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Final Exam Lea4

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Enerio St. Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City

“The Builder of Future Leader

Final Examination
LEA 4 (Police Intelligence)

Instructions: Answer the following questions. Any form of alterations, erasures and tearing of booklet will not be given
credit. Use black pen in answering all the questions or otherwise you will be DQ for this examination.

Test I. Multiple choice

1. An intelligence data which has little or no value.

a. A1 b. B4 c. C5 d. E6
2. In terms of reliability of the source, the letter B would mean:
a. Completely reliable b. usually reliable c. fairly reliable d. Not usually reliable
3. Father of Organized military Espionage.
a. Alexander the Greatb. Hannibal c. Frederick the Great d. Moses
4. Regarded as the first person who utilized the principles of intelligence.
a. Sun Tzu b. Moses c. Abraham d. Alexander the Great
5. This type of intelligence is primarily long range in nature.
a. Counter intelligence b. Line Intelligence c. Departmental intelligence d. strategic intelligence
6. Refers to something that is concealed or hidden.
a. Overt b. Covert c. Crypt d. Code
7. Forging or changing a person’s real identity.
a. Cover b. Deception c. Defection d. infiltration
8. Which among the following is not an inherent function of secret intelligence?
a. Espionage b. Sabotage c. Surveillance d. Undercover work
9. Refers to the social organization of criminal with its own social classes and norms.
a. Criminal syndicates b. Criminal world c. Organized crime d. Mafia
10. Which among the following is not a component of the central intelligence service?
a. Information Procurement division c. Administration division
b. Evaluation and Distribution Division d. Intelligence Division
11. A negative intelligence that covers the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities
and to the protection of information against espionage, subversion and sabotage.

a. Military intelligence c. Counter intelligence

b. Police intelligence d. Combat intelligence

12. Refers to covert or clandestine operations conducted by governments, companies, corporations or other
organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.

a. Surveillance c. False flag

b. Espionage d. True flag

13. The Harlot of Jericho (Joshua 2:1-21) who sheltered and concealed the agents of Israel, made a covenant with the
agents duped their pursuers and she was not only an impromptu confederate of immense value but also
established a plot-pattern which is still of periodic relief to motion picture producers.

a. Delilah c. Queen Elizabeth

b. Rahab d. Genghis khan
14. Which of the following persons is not a VIP?
a. State President C. High ranking public officials
b. Private Officials D. high ranking military officials
15. Which of the following conducts prophylactic operations in the area of engagement?
a. perimeter security C. route security
b. area security D. reserve security
16. What is the evaluated and interpreted information concerning organized crime and other law enforcement
a. Information C. Intelligence
b. Police Intelligence D. None of these
17. Which of these could be obtained without resorting to special effort or clandestine operation?
a. Open Sources C. Close Sources
b. Intelligence InformationD. None of these
18. The accomplice of associate of the subject of surveillance is
a. Convoy C. Decoy
b. Made D. Lost
19. It is the investigative arm of the US Department of Justice.
20. It is an act of spying.

A. Saboteur C. pilferer
B. Espionage D. Sabotage
21. Former head of the Office of Strategic Service who gave vital military intelligence which contributed to the end
of World War II.
A. Donovan C. Walsingham of England
B. Red1 D. Edward I
22. Agency vested with handling domestic intelligence in the United States.
A. Federal Bureau of Investigation C. Central Intelligence Group
B. International Police Organization D. Office of Strategic Services
23. Its role is to provide law enforcement agencies with criminal intelligence and information nationally and
internationally about major criminals and serious crimes.
A. International police Organization C. National Criminal Intelligence Service
B. Office of the Strategic Services D. Police national Computer
24. Finest intelligence agency in the world.
A. Mossad C. CIA
B. KGB D. Interpol
25. If the information is procured without the knowledge of the subject it is said to be;
A. Covert C. Undercover
B. Overt D. Surveillance
26. It refers to clandestine or secret means of obtaining information.
A. Covert intelligence C. Infiltration
B. Overt intelligence D. Surveillance

