IntegratedReport2023 en
IntegratedReport2023 en
IntegratedReport2023 en
Dreaming of the
next 50 years
Nidec marked its 50th anniversary on July 23,
2023, and started treading new paths to embrace
profound changes potentially involved in achieving
another 50 years of sustainable growth. Under the
watchword “One NIDEC,” we are taking consistent
steps forward to evolve from a founder-led company
into a founder-inspired, collectively led one.
The underlying idea of “One NIDEC” is to view
our diverse management resources (people,
goods, money, technology, and information) as
a coherent whole and optimally realign them
with the company’s shared objectives. With
particular reference to people management,
“One Nidec” represents an environment that helps
unleash individual potentials beyond differences
in nationality, race, gender, age, faith, cultural Welcome to Nidec Integrated Report 2023
background, or personality. When Nidec was founded in 1973, we dreamed of becoming
a global company representing Japan. Today, as we celebrate
Our march toward “One Nidec” started with a
our 50th anniversary, we are moving forward with our
few cornerstone events—unifying the company next dream: to become a top-rated global company that
names, establishing a Nomination Committee, continues to be needed by society for the next 50 years and
and formulating a succession plan for a seamless beyond. We believe that it is essential to realize sustainable
transition to a more collective, interactive management in order to coexist with and be needed by the
international community in the future. In other words, we
leadership style.
need to closely align our business strategies with solutions
Meanwhile, what remains unchanged is our
to universal issues and thereby to achieve consistent,
unwavering aspiration—fueled by passion, dynamic growth.
enthusiasm, and tenacity—for giving a concrete We began publishing the integrated report in 2021 with
shape to grand dreams. That has always been and the intention of incorporating the perspectives of our
will continue to be the cultural and ideological stakeholders into management to review the direction
of our business strategies. This year, Integrated Report
common thread running through Nidec from
2023 focuses on changes in our management structure
generation to generation. as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. Among the many
changes, we particularly focus on those related to people,
Over the next 50 years, the NIDEC Group aims to such as the transition to a collective management system,
become a truly global company that firmly stands the resulting changes in human resources strategies, and
the formulation of new personnel policies. In addition, we
on a unique culture and philosophy, which is like a
provide interview articles as a special feature on the five new
big tree supported by robust roots and trunk, with
executive vice presidents, who are of great interest to our
people from all over the world coming together stakeholders, so that everyone can learn more about their
and blossoming into various flowers. In order to backgrounds and ways of thinking.
make this dream come true, we will not be afraid This report has been created with reference to the IFRS
of change and will boldly take on the challenge Foundation’s International Integrated Reporting Framework
and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Guidance
of entering a new world through the creation of
for Collaborative Value Creation. We declare that the
excellent products. preparation processes and the contents of this report
are legitimate.
We hope this report gives you a good picture of our
sustainability journey and look forward to receiving your
valuable, candid feedback. We appreciate your continued
support as we strive to continuously improve our
corporate value.
Shigenobu Nagamori
Founder, Representative Director and Chairman
highest quality products. Our company is sincerely and enthusiastically dedicated to 05 Management Message 65 Human Resources
05 Chairman’s Message 69 Supply Chain
the trinity of technology, skillfulness, and modern science. Thereby, Nidec strives to
07 President’s Message 71 Corporate Governance
promote the prosperity of our society, our company, and all our employees. 09 Executive Vice President
Interviews 87
Mission MISSION Data
Value Creation of Nidec 87 Financial Data
We contribute to the Earth by producing the highest quality motors in the world. Group
All Nidec employees work to the very best of their ability to send motors into the world. It is with these motors 89 Non-financial Data
and other products we make that we solve various issues such as the conservation of the global environment, 15 History of Nidec Group
and contribute to making better lives for people all over the world. 17 Value Creation Process 90 Corporate Information
90 Group Companies
Vision VISION 21 Value Creation Strategy
91 Company Profile
21 Business Operations 91 Stock Information
idec is a global company that grows sustainably for the next 100 years and beyond. 23 Performance Highlights 92 External Evaluation
25 Nidec Group’s Competitive
Nidec is the world’s leading solution-providing business group that solves numerous Advantages
problems for the people in the world. 27 Overview of the Medium-Term
Strategic Goal
Value VALUE 30 Financial Strategy
33 Human Resources Strategy
“Nidec Way” “The Challenging Road” 37 Technology Strategy
Three Corporate Policies: “Passion, Enthusiasm, and Tenacity,” “Work smart,”
and “Do your work now; do it without hesitation; do it until completed.” 39 Business Strategies
“Creativity,” “Respect,” “Collaboration,” “Integrity,” “Decision Making,” “Team Building,” 39 Small Precision Motors
and “Grow Talent.” 41 Automotive Products
43 Appliance, Commercial &
Discipline & Code DISCIPLINE / CODE Industrial Products
45 Other Products
even Articles of Nidec Employees, 3Ps (Be proactive, productive, and professional),
and eliminating six bad habits Reporting Period: April 1, 2022–March 31, 2023
Three Management Principles Three Basic Management Philosophies This report includes information before and after the reporting period.
hree Management Methods Three Management Attitudes Three Conditions for Success
T Reporting Guidelines
International Integrated Reporting Framework, IFRS Foundation
CSR Charter (social responsibility, respect for diversity, etc.) Guidance for Integrated Corporate Disclosure and Company-Investor Dialogues
for Collaborative Value Creation, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Reporting Standards
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 26000 Guidance Standard
on Social Responsibility
Management Message
Eying Consolidated Net Sales of 10 Trillion Yen
Achieving consolidated net sales of 10 the counterparty. These so-called takeover
trillion yen is my long-cherished dream. bids are still uncommon or can often be
Admittedly, that is a lofty dream, but not controversial in Japan, but I find it very
impossible if Nidec people release their motivating to see the resulting benefits
full potentials. Well-matched business expand far beyond any one company,
acquisitions, not to mention innovative, or industry, into a vast variety of markets.
value-added products, will also help us Whenever a business acquisition comes
make it happen. into the picture as a viable option, I will
Nidec has historically leveraged M&As for spare no effort to share all my knowledge
business growth at a pace unmatched by and experiences with our new management
any other Japanese company, including a team to help them make the best
few attempts made without the consent of possible choice.
Management Message
by resolutely exploring a new world.
Our mission is to contribute through future. Nidec has signed an agreement with
our business to the resolution of Embraer, a global aircraft manufacturer
important issues common to humanity headquartered in Brazil, to establish a joint
and the advancement and spread of new venture related to electric drive systems
technologies that will be essential in for the aviation industry. By combining the
the future. technologies of both companies, we will
Business Strategies for FY2023 Climate change is one of the important work together to increase the possibilities of
issues common to all humankind. It may a new means of transportation for society in
In FY2022, Nidec’s consolidated net place sales expansion of the new generation be still fresh in your memory that UN the near future.
sales stood at a record high of ¥2,242.8 model of the electric vehicle (EV) drive Secretary-General António Guterres Our company intends to contribute to
billion, 17% higher Y/Y. On the other motor E-Axle at the center of our strategy. sounded the alarm, describing this the resolution of various issues related to
hand, operating profit decreased 41% Meanwhile, in the appliance, commercial and ever-increasing problem with the phrase the environment and society, and we dare
Y/Y to ¥100.1 billion due to posting of industrial businesses, which are also growth “era of global boiling.” We hope to help to jump into the world of technological
large-scale structural reform expenses. fields, we focus on capturing replacement solve climate change by promoting innovation under a management system
We have renewed our resolve to achieve demand for high-efficiency motors and decarbonization of society through the underpinned by thorough governance.
a V-shaped recovery in FY2023. green innovation-related demand. In the development of highly efficient and low- As a result of continuing these business
In FY2023, we will shift directions to a precision small motor business, we will cost EV motors and renewable energy- activities, we believe that Nidec will be
policy that emphasizes profitability. We will continue to meet IT-related demand while related solution businesses, such as a top-rated global company needed by
focus management efforts even more on focusing on developing new fields such as battery energy storage systems (BESS). society even 50 or 100 years from now.
achieving the plans set at the beginning electric motorcycle motors and small EV Meanwhile, we announced in June 2023
of the fiscal year and ensuring financial motors with an output of 30 kW or less. that we have entered the business of Flying September 2023
soundness, and we will begin building a In other product groups, we will aim to Cars (eVTOLs), one of the new technologies
solid foundation for growth over the next further expand the scale of our business by that will support future society. It is an
50 years. In our day-to-day operations, proactively utilizing M&A in product fields urgent issue to establish technology to
we will continue to make the most of our such as reducers, press machines, and efficiently and sustainably transport people
business execution capabilities, which machine tools handled by the Machinery and goods in urban areas with concentrated
are backed by our strengths of speedy and Automation Business Unit, which has populations. As a solution to this problem, Hiroshi Kobe
management and the spirit of “Do it until started operations this fiscal year. In the field eVTOL is attracting attention, and the Representative Director and President
completed.” of machine tools in particular, we believe that market is expected to expand in the near (Chief Operating Officer)
In the automotive products segment, enriching our product portfolio with a view to
which is considered one of the two major developing new markets will hold the key to
growth fields in our business portfolio, we our future.
Management Message
been rigorously examined by the Nomination Committee,
the five new executive vice presidents were selected
Yoshihisa Kitao
as individuals who have demonstrated outstanding Tatsuya Nishimoto
transformational leadership in their executive positions
at Nidec and president positions at its group company and
Toshiyuki Otsuka Biography
April 1983 Joined Nippon Steel Corporation
have contributed to business results. It was also confirmed April 2001 Senior Chief Researcher of Technology
Development Division
that they have sufficient potential as a president. October 2004 Professor, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
We asked the five new executive vice presidents, who are April 2017 Executive Vice President of the University
expected to move the Nidec Group forward together with April 2018 Advisor of Nippon Densan Corporation
(currently Nidec Corporation)
its employees, about their thoughts on the company and April 2019 First Senior Vice President, Head of Nidec
Toshihiko Koseki
Executive Vice President,
Q&A These are common questions for all five executive vice presidents to
1. After working with Nidec for one year as a part-time advisor, I officially joined the company in 2019. At that time,
the Nidec Center for Production Technology R&D (currently the Nidec Keihanna Technology Center) had just been
formed, and I had to establish the Center’s functions and roles that span the entire Nidec Group. From then until
dig deeper into each person’s personality. now, I can say that I have spent four years pursuing the question “What is a corporate research institute?”
This spring, we reorganized our R&D departments, creating a system in which the R&D departments serve as a
1. Please tell us about your career at Nidec. hub for developing various technologies and solving problems for all Nidec Group companies.
2. I believe that we need to have unique and advanced technological capabilities and continually evolve them.
2. What kind of company do you want Nidec to be? Up until now, Nidec has achieved growth by supplying motors and parts with a high level of responsiveness to
customer requests, but in the future, we will additionally need the ability to create modules, systems, and solutions
Also, how do you think Nidec should change? in a wide range of fields centered on motors.
3. We need the ability to combine, sophisticate, and integrate the technologies cultivated through the development and
3. What do you think Nidec lacks currently but should have production of motors. In order to continue to grow and coexist with society over the next 50 years, we must continue
to be a company that can respond flexibly to social changes and contribute to society through technology.
in order to realize your ideal vision? 4. It is important first to understand both the contribution and burden to the global environment that are created by our
activities to manufacture motors and other products, and then consider what we can do. The manufacturing process
4. What do you think of sustainability management and places a burden on the environment due to the use of materials and electricity, but on the other hand, motors with an
energy-saving design can significantly reduce the amount of electricity consumed around the world. In addition, the
ESG management at Nidec?
amount of electricity used to cool IT equipment will continue to grow. Nevertheless, further improvements to our fan
motors, heat pipes, and water cooling technology will greatly contribute to power savings in this field.
Q&A Q. W
hat is the philosophy of the three research and development departments newly established in April 2023 (Nidec Product
Technology R&D Center, Nidec Center for Production Technology R&D, and Nidec System Manufacturing Engineering Center)?
These questions are tailored to each person’s background and A. It is to realize One NIDEC of technology. Up until now, each research institute had developed products and researched
production technologies individually. Now, we have clarified the functions and roles of each research institute and established
current duties.
a function to connect them so that everything from product design to production technology can be integrated to enable
Questions are listed on each page. consistent, efficient development. The research institutes will also play the role of a hub that promotes sharing and
collaboration of technologies owned by the Nidec Group.
Q. What technologies are you currently focusing your research on?
A. We are focusing on establishing the basis for and developing the systems and solutions that combine multiple technologies, as
well as the software technology that supports them. For example, in the future, EVs are expected to be referred to as “driving
smartphones.” This means that we need to utilize both hardware and software to create added value. From this perspective, we
are focusing on the development of our E-Axle, with a view to creating a connected car* with functions that go one step further
than the basic vehicle functions of running, stopping, and turning.
* A car equipped with a function to constantly connect to the Internet
April 1983 Joined Sony Corporation
January 2001 Vice President Product Planning, Sony
Management Message
Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
April 2011 Executive General Manager of Biography
Production, Sony Corporation April 1982 Joined Sumitomo Bank, Ltd. (currently
June 2016 Executive Officer, Business Executive, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation)
Sony Corporation April 2011 Director, Manager of Corporate Sales
April 2018 Representative and President, Sony Dept. 1, Namba, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
Mobile Communications Inc. Corporation
April 2021 Executive Vice President in Charge of April 2012 Joined Nippon Densan Corporation
Managing Mobile Communications (currently Nidec Corporation)
Unit, Sony Corporation July 2012 General Manager of Affiliates Management
January 2022 Joined Nippon Densan Corporation Department (currently Group Companies
(currently Nidec Corporation), Senior Performance Management Department)
Vice President, Deputy Executive April 2013 Vice President
General Manager of Automotive May 2016 Senior Vice President
Motor & Electronic Control June 2021 First Senior Vice President
Business Unit June 2023 Executive General Manager of Small
July 2022 First Senior Vice President Platform Motor & Solutions Business Unit
September 2022 Executive General Manager of (current post)
Automotive Motor & Electronic In Charge of Managing Group Companies
Control Business Unit (current post) (current post)
1. I joined Nidec in January 2022 and immediately took charge of the automotive business in Europe. I strived to 1. I n my previous job at a bank, I was in charge of corporate sales and company-wide performance management. I joined Nidec in 2012 and was
strengthen our foundation and conduct structural reforms in preparation for the development of our automotive assigned to work in the Affiliates Management Department (at that time) due to my experience at the previous job. I have mainly been in charge
business, centered on Stuttgart, Germany, which is famous as the city of cars. It was a year in which we made of domestic group companies. In particular, I have traveled with Chairman Nagamori to companies that have newly joined the group through
steady progress in resolving issues necessary for future business development and clearing up the past. M&A and have served as a liaison between Nidec and its group companies. In addition, in June this year, I was also appointed as Executive
2. I believe that we should go beyond the framework of a motor company and become a platformer. Just as major General Manager of the Small Platform Motor & Solutions Business Unit.
mobile phone carriers have now lost their positions to IT companies, I am confident that companies that can 2. A s I am in charge of the Small Platform Motor & Solutions Business Unit, which is the company’s founding business, I aim to build a corporate
provide not only hardware but also the entire platform, including software, will win the top spot in the automotive group that endeavors based on Nidec’s identity represented by the slogan “Do it now; do it without hesitation; do it until completed,” as well
industry. as the strengths and technologies of each group company that has newly joined the group. Rather than completely absorbing these new
3. W
e need to increase synergies between group companies and cultivate software technology. For this purpose, companies, we are strengthening collaboration among group companies to help them leverage their own characteristics and ensure that the
it is necessary to improve the product development and design environment. We have the environment in place same intentions are shared among the group.
to improve the perfection of our hardware. However, when it comes to software, it’s a different story; we still 3. W
e must maintain good communication between group companies. To this end, we need to remove all barriers to facilitate the movement of
lack development and design systems, human resources with knowledge, work style options to secure human people, goods, technology, and information. In other words, this is to achieve One NIDEC. For this purpose, I believe that it is important for all
resources, and collaboration within the group. By making full use of the technology and know-how that we have employees of the Nidec Group to fully understand the concept of 3Q6S, which is regarded as our company’s constitution, act accordingly, and
accumulated in-house through our business, I am sure that we will be able to resolve these issues. communicate closely.
4. I n order to survive the next 50 years, or even 100 years, Nidec must become a company that puts globalization 4. N
idec can contribute to reducing power consumption around the world by increasing the efficiency of motors and pursuing the development
and diversity at the forefront. The Nidec Group’s operations span a truly diverse range of countries and regions, of environmentally friendly products. For example, in recent years, the power consumption and heat generation of electronic components have
and even among its Japanese peers, there are few examples of this level. We should be able to appeal more to the increased dramatically due to faster and larger data transmission. In this regard, Nidec can contribute to reducing the power consumption of
world the true diversity fostered within the Nidec Group, which is a strength created by people from all over the ICT* equipment by providing a solution that efficiently cools high-performance semiconductors through cooperation with Nidec CCI, which
world working together, transcending all attributes such as race, nationality, gender, skills, and expertise. joined the group in 2018. In addition, we have quickly started working on the development of water cooling modules as a new thermal solution.
This enables cooling with less than half the electricity and CO2 emissions compared to conventional heat exhaust systems.
Individual Q&As * ICT: Information and communication technology. It refers to technology that exchanges digitized information through communication and technology that uses communication
technology to connect people to people and people to the Internet.
Q. Are there any situations in which your experience from your previous job was put to good use?
A. B
efore joining Nidec, I was involved in the mobile phone business for a long time. I have experience in domestic Individual Q&As
sales, overseas marketing, accounting, business strategy and planning, and as a factory president, but I have Q. Y ou were involved in setting up overseas factories for group companies. Are there any memorable episodes?
never been involved in the automotive business. In that sense, I am tackling every task here for the first time. A. W hen we built factories in overseas countries such as Vietnam and China, I was involved in the negotiations with all my heart and soul. As a
Nevertheless, I naturally utilize all of my previous work experience in the Nidec Group, where the on-site result of repeated negotiations with local government officials, I believe that we were able to go beyond just building a new factory. We have
actual-item principle is always required. I can say that I am summarizing all the work I have experienced in my successfully managed to strengthen the relationship of trust between Nidec and the governments of each country.
previous job when dealing with customers. Q. W hat are the technologies and products that will become the pillars of Nidec’s business in the field of small motors in the future?
Q. What are the strengths of the Nidec Group that you found while visiting various production, A. A s mentioned earlier, I believe that thermal solutions will become a major pillar. From now on, dealing with the huge amount of heat dissipated
development, and sales sites? due to the higher functionality of data centers and the expansion of the market will become an urgent issue. Conventional solutions centered
A. T
he Nidec Group’s greatest strength is its integrated production and sales system. For example, when it comes to on air cooling are no longer sufficient, and solutions centered on water cooling are expected to expand significantly in the future. In response
sales, we explain our company’s advantages, starting with how to make parts. We are able to not only talk about to the HPC server market, which continues to grow as the use of AI expands, and the demand that increases due to the increasing output of
product specification, but also go into the manufacturing process together with our customers. I believe this is microprocessors, we will expand our business with a sense of speed unique to Nidec, with products that use water cooling technology that we
proof that the Nidec Group has continued for 50 years to refine its manufacturing spirit, which is represented by have already been developing. In addition, we will utilize the technology cultivated in the Small Platform Motor & Solutions Business Unit to
3Q6S principles, and that this spirit has been passed on to all employees, regardless of their duties. address the issue of electrification, which is sweeping across fields, not only of automobiles but also of motorcycles.
April 1979 Joined Mitsui Bank, Ltd. (currently
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation)
Management Message
April 2008 Vice President, General Manager of
Corporate Sales Division of Shibuya and
Yokohama, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Biography
Corporation April 1989 Joined Saitama Bank, Ltd.
May 2009 Joined Nippon Densan Corporation (currently Resona Bank, Limited.)
(currently Nidec Corporation) November 2004 Joined Nidec-Read Corporation
June 2009 First Senior Vice President, Nidec-Shimpo (currently Nidec Advance Technology
Corporation (currently Nidec Drive Corporation)
Technology Corporation) April 2015 Representative Director and President,
April 2013 Representative Director and President Nidec-Read Korea Corporation
August 2021 Chairman, Nidec Machine Tools Co., Ltd. (currently Nidec Advance Technology
(currently Nidec Machine Tools Korea CO., LTD.)
Corporation) (current post) June 2017 Vice President, Nidec-Read
June 2022 Chairman, Nidec OKK Co., Ltd. Corporation
(currently Nidec OKK Corporation) October 2017 Senior Vice President
April 2023 Representative Director and Chairman, April 2018 Representative Director and President
Nidec OKK Corporation (current post) May 2022 Representative Director and President,
June 2023 Representative Director and Chairman, Nidec Sankyo Corporation
Nidec Drive Technology Corporation (currently Nidec Instruments
(current post) Corporation) (current post)
Nidec will fulfill its mission of “contributing to the world by producing the highest quality motors in the world” by providing solutions to the common issues of humankind through its business activities.
