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The Green Laws

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Green laws are those that deal with the

protection, conservation, utilization, and
development of forests, other land-based natural
resources, and wildlife. Green is the color used
since lands and forests are generally supposed to
be green. Land-based wildlife also considers the
forests as their habitat, thus, they are included
under the green laws.
To conserve wild animals and
plants for human benefit

To ensure that the survival of these

species is not threatened by over-
harvesting for trade purposes.

The Convention on International Trade in

Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Signed at Washington, D.C., on 3 March 1973
Amended at Bonn, on 22 June 1979
Amended at Gaborone, on 30 April 1983
Wild fauna and flora
are described as an

irreplaceable part of the

natural systems of the

earth and is valuable from

aesthetic, scientific,

cultural, recreational and

economic points of view.

Article II
Fundamental Principles
Appendix I shall include all species
threatened with extinction that are or may be
affected by trade. Trade-in specimens of
these species must be subject to particularly
strict regulation in order not to endanger
further their survival and must only be
authorized in exceptional circumstances.
Article II
Fundamental Principles
Appendix II shall include:
(a) all species which although not necessarily now
threatened with extinction may become so unless trade
in specimens of such species is subject to strict regulation
in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their
survival; and
(b) other species which must be subject to regulation in
order that trade in specimens of certain species referred
to in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph may be
brought under effective control.
Article II
Fundamental Principles
Appendix III shall include all species which
any Party identifies as being subject to
regulation within its jurisdiction for the
purpose of preventing or restricting
exploitation, and as needing the co-
operation of other Parties in the control of
Union for
Conservation of
The IUCN Red List of Threatened

Species is the world's most

comprehensive information source on

the extinction risk of animals, fungi

and plants. Assessors place species

into one of the IUCN Red List

Categories, based on a series of

assessment criteria. For each species,

The IUCN Red List provides information

about its range, population size,

habitat and ecology, use and/or

trade, threats and conservation

RA 9147
and Protection
July 30, 2001
to pursue, with due regard
To conserve and protect
to the national interest, the
wildlife species and their
Philippine commitment to
habitats to promote ecological
international conventions,
balance and enhance biological
protection of wildlife and
their habitats

to initiate or support scientific

to regulate the collection studies on the conservation of
and trade of wildlife biological diversity.

It shall be the policy of the State to conserve the

country's wildlife resources and their habitats for
The Department
of Environment
and Natural
Resources (DENR)
shall have jurisdiction over all

terrestrial plant and animal

species, all turtles and tortoises,

and wetland species, including

but not limited to crocodiles,

waterbirds, and all amphibians

and dugong.
The Department of
Agriculture (DA)
shall have jurisdiction over all

declared aquatic critical

habitats, all aquatic resources

including but not limited to all

fishes, aquatic plants,

invertebrates, and all marine

mammals, except dugong.

The National List of Threatened

Terrestrial Fauna of the

Philippines, also known as the

Red List, is a list of endangered

species endemic in the

Philippines and is maintained by

the Department of Environment

and Natural Resources (DENR)

through its Biodiversity

Management Bureau and the

Philippine Red List Committee.

pd 705
Forestry Code
of the
May 19, 1975
The multiple uses of forest lands The establishment of
shall be oriented to the wood-processing plants
development and progress shall be encouraged and
requirements of the country, the
advancement of science and
technology, and the public welfare
The protection, development
and rehabilitation of forest
Land classification and lands shall be emphasized so as
survey shall be systematized to ensure their continuity in
and hastened productive condition.

