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January 2020


COMPANIESTo Work For In 2020

Want A Thriving
Business? Focus
On These 5
Company Cultures!

The Importance
Of Environmental
Responsibility In
The Corporate World


Employees Thrive in High Energy Environment
and Culture of Inclusion

Effective Culture, Trumps Even Strategy!

Over the years, industries have undergone numerous changes.
We are entering 2020 with more advanced tech and digitized
services. Along with the transforming industries, one thing that
has changed significantly is the workforce.

The modern workforce demands a culture that can enhance their

productivity. Great company culture is no more an option, but a
compulsion. The employees today demand flexibility, a lively environment, and
added benefits.

Many of the companies offer similar perks and benefits, making it difficult for the
employees to choose from. The differentiator among them is how employees are
treated and what level of ownership and trust are given to them. To ease the hassle
of the search for the employees, our team has assimilated a list of “The Top 20
Companies to Work for, 2020”. These featured organizations are promoting a
modern working culture that enhances the productivity of its workforce. The
culture implemented by these companies allows the employees to enjoy every bit
of their work, persuades them to grow, and encourages them to focus on their
personal life equally.

Also, in the section of “Corporate Environmental Responsibility” and

“Importance of Company Culture” our writers have tried to explain the corporate
hazards on the environment, and the factors important to build a good company

Company culture is not a one-size-fits-all, through this issue you can learn from
the companies who are doing it right and get started on company culture hacks of
your own!

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MARIA SMITH omissions therein.
Employees Thrive In High Energy Environment
And Culture Of Inclusion
18 Alethix:
Empowering Employees With Training Programs And Rewards

20 Appiness Interactive:
An Amazing Workplace Promoting Practical Creativity

26 Big Bang ERP:

Maximizing the Success of Cloud Business Transformation

30 Mainbot:
Maker of The First Educational, Interactive, And
Customizable Robot

32 SQuare Consulting:
A Team-Based Culture With Employee Participation On
All Levels
38 Title21Health Solutions:
A Place Where Passion And Drive Meet Innovation

42 Tudip Technologies:
Promoting Careers with Promising Bright Future

44 Ubertesters:
Providing Employee Friendly Environment With Workplace Flexibility

Corporate Environmental Importance of Company
Responsibility Culture
22 The Importance Of Environmental 34 Want A Thriving Business? Focus
Responsibility In The Corporate World On These 5 Company cultures!

To Work For In 2020


We only hire the brightest,

most committed people

around the globe and our

employees say they’ve never
worked for more creative and
collaborative teams, thanks to
our core values—Trust,
Growth, and Transparency.

Tod Nielsen


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

F inancialForce is about helping organizations see

their customers in full color, and that translates to
employees who approach their work in living
color. The company recognizes that high performing
teams are diverse and embrace inclusion. It also knows
FinancialForce continually invests in the systems and
processes that allow employees to excel at their current
job function while developing their careers. As a global
organization, each employee around the world knows
they are an integral part of FinancialForce. Everyone is
that employees who have the opportunity to extend the responsible for diversity and inclusion, and professional
company’s reach into their communities are more and educational programs focus on making the work
motivated and purpose driven. The company’s culture, environment a better place for everyone.
fueled by the pride of providing industry-leading
technology for finance and services professionals, makes “Our employees are at the center of everything we do,”
FinancialForce a vibrant work environment where great says Tod Nielsen, President and CEO,
ideas thrive and results routinely exceed expectations. FinancialForce. “We set expectations, communicate
clearly, and always deliver on our commitments.”
The Service Economy has forced companies to adopt
business models based on complex combinations of Core Values Are Vital to Excellent Work Culture
usage, subscriptions, projects, and tangible goods.
FinancialForce employees are excited to help customers FinancialForce’s core values promote a healthy work
succeed in this transition through the market’s only culture at the company. The company’s number one
customer-centric Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) value is trust, with a focus on maintaining the trust of
solution, and the number-one enterprise Professional customers, employees, shareholders and regulators, as
Services Automation (PSA) solution. Built on well as the communities in which the company operates.
Salesforce, FinancialForce gives businesses complete Employees are entrusted to uphold the highest standards
visibility into their customers, scales operations to drive of integrity and ethics, and to apply these principles to
customer satisfaction and growth, and ties these to make the best decisions for the company.
revenue creation and profitability.
Transparency is another key value. Transparency among
The Best and Brightest teams facilitates smooth workflows. Employees work as
one team and are committed to eliminating ambiguity
FinancialForce hires the brightest, most committed across communication channels, not just internally
people around the globe and many employees say among fellow workers but also externally with
they’ve never worked for more creative and customers. Whether they have good or bad news to
collaborative teams, thanks to the company’s core share, employees strive to be 100 percent clear in what
values. While the bar is high in hiring the best people, they do and how they deliver on their commitments.
the company welcomes new employees with open arms,
equipping them with everything they need to get up to The company also supports and respects the protection
speed and productive as quickly as possible. of human rights. Employees treat one another with
dignity, respect and professionalism, and do not tolerate

We hold ourselves to the highest
standards of integrity and ethics, and
we trust our employees to make the
best decisions for the company.


We will set expectations, and
whether we have good or bad
news, we will be clear in what
we are going to do and we will
deliver on our commitments.

discriminatory or otherwise inappropriate behavior in the company has created an amazing place to work where
workplace. Employees are encouraged to speak up when talented people collaborate, armed with the tools they
they have questions or concerns. FinancialForce also need to succeed and supported by an energetic and fun
supports employee success through regular performance environment in which to thrive.
and professional development check-ins that help
employees progress their careers. Additionally, FinancialForce offers its employees
competitive salaries and a variety of benefits, which
Harnessing the Power of Diversity include medical, dental, vision, life insurance, disability
protection, and flexible spending accounts (FSAs),
FinancialForce’s focus on diversity and inclusion strives among other great programs. In addition, FinancialForce
to make the company a great place to work for everyone, offers a 401(k)-retirement plan, monthly commuter and
everywhere. Research supports that companies that wellness subsidies, pet insurance, legal insurance, and
invest in diversity are better companies, period. A recent more.
McKinsey study found that gender-diverse companies
were 15 percent more likely to financially outperform A Strong Partnership with Salesforce
their competitors and those ethnically diverse companies
were 35 percent more likely to financially outperform. Founded in 2009, FinancialForce has grown to a
leadership position in the market. The company
The company’s diversity hiring program, FF4Inclusion, accelerates business value with comprehensive best
began as a grassroots effort by a few passionate practices and the most intelligent analytics—all on the
employees. The initiative grew into a company-wide leading business cloud platform from Salesforce.
diversity and inclusion program, focused on welcoming
traditionally excluded or marginalized individuals into In fact, back in 2009, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff had
the core of the company’s culture. such a strong belief in FinancialForce that he supplied
the company with its website domain name, which he
“Everyone is responsible for diversity and inclusion, so originally owned. Salesforce Ventures helped launch the
we proactively partner through professional and company as one of its first investors. Today,
educational programs to make our work environment a FinancialForce is backed by Advent International,
better place for everyone,” says Tod Nielsen. Salesforce Ventures and Technology Crossover Ventures.

Energetic and Fun Environment with Plenty of Headquartered in San Francisco, FinancialForce is a
Benefits truly global company, with offices in Harrogate, North
Yorkshire, UK; London; New York; Chicago; Seattle;
The key to FinancialForce’s success is the people that Portland, Oregon; Sydney; and Granada, Spain.
build, market, sell and support its applications. The



FinancialForce also focuses on social impact

with the aim of making the world a better
place. Every employee is allotted three 8-hour
days to commit to a charity of their choice,
and the company expects every employee to
use this time to help make an impact.

