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Manpreet Kaur Et Al 2021 Australian Plant Pathology

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Australasian Plant Pathology


Genetic analysis of yellow mosaic disease resistance in loofah

Manpreet Kaur1 · Budhavaram Varalakshmi1 · Manish Kumar1 · Eguru Sreenivasa Rao1 · Mottaiyan Pitchaimuthu1 ·
Basavaraju Mahesha1 · Rangarajan Venugopalan1 · Dhoranalapalli Chinnappareddy Lakshmana Reddy1

Received: 25 December 2020 / Accepted: 28 March 2021

© Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc. 2021

Yellow mosaic disease caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus is very severe and causing 100 per cent yield loss under
epiphytotic conditions. Chemical control of this disease is neither economical nor eco-friendly and genetic resistance is an
efficient means for its management. Resistance to yellow mosaic disease in advanced inbred line IIHR-Sel-1 and IIHR-137
have been confirmed during screening experiment. A crossing programme was planned using Arka Prasan as susceptible and
IIHR-Sel-1 and IIHR-137 as resistant parents. We used the ­F1, ­F2, ­BC1 and B
­ C2 generations derived from the two crosses
viz. Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 and Arka Prasan × IIHR 137 to study the inheritance of resistance to yellow mosaic disease.
Results indicated monogenic recessive resistance to yellow mosaic disease in the genetic background of both parents which
need to be confirmed through repeated experiments with large population size. These results are imperative for breeding
yellow mosaic disease resistant cultivars in Luffa species.

Keywords Inheritance · Luffa · Monogenic · Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus · Mosaic · Recessive · Resistant

Introduction leaves, chlorosis, upward curling, blistering, cupping of

leaves, reduction in leaf area and thickening of leaves,
Ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.] and Sponge flower abortion altogether with stunting of infected plants
gourd [L. cylindrica (L.) Roem.] are two important cucur- (Vasudeva and Samraj 1948; Singh et al. 2001; Patil et al.
bits grown as a cash crops in many tropical and sub-tropical 2017). Cultural, physical, chemical, and biological meth-
regions of the world. In India, the average productivity of ods are often used as part of vector management strategies.
gourds is 9.59 t/ha (FAO 2018) which is very low and biotic However, the continuous changes in whitefly epidemics and
and abiotic stresses are the major limiting factors in its pro- insensitivity of insect vectors towards different pesticides
duction. Among various factors, viral diseases such as yel- are the new challenges in management of viral diseases
low mosaic disease caused by tomato leaf curl New Delhi (Caballero et al. 2013). Besides this, numbers of health and
virus (ToLCNDV) is one of the most important constraints environmental risks are associated with pesticide use and
in ridge gourd production. Reported yield reduction caused therefore discourage the continuous use of pesticides in viral
by yellow mosaic disease is as high as 100 per cent under disease protection. Use of resistant varieties is preferred
high disease pressure conditions (Patil et al. 2017). It also method to reduce yield losses under epiphytotic conditions.
has been noticed that mosaic disease severely affects the Very limited information is available on the inheritance
flowering and subsequent fruit quality. It is mainly transmit- pattern of leaf curl diseases caused by begomovirus, in par-
ted by an insect vector, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) ticular, ToLCNDV. Reports suggesting one dominant gene
(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in circulative persistent manner conferring resistance in ‘DSG-6′ and ‘DSG-7′, sponge gourd
in dicotyledons crops (Castillo et al. 2011). Symptoms of advanced inbred lines (Islam et al. 2011), a single reces-
yellow mosaic disease consists of yellow mosaic on young sive gene in ‘IC-274014′ melon accession (Romay et al.
2019) and one major gene with two minor genes in wild
Cucumis melo var. Agrestis group (WM-7) (Saez et al. 2017)
* Manpreet Kaur are available. One dominant gene has been reported for the
resistance to chilli leaf curl virus in chilli pepper (Thakur
ICAR- Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, et al. 2019; Yadav et al. 2020) and one recessive gene with
Bengaluru 560 089, India

