creation and value
gies that contribute to make circular the economic system, for example capture features.
by slowing, closing, or narrowing the resource loops (Bocken et al.,
2016; Lüdeke-Freund et al. (2018b) or by using the actions proposed in
3.1. The IS governance dimensions
the ReSOLVE framework developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation
(Lewandowski, 2016). A different approach is used by Urbinati et al.
The need for coordination among firms occurs when the adoption of
(2017). Rather than to focus on CE strategies, they refer to the degree of
IS practice determines the existence of interdependencies between firms
adoption of circularity, distinguishing among linear, downstream cir-
to manage. “Management scholars use the term interdependence to suggest
cular, upstream circular, and full circular business models. Each busi-
[that two or more parties] are dependent on each other to achieve their
ness model is defined along two dimensions: (1) the customer value
desired outcomes” (Wicks et al., 1999, p. 104). There are different types
proposition and interface, i.e., the implementation of the circularity
of interdependencies: internal vs. external and workflow vs. resource
concept in proposing value to customers; (2) the value network, i.e., the
(Thompson, 1967). In particular, resource interdependence occurs
ways through which interacting with suppliers and reorganizing the
when two or more parties are dependent on the resources they receive
own internal activities. This is a first attempt to introduce a system
from each other (Pfeffer and Salancik, 2003). The symbiotic relation-
perspective in CE business models taxonomy.
ship is a type of resource interdependence, which mainly involves the
In foregoing studies on sustainable business models, in fact, the
system perspective is almost neglected. As said above, most of them
focus on CE strategies that firms can independently implement, whereas
just a limited number of CE business models include system-level di-
mensions such as supply chain and value network. A notable exception
is provided by Urbinati et al. (2017) and Tsvetkova and Gustafsson
(2012). In particular, the latter, rather than analyzing the single com-
pany, focus on industrial ecosystems, i.e., complex systems “made up of
a large number of parts that interact in a nonsimple way” (Simon, 1962, p.
468), where companies need to interact amongst each other in the
adoption of sustainable business models. In particular, the authors Fig. 1. Conceptualization of the IS business model.

