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Chartplanner 4 Manual

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Chartplanner 4

Quick Guides


How to update Chartplanner page 2

Ordering using Chartplanner page 4
ADP Functionalities page 8
AVCS / ENC Functionalities page 12
DNtM Functionalities page 14
How to update AVCS/ENC charts Page 16
ENP Functionalities page 18
Other Functionalities page 21

How to update Chartplanner
1. Version update
We regularly release a new version of our Chartplanner software.
To check if you have the latest version, select the button below:

If you have the latest version installed, the following message will be displayed:

If a new version is available, you will be prompted to install the new version directly. No need to
uninstall the current version. Chartplanner will upgrade itself.

2. Updating the catalog

It is important to keep the chart catalog of Chartplanner up to date, especially before placing orders.
If the catalog is not up to date, newly released AVCS/ENC cells might not be selectable/viewable in
Chartplanner. Always ensure you catalog is up to date before making a chart selection.

Do this by selecting the second button in the Chartplanner tile.

In the next screen select the “online” button to automatically update the catalog by internet.
You can also select the email option and then “email request”. An email will be created which it
directed to Send the email. Our system will return with a catalog file. Load this
file through “From file” and then select the received file.

Dark Mode : With below button you can activate Dark mode

Button 1: this will enable daylight mode .

Button 2: this will enable dusk mode

Button 3: this will enable night mode

Ordering Process
You can use Chartplanner to order additional AVCS/ENC charts and digital books like ADP and ENP, if
you have an active license for them with Datema.

The ordering of items is done at the catalog view:

In the top toolbar you will see the following buttons:

Generally, you start with selecting the product(s) which you require. These are the buttons 1-6.
For example when you need additional AVCS/ENC charts then select the AVCS button and then
highlight the scales that you require. The available charts will now be visible on the catalog view.
In the example below we have chosen the overview, general and coastal charts. The available charts
will now become available in the catalog background.

You can now use buttons 8, 9 and 10 to select charts. The Point select tool (7) will allow you to click
individual charts and add them to the basket. The area tool (8) allows you to draw an area and select
all charts (for the selected scales) of that area. Selected charts will become visible in red.

The route tool (9) allows you to draw a route. Once you are satisfied with the route you can select
the “Add items” button. Chartplanner will now calculate the needed charts (for the selected scales)
for the route and select them for ordering.

You can revert to the point select tool and use the right mouse button to delete charts from the

Route Check

With the button Route check you can check your route against your holdings. Press the button and let
your permits load.

Now go to the Publications Tab to see what items need to be ordered and what items are in your
current license.

Press the Order button if you wish to add these items to your license.

In this screen you can see a final review of your selection. If you wish to receive a price first, select
“Place Quotation” and then send the order by email or online.

Note: the ENC options of 3, 6- and 12-months validity. You can select “Place Order” and then send the
request by email or online. Depending on the settings of your vessel (if you are allowed to order) our
system will reply with a confirmation email and instructions on how to activate the added items. If
you are not allowed to order, an email will be sent to your office. They will be able to approve or
decline the order. The reference field can be used for any remarks or PO numbers that will be
included on the invoice.

The above ordering procedure can be done for AVCS/ENC/ARCS/ADP and ENP items, if you have an
active license with Datema.

The BA and NP buttons represent paper charts and paper sailing directions. They cannot be used to
automatically order the items, but you can make a selection of these items and then press “File” >
“Save As” and then manually send this file to Make sure to include a delivery
address to your email.

Note 1: you can also use the “Find” option to search for individual charts/books and then use the
green + mark to add this to your selection.

Note 2: when selecting the ENP (Digital Sailing Directions) button you will also see a button “Misc”.
Using this button allows you to select digital books that do not have geographical boundaries and
therefore cannot be displayed on the catalog view.

ADP functionalities
You can use Chartplanner to see the status of your ADP license, update ADP and you can also open
the ADP programs directly from within the Dashboard.

Button 1: Select the eye symbol to see the status of your ADP license.

Your current holdings will be displayed on the catalog view. However, you can also go to the
publication selection to see it textually. This will include the expiry dates:

Button 2: this will display a document which show the status of your ADP license. It will show expiry
dates but also the installation/start up key that you can use to reactivate on a different computer.

Button 3: this will display the update functionality of ADP. Select “Content” to update the ADP items.

In the next screen select to obtain updates directly by internet

Select to automatically update

In the next screen make sure that all your licensed items are checked and then press next

In the last screen you will be see a summary of the update. Select the preview or print button so view
or print the certificate.