M. Kaur et al.

one additional allele for tomato yellow leaf curl virus in escape. Seedlings of all the six populations were trans-
tomato (Hutton et al. 2012) was reported. Polygenic nature planted 14 days after sowing on raised bed covered with
of inheritance was also involved in leaf curl virus resist- plastic mulch at a spacing of 150 cm between the beds and
ance in tomato with additive or epistatic effects among genes 50 cm between the plants. All the recommended cultural
(Anbinder et al. 2009; Prasanna et al. 2015). The possible practices were followed to raise a healthy crop except the
explanation of perplexity in inheritance pattern might be use of pesticides.
varied with experimental conditions, use of different genetic
materials, virus isolates, inoculation time and screening Inheritance pattern of yellow mosaic disease
methods. Hence, understanding the inheritance of resist- resistance
ance to such complicated pathogen are important to design
appropriate breeding strategies. Controlled crosses were made between the susceptible L.
Ridge gourd yellow mosaic disease caused by ToLC- acutangula cultivar Arka Prasan (used as female parent; P ­ 1)
NDV is a recently reported disease in ridge gourd. So far, and the resistant L. acutangula genotype IIHR-Sel-1 and L.
no reports are available regarding genetics of inheritance for cylindrica genotype IIHR-137 (used as male parents; ­P2)
yellow mosaic resistance in ridge gourd. Therefore, the main to develop ­F1 generations. Two ­F1 populations were self-
objective of this study was to understand the inheritance pollinated to produce subsequent F ­ 2 populations and back
pattern of yellow mosaic disease resistance in ridge gourd. crosses were made to develop B ­ C1 (backcross with suscep-
tible parent) and B ­ C2 (backcross with resistant parent) popu-
lations in spring summer season. In the field, 30 plants of
Materials and methods each ­P1, ­P2 and ­F1 (Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1) whereas 276
plants of F­ 2 population and 57 plants each of B­ C1 ­(F1 × Arka
Plant material Prasan) and B ­ C2 (Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1) populations
were used for screening, whereas in the interspecific cross
One commercial cultivated variety Arka Prasan and two of Arka Prasan × IIHR-137, 30 plants of susceptible parents
advanced inbred lines IIHR-Sel-1 and IIHR-137 belonged to ­(P1), 27 plants of resistant parent (­ P2), 21 F­ 1 plants (Arka
Luffa genus were used in the current study. Arka Prasan is a Prasan × IIHR-137), 111 ­F2 individuals, 48 susceptible
commercial high yielding ridge gourd variety with long and back cross progenies ­(F1 × Arka Prasan) and 42 resistant
tender fruits, however susceptible to yellow mosaic disease. back cross progenies (­ F1 × IIHR-137) were evaluated under
Luffa acutangula genotype IIHR-Sel-1 is yellow mosaic dis- high disease pressure conditions with high epidemics of
ease resistant advanced breeding line maintained as inbred whitefly, the insect vector for disease transmission during
after at least six generation of self-pollination at Division spring–summer season under field conditions.
of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. L. cylindrica Plants were evaluated on standardized 6-point interac-
genotype IIHR-137, an advanced inbred line earlier has been tion phenotype scale (Sohrab 2005) (Fig. 1), where 0 = No
reported resistant to yellow mosaic disease (Islam et al. symptoms, 1 = mild mosaic pattern in young leaves cov-
2010; 2011) and it was kindly made available from ICAR- ering > 10% area, 2 = mosaic pattern in young leaves
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. All covering > 25% area, 3 = mosaic pattern in young leaves
three genotypes were true-to-type with highly uniform plant covering > 50% area, blistering and puckering of leaves,
type due to continuous self-pollination. 4 = widespread mosaic pattern in young leaves cover-
ing > 75% area, distortion of leaves and 5 = widespread
Disease hotspot and experimental layout mosaic pattern in young leaves covering > 75% area, distor-
tion of leaves and stunting of the plants. Total eight scor-
ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru with its unique location and cli- ings were taken at weekly interval after the appearance of
matic conditions (latitude 13°58′ North; longitude 78°45′ first disease symptoms on susceptible line (18 days after
East; altitude 890 m above mean sea level; average tem- transplanting). Plants were categorized based on their dis-
perature 25–30 °C, annual rainfall 890 mm) is a hot spot ease reaction and data obtained were subjected to chi-square
for yellow mosaic disease of cucurbits. The major pathogen analysis to study the inheritance of disease resistance.
ToLCNDV is prevalent throughout the year and transmit-
ted through insect vector whitefly under natural conditions. Chi‑square analysis
Therefore, the infection occurs in the susceptible genotypes
once the insects visit the plants. The experiment was laid out Segregation for resistance was observed in different filial
in a randomized complete block design with three replica- and back cross populations when 100 per cent plants of
tions. Susceptible checks were planted at regular interval to susceptible control were completely infected. Segregation
facilitate the infection and to avoid any chance of disease ratios of resistant (R) and susceptible (S) disease reactions

