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Sunday -- nichi-youbi Monday -- getsu-youbi Tuesday -- ka-youbi Wednesday -- sui-youbi Thursday -- moku-youbi Friday -- kin-youbi Saturday -- do-youbi Which

day of the week? general counter/question -- nan-youbi When? (time in general) -- itsu When is the party? It's tomorrow. -- Paatii wa itsu desu ka. Ashita desu. *What day of the week is it today? -- Kyou wa nan-youbi desu ka. Which days do you have your lessons? Wednesdays and Fridays.-- Ressun wa nan-you bi desu ka. Sui-youbi to kin-youbi desu. *What day of the week is your Japanese class? -- Nihon-go no ressun (kurasu) wa nan-youbi desu ka. What day is tomorrow? It's Tuesday. -- Ashita wa nan-youbi desu ka. Ka-youbi des u. What month is your birthday? -- Tanjoubi wa nan-gatsu desu ka. birthday -- tanjoubi Tomorrow is Mr.Tanaka's birthday. -- Ashita wa Tanaka-san no tanjoubi desu. Happy Birthday! -- O-tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu When is Mr. Tanaka's birthday? It's on Jan. 11th. -- Tanaka-san no tanjoubi wa i tsu desu ka. Ichi-gatsu juuichi-nichi desu. *Ms. Halper, your birthday is April 30, isn't it? -- Halper-san, o-tanjoubi wa s hi-gatsu sanjuu-nichi desu ne. a.m. -- gozen p.m. -- gogo last year -- kyonen this year -- kotoshi next year -- rainen last month -- sen'getsu this month -- kon'getsu next month -- raigetsu

last week -- sen'shuu this week -- kon'shuu next week -- raishuu yesterday -- kinou today -- kyou tomorrow -- ashita yesterday morning -- kinou no asa this morning -- kesa tomorrow morning -- ashita no asa morning -- asa yersterday noon -- kinou no hiru this noon -- kyou no hiru tomorrow noon -- ashita no hiru noon (~noon to 2:30 pm) -- hiru yesterday evening -- kinou no ban this evening -- kon'ban tomorrow evening -- ashita no ban evening/night time (formal) -- ban evening/night time (informal) -- yoru January -- ichi-gatsu February -- ni-gatsu March -- san-gatsu April -- shi-gatsu May -- go-gatsu June -- roku-gatsu July -- shichi-gatsu August -- hachi-gatsu September -- ku-gatsu October -- juu-gatsu November -- juuichi-gatsu

December --juuni-gatsu What month? general counter/question -- nan-gatsu What year was last year? It was 2000. -- Kyonen wa nan-nen deshita ka. Ni-sen-ne n deshita. What year? general counter/question -- nan-nen *What year were the Tokyo Olympics? It was 1964. -- Toukyou orinpikku wa nan-nen deshita ka. Senkyuuhyakurokujuuyo-nen deshita. NOTE: yo-nen Yesterday was Friday. -- Kinou wa kin-youbi deshita. was/were -- deshita now -- ima 1st of the month -- tsuitachi 2nd day of the month -- futsu-ka 3rd day of the month -- mik-ka 4th day of the month -- yok-ka 5th day of the month -- itsu-ka 6th day of the month -- mui-ka 7th day of the month -- nano-ka 8th day of the month -- yoo^-ka 9th day of the month -- kokono-ka 10th day of the month -- too-ka 11th day of the month -- juuichi-nichi 12th day of the month -- juuni-nichi 13th day of the month -- juusan-nichi 14th day of the month -- juuyok-ka 15th day of the month -- juugo-nichi 16th day of the month -- juuroku-nichi 17th day of the month -- juushichi-nichi 18th day of the month -- juuhachi- nichi 19th day of the month -- juuku-nichi 20th day of the month -- hatsu-ka 21st day of the month -- nijuuichi-nichi