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

physical exchange of materials, energy, water, and by-products with other companies.
(Chertow, 2000). Since the basic mechanism of IS is that one firm’s Because firm internalizes the IS relationship within its boundary,
waste becomes another firm’s feedstock (Frosch and Gallopulos, 1989), both the need for coordination and the centralization of control are low.
firms involved in IS relationships become resource interdependent one Hence, rather than to be a complex network of IS relationships, this
from each other (Ehrenfeld and Gertler, 1997). This type of inter- model is made up of symbiotic synergies adopted within boundaries of
dependence may also extend from the operational level to the strategic one company or at most of an industrial group.
one when a company uses wastes from the other company to generate A real case of a company implementing such a model is offered by
new products for the market (Albino and Fraccascia, 2015). the Guitang Group, one of the biggest Chinese sugar producers, estab-
As firms become more and more embedded in the network of IS lished by the Chinese government in 1956 (Shi and Chertow, 2017;
relationships, the degree of interdependence also rises and the need for Yang and Feng, 2008; Zhu et al., 2008). At the time of establishment,
coordination becomes high. In this regard, companies face inter-orga- the Guitang Group produced sugar and molasses as main products and
nizational challenges and several inter-firms activities need to be exploited waste molasses to produce alcohol. In the 1970–80 s, Guitang
planned to carry out the IS relationship (Bansal and McNight, 2009; Group started to exploit the fibrous by-product of sugarcane to produce
Herczeg et al., 2018). First, companies should agree on the quantity of toilet paper, which was sold on the market. During this time, further
waste that will be exchanged and the delivery time. Planning the right symbiotic exchanges were implemented among the sugar, alcohol, and
amount of waste that will be delivered to the right customer at the right paper production processes. In the 1990s, Guitang Group started to
time can be harder compared to similar activities in traditional busi- produce and sell on the market other products (e.g., alkali, cement,
nesses, since waste is not produced upon demand but emerges as a fertilizer) to capture more value from the wastes. A similar case in the
secondary output of main production activities (Densley Tingley et al., UK is described by Short et al. (2014).
2017; Yazan et al., 2016). Furthermore, some wastes might require a Companies producing energy and alternative fuels from the wastes
treatment process before being used as inputs, e.g., removing impurities they produce are further real cases of this model. Several examples are
or contaminants from the waste (e.g., Aviso, 2014; Hashimoto et al., discussed in the literature. For instance: (1) the animal manure pro-
2010), which can be operated by a third firm. Such a practice increases duced by a smallholder farm can be used to produce methane and the
the complexity of the IS relationship, which needs additional co- digestate resulting from anaerobic digestion can be used as fertilizer
ordination. The need for coordination impacts on the amount of (Alfaro and Miller, 2014); (2) liquid fuel, biochar, and gas fuel can be
transaction costs for the involved companies. Accordingly, when inter- achieved from solid and semi-solid wastes produced in an olive farm
firm relationships require greater coordination, transaction costs in- (Zabaniotou et al., 2015); (3) spent grain from beer production can be
crease, ceteris paribus (e.g., Gereffi et al., 2005). Rather than to ex- converted into pellet that will be used for heat generation in beer
change waste with another company, waste producers might use wastes production or into biochar through thermochemical process of pyro-
within their boundaries (e.g., by using a waste produced by a given gasification (Sperandio et al., 2017). These products generated by ex-
production process as input for other production processes or simply ploiting wastes can be used either within the company or sold on the
selling wastes on the market, when a waste market exists) (e.g., Shi and market.
Chertow, 2017; Zhu et al., 2008). In such a case, there is no inter- In creating value, companies do not need to cooperate with other
dependence between firms within the system and the need for co- ones, so that they need to pay neither waste transportation costs nor
ordination is thus low, thus resulting in low transaction costs for the transaction costs. The value creation process depends on their technical
company. However, in order to use a given waste internally, companies and organizational abilities to exploit the wastes they produce to re-
need to operate production processes able to receive that waste as place primary inputs or to generate new products. In this regard,
input. companies should have knowledge about the relevant technology to use
The governance of the IS system is also characterized by cen- and should possess the ability to design and implement new production
tralization of control, i.e., the extent to which a central actor manages processes (e.g., processes for waste treatment of new product genera-
the entire system of relationships. A high centralization of control re- tion) and to upgrade existing processes (e.g., make processes able to use
gards IS systems managed by a central actor who has disproportionate wastes as production inputs). They should be able to face this internal
authority over which companies become part of the system, which change and properly manage the traditional and new production pro-
symbiotic interactions take place, and how IS relationships are oper- cesses together.
ated. This is the case of the top-down eco-industrial parks (Behera et al., Companies can capture value through the following possibilities: (1)
2012; Ubando et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2014) but also IS practices man- reduction in waste disposal costs (WDC); (2) reduction in input pur-
aged by local governments and recently IS experiences leaded by re- chase costs (IPC); (3) additional gains from selling the new products
search centers (Geng et al., 2010; Park et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017a). generated from wastes (AGP); (4) additional gains thanks to the better
Conversely, centralization of control is low when symbiotic relation- environmental reputation of the company (AGR), in form of premium
ships are managed by adopting a decentralized approach. The IS re- price for their products and higher amount sold on the market.
lationships are regulated by contractual mechanisms negotiated by the However, the value created can be eroded by additional costs required
involved companies, without the existence of a central authority for making wastes able to be used as inputs (ACR). The value captured
(Albino et al., 2016; Desrochers, 2004). Low centralization of control is (CV) by the generic company i is given by the following equation:
a feature characterizing self-organized ISNs (Chertow and Ehrenfeld, CVi = WDCi + IPCi + AGPi + AGRi ACRi (1)
As shown in Fig. 2, the extreme values of need for coordination and We provide details about how to quantify each term of this equation
centralization of control identify four types of IS business models. in the Appendix (see Table A1). In particular, the variables, con-
tributing to the value captured by firms in the four business models
3.2. Framework description proposed, are given in Table A1. The aim is to assist companies in
quantifying the portion of value created they can capture in each
3.2.1. Low coordination and low centralization business model, but also to suggest them which factors are critical to
This IS business model characterizes firms implementing the IS improve it.
practice within their organizational boundaries. Firms can follow two
models: (1) using wastes as inputs for their production processes; and 3.2.2. Low coordination and high centralization
(2) exploiting wastes to produce new products, which are sold on the This IS business model characterizes companies that replace pro-
market. By adopting such a model, firms are not required to interact duction inputs with urban wastes or use them to produce new products.

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

Fig. 2. Taxonomic dimensions of IS business models.

