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ENG - ITA - All Tenses

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Tempi verbali

Present Simple Present Continuous

Sogg + verbo base Sogg + ausiliare essere presente +
I live verbo -ing
I am working

Past Simple Past Continuous

Sogg + verbo -ed (o seconda colonna) Sogg + ausiliare essere passato +
I worked verbo -ing
I was eating

Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous

Sogg + ausiliare avere presente + been Sogg + ausiliare avere presente + been
+ participio passato + verbo -ing
I have eaten I have been waiting

Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous

Sogg + ausiliare avere passato + Sogg + ausiliare avere passato + been
participio passato + verbo -ing
I had forgotten I had been waiting

Will Be going to
Sogg + will + verbo base Sogg + ausiliare essere presente +
I will stop going to + verbo base
I am going to stop

Il passivo
Tempo verbale Forma attiva Forma passiva
Present Simple Mary calls Sarah Sarah is called by Mary

Present Continuous Mary is calling Sarah Sarah is being called by Mary

Present Perfect Mary has called Sarah Sarah has been called by Mary

Past Simple Mary called Sarah Sarah was called by Mary

Past Continuos Mary was calling Sarah Sarah was being called by Mary

Past Perfect Mary had called Sarah Sarah had been called by Mary

Future Mary will call Sarah Sarah will be called by Mary

Will ► Certezza
Won’t I will buy my husband a beautiful Christmas present.
I won’t go to the concert.
Would ► Condizione
Wouldn’t I would go out tonight if I wasn’t so busy.
I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
Must ► Dovere (ordine)
Mustn’t You must go to school.
► Divieto
You mustn’t feed the animals.
Have to ► Dovere
Don’t have to I have to do my homework.
► Non è necessario
You don’t have to do the dishes.
Might ► Possibilità
Might not I might go to the beach later.
I might not be at your birthday party tonight.
Should / Ought to ► Dovere (personale) / Consiglio
Shound’t I should go home.
I ought to go to the office.
You shouldn’t do that.
Can ► Potere
Can’t I can come to your birthday party tonight.
I can’t come to school tomorrow.
Be able to ► Potere (essere in grado di)
Not be able to I am able to go to work.
You are not able to come.
Could ► Possibilità / Capacità
Couldn’t He could find a good house here.
I couldn’t find a nice dress.
May ► Possibilità
May not It may rain later today.
This may not be available tomorrow.
► Permesso
You may go to the bathroom.
Need to ► Bisogno / Necessità
Needn’t / I need to do better in school.
Don’t need to I needn’t that jacket.
I don’t need to tidy my room.
Shall ► Offerta / Suggerimento
Shall I do the dishes?
Zero Conditional ► If + Present Simple + , + Present Simple
If you mix red and white paint together, you get pink paint.
► Present Simple + if + Present Simple
You can’t board the flight if you don’t have a boarding pass.
First Conditional ► If + Present Simple + , + will/won’t
If you take the bus to the airport, I’ll take the bus too.
► Will/won’t + if + Present Simple
We won’t finish in time if we don’t hurry up.
1st - Risultato ► If + Present Simple + , + might
probabile If it’s hot, we might go to the beach.
1st - Negativo ► Unless + Present Simple + , + won’t
If you don’t apologize, she won’t talk to you.
→ Unless you apologize, she won’t talk to you.
Second Conditional ► If + Past Simple + , + would/wouldn’t
If you studied harder, you would pass your exams.
► Would/wouldn’t + if + Past Simple
You would finish quicker if you concentrated more.
Third Conditional ► If + Past Perfect + , + would/wouldn’t + Present Perfect
If I had studied harder, I wouldn’t have failed my exam.
► would/wouldn’t + Present Perfect + if + Past Perfect
I would have gone on holiday if I had saved enough money.
3rd – Risultato ► If + Past Perfect + , + might + Present Perfect
probabile If you had asked her, she might have gone on a date with you.
► If + Past Perfect + , + could + Present Perfect
If the team had played better, they could have won.
Discorso diretto e indiretto
Parole testuali (direct speech) Discorso indiretto (reported speech)

Present Simple Past Simple

I said: “I love this TV show!” I said (that) I loved that TV show.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
“I’m leaving on Sunday”, she told me. She told me (that) she was leaving on
Past Simple / Present Perfect Past Perfect
I said: “I left my wallet at home”. I said (that) I had left my wallet at home.
“My package has arrived”, she said. She said that her package had arrived.
- Will - Would
“I’ll help you”, she said. She said (that) she would help me.
- Can - Could
“I can’t find my jacket!” he said. He said (that) he couldn’t find his jacket.
- May - Might
He told me: “I may have something like He told me (that) he might have
that at home”. something like that at home.
- Must - Had to
“You must remember to call”, she told She told him (that) he had to remember
him. to call.
Am/is/are + going to Was/were + going to
“We’re going to be late!”, I said. I said (that) we were going to be late.
Imperativo Infinito
“Call me!”, Julia said. Julia said to call her.
(in questo caso niente that)

Reporting verbs (= che introducono il discorso indiretto)

Affirm, agree, answer, assure, complain, • verbo + that
confess, declare, exclaim, explain, inform, “I can’t come tomorrow because I’m
point out, promise, reply, state, suggest, working”
think. → She explained that she couldn’t come
the next day because she was working.
Advise, agree, invite, order, parsuade, • verbo + infinito
promise, refuse, threaten, warn. “I’ll call the police”
→ She threatened to call the police.
Recommend, suggest. • verbo + verbo -ing
“You should wear a sweater”
→ She recommended wearing a sweater.
Parole testuali (direct speech) Discorso indiretto (reported speech)
Particelle di tempo e luogo
• now • then, at that time
• today / tonight • that day / that night
• yesterday • the day before
• tomorrow • the next day
• next week / month / year • the following week / month / year
• last week / month / year • the previous week / month / year
• this / these • that / those
• here • there
Pronomi personali, avverbi, aggettivi possessivi
•I • she / he
“I love football”, he said. He said (that) he / she loved football
• we • they
“We are late”, she said. She said (that) they were late.
• me • her / him
“She called me”, Anna said. Anna said (that) she had called her.
• us • them
“She called us”, they said. They said (that) she had called them.
• my • her / his
“That’s my bag”, she said. She said (that) that was her bag.
• our • their
“That’s our room”, they said. They said (that) that was their room.

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