For example, following the devastating

wildfires in Sonoma County, CA, a group
from FinancialForce drove to Santa Rosa to
help the community there. FinancialForce
brought more than 20 volunteers to work with
Habitat for Humanity to help victims of the
fires. Thanks to an outpouring of donations,
Habitat for Humanity was able to provide new
household items at little or no cost for many of
the victims. The efforts aided in speeding
distribution to those in need by organizing the
backlog of merchandise and checking in
participating community members.

In the last year, employees took part in a range

of activities, including: dedicating 90
volunteer hours to the Cloud Gives Back
Volunteer Day in San Francisco; reforesting
the Alpujarra near FinancialForce’s office in
Granada, Spain; and supporting multiple food
banks, helping with school and holiday service
projects, donating blood; and participating in
animal rescue activities around the globe.

Company Name Info

Headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, Alethix is a niche digital transformation services

Alethix company to work for as it leverages trending technologies and industry’s best
Mamta Patil practices to deliver agile and cost-effective solutions.
President & Founder

Algoworks Algoworks is an IT service provider recognized globally as a technology

Rachit Agarwal expert with offices in Sunnyvale.
Co-founder & Director

AOPEN AOPEN offers Best-In-Class, Cross-Platform, Commercial-Grade, Smart

Stephen Borg Vision Solutions in Cloud-based Digital Signage and Applied Computing.

Appiness Interactive is a Product Development, UX and Digital Marketing firm

Appiness Interactive specializing in Digital Services for the whole spectrum, from startups to Fortune-
Visakh Viswambharan
Founder & CEO

APTN is the first national Indigenous television network in the world with
APTN programming by, for and about Indigenous Peoples, to share with all
Monika Ille Canadians and viewers around the world.

ATB Financial
Curtis Stange
ATB Financial is one of the largest Alberta-based financial institution.
President & CEO

Big Bang ERP Big Bang ERP is a boutique consulting firm helping businesses to optimize
Gabriel Tupula and streamline the processes by implementing cloud solutions.

Slavik Lavryk
Established in 2000, DevCom is a full-service custom software development
VP of Software company.

FinancialForce FinancialForce is about helping organizations see their customers in full color,
Tod Nielsen and that translates to employees who approach their work in living color.
President & CEO

Partha De Sarkar
HGS is a global leader in business process management.
Global CEO
Company Name Info

Immedis Immedis is a specialist division of The Taxback Group providing international payroll
Terry Clune and global mobility tax services to organisations worldwide..

The French startup Mainbot came into the existence with an objective to
MainBot create and develop meaningful domestic robots, first for children, and later for
Boris Kesler
the whole family.
Founder & CEO

Micro Logic Micro Logic is one of the 300 largest Quebec SMEs and a leader in Quebec as
Patrick Charbonneau a value-added reseller of IT solutions.
Montreal Sales Director

Nice NICE Ltd. is an Israel-based company, specializing in telephone voice recording,

Barak Eilam data security, and surveillance, as well as systems that analyze recorded data.

Salamander Elevating and refining our hotels, Salamander Hotels & Resorts consistently
Hotels & Resorts delivers authentic experiences for guests.
Sheila C. Johnson
Founder & CEO

SQuare Consulting (INDIA) was founded with the vision of assisting

Square Consulting businesses and helping them with solutions to their problems.
Yash Bhatt
COO & Co-founder

Title21 is solely dedicated to deliver easy-to-use, flexible and integrated

Title21 Software technology so that health sciences organizations can achieve compliance, gain
Lynn Fischer efficiencies and ensure high quality, ultimately, to support improvement in patient
Co–founder & CEO safety and care.

Tudip Technologies Tudip’s mission is to ‘ create a niche’ by offering cutting-edge integrated

Dipti Agrawal services across technologies empowered by innovation, best-in-class process
Chief Executive Office and world-class technology.
Tudip Technologies

Ubertesters Ubertesters offers a crowd of global, professional testers for hire with devices
Ran Rachlin that can test any digital product and provide feedback to clients.
Co-founder & CEO

Zappi is built for marketers and insights professionals who respect the voice
Zappi of their consumers as the most influential part of their decision-making
Stephen Philips
Founder & CEO
Empowering Employees With Training
Programs And Rewards

T he workers of tomorrow’s world are striving for

strategic opportunities using the lastest trends and
technology to develop innovative solutions. These
solutions can be diverse and different, as well as solve
complex business and mission needs. Headquartered in
Helping Customers Tackle Challenges
There is deep meaning behind the company’s name as it is
originated from the Greek word called “Alethia” which
means “Personification of Truth”. Alethix continues to
champion its customers to address organizational
Fairfax Virginia, Alethix is a niche digital transformation challenges to strategically transform their respective line of
services company to work for as it leverages trending service and product delivery. To retain long-term success,
technologies and industry’s best practices to deliver agile and the company uses a scalable approach to attract, employ
cost effective solutions. and retain savvy, forward-leaning technical teams. Thus, the
employees receive benefits as well as tools to enhance their
Using her prior experience and knowledge, the President and personal and professional development. “When looking at
CEO, Mamta Patil established Alethix to bring a more agile, corporate investments, the most valuable we’ve made are
innovative and result-based approach to deliver mission- those that build strong operational capabilities in
driven digital transformation services to US federal agencies recruitment, hiring, and retention and in designing and
across national security, civilian, health care and DOD sector. implementing programs focused on building a talented and
committed team,” says CEO Mamta.
A Visionary Leader with Impressive Track Record
Mamta completed her education at the University of Bombay Establishing a Footprint within Diverse IT Services
with a Bachelor of Electronics Degree and holds professional Since its inception, Alethix has concentrated on offering
certifications in a number of technology and project niche IT support services in segments of DevSecOps, Agile,
management disciplines. She is recognized as a visionary, Cloud and Big Data. Aside from this, the company also
influential business pioneer, and IT leader with an impressive focused on leading mission-critical initiatives successfully
twenty-year track record for concept-to-delivery execution of across US Federal Sector. These sectors are Immigration
complex IT projects. Prior to founding Alethix, Mamta worked Reform, Borders Enforcement, Healthcare Analytics,
as a Technology Architect at Department of Homeland National Weather Service Modernization, Air Mobility
Security and prior to that a SAP Busienss Architect providing Command and Farmers Protection, and Conversation
technology architecture, agile systems integration, cloud initiatives. As a result, this has helped Alethix to expand to
computing, and information management services for mission- a business of $25 million within seven years of its
critical programs across commercial and federal sector. inception. This demonstrates that the company growth rate
is good and workforces get lots of opportunities to improve
Being the CEO of a leading digital transformation services their skills.
company, this veteran leader manages and leads the executive
team with overall responsibility for both business growth and With corporate business & management experience,
client satisfaction. Mamta is committed to establishing Alethix technical expertise, fiscal resources, and operational
as a preeminent employer based on the company’s pillars of experience, Alethix has consistently demonstrated success
trust, passion, and consistency. Each of these distinguing record driven by a technique to cultivating collaborative
pillars fuel every Alethix employee to deliver best-in-the- and results-oriented partnerships with its customers to help
world IT services. Mamta believes that Alethix’s culture is them discover new opportunities. Alethix is providing Agile
driven by the concepts of “holacracy” where workforces form Systems Integration, Cloud Engineering and Big Data
autonomous yet symbiotic teams set out to accomplish tasks services supporting multiple U.S. Federal agencies like
and customer goals. Mamta ensures that employees reach their Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Health & Human
full potential by assigning them tasks that require multiple Services (HHS), Department of Commerce, U.S
roles and skills.