Manufacturing capital Environment Products Human Resources Supply Chain Corporate Governance P.47
Innovation Fund*3 project
More than 200 production bases “Development of nextgeneration
issues relating to
Capital investment:
Competitive advantage 1 : Corporate culture motors” the large amount
137,800 million yen
“Do it now; do it without hesitation; do it until completed,” passion, enthusiasm and of heat generated
tenacity, “Work hard and smart,” viewing adversity as an opportunity Manufacturing capital by 5G devices
Natural capital P.25
Manufacturing high-quality
Total energy input: Providing key components (spindle
1,767,741 MWh Corporate Philosophy motors) for nearline HDDs for data
Promoting cost reduction activities
Water resources input: centers
Policy, Mission, Vision, Value, Discipline and Code
7,548,000 m P.03
ontributing to
Natural capital
Renewable energy introduction addressing the
Five Big Waves ratio: 8.2% explosive increase
1 Carbon neutral society 2 Power saving and post-COVID-19 pandemic 3 Manpower saving
4 5G & Thermal solutions 5 Digital data explosion
CO2 emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2):
in digital data
10% reduction
*1 Including those held by group companies in Japan and major overseas group companies in the appliance, commercial and industrial segment.
Social issues / Mega trends *2 NEDO: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
*3 Green Innovation Fund: established on December 25, 2020 in the Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050 formulated by
the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with other relevant ministries and agencies to create a virtuous cycle of economy and the environment.
As the world’s leading comprehensive motor manufacturer, Nidec has achieved continuous
growth through business diversification and by continuing to meet the needs of society.
1973 Nippon Densan Corporation
Nidec’s initiatives
Ball bearings were initially used for HDD motors. But around development and production of FDBs. For example, Tosok had
1995, it became necessary to improve the rotation accuracy of advanced measuring technology while Kyori Kogyo and Copal
motors in line with the increase in the capacity of HDDs. had press technologies to punch motor cores. Sankyo Seiki was
Although there were studies on using FDBs for HDD motors, no leading in FDB technology and had a plant in the Philippines, but
bearing manufacturers had succeeded in mass production. In mass production was not progressing as planned. By acquiring
Belt Built-in order to supply the needed HDD motors, Nidec had to develop these technologies, equipment, and engineers through M&A,
motor and produce FDBs from scratch, which was a big challenge as Nidec succeeded in replacing ball bearings with FDBs and started
the company had procured bearings from outside suppliers and full-scale mass production of HDD motors with FDBs in 2000, and
Spindle (precision rotating axis) Motor Spindle (precision rotating axis) assembled them into HDD motors. Therefore, Nidec acquired has maintained a high market share since then.
Belt drive method Direct drive method several companies that had the technologies necessary for the
*1 Belt drive method and direct drive method *2 Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB)
In those days, AC motors were used to drive HDDs, and the belt drive method, which uses a belt to spin the spindle (precision rotation axis), was the mainstream. Belt-drive HDDs were In the FDB chamber there is a fluid such as oil between the bearings and the shaft. When the shaft rotates, the fluid’s dynamic pressure generated by the rotation lifts the shaft from
used mainly as storage devices for large computers. In order to spread computers to ordinary people, it was essential to miniaturize and increase the storage capacity of HDDs, and the bearings and rotates it smoothly. Although ball bearings were used conventionally, low noise and low vibration have been achieved by shifting to FDBs.
what made this possible was the direct drive method, which integrates the spindle and motor in a single unit. Nidec played a critical role in developing and commercializing a direct
drive spindle motor for HDDs.
net sales: 4 trillion yen
FY2005 sales exceed: 2 trillion yen
Consolidated 1 trillion yen
sales exceed:
500 billion yen
Strengthening the HDD motor business and Permeation of smart devices into people’s everyday
Progress of decarbonization and an aging
population with a lower birthrate
promoting business diversification lives and increased awareness of climate change
In 2001, Nidec was listed on the New York Stock Exchange (now delisted). In 2003, the company’s Head Office and Central Technical Laboratory Becoming a growth company
building was completed in Minami-ku in Kyoto City.
By starting mass production of HDD motors with FDBs replacing ball bearings in 2000 and maintaining a high market share, Nidec has firmly
Growing into a global comprehensive motor that can respond dynamically to
established its position as the top HDD motor manufacturer. manufacturer through M&As environmental changes
Nidec established Nidec Research and Development Center, Japan in 2014 and Nidec In July 2023, Nidec celebrated its 50th anniversary. Accordingly, starting in
While engaging in the development of FDBs since around 1994, the company promoted diversification of its business portfolio in case FDB
Center for Industrial Science in 2015 to promote basic research on motors and realize April 2023, Nidec changed its Japanese company name from “Nippon Densan”
production failed. As part of this initiative, we started developing motors for automobile power steering in 1995 and launched mass production technological innovation in manufacturing. After reaching a record high of approximately to “Nidec” and changed its group companies’ names to include “Nidec.”
in 2000. We now hold the world’s top share in this field. 650 million units in 2010, global shipments of HDDs declined around 60% to 260 million Nidec will work to create new functions and value by skillfully combining the
units in 2020. Against the background of decreased demand for HDD motors, Nidec strengths of the Nidec Group companies, which have various technologies in
With the launch of the first smartphone in 2007 and the first tablet in 2010 by Apple, global shipments of PCs and HDDs thereafter declined.
aimed to shift its growth focus to the automotive and the appliance, commercial and a wide range of fields.
industrial businesses by actively conducting M&A with companies that have strengths in In particular, Nidec is striving to provide solutions to common issues of
these fields. As a result of the success in this transformation of the business portfolio, in humankind in five areas that align with global mega trends: “automotive
History of growth through M&A FY2017, sales of the appliance, commercial and industrial products business exceeded electrification,” “expansion of robot applications,” “home appliances driven by
Year Country Acquired companies/businesses Specialized businesses/technologies/products those of the precision small motor business, which had been Nidec’s core business since brushless DC motors,” “labor-saving in agriculture and logistics,” and “spread
Subsidiary of Yasukawa Electric Corporation. DC servo motors its founding. Nidec has thus grown into a comprehensive motor manufacturer offering a of next-generation technology stemming from 5G communications.” Nidec
2000 Japan Y-E Drive wide variety of motors ranging from micro-size to large, which are used in various fields. is committed to actively engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals
for office automation
2000 Thailand Seagate Corporation, Motor division of Rangsit Plant HDD motor factory Looking ahead to the decarbonization trend, Nidec developed an EV traction motor (SDGs) and will contribute to building a sustainable and prosperous society
Japan Sankyo Seiki Mfg. HDD motors system called E-Axle and launched its mass production in 2019. through various initiatives including the “2040 Carbon Neutrality Declaration.”
2006 France Valeo S.A., Motor & actuator business division Automobile motors
2007 Singapore Brilliant Manufacturing Ltd. HDD base covers
Japan Japan Servo Subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. Manufacture of small motors
History of growth through M&A
Year Country Acquired companies/businesses Specialized businesses/technologies/products
Motors for appliances and industrial machinery, large motors for
2010 United States Motors & Controls business of Emerson Electric Co. 2017 France Motor and Electric Power Generation businesses of Emerson Electric Co. Industrial motors, drives, power generators
plant control, etc.
Motors for power generators for wind and hydroelectric power 2017 United Kingdom Drive business of Emerson Electric Co. Industrial motors, drives, power generators
2012 Italy Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali S.p.A. Compressor business of Whirlpool Corporation Refrigerator compressors
generation, and rolling mills, etc. 2019 Brazil
2012 United States Avtron Industrial Automation, Inc. Control equipment for industrial motors 2019 Japan Omron Automotive Electronics Automotive control technology
2012 United States Kinetek Group Inc. Commercial motors for elevators, escalators, etc. 2021 Japan Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool Gear machine tools
2014 Japan Honda Elesys Automotive electronic control units (ECU) 2022 Japan OKK Machine tools (general-purpose machines)
2015 Germany Geräte- und Pumpenbau GmbH Dr. Eugen Schmidt Automotive pumps 2023 Italy PAMA Machine tools (horizontal boring machines, portal machines)
* Major companies are picked up and listed in this table. * Major companies are picked up and listed in this table.
Whether the development of HDD motors with FDBs would into the field of appliances, commercial and industrial products. In response to the shrinkage of the HDD market, Nidec promoted diversification company in 2014, were integrated to develop a compact, light power pack with
succeed was extremely important for Nidec, whose core business For power steering motors, we faced difficulty in increasing the of its business by leveraging the technologies it had developed until then and minimum noise. Moreover, for E-Axle, an EV traction motor system, Nidec Elesys was
was HDD motors. Therefore, in case we failed in this big challenge, number of customers because of the high entry barriers. However, through M&A in the fields of automotive, appliance, commercial and industrial in charge of the development of the inverter. By shifting from production and sales
we conducted M&A in fields other than HDD motors to diversify the acquisition of the motor division of Valeo S.A. in France in 2006 products, where further growth could be expected. In the automotive business, of motors alone to production and sales of modules and systems, Nidec aimed at a
our business portfolio. The acquisition of Shibaura Densan in 1998 dramatically expanded our market. pursuing synergies between Nidec’s automotive motors and the technologies transformation from a Tier 2 parts manufacturer to a Tier 1 manufacturer.
and Y-E Drive in 2000 provided us with a foothold for advancing acquired through M&A, Nidec started developing high value-added products for In 2021, Nidec acquired Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool Co., Ltd., which
modules and systems. For example, Nidec’s electric power steering (EPS) motor specializes in the production of gear cutting machines, and entered the machine
and an electronic control unit (ECU) of Nidec Elesys, which became a Nidec Group tool business.
Nidec offers a wide variety of motors ranging from precision small to super-large, as well as applied Consolidated Sales by Region*
products and services in IT, office automation, home appliances, automobiles, commercial and industrial
systems, environment and energy, and many other fields. We will contribute to the enhancement of
people’s lives and the development of industries by continuing to deliver highest quality, indispensable,
and widely desired products for the common good of all, through active M&As and organic growth.
Others China
Consolidated Net Sales by Product Group 84.2 billion yen 560.7 billion yen
Other countries
Machinery Consolidated net sales (for FY2022)
HDD in Asia United States
Shutters Other small
for digital
precision motors
273.3 billion yen 2,242.8 511.0 billion yen
billion yen
Tactile devices 12.2% 22.8%
High precision reduction
Driving motors
gears for robots
(for FY2022)
Blade pitch control motors
Japan Europe
Electric oil
billion yen
392.7 billion yen 420.9 billion yen
Electric power
17.5% 18.8%
steering motors
* Based on the countries where consolidated Group companies selling products to external customers are located
Air-conditioner motors
Business Sites
Appliance, and Commercial and Industrial Products Automotive Products
Nidec Group operates globally with business sites in 47 countries/regions.
Net sales Operating profit Operating profit Number of group Number of Number of countries/regions
Product group (Billions of Yen) (Billions of Yen) ratio (%)
Companies employees with business sites
Small precision motors 425.3 26.7 6.3
347 106,592 47
Automotive products 519.7 –42.3 –8.1
Appliance, and commercial and industrial products 914 70.8 7.7
Machinery 296.5 45.5 15.4
Electronic & optical components 83 13.6 16.4
Others 4.4 0.5 10.9
Total 2,242.8 100.1 4.5 (as of March 31, 2023)
Net sales Operating profit / Operating profit ratio Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions*2 Amount of final waste disposal*2, *5
(Millions of Yen)
2,242,824 (Millions of Yen) (%) (1,000 t-CO2) 150,837 (t)
2,400,000 200,000 20 160,000 36,000
1,918,174 159,970 4,750
160,000 16
1,800,000 1,618,064 27,000
1,534,800 129,222
1,475,436 4,000 1,906
100,081 3,365
Cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities R&D expenses (left axis) Number of directors (left axis)
Free cash flow R&D expenses to net sales ratio (right axis) Outside directors
Outside director ratio (right axis) Female director ratio (right axis)
*1 Adjusted based on the 2-for-1 split implemented as of April 1, 2020. “EPS” and “Dividends” are expressed assuming that the stock split occurred at the beginning of FY2017. *5 For FY2021 and before, calculation was performed based on solid waste only.
*2 Data coverage rate relative to sales: FY2018: 63.0%, FY2019: 59.2%, FY2020: 58.7%, FY2021: 53.5%, FY2022: 62.8% *6 Calculation of consolidated data began from FY2019. In FY2022, 95.0% of employees of consolidated Group companies were surveyed.
*3 For calculation of the FY2022 data, IEA country-specific emission factors have started to be used. To calculate the data of FY2021 and before, the Ministry of the Environment's *7 Managerial positions of section chief level or higher, and officers. Outside directors are included.
Calculation Method and Emission Factors Chart in the Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System was referred to. Section chief level: Employees who fit the description (1) or (2) below, or those in equivalent positions.
*4 The GHG emissions in FY2021 doubled compared to those in FY2020 due to the expansion of businesses subject to data acquisition in Category 1 (marked by ). (1) Position responsible for directing and implementing activities to achieve the daily operational goals of the organization, and for communicating the instructions of managerial staff
The GHG emissions significantly increased in FY2022 compared to FY2021 as calculations for categories 8, 11, 12, and 15 started. to the relevant subordinates (2) The head of an organization with two or more subsections, or 10 or more members
Q. What is the core business strategy that has supported and will Q. What are the characteristics of Nidec’s corporate culture that
continue to support Nidec’s growth journey from its founding sees adversity as an opportunity and takes on challenges for
to the present, and from the present to the future? continuous growth?
Speed is Nidec’s greatest weapon. Make a decision and take action as quickly as possible—this A2. Corporate culture instilled throughout the organization
is another pillar of Nidec’s business strategy. An order received from 3M in the United States
for motors for cassette duplicators became the driving force behind Nidec’s growth during its Nidec’s corporate culture is not just for the management. In the WPR®* Project, which was launched
founding years. It is no exaggeration to say that Nidec won this order because it had accepted on in 2009, thousands of ideas has been submitted from frontline workers on the manufacturing floor
the spot 3M’s extremely difficult request to “reduce the size of the motor by 30%.” For automotive for cost reduction and efficiency improvement. These ideas have become a big driving force for the
products, the lead time is usually three to four years, but we continue to work at the same kind of progress of the project. Nidec’s growth is supported by the corporate culture instilled throughout
speed as when we developed that motor for 3M. In the case of the E-Axle traction motor system the organization and “shop floor capability” that has been accumulated over the years.
for electric vehicles, for which we received orders from the Guangzhou Automobile Group in * WPR=Double Profit Ratio. Focusing on cost reduction and improving efficiency, the WPR Project aims to secure a surplus even if sales decline by half,
2017, we commenced mass-production from zero—no plant, no facilities and no people—in only and when sales return to the original level, to double profitability from the previous level.
but also to achieving profitable growth. Accordingly, we have adopted ROIC axis. The main focus of new M&A deals is to complement our technologies
yen) in addition to organic growth centered on growth fields in (return on invested capital) as a management index in Vision 2025 instead of and commercial distribution services required for our strategy to succeed.
existing businesses. ROE (return on equity) in Vision 2020, and have set the ROIC target at 15% or We place an emphasis on M&A deals that not only lead to an increase in sales
trillion yen more in FY2025.
For existing businesses, we will seek growth opportunities through
but also have a synergistic effect with our management strategy and eventually
contribute to improving the management indicators of the entire company.
Vision 2025 (target)
Tackle both growth strategy (organic growth + M&A) and enhancement of profitability on capital
consolidated net sales of over 15.0%
10 trillion yen 11.6 11.4
trillion yen
trillion yen
10.0 9.9
2022 10.3
Consolidated net sales: (target) 7.1
8.5 8.7
7.4 5.0
trillion yen
100 years and beyond
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022 2025 (FY)
Sales (trillion yen) Operating profit ratio (%) ROIC (return on invested capital) (%)
ROIC = NOPAT / Invested Capital (Interest-bearing debt + Total equity attributable to owners of the parent + Non-controlling interests)
NOPAT (Net Operating Profit After Tax) = Operating profit x (1-Tax Rate)
* We target an operating profit ratio of 15% for a sales target of 3 trillion yen by FY2025 attributable to organic growth.
Review of Vision 2020 and Road to Vision 2025
Consolidated net sales in FY2020 were
1,618.1 billion yen, and we failed to 1 Incorporation of productivity improvement to the goal:
Framework for the New Medium-Term Strategic Goal 2 Business Portfolio Management
reach the consolidated sales target We aim to increase sales and operating profit per employee by 30% by Consolidated net sales for FY2020 were 1.6 trillion yen. To achieve the on an order basis. The automotive business is expected to have high sales
of two trillion yen, which we aimed to FY2022 and double them by FY2025. consolidated sales target of four trillion yen by FY2025 (including one growth rate as a whole.
achieve in the medium-term strategic 2 Incorporation of the ROIC target: trillion yen expected to be gained through new M&A deals), we will actively In the small precision motor segment, we cannot expect significant sales
goal Vision 2020 covering the period In Vision 2020, ROE (return on equity) was used as a management index. shift our focus to growth businesses. growth for HDD motors, which have been the driving force behind our
FY2015 to FY2020. In Vision 2025, we In Vision 2025, an ROIC (return on invested capital) of over 15% has been In the automotive business, we expect in FY2025 sales of approximately business performance for many years. We will shift management resources
aim to achieve consolidated net sales set as the final target. 3 million units of our EV traction motor system, E-Axle, whose market to the mobility field, such as motors for small EVs, for which business
of four trillion yen by FY2025 after is expected to expand significantly in the future. We expect its sales to opportunities are expected to expand due to automotive electrification,
3 Setting of ESG goals:
attaining consolidated net sales of increase by several hundred billion yen by the same fiscal year. In addition, and motors for electric two-wheeled vehicles. Thus, we hope that these
ESG-related items are incorporated as new goals. Initiatives to achieve
two trillion yen, which was the target there are many product groups, such as electric power steering (EPS) products in the mobility field will contribute to sales growth together with
carbon neutrality and strengthen governance have been expressly adopted
value in Vision 2020, by FY2022. motors, whose annual sales growth rate can be expected to exceed 10% heat management systems, which is another growth field.
as ESG goals.
The features of Vision 2025 are listed
on the right.
Achieve high growth with aggressive investment in key growth areas
Consolidated net sales:
Medium-Term Strategic Goal 4,000 billion yen (target)
1,300 1,300 Additional amount
Target for consolidated net sales: 4 trillion yen To be a top-rated ESG company FY2020 through new M&A
(challenging target)
1 A
ddress social issues with the accumulated skills of Consolidated net sales:
Consolidated net sales:
Productivity improvement creating the world’s first and No. 1 product 1,618.1 billion yen 800 Total of 1,000 billion yen (target)
2 Promote ESG management centered on carbon neutrality
To double sales and profit per employee 601.6 600
3 Strengthen the unified organization of the Nidec Group 100 100
443.6 600
ROIC (return on invested capital): over 15% and its governance 358.1 billion yen billion yen billion yen
40 billion yen
214.8 Organic Organic Organic
growth growth growth Organic growth
(Target) (Target) (Target) (Target)
Framework for the New Medium-Term Strategic Goal 3 Measures for Boosting Top-Line Growth Framework for the New Medium-Term Strategic Goal 5 ROIC Management
To achieve consolidated net sales of four trillion yen by FY2025 possible to access higher value-added markets as the product In Vision 2025, ROIC (return on invested capital) has been results. It is important to implement improvement activities
and consolidated net sales of 10 trillion yen by FY2030, it will integration level increases from the provision of motors alone included as a new management index, and specific activities to based on the characteristics of each department.
be necessary to shift to a business field with a larger market (device alone) to the provision of power packs for electric improve ROIC will be implemented based on numerical targets in To improve ROIC, it is necessary to increase profitability and
size. By not only shifting our business to growth fields but power steering (EPS) systems and electric oil pump modules line with the strategy of each business department. For instance, optimize invested capital. Accordingly, we will take concrete
also providing products with a high level of integration for (module), E-Axles (system), and EV platforms (solution). since the small precision motor department and the automotive measures for each business department. Specifically, we will
customers, we will be able to access larger markets and By advancing this transition process in each business department have different customer bases and different business improve the cost to sales ratio and the factory utilization ratio to
increase product unit prices. department, we will secure the growth opportunities necessary lead times, there is a difference in the measures required to increase profitability, and shorten the CCC (cash conversion cycle)
Taking the automotive business as an example, it will be to achieve consolidated net sales of 10 trillion yen by FY2030. improve ROIC and in the timeline until the measures produce and promote production automation to optimize invested capital.
