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Understanding Climate Change-Its Mitigationa and Adaptation to It
Understanding Climate Change-Its Mitigationa and Adaptation to It
Understanding Climate Change-Its Mitigationa and Adaptation to It
Ebook383 pages4 hours

Understanding Climate Change-Its Mitigationa and Adaptation to It

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About this ebook

The ongoing global warming is setting off changes in global climatewhat has come to be known as climate changewith dire consequences on the ecosystem of the earth and on human life, being experienced by the world for over the last many decades in the form of climatic extremes, erratic rainfall, floods, droughts, cyclones, having adverse impact on water resources, agriculture, health, human settlements, biodiversity, loss of glaciers, rise in sea level, ocean acidification, etc. All these have been scientifically established through the Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The causes of this rising threat are mainly indiscriminate human activities of burning of fossil-fuels, deforestation, intensive agriculture, and animal husbandry, industrial emissions, etc., causing continual rise of emissions of greenhouse gases. The general perception is that decision making and action is slow, and the threat is increasing by the day. There is lack of public awareness toward the danger. Since human activities are the cause, it is through modification of human activities that the danger can be averted. The purpose of this book is to explain the whole phenomenon of climate change in easy language and lucid style, for creating public awareness. Aware people can prevail upon the governments and authorities to take up the mitigation and adaptation efforts in right earnest, and also on their part, they can conduct their daily activities with thought of abating the challenge.
Release dateJan 23, 2015
Understanding Climate Change-Its Mitigationa and Adaptation to It

Fazal Ahmed Khan

Jatin Modi has been raising the concern of climate change at various conferences for many years. Ranjit Chavan is keen to spread the awareness of climate change and need to take mitigation and adaptation measures at all levels. Fazalahmed Khan regularly contributes a column on climate change in the Journal of the Institute.

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    Book preview

    Understanding Climate Change-Its Mitigationa and Adaptation to It - Fazal Ahmed Khan


    Dr. Jatin Modi


    Ranjit S. Chavan

    Director General

    Fazalahmed B. Khan


    All India Institute of Local Self-Government

    Copyright © 2015 All India Institute of Local Self-Government, Mumbai. All rights reserved.


    978-1-4828-4338-5 (sc)

    978-1-4828-4339-2 (e)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system witho ut the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Information contained in the book has been taken from various books, journals and web-sites of various bodies, authorities, government, institutions etc. the sources having been mentioned in the book and at appropriate places with due acknowledgement. Due care has been taken to record correct data, information etc. The publisher and the authors shall not be liable for any errors, omissions or damages arising out of use of any information contained in the book. On the contrary the publisher shall be obliged if any such error or omission is brought to his notice for possible correction in future.

    Cover page and back cover design: Shailesh Chalke. Email:,


    Global warming and climate change, the two climatic phenomenon, which have attracted global attention in the 1970s and 1980s have now started posing threat to mankind and to the entire eco-system of the earth. This new threat of global warming has already started causing disastrous consequences of climate change. At the world level, through the authoritative and expert bodies namely the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Meteorological Organization and other bodies in the UN system, efforts are on for adaptation and mitigation and reducing the risk of key vulnerabilities. At national levels in each country the governments are taking efforts to tackle the threat. Every new report of the IPCC contains vast details as to how the dangers of climate change are increasing in gravity and magnitude. Every day newspapers bring out some news about researches or happenings that bear out the risk of climate change.

    The words of the IPCC chairman, while releasing the Fifth Assessment Report, Contribution of Working Group II, on 31 March, 2014 are indicators of many things, when he said: "Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change. The statement issued by the UNFCCC on that occasion says: Climate change is already becoming a determining factor in the national security policies of states. This grim reality is also echoed by the WMO, when its chairman, in response to the release of the above report, said that over the coming decades, climate change will have mostly negative impacts on cities and infrastructure, migration and security, ecosystems and species, crops and food security, public health, water supplies, and much more. We will see more ocean acidification and extreme droughts, floods and heat waves. The poor and vulnerable will be most affected."

    There is a general perception that the seriousness of the threat and the urgency to act is not reflected in the policies at national levels and down in the local administration. Its concern is not seen in day to day life, when the fact is that every action of the billions of individuals makes or mars the prospect of mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. At the time of the Conference of Parties held every year under the auspices of the UNFCCC, where the situation is reviewed and future course of action is deliberated upon by the representatives of 195 countries, and NGOs get the occasion to raise protests. These make good headlines and sound bytes on channels. Fact is that the concern of imminent dangers has not percolated to the public at large. A strong public opinion and concern is needed so that national and regional governments and local authorities the world over make policies and take measures with all the urgency and seriousness it requires.

