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BMD0003 Assessment Brief 2324

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ASSESSMENT: Summative Assessment

Module Code: BMD0003

Module Title: Intelligent Business Information Systems
Assessment Type Individual Report (100%)
Academic Year 2023/24

Assessment Task

Part A Discussion Question (1,500 words) (60 marks)

• Compare and contrast the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

systems in two companies from the same industry – Company A, which
encountered failure in its ERP implementation, and Company B, which
successfully migrated to the new ERP system. Conduct a comprehensive literature
review to analyse the key factors influencing the outcomes in both companies,
with reflection on legacy systems used by the two companies.
Support your findings with data analysis, highlighting critical success factors,
challenges, and lessons learned from each company's ERP implementation
journey. Additionally, discuss the implications of your findings for future ERP
implementations in organisations.
• Conduct a review of the literature to analyse the top market players of Cloud ERP
based on the industry of your selected company. Compare SAP HANA with other
2 cloud ERP solutions discussing how they are different in their cloud ERP.

Part B Discussion Question (1,000 words) (40 marks)

Discuss the typical architecture of the master data and its components in SAP ERP and
explain its importance in the Sales and Distribution (S&D) module. Explain the Material
Master specification in SAP ERP and discuss why it is one of the most complex types of
data in the SAP ERP system. Support your discussion with relevant literature available
on SAP ERP. Explain how the sales and distribution module supports decision-makers,
and how the module integrates the flow of data across the Sales and distribution sub-

Level of AI-Use permitted for this Assessment

Level 1- Not Permitted. The use of AI tools is not permitted in any part of
this assessment.
Level 2 – Some use Permitted. Some use of AI tools is permitted in the
research/early stages of this assignment but you must ensure that the work
you submit is your own. If you use AI tools, you should acknowledge or
reference this in your work. Use the Text reference builder to learn how to
reference AI generated ideas. The sorts of questions to consider when using AI
• Is it accurate?
• Are the references genuine?
• Has it reproduced bias?

Level 3 – Integrated. The use of AI tools is integrated in this assessment.

Further guidance is included in this assessment brief.
Duration: N/A Word Count: 2500 words

Task specific guidance:

Report Structure: It is recommended you adopt the following structure and indicative
word count:

• Front page with university logo, report title, your student ID, time, and total
word count (not included in word count)
• Executive summary (not included in the word count)
• Table of contents (not included in the word count)

Part A (1500) [Please review up to 7-8 articles for this question]

Section 1: Introduction and analysis of the industry of the selected company. Your
analysis should involve a comprehensive review of relevant literature for the

• Legacy systems used by the two companies, explaining the challenges faced in
these systems.
[This can include either, fragmented solutions used by the companies or a paper-
based process, highlighting the drivers to switch to implementing an ERP]
• The reasons for ERP implementation failure for Company A
• The Critical success factors for Company B
• The industry impact on the success or failure of ERP implementation in both
companies. (This can involve, the users, the migration of data, the process mapping,
• Provide well-researched recommendations and discuss the implications of your
findings for future ERP implementations in organizations, based on your analysis.

[You should select two companies from the same industry, to show the different approaches
to adopting an ERP. Use relevant literature in your analysis]

Section 2: Analyse the utilization of various Cloud ERP Systems based on the
industry of your selected company.

Conduct a review of the literature (academic literature) to analyse the top

market players for Cloud ERP based on the industry of your selected company.
Your analysis should include SAP HANA with any other 2 cloud ERP solutions
of your choice. discussing how they are different in their cloud ERP, and their
relevancy in the industry of your selected company.
(Your answers can involve elements like cost, customisations, ease of data
migration, etc…).

Part B (1000 words) [Please review up to 7-8 articles for this question]

Discuss the typical architecture of the master data and its components in SAP ERP and
explain its importance in the Sales and Distribution (S&D) module, highlighting the
general and specific architecture/structure of the master data. Explain the Material Master
specification in SAP ERP and discuss why it is one of the most complex types of data in
the SAP ERP system. Explain how the sales and distribution module supports decision-
makers, and how it integrates the flow of data across the Sales and distribution sub-
Support your discussion with relevant literature available on SAP ERP.