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

Mamta Patil
President & CEO

Department of Agriculture and Message instrument in the hand of the

Department of Defense (DoD). management that impacts
Our people are the most valuable positively on the behavior and
Best Rewards For Hardworking asset of Alethix and create a productivity of employees. So,
Employees force that drives our company's the company offers a wide range
Alethix uses 360 Evaluation process of benefits packages such as
to conduct quarterly and annual growth now and into the future. Healthcare, Group life insurance,
evaluations for its employees so that AD&D and Disability Insurances,
it can deliver bonuses to individuals and teams who have Healthcare Flexible Spending Account and 401(k).
worked hard to achieve its objectives and goals. In addition, Ÿ Training and Development: To enhance workers’
Alethix sets up outdoor and indoor team activities such as development, the company offers a training budget
bowling, dave and busters, and top golf to celebrate along with its Innovation Center that provides all
important project milestones for all project teams. “Our employees with a platform to conduct technology
PM’s are given a budget to give spot awards (amazon gift assessments on the latest technology trends.
certificate, baseball tickets) for recognition of core Alethix Ÿ Mentoring and Coaching: At Alethix, every employee
values as part of providing support to our customers,” says is assigned with a mentor who focuses on guiding them
Alethix CEO Mamta. on technical, business and cultural matters. As a result,
this develops collaborative relationships between
Security and Benefits for Workforces members across the company.
For any employee, having security and additional benefits
boost their value and satisfaction within the comany. Best Place for New talents
Alethix focuses on following four attributes to ensure the For those candidates who want to experience delivering
highlest level of employee satisfaction and retention digital transformation services, Alethix is a great place to
work for as it is a dynamically growing small business
Ÿ Work-Life Balance: The company understands the enabling US federal agencies within national security, law
dynamic nature of customer’s business and mission enforcement, healthcare, civilian and DOD sector
needs and therefore, works in partnership with successfully meet their mission needs. The company
customers to maintain balance of work across the team. leverages the latest technologies such as DevSecOps, Agile,
So to boost its employees’ energy, Alethix endorses AI, ML, Big Data and Cloud to deliver strategic consulting
rotating telework (as per the TO requirements), and niche technology services. Employees at Alethix will
organizes team-building activities and ensures that they not only grow in their technical skills but will experience a
take regular personal time-off. company that truly cares about the growth of each and
Ÿ Miscellaneous Benefits: Benefits are a useful every employee.

Appiness Interactive:
An Amazing Workplace Promoting Practical Creativity

T he modern workforce is highly attracted to the finest

work culture. The key to long term success is the
culture that is carefully built and nurtured in the
organization. There is no right option on which culture should
be practiced by the companies. However, the organizational
This team of 3 and the organization took the next step by
onboarding Visakh’s childhood friend and schoolmate Vijil
in 2018. He was handling sales at some well-known brands
like Star Network, Whirlpool, Sabmiller, etc. He brought in a
whole new perspective from the consumer space to the tech
culture should be guided by the core principles and be up to firm.
date with the current scenario to create positive results. A strong
work culture can nurture happy employees, putting an Happy Team Immune to Excuses
organization on the path to success. A Happy Team is a reason for the company’s success.
Appiness Interactive is one of the companies that is fostering a Appiness believes that employees are at the center of
team culture that is open and dynamic. When it comes to everything they do. Thus the team works hard to ensure that
startups or any business, brand building and work culture play a the startup remains focused on scaling, acquiring customers
big role in attracting talent. Established in 2012, Appiness and getting to market, and not worry about all the issues that
Interactive is a Bangalore based Product Development, UX and arise with initial product development. In order to deliver the
Digital Marketing firm specializing in Digital Services for the best results, Appiness makes sure that the company attracts
whole spectrum, from startups to Fortune-500s. It started as a the best people with the right attitude. “We always told the
medium to bridge the gap created with rapid changes in web HR team to hire attitude and train skills,” says Visakh.
technology where the incumbents were not able to adapt and A skillful team with the right attitude is immune to excuses.
master the new developments. Each team member is well trained by leaders and provided
with the best technologies to help them deliver excellence.
Leaders behind the Curtain This approach helps the company to stay at the top of the
The Founder and CEO of Appiness Interactive, Visakh latest trends. The young, passionate and aggressive teams of
Viswambharan, is excelling at creating the best company individuals are striding the un-trodden path to achieve
culture. Appiness Interactive is the brainchild of Visakh. He has excellence. Praising the team members, Sunil asserts, “Our
been a part of many successful ventures throughout his journey. team is awesome. And we try really hard to stay that way.”
Visakh is a serial entrepreneur who has also been recognized as
the Young Entrepreneur of the Year by the Indian Achiever’s Open and Communicative Company Culture
Forum. In 2018 he acquired the F&B chain Cuppa Beverages Appiness promotes an open and communicative culture that
Pvt. Ltd., later he also founded the KNOiT platform which is a allows individuals to provide undaunted out-of-the-box
chat-based system for the gated communities. His endeavors as ideas. Through Practical creativity, the employee is allowed
a business leader have been successful due to his exceptional to pitch the ideas without any hesitation. The belief is that an
skills and strategies. idea is only good as the returns it fetches for the clients. If
However, Appiness was supported and built by other key the idea is bringing positive results, the company is more
contributors. Rigin Velayudhan - Co-Founder & COO, a than happy to implement it. “We are not here to create
colleague of Visakh, while they were employees, joined hands immortal art; we are here to generate revenue for our
along with Sunil P Thomas - Co-Founder & CMO, an clients,” asserts Sunil.
investment banker and graduation mate of Visakh to establish Everyone is responsible for diversity and inclusion, so one
Appiness. Rigin is an expert in bringing business insights into must proactively partner through professional and
the digital sphere, enabling brands and organizations to educational programs to make the work environment a better
transform into new-age digital entities; he handles a few of the place for everyone. Rigin adds, “We have an amazing
key accounts of Appiness. Sunil is a seasoned strategist who has balance of male to female ratio and we operate like a
years of experience in Digital, Strategy, Consulting, family.”
Transformation, Content, Marketing, Operations and Sales;
Sunil and Visakh have Co-Founded a couple of other successful Room for Fun and Opportunities
ventures too. Due to the open culture, the workspace allows each


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

Vijil Vijayakumar

Rigin Velayudhan Visakh Viswambharan

Founder & CEO
Co-founder & COO
Sunil P Thomas
Co-founder & CMO

individual to have room for work and 1st review is on the 3rd day with the
fun altogether. “A happy heart is HR team, 2nd is a lunch or dinner
more productive than an unhappy yet with the Founders on the 3rd week
highly skilled resource,” says Visakh. and the 3rd is with the HR and team
Thus, the company promotes We do not redefine or lead in the 3rd month. “This gives a
recreational activities that not just reinvent the wheel. We clear indication on how much we care
help boost the social skills but also about each individual,” says Rashi
enhance teamwork. Appiness Team believe in practical Ramesh, HR Manager.
looks forward to APL (Appiness creativity, where the idea
Premier League) every year, 4-month Achievements By Far
madness with indoor and outdoor yields promising returns. If To date, Appiness Interactive has been
games. “We see the attrition rate to you think your idea can successful in bagging 50+ design
be as low as 0 in this period,” says nominations and has won 35
Vijil, CPO of Appiness. change the world then international design awards. The
Some of the other key benefits are Appiness Interactive is the company has also been nominated as
constant learning & development and India’s best digital startup of the year
onsite opportunities. Training plays place for you. 2013. The achievements are sheer
an important part in any employees’ hard work of the employees. Appiness
career as it helps them to learn the has grown the team constantly and
latest technology and also to boost their career graph. We now has an employee strength of 150+ people.
genuinely believe in enhancing the skills of our people, we Above all Appiness is a self-funded company. Appiness has
try to push their limits and we know someday they will thank also launched a Product Partnership Accelerator called Appy
us for the constant demand for perfection and productivity Hours in 2016. Appy Hours is amongst the best Product
beyond their normal limits. “I strongly believe that a Development Accelerators. The startups can overcome the
manager who makes you comfortable by not pushing your initial hurdles of getting in the market with a good product at
limits are not doing any justice to you in long term,” says a significantly lower cost with the help of Appy Hours. And
Visakh. has invested in 8 Startups. And the startups have won 9
Triple 3 is another thing Appiness’ HR team follows to make awards in less than a years’ time; which includes the Most
sure all the new joinees are comfortably settled in. When a Innovative Startup at the World Startup Expo.
new employee joins apart from the regular induction and
training 3 times of review is done within the first 3 months.