27. A biblical personality who use her beauty and charm.

A. Elizabeth C. Delilah
B. Hannibal D. Donovan
28. Known as the Father of modern policing.
A. Scotland yard B. CIA
C. Edward I D. Sir Robert Peel
29. Known as International police Organization established after World War II.
30. A parallel ally and intelligence organization of the western powers.
A. KGB C. British Secret Service
B. Mossad D. CIA

31. Refers to the use of processed information in formulating military plans, programs, and policies.
A. Line intelligence C. Military intelligence
B. Strategic intelligence D. Combat intelligence
32. Refers to the output or end product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and
A. Police intelligence C. Military intelligence
B. Line intelligence D. Counter intelligence
33. Refers to that intelligence utilized in designing plans and conducting tactical and administrative operation.
A. Combat intelligence C. Police intelligence
B. Counter intelligence D. Line intelligence
34. If you know the enemy and know yourself
A. Sun Tzu C. Mossad
B. Moses D. Hannibal
35. Pose as a beggar.
A. Mossad C. Delilah
B. Hannibal D. Moses
36. This famous organization is to ascertain all aspects concerning national security and coordinated efforts of
various agencies.
37. The committee for State Security, during the height of the cold war and the prominence of the defunct USSR.
38. Who established Mosaad?
A. Delilah C. Prime Minister David Ben Gurion
B. CIA D. Sun Tzu
39. The Israeli intelligence agency which are renowned by many as the best due to the fact that Israel despite Of
having countless enemies in the Middle East was able to survive and flourish.
40. Undercover operations that detect, observe, infiltrate and gather information regarding a particular target.
A. Intelligence C. CIA
B. Agent D. FBI

Test II. Identification

1. The act of keeping something safe.
2. An official paper that gives information.
3. It is any form of recorded information either printed, written, drawn, painted, sound recording, films, maps, etc.
4. This refers to the various stages from which information passes from the time of its conception until it is disposed.
5. It consist of any formula, device, pattern or compilation of information which is used in one’s business and gives
the user advantage over competitors who do not utilize or know it.
6. What is the ancient origin of cryptography?
7. Who invented the 5x5 Polybius square?
8. Refers to something that is concealed or hidden.
9. Reversing the alphabet is what we called?
10. What is DES?
11. Refers to the Soviet and Russian government standard symmetric key block cipher.
12. It is a crypto-system that used both substitution and transportation.
13. In 1976, the National Institute of Standards and Technology developed a cryptographic technique called?
14. This type of ciphers wherein used a particular letter or symbol which is substituted for each letter.
15. Multiple substitutions are also called?
16. It is extremely important document that will consider irreplaceable.
17. It is a form of intelligence dissemination wherein the data is dispatched to the addressee in the personal care of
authorized personnel.
18. This refers to duly processed intelligence reports not made available for public consumption.
19. Defined as an art and science of making, devising and protecting codes and ciphers.
20. It is simply a daybook or log of the activities of an intelligence officer during a particular period or specific

Test III. Matching type

Instructions: Match column K to D. Any form of alterations, erasures and tearing of booklet will not be given credit.

Column K Column D

1. Class I a. Putting into order

2. Class II b. conveyance or movement
3. Class III c. recovery or call to mind
4. Class IV d. putting aside and keeping secure
5. Creation e. consumption or utilization
6. Use f. action of causing something to exist
7. Storage g. restricted documents
8. Retrieval h. Useful/ Secret documents
9. Transfer i. Important/ Confidential documents
10. Disposition j. Vital/ top secret documents

Test IV. Enumeration

Give the correct terms. Erasures means wrong
1-9 Philippine intelligence organization
10-17 Police routine activities which are good sources of information
11-`16 Covert equipments
17-23 Kinds of informants
24-32 Motives of informants in giving information

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