These companies adopt the IS practice internally with minimal inter- cities. Apart from receiving subsidies, companies might also be paid to
actions with other firms, similarly to the model above, but are usually manage urban wastes. The Eco-town programme was adopted in 26
co-located in a geographical area. Companies maintain their in- Japanese cities. The most famous case in the literature is Kawasaki
dependence and do not exchange resources amongst each other. (Hashimoto et al., 2010), where four main IS synergies have been im-
Therefore, the system is characterized by a low need for coordination. plemented thanks to the governmental intervention; (1) plastic wastes
However, differently from the case above, this system is characterized (127,800 t/y) are used as alternative fuel replacing coal; (2) wastes
by high-centralized control, because the re-use of urban waste is from construction sites (70,700 t/y) are used in cement production; (3)
strongly supported by the territorial government of the area. A muni- organic sludge and sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plant are
cipal committee usually exists that identify companies that can locate used in cement production; and (4) paper wastes (84,000 t/y) are used
into the area, provides them with support for the project investigation, to produce toilet paper. Apart from waste diversion from incinerators,
and elaborate future plans. The committee can attract companies by additional environmental benefits were created in form of lower CO2
providing economic incentives or financing the construction of new emissions. Compared to other IS projects, this model does not suffer
plants. The governmental intervention is mainly aimed at diverting from fluctuations in the amount of produced wastes in the long period,
wastes from landfills, according to the concept of “zero waste city” which is recognized as an important issue limiting the feasibility of IS
(Zaman and Lehmann, 2013, 2011). projects (Herczeg et al., 2018). This occurs because of the stable pro-
Such a model was adopted for example by the Japanese government duction of urban wastes compared to industrial waste. However, it is
when implementing the Eco-town programme (Hashimoto et al., 2010; highly dependent on the policy instruments.
Ohnishi et al., 2012; Van Berkel et al., 2009b, 2009a). The Eco-town In this business model, companies create value by strongly co-
programme was mainly aimed at reducing the amounts of urban wastes operating with the local government and localizing their plants in close
incinerated, because of the lack of adequate space in landfills to dispose proximity to the municipality. Furthermore, companies are required to
of the ash resulting from the incineration process. Companies able to adapt their production processes, from both the technical and organi-
use urban wastes in production processes were subsidized by the gov- zational perspective, in order to make them able to use urban wastes in
ernment to locate their factories in industrial areas close to Japanese place of primary inputs. This may also require that companies