Analyse the architecture of master data, and explain material master specification through
the following:
• Discuss the typical architecture of the master data and its components.
• Highlight the importance of the master data in the sales and distribution
• Explain the material master specification showing why the material master
specification module is one of the most complex types of modules.

How the Sales and Distribution module supports decision-makers.

• Explain how the sales and distribution modules support decision-makers, and
how data flows through the different sub-modules of the sales and distribution

• Reference list must be in APA 7th format (not included in word count)
• Appendices – up to 6 pages. Please note appendices content is supplementary only,
it will not be marked but can be used to support content in the main body. Full APA
7th style reference list must be used in your appendices (not included in word count)

General study guidance:

• Cite all information used in your work which is clearly from a source. Try to ensure
that all sources in your reference list are seen as citations in your work, and all
names cited in the work appear in your reference list.

• Reference and cite your work in accordance with the APA 7th system – the
University’s chosen referencing style. For specific advice, you can talk to your

Business librarians or go to the library help desk, or you can access library
guidance via the following link:
o APA 7th referencing:

• The University has regulations relating to academic misconduct, including

plagiarism. The Learning Innovation and Development Centre can advise and help
you with how to avoid ‘poor scholarship’ and potential academic misconduct. You
can contact them at

• If you have any concerns about your writing, referencing, research or presentation
skills, you are welcome to consult the Learning Innovation Development Centre
team It is possible to arrange 1:1 consultation with a
LIDC tutor once you have planned or written a section of your work, so that they
can advise you on areas to develop.

• Do not exceed the word / time / other limit.

Assessment criteria

• The Assessment Criteria are shown the end of this document. Your tutor will
discuss how your work will be assessed/marked and will explain how the
assessment criteria apply to this piece of work. These criteria have been designed
for your level of study.

• These criteria will be used to mark your work and will be used to support the
electronic feedback you receive on your marked assignment. Before submission,
check that you have tried to meet the requirements of the higher-grade bands to the
best of your ability. Please note that the marking process involves academic
judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.

• The Learning Innovation Development Centre can help you to understand and use
the assessment criteria. To book an appointment, either visit them on The Street in
the Charles Sikes Building or email them on

Learning Outcomes

This section is for information only.

The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific validated
learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you
need to show in this piece of work.

On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:

1. Appraise scholarship and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the roles and the
impact of different types of information systems that support the decision-making process within
2. Demonstrate a critical understanding of relevant theories and techniques of intelligent business
information systems to analyse contemporary issues and devise solutions

3. Critically analyse issues in relation to business information systems and the role of intelligence
in these systems
4. Critically evaluate and demonstrate the role of ERP systems in businesses

Please note these learning outcomes are not additional questions.

Submission information
Word Limit: 2500 words
Submission Date: 24/05/2024
Feedback Date: 17/06/2024
Submission Time: 15.00
Electronically via module site in Brightspace. Paper/hard copy
Submission Method: submissions are not required. For technical support, please

Appendix 1 PGT Assessment Criteria
These criteria are intended to help you understand how your work will be assessed. They describe different levels of performance of a given

Criteria are not weighted equally, and the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.

The grades between Pass and Merit should be considered as different levels of performance within the normal bounds of the module. The higher-
level categories allow for students who, in addition to fulfilling the basic requirement, perform at a superior level beyond the normal boundaries
of the module and demonstrate intellectual creativity, originality and innovation.