Corporate Environmental responsibility

The Importance Of

Responsibility In The

T he rising environmental crisis is not a new update for the humankind. One of the most important challenges faced by
the human race is the successful identification and management of environmental risks. Adding to the challenges is
the global nature of environmental risks that make the assumption and practice of environmental responsibility
difficult. The ecological duty is often recognized to have many sides and negotiated between social actors as numerous other,
challenging responsibilities. However, environmental responsibility is often handled negligently.

The environmental crisis has been ignored for too long, but now we all are pressed to radically change the way of living and
also the way business is done. Businesses have largely contributed to the crisis and have ignored the environment or social
costs to pursue profit. To reverse the effects the business will have to move the markets towards more sustainable practices.

By implementing a range of strategies, organizations can address environmental issues. The environmental footprint can be
reduced by implementing the right changes. For instance, an accountant can be part of the solution,
where they can help nature and also manage the costs. Through harnessing corporate
power, one can make the necessary shift towards a sustainable economy.

The History of Environmental Responsibility

A concept of “earth jurisprudence” was introduced, which

was a theory underlying the law's ability to protect the
environment to regulate businesses that pollute. This

could be defined as a much older concept, dating back in industry is introducing new opportunities for entrepreneurs.
1600 during the creation of British East India Company. However, the big industries are ignoring green energy as it
Although, since the 1970s awareness of this environmental may lead to lower oil profits in the end. These energy
crisis has grown, due to the prominence given to major efficiency job accounts of 2.2 million American workers,
environmental disasters like Sahelian droughts of the 1970s amongst which 70% are employed by companies with ten
and 1980s. Correspondingly, the nuclear accident at or fewer employees. Although with rising awareness,
Chernobyl in 1986 affected immensely on the environment. falling prices and more interest, the times are promising for
All this drew attention to the fact that the human ecosystem the entrants entering the industry or introducing something
is threatened by crucial imbalances in productivity and in innovative that would disrupt the whole industry.
the distribution of goods and services. The accelerating
progress did not benefit the environment and affected The rapid expansion is not just promoting clean energy but
environmental stewardship. also other innovative ways, which are contributing
immensely to the good environment. For example, in the
Over the past few decades, the environmental aspect of U.S. around 35% of solid waste is being recycled or
Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) has been in composited. The one country that excels in this green
talks, as the stakeholders increasingly oblige companies to energy transformation is Sweden, it has been successful to
become more environmentally aware and socially recycle or incinerated about 99% of household waste. This
responsible. The traditional business model portrayed is known as the Sweden Recycling Revolution and this
environmental protection as a mere “public interest”, initiative was so successful that the country has worn out of
however, these unconcerned actions have led to severe the trash for their recycling plants and has begun to import
damage. Major steps towards the prevention and trash from other countries. Plastics have always been a
alleviation of the environmental damage have been taken up hazardous thing. People assume that America has the
by the private sector, and have adopted an approach of co- biggest share of plastic consumers, but China claims the
responsibility. Government and organizations have started throne here with greater than 50% market share. To control
suggesting strategies for the protection of the environment its ill effects plastic-recycling companies are estimated to
and alongside economic growth. top $56 billion by 2024. Companies are striving every day
to accumulate and reproduce electronics, scrap cars, metals,
Going Green and Growing Fast and more. The recycling industry is on the go to do the
damage control caused by humans in all these years.
The challenges cultivating from the growing population and
changing climate have become a more concerning issue. Corporate Environmentalism Is Evolving
However, the key to it is the innovative entrepreneur who
might bring a solution with their drive and imagination in The 1980s witnessed the voluntary participation of
the industry. The job rate in the solar and wind industry is corporations towards environmental initiatives, which
growing at 20 percent per year, which is 12 times quicker therefore was named as corporate environmentalism. To
than the general economy. In addition, the clean energy curb the greenhouse gases and prepare countries and

Corporate Environmental responsibility

communities from the inevitable effects of climate change the leading business leaders hashed out a deal. Some reputed
companies have stepped into the game like Apple, Panasonic, and Walmart.

Apple is known for its cutting-edge design and tech, however, it holds the same reputation when it comes to going green
initiative. The company's $848 million energy deal with a solar farm in California enabled Apple to power all its operations
with renewable energy. Later, the company also made a commitment to get 100% of its paper packaging from sustainable
sources to protect the world's remaining forests.

Panasonic has invested in ways to help employees reduce commute emissions, where the employees use the company's
transit subsidy and 2,700 carpooling in commuter buses. The mega-retailer Walmart is not far behind in the race, the
company has made some major sustainable choices, which have huge ripple effects on the market due to its large market
share. Walmart has come up with a chemical policy that provides a strong incentive for suppliers, which abide by stricter
standards or they can risk losing Walmart's customer base. This bold standpoint from the globally renowned companies has
helped to strengthen support for climate action and sustainable business practices.

To conclude, we don't want to debate climate change, we want to stop it. In order to extend the survivability and increase
the profit rates companies have to adapt the environmental duty. Due to the greater awareness of this topic in both social
and business markets have taken environmental responsibility seriously. The customers have responded satisfactorily to
companies with better CER. Studies are trying to find a balance between economic growth and cleaner environments,
which might help to reduce the carbon footprint. With joint efforts towards the environment, humans could thwart their
pollution and carbon footprint on the natural resources.

Big Bang ERP:
Maximizing the Success of Cloud
Business Transformation

F or any company to grow in the long run, it is highly

important to understand the role of balancing.
However, companies nowadays have shifted their
focus more on providing better services and products,
resulting in dilution of its focus from the employees. Sooner or
A Creative Problem Solver
Gabriel Tupula, CEO of Big Bang ERP, has cumulative
experience in information systems, software development
and internet marketing, allowing him to be a creative
problem solver and a result-oriented project manager. As an
later, these companies get to understand the importance of analytical thinker, he is uniquely able to see the big picture
keeping a perfect balance between its employees and its and create a roadmap to tangible results—plus, he has the
clients. More importantly, it is vital to always keep its drive and ability to cross the finish line. Further, he
workforce motivated because it is they who build the services reconciles the gaps between advanced technological
and serve the clients. concepts and practical applications, even filling in for
Understanding the importance of employees’ expertise, Big employees or full departments when needed at his boutique
Bang ERP focuses on the career growth of the employee by consulting firm. He is always willing to adapt his strategies
offering them hands-on experience and soft skills training, to meet the needs of his clients, as each business is unique
including biweekly coaching, quarterly reviews and in its processes. As a particle designer, he aims to use
mentorship. Further, to enhance their skills and development, existing tools and out-of-the-box solutions to create a
it provides hands-on experience with the customer even as an perfect fit with a client’s requirements and business culture.
intern with deep industry learning. Each team member needs Gab’s dedication to ongoing professional development
to vested in the success of the customers, balancing both allows him to keep abreast of the rapid changes in
delivering results to customers as well as engaging in learning technology and offer clients the most up-to-date business
opportunities. solutions. He is the president of his executive networking
chapter, Corporate Connections, a board member of the
Offering Vast Portfolio of Cloud Solutions SDC District Central—Société Développement Commercial
Big Bang ERP is a boutique consulting firm helping and a contributing member of the Forbes Tech Council.
businesses to optimize and streamline the processes by
implementing cloud solutions. Its highly skilled team of Great Leadership Equals Happy Culture
experts works with organizations to achieve exceptional For a company to be effective in the long run, it needs a
business improvements so that companies can focus on what happy culture and exceptional leadership. Big Bang ERP’s
they do best rather than on non-value-added activities. The culture is defined by the great employees who work there.
company offers professional services and enterprise advice The team is made up of talented individuals who strive to
(Business Process Review) related to several cloud systems, think up the most creative and effective business solutions.
including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer The company has immense diversity as the employees
Relationship Management (CRM), Manufacturing Resource come from different career paths including, engineering, IT
Planning (MRP), Information Technology System and business. Employees working at Big Bang ERP have a
Management (ITSM) systems and other applications. great chance to learn from and collaborate with the best of
Additionally, it also provides services such as implementation, the employees.
rescue (for mismanaged implementations that need saving), From the first day at Big Bang ERP, the employee is
integration, migration, customization, support, training and presented with an opportunity to interact with the clients
even business systems advisory (BSA). The company analyzes and is also encouraged to tap into the fellow teammate’s
its clients’ business needs and recommends the best solution knowledge and experience through mentorship. Ramping
from its vast portfolio of cloud solutions and provide the up in Big Bang ERP’s knowledge-sharing environment is
necessary services related to the products. Its leading core easy, and participation in the growing library of technical
products include NetSuite ERP, Salesforce CRM, Mavenlink, resources is encouraged. Furthermore, every employee’s
Rootstock ERP, ServiceNow, and FinancialForce. career path is clearly outlined, and as performance


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

Gabriel Tupula

increases, so do the responsibilities.

