Toray Report
Toray Report
Toray Report
Philosophy Corporate
Guiding Principles
Toray Industries, Inc.
Corporate President s
Culture Principles
02 Toray Philosophy
Toray Report 2023
Descriptions of predicted business results, projections and business plans contained in this material are based on forecasts and assumptions regarding the future business environ-
ment made at the present time. This material is not a guarantee of the Company’s future business performance.
Corporate Philosophy
Corporate Missions
Corporate Culture
• Contributing to society through business activities • People-centric management
• Management from a long-term perspective • Pioneering spirit
Corporate Slogan
Innovation by Chemistry
In June 2023, Toray Group has selected a total of 11 material issues for its CSR activities, including five issues relat-
ing to the Group’s Corporate Philosophy of contributing to society through the creation of new value. The other six
issues represent key management foundation points that are consistently necessary to address as important issues.
Accelerating Promoting a
Climate Change Circular
Mitigation Economy
Contribution to
Taking a Nature- Society through the Committed to
Positive Approach Healthier Lives
Creation of New Value
Establishing Respecting Human
Sustainable Developing in Rights and Promoting
Supply Chain Collaboration with Human Resource
Stakeholders Diversity
Enhancing Strengthening
Product Quality Corporate
Ensuring Safety
and Safety Ensuring Ethics Governance
and Fire Accident
and Compliance
Management Foundation
Moreover, taking materiality into account, in June 2023, the Group formulated CSR Roadmap 2025, which outlines
activity targets, main initiatives, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each of the Group’s ten CSR guidelines.
*Please refer to P.100 for the CSR Roadmap 2025 from the Perspective of Materiality
To Our Stakeholders
Toray Report 2023
Toray Industries, Inc.
Mitsuo Ohya
Toray Industries, Inc.
I was appointed president in June 2023 during the first year of the new Medium-
Term Management Program, Project AP-G 2025 (AP-G 2025).
Since its founding in 1926, Toray has voiced its strong belief that the Company
is a public institution that serves society. Accordingly, we have engaged in corpo-
rate activities with the ultimate goal of contributing to society. Toray’s corporate
philosophy, “contributing to society through the creation of new value with inno-
vative ideas, technologies, and products,” is based on the former company prin-
ciple, “Toyo Rayon contributes to communities,” which was first expressed and
codified in 1955. It was revised to the present corporate philosophy in 1986. While
far from a novel concept today, Toray understands that its efforts to carry out the
philosophy of “contributing to society” has attracted the recognition of society,
Toray Industries, Inc.
which in turn has led to performance growth. At the same time, we have inher-
ited the unwavering commitment to sustainability management of our predeces-
sors, which entails developing human resources and taking all possible measures
to protect the environment with an awareness toward chemistry-based manufac-
08 turing. Guided by this management vision, in 2018 we formulated the Toray Group
Sustainability Vision. It clarifies the four perspectives of the world as envisioned by
Toray Report 2023
the Toray Group , and states internally and externally the commitment to initiatives
that must be taken in order to realize them. Furthermore, in 2020, we announced
details of the “Toray Philosophy” as a systemized approach to the management
vision that underpins the Company and has been passed down since our found-
ing, including the corporate philosophy.
I am deeply respectful of the fact that Toray Group executives and employees
have contributed to the development of society in Japan and worldwide by intro-
ducing a variety of innovative materials based on this philosophy. I also keenly feel
the weight of responsibility from being entrusted to lead the Company at a time
of great change in the business environment.
Together with our more than 48,000 employees, we will continue to share
Toray’s mission since its founding to nurture people while contributing to society
and the environment through our business activities, and this in turn will drive cor-
porate development.
In the process of formulating AP-G 2025, we spent time reviewing the previous
Medium-term Management Program, AP-G 2022, and were also conscious of the
demands of society in areas such as sustainability. Over the past three years, the
business environment has changed dramatically, with the spread of COVID-19
and the Ukraine situation leading to the greater prevalence of a bloc economy, as
well as diversification in the way people work and their values. These are phenom-
ena that we must respond to. In addition, capital efficiency to effectively allocate
and utilize limited management resources along with global risk management are
becoming increasingly important. As a materials manufacturer that has operated
under the premise of continuous capital investment, we have needed to demon-
strate how we would seek solutions to increase earnings scale and efficiency.
The results are summarized in five basic strategies and financial strategies in
Toray Industries, Inc.
AP-G 2025.
Basic Strategy 1, “Sustainable growth,” is based on the Toray Group Sustainability
Vision. We will work to expand our business by allocating management resources to
the Sustainability Innovation (SI) business and the Digital Innovation (DI) business as
10 growth areas in which we can leverage our strengths and expect to increase earn-
ings. DI supports the realization of a sustainable world.
Toray Report 2023
In addition to the basic strategies, we will continue to maintain and reinforce the
financial structure by improving asset efficiency based on cash flow and return
on invested capital (ROIC) to support further growth. The SI and DI businesses
to be expanded in Basic Strategy 1 include not only existing businesses but also
businesses that require new investment and platforms, such as those related to
resource recycling. In addition, investment is needed to accelerate GHG emission
volume reductions. To this end, we will be even more balanced about allocating
limited management resources mainly to capital investment, R&D, and human
resources as we pursue business growth while maintaining a sound financial posi-
tion. To help with this, we adopted ROIC as a new KPI. We will improve manage-
ment resource efficiency and implement optimal reallocation, as well as increase
Energy AG, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of water electrolysis devices
and a company with which Toray has agreed to build a strategic partnership.
to selling prices and our fundamental action of communicating with the market.
We will also work on Toray’s unique pricing strategy, which is data-driven and
backed by digital technology.
In addition, we will create new value and increase our earning power by mul-
12 tiplying our tangible and intangible assets, including our accumulated elemental
technologies and intellectual property, past capital expenditures, worldwide net-
Toray Report 2023
work of production bases, diverse business groups, and above all, the human
resources who manage our business by making use of these assets.
employees work energetically with the aim of becoming a truly sustainable com-
Mitsuo Ohya
Toray Industries, Inc.
Toray Group Value Creation History
Toray Group began as a manufacturer of viscose rayon in 1926. On top of all three major synthetic fibers
such as nylon, polyester, and acrylic, the Company has continued to develop innovative technologies
while creating a host of advanced materials and high-added-value products in a broad range of films,
chemicals, resins, electronic and information materials, carbon fiber composite materials, pharmaceuti-
cals and medical products, water treatment, and environmental fields. With an eye toward how society
will evolve in 2050 and how innovative technologies and advanced materials may be utilized as a driving
force, we will adopt a long-term perspective toward enhancing our corporate value.
(Trillion yen)
1971 1971
Toray Industries, Inc.
Manufacture of LUMIRROR™
polyester film began
Toray was the first company in
Japan to industrialize polyester film.
Positive steps have been taken to
address market growth and to adapt
to changing conditions and circum-
stances while gaining a share across
a wide range of fields such as video
tapes, industrial materials, specialty
products, and others.
1960 1970 1980
2006 FY 2022
Consolidated Revenue
¥2,489.3 billion
FY 2000
Consolidated Net Sales
2014 15
¥1,075.4 billion
U.S.-based large-tow carbon fiber
manufacturer Zoltek Companies,
TORAYCA™ carbon Inc., Toray Group aims to further
expand its business for large-tow
fiber prepreg certified
carbon fiber as an advanced mate-
as a primary structural rial that brings about solutions for
material for The Boeing global environmental problems in a
Company’s passenger broad range of fields.
Initially the main applica-
tions of carbon fiber were
fishing rods, golf shafts, and
other sporting goods. Through improved technology and quality,
the Company built up trust in this product as a secondary structural
material in aircraft applications. In 1990, Toray prepreg was certified
for the first time as a primary structural material (for structural parts
where damage is directly linked to a crash) for the Boeing 777.
In a bid to realize its corporate philosophy of “Contributing to society through the creation of new value
with innovative ideas, technologies and products,” Toray Group will provide new value to society through
a process of co-creation with customers, suppliers, and other parties that make up the supply chain,
starting at the materials stage, while promoting mutual cooperation in R&D, sales and marketing, and
Financial Capital
• Net assets ¥3,194.0 billion
• Rating (R&I) A+
ting the colle
Fibers &
emonstra ctiv Life
D strengths of our e
Textiles Science
Equipment Capital
o rgan ization
• Number of manufacturing subsidiaries 105 R&D s
• Capital Expenditures ¥115.2 billion te on
Toray Industries, Inc.
a ti
log ult s
and techno it of gie
y in im
through the pursu hnolo
Pr ed on
Intellectual Capital
osi materials
ng s
Creating new
Overseas 15,028
• R&D Expenses ¥68.9 billion
Contributing to society
through the creation of
Toray Report 2023
new value with
innovative ideas,
Human Capital technologies and
Performance products Environment
• Number of Employees 48,682 Chemicals & Engineering
Pr o d u c t i o n
qu sta di n u e
measures to
climate change
Contributing to
better medical
care and
hygiene for
Financial Highlights
80 8
2,000 100 4
60 6
40 4
1,000 50 2
20 2
Toray Industries, Inc.
0 0 0 0 0
Total Assets and Equity Ratio Interest-bearing Liabilities and Cash Flows
Debt-to-Equity Ratio (D/E ratio)
200 80
1,600 40 800 0.8
100 40
1,200 30 600 0.6
0 0
800 20 400 0.4
-100 -40
0 0 0 0 -300 -120
Total assets (left axis) Interest-bearing liabilities (left axis) Cash flows from operating activities (left axis)
Equity ratio (right axis) D/E ratio (right axis) Cash flows from investing activities (left axis)
Free cash flow (right axis)
Dividend per Share and Capital Expenditures Depreciation and Amortization
Payout Ratio
(Yen) (%) (Billion yen) (Billion yen)
20 50 200 140
16 40
12 30
8 20
4 10
60 1.5 7.5
40 1.0 5.0
20 0.5 2.5
0 0 0
300 300
200 200
100 100
Toray Industries, Inc.
0 0 0
Toray Report 2023
Contributed Annual Water Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction of Comparative Water
Filtration Throughput per Unit of Sales/Revenue (%) Usage per Unit of Sales/Revenue (%)
(VS. FY 2013) (VS. FY 2013)
0 0 0
(FY 1990 is set to an index value of 100)
30 80 75
20 60 70
10 40 65
10.0% 82 46
AverageTime on AverageTime on
the Job: Male the Job: Female
17.2years 17.5years
(%) (Employees) (Employees) (Years)
10.0 50,000 150 21
9.5 100 14
9.0 50 7
0 0 0 0
Toray Report 2023
A net zero emissions world, where greenhouse
Accelerating measures to
Toray Group’s innovative technologies and
Realizing sustainable,
advanced materials
Contributing to better
A world where everyone enjoys good health and
medical care and hygiene for
people worldwide
Long-Term Corporate Vision, TORAY VISION 2030
Toray Group aims to achieve sound, sustainable growth Long-term Strategies to Achieve
while promoting a business model transformation by accu- “Sound, Sustainable Growth”
rately identifying changing industrial trends caused by
demographic factors, environmental issues, and techno- 1. Global Expansion in Growth Business Fields
logical innovation. With this in mind, Toray Group is pro- • Promote SI Business, which contributes to the solutions
moting active investment to promote “global expansion in for issues of global environment, resource, and energy,
growth business fields.” To make this possible, the Group as well as to better medical care, longevity, and the fos-
is working to maximize the value it can create over the tering of public health
medium- to long- term by “strengthening competitive- 2. Strengthening Competitiveness
ness” through continuous business model innovations and •
Create new value through business advancement and
total cost reductions, and by “strengthening the manage- high-added-value creation, thereby providing solutions with
ment foundation” to enable investment for growth based material-oriented approaches to customers and society
on enhanced capital investment efficiency and an improved • Pursue dramatic cost reductions by setting challenging
financial structure. targets as well as strive to reduce environmental impact
Furthermore, the Group had worked across all segments 3. Strengthening the Management Foundation
under the policy of “global expansion in growth business • Improve cash flow and capital efficiency, and balance
fields” by expanding business activities through the supply financial soundness and growth investment
of Green Innovation (GR) products and Life Innovation (LI) • Conduct business structure reforms of low-growth and
Supply of Green Innovation products 4-fold Supply of Sustainability Innovation products*1 4.5-fold
Supply of Life Innovation products 6-fold CO2 emissions avoided in value chain*2 25-fold
Water filtration throughput contribution by Toray’s water
CO2 emissions avoided in value chain*2 8-fold treatment membranes*3 3.5-fold
Water filtration throughput contribution by Toray’s
Per unit of revenue across the 50% or more
water treatment membranes*3 Toray Group reduction
GHG emissions in
production activities*4
GHG emissions in Per unit of revenue across
30% reduction
Greenhouse gas emissions 40% or more
production activities the Toray Group*4 of Toray Group in Japan*5 reduction
Income decreased due to pandemic-induced changes in the demand structure, such as a shift from formal wear to sports and out-
Fibers & Textiles 76.0 51.2 -24.8 door apparel. Another factor include a drop in sales volume of materials for industrial applications, and the impact of soaring raw
material and fuel prices.
Resins & Chemicals Business:
• Income decreased due to a slow recovery in automobile production volumes and a decline in sales volume caused by slow eco-
nomic recovery in China.