Aim to change business models and business areas to accomplish consolidated net sales of 10 trillion yen Set the ROIC target in line with each business unit’s strategy and conduct improvement activities
Framework for the New Medium-Term Strategic Goal 4 Basic Policy for EV Traction Motors Framework for the New Medium-Term Strategic Goal 6 Pathways to Carbon Neutrality
We anticipate a significant increase in the demand for EVs in 2025, market share is accelerating due to low price competition. In Vision 2025, we have newly declared the goal of achieving Energy consumption is expected to rise in proportion to an
marking a watershed year in the industry, mainly due to a decline in Even in this environment, we have already launched the 2nd generation carbon neutrality. Our declaration consists of two goals: increase in sales. To address this, we plan to reduce net CO2
EV prices caused by a decrease in battery prices. China’s EV market has E-Axle model, which has significantly reduced costs. Furthermore,
1 achieving carbon neutrality for business activities emissions to zero by FY2040 (Scope 1 and 2) by 1 promoting
been showing rapid growth in recent years. In 2022, the number of with the launch of the 3rd generation model, which has further reduced
NEVs (BEVs + PHEVs) sold in China reached 6.89 million vehicles (figure costs, we believe that we will be able to survive the competition going (Scope 1 and 2) by FY2040 and 2 laying out a plan to reduce energy saving, 2 shifting to renewable energy sources in the
published by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers), forward. In addition to the shipments in China, a joint venture with CO2 emissions in the supply chain (Scope 3) by FY2025. energy mix, and 3 investing in carbon offset projects.
making it the world’s largest EV market. On the other hand, competition Stellantis has already begun mass production of E-Axles in Europe,
among automakers and suppliers is becoming fiercer, and the battle for and we expect further volume increases from 2024 onwards.
Achieving carbon neutral by FY2040 (Scope 1 and 2)
Developing supply chain (Scope 3) action plans by FY2025
Lead the EV era as a company that triggers creative disruption and goes beyond the automobile industry tradition
E-Axle sales forecast Changes in CO2 emissions due to the introduction of renewable electricity
(1,000 units) 10,000 Consolidated sales target:
10,000 10 trillion yen
Renewables-led CO2
Consolidated sales target: Renewable shift & emission reductions
6,000 energy savings
448,000 units 4 trillion yen
Renewable shift &
(Renewables: 80%)
China (AMEC) CO2 emissions energy savings FY2040
(10,000 tons)
(Renewables: 40%) Carbon Neutrality
545 100 Energy efficiency boost
0 2019
49 83
Akinobu Samura
Senior Vice President
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Encourage Uniqueness Respect Team Spirit Reward Based on Contributions without Bias * The personnel measures in the above diagram are mainly applied to the Japan region.
We respect individuals who We are open to diverse opinions Performance will always be rewarded in a correct, fair, open, and
proactively demonstrate their and create new value through impartial manner using simple criteria, and appropriate career
Details of our specific personnel-related activities are In addition, how we create a framework to continuously
value. honest communication. opportunities will be provided. disclosed in the annual securities report for the fiscal produce management talents is explained in the
year ended March 2023. Regarding measures for the following content. We have established systems and
Group’s unification and the establishment of human mechanisms to avoid concentration of the decision-
Human resources development Planning and operation of personnel systems
capital management, in particular, we will proactively making rights on specific individuals.
Skill development, career support, training of executives, etc. Appraisal, compensation, ranking and other systems, recruitment, attendance, salary, etc. disclose the specific details of activities and Please click the URL below to see our specific personnel-related activities.
their progress.
Fostering organizational culture
Penetration of philosophies, organizational development, health-oriented business management, etc.
Matters related to the selection of candidates and human resources development in each rank are discussed mainly at
Kobe Deputy Group Representative of the Board of Directors
meetings of the committees below.
Nomination Committee Human Resources Development Committee
Chairman New Chairperson
Nagamori (CEO) Chairman Kobe (CEO) New Chairperson (CEO) New Chairperson (CEO) (CEO) On November 5, 2022, the Nomination Committee was The Human Resources Development Committee has been
set up as an advisory body to the Board of Directors. in place since FY2020, consisting of the President, Vice
President New President It discusses mainly the selection and appointment of Presidents, CxO or other officers, and the Human Resources
Kobe (COO) New President (COO) New President (COO) New President (COO) (COO) management (Directors, Executive Officers). The purpose is Department as members. It discusses mainly succession
to ensure fairness, transparency, and objectivity in deciding plans for important positions and medium- to long-term
the selection policy, selection criteria, prospective candidates, training plans for management candidates. Important
etc. for our Directors and Executive Officers by obtaining positions mentioned here refer to positions such as
2023 2024 2028 2032 2036 (FY) appropriate involvement and advice of independent Outside business unit heads and function leaders.
Directors, and to thereby further enhance our corporate
governance structure.
2 Succession planning
We have established a talent pooling system, in which, for culture and the action guidelines and norms that should 3 Policy and criteria to select President and Executive Vice President, etc.
example, Vice Presidents are pooled as candidates for CxOs be shared by all our employees, and also understand the The policy and criteria that the Nomination Committee deliberated to select the Members of the Board of Directors,
(Chief x Officers) and Presidents of Group companies, CxOs important matters for our business management are selected Vice Presidents, etc. are as follows.
and other officers and Presidents of Group companies are as candidates for President, it is unlikely that the speed of
pooled as candidates for Executive Vice Presidents, and management, which is a part of our corporate culture, will be
President Executive, etc.
Executive Vice Presidents are pooled as candidates for reduced. How can the abilities of candidates for President be
President, so that candidate talents are always prepared ensured? Is there anyone who has the abilities equivalent to The candidate must have excellent leadership skills to The candidate must be able to exercise Nidec Way, and
for all ranks and those suitable for President are gradually those of the founder? To address these risks, we will adopt be able to contribute to making comfortable societies lead the Nidec Group in a positive direction. The candidate
promoted to higher pools. We set the necessary criteria for a group management system in which multiple people with globally via the Nidec Group’s products (solution must be able to maximize the Nidec Group’s corporate
businesses), and control and lead the entire Nidec Group. value, and possess firm record of achievements that
each pool and select only those who are capable of fulfilling various abilities jointly manage the company. We believe are convincing to everyone. The candidate must have
the responsibilities and duties of the relevant role. this will lead to the maintenance and improvement of stable Executive Vice President excellent knowledge and experience, and insight for
In shifting from the traditional top-down management abilities of the company and the Group as a whole. global diversity to execute the Nidec Group’s businesses.
system to a group management system, a possible risk is Based on the recognition that understanding of our Among Nidec’s executives and Nidec Group companies’
that the speed of decision making and other management corporate culture is the most important thing for the Presidents, the candidate must be able to demonstrate * Nidec Way: Code of conduct and management knowhow to serve as guidance for the
entire Nidec Group globally.
outstanding leadership skills for reform, and have made
actions may slow down. However, because only those who management of our company, we have adopted the method
excellent contributions to the Nidec Group. The candidate
fully understand the NIDEC Way, which defines our corporate of selecting successors from within the Group. must demonstrate potential to serve as President.
Senior Vice President, Deputy Chief Technology Officer High-voltage harness Coolant channel In-car communication
Reduction of high-voltage harnesses, connectors
Head of Nidec Semiconductor Solutions Center and INV: Inverter DCDC: DCDC converter
General Manager of Business Planning and Strategy Department
Optimization of coolant channels
OBC: On-Board-Charger PDU: Power-Distribution-Unit
Optimization of in-car communication cables BMS: Battery-Management-System
Sales increased 0.1% from the previous year to 425,333 In FY2022, the business environment surrounding As the sales volume of IT devices such as PCs and As for two-wheeled vehicles, the wave of electrification
Business Strategies
million yen, including the impact of foreign exchange this segment was severe. Global shipments of HDDs smartphones is leveling off, it is difficult to expect is surging as it has for four-wheeled vehicles.
fluctuations (an increase of approx. 63,400 million decreased from around 260 million units in FY2021 to further growth of the existing businesses of this We recognize that it is a market in which demand
yen from the previous year). Net sales of HDD motors around 170 million units in FY2022. Regarding HDDs segment. Therefore, transformation of our business for motors for drive units is expected to increase
decreased by 20.6% year on year to 78,462 million yen, for data centers, a slowdown in investment by major portfolio is crucial for our continued growth in significantly. The existing market scale of two-wheeled
including the impact of foreign exchange fluctuations IT companies led to inventory adjustments, which had the future. vehicles is about 60 million units globally, of which India
(an increase of approx. 21,000 million yen from the a significant impact on the profitability of our motors As part of the initiative for business portfolio with around 25 million units and China with around
previous year), mainly due to a decrease in the sales for HDDs. Regarding motors other than HDD motors, transformation, in addition to thermal management 15 million units (a part of them are for exports) are the
volume. Net sales of other small motors increased shipments of data centers, PCs, smartphones, etc. all (invested in Chaun-Choung Technology Corporation largest markets. Nidec is conducting its sales activities
6.4% from the previous year to 346,871 million yen, decreased, which affected the shipment volume and (CCI) in 2018), we have been focusing on motors for mainly in these two countries and has obtained orders
including the impact of foreign exchange fluctuations profitability of our motors. small EVs and electric two-wheeled vehicles. As for from several top manufacturers. In India, Nidec built
(an increase of approx. 42,400 million yen from the In FY2023, many predict that recovery in markets small EVs, a low-price EV released in China in 2020 a plant in Neemrana, Rajasthan, and has established
previous year). Operating profit decreased 37.1% from of data centers, PCs, smartphones, etc., including became the top seller in the EV market in China for a system capable of responding to the Make in India
the previous year to 26,680 million yen, including the completion of inventory adjustments, will take some the second straight year in 2022. We have received policy. We will expand this plant to establish a system to
impact of foreign exchange fluctuations (an increase of time, and the declining trend in HDD shipments is orders for and inquiries about motors for small EVs, supply motors for electric two-wheeled vehicles in India.
approx. 4,700 million yen from the previous year), as a expected to continue. Therefore, we expect that the and mass production for customers began in FY2022. Regarding areas other than the above, we see
result of the recording of approx. 5,600 million yen as business environment for this segment will continue We estimate the potential demand for low-price EVs to opportunities for significant business growth in areas
structural reform expenses in FY2022. to be severe. be in the hundreds of millions units, and we thus expect such as drones, metaverse, and medical care.
further business expansion in this field. We therefore recognize these areas as priority areas for
our Three News Activity (new markets, new customers,
new products).
500,000 443,598
424,288 424,907 425,333 45,116
12.4 42,438
40,000 10.6 10
20,000 5
0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025 (FY) 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (FY) 0
Automotive Products
Review of FY2022 1. E-Axle profitability improvement plan 3. Enhancing the E-Axle components business
In the field of EV-related businesses, both automakers Nidec has set a new EV-related sales target of 500
Sales increased 24.4% from the previous year to profit decreased by 52,966 million yen from the and suppliers expect that severe competition billion yen in total for E-Axles and components for
519,654 million yen, including the impact of foreign previous year to a loss of 42,291 million yen, including will continue for a long time to come. Under this E-Axles in FY2025. While many major automakers
Business Strategies
exchange fluctuations (an increase of approx. 46,600 the impact of foreign exchange fluctuations (an recognition, Nidec positioned turning the E-Axle producing EVs are continuing to manufacture drive
million yen from the previous year), due mainly to an increase in profit of approx. 2,900 million yen from the business, which has been in the red since its launch, units in-house, demand for external manufacturing of
increase in sales of E-Axle drive motor systems for EVs, previous year), as a result of the recording of approx. into the black as one of the top management priorities E-Axle components has been increasing. This trend is
despite the ongoing impact of the Russian invasion 54,100 million yen as structural reform expenses in the in FY2023. Mass production of the second-generation particularly strong among major automakers in Europe
of Ukraine and difficulty for customers in procuring fiscal year under review. E-Axle, which achieved a significant cost reduction and the U.S. Considering that the growth rate of the
semiconductors and other electronic parts. Operating from the first-generation model, started on a full Chinese EV market has peaked while the future EV
scale in April 2023, increasing its ratio in shipment. market growth rate is expected to be higher in Europe
In addition to this, as a result of the shipment control and the U.S., it is reasonable to implement measures
of unprofitable models and the efforts to reduce to (1) respond to customer needs, (2) respond to needs
Medium- to long-term growth strategies costs, including general administrative expenses of European and American markets, and (3) improve
and development costs, profitability of the E-Axle the profit margin of our EV-related businesses as our
Although the target year for achieving the estimated 2022. Thus, the estimated E-Axle sales volume of 4 business improved significantly. We believe that further strategy to enhance the E-Axle components business.
sales volume of 4 million E-Axle units was postponed million units for FY2026 is the total of the sales by Nidec increasing the profit margin of this business and Investment in components for E-Axle, mainly motors, is
by a year to FY2026, our EV-related products will still for China and the sales by the joint venture with the developing it as a sustainable business without relying less costly than investment in E-Axles, and it is expected
be the core of our future growth. While the number of Stellantis Group for Europe. on borrowed capital or cash flows from other business to take less time to obtain a certain profit margin.
customers in China has increased from two to five (all of As the environment surrounding the EV industry segments for future investment will greatly contribute By steadily implementing these measures, we will
which are top BEV selling manufacturers in China), our is rapidly changing, we are evolving our business to securing our competitive advantage. ensure not only increased sales but also improved
joint venture with the Stellantis (formerly PSA) Group in strategies for EV-related products to adapt to profitability of EV-related businesses.
Europe started mass production of E-Axle in September such changes. 2. Direction of E-Axle development In addition to E-Axle, for existing automotive motors,
Customer needs for E-Axle in the Chinese EV market are such as motors for electric power steering (EPS), we
rapidly changing these days. Specific changes in needs expect also a significant increase of CAGR 13% in sales
include the following: (1) Lower power: Major output between FY2020 and FY2025. In particular, the sales
Net sales Operating profit / Operating profit ratio demand is shifting from 100 kW-150 kW to around volume of Nidec’s EPS motors is expected to increase
(Millions of yen) (Millions of yen) (%) 70 kW. (2) Higher voltage: The need to shorten charging due to two factors: 1) a rise in the rate of vehicle
Organic growth
1,200,000 45,000 30 time has generated demand for higher voltage models using EPS and 2) a rise in our market share of
1 trillion yen (target) 32,900 inverters around 800V. (3) Demand for X-in-1: Demand motors for EPS. Regarding factor 2), the reasons are
1,000,000 30,000 20 for X-in-1 systems integrating a DC-DC converter, that automobile manufacturers have been increasingly
21,196 19,526
11.1 on-board charger (OBC), power distribution unit (PDU), choosing to outsource non-core activities as a result
800,000 15,000 6.4 5.5
10,675 20 PTC heater, etc., in addition to a motor, inverter, and of the streamlining of their businesses and that our
2.6 gearbox 3-in-1 unit, is rapidly increasing. In light of competitors are withdrawing from the market.
600,000 519,654 0 0 these changes, we aim to launch the third-generation
417,643 E-Axle, which is planned to achieve a significant cost
400,000 333,241
–10 reduction from the second-generation model,
in mid-FY2024, earlier than the initial schedule.
200,000 –30,000 –20
0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025 (FY) –45,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (FY) –30
Review of FY2022 to the regional market expansion and a shift to manufacturer. FREYR will enter into a power purchase
commercial demand, recovery in demand from major agreement with a renewable energy producer for
Sales increased 16.2% from the previous year to invasion of Ukraine. Operating profit decreased customers and expansion of the customer base are the supply of 100% renewable energy and plans to
expected for motors and gears for transfer robots used manufacture semi-solid lithium-ion batteries that
Business Strategies
913,986 million yen, including the impact of foreign 9.4% from the previous year to 70,817 million yen,
exchange fluctuations (an increase of approx. 140,500 including the impact of foreign exchange fluctuations at distribution centers of E-commerce companies. do not emit CO2 in the manufacturing process.
million yen from the previous year), due mainly to (an increase of approx. 15,600 million yen from the This partnership will enable us to significantly reduce
an increase in revenue from the power generator previous year), as a result of the recording of approx. 2. Growth under medium- to long-term themes CO2 emissions in all processes, from manufacturing
business, which received many orders for large-scale 12,400 million yen as structural reform expenses in (1) Solution to labor shortage of batteries through the use of our BESS solutions
projects despite the ongoing impact of the Russian the fiscal year under review. Labor shortage is an urgent issue mainly in advanced by customers. Along with the increase in renewable
countries. Therefore, the FA-related products (servo energy, our BESS-related business is expected to
motors) business is likely to become a growth driver grow significantly.
over the medium to long term, and shipments to robot * Battery Energy Storage System
Medium- to long-term growth strategies manufacturers are expected to increase along with
the advancement of factory automation. The business
of power generators for construction machines is
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in FY2020, businesses segment, we expect growth in the following areas in the
expected to expand as demand for mining has been Power management
producing household refrigerator compressors and medium to long term. system (PMS)
increasing due to changes in the industrial structure.
motors for air-conditioners, as well as motors and
(2) Solution related to renewable energy
gears for transfer robots used at distribution centers 1. Growth of existing businesses Power generation
The battery energy storage system (BESS*) of Nidec system
of E-commerce companies, have driven the growth of Demand for compressors for refrigerators and motors
Industrial Solutions provides the power transmission
this segment. Meanwhile, as global demand for home for air-conditioners is expected to recover after peaking
utilities of each country with the ability to store Wind power
Battery (ESS)
appliances and capital investment by E-commerce out in advanced countries, while demand in emerging generation
and stably supply the electric power generated Solar power
companies have peaked out, the driving force for countries is expected to expand over the medium to generation
with renewable energy, thereby contributing to the
performance in FY2023 has shifted to industrial long term due to an increase in personal income. It is
realization of a carbon-neutral society. In this field,
products, mainly power generators for construction also predicted that housing-related and commercial
Nidec announced on August 30, 2022 that it had
machines. Among the various businesses of this demand will increase in advanced countries. In addition
concluded a joint venture agreement with FREYR
Battery, a Norwegian semi-solid lithium-ion battery
Net sales Operating profit / Operating profit ratio Solution related to next-generation venture will be provided with control technologies of
(Millions of yen)
1,200,000 Organic growth
(Millions of yen)
means of transportation Embraer, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer,
1 trillion yen (target) 78,167
In the medium to long term, business for electric and motor technologies of Nidec, and it will supply
vertical take-off and landing aircrafts (eVTOL), a next- electric propulsion systems for eVTOL.
1,000,000 913,986
8.8 generation means of transportation and also known
7.7 as “flying cars,” is expected to be a growth field. In
800,000 60,000 8
6.9 addition, the market for urban air mobility systems,
601,611 including eVTOL, is predicted to expand and reach the
34,061 33,940
scale of 3 trillion yen in 2030 and 20 trillion yen in 2035.
The business related to eVTOL, which contributes to
400,000 30,000 4
diversification and greening of mobility, is therefore
an area with a significant growth potential over the
medium to long term. In order to enter this business,
Nidec announced an agreement to establish a joint
0 0 0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025 (FY) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (FY)
venture with Brazil’s Embraer in June 2023. The joint Electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft “eVTOL”
Operating profit (left axis)
Operating profit ratio (right axis)
Other Products
(Machinery, Electronic and
Optical Components, etc.)
Sales from the Machinery segment increased by (an increase of approximately 1,200 million yen from In this segment, the newly established Machinery Regarding the reducer business, it is predicted that
Business Strategies
approximately 37.5% to 296,482 million yen compared a year earlier) and structural reform expenses of and Automation Business Unit is expected to become demand will expand due to labor shortages spreading
to the previous year. This growth was driven by 2,100 million yen. the core for future growth. Nidec Drive Technology mainly in advanced countries, which is behind the wave
the strong demand for semiconductor inspection Sales from the Electronic and Optics Components Corporation (formerly Nidec Shimpo Corporation), one of manpower saving that Nidec has identified as one of
equipment for 5G applications, higher sales of canning segment increased by approximately 19.1% compared of our Group companies, used to engage in mainly the Five Big Waves. Declining birthrates and an aging
press machines that reflect the world’s step toward to the previous year, amounting to 83,011 million yen, the reducer and press business. With the acquisition population are causing the working-age population
ending plastic pollution, and expanded reach into the including the positive impact of exchange fluctuations of Nidec Machine Tool Corporation and Nidec OKK (15 to 64) to shrink in high GDP economies, including
machine tools market. The exchange fluctuations (an (an increase of approximately 4,700 million yen from Corporation in Japan in FY2021 and PAMAS.p.A in Italy the U.S., China, Europe and Japan, which makes
increase of approximately 15,800 million yen from a a year earlier). Operating profit from this segment in FY2022, it also started a machine tool business, automation at factories an urgent task. It is therefore
year earlier) also had a positive effect on the revenue increased by 23.1% to 13,582 million yen compared expanding its business scale. In September 2023, Nidec expected that the use of cooperative robots in
growth. The operating profit increased by 10.4% to to the previous year, including the positive impact of commenced a tender offer for TAKISAWA Machine production processes will accelerate.
