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Trellebrog Roto Glyd Ring

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Turcon ® Roto Glyd Ring ®

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Edition August 2009
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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®


n Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®
Description A standard diameter range for each profile size is assigned
® ® to the series numbers in Table LXXVI and LXXVIII. This
The Turcon Roto Glyd Ring is used to seal rods, shafts,
recommendation applies to all new constructions.
axles, bores, rotary transmission leadthroughs, journals,
Different dimensions are available on request.
swivels etc. with rotary or oscillating movement.
The seal is double-acting and can be exposed to pressure Advantages
from one, or from both sides.
- Available for internal and external sealing applications
- Low friction
- Stick-slip-free starting, no sticking
- High abrasion resistance and dimensional stability
- Simple groove design, small groove dimensions
- Lubricant reservoir
- Available in all sizes up to 2700 mm diameter
(to 2600 mm for rod seals)

Technical data
O-Ring Operating
pressure: Up to 30 MPa

Speed: Up to 2 m/s
Roto Glyd Ring® Temperature: - 45°C to + 200 °C *)
p p (depending on O—Ring material)

Media: Mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids,

flame retardant hydraulic fluids,
environmentally safe hydraulic fluids
(bio-oils), water, air and others,
Figure 111 Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® depending on O—Ring material.

It consists of a seal ring of Turcon® material and is activated Note: For continuous operation at
by an O—Ring as an elastic energizing element. temperatures over +60 °C, pressure
and speed must be limited.
The contact surface profile of the seal ring is specially
designed for use under high pressures and at low sliding
speeds. Important Note:
The above data are maximum values and cannot
Depending on the profile cross-section of the seal, the
be used at the same time, e. g. the maximum
contact surface has one or two continuous machined operating speed depends on material type,
grooves. These have the following functions: pressure and temperature.
- Improved seal efficiency by increasing the specific surface
load pressure against the sealed surface
*) Important Note:
- Formation of lubricant reservoir and reduction in friction.
In the case of unpressurized applications in
In order to improve the pressure activation of the O—Ring, temperatures below 0°C please contact our
the Roto Glyd Ring® has notched end faces as standard. application engineers for assistance!

The rear face which holds the O—Ring has a concave form.
This increases the contact surface and shall prevent the seal
from turning with the rotating surface.

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Frictional power Application examples

Guide values for the frictional power can be determined The Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® is the preferably used as a
from the graph in Figure 112. They are shown as a function double acting rotary seal for hydraulic and pneumatic
of the sliding speed and operating pressure for a shaft equipment in sectors such as:
diameter of 50 mm with an oil temperature of 60° C. At
- Rotary distributors
higher temperatures, these application limits must be
reduced. - High pressure valve stems
Guide values for other shaft diameters can be calculated - Manipulators
using the formula:
- Pivoting motors in mobile hydraulic and machine tools

d - Hydraulic motors
P . P50 x ( ) [W]
50 mm
Application limits
The maximum application data for temperature, pressure
400 and speed given in this catalogue have a mutual effect on
1 m/s
W one another and can thus not be exploited simultaneously.
Shaft dia. 50 mm
300 Seal performance is further influenced by such factors as
Frictional power P50

0.5 m/s lubrication capability of the sealed medium and heat

200 dissipation in the hardware, it follows that testing should
0.25 m/s always be made.
0.15 m/s
100 With good lubrication, the following pv value can be
assumed as guide:
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®: up to pv = 2.5 MPa · m/s
0 10 20 MPa 30
The value must be reduced for diameters < 50 mm.
Lead-in chamfers
Figure 112 Frictional power for In order to avoid damage during installation, lead-in
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® chamfers and rounded edges must be provided on the
housing and on the rod (Figures 124 and 125). If this is not
The guide values apply for constant operating conditions. possible for design reasons, a separate installation tool is
Changes in operating conditions such as pressure recommended.
fluctuations or alternating directions of shaft rotation can The minimum length of the lead-in chamfer depends on
result in considerably higher friction values. the profile size of the seal and can be seen from the
following tables. If concentricity between the parts is not
ensured during installation the lead-in chamfers must be
increased correspondingly.
For the surface quality of the lead-in chamfer, the same
recommendations apply as given for the sealing surfaces in
Table LXXV.