Performance Chemicals 90.0 30.4 -59.6 Films Business, Electronic & Information Materials Business:
• Income decreased significantly due to lower sales volume. The market is currently in an adjustment phase following a period of
unusually high telecommuting-driven demand for TV and smartphone display-related products and special demand for semicon-
Core Operating Income
ductors. The sharp rise in raw material and fuel prices also had a significant impact.
Carbon Fiber Composite Sales volume fell due to the impact of lower the lower production rate of commercial aircraft in aerospace applications. However, higher
24.0 15.9 -8.1 sales of carbon fiber for wind turbine blades and pressure vessels in industrial applications helped to minimize the decline in income.
Environment & Income grew due to promotion of high-added-value products for seawater desalination applications undertaken to expand the
19.0 19.7 +0.7 reverse osmosis (RO) membrane business. Another contributing factor was a net change in price due to the depreciation of the yen.
Others 2.0 2.5 +0.5 Income increased due to a reduction in fixed costs for Toray Industries, Inc.
Variable cost reduction 119.3 100.0 *The calculation of the figure for the baseline of FY 2013 includes data for companies that
joined the Toray Group in FY 2014 or later.
Covering the three-year period from FY 2023 to FY 2025, the as “sustainable growth,” “ultimate value creation,” “product
Medium-Term Management Program, Project AP-G 2025 and operational excellence,” “enhancement of people-cen-
(hereafter AP-G 2025), is founded on the Toray Philosophy tric management,” and “risk management and governance”
and aims to achieve “sound, sustainable growth” through to engage in efforts to expand the Sustainability Innovation
“contributions to real solutions to the challenges the (SI) Business and Digital Innovation (DI) Business as growth
world faces in balancing development and sustainability” business fields, as well as in efforts involving business
as presented in the Toray Group Sustainability Vision. In advancement and high-added-value creation. Other areas of
this respect, the Group will focus on value creation that focus include efforts to enhance quality strength and cost
enables the related growth strategy as well as strength- competitiveness. At the same time, the Group will ensure
ening the Group’s human resources base that supports financial soundness by conducting business operations that
this approach, thereby advancing efforts to strengthen consider a balance between profits, cash flow, and asset
the management foundation in a way that enables growth efficiency. Moreover, the Group will promote the expansion
investments from the perspectives of capital investment of high-growth and high-profitability businesses along with
efficiency, the financial structure, and human resources. structure reforms for low-growth and low-profitability busi-
Under AP-G 2025, the Group has set the basic strategies nesses in order to trace a new growth trajectory.
Seizing Profit Focusing management resources on Sustainability Innovation
Opportunities Sustainable Growth Business and Digital Innovation Business
Toray Report 2023
Strengthening Enhancement of
Preserving and further building upon the legacy of our corpo-
the Management rate culture, which prioritizes developing people, while promoting
People-centric Management individual career development, and improving job satisfaction
Free Cash Flow 237.3 billion yen (3-year cumulative total) Positive (3-year cumulative total)
Fibers & Textiles: Promote recyclable products with high-added-value (including “dif-
ference in quantity.”)
Net change Performance Chemicals: Pass on increased costs to sales prices and execute pric-
in price ing strategy
FY 2022 Difference Net change FY 2025 Carbon Fiber Composite Materials: Advance high-added-value strategy through
Actual in quantity in price Target expansion of intermediate materials
Total +84.0
Revenue 999.2 1,030.0 Developing environmentally friendly materials and rebuilding the recycling supply chain; expanding business and
Fibers & Textiles reaping the benefits of capital investment in growth fields such as ultra-microfiber nonwoven material with a suede
Core operating income 51.2 64.0 texture and airbags; creating high-added-value with functional fibers; expanding Ultrasuede™ production facilities
Resins & Chemicals: Increasing market share in China and the automobile market; expanding PPS polymer pro- 27
Revenue 909.4 1,040.0
duction facilities
Performance Films: Expanding business of films for electronic component manufacturing processes; expanding production facili-
Carbon Fiber Revenue 281.7 370.0 Capturing market growth in both aviation and industrial/sports applications; expanding production facilities for indus-
Composite Materials Core operating income 15.9 36.0 trial-use carbon fiber
Revenue 53.8 60.0 Strengthening the business foundation by pursuing business development outside Japan, expanding indications,
Life Science
Core operating income 0.2 2.0 improving existing products, and ensuring thorough cost reductions
Revenue from Sustainability Innovation (SI) Business 562.4 billion yen 1,282.8 billion yen (2.3-fold) 1,600.0 billion yen (2.8-fold)
Water filtration throughput contribution by Toray’s water treatment membranes 27.23 million tons/day 2.5-fold 2.9-fold
Greenhouse gas emissions per unit of revenue in production activities 337 tons/100 million yen 35% reduction* 40% reduction
Greenhouse gas emissions of Toray Group in Japan 2.45 million tons 21% reduction* 20% reduction
Water usage per unit of revenue in production activities 15,200 tons/100 million yen 32% reduction* 40% reduction
*The calculation of the figure for the baseline of FY 2013 includes data for companies that joined the Toray Group in FY 2014 or later.
Seizing Profit Opportunities
• Expansion of
1 Sustainable Growth the Sustainability Innovation (SI) Business
The SI Business aims to achieve ¥1,600 billion revenue by
FY 2025 through the focused allocation of capital invest-
Having established “contributing to society through busi-
ments, R&D, and other resources. Specifically, the Group
ness activities” as one of its basic concepts for manage-
will allocate these resources to lightweight materials,
ment, Toray Group engages in business operations that
hydrogen and fuel-cell related materials, and carbon fibers
aim to achieve “sound, sustainable growth.” As part of this
for wind turbine blades that will contribute to the acceler-
strategy, the Group will work to expand businesses by con-
ation of action on climate change; recycled materials that
centrating management resources on growth business
will contribute to resource circulation; water treatment
fields. Similarly, the Group will contribute to the realization
membranes and air filters that will contribute to providing
of a circular economy through efforts to reduce GHG emis-
clean water and air; and hygiene materials, pharmaceuti-
sions, recycle, and use biomass-based resources intended
cals, and medical devices that will contribute to medical
to “achieve carbon neutrality for Toray Group.”
care as well as public health.
Expanding Business in Growth Business Fields Contributing to better medical Accelerating measures to
Founded on the Toray Group Sustainability Vision care and hygiene for people counter climate change
Providing FY 2022
profits are expected by exercising Toray’s strengths is the clean water and air 1.3 51%
Sustainability Innovation (SI) Business. It is a redefinition of trillion yen
a combination of Green Innovation (GR) Business and Life
Innovation (LI) Business the Group had focused on thus far in
line with the Toray Group Sustainability Vision. Another is the
Promoting resource recycling
28 Digital Innovation (DI) Business, which will serve to help real-
ize the four perspectives of the world envisioned for 2050. We
have newly positioned both as growth business fields that
Toray Report 2023
Green Innovation Sustainability
Busines Products that facilitate sustainable, recycling- margin of other
Innovation based use of resources and production 3
business fields
*1 Group of businesses or products Products that help deliver better medical business fields business fields
Business that can help realize the Toray
Group Sustainability Vision
care and hygiene for people worldwide
0 54% 59%
Life Innovation Business
(FY) 2022 Actual 2025 Target
DI Business Materials, equipment, technologies, and
Investment in
New Digital Innovation
services that help improve convenience and
productivity by supporting the widespread
growth business fields 450 Billion Yen
Business Breakdown Capital Investment 270 Billion Yen
adoption of digital technology
R&D 180 Billion Yen
• Expansion of the Digital Innovation (DI) Business
CO2 Emissions Avoided in Value Chain (Baseline: FY 2013)
The DI Business will focus on the resins, films, electronic
and information materials, and other advanced materi- (FY) 2013 2022 2025 2030
Recycling Biomass
Fiber made from
Recycled PET film Switching to
recycled plastic
ECOUSE™ Biomass-Based
(PET) bottles
Lumirror™ Materials
Seizing Profit Opportunities
value chain based on collaborations between the Group
STRATEGY Ultimate Value Creation and its external partners, and through the use of digital
Toray Group will strengthen value creation by maximiz-
ing the use of tangible and intangible assets held by the New Business Creation
Group. Specifically, the Group will engage in strategic pric- Toray Group aims to generate a total of ¥1 trillion in sales
ing and value chain innovation as approaches to advanc- across the target themes in the 2020s by concentrat-
ing business and creating high-added-value. Moreover, the ing resources on large-scale themes that are anticipated
Group will work to create new businesses. to help solve social issues and become growth drivers
for Toray Group. Specifically, the Group will continue to
Business Advancement and engage in and accelerate commercialization for themes
High-Added- Value Creation intended to solve global-scale environmental issues and
Along with working to differentiate its products, Toray realize a society that offers personal safety, health, and
Group will actively engage in strategic pricing intended longevity. These themes include “materials related to
to ensure customers acknowledge the value generated hydrogen and fuel cells,” “products and process technol-
by the Group, and that the price appropriately reflects ogies utilizing biomass,” “environmentally friendly printing
this value. Furthermore, Toray Group will maximize the solutions,” “next-generation medical care,” and “next-gen-
value it delivers to customers through innovations in the eration display solutions.”
Toray Industries, Inc.
Products that • Electrode base materials
Materials related to
accelerate measures
Toray Report 2023
Products that
facilitate sustainable,
and process
recycling-based use
of resources and
▶ technologies
• Process technologies utiliz-
ing biomass raw materials
• 100% bio-based products
utilizing biomass
• Next-generation display
Digital related Next-generation
products ▶ display solutions
materials and manufactur-
ing equipment
Comprehensively managing process capability for each product, utilizing digital technology.
Enhancing quality strength in every phase, from design and development to sales.
• Actively appointing young core • Supporting self-reliant career • C reating workplaces environ-
human resources development based on career ments and opportunities that
Toray Industries, Inc.
Toray Group’s basic policy is to promote business expan- to large-scale investments intended to expand business,
sion while maintaining financial soundness, and therefore the Group will also execute capital investments to address
aims for capital investments to total ¥500 billion over the sustainability, improve quality strength, enhance cost
three-year period from FY 2023 to FY 2025 (¥355.2 billion competitiveness (including digital technology use), and
under AP-G 2022) and R&D expenditures to reach ¥220 bil- upgrade aging facilities. The Group will conduct strate-
lion (¥193.8 billion under AP-G 2022) over the same period. gic investments in M&As and alliances separately from
In particular, the Group plans to invest ¥450 billion in its capital investments. Meanwhile, the Group seeks to
growth business fields, with ¥270 billion in capital invest- improve ROIC through profitability and capital efficiency
ments and ¥180 billion in R&D expenditures. In addition enhancements.
Maintaining Financial Soundness and Capital Allocation
AP-G 2025 targets | • Free cash flow : Positive (3-year total) • D/E ratio : 0.7 or lower
■ Cash in
CF from CF from Operating Activities*1 ■ Cash out Business investment
Operating *1 Before
Activities 760 billion yen deduction of Including investments
R&D expenses
investment 500 billion yen for growth business field:
270 billion yen
-200 0 0.0
(FY) 2019 2020 2021 2022 (FY) 2019 2020 2021 2022
Cash flows from operating activities Interest-bearing liabilities (left axis) Owner’s Equity (left axis)
Cash flows from investing activities Free cash flow D/E ratio (right axis)
Toray Industries, Inc.
The Group aims to raise asset efficiency in terms of cash flow and ROIC* and improve ROIC while seeking a balance
between business expansion and greater profitability.
1. Efficient Use of Working Capital and low-profitability businesses,” and “low-growth and
In order to address today’s drastically changing business low-profitability businesses.” In turn, this approach will
environment, the Group must minimize inventories for allow the Group to efficiently improve ROIC by investing
products, as well as inventories in the intermediate process management resources in growth business fields and by
and upstream raw material procurement stages. For this maximizing the profitability of existing tangible and intan-
purpose, the Group will leverage DX to visualize and opti- gible assets.
mize inventory along the supply chain, as well as continue •
The Group aims to further expand “high-growth and
3C-i activities for working capital. At the same time, it will high-profitability businesses” through capital invest-
seek to reduce working capital by managing the number of ments, etc.
days for inventory and receivables and payables. • The Group aims to grow market share for and shift “low-
growth and high-profitability businesses” into the high-
Working Capital and CCC (Cash Conversion Cycle)
growth and high-profitability business category through
(Billion yen) (Days) capital investments, etc., given that revenue growth is
800 125
low compared with market growth.
122 • The Group aims to shift “high-growth and low-profitability
Toray Group considers the appropriate distribution of prof- while comprehensively taking into account business earn-
its to shareholders to be an important management issue, ings trends, the financial structure, and the securing of
and therefore aims to increase dividends through earnings retained earnings necessary for future growth. The divi-
growth. This approach is taken under the Group’s basic dend payout ratio is set to 30% or more.
policy of maintaining stable and continuous dividends
IR Day
Toray Industries, Inc.
Medium-term Management
Program, Project AP-G 2025
Business Outline and Strategy
We provided an opportunity for the General Managers of each business division to di-
rectly explain their business strategies for the Medium-Term Management Program,
Project AP-G 2025, focusing on the three-year business strategy through FY 2025.
We engage in a diverse array of businesses under differing operating conditions.
In light of this, we execute growth strategies in line with each stage of these busi-
nesses and their respective strengths. Taking this opportunity, we would like to fully
convey those strategies to you.
*Organization names and titles are current at the time of IR Day event.
Message from the President
Value Creation for New Momentum
I would like to explain the concept behind the formu- a sustainable society, including capital investment and
lation of the Medium-Term Management Program, promotion of DX.
