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NEET Environmental Issues Important Questions

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1. Increased asthmatic attacks in certain seasons are related to

(A) eating fruits preserved in tin containers.
(B) inhalation of seasonal pollen.
(C) low temperature.
(D) hot and humid environment.

2. Escherichia coli is used as an indicator organism to

determine pollution of water with
(A) industrial effluents
(B) heavy metals
(C) pollen of aquatic plants
(D) faecal matter

3. Phosphate pollution is brought about by

(A) phosphate rocks
(B) automobile exhausts
(C) sewage and phosphate rocks
(D) sewage and agricultural fertilizers.

4. Which of the following gas has maximum contribution in

greenhouse effect?
(A) CO2 (B) CH4
(C) N2O (D) CFC

5. Minamata disease was discovered in

(A) India (B) Japan
(C) USA (D) UK

6. Which one of the following statements is incorrect
regarding Bhopal gas tragedy?
(A) Methyl isocyanate gas leakage took place.
(B) Thousands of human beings died.
(C) Radioactive fallout engulfed Bhopal.
(D) It took place in the night of December 2/3, 1984.

7. Peroxyacyl nitrates (PAN) are formed through

photochemical reactions between
(A) Sulphur oxides and hydrocarbons
(B) nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons
(C) nitrogen oxides and O3
(D) CFCl3 and O3

8. Select the incorrectly matched pair.

(A) World Environment Day - June 5
(B) Bhopal gas tragedy - December 2/3, 1984
(C) Air (Presentation and Control of Pollution) Act- 1981
(D) Hiroshima Day - August 6, 1950

9. Extinction of Dinosaurs is an example of

(A) natural extinction (B) mass extinction
(C) anthropogenic extinction (D) none of these

10. The wild life protection act was passed in

(A) 1949 (B) 1972
(C) 1912 (D) 1991

11. Generally speaking, the atmosphere in big cities is polluted
most by
(A) radioactive fall out
(B) household waste
(C) automobile exhausts
(D) pesticide residues

12. Which is not usually an air pollutant?

(A) CO2 (B) SO2
(C) Hydrocarbons (D) NO2

13. The term ‘Niche’ was first used by

(A) Clements (B) Grinnel
(C) Warming (D) Odum

14. The circulation or cycling of elements in an ecosystem is

known as
(A) geological cycling (B) geochemical cycling
(C) biogeochemical cycling (D) chemical cycling

15. Which of the following element is associated with itai-itai

(A) Cadmium (B) Copper
(C) Chromium (D) Cobalt

16. Epiphytes are an example of

(A) mutualism (B) commensalisms
(C) protocooperation (D) parasitism

17. Which of the following ecosystem has maximum
(A) Grassland (B) Estuary
(C) Tundra forest (D) Pine forest

18. Maximum amount of fresh water on earth is found as

(A) ground water (B) polar ice caps
(C) in lakes and rivers (D) in oceans

19. Ecotone contains

(A) more species than adjoining areas.
(B) less species than adjoining areas.
(C) equal number of species with adjoining areas.
(D) none of the above.

20. Age pyramid of human population in India will be

(A) triangular (B) bell shaped
(C) urn shaped (D) none of the above

21. Least water holding capacity is found in

(A) loam soil (B) sandy soil
(C) clay soil (D) none of these

22. Submerged hydrophytes absorb oxygen through

(A) stomata (B) leaves
(C) general body surface (D) roots

23. Those species which contribute to the properties of
ecosystem are
(A) allopatric species (B) sympatric species
(C) key stone species (D) sibling species

24. Which group of vertebrates comprises the highest number

of endangered species?
(A) Reptiles (B) Birds
(C) Mammals (D) Fishes

25. Corbett National Park is situated in

(A) U.P (B) M.P
(C) Bihar (D) Arunachal Pradesh

26. Guano is a fertilizer obtained from sea birds along the coast
of Chile and Peru. It is rich is
(A) nitrogen (B) phosphorus
(C) potassium (D) sodium

27. The driving force for an ecosystem is

(A) producers (B) food
(C) biomass (D) solar energy

28. Lowest species diversity is found is

(A) tropical rain forest (B) tropical deciduous forest
(C) tropical thorn forest (D) tropical desert

29. Which of the following pollutant is different from others
with respect to its life in the ecosystem?
(A) Sewage (B) DDT
(C) PCB (D) Mercury

30. Desert can be converted into green land by

(A) oxylophytes (B) psammophytes
(C) halophytes (D) tropical trees

31. Species diversity increases as one proceeds from

(A) low altitude to high altitude and from low latitude to
high latitude.
(B) low altitude to high altitude and from high latitude to
low latitude.
(C) high altitude to low altitude and from low latitude to
high latitude.
(D) high altitude to low altitude and from high latitude to
low latitude.