45,538 million yen compared to the previous year, exchange fluctuations (an increase of approximately Tool Co., Ltd. (as result of dialogue with Nidec, in which FLEXWAVETM, our high-accuracy reduction gear
including the positive impact of exchange fluctuations 100 million yen from a year earlier). the target company TAKISAWA Machine Tool Co., Ltd. for precision control, has already shipped mainly for
agreed to the tender offer). cooperative robots, and a production system has been
Initially, the acquisition of Nidec Machine Tool established in Japan and the Philippines. While we have
Corporation was aimed at obtaining synergistic effects, so far focused mainly on small robots, we are now
such as securing in-house manufacturing capacity for considering entering the medium-sized robot market,
the gears necessary to promote the E-Axle EV traction including capital investment, with the aim of expanding
motor system business. However, in working to improve the business area.
business management after the acquisition, we have In the press business, we will enhance the products
shifted to a strategy in which we not only pursue for growth fields, such as canning (plastic-free) and
synergy within the Group but also promote the EVs. At the same time, we will further enhance our
expansion of the machine tool business itself. Nidec product lineup, from small, high-speed machines to
Machine Tool Corporation, which was in the red at the large machines, thereby expanding and stabilizing the
Net sales Operating profit / Operating profit ratio time of the acquisition, improved its quarterly operating business. In August 2023, Nidec acquired full ownership
(Millions of yen) (Millions of yen) (%) profit ratio to over 10% in a short period of time as a of Automatic Feed Company and two other press
500,000 50,000 25
Organic growth result of post merger integration (PMI). The company peripheral equipment manufacturers to expand the
400 billion yen (target) demonstrated that a machine tool manufacturer product lineup.
41,232 45,538
400,000 40,000 19.1 20 with excellent products/technologies can be turned We aim to achieve net sales of 500 billion yen in
into a profitable company by introducing Nidec-style FY2025 and 1 trillion yen in FY2030 in the reducer
296,482 14.5 15.8 15.4 management. We aim to expand profits by enhancing business, press business and machine tool business
300,000 30,000 13.6 15
the product lineup, including the possibility of further in total.
215,588 21,738 business expansion through M&A in the future, and
200,000 163,966 20,000 10 stabilize the segment performance and sophisticate our
149,740 150,575
6.7 business in China.
11,029 13,582
83,011 5.3
100,000 72,672 69,699 10,000 6,315 5
60,396 60,824
0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025 (FY) 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (FY) 0
carbon-free society,” “Respect human rights and follow proper We will continue to launch effective sustainability strategies
labor practices,” and “maintain and foster globally competitive by leveraging all of our philosophies and experience, with the Operation of the Sustainability Committee
human resources.” We have also established various systems aim of making our businesses more sustainable. This committee meets quarterly. For each meeting, the main agenda is set for each category of ESG materiality
to ensure the implementation of proactive and continuous issues. Similar to the ESG Materiality Steering Committee meetings, officers in charge report on the progress of
activities related to materiality and important topics for maintaining sustainability of management in line with
the main agenda. The committee chairperson reports to the Board of Directors on the committee meetings
Organization to promote materiality actions held and the status of execution of duties.
The five materiality issues Nidec has identified are associated Committee meets every month, affording almost all officers
with a total of 15 action themes, which are classified into an opportunity to report on the progress and problems of Sustainability Committee members
three phases according to the timing of the start of action.* their action themes on a phase-by-phase basis. Reports are
As a structure to check that each activity is being conducted given directly by the officers in charge of each action theme.
steadily and effectively, the ESG Materiality Steering The matters discussed and decided at the Committee
Committee is held periodically. Placed directly under COO meetings are immediately reflected in the action plan.
(Chief Operating Officer), the ESG Materiality Steering
Materiality Initiatives
Materiality Theme to be addressed To ensure effective and steady implementation of our materiality initiatives, we have set 15
action themes in the five materiality categories. And, for each theme, we have set KPIs, which
Realize a carbon-free society we intend to achieve by FY2025 and are classified into three phases according to the timing of
implementation. We incorporate the KPIs into the new medium-term strategic goal Vision 2025,
Contribute to environmental and work on them to enhance the sustainability of our business. We may change the materiality
Manage waste and hazardous waste
sustainability issues, action themes and KPIs taking into consideration their validity according to the business
environment in the future.
Environment Handle water risks
adapted to social change industrial structure carbon-free decarbonization decarbonization introducing the EV traction exceeded 700,000 units as of
society through products through products motor system E-Axle: April 2023. Accordingly, reduced
Cumulative total from FY2020 253,000 tons of CO2 during
Products Protect and utilize intellectual P. 53 to FY2025: 11,700,000 t-CO2 FY2022.
properties Environment educe CO2 emissions by
R Regarding E-Axle itself, started
introducing electric power mass production of second-
steering (EPS) motors: generation model, which is
Maintain and foster globally Cumulative total from FY2020 smaller, resource-saving, and
competitive human resources to FY2025: 26,261,000 t-CO2 quieter than the previous model.
Theme to be Theme to be
Materiality Sub-theme KPI (FY2025) Progress in FY2022 Materiality Sub-theme KPI (FY2025) Progress in FY2022
addressed addressed
Provide products Pursue product reate a database for chemical substances
C By utilizing the material selection
contained in products to make it easier for database that was completed in FY2021, Build an Sustainable onduct human rights due diligence
C Made the “Nidec Group Basic Policy
and services safety and quality
the development department to determine the Small Precision Motor & Solutions internationally procurement on major suppliers: Implementation on Human Rights” known to major
adapted to social
the choice of materials, and shift to an Business Group recommended the use of competitive considering rate for high-risk suppliers by 2025: suppliers. Also participated in a
change P. 62
environment-oriented development system materials with less environmental impact supply chain to environmental 100% subcommittee of the United Nations
Implement quality management reforms within the Business Group. solve social issues and social Global Compact Japan to keep abreast
Products in the automotive-related business, In the Automotive Motor & Electronic aspects of industry trends regarding human
and establish an overall quality control Control Business Unit, as a result Supply rights due diligence.
organization and system by FY2025 of continuing management reform Chain P. 69
Conduct assessment of all newly developed related to quality, the Global Quality
products and all products during the Management Division was established as
manufacturing process to reduce product a horizontal function to oversee quality Create a solid Build a fair, Board of ontinue to have the effectiveness of
C Sent out questionnaires to all members of
safety risks assurance for the entire Nidec Group. governance transparent and Directors the Board of Directors evaluated by a the Board of Directors, including Outside
system highly effective third party Members, to evaluate the effectiveness
Respond to ontinuously launch new products that lead
C Conducted quantification of the governance and analyze current issues. In FY2021,
Always maintain the ratio of outside
changes in the the Five Big Waves to resolve social issues environmental impact of major products system directors in the Board of Directors at introduced a third-party (external law firm)
technological Continue to pursue the high efficiency and based on LCA (life cycle assessment). evaluation system.
50% or more, and the ratio of female
environment and miniaturization of motors that contribute to Also created a technology roadmap that Corporate
incorporates environmental response
P. 73 directors at 20% or more
the industrial energy and resource saving
indicators for major products, and Governance
worked to promote environmental value Nominating I ncrease transparency and fairness in Established the Nomination Committee
in product development and to foster
P. 63 Committee / the retirement and dismissal process as an advisory body to the Board of
and spread awareness.
Remuneration of directors Directors’ Meeting to deliberate on the
Protect and T ransform our IP portfolio to one that Built and transformed our IP portfolio Committee Improve the effectiveness of the policy on the appointment of Directors
utilize intellectual responds to social and business changes, for mainly products related to the Five Remuneration Committee and ensure and Executive Officers, the criteria
properties including decarbonization and power and Big Waves. Raised the proportion of the objectivity and transparency of for appointment, and the decision on
manpower saving, and use the new products related to the Five Big Waves in remuneration decisions for directors candidate proposals.
P. 63 IP portfolio the IP portfolio to 56%. Regarding remuneration of officers,
after deliberation, the Remuneration
Retain and Maintain and Develop and train global leaders: Proceeded with the cultivation of (1)
Committee reported to the Board of
develop diverse foster globally ー Identify overseas local personnel to be personnel for senior management and
Directors a review of remuneration
talent competitive candidates for executives in FY2022 key positions and (2) next-generation
leaders (management and people levels.
human resources ー Start training of executives, including
overseas personnel, from FY2023 in charge). Also promoted the early
P. 65 identification, development and Management and ased on the assumption of 5 trillion
B Strengthened the self-audit system (for
Human strengthening of human resources on a enforcement of yen for sales volume, enhance audit all business sites of NIDEC Corporation)
global scale.
Resources internal control resources in both quality and quantity and conducted monitoring at all
Promote diversity chieve the targets below related to
A Conducted the Organizational consolidated sites using DX.
women’s empowerment (non-consolidated) Performance Survey to visualize the
P. 66 in FY2022: current situation of each workplace.
Follow thorough E xpand the legal affairs and Continued the hazard map project.
ー Ratio of female directors*: 10% or higher Introduced Workplace Workshops at
compliance system to all Group
compliance Identified high-risk Group companies
ー All managerial positions held by women: each workplace where employees can
with laws and companies starting from Nidec by referring to factors such as their
8% or higher talk with each other, based on the
results of a Survey. Also introduced regulations Corporation and the regional remoteness from major sites and
ー Ratio of female candidates for management companies corruption risk information of the
career interviews, Career Plan Sheet,
managerial positions*: 15% or higher P. 81 (China, the U.S. and Europe) countries where they are located.
in-house job posting, and other
* Executive officer or higher position, including Implemented prevention measures in
initiatives. Identify serious non-compliance risks
outside directors consultation with management of such
and take priority measures
* Referring to female employees in positions companies to reduce risks.
immediately prior to managerial positions Provide compliance education to all
Recruit non-Japanese directors employees once a year
Promote — E nsure a safe and comfortable work Held seminars by industrial physicians.
occupational environment For employees with high health risks, Build a risk ll risks disclosed on the securities
A Identified areas for improvement by
safety and health, Reduce the number of serious accidents provided individual health guidance management reports are evaluated by the continuing to conduct risk assessment,
and health- (those resulting in death or permanent based on the results of health checkups system department in charge, and the risks to priority risk identification and risk
oriented business disability) to zero and encouraged them to undergo a be addressed in priority are identified reduction activities for the Business
management Improve the Lost-time injury frequency rate thorough medical examination. P. 83 Reduce the impact of the risks to be Unit level (L2). Promoted the initiative
addressed in priority on our business to interconnect the risk management
Receive certification as a White 500
Manage the progress of reducing such activities of different hierarchical levels.
P. 67 Company (in the large enterprise category)
under the 2023 Certified Health & impact and the residual risks
Productivity Management Outstanding
Organizations Recognition Program
Promote R educe the number of serious Thoroughly implemented basic
Respect human — larify human rights policies for workers
C Conducted e-learning on the theme of information information security incidents to zero measures, such as establishing and
rights and follow including those in the supply chain, and “Respect for Human Rights in Business security strictly operating an information
proper labor spread them among employees Activities.” At the same time, established measures security management system, disclosure
practices Manage working hours of employees, and disseminated the “Nidec Group’s of important information property,
including those in managerial positions, Basic Policy on Human Rights” to all P. 84 and education for officers and staff
P. 68 from the perspective of occupational safety Group companies. members. For cyber attacks, promoted
Reduce average overtime hours by Regarding management of working the introduction of defense mechanisms
improving productivity hours, conducted micro management to prevent unauthorized access from
of working hours of employees, and outside the company and to detect and
reported to and cooperated with immediately block malicious programs
relevant parties. such as computer viruses.
lection of the head of Secretariat
E SG materiality issues and the ESG Materiality
1st: September 2022 Overview of sustainability management and Steering Committee
our activities Operation of the Sustainability Committee
eport on the progress of the ESG materiality
R uman rights due diligence
2nd: December 2022 action theme “Retain and develop diverse Response to the TCFD recommendations
idec’s technological actions that contribute to
N Report on ESG briefing
The workshop
3rd: March 2023 decarbonization Setting of policies for social contribution
Report of the ESG Materiality Steering activities and the priority areas
Steps of scenario analysis
omination of candidates for committee
N olicy for production of the Integrated Report
P Examine countermeasures STEP
4th: June 2023 members
Report on results of the TCFD scenario analysis
Regarding the FY2023 ESG briefing
Setting of policies for social contribution
activities and the priority areas
Examine countermeasures for
climate risks and opportunities
that were evaluated to have a
large impact on business
Sustainability promotion system Identify climate risks
Board of Directors
and opportunities
Sustainability Committee
Chairperson: Outside Director Report List a total of 40 climate-related
Members: 3 outside and 2 internal members risks and opportunities, based
CSR Committee
of the Board of Directors on the climate-related risks and
Meeting: held every quarter Chairperson: Officer in charge of CSR
Members: Head Office administrative departments, opportunities exemplified in the STEP
Climate-related risks and opportunities with significant business impacts, and their countermeasures Nidec’s actions by geographically distributing its operation sites.
For the automotive products business, in anticipation of the
Impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities Countermeasures Geographical distribution of production plants
Policies and Introduction of Increase in production costs and decline in Reduction of Scope 1 emissions
expansion of the EV market, we are accelerating the building
legal regulations carbon taxes price competitiveness due to carbon taxes through actions such as switching to Nidec has a group network covering over 300 companies of a mass production system for our EV traction motor
LED lighting, introduction of energy- in more than 40 countries around the world and aims to systems (E-Axle) in China, Europe, and other parts of the world.
saving equipment, replacement with reduce geopolitical risks and climate-related physical risks
low-carbon fuels, and optimization of
manufacturing processes
Reduction of Scope 2 emissions by Group network (all global sites)
introduction of renewable energy
I ncrease in costs for introducing renewable Introduction of renewable energy at low
energy cost through long-term contracts such
* If measures are taken against carbon taxes as corporate PPA Europe
Increase in procurement costs due to carbon Use of low-carbon materials (including
taxes imposed on raw materials recycled raw materials) Asia North
Reduction of size and weight, and
resource saving by employing the “light,
thin, short, and small” technology
Introduction of multi-sourcing for
Reduction of supply chain greenhouse Middle
gas (Scope 3) emissions
Transition risks
Tightening of Impairment of manufacturing facilities for Adoption of highly versatile design that 3 Central
and South
regulations for internal combustion engine-related products allows conversion to other models America
fuel efficiency Conversion of manufacturing
and ZEVs equipment to other products
Intensifying competition and price destruction Development of products with high
due to an increase in newcomers technological and price competitiveness
Gaining economies of scale due to the
market share expansion
Technologies Failure in Loss of business opportunities if the Joint development with customers
in September 2022, achieved a 19% reduction in weight
investment in environmental performance required by Reduction of size and weight, and Reduction of size and weight, and resource saving by
compared to Gen.1 thanks to the use of smaller magnetic
new technologies customers cannot be satisfied resource saving by employing the “light, employing the “light, thin, short, and small” technology
thin, short, and small” technology circuits and inverters, based on the high-space-factor wire-
Market Rise in raw Difficulty in obtaining rare minerals, steel Use of recycled raw materials Nidec manufactures socially and environmentally conscious winding technology, and also a substantial reduction in the
material costs, materials, and other non-ferrous metals, such Reduction of size and weight, and products by making motors smaller and lighter and amount of minerals used. In addition, the newly developed
difficulty in as high-end aluminum and copper, rising resource saving by employing the “light, resource-saving. The first-generation model (Gen.1) of our two-way oil-circulation system has improved the cooling
obtaining raw procurement costs thin, short, and small” technology EV traction motor system (E-Axle) achieved an overwhelming capability, making it possible to use magnets that require
materials Development of products that do not
use heavy rare earths or magnets
miniaturization of the motor by employing “light, thin, short, significantly less amounts of dysprosium (Dy), terbium (Tb),
Building a supply chain with high and small” technology and the oil cooling structure we had and other kinds of heavy rare earth. Moving forward, we are
supply capacity cultivated in the small precision motor business. The second planning to develop motors that do not use heavy rare earth
Acute Impact of floods, Suspension of factory operation Geographical distribution of generation (Gen.2) E-Axle, which began mass production or magnets.
submergence, Outage of infrastructure networks such as production plants
torrential rain or electricity and water supply Introduction of multi-sourcing for
typhoons Incurrence of costs for production and
transportation of other factories
Implementation of BCP
Second-generation model
19% lighter
Disruption of supply chain (business continuity plan)
First- Second-
Increase in insurance fees has significantly reduced generation generation
Chronic Impact of Difficulty in stably securing water, shortage of Geographical distribution of
Physical risks
droughts, water factory water due to water intake restrictions production plants the use of minerals model model
shortage, and Increase in costs due to rising water prices Optimization of manufacturing
changes in the Factory shutdowns due to tight electricity processes to reduce water usage
precipitation supply, constraints on raw material production Improving water reuse and
pattern and procurement capacity, increase in recycling rates Aluminum
material purchasing costs
Deterioration of water quality due to changes
Products/ Expansion of
in precipitation and temperature patterns
Increase in demand for automotive products Reduction of size and weight, and
Magnetic steel sheet –21%
– 7%
services the market for (E-Axle, EPS motors, brake motors, electric resource saving by employing
products that oil pump motors, etc.) due to the expansion the “light, thin, short, and small” Copper
Opportunities contribute to of the electric vehicle market technology
Significantly reduced the use of rare earth,
Market Expansion of EV Rare earth
market aiming to achieve complete non-use in the future
Risk management site* level (L1) organizations under their control, Changes in CO2 emissions along with introduction of renewable energy-derived electricity
We established a framework in which risk surveys are thereby ensuring that improvement activities are (CO2 emissions: Ten thousand tons)
conducted for each of the levels illustrated below and continuously conducted for risk reduction. 1,200
the survey results are shared and mutually used. In addition, we are working to quickly detect factors Avoidable CO2 emissions through the use of renewable electricity
that may inhibit business continuity and properly CO2 emissions from purchased fossil-based electricity
Corporate level
address them mainly through risk managers assigned CO2 emissions from the direct use of fossil fuels
(Department in charge of the risk) L3 to all sites around the world. We have conducted 900 Consolidated sales target
BCP simulation training, assuming such risks as an 10 trillion yen
L2 earthquake, flooding, and drought, at our sites both
Business Unit level
inside and outside Japan.
Renewable energy + Renewable
In FY2022, we conducted scenario analysis in the
energy saving effect energy-oriented
automotive business segment and identified climate- Consolidated sales target
Business site level
(Renewable energy CO2 emissions
related risks (transition risks and physical risks) that 4 trillion yen
L = Level introduction rate: 80%) reduction
have a large business impact. Going forward, we will Renewable energy +
For serious contingent risks that may lead to business consider incorporating the identified climate risks into energy saving effect educing CO2
300 FY2040
interruption, the Business Unit level (L2) organizations company-wide risk management items. (Renewable energy emissions by
introduction rate: 40%) Carbon promoting
will periodically check the status of the formulation of 180 neutrality Energy saving
* Major business sites: Business sites that are selected to cover 80% of the sales
BCPs (Business Continuity Plans) of the major business of the Business Unit or Group company to which they belong 100 Shift to low-carbon
50 fuels, and
0 Carbon offset
FY2020 FY2025 FY2030 FY2040 investments
Indicators and targets
Identifying “contribute to environmental sustainability” as one of our materiality issues, we have set the KPIs
shown below.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions*1
(1,000 t-CO2)
Reduce CO2 emissions by introducing the EV traction motor system E-Axle: Cumulative total from FY2020 to FY2025: 160,000
11,700,000 t-CO2 P. 59 Scope1 Scope 2 (market standard)*2 Scope3*3 150,046
Reduce CO2 emissions by introducing electric power steering (EPS) motors: Cumulative total from FY2020 to FY2025:
26,261,000 t-CO2 P. 59 5,000 4,750
Increase the introduction ratio of renewable energy to 40% by FY2025 on a consolidated basis. P. 60
Fully complete water risk assessments at all production sites. P. 61
4,000 1,906
2,934 2,858
In addition, as a major pillar of our medium-term Introduction ratio of renewable energy*1
strategic goal Vision 2025 and ESG materiality
measures, we have set the target of achieving carbon 12 2,000
2,700 2,295 2,287 2,330
neutrality by FY2040. To achieve this target, we first aim 10.6
to 40% by FY2025 on a consolidated basis
free society through our products and appropriate
Annually disclose a climate change scenario in line
information communication are insufficient. Not only or other products, please see below
with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial
the reduction of CO2 emissions due to the introduction Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations
of the E-Axle EV traction motor system and electric
power steering (EPS) motors, we will further work Initiatives in FY2022
to make visible our contribution to decarbonization The total number of units of our EV traction motor
through many other products, such as motors for small system “E-Axle” sold exceeded 700,000 (as of Initiatives in FY2022
EVs and electric two-wheeled vehicles. April 2023). A major initiative in FY2022 was the Starting with a simplified energy efficiency check, we
commencement of mass production of the second- are advancing the initiative to improve the efficiency of Nidec Precision (Thailand) Co., Ltd. promoting the introduction of
Materiality generation model of E-Axle, which we had been air-conditioning systems. Nidec Motor (Dalian) Limited renewable electricity
producing since 2019, in September 2022. Compared installed large fans, taking advantage of the high ceiling
Reduce CO2 emissions by introducing the EV traction
to the preceding model, the second-generation model of the press factory to reduce power consumption in
motor system E-Axle: Toward the future
Cumulative total from FY2020 to FY2025: has achieved (1) 19% weight reduction (20% better the summer.
