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The Arrogant Jerk

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Sign or no sign. It doesn’t matter to them. But

when something happens to them, you are
always the one to blame. They are the ones
who go running to the management,
complaining about how unprofessional or
unethical you are. A sign. A clear sign stating
that the floor is wet and walking on it increases
the chances of you slipping and falling. I don’t
know why people love walking on wet spaces.
You would swear they are Jesus or something.
Walking on water. I don’t know how many
incidents that have happened here in store of
people slipping and falling.

“You crazy girl. Is this your way of revenge for

One once said something like that. He slipped
and fell and when I tried to help him up, even
though I was not responsible for his fall, he
lashed out on me and insulted me. I have leant
to accept that different people with different
personalities come to the store every time. So I
just do my job and keep my head down.

“Chizoba, someone dropped oil in aisle 8.

Please go and clean it up.” my supervisor says
as soon as I clock in. don’t complain, don’t
grunt, don’t say no. just keep your head down.
You need this job.

Honestly this is the longest job I have had since

my arrival in South Africa. I was once a helper
of a white family and I was fired within 2 weeks
because my English was really bad and ‘I was
going to influence the young ones to speak
broken English.’ I didn’t even have a come back
to that because I didn’t know what to say.

Then I was a petrol attendant for a month.

Language was also one of the major reasons
why I was fired. My boss was a Sotho man and
on my first day at work he said ‘I am giving you
a week to teach yourself Sotho. We can’t be
talking English every time just to accommodate
you.’ well two weeks down the line I received a
warning. I mean how can you teach yourself a
South African language? Anyhow, I was
dismissed like that. And after that I lost 3 more
jobs. Until my landlady recommended me for
this job. This is my 7th month. Luckily I don’t
have to talk a lot. My work requires more
cleaning and less communicating.

I mean it would’ve been better if I didn’t have to

send money home every month. Sometimes I
think they think I am some kind of a billionaire
because they are always asking me for money.
‘You’re working, Chizoba. You have to send us
money every month end.’ that’s what my mom
always say. When I told her about the second
time I lost a job, she said I shouldn’t call her
unless I have a real job.

Anyways I get to aisle 8 and find a white kid

dancing in the spot where the oil was spilled. I
do some breathing exercises to calm myself
down. I am sure if he were to fall, I would be the
one to blame, but no let him continue dancing.
Finally his mother takes him away and I start
mopping around. Nothing annoying as cleaning
oil because it is so greasy and smelly and it
takes time for it to really get off the floor. When
I am done, I put on the warning sign and wait for
the floor to dry. After that I discard the water I
was using and rinse my hands.

“FUCK!” I hear a loud groan coming from aisle 8

and I quickly rush there, only to find a man on
his butt. “YOU!” He looks at me. He is livid and I
can see he wishes to crush my skull. “You are
the one who was cleaning here?” I nod. “You are
fuckin incompetent. Why the fuck didn’t you dry
these floors? Now I have damaged my 12k
pants and it’s all your fault.”

“Na mgbachitem, enwere ihe ngosi di ebea

mana ilefalanya. Oburo m ka osi n’aka, ewu. (To
my defence, there was a sign over there and
you chose to ignore it. That’s not my fault,
jerk.)” He frowns.

“What the fuck did you just say?” he stands up.

OMG! He is so tall. Now I wish I would’ve kept
my mouth shut. “Answer me.”

“My apologies for pushing you to the floor, Mr.

Next time I will make sure to blow it before you
walk by.” I fold my arms to my chest and he
actually chuckles.

“You have some balls. Who the fuck do you

think you are?”

“Chizoba, is everything alright here?” my

supervisor’s voice makes me straighten quickly
and I bow my head.

“No. everything is not alright. This foreigner

right here just insulted my man and he fell
because of her. She left the floor soaking wet.
She is incompetent.” A woman not far from the
giant states. I raise my head to look at her. How
did I not see her standing right there? Ow well,
she is a dwarf compared to the man who wears
12k pants.

“Chizoba, is that true?” my supervisor questions

with a frown. God, I am about to lose another
job. Do I really deserve so much bad luck?
Maybe I should listen to my neighbor and go
wash away bad luck in the ocean. Maybe that
will help. I mean why else would a graduate like
me suffer like this? My English has improved, a
lot, but now I am about to get fired because I
control water and air. Next thing, they are going
to call me a witch.

“I cleaned the floor and put on the caution sign,

ma’am. The floor was oily.” I answer and wait
for the moment I am finally dismissed. The
supervisor sighs because she knows none of
this drama is my fault but now she has to make
the customer comfortable.

“We apologize, Mr. It was truly an accident and

we promise that nothing like this will happen
again.” My supervisor states calmly and the jerk
looks at me.

“I want an apology from her.” I laugh internally.

Over my dead body is he getting an apology?
For what? I would rather kiss my job goodbye
than apologize for something I didn’t do. I am
no ass kisser and I am not a prideful person, but
come on.

“MaNyathi, we need you this side.” One of the

cleaners, Mathenji, appears, calling my
supervisor and they both walk away. I am
grateful for that because now I won’t be forced
to milk out an apology.

“I am waiting, Miss Chizoba.” The jerk folds his

arms to his chest.

“Hu, Inwere Ike iche ndi otu Kristi n’eche obibia

Jesu Kristi. (Well you can wait with the rest of
the Christians waiting for the return of Jesus.)” I
murmur, picking up the caution sign.