Message participate in annual charity events
By working at Big Bang ERP, A chance to learn and like volunteering at city food banks
employees have the opportunity to develop with the best! at Christmas and competing as a
create a personalized plan for the team in a charity soccer tournament.
optimal career path. Further to keep the employees
motivated, Big Bang ERP organizes corporate events at
Investing in Employees by Providing Additional Benefits regular interval of time such as sugar shack where group
In addition to offering competitive salaries, Big Bang ERP innovation presentations & team building activities were on
also provides a whole list of employee benefits such as: the menu alongside the usual maple syrup sugar rush and
Ÿ work from home options apple cider. Summer BBQ is another great example where
Ÿ travel opportunities employees were divided into six tribes battled it out for the
Ÿ continuous employee training and development honor of Big Bang ERP Survivor champion. Christmas
Ÿ group insurance, RRSP plans, and foundation Party and Corporate retreat are some of the yearly events.
investment opportunities All these activities and outing helps in team bonding and
Ÿ subsidized public transportation passes also keeps the environment light.
Ÿ sponsored corporate events including the company
retreat Celebrating Milestones
Ÿ trendy office with snack bar and free parking Big Bang ERP recognizes and celebrates milestones of its
Ÿ in-house yoga and fitness classes and an onsite certified every employee. It celebrates anniversaries of every
health coach individual at monthly meetings and happy hours, and for
Ÿ access to the latest, greatest technologies those who complete five years, CEO appreciates their
Ÿ weekly happy hours with craft beers loyalty and dedication by giving a speech with a
Ÿ Birth-day-OFF (yeah, everyone gets the day off on their presentation. Additionally, every annual milestone is
birthday!) recognized with an employee gift, from a laptop cover to a
Ÿ concierge services like car washes, tire change, dry jersey, even an iPad! Big Bang ERP continuously gathers
cleaning and manicure salon feedback and generates business inputs via surveys
Ÿ fun extras when you need a little break in the day like conducted in a web-based employee engagement platform.
the badminton court in the back office, loft chill space, During its monthly meeting, it reviews trends as a direction
or a karaoke machine! group and talks about the results and addresses any issues.
Big Bang ERP is committed to helping build stronger The company has an internal metric that it reports on for
communities beyond just their immediate team. They both employee satisfaction and engagement in the surveys.

Maker of The First Educational,
Interactive, And Customizable Robot

W hile the innovation itself is as yet advancing,

likewise educational necessities and difficulties
too are evolving over the years. Nowadays,
parents are busier than ever and don’t have the time to put
their full attention on children’s development. Their main
Core values of Mainbot

Core values form the foundations on which a business is

built. To be upheld, they must be implemented across the
entire business, recognized by employees, and referred to
concern is to keep kids entertained and at the same time, throughout the decision-making process. Mainbot’s core
enhance their growth. Therefore, they need a solution that can values reflect its dedication to enhancing employees’
help them in children’s development. The French startup development as well as paving the way towards success.
Mainbot came into the existence with an objective to create These core values are: Customers and profit, Scope,
and develop meaningful domestic robots, first for children, Employees, and Organization.
and later for the whole family. Since its inception in 2017, the
company believes in a future where robot companions work A Serial Entrepreneur behind Mainbot’s Success and
alongside humans, and augment their potential as human Growth
The Founder and CEO of Mainbot, Boris Kesler is
Winky: A Learning Companion for Children extremely passionate about robotics and founded &
managed several startups. He studied at the IE Business
Mainbot is preparing children aged 5 to 12 for tomorrow’s School in Madrid. Hardware entrepreneur at heart, he began
world by teaching them robotics and programming. It is his first robotics project at 15 with a robotic blog about
creating robots for life, today for children and later on for the ethical dilemmas and innovation. Later, the dynamic leader
entire family. The company established a strong presence by developed a robot for visually impaired people for the
performing the best French crowdfunding campaign on Ulule. Google Science Fair after he created and managed an
This forced all the French medias to cover its story making association of over 20 people to develop several innovative
people aware of it. The robotics company has developed robots, which amongst many achievements deeply
Winky, a modular and educational robot companion for interested Bruno Maisonnier (Aldebaran Robotics founder,
children. This robot teaches children the principles of coding exit for 100M€ in 2013 to Softbank Telecom).
and robotics in a fun way.
Boris believed in his capabilities and worked in the robotics
Mainbot’s Winky is the first educational robot that boosts French news portal “Planète Robots” and in parallel, as a
cognitive performance in children. The educational robot Chess Teacher in Paris. Moreover, he founded two tech
combines teaching and entertainment and increases the level startups about wearables “Lepiq”, the first high-end
of concentration and the duration of learning sessions for smartwatch and then “MainTool”, the first smart strap for
children. For children, it is a genuine learning companion as it every watch. After this, the competent leader established
directly interacts with them as well as encourages and helps MainBot.
them correct their own mistakes in real-time. Its modular
supports different accessories for different needs. Being the Founder of the leading company, Boris ensures
the all the employees are working in accordance with the
company’s vision. He conducts weekly meetings and


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

monthly teambuilding sessions for

them to have good communication
with their manager. He always keeps
an open-door policy to ensure that
his team can talk to him anytime.
We have the firm ‘‘
belief that robots
should prepare children
nice decoration related to its brand.
The company also provides T-Shirt,
goodies or additional stuff like linked
to its brand or product so that its
workers become proud of the product
they have developed. Hence,
Encouraging Employees’ Ideas employees’ morale and spirit are
for tomorrow’s boosted by Mainbot.
The CEO Boris knows that its
employees are one of the important
world. Searching For Best of the Best
assets that are contributing in the Candidates
growth of Mainbot. Therefore, he
ensures that the company stays as stable as possible and Today, the business landscape is crowded with many
every month for 2 hours everyone interacts about anything companies that are offering different products or services.
altogether. By doing this, they could have new ideas or Individuals around the world have lots of options to choose
sharing problems resulting in sharing of thoughts between from. Therefore, it is necessary for companies to
them. In this way, workforces have the opportunity to bring differentiate themselves from others. To reinforce its
their idea into existence or solve their issues. presence, Mainbot has an outstanding growth rate since its
inception. The company is forming a global imprint in the
Celebrating in a Unique Style marketplace with its very fun and cute product Winky.
Thus, it employs only the best of the best candidates so that
Every organization recognizes and celebrates the milestones they can contribute in preparing children for today’s and
of its employees in its own way. For Mainbot, it offers paid tomorrow’s world.
vacation for employees as well as improves the office with