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

implement additional processes, for instance sorting wastes aimed at (Albino et al., 2016). The bargaining power of companies plays a key
removing impurities (Hashimoto et al., 2010). In some cases, companies role on the negotiation process. Bargaining power mainly depends on
might be also required to manage the collection process for urban the economic benefits that the partnering firms gain from the IS re-
wastes. lationship (Yazan et al., 2012). For instance, if the waste discharge cost
Similarly to the model above, companies can capture value through: (input purchase cost) is much higher than the input purchase cost
(1) reduction in input purchase costs (IPC); (2) additional gains from (waste discharge cost), the waste user (waste producer) has a higher
selling the new products generated from wastes (AGP); (3) additional bargaining power than the waste producer (user). Obviously, bar-
gains thanks to the better environmental reputation of the company, in gaining power affects how the additional costs are shared among par-
form of premium price for their products and higher amount sold on the ties as well as the definition of the waste exchange price. It is note-
market (AGR). In addition, this model allows value to be captured by worthy that during this negotiation phase firms sustain transaction
means of economic subsidies from the government (S), in form of ad- costs, which can substantially erode the economic benefits created by
ditional revenues or tax discounts (4). However, the value created can the IS approach (Chertow and Ehrenfeld, 2012). To reduce them, firms
be eroded by: (1) additional waste treatment costs (ACR); and (2) waste resort to collaborative and long-term relationships. Trust-based gov-
collection and transportation costs (ACT). The value captured by the ernance mechanisms have been also introduced for sustaining and
generic company i (CVi) can be computed by the following equation, nurturing the cooperative exchange (Gibbs, 2003; Gibbs and Deutz,
whose elements are presented in Table A1: 2007; Hewes and Lyons, 2008; Lambert and Boons, 2002). Trust is fa-
vored by the geographical proximity among firms, enhance the trans-
CVi = IPCi + AGPi + AGRi + Si (ACRi + ACTi ) (2)
parency of actions and information sharing, and foster cooperation
among firms (Hewes and Lyons, 2008). The existence of strong social
3.2.3. High coordination and low centralization ties, familiarity, and shared norms among firms effectively limit op-
This IS business model corresponds to the case of firms forming a portunistic behavior by firms. Therefore, even though the likelihood of
self-organized ISN. Here, firms selling waste produced in their pro- achieving a unilateral and opportunistic gain in interrupting the sym-
duction process and firms buying waste to replace their production biotic relationships is high, firms do not exploit this, because of the high
input can be distinguished. They spontaneously decide to carry out a level of trust (Jensen et al., 2011). In this regard, recent studies confirm
symbiotic exchange so as forming a complex network of IS relation- that many IS exchanges rely upon social relationships (e.g., Ashton,
ships, mainly for gaining economic and environmental benefits 2008; Jacobsen, 2006; Krones, 2017).
(Ashton, 2011; Lyons, 2007). Economic and environmental benefits The most famous real case of this type of model is the ISN in
created by these relationships become visible even outside the ISN, Kalundborg, Denmark (Jacobsen, 2006; Valero et al., 2013). Such a
improving the market image of the companies involved. Each firm can network has been created through an evolutionary process in which
be simultaneously involved in multiple IS relationships with more than independent by-product exchanges have gradually evolved into a
one company, so that the network of relationships proves to be complex complex web of IS interactions among co-located companies and the
(Chopra and Khanna, 2014; Fraccascia et al., 2017). Thus, the need for local municipality. The first symbiotic exchange between two compa-
coordination is high. The dynamics underlying the creation of self-or- nies was implemented in 1961; the ISN accounts now for twenty-three
ganized ISNs have been extensively described by the literature (e.g., IS exchanges among eight plants and the local municipality, which does
Boons et al., 2017) and several theoretical models have been proposed not give any financial support to firms. The involved companies belong
(Baas and Boons, 2004; Chertow and Ehrenfeld, 2012; Doménech and to different sectors: energy plant, plasterboard producer, refinery,
Davies, 2011). second-generation biofuel producer, wastewater plant, enzymes pro-
This model is characterized by a low centralization of control. No ducer, insulin producer, and waste management company. These
single firm usually holds significant power in the network letting it companies exchange among them thirteen waste materials, water, and
controlling and guiding the system towards a desired direction. In fact, energy.
it might happen that companies in one part of the ISNs have partial or In this business model, each company creates value by cooperating
even no knowledge about companies in other parts of the ISN (e.g., and collaborating with other companies, playing the role of waste
Boons et al., 2017). The system is also characterized by high adap- supplier or customer. Hence, the value creation process depends on the
tiveness. It is very common that over time new IS relationships are company’s ability to find partnering company requiring wastes it pro-
created and some existing ones are interrupted, because of the ex- duces and producing wastes it requires at low cost, as well as to ne-
ploitation of current economic benefits. Similarly, new companies often gotiate contractual clauses related to economic and operative issues
enter into the network and existing ones leave the system (Ashton et al., (i.e., the waste exchange price, how to share additional costs, waste
2017; Zhu and Ruth, 2014). This assures high flexibility to the network. delivery time and frequency, etc.) so that each IS relationship is con-
However, the perfect match between demand and supply of wastes venient enough for all the involved companies. It is also important the
cannot always be ensured by this spontaneous mechanism (Fraccascia ability to develop and nurturing trust-based relationships with part-
and Yazan, 2018). Mismatch between demand and supply can occur nering firms, which can favor the creation of IS relationships.
because of: (1) the lack of firms producing (requiring) a given waste for In these model the generic company (waste selling or buying firm)
which demand (supply) exists (Alfaro and Miller, 2014; Eilering and can capture value through: (1) reduction in waste disposal cost (WDC);
Vermeulen, 2004; Fichtner et al., 2005); (2) the lack of information, (2) reduction in input purchase costs (IPC); (3) additional gains thanks
i.e., demand (supply) for a given waste exists but firms producing (re- to the better environmental reputation of the company (AGR); (4) ad-
quiring) that waste are not aware of such a demand (supply) (Aid et al., ditional gains from selling wastes (AGW); and (5) additional gains from
2017; Chertow, 2007; Golev et al., 2015; Sakr et al., 2011; Zhu and selling waste disposal service (i.e., the waste producer company pays
Cote, 2004). the waste user company to dispose of its waste) (AGD). However, there
Contractual clauses negotiated by the involved parties rule the IS are additional costs that can erode value: (1) waste treatment costs
relationships. These prescribe the operations for carrying out the waste (ACR); (2) waste transportation costs (ACT); (3) waste purchase costs
exchange, specify how the parties share the costs stemming from the IS (i.e., the waste user company pays the waste producer company to
relationship (e.g., waste treatment and waste transportation costs, costs purchase its waste) (ACW); (4) waste disposal service costs (i.e., the
to build new infrastructures), and fix the waste exchange price. In this waste producer company pays the waste user company to dispose of its
regard, it may happen that: (1) the waste user pays the waste producer waste) (ACD); and (5) transaction costs (CC). The value captured by the
to purchase the waste; (2) the waste producer pays the waste user to generic company i (CVi) is given by Eq. (3), whose variables are defined
dispose of its waste; (3) the waste exchange is operated free of charges in Table A1 given in Appendix.