We will continue to make these two efforts as a
11,700,000 t-CO2 torque and power density) thanks to the use of smaller
Power consumption complementary pair: to improve the energy efficiency
Reduce CO2 emissions by introducing electric power magnetic circuits and inverters, (2) significant reduction
in the use of heavy rare earth thanks to the adoption of our business and to introduce renewable electricity.
steering (EPS) motors:
First, by utilizing a tool to check the company’s energy
78% reduction
Cumulative total from FY2020 to FY2025: of new cooling technology, and (3) reduction in noise.
26,261,000 t-CO2 By providing products that are smaller and higher in efficiency and sharing best practices, we will improve
performance and have less environmental impact, we the energy efficiency of facilities and equipment at
contribute to the electrification of automobiles and each business site. Next, we will improve the total
consequently the reduction of CO2 emissions. consolidated introduction ratio of renewable electricity
Specific product example ❶
Through the replacement with E-Axle (switching from by combining the introduction of renewable electricity
gasoline vehicles to EVs), a reduction of 253,000 tons* at each business site and comprehensive renewable
Provision of “E-Axle” EV traction
of CO2 emissions was achieved in FY2022 alone.
motor system electricity procurement at the regional level. As for the
E-Axle is a traction motor system that is the heart of an * Calculated based on the number of E-Axle units sold in FY2022. TCFD, we will proceed with the quantitative analysis of
electric vehicle (EV). It comprises a motor, an inverter, climate-related risks and opportunities identified for the
and a reducer and generates rotating torque when Toward the future automotive products business, and we will also conduct
installed in a car and connected to its drive shaft. We are proceeding with the development of the scenario analysis for other business segments.
This product alone is enough to run a vehicle. In an third-generation model of E-Axle following the second-
extremely harsh competitive environment, speed is generation model, with a view to starting sales in 2024. Before After Nidec Motor (Dalian) Limited installed large
improvement improvement fans to reduce power consumption in
the indispensable lifeline for auto manufacturers in EV In addition to achieving further size reduction and the summer
development. E-Axle, the product that combines an higher performance, the new E-Axle will be developed
inverter and a reducer, can help auto makers to develop from the preceding “3-in-1” E-Axle model, which
their models more quickly than before. comprises a motor, an inverter, and a reducer, into an
“X-in-1” unit with other major components added.
We will contribute to the accelerating movement toward
decarbonization through replacement with the next-
generation models with less environmental impact and
the expansion of their sales.
Manage waste and hazardous waste Pursue product safety and quality
Basic stance Initiatives in FY2022 Basic stance of environmentally hazardous substances. The Business
As increasing waste has been a global social problem The amount of waste and valuable resources generated
As a manufacturer featuring an extensive product Unit is expanding the scope of its efforts and has
in recent years, Nidec is working to establish a business in FY2022 was 135,580 tons. As one way to reduce this
line-up and large supply volume, Nidec has a duty initiated the development of new materials to reduce
system to help realize the effective use of raw materials. amount by 3% per unit of sales by FY2025, we started
besides simply providing products; we must ensure the use of organofluorine compounds, which have
In addition to eliminating waste as much as possible to identify the amount of waste generated by resource
safety in every aspect, from the selection of parts in recently been viewed as problematic.
in the manufacturing process, we are also working to classification based on the main procurement materials
light of environmental friendliness to the safety of The Automotive Motor & Electronic Control
minimize the use of containers and packaging materials. for products. With this method, it is possible to estimate
products, as well as disposal and recycling. We believe Business Unit has been implementing management
Besides these, we are making continuous efforts to the material yield by comparing with procurement data.
that we can help create sustainable social infrastructure reforms related to quality since FY2021, with the
promote recycling by thoroughly sorting waste. Regarding chemical substance management, in
by providing our customers with products that can be aim of establishing an overall quality management
The Nidec Group pays sufficient attention to the use accordance with the PRTR system* based on Japanese
used in a safe and dependable manner. To realize this organization and system by FY2025. As a result, the
and storage of chemical substances at its business sites laws, the Nidec Group keeps track of and discloses
idea, it is necessary to maintain a high level of product Global Quality Management Division was established
to prevent leakage thereof, while striving to reduce information on the amounts of released and transferred
performance in terms of environmental friendliness, on January 1, 2023 as a horizontal function to oversee
the use and emissions of chemical substances as far chemical substances that are designated by the system
requiring a database that serves as a guide to selecting quality assurance not only for the automotive-related
as possible as part of the initiative to improve and and used by the Nidec Group’s sites in Japan.
materials at the time of component design. business but also for the entire Nidec Group. Currently,
innovate production processes. The Group also utilizes * Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Moreover, now that the automotive products the Division is working in collaboration with the quality
its information systems and analysis techniques to
business has developed into a major segment assurance department in each business unit.
satisfy international regulations concerning hazardous
Toward the future accounting for over 20% of the Nidec Group’s
chemical substances contained in products.
We will save resources by reviewing development consolidated net sales, in order to satisfy the quality Toward the future
and design on the product side as an initiative to needs of all customers in the automotive industry, The Small Platform Motor & Solutions Business Unit
Materiality reduce the amount of waste generated in the future. it is important to establish a globally unified quality will continue to utilize the material selection database
Reduce the volume of waste and valuable resources Furthermore, it is important to improve the material assurance system. mentioned above to develop products that meet
generated in intensity per unit sales by at least 3% yield in the production process, so we will work to solve customer needs, such as reducing environmentally
from the level of FY2022. the problem by analyzing the generation of waste by hazardous substances.
resource and visualizing the loss. Create a database for chemical substances contained The Automotive Motor & Electronic Control
in products to make it easier for the development Business Unit will continue to conduct assessment of
department to determine the choice of materials, all newly developed products and all products in the
Handle water risks and shift to an environment-oriented manufacturing process to reduce product safety risks.
development system. The newly established Global Quality Management
Basic stance Initiatives in FY2022 Implement quality management reforms in the Division will hold regular meetings attended by the
Water is the most important resource and is indispensable We evaluated the magnitude of water risk in all global automotive-related business, and establish an overall Quality Assurance Departments of Nidec Group
for people’s lives and industries. It is said that excluding regions where our manufacturing sites are located in quality control organization and system by FY2025. companies to ascertain the quality status of each
seawater, icebergs and glaciers, only around 1% of water order to understand and reduce the impact of water Conduct assessment of all newly developed products company and to share good practices throughout
resources on the Earth are actually utilizable. Nidec on business activities. In the evaluation, we used the and all products during the manufacturing process to the Group. We have already started to establish basic
recognizes that the risk of water resource depletion Aqueduct from the World Resources Institute (WRI) reduce product safety risks. quality assurance practices and standard documents
has a significant impact on business continuity, such and the Water Risk Filter from the World Wide Fund to guide them in the product development flow of the
as shortening or suspending plant operations. So we for Nature (WWF), which can evaluate not only physical entire Nidec Group, from understanding customer
implement water reuse and recycling initiatives to risks such as water shortages but also water-related Initiatives in FY2022 requirements to product and manufacturing process
conserve water resources. We are also working on water regulations and local reputational risks. By utilizing the material selection database that was design, and after-sales service after mass production.
risk management, such as identifying the risks associated completed in FY2021, the Small Platform Motor & We aim to establish a system in which the Global
with water withdrawals and discharge to continue our Toward the future Solutions Business Unit recommended the use of Quality Management Division will take overall control of
business activities and assessing the impact of water We will collect local information, such as local weather, materials with less environmental impact within the quality assurance for the entire Nidec Group, regardless
withdrawals and discharge on surrounding areas and external general conditions regarding water, and Business Unit, and it began using low-lead materials of business division or company boundaries.
water source areas. government administration, from manufacturing sites for some customers. The Business Unit will further
in areas where water risk may be high in the future. promote this activity and contribute to reducing the use
Materiality We will analyze the impact on business activities in
Fully complete water risk assessments at all detail by referencing this local information and detailed
production sites. business site information, such as water consumption.
We will consider risk mitigation measures while steadily
proceeding with the water risk assessment process.
Respond to changes in the technological environment and Protect and utilize intellectual properties
the industrial structure Basic stance and acquisition mainly for products in the early stages
Aiming to contribute to the growth of its business of growth, such as the “E-Axle” drive motor system for
Basic stance Research and development to support through the creation of intellectual added value, electric vehicles in the “wave of decarbonization” and
Toward the realization of a sustainable society, Nidec the sustainable growth of the company Nidec endeavors to improve the value of its intellectual water-cooling modules in the “wave of 5G & thermal
is committed to promoting product development and As the world’s leading comprehensive motor properties by establishing and reinforcing a professional solutions,” to transform our IP portfolio to one that
R&D to solve global social issues through its products manufacturer, the Nidec Group has established R&D IP organization and an internationally competitive IP meets market needs. In addition, the number of our
and business activities. We regard business fields facilities that collaborate globally with the aim of portfolio. Specifically, our activities include portfolio patent applications that have been externally evaluated
related to issues that need to be given priority for contributing to a wide range of industrial fields. We have management and rights utilization suited to each stage as SDG-related* has been increasing every year.
solutions as promising growth markets, namely, the also undertaken laboratory reforms to enhance our of the product lifecycle. In addition, to carry out business We believe that this is a result of our proactive efforts
“Five Big Waves,” and we are making a concerted effort unique technologies. As part of such efforts, we further activities while respecting intellectual property rights to address social themes such as the SDGs.
to strengthen technology development to continuously strengthened the foundation of product and production of other companies, we conduct in-depth research on In recognition of these activities, in 2022 Nidec
launch new products in these fields. technologies and pursued products with high added value other companies’ intellectual property rights in advance. was selected as one of the Clarivate Top 100 Global
For more information on the “Five Big Waves,” please click the URL below. and environmental performance. The missions of the R&D Meanwhile, toward the realization of a sustainable Innovators 2023. This award analyzes intellectual facilities are to develop innovative products that accelerate society, we are working on developing products to property, based on four evaluation criteria, namely,
the growth of the Nidec Group, to advance and upgrade solve social issues, such as SDGs, focusing mainly on success rate, globality, impact, and rarity, and selects
Materiality production technology to strengthen the foundation the Five Big Waves. We will develop an IP portfolio that the top 100 innovative companies and institutions in
of manufacturing, and to create and disseminate can protect these products and ensure competitive the world, and Nidec received a high evaluation.
Continuously launch new products that lead the Five
technologies conducive to solving social issues. advantages and will transform our IP portfolio to one * Number of cases based on LexisNexis’ analysis tool “PatentSight®”
Big Waves to resolve social issues.
With its eyes focused on the needs of future society and tailored to our business.
Continue to pursue the high efficiency and the seeds of Nidec, the Nidec Product Technology R&D Toward the future
miniaturization of motors that contribute to energy Center puts its energies into research and development We will strengthen our information gathering and
and resource saving. to create new products and technologies that will realize analytical capabilities by further utilizing analytical
Transform our IP portfolio to one that responds
a sustainable society, as well as into research in the motor tools, etc., and promote business activities strategically
to social and business changes, including
application field that will lead the growth of the Nidec while analyzing the intellectual property information
decarbonization and power and manpower saving,
Initiatives in FY2022 Group. The Nidec Center for Production Technology R&D
and use the new IP portfolio.
obtained, toward realizing a sustainable society.
To promote activities to reduce CO2 emissions through promotes research and development to achieve more Furthermore, in addition to making Group-wide
continuous product development and business efficient manufacturing by pursuing material and process concerted efforts to build an IP portfolio to ensure
activities, we worked to quantify the environmental innovation and developing cutting-edge production Initiatives in FY2022 a competitive advantage, we will actively publicize
impact of our major products, i.e., the amount of technology that utilizes digital transformation and AI. We promoted IP portfolio building and transformation these activities to make known to external parties our
CO2 emitted by the products, based on Life Cycle The Nidec System Manufacturing Engineering Center with a focus on products related to the Five Big Waves, technological and patent strengths that can contribute
Assessment (LCA). We have also created a technology develops production methods that accompany increasing the ratio of those products to 56% of our IP to society.
roadmap that incorporates environmental response technological innovation and supports the portfolio. In particular, we promoted patent application
indicators for our major products, and we are implementation of such methods in order to realize
working to promote environmental value in product manufacturing excellence with a system that integrates Intellectual property activities in line with the product lifecycle
development and to foster and spread awareness. the entire process, from the starting stage of product Market size
development to mass production. IP licensing strategy
Toward the future The Platform Development Center is accelerating
In order to provide products and system solutions that the development of E-Axle, a drive motor system for Business alliance strategy
contribute to reducing environmental impact, we will next-generation electric vehicles, to further strengthen IP enhancement strategy
strive to develop design and production technologies our competitiveness. The Nidec Semiconductor
that take into account the reduction of environmental Solutions Center, which was established in May 2022, Development policy strategy
impact of products. In pursuit of environmental value, is conducting development with a view to establishing
we will promote research and development that enable a sustainable semiconductor supply chain and providing
energy saving, resource saving, and recycling (use high-value-added solutions through synergy between Introduction First-half growth Second-half growth Maturity Decline
of recycled materials) by encouraging group-wide semiconductors and motors.
IP investment IP utilization
application of the Group companies’ technologies We are confident that we will continue to contribute
conducive to environmental conservation and effective to the development of society by providing solutions
use of resources. through our products and technological development. Percentage of products related to the Five Big Waves in the IP portfolio
The Nidec Group has more than 330 business companies
in and outside Japan, featuring the accumulation of
diverse technologies. We will continue to aim to create
new innovations by sharing and utilizing the knowledge FY2017
that each Group company has cultivated to date and by 0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
conducting further research and development.
Decarbonization Power saving Manpower saving 5G & thermal solutions Field related to digital data Other fields
Basic stance the founder, aimed at instilling Nidec’s philosophy Basic stance at each workplace where employees can talk frankly
To achieve consolidated net sales of 10 trillion yen and management mindset. Furthermore, The Nidec Group recognizes diversity as a source of with each other, based on the results of the Survey.
by FY2030 and realize the Vision to become a global in November 2022, we established the Nomination competitiveness. As we conduct business globally, We are promoting the creation of an organizational
company that grows sustainably for the next 100 Committee as a top-level committee to establish we respect and embrace the differences among culture and structure that can promote decision-making
years and beyond and the world’s leading solution- a system for the appointment of management individuals and utilize those differences to the based on a vision while respecting diverse opinions.
providing business group that solves numerous (directors and executive officers). maximum extent to effectively respond to a rapidly In addition, as values regarding careers become
problems for the people of the world, the Nidec To cultivate next-generation leaders, we conduct changing business environment and customer needs. more diverse, we have been strengthening our support
Group believes that it is crucial to maintain and training for managers to identify their strengths and People from diverse backgrounds work at the Nidec for employees’ autonomous career development
foster globally competitive talent, in other words, weaknesses as leaders. Individual feedback reports Group, which has development, production, sales, and through various initiatives, such as career interviews,
human resources capable of actively working globally. are created and utilized for on-the-job training. In research bases all around the world. In addition to Career Plan Sheet, and in-house job posting. In order
Defining those equipped with 3P attitudes (Proactive, addition, educational videos on daily dialogue (one-on- hiring talented and motivated individuals regardless to conduct fixed-point monitoring of the effectiveness
Productive, Professional), problem solving skills, and one meetings) between superiors and subordinates of their personal attributes and values, we are working of our efforts, we have incorporated items related to
cross-cultural communication skills as global human are distributed throughout the Group companies in to develop and promote human resources and create career awareness into the Organizational Performance
resources, we develop individuals who can exercise Japan to foster the development of subordinates in a work environment in order to allow the organization Survey (introduced in FY2021). Through these initiatives,
these abilities at a high level. the organization and strengthen management skills. and individual employees to demonstrate their potential we aim to achieve sustainable corporate growth
Furthermore, in order to develop and strengthen to the fullest. In addition, we are working to refine our centered on the organization and people that support
Materiality professional human resources, we have introduced Nidec Principles, which we have cherished since our the Nidec Group.
Develop and train global leaders: the “Function-based Human Resources Management founding, in line with the times and instill them in all
Identify overseas local personnel to be candidates for System,” which supports diverse experiences from of our employees. At the same time, we are promoting Average score of the Organizational
executives in FY2022. the perspective of company functions, starting with initiatives to foster a sense of unity (alignment of Performance Survey
Start training of executives, including overseas the administrative divisions, and we are accelerating vectors) among employees within the diversity that we (item regarding career awareness)
personnel, from FY2023. the development of human resources through the should aim for as an organization. FY2021 FY2022
workplace and work that they should experience in the
Career awareness
process of becoming professional human resources. Materiality 3.19 3.31
(out of 5 points)
Achieve the targets below related to women’s
Initiatives in FY2022 Toward the future empowerment (non-consolidated) in FY2022:
Based on our basic stance on human resource We will expand the scope of candidates for next- – Ratio of female directors*1: 10% or higher Toward the future
development, we are proceeding with the cultivation of generation management personnel to include – All managerial positions held by women: Since around 2005, we have been promoting diversity
(1) personnel for senior management and key positions foreign nationals and promote early and systematic 8% or higher regarding attributes, such as hiring of women and
and (2) next-generation leaders (managers and people implementation of development measures. We have – Ratio of female candidates for managerial foreign nationals. In addition to this, we will strengthen
in charge). At the same time, we are promoting the established the Global Business School (opened positions*2: 15% or higher activities focusing on diversity of individual employees’
early identification, development and strengthening of in 2016) and the Next-Generation Global Business Recruit non-Japanese directors. values and career aspirations. As of the end of FY2022,
human resources on a global scale. School (opened in 2017) to provide opportunities for *1 Including executive officers and above and outside directors
*2 Referring to female employees in positions immediately prior to
the ratios of female directors, female managers, and
With regard to the development of personnel management candidates from Nidec Group companies managerial positions female candidates for managerial positions were
for management and key positions, the Human around the world to acquire high-level management 15.0%, 7.0%, and 12.9%, respectively. The ratio of
Resources Development Committee was established knowledge required of leaders of global companies. female directors reached the target due to active
in FY2020 to visualize key positions in the Nidec The Schools were suspended in recent years due to the Initiatives in FY2022 participation of female outside directors, whereas
Group and discuss the appropriateness of the COVID-19 pandemic but will be resumed successively. To achieve the empowerment of women set as the ratios of female managers and female manager
succession plans (successor development plans) We will strengthen development of management a materiality KPI, it is important to create a work candidates have increased year by year, but still fell
among executives. At the same time, we identify personnel by providing opportunities to acquire environment that allows the organization and individual short of the targets. In order to achieve the targets of
potential candidates for the next generation of knowledge and put it into practice. In the development employees to demonstrate their potential to the fullest. these indicators, in addition to continuing to support
management personnel and promote strategic early of next-generation leaders and professional human To this end, we have been promoting organizational in-house development and appointment, we will
development initiatives. In FY2022, we accelerated resources, in order to promote autonomous growth, we development with the aim of stimulating relationships further expand the scope of diversity and vigorously
the development of candidates for managerial will expand the lineup of human resource development among employees and improving the performance promote diversity and inclusion initiatives to maximize
positions. In addition to assigning highly difficult measures (e.g. a customized training program in of each workplace and eventually of the entire organizational performance by leveraging not only
tasks such as corporate restructuring and promotion, which employees can take courses of their choice) and organization. We have introduced an “Organizational attributes of individual employees but also their values
we have held a monthly “training school,” taught by strengthen our career development support. Performance Survey” designed to visualize the situation and aspirations.
of each workplace and “Workplace Workshops”
on a global level by remotely checking the safety of including managers.
that enables employees to fully demonstrate their manufacturing processes and facilities using webcams.
abilities, and improvement of employee safety and Reduce the average overtime hours by improving
health. The Health Promotion Committee, which has Lost-time injury frequency rate productivity.
been established as a cross-departmental organization, Initiatives in FY2022 (Frequency rate)
plays a central role in enhancing systems for health We held health seminars by industrial physicians to
management and promotion. In addition, health improve employee health literacy and the overall 1.20 1.20 1.21 1.25
Initiatives in FY2022
seminars by industrial physicians and health awareness health of our employees. Each year, the theme of the 1.2
Each year, we implement various activities to promote
surveys targeting all employees are conducted to seminar is decided based on the results of the Nidec 0.87 human rights awareness, in conjunction with
0.9 0.78
improve the health literacy of employees. We have Health Survey, an annual internal health survey. 0.66
International Human Rights Day and Human Rights
achieved a total smoking ban on the premises of The seminar in FY2022 focused on the topics that were 0.6 0.5 0.5 Week. In FY2022, we conducted e-learning on the theme
0.4 0.4
our domestic business sites. We are thus promoting highly requested by employees and that were directly of “Respect for Human Rights in Business Activities” and
health-oriented business management. related to their health issues (e.g. stiff shoulders, 0.3 0.1 once again disseminated the “Nidec Group’s Basic Policy
back pain, sleep, smoking cessation, mental health). on Human Rights” to all Group companies. With regard
Materiality In addition, for employees with high health risks, 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (FY)
to the management of working hours, in addition to
Ensure a safe and comfortable work environment. we provide effective individual health guidance based All of Nidec Non-consolidated Manufacturing industry in Japan (average) proceeding with consideration to optimize the number
on the results of health checkups and encourage them * Lost-time injury frequency rate: Number of deaths and injuries from occupational
of managerial personnel, we micromanaged the working
Reduce the number of serious accidents (those accidents / Total work hours x 1 million hours
to undergo a thorough medical examination. Deaths and injuries per 1 million hours worked in total. Calculation of consolidated hours of employees and properly reported to and
resulting in death or permanent disability) to zero. data began from FY2019.
coordinated with the relevant parties.