If you have renewed or added areas to your current ADP license, you will receive a return email from
Datema with the necessary activation codes. However, you can also update the license directly
through Chartplanner. Do this by selecting button 3 (see the top of this document) and then the
“License” button:

Now select the below option:

In the next screen select if this is your Main or Backup PC and continue:

Finally select to activate by internet:

Your new license or added areas should now become visible.

Button 4: this will open a window in which you can select and start an ADP service immediately.
Simply select which service you wish to open:

AVCS/ENC functionalities
Chartplanner can be used to order permits and request updates for your charts.

Option 1: this will load your current valid holdings into the catalog view. Select the publication
selection to view the chart list with individual expiry dates. If your license contains permits that will
expiry within 30 days, you will be asked if you wish to select these for renewal. Only press ‘ yes’ if
you intend to renew these items.

Option 2: this will download your latest permit file. The actual file that can be installed into your
ECDIS system.

Option 3: this function can be used to download the complete AVCS or ENC dataset (all chartdata of
the world). Using this option will ensure that you will always be able to fully update your ECDIS.

Use button 1 to check if the new updates are available. If so then Chartplanner will start to download
the updates. Chartplanner will download the files in very small pieces. If connection is lost then it will
not need to redownload the already downloaded file and attempt several reconnections.

If no previous data is loaded (first time user/PC replacement) then using this option will download
the entire dataset (only 1 time), around 4.5 GB of data. After that it will download the weekly
updates which will take around 70 MB per week. You can avoid this one-time large download by

selecting button 2 and then insert an AVCS or ENC DVD, select it and import it. With AVCS do this for
both DVD’s. Once imported select option 1 to download the remaining updates.

You can also selection button 3 to have Chartplanner automatically check and download updates
each time its started.

Option 4: once the download is complete you can export the updates to an USB stick. Note that the
USB stick needs to be 6gb or larger. You will lose all other information on the USB stick as
Chartplanner deletes any files that are not associated with chart data.

When you use this function for the first time: insert a USB stick and select button 3 first. This will
format the USB stick (you will lose all data) and set it up correctly for use with Chartplanner.

Note: If you are an AVCS + AIO user then make sure to use two USB Sticks. 1 for AVCS and 1 for the
AIO. Format both with option 3. PRIMAR ENC does not have the AIO layer and thus no second USB

Once this is done you can select button 1 to export the chartdata to USB stick (make sure the AVCS
USB is inserted). Once complete you can use this USB stick to update the charts on your ECDIS. Do
the same for AIO, button 2.

Note 1: the usb sticks will only need to format during the first-time use. Do not format them each
week with every new update.

Note 2: we can send dedicated Datema USB sticks for this functionality for a small fee. Contact if you wish to receive these.

Digital Notice to Mariners (DNTM) functionalities
The Digital Notice to Mariners tile is only available if you have an active DNTM subscription with
Datema. We send the new NtM week per email each week. You can use this to always load the latest
NtM week. However, you can also load missing weeks directly through Chartplanner.

1. Update NtM database

Click on the button below:

You will have several options:

Option 1: load missing weeks and the latest weeks directly through internet

If you are too far behind, the Chartplanner will prompt you with the following message:

In such a case pressing yes will allow Chartplanner to redownload the entire NtM history. This will
make sure that all previous weeks are loaded. The download size required will be around 300 MB,
but Chartplanner will download this in small pieces and it will also remember the already
downloaded files when connection is lost.

Option 2: request missing weeks by email
If you use this option then you can select a week number in the following screen and then select
“email request”. An email will then be created. Send this to Our system will
return the missing week by email. Open this attachment to load it into Chartplanner.

Using the NtM module

Select the Notice to Mariners tab:

1: if you have outfits defined then you can switch to an outfit here. Select world folio to simply see all

2. The correction list will show all loaded NtM weeks. Select an NtM week to view it.

3. In the cumulative list you can select a certain chart and then see all previous corrections for this
chart. Make sure that your needed outfit is selected (see option 1 )

4. This will show the inforced and cancelled T&P’s. Select the following option to display the T&P’s
graphically on the globe view.

5. Here you can search for a certain notice number or chart

6. You can create an outfit here. If you create an outfit with your paper charts in use, you can select
this outfit so that you will only see the NtM’s for this outfit. This saves time in helping to identify
which corrections are relevant for your set. Simply enter the chartnumber at 1 and then press add.
Do this for all paper charts that are onboard/used. To delete charts, click the red X.

How to update AVCS/ENC charts for your active chartset (permits) only.
With Chartplanner it is also possible to obtain the chartdata for your relevant chartset (active
permits) only.

1. Select the eye symbol on the AVCS/ENC tile

This will load your active permits on the catalog view.

2. Go to the “Publication selection”

Your active permits will now be shown textually.