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

CVi = WDCi + IPCi + AGRi + AGWi + AGDi input. In addition, other waste treatment facilities have been sub-
sidized. The AC was also engaged in several activities aimed at sup-
(ACRi + ACTi + ACWi + AGDi + CCi ) (3)
porting companies in implementing IS exchanges. For instance, experts
organized by TEDA selected one company each month and investigated
3.2.4. High coordination and high centralization the efficiency of its energy and water usage, aimed at providing the
This business model characterizes firms (selling wastes and buying company management with potential solutions to minimize waste. In
waste) involved in complex and multiple IS relationships, which are addition, a solid waste management information system was developed
designed and planned by a central authority. This business model to highlight possible IS synergies to be implemented, based on data
usually corresponds to the case of industrial symbiotic parks created by provided by companies in workshops organized ad hoc. Companies
means of governmental initiatives, mainly driven by environmental belonging to the park are required to monitor their environmental
concerns. In fact, governments support eco-industrial parks when impact. The AC has the power to punish companies failing in do this by
tackling the challenge to reduce the environmental impact of industrial depriving them of preferential policies and to give financial rewards to
activities by limiting the amounts of primary inputs used, wastes dis- companies that continued publishing their environmental information.
posed of in the landfill, and GHG emissions generated (Farel et al., In this model, companies create value through localizing their fa-
2016; Liu et al., 2018). Readers who are interested to examine in depth cilities into the area of the park and accepting that a central authority
these dynamics are referred to Boons et al. (2017). In addition, since manages their IS relationships. Therefore, it is important that firms are
companies are localized in close geographic proximity, they can exploit available to outsource the management of IS relationships to the central
the shared use of utility infrastructure, for example for energy pro- authority and is able to effectively manage the relationship with it. This
duction, water, and wastewater treatment (e.g., Eilering and implies that companies need to disclose sensitive information with the
Vermeulen, 2004; Van Beers et al., 2007). The geographic proximity central authority, so that it can manage IS relationships with an in-
offers two further advantages. First, waste transportation costs are tegrated approach and monitor the environmental performance.
minimized, because of the co-localization of companies. Second, since it Companies can create additional values by sharing infrastructures and
is likely that personal social relationships exist among managers of services amongst them, thanks to their close proximity.
different companies, transaction costs tend to be low (e.g., Hewes and Companies can capture value through: (1) reduction in waste dis-
Lyons, 2008). From the financial perspective, the government supports posal cost (WDC); (2) reduction in input purchase costs (IPC); (3) re-
companies by offering preferential policies on land lease and tax re- duction in infrastructures, service, and utility costs (ISC); (4) additional
duction (e.g., Dong et al., 2017; Shi et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2015) and it gains thanks to the better environmental reputation of the company
might finance (partially or totally) infrastructures for waste exchanges (AGR); (5) additional gains from selling wastes (AGW); (6) additional
and utility sharing (Hein et al., 2017a). gains from selling waste disposal service (i.e., the waste producer
In these parks, a central authority is in charge of the park man- company pays the waste user company to dispose of its waste) (AGD);
agement, being responsible for: (1) identifying the companies that will and (7) economic subsidies from the government (S), in form of addi-
establish their factories into the park, based on their potential con- tional revenues or tax discounts. However, the following additional
tributions to IS exchanges (e.g., companies able to be involved in ex- costs can erode such a value: (1) waste treatment costs (ACR); (2) waste
isting materials or energy flows, in order to favor a full match between transportation costs (ACT); (3) waste purchase costs (i.e., the waste user
demand and supply of waste materials); (2) designing the IS relation- company pays the waste producer company to purchase its waste)
ships to be implemented among companies; (3) managing directly op- (ACW); and (4) waste disposal service costs (i.e., the waste producer
erational and economic issues related to IS relationships or assisting company pays the waste user company to dispose of its waste) (ACD).
companies in carrying out these relationships; (4) designing infra- The value captured by the generic company i (CVi) is shown by the
structures for supporting waste exchanges; (5) picking up other activ- following equation, whose variables are defined in Table A1.
ities such as infrastructure maintenance, provision of common services,
as well as designing and managing the shared utilities; (6) assessing the CVi = WDCi + IPCi + ISCi + AGRi + AGWi + AGDi + Si
environmental and economic performance of the park; and (7) driving (ACRi + ACTi + ACWi + ACDi ) (4)
the evolution of the park (e.g., Eilering and Vermeulen, 2004; Lowe,
1997). Furthermore, such a central authority can be engaged to opti- A summary of IS business models features is given in Table 2 below.
mize the IS operations, by minimizing the operational costs or enhan-
cing the environmental performance of the park (e.g., Afshari et al., 4. Conclusions
2018; Aviso et al., 2010; Boix et al., 2015). Therefore, in this type of
system all the IS relationships are centrally managed. The central au- IS business models are a specific class of sustainable business models
thority can also be a public agency, a private company, or a public- arising from the implementation of the IS practice. We proposed a
private institution (e.g., Farel et al., 2016). Research institutes and taxonomy of IS business models which adopts a system perspective,
companies located in the park can be involved in the park management whilst previous classifications are firm-based and concerning CE in
authority (e.g., Behera et al., 2012; Lowe, 1997). general. Rather than to focus on the single-firm dimensions influencing
The eco-industrial park created in the Tianjin Economic-technolo- value creation and value capture, borrowing from recent con-
gical Development Area (TEDA) is an example of this model (Shi et al., ceptualizations of business models extended to the system and in-
2010; Yu et al., 2014). TEDA extends for 98 km2 in the Northeast of cluding suppliers and customers, we argued that it is the governance of
China and includes 46 km2 of industrial area. The area is characterized the system adopting IS to affect firm value creation and value capture.
by water and natural resource scarcity and the existing companies are Therefore, we characterized the IS business model on the basis of two
forced to rely on external resources and energy. In 1984, the Tianjin governance features: (1) need for coordination and (2) centralization of
municipal government created TEDA’s Administrative Committee (AC), control. So doing, we identified four extreme cases of IS business
which is in charge to promote the eco-development of the area. To solve models. Each of them was characterized in terms of value creation and
the waste scarcity problem, the AC promoted the building of waste- value capture and the main factors affecting both of them are identified.
water treatment plants and financed pipelines so that companies could Following the business model perspective, our study contributes to
have used treated water instead of groundwater. Furthermore, it sup- clarify how and why firms applying IS practice can gain competitive
ported cogeneration plants to produce in loco energy from wastes, fi- advantage. In doing so, we overcome a major gap in the IS literature,
nanced infrastructures to provide companies with steam resulting from which is recognized to remain quite disconnected from business studies.
the cogeneration process, and promoted the use of ashes as production This would foster firms to adopt IS favoring the development of its