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

The material contact area Rmr should be approx. 50 to 70%,

determined at a cut depth c = 0.25 x Rz, relative to a
reference line of Cref. 5%.
For ceramic coated surfaces, like plasma sprayed,
additional focus on surface texture is necessary. Peaks
and sharp edges from pores have to be polished away (e.g.
with diamond paste on soft “pad“) to avoid premature seal
blend radius wear.
Closed grooves
C Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® for external and internal sealing
can be installed in closed grooves at diameters from Ø 15
and Ø 12 respectively. Seal cross sections used outside of
Figure 113 Lead-in chamfer on bore their recommended diameter range require split grooves
according to table below.

Table LXXIV Groove type - closed or split

blend radius
Split grooves required
polished Series Series below
Bore Rod Turcite® T40 Turcite® T10
TG40 - ø 15 ø 25
TG41 - ø 25 ø 38
TG42 - ø 32 ø 50
TG43 - ø 50 ø 75
C - TG30 ø 20
- TG31 ø 30

Figure 114 Lead-in chamfer on rod - TG32 ø 40

Table LXXII Lead-in chamfers for - TG33 ø 60

Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®
Series No.
Lead-in chamfers
Bore Rod length C min.

TG40 TG30 2.0

TG41 TG31 2.5
TG42 TG32 3.5
TG43 TG33 5.0
TG44 TG34 6.5
TG45 TG35 7.5

Table LXXIII Surface roughness

Surface roughness µm
Mating surface
Parameter Turcon® surface
Rmax 0.63 - 2.50 < 16.0
Rz DIN 0.40 - 1.60 < 10.0
Ra 0.05 - 0.20 < 1.6

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

n Installation of Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Installation instructions Installation of Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® in closed
The following points should be observed before
installation of the seals: “Internal sealing“
- Check whether housing or rod has a lead-in chamfer; if The installation of our seal elements is unproblematic.
not, use an installation sleeve
- Place the O—Ring into the groove (avoid twisting the
- Deburr and chamfer or round sharp edges, cover the tips ring!)
of any screw threads
- Compress the Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® into a kidney
- Remove machining residues such as chips, dirt and other shape. The seal must have no sharp bends
foreign particles and carefully clean all parts
- The seals can be installed more easily if they are greased
or oiled. Attention must be paid to the compatibility of
the seal materials with these lubricants. Use only grease
without solid additives (e.g. molybdenum disulfide or
zinc sulfide)
- Do not use installation tools with sharp edges

Installation of Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® in split

“Internal and external sealing“
Installation in split grooves is simple. During final assembly
- insertion of the rod - the Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® must be
sized. The rod itself can be used for this purpose, provided
it has a long lead-in chamfer. Alternatively a corresponding Figure 116 Kidney-shaped deformation of the seal ring
mandrel can be used.
- Place the seal ring in compressed form into the groove
and push against the O—Ring in the direction of the arrow.

Figure 115 Installation in a split groove

The following installation sequence is recommended:

Figure 117 Inserting the seal ring into the closed groove
- Pull the O—Ring onto the Roto Glyd Ring®
- Press the seal element into the groove. The O—Ring must - Finally size the seal ring using a mandrel which should
not be allowed to twist have a chamfer of 10° to 15° over a length of approx.
30 mm

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®


10 -15

blend radius, polished

Figure 118 Sizing of the installed seal

The rod itself can also be used for sizing, provided that it
has a sufficiently long lead-in chamfer as per our
recommendations in Table LXXII.
Sizing mandrels should be made from a polymer material
(e.g. polyamide). In order to avoid damage to the seals, a
smooth surface with rounded and polished lead-in chamfer
is necessary.

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Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

(1) (2)

Figure 119 Expanding the Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® over the installation sleeve using an expanding sleeve

Installation with installation tools Installation without installation tools

(external sealing) (external sealing)
Use of a three-piece installation tool is recommended for If installation has to be performed without installation
series production installation of the Turcon® Roto Glyd tools, however, the following points should be observed:
- The Roto Glyd Ring® can be installed more easily by
The tool consists of: heating in oil, water or using a hot air fan to
approx. 80° C to 100° C (expanding and then sizing)
- Installation sleeve (1)
- Use no sharp edged tools to expand the seal rings
- Expanding sleeve (2)
- Installation should be performed as quickly as possible so
- Sizing sleeve (3).
that an optimum snap-back of the seal element is assured
All parts should be made of a polymer material (e.g.
- Sizing of the seal ring can be carried out in the
polyamide) with a good surface finish to avoid damage to
corresponding housing, provided that it has a long
the seals.
lead-in chamfer as per Table LXXII. Otherwise use a
The O—Ring should be pulled over the piston into the sizing sleeve.
groove (take care not to burst the O—Ring).
The Roto Glyd Ring® element should be expanded over the
Installation sleeve using the Expanding sleeve using a fast
but smooth movement.
After installation the Roto Glyd Ring® element should be
sized using the Sizing sleeve.
In view of the large number of sizes and the application-
specific installation conditions, this installation tool cannot
be supplied as standard by Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.
Drawings for installation tools are available on request.