A Team-Based Culture With
Employee Participation On All Levels

ompany culture is important to employees because Expansion Consulting and Franchise Management
workers are more likely to enjoy their time in the Consulting Industry in Gujarat. Until today, the company
workplace if they fit in with the company culture. has proudly trained 5,000+ employees and served about
Employers can improve productivity and employee retention 1,93,674 customers in total. Also, it has invested about Rs.
through a strong office culture. Furthermore, a good company 24,92,74,645 total amount in the market.
culture also reflects good leadership. SQuare Consulting
understands that it is important to present every employee with Core Values Reflect The Company Culture
its equal share of opportunities and space to grow within the
company. As the COO and Co-Founder of SQuare Consulting
(INDIA), Yash personally believes in the core vision and
A Strong Foundation for The Employees values of the company. The values represent the core beliefs
about how SQuare Consulting conducts the business. These
Since the inception, Yash Bhatt (COO and Co-founder) has values are:
been the operations and back end guy for SQuare Consulting.
He is the person behind the successful strategies as well as the Ÿ Quality – Total Commitment to quality at all levels of
operational wizardry to many of the clients at SQuare operations.
Consulting by giving the simplicity in the strategic Ÿ Integrity – Doing the right thing no matter what.
implementation. Waving the company through the crisis, he Ÿ Inclusiveness – Building a structure that is without
has been the backbone of SQuare and supported the company discrimination or bias.
in difficult times. He has helped the company to wave through Ÿ Profitability – Making decisions that help businesses
the crisis and supported it as a backbone. It wasn’t always grow.
easy, but it has been a learning process, and through all the
hard work and patience the team has have managed to do more Company Culture Promoting Passion, Knowledge, and
50 projects in the last decade and hired as well as trained more skills
than 3000 employees across our projects. This builds a strong
foundation for the people who directly or indirectly work for Any company is built on the work culture, and this culture
the company. comes with passion, knowledge, and skills. At SQuare
Consulting, the team promotes a culture where the
Never Giving up Despite the Challenges knowledge and skills are equally appreciated. For them the
three most important part of developing a healthy work
SQuare Consulting (INDIA) was founded with the vision of culture is,
assisting businesses and helping them with solutions to their
problems. Initially, the company faced a lot of market Ø Passion – Without true passion for working there is
resistance from the traditional businesses that were hesitant or very little chance to truly excel at something.
even ignorant of the whole concept of consulting services or
an external person trying to help them out. Along with this, Ø Knowledge – In the words of Sir Francis Bacon, a
there was the problem of sustenance of the company in itself great English Philosopher and statesman credited with
or the business where all the tasks of the business developing the scientific method or empirical method
development, as well as the availability of the core consulting in the late 16th century “scientia potestas est” or
team both had to be managed. Despite the challenges, the “Knowledge is power” and power is the one thing that
company stood strong and today is one of the leading Business will be important in achieving excellence.


To Work For In 2020

Yash Bhatt
COO & Co-founder

Ø Skills – No one is born with

skills, skills are acquired over
time with efforts and it is this
acquisition of skills that will
lead to excellence.
Young and talented
people always have the
desire to do things in
location and type of business models
that they are working for. The
Middle Management and Corporate
teams are given Quarterly Business
Reviews (QBR’s) to analyze what
kind of performances they have
Many Faces, One Mission managed to extract and if they have
life, we believe in people failed, the experienced team of
Teamwork is used across many who want to learn, to leaders coach them to be better
alternative industries to extend versions of themselves.
performance, and employee unity for grow and to excel!
healthy company culture. New ideas Employees are important and so
are always welcome at SQuare Consulting. Together as a are their milestones
team they reach out to the next level of businesses, and
keep the right balance between prosperity and welfare, for The company has special star rating systems for all
franchising and hospitality industry as a whole. employees that take the Employee of the Month to the
next level. Repeated recognition as Employee of the Month
Host of Reward Programs for 2 months in a row gets a One Star recognition to the
employee, which stays for 12 months. If that same
SQuare Consulting provides a host of reward programs for employee manages to repeat the same streak in the next 6
the employees. The main goal behind these reward months he/she gets a second star, which is valid for another
programs is to recognize the potential of great employees 12 months. Those who manage to do the same thrice are 3-
by offering them performance-based incentives. star employees who directly qualify for a 100% raise, which
To elaborate further, SQuare Consulting retail employees is possible in timeframes of less than 12 months. We
get the Store Target Incentives (STI’s) dependent on their promote this kind of culture at SQuare Consulting.

Importance of Company Culture

Want A Thriving Business?

Focus On these

5 Company Culture!
ompany culture is a popular buzzword across all industries and is used to describe the culture within an
organization. Typically, a good culture produces content and hard-working employees who stick to the long haul.
On the other hand, a poor culture leads to detached employees, poor productivity, and high staff turnover.

In today's connected and complex world, every organization has defined its own definition of a company culture but all of
them fall under the same definition. Generally, company culture is defined as the environment in which employees work,
and a variety of elements including company's mission, value, ethics, expectations, and goals. After getting familiar with
the definition, the question now arises why company culture is importance for business success?

Why Company Culture Matters? In this model, employees feel that their role in the business
is crucial for the operation. They take ownership of their
For every organization, its culture can be the strongest work and are willingly responsible for the outcomes. Also,
quality or greatest liability. A culture that is hard to replicate workforces get the opportunity to display their skills while
offers a competitive advantage to the company. With completing task and confidence in their decisions regarding
different cultures present today, employees have a variety of the projects they are handling. Furthermore, requests for
bonuses, wage increases, and position changes are
considered seriously and granted when it is appropriate.

How to put it into practice?

To implement this model, organizations should focus on

employees' development and offer them freedom,
transparency in the working environment. Delegate tasks to
every employee and make them responsible for it. By doing
so, business leaders are creating an atmosphere where
employees are developing their skills. As a result,
productivity is increased which leads to the overall growth
of the company.

options to choose from. Many business leaders started For example: Adobe is a company with a culture that
putting emphasis on the importance of corporate culture avoids micromanaging in favor of trusting employees to do
because they observed that having a good culture leads in their best. Employees are given stock options so that they
high retention rate of employees, success in business, know they have both a stake and reward in the company's
growth and expansion in diverse sectors along with success.
increased productivity. The difficult task for these business
leaders now to identify what type of company culture is fit Type 2: Customer-Centric Culture
for their business. Listed below are a few common cultures
to help them understand what culture they have or they A customer-centric culture is all about customers and how
might need to practice in the company. According to to meet their demands. This culture promotes employees to
Forbes, companies with strong cultures saw a 4x increase in see everything through the eyes of the customer. They have
revenue growth. Gallup suggested that highly engaged
workplaces see a 10% increase in customer ratings and a
20% increase in sales. Also, happy employees are 12%
more productive.

Type 1: Empowered Culture

to make appropriate decisions based on their observations.

The main aim of workers is to deliver a consistent level of
stellar customer experience. Also, products and services
developed according to the requirements of the clients.

Importance of Company Culture

How to put it into practice? How to put it into practice?

Here, the culture of the organizations should focus on To implement this model, organizations need to create and
developing products and services that can meet the client's maintain a proper guideline for senior members and
demands. These organizations should train the customer- employees to follow. Furthermore, it should allow
facing team properly to deliver best experience. In addition, managers to divide responsibilities to the people in a logical
every decision taken by them should be based on the mottos way, creating an additional layer of efficiencies. By having
like “customer is always right” and “a satisfied customer is a clear line of communication, the tracking of ongoing
the best business strategy of all”. activities, the status of projects, and the quality of work can
be monitored at all levels.
For example: Amazon is a company with a culture of
customer service excellence. The company is always ready For example: Founded in 1892, GE is about as traditional
to serve its customers. as they come and is well-known for its cut-and-dry
management practices. Recently, however, in favor of more
Type 3: Hierarchy Culture regular interactions between management and staff, it
scrapped the conventional performance review and is even
In this model, the traditional top-down hierarchy is introducing an app to help promote feedback.
maintained within companies. There are various levels of
management between leaderships and workforces that Type 4: Clan Culture
results in low level of communication between them.
According to management level, managers have the This model imitates family-based culture. Since employees
authority and power to allocate resources, reward, and spend most of their time in the office, strong bonds of
punish behaviour and give orders to their subordinates. loyalty, tradition, and commonality generally form. The
Moreover, subordinates know whom to report to and where
to get information and directives.


company drives employees through shared goals, vision,

outcomes and outputs rather than setting stringent rules and
Managers procedures. When compared with hierarchy culture, there
are less levels of management between leadership and
employees. In companies, employees are close-knit, work
together as a community and typically place their peers'
needs first.