PGT Generic Assessment Criteria

Unacceptable Unsatisfactory Pass Merit Distinction

0–9 10-19 20-34 35-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Fulfilment of relevant Not met or Not met or Not met or Not met or Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
learning outcomes minimal minimal partially met partially met

Response to the No Little Insufficient Adequate Adequate Secure Very good Clear command Full command of
question /task response response response response, but with response response to response to of assessment assessment task;
limitations assessment topic; task; imaginative
task elements of sophisticated approach
sophistication approach demonstrating flair
and creativity

PGT Generic Assessment Criteria

Unacceptable Unsatisfactory Pass Merit Distinction
A superficial answer with only peripheral knowledge Some knowledge A coherent and A coherent An exceptional answer that reflects outstanding
of core material and very little critical ability of core material logical answer answer that knowledge of material and critical ability
but limited. which shows demonstrates
understanding critical
of the basic evaluation
0-9 10-19 20-34 35-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Conceptual and Entirely lacking Typically, only Knowledge of Marginally A systematic Approaching Excellent. Insightful. Striking and
critical in evidence of able to deal concepts falls insufficient. understanding excellence in Displays (for Displays (for insightful.
understanding with short of Adequate of knowledge; some areas example): high example): Displays (for

of contemporary knowledge and terminology, prescribed knowledge of critical with evidence levels of excellent example):
/ seminal understanding basic facts and range Typically concepts within awareness of of the accuracy; research publishable
knowledge in concepts only able to prescribed range current potential to evidence of the potential; quality;
the subject deal with but fails to problems and/or undertake potential to flexibility of outstanding
terminology, adequately solve new insights; Research. undertake thought; research
basic facts and problems posed can evaluate Well- research; the possibly of potential;
concepts by assessment critically current developed ability to publishable originality and
research and relevant analyse quality. independent
can evaluate argument, primary thought; ability
methodologies good degree sources to make
of accuracy critically. informed
and technical judgements.
Presentation Length Length Length Length Length Good Very good Professional Highest
requirements requirements requirements requirement met requirement met standard of standards of standards of professional
may not be may not be may not be and academic and academic presentation; presentation presentation standards of
observed; does observed; does observed; does conventions conventions length presentation
not follow not follow not follow mostly followed. mostly requirement
academic academic academic Minor errors in followed. met, and
conventions; conventions; conventions; language Possibly very academic
language errors language errors language errors minor errors in conventions
impact on impact on impact on language followed
intelligibility intelligibility intelligibility
Understanding Limited insight Limited insight Limited insight Some insight into Practical Independent, Authoritative, Authoritative, Authoritative,
into the problem into the into the the problem or understanding critical full full full
or topic problem or problem or topic of how evaluation of understanding understanding understanding
topic topic established full range of of all the issues of all the issues of all the issues
techniques of theories with with originality with originality with originality
research and some in analysis in analysis in analysis
enquiry are used evidence of
to create and originality
knowledge in
the discipline
Use of evidence Some irrelevant Some irrelevant Some irrelevant Limited sources Comprehensive Complex Full range of Full range of Full range of
and sources to and/or out of and/or out of and/or out of understanding work and sources sources sources
support task date date date of techniques concepts used selectively used selectively used
Sources Sources Sources applicable to presented, to to selectively to
own research or key texts support support support
advanced used argument argument argument
scholarship effectively

