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Environmental and Disaster Displacement Policy Organisational Cooperation Between The Un High Commissioner For Refugees and The International Organisation For Migration Silvana Lakeman Full Chapter

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Environmental and Disaster

Displacement Policy: Organisational

Cooperation between the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees and the
International Organisation for Migration
Silvana Lakeman
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Environmental and Disaster
Displacement Policy
Organisational Cooperation between
the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees and the International
Organisation for Migration
Silvana Lakeman
Environmental and Disaster Displacement Policy
Silvana Lakeman

Environmental and
Disaster Displacement
Organisational Cooperation between the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees and the International
Organisation for Migration
Silvana Lakeman
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
University of Bremen
Bremen, Germany

ISBN 978-3-030-84538-4    ISBN 978-3-030-84539-1 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer
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I would like to thank all who provided feedback throughout the process of
putting together this book, and especially those who participated in inter-
views. You have both provided valuable insights and made the research
process highly enjoyable!


1 International Organisations and the Climate-­Migration

Nexus  1
Challenges Facing IO Involvement in Environmental and
Disaster Displacement   4
Legal Frameworks and Internal Displacement   7
Affected Populations, IOs and (New) Humanitarianism  12
The Argument for an Analysis of UNHCR and IOM  16
A Multi-dimensional Approach to Agency Involvement  20
Book Structure  36
Conclusion  38
References  38

2 UNHCR Involvement 2008–2017 49

A Decade of Tentative Involvement at UNHCR  50
Findings  67
Conclusion  75
References  76

3 IOM Involvement 2008–2017 85

A Decade of Expansive Involvement at IOM  86
Findings 107
Conclusion 113
References 114

x Contents

4 Typhoon Haiyan: Context, Actors and Response129

Government of the Philippines 132
International Response 139
Affected Communities 148
Conclusion 151
References 151

5 Typhoon Haiyan: The Involvement of UNHCR

and IOM159
UNHCR’s Priorities 161
IOM’s Priorities 170
Reflections 181
Conclusion 185
References 186

6 Individual Perspectives on Agency Involvement193

A Division of Labour at the Policy Level 195
A Division of Labour at the Field Level 203
Agency Structure 209
The Turbulent Humanitarian Marketplace 218
Shared Values and Future Outlook 220
Final Thoughts and Conclusion 226
References 229

7 Converging International Organisations in the

Climate-Migration Debate231
Cumulative Knowledge Claims: Inheritance and Convergence 232
Implications and Recommendations for Future Research,
Policy and Practice 241
Conclusion 247
References 247


CAP Consolidated Appeals Process

CCCM Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster
CERF Central Emergency Response Fund
COP21 21st Conference of the Parties
CwC Communications with Communities
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development
DTM Displacement Tracking Matrix
GCM Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
GCR Global Compact on Refugees
HQ Headquarters
IACAT Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking
IAHE Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IDMC Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
IDP Internally Displaced Person
IGO Intergovernmental Organisation
IO International Organisation
IOM International Organization for Migration
J/TIP US Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat
Trafficking in Persons
L3 Level 3 Emergency
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MECC Migration, Environment and Climate Change
MIRA Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessments
NDMO National Disaster Management Office

xii Abbreviations

NFIs Non-Food Items

NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NRC Norwegian Refugee Council
NSO National Statistics Office
OFDA Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance
OHCHR Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
OPARR Office of the Presidential Assistant for Rehabilitation and Recovery
PDD Platform on Disaster Displacement
PDRRMA Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act
RAY Reconstruction Assistance for Yolanda
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SGBV Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
SRP Strategic Response Plan
UN United Nations
UNDP UN Development Programme
UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFPA UN Population Fund
UNHCR UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF UN Children’s Fund
UNISDR UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
UNOCHA UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
USAID United States Agency for International Development
UNU United Nations University
UNU-EHS United Nations University; Institute for Environment and Human
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organization
WIM Warsaw International Mechanism
List of Figures

Fig. 1.1 Mechanism for involvement (normative IO) 25

Fig. 1.2 Mechanism for involvement (functional IO) 26
Fig. 1.3 Causal mechanism 34
Fig. 2.1 Causal mechanism for involvement, UNHCR 68
Fig. 3.1 Causal mechanism for involvement, IOM 108


International Organisations
and the Climate-­Migration Nexus

During my time working on this book, the world has been gripped by a
global pandemic. Political and media attention are naturally fixated on
scientific, social and economic developments in response to Covid-19, and
momentum regarding climate change—arguably the largest threat to
humanity in the twenty-first century—has been placed on the backburner.
Despite this, few issues have received as much debate on the global stage
as migration and climate change in recent decades, and it is my belief that
in the coming years, these issues will dominate once more. Oftentimes,
climate change and migration overlap in complex and messy ways. Recent
reporting supports the argument that climate change is contributing to an
increase in both the frequency and the intensity of slow and sudden-onset
climatic events, which are major drivers of human displacement (UNDRR/
CRED, 2020). Natural hazards, such as tropical cyclones, flooding,
desertification, drought and bushfires, are increasingly unsettling tens of
millions of people worldwide, leading to natural disasters. Further, those
in the poorest, most underdeveloped parts of the world are disproportion-
ately affected by these phenomena. In fact, according to the Internal
Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), 2018 saw almost 17.2 million
individuals newly displaced internally due to climate-related disasters,
mostly in developing countries (IDMC, 2019a). Now more than ever,
inter-governmental and international organisations (IGOs and IOs) with
an agenda to protect displaced populations have an important role to play

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 1

Switzerland AG 2022
S. Lakeman, Environmental and Disaster Displacement Policy,

in addressing cases of displacement because of environmental catastro-

phes, particularly where countries request international support.
This book focuses on the critical challenge of understanding how these
types of organisations navigate rapidly developing, emerging issue areas
such as environmental and disaster displacement, as well as how and when
they cooperate in what is now an increasingly competitive environment.
This environment may be aptly defined as a ‘humanitarian marketplace’, as
Thomas Weiss (2013) describes in his provocative book Humanitarian
Business. Humanitarian actors now find themselves in an ever-expanding
field ‘that over the past two decades has become increasingly competitive
with a glut of suppliers vying for their share of the market’ (Weiss, 2013,
p. 3). Such terminology has gained traction more broadly in recent years,
with Gilles Carbonnier also referring to the current state of affairs in
humanitarianism as a ‘marketplace’ (Carbonnier, 2016). Nowadays, a
broad range of organisations find themselves increasingly engaging in
cross-cutting issues associated with the climate-migration nexus at the
policy, research and field level. At the United Nations (UN) in particular,
organisations are increasingly connecting their specific issue areas to
human mobility and climate change as part of common and ongoing
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, when considering IOs
best suited for tackling the specific area of environmental and disaster dis-
placement, two stand out.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and
the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are widely consid-
ered two of the most capable international organisations (in terms of both
global reach and funding) for handling issues in this area. Both were
developed post World War II and have since evolved as sprawling bureau-
cratic organisations with field offices in over 100 countries, headquarters
in Geneva and with over 13,000 employees. Both are supported by a large
body of participating member states and non-state donors (International
Organization for Migration, 2018, 2019b; UN High Commissioner for
Refugees, 2019). IOM has also become a closer affiliate of UNHCR in
recent years, with the UN General Assembly unanimously adopting the
resolution to approve the Agreement to make IOM a Related Organisation
of the UN in July 2016 (International Organization for Migration, 2016).
Further, in environmental and disaster displacement, both have expanded
to respond to internal displacement (including following natural disasters)
and have become involved in a number of climate- and disaster-related
adaptation projects. This is particularly evident from the mid-2000s

onwards, when a UN-wide humanitarian reform process (the Humanitarian

Reform Agenda) took place and both agencies, alongside many others,
committed to more rapid, reliable and cooperative humanitarian relief and
disaster response efforts via their roles in new structures, including the
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Cluster Approach (UN
OCHA, 2018). Yet, despite their similarities (and increasingly overlapping
tasks), the full extent of UNHCR’s and IOM’s involvement in issues of
displacement due to environmental causes has yet to be documented and
compared, and we know comparatively little about inter-agency coopera-
tion and competition in this issue area.
Scholars have identified both an expanding field of involved actors and
the important role that IOs play in responding to humanitarian disasters
and in tackling environmental migration more broadly. While a prolifera-
tion of actors on the overlapping issues of refugees, migration and internal
displacement has been of note for some time (Betts, 2009), in recent
years, ‘a growing number of international organizations … have moved
the issue of environmental- or disaster-related migration onto their agen-
das’ (Gemenne & Rosenow-Williams, 2016, p. 237). Although UNHCR
and IOM have been identified as crucial organisations in this regard, this
chapter will highlight how existing scholarship has focused on the chal-
lenges that climate change poses for the refugee and migration regimes,
particularly in light of mandate expansions. Such scholarship is incredibly
insightful and has provided a basis for much of the research behind this
book. However, detailed consideration of the UNHCR-IOM inter-agency
relationship, and the challenge environmental and disaster displacement
poses for inter-agency cooperation at the policy, field and individual level
is notably lacking in wider research.
This book focuses on UNHCR and IOM. It asks: How have these two
organisations become involved in environmental and disaster displace-
ment? To what extent and under what circumstances do they work
together and share resources? And what impact does local presence have?
Critical for understanding the future governance and management of
environmental and disaster displacement is a thorough examination of
these organisations as both individual agencies and partners, particularly as
globally relevant issues such as this one warrant the prioritisation of coop-
eration above competition. A consideration of UNHCR and IOM
together is especially pertinent given an increase in the overlap of tasks
these agencies carry out, and the shared challenges faced by both in the

twenty-first century. That both agencies are now UN institutions by exten-

sion only amplifies the necessity for their comparison.
This book shows that the involvement of UNHCR and IOM in the
emerging issue area of environmental and disaster displacement, particu-
larly inter-organisational involvement, has been categorised by (real or
imagined) divisions; of agency structures and mandates, activities and even
personalities. While historically inherited differences exist, the issue area
has led to a converging of agency roles, as well as amplified tensions, at a
time when cooperation is most critical. This book both elucidates difficul-
ties these agencies face in the twenty-first century—between a changing
geopolitical climate and complex inter-agency histories—and highlights
discrepancies and similarities between the two organisations, which must
be acknowledged and worked around to ensure positive progress and
involvement in environmental and disaster displacement. Moreover, draw-
ing attention to this topic is important if organisations are to realise where
resource and protection gaps may remain regarding those on the receiving
end of their involvement.
This book may serve as a lesson (and perhaps a warning) for UNHCR
and IOM—regarding the transparency of their work, their inter-agency
relationship, and how their positions in the international system are per-
ceived by researchers and the public. This book is of particular use for
UNHCR and IOM as organisations, for those studying them and for part-
ners (including other UN bodies, governments and non-governmental
organisations [NGOs]) that may benefit from a detailed understanding of
how and why these organisations do what they do. Further, in giving a
voice to those within and surrounding UNHCR and IOM by way of
interviews, this book bridges a gap between what these organisations
choose to share, and the complex and convoluted roles and positions
organisations and their staff find themselves in when it comes to environ-
mental and disaster displacement.

Challenges Facing IO Involvement in Environmental

and Disaster Displacement

Pervasive in the wider debate on displacement due to environmental fac-

tors is the association between migration and climate change. IOs (includ-
ing UNHCR and IOM) consistently frame environmental and disaster
displacement as it relates to climate change, meriting its

acknowledgement. This is evident not only from the variety of policy-level

frameworks developed in recent decades (e.g. the Hyogo Framework,
Sendai Framework and UNFCCC Task Force on Displacement), but in all
manner of public documents released by UNHCR and IOM—as will
become clear from historical chapters to come. Such developments at the
IO level are reflective of those in research: although anthropogenic cli-
mate change has likely played a decisive role in human mobility for millen-
nia, the rapid increase in attention to ‘man-made’ global warming effects
on movement has been a mainstay in the discussion on environmental
migration for decades. As consensus grows regarding the multi-causal
nature of migration and displacement, we have seen a shift from broader
predictive claims in the literature (Myers, 1993) to increasing work on
country and regional case studies, which aim to map migratory and dis-
placement patterns in accordance with climatic and environmental shifts,
often with associated policy recommendations (Maldonado et al., 2013;
Saha & Ahmed, 2019; Warner et al., 2009). Such studies are necessary to
identify risks and needs of affected populations; however, they often lack
any significant critical analysis of involved IOs. Nonetheless, the twenty-­
first century has been a critical one for human mobility in the context of
climate change for all parties with a significant policy-affecting voice on
the matter. Climate science undoubtedly plays a formative role in the
decision-­making of a wide variety of entities, with climate change used as
a tool to draw attention to migration, and vice versa, with consequences
for policies and affected populations alike (Mayer, 2016; Trenberth
et al., 2015).
Nowadays, international organisations work in an increasingly uncer-
tain, rapidly evolving and often turbulent environment (Wang, 2008,
p. 425). On the one hand, climate change is a pervasive issue area affecting
a wide spectrum of issues (not least including migration and displace-
ment), which has contributed to regime complexity and resulting account-
ability issues and facilitated mandate expansion. Nowadays, it is much
harder to think of international organisations not touching upon these
issues in the twenty-first century than it is to list those engaged to an
extent—a quick look at the online presence of any UN organisation or
partner will quickly yield findings regarding the threat of climate change
in relation to ongoing projects or mandated work. Climate change (and its
associated effects on human mobility) has certainly contributed towards a
blurring of lines between international regimes across a variety of previ-
ously more distinct issues (such as humanitarianism, labour, refugees,