32. The major source of methane that cause global warming is

(A) wheat fields and marshes.
(B) rice/paddy fields, cattles and marshes.
(C) sugarcane plantation and buffaloes.
(D) fruit orchards.

33. Timing of seasonal activities of plants in relation to change

in environmental conditions is called
(A) Lapse rate (B) Profundal
(C) Phenology (D) Weather
34. Mulching is useful in
(A) growing better crops (B) moisture conservation
(C) better crops (D) increasing soil fertility

35. The mimicing of monarch butterfly by the viceroy butterfly

is an example of
(A) Batesian mimicry (B) Mullerian mimicry
(C) Camouflage (D) Echolocation

36. Nymphaea is an example of

(A) an emergent and rooted hydrophyte.
(B) an emergent and rootless hydrophyte.
(C) an emergent hydrophytes without air passage.
(D) an emergent hydrophytes which is found in an ocean.

37. A set of local populations connected by dispersing

individuals is called a
(A) Expanding population (B) Stable population
(C) Declining population (D) Metapopulation

38. Sucker fish and shark illustrates the example of

(A) Commensalism (B) Symbiosis
(C) Protocooperation (D) Faculatative mutualism

39. Which of the following plants is not found in tropical

deciduous forests?
(A) Shorea robusta (B) Tectona grandis
(C) Buchanania lanzan (D) Dipterocarpus

40. Which of the following does not occur when sewage is
discharged into water?
(A) Increase in O2 (B) Cyanophycean blooms

(C) Depletion of O2 layers (D) Eutrophication

41. Chipko movement for saving tree was started in

(A) Karnataka (B) Tehri-Garhwal
(C) Punjab (D) Haryana

42. Soil erosion is prevented by

(A) Deforestation
(B) Afforestation
(C) Reduction of CFCs production
(D) Use of CNG in all transports vehicle

43. A dental disease characterized by mottling of teeth is due to

the presence of certain chemical elements in drinking
water. Which of the following is that element?
(A) Fluorine (B) Boron
(C) Mercury (D) Chlorine

44. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding

jhum cultivation?
(A) It is also called as shifting cultivation and has resulted
in deforestation.
(B) It helps in increasing crop yield to a considerable
(C) A time-gap of several years is required for the recovery
of the land after cultivation.

(D) It involves cutting down of trees of the forest, burning
of the plant remains and then using the land for farming.

45. Identify the incorrectly matched pair:

(A) Basel convention Control of transboundary

movement of hazardous
(B) Kyoto protocol Climatic change
(C) Montreal protocol Forest conservation
(D) Ramsar convention Conservation and
sustainable utilization of

1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (C)
7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (A)
13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (B)
19. (A) 20. (A) 21. (B) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (C)
25. (A) 26. (B) 27. (D) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (B)
31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35. (A) 36. (A)
37. (D) 38. (A) 39. (D) 40. (A) 41. (B) 42. (B)
43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (C)

1. Pollens are present in air. Excess of pollen are produced in
certain seasons which causes allergic reactions in several
human beings. The common allergic reactions are asthma,
bronchitis and rhinitis.
2. Escherichia coli is a number of the colifiorm group and is
used for the analysis of water faced for faecal
3. The sources of phosphate pollution are sewage treatment
plants, animal feed lots, phosphate fertilizers used in
agricultural fields, etc.
6. Bhopal gas tragedy the World’s worst industrial
catastrophes was not due to radioactive fallout, but it was
because of leakage of phosgene and methyl isocyanate gas.
7. Peroxyacyl nitrate (PAN) is produced due to reaction
between Nos and hydrocarbons under effect of UV-
radiation of sunlight.
8. Hiroshima day is on August 6, 1945, when an atomic bomb
was dropped on the Japanese City Hiroshima.
43. Excess fluoride in drinking water causes teeth deformity.
44. In Jhum cultivation crops are cultivated for 2-3 years
without manuring. It results in nutrient depletion, reduced
moisture retention of soil and increased soil erosion.
45. Montreal Protocol, is an international treaty, signed at
Montreal in 1987 to control the emission of ozone
depleting substances.


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