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Analytic Group Assignment

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Big Data and Analytics Group Assignment – Semester 2, 2020

Weight – 25%
Due Date: Analytic Report -Due Week 11 Sunday 11:55pm

Analytic Report: Learning Outcomes Assessed: A3, K3, K6, and S2:
Purpose: The purpose of this task is to provide students with practical experience in working in teams to write a data
analytical report to provide useful insights, pattern and trends in the RETAILDEMO_2 dataset in the light of guided
questions asked on page 4 of this document. This dataset is located in SAS Viya archives of datasets. This activity will
give students the opportunity to show innovation and creativity in applying SAS Analytics, and designing useful
visualization and predictive solutions for various analytics problems.

Project Details:
This is a group assignment and you will complete the task with your team. Your team will be made up of at most 3
members who are all enrolled in the same laboratory – the teams will be allocated by your tutor. It is expected that
each team member will contribute equally to the project.
Your team will use an analytical tool (i.e SAS Visual Analytics) to explore, analyze and visualize the dataset provided.
You will receive feedback on the draft about presentation choices, content, analysis, and style.
The aim is to use the data set allocated to provide interesting insights, trends and patterns amongst the data. Your
intended audience is the CEO and middle management of the Multinational Retail Company, who are responsible for
overseeing the retails industry worldwide.
In addition, each individual team member will write a short reflection as part of the report on their individual
experience on working on the project.

• Task 1- Background information - Write a description of the dataset and project, and its importance for the
organization. Discuss the main benefits of using visual analytics to explore big data. In this you should include
a justification for using the visualizations that you will use and how they have been successful in other similar
projects. This discussion should be suitable for a general audience. Information must come from at least 6
appropriate sources (2 per student) be appropriately referenced. [2 to 3 pages]
• Task 2 – Reporting / Dashboards - For your project, perform the relevant data analysis tasks by answering the
guided questions provided (see Appendix for questions and dataset) and, identify the visualization you need
to develop.
Note: remove any missing data points from your visualizations where possible/suitable
• Task 3 – Additional Visualizations - In addition to the guided questions, it is expected that each student will
provide at least two other visualizations of the data (i.e. for a group of 3 students this is 6 extra visualizations).
These additional visualizations will be judged in terms of quality of the findings and complexity of analysis.
• These visualizations should be using multi-dimensional, filtering and advance calculation techniques.
• Task 4 – Justification -Justify why these visualizations are chosen in Task 2 and 3. Note: To ensure that you
discuss this task properly, you must include visual samples of the reports you produce (i.e. the screenshots of
the BI report/dashboard must be presented and explained in the written report; use ‘Snipping tool’), and also
include any assumptions that you may have made about the analysis in your Task 2 (i.e. the report to the
operational team of the company).[1 to 2 pages]
• Task 5 – Discussion of findings – using the visualizations created discuss the findings from the data set. In this
discussion you should explain what each visualization shows. Then summarize the main findings. [3 to 4 pages]
• Task 6 – Executive Summary – summary of the data analysis including a brief introduction, methods used and

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a list of the key findings [1 page only]
• Task 7 - The Reflection (Individual Task) - each team member is expected to write a brief reflection about this
project in terms of challenges, learning and contribution. [1 to 2 pages]

Report Submission:
Each member of the group is to submit an electronic copy of the completed group assignment and their own individual
reflection via Moodle.
The report will be approximately 8 to 12 pages in length (not counting cover page and references). The report will
include the following in the order provided below:
• A cover page including the names and student id of all team members
• Table of Contents
• Table of Figures / Tables
• Executive Summary
• Background
• The body of the report including reports, insights, justifications and visuals
• Discussion of findings
• Conclusion
• References
• Appendices

All references used in your report must be from peer-reviewed sources. Include any and all sources of information
including any person(s)n you interviewed for this project.
Your report should be formatted according to the “Assignment Layout and Appearance Guidelines” and your
references presented using the APA referencing style; information is available:
You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of the course description.
A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require
better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly
more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likely to
be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully.

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ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics - Assignment 2- Data Analysis-
Report Marking Guide

Tasks Marks Awarded Comments
1 – Background of the Project: Description of Project, 10
Datasets and organisation. The importance of project for the
organisation. Benefits and examples provided for the use of
data visualisation using peer reviewed sources.

2 - Dashboard/Reports utilisation of appropriate data analysis 30

tools, visualizations and dashboards developed for the report

3 - Additional Visualizations The quality and complexity of 10

additional visualisations provided other than the guided

4 - Justification - Each analysis/dashboard and report 5

explanation with relevant research papers, complexity and in-
depth of the justification.
5 – Discussion of findings - Key data insights, 15
recommendations to achieve organisational objectives with
theoretical justifications with proper references.
6- Executive summary - Format, key findings and 10

7 – The Reflection (Individual Task) 10

Presentation of Report - Report is well-written and presented 10

professionally, containing all requirements
Total Marks 100
Total Marks out of 25 25%

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Appendix 1: Data Set 1 and Guided Questions
Data Set 1
• Teradata – SAS Viya Data Source – RETAILDEMO_2 (57 COLUMNS, 2.3 M ROWS & 1.4 HB SIZE)