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Standard materials:
Turcon® seal ring: Turcon® T10 and Turcon® T40
O—Ring: NBR, 70 Shore A

For specific applications, other material combinations as

listed in Table LXXV.

Table LXXV Standard Turcon® materials for Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®
Material, Code O—Ring Code O—Ring Mating surface MPa
applications, material operating temp.* material
properties °C max.
Turcon T10 T10 NBR - 70 Shore A N -30 to +100 Steel 30
Hydraulics and pneumatics for all lubricating Steel, Chrome plated
NBR - Low temp. T -45 to +80
and non-lubricating fluids, high extrusion Stainless steel
70 Shore A
resistance, good chemical resistance, BAM.
Carbon, graphite filled FKM - 70 Shore A V -10 to +200
Color: Black
EPDM-70 Shore A E** -45 to +145
Turcon T40 T40 NBR - 70 Shore A N -30 to +100 Steel 20
For all lubricating and non-lubricating Steel, Chrome plated
NBR - Low temp. T -45 to +80
hydraulic fluids, water hydraulics, soft mating Cast iron
70 Shore A
surfaces. Stainless steel,
Carbon fiber filled FKM - 70 Shore A V -10 to +200 Aluminum
Color: Grey Bronze
EPDM-70 Shore A E** -45 to +145 Alloys

* The O—Ring Operation Temperature is only valid in mineral hydraulic oil.

** Material not suitable for mineral oils.
BAM: Approved by “Bundes Anstalt Materialprüfung, Germany“.

n Highlighted materials are standard.

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Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

n Installation recommendation - external sealing





Figure 120 Installation drawing

Table LXXVI Installation dimensions

Series Bore diameter Groove Groove Radial clearance Radius O—Ring Number
no. diameter width S max. * cross sec. of
DN H9 grooves
in the
Standard Available d1 h9 L1 +0.2 10 MPa 20 MPa r1 d2
range range
TG40 8 - 39.9 8 - 135.0 DN- 4.9 2.20 0.15 0.10 0.40 1.78 0
TG41 40 - 79.9 14 - 250.0 DN- 7.5 3.20 0.20 0.15 0.60 2.62 1
TG42 80 - 132.9 22 - 460.0 DN- 11.0 4.20 0.25 0.20 1.00 3.53 1
TG43 133 - 329.9 40 - 675.0 DN- 15.5 6.30 0.30 0.25 1.30 5.33 2
TG44 330 - 669.9 133 - 690.0 DN- 21.0 8.10 0.30 0.25 1.80 7.00 2
TG45 670 - 999.9 670 - 999.9 DN- 28.0 9.50 0.45 0.30 2.50 8.40 2

Provide split housing grooves according to diameter, see Table LXXIV.

At pressures > 10 MPa it is recommended that for the cross section you choose the next larger profile according to the column “Available
Range“ i.e. for bore Ø80 mm: TG 43 00 800-.
* At pressures > 30 MPa: Use diameter tolerance H8/f8 (bore / rod) in area of seal.

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Ordering Example
TSS Article No. TG42 0 0800 - T40 N
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®, complete with O—Ring, external
sealing, series TG42 (from Table LXXVI). TSS Series No.
Bore diameter: DN = 80.0 mm Type (Standard)
TSS Part No.: TG4200800 (from Table LXXVII)
Cylinder diameter x 10**
Select the material from Table LXXV. The corresponding Quality Index (Standard)
code numbers are appended to the TSS Part No. (from
Table LXXVII). Together they form the TSS Article No. Material code (Seal ring)

For all intermediate sizes not shown in Table LXXVIII, the Material code (O-Ring)
Order No. can be determined from the example opposite.
** For diameters 1000.0 mm multiply only by factor 1.
Example: TG45 for diameter 1200.0 mm.
TSS Article No.: TG45X1200 - T40N.

Table LXXVII Preferred Dimension / TSS Part No.