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

implementation in practice. In fact, thanks to the improved knowledge

- Ability to outsource the management of IS relationships;

about the factors affecting value creation and value capture, proper

- Complex network of companies involved in multiple

strategies can be suggested to firms for the successful implementation of

Additional gains from better company reputation;

IS. In particular, we showed for each IS business model which specific

Additional gains from selling waste disposal;

exchanges managed by a central authority; technical and organizational capabilities should be possessed or en-

Economic subsidies from the government.

hanced by firms would like to implement it. Furthermore, we identified

Additional gains from selling wastes;

the main sources of value capture.
- Visibility and information sharing;

Reduction in infrastructures costs;

In the model characterized by low need for coordination and low
centralization of control, it is fundamental to improve the efficiency in

Lower input purchase costs;

Lower waste disposal costs;
waste exploitation resorting to recent advances in technology for
maximizing the amount of inputs replaced by waste and the amount of
products generated by waste. Marketing capabilities are also important
High Centralization
High Coordination

for increasing firm reputation on sustainability so as to gain higher

premium prices.
In the model characterized by low need for coordination and high
centralization of control, it is important the role of government to fully
exploit the amount of economic subsidies and thus relational cap-

- Complex network of companies involved in multiple

In the model characterized by high need for coordination and low

- Additional gains from better company reputation;

centralization of control, the ability of companies to create value

- Ability to design proper contractual mechanisms

mainly depends on the capability to negotiate advantageous contractual

- Additional gains from selling waste disposal.

clauses and to minimize transaction costs, for instance by using online

- Ability to design trust-based relationship;

platforms for finding symbiotic partners (Fraccascia and Yazan, 2018)

and independent resource exchanges;

- Additional gains from selling wastes;

or by implementing long-time and trust-based relationships with part-

- Ability to search for new partner;

ners (Doménech and Davies, 2011; Hewes and Lyons, 2008).