migration, development and security) (Betts, 2010), compounded by less

pronounced hierarchies at the international organisational level (Alter &
Meunier, 2009, p. 13).
Much of what is discussed as regime complexity translates into discus-
sions on policy convergence, which have emerged in the face of globalisa-
tion. Policy convergence has been broadly described as policies growing
more and more alike over time, visible through increasingly similar struc-
tures, outputs and processes (Drezner, 2001, p. 53), which could invari-
ably equate to policy and operational involvement at the IO level as well.
Debates on convergence have been ongoing for quite some time, with
questions raised as early as the 1990s (Bennett, 1991). However, even
where convergence has been discussed in relation to environmental policy,
the focus has, by and large, been limited to globalisation (in the economic
sense) and state behaviour, which is somewhat limiting and does not nec-
essarily encompass the full extent to which the term could be applied
(Holzinger et al., 2008). Heichel et al. (2005) have even found that there
appears to be no homogenous understanding of policy convergence
amongst scholars, leaving the concept open to interpretation. In my mind,
policy convergence in the twenty-first century is rather synonymous with
regime complexity, in the sense that regime complexities could not occur
at the IO level unless convergence were taking place.
Regardless of how they are understood, regime complexities and con-
vergence more broadly have several important ramifications for inter-actor
cooperation and coordination. Depending on context, different actors—
including IOs, states, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and oth-
ers—may be empowered by the current state of overlap. Indeed, enhanced
cooperation and other positive effects may result from increasingly shared
goals and policies (Alter & Meunier, 2009, p. 14). On the other hand, as
interests converge and organisations work on the same (or similar) tasks,
IOs may find themselves competing for attention and resources—resources
which may, as a result, be wasted or inefficiently used (Alter & Meunier,
2009, p. 14). Competing IOs may also be taken advantage of by member
states or other partners and used coercively or proactively against one
another. For example, states may bypass UNHCR and instead employ the
help of IOM in scenarios that may have otherwise been clearly classed as
refugee ones (Betts, 2010). Conversely, organisations may potentially
influence member state interest in specific topics, leading to an interest
convergence (Bearce & Bondanella, 2007, p. 703). All of these changes

have the potential to equate to greater competition in the long run at the
international organisational level.
In many ways, the proliferating threat of climate change (and its ability
to worsen or exacerbate conflict and hazards which may result in natural
disasters and displacement) is the epitome of the modern crisis. This is
especially true in the sense that climate change does not respect borders or
confine itself to one policy area (Boin & Lagadec, 2000, p. 185). Given
the position of international organisations at the frontline for cross-­
boundary issues, it is perhaps unsurprising that climate change threatens
to undermine the work of a vast variety of IOs across a range of policy
spheres. Those studying crisis management would suggest it is not climate
change or ensuing challenges that cause issues, but rather the systems—
including organisations—we have in place, and their inability to adapt and
uphold their legitimacy in the face of adversity (Dayton et al., 2004,
p. 168). Despite this challenge, crises can also be powerful instigators for
positive organisational change and learning opportunities for organisa-
tions to grow and adapt to new realities (Wang, 2008, p. 427).

Legal Frameworks and Internal Displacement

A continual roadblock for addressing and managing environmental and
disaster displacement is deemed to be the lack of a legal definition for dis-
placed persons, most notably when considering cross-border displace-
ment. According to the UN General Assembly, the UN is well aware of a
lack of available frameworks to tackle this area, having stated in 2009 that
‘a new and climate focused legal framework would be necessary to protect
persons displaced by climate change’ (UN General Assembly, 2009,
p. 16). However, since the UN’s original statement, no such framework
has been established. As such, terms such as ‘refugee’, ‘migrant’ (Gogarty,
2011), ‘environmental refugee’ and ‘displaced person’ are used inter-
changeably in relevant texts (UN General Assembly, 2009). As outlined by
François Gemenne (2011), such confusion has its roots in long-standing
‘Maximalist’ versus ‘Minimalist’ debates in the wider legal and termino-
logical literature, as the field struggles to comprehend how environmental
change and associated challenges confront traditional conceptions of what
constitutes ‘forced’ or ‘voluntary’ migration. Maximalists, including
scholars such as Myers and Kent (1995) and Westra (2009), have tradi-
tionally taken a causative view, considering large-scale human migration as
‘a necessary outcome of large-scale changes in the physical environment’,

while minimalists (such as Black, 2001, and Massey et al., 2010) have
emphasised ‘the complexity of the interaction between environmental and
social systems’, noting that environmental change is just one of many
complex factors that may drive human movement (Morrisey, 2012, p. 38).
When it comes to definitions, maximalists have employed the term ‘envi-
ronmental refugee’, with the relatively few supporters of the creation of
such a definition arguing that the term was first used by a UN body (the
UN Environmental Programme) in a 1985 report, and that its previous
use at the UN provides a strong basis for its future use at the UNHCR in
particular (El-Hinnawi, 1985).
In more recent years, there has been a notable softening of rhetoric
between these two camps of thought. Bettini (2014, p. 185) has high-
lighted that nowadays, ‘nobody objects to the idea that climate change
will have a large influence on mobility’. An increasingly popular way to
approach the issue is somewhere in the middle; Cantor (2021, pp. 270–271)
has pointed to a consensus that even as one of potentially many overlap-
ping factors, environmental change ‘may produce distinct forms of mobil-
ity, as in circumstances of sudden or extreme environmental change’.
Minimalists have even softened on the use of the term ‘environmental
refugee’ (Morrisey, 2012, p. 38), with François Gemenne admitting that
despite associated legal issues, there may be benefits to using it—forgoing
the term ‘is also, in a way, forgoing the idea that climate change is a form
of persecution against the most vulnerable and that climate-induced
migration is a very political matter, rather than an environmental one’
(Gemenne, 2015, p. 71).
Perspectives on the issue continue to shift and, as environmental change
becomes an increasingly important factor in human mobility, often beyond
the desks of scholars. In 2006, the Maldives petitioned for an extension of
the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees to include
the term ‘environmental refugees’, which was rejected (McAdam, 2011a,
p. 103). Since then, further solutions at the international level have been
discussed and proposed, such as legal concepts including ‘deterritorialised’
states or ‘nations ex-situ’ for those left without territory due to rising sea
levels (Burkett, 2013; Rayfuse, 2010). However, such proposals lack a
comprehensive analysis of previous international organisational responses
to specific cases of displacement, both short and long term. Some have
highlighted existing bilateral agreements between states that may prevent
more permanent migration as a solution, such as the Recognised Seasonal
Employer scheme in New Zealand (Shawn & Gemenne, 2011); however,

a consideration of how directly relevant IOs may play a future role in such
schemes remains largely underdeveloped. Regarding actual attempts to
claim asylum or refugee status, a lack of definitional expansion has defini-
tively inhibited individuals seeking safety from environmental threat, as in
the popularised case of a Kiribati national seeking refuge in New Zealand
due to the effects of climate change (Library of Congress, 2016). The case
of Ioane Teitiota, who made the claim in 2013, was more recently rejected
by the United Nations, which found that Teitiota was not in immediate
danger. However, the case has set a precedent for the future of legal
debates in this area (BBC News, 2020). Although it remains to be seen
what effect this landmark ruling will have for the future management of
environmental displacement, future discussions should at least consider
the role of UNHCR and IOM, given their positioning as prominent refu-
gee and migration IOs. Indeed, UNHCR and legal scholars have more
recently further clarified available legal frameworks for cross-border pro-
tection in the context of climate change and disasters—at least in part
motivated by precedent set by the Teitiota case (UN High Commissioner
for Refugees, 2020a). While there have been international attempts involv-
ing IOM and UNHCR to address cross-border displacement due to cli-
mate change, such as the Nansen Initiative and Platform on Disaster
Displacement (McAdam, 2016), gaps remain regarding a critical analysis
of IO involvement and influence in such projects.
Despite reporting in recent years that a majority of human displace-
ment due to environmental and disaster-related causes have been (and will
continue to be) internal (IDMC, 2019b), internal displacement as a result
of environmental stressors has not received the same academic and policy
attention as cross-border displacement. Nor has the involvement of
UNHCR and IOM—despite definitive proof regarding their involvement
in disaster scenarios. This could be because many perceive the existence of
the 1998 UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement to be a suffi-
cient legal and normative protection framework (Koser, 2011). While the
Guiding Principles state that national authorities are primarily responsible
for protection and humanitarian assistance in cases of internal displace-
ment, IOs do ‘have the right to offer their services in support of the inter-
nally displaced’, and states should not see this offer as an interference or
an unfriendly act (UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 1998). Further,
when national authorities are simply ill-equipped (or potentially politically
unwilling) to handle the enormity of a disaster or environmental degrada-
tion that may result in displacement, international organisations may play

a critical role in partnering with governments to address related issues

(Martin, 2013, p. 8). As natural disasters are quickly becoming a leading
cause of forced displacement globally, it has been argued that major human
rights and protection challenges exist in a world not yet normatively
adapted to meet the demands of environmental and disaster displacement
(Cohen & Bradley, 2010). In other words, conceptual and terminological
debates at the scholarly level (as discussed earlier) continue to play a role
in confusing the issue, and this may extend to seemingly more ‘straight-
forward’ cases of internal displacement due to disasters. I would argue that
migration and displacement in the context of environmental change has
outpaced terminological and legal debates, and that while deliberation at
the scholarly level has persisted, IOs have continued to engage with
migrants and refugees, albeit in an increasingly confusing environment for
all involved. While terminology and legal boundaries have been a tradi-
tional terrain for organisations such as IOM and UNHCR to claim author-
ity of populations and legitimise their involvement, in recent years,
increasingly mixed flows of migrants have challenged the ability of these
agencies to maintain separate activities and determine who is responsible
for who (Moretti, 2020).
This has direct consequences for cooperation and competition between
UNHCR and IOM. Although it has been recognised that careful coordi-
nation and cooperation at the international level is of the utmost impor-
tance when it comes to the environment-migration/displacement nexus,
the fact remains that no hard (legal or otherwise) guidance for engage-
ment in this issue area exists—something Cantor (2021, p. 266) has
described as a ‘blank canvas’. Although the complexities of migration and
the importance of IOs in the international migration and refugee regimes
has been recognised (Martin, 2011), as yet, few have critically considered
how UNHCR (the leading mandated authority on protection) has become
involved in environmental and disaster displacement—nor how their his-
torically operational counterpart, IOM, may have adapted to fill gaps
UNHCR cannot fill, or challenged UNHCR’s mandate in the wake of this
problem. Indeed, it has been recognised that IOs such as UNHCR and
IOM may be able to fill gaps of the other—even if in doing so, this cover-
age is part and parcel of inter-agency competition (Alter & Meunier, 2009,
p. 19). Drawing from examples of mixed-migratory flows in the Asia
Pacific region (where many States are also not party to the Refugee
Convention), Moretti (2020) has highlighted enhanced competition and
challenges in scenarios where both agencies have an institutional presence

or interest. Such scenarios highlight real-world consequences of termino-

logical debates and ensuing contention and competition between UNHCR
and IOM. Even as scholars mellow in their terminological positions,
UNHCR is still protective of its traditional protection remit, which is chal-
lenged when States refuse to recognise refugee populations and instead
choose to engage the help of other agencies. The expansion of IOM in
recent decades has been argued as a cause for tension, as UNHCR becomes
increasingly concerned with the IOM responding to those who may fall
under the remit of refugees (Moretti, 2020). It could very well be then,
that confusion and convergence in the minimalist/maximalist debate
could partially explain a blurring of roles for UNHCR and IOM in
the field.
Meanwhile, extensions since 1975 in UNHCR’s mandate to include
support to states in the care of internally displaced persons (including
those fleeing natural disasters), has been critiqued as contributing to
regime complexity and reduced clarity regarding legal obligations (Alter
& Meunier, 2009, p. 16). Regime overlap in relation to legal matters has
also been considered problematic in relation to state accountability for
populations; as soon as legalities are called into question, states may shy
from their responsibilities to internally displaced persons and refugees
(Alter & Meunier, 2009, p. 20; Betts, 2009). On the other hand, this
extended scope for concern has arguably played a role in UNHCR’s turn
towards more functional and operational activities in recent decades
(Crisp, 2009, pp. 73–76). This is reflected in the agency’s formalised role
as Protection lead in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s (IASC)
Cluster Approach, which was established in the mid-2000s to ensure pre-
dictable international humanitarian response (Kapuco, 2011). Indeed,
UNHCR has become known for its disaster assistance over the years, as in
the 2009 Philippine floods and 2010 Pakistan floods (Höing & Razzaque,
2012). UNHCR’s shift towards internal displacement protection has been
argued as serving a migration control agenda, and one which may have
contradictory effects on the existing refugee regime, where states are argu-
ably already selectively opting for IOM as a partner in place of UNHCR
as a means to circumnavigate refugee conventions (Betts, 2009, 2010).
It is notable (and unsurprising, given legal implications) that much of
the research conducted on internal displacement at the IO level to date
has focused on UNHCR. However, given the realities of converging IOs
in the twenty-first century in relation to climate change, there is a clear
need to expand research to consider other relevant bodies and their work

on disaster response and protecting the internally displaced. Recently,

Megan Bradley (2020) has made a valuable contribution in focusing
exclusively on IOM and highlighting the ongoing evolution of IOM as a
humanitarian actor, as well as acknowledging debates surrounding the
agency’s mandate, which lacks a formal legal dimension. Earlier work from
Nina Hall (2016) has also certainly begun to fill this gap, as it addresses
the relationship between displacement, development and climate change,
and whether international organisations—UNHCR, IOM and the UN
Development Programme (UNDP)—have moved beyond their formal
mandates. Although critical research, by including the UNDP (and subse-
quently development) in relation to climate change, Hall’s accounts are
rather broad, and do not satisfactorily account for the UNHCR-IOM
relationship in relation to environmental and disaster displacement in sig-
nificant detail.