    We, at the All India Institute of Local Self Government are, inter alia, engaged in the study, research and publications on the issues of urbanization and environment. During our 86 years of existence we have constantly kept track of the change happening in the country, in society, in urban scenario, and have constantly updated our mandate and activities. In pursuance of our objectives, we have decided to bring out literature for the understanding of this threat of climate change, and the measures for its abatement. We earnestly desire to make a humble contribution in spreading the knowledge and concern for climate change that is showing dire consequences the world over. Earlier, in 2013 the Institute published a book entitled ‘Understanding Climate Change, which was well received. Subsequently, the reports of Working Group I, II and III of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out in September 2013, March 2014 and May 2014 respectively, which re-iterated the enhanced gravity of climate change and emphasized for taking action with more urgency. It was therefore necessary to bring out a more updated version of the book.

    Why this book?

    A vast corpus of literature on climate change is published the world over; a large number of voluminous books are brought out dwelling on some or the other aspects of the phenomenon. It was observed that most of the books are written in technical jargon. There are hardly any books that put across the whole phenomenon, events, concepts, courses of action in simple non – technical language and style. This book is an attempt to look at the huge problem in almost all its aspects, and an effort to present it in a clear, simple and non-technical language and communicative tone. As such it is an informative book. Awareness, dissemination of knowledge is the essential pre-requisites of any meaningful action. The problem of global warming manifested in far-reaching climate change is so huge and complex that its basic understanding is necessary at all levels, hence the public authorities will find this book handy in spreading and creating concern of climate change in their target groups, including law makers, officials and elected representatives of local authorities. The Institute works in association with many national international organizations, and wishes to reach out to other countries, especially developing and the less developed countries. The phenomenon of climate change is a challenge to the whole world; as such its concern is universal. The Institute is a socially motivated, non-profit organization. The book is a humble effort, an educational venture of the Institute, to disseminate the knowledge of climate change for mass awareness. This book is, thus, for creating awareness of the threat of climate change in public at large, to show the grim picture and to create and build strong public opinion.

    The authors have been interested in and involved with the subject for many years and have been raising the issue especially for local authorities to take up measures for combating this environmental problem, whose gravity and magnitude is increasing by the day everywhere. They have been following up the developments through books, journals, magazines, reports and the internet. Things are moving fast; information, reports become out dated soon. What global warming is, and how it sets off a chain of reactions in the global climate system has been assessed and explained by the IPCC. The WMO is a world level body, inter alia, providing leadership in observing and monitoring the climate and making available huge information to the countries and IPCC. The UNFCCC is committed to bring the countries of the world together in charting courses action. As such, the enormous reports, fact sheets, graphics and publications of these bodies are the authoritative sources of information on climate change. These bodies have graciously put their huge reports, information sheets, analyses etc. on the net, for the world to have access. As such, this book is substantially based on these authentic sources of highest authority.

    Besides, a number of other scientific bodies, institutions, in the UN system and outside, are engaged in very valuable climate research and are equally gracious to put their research reports on the web for the world to read them and make use of. As such, the authors have referred to a number of such websites and taken the particular nuggets of information from them. Each of the sources is duly acknowledged in the respective chapter. Care is taken to ensure that references are taken as permitted, and in the manner required.

    We earnestly hope this book will serve its intended purpose.

    Dr. Jatin Modi

    Ranjit Chavan

    Fazal Ahmed Khan


    Use of abbreviations is kept at the minimum level in the book. Whenever an abbreviation is first used, its full form is given in bracket. Yet, a list of abbreviations used in the book is given below for the convenience of the reader.

    List of Figures

    (Images that illustrate the content of the related text)

    List of Photos

    (Images that relate to the topic)

    List of Boxes

    NB: The number of figures, photos and boxes are according to the concerned chapter, i.e. the integer used for figure/photo or box indicates the chapter in which the figure or photo or box is included.

    About the Authors

    image003.tif Dr. Jatin V. Modi, President of the All India Institute of Local Self-Government, is a medical consultant by profession. He is the President of the United Cities Local Government- Asia Pacific Section -UCLG ASPAC) at Jakarta, Indonesia. He has been instrumental in setting up International Academy for Urban Dynamics (IAUD) in Mumbai, National Fire Academy, Nursing Academy and the Centre for Environmental Disaster Management, in Vadodara (India). He has represented the Institute at international conferences and presented papers on various themes of urban governance, environment, public health etc.

    image004.tif Mr. Ranjit S. Chavan, Director General of the Institute, who holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree is the Vice-President of the Institute of Public Health Engineers (India) since 2001 and of the Indian Water Works Association. He was a Member of the Executive Committee of CITYNET, Yokohama, Japan for the years 2001,2002,2004 and 2006. He is also a member of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). He has special interest in urban governance, urban management and environment.

    image005.tif Mr. Fazalahmed B. Khan, after retiring from a position in the Urban Development Department of the Government of Maharashtra is associated with the Institute as an Advisor. His long experience in handling the subjects of urbanization and environment makes him a resource person and researcher on urbanization and environment. He regularly contributes a column "Climate Change Update’ in the Journal of the Institute. With Mr. Chavan, he has authored many books.