Improve the lost-time injury frequency rate. Toward the future In addition, we advised employees and their
Receive certification as a White 500 Company (in the Currently, each Group company in Japan is implementing supervisors who reached a certain number of working
large enterprise category) under the 2023 Certified its own health management and promotion initiatives, Respect human rights and hours in the middle of the month to make work
Health & Productivity Management Outstanding but eventually we will build a foundation for promoting
Organizations Recognition Program. health-oriented management throughout the Nidec follow proper labor practices adjustments through adequate communication.
Basic stance Initiatives in FY2022 CSR audit of suppliers Holding CSR seminars at major sites
Working in collaboration with its suppliers, the Nidec In cooperation with the Human Resources Department, Since FY2010, the Nidec Group has been auditing its As Nidec promotes CSR activities throughout its supply
Group promotes CSR activities throughout the entire we made the “Nidec Group’s Basic Policy on Human major suppliers* on-site. In FY2022, we conducted chain, it is important that our procurement personnel
supply chain. As part of such efforts, the Nidec Group Rights” known to major suppliers. on-site audits on 122 suppliers, mainly in Asia. first understand Nidec’s CSR policies. Since FY2018,
Supply Chain CSR Promotion Guidebook and the We also participated in a subcommittee of the * Refers to suppliers and other business partners who frequently go onto and off of the
Nidec Corporation and Nidec Group companies in Japan
Nidec Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights, which United Nations Global Compact Japan to keep abreast premises of our Group companies, including dealers in indirect materials (cardboard, have conducted CSR seminars for purchasing personnel
adhesives, grease, packing tape, pallets, etc.), equipment manufacturers, dormitory
provide more specific standards established in line of industry trends regarding human rights due operators (food manufacturers, security guards, etc.), and temporary staffing agencies based on the Nidec Group Supply Chain CSR Promotion
with the pillars of the CSR Charter, are rolled out to all diligence. We actively reflect industry trends in our Guidebook. With the aim of conducting human rights
suppliers. To ensure that suppliers also fulfill their social internal activities. For example, we have improved the due diligence on major suppliers by 2025, in FY2022
Numbers of supplier CSR audits conducted we reviewed the training content and discussed future
responsibilities, we require our suppliers to comply content of the Nidec supplier CSR self-assessment to
with the “Nidec Group Supply Chain CSR Promotion be conducted in FY2023, based on the information
(case) implementation plans.
Guidebook” in our basic purchasing agreement. obtained through the subcommittee meetings. 150
We will continue to engage in procurement activities FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
123 122
that take into consideration both social aspects, such Toward the future 120 Number of participants in the
as prohibition of child and forced labor and reduction While continuing to disseminate the “Nidec Group’s CSR seminar for purchasing 169 250 —
of long working hours, and environmental aspects, Basic Policy on Human Rights” and keep abreast of 90
such as energy consumption, biodiversity, and waste/ industry trends regarding human rights due diligence,
resource use at suppliers. We ask our suppliers for their we will review the content of the Nidec supplier 60
continued cooperation. CSR self-assessment. From FY2023, we will address
lease click the URL below for the “Nidec Group Supply Chain CSR
P insufficient identification of human rights risks, which
Promotion Guidebook.” is an issue about the current Nidec supplier CSR self-assessment.
procurement/green/pdf/Supply%20Chain%20CSR%20 0 2020 2021 2022 (FY)
We will also identify potential human rights risks
mainly in the upstream supply chain, based on the
results of the Nidec supplier CSR self-assessments and Nidec Electronics (Thailand) holds a session to explain
Conduct human rights due diligence on key suppliers: interviews. For the identified human rights risks, we will the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)* to ensure
100% implementation rate for high risk suppliers as determine the priority level of our efforts, based on the that all of its suppliers understand Nidec’s CSR. Nidec
of 2025. probability of their occurrence and the severity of their Electronics (Thailand) also holds presentation meetings
impact when they occur. on CSR procurement for its major suppliers and audits
them on-site, based on the results of advance survey
Nidec supplier CSR self-assessment sheets. Since FY2013, our CSR audit standard has been
Starting from 2018, we have conducted the Nidec based on the RBA, and we select targets for CSR audits
CSR procurement flow
supplier CSR self-assessment to understand the status mainly from new suppliers. In FY2022, we implemented
1 Work sincerely and of CSR procurement and have our supply chain partners activities with the target of requesting 27 of our
honestly report on the status of their implementation of the suppliers to comply with CSR audit standards.
2 Respect human
Nidec Group Supply Chain CSR Promotion Guidebook * RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) is an organization established for the purpose of
rights and labor
and the Nidec Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights. solving social, environmental and ethical issues in the supply chains of the electronics
3 Coexist harmoniously industry.
Nidec Suppliers The survey is designed to assess the status of each
with the environment
Purchase materials 4 Ensure occupational Sale supplier’s CSR activities, based on a total of 111 items in
and components safety and hygiene Chapters 1 through 6 of the Nidec Group Supply Chain
5 Maintain good CSR Promotion Guidebook. Regardless of whether the
relations with society
evaluation is high or low, feedback, etc. is provided to all
6 Management system
suppliers to encourage further improvement.
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Ms. Takako Sakai has served as an outside director of Nidec since 2020. She also serves as the head considered sufficiently. Internal members accept such points lead others and encourage their growth.” In addition to
of the Nomination Committee and Sustainability Committee, meeting bodies that symbolize the without a sour face, and they immediately take necessary these important points, we also examined each candidate’s
future of the Company. The following is an interview with her, in which she talks about how the measures. The speed of their action is truly amazing. sincerity and integrity, mental strength to not be easily
Company is changing. swayed, and business foresight, using the results of the
—Next, let me ask you about the Nomination 360-degree evaluation as a reference. In order to select
Committee. This is a new committee that was just individuals who excel overall in a balanced way, rather than
established at the end of last year, but is it also operated those with one particular talent, we also had the opportunity
I believe there is great significance in a free and open atmosphere? Has an atmosphere to interview Chairman Nagamori and President Kobe in
been created in which outside members of the Board can great detail about the personalities of the candidates.
in that the Sustainability Committee Takako Sakai express their frank opinions to Chairman Nagamori and
serves as a forum to gather and
Nomination Committee Chairperson President Kobe? —It is an extremely difficult task to identify people who
Remuneration Committee Member
Sustainability Committee Sakai: Chairman Nagamori is one of Japan’s leading can lead the Nidec Group in the future together with its
consolidate internal knowledge.
Chairperson business leaders. In that sense, I feel a sense of tension global employees.
when I meet him at committee meetings. However, all Sakai: I feel a heavy responsibility far beyond my
Committee members have a strong sense of “saying what imagination. That’s why I want to see it through to the
needs to be said,” so discussions never get bogged down end. In the selection of the president, we will continue
—First, let me ask you about Board of Directors’ chairperson, that is, how to treat members’ opinions fairly. or are monopolized by some particular person. Once, discussions until we are all convinced so that we will never
meetings. Board of Directors’ meetings are important Chairman Nagamori and President Kobe brought a draft have any regrets.
meetings that even employees have very little —A very lively, yet mutually respectful discussion is for the selection process for executive vice presidents, but
knowledge. What kinds of matters are handled and taking place, isn’t it? How do you yourself express your after much discussion at the Nomination Committee, drastic —I would also like to ask you about the Sustainability
discussed at Board of Directors’ meetings? Do outside opinions in discussions? changes were made to some elements. The Committee Committee, the other committee that you serve as
members of the Board also actively express Sakai: I have tried to present points of discussion, for members all expressed their honest opinions on the chairperson. What role do you think the Sustainability
their opinions? example, what is the purpose and significance of the project, proposition of “what kind of corporate leader is appropriate Committee, which has been in existence for about a year,
Sakai: A variety of matters are brought up at the Board of whether it has been deemed necessary and appropriate for a company in the new era of Reiwa,” and the conclusions should play in the future?
Directors’ meetings, but I have the impression that they based on the market outlook, and whether a rigorous drawn from discussions are certainly reflected in the Sakai: Until now, Nidec Corporation has focused its energy
deal particularly with investment proposals, such as loans investigation has been made to ensure that it does not Company’s movements. mainly on its own growth. In other words, the Company has
to subsidiaries and acquisitions of companies. All members violate laws and regulations. Over the past three years, been thinking about its own survival for the past 50 years,
of the Board of Directors, including us outside members, I have learned the “points to which particular attention —You are laying the foundation for human resource but for the next 50 or 100 years, it must also consider the
actively discuss the appropriateness and cost-effectiveness should be paid in business activities of Nidec Corporation,” development so that the Nidec Group can continue to sustainability of the international community and the global
of such proposals. Very active discussions are held, and I so I try to indicate the meaningful points of discussion by grow without problems even as the generation changes. environment at the same time. Under such circumstances,
feel the great energy of a company seeking to become a leveraging my experience and knowledge. For example, when Sakai: Yes. I believe that if the selection process for I believe there is great significance in that the Sustainability
10-trillion yen company by 2030. Recently, in connection with discussing risks associated with acquisition of a company, successors has been firmly established, the Nidec Group Committee serves as a forum to gather and consolidate
“One Nidec,” there has been a noticeable increase in matters I would point out the necessity to check with the accounting should be able to continue its business for many years to internal knowledge. Although we are still in a trial-and-error
related to the chain of command of the entire Group. staff of the acquiree company to determine whether there come with the participation of young people. I am honored phase, we intend to make it a meaningful meeting body
The number of matters that require consideration by the are any risk factors of concern and to implement robust to be involved in important discussions about the future of from the perspective of improving corporate value over the
Sustainability Committee and Nomination Committee is also preventive measures, or something like that. the Nidec Group. I am sure the other two outside members medium to long term, while referring to the opinions of the
gradually increasing, indicating that the governance of the Meanwhile, when a problem occurs, I would suggest a of the Board share this sentiment. committee members and the operating secretariat.
Nidec Group is being further strengthened. point of view that should be kept in mind when reviewing
One of the characteristics of Nidec’s Board of Directors and reinforcing measures to prevent recurrence. Each —The recent executive vice president selection was the —Finally, please tell us about your expectations for
is its prompt and quick response to any matter. Once the member of the Board makes perceptive comments related first step in the process of selecting successors, which Nidec in the future.
discussion is complete, the matter is dealt with in the to his or her area of expertise, and adequate time is spent will be the cornerstone of the Nidec Group. Did you Sakai: The Nidec Group is trying to accomplish a major
following month, and the results and progress reports for discussion. conduct any interviews with the executive vice change in the form of generational change in this era of
come up at that month’s Board of Directors’ meeting. president candidates? instability and uncertainty. It is not an easy task, but I would
I was surprised at this speed. —I have heard that outside members of the Board in Sakai: Yes. We conducted online interviews with each like you to take this opportunity to solidify your approach
I was also surprised at first that Chairman Nagamori particular are making perceptive points. candidate. Based on the selection criteria, we first checked to human resource development, which will serve as a
listened to the opinions of the Board members very Sakai: Each of the outside members of the Board of “whether the candidate understands Nidec’s corporate cornerstone for the times to come. I hope that you will
seriously. He always listens carefully to the opinions of the Directors has a wealth of knowledge and individuality, and culture and practices it.” Next, we paid attention to “whether carefully build a system that will enable all individuals to
Board members to the very end, regardless of whether each has a different perspective backed by his or her career, or not the candidate is able to add-on his/her thinking to demonstrate their abilities and grow, regardless of their
they are internal or outside members. From this attitude so they relentlessly dig deeper into the points that internal new trends and clearly envision the future of the Company” rank, job responsibility, age, gender, nationality, or any
of Chairman Nagamori, I learn how to be impartial as a members may not easily notice or that they have not and “whether or not the candidate has the qualities to other attribute.
Build a fair, transparent and highly effective governance system History of Nidec’s corporate governance
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Basic stance evaluation and analysis. In FY2022, the supervisory Company with an Audit &
The purpose of the corporate governance of the Nidec function of the Board of Directors was highly evaluated Supervisory Committee
Board of Company with an Audit & Supervisory Board
Enhance the supervisory
Group is to become a conscientious and principled as in the previous year, and we confirmed that our Directors
function of the Board of
company that earns society’s trust and to increase our Board of Directors is functioning properly. Based on system
Directors and improve the
corporate value sustainably, based on the motto “High the results of the questionnaires, we will continue to soundness and transparency
of business management
growth, high profit, and high share price.” To this end, formulate measures for constant improvement.
we maintain and enhance our internal control, thereby In November 2022, we established the Nomination
running our business more healthily and efficiently. Committee as an advisory body to the Board of
Separation of Executive officer system introduced
Furthermore, we disclose information appropriately Directors. The Nomination Committee deliberates supervision
to increase the transparency of the Company’s on the policy on the appointment of directors and and Respond to global business expansion and rapid changes in the business environment
business operations. executive officers, the criteria for appointment, and the
We are also committed to ensuring the independence decision on candidate proposals. In FY2022, five vice
Outside Female Outside
and diversity of the Board of Directors by taking into presidents were appointed. members of outside members of
account, among others, the balance of the knowledge, Regarding remuneration of officers for FY2023, after Outside the Board members of the Board
members of of Directors the Board of Directors
experience and qualifications of the Board of Directors deliberation, the Remuneration Committee reported to the Board of appointed of Directors increased
as a whole and the number of its members, based on the Board of Directors a review of remuneration levels. Directors Improve the introduced Further
effectiveness of Improve improve
its diversity in gender, career history, age, etc. and on management diversity effectiveness
Nidec’s business scale. Based on the understanding Toward the future oversight and of the Board
transparency of Directors
that corporate governance is one of the highest-priority To ensure the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, in decision
issues for our sustainable growth and medium- to long- it is important to provide sufficient information and making
term improvement in corporate value, we will make secure opportunities for discussion on each agenda Ratio of Outside Ratio of Outside
efforts to enhance the relevant systems. item, as well as to provide appropriate information Directors
Members of the Committee Individual matters 24.4% Shareholders’ meeting, shareholders 1.8%
4 1 Audit / Supervise 2 Audit & Supervisory Compliance, risk management, internal control 7.1%
Report Board of Directors Cooperate
Remuneration Committee Committee
Members of the Members of the
Members of the Committee Consult Board of Directors Committee Questionnaire survey on the effectiveness of the Board of Directors (efforts and evaluation)
Audit / Supervise
for discussion. Disclosed a skills matrix at the time of director appointment, and
5 Promoted understanding of our business by non-executive directors at explained the career background, skills, etc. of the persons appointed
Information Security Compliance Risk Management
CSR Committee informal meetings (explanation of business and online plant tours) and as executive directors or other responsible executive positions
Committee Committee Committee
shared information obtained from investors and other stakeholders on upon appointment.
Supervise a continuous basis.
Report Supervise
FY2022 evaluation results
In addition to the size, composition (ratio of internal and outside established to facilitate fruitful discussions at Board of Directors’
Execution directors, diversity, etc.), meeting frequency and length, and the quality meetings and that free, lively and fruitful discussions were actually
CEO of information and explanation provided to Board members, the Board taking place. In addition, the overall supervisory function of the Board
of business Accounting of Directors was highly evaluated in terms of the following points: “The of Directors was highly rated, and it was also confirmed that substantial
COO operations Audit Auditor Board functioned sufficiently on the whole,” “Board materials cover all discussions were conducted on issues such as sustainability, which has
6 Executive
necessary information,” and “The Board provides sufficient oversight to been increasingly recognized as an important management issue in
Management Meeting
ensure that the development of potential management successors is recent years. This third-party evaluation system has been implemented
CFO carried out in a planned manner with sufficient time and since FY2021.
7 Management resources given.” As for issues, several respondents pointed out that Board of Directors’
CPO A third party (an outside law firm) also gave high marks to the meeting materials should be provided earlier, while others pointed out
effectiveness of the Board of Directors in general, including its the need for deeper discussions on medium- to long-term management
ESG materiality composition and operation, and confirmed that a system has been strategies and issues. Further improvements are considered necessary.
Steering Committee
Corporate Administration & Internal Audit Dept. CSO
Initiatives for FY2023
CSCO Based on the view that appropriate prior provision of industry and market information to non-executive directors will lead to
CTO CAO enhanced deliberations, the following initiatives will be implemented to promote their understanding of Nidec’s business.
– Review the themes of the preliminary briefing sessions and informal meetings that are currently being held, and hold them
regularly four times a year.
Vice President Vice President Vice President Cooperate
– Continue to provide business overviews by the Representative Director and President and the Executive General Managers of
R&D Bases Administrative Bases Sites/Group Companies Business Units at the Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings.
Consider progress reports on matters to be brought to the Board of Directors at preliminary briefings for non-executive directors.
Level out the number of items to be discussed each month by, for example, bringing regular agenda items forward for discussion.
Corporate Philosophy and Action Principles
(Mission Statement, Governance Policy)
Yayoi Komatsu
Takako Sakai
Aya Yamada
Junko Watanabe
Hiroe Toyoshima
requests the Corporate Administration & Internal Audit Department *1 The above performance-linked remuneration includes the amount paid to five members of the Board of Directors who resigned during the 48th period.
to conduct on-site audits. *2 The introduction of the performance-linked share-based remuneration system was resolved at the 45th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 20, 2018. The amounts of
expenses recorded for the fiscal year under review according to the Japanese standard are provided above. Outside members of the Board of Directors are not covered by the system.
3 Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee is headed by Takako Sakai, an outside member of the Board of Directors, and consists of two internal members and Total amount of consolidated remuneration, etc. of each director
three outside members of the Board of Directors. The Committee deliberates on the policy and criteria for the appointment of directors and Total amount by type of remuneration (million yen)
executive officers, etc., as well as the succession plan and the approach to the succession plan, and the proposed candidates for executive vice Total amount of
Company Performance-
Name remuneration Director category Fixed Variable
presidents and president. (million yen)
category linked share-based
remuneration remuneration
4 Remuneration Committee Shigenobu Nagamori 106
Representative Company subject
78 6 22
The Remuneration Committee consists of two internal members and three outside members of the Board of Directors, headed by Hiroshi Kobe, Director to submission
Representative Director and President (Chief Operating Officer) as the chairperson. The Committee members discuss basic policies and systems * Only directors whose total amount of remuneration is 100 million yen or more are presented.
for remunerations of directors in response to consultation from the Board of Directors, and reports the results back to the Board of Directors.
Policies on remuneration for Members of the Board of Directors 5 Various committees
1. Basic policy 2. Composition of the remuneration Name Description
The remuneration for Nidec’s directors is determined based on the Outside Members of the Board of Directors (excluding those who
Information Security The Information Security Committee is placed under the Board of Directors to formulate basic policies concerning information
following policy, to enhance the company’s global competitiveness are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) Committee security, as well as to monitor the status of implementation of various information security measures and provide instructions.
and secure the sustainable growth of its businesses. Fixed remuneration
Compliance Committee The Compliance Committee is placed under the Board of Directors to discuss and decide basic compliance policies and
Increase motivation toward improving corporate value; Members of the Board of Directors (excluding those who are measures, as well as to monitor the status of implementation of various compliance measures and provide instructions for
Contribute to securing talented managerial human resources; and Outside Members of the Board of Directors and members of the improvement. The Compliance Committee meets once every three months.