Affected Populations, IOs

and (New) Humanitarianism

In recognising that the majority of environmental and disaster induced

displacement is internal, the next logical question is to consider who the
internally displaced are, and where we might find them. Correspondingly,
we must ask: why do highly destructive natural hazards cause humanitar-
ian crises in some countries (when a hazard becomes a disaster), and not
in others? The answer appears to be two-fold. On the one hand, there is
an inverse correlation between wealth and vulnerability in relation to envi-
ronmental hazards, with lack of wealth not only increasing vulnerability,
but also creating mobility challenges (Black et al., 2013, p. S36). The
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
concurs, pointing to weak economic development pathways as an impor-
tant factor in the ability to respond to a natural disaster (UNISDR, 2017).
As a result, low-income countries—and individuals themselves—are most
at risk. This explains to some extent why disasters in developing nations
coincide overall with higher mortality rates, and why ‘emblematic’ cases of
long-term displacement in developed nations following natural disasters,
such as Hurricane Katrina in the United States, have shown that poorer
residents are less likely to be able to return to their homes following disas-
ter (Black et al., 2013, p. S37). International and humanitarian organisa-
tions such as UNHCR and IOM are aware of this imbalance, and more

broadly concentrate their staff, funding and operations in the Global

South. Nonetheless, climate change as a pervasive issue and its potential to
worsen or increase the incidents of disasters, is challenging IOs as humani-
tarian actors more broadly (Marin & Naess, 2017, p. 15).
High-risk or already affected populations are the focus of a plethora of
existing studies in the twenty-first century on environmental and disaster
displacement, as researchers recognise the need to focus efforts on those
on the receiving end of both the issue itself and any help (be that humani-
tarian or policy-based) they receive, in order to establish lessons learned
and identify where gaps remain to reduce displacement in the future. As a
result, most studies regarding environmental and disaster displacement
have in recent years had a regional or highly localised focus on indepen-
dent disaster or environmental displacement cases. At the individual level,
for example, valuable studies have been done on Small Island Developing
States communities to gauge how these groups consider their mobility
options in the context of climate change (Oakes, 2019; van der Geest
et al., 2019). However, where IOs are considered at all in this type of
detailed research, attention is usually given to an individual organisation
(or employees) and how they are perceived by affected populations—
rarely in relation to other organisations, and not normally as the sole focus
of attention. For example, attention has been paid to how affected com-
munities and aid workers relate to one another following humanitarian
disasters in Nepal (Hilhorst et al., 2012) and what relationships between
practitioners can tell us about humanitarian relationships (McLachlin &
Larson, 2011).
Highly critical work has also been done on wider international organ-
isational responses and IO to NGO collaboration in a variety of sudden-­
onset disasters and in humanitarian contexts (Natsios, 1995), and often in
relation to the broader theme of development (Stokke, 2009). Such stud-
ies have often found disaster responses to be ad-hoc, and not appropriately
adapted to meet the needs of affected populations or sufficiently include
local government and populations in the response process (Kent, 1983).
This image has persisted over the years, despite attempts to reform the
humanitarian system at the UN level since the mid-2000s to ensure better
integrated coordination approaches (Kapuco, 2011). Evaluations (often
produced and/or funded by IOs) have become relatively common, the
vast majority of which come to the same negative conclusions as above.
Such reports have emerged following major disasters such as the Indian
Ocean Tsunami, Typhoon Haiyan and crises in South Sudan and the

Central African Republic (Darcy, 2016; Hanley et al., 2014; Steets et al.,
2010; Telford et al., 2006). Although these evaluations indicate willing-
ness to learn, that most are self-conducted or published by IOs, or out-
sourced to consultants with a potential interest in future employment
opportunities with organisations, leaves a gap that this book may begin to
fill as an independent study.
Although work has been done over the years on the complementariness
of (Sampson, 2004) and consultative relationships between (Gunter,
1977) IOs, much academic criticism of international organisational
response has stemmed from topical concerns, such as the expansive work
done on IO engagement in the health sector in post-disaster contexts.
Here, work has been done in relation to psychosocial interventions when
national capacities are overwhelmed (Ganesan, 2009), in relation to the
bureaucratic structures limiting collaboration in humanitarian contexts
(Parmar et al., 2007) as well as information sharing and coordination
(Burkle & Hayden, 2001), to name a few examples. Some work has also
been carried out from the perspective of UN member states regarding
their interest in managing IOs (De Koster & Holvoet, 2012), and on the
use of UN collaboration to exert influence at the World Bank (Das, 2009).
However, as yet, little work has been done in any significant detail to con-
textualise and consider how or why organisations have become involved in
the way that they have, based on previous experiences and their own lim-
ited capacities at any given point in time. Indeed, little work has been done
beyond evaluations of specific disasters to consider organisational involve-
ment in the overall topic of environmental and disaster response at all.
Granted, the EACH-FOR (Environmental Change and Forced Scenarios)
project (CORDIS, European Commission, 2012) investigated patterns of
environmental migration relevant to questions of politics. However, dis-
cussion of international governance was largely limited to regional adapta-
tion and did not make specific demands of international organisations
such as UNHCR or IOM. Likewise, comprehensive work on climate
change and migration by Piguet et al. (2011) has placed little emphasis on
questioning whether international organisations have adapted or devel-
oped in response to, and in relation to one another on, this issue.
There has also been a rejection of the idea to create a new agency to
lead in this issue area—or at least few developments as such (McAdam,
2011b; McNamara & Gibson, 2009), despite limited suggestions to cre-
ate one in earlier years (Biermann & Boas, 2010; Docherty & Giannini,
2009; Okeowo, 2013). The rationale behind this rejection is that we

already have a variety of IOs (primarily bodies within the UN) which have
decades upon decades of experience in specific fields which inadvertently
overlap with the issue area—namely, UNHCR and IOM. So long as these
IOs are active and involve themselves on matters of environmental and
disaster displacement (and we expect them to) insufficient consideration
of these IOs is to the detriment of academics, policymakers and IOs them-
selves. Moreover, unbiased research on the involvement of IOs in this
issue area is a worthwhile venture in and of itself, particularly as experts
have recognised the unique (and very real) influence of research on poli-
cymaking when it comes to all matters environmental migration. Gemenne
and Rosenow-Williams (2016, p. 238) have pointed to the fact that this
particular research area is rather unique, in that it brings policymakers and
researchers together in a plethora of settings—thus increasing the poten-
tial for developments between research and policy.
What does all of this mean for organisations working to respond to
disasters and with those displaced by such events? Convergence, as intro-
duced earlier, is witnessed at the humanitarian response level as well. While
for decades, IOs have traditionally taken a purely response-driven and
emergency aid-based approach to disaster scenarios, an increase in the
number and severity of disasters due to global factors such as climate
change has rendered this approach increasingly unsustainable for both
affected populations and IOs alike (Hilhorst, 2018). Instead, there has
been a shift towards humanitarian action focused on improving the ongo-
ing situation of vulnerable and affected populations, so as to reduce the
effects or likelihood of disaster from occurring in the first place (Marin &
Naess, 2017). IOs are therefore shifting from traditional conceptions of
humanitarian response to what has been dubbed ‘new’ humanitarianism;
focused on broader resilience, disaster risk reduction and sustainable
development measures. The 2005 Humanitarian Reform Process at the
UN, resulting in the IASC Cluster Approach for emergency response, is
representative of a clear shift from response driven to preventative human-
itarian response (Marin & Naess, 2017). However, given that internal dis-
placement due to disaster is often protracted, such efforts have invariably
meant that IOs are increasingly engaged over longer periods of time on
longer-term solutions to problems not originally intended as theirs to
solve. In response to this shift, Hilhorst (2018, p. 6) has raised a valid
question to keep in mind: ‘What does the new paradigm mean for the
identity and legitimacy of humanitarian agencies?’

The Argument for an Analysis of UNHCR and IOM

Although neither organisation has been given a direct mandate for disaster
displacement or a broader protection role for those displaced due to envi-
ronmental change, UNHCR and IOM constitute the largest, most well-­
equipped and experienced bodies we have at the international organisational
level for tackling environmental and disaster displacement. The impor-
tance of UNHCR and IOM in this area has been substantiated and legiti-
mised by both the trust member states place in these two agencies and
ongoing institutional efforts, which this book will cover via its empirical
analysis to come. Discussed themes of convergence, regime complexes and
associated issues surrounding legitimacy have played a significant role in
ensuring the importance of UNHCR and IOM as actors in environmental
and disaster displacement in the first half of the twenty-first century. Betts
(2010, p. 13) has acknowledged a critical reason for considering UNHCR
over other agencies—namely that the refugee regime ‘remains the most
developed and coherent aspect of global migration governance’. However,
to discuss migration governance solely through a consideration of
UNHCR is to overlook IOM as UNHCR’s primary historical partner and
adversary (Elie, 2010). Further, while Hall (2016, p. 12) has aptly high-
lighted that a larger group of organisations for analysis may ‘increase the
generalizability of theorizing about organizational change’ (Hall, 2016,
p. 12), in choosing to analyse just two organisations, this book is better
able to look at, and compare in-depth, two highly relevant organisations
and their involvement in a rapidly evolving issue area.
UNHCR and IOM have played an important role as the two leading
agencies on migration, displacement and refugees since their very incep-
tion in a post-World War II and Cold War setting, when UNHCR was
designed as a legal body with limited jurisdiction over refugee law, and
IOM (then the Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of
Migrants from Europe) as UNHCR’s operational, non-UN counterpart,
tasked with the physical movement of Europe’s migrant population,
including refugees (Elie, 2010). On the surface, little appears to have
changed in this regard; UNHCR is still considered the ‘UN Refugee
Agency’, and since its UN Related Organisation status was granted in
2016, IOM has labelled itself the ‘UN Migration Agency’ (International
Organization for Migration, 2019a) mirroring a long-standing theoretical
division of labour. Despite this associated complementariness, historically,
the UNHCR-IOM relationship has been considered both

cooperation- and competition-inducing. On the one hand, these agencies

have proven their capabilities regarding cooperation, as witnessed via their
joint management of the 1956 Hungarian refugee crisis (Elie, 2010). On
the other hand, structural differences, including both their continued reli-
ance on donations from member states for funding (Elie, 2010, p. 353;
Pécoud, 2018, p. 1629) and differences in mandate (UNHCR has a for-
mal legal mandate to protect refugees, while IOM’s mandate, or constitu-
tion, is more ambiguous), have been identified as competition-inducing.
IOM’s constitutional mandate is more vaguely worded and non-­regulatory,
and as a result, the agency differs from UNHCR at least in part due to a
mandate that is ‘specifically fashioned so as to stimulate tailor-made solu-
tions rather than generic policy guidelines’, as described by Klabbers
(2019, p. 384). In fact, IOM presents something of a challenge for those
studying international organisations from a legal perspective, as the agen-
cy’s ability to interpret its own mandate as it sees fit contributes to the idea
that it is able to both do the work of member states, while ‘influencing the
policies and practices of its Member States’ (Klabbers, 2019, p. 384). This
opens the door for expansion into protection and forced migration—tra-
ditionally the work of UNHCR (Cohen & Bradley, 2010; Hall, 2013;
Koch, 2014), and has potentially significant ramifications for inter-agency
cooperation on environmental and disaster displacement, which, especially
in cases of disaster displacement, is often forced, resulting in protection
concerns for affected populations.
This is not to say that only IOM has the potential for expansion. In fact,
since their creation, both agencies have expanded in operational reach and
scope, to the point that both now share much in common. For instance,
both IOM and UNHCR include the protection of internally displaced
persons to varying extents in their mandates, meaning that there is a huge
amount of overlap in terms of those to whom both bodies may provide
services. In practical terms, this is especially visible in agency field offices,
where the vast majority of over 13,000 employees per agency are heavily
concentrated. Offices carry out a wider variety of operations and activities
than ever before—often in similar or overlapping contexts—and despite
historical funding pressures, yearly budgets for both have regularly
exceeded US$1 billion (International Organization for Migration, 2018,
2019b; UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 2019).
Matters related to environmental and disaster displacement have been
witnessed as part and parcel of this expansion in capacity. This is particu-
larly true from the mid-2000s onwards, when, as part of the UN’s

Humanitarian Reform Agenda in 2005, the Inter-Agency Standing

Committee (IASC) Cluster Approach was established ‘to enhance predict-
ability, accountability and partnership’ in humanitarian emergencies such
as natural disasters (UN OCHA, 2018). Since then, both UNHCR and
IOM have been consistently involved in disasters resulting in displace-
ment, as leaders in their associated fields (titled Clusters) for Protection
(UNHCR) and Camp Coordination and Camp Management, or CCCM
(IOM). From 2008 onwards, the Internal Displacement Monitoring
Centre (IDMC)—a partner and trusted data source for both agencies—
began tracking displacement due to natural disasters (IDMC, 2019b).
Since 2008, IDMC’s data has shown that year on year, those displaced due
to disasters have outnumbered those displaced directly due to conflict by
the millions (IDMC, 2019a, 2019c; Lieberman, 2019), and it has been
recognised by IOM and UNHCR, as well as academics (Eriksen & Lind,
2009; Ghimire et al., 2015; Hendrix & Salehyan, 2012; Nel & Righarts,
2008), that environmental stressors, both sudden- (e.g. flooding, cyclones,
landslides) and slow-onset (e.g. drought, desertification), are often pre-
cursors to, or exacerbators of, conflict—triggering further displacement,
which is usually internal.
Additionally, IOM and UNHCR have become increasingly aware of
the importance of climate change in the context of human mobility, with
a proliferation of policy work on the climate-migration nexus taking place
in recent decades. Although an upturn in global right-wing politics has led
to anti-migrant and refugee policies (Human Rights Watch, 2019) and in
some cases, complete climate change denial (Maza, 2019), UNHCR and
IOM have publicly worked together (as well as with countless others) to
lobby for, and instil language in, formalised documentation and inter-state
agreements that acknowledge associated displacement risks from climate
change and disasters. This involvement has extended to the Hyogo
Framework for Action 2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and
Communities to Disasters, the Sendai Framework (UNDRR, 2019), the
state-led Nansen Initiative to address cross-border displacement in the
context of disasters and climate change, the Platform on Disaster
Displacement (McAdam, 2016) and the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) Task Force on Displacement, established
following the infamous 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) meeting
in Paris in 2015 (UNFCCC, 2020).
Despite this flurry of activity, we have little evidence to suggest that the
involvement of UNHCR and IOM on this issue area poses any less of a