Project AP-G 2025 (hereafter AP-G 2025). Under AP-G 2025, we will maximize the cash gener-
Since its establishment in 1926, Toray’s manage- ated from tangible and intangible assets accumulated to
ment philosophy has been based on the concept date, under the theme of “value creation” that enables
of “Companies are public institutions and contrib- this. To this end, our priority is to improve overall prof-
ute to society through their businesses,” and it has itability and asset efficiency by increasing the share of
been carried forward to the current corporate philos- Sustainability Innovation and Digital Innovation busi-
ophy, “Contributing to society through the creation nesses, which are highly profitable growth business
of new value with innovative ideas, technologies, and fields. The subheading of AP-G 2025, “Value Creation
products.” for New Momentum,” also implies that Toray Group will
We have been actively addressing environmental reach even greater heights through a renewed focus
issues from an early date, including the establishment on the creation of social and customer value. There is
of the Global Environment Committee in 1992. In addi- accelerating movement worldwide toward sustainabil-
tion, we have been expanding our Green Innovation ity, led by decarbonization. For Toray as a materials man-
Cultivated throughout its history to date, Toray Group’s promote local production for local consumption, but are
five core strengths are the following: proposing solutions also resistant to geopolitical risks and capable of stead-
based on materials, creating new technologies through fastly fulfilling our supply responsibilities. These factors
the pursuit of ultimate limits and technology integration, make up Toray’s intangible assets that the Company has
demonstrating the collective strengths of its R&D organi- continued to build up since its overseas expansion in the
zations, ensuring a stable supply of high-quality products, 1950s. Looking ahead, we will strategically place human
and building a global value chain. resources in areas close to end customers and fine tune
In promoting “ultimate value creation,” a key theme of our global sales operation capabilities.
our Medium-Term Management Program, Project AP-G In addition, we will maximize the value provided
2025, we will draw on these strengths as a foundation of to customers while enriching and extending the value
our efforts while leveraging digital technology with a focus chain by leveraging collaboration with overseas business
on the frontlines to pair tangible and intangible assets sites and external resources, creating high-added-value
and fully utilize them in a bid to realize high-added-value through advanced processing and technology integra-
creation for businesses as well as for creating new busi- tion, addressing sustainability issues, and promoting
nesses. In view of these aspirations, I would like to shine other measures. As part of the Group’s endeavors, we
a light on our measures for “ultimate value creation.” launched the AI-based material concierge service as a DX
service to help customers optimally select materials and
Toray Industries, Inc.
Group-Wide Action to Support Growth reduce development time in the resin business in 2023.
Business Fields In the water treatment business, we will also focus on
subscription-based services that help customers min-
Under AP-G 2025, we will not only focus on the growth of imize their management burden while ensuring stable
each business, but also look to expand in growth business facility operations through TORAYWISE™, our proprietary
fields through Group-wide action. Toray applies a single real-time monitoring system.
38 polymer to diverse fields such as fibers and textiles, films,
and resins and has the ability to use this polymer in a wide Value Provided to Customers
Toray Report 2023
Visualize target
Negotiate to raise Direct sales (FY) 2022 actual Difference Net change 2025 target
product prices in quantitly in price
Via trading
Area below standard price companies
Variance factor Business strategies for increasing income
Sales volume (billion yen)
Toray Group has been particularly focused in area of new energy, membrane technologies are being
recent years on enhancing the use of these combined rolled out for use in electrolyte membranes designed to
strengths. In this respect, it has been fusing its core produce hydrogen for the realization of a hydrogen soci-
technologies with its “chemical engineering process,” ety. Serving as a means of creating added-value in such
“engineering,”and “analysis technologies” in an effort to a broad range of industrial fields, separation membrane
accelerate development for key initiatives. In the area of technology is rooted in the fiber, textile, and film technol-
“chemical engineering process,” the Group creates safe, ogies possessed by Toray Group. Without question, this
cost-competitive processes from the perspective of cross-business technology deployment stems from the
Toray Report 2023
chemical engineering, and supports group-wide themes. Group’s undivided R&D organization.
In the area of engineering, the Group applies molding,
surface treatment, AI, and other elemental technologies Using Super Nanotechnology in the Creation
to realize and demonstrate innovative processes and of High-Added-Value Products
equipment that are able to consistently produce prod-
ucts with the nanometer scale, thereby contributing to Each of Toray Group’s business fields possesses many
the development of equipment capable of consistently unique and high-value differentiated products, or so-called
producing nano-level products, as one example. In the unrivaled technologies and products, which stand on its
area of analysis, the Group leverages high-end electron advanced technological capabilities. Along with making
microscopes and other devices that can directly observe these technologies the de facto standard and expand-
molecules to analyze structures and compositions. ing market share, the Group continues to engage in
Super Nanotech
Fiber precision
Cross-section control
microstructure control Satoru Hagiwara
Executive Vice President
and Representative
Member of
Nano-multilayer/ the Board, CTO
Nano-multilayer polymer design
The World’s Only Three Dimensional Business Improving Profitability by Ultimate Value Creation
Model In the fibers and textiles business, we will focus on
expanding artificial leather and airbag businesses and add-
Toray’s fibers and textiles business provides custom- ing higher value utilizing Toray’s unique technologies. In
ers with a full range of solutions by combining its three specific terms, we will direct our energies largely toward
axes of strength: technological development and a vari- the fashion and automobile interior fields as we strive to
ety of products, vertical integration in the supply chain, expand our business centered on the Ultrasuede™ brand
and global business network. Leveraging the world’s developed in Japan and the ALCANTARA™ brand from
only three dimensional business model, we are expand- Italy. Particularly for artificial leather, demand is expected
ing our business not only in the apparel field, but also to increase significantly due to the shift away from nat-
for use in industrial applications such as textiles for air- ural leather and the rapid expansion of the EV market
bags, nonwoven fabrics for hygiene products, and artifi- pushing demand upward for automobile interior applica-
cial leathers for automobile interiors. tion. Accordingly, we will expand production facilities for
As far as the Group’s technological development and Ultrasuede™ in Japan.
variety of products are concerned, we are working on Demand for airbag fabrics is expected to grow at 7%
the development of core materials to high-performance annually between 2022 and 2025. Against this backdrop,
Toray Industries, Inc.
fibers as well as biomass-based and recycled fibers, Toray is looking to address the needs of the world’s major
based on polymer chemistry technology. From a supply automobile manufacturing regions through its six fabric
chain vertical integration perspective, we are pursuing production bases. In addition, our supply chain network is
added value at each stage of production from raw mate- comprised of three fiber production sites and two cush-
rials (filament and staple fibers) to textiles and garments. ion sewing sites. We have also established R&D and
Our global operations include 28 production bases in 17 marketing sites as a part of efforts to build an integrated
42 countries worldwide. This network allows us to establish supply chain. Looking ahead, we will leverage these
and maintain a production platform in optimal locations, strengths to meet diversifying needs, including trends in
Toray Report 2023
including cooperation with external partner factories. interior spaces as well as the growing demand for envi-
ronmentally friendly products associated with the shift to
World’s only Three Dimensional Business Model autonomous driving.
Toray Group will create a continuous stream of prod-
ucts that offer innovative functions commensurate
North Africa
South Asia 3 Global Business Network with efforts to provide higher added-value through its
ASEAN Proceeding high-added-value creation with
South Korea Toray’s unique technology: NANODESIGN™
Technological Japan Fibers Textiles Garments Major Products (already in the market)
1 Development & Nylon
Vertical Integration in
Variety of
2 Supply Chain • Smooth and sleek texture
Industrial FY uts-fit™ • Bulkiness, retention of shape
Advanced Materials • Rich in stretchability
PTT Nano
Nonwoven Provide solutions to customers with
• Natural and deep color
Microfiber* SB freely combining our strengths Qticle™
• Elastic and stretchable
in three axis
*Nonwoven material created using ultra-fine fibers
in an “Islands in the Sea” configuration
• Luster that surpasses silk
• Noble glaze, rustling sound of silk
Main Initiatives of AP-G 2025 Kinari™
• Easy to process and sewing, looking
beautiful when tailored
in its fibers and textiles business: (1) Improving profitabil- Camifu™ • Lightness, elasticity
• Functional addtives retainability
ity by ultimate value creation, (2) Business expansion in
growth fields based on high-performance, highly textured Awards: Technology Award of The Society of Fiber Science and
products that make use of environmentally responsible Technology; Grand Prix of Senken Gosen Award Material Division;
Chemical Society of Japan’s Award for Technical Development, etc.
materials, and (3) Product and operational excellence.
unique technologies, such as conjugate spinning technol- on expanding our production base in India, a promising
ogy NANODESIGN™. These products include uts-fit™, market for the future. In contrast, we will take steps to
Kinari™, Qticle™, and Camifu™. improve the profit foundation by optimizing the scale of
production, reviewing the business portfolio, and with-
Business Expansion in Growth Fields based on drawing from low-profitability businesses at affiliates in
High-Performance, Highly Textured Products That Japan as well as nylon fiber and polyester/cotton fabric
Make Use of Environmentally Responsible Materials businesses that are in need of business structure reform.
Turning to high-performance, highly textured products
that make use of environmentally responsible mate- By addressing the aforementioned major initiatives, we
rials, we aim to expand our business with a focus on aim to achieve revenue of ¥1,030 billion in FY 2025, up
two brands, namely the biomass-based Ecodear™ and ¥30.8 billion compared with FY 2022, and core operating
&+™, which utilizes recycled materials. Ecodear™ is a income of ¥64 billion, up ¥12.8 billion compared with FY
plant-based synthetic fiber which does not affect atmo- 2022 exceeding the fiscal 2019 level prior to the pandemic.
spheric CO2 concentration even when incinerated. Toray
Group markets Ecodear™ N510, a 100% plant-based Target for FY 2025
nylon fiber produced from nylon raw materials such as 7%
castor oil plants and corn. Premarketing examples of
Difference Net Difference Difference
100% plant-based polyester include Patagonia’s Sugar 999.2 1,030.0 in quantity change in fixed in currency
+12.8 in price cost translation,
Down and headrest covers of All Nippon Airways’ ANA etc.
Green Jet, a special aircraft to embody its environment
slogan “ANA Future Promise.”
&+™ is a recycled fiber made from collected PET bot-
tles, fishing nets, and other waste materials that can be
made into high-added-value functional fibers with trace-
ability functions. Fishing nets and gear are said to account (FY) 2022 2025
actual target
for 10% of marine plastic waste by weight. The viability of
Main Initiatives of AP-G 2025 and proposals, design proposals, and support for process
and molding, to comprehensively assist customers in
Resins Business their product development activities. These efforts are
Enhancing Governance backed by the strength of our global capabilities and net-
In light of the inappropriate action in improperly identify- work of 19 business and production bases in 10 countries
ing certain resin products as receiving certification from outside Japan. Toray Group is also successively increas-
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a third-party safety sci- ing its compound production capacity in growth regions.
ence organization headquartered in the United States, Under AP-G 2025, we will work to enhance the per-
details of which were announced in January 2022, formance of our resin compound business as a first
Toray is continuing to promote measures aimed at pre- step in creating high-added-value. The percentage of
venting recurrence. In addition to taking all necessary high-performance product revenue to total revenue in
steps regarding actions on the recurrence prevention the engineering plastic resins business will climb from
measures in response to the recommendations of the 30% in 2022 to 36% in 2025. In specific terms, we are
Expert Committee, Toray has completed UL recertifica- targeting 250% growth in revenue from xEV-related
tion for the necessary grades and secured the reinstate- sales, where demand is projected to especially expand
ment of ISO 9001 certifications for the scope of products in FY 2025 compared with FY 2022. If we meet the tar-
for which certification was partially suspended or with- get, the ratio of xEV applications within the automobile
Toray Industries, Inc.
drawn. Moving forward, we will promote measures to applications is expected to reach 46%.
prevent a recurrence, appropriately operate a quality con-
trol system, and further enhance compliance awareness. Automobile applications (Trend in revenue)
Expansion of engineering plastics business for
automobile applications: 135% (Revenue from FY 2022 FY 2025)
Actions on the recurrence prevention measures in response
to the recommendations of the Expert Committee Revenue from ICEV application
44 (internal combustion engine vehicle)
✔Promotion of corporate culture reform through
senior managers continually communicating mes-
Toray Report 2023
Lactam-Related Business
Toray’s caprolactam uses the Company’s unique photo-
reaction technology to realize high safety and easy pro-
cess. To further reduce environmental impact, we are
also developing a new type of lamp that uses LED as its
photoreactive light source. Moreover, we are expanding
Kazuhiko Shuto
our business in various fields by leveraging the by-prod- Vice President,
ucts generated during caprolactam production. General Manager, Resins &
Chemicals Division
Lactam Nylon
Lactam-related business
HX Gas odorants
Films Business
Basic Policy under AP-G 2025
Complete the concept shift from plastic films to environmentally friendly
functional films while promoting the transfer of increased product value to
selling prices in line with improvements in quality
Developing Various Applications through the DFR market and is taking preparatory steps to address
Pursuit of Ultimate Performance increased demand in areas where sound growth is
expected, including data center servers.