Bore Groove Groove TSS Part No. O—Ring
diameter diameter width size
DN H9 d1 h9 L1 +0.2
8.0 3.1 2.2 TG4000080 2.90 x 1.78
10.0 5.1 2.2 TG4000100 4.80 x 1.8
12.0 7.1 2.2 TG4000120 6.70 x 1.8
14.0 9.1 2.2 TG4000140 8.75 x 1.8
15.0 10.1 2.2 TG4000150 9.25 x 1.78
16.0 11.1 2.2 TG4000160 10.82 x 1.78
18.0 13.1 2.2 TG4000180 12.42 x 1.78
20.0 15.1 2.2 TG4000200 14.00 x 1.78
22.0 17.1 2.2 TG4000220 17.17 x 1.78
25.0 20.1 2.2 TG4000250 18.77 x 1.78
28.0 23.1 2.2 TG4000280 21.95 x 1.78
30.0 25.1 2.2 TG4000300 25.12 x 1.78
32.0 27.1 2.2 TG4000320 26.70 x 1.78
35.0 30.1 2.2 TG4000350 29.87 x 1.78
40.0 32.5 3.2 TG4100400 31.42 x 2.62
42.0 34.5 3.2 TG4100420 32.99 x 2.62
45.0 37.5 3.2 TG4100450 36.17 x 2.62
48.0 40.5 3.2 TG4100480 39.34 x 2.62
50.0 42.5 3.2 TG4100500 40.94 x 2.62
52.0 44.5 3.2 TG4100520 44.12 x 2.62
55.0 47.5 3.2 TG4100550 45.69 x 2.62

The bore diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.700 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Bore Groove Groove TSS Part No. O—Ring

diameter diameter width size
DN H9 d1 h9 L1 +0.2
60.0 52.5 3.2 TG4100600 52.07 x 2.62
63.0 55.5 3.2 TG4100630 53.64 x 2.62
65.0 57.5 3.2 TG4100650 56.82 x 2.62
70.0 62.5 3.2 TG4100700 61.60 x 2.62
75.0 67.5 3.2 TG4100750 66.34 x 2.62
80.0 69.0 4.2 TG4200800 66.27 x 3.53
85.0 74.0 4.2 TG4200850 72.62 x 3.53
90.0 79.0 4.2 TG4200900 78.97 x 3.53
95.0 84.0 4.2 TG4200950 82.14 x 3.53
100.0 89.0 4.2 TG4201000 88.49 x 3.53
105.0 94.0 4.2 TG4201050 91.67 x 3.53
110.0 99.0 4.2 TG4201100 98.02 x 3.53
115.0 104.0 4.2 TG4201150 101.19 x 3.53
120.0 109.0 4.2 TG4201200 107.54 x 3.53
125.0 114.0 4.2 TG4201250 113.89 x 3.53
130.0 119.0 4.2 TG4201300 117.07 x 3.53
135.0 119.5 6.3 TG4301350 116.84 x 5.33
140.0 124.5 6.3 TG4301400 123.19 x 5.33
150.0 134.5 6.3 TG4301500 132.72 x 5.33
160.0 144.5 6.3 TG4301600 142.24 x 5.33
170.0 154.5 6.3 TG4301700 151.77 x 5.33
180.0 164.5 6.3 TG4301800 164.47 x 5.33
190.0 174.5 6.3 TG4301900 170.82 x 5.33
200.0 184.5 6.3 TG4302000 183.52 x 5.33
210.0 194.5 6.3 TG4302100 189.87 x 5.33
220.0 204.5 6.3 TG4302200 202.57 x 5.33
230.0 214.5 6.3 TG4302300 208.92 x 5.33
240.0 224.5 6.3 TG4302400 221.62 x 5.33
250.0 234.5 6.3 TG4302500 234.32 x 5.33
280.0 264.5 6.3 TG4302800 266.07 x 5.33
300.0 284.5 6.3 TG4303000 278.77 x 5.33
320.0 304.5 6.3 TG4303200 304.17 x 5.33
350.0 329.0 8.1 TG4403500 329.57 x 7.00
400.0 379.0 8.1 TG4404000 267.67 x 7.00
420.0 399.0 8.1 TG4404200 393.07 x 7.00
450.0 429.0 8.1 TG4404500 417.96 x 7.00

The bore diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.700 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.