challenge concerning cooperation and competition-inducing structural

differences that have plagued the inter-agency relationship for the bulk of
their shared histories, such as legal and non-legal mandates and funding
differences. In fact, recent evidence presented throughout this book
would indicate quite the opposite. While this book will illustrate a certain
level of cooperation from 2008 onwards, in late 2018, the Global Compact
for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the Global Compact
on Refugees (GCR) were created. Although designed to address a wide
array of challenges posed by human mobility in the context of disasters
and climate change and guide governance in this area (UN High
Commissioner for Refugees, 2020b; United Nations, 2019), the Compacts
are indicative of attempts to segregate tasks and roles along the lines of
refugees and migrants, and thus represent a potential opportunity to posi-
tion agencies in line with the historical status quo—UNHCR for refugees,
IOM for migrants. The inter-mediate period between 2008 and 2017 is
therefore of significant interest, as proliferating work in the field of envi-
ronmental and disaster displacement has the potential to challenge both
cooperation and independent agency operations. Although international
organisations such as UNHCR and IOM may, on the one hand, play a
crucial role in responding to, and facilitating the management of, environ-
mental and disaster displacement (Cantor, 2021, p. 312), this doesn’t
mean such actors don’t compete between themselves in this arena.
It is evident that UNHCR and IOM have a unique relationship with
decades of cooperation and competition in relation to environmental and
disaster displacement that is worth exploring. In relation to similarities
(historical and otherwise), we must assume these agencies behave and
engage in new issue areas differently, otherwise there would be little need
for both. That UNHCR and IOM have faced little to no external evalua-
tion regarding their involvement in environmental and disaster displace-
ment, both independently and in partnership, only compounds the need
for a thorough assessment. Seventy years post creation, UNHCR and
IOM are still the largest, most well-equipped and experienced bodies we
have for migration and displacement issues at the IO level. Consequently,
in attempting to understand the governance and management of environ-
mental and disaster displacement, we must address their work in this area.
A detailed investigation into, and analysis of, UNHCR and IOM involve-
ment is not only to our benefit, but to the benefit of future work in this
area and to the agencies themselves, who are rarely evaluated in an inde-
pendent manner.

A Multi-dimensional Approach
to Agency Involvement

Regime complexity and convergence at the IO level regarding the climate-­

migration nexus have a significant role to played in assuring the impor-
tance of UNHCR and IOM in the issue area. Further, these matters may
constitute scope conditions within which both organisations struggle to
operate in the twenty-first-century context at both the policy and field
level. These ideas directly tie into multiple theoretical concepts that may
provide answers to the question of how these two organisations have
become involved in environmental and disaster displacement, as well as to
what extent and under what circumstances they work together and share
resources, and what impact local presence may have. This part of the chap-
ter outlines such concepts and their applicability throughout this book.
First, the concept of logics of appropriateness and consequences and its
potential to explain differences between agencies and their involvement in
emerging issue areas is critically explored. This book both acknowledges
and contributes to existing work in this area, by suggesting a way in which
to better predict the application (or operationalisation) of these ideas
when it comes to the engagement of normative and functional organisa-
tions (IO ‘types’) in emerging issue areas more broadly. Highly interre-
lated with logics of behaviour are the concepts of path dependence and
policy inheritance, which have their roots in historical institutionalism.
Path dependence is a useful tool to link and organise decision-making
through time—with no expectation that it can predict the future—to
explain individual agency paths of involvement. In relation to the histori-
cal relationship between UNHCR and IOM, path dependence tells us that
historical processes dictate a continuation of specialisation at UNHCR
and IOM, and that these agencies are likely to take on different tasks
rather than competing, working together in this capacity. Further, the
highly synonymous policy inheritances suggest that policies are not made
in a vacuum and are built on previous policy decisions, with agencies hav-
ing a limited capacity to tackle complicated issues as they emerge (such as
disaster scenarios). Existing and previous policy decisions may, in practice,
heavily influence IO involvement during and following a disaster response,
with agencies relying on a combination of past experiences and existing
local capacities to respond.
This section explains these concepts and, in combination with the fol-
lowing section on sources and methods, my approach to

operationalisation. It is important to note that there is significant overlap

in how behavioural logics and IO types, path dependence and policy
inheritances are understood throughout this book. Further, a primary rea-
son to consider these concepts together is the difficulty of separating
them, as well as their overlap with process tracing (explained in the follow-
ing section). From a conceptual point of view, this book intends to illus-
trate that the flexibility of these individual concepts may contribute
positively to empirical insights on IO involvement, but that the jury may
still be out on their conceptual durability.

Logics of Appropriateness and Consequences

This book is most concerned with patterns and paths of involvement at
IOM and UNHCR as individual entities, with the assumption that, given
the time frame under analysis, reasoning behind agency involvement is (at
the abstract level) the same: both UNHCR and IOM became involved in
the issue area because of an initial push for more cohesive involvement at
the international level in the mid-2000s, most visible via a UN-wide
Humanitarian Reform process at that time (UN OCHA, 2018). This is in
combination with broader concerns regarding climate change and migra-
tion in the twenty-first century. However, a second assumption is that
despite surface similarities between these two entities, UNHCR and IOM
likely become involved in new and emerging issue areas in different ways.
After all, were both agencies identical, there would be no need for both.
This book engages with and builds upon existing concepts on behavioural
logics of appropriateness and consequences as one potential explanation
for such a difference.
March and Olsen are some of the leading voices in this theoretical area,
particularly in relation to logic of appropriateness and its role in institu-
tions of democratic governance: a family to which the United Nations
(and therefore, bodies within the United Nations) supposedly ascribe. For
March and Olsen, this logic can be easily equated with rule-following
behaviour, deeply woven into institutions governing organisations (March
& Olsen, 2011, pp. 2–3). By this understanding, if we assume that both
UNHCR and IOM follow a logic of appropriateness, they should at all
times seek to fulfil through action and decision-making the self-image of
their roles in the international system, regardless of the specifics of what
these may look like. Institutional arrangements as a part of the drive for
initial involvement, such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

and its Cluster Approach for humanitarian response, may prescribe what
appropriate action should be for UNHCR and IOM. However, this is not
akin to presuming rules always dictate agency behaviour or decision-­
making, nor is following a logic of appropriateness a panacea for morality
or efficiency—those carrying out ethnic cleansing, for example, have fol-
lowed rules seen as ‘natural, rightful, expected and legitimate’ (March &
Olsen, 2011, pp. 2–3).
March and Olsen also hypothesise that it should be easier to follow a
logic of consequences to justify decisions, as self-interpreting conduct as
‘appropriate’ (or not) seems a more complicated exercise than simply
rationalising behaviour and decisions in terms of one interest over another
(March & Olsen, 2011, p. 17). When it comes to switching logics of
behaviour entirely, a logic of consequences may replace a logic of appro-
priateness if following the rules no longer seems satisfactory—especially
regarding new targets and goals that do not easily fit within the status quo
of expected responsibility or familiar activities. Inversely, a logic of appro-
priateness should dominate when the actor or organisation’s environment
is fairly stable, patterns of action and the actors themselves are well estab-
lished, and memories of behaviour are well institutionalised (March &
Olsen, 2011, p. 17). This understanding could mean multiple things for
IOM and UNHCR. For one, UNHCR and IOM have a relatively shared
history, and via institutions such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee
and the Cluster Approach (under the auspices of the UN more generally)
they should also have frequent interaction and shared experiences on some
level. However, environmental disasters are hardly a picture of stability,
and despite efforts to stabilise organisational involvement, there will always
remain an element of uncertainty—particularly regarding resource avail-
ability and individual country situations. It is therefore not clear from an
analysis of March and Olsen’s picture of logics where the IOM and
UNHCR would fall.
Classifying IOs in one way or another to understand why they may
behave as they do is not a new concept; multiple scholars have directly or
indirectly addressed the topic in a variety of ways. For example, Cox et al.
(1973) systematise agencies based upon their histories, institutional frame-
work, and stated functions, whilst Scott and Davis (2006) have under-
taken a treatment of IOs as either rational, natural or open systems. Ness
and Brechin (1988) have identified that aspects of structure, technology,
goals and environment are determinants for organisational performance,
considering the study of, and sociology of, organisations together. Lastly,

Rittberger et al. (2019) have attempted to classify organisations according

to whether they are task-specific or general purpose. Although this last
typology is of interest, its definitional boundaries would likely place IOM
and UNHCR in the same category (both deal with a ‘specific’ topic), and
inconclusively blur lines regarding minute differentiations; such as that
due to other factors, one IO is perhaps less specific to a certain task than
the other, or the fact that UNHCR and IOM may be simultaneously
deemed ‘community driven’ general-purpose IOs (set up by member
states) and ‘problem driven’, whereby states want them to address a prob-
lem area.
One academic who has attempted to separate and ascribe logics to
international organisations in a more specific way is Nina Hall (2013),
who has posited a typology to classify (particularly inter-governmental, or
IGO) organisations. This typology is based on the notion that IGOs exist
along a spectrum from functional to normative ‘ideal’ types. According to
this definition, UNHCR is classed as a normative IGO due to its supervi-
sory authority over refugee law. Given it does not have moral authority
over issues beyond the refugee regime, it should always seek external
approval that the type of activities it pursues are within a morally legiti-
mate scope of issues for action. In doing so, UNHCR follows a ‘logic of
appropriateness’. On the other hand, functional IGOs are not necessarily
legally mandated to ensure or promote compliance with international
norms, even if they have their own mandates. They instead are often
project-­based organisations, performing specialised tasks that are often
supported by core donors. IOM is classed by Hall as a functional IGO,
supposedly with the primary goal to demonstrate its ability to perform
contracted or delegated tasks efficiently and expertly (Hall, 2013, p. 93).
It is worth noting, however, that differences between agency types may be
incredibly subtle, with organisations unlikely to fall perfectly into func-
tional and normative categories. Choosing to view this typology as a spec-
trum is therefore a welcome alternative to a clear separation of logics, with
organisations situated differently depending on the scenario in question.
This book takes Hall’s typology as a base assumption upon which to both
build and test; although both UNHCR and IOM share a large number of
similarities, they may become involved in environmental and disaster dis-
placement in different ways due to differing ‘logics of behaviour’ as a
result of ‘divergent legitimation strategies’ (Hall, 2013). Such an under-
standing of IGO ‘types’ supports this book’s assumption that IOM’s
involvement, in comparison with UNHCR’s, should be quicker, more

expansive and not legalistic, while UNHCR will be limited by normative

constraints and conform to a logic of appropriateness.
Ascribing to Hall’s typology to understand IOM’s and UNHCR’s
paths of involvement is not to say that March and Olsen do not make
strong arguments. As will become clear throughout empirical chapters,
their emphasis on difficulties regarding a clear separation of the two logics
is a valuable point that this book contributes to generally, while testing
Hall’s typology. This is supported by the fact that there is room in March
and Olsen’s interpretation for individual agency of organisations or other
entities potentially under analysis. In fact, March and Olsen state that rules
might ‘guide behaviour and make some actions more likely than others’,
but they rather ‘provide parameters for action rather than dictate a specific
action, and sometimes actors show considerable ability to accommodate
shifting circumstances by changing behaviour without changing core rules
and structures’ (March & Olsen, 2011, p. 7). This would imply, for
instance, that UNHCR (as a normative body) should be able to adapt in
some manner to dealing with a new issue area without dramatically chang-
ing organisational principles, workings or its mandate to protect refugees.
On the other hand, IOM, as a more ‘functional’ organisation following a
logic of consequences, should not be faced with concerns over whether
engaging in a new issue area detracts from core rules and structures, but
rather with how engaging in a new issue area might contribute to main-
taining its relevance to the international community and the countries in
which it operates.
This typology is a solid starting point. However, we have little indica-
tion from Hall (or any others, for that matter) for how we might opera-
tionalise, or empirically test, this difference, and we are left wondering
what observable indications for the involvement of a normative or func-
tional organisation in a new issue area may look like. To bridge this gap, I
would like to introduce here potential paths for involvement at normative
and functional organisations in a new, or emerging, issue area (such as
environmental displacement). Borrowing from the process tracing method
(explained in more detail later on), these paths can be visualised as abstract
causal mechanisms, described as entities (E) engaging in activities (A)
(Machamer et al., 2000). As Fig. 1.1 describes, in the case of a normative
IO (the entity), an IO will attempt to expand into a new issue area (in this
case environmental and disaster displacement), by increasing its engage-
ment in existing activities or engaging in new ones (or both) at the policy
and operational (field) level (the activity). The normative IO will then face

Fig. 1.1 Mechanism for involvement (normative IO)

pushback (the activity) from either internal (employees) or external forces

(member states/donors) (the entities). Considering this, the normative
IO (the entity) will retreat, scaling back activities or halting dramatic
expansion (the activity). If the normative IO (the entity) really wants to
work in the issue area, they will adjust to this reality, and engage in activi-
ties that do not go beyond their mandated responsibilities (the activity).
UNHCR, as a normative agency, should follow such a path for involve-
ment in environmental and disaster displacement more broadly. This can
be summarised broadly as ‘expand, retreat, adjust’.
Similar to a normative body, Fig. 1.2 denotes how a functional IO (the
entity), such as IOM, will also attempt to expand into the new issue area
by in-creasing its engagement in existing activities or engaging in new
ones at both the policy and field level (the activity). However, its reason-
ing is more likely to be tied to donor needs, with justification for involve-
ment associated with existing issues for donors. If the agency faces no
pushback from donors, the functional IO (the entity) will progress to seek
funding (the activity) for projects. The functional IO (the entity) will con-
tinue to expand indefinitely, so long as projects are funded (the activity).
The IOM should generally follow such a path for involvement in

Fig. 1.2 Mechanism for involvement (functional IO)

environmental and disaster displacement. This can be summarised as

‘expand, seek funding, expand’.
In sum, a major assumption in this book is that although involvement
may vary based on circumstances individual to different cases of displace-
ment (developed in the coming section on policy inheritances), overall,
UNHCR may be limited in some way due to the need to fulfil its mandate
to protect refugees above all else. Although UNHCR may still work with
other international organisations on matters of internal displacement, the
need to act appropriately within its own legal boundaries will come first.
On the other hand, IOM, unrestricted by the same legalities, may more
extensively support internally displaced communities and rapidly become
engaged on the ground, so long as it is in the interest of its donors to do
so. Importantly for the future of this typology, this book applies these
ideas to not only UNHCR (as Hall has done in a broader sense), but a
functional body in the form of the IOM. There are also two notable levels
of ‘mechanising’ occurring in this book. On the one hand, I am introduc-
ing the shallow, yet generalisable, mechanisms for involvement as seen in
Figs. 1.1 and 1.2, which build on existing conceptions of behaviour at
normative and functional organisations in a new issue area. On the other
hand, this book purposefully considers UNHCR and IOM as stand-alone

entities with their own detailed historical paths of involvement that war-
rant analysis—individual historical paths can both be considered as valu-
able findings in their own right, as well as reflected upon as to whether
they are illustrative of theorised mechanisms for normative and func-
tional IOs.