The film business has production and processing sites From a mobility application perspective, polyphenyl-
in nine countries around the world. Drawing on this ene sulfide (PPS) films with high heat resistance and
network, Toray Group is developing such products as durability (resistance to hot water, strong acids, and
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films that pursue ulti- chemicals) are enjoying widespread acceptance and
mate performance and biaxially oriented polypropylene use as xEV motor insulation materials and in fuel cell
(OPP) films for a variety of applications, including smart- vehicle (FCV) as well as hydrogen production equipment
phones, displays, and electronic components used applications. Sales are expanding rapidly in China, espe-
in multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs), capacitors, cially for motor applications. Complementing this prod-
motors, and batteries for automobiles as well as food uct, we are strengthening global partnerships to create
packaging materials through polymer, nano, film making new applications for our PICASUS™ brand of polyes-
Toray Industries, Inc.
and other fundamental technologies. ter films which employs our nano-layering technology.
PICASUS™ helps to control light direction by enabling
Main Initiatives of AP-G 2025 the transmission of vertical incident light while reflect-
ing obliquely incident light and addresses the needs of
Expanding the Digital Innovation and xEVs for heat insulation and automated driving.
46 Mobility Businesses
The thinner the functional film, the better is its product
Demand Forecast : PET Film for MLCC Process
characteristics. As a result, the growth in functional film
Toray Report 2023
As the “First One,” the Electronic & Information Semiconductor & JISSO Market:
Materials Business quickly ascertains future needs Sales Expansion of Materials for
through its close relationships with leading companies Power Semiconductors
in each industry and rapidly develops products by uti- The semiconductor market has experienced repeated
lizing its own fundamental and process technologies. cycles of growth and stagnation and it is expected to
Next, we build high barriers to entry with an intellectual expand at an average annual growth rate of 7% or more
property (IP) network, production performance (high until 2025. Under such circumstances, by means of our
quality, stable supply, cost competitiveness), and cus- close relationships with leading companies and indus-
tomer support to become the “Only One.” We will also try-academia-government collaboration, we aim to expand
promote de facto standardization and establish our posi- our business to exceed the market growth rate through,
tion as “Number One.” We call this “The One” Strategy for example, the development of high-performance prod-
and under AP-G 2025 will bring about the spiraling up ucts in advance of the market, the establishment of bases
Toray Industries, Inc.
Printing Market: Accelerating Development of As mentioned above, in the electronic information and
Applications for Completely VOC-Free Printing materials business, we aim to increase our core operat-
Systems ing income by ¥14 billion in fiscal 2025 (compared with
In the printing industry, the use of large amounts of fiscal 2022) by expanding the market share of our mate-
organic solvents for inks and cleaning agents has rials for OLED displays and power semiconductors as
become an issue in terms of environmental friendli- well as by promoting diversification through the launch
ness and work environment. In response, Toray has of new businesses.
succeeded in developing a completely VOC-free print-
ing system that does not use organic solvents using
Target for FY 2025 (Performance Chemicals)
IMPRIMA™, an offset printing plate that does not
require dampening water, and water-soluble electron
beam (EB) curable ink. With this innovative system that
can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, we will work 1,040.0
with partner companies to accelerate the development 909.4 91.0
Increase in TV and
of applications such as food packaging. Resins & smartphone production
Chemicals Increase in the ratio of
OLED display
Achieved “Completely ZERO VOC Printing System” Films Semiconductor market recovery
Gravure EB Ink/ Gravure EB Ink/
Carbon Fiber Demand to Grow at structure based on the industrial application expansion,
an Annual Rate of 17% and (3) strengthening quality and cost competitiveness.
Through its carbon fiber composite materials business, Items to be accomplished in the three years of AP-G 2025
Toray Group provides optimal products that meet the Respond to Recovering Reorganize production bases for airplane
Demand for Commercial (securing personnel) and gain new demands
needs of customers from high-performance regular tow 1 Airplanes and for New such as UAM and next generation aircraft
carbon fibers to low-cost large tow carbon fibers that are Demand programs
suitable for mass production. Manufactured in Japan, Increase production capacity to capture
the United States, France, and South Korea, Toray Group Capture Expanding
2 Industrial Market
growing demand for industrial applications
such as pressure vessel (CHG), wind turbine
maintains an annual regular tow carbon fiber production blades, and centrifuge
capacity*1 of 28,770 tons. Meanwhile, with an annual
Expand production and sales for industrial
production capacity of 35,000 tons, the Group manu- Business Structure Reform
and sports applications after aircraft demand
3 without Overdependence on recovers, and shift to business without over-
factures large tow carbon fibers in Mexico and Hungary. Aerospace Applications
dependence on aerospace applications
Toray Group has the world’s largest share*2 in both reg-
Improve services by strengthening collab-
ular tow and large tow. Strengthen Regional oration among regional subsidiaries in the
Toray Industries, Inc.
Demand for carbon fiber will continue to expand at Cooperation Americas (CMA - TAC-G) and Europe (CFE -
an annual rate of 17% owing to such megatrends as
the drive toward carbon neutrality and is projected to Achieve carbon-neutrality in Europe (CFE)
Develop a Road Map for
exceed 200,000 tons by 2025. In particular, pressure 5 Carbon Neutrality by 2040 and entire carbon fiber composites
businesses by 2050
vessels, including compressed natural gas (CNG) tanks,
renewable natural gas (RNG) tanks, and hydrogen (CHG)
50 tanks, wind turbine blades, existing commercial aircraft Improve operation of security trade control
6 Improve Compliance and quality control, etc.
models, and gas diffusion layer base materials for fuel
Toray Report 2023
The Strengths of Broad Product Lineups and U.S. market is experiencing growing demand for sewage
a Global Integrated Operation System and wastewater reuse as a countermeasure for droughts,
especially on the West Coast, whereas the Middle East
As the core business in the Environment & Engineering market continues to construct large-scale seawater desali-
segment, the first strength of the water treatment nation plants, leading to an outlook for strong demand.
business is its ability to propose total solutions (IMS*)
RO Membrane demand outlook (Toray’s estimate)
through the combination of its broad product lineups.
Toray Group develops, produces, and sells various mem- RO Membrane
brane products of different diameters entirely in-house in (FY 2019=100) (’22-’25)
accordance with the substances to be separated during Others
water treatment, from reverse osmosis (RO) mem- 100
Middle East
branes to nanofiltration (NF) membranes, ultrafiltration
(UF) membranes, and microfiltration (MF) membranes. USA
In this way, it designs the optimal system in accordance 50
Five Major Issues
• Achieve top market share in RO business
TORAY UF TORAY RO Business expansion
• Enhance activities in growing water reuse field
1 and solving social
Surface Water
the U.S. to attract and build semiconductor plants in their Sustainability FY 2013
FY 2022
FY 2025
Target (Baseline year) Target
own countries have been gathering strength. At the same
Water filtration throughput
time, as the performance of semiconductors improves and 27.23 million
contribution by Toray’s water 2.4-fold 2.9-fold
the fabrication process evolves, more advanced require- treatment membranes
Business Overview and In Vitro Diagnostics Kit developments that assist in its
Main Initiatives of AP-G 2025 early detection will be extremely high.
Europe, China, South Korea, and Singapore. The main to be low, so we aim to acquire a business partner and
tasks for AP-G 2025 include: improving the functions of conduct the next phase of clinical trials.
and obtaining additional indications for existing products
while developing their overseas business; the steady Adhesion Barrier
launch of the diagnostic business; and the provision of We are promoting as open innovation an adhesion barrier
54 high-added-value services by utilizing DX/AI. (TRM-270C) for use in surgical operations that combines
*REMITCH® is a registered trademark of Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Toray’s fiber and film processing technologies with the
polymer nanosheet technology of Nanotheta Co., Ltd.,
Toray Report 2023
Billion yen
Hirofumi Kobayashi
Senior Vice President
General Manager,
Pharmaceuticals and Medical
(FY) 2016 2019 2022 2025
Products Division
Based on the thinking that the success or failure of a com- possible for key human resources candidates, who will be
pany is decided by its people, and employees shape its des- responsible for front-line workplace competency, to attend
tiny,Toray positions human resources as its most important training sessions and other activities in a planned manner. In
management resource. At the same time making the secur- particular, we are focusing on the development of profession-
ing and development of human resources its most import- als with advanced expertise, technical skills and originality in
ant management issue, the Company is promoting human problem solving, of leaders who act with foresight, leader-
resource strategies in an integrated manner with its man- ship and a sense of balance, and of human resources who
agement strategies. can play an active role in global business .
On the path from the development to the commercial-
ization of advanced materials, the involvement over the Career Path Worksheets that
medium- to long-term of human resources who possess a Support Self-Reliant Career Development
range of abilities remains essential. The Company is lever- Toray introduced the career path worksheet as a tool to sup-
aging the advantages of Japan’s membership-type employ- port the growth of each and every employee. Employees
ment system, where the company protects jobs, employees draw up their own career plans and, through interviews with
can work with peace of mind, and teamwork is valued. At their superiors, verify their past work experience and their
the same time, we aim to create organizations and work- current level of achievement in relation to the required skills
places that incorporate flexible employment structures, as well as discuss their career prospects. Based on that con-
where each and every employee can feel fulfilled with their tent, superiors also formulate training plans for their subordi-
own abilities and develop their own careers, and where they nates, thereby creating a system to support subordinates in
can work as teams to achieve major goals. their work execution and career development. Furthermore,
Toray Industries, Inc.
1 Strengthening of Human Resources Development rotation system, allowing employees to apply for a transfer
every year to advance their careers. In this way, we are incor-
Development of Next-generation Management Leaders porating human resources development measures that sup-
Toray is systematically training successor candidates who port the self-reliant career development of our employees
can take charge of the next generation of management. and promoting the creation of a highly motivated, highly pro-
Toray Management School, which opened in 1991, selects ductive organization.
20 section managers every year. In addition to helping the
Toray Report 2023
candidates acquire the knowledge and skills essential for Fostering Mindset to Face Challenges through
corporate management, the School also improves their In-house Recruitment System
problem-setting and problem-solving abilities through joint In addition to supporting self-reliant career development,
research in which themes are selected by groups. 600 gradu- Toray is also conducting internal recruitment with the aim
ates including 35 women have gained practical management of fostering the mindset to face challenges. Job openings
experience at Japanese and overseas group companies, and are posted on the Company’s intranet, and employees who
179 have gone on to take up management positions at Toray have been employed in their current position for three years
and its Japanese and overseas group companies. Current or more are free to apply. Every year, many employees are
President Mitsuo Ohya is also one of the School’s graduates. taking advantage of this open recruitment system to achieve
In 2006, we also launched the Toray Group Management transfers across fields and types of occupation.
School for division and department managers of Japanese
group companies and candidates for management suc- Company-wide Training Course Enrollment in FY 2022
cession at the Toray Synthetic Textile Cluster. In 2021, we
Persons enrolled Time dedicated
launched Management Training for General Managers, Training category
to training
Men Women Total per employee
geared toward those who are about to be promoted to the (hour)
senior management level of Toray Group.
Management 699 59 758 44.8
Expanding and Raising Level of Core Human Resources
Sales, marketing, and
Charged with Front-line Workplace Competency administration
262 74 336 20.2
Having systemized OJT, OFF-JT, self-development, and per-
sonnel systems and measures, Toray is developing its human Technical 620 84 704 29.0
resources by linking each of these systems. We have pre-
pared training programs for employees at all levels in all fields Global 74 12 86 50.2
Accelerating Promotion of
3 Promoting Job Satisfaction and Supportive Workplaces
Women’s Empowerment in the Workforce Job satisfaction for each and every individual is connected
By utilizing the career path worksheets to support individual to the source of vitality that creates new value. Through the 57
skill development and planning for realizable careers, we are introduction of the career path worksheet, Toray aims to
working to improve the retention rate of female employees become a company that supports “finding a place for self-re-
engineer, but that company was later acquired by a major selected as the CEO of a Japanese company, as I imagine
company. I joined Toray Membrane USA (TMUS) in 2008, at the management level, I fall into the younger category.
shortly after the company was established, and the CEO However, this is my 15th year at TMUS. As I have been
at the time, who knew of me, had approached me. Even working my way up since the early stages of the startup,
before joining the company, I had the opportunity to gain I have been able to see how this company has grown up
first-hand experience of Toray products and knew what to now and therefore believe that I have a good under-
kind of functions they had, and thus I rated Toray’s tech- standing of Toray’s corporate culture as well as the cur-
nological capabilities very highly. At the same time, I felt rent situation. Although we have grown in a short period
that Toray had the potential to become an industry leader of time from a startup to a company that can generate
in the near future, so decided to join the company as a profits, my feeling is that we still have a lot of potential.
senior engineer. After joining the company and the team Therefore, my goal from now on is to lead TMUS to the
members, I was convinced that this startup was pre- next chapter in its growth to make the company even
cisely the best place for me to demonstrate my skills. bigger. This starts with a change in mindset of employ-
Furthermore, after joining the company, I realized that ees. I would like to create a company that can grow sus-
Toray Group has a vision of wanting to be successful tainably by building a foundation of thinking that looks at
over the long-term, not just the short-term. long-term growth, rather than simply focusing on earning
immediate profit. I find this a challenging task, and am
—Did you have a career path to management in honored to have been given this opportunity.
mind when you joined the company?