22nd day of the month -- nijuuni-nichi 23rd day of the month -- nijuusan-nichi 24th day of the month -- nijuuyok-ka 25th day of the month -- nijuugo-nichi 26th day of the month -- nijuuroku-nichi 27th day of the month -- nijuushichi-nichi 28th day of the month -- nijuuhachi-nichi 29th day of the month -- nijuuku-nichi 30th day of the month -- sanjuu-nichi 31st day of the month -- sanjuuichi-nichi What day of the month? general counter/question -- nan-nichi Today is June 18th. -- Kyou wa roku-gatsu juuhachi-nichi desu. *Today is July 20th. -- Kyou wa shichi-gatsu hatsu-ka desu. Yesterday was the 1rst. -- Kinou wa tsuitachi deshita. Tomorrow is the 14th. -- Ashita wa juuyok-ka desu. *What is the date today (month/day of the month)? -- Kyou wa nan-gatsu nan-nichi desu ka. 1 o'clock -- ichi-ji 2 o'clock -- ni-ji 3 o'clock -- san-ji 4 o'clock -- yo-ji 5 o'clock -- go-ji 6 o'clock -- roku-ji 7 o'clock -- shichi-ji / nana-ji 8 o'clock -- hachi-ji 9 o'clock -- ku-ji 10 o'clock -- juu-ji 11 o'clock -- juuichi-ji 12 o'clock -- juuni-ji 13.00 h -- juusan-ji 14.00 h -- juuyo-ji

15.00 h -- juugo-ji 16.00 h -- juuroku-ji 17.00 h -- juushichi-ji 18.00 h -- juuhachi-ji 19.00 h -- juuku-ji 20.00 h -- nijuu-ji 21.00 h -- nijuuichi-ji 22.00 h -- nijuuni-ji 23.00 h -- nijuusan-ji 24.00 h -- nijuuyo-ji What time? general counter/question -- nan-ji *Excuse me, what time is it now in Tokyo? It's exactly 9. -- Sumimasen. Toukyo w a ima nan-ji desu ka. Choudo ku-ji desu. *Excuse me. What time is the meeting (formal). It's at 2:30 in the afternoon. -Sumimasen. Kaigi wa nan-ji deshou ka. Gogo ni-ji han desu. *Mr. Tanaka, when is your business trip? It's from August 1 to August 5. -- Tana ka-san, shutchou wa itsu desu ka. Hachi-gatsu tsuitachi kara hachi-gatsu itsu-ka made desu. *Your vacation is from June 3 until June 20, isn't it? -- Kyuuka wa roku-gatsu m ik-ka kara roku-gatsu hatsu-ka made desu ne. *What days are your days off? I'm off on Sunday and Monday. -- Yasumi wa nan-you bi desu ka. Nichi-youbi to getsu-youbi desu. *The post office is open from 8:30 am till 5:30 pm isn't it? --Yuubinkyoku wa go zen hachi-ji han kara gogo go-ji han made desu ne. post office --yuubinkyoku bank -- ginkou coffee shop -- kissaten *My friend's wedding is next Sunday. -- Tomodachi no kekkon-shiki wa raishuu no nichi-youbi desu. exactly -- choudo approximately (with specific time) -- goro 1 minute -- ip-pun 2 minutes -- ni-fun 3 minutes -- san-pun

4 minutes -- yon-pun 5 minutes -- go-fun 6 minutes -- rop-pun 7 minutes -- shichi-fun or: nana-fun 8 minutes -- hachi-fun or: hap-pun 9 minutes -- kyuu-fun 10 minutes -- jup-pun or: jip-pun 11 minutes -- juuip-pun 12 minutes -- juuni-fun 14 minutes -- juuyon-pun 20 minutes -- nijuup-pun or: nijip-pun 24 minutes -- nijuuyon-pun or: nijuuyon-fun How many minutes? general counter/question -- nan-pun From 10 am until 6 pm. -- Gozen juu-ji kara gogo roku-ji made desu. What are your office hours? 9 to 5. -- Kaisha wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka . Ku-ji kara go-ji made desu. party -- paatii meeting -- kaigi office -- kaisha restaurant -- resutoran department store -- depaato hospital -- byouin library -- toshokan What time does the store open? It opens at 10. -- Depaato wa nan-ji kara desu ka . Juu-ji kara desu. How late does it stay open? It stays open until 6 pm. -- Nan-ji made desu ka. Go go roku-ji made desu. What time is it in Tokyo? -- Toukyou wa nan-ji desu ka. It's 9:50. -- Ku-ji gojuppun desu. WORD ORDER: 1 Hour 2 minutes It's 9:30. -- Ku-ji han desu. half -- han When is your birthday (month/day of the month)? -- Tanjoubi wa nan-gatsu nan-nic