Path Dependence and Policy Inheritances

Although largely subjective, when considering the history of both
UNHCR and IOM in the issue area, this book is also guided by the basic
concept in historical institutionalism of path dependence, with the basic
idea being that the path of an organisation when first introduced to a new
issue area can be highly influenced by even small disturbances, but once
the organisation has ventured down a particular path, they will likely find
it difficult to reverse course. In other words, organisations may be affected
by positive feedback processes (Skocpol & Pierson, 2002). This is a point
not lost on March and Olsen (2011, pp. 8–9), who have recognised in
relation to logics of behaviour that behaviour ‘associated with successes or
survival is likely to be repeated’. Similarly, Nobel Laureate Douglas North
(1990, pp. 98–99) views path dependency as a process which constrains
future choices—but importantly, does not easily predict the future. This is
very close to the way path dependence is understood in this book—a con-
ceptual tool to help link and organise decision-making through time (with
no expectation that it can predict the future) and to explain individual
paths of involvement.
In relation to this concept, what could be said about the involvement
of IOM and UNHCR? We know these agencies have been involved in the
IASC Cluster Approach and have specialised their involvement in disaster
scenarios within this structure, with UNHCR the lead agency on
Protection, and the IOM as lead on Camp Coordination and Camp
Management (CCCM). We also know that in the post-analysis period,
they have carried out related yet largely separated work within the frame-
work of the Global Compacts on Refugees (GCR) and for Migration
(GCM) (UN OCHA, 2018; United Nations, 2019). If history and conti-
nuity matters, but agency involvement must be understood in relative
terms and in relation to the geopolitical setting within which engagement
is embedded, we may predict that in relating path dependency and IGO
types, UNHCR and IOM may be locked into certain areas of specialisa-
tion. They are likely to take on different tasks rather than competing, and

work together in this capacity (e.g. alongside each other in the Cluster
Approach in their respective leadership roles). We may also hypothesise
that either they themselves or external forces (such as member states)
expect and trust them to continue working in this way. Historically inher-
ited roles as specialists and partners on refugees and migration also indi-
cate why IOM and UNHCR choose to differentiate themselves when it
comes to an association with landmark documents such as the GCR and
GCM; with emerging issue areas such as environmental and disaster dis-
placement challenging existing positions, it may be comforting to relegate
tasks and define positions in an attempt to reaffirm a status quo.
As stated earlier, a third question in this book is in relation to the poten-
tial impact of local agency presence. Path dependency from a purely his-
torical institutionalist perspective might tell us that when an issue arises or
disaster strikes, field offices at UNHCR and IOM are likely to consider
how they have responded to similar situations in the past, and as a result,
engage according to what ‘worked’ before—placing them on a path
dependent trajectory. However, path dependency in the strictest sense
does not fully account for organisational behaviour ‘in the moment’ (e.g.
in disaster response scenarios). The concept of policy inheritances—
whereby ‘policies today are not made in a vacuum; they are built on previ-
ous policy decisions, which exert a heavy hand on future
commitments’—strengthens the path dependence argument, as it accom-
modates ‘on-the-ground’ decision-making and action (Jones &
Baumgartner, 2007, p. 49). This concept born from larger theories of
behavioural change is highly synonymous with path dependence and is a
particularly useful explanation for the assumption that agencies will rely on
a combination of past experiences and existing local capacities to respond
to disasters. The underlying idea of this claim is that organisations have a
limited capacity to tackle multi-dimensional issues as they emerge, and so
decision-making is often reliant on the status quo’—or how a similar issue
was tackled in the past. Priorities are set based on perceived urgency, which
is context sensitive. This project assumes that as the ‘first responder’ to a
disaster on behalf of the wider IO, field offices for UNHCR and IOM will
likely consider a natural disaster in their locality ‘urgent’, and shift atten-
tion to that disaster. On a very empirical level, this means that local offices
potentially have to make decisions on: how they will divert funding from
ongoing projects elsewhere in the country; if they will request increased
funding and support staff from head offices, and if they will reach out to
partner organisations for help on tackling certain aspects of their work?

Concepts discussed earlier directly overlap with that of policy inheritances;

Marin and Naess (2017) have found that in relation to ‘new humanitarian-
ism’, inertia of organisational cultures and existing financial models act as
a barrier of sorts to IOs working at the intersection between climate
change and humanitarian response, while Alter and Meunier (2009, p. 17)
have argued that regime complexities play a direct role in selective infor-
mation processing amongst actors when faced with difficult and emer-
gency scenarios.

Scope, Sources and Methods

Observable outcomes of involvement are seen most clearly through agency
policies and operations, and so this book considers both via a historical
analysis, a disaster scenario and interviews. In considering individual
organisational histories, this book focuses on the period between 2008
and 2017. 2008 is situated in between numerous events considered to be
of importance for the work of not only UNHCR and IOM, but more
broadly, international organisations on the issue of environmental and
disaster displacement. Several years earlier, in 2005, the Cluster Approach
was activated for the first time following flooding in Pakistan, the active
use of which may be seen as a starting point of sorts for analysis and a
contributing ‘trigger’ or ‘cause’ for involvement of both organisations to
come (UN OCHA, 2018). 2008 itself saw the beginning of systematic
recording by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) of
displacement due to disasters, making disaster displacement easier to study
from this point onwards. Regarding the two agencies themselves, leader-
ship at both remained fairly stable between 2008 and 2017, with António
Guterres serving as High Commissioner at UNHCR until 2015 (begin-
ning in 2005), and William Lacy Swing appointed Director General of
IOM in 2008, a post he held until the appointment of António Vitorino
in 2018. We might consider the ‘late start’ of Swing and the ‘early retire-
ment’ of Guterres as a relatively fair trade-off when it comes to analysing
agency involvement.
However, a historical analysis alone offers little tangible evidence
regarding the details and complexities of on-the-ground operations in the
field—where most of UNHCR’s and IOM’s work is implemented.
Therefore, a second part of this book provides a detailed account of both
agencies’ involvement in the Philippines in 2013 following Typhoon
Haiyan, understood as a jump of sorts from the largely policy-based

‘public image’ presented in initial chapters to the more convoluted opera-

tional level—a ‘middle ground’ for involvement. While paths of involve-
ment are largely untestable in a stand-alone disaster scenario (making it
difficult to reflect on whether or not agency behaviour is more functional
or normative), this level of analysis considers whether disaster involvement
reflects broader historical patterns of engagement throughout the decade
studied. Whether policy inheritances may influence involvement during
and following a disaster, or if the specialisation of agencies in specific areas
of work in a disaster setting is reflective of ongoing path dependent his-
torical processes or not, is considered.
As for the selection of Typhoon Haiyan itself, the decision to include a
sudden-onset disaster as opposed to a case of slow-onset environmental
degradation was a tactical one. Sudden-onset events such as tropical
cyclones tend to have a clear ‘beginning’ and ‘end’, and thus their occur-
rences are very tangible. They tend to result in immediate issues surround-
ing displacement that are more easily directly attributed to the event,
whereas slow-onset disaster, such as desertification or drought, are more
difficult to separate from other drivers of migration, such as social, eco-
nomic or political instability. As will become clear in chapters to come,
sudden-onset events constitute the bulk of directly observable involve-
ment of UNHCR and IOM in cases of environmental and disaster dis-
placement in recent decades. Haiyan is perhaps as representative of IO
involvement as any other disaster, in the sense that one cannot directly
compare a single organisation’s involvement across disasters in multiple
countries, given the (often dramatic) difference in hazards, government
style and capacity, and the political, social and economic situation each
country faces at any given point in time. Haiyan also relates well to the
broader cause for involvement of IOM and UNHCR in that it represents
a large-scale, deadly emergency that elicited a coordinated IO response.
In considering a case from a ‘middle-income’ or developing state, this
book also considers a scenario in which we expect UNHCR and IOM to
become involved or to engage in, to some extent; Typhoon Haiyan is a
most likely case. The Philippines is a prime country for analysing how
international organisations are tackling disaster displacement, as it is one
of the world’s most disaster prone developing countries, with around 20
such storms entering the Philippine Area of Responsibility per year
(Brown, 2013). When Typhoon Haiyan made landfall on November 7th,
2013, it was the deadliest typhoon on record ever to hit the Philippines,
killing over 6000 people in that country and going on to devastate much

of Southeast Asia. Several months later, bodies were still being found, and
the Philippines faced a humanitarian crisis, with almost two million left
homeless and more than six million internally displaced (Mercy Corps,
2013). The event prompted the United Nations to activate the Cluster
System, in which groups of both UN and non-UN agencies and organisa-
tions worked to address a variety of issues such as nutrition, health and
shelter. The event also prompted a large variety of celebrities, companies
and NGOs to raise emergency funding for those affected (Dy & Stephens,
2016), and the 2013 United Nations Climate Change Conference was
coincidentally underway when Haiyan struck, where the UN representa-
tive for the Philippines declared a hunger strike in solidarity with his kins-
men back home (Abano, 2013).
To analyse agency involvement across policy, operational and individual
levels, this book draws from a wide range of both primary and second-­
hand sources. A significant bulk of primary sources are from UNHCR and
IOM themselves, in the form of first-hand publications available from
agency archives online. I analysed all publicly available, relevant docu-
ments from both agencies on the topic of environmental and disaster dis-
placement between 2008 and 2017, as well as on Typhoon Haiyan. These
documents included speeches, press releases, policy papers, reports and
official statements. Publications were systematically collected with docu-
ments filtered for key terms, including ‘natural disaster displacement’,
‘environmental displacement’, ‘disaster’, ‘migration and climate change’,
and ‘migration and environment’. Although I largely abstain from use of
the word ‘natural’ in relation to disasters, it is not uncommon for interna-
tional organisations to employ the term to differentiate between environ-
mental and ‘man-made’ disasters (usually associated with violent conflict),
and thus its inclusion in initial searches was warranted. For the second part
of this book, documents specifically mentioning ‘Typhoon Haiyan’ were
of interest, with special preference given to those referring to the cyclone’s
presence in the Philippines. All publications were manually checked for
their relevance and arranged by date prior to analysis.
In addition to first-hand publications, 13 in-depth, semi-structured
interviews with staff members of UNHCR and IOM from both headquar-
ters in Geneva and field offices in the Philippines and other countries, as
well as former employees and high-level experts from within the UN, were
conducted. Seven in-person interviews were conducted in Geneva,
Switzerland, during and surrounding the sixth Session of the Global
Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (2019) and at UNHCR and IOM

headquarters, whilst six took place via videoconference. Expert interviews

play a valuable role in this book, contextualising data and inferring insights
into the thinking of these organisations, as well as how current and former
employees, as well as colleagues from other agencies, think about UNHCR
and IOM’s work on environmental and disaster displacement. Prior to
carrying out interviews, consent forms, interview guides and plans for
transcription and data storage were shared with academic ethics commit-
tees (specifically, the former BIGSSS Ethics Committee and Jacobs
University Ethics Committee). With the permission of interviewees, all
interview sessions were recorded and transcribed, with all kept anony-
mous, say for the affiliation of interviewee with either UNHCR, IOM or
a third category titled ‘Other’, and my own judgements regarding senior-
ity and knowledge on field or headquarters expertise.
Desk research informed what kind of questions were of importance for
the interview process, particularly in relation to unavailable information,
and interviews were deliberately left semi-structured in order to make
space for any alternative explanations to issues that interviewees offered.
Interview data was then analysed as an added layer of ‘evidence’ to give
stock to findings. On multiple occasions, interesting revelations from
interviews prompted a revaluation of archival material and pointed to yet-­
visited documentation. A range of additional sources were sought through-
out work on this book, such as reports, accounts, publications and articles
from a range of external sources—including partner agencies and organ-
isations to UNHCR and IOM, and academic publications.
Aside from conducting archival research and interviews, I employed
process tracing as my primary method for both evaluating collected data
and substantiating theorised mechanisms regarding agency involvement in
emerging issue areas. Put simply, process tracing allows space for an iden-
tification of patterns of connected events that may emerge from the docu-
mentation studied. Process tracing was utilised most clearly in relation to
initial historical chapters on UNHCR and IOM’s involvement in environ-
mental and disaster displacement, and what such histories may tell us
about involvement of IOs in new issue areas. More broadly, however, the
way data is considered and evaluated as evidence in process tracing was
applied throughout the entire project as my primary data analysis tool.
Notably, the literature indicates that there are multiple ways one can
use process tracing, and and academics tend to categorise its use into
theory-testing, theory building or explaining an outcome (Beach &
Pedersen, 2013, p. 21). I am of the mind that all applications of process