Genetic analysis of yellow mosaic disease resistance in loofah

Fig.1  Score chart (0–5) for ToLCNDV screening in ridge gourd

of different generations were subjected to chi-square test to for non-interacting crosses using the formula proposed by
find out the goodness of fit to various classical mendelian Jinks and Jones (1958).
ratios with the assumed phenotypic ratios of ­F2 and back
cross progenies as suggested by Panse and Sukhatme (1985).
The expected values corresponding to the observed values Results
were calculated on the ratio (hypothetical) presumed. The
deviations from these were calculated by using the formula Resistant parents, ‘IIHR-Sel-1′ and ‘IIHR-137′ were highly
of chi-square test, resistant throughout the growing period and did not show
any disease symptoms. Individual plants of the ­F1, ­F2, ­BC1
χ2 = Σ(Observed number − Expected number)2 ∕Expected number
and ­BC2 populations showed differential reactions, start-
All statistical analysis was performed using WIN- ing from no symptoms to severe curling and stunting of
DOSTAT version 8.6 (statistical software developed by the plants as characteristic mark of yellow mosaic disease
Indostat Services, Hyderabad) licensed to LAN, ICAR- (Figs. 2, 3).
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta, A total of 276 ­F2 plants derived from the cross of Arka
Bengaluru. Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 were evaluated for disease response,
out of which 76 plants were found to be resistant and 200
Estimation of magnitude of gene effects and their plants were susceptible. All plants from back-crosses with
interaction susceptible parent were susceptible to the disease. Upon
subjecting ­F2 population data to chi-square analysis; only
The average score value of ToLCNDV for the parents (­ P1 the monogenic segregation ratio was satisfied and showed
and ­P2), ­F1′s ­(P1 × ­P2), ­F2′s ­(F1′s selfed) and their first gen- the segregation pattern of 3:1 (susceptible: resistant) with
eration back crosses ­(BC1 = ­F1 × ­P1 and ­BC2 = ­F1 × ­P2) from chi-square value of 0.95 with per cent probability of 33.00.
two crosses were calculated from the data pooled over three Back cross population with the resistant parent (IIHR-Sel-1)
replications. This formed the base for the computation of was segregated into 40 resistant and 17 susceptible plants
various statistics. Before estimating the different parame- ( χ2 = 9.28; p = 0.002). As the backcross population ­(BC2)
ters, scaling tests of Mather (1949) and Hayman and Mather did not follow the mendelian segregation pattern (1:1)
(1955) were done to detect the presence of non-allelic inter- clearly, it was inconclusive, however based on F­ 2 population
actions. The three parameters (m, d and h) were estimated segregation, it is indicating towards the involvement of one

M. Kaur et al.

Fig.2  Screening of parents with the populations derived from the cross of Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 under natural epiphytotic conditions