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Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Bore Groove Groove TSS Part No. O—Ring

diameter diameter width size
DN H9 d1 h9 L1 +0.2
480.0 459.0 8.1 TG4404800 456.06 x 7.00
500.0 479.0 8.1 TG4405000 468.76 x 7.00
600.0 579.0 8.1 TG4406000 582.68 x 7.00
700.0 672.0 9.5 TG4507000 670.00 x 8.40

The bore diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.700 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

n Installation recommendation - internal sealing




Figure 121 Installation drawing

Table LXXVIII Installation dimensions

Series Rod diameter Groove Groove Radial clearance Radius O—Ring Number
no. diameter width S max. * cross sec. of
dN f8/h9 grooves
in the
Standard Available1) D1 H9 L1 +0.2 10 MPa 20 MPa r1 d2
range range
TG30 6 - 18.9 6 - 130.0 dN+ 4.9 2.20 0.15 0.10 0.40 1.78 0
TG31 19 - 37.9 10 - 245.0 dN+ 7.5 3.20 0.20 0.15 0.60 2.62 1
TG32 38 - 199.9 19 - 455.0 dN+ 11.0 4.20 0.25 0.20 1.00 3.53 1
TG33 200 - 255.9 38 - 655.0 dN+ 15.5 6.30 0.30 0.25 1.30 5.33 2
TG34 256 - 649.9 120 - 655.0 dN+ 21.0 8.10 0.30 0.25 1.80 7.00 2
TG35 650 - 999.9 650 - 999.9 dN+ 28.0 9.50 0.45 0.30 2.50 8.40 2

Provide split housing grooves according to diameter, see Table LXXIV.

At pressures > 10 MPa it is recommendable that for the cross section you choose the next larger profile according to the column “Available
range“ i.e. for shaft Ø80 mm: TG 33 00 800-.
* At pressures > 30 MPa: Use diameter tolerance H8/f8 (bore / rod) in area of seal.

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Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Ordering example
TSS Article No. TG32 0 0800 - T40 N
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®, complete with O—Ring, internal
sealing, series TG32 (from Table LXXVIII). TSS Series No.
Rod diameter: dN = 80.0 mm Type (Standard)
TSS Part No.: TG3200800 (from Table LXXIX)
Rod diameter x 10**
Select the material from Table LXXV. The corresponding Quality Index (Standard)
code numbers are appended to the TSS Part No. Together
they form the TSS Article No. Material code (Seal ring)

For all intermediate sizes not shown in Table LXXVIII, the Material code (O-Ring)
TSS Article No. can be determined from the example
** For diameters 1000.0 mm multiply only by factor 1.
Example: TG35 for diameter 1200.0 mm.
TSS Article No.: TG35X1200 - T40N.

Table LXXIX Preferred Dimension / TSS Part No.

Rod Groove Groove TSS Part No. O—Ring
diameter diameter width size
dN f8/h9 D1 H9 L1 +0.2
6.0 10.9 2.2 TG3000060 7.65 x 1.78
8.0 12.9 2.2 TG3000080 9.5 x 1.8
10.0 14.9 2.2 TG3000100 11.8 x 1.8
12.0 16.9 2.2 TG3000120 14.00 x 1.78
14.0 18.9 2.2 TG3000140 15.60 x 1.78
15.0 19.9 2.2 TG3000150 17.17 x 1.78
16.0 20.9 2.2 TG3000160 17.17 x 1.78
18.0 22.9 2.2 TG3000180 18.77 x 1.78
20.0 27.5 3.2 TG3100200 21.89 x 2.62
22.0 29.5 3.2 TG3100220 25.07 x 2.62
25.0 32.5 3.2 TG3100250 28.24 x 2.62
28.0 35.5 3.2 TG3100280 31.42 x 2.62
30.0 37.5 3.2 TG3100300 32.99 x 2.62
32.0 39.5 3.2 TG3100320 34.59 x 2.62
35.0 42.5 3.2 TG3100350 37.77 x 2.62
36.0 43.5 3.2 TG3100360 39.34 x 2.62
40.0 51.0 4.2 TG3200400 44.04 x 3.53
42.0 53.0 4.2 TG3200420 47.22 x 3.53
45.0 56.0 4.2 TG3200450 50.39 x 3.53
48.0 59.0 4.2 TG3200480 53.57 x 3.53
50.0 61.0 4.2 TG3200500 53.57 x 3.53

The rod diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.600 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.