tracing are explaining an outcome, and in most cases, testing theory to

some extent, if not building a theory, as causal mechanism making is
theory-­building. On the one hand, this book undoubtedly engages with
theory-centric process tracing. I have theorised a simplistic mechanism for
involvement in new issue areas such as environmental and disaster dis-
placement at normative and functional IOs. With this in mind, the book
goes on to consider ‘whether the predicted empirical manifestations of the
mechanism were present or absent’ in the following chapters on UNHCR
and IOM (Beach & Pedersen, 2013, p. 33). However, in light of the dif-
ficulties in theorising exact empirical manifestations for normative and
functional IO paths (expand, retreat, adjust, and expand, seek funding,
expand, respectively), I also deliberately engage with what Beach and
Pedersen (2013, p. 33) have referred to as a ‘misuse’ of process tracing, by
tracing sequences of events at UNHCR and IOM that would indicate a
causal path for involvement, but stopping short of completely unboxing
every tiny detail. This approach has been referred to as black-boxing—per-
haps the most famous example of which is Nina Tannenwald’s (2007)
study on the ‘non-use’ of nuclear weapons.
The reason for this admission is two-fold. Firstly, when it comes to
detailed, within-case analyses, an investigation of IO involvement is likely
to be unique to specific cases. Secondly, it is beyond the scope of this book
to test whether agency ‘types’ are the only reason agencies get involved in
a new issue area in any given manner; rather it is only to propose that nor-
mative or functional association may be one (of potentially many) contrib-
uting factors for differences in agency involvement. This is in recognition
of a major limitation of process tracing, namely that ‘process tracing meth-
ods cannot test for the necessity of a mechanism’ (Beach & Pedersen,
2013, p. 93). This book therefore both presents case-centric analyses,
whereby outcomes of historical chapters are mechanisms which may be
‘considered a loose conglomerate of systematic and non-systematic parts
that together account for a particular outcome’, and engages with ‘rela-
tively simple causal mechanisms that include only systematic parts that can
be generalised beyond the confines of the single case’ (Beach & Pedersen,
2013, p. 23).
Borrowing from popular conceptions of causal paths and mechanism
making in process tracing (Bennett & Checkel, 2015, p. 131), and as
noted earlier, a causal mechanism in this book is understood as a process
connecting a trigger and an outcome, nested within a range of scope con-
ditions, and made visible primarily through the engagement of entities (E)

Fig. 1.3 Causal mechanism

in activities (A) (Machamer et al., 2000). The process is the predicted

operationalisation of hypotheses, which then requires establishing evi-
dence to support (or refute) each point (here an arrow) in the process.
Scope conditions largely consist of background information, or the envi-
ronment for organisational involvement (Fig. 1.3).
When it comes to the involvement of UNHCR and IOM in environ-
mental and disaster displacement, this book considers the trigger for
agency involvement to be the UN-wide push for humanitarian reform in
the mid-2000s, notably operationalised via the IASC Cluster Approach
and the increase in association between climate-related aspects of mobility
at the international organisational level. The outcome is simply involve-
ment; however, we expect this involvement to look different at UNHCR
and IOM based on their earlier categorisation as normative or functional
IOs (Figs. 1.1 and 1.2). Once a trigger and an outcome are identified, one
must establish a causal mechanism, as I have done in the previous section,
and move on to the next step of gathering empirical evidence.
I also used process tracing as a tool to rigorously analyse all empirical
data sources as evidence, with every publication collected, as well as tran-
scribed interviews, treated as such. In process tracing, the most important
consideration when analysing a potential piece of evidence—regardless of
what form this takes—is to decide whether and how the evidence contra-
dicts or supports any or several parts of the causal mechanism for that case,
in what way, and to what extent. While I weighed all evidence as strong or
weak according to perceived reputability and level of authority, the
strength and merit of evidence was primarily considered by manually put-
ting all publications and interviews through process tracing tests, namely;
straw-in-the-wind, smoking-gun, hoop and doubly decisive (Collier,
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
to produce marked symptoms of poisoning. In this direction a
number of experiments have been performed with arsenic,
particularly those of Cloetta[1], who found that the dose of arsenic for
dogs could be gradually raised, if given by the mouth, to many times
the ordinary fatal dose, but that if at this point a subminimal fatal
dose was injected beneath the skin acute symptoms of arsenic
poisoning followed.
We show in a later chapter that the excretion of lead in persons
tolerant of the metal takes place through the medium of the bowel,
and that probably those individuals who are engaged in what are
recognized as dangerous processes in lead industries, and yet show
no signs of illness, have established a kind of balance between the
intake of the poison and its excretion by the bowel. It is rarely
possible in such persons to find any lead excreted through the
kidney. Occasionally, however, such persons, after working a
considerable time in a dangerous lead process, become suddenly
poisoned, and inquiry frequently discloses the fact that some
disturbing factor, either intercurrent illness, alcoholic excess, etc.,
has occurred, or that the breathing of a big dose of dust has
precipitated the symptoms of general lead poisoning. On the other
hand, the experience of all persons engaged in the routine
examination of lead workers is that, although a worker may show
signs of lead absorption as distinguished from definite lead poisoning
during the earlier period of his employment, he later shows less and
less signs of the influence of the poisonous substance; even a mild
degree of definite poisoning in the early stages of work in a lead
process does not seriously militate against this gradually acquired
tolerance, whilst careful treatment during such a time as the man is
acquiring tolerance to the poison frequently tides him over the
period, and enables him to withstand the ordinary dangers attached
to his work.
The earliest symptom of lead absorption is anæmia. The anæmia
is not very profound, and the diminution in the red blood-cells rarely
reaches as low as 2,000,000 per c.c., the hæmoglobin remaining
somewhere between 75 and 80 per cent. Some loss of orbital fat, as
well as fat in the other parts of the body, occurs, but beyond this no
obvious clinical signs of poisoning exist. Should such persons
possess unhealthy gums, a blue line rapidly makes its appearance,
but where the gums are healthy it is unusual to see any sign of
deposit in this prodromal stage.
Persons who gradually acquire tolerance go through the stage of
anæmia without exhibiting any symptoms of colic or paresis, and
without any treatment the hæmoglobin and the number of red cells
gradually pass back to a more or less normal condition. During this
period—that is, whilst the blood shows signs of a diminution in its
corpuscular and colour content—basophile granules may always be
found if sought for, but disappear as a rule when the blood-count has
returned to about 4,000,000 per c.c. and an 80 per cent.
hæmoglobin. Such a man has now developed tolerance to the
poisonous influence of lead, a tolerance which may be described as
a partial immunity produced by recurrent subminimal toxic doses. On
the other hand, in a number of persons who show definite
susceptibility, the blood-changes are progressive, and do not show
signs of automatic regeneration. In such persons, even after so short
time as four to six weeks’ exposure to lead absorption, definite
symptoms of colic may make their appearance. The removal of such
an individual from the poisonous influence of lead generally clears
up the symptoms in a short time, but the symptoms may occasionally
continue for several months after removal from the influence of the
poison. An individual of this type is to be looked upon as showing
peculiar susceptibility, and should not be employed in any lead
process where there is risk.
Such statistics as are available on this point show that an
increased tolerance to the poisonous influence of lead is gradually
acquired during periods of work, in that the number of attacks of
poisoning diminish in frequency very considerably in relation to the
number of years worked. As will be seen on reference to the chapter
dealing with the statistics of lead poisoning (p. 46), the greatest
number of cases occur in persons who have only worked a short
time in lead. On the other hand, the sequelæ of lead poisoning only
make their appearance, as a rule, after long-continued exposure. It is
important to bear in mind that the various forms of paresis rarely
make their appearance unless the subject has been exposed to
long-continued absorption of lead, and, further, that the blood of such
persons will as a rule show, on careful examination, evidences of the
long-continued intoxication. If measures, therefore, were taken to
determine the presence of such continued intoxication, and to
diminish the amount of poison absorbed (subjecting the individual at
the same time to a proper course of treatment), a large number of
the cases of paralysis, encephalopathy, and death, incidental to the
handling and manufacture of lead, could be eliminated.
Susceptibility may at times be shown by several members of one
family. Oliver[2] says that he has known many members of one family
suffer from and die of lead poisoning. In our experience several
instances of this susceptibility have been noticed. In one case two
brothers, working in one shift of men, developed poisoning, although
no other persons in that shift showed any signs of it. A third brother,
who came into the works after the other two had left, and who was
placed under special supervision on account of the susceptibility
exhibited by his two brothers, although given work which exposed
him to the minimal degree of lead absorption, developed signs of
poisoning six weeks after his entrance into the factory. In another
factory, three sons, two daughters, and the father, all suffered from
lead poisoning within a period of four years: the father had three
attacks of colic, ultimately wrist-drop in both hands; one daughter
had one attack of colic, and the other three attacks; whilst the three
brothers all suffered from colic and anæmia, and one had early signs
of weakness of the wrist. There was no evidence at all to show that
these persons were more careless, or had been more exposed to
lead dust, than any other of the persons with whom they worked, or
that the work they were engaged upon was more likely to have
caused illness to them than to other workers. Persons with a fresh
complexion and red hair have been noted to be more susceptible to
lead poisoning than dark-haired persons.
In one factory with which we are familiar, a number of Italian
workmen are employed; these show considerably less susceptibility
to lead poisoning than do their English comrades as long as they
adhere to their own national diet. When, however, they give this up,
and particularly if they become addicted to alcohol, they rapidly show
diminished resistance; in fact, all the cases of plumbism occurring
among the Italians in this factory during the last ten years have been
complicated with alcohol. It is possible that the relatively large
quantity of vegetables in the diet of these Italians influences the
elimination of absorbed lead. There is some reason to suppose,
however, that there may be racial immunity to lead poisoning.
The following case in the same factory illustrates a point already
mentioned—namely, the gradually acquired tolerance to poisoning,
and the unstable equilibrium existing. The individual was a man of
twenty years of age. He commenced work on August 2, 1905. Six
weeks later he was under treatment for seven weeks, for lead
absorption, and had a peculiarly deep blue line round his gums, and
a diminished hæmoglobin of 75 per cent. The symptoms
disappeared with ordinary routine treatment, and his work was
shifted to a position in the factory where he was exposed to the
minimum amount of lead absorption, at which work he continued
during the rest of the time he remained in the factory. He continued
quite well until June, 1906, when he was again under treatment for
two weeks, with the same blue line and anæmia, and his blood
showed the presence of basophile granules. He was under treatment
again in January and February, 1909, for five weeks, had again a
deep blue line and basophile staining of his blood. On November 7,
1911, having had no anæmia and no blue line, he had a slight attack
of colic. During this period of work his blood had been examined on
eight occasions, and on each occasion it had shown basophile
granules. The attack of colic was an exceedingly mild one. There is
no reason to suppose that he had indulged in alcoholic excess, but
there was some reason to think that for about a month he had been
subjected to increased lung absorption. No other persons working in
the same shift at the same work developed poisoning during the
whole of this period. This case illustrates initial susceptibility, partial
tolerance, and ultimate breaking down of such partially established
During the experimental inquiry on lead poisoning by one of us [K.
W. G.[3]], the question of the subminimal toxic dose and the minimal
toxic dose was under consideration. Animals subjected to inhalation
of lead dust invariably succumbed to the effects of the poison when
the dose given represented from 0·0001 to 0·0003 gramme per litre
of air inhaled, the period of inhalation being half an hour three times
a week. On the other hand, when the lead content of the air was as
low as 0·00001 gramme per litre, the symptoms of poisoning were
long delayed, and in more than one instance, after an early
diminution in weight, recovery of the lost weight took place, and the
animals, whilst showing apparent symptoms of absorption, had no
definite symptoms of paresis. These observations tend to confirm
such clinically observed facts as are given in the case cited above,
but they, of course, do not form a criterion as to the amount of lead
dust which may be regarded as innocuous to man.
Lead is peculiarly a cumulative poison, and post-mortem analyses
of viscera show that it may be stored up in certain parts of the body,
more especially in the bone and red bone marrow and brain, and to
some extent in the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Any circumstance,
therefore, that temporarily interferes with the ordinary channels
through which lead is excreted may determine the presence of a
much larger quantity than usual of the metal in circulation in the
body; and if in addition an increased quantity of the poison be
inhaled, more or less acute symptoms follow. The localization of the
deposit of lead is therefore of some importance.
Meillère and Richer[4] give an analysis of various organs of the
body, but their results are not in accord with the majority of other
observers. They found that the hair particularly contains a large
quantity of lead. They do not seem to have examined the bones.
Next to the hair, the liver seems to have contained the largest
amount. Wynter Blyth[5] found 117·1 milligrammes of lead in the
brain of a person who died of encephalopathy. In another case he
found 0·6 gramme in the liver, 0·003 in the kidney, and 0·072 in the
brain. Hougounencq[6] examined the organs of a person who died
from lead poisoning, and found the largest amount of lead in the
large intestine.
Large intestine 0·2150 gramme.
Small intestine 0·0430 „
Liver 0·0050 „
Brain 0·0008 „