major recessive gene for yellow mosaic disease resistance primarily to compare these populations means with one
in the genetic background of ridge gourd genotype, IIHR- another. ­F2, ­BC1 and ­BC2 generations in both the crosses fell within
Sel-1 (Table 1). parental range (Table 3). The variances in the non-segregating
A total of 111 F ­ 2 plants derived from the cross of Arka generation ­P 1, ­P2 and ­ F 1 were relatively lower than
Prasan × IIHR-137 were evaluated for disease response, out those in segregating generations, ­F2, ­BC1 and ­BC2 (Table 2).
of which 29 plants were resistant and 82 plants were sus- The results of the scaling tests and generation mean analysis
ceptible. Almost all the back-cross plants involving suscep- for the two cross combinations are presented in Table 3. The scal-
tible parent (Arka Prasan) were susceptible to the yellow ing tests conducted on each of the two crosses were found to be
mosaic disease. The ­F2 population showed the segregation non-significant which indicated the absence of epistasis. There-
pattern of 3:1 (susceptible: resistant) ( χ2 = 0.07; p = 0.78) fore, both the crosses were of non-interacting types (Table 3) and
(Table 1). The results pertaining to the inheritance pattern are in conformity with the results of chi-square analysis.
were confirmed by using back cross population (­ F1 × IIHR-
137) of 42 plants. Forty-two plants were segregated into 27
resistant and 15 susceptible plants which was best fit in 1:1 Discussion
ratio for resistant and susceptible, respectively (χ2 = 3.43;
p = 0.06), again confirming a monogenic recessive mende- Yellow mosaic disease caused by the ToLCNDV has
lian ratio against yellow mosaic disease resistance in the become major production constraint and results in con-
genetic background of ‘IIHR-137′ (Table 1). siderable yield loss in ridge gourd and sponge gourd, espe-
The means for six generations calculated over all the indi- cially in tropical and sub-tropical regions of India. There-
viduals of given population in both the crosses were stated, fore, understanding the inheritance of disease resistance

Genetic analysis of yellow mosaic disease resistance in loofah

Fig.3  Screening of parents with the populations derived from the cross of Arka Prasan × IIHR 137 under natural epiphytotic conditions

is useful to develop an effective breeding programme for 2010). The inheritance pattern of yellow mosaic disease
crop improvement. In the present study, field screening was studied in two crosses involving Arka Prasan as sus-
was adopted to screen the segregating generations under ceptible (female) parent and IIHR-Sel-1 and IIHR-137 as
high disease pressure conditions during spring–summer resistant donor (pollen) parents. As a confirmed source of
season. The spring–summer season was coinciding with resistance, IIHR-137 (Islam et al. 2010) was included in
high rate of whiteflies proliferation which is insect vector the study, additionally the interspecific hybrids of L. acu-
for disease transmission (Purohit et al. 2006). Susceptible tangula and L. cylindrica found to have strong heterosis
check was transplanted randomly to avoid any chance of effects (Wu et al. 2014). In the present experiment, after
disease escape. The disease symptoms were character- the artificial hybridization between ridge gourd and sponge
ized in previous study (Manpreet et al. 2020) and was fol- gourd, interspecific hybrids (­ F1) were partially sterile and
lowed for current study as well. Symptoms were observed fruit set was very low.
after 18 days of transplanting in the susceptible checks The ­F1 plants of both the crosses were susceptible, indi-
(Figs. 2, 3). Similar observation has been recorded in ridge cating that resistance was inherited as a recessive trait. The
gourd germplasm screening through whitefly-mediated segregation of F ­ 2 populations into susceptible and resist-
inoculation (Patil et al. 2017) and mechanical sap inocu- ant plants fit a 3:1 ratio, which indicated that susceptibil-
lation (Sohrab et al. 2013) and in sponge gourd germplasm ity was dominant over resistance and ToLCNDV resistance
screening under challenge virus inoculation (Islam et al. was inherited through a homozygous recessive trait at a

M. Kaur et al.

Table 1  Estimates of chi square values and their probability for classical Mendelian ratios for ToLCNDV resistance in the crosses of Arka
Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 and Arka Prasan × IIHR-137
Cross Generations Description Number of Plants Genetic ratio Chi square value P value
Susceptible Resistant Total

I Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 P1 Arka Prasan 29 1 30 - - -

(S × R) P2 IIHR-Sel-1 3 27 30 - - -
F1 Arka Prasan × IIHR Sel-1 30 0 30 - - -
F2 Arka Prasan × IIHR Sel-1 200 76 276 3:1 0.95 0.33
BC1 (Arka Prasan × IIHR Sel- 56 1 57 1:0 - -
1) × Arka Prasan
BC2 (Arka Prasan × IIHR Sel- 17 40 57 1:1 9.28 0.002
1) × IIHR-Sel-1
II Arka Prasan × IIHR-137 P1 Arka Prasan 29 1 30 - - -
(S × R) P2 IIHR-137 0 27 27 - - -
F1 Arka Prasan × IIHR-137 17 4 21 - - -
F2 Arka Prasan × IIHR-137 82 29 111 3:1 0.08 0.78
BC1 (Arka Prasan × IIHR- 43 5 48 1:0 - -
137) × Arka Prasan
BC2 (Arka Prasan × IIHR- 15 27 42 1:1 3.43 0.06
137) × IIHR-137