Development of Argument not Argument not Argument not Argument not The argument is Argument Coherent and Coherent and Coherent and
ideas developed and developed and developed and fully developed concise and compelling compelling compelling
may be confused may be may be developed and but may lack explicit argument well argument well argument well
and incoherent confused and confused and may lack fluency presented presented presented
incoherent incoherent structure
Depth of Response Response Response Response Response Response In-depth In-depth In-depth
Reflection demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates reflection on, reflection on, reflection on,
lack of reflection lack of lack of minimal reflection on, a general and and and
on, or reflection on, reflection on, reflection on, and and reflection on, personalization personalization personalization
personalization or or personalization personalization and of, the theories, of, the theories, of, the theories,
of, the theories, personalization personalization of, the theories, of, the theories, personalizati concepts, concepts, concepts,
concepts, and/or of, the theories, of, the theories, concepts, and/or concepts, and/or on of, the and/or and/or and/or
strategies concepts, concepts, strategies strategies theories, strategies strategies strategies
presented in the and/or and/or presented in the presented in the concepts, presented. presented. presented.
course materials strategies strategies course materials course materials and/or
to date. presented in the presented in the to date. to date. strategies Extensive Extensive Extensive
Viewpoints and course course Viewpoints and Viewpoints and presented in evidence of evidence of evidence of
interpretations materials to materials to interpretations are interpretations the course analysis analysis analysis
are missing, date. date. unsupported or are generally materials to through through through
inappropriate, Viewpoints and Viewpoints and supported with supported. date. questioning and questioning and questioning
and/or interpretations interpretations flawed Some relevant Viewpoints challenging of challenging of and
unsupported. are missing, are missing, arguments. examples, when and assumptions assumptions challenging of
Examples, when inappropriate, inappropriate, Examples, when applicable, are interpretation leading to leading to assumptions
applicable, are and/or and/or applicable, are provided. s are transformation transformation leading to
not provided. unsupported. unsupported. not provided or supported. of personal of personal transformation
Examples, Examples, are irrelevant to Appropriate insight. Some insight. of personal
when when the assignment. examples are evidence of Evidence of insight.
applicable, are applicable, are provided, as reflexivity and reflexivity and Substantial
not provided. not provided. applicable self- self- evidence of
development. development. reflexivity and
Well supported Well supported development.
by clear, by clear,
detailed detailed Well supported
examples as examples as by clear,
applicable. applicable. detailed
examples as

Innovation Lacking Lacking Lacking Minimal Evidence of the Evidence of Evidence of the Extensive Extensive
evidence of evidence of the evidence of the Evidence of the provision of the provision provision of evidence of the evidence of the
having addressed provision of provision of provision of innovative of innovative innovative provision of provision of
the issue of any innovative any feasible innovative solutions solutions solutions which imaginative imaginative
innovative solutions innovative solutions which demonstrate innovative innovative
solutions solutions demonstrate assessment of solutions which solutions which
assessment of situation and demonstrate demonstrate
situation and effectiveness of assessment of full assessment
effectiveness solutions situation and of situation and
of solutions critical critical
evaluation of evaluation of
effectiveness of effectiveness of
solutions solutions

Personal No evidence of Attempts to Attempts to Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal
perspective any attempt or express a express a perspective is perspective perspective perspective perspective perspective
consideration of personal personal expressed and has expressed is expressed is expressed is expressed is expressed is
a personal perspective perspective are some relevance. clearly relevant clearly clearly relevant clearly relevant clearly relevant
perspective. lack any only loosely and some relevant and and justified and justified and justified
relevance. relevant justification is justified with with critical with critical with critical
provided. critical reasoning reasoning reasoning.
reasoning. which provides which provides
clear clear
assumptions assumptions
and strength of and strength of
position in position in
relation to relation to
others. others.
Ethics, Not considered Consideration Considered Considered with Considered with Wide Full Full Full
sustainability & or no relevance at a superficial with relevant relevant solutions relevant consideration consideration consideration consideration
Responsibility level with solutions identified but solutions relevant of implications of implications of implications
(subject area) minimal identified but little detail identified and solutions for subject with for subject with for subject with
relevance to no detail relevant to the adequate detail identified and range of extensive range full range of
subject. relevant to the subject. relevant to the appropriate solutions of solutions solutions
subject. subject. detail discussed in discussed in discussed in
relevant to detail. detail. detail.
the subject.
Ethics, Not considered Consideration Considered Considered with Considered with Wide Full Full Full
sustainability & or no relevance at a superficial with relevant relevant solutions relevant consideration consideration consideration consideration
Responsibility level with solutions identified but solutions relevant of implications of implications of implications
(professional minimal identified but little detail identified and solutions for professional for professional for professional
practice) relevance no detail relevant to adequate detail identified and practice with practice with practice with
shown to relevant to professional relevant to appropriate range of extensive range full range of
practice. detail solutions of solutions solutions

professional professional professional relevant to discussed in discussed in discussed in
practice. practice. practice. professional detail. detail. detail.


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