In the lung, stomach, kidney, and heart, only traces were found.
Dixon Mann[7] describes some experiments in which potassium
iodide was given in cases of chronic poisoning, and during the whole
of the experiments the fæces and urine were analyzed three times a
week. He found by this means that a considerable amount of lead
was being eliminated by the intestine. He therefore administered 2
grammes of lead acetate three times a day for five days to a patient,
and he found that the fæces contained 0·1762 gramme the first day,
0·17411 gramme the second day; the fourth day it had fallen to
0·0053 gramme, and on the sixth day to 0·0006 gramme. The
largest amount at any one time in a day obtained from the urine was
only just over 0·001 gramme; the average amount found in the case
of chronic poisoning was about 3 milligrammes, whereas the
greatest amount at any one time in the urine was only 0·9
The quantity of lead present in the brain necessary to determine
acute poisoning is not known, and it is probable that an extremely
minute quantity will produce very serious effects; and in support of
this may be quoted a number of observations in which search has
been made for the metal in persons who have died of diseases
affecting the brain associated with other symptoms of poisoning, and
yet post-mortem examination of the brain by chemical methods has
not revealed the presence of any lead whatever. In the case reported
by Mott (see p. 71), no lead at all was recognized in the brain.
There are no reasons, therefore, for supposing that the immunity
to lead poisoning depends on the fixation and storing up of the
poisonous metal in a non-poisonous form in some special situation in
the body, and, further, the particular situation in the body richest in
lead in any given case of poisoning will depend rather on (1) the type
of compound causing the poisoning, and (2) the portal through which
such poisoning occurs.
The question of the detection of lead in the body is referred to in
the chapter dealing with Chemical Examination. It is as well to point
out in this connection that chemical investigation of the amount of
lead present in the organs of persons dying from lead poisoning
should, if possible, always be made where there is any doubt as to
the diagnosis.
Certain observers—amongst them Gautier[8]—are of opinion that
traces of lead may be found in normal persons. Thus, in a rat (Mus
decumanus) Gautier found 2 milligrammes of lead in 60 grammes of
liver. He considers that in many persons at least 0·5 milligramme of
lead may be swallowed daily incorporated with the food, as a
number of foods are liable to contamination by lead. Tinned foods,
particularly those which are soldered up after the materials have
been placed in the tin, certain tinned fruits with acid juices, often
contain small masses of solder loose in the tins; in the case
particularly of fruits the natural acid may slowly dissolve the lead
from the solder. The amount of so-called “normal” lead, if it is to be
found at all, must be very small, and would certainly be much smaller
in the case of a normal person than in one who had been subject to
definite lead poisoning. Such experimental evidence as is
forthcoming supports the clinical observations that persons exposed
to small doses of lead eventually develop tolerance of the metal, so
that they may ultimately withstand many times the dose sufficient in
the first instance to produce poisoning.
Such circumstances are the natural factors in the prevention of
poisoning, and if due care be given to their significance, the surgeon
in charge of any lead works may by judicious treatment and
alternation of employment so assist and strengthen the natural
defensive forces that susceptibility may be diminished, and the
degree of tolerance increased to a very considerable extent. We do
not imply that efficiency in the exhaust ventilation can be in any way
relaxed; all we desire to emphasize is that certain natural defensive
forces of the body do undoubtedly exist by which susceptible
persons ultimately become less susceptible, and that by appropriate
means these defensive forces may be augmented.
Susceptibility and immunity to poisoning by lead may be
considered, according to the type of lead compound absorbed,
further in its relation to age and sex. All compounds of lead are not
poisonous in the same degree; the more easily soluble compounds
are more poisonous than the less soluble. On the other hand,
compounds which appear at first sight unlikely to produce poisoning
may do so; for instance, fritted lead or lead silicate, a substance
largely used in the potteries as a glaze, and manufactured by fusing
together litharge and a silicate, would appear at first sight to be quite
an innocuous substance. Owing to its method of preparation,
however, it is not a pure compound of lead and silica, but contains
lead oxide, metallic lead, etc., entangled in its meshes, and
experimentally one of us (K. W. G.) has demonstrated that such a
compound may be acted on by the tissues of the body, both when
injected subcutaneously and even when inhaled, and so gradually
produce definite symptoms of lead poisoning, but at a much slower
rate than the more poisonous lead compounds. The fineness of
division in which the compound of lead exists is another factor
affecting its poisonous nature; the more finely divided particles find
their way into the lung more easily than the coarser particles. Various
subsidiary matters may also determine the susceptibility in a given
individual, and of these a certain number require mention, as they
probably act as definite predisposing factors. Age and sex may be
regarded as predisposing factors to lead poisoning, and certain
diseases also.
Age.—Young persons are regarded as more liable to lead
poisoning than adults, although it is difficult to obtain definite figures
on the point, the duration of employment acting as a disturbing factor
in estimating the susceptibility of young persons. They may have
worked in a lead works for a year or more without showing any signs
of poisoning, but develop them later in adult life, although it is very
likely that absorption had taken place during the earlier period. In the
Report of the Departmental Committee on the Use of Lead in the
Potteries (Appendix XII.), the attack rate for the period 1899 to 1909
for young persons is 19·3 per 1,000, and for adults 18·8 for the same
period, but the figures upon which these attack rates are based are
too small to build any conclusion. The general clinical conclusions of
appointed surgeons and certifying surgeons in the various lead
factories would be, we believe, that the susceptibility of young
persons is at least twice that of adults, and there is some ground for
supposing that the tissues of an adult when growth has ceased more
readily adapt themselves to deal with the absorption and elimination
of poisonous doses of lead than do the tissues of a young person.
Sex.—Women are more susceptible to poisoning by lead than
men, and in lead poisoning from drinking water the proportion of
women (especially pregnant women) and children attacked is stated
to be higher than in men, and one such epidemic is quoted by Oliver
where the rise in the number of miscarriages and premature births
led to the discovery of the fact that the water-supply was
contaminated with lead. The close relationship of lead poisoning to
miscarriage has been repeatedly made out, especially by Oliver, in
the white lead industry as carried on twenty years ago. Oliver also
quotes the effect upon rabbits[9], Glibert upon guinea-pigs[10], and in
the experiments of one of us (K. W. G.), referred to on p. 99, all the
animals to which lead was given during pregnancy aborted; and,
further, with one exception out of eight animals, all died of lead
poisoning, not as the result of the abortion, but some time later,
although no further administration of lead was made. This confirms
the well-known abortifacient effect of diachylon, and there is no
doubt that the lead circulating in the maternal blood determines the
abortion. Further, observers who have examined the fœtus in such
cases have demonstrated the presence of lead in the fœtus itself.
Oliver[11] found that eggs painted with lead nitrate did not hatch out,
and on opening the eggs the embryos were found to have reached
only a limited stage of development, and to have then died, whereas
control eggs painted with lime produced live chicks. From what is
stated later with regard to the curious action of lead upon the blood,
the mechanism of abortion is easily understood; it is probable that
placental hæmorrhages are produced, as in other organs of the
body. But the effect of lead on the female is not only apparent during
pregnancy. A considerable number of women working in lead
processes suffer from amenorrhœa, and often from periods of
menorrhagia and dysmenorrhœa, which as a rule is the more striking
symptom. The effect of lead on the uterine functions, however, only
exists so long as the constant intake of the poison is taking place,
and many cases are recorded where women, after having had
successive abortions while working in lead factories, have ultimately
gone through a normal pregnancy and given birth to a living child.
This circumstance bears a strong analogy to the similar train of
events in syphilis.
In the Report of the Committee on the Use of Lead in the
Potteries, some inquiry was made with regard to the possible
association of lead absorption on the male side as a predisposing
cause of infant mortality and premature birth. The tables given are
not very conclusive, and from our own observations there seems to
be very little evidence for supposing that a male lead worker is less
likely to beget children, or that his children are more likely to be
unhealthy than those of men working in any other industrial process.
We are here speaking of the effect of lead under the conditions of its
general use in this country now. In the absence of any precautions
whatever as to daily absorption of dangerous dust, the effect on the
offspring, even in the case of male lead workers, may well be
evident, as has been shown by Chyzer[12] in the manufacture of
pottery as a home industry in Hungary. One greatly disturbing factor
in estimating the greater susceptibility of the female than the male in
many lead industries is that the more dangerous work is performed
by the women, such, for instance, in the Potteries, as the process of
colour-blowing and ware-cleaning.
Predisposing Causes of Lead Poisoning.—In lead poisoning,
as in many other diseases, a number of predisposing and
contributory causes may be cited which tend to lower the
susceptibility of the individual to the poisonous effect of the metal
and its compounds, or to so modify the functions of the body that a
smaller dose of poison may produce more profound changes than
would otherwise be the case.
Certain diseases may be regarded as predisposing causes by
lowering the general resistance of the body tissues to the influence
of lead, and a consideration of the chapter on Pathology will at once
demonstrate how seriously certain diseases may contribute in this
The peculiar effect of lead is upon the blood and the walls of the
bloodvessels, and it will therefore follow that any disease which may
affect the intima of the bloodvessels may predispose to lead
poisoning; and, further, as the elimination of lead takes place to a
certain extent through the kidney, any disease which affects either
the renal epithelium or the general maintenance of the excretory
function of the kidney may predispose that organ to the irritative
effects of the lead circulating in the blood. In the same way, the
condition of lead absorption in which the balance of absorption and
elimination of lead remains in such a ratio that no definite symptoms
of lead poisoning appear may have that delicate balance easily
upset by the introduction of some secondary cause, which, when
operating in association with lead absorption, may precipitate
symptoms attributable to poisoning by that metal. Chronic alcoholism
especially, producing as it does definite changes in the kidney of
itself—changes which it is impossible to distinguish by the naked eye
from the effects of lead poisoning—must clearly act as a
predisposing, if not even an exciting, cause of lead kidney infection.
In experiments upon animals, it was found that the addition of
alcohol to the diet of an animal which was the subject of chronic lead
absorption precipitated the attack of definite poisoning; in other
words, the latent period of lead poisoning—that is to say, the
resistance exhibited by the tissues to the toxic influence of lead—
was considerably diminished by this addition of a second irritant,
alcohol. In several experiments, also, where the form of lead
experimented with was one of the least toxic of the lead compounds,
the animals subjected to such a compound alone did not become
poisoned, but succumbed if alcohol were added to their diet. This
experimental work is amply borne out by the clinical evidence of all
persons who have had experience of industrial lead poisoning, as
cases of colic and wrist-drop are frequently observed in lead workers
shortly after alcoholic excesses. Individuals, therefore, who are
suspected of the alcoholic habit should not be employed in any
process where they are likely to run risk of absorption of lead dust.
Such diseases as syphilis and gout, by causing a heightened
arterial tension or definite disease of the intima of the bloodvessels
themselves, tend to weaken the arteries in much the same manner
as does lead circulating in the blood, and must on that account act
as predisposing causes.
In persons employed in lead trades some species of tolerance is
generally developed, and if the functions of the body progress in the
normal way the balance of elimination and absorption are equal,
and, as will be seen later, the chief channel for the elimination of lead
from the body is through the bowel. It follows, therefore, that any
disease which tends to produce constipation or chronic inactivity of
the normal intestinal functions will also tend to lower the resistance
of the individual to lead poisoning.
Of the various types of intestinal disease of a chronic nature—
such, for instance, as chronic dysentery, colitis, and the like—little
need be said; but the predisposing effect of diseased conditions of
the upper portion of the alimentary canal must not be overlooked,
more particularly affections of the oral cavity itself. This special type
of infection, often included under the term of “oral sepsis,” besides
producing anæmia, is also a constant cause of intestinal
disturbance, and as such operates as a particular predisposing
cause of lead poisoning.
With regard to gout the evidence is not so clear. It was pointed out
by Garrod[13] that gout was common among house-painters, and it
has been generally stated that lead poisoning predisposes to this
complaint. In the opinion of a considerable number of observers,
however, gout is by no means common among persons working in
white lead factories or lead-smelting works, but there seems to be
some reason to suppose that it is somewhat common among those
persons employed in the painting trades, but not among those
employed in the manufacture of paints and colours. From the
experiments carried out by one of us [K. W. G.[13]]. it seems probable
that the occurrence of gout among painters may be associated with
the use of turpentine, largely employed in the ordinary processes of
painting, as this substance in particular is not one that is used by
workers in other lead trades, and, from experiments performed on
animals, the inhalation of turpentine vapour was found to produce
very definite changes both in the kidney and the general metabolism
of the body.
Malnutrition.—Malnutrition is recognized as a predisposing
cause of practically all forms of disease, and with a chronic
intoxication, such as lead poisoning, malnutrition and starvation, with
its attendant depression of all the vital forces of the body, is
essentially a predisposing cause of poisoning, so much so that even
the fact of commencing work without previously partaking of food
may operate directly as a cause of poisoning. It has been found,
moreover, experimentally by one of us [K. W. G.[14]] that an animal
fed with milk containing lead nitrate did not develop poisoning,
though the control animal developed well-marked symptoms of
poisoning with a much smaller dose given in water.
Anæmia.—Anæmia has already been referred to as occurring
with great frequency in persons who are absorbing lead, and it
usually forms one of the chief factors in the symptom-complex of
lead cachexia. As the action of lead is particularly upon the blood
and the hæmopoietic organs, diminishing the number of red cells
and the amount of hæmoglobin, and impairing the organs from which
fresh blood-cells are produced, a disease or state associated with
anæmia other than of lead origin acts as a definite predisposing
cause in the development of toxic symptoms in a worker in an
industrial lead process.
Among the anæmias, two particular types may be referred to as of
chief importance. In the first place, chlorosis, the anæmia occurring
particularly in young women, is often associated with intestinal
stasis. Lead anæmia occurring in a chlorotic person is always more
severe than simple lead anæmia. Young persons suffering from
chlorosis, therefore, should not be employed in a dangerous lead
process until the anæmia has been treated. The second type of
anæmia, which, from its frequency, may be also regarded as a
predisposing cause of lead poisoning, is chronic secondary septic
anæmia. Anæmias of this type, as was pointed out by William
Hunter[15], resemble in many points the original idiopathic or
Addisonian anæmia, often termed “pernicious anæmia,” and one of
us has had occasion to inquire into the curious type of secondary
anæmia associated with septic affections of the upper respiratory
tract, particularly those related to chronic suppurative affections of
the accessory sinuses of the nose, of the gums, of the mucous
membrane of the mouth and the throat. The commonest forms of this
secondary anæmia are those due to chronic post-nasal discharge,
and to chronic infections of the gums and alveolus of the jaws, the
latter often classed together under the term “pyorrhœa alveolaris.”
This term is an exceedingly clumsy one, indicating a discharge of
pus from the gum edges and sockets of the teeth, which are often
loose. The disease commences as an infective gingivitis along the
edges of the gum, and progresses to rarefying osteitis of the alveolar
process, and often of the body of the bone. The affection rarely gives
rise to pain, and as a rule the individual is entirely unaware that any
chronic suppuration is present, and little or no notice is therefore
taken of the disease. Progressive anæmia may thus be set up
without any knowledge of its cause, partly by absorption of the actual
bacteria and their products through the alveolar bloodvessels, and
partly by the fact of the constant swallowing of pus and bacterial
products, which set up various forms of chronic gastro-intestinal
incompetence. From the discharges of the mouth, and issuing from
the gum edges, numerous bacteria have been isolated, and in more
recent work one of us [K. W. G.[16]] has succeeded in isolating and
identifying certain bacteria as a direct cause of arthritis deformans, a
malady occasionally, but without sufficient grounds, ascribed to lead
poisoning. Arthritis of various types may occur in persons engaged in
lead trades, but in all such cases we have had the opportunity of
examining there has been some obvious source of septic infection,
and no evidence that the arthritis was due to the action of lead. It is
most important to draw the attention of those engaged in the
protection of lead workers from the dangers of their occupation to
these chronic septic conditions of the mouth, and it may be taken as
a general rule that, wherever the blue line makes its appearance
along the gums, such gums are in a state of chronic infection, and
the appearance of the blue line is merely a secondary effect. It is
exceedingly rare to find the blue line in persons with intact gums and
clean teeth; and although attention is frequently drawn to the fact
that a lead line exists in a person whose teeth are normal, little or no
notice is taken of the presence or absence of a suppurative condition
of the gum margins. Moreover, such a suppurative condition does
not always result in obvious inflammation of the gum edges, and
very considerable destruction of the alveolus and the interdental
bone may exist without any obvious signs of its presence, unless the
case be examined carefully with a fine probe. This particular point
has been the subject of experiment by one of us. Animals exposed
to the influence of air laden with lead dust never develop a blue line,
although all the usual symptoms of lead poisoning make their
appearance. When, however, some slight suppurative lesion of the
gums was produced by an inoculation into the gum tissue of
organisms isolated from a case of infective gingivitis in a human
being, the site of inoculation and any suppurative lesion that resulted
locally at once allowed the development of a blue line, and it was
only in animals so treated that it was possible to produce
experimentally the Burtonian line.
There is no doubt that any chronic septic infection may predispose
to lead poisoning through the production of a secondary anæmia,
and it is therefore inadvisable to pass for work in a lead process of a
dangerous nature any persons suffering from an infected condition of
the mouth. It follows also that the care of the mouth and gums
should be rigorously enforced upon all persons employed in lead
trades, as the mere mechanical facilities for the accumulation of
débris around the individual teeth tends to increase the quantity of
lead dust that may be retained in the mouth. This is gradually
rendered soluble and absorbed, through the action of the bacterial
acids which are always produced along the gum margins when any
entangled food is retained in the interdental spaces.
One further point of importance attaches to the infections of the
upper respiratory tract—namely, the constant ingestion of bacteria of
a fermentative type. By this means the contents of the stomach may
be maintained in a state of hyperacidity, and any small quantities of
lead which become swallowed are thereby at once rendered soluble
in the intermeal periods.
Of the other types of anæmia which may act as predisposing
causes of lead poisoning, little need be said, as they are either
associated with other grave symptoms or are rare in this country. But
as all forms of anæmia, particularly septic anæmia, malarial fever,
etc., are associated with destruction of the blood-cells, the presence
of basophile staining granules in the red corpuscles of such persons
is a constant feature, and must not be confounded with the basophile
staining owing its origin to the effect of lead.
In addition to the diseases mentioned which may be said to
predispose to lead poisoning, certain other diseases have been
stated to be predisposed to by the action of lead. It is no doubt a fact
that where chronic anæmia, wasting, loss of subcutaneous fat,
decreased muscular power, and general lowering of the metabolic
activity of the body, are produced, an individual so affected may be
supposed to be more susceptible to certain infectious diseases, and
among these stress has been laid on the alleged association of
phthisis with lead absorption. This point is discussed in the next
In summing up the difficult question of predisposition to lead
poisoning, together with the correlated questions of susceptibility and
immunity, certain facts may at any rate be clearly stated:
1. Undoubted individual susceptibility and immunity exist with
regard to lead poisoning in exactly the same way as individual
susceptibility and immunity may be shown to exist towards poisoning
by many other metals and drugs. Therefore, given the same
opportunities for infection, a person showing early signs of lead
absorption may be regarded as susceptible.
2. Females are at least twice, and probably three times, as
susceptible to lead poisoning as are males. Much of this
susceptibility is determined by the extra stress thrown upon the
female generative organs.
3. Certain diseases predispose to lead poisoning mainly by nature
of the alterations in metabolism produced—chiefly anæmia.
4. Many persons engaged in lead industries become gradually
tolerant of the absorption of lead, and in time resist much larger
doses than would have been possible at the commencement of
exposure, but in such persons the balance between absorption and
excretion upon which that tolerance depends may become easily
disturbed by intercurrent disease or sudden increase in absorption.