Develop a visualization using SAS Viya for each of the following questions.
Guided Questions
1. GROUP TASK: Create a data dictionary for the data source for use by the group.
2. How much is marketing and marketing budget allocated to each industry ?
3. What are the top and bottom 5 cities with respect to number of customers?
4. What is the distribution of customers by department in each country?
5. What is the distribution of customers by group chain in each country? Add animation of the Date
6. What is the trend of transactions over months for each brand?
7. For each store chain, which is most and least popular class?
8. What are the top and bottom 10 products ID in terms of Sales?
9. What are top and bottom 5 classes with respect to number of transactions?
10. What is the popular brand with respect to frequency each department in different countries?
11. What are the top 5 cities with respect to transactions and different time of the day and store chain?
12. What are the top 10 classes with respect to frequency for 4 different promotions and each brand
13. What is the trend of transactions across months for all countries? Add animation of the Date
14. What is the annual total sales store chain across countries in different months?
15. Create a geomap countries and transactions.
16. Create a cluster analysis on transaction related data.
17. What are the most appropriate predictors of location of sales? Hint- use decision tree
18. How promotion ID is varied across different age brackets in different countries?
19. What is the trend of sales from 01/01/2010 to02/01/2010 with respect to countries Hint- You need to
use filter for the dates -? Add animation of the Date
20. What is the most and least popular day in terms of Sales for any county? Please mention the name of
the country

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ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics Group Presentation – Semester 2,
Weight – 10%
Due Date: Online Video Presentation Via MS teams – Week 10 Sunday 11:55pm

Group Video Presentation: Learning Outcomes Assessed: K4, A1, A2, V1, V2
Purpose: The purpose of the oral presentation is to provide an opportunity for students to present the results of
data analysis and to share this knowledge while practicing their verbal communication skills

Project Details:
All members of the team are to work together to present their findings and recommendations developed whilst
completing the analysis of the data. The presentation should include a visual component, such as Power Point, to
support the delivery of their findings.

□ Video Presentations are to be between 10 to12 minutes in length
□ Each team member must present for at least three minutes to verbally present some of the findings from
the report
□ Teams must provide one visual component (e.g. Power Point) that is consistent in presentation, fonts
and format
□ Any references used in your presentation must be included at the end of the presentation in APA format
(see below).
□ The presentation must include:
o An introduction of the topic and team members
o The findings made from the analysis of the data including images to support these findings
o The recommendations you will make in your report
o A conclusion

Submission and Marking

□ Each group member is expected to submit a link of recorded vide presentation
□ All references are to be provided using the APA format; information for this is available here:
your- assessments
□ You will be marked according to the marking rubric provided in this document. Those items with a * will be a
group mark (i.e. all member of the group who are present will get the same mark), whilst the remaining will be
individual marks.

CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH 1103 Group Presentation Semester 1 2020 Page 5
ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics - Assignment 2- Data Analysis-
Presentation Marking Rubric

Full marks ¾ marks ½ marks ¼ Marks Mark

Presentation There are no errors in spelling, There are some errors There are many errors There are many errors in spelling,
Material grammar and punctuation. in spelling, grammar in spelling, grammar grammar and punctuation. The slides
[2 marks] Information is clear and concise and punctuation. Too and punctuation. Too were difficult to read and too much
on each slide. much information on much information was information had been copied onto
Visually appealing/engaging. two or more slides. contained on many them.
Significant visual slides. No visual appeal.
appeal. Minimal effort made to
make slides appealing
or too much going on.
Knowledge Extensive knowledge of topic. Most showed a good Few members showed Presenters didn’t understand topic.
of topic Members showed complete understanding of topic. good understanding of Majority of questions answered by
[ 7 marks] understanding of assignment. All members able to some parts of topic. only one member or majority of
Accurately answered all answer most of Only some members information incorrect.
questions posed. audience questions. accurately answered
Presentatio Regular/constant eye contact, Most members spoke Members focused on Minimal eye contact by more than one
n The audience was engaged, to majority of audience; only part of audience. member focusing on small part of
Skills and presenters held the steady eye contact. Sporadic eye contact by audience.
audience’s attention. The audience was more than one The audience was not engaged.
[ 7 marks] Appropriate speaking volume & engaged by the presenter. Majority of presenters spoke too quickly
body language. presentation. The audience was or quietly making it difficult to
Majority of presenters distracted. understand.
spoke at a suitable Speakers could be Inappropriate/disinterested body
volume. heard by only half of the language.
Some fidgeting by audience.
Body language was
Content The presentation was a concise The presentation was The presentation was The presentation was a brief look at
[2 marks] summary of the topic with all a good summary of the informative, but several the topic, but many questions were left
questions answered. topic. elements went unanswered.
Comprehensive and complete Most important unanswered. Majority of information irrelevant and
coverage of information. information covered; Much of the information significant points left out.
little irrelevant info. irrelevant; coverage of
some of major points.
Group marks All presenters knew the Slight domination of Significant controlling Unbalanced presentation or tension
[ 2 marks] information, participated one presenter. by some members with resulting from over-helping.
equally, and helped each other Members helped each one minimally Multiple group members not
as needed. other. contributing. participating.
Extremely prepared and Very well prepared. Primarily prepared but Evident lack of preparation/rehearsal.
rehearsed. with some dependence Dependence on slides.
on just reading off
Total /20

General Comments/Feedback:

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