Table 2  Generation means and variances for disease score for ToLCNDV resistance in the crosses of Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 and Arka
Prasan × IIHR 137
Traits P1 P2 F1 F2 BC1 BC2

Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 Mean ± SE 4.33 ± 0.18 0.5 ± 0.12 3.1 ± 0.26 2.62 ± 0.09 4.01 ± 0.14 1.14 ± 0.16
Variance 0.92 0.47 2.09 2.47 1.09 1.55
Arka Prasan × IIHR-137 Mean ± SE 4.33 ± 0.18 0 ± 0.00 3 ± 0.33 2.5 ± 0.12 3.58 ± 0.2 1.55 ± 1.57
Variance 0.92 0.00 2.3 1.62 1.91 0.19

single locus. In the first cross (Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1), the scaling tests conducted on each of the two crosses were
one of the backcross population ­(BC2) has not followed the found to be non-significant which indicated the absence of
mendelian segregation (1:1) which might be attributed to a epistasis. Therefore, both the crosses were of non-interacting
number of factors and needs reconfirmation. It depicts the types (Table 3) and in conformity with the results of chi-
study of first cross as inconclusive, however F
­ 2 segregation square analysis.
has indicated the involvement of a major recessive gene Similar results of single recessive gene inheritance for
for yellow mosaic disease resistance in ridge gourd. In the ToLCNDV in melon accession ‘IC-274014′ (Romay et al.
genetic background of L. cylindrica genotype ‘IIHR-137′ 2019) and leaf curl virus in interspecific cross in chilli
it was confirmed by the segregation pattern in both back- peppers (PBC 535 × Bhut Jolokia) (Rai et al. 2014) and in
cross populations that resistance to yellow mosaic disease cultivated resistant variety ‘Punjab Lal’ (Bal et al. 1995)
is conferred by a single recessive gene (Table 1). Further, have been reported. In tomato, one major recessive gene

Table 3  Individual scaling test and three parameter genetic model for ToLCNDV resistance in the crosses of Arka Prasan × IIHR-Sel-1 and Arka
Prasan × IIHR-137
Traits A B C D [m] [d] [h]

Arka Prasan × IIHR- 0.602 ± 0.42 ns -1.319 ± 0.43 ns -0.541 ± 0.68 ns 0.088 ± 0.28 ns 1.917 ± 1.14** -0.388 ± 0.11** 0.506 ± 1.54 ns
Arka Prasan × IIHR- 137 -0.167 ± 0.55 ns 0.095 ± 0.51 ns -0.351 ± 0.84 ns -0.140 ± 0.37 ns 3.905 ± 1.44 ns 2.167 ± 0.09** 1.322 ± 1.98 ns

[m] mean effect, [d] additive effect, [h] dominance effect, *significant at p = 0.05, **significant at p = 0.01, ns not significant

Genetic analysis of yellow mosaic disease resistance in loofah

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Acknowledgements Authors gratefully acknowledge Indian Institute Manpreet K, Varalakshmi B, Mahesha B (2020) Mechanical sap trans-
of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru for resource facilitations. mission of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting ridge gourd
[Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.] in south India. Int J Chem Stud
Author’s contribution Conceived and designed the experiments: BV, 8(3): 1867–1870
MK; Performed the experiments: MK Analyzed the data: MK, ­MK2, Mather K (1949) Biometrical Genetics. Methuen and Co., London
RV; Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: MK, ­MK2 BV; Panse VG, Sukhatme PV (1985) Statistical methods for Agricultural
Development of F ­ 1 populations: MK, BV; Screening of germplasm workers. 4th eds. ICAR, New Delhi
­ K2 BV, BM; Contributed through intellec-
and ­F2 Population: MK, M Patil CV, Ramdas SV, Premchand U, Shankarappa KS (2017) Survey,
tual input: ESR, MP, DCLR; All the authors read and approved the symptomatology, transmission, host range and characterization
manuscript. of begomovirus associated with yellow mosaic disease of ridge
gourd in southern India. Virus Disease 28(2):146–155
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VG (2015) Marker assisted selection of TY-2 and Ty-3 carrying
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