Ensure that the level of the remuneration is appropriate for the Audit and Supervisory Committee) Risk Management The Risk Management Committee is placed under the Board of Directors and is headed by the person appointed by the Board of
scale and area of Nidec’s businesses. Fixed remuneration : Variable remuneration (bonuses) : Committee Directors as the chairperson, to decide risk management policies and measures, and submit reports and proposals to the Board
of Directors. It also monitors the company-wide risk management status and constantly reviews the adequacy of allocation
Performance-linked share-based remuneration = 3:1.5:1 of resources necessary for risk management. Based on the annual policies established by the Risk Management Committee,
department general managers and Group companies formulate and carry out their respective annual risk management plans.
Remuneration type Description Payment method CSR Committee The CSR Committee is placed under the Board of Directors and is headed by Akinobu Samura, Senior Vice President (chief
Fixed remuneration Determined based on job rank Monthly in cash financial officer) in charge of CSR, who has been appointed by the Board of Directors as the chairperson. The chairperson and
the committee members appointed at each site discuss and make decisions on CSR activity policies and annual plans and
Variable remuneration Degree of achievement of the target consolidated net sales and consolidated operating Monthly in cash other important matters. Matters decided at the CSR Committee meetings are reported, or discussed if necessary, at the Board
(bonuses) profit of the previous fiscal year of Directors’ meeting, and are put into action by the Investor Relations & CSR Promotion Department, which serves as the
Taking into consideration the performance of the directors dedicated secretariat, in cooperation with business sites inside and outside of Japan.
Variable within a range from zero to twice the median of variable remuneration
Performance-linked Standard amount for each job rank x Degree of achievement of the target consolidated After three fiscal years
net sales and consolidated operating profit
remuneration Points are provided within a range from 0 to 200%
(shares and money)
6 Executive Management Meeting
After three fiscal years, the company’s shares equivalent to the accumulated points and The Executive Management Meeting convenes once a month to assess the present state of business and determine the next
the amount of money equivalent to the shares converted into cash are provided and paid course of action, based on the monthly performance data and outcome of discussions at respective meetings where important
3. Procedure to decide the remuneration amounts group-wide concerns are shared among administrative departments, subsidiaries and business units.
The amounts of fixed and variable remunerations for which is a voluntary advisory body, in accordance with
individual directors (excluding members of the Board of the criteria specified by this policy. Similarly, the details of 7 Management Committee
Directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory the performance-linked share-based remuneration are The Management Committee, the consultative body to the Representative Director and Chairman, is held and chaired
Committee) are determined by the Board of Directors based determined by the Board of Directors based on reports by the President and Chief Executive Officer twice a month in principle to discuss overall operational directions, plans
on reports submitted by the Remuneration Committee, submitted by the Remuneration Committee. and other important considerations in the execution of business.
Reasons for appointment and major activities of Outside Members of the Board of Directors Support systems for Outside Members of the Board of Directors
The General Affairs Department, which acts as the secretariat by three days prior to the day of the meeting, while documents
Status of attendance
(number of meetings attended) for the Board of Directors, supports the Outside Members related to the proposals to be deliberated in the meeting of the
Name Reasons for appointment
Board of
Audit &
Nominating Remuneration
Activities of the Board of Directors. The General Affairs Department Audit and Supervisory Committee are sent to the members, at
Directors Committee Committee
Committee provides the outside directors with the company’s information the latest one day before the meeting. After a meeting of the
Shinichi Sato Mr. Sato has held prominent posts at the Ministry of Finance of Japan and other organizations. 17/21 ― ― 0/0 Mr. Sato actively provides opinions at the Board of Directors’ in a timely manner, and corresponds to their inquiries through Audit and Supervisory Committee, meeting minutes are sent to
He will provide Nidec with advice on its overall business operations based on his high level of meetings and supervises the management team from an
expertise, which will further enhance the company’s corporate governance function. independent and objective standpoint by leveraging his day-to-day communication. With regard to the meetings of the all Audit and Supervisory Committee Members. Furthermore,
Since he meets all the requirements for independent directors from the past to the present in superior insight in finance and accounting as well as abundant
accordance with the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nidec judged that there were no experience and high-level insight in a wide range of fields,
Board of Directors, the General Affairs Department provides for Outside Members of the Board of Directors who are Audit
potential conflicts of interest between him and ordinary shareholders, and therefore designated him including economics, fiscal affairs and monetary policy. all members of the Board of Directors with materials related to and Supervisory Committee Members, various information
as an independent director.
the proposals for the meetings and accounting information, at is reported and provided as necessary by full-time Audit and
Yayoi Ms. Komatsu has held prominent posts at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and 20/21 ― 3/3 ― Ms. Komatsu actively provides opinions at the Board of Directors’
Komatsu Technology of Japan and other organizations. She will provide Nidec with advice on its overall meetings by drawing on her abundant experience and superior the latest one day before the day of the meeting. In addition, Supervisory Committee Members and Nidec’s executive officers.
business operations based on her high level of expertise, which will further enhance the company’s insight in a wide range of fields, including technical research assistance is provided by the Corporate Administration & Outside members of the Board of Directors who are not
corporate governance function. and development as well as human resource development.
Since she meets all the requirements for independent directors from the past to the present in She serves as a member of the Nomination Committee, which Internal Audit Department, Nidec’s internal audit department, members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee have informal
accordance with the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nidec judged that there were no was set up as an advisory body to the Board of Directors of the
potential conflicts of interest between her and ordinary shareholders, and therefore designated her Company, and plays an important role in determining selection
to Outside Members of the Board of Directors who are Audit meetings with the Audit and Supervisory Committee members,
as an independent director. policy and criteria and proposals of candidates for directors and and Supervisory Committee Members. When a meeting of the where various information is provided by Nidec’s executive
executive officers, etc. She thus supervises the management
team from an independent and objective standpoint. Audit and Supervisory Committee is held, meeting notices are officers. They also conduct on-site inspections of the business
Takako Sakai Ms. Sakai is currently a professor at the Graduate School of Law, Osaka Metropolitan University. 24/26 4/4 3/3 1/1 Ms. Sakai actively provides opinions at the Board of Directors’ sent out to all the Audit and Supervisory Committee Members sites in Japan, in person or online.
She will provide Nidec with advice on its overall business operations based on her high level of meetings, based on her sophisticated academic and professional
expertise as a university professor, which will further enhance the company’s corporate governance knowledge in the tax and accounting fields as a university
function. Since she meets all the requirements for independent directors from the past to the present professor. As chair of the Nomination Committee, which was
in accordance with the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nidec judged that there were no
potential conflicts of interest between her and ordinary shareholders, and therefore designated her
set up as an advisory body to the Board of the Directors of the
Company and as a member of the Remuneration Committee,
Internal control
as an independent director. she plays an important role in determining selection policy and
criteria and proposals of candidates for directors and executive
officers, etc., and ensuring transparency of the process to decide Basic stance Initiatives in FY2022
remuneration for directors and determining the adequacy of
their remuneration. She thus supervises the management team The Nidec Group commits itself to enhancing its management In order to establish a highly effective global internal audit
from an independent and objective standpoint.
soundness and transparency by establishing a compliance system based on the assumption of sales of 4 trillion yen in
Aya Yamada Ms. Yamada is currently a professor at the Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University. Her advice, 24/26 14/14 3/3 0/0 Ms. Yamada actively provides opinions at the meetings of the system generally required of a listed company in Japan, and FY2025, it is essential to further sophisticate and improve the
based on her high-level expertise as a university professor from an independent position, will help Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee,
the Board of Directors strengthen its decision-making and audit and supervisory functions. based on her high-level academic expertise in the field of law clarifying its risk management responsibilities. Specifically, efficiency of internal audit operations. In FY2022, we worked
To promote education and research, Nidec donates money to the endowed course “Advancing as a university professor from an independent and objective
Electrical Equipment to Realize a Friendly Global Environment” at Kyoto University Graduate School standpoint, fulfilling the supervisory function of management.
through the auditing activities of the Corporate Administration to prevent errors in financial reporting, visualize risk areas,
of Engineering. The amount of the donation was 45 million yen in fiscal 2018 (compared to the total As a member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, she & Internal Audit Department, the Group aims to maintain and and deepen audit procedures by strengthening the self-audit
amount of donation to the University during the same fiscal year, 5,163 million yen), 39 million yen in has also contributed to audits by the Audit and Supervisory
fiscal 2019 (compared to 5,352 million yen), 39 million yen in fiscal 2020 (compared to 5,766 million Committee on the execution of duties by members of the improve the effectiveness of its internal control over financial system at the field level (all Nidec Group sites) and conducting
yen), 39 million yen in fiscal 2021 (compared to 5,416 million yen), and 49 million yen in fiscal 2022.
The donation in FY2022 includes a donation for the 125th anniversary of the University.
Board of Directors. She serves as a member of the Nomination
Committee, which was set up as an advisory body to the Board
reporting required by Article 24-4-4, Paragraph 1 of the monitoring at all consolidated sites using DX.
We consider that in any year the amount of our donations is insignificant compared to the total of Directors of the Company, and plays an important role in Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. In addition, the Legal
amount donated to the University. In addition, there is an agreement for joint research between determining selection policy and criteria and proposals of
Nidec and the University’s Graduate School of Engineering, and Nidec paid 18 million yen in research candidates for directors and executive officers, etc. She thus & Compliance Department, the Risk Management Committee, Toward the future
expenses to the University in the previous fiscal year (FY2022). Given that Ms. Watanabe’s department supervises the management team from an independent and the Information Security Committee and the CSR Committee We will continue to enhance the sophistication and efficiency
is not the one to which Nidec made its donations or paid expenses and that Ms. Watanabe is not in a objective standpoint.
position to represent the University, Nidec believes there is no conflict of interest between Nidec and are organized under the Board of Directors, under which the of auditing operations through the use of DX while expanding
Ms. Watanabe, and therefore there is no problem regarding her independence.
Legal & Compliance Office, the Risk Management Office, the the target areas. We will also strive to upgrade our human
Junko Ms. Junko Watanabe currently works as a professor of the Graduate School of Economics, 11/13 5/5 ― ― Ms. Watanabe actively provides opinions at the meetings of the
Watanabe Kyoto University. Her advice, based on high-level expertise as a university professor from an Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee,
Information System Department, and the IR & CSR Promotion resources by, for example, training auditors with specialized
independent position, will help the Board of Directors strengthen its decision-making and audit and based on her high-level academic expertise in the field of Department are placed as the secretariat respectively, working qualifications, language skills, and a deep understanding of
supervisory functions. economics as a university professor from an independent
To promote education and research, Nidec donates money to an endowed course “Advancing and objective standpoint, fulfilling the supervisory function to create a corporate culture and enhance management the business environment. Currently, an audit system is in
Electrical Equipment to Realize a Friendly Global Environment,” at Kyoto University Graduate School of management. As a member of the Audit and Supervisory systems for internal control. place in five locations, Japan (Kyoto), Europe (Amsterdam),
of Engineering. The amount of the donation, 49 million yen in fiscal 2017 (compared to the total Committee, she has also contributed to audits by the Audit and
amount of donation to the university during the same fiscal year of 4,848 million yen), 45 million yen Supervisory Committee on the execution of duties by members Americas (St. Louis), China (Shanghai), and Asia (Singapore), to
in fiscal 2018 (compared to 5,163 million yen), 39 million yen in fiscal 2019 (compared to 5,352 million of the Board of Directors.
yen), 39 million yen in fiscal 2020 (compared to 5,766 million yen), and 39 million yen in fiscal 2021, Materiality cover the entire Nidec Group. We will also work to strengthen
is insignificant compared to the total amount of donation to the university. In addition, given that Ms. Expand audit resources qualitatively and the audit system in the European region, where the number
Watanabe’s department is not the one to whom Nidec made its donations, and that Ms. Watanabe
is not in a position to represent the university, Nidec believes there is no conflict of interest between quantitatively based on the assumption of a sales of companies is increasing significantly.
Nidec and Ms. Watanabe, and therefore there is no problem regarding her independence. scale of 4 trillion yen.
Hiroe Ms. Toyoshima currently practices as an attorney. Her advice, based on her high-level expertise as ― ― ― ― ―
Toyoshima an attorney, on Nidec’s overall business operations will further enhance the Company’s corporate
governance function. Since she meets all the requirements for independent directors from the past
to the present in accordance with the regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nidec judged that
there were no potential conflicts of interest between her and ordinary shareholders and therefore Corporate governance of Group companies
designated her as an independent director.
*1 During the fiscal year under review, the Board of Directors held 26 meetings, the Audit and Supervisory Committee held 14 meetings, the Audit & Supervisory Board before transition
to the Audit and Supervisory Committee held 3 meetings, and the Remuneration Committee met once. The Nidec Group companies operate under Nidec’s mission sufficient discussions before making decisions on business
*2 The difference in the number of times held is due to differences in the timing of assuming office.
*3 Ms. Takako Sakai was elected as a member of the Board of Directors at the 49th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 17, 2022. She had previously attended meetings
statement and policies, and therefore they are incorporated execution that correspond to the circumstances of each
of the Board of Directors, the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and the Remuneration Committee as a member of the Board of Directors (Audit and Supervisory Committee member); in Nidec’s internal control system. The Group companies, company, based on specialists’ opinions as necessary, thereby
therefore, the number of meetings attended by Ms. Sakai includes those meetings attended as a member of the Board of Directors (Audit and Supervisory Committee member).
to which Nidec sends some directors and employees, have endeavoring to assure their independence.
rationality. According to the results of the assessment, Nidec following points: whether the proposals suit the purposes whistleblowing cases. distributable amount for the fiscal year ended March 31,
intends to reduce the number of shares it holds if the cross- of the shareholding which are to maintain and strengthen 2023, it was discovered that the interim dividend in question
held shares are not expected to bring significant benefits. the trade and cooperation relationships through medium-to Internal reporting system exceeded the distributable amount calculated in accordance
long-term investment; and particularly, whether there are As part of the comprehensive, group-wide compliance system, with the Japanese Companies Act and the Regulation on
any circumstances that might lead to undermining of the we have established an internal reporting section (the Nidec Corporate Accounting.
shareholders’ value due to the restructuring of organizations, Global Compliance Hotline) available for all board members, In addition, a subsequent investigation revealed that the
including asset transfer and mergers. Nidec opposes all executives and employees (including regular and part-time Company’s share repurchase conducted by the trust bank
proposals that are considered to violate the law or constitute employees, those dispatched from outside agencies, limited- under the trust agreement from September 1, 2022 through
antisocial behavior, in all circumstances. term employees, and those who have retired from the March 31, 2023 also exceeded the distributable amount.
Nidec Group within a year), and a third-party contact point In response to this situation, the Company conducted an
outside the company. Fiscal 2021 saw a total of 124 cases investigation on this matter by the External Investigation
Follow thorough compliance with laws and regulations of whistleblowing and consultations made on suspected Committee, consisting of external attorneys. On June 16,
misconduct and harassment, among others, an increase of 2023, the Company received the investigation results from
Basic stance Efforts made in FY2022 8 cases from the previous fiscal year. The status of internal the Committee. For details, please refer to the investigation
The Nidec Group sees non-compliance as a material risk The Nidec Group currently has over 300 group companies in reports is reported to the Board of Directors and the Audit report posted on our website. Nidec will take measures to
that may lead to a loss of social trust and economic damage. 40 countries around the world. We recognize that building and Supervisory Committee on a regular basis. prevent recurrence based on the proposals of the External
Therefore, the Nidec Group comprehensively follows applicable a governance system for these globally distributed group Investigation Committee and work to further improve the
laws, regulations, internal rules and standards, social ethical companies is a crucial task in ensuring compliance. FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Company’s corporate governance.
standards, etc. to raise executives’ and regular employees’ In particular, based on our past experience, we see difficulty in Number of cases 142 116 125 119 the investigation results, click the URL below.
ethical awareness, develop conscience as a company, and win identifying the risks of small companies located far from major
society’s trust as we continue our compliance activities. bases. Therefore, we launched a hazard map project in FY2021
At present, we are working to establish and enhance a global with the aim of preventing compliance risks from arising at
The Nidec Group’s global compliance system
compliance system that will enable us to address individual these remote small sites. In this project, we constantly identify
issues and cases arising in different regions more promptly and high-risk group companies based on their distance from Shareholders’ Meeting
appropriately. We will also strengthen compliance education for major sites and the information on the risk of corruption in Working on specific compliance measures
Audit and Supervisory Committee Board of Directors for the entire Group
employees to further raise their compliance awareness, thereby countries where they are operating and implemented specific
reducing compliance-related risks. prevention measures in consultation with the management of
Compliance Committee
such companies and other risk reduction activities. [Members] Legal & Compliance Department
Compliance Promoters are placed in
Materiality individual organizations under the Chair: Chief Compliance Officer
Expand the legal affairs and compliance system to all Group Toward the future supervision of the Compliance Managers.
Members: Management Committee members
Regional Compliance Officers
Secretariat: Legal & Compliance Department
companies starting from Nidec Corporation and regional We will continue the hazard map project for a certain period
management companies (China, the U.S. and Europe). of time to identify high-risk companies in order from those
Identify serious non-compliance risks and take with the highest risk to reduce the governance risk at remote Compliance Managers and Promoters
Addressing compliance issues unique to
priority measures. small sites. We will implement risk reduction activities, Business Units
Administrative Group companies individual countries/regions
departments (including overseas subsidiaries)
Provide compliance education to all employees once a year. including for companies that have newly joined the Nidec Head of each Director in charge of each
Managers President
business unit department
Group through acquisitions.
Promoters GM of each organization/department Head of administrative department
Basic stance continuously conducted for risk reduction. Basic stance mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access from
It is necessary and important to identify and manage risks for * Major business sites: Business sites that are selected to cover 80% of the sales of the
The Nidec Group possesses information that is necessary outside the Company and to detect and immediately
the purpose of preventing the expansion of losses due to lack Business Unit or Group company to which they belong for conducting its business activities, including not only block malicious programs such as computer viruses,
of readiness for possible risks, loss of business opportunities, the information produced or gathered within the Group thereby enhancing information security for the entire
decline of ratings, and other negative impacts. Nidec has Risk management system but also information provided by its business partners. Nidec Group in terms of both structure and technology.
identified risks facing the Nidec Group, clarified the relevant The Nidec Group uses a medium-term business plan, which We understand that it is very important to protect and As a result, no serious incidents due to cyber-attacks or
departments, and determined the risks that should be reduced is designed to realize the Group’s long-term vision, which is use these information assets properly and appropriately. other causes occurred in FY2022.
in order of priority. The Company manages the progress defined as a set of specific numerical and qualitative targets, Information that should be protected includes
of reducing the impact of such risks on our business while as a basis of the Group’s business plan for each fiscal year. management information, technical information, Toward the future
working to enhance its initiatives to identify signs of risks. Our medium-term plan is formulated based on discussions on financial information and personal information, which trengthening measures against internal
its feasibility as a medium-term goal, consistency with our long- are extremely important. Deterioration or leakage of information leaks
Materiality term vision, and issues and risks for us to overcome to achieve any such information may lead to loss of trust in us from We have actively developed and implemented measures
All risks disclosed on the securities reports are the vision. Each medium-term plan is revised (rolled) during our customers or the market, as well as a decline in our against “external threats” such as cyber-attacks and
evaluated by the department in charge, and the risks its execution phase, based on changes in the market and the competitiveness. It may also result in a legal penalty. intrusion of malicious programs into the Company’s
to be addressed in priority are identified.
status of execution. We will work to prevent serious security incidents computer network, which are becoming more and
Reduce the impact of the risks to be addressed in We have also formulated the Risk Management Regulations to by identifying and assessing rapidly changing and more threatening every year. In the future, we will also
priority on our business. Manage the progress of
establish a risk management system for the entire Nidec Group increasing information security risks and taking enhance measures against “internal threats” such as
reducing such impact and any residual risks.
and have in place a Risk Management Committee under the effective measures according to the risks. information leaks.