- Lower input purchase costs;
- Lower waste disposal costs;

In the model characterized by high need for coordination and high

centralization of control, the ability of companies to create value stands
ruling relationships;

in maximizing the amount of economic subsidies received from the

government and exploiting services and infrastructures provided by the
Low Centralization
High Coordination

The findings of this paper also contribute to the development of IS
literature. To the best of our knowledge, no study recognizes the im-
portance of the two governance dimensions proposed in this paper si-
multaneously. A common way to classify ISNs is in fact to distinguish
between top-down vs bottom-up approach (Chertow and Ehrenfeld,
- Companies replace production inputs

- Cooperation with local government;

2012; Doménech and Davies, 2011; Park et al., 2008; Zhang et al.,
- Localization close to municipality;

- Additional gains from selling new

- Ability to reconfigure production

2010). This however limits the analysis to the process by which the ISNs
- Companies use urban wastes to

- Economic subsidies from the

emerge, which is led by the government in one case (top-down) or is

- Lower input purchase costs;

spontaneous and self-organized in the other one (bottom-up). From the

produce new products;

strategic point of view, however, it is critical to characterize how re-

with urban wastes;

lationships are structured and managed rather than how they emerged.
High Centralization
Low Coordination

For this reason, our study differs from Boons et al. (2017), who provide

a more nuanced classification of IS models focusing on IS dynamics,


conceptualized as “the typical path ways through which the process of IS

Summary of IS business models features for value creation and capture.

unfolds” (p. 941). Their focus is thus on how the IS relationships form
and evolve, while we characterize the ISN forms of governance. In
particular, we argued that the “need for coordination” is an important
feature to consider. We distinguished interdependence in internal (oc-
Additional gains from selling new products;
- Companies exploit wastes to produce new

curring inside the firm organizational boundaries) but also external

- Companies use wastes as inputs for their

Additional gains from better company

(between independent firms), associated with a low vs. high need for
coordination. In particular, external interdependences cause conflicting
aims among firms, which result in trade-offs that can be resolved only
products sold on the market;

Lower input purchase costs;

Lower waste disposal costs;

by coordinating and synchronizing decisions (Nair et al., 2009; Simchi-

Levi et al., 2000). In this case, complexity is high and should be
- Organizational ability;
production processes;

properly handled. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ex-
- Technical ability;

amination of this issue in IS research.

Low Centralization
Low Coordination

Our study provides also interesting implications for what concerns


future research directions. For each business model, we defined specific

factors affecting value capture and value creation. However, the in-
fluence of these variables should be empirically tested in further studies

via case study analysis (e.g., Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). In addi-
tion, we note that some factors we identified are not enough in-
Value Creation

Value Capture

vestigated in the IS literature from the theoretical point of view. For

example, we believe that the design of proper incentives regulating IS
Table 2

should be fostered. Developing models based on the game theory ap-

proach (e.g., Yazdanpanah and Yazan, 2017) can be useful at this end.

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

The effectiveness of these models can be further investigated via agent- Our study presents some limitations. As any paper proposing a
based simulation in multiple contexts (e.g., Albino et al., 2016). This taxonomy, it cannot be exhaustive. Furthermore, we simply consider
research effort may contribute to the development of low coordination both governance dimensions as binary variables, distinguishing be-
and high centralization IS type. For the high coordination and low tween low vs. high, while more nuanced values could be possible.
centralization business we suggest more investigation on the effect of Despite we adopted a system perspective, we just focused on two types
trust in IS relationship. Accordingly, a recent paper by Herczeg et al. of actors, i.e., companies and government, involved in IS relationships.
(2018) recognizes this need and addresses it. We also argue that the These systems however could also include different actors, such as so-
high coordination and high centralization IS type would benefit from cial communities and IS facilitators. They could be integrated and new
research investigating public-private partnership as well as the role of classifications proposed.
new actors such as research centers.

Appendix A

The Table A1 below describes in detail how to compute each of the terms in Eqs. (1)–(4). These terms are divided into three categories: (1) cost
reduction; (2) additional gains; and (3) additional costs.