    At the end of the day your ability to connect with your readers comes down to how you make them feel.

    -Benjamin J. Carey, Barefoot in November

    About the Book/Overview:

    The ongoing Global Warming is setting off changes in global climate, what has come to be known as Climate Change, with dire consequences on the ecosystem of the earth and on human life, being experienced the world over for last many decades in the form of climatic extremes, erratic rainfall, floods, droughts, cyclones, having adverse impact on water resources, agriculture, health, human settlements, biodiversity, loss of glaciers, rise in sea level, ocean acidification etc. All these have been scientifically established through the Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The causes of this rising threat are mainly indiscriminate human activities of burning of fossil-fuels, deforestation, intensive agriculture and animal husbandry, industrial emissions, etc. causing continual rise of emissions of greenhouse gases. The general perception is that decision making and action is slow and the threat is increasing by the day. There is lack of public awareness towards the danger. Since human activities are the cause, it is through modification of human activities that the danger can be averted. Purpose of this book is to explain the whole phenomenon of climate change in easy language and lucid style, for creating public awareness. Aware people can prevail upon the governments and authorities to take up the mitigation and adaptation efforts in right earnest, and also on their part they can conduct their daily activities with thought of abating the challenge.

    About the Institute

    Established in 1926 as an institute for training institute for the urban local bodies, the All India Institute of Local Self-Government, Mumbai has come a long way to become a national level training institute having 28 Regional Centres in India, and has many specialized institutions which are its integral part. The Institute is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and the Bombay Public Charitable Trusts Act. It is a no-profit organization. It is socially motivated. Through its activities it aims to contribute to better urban management and environment protection. Its divisions are as under:

    1. Regional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies (RCUES), established in 1968 by the Government of India, in 1968, which undertakes policy research, case studies, advisory and consultancy services, specialized trainings, customized trainings, seminars, workshops and organizes study visits for experience sharing.

    2. Planning and Resources on Urban Development Affairs (PRUDA), which is involved in comprehensive urban planning and management projects with the Government of India and various State Governments and urban local bodies to make urban areas much more livable spaces.

    3. National Fire Academy.

    4. Nrupur Institute of Nursing Science and Research.

    5. Chanakya Institute of Management Studies and Research.

    6. National Resource Centre on Urban Poverty.

    7. Mumbai Transformation Support Unit.

    8. International Academy of Urban Dynamics.

    9. International Centre for South-South Learning.

    10. Advanced Centre for Sustainable Development & Urban Poverty Alleviation.

    11. Academy for Women Elected Representatives.

    12. GIS Services Centre.

    In order to upgrade the existing programmes and knowledge resources the Institute has linkages with many government departments, reputed universities and national level/specialized institutions, which include the following-

    1. Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation, Government of India.

    2. State Governments in India.

    3. Municipal Corporations, Development Authorities, Municipal Councils.

    4. University of Mumbai, Saurashtra University, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, CEPT University, Indira Gandhi National Open University, S.N.D.T. University, Mumbai etc.

    5. Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, V.J.T.I. Mumbai, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi, Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration etc.

    6. National Institute of Public Co-operation and Child Development, New Delhi.

    7. Indian Water Works Association.

    8. National Solid Waste Management Association of lndia.

    9. Institution of Fire Engineers (India).

    10. Indian Association of Social Science Associations (IASSI).

    Tie-ups with global bodies

    The Institute makes exchange of ideas possible to and from institutional global partners. This in turn facilitates new projects, ventures and strategies for urban development schemes. Some of its global partners are as follows-

    UNDP, UNCHS, UNICEF,UN-Habitat, US-AEP, WHO, Urban Management Programme (UN-Habitat), GTZ, Germany (German Technical Collaboration), Ford Foundation, British Council, The Canadian International Development Agency, Cities Alliance, Regional Network for Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements, Japan (CITYNET), Commonwealth Local Government Forum, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLIE), Commonwealth Secretariat, London (UK), Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Netherlands etc.


    The main emphasis of the Institute’s work is to see that the local bodies contribute more effectively to the development process and provide the citizens with better living conditions by meeting their aspirations in terms of required civic amenities, infrastructure and better environmental conditions thus contributing to social and economic development of the society as a whole by better urban management. While this is the long term objective, the more immediate ones are -

    To advance the knowledge of the principles and practices of local government, conducting research work and

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