Board of Directors. Additionally, we promptly report and share There are two types of information leaks:
Initiatives in FY2022 important information in the risk management meeting held Materiality “negligence,” which is the result of carelessness or
In FY2021, we reviewed our risk management system and every morning so that the information can be utilized in our Reduce the number of serious information security disregard for rules, and “fraud,” which is the misuse
established a system to conduct risk assessment on each level daily operations. Such information is also extensively discussed incidents to zero. of rights and privileges. To prevent information leaks
of the hierarchy shown below and mutually use assessment and shared in the Senior Managers’ Meeting as necessary. due to negligence, we will systematically ensure
results for the measures for other levels. In FY2022, we worked compliance with internal rules while raising employees’
to identify areas for improvement by continuing to conduct risk BCP (Business Continuity Plan) Information security structure awareness of risk management to ensure thorough
assessment, priority risk identification and risk reduction activities Starting from March 2014, the Nidec Group has conducted implementation of basic procedures that can prevent
for the Business Unit level (L2), which were initiated in FY2021. BCP simulation training assuming such risks as an earthquake, Board of Directors negligence. Meanwhile, in order to prevent fraud by
We interconnect the risk management activities of different flooding, drought, outbreak of an infectious disease, and fire insiders, we will make known to employees fraudulent
Information Chief Information
hierarchical levels by checking the risks identified in L2 in the at its sites both inside and outside Japan. The training, with a Security Committee Security Officer acts that deviate from the rules. We will also introduce
corporate level (L3) as well and reflecting company-wide issues total of more than 3,430 employees participating as of the end (CISO) a system to monitor fraudulent acts to strengthen
that should be addressed under the leadership of L3, if any are of March 2023, helped them improve their skills to respond to information management.
Information Security
found, in L3-level risk management activities as necessary. such events. To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, we set up a
Management Group
COVID-19 Crisis Management Headquarters from January 2020 I mproving information security management
Corporate level
to May 2023. In FY2022, we were hit by the Shanghai lockdown Information Security Manager capabilities centered on the automotive
(Department in charge and the spread of infection following the dissolution of China’s Each business unit, Group company business
of the risk)
zero-COVID policy, but we were able to minimize the impact on In the automotive business, we will continue to
our business by working together as a Group in securing logistics. Information Security Promoter implement measures based on cyber security
Business Unit level
L2 Each business unit, Group company
guidelines for the automotive industry and strengthen
Risk Management Committee our capabilities to respond to cyber incidents.
Board of Directors
Career summary Career summary Career summary Career summary
July 1973 Founded Nidec Corporation, July 1973 Participated in the foundation of Nidec April 2002 Research Associate, Graduate School of April 1990 Research Associate, Faculty of Law, Tohoku
Representative Director, Corporation Law, Kyoto University University
Chairman of the Board and President March 1982 General Manager, Sales Department April 2003 Lecturer, Graduate School of Economics, April 1995 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Okayama
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) November 1984 Member of the Board of Directors Osaka Prefecture University University
October 2014 Representative Director, November 1991 Member of the Board of Directors and Senior March 2007 Completed Doctoral Program at Graduate April 2003 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Law,
Chairman of the Board and President Vice President School of Kyoto University and received a Kyoto University
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) April 1996 Member of the Board of Directors and First Doctor of Laws (LL. D.) April 2006 Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto
June 2018 Representative Director and Chairman Senior Vice President October 2007 Associate Professor, Graduate School of University (current position)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) April 2000 Member of the Board of Directors and Economics, Osaka Prefecture University June 2020 Outside Member of the Board of Directors
June 2021 Representative Director and Chairman Executive Vice President April 2018 Professor, Graduate School of Economics, who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee
(current position) April 2005 Chief Operating Officer (COO) Osaka Prefecture University Member, Nidec Corporation (current position)
April 2022 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) June 2006 Representative Director and Executive Vice June 2020 Outside Member of the Board of
(current position) President Directors who is an Audit and Supervisory Significant concurrent positions
June 2015 Representative Director and Vice Chairman Committee Member
Significant concurrent positions Chief Sales Officer (CSO) April 2022 Professor, Graduate School of Law, Osaka Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University
Chairman of the Board, Nagamori Gakuen Educational June 2020 Vice Chairman Metropolitan University (current position)
Foundation May 2022 Chief Performance Officer (CPO) June 2022 Outside Member of the Board of Directors,
June 2022 Representative Director and Vice Chairman Nidec Corporation (current position)
September 2022 Representative Director and President
(current position) Significant concurrent positions
Chief Operating Officer (COO) Professor, Graduate School of Law, Osaka Metropolitan
(current position) University
Shigenobu Nagamori Hiroshi Kobe Significant concurrent positions Takako Sakai Aya Yamada
Representative Director and Chairman Representative Director and President Director of NIDEC ADVANCED MOTOR CORPORATION Outside Member of the Board of Outside Member of the Board of
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Director of NIDEC GLOBAL SERVICE CORPORATION Directors Directors
Nominating Committee Member Nominating Committee Member Nominating Committee Member Audit and Supervisory Committee
Remuneration Committee Member Remuneration Committee Chairperson Remuneration Committee Member Member
(Born on August 28, 1944) Sustainability Committee Member Sustainability Committee Member Nominating Committee Member
Number of the Company’s (Born on March 28, 1949) (Born on August 28, 1972) (Born on February 12, 1967)
shares possessed: 49,473,000 Number of the Company’s Number of the Company’s Number of the Company’s
shares possessed: 948,000 shares possessed: 0 shares possessed:—
Vice Presidents
Affairs Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau,
July 2000 Director, the Administrative Management the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Bureau, the Management and Science and Technology
Coordination Agency (currently the April 2003 Director, Medical Education Division, Higher
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Education Bureau, the Ministry of Education,
July 2002 Budget Examiner for Education, Culture,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
July 2004 Counsellor to the Cabinet Office’s Director- Toshihiko Koseki Mitsuya Kishida Yoshihisa Kitao Tatsuya Nishimoto Toshiyuki Otsuka
Sports, Science and Technology, the General for Science and Technology Policy
Budget Bureau, the Ministry of Finance (currently the Secretariat of Science, Executive Vice President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President
July 2003 Director, the Research Division, the Tax Technology and Innovation Policy)
Bureau, the Ministry of Finance July 2005 Director, Traditional Culture Division,
July 2004 Director, Indirect Tax Policy Division, the the Cultural Properties Department,
Tax Bureau, the Ministry of Finance the Agency for Cultural Affairs
July 2005 Director, Income Tax and Property Tax
Policy Division, the Tax Bureau, the
April 2007 Director, the Director-General’s Secretariat, the
Agency for Cultural Affairs Michael Briggs Valter Taranzano Noboru Kaneko Kazuya Hayafune Hiroshi Onishi Toru Takahashi
Ministry of Finance July 2009 Deputy Director-General, the Science and
July 2006 Director, Secretarial Division, the Technology Policy Bureau, the Ministry of Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President
Shinichi Sato Minister’s Secretariat, the Ministry of
Finance Yayoi Komatsu Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Outside Member of the Board of July 2009 Deputy Director-General, the Tax Bureau, Outside Member of the Board of July 2010 Director-General, the Cultural Affairs Ryuji Omura Akinobu Samura Kazutsugu Igarashi Takamitsu Araki Fumiaki Ushio
the Ministry of Finance Department, the Agency for Cultural Affairs
Directors January 2010 Councilor, Cabinet Secretariat (Assistant Directors January 2012 Trustee and President, the Independent
Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President Senior Vice President
Remuneration Committee Member Chief Cabinet Secretary) Nominating Committee Member Administrative Institution National Museum
August 2011 Deputy Vice Minister for Policy Planning of Art
(Born on November 4, 1956) and Co-ordination, the Minister’s (Born on March 23, 1959) August 2015 Director-General, Research Promotion Bureau,
Number of the Company’s Secretariat, the Ministry of Finance Number of the Company’s the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
June 2013 Director-General, the Minister’s Science and Technology
shares possessed: — Secretariat, the Ministry of Finance shares possessed: 0 December 2016 Left MEXT Tomoko Hirata Maki Okajima Eiji Miyamoto Junichi Nagai Takashi Kishimae Hiroyuki Fujita
July 2014 Director-General, the Tax Bureau, the May 2022 Executive Director, The National Museum of
Ministry of Finance Modern Art, Tokyo (current position) Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President
June 2016 Vice-Minister of Finance June 2022 Outside Member of the Board of Directors,
July 2017 Left MOF Nidec Corporation (current position)
November 2017 Executive Consultant, Suntory Holdings
Limited (current position) Significant concurrent positions
Shin Kishimoto Tomonori Seta Kazuo Nakagawa Shuichiro Sori
June 2022 Outside Member of the Board of Executive Director, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Directors, Nidec Corporation (current Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President
Significant concurrent positions * The number of shares owned are rounded off to the nearest thousand.
Executive Consultant, Suntory Holdings Limited
Financial Data
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
(Millions of yen)
Net sales 875,109 1,028,385 1,178,290 1,199,311 1,459,039 1,475,436 1,534,800 1,618,064 1,918,174 2,242,824
Operating profit 84,864 110,939 117,662 139,366 165,903 129,222 108,558 159,970 170,374 100,081
Profit before income taxes 84,460 107,092 117,164 141,313 163,260 129,830 105,160 152,937 170,032 120,593
CAPEX 40,036 58,042 81,898 68,718 90,841 120,555 132,926 88,911 98,580 137,814
Depreciation 44,413 51,445 64,950 59,737 68,697 71,016 87,808 96,802 104,932 119,469
Financial/Non-financial Data
R&D 37,808 45,179 51,978 52,807 55,438 62,912 78,630 67,280 78,015 81,337
Total assets 1,166,938 1,357,340 1,376,636 1,678,997 1,773,199 1,884,008 2,122,493 2,256,024 2,678,483 2,872,789
Shareholders’ equity 517,971 744,972 763,023 846,572 932,501 996,795 947,290 1,096,020 1,292,241 1,354,505
Operating cash flow 87,219 91,875 147,659 129,853 175,568 170,233 168,049 219,156 94,994 143,485
Investment cash flow –63,178 –81,230 –95,377 –211,476 –113,915 –160,844 –311,513 –100,568 –112,597 –164,943
Free cash flow 24,041 10,645 52,282 –81,623 61,653 9,389 –143,464 118,588 –17,603 –21,458
Financial cash flow 13,471 –19,508 7,775 95,848 –116,858 –32,683 128,546 –136,191 –64,393 –19,238
Profit (EPS) 103.41 135.81 151.52 187.14 220.96 186.49 99.37 208.19 232.40 78.19
Dividends 25.00 35.00 40.00 42.50 47.50 52.50 57.50 60.00 65.00 70.00
Operating profit ratio 9.7 10.8 10.0 11.6 11.4 8.8 7.1 9.9 8.9 4.5
Shareholders’ equity ratio 44.4 54.9 55.4 50.4 52.6 52.9 44.6 48.6 48.2 47.1
*1 Adjusted based on the 2-for-1 split implemented as of April 1, 2014 and April 1, 2020. EPS and Dividends are expressed assuming that the stock split occurred at the beginning of FY2013.
*2 S
tarting from the first quarter of FY2016, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been applied to the consolidated financial statements.
Therefore, the figures presented are based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for FY2015 and later, and on the U.S. accounting standards for FY2014 and before.
Corporate Information
(2) I nstalling, and providing technical Support and customer support for, the
Ratio of female employees (%) (non-consolidated) 19.7 20.4 20.6 19.9 19.4
above products.
Number of female managers (non-consolidated) 32 34 33 37 41
Ratio of female managers (%) (non-consolidated) 5.0 5.5 5.7 6.2 7.0 NIDEC GLOBAL SERVICE CORPORATION Various insurance agency operations, real estate service, vending machine
Number of female officers (non-consolidated) 1 1 3 4 6 business, sales of various goods, operation of company stores, staffing
Ratio of female officers (%) (non-consolidated) 2.4 2.4 7.9 10.0 15.0 agencies, hotel business, beverage sales, etc.
Rate of persons with disabilities employed (%) (non-consolidated) 1.98 2.19 2.24 2.40 2.28 NIDEC MACHINERY CORPORATION Design, manufacture, sales and technical support of various automatic
Employee training (hours) (non-consolidated) 119,676 110,077 112,162 71,154 28,072 machines, FA equipment, measuring and testing equipment
Employee training hours per person (hours) 42.8 39.9 43.7 31.0 12.9
Average monthly overtime hours (hours) (non-consolidated) 16.2 16.3 11.2 17.3 19.6 NIDEC MOTORS & ACTUATORS (GERMANY) GmbH Development, manufacture and sales of automotive motors (for engine cooling,
Percentage of annual paid leave taken (%) (non-consolidated) 61.3 64.5 56.5 60.9 69.0 ABS, steering column adjustment, seat adjustment, power windows,
Rate of industrial accidents involving lost working time*11 (non-consolidated) 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.5 air suspension compressors, sunroof, and trunk opening and closing)
Number of employees who have taken maternity leave (non-consolidated) 41 30 24 22 22 NIDEC ELECTRIC MOTOR SERBIA d.o.o. Novi Sad Preparation for the factory manufacturing automotive motors and
Number of employees who have taken childcare leave (non-consolidated) 40 41 25 68 43 related products
Male employees (persons) 2 7 8 20 24
Percentage of male employees who have taken childcare leave (%) (non-consolidated) 1.9 8.0 9.0 19.8 31.2 nidec-electric-motor-serbia/
Return rate after taking childcare leave (%) (non-consolidated) 89.3 90.0 100 96.0 92.5 NIDEC GPM GmbH R&D and manufacturing of water pumps, oil pumps and modules for the
Number of employees using the short-time work system (non-consolidated) 112 102 115 86 96 automotive industry; wide range of OEM customers (passenger cars and
commercial vehicles)
G/ Governance
NIDEC MOTOR CORPORATION R&D, manufacturing, and sales of industrial, commercial and appliance motors,
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 and control equipment
Directors (persons) 8 8 9 9 10 NIDEC GLOBAL APPLIANCE EUROPE SRL R&D, manufacturing and sales of motors for home appliances (washing
Directors who are also Executive Officers (persons) 5 5 1 2 1 machines, dryer machines, and dishwashers)
Outside Directors (persons) 2 2 5 5 6
Ratio of Outside Directors (%) 25.0 25.0 55.6 55.6 60.0
Female Directors (persons) 0 0 2 2 5 NIDEC ASI S.p.A. R&D, manufacturing and sales of mid- to large-sized industrial motors,
Ratio of female Directors (%) 0.0 0.0 22.2 22.2 50.0 power generators, and low- to mid-voltage drives as well as development of
Age of the youngest Director 51 52 48 49 50 industrial system and automation systems in the metal and power generation
Age of the oldest Director 77 78 79 80 78 (regenerated energy) fields
Average age of Directors 65 66 65 66 64
Nidec Leroy-Somer Holding R&D, manufacturing and sale of alternators, electric motors, geared motors,
*1 Data coverage ratio is a numerical value compared to sales. Data coverage rate for *10 All levels of management, including junior, middle and senior level management and variable speed drives, automation solutions and service offers for industry
FY2018: 63.0%, FY2019: 59.2%, FY2020: 58.7%, Data coverage rate for FY2021: 53.5% outside board directors. Junior management: Employees falling under either of the
*2 From FY2022 report, the IEA emission factor by country is used. Before FY2021, use following supervisory roles, or those with a similar level of responsibility: NIDEC CONTROL TECHNIQUES LIMITED R&D, manufacturing, and sales of AC and DC variable speed drives, servos and
“Ministry of the Environment: List of Calculation Methods and Emission Factors in the (A) t ypically responsible for directing and executing the day-to-day operational power conversion technologies for commercial and industrial applications
Calculation, Reporting and Publication System”. objectives of organizations, conveying the directions of higher level officials and
*3 Unit changed (GJ→MWh). Values for FY2020 and FY2021 are recalculated values. managers to subordinate personnel. NIDEC GLOBAL APPLIANCE COMPRESSORES E SOLUCOES EM Engineering and manufacturing of household and commercial (merchandisers,
*4 From FY2022 report, the distinction between solid and liquid has been abolished. (B) supervise around 10 full-time employees and/or perform supervisory functions REFRIGERACAO LTDA food retail & service, medical and special applications) refrigeration
*5 Before FY2021, only solid waste is calculated. where judgment is exercised in at least two small operational teams/groups. compressors and condensing units
*6 Data for FY2020 and FY2021 have been revised. *11 Calculation of consolidated data began from FY2019. Number of deaths and injuries
*7 The products meet the requirements of the FTSE Green Revenues Classification per 1 million hours worked in total. NIDEC CHAUN-CHOUNG TECHNOLOGY CORP. Development, manufacture and sales of thermal management devices
*8 Eight companies overseas
*9 In FY2022, the survey was conducted to cover 95.0% of all Nidec Group employees. * This table lists a selection of major group companies.
15,000 75,000
Business sites in Japan Head Office, Tokyo Office, Central Technical Laboratory, Shiga Technical Center,
Nagano Technical Center, Nidec Research and Development Center, 0 0
Mar. 2012 Mar. 2013 Mar. 2014 Mar. 2015 Mar. 2016 Mar. 2017 Mar. 2018 Mar. 2019 Mar. 2020 Mar. 2021 Mar. 2022
and Nidec Center for Industrial Science
*1 Adjusted based on the 2-for-1 split implemented as of April 1, 2014 and April 1, 2020. Stock prices are expressed assuming that the stock split occurred in March 2012.
Corporate website
*2 F
igures for Nidec’s stock price and trading volume are those on the First Section of Osaka Securities Exchange for on and before July 15, 2013, and those on the First Section of Tokyo
Stock Exchange for on and after July 16, 2013. From April 1, 2022, the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was reorganized into Prime Market.
* On April 1, 2023, the Company’s Japanese name was changed from Nippon Densan Kabushikigaisha to Nidec Kabushikigaisha.
External Evaluation
Stock Information (As of September 1, 2023)
Corporate Information
(ESG) practices.
ESG-themed brand
Number of 159,838 Individuals and others Trust banks FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index In the first “ESG brands” selection in 2012 at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which
Since 2022, in addition to ESG evaluation, Nidec has been identifies themed brands for individual investors based on specific themes and
shareholders 21.39%
Number of 22.32%
Included in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index, indexes, Nidec was selected as an ESG-themed brand.
(127,597,000 shares) (133,107,000 shares)
shares owned an index to evaluate the management stance of companies
base with respect to climate change risks and opportunities. Receiving three-star “eruboshi” status
In 2018, Nidec received a three-star rating (highest level) of
Foreign institutions Other financial institutions FTSE Blossom Japan Index “eruboshi” status granted by the Minister of Health, Labour
28.04% 16.45% Since 2018, Nidec has been included in the FTSE Blossom Japan and Welfare to companies that have made excellent efforts
(167,204,000 shares) (98,123,000 shares) Index, an index that reflects the performance of Japanese related to the promotion of women’s participation and
companies demonstrating excellent ESG practices. advancement in the workplace.
* Figures less than one thousand in the number of shares owned are rounded off.
MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN)
Since 2017, Nidec has been part of the MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Evaluation of IR activities
index, which includes companies selected out of the top 700 brands in market
Principal shareholders capitalization ranking (the MSCI Japan IMI Top 700 Index) based on their gender- Gomez IR Site Ranking 2022 Silver Award
related diversity (women’s Nidec received a Silver Award in the overall “Gomez IR Site Ranking 2022” published
Number of shares owned Holding ratio (%) active participation in the by Morningstar Japan K.K. In the electrical equipment industry ranking, Nidec was
(thousands) workforce) in each industry. ranked 12th.
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 84,576 14.70 * The inclusion of Nidec Corporation in any MSCI index and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, Nikko IR All Japanese Listed Companies’ Website Ranking
service marks or index names herein do not constitute a sponsorship, recommendation or Nidec’s website was selected as a grade AAA site in the annual survey of all Japanese
Shigenobu Nagamori 49,473 8.60 advertising of Nidec Corporation by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the listed companies’ websites conducted by Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd. in FY2022.
exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or service
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 29,980 5.21 marks of MSCI or its affiliates.
Daiwa IR Internet IR Commendation Award 2022
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. 24,798 4.31 Nidec received the Commendation Award in the “Internet IR Award 2022” by Daiwa
Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index Investor Relations Co., Ltd.
S.N. Kosan, LLC. 20,245 3.51 Since 2023, Nidec has been included in the Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender
Diversity Tilt Index, an index that focuses on companies whose gender diversity Award for Excellence in Corporate Disclosure
MUFG Bank, Ltd. 14,851 2.58 policies are embedded in their corporate culture and companies committed to equal In 2022, Nidec was ranked 10th in the Electric/Precision section in 2022 Awards for
opportunities for their employees regardless of gender. Excellence in Corporate Disclosure, sponsored by the Securities Analysts Association
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 140042 14,105 2.45 of Japan.
Nippon Life Insurance Company 13,159 2.28
Rating information
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 12,804 2.22
Rating agency Announced Target Long-term Rating Short-term Rating
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) December 2022 Issuer AA —
*1 Figures less than one thousand in the number of shares owned are rounded off. Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) December 2022 Issuer AA– a-1+
*2 The
Company’s holding of 21,059,236 treasury stock is excluded from the above major shareholders. The shareholding ratio was calculated excluding treasury stock.
Treasury stock do not include shares of the Company held by the BIP (Board Incentive Plan) Trust and the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) Trust, but include a total of 3,531 Moody’s May 2023 Issuer A3 —
fractional shares arising from the exchange of shares with NIDEC OKK CORPORATION with an effective date of March 1, 2023.