Table A1
Variables in Eqs. (1)–(4).
Cost reduction

Reduction in waste disposal costs WDCi =

w ( i)
r (i ) n (i) lj w(i) = number of wastes produced by company i
k= 1 l=1 j = 1 eki
(WDC) dcki = cost for company i to dispose of one unit of waste k
r(i) = number of inputs required by company i
n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
ekjli = units of waste k produced by company k used by company i
to replace input l
Reduction in input purchase costs IPCi =
r ( i)
w (i ) n (i) li
ekjli r(i) = number of inputs required by company i
l= 1 k= 1 j = 1 skj
(IPC) pcli = cost for company i to purchase one unit of input l
w(i) = number of wastes produced by company i
n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
skjli = units of input l required by company i that can be replaced
by one unit of waste k produced by company j
ekjli = units of waste k produced by company j used by company i
to replace input l
Reduced costs because sharing ISCi
infrastructures and services
Additional gains
Gains thanks to selling new products m (i ) n (i ) w (i ) vi vi m(i) = number of new products generated from wastes by
AGPi = (pvi mcvi ) k = 1 qkj e
(AGP) v =1 j =1 kj company i
pvi = market price of product v sold by company i
mcvi = production cost per unit of product v for company i
n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
w(i) = number of wastes produced by company i
qkjvi = units of product v that company i can produce from one
unit of waste k produced by company j
ekjli = units of waste k produced by company j used by company i
to replace input l
Gains thanks to the better reputation AGRi =
z (i )
[ pui xui + (pui + pui mcui ) xui] z(i) = number of products sold on the market by company i
u =1
(AGR) pui = premium price for product u sold by company i thanks to
better reputation
xui = amount of product u sold on the market by company i
pui = market price of product u sold by company i
xui = additional amount of product u sold on the market by
company i thanks to better reputation
mcvi = production cost per unit of product v for company i
Gains from selling wastes (AGW) AGWi =
n (i ) w (i ) r (j )
wspkij ekilj n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
j=1 k= 1 l=1
w(i) = number of wastes produced by company i
r(j) = number of inputs required by company j
wspkij = unitary selling price for waste k paid by company j to
company i
eki = units of waste k produced by company i used by company j
to replace input l
Gains from selling waste disposal AGDi =
n (i ) w (j ) r (i )
dspkji ekjli n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
j=1 k= 1 l=1
service (AGD) w(j) = number of wastes produced by company j
r(i) = number of inputs required by company i
dspkji = unitary disposal service price for waste k paid by
company j to company i
ekjli = units of waste k produced by company j used by company i
to replace input l
(continued on next page)

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

Table A1 (continued)

Cost reduction

Subsidies from the government Si

Additional costs
Waste treatment costs (ACR) n (i ) w (i ) r (j ) lj r (i ) w (j ) n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
ACRi = j =1 k=1 l =1 ki rckilj ekilj + l =1 k=1
kj rckjli ekjli
w(i) = number of wastes produced by company i
r(j) = number of inputs required by company j
ki = percentage of waste treatment cost (to make waste k
produced by company i able to replace input l by company j)
which is paid by company i
rcki = waste treatment cost required to make one unit of waste k
produced by company i able to replace input l required by
company j
eki = units of waste k produced by company i used by company j
to replace input l
r(i) = number of inputs required by company i
w(j) = number of wastes produced by company j
kj = percentage of waste treatment cost (to make waste k
produced by company j able to replace input l by company i)
which is paid by company i
rckjli = waste treatment cost required to make one unit of waste k
produced by company j able to replace input l required by
company i
ekjli = units of waste k produced by company j used by company i
to replace input l
Waste transportation costs (ATC) n (i ) w (i ) r (j ) i j r (i ) w (j) j i n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
ATCi = j=1 k= 1 l = 1 ki tcki j lj
eki + l=1 k = 1 ki tckj i
w(i) = number of wastes produced by company i
r(j) = number of inputs required by company j
i j
ki = percentage of waste transportation costs (required to
transport waste k from company i to company j) which is paid by
company i
tcki j
= cost to transport one unit of waste k from company i to
company j
eki = units of waste k produced by company i used by company j
to replace input l
r(i) = number of inputs required by company i
w(j) = number of wastes produced by company j
j t
ki = percentage of waste transportation costs (required to
transport waste k from company j to company i) which is paid by
company i
tckj i = cost to transport one unit of waste k from company j to
company i
ekjli = units of waste k produced by company j used by company i
to replace input l
Waste purchase costs ACWi =
n (i ) w (j ) r (i )
wpckji ekjli n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
j =1 k=1 l =1
w(j) = number of wastes produced by company j
r(i) = number of inputs required by company i
wpckji = cost paid by company i to buy one unit of waste k from
company j
ekjli = units of waste k produced by company j used by company i
to replace input l
Waste disposal service cost ACDi =
n (i ) w (i ) r (j )
dsckij eki
lj n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
j =1 k=1 l =1
w(i) = number of wastes produced by company i
r(j) = number of inputs required by company j
dsckij = disposal service cost for waste k paid by company i to
company j
eki = units of waste k produced by company i used by company j
to replace input l
Transaction costs CCi =
n (i ) j n(i) = number of companies cooperating with company i
j = 1 cci
cci j = transaction costs for company i stemming from the
symbiotic cooperation with company j

L. Fraccascia, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 146 (2019) 114–126

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