hi desu ka. half past one (lit. 1 o'clock half) -- ichi-ji han What are your opening hours? (from...until) -- Nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka. What are the usual hours of the supermarket? Ordinarily from 10 am to 6 pm. -- F utsuu suupaa wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka. Futsuu gozen juu-ji kara gogo r oku-jii made desu. Which day is the department store closed? It's closed on Sunday. -- Depaato wa y asumi wa nan-youbi desu ka. Nichi-youbi desu. usually -- futsuu Japanese lesson -- Nihon-go no ressun lesson -- ressun business trip -- shutchou concert -- kon'saato *It's open from 10:00 in the morning till 6:00 in the evening. -- Asa no juu-ji kara yoru no roku-ji made desu. *It's from 10:00 in the morning till 6:00 in the evening? Thank you. -- Asa no j uu-jii kara yoru no roku-ji made desu ka. Doumo. 1/2 year -- han-toshi 1 year -- ichi-nen 1 1/2 years -- ichi-nen-han 2 years -- ni-nen 3 years -- san-nen 4 years -- yo-nen 5 years -- go-nen 6 years -- roku-nen 7 years -- nana-nen or shichi-nen 8 years -- hachi-nen 9 years -- kyuu-nen or ku-nen 10 years -- juu-nen 11 years -- juuichi-nen 12 years -- juuni-nen How many years? general counter/question -- nan-nen 1/2 months -- han-tsuki

1 month -- ik-kagetsu 1 1/2 months -- ik-kagetsu-han 2 months -- ni-kagetsu 3 months -- san-kagetsu 4 months -- yon-kagetsu 5 months -- go-kagetsu 6 months -- rok-kagetsu 7 months -- nana-kagetsu or shichi-kagetsu 8 months -- hachi-kagetsu or hak-kagetsu 9 months -- kyuu-kagetsu or ku-kagetsu 10 months -- juk-kagetsu or jik-kagetsu 11 months -- juuichi-kagetsu or juuik-kagetsu 12 months -- juuni-kagetsu How many months? general counter/question -- nan-kagetsu 1 week -- is-shuukan 1 1/2 weeks -- is-shuukan-han 2 weeks -- ni-shuukan 3 weeks -- san-shuukan 4 weeks -- yon-shuukan 5 weeks -- go-shuukan 6 weeks -- roku-shuukan 7 weeks -- nana-shuukan 8 weeks -- hachi-shuukan or has-shuukan 9 weeks -- kyuu-shuukan 10 weeks -- jus-shuukan or jis-shuukan 11 weeks -- juuichi-shuukan or juuis-shuukan 12 weeks -- juuni-shuukan How many weeks? general counter/question -- nan-shuukan 1/2 day -- han-nichi 1 day -- ichi-nichi

1 1/2 days -- ichi-nichi-han 2 days -- futsu-ka 3 days -- mik-ka 4 days -- yok-ka 5 days -- itsu-ka 6 days -- mui-ka 7 days -- nano-ka 8 days -- yoo^-ka 9 days -- kokono-ka 10 days -- too-ka 11 days -- juuichi-nichi 12 days -- juuni-nichi How many days? general counter/question -- nan-nichi 1 hour -- ichi-jikan 2 hours -- ni-jikan 3 hours -- san-jikan 4 hours -- yo-jikan 5 hours -- go-jikan 6 hours -- roku-jiikan 7 hours -- shichi-jikan or nana-jikan 8 hours -- hachi-jikan 9 hours -- ku-jikan or kyuu-jikan 10 hours -- juu-jikan 11 hours -- juuichi-jikan 12 hours -- juuni-jikan How many hours? general counter/question -- nan-jikan How long is your vacation? One week. -- Kyuuka wa dono gurai desu ka. Is-shuukan desu.\ *How long is your business trip? It's five days long. -- Shutchou wa dono gurai desu ka. Itsu-ka desu. weekend -- shuumatsu (takes ni)

about -- gurai How long? general counter/question -- dono gurai About 4 years. -- Yo-nen gurai desu. vacation (more formal/specific) -- kyuuka closed (more general), e.g. days off, vacation, closing day -- yasumi no days off -- yasumi ga arimasen up-coming holidays -- kondo no yasumi It's open Mondays thru Thursdays from 9 am to 5 pm. -- Getsu-youbi kara moku-you bi made gozen ku-ji kara gogo go-ji made desu. next April -- rainen no shi-gatsu later/after -- go ago/before -- mae last Sunday -- senshuu no nichi-youbi next Sunday -- raishuu no nichi-youbi every day -- mainichi last weekend -- senshuu no shuumatsu (when past tense at the end of the sentence shuumatsu alone is okay)

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