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Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Rod Groove Groove TSS Part No. O—Ring

diameter diameter width size
dN f8/h9 D1 H9 L1 +0.2
52.0 63.0 4.2 TG3200520 56.74 x 3.53
55.0 66.0 4.2 TG3200550 59.92 x 3.53
56.0 67.0 4.2 TG3200560 59.92 x 3.53
60.0 71.0 4.2 TG3200600 63.09 x 3.53
63.0 74.0 4.2 TG3200630 66.27 x 3.53
65.0 76.0 4.2 TG3200650 69.44 x 3.53
70.0 81.0 4.2 TG3200700 75.79 x 3.53
75.0 86.0 4.2 TG3200750 78.97 x 3.53
80.0 91.0 4.2 TG3200800 85.32 x 3.53
85.0 96.0 4.2 TG3200850 88.49 x 3.53
90.0 101.0 4.2 TG3200900 94.84 x 3.53
95.0 106.0 4.2 TG3200950 101.19 x 3.53
100.0 111.0 4.2 TG3201000 104.37 x 3.53
105.0 116.0 4.2 TG3201050 110.72 x 3.53
110.0 121.0 4.2 TG3201100 113.89 x 3.53
115.0 126.0 4.2 TG3201150 120.24 x 3.53
120.0 131.0 4.2 TG3201200 123.42 x 3.53
125.0 136.0 4.2 TG3201250 129.77 x 3.53
130.0 141.0 4.2 TG3201300 136.12 x 3.53
135.0 146.0 4.2 TG3201350 139.29 x 3.53
140.0 151.0 4.2 TG3201400 145.64 x 3.53
150.0 161.0 4.2 TG3201500 151.99 x 3.53
160.0 171.0 4.2 TG3201600 164.69 x 3.53
170.0 181.0 4.2 TG3201700 177.39 x 3.53
180.0 191.0 4.2 TG3201800 183.74 x 3.53
190.0 201.0 4.2 TG3201900 196.44 x 3.53
200.0 215.5 6.3 TG3302000 208.92 x 5.33
210.0 225.5 6.3 TG3302100 215.27 x 5.33
220.0 235.5 6.3 TG3302200 227.97 x 5.33
240.0 255.5 6.3 TG3302400 247.02 x 5.33
250.0 265.5 6.3 TG3302500 253.37 x 5.33
280.0 301.0 8.1 TG3402800 291.47 x 7.00
300.0 321.0 8.1 TG3403000 304.17 x 7.00
320.0 341.0 8.1 TG3403200 329.57 x 7.00
350.0 371.0 8.1 TG3403500 354.97 x 7.00
360.0 381.0 8.1 TG3403600 367.67 x 7.00

The rod diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.600 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.

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Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Rod Groove Groove TSS Part No. O—Ring

diameter diameter width size
dN f8/h9 D1 H9 L1 +0.2
400.0 421.0 8.1 TG3404000 405.26 x 7.00
420.0 441.0 8.1 TG3404200 430.66 x 7.00
450.0 471.0 8.1 TG3404500 456.06 x 7.00
480.0 501.0 8.1 TG3404800 494.16 x 7.00
500.0 521.0 8.1 TG3405000 506.86 x 7.00
600.0 621.0 8.1 TG3406000 608.08 x 7.00
700.0 728.0 9.5 TG3507000 713.00 x 8.40

The rod diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.600 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.

Latest information available at

Edition August 2009
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

n Special solutions for rotary applications

The sealing of rotary movements in machine engineering Special model with pressure relief
and hydraulics often demands solutions which cannot be
The Roto Glyd Ring® can also be supplied with pressure
achieved using standard seal elements.
relief grooves. As can be seen in Figure 123 the continuous
On request, we will be pleased to draw up specific seal radial groove is linked on one side to the pressure chamber.
proposals for your application. The seal is thus relieved of pressure and can be used for
higher pv values. The double-acting sealing function is
Axial seals maintained, but the relieved side should be installed on the
side with the higher pressure.
Our extensive Turcon® seal range also permits solutions
with modified standard seals.

Relief groove

p Groove

Figure 122 Axial acting Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®

Figure 122 shows an axial acting Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®.

It is pressed axially against the mating surface by the Figure 123 Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® with pressure relief
O—Ring. In the same way, a Turcon® Stepseal® K can also be
used here. The max. production diameter is 2700 mm.
The installation direction must be observed in this case.
The surface roughness of the mating surface must be as This version is identified in the article number by a “K“ as
specified in Table LXXIII. the 5th digit.

Latest information available at

Edition August 2009

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