[1] Cloetta: Dixon Mann’s Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, p. 463.
[2] Oliver, Sir T.: Diseases of Occupation, p. 142.
[3] Goadby, K. W.: Departmental Committee on Lead Poisoning, etc., in
China and Earthenware Manufacture, Appendix No. XXV.
[4] Meillère and Richer: Meillère’s Le Saturnisme. Paris, 1903.
[5] Blyth: Abstract of Proc. Chem. Soc., 1887-88.
[6] Hougounencq: Meillère’s Le Saturnisme, p. 73.
[7] Dixon Mann: British Medical Journal, 1893.
[8] Gautier: Société de Biologie, April, 1903.
[9] Oliver, Sir T.: British Medical Journal, May 13, 1911, p. 1096.
[10] Glibert, D. J.: Le Saturnisme Expérimental. Extrait des Rapports
Annuels de l’Inspection du Travail. Bruxelles, 1906.
[11] Oliver, Sir T.: Diseases of Occupation, p. 139.
[12] Chyzer, A.: Des Intoxications par le Plomb se présentant dans la
Céramique en Hongrie. Budapest, 1908.
[13] Garrod: The Lancet, 1870.
[14] Goadby, K. W.: Departmental Committee on Lead Poisoning, etc., in
China and Earthenware Manufacture, Appendix XXV.
[15] Hunter, William: Severest Anæmias.
[16] Goadby, K. W.: The Lancet, March 11, 1911.
[A] Based mainly on reports received from certifying factory surgeons during the ten years 1900-1909.

Classification of notified cases of lead poisoning was carried out on practically the same
lines between the years 1900 and 1909, and comparison of the data so collected has
interest, in view of their large number—nearly 7,000—in respect of (1) increase or decrease
in recorded amount in each one of eighteen classes of industries; (2) severity and number
of attack—i.e., whether first, second, third, or chronic; and (3) main symptoms.
Notification was first enjoined by Section 29 of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1895,
which subsequently, on consolidation of the Factory Acts, became Section 73 of the Act of
1901. This enactment requires every medical practitioner, attending on, or called in to visit,
a patient whom he believes to be suffering from lead poisoning contracted in a factory or
workshop, to notify the case forthwith to the Chief Inspector of Factories at the Home Office;
and a similar obligation is imposed on the occupier of a factory or workshop to send written
notice of every such case to the certifying surgeon and inspector of factories for the district.
In form there is close similarity between this section and that requiring notification under the
Infectious Diseases (Notification) Act; but whereas the symptoms of these diseases are,
within well-recognized limits, precise, in lead poisoning the differential diagnosis has not
infrequently to be made from a variety of common ailments—headache, anæmia,
rheumatism, abdominal pain; and there is no precise standard of what constitutes lead
The notification of the practitioner as a rule gives no information beyond the belief that the
case is one of lead poisoning. As a matter of routine the notification is followed up by an
inquiry by the certifying surgeon and inspector to see whether regulations already in force
have been infringed in the particular work-place or not, and as to how far there may have
been contributory negligence on the part of the sufferer. The data supplied on the surgeon’s
report form the basis of the tabulation[1]. Brief explanation is wanted of the method adopted
in classification. Cases represent all attacks reported within a year, and not previously
reported within the preceding twelve months, so as to make the number of persons and
cases in a year the same. Where the interval between two reports on the same person was
more than twelve months, the fresh attack was again included. The number of such second
reports on persons already included in a return numbered 284 (4·2 per cent.), and a portion
of these certainly, probably not more than 100, have been included twice or thrice in the
total 6,638 cases. Cases in which there was obvious error in diagnosis, or in which the
opinion of the certifying surgeon was very strongly against the diagnosis (especially when
the report had been made in the first instance by the occupier alone, and not by a medical
practitioner), were excluded from the return. These numbered 458 (6·8 per cent.). Others,
again, where there was a strong element of doubt, but not to be regarded as more than a
difference of opinion between two medical men, were marked doubtful and included. Of
these there were 424 (6·3 per cent.).
The classification of industries was designed to represent the way in which the poisoning
may be supposed to originate from (a) lead fumes (1 to 4), (b) handling metallic lead (5 and
6), (c) dust from lead compounds (7 to 14), and (d) lead paint (15 to 17). We attach now
only slight importance to this attempt to define causation, as it will appear from our survey
that we regard almost all cases as the result of inhalation either of fumes or dust.
The reports describe not only the particular attack, but also the general condition of the
patient at the time of the attack. Very frequently a combination of symptoms—colic,
anæmia, and varying degree of paralysis—are described as present, and when this is the
case each one of them has been entered under the appropriate heading. The total number
of symptoms, therefore, greatly exceeds the number of cases, but this does not affect the
correctness of the estimate of each one as a proportion on the total number reported. The
reports do not give detailed information such as can be gained from hospital records.
Especially is this the case with the symptoms of paralysis and encephalopathy.
Table III. shows the number of reported cases included in returns for each of the years
1900 to 1909. On the total figures there has been a reduction of 47·7 per cent. In the
several industries the salient feature is that the considerable diminution achieved is limited
to industries—notably white lead, earthenware and china, litho-transfers, and paints and
colours—in which, under regulations or special rules, locally applied exhaust ventilation for
the removal of dust, and periodical medical examination of the workers, have been required.
Where, owing to the nature of the processes carried on, it has been found impracticable, in
the present state of knowledge, to apply local exhaust ventilation, and where periodical
examination of the workers is lacking, as in smelting of metals[A] and industries using paint,
there has been tendency to increase in the number of cases. In coach-building the increase
is in part due to activity in the motor-car industry.
[A] This is now required by the regulations dated August 12, 1911.

TABLE III.—NOTIFICATION OF POISONING BY LEAD (under S. 73, 1901), 1900-1909.

Reported Cases.
Industry. 1900-09. 1909. 1908. 1907. 1906. 1905. 1904. 1903. 1902. 1901. 1900.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Lead poisoning 6,762 275 553 646 578 632 592 597 614 629 863 1,05838
30 32 26 33 23 26 19 14 34

1. Smelting of
metals 41218 665 702 282 381 241 331 372 28 543 341
2. Brass works 754 5 6 91 11 51 101 15 5 61 3
3. Sheet lead and
lead piping 1093 92 14 6 7 9 7 11 12 17 171
4. Plumbing and
soldering 21712 28 27 202 164 242 213 26 231 23 9
5. Printing 20017 211 302 263 162 194 15 132 19 231 182
6. File-cutting 21119 8 92 10 15 12 204 242 271 467 403
7. Tinning and
enamelling 1382 21 10 25 181 141 10 14 11 10 5
8. White lead 1,29531 322 793 71 1087 901 1162 1092 1431 1897 3586
9. Red lead 108 10 12 7 6 10 11 6 13 14 19
10. China and
earthenware 1,06557 585 11712 1038 1074 843 1064 973 874 1065 2008
10a. Litho-transfers 48 1 2 10 5 5 3 3 2 7 10
11. Glass cutting
and polishing 489 42 31 4 41 3 — 4 82 113 7
12. Enamelling iron
plates 521 3 7 6 4 2 3 4 31 9 11
13. Electric 2856 272 251 21 26 271 33 28 161 491 33
14. Paints and
colours 4227 392 25 351 37 571 321 391 46 56 561
15. Coach-building 69741 956 703 703 857 563 494 745 631 654 705
16. Ship-building 26910 271 15 221 261 322 48 241 151 281 322
17. Paint used in
industries 45218 42 471 492 373 492 273 461 441 61 505
18. Other
industries 65920 572 785 562 662 701 533 40 64 891 864

The principal figures are those of the cases, fatal and non-fatal; the small figures relate to fatal cases only.
For the sake of completeness the figures for the years 1910 and 1911 are given below. The grand totals are
comparable with those for each of the years 1900 to 1909, but not the total for all of the several groups of
industries. Thus, the name of heading No. 7 is altered to “Tinning of metals,” and No. 12 to “Vitreous
enamelling,” because of regulations widening their scope, and now including cases which previously figured in
No. 18, “Other industries.”

Industry. 1911. 1910.

Lead poisoning 66937 50538
Smelting of metals 483 345
Brass works 91 7
Sheet lead and lead piping 12 4
Plumbing and soldering 372 251
Printing 322 334
File-cutting 182 91
Tinning of metals 13 17
Vitreous enamelling 191 17
White lead 412 341
Red lead 131 10
China and earthenware 926 7711
Litho-transfers 1 1
Glass cutting and polishing 5 —
Electric accumulators 241 31
Paints and colours 21 171
Coach and car painting 1045 706
Ship-building 366 212
Use of paint in other industries 561 513
Other industries 884 473



Severity of Symptoms. Number of Attack.

No. Occupation. Total. Severe. Moderate. Slight. First. Second. Chron
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M.
1 Smelting of
Cases 411 — 104 — 105 — 197 — 276 — 65 — 64 —
Per cent. 100 — 25·3 — 25·6 — 47·9 — 67·2 — 16·8 — 15·6 —
2 Brass works:

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