To be involved in corporate management was not what —What do you think are the challenges that Toray
I was aiming for from the beginning. As I had majored Group is facing in the United States?
in chemical engineering at university, I wanted to first As a group, Toray possesses diverse, chemistry-based
improve my abilities as an engineer. However, as people technologies. From there, in addition to water treatment,
Please watch the short film STRAIGHT
PATH, which is based on President Huynh’s
true story.
we are expanding our various businesses globally, undergoing consolidation, and there are cases in which
including textiles, carbon fiber composite materials, and small companies have pooled a variety of technolo-
functional chemicals, and are working to contribute to gies and grown into major companies. In an increasing
people’s lives and society. I feel proud to be a member number of cases, such companies are proposing a vari-
of the Group. ety of packaged solutions. For TMUS to adapt to these
With regard to our business in the United States, I think changes in the competitive environment and exhibit fur-
it is good that a diverse group of local human resources ther growth, I believe it is important to strengthen part-
is responsible for the management of the group compa- nerships not only of course within the Group but also
nies. This is because we local human resources have a outside the Group and with our customers, while aiming
r president to lea ident also answers questions received via the live
k the baton from the forme
President Ohya too chat on the day of the livestream.
REAL TALK livestreams were held twice in FY
at Tokyo Head Office
The 5th REAL TALK, with his first participation in the livestream, was held 2022 and are scheduled to be held a total of six
times in FY 2023, including at our factories. REAL
60 TALK provides a valuable opportunity for employees
to interact with President. REAL TALK has been well
received by many employees, with positive com-
Toray Report 2023
Very good/Good
Plas tics Technic
Employee from as modera tor
t se rv ing
Pr esident Ohya
Takayuki Minami
Corporate Communication
Planning & Administration
Group, General Administration
& Communications Division
tainable energy (renewable power and hydrogen) and raw Subcommittee on Global Environment, Committee on
materials, innovative processes, and technologies that uti- Environment
lize CO2 through the expansion of the SI Business, thereby • Japan Association of Corporate Executives: Environment
reducing its greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope and Energy Committee
2) in the aim of achieving carbon neutrality for the Group • Japan Chemical Industry Association: Technical Affairs
in 2050. The Group will also work to reduce Scope 3 green- Committee
house gas emissions for the purpose of decreasing emis- • Japan Chemical Fibers Association
sions throughout the supply chain. • Japan Environmental Management Association for
Toray Report 2023
Contributing to a carbon neutral world Achieving carbon neutrality for the Toray Group by 2050
Increasing the Volume of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Adopting greenhouse gas emissions reduction technology in
Avoided through the Sustainability Innovation (SI) Business business activities
Returns from the SI Business
Society-wide greenhouse gas emissions
Present 2050
Returns from the SI Business
FY 2030 Target FY 2030 Target
(Corresponding KPls) (Corresponding KPls)
[Compared to FY 2013] [Compared to FY 2013]
Supply of Sustainability Innovation products 4.5-fold GHG emissions in GHG emissions per unit of revenue for the entire Toray Group Over 50% reduction
CO2 emissions avoided in value chain 25-fold production activities GHG emissions of Toray Group in Japan Over 40% reduction
TCFD Initiatives
Board of Directors
Chair: President
Sustainability Committee Deliberation on sustainability-related plans and follow-up on initiatives
for realization of the Toray Group Sustainability Vision
• Challenge 50+ Project
reduction of
Climate Change Project • Strategic planning for GHG emission reduction
• Measures toward realization of nature positive
Risk Management
As part of its periodic risk identification and assessment the body with sole responsibility for climate change-related
efforts, the Risk Management Committee considers climate issues. Based on the results of its assessments, the Risk
change-related risks to be one of relatively high importance. Management Committee reconsiders risks and promotes
The Committee therefore conducts detailed risk analyses and measures to address climate change-related risks in a group-
assessments based on the TCFD framework under the super- wide yet agile manner.
vision and management of the Sustainability Committee as
Toray Group has identified climate change-related risks and scenario. The Group also looked at the 4°C increase scenario
opportunities, and performed quantitative scenario analyses assuming insufficient progress on efforts to ameliorate global
to grasp their financial impacts based on the qualitative sce- climate change.
nario analyses regarding the potential influence of each on the Based on these scenario analyses, Toray Group is bolster-
Group from the Toray Group TCFD Report 2021. After the anal- ing the Sustainability Innovation (SI) Business, which con-
ysis was conducted, Toray Group reconfirmed the resilience of tributes to the achievement of the Toray Group Sustainability
the long-term strategy (outlined in the Long-Term Corporate Vision. Similarly, the Group promotes the production of green
Vision, TORAY VISION 2030) that will drive its achievement of hydrogen, its use in industrial and transportation applica-
the Toray Group Sustainability Vision. tions, and the development of products that help utilize CO2,
The Paris Agreement target is to limit global warming to thereby contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas
well below 2°C, preferably to 1.5°C, compared to pre-indus- emissions in working to achieve carbon neutrality for society
trial levels. Looking to help achieve this target and achieve as a whole. Moreover, the Group seeks to reduce its green-
carbon neutrality in 2050, Toray Group primarily analyzed the house gas emissions and aims to achieve carbon neutral-
1.5°C increase scenario, but also considered the 2°C increase ity through the development and introduction of sustainable
Initiatives for Global Environmental Issues
energy and raw materials returned through the expansion of power. Specifically, the Group will promote material recycling
the SI Business, as well as through innovative processes and for reusing plastic products and chemical recycling for con-
technologies that use CO2. verting these back into their basic chemicals. And it will pro-
In addition, Toray Group aims to achieve a circular econ- mote technological developments that use bio-ethylene glycol
omy by recycling plastic products and switching to bio-based (EG) derived from non-edible sugar cane molasses. Moreover,
materials, as well as through the use of Toray technologies the Group is engaged in the development of CO2 separation
that support a circular economy, in areas such as water treat- membranes as a key technology for separating and recover-
ment, hydrogen, and renewable energy-sourced electric ing CO2 for use.
• Biopolymers
• Growth of biomaterials business
• Membrane bioprocess, biodegradable materials
• Growth of recycled materials business
Changes to Opportunities • Recycled materials (Ecouse™, &+™, etc.) L
• Growth of businesses contributing to waste
the economic • High-performance packaging materials
reduction (emissions reduction, durability)
system toward • VOC free waterless printing system for flexible packaging
the realization • Increased waste disposal costs
of a circular • Shrinking materials market due to the shift away • Strengthen waste management and promote recycling
society Risks from mass production and mass consumption • Responding to demand for bio-based materials and L
• Opportunity loss due to delay in responding to a recycling, etc.
recycling-oriented society
*1 Excerpt from Toray Group TCFD Report VER.2 (Japanese version)
*2 Items that are difficult to estimate quantitatively with a certain degree of accuracy are classified into the following three levels (large, medium and small) according to the magnitude of their impact
on sales revenue or business profit.
Large (L): Sales revenue of 50 billion yen or more or business profit of 5 billion yen or more
Medium (M): Sales revenue of 10 billion yen or more but less than 50 billion yen, or business profit of 1 billion yen or more but less than 5 billion yen
Small (S): Sales revenue less than 10 billion yen or business profit less than 1 billion yen
The impact on revenue was analyzed for the sales aspect, and the impact on business profit was analyzed for the cost aspect. In cases where the same size classification for each climate scenario
was considered to have varying degrees of impact within that classification, a gradient was used, with darker colors used for those deemed to have a greater impact. The gradient represents changes
within the same category of “social change” and does not represent differences in the magnitude of impact between different categories.
Environmental Accounting
Toray has been practicing environmental accounting since amounted to ¥1.49 billion, a decline of ¥330 million over the
1999, to track investments and gauge their cost effectiveness. previous fiscal year, while environmental preservation costs
The value of environmental facility investments in FY 2022 amounted to ¥9.26 billion, an increase of ¥2.51 billion.
In addition, the Group also switched all power consumed April 2022. This move has reduced greenhouse gas emissions
by Toray’s headquarters to 100% renewable energy starting in by an estimated 1,500 tons-CO2 annually on a global basis.
*2 The energy consumption shown in this graph does not include renewable energy.
Biodiversity Initiatives
Next to the issue of climate change, the issue of biodiversity to produce reliably safe drinking water, water conservation
preservation has been a major focus of the international com- through the reuse of treated wastewater, and air purification
munity in recent years. Biodiversity forms the basis of natural using filter-related materials.
66 capital such as water, air, plants, animals, and minerals that The Group also uses environmental assessment check-
are indispensable to human society. Climate change caused lists to conduct safety reviews for all products and to carry
Toray Report 2023
by human activities, depletion of natural resources, ecosystem out environmental risk investigations before making capital
destruction, and species extinction are causing biodiversity investment. The checklists enable the Group to ensure that
loss to occur at an alarming rate, making it a serious problem it is not exceeding legal limits on regulated substances con-
facing humankind. This has sparked an international discussion tained in exhaust gas, wastewater, and waste from manufac-
about the importance of taking a nature positive approach to turing. When assessing new land use, the checklists cover
stopping and reversing biodiversity loss. items related to biodiversity, including regulations at produc-
Toray Group views conservation of biodiversity as a critical tion bases, the necessity for surveys on rare species, and any
global environmental issue which is as just important as reduc- requests from citizen groups, among other considerations.
ing greenhouse gas emissions. Toray is contributing to the bio- Through these efforts, Toray strives to assess its impact on
diversity conservation and nature positive approach through its biodiversity and help build a sustainable world.
business activities. This includes water treatment technology
Newly establishing the Environmental Solutions Department within the Corporate Marketing Planning Division
Under the Toray Group Sustainability Vision, Toray Group is engaged in group-wide initiatives
geared toward combating climate change and promoting a circular economy. In June 2022, the
Group established the Environmental Solutions Department within the Corporate Marketing
Planning Division to serve as the headquarters for using the strengths of the Group’s businesses
to their fullest through an approach to marketing and supply chain management that cuts across
its businesses. In working toward the realization of a circular economy, the Group must tackle
issues in its Fibers & Textiles, Resins, Films, and other business divisions, while at the same time
charting the optimization of group-wide policies for polyester, nylon, and other polymers on an
individual basis. The primary mission of the Environmental Solutions Department is to build a value
chain that straddles each department regarding issues involved in securing resources for recy-
cling, developing technologies, and commercialization, and to realize systems that connect the
value chain to revenue and profits. At the same time, the Group launched the Circular Economy
Subcommittee led by the Executive Vice President in charge of Marketing & Sales to debate pol-
icies involving Toray initiatives for a circular economy. The subcommittee has been working to
Yuriko Teshigawara achieve the targets raised by the Group for 2030, namely a revenue target of ¥400 billion for prod-
General Manager, ucts that facilitate sustainable, recycling-based use of resources and production, and a target of
Environmental Solutions 20% for the percentage of raw materials sourced from recycling used in Toray core polymers*1.
Department *1 The ratio of PET and nylon polymer raw materials sourced from recycling, derived from biomass, or produced with CO2 recycling.
IR Seminar
Toray Group’s Initiatives Toward Realization of a Hydrogen Society
The Group held an IR Seminar titled “Toray Group’s Initiatives Toward Realization of a Hydrogen Society” on September 5th,
2023. In this event, these three speakers gave presentations: Satoru Hagiwara, Executive Vice President and Representative
Member of the Board, Keisuke Ishii, General Manager, Torayca Division, and Kozo Takahashi, General Manager, HS Division.
• High durability
¥60 Billion
• Provide Toray Group’s Proprietary Advanced
Materials throughout the Hydrogen Supply
¥20 Billion • Collaborate with Customers to Demonstrate
Values, while Aiming for Sustainable Growth
Synthetic Fibers
Advanced Composite Materials
Molding Technology
Engineering Plastics
Film Processing
Film Technology
Polymer Chemistry
High-performance Films
70 Coating Technology
Control Technology
Electronic Materials
Toray Report 2023
Printing Materials
Biotechnology Fine Patterning
High-performance Membranes,
Microstructure Water Treatment Systems
Artificial Organs, Medical Devices
Surface Control
Nanotechnology Biotools
Gene Utilization
Medicinal Technology
Material Design Veterinary Medicines, Fine Chemicals
Technology Synthetic, Plastic Raw Materials
Won The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Technical Development for 2022 for development of advanced,
highly functional textiles by precise control of fiber cross-section morphology at the nano-level
Toray received the The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Technical Development for 2022 for the development of highly
functional textiles by precise control of fiber cross-sections. This was the second straight year for Toray to receive recogni-
tion for its advances in nanotechnology.
The award recognizes the creation of NANODESIGN™, an innovative conjugate spinning technology that employs a new
technology to freely and precisely control the cross-sectional shape of composite fibers, and the successful commercial-
ization of advanced fibers leveraging NANODESIGN™. Specifically, Toray has
leveraged NANODESIGN™ to make it possible to develop fibers and textiles
for comfortable clothing that combine natural texture with the functionality of
synthetic fibers. Conventional fibers cannot match these capabilities. These
advances include Kinari™, a fabric that realized the multiple characteristics of
natural silk. Another is Camifu™, a new textile material that combines excellent
water absorption and quick-drying performance with a natural feel. There is also
Qticle™, a stretch fabric with outstanding colorability.
