Trellebrog Roto Glyd Ring
Trellebrog Roto Glyd Ring
Trellebrog Roto Glyd Ring
Technical data
O-Ring Operating
pressure: Up to 30 MPa
Speed: Up to 2 m/s
Roto Glyd Ring® Temperature: - 45°C to + 200 °C *)
p p (depending on O—Ring material)
It consists of a seal ring of Turcon® material and is activated Note: For continuous operation at
by an O—Ring as an elastic energizing element. temperatures over +60 °C, pressure
and speed must be limited.
The contact surface profile of the seal ring is specially
designed for use under high pressures and at low sliding
speeds. Important Note:
The above data are maximum values and cannot
Depending on the profile cross-section of the seal, the
be used at the same time, e. g. the maximum
contact surface has one or two continuous machined operating speed depends on material type,
grooves. These have the following functions: pressure and temperature.
- Improved seal efficiency by increasing the specific surface
load pressure against the sealed surface
*) Important Note:
- Formation of lubricant reservoir and reduction in friction.
In the case of unpressurized applications in
In order to improve the pressure activation of the O—Ring, temperatures below 0°C please contact our
the Roto Glyd Ring® has notched end faces as standard. application engineers for assistance!
The rear face which holds the O—Ring has a concave form.
This increases the contact surface and shall prevent the seal
from turning with the rotating surface.
d - Hydraulic motors
P . P50 x ( ) [W]
50 mm
Application limits
The maximum application data for temperature, pressure
400 and speed given in this catalogue have a mutual effect on
1 m/s
W one another and can thus not be exploited simultaneously.
Shaft dia. 50 mm
300 Seal performance is further influenced by such factors as
Frictional power P50
10 -15
blend radius, polished
The rod itself can also be used for sizing, provided that it
has a sufficiently long lead-in chamfer as per our
recommendations in Table LXXII.
Sizing mandrels should be made from a polymer material
(e.g. polyamide). In order to avoid damage to the seals, a
smooth surface with rounded and polished lead-in chamfer
is necessary.
(1) (2)
Figure 119 Expanding the Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring® over the installation sleeve using an expanding sleeve
Standard materials:
Turcon® seal ring: Turcon® T10 and Turcon® T40
O—Ring: NBR, 70 Shore A
Table LXXV Standard Turcon® materials for Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®
Material, Code O—Ring Code O—Ring Mating surface MPa
applications, material operating temp.* material
properties °C max.
Turcon T10 T10 NBR - 70 Shore A N -30 to +100 Steel 30
Hydraulics and pneumatics for all lubricating Steel, Chrome plated
NBR - Low temp. T -45 to +80
and non-lubricating fluids, high extrusion Stainless steel
70 Shore A
resistance, good chemical resistance, BAM.
Carbon, graphite filled FKM - 70 Shore A V -10 to +200
Color: Black
EPDM-70 Shore A E** -45 to +145
Turcon T40 T40 NBR - 70 Shore A N -30 to +100 Steel 20
For all lubricating and non-lubricating Steel, Chrome plated
NBR - Low temp. T -45 to +80
hydraulic fluids, water hydraulics, soft mating Cast iron
70 Shore A
surfaces. Stainless steel,
Carbon fiber filled FKM - 70 Shore A V -10 to +200 Aluminum
Color: Grey Bronze
EPDM-70 Shore A E** -45 to +145 Alloys
Figure 120 Installation drawing
Ordering Example
TSS Article No. TG42 0 0800 - T40 N
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®, complete with O—Ring, external
sealing, series TG42 (from Table LXXVI). TSS Series No.
Bore diameter: DN = 80.0 mm Type (Standard)
TSS Part No.: TG4200800 (from Table LXXVII)
Cylinder diameter x 10**
Select the material from Table LXXV. The corresponding Quality Index (Standard)
code numbers are appended to the TSS Part No. (from
Table LXXVII). Together they form the TSS Article No. Material code (Seal ring)
For all intermediate sizes not shown in Table LXXVIII, the Material code (O-Ring)
Order No. can be determined from the example opposite.
** For diameters 1000.0 mm multiply only by factor 1.
Example: TG45 for diameter 1200.0 mm.
TSS Article No.: TG45X1200 - T40N.
The bore diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.700 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.
The bore diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.700 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.
The bore diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.700 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.
Figure 121 Installation drawing
Ordering example
TSS Article No. TG32 0 0800 - T40 N
Turcon® Roto Glyd Ring®, complete with O—Ring, internal
sealing, series TG32 (from Table LXXVIII). TSS Series No.
Rod diameter: dN = 80.0 mm Type (Standard)
TSS Part No.: TG3200800 (from Table LXXIX)
Rod diameter x 10**
Select the material from Table LXXV. The corresponding Quality Index (Standard)
code numbers are appended to the TSS Part No. Together
they form the TSS Article No. Material code (Seal ring)
For all intermediate sizes not shown in Table LXXVIII, the Material code (O-Ring)
TSS Article No. can be determined from the example
** For diameters 1000.0 mm multiply only by factor 1.
Example: TG35 for diameter 1200.0 mm.
TSS Article No.: TG35X1200 - T40N.
The rod diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.600 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.
The rod diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.600 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.
The rod diameters printed in bold type conform to the recommendations of ISO 3320.
Other dimensions and all intermediate sizes up to 2.600 mm diameter including inch sizes can be supplied.
Relief groove
p Groove