How to put it into practice?

It is fact that a happy team creates a happy business. So, the
company needs to focus on employees' happiness. They
should create an environment of teamwork and family,
where people have strong loyal ties and working towards a
common cause.

For example: Walt Disney is most recognizable brands in
the world and has the kindest community on the planet. It is
compassionate towards each of its employees.

Type 5: Innovation Culture

To stay relevant in the competitive market, innovation

allows organizations to bring new ideas and plays a vital

role in economic growth. It is kept as the core strategy for
developing any new products and services. Moreover, in
this model, the company encourages employees to present
new concepts for optimizing and streamlining the entire
business operation. Its focus is not only on creating new
ideas, but also on pursuing a systematic process in order to
bring those ideas to fruition.

How to put it into practice?

In order to enforce this culture, companies should create an

environment where everybody feels comfortable
communicating their ideas. They should also have diverse
set of personalities to foster more creative ideas. By having
different set of perspective, complex issues can be solved as

For example: Tech giant, Google is always innovating new

products, services, and solutions for companies.
At the end of the day, irrespective of size and sector, all
organizations fall under the same culture. Rather than trying
to fit into a single culture, they should focus on the
aforesaid models to better understand how different
companies function and maximize their growth and make
people recognize for the good culture.

Title21Health Solutions:
A Place Where Passion And Drive Meet

T he constantly shifting economic landscape has forced

the organizations to face the biggest
question—whether the current workforce can help
them make the transitions necessary for the success of the
company. The mistake companies tend to make is prioritize
personal experiences and overcomes it by generating
innovative ideas. The same goes for Lynn Fischer (Co-
founder and CEO) who drew on her personal experience to
innovate and help improve patient safety and outcomes.
While she was young, her father suffered from melanoma.
short-term financial results over the long-term well-being of Her father was saved due to the advanced therapy he
employees. The companies that shed workers not just lose the received, and this incident made an impression on Lynn’s
time invested in training them but also lose the networks. young mind. With an aim to help in some way to improve
Technological transformation and intensifying competition can patient outcomes, she co-founded Title21 Health Solutions.
be addressed by thoughtful planning of the workforce Title21 The company focuses on creating excellent technology to
Health Solutions (Title21) trusts its employees to perform support the advancement of curative therapies while
well. complying with the Food and Drug Administration
regulations and industry standards.
Title21 Health Solutions believes in long-term hiring. In the
history of eighteen-year, the company has never had a layoff. Ironically, Lynn’s background in consumer-packaged goods
It has a motto that as long as a person cares, wants to learn, turned out to be a great foundation for her work at Title21.
works hard, and is committed to doing the job for the She asserts, “Just as in consumer marketing, the voice of
customers, the person will have a place at Title21 Health the customer is critical to serving the dynamic needs in the
Solutions. The company not just trains the employees but also healthcare segment.”
assures them by providing the benefit of stability and career
growth. Along with her professional background, her educational
background has helped her in handling the demands of the
Treating the Patients as Quickly and Safely As Possible business. Lynn earned her Master in Business
Administration from the University Of Pittsburgh Katz
Title21 is solely dedicated for delivering easy-to-use, flexible Graduate School Of Business, which prepared her well for
and integrated technology so that health sciences organizations the challenges of leading and scaling an innovative
can achieve compliance, gain efficiencies and ensure high healthcare technology company.
quality, ultimately, to support improvement in patient safety
and care. For decades, Title21 has collaborated with leading Fostering a Culture of Excellence
healthcare institutions, and in this period, the company has
closely paid attention to the pain points and requirements. The Title21 fosters a culture of excellence through trust, a
end-user’s feedback is comprehensively involved to advance shared commitment to the mission, and the ability to admit
the product and services. Through the feedback, users convey and learn from failures. The company serves the most
what they need, like and want. At Title21, the team strives to prestigious hospitals and healthcare companies in the
make the customers’ lives easier, and aim at supporting the country. The team strives every day to exceed the
most advanced and innovative patient treatments both quickly expectations of customers and continues to innovate the
and safely. software to deliver the best technology. “The Patient is
Our True North,” says Lynn Fischer. In addition, Title21
A Leader Inspired by Personal Experience offers technology that helps support them being the best, so
it fosters a symbiotic partnership.
A strong leader is someone who learns from his or her


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

Lynn Fischer
Co-founder & CEO

Team Members Can Define Their Recognizing Team Members Who
Own Success Go Above and Beyond
If a person wants to work in an
Employees can only contribute to the environment where you are making a Title21 team members are passionate
success of the company when they huge difference in one of the most about supporting their customers to
succeed in their career path. Personal exciting fields of medicine,
bring cutting-edge technology and
growth is equally important and services to patients. Title21
highly practiced at Title21. Every immunotherapy technology, then appreciates those who are driven to
team member of the company is free Title21 is an exciting opportunity. If make a difference and are passionate
to define their own success and you want to work with a super smart about improving healthcare through
career path. The key is to connect the technology. To recognize and
team who are all dedicated to the
head and the heart by identifying an celebrate these people, the company
employee’s passion and combine it mission, it truly is a great place to arranges lunches, special gifts, and
with the business opportunity. When work. We all have fun together, but recognition for their milestones.
people are passionate about their we work hard and take our work very Also, the team appreciates one
work and want to make a difference, another through the process of fun
excellence happens. Lynn says, “I am activities that reinforce the
a big believer that anyone can learn company’s culture and focus on the
to master any subject if one has the patient.
right mindset and is willing to put in the work to
accomplish his/her dreams. Making excellence a habit in Each year, the company announces awards for the team
everything we do is our goal.” This kind of environment members who have outperformed themselves throughout
encourages continuous learning and growth to the benefit of the year. The team collaborates and supports one another.
the employees, company, and customers. The environment is healthy where everyone celebrates one
another’s success.

Tudip Technologies:
Promoting Careers with Promising
Bright Future

ood employees are like deep roots holding the processes and solutions towards achieving the necessary
success of an organization. To understand the business outcomes that the client have set for themselves.
working of a successful organization one must
understand how well the organization treats the employee. Over a period of time, Tudip has cultivated a set of people
Incepted in 2010, Tudip Technologies admits that who could start acting as a bouncing board for ideas
employees are the backbone of the company as happy which will eventually fill in more leadership roles in the
employees lead to happy clients which in turn leads to a organization. The company operates with an in-house
successful company. The organization has many recreational team of software developers, quality assurance engineers,
events to keep the employees engaged. Regular training business analysts, network specialists as well as
sessions are organized on various software related topics to translators. This ensures more growth within the company
keep them updated about the latest software. At the end of for each and every employee.
the month, on every 4th Saturday we have an Improvement
Day where all employees participate and share feedback on A Great Place for Fresher
projects along with the areas of improvement. By this, the
firm ensures that the employees are motivated by having Tudip Technologies provides a career not just a job for
such engaging activities. those who are passionate about their work and want to
build their career. It provides ample opportunities to grow
Tudip fosters a culture of transparency and ownership in the within the company technically as well as a technocrat by
collective conduct. The firm is accountable for the promoting Intrapreneurship. It enables the employee to
employee’s thoughts, actions, and communication. All the help clients enhance and improve while building a career.
values are ‘non-negotiable’ and are not compromised for The company promotes Integrity, Innovation, and
personal or corporate gains. Tudip constantly applies moral Serenity. Tudip is a dynamic and highly agile company. It
& principled behavior in all the transactions, which builds is a growing company and offers opportunities for each
trust and honesty. The company creates a positive working and every employee, which ensures security as well as
environment for all the employees which makes them feel stability for the employees. As a fresher who is just
valued and special. starting their career, it is important to start with a good
organization where he can explore his skills. Working
Ensuring Growth for Each and Every Employee with Tudip Technologies is great for a fresher as he/she
can get the opportunity of working in real-time with
Tudip Technologies started 9 years ago with just 4 people. relevant technologies that are running the world.
Ever since then it has been growing at a rate of 100% every
year both in terms of revenue as well as headcount, which is Building Long-Term Relationships with Clients
a sign of an ideal organization. The company owes its
success to the complete commitment of the team towards the The company’s vision is to be a Global Partner and the
client value and as a Chief Executive Office of Tudip first choice for the customers by providing leadership in
Technologies, Dipti Agrawal feels that it’s her personal specific domains to help the customers accelerate the
commitment to bring the best of ideas, capabilities, value creation process. Adhering to its vision, Tudip