Research and Technological Development Provide the Key to
Building the Toray of Tomorrow
R&D Expenditures (Billion yen) Percentage Breakdown of Establishing New Research Facility That Will
Total R&D Expenditures Foster Sustainable Economic Progress Based on
FY 2022
R&D Expenditures “Fusion of Green and Nano-based Technologies”
68.9 Concept
66.4 66.9
62.8 62.1 Toray is setting up a new research facility at Nagoya Plant
with the aim of accelerating R&D in response to green trans-
FY 2022 formation (GX) and next-generation mobility. The Company
will build a framework to promote integrated material devel-
opment, process design, and customer proposals. The facil-
Property 1,613 6,303 6,295
1,615 1,514
14,935 15,028
R&D Business 4,245 3,018 3,232 14,399
Strategies Strategies
management resources. We have linked our intellectual prop- and technologies and patents owned by other companies to
erty strategies mutually and organically with our business assure that there is no infringement upon the rights of other
and R&D strategies, and as a component of this “trinity,” we parties. We also check the relationship of our trademarks
have positioned intellectual property strategies as one of the with those registered by other companies prior to use.
most important elements of our management strategies. 4. Rightful enforcement of our own rights
72 2. Promoting the procurement of rights When Toray Group’s patent rights are infringed upon by
In order to protect Toray Group’s products and technolo- another party, we take proper steps depending on the cir-
gies and to ensure profits, we promote high-quality patent cumstances by exercising our patent rights, such as demand-
Toray Report 2023
applications and patenting, and strive to build a strong pat- ing that infringement cease, receiving monetary profits from
ent network with deterrence capabilities. Regarding trade- licensing, and using our patent rights for cross-licensing with
marks, we execute the acquisition of appropriate rights the patent rights of other parties.
with an eye to improving brand value. The decline in the
Toray ranked 16th on the “Patent Asset Growth Ranking,” a 8,000
ogies held by Toray Group, and uses different colors corre- Purifying blood
Semipermeable membrane module
sponding to each technological field to indicate Toray’s many
Semipermeable membrane
development (R&D), and production ing & logistics, and advancing business management
Under AP-G 2025, based on DX closely tied to the Genba activities and data analysis, and create new materials
74 (workplace), we will promote building of a global data infra- through simulation informatics. In collaboration with the
structure to utilize the data accumulated within Toray Group value chain, we will work to improve the accuracy of pro-
Toray Report 2023
throughout the Group, integration of analysis and simula- duction and sales plans and the optimization of inventory
tion technologies, collaboration with the value chain, and through real-time collaboration and management, while
the development of more than 2,000 human resources flu- focusing on visualizing our carbon footprint. We will also
ent in digital technologies. accelerate the promotion of DX in all aspects, such as in
In building a global data infrastructure, we will centralize strengthening digital marketing and in managing signs of
Toray Group’s performance management data, including problems by utilizing AI.
that from domestic and overseas affiliates, and improve As far as human resources are concerned, we will
Group governance through timely monitoring systems expand and upgrade the DX human resource certification
such as Business Intelligence (BI). By combining analysis system and develop human resources who understand the
and simulation technologies, we will work to reduce costs workplace, know how to use digital technology as a tool,
and improve quality through the visualization of production and who will take the lead in improving that workplace.
Combining analysis and simulation tech. Using AI and MI* to capture benefits of digitally leveraged manufacturing *Materials Informatics
Development of HR fluent in Establishing a base of human resources fluent in digital technologies totaling 2,000 people group-wide
digital technology
• Focusing on the development of senior leaders and leaders who are familiar with both the frontlines and digital technology
Level of Digital Fluency Expert Over 20 people Creation of new digital methods (Professional)
Senior Leader Over 200 people Execute from problem-setting to solution by themselves using digital methods (Leader)
Leader Over 600 people Solving problems with basic digital methods (Field promoters)
Member of the Board Member of the Board Member of the Board
Kazuyuki Adachi Kazuhiko Shuto Tetsuya Tsunekawa
Toray Report 2023
1980 Joined the Company 1980 Joined the Company 1984 Joined the Company
2017 Director, Toray Industries (Thailand) Co., Ltd.; 1998 Vice President (Member of the Board), Penfabric Sdn. Berhad 2004 General Manager, Films & Film Products Research Laboratories
President, Luckytex (Thailand) Public Company Limited; 2005 Chairman, Toray Jifa (Qingdao) Textile Co., Ltd. 2009 General Manager, Advanced Film Technical Dept., Films & Film
Chairman, Thai Toray Textile Mills Public Company Limited 2010 General Manager, Textiles Division Products Research Laboratories
2018 Senior Vice President (Member of the Board) 2014 Vice President (Member of the Board) 2012 General Manager, Tsuchiura Plant
2020 Senior Vice President (Member of the Board) 2016 Senior Vice President (Member of the Board) 2014 Vice President (Member of the Board)
2023 Executive Vice President (Member of the Board) (incumbent) 2018 Retired from Senior Vice President (Member of the Board) 2016 Senior Vice President (Member of the Board)
Chief Representative for China; Chairman & President, Toray 2020 Retired from Senior Vice President (Member of the Board)
Industries (China) Co., Ltd.; Chairman, Toray Sakai Weaving & Senior Vice President
Dyeing (Nantong) Co., Ltd. 2022 Senior Vice President
2020 Senior Vice President 2023 Senior Vice President (Member of the Board) (incumbent)
2022 Senior Vice President (Member of the Board)
2023 Executive Vice President (Member of the Board) (incumbent)
Member of the Board Member of the Board Member of the Board (Outside)
Masahiko Okamoto Takashi Yoshiyama Kunio Ito
1986 Joined the Company 1984 Joined the Company 2002 Dean, Graduate School of Commerce and Management
2009 Vice President (Member of the Board), Toray Industries 2009 General Manager, Advanced Composites Technical Dept. and Faculty of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi
(Malaysia) Sdn. Berhad; Vice President (Member of the 2010 General Manager, Second Advanced Composites Technical Dept. University
Board), Penfabric Sdn. Berhad; General Manager on Special 2014 General Manager, Composites Production Dept., Shiga Plant 2004 Executive Vice President and Board Member, Hitotsubashi
Assignment, Finance & Controller’s Division (Finance & 2016 General Manager, Manufacturing Division (Advanced University
Controller’s Chief for Malaysia) Composites Manufacturing) 2013 Director, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (incumbent)
2011 General Manager on Special Assignment, International 2017 General Manager, Manufacturing Division (Advanced 2014 Director, Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.
Division Composites Technology and Manufacturing) Member of the Board of the Company (incumbent)
2013 General Manager, Finance Dept. President, Euro Advanced Carbon Fiber Composites 2015 Director, Hitotsubashi CFO Education and Research Center
2017 General Manager, Controller’s Dept. 2023 Corporate Vice President (Member of the Board) (incumbent) (Incumbent)
2020 Corporate Vice President (Member of the Board) 2018 Research Professor, Department of Business Administration,
2023 Senior Vice President (Member of the Board) (incumbent) Hitotsubashi University Business School
Member of the Board (Outside) Member of the Board (Outside) Member of the Board (Outside)
Ryoji Noyori Susumu Kaminaga Kazuo Futagawa
1997 Dean, Graduate School of Science and School of Science, 1969 Joined Sumitomo Precision Products CO., LTD. 1980 Joined the Ministry of Health and Welfare
Nagoya University 1995 Representative Director, Surface Technology Systems Ltd. 2012 Director-General of Minister’s Secretariat, the Ministry of
2001 Director, TAKASAGO INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 2000 Director, Sumitomo Precision Products CO., LTD. Health, Labour and Welfare
(incumbent) 2002 Managing Director, Sumitomo Precision Products CO., LTD. 2014 Director-General, Health Policy Bureau, the Ministry of Health,
2003 President, RIKEN 2004 President, Sumitomo Precision Products CO., LTD. Labour and Welfare
2004 Special Professor, Nagoya University (incumbent) 2012 Senior Advisor, Sumitomo Precision Products CO., LTD.; 2015 Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
2015 Director-General, Center for Research and Development Representative Director, SK Global Advisers Co., Ltd. 2017 Retired from Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency (incumbent) (incumbent) 2018 Special Advisor on Policy, Social Security Reform Office,
Vice President (Member of the Board) of the Company Director, DEFTA Capital (incumbent) Cabinet Secretariat
Member of the Board of the Company (incumbent) 2016 Outside Director, Olympus Corporation 2020 Member of the Board of the Company (incumbent)
2020 Member of the Board of the Company (incumbent) Member of the Board, Kanamic Network Co., LTD. (incumbent)
Corporate Auditors
General Administration & Communications Osaka Head Office President, Toray Industries (America), Inc.;
Division; Chairman, Toray Plastics (America), Inc.
Tokyo Head Office
multiple perspectives, including the practical social applica- the creation of value involving various stakeholders, self-in-
tion and business value creation of research results. terest has the exact opposite effect. I will also closely mon-
My first contact with Toray was when I was involved in itor this issue from a neutral standpoint.
developing the Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic
Plan of Japan’s Cabinet Office. To a large part, I feel that —Why do you think diversity is important?
my career has unintentionally fostered a sense of diver- Imagine an organization where everyone thinks and acts
sity as opposed to specialization, and as a result, I have the same way. In a world where the correct answer never
Toray Report 2023
become adept at examining various issues from multi- changes, this scenario can be extremely efficient. In con-
ple perspectives. I have also served as an outside direc- trast, companies in general, including Toray, operate in a
tor of Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA, a company based rapidly changing external environment and exist in a world
in France with a long history. Immediately after assum- of uncertainty where value disappear in an instant. The
ing office, conditions deteriorated, most notably with the world is not a place with fixed answers. Under these cir-
global economic crisis caused by the collapse of Lehman cumstances, I am convinced that diversity is critical to
Brothers, and I was faced with a mountain of unforeseen ensuring multifaceted views and a flexible organization.
problems and the need to address investors’ concerns. Discussions surrounding diversity in Japan tend to
From this experience, I realized firsthand the importance focus on the empowerment of women. It is a mistake
of the role that outside directors play in reconciling inter- to think that this is a solution to efforts aimed at promot-
nal and external perspectives. In serving as a Toray outside ing diversity. Putting in place a comfortable workplace for
director, I am therefore committed to using my unique per- women, increasing the number of female managers, and
spective and experience to help the Company enhance its providing women with preferential treatment are not in
corporate value in a sustainable manner. themselves the solution. The goal is to secure a level play-
ing field and to allow women to demonstrate their abilities
—What do you consider are the most important in similar fashion to men, which will lead to increased cor-
aspects of effective governance? porate value. Diversity is not only about gender or other
The larger the organization, the more complex and inter- such differences. Diversity is also about individuality and a
national the business, the more important it is to integrate comprehensive range of factors, including the experience
the organization and make decisions quickly. I believe that that each individual has gained. On the other hand, when
a well-functioning decision-making system that oversees simply bringing together a diverse group of people, should
an organization in a manner where critical decisions and those individuals behave as they please then an ineffi-
issues are addressed in a timely manner is indicative of cient organization that is unable to make any decisions is
effective governance. I am not referring here purely to likely to result. Diversity in business is all about the change
Toray Industries, Inc.
created by people with wide-ranging attributes and differ- application of AI and promotion of DX is merely the natu-
ences collaborating with each other in an environment of ral evolution of tools that help to further enhance conve-
mutual respect. With this in mind, I believe that it makes nience. It is important that we utilize these tools to create
sense to become an organization that is resilient to envi- innovations and not become passive users.
ronmental change and highly capable of creating value.
—Do you have any closing words about
—What are your thoughts on the use of AI in leadership in a diverse organization?
innovation and the promotion of DX? Leadership is not about a person at the top of the hierar-
Ideas belong to each individual. Historically, people have chy wielding authority to make subordinates follow him or
come together to put forward new ideas. With the emer- her. Leadership is a skill that motivates people to behave
gence of generative AI, which instantly organizes a huge with conviction. In a diverse organization, not only man-
amount of data and facts that people cannot fully exam- agement, but also a variety of people are expected to exer-
ine, human beings gained an amazing bag of wisdom. cise leadership in various situations. I would add one more
Wherever possible, I have promoted the importance of thing, the key role of a leader is to lead the team or orga-
becoming people who can employ AI wisely. At the same nization into the future. Leadership does not necessarily
time, it is equally important that we maintain the neces- require the leader to provide all the answers. Leadership
sary axis and materials to judge AI, and ensure that we are can be achieved by letting others decide and taking respon-
not controlled by it. My fear is that AI will proffer plausible sibility. Put simply, I believe that seeing an issue to the very
answers that we will grow to rely without question. The end is of the utmost importance.
Corporate Governance
Basic Policy
From the outset, one of Toray Group’s managerial principles trustworthy management.” The Corporate Guiding Principles
has been that the purpose of a company is to contribute to stipulate the Group’s commitment to “acting with fairness,
society. The Group has developed the Toray Philosophy that high ethical standards and a strong sense of responsibility
incorporates this principle. The Group systematizes the Toray while complying with laws, regulations and social norms to
Philosophy as a Corporate Philosophy, Corporate Missions, earn trust and meet social expectations.” When establishing
Corporate Guiding Principles, etc. The Corporate Missions the corporate governance structure, the Group seeks to real-
clearly enunciate that the Group will practice “sincere and ize these philosophies as its basic policy.
transparency and fairness of decision made by the Board perspective, and to obtain appropriate managerial advice
of Directors. In addition, there is a Governance Committee, from a medium- to long-term perspective.
which serves as a voluntary advisory body to the Board of The Board of Corporate Auditors is entirely independent
Directors. The Governance Committee deliberates on all of the Board of Directors. Based on professional expertise
matters relating to corporate governance, enhancing the in finance, accounting, and law, as well as an understand-
82 effectiveness of governance by the Board of Directors. ing of the Group’s businesses, the Board of Corporate
Toray Group operates in a broad spectrum of busi- Auditors oversee directors’ execution of their duties.