3. Select the button in the blue circle below to select all charts/permits

4. Now select the “ENC Update” button

5. In the next window you will have two options:

Option 1: if your ECDIS is already up to date until for example week 34, then you can select this
weeknumber to only obtain the remaining updates from week 34.

So enter the weeknumber until when the ECDIS is already updates and our system will send the
remaning updates

Option 2: select this option to obtain all base and update data for all your valid charts/permits. Our
system will revert with a file chartdata file which can be used to install and update all your active

Once you select the option of your preference: continue with requesting the updates by email or

Email request: an email will be opened which is directed to Send the email and
our system will return the update fie. If the update is too large to attach, a downloadlink will be

Download update: obtain the file directly by internet. You will be prompted for a location to save the

Once the chartdata file (zip) is received make sure to unzip it to an empty USB stick. Then load into
the ECDIS as a chartupdate.

Note: you can also use this functionality to obtain chartdata for a certain selection of charts. In that
case do not select the eye symbol in step one but simply use the catalog to select the charts for which
you require the data and then proceed with the ENC update. However the updates will only be
returned for the selected charts that also have an active permit. If you try to obtain chartdata for
which you do not have a valid then the chartdata will not be included in our response.

ENP functionalities
You can use Chartplanner to see your ENP license status and also to start the ENP reader directly.

Button 1: Select the eye symbol to see the status of your ENP license.

Your current holdings will be displayed in the catalog view. However, you can also select the
publication selection to see it textually. This will include the expiry dates:

Button 2: this will download the ENP permit file which can be used to load into the ENP reader.

Note: this is not necessary if you have internet connection. Updating permits can be done via the E-
reader itself. See ‘ Get nm’s and permits’ further in this manual.

Button 3: use this button to open the ENP reader

Note: the ENP E-reader needs to connect to the server in the UK. Whenever the message appears that
the internet connection failed, please check the time of your PC and adjust it if it is incorrect.

Updating the ENP reader

To update the ENP reader and books, go to Tools:

Select “get nm’s and permits”

Press “next” and select the internet option. Press “next”;

Now select “request” and your license and books should update.

To load/install books (for example after adding some ENP’s) select “Load ENPs”

Press “next”, select the internet option and press “next”;

A list will be shown and books that are within your license and require installation should be
highlighted. Press “next”;

Now press “Load ENP” and the books will install.

Manual download and installing the ENP’s

Sometimes the download of the ENP’s will fail. It often happens when the download file is too large
and the internet connection is weak. In that case, please go to our download website and follow the
instructions below.

Link download website:

How to download and install these PDF books manually into the reader.

-Select (check) the ebooks pdf files that you wish to download

-Once your happy with the selection press download selected files (or create download URL if you
only need the link)

-Save the ZIP file to a location on your computer

-Extract the ZIP file. You should now have a "Publications" folder. Do not change the name of the

-Start the E-reader or Admiralty software and go to the LOAD ENP option (within the Admiralty
program you will find this under "Wizards").

-Select the Media option once asked and browse to the Publications folder and continue

The books should now be loaded. Please note that books can only be loaded if they are licensed.

Other functionalities
RTZ route Import: you can use the following option to import an RTZ route

Your ECDIS system should be able to export routes to RTZ format. You can then use this file to import
into Chartplanner and then easily use this route to order any missing items. There are also several
sources on the internet where you can download standard RTZ routes for certain areas.

ARCS raster charts: if you have an active ARCS (raster charts for the ECDIS) then you can use the
following functions.

Button 1: this will show your active permits on the catalog and publication selection view.

Button 2: this will download the latest permit file, for installation onto the ECDIS

Button 3: this will direct you to our download website where you can always download the latest
BASE and Update CD’s.

Compliance doc: this will generate a document that shows all latest certificates, outfit list and
activation details. It is convenient to show to Port State. It basically assembles all relevant Datema

Click on the button below to generate the file:

D Bookshelf: The D bookshelf tile can be used to gain access to digital IMO books. If you have an
active license with Datema then you can open the program from within Chartplanner, by selecting
the button below.

D LOG: The D Log tile can be used to gain access to digital LOG books. If you have an active license
with Datema then you can open the program from within Chartplanner, by selecting the button

Medic: This tile is active if you have a Medic AS at Datema

Button 1: this will download your medical certificate .

Button 2: this will download your medic items list

Button 3: this will download a Medic Destruction Form u can use to register outdated medicines when
returning them to Datema .

eBooks: This button opens a list of all available eBooks that can be ordered.
A book can only be ordered when having a Dbookshelf license at Datema.

At 1: You can search for a title

At 2: You can add a title to the order list.

Press below button to order the books


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