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

Dipti Agrawal
Chief Executive Office

believes in building long term
relationships with clients which Tudip Technologies provides a Creating a Culture of Excellence
helps them to survive in the long career not just a job for those
run. Furthermore, it feels the only who are passionate about their Tudip’s mission is to ‘create a
way to build a long term work and want to build their niche’ by offering cutting-edge
relationship with the clients is to career. integrated services across
keep them happy by providing technologies empowered by
quality services. The most innovation, best-in-class process
important factor for a company to be successful is to be and world-class technology. It provides a better platform
transparent with the clients and discuss each and every that translates an individual into an experienced and
minute detail related to the project. immensely skilled professional through an ethical and
vibrant business environment.
There are three factors which lead to longevity in client
relationship—transparency, commitment to client value Dipti asserts that there are three top factors responsible for
and agility. Tudip believes in providing an effective client creating a culture of excellence. Firstly, an organization
service, taking care of the employees’ needs and creating needs to have a clear and defined vision that will help to
a success story to remember. It has a wide range of work on a predefined path. Secondly, it needs to be
clients, varying in scale, in industries, regions, and accountable for all its actions and should also recognize
technology. Tudip has also worked on various the good efforts of its employees. Lastly, the company
international projects with global leaders and niche should believe in collaborative teamwork which directly
players across various industries including Smart helps in the long run.
Appliances, OTT, Agriculture, Healthcare, eCommerce,
eLearning and many more.

Providing Employee Friendly
Environment With Workplace Flexibility

I n the race of innovation and transformation, the idea of

stability has somehow lost the priority in the
organizations. Today, most organizations are struggling to
find the right balance between stability and change, which has
affected the workforce. However, even in the current
promotes an environment where the employees feel
motivated and are encouraged to perform well. Ran
believes to “Make it fun”, as he understands that people
work better when they love what they do. Ran believes that
the employees cannot perform strict tasks all day without
transformational business scenario Ubertesters has effectively fun, so he promotes a fun environment to work in.
prioritized the stability benefits and offers perks to the “The vision must be well communicated from the CEO to all
employees in whatever way it can. employees so that they feel part of the vision and not just
Ubertesters benefits include taking care of the compensation focused on their daily tasks,” says Ran. He creates a culture
and provide the appropriate pay according to the position and of excellence throughout the company by clearing defining
also offer merit pay increases upon review. The work culture is the vision for the company’s goal and purpose.
friendly and employees are encouraged to create a happy Furthermore, accountability and recognition are equally
workplace. The personal and professional milestones of the practiced at Ubertesters i.e. all employees are accountable
employees are equally given primacy, which is the reason that to achieve their personal goals and company goals. In
the company hosts events twice a year. In addition to this, addition, the leader closely notices the work and holds the
from time to time the whole staff is invited over lunch for the employee accountable when he/she is underperforming, or
monthly business review meeting. In these meetings, the recognize when a job is done well, which helps to keep the
chiefs share business results with the employees so that they employee motivated.
can feel proud and part of the success and growth. The
aforementioned benefits augment the company’s sense of Leading In Optimizing Mobile Testing Process
security and stability. Today, Ubertesters offers a crowd of global, professional
testers for hire with devices that can test any digital product
Leading With a Unique Point Of View and provide feedback to clients. The tests are done with real
Ran Rachlin (Co-founder and CEO) of Ubertesters is the people using real devices and provide real-time feedback to
pioneer of optimizing the mobile testing process. Ran is a the client about the usability and functionality of their
renowned speaker in several industry events and is known for digital product. It allows the client to launch any product
his unique perspective towards the QA and testing world. with confidence, knowing it was tested vigorously by real
Before becoming the forerunner of the company, Ran initially people and all at an extremely affordable price. In the initial
held several high-profile management roles in General years of inception, Ubertesters entered the QA services
Engineers (The Israeli distributor of GE), Mul-T-Lock, and market, which was already dominated by several renowned
Silicom Inc. (NASDAQ: SILC). Ran holds an MBA Degree companies. Despite the competition, the company focused
with honors, which has helped him to bring his experience in on its first value that was “Superlative Support”. Keeping
management and business development. These management client satisfaction on the priority, the team focused on
skills that he acquired through his journey help him to guide listening to clients’ problems and offer customized solutions
his team on their way to success. that would really address the needs and concerns.
Ran also has a massive global experience of managing and Furthermore, the focus was on the SMBs by offering them
leading new initiatives from inception to implementation and the required flexibility, fast and superb service, and being
bringing significant sales. Besides, he has managed large cost-effective. “We wanted to be positioned as a “Valued
global organizations in different countries. Due to his Advisor” in the QA field and become more of a consultant
experience of serving the industry, he understands the and advisor on how to build a better QA organization and
importance of creating a culture of excellence. He actively not just being a seller,” shares Ran.


COMPANIES To Work For In 2020

Ran Rachlin
Co-founder & CEO

Recognizing and Celebrating

Employee Milestones
Recognizing milestones of an
employee in the workplace is always
We offer employees a friendly
environment with a very strong team
spirit, as well as workplace flexibility.
Making Employees Feel
Empowered and Well Recognised
Ubertesters understand that the
growth and all-round development of
important. Appreciating even the The employee will feel respected and an employee are equally important.
smallest details would not only valued. Lastly, the employees are well The team analyses the potential of
improve company morale but also each employee vs. their readiness for
paid and enjoy good benefits and
employee engagement. At growth. After the team identifies that
Ubertesters, the company recognizes incentives. certain employees can grow to the
and celebrates three main milestones next level, there is proper investment
of the employee at a personal level, and two company level in their growth through training and development. Since
milestones during the year. On the personal level, the staff Ubertesters belongs to the QA/testing field, the chosen
is aware of employees’ birthday, the work anniversary and employees are sent to a QA class to acquire a better
the employee’s ability to meet and accomplish a certain understanding of the market and what the company offers.
“Power task” given to him/her. On achieving each of these The employees are also benefitted with internal monitoring
milestones, the employee is rewarded with a recognition and get assigned a mentor so that they can learn from the
email directly from the supervisor and from the CEO of the best.
company too. In addition, for their birthday and The most important part of the culture that the team of
anniversary, they get a special treat such as bottle of Ubertesters whole-heartedly promotes is out-of-the-box
expensive wine, fruit basket, chocolate basket, etc. Lastly, thinking. The creative ideas are always welcomed and
employees get public recognition in the next company appreciated and recognized. Employees that come up with
monthly business review (MBR) update. new ideas, concepts, or actions that help the company to
Apart from this, at the company level, the milestones are grow and improve the offerings are always acknowledged.
celebrated with two major company events for all These employees are rewarded both financially as well as
employees —mid-year summer event for the employees during company meetings so that they feel empowered and
and family members, and year-end, new-year party night. well recognized.

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