Toray Report 2023
Total 30 28 26 25 19 12 13
of Board
Outside directors included 1 2 4 5
Percentage of outside directors 3.8% 8.0% 10.5% 33.3% 38.5%
Policy on the Composition of the Board of Directors, Policy and Procedures for Selecting
Members of the Board
The Board of Directors has to evaluate a wide variety of risks Group in terms of knowledge, experience and ability, and appro-
multilaterally to fulfill its roles of oversight and decision-making. priately ensures diversity as a whole with the announcement
To that end, the Board of Directors strives for appropriate bal- of the skill matrix of members of the Board. As to the structure
Skill Matrix
Business operations Corporate
Kazuhiko Shuto
Tetsuya Tsunekawa ● ● (DX)
Masahiko Okamoto ● ●
Takashi Yoshiyama ● ●
Kunio Ito ● ● (ESG)
Ryoji Noyori ● ● (Science and technology)
Susumu Kaminaga ● ● (Business strategies)
Kazuo Futagawa ● ● (Policy science)
Yuko Harayama ● (Innovation)
Hideki Hirabayashi ● ●
Corporate Auditor
Yoshiyuki Tanaka ● ●
Hiroyuki Kumasaka ●
Makiko Takabe ●
Kozo Ogino ●
*The skill matrix above is not an exhaustive list of all the knowledge and experience held by the individuals, but presents up to two major skills among those that the Company expects
of them to promote management strategies.
the Governance Committee. the scope of the maximum limit, basic remuneration to
With respect to basic remuneration, the maxi- each corporate auditor is determined through consulta-
mum limit of total remuneration is determined at gen- tion by corporate auditors based on the Company’s internal
eral meetings of stockholders. Particulars of the agenda regulations.
at the general meeting of stockholders are determined Regarding details of remuneration to individual mem-
84 by the Board of Directors following a report from the bers of the Board, the remuneration system is continuously
Governance Committee. Bonuses are determined by the reviewed by the Governance Committee. Based on the
Toray Report 2023
Board of Directors following a report from the Governance results, the Governance Committee makes a report to the
Committee, with consideration given mainly to the consol- Board of Directors, which makes a resolution. Accordingly,
idated core operating income for each fiscal year that best the Board of Directors believes that the said details are in
represents the results of the Company’s global business line with the Decision-making policy.
President and Representative Member of the Board Internal Member of the Board
Performance-based Performance-based
remunerations remunerations
Basic: 63% Basic: 68%
Bonuses: Bonuses:
17% 13%
Measures to ensure the effectiveness of the governance framework for listed subsidiaries
Chori Co., Ltd Suido Kiko Kaisha, Ltd.
• On March 25, 2020, Chori Co., Ltd. established the On December 20, 2021, Suido Kiko Kaisha, Ltd. established
Governance Committee, which is a voluntary committee, to the Governance Commit-tee, which is a voluntary commit-
strengthen the independence, objectivity, and accountability tee. Its purpose is to appropriately manage the election and
of the functions performed by its Board of Directors regard- dismissal of members of the senior management (full-time
ing the nomination and remuneration of members of the executive directors), nomination of director candi-dates, remu-
Board. The subsidiary’s Governance Committee also delib- neration of members of the senior management and directors,
erates on matters that become necessary to be addressed and conflicts of interest with the controlling shareholder, while
from the perspective of protecting the interests of its gen- strengthening the in-dependence, objectivity and accountabil-
eral shareholders. No former employees, directors, officers, ity of the functions of the Board of Directors regarding deci-
or other personnel of the Company serve as members of the sions and other matters on important transactions and actions
Governance Committee, which is composed mainly of inde- with the controlling shareholder for the purpose of protecting
pendent outside directors, hence the independence of the the interests of minority shareholders. By requiring a majority
subsidiary in exercising authority over the election and dis- of the committee members to be independent outside direc-
missal of its directors is guaranteed. tors, the independence of the subsidiary in exercising authority
• When exercising authority over the election and dismissal of over the election and dismissal of its directors is guaranteed.
the subsidiary’s independent outside directors, the Company • When exercising authority over the elec-tion and dismissal of
seeks to make an appropriate decision for each agenda item, the subsidiary’s out-side and independent directors, the Com-
while serving the interests of the subsidiary’s shareholders in pany seeks to make an appropriate decision for each agenda
general. That decision depends on whether the candidate can item, while serving the interests of the subsidiary’s sharehold-
oversee management from a broader perspective to further ers in general. That decision depends on whether the candi-
improve the transparency and fairness of management and date can oversee management from a broader perspective
can provide appropriate management advice from a medium- to further im-prove the transparency and fairness of manage-
to long-term perspective, based on his/her sympathy to the ment and can provide appropriate management advice from
management philosophies of Toray and the subsidiary, in a medium- to long-term perspective, based on his/her sympa-
addition to understanding of the businesses. thy to the management philosophies of Toray and the subsidi-
• The transactions between the Company and the subsidiary ary in addition to understanding of the businesses.
are concluded based on the negotiations with reference to • The transactions between the Company and the subsidiary
several factors such as the market price. are concluded based on the negotiations with reference to
several factors such as the market price.
Comments from an Outside Director
he new leadership team kicked off in June. Please let us know your thoughts regarding the
inquiry process up to finalizing the new team and your assessment of that process.
A As Toray engages in such a broad range of main businesses, managing them and exercising leadership
is no easy task. Led by the Governance Committee, we have long discussed and sought a person with
a new management style and outstanding leadership who can realize the “New Toray,” while carry-
ing over the extensive experience built up over the years under President Akihiro Nikkaku. As the new
president appointed through this process, I expect to see Mr. Mitsuo Ohya fuse Toray’s technological
capabilities with his own expertise in marketing, thereby realizing creativity and innovation amid the
discontinuous changes in the business environment and driving growth in corporate value.
Q The Tokyo Stock Exchange requires improvements from any company that falls below a PBR
of 1x. The Medium-Term Management Program, Project AP-G 2025 (AP-G 2025), includes
“improving profitability” and “improving asset efficiency” as challenges, as well as “ultimate
Kunio Ito value creation” as one of its basic strategies. Please provide some comments and recommen-
dations for Toray on AP-G 2025.
Outside Director A As an outside director, I feel disappointed that Toray’s PBR has fallen below 1x. In addition to releas-
ing the names of companies that have dropped below this benchmark, the Tokyo Stock Exchange also
announced the “JPX Prime 150,” made up of those companies that have created significant corpo-
rate value. Based on my analysis, the average PBR of the 150 selected companies is 3.6x. These com-
panies clearly have earnings capability, in other words, excellent net profit-to-sales ratios. And their
ROE greatly exceeds their cost of capital. In this respect, I believe both “improving profitability” and
“improving asset efficiency” are appropriate program challenges under AP-G 2025. All that is left to
Toray Industries, Inc.
its performance at times, Toray has continued to administer this program without ever suspending it
or cutting its budget. So, I feel that it makes sense to include “enhancement of people-centric man-
agement” within AP-G 2025. As society has come to recognize the importance of human capital man-
agement, however, I feel it is important for Toray to create an environment and corporate culture that
enable people to grow rather than one that nurtures them, and to enhance the autonomy and inde-
pendence of individuals.
Q Please tell us about your impression after having participated in the Institutional Investors
Collective Engagement Forum (IICEF)’s Collective Engagement Program.
A The Collective Engagement Program was a valuable opportunity in that I was able to engage in sin-
cere dialogue with the investors that attended. And I feel I truthfully answered their various ques-
tions to the best of my ability. I myself have engaged with many investors over the years, and feel
that I understand where their interests lie. Yet I am convinced that directly conversing with investors
regarding individual companies and touching upon their specific areas of interest was beneficial for
strengthening the governance of Toray in the future. The participants of the program fully conveyed
the message that investors are most strongly interested in the governance of the companies in
which they invest, and that they wish to ascertain whether they should continue to trust and invest
in these companies. I therefore intend to strive together as part of the Board of Directors in order to
meet the investors’ expectations.
We held a collective engagement with the seven companies listed above regarding the inappropriate actions relating to UL certification by Toray’s resins business.
The collective engagement provided Toray an opportunity to explain the awareness held by the outside directors and outside corporate auditors, together with the
Company’s initiatives, regarding corporate culture and governance. At the same time, the collective engagement served as a valuable opportunity to deepen the under-
standing between Toray and the investors on these issues. Toray will continue to ensure accountability going forward.
Basic Approach
In order to contribute to society by leveraging innovative and regulations related to our business activities in each
technologies and advanced materials in line with its cor- country in which we operate and maintain the highest level
porate philosophy, as well as by working to resolve major of integrity in all our actions. Therefore, top management
global issues, Toray Group must build and maintain relation- focuses on a leadership role in placing the highest priority
ships of trust with our various stakeholders. And in order on compliance, while both the Group and its suppliers are
to gain this trust, it is essential to comply with the laws required to promote ethics and compliance.
Ethics & Compliance Code of Conduct
Toray Group has established the Ethics & Compliance Code by the Ethics and Compliance Committee, chaired by
system. We also made our own revisions, such as adding Other reporting (consultation)
Reinforcing Compliance in Product Quality Assurance
Toray Group is pursuing five major issues to reinforce prod-
uct quality assurance compliance throughout the Group. 3. U
nderstanding of actual state of agreements with
Toray Report 2023
It also facilitates close communication between the Board of Risk mitigation activities for Overseas Crisis Management Committee
priority risks
Directors and top management as it pursues risk manage- Directions Reporting
Divisions and Departments
ment as an integral part of management strategy. In addi- responsible for priority risks mitigation
Local Crisis Management Committees in
tion, as subordinate organizations of the Risk Management each countries and regions
Committee, the Overseas Crisis Management Committee Toray Industries, Inc.
and its Group companies
and Local Crisis Management Committee have been estab-
lished to manage employees’ overseas travel under normal
conditions and compile information on overseas risks.
(hereinafter referred to as Priority Risks) and Specified Risks are determined by a dedicated department in the
Risks. In principle, the Company conducts an exhaus- Corporate Strategic Planning Division that routinely mon-
tive identification of Priority Risks once every three years. itors domestic and overseas trends, based on consulta-
Priority Risks are set based on those with a high degree tion with top management. In the event of a crisis, a quick
of potential risk (probability of occurrence × degree of response system is established according to the level of
90 impact), and the division or department responsible for mit- the crisis, in accordance with internal regulations.
igating each risk focuses on risk mitigation. Specified risks
Toray Report 2023
Business Risks
Major risks that Toray Group has evaluated to have signifi- • Risks related to foreign currency, interest rate and secu-
cant impact on business, etc. are listed below. For details rities market fluctuations
on each risk, please refer to “Business and Other Risks” in • Risks related to environmental issues such as climate
the Annual Securities Report (142nd Period). change, water shortages, and resource depletion
• Crisis response risks based on the possibility of war • Risks related to natural disasters and accidents
[*Priority Risks] • Risks related to human resource strategies
• Product supply disruption risk [*Priority Risks] • Risk related to compliance
• Risks related to product demand, market trends, and • Risks related to information security and cyber threats
business plans *“Crisis response risks based on the possibility of war” and “Product supply disruption
risk” were set as Priority Risks for the sixth three-year period (FY 2023 to 2025) through
• Risks related to global business development identifying and evaluating risks, which is described on the following page.
Major initiatives in FY 2022
1. Identifying and evaluating risks (society),” and “G (governance)” surrounding the Group.
In 2022, we conducted the following process to iden- (2) After aggregating and analyzing information obtained
tify and evaluate risks for the entire Group that could hin- from the survey, discussions on risk awareness, issues,
der the achievement of the targets of the Medium-Term and countermeasures were held with risk-related
Management Program from FY 2023 to 2025. departments and top management.
(1) A survey was conducted to identify the imminence of (3) Summarizing the analysis of the questionnaire survey
risks as well as specific concerns in Toray Group’s func- and information obtained from the discussions, draft
tional departments and domestic and overseas affiliates, of Priority Risk is deliberated and decided by the Risk
targeting 118 risks (see chart below) comprehensively Management Committee. Each division also sets its
organized in the categories of “business environ- own risks to be addressed.
ment,” “disasters,” “operations,” “E (environment),” “S
Identifying Risks for Achievement of the Targets of the Medium-Term Management Programs
2. Priority risk mitigation activities 2022, we carried out testing in cooperation with Japanese
(1) Addressing Information Security Risks and overseas Group companies to verify whether the sur-
Information security has been included as one risk vey sheets and audit procedures for suppliers, which were
Fibers &
Textiles While hygiene material applications were sluggish from the impact of the worsen-
ing supply-demand balance, apparel applications saw a recovery from the pandemic.
Industrial applications witnessed a demand recovery trend for automobile applications
in some regions. Almost all applications and regions were affected by the soaring
costs of raw materials and fuels as well as persistently high transportation costs.
Performance The Performance Chemicals segment overall was affected by the soaring raw mate-
rial and fuel prices.
In the resins and chemicals businesses, while the fine chemicals business per-
formed strongly, the resins business was weak given the impact of demand declines
in the Japanese and Chinese markets and other factors. Demand declined due to
inventory adjustment in supply chains for optical applications and electronic parts in
Toray Industries, Inc.
the films business as well as OLED-related materials and circuit materials in the elec-
tronic & information materials business.
Carbon Fiber In aerospace applications, production rate of aircrafts at the major customer showed
92 a recovery trend.
Sports applications grew strongly, due mainly to bicycles for outdoor leisure, fishing
Toray Report 2023
Environment &
Engineering In the water treatment business, demand for reverse osmosis membranes and other
products grew strongly, while facilities that newly started operations contributed to
the performance.