Section 2. Policies. The State hereby adopts the

following policies:

Included in this definition are all titled lands

(Torrens system, emancipation patents covering

A&D lands, CLOA). Realty tax declarations by

themselves are not proof of ownership over the

LAND (DAO 121, S of 1989)

A piece of wood with an average diameter of at
least 15 centimeters and a length of at least 1.5
meters, except all mangrove species which shall
be considered as timber regardless of size
WHAT are considered as
“premium hardwood”?
Considered as “premium hardwood” are narra,
molave, dao, kamagong, ipil, akle, apawit,
batikuling, betis, bolong-eta, teak, tindalo at
What are the permits issued under this law?
SPLTP ( Special Private Land Timber Permit) Issued by the RED

(below 10 cu. m.) and by the Secretary (over 10 cu. m.) of the DENR

for owners of private lands who will cut narra and other PREMIUM

HARDWOODS within their private land, whether these are planted or

naturally grown (DAO 21, Ss of 2000).

Pursuant to the DENR Manual of Authorities, the designated

signatory for SPLTPs is now the USec for Operations

What are the permits issued under this law?

Section 68. Cutting, gathering and/or collecting

timber or other products without license.
Timber or other forest Timber in public or
Any timber or
products in forest private lands
forest products
lands without any without a
without a permit
permit permit
Section 69. Unlawful occupation
or destruction of forest lands.

Section 70. Pasturing Livestock.

Section 71. Illegal occupation of national parks
system and recreation areas and vandalism therein.
Section 72. Destruction of wildlife resources.

Section 73. Survey by unauthorized person.

section 74. Misclassification and survey by government official
or employee.

Section 75. Tax declaration on real property.

RA 9175
"Chain Saw
Act of 2002"
November 7, 2002
"Chain saw" shall refer to any
portable power saw or similar
"Chain saw dealer" shall
cutting implement, rendered refer to a person, natural or
operative by an electric or juridical, engaged in the
internal combustion engine or manufacture, importation,
similar means, that may be
distribution, purchase,
used for, but is not limited to,
the felling of trees or the and/or sale of chain saws
cutting of timber;


Who are authorized to possess and use a chainsaw?
1. has a subsisting timber license agreement, production sharing

agreement, or similar agreements, or a private land timber


2.  Orchard or fruit tree farmer;

3.  Industrial tree farmer;

4.  Licensed wood processor;

5.  Any person who may use a chainsaw for a legal purpose;

Take care of the environment so that
we are protected by the environment
ra 7586
“National Integrated
Protected Areas System Act
of 1992”
June 1, 1992

ra 11038
“Expanded National
Integrated Protected
Areas System Act of 2018"
Keep your environment
clean for a healthy life
ra 9072
“National Caves and
Cave Resources
Management and
Protection Act."
"Cave" means any naturally "Cave resources" includes any
occurring void, cavity, recess, material or substance
or system of interconnected occurring naturally in caves,
passages beneath the surface such as animal life, plant life,
of the earth or within a cliff or
including paleontological and
ledge which is large enough to
archaeological deposits,
permit an individual to enter,
whether or not the entrance, is cultural artifacts or products
located either in private or of human activities,
public land, is naturally formed sediments, minerals,
or man made. speleogems and speleothems.

It is hereby declared the policy of the State to

conserve, protect and manage caves and cave
resources as part of the country's natural wealth.
"Speleogem" means relief "Speleothem" means any
features on the walls, ceilings natural mineral formation or
and floor of any cave or lava deposit occurring in a cave or
tube which are part of the lava tube, including but not
surrounding hedrock, including
limited to any stalactite,
but not limited to anastomoses,
stalagmite, helictite, cave
scallops, meander niches,
petromorphs and rock flower, flowstone, concretion,
pendants in solution caves and drapery, rimstone or
similar features unique to formation of clay or mud.
volcanic caves.

It is hereby declared the policy of the State to

conserve, protect and manage caves and cave
resources as part of the country's natural wealth.
Prohibited Acts
(a) Knowingly destroying, disturbing, defacing, marring, altering, removing,

or harming the speleogem or speleothem of any cave or altering the free

movement of any animal or plant life into or out of any cave:

(b) Gathering, collecting, possessing, consuming, selling, bartering or

exchanging or offering for sale without authority any, cave resource; and

(c) Counselling, procuring, soliciting or employing any other person to

violate any provisions of this Section.

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