Among Japanese subsidiaries in the segment, an engineering subsidiary saw
increases in the shipment of lithium-ion secondary battery-related equipment.
Life Science In the pharmaceutical business, while sales volume of orally active prostacyclin deriv-
ative DORNER™ expanded for the overseas markets, sales of pruritus treatment
REMITCH®* were affected by the introduction of its generic versions as well as by a
NHI drug price revision.
In the medical devices business, shipment of dialyzers for hemodiafiltration grew
strongly in Japan, but the business was affected by the soaring prices of raw materi-
als and fuels.
*REMITCH® is a registered trademark of Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Performance (Billion yen) Main Products
* The figures in parentheses of each segment are composition ratios by segment.
• Comprehensive engineering
• Condominiums
Revenue Core Operating
• Industrial equipment and machinery
• IT-related equipment
(9%) 19.7 • Water treatment membranes and related equipment
• Materials for housing, building, and civil engineering
applications, etc.
*Excludes other businesses, equivalent to ¥16.4 billion (1%) in revenue and ¥2.5 billion in core operating income, and adjustment of core operating income of -¥23.9 billion. The com-
position ratio by segment of core operating income is calculated excluding the adjustment amount.
Fibers &
Revenue 836.2 999.2 +19.5% 989.0
(Billion yen)
¥ billion
Core Operating Income
42.2 51.2 +21.5% 59.5
(Billion yen)
Changes in Core Operating Income (Billion yen)
Toray Industries, Inc.
+3.4 51.2
¥ billion 42.2 +1.9
Toray Report 2023
Toray has decided to expand the production facilities for Ultrasuede™ at the Shiga
Plant and Gifu Plant. The Company will increase annual production capacity from 10
million m2 to 15 million m2. The new production lines are scheduled to start operation
in the second half of 2024 with total capital investment of approximately ¥10 billion.
Ultrasuede™ is a highly sensitive, high-performance suede texture artificial
leather sold globally as a leading edge Japan-quality brand. Increasing production
capacity roughly 1.6-fold in 2019, production has continued at full-capacity. In addi-
tion to fashion and home interior items, applications of this product have expanded
in recent years including automobile interiors. In particular, electric vehicle interior
applications have expanded as a substitute for natural leather from the perspec-
tive of environmental friendliness. Moreover, given its good affinity with increasingly
simple and excellent design of interiors, applications are expanding from conven-
tional seat material to materials for ceilings, door trim, instrument panels, and other
areas. Accordingly, demand for this product is dramatically growing.
Revenue 910.0 909.4 -0.1% 929.0
(Billion yen)
¥ billion
Core Operating Income
91.0 30.4 -66.6% 41.0
(Billion yen)
Changes in Core Operating Income (Billion yen)
+1.3 -0.1 30.4
In order to respond immediately to growing demand for multilayer ceramic capac-
itors (MLCCs) in telecommunications and automotive applications, Toray Group
decided to boost production capacity of Lumirror™ biaxially oriented polyester
release films for manufacturing MLCCs in Japan, the biggest consumer of release
films. Specifically, the Group will retrofit the production facilities at Gifu Plant to
increase production capacity 1.6-fold compared with today. At a total capital invest-
ment of ¥8 billion, the new facilities are scheduled to begin production in 2025.
Revenue Breakdown of Lumirror™ is an extremely smooth film that is highly effective in enabling thin,
Performance Chemicals Segment
irregularity-free ceramic layers. Many MLCC manufacturers have adopted it for this
(FY) 2021 2022 reason, helping them to miniaturize and raise the capacity of MLCCs. Toray leads
the global MLCC mold release film market, currently producing these films in Japan
Resins, Chemicals 425.9 419.5
(Mishima and Gifu Plants), Malaysia, and Korea. The new production line is expected
Films 335.0 321.5 to address recycling by collecting used film for reuse.
Electronic &
74.1 55.2
Information Materials
Revenue 215.2 281.7 +30.9% 302.0
(Billion yen)
¥ billion
Core Operating Income
1.6 15.9 +907.5% 20.5
(Billion yen)
Changes in Core Operating Income (Billion yen)
Toray Industries, Inc.
+11.7 -9.3
¥ billion
+0.5 15.9
Toray Report 2023
As a technology that contributes to high-rate production (high-speed and high-ca-
pacity) and weight savings for aircraft, Toray Group developed a thermal welding
technology that rapidly and securely joins carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP)
components in a similar manner as standard welding. This technology enables high-
speed assembly of thermosetting CFRP parts as well as of thermosetting and ther-
moplastic CFRP parts without the need for adhesive bonding and bolt fastening.
Thermosetting CFRP has been used for airframes made of CFRP because of its
high reliability based on a long track record of use. The downside, however, is that
the complicated CFRP adhesive bonding and bolt fastening processes have become
assembly bottlenecks. In terms of production time, CFRP airframes have therefore
lagged behind those of aluminum alloy airframes. The Group will push ahead with
demonstrations of this technology with a view to commercializing its use in air-
frames after 2030, along with further expanding CFRP applications.
Assembly by
thermal welding
Skin Stringer
Approx. 20 min
Frame Clip Clip
Revenue 199.3 228.8 +14.8% 248.0
(Billion yen)
¥ billion
Core Operating Income
16.5 19.7 +19.2% 25.0
(Billion yen)
Changes in Core Operating Income (Billion yen)
Toray Group received a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane order for the Taweelah
desalination plant in the United Arab Emirates. Following commissioning during the
second half of fiscal 2022, this plant became the world’s largest RO desalination
facility, with a daily capacity of 909,000 cubic meters of water.
The United Arab Emirates began considering construction launch using the RO
method nearly 20 years ago. Key factors in Toray obtaining this order were that its
RO membrane technology and robust track record in the Middle East over the past
15 years have delivered lower capital investment and operating costs than the con-
ventional evaporation method. The country has plans to build other RO plants in the
future, and Toray will continue to contribute to its infrastructure development by pro-
viding RO membranes and technical support.
Toray Membrane Middle
East LLC (TMME) will pro-
vide technical services. By Hail
strengthening RO membrane Taweelah
supply and technical support, Medina TMME
Toray Group will help allevi- Riyadh
ate water shortages in the Makkah
Middle East as a region that
supports stable energy sup-
ply of the world.
Life Science
Revenue 52.0 53.8 +3.5% 55.0
(Billion yen)
¥ billion
Core Operating Income
1.4 0.2 -86.2% 0.0
(Billion yen)
Changes in Core Operating Income (Billion yen)
+0.6 -1.6
Toray Industries, Inc.
Toray Report 2023
Toray Group received marketing approval from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and
Welfare in June 2023 for “Toray APOA2-iTQ,” an in vitro diagnostic test kit intended
to aid in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. This is the first kit approved in Japan to
measure two apolipoprotein A2 (APOA2) isoform concentrations in plasma. Toray
will begin offering Toray APOA2-iTQ domestically once insurance coverage becomes
available for it.
Professor Kazufumi Honda of the Graduate School of Medicine of Nippon Medical
School discovered that the quantitative ratios of APOA2-AT and APOA2-TQ change
in the blood of pancreatic cancer patients. Based on the results of joint research
with Nippon Medical School and the National Cancer Center, as well as research
conducted by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Toray has
obtained unique antibodies that specifically recognize the terminal structures of the
two APOA2 isoforms and developed Toray APOA2-iTQ by using the antibodies which
can precisely measure the concentrations of these isoforms.
Although survival rates are expected to improve if pancreatic cancer can be
detected at an early stage, this type of cancer progresses more rapidly than oth-
ers and has symptoms that do not readily become apparent to those suffering from
it. As the new kit is blood-based, Toray APOA2-iTQ enables testing of more people
than other approaches. Moreover, the reagent measures substances that differ from
existing tumor markers and is therefore expected to detect pancreatic cancer which
is not detectable by those markers.
Toray Industries, Inc. Toray Report 2023
CSR Roadmap 2025 from the Perspective of Materiality
Materiality Main Initiatives of CSR Roadmap 2025 KPIs of CSR Roadmap 2025
Expand revenues from Sustainability Innovation Business 7-1 Revenues from Sustainability Innovation Business
Committed to 8-6 Reduction in employees who exceed 45 hours/month
Reduce overtime work exceeding standard hours
Healthier Lives of non-statutory working hours
8-7 Available annual paid leave used by labor union mem-
Encourage the use of annual paid leave by labor union members
bers (%)
At least 60%
At least 90%
(FY 2024)
At least 70%
At least 90% 9 Establishing Sustainable Supply Chain
(FY 2024)
1% 1% 1%
Materiality Main Initiatives of CSR Roadmap 2025 KPIs of CSR Roadmap 2025
Aim for no major cases of violation of laws or ordinances 2-1 Number of major violations of laws or ordinances
Ensuring Ethics Conduct internal legal audits and improve problems found in the audits 2-2 Group companies implementing internal legal audits (%)
Compliance 2-3 Group companies providing information and imple-
Provide information and implement education on major laws and regulations
menting education on major laws and regulations and
and other compliance-related matters
other compliance-related matters (%)
Ensure that quality assurance compliance education is being fully 4-1 Quality assurance compliance education (% of peo-
Enhancing implemented ple trained)
Product Enhance the auditing function to ensure improvement and continuity of Toray
4-2 Quality and product safety audit implementation rate
Quality and Group’s overall quality assurance framework, and conduct auditing to check
Safety its effectiveness
Aim for zero product accidents 4-3 Number of product accidents
Toray Industries, Inc.
Request suppliers to comply with the Toray Group CSR Procurement Guidelines, 9-1 Suppliers agreeing to the Toray Group CSR Procurement
Toray Report 2023
and strive to ascertain the status of each company’s CSR initiatives Guidelines (%)
Identify high-risk areas that may have a negative impact on the environment
9-2 Implementation of supply chain due diligence (% of
and human rights, and promote supply chain due diligence to implement
measures to prevent or mitigate the identified risks
Establishing 9-3 Oil procurement needs met by palm oil sourced in a
Promote procurement of responsibly sourced materials such as non-conflict
Sustainable manner that is environmentally responsible and respect-
minerals and sustainable palm oil
Supply Chain ful of human rights (% of oil purchased, by value)
9-4 Reduction in CO2 emissions per unit of sales from dis-
Reduce CO2 emission intensity from logistics
tribution activities (year-on-year)
9-5 Key external inventory sites that have been assessed
Continually investigate and ascertain logistics risks related to natural disas-
for natural disaster risk and have implemented mea-
ters such as typhoons and heavy rains, and strive to reduce risks
sures to mitigate serious risks (%)
0 0 0
No more than 0.05 No more than 0.05 No more than 0.05 3 Safety, Accident Prevention, and Environmental
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
• Toray Industries, Inc.: 100%
• Group companies in and outside Japan: Implemented focus-
ing on high-risk companies 2 Ethics and Compliance
0 0 0
At least 60%
At least 90%
(FY 2024)
At least 70%
At least 90% 9 Establishing Sustainable Supply Chain
(FY 2024)
1% 1% 1%
Toray Group has established the Basic Policies to Promote Dialogue with Stakeholders. The Group is commu-
nicating proactively with various stakeholders in all aspects of its corporate activities, and periodically report
on and discuss the content of these activities with its management. With the goal of strengthening the system
for engaging with stakeholders, a new organization was established in April 2018 to supervise communications
in general, and efforts are being made on centralizing the function of information transmission, both internally
and externally.
In FY 2022, Toray held four results briefings and held is to hold this type of event six times in total, including at
565 meetings with investors and analysts. plants, in FY 2023.
ers, mainly through the marketing and sales depart- ties for information disclosure as well as influencing public
ments, and periodic customer satisfaction surveys. The opinion. Accordingly, Toray’s Corporate Communications
results of these surveys are shared internally at Board Department actively engages with a wide range of media
meetings and through in-house newsletters as the Group organizations, acting as the public’s point of contact with
strives to provide even higher quality customer service. the Company.
To serve as spaces for communication with cus- Based on Toray’s Information Disclosure Principles,
tomers, we have established showrooms at our main the department provides fair and impartial information,
locations, including Mishima (inside the Toray Human even if it may cast the Company in a bad light, in a timely
Resources Development Center) and Shiga (within the and appropriate manner. In FY 2022, the Company issued
Shiga Plant). In FY 2022, we renovated the exhibition 171 press releases and responded to 182 media requests
space on the corporate culture floor of the Toray Human for information.
Resources Development Center (Mishima).
Included in the Dow Jones Sustainability™ Included in The S&P Global Sustainability
Index Asia Pacific Yearbook 2023
Toray Industries is included in the Asia Pacific Index of Toray Industries is among the 710 global leaders in sus-
the Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices (DJSI). The DJSI tainability listed in The Sustainability Yearbook 2023 pub-
are stock indices from S&P Global that evaluate corpo- lished by S&P Global.
rate performance in terms of sustainability.
*1 The use by Toray Industries, Inc. of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its Affiliates (“MSCI”)
data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not
constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of Toray Industries,
Inc. by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers,
and are provided ‘as-is’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or ser-
vice marks of MSCI.
*2 The inclusion of Toray Industries, Inc. in any MSCI Index, and the use of MSCI logos, trade-
marks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement
or promotion of Toray Industries, Inc. by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the
exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or
service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.
310 subsidiaries and affiliated companies (114 in Japan, 196 overseas) (as of March 31, 2023)
Printed in Japan
Issued: December 2023
Toray Integrated
Annual Report 2023