“There you go again, insulting me with that

foreign language of yours. You are really being
disrespectful. Have you no shame? Didn’t they
teach you that the customer is always right? Or
you didn’t understand English?” he is getting
angry now, even his nostrils are flaring. I sigh
and imitate his pose.
“You are wasting your time. I am pretty sure you
want more of 12k pants and they are not going
to pay for themselves while you stand here and
demand an apology that you don’t deserve. You
should be the one apologizing to me but I guess
you see yourself as superior compared to a
Nigerian cleaner.”

“Babe, let’s go. This foreigner is stubborn and

stupid.” The girlfriend snarls at me, pulling the
boyfriend away and together they head to the
other end of the aisle. I take a deep breath and
mop the floor that has been stained by a 12k

“That was dramatic.” Mathenji states with a silly
smile as I change into my jeans, t-shirt and
sandals. My shift has come to an end and I
can’t wait to get to my room and have a nice
home cooked meal. I chuckle while folding my

“What was dramatic?”

“That encounter with Makhosonke and Monica.”

I frown.

“And who is Masonke and Monica?” she laughs.

Mathenji Gasa is one of the few people I get
along with here at work and whom I also hang
out with on my spare time.

“That rude couple you argued with on aisle 8.”

My mind goes back to my dramatic morning.
Gosh, that Rastafarian annoyed the shit out of

“How do you know them?”

“Well the couple is very famous on social media.

They are like Touch Hefner and Fafa Kubheka
but these two are rude and they only get
together with the people in their circle. You have
to earn at least a 5 figure salary, afford an
apartment in Sandhurst or Sandton or
whichever Joburg suburb. You have to have at
least a half a million car and the clothes you
wear, designer honey. That’s the requirement
for the gents. The ladies have to look superfly
like all the time. Expensive weaves, makeup on
fleek, nice clothes and designer bags. But of
course the gents are the ones who sponsor that
“So he wasn’t lying when he said his trouser
costs 12k?”

“Lovey, that’s an Armani trouser and it costs

R13 125. He was just rounding it down.”

“People pay that much for just pants? He has

money to waste. Anyways enough about that
stuck up jerk. I am super hungry and I am
craving a home cooked meal, so I have to

“Save some for me, please.” I chuckle and agree

because I know she loves my meals. She even
discards her own lunch box just so she can
have mine. “See you tomorrow babes.” we
share a hug and I head off.

Getting to my small apartment, I quickly freshen

up and change into an oversized t-shirt. My
apartment is not an ideal one but it’s good
enough for me. There is one bedroom, a
bathroom, a kitchen which is in one room with
the dining and lounge area. None of my family
members ever visit me because there is no
place to sleep. Maybe one day when I get the
job I studied for, I will look for a bigger
apartment and maybe they can come visit.

I head to the kitchen. I am making Egusi soup

and garri which is my favourite dish. I boil the
meat and stock fish with maggi, salt and onion.
While allowing it to boil, I take my phone and
get on Instagram. I don’t usually utilize my
accounted. I have posted about 10 pictures
there. Three of them from my graduation. The
social media I utilize the most is Facebook
because I love reading stories there. I am
tempted to search Makhosonke and my
curiosity wins.

His account is the first one that pops up.

_somkhanda1_ and his real name is
Makhosonke Gumbi. I scroll down his wall and I
can see that the guy is living thee life. Vacations
outside the continent, nice cars, expensive
houses, Rolexes. He is just living his best life
and he never forgets to spoil his girlfriend,
@nica_nonye. My pot quickly brings me back to
reality. I add more water and then sprinkle egusi
in it. I stir the soup and go back to stalking the
arrogant couple. During my ‘research’ I discover
that Makhosonke recently celebrated his 31st
birthday. He is a senior executive at some law
firm. That’s no surprise. Lawyers are really

I finish cooking my meal and allow it to cool as I

settle on my couch and read the latest chapter
of Camilla Smith which is a story written by
Cathrine Phiri. I live a pretty boring life. Go to
work, come back, cook and read novels while I
wait for my food to cool down. Then watch a
few TV shows before going back to the books.
Once a month, or even twice, I go out with
Mathenji and a few other colleagues but
sometimes I ditch them for books. When I have
had enough or reading, I eat my dinner, pack the
leftovers on two containers and place them in
the fridge.

My phone rings and I smile when I see the caller.

My little sister, Kosisochukwu. We get along
pretty well and she always checks up on me
which is weird because I am the one who is
supposed to be checking up on her. She is
doing a diploma in town and regional planning.
She plans to join me this side once she is done.

“Akose my beloved sister.” I tease and she

“Beloved how when you haven’t called me in
three days? What’s happening with you? Have
you made new friends or even found yourself a
boyfriend?” I chuckle.

“Stop being nosy. You know you’re one of the

few people I would tell if I were to start dating
again. My life is just dull but I recently pissed
off some rich couple, so I think that qualifies as
some kind of a highlight.”
“Tell me more about the rich couple.” I laugh.
She should’ve studied journalism because she
loves meddling into people’s businesses and
she always know the latest gossip scoop.

“The guy was walking on the wet floor and he

accidentally slipped and fell down. He cursed
and when he stood up, he insulted me and told
me his pants cost him about 12k. Well I didn’t
let him off the hook. I also insulted him in Igbo
and that drove him mad. I thought I was going
to get fired but the supervisor saw that it wasn’t
my fault. The 12k guy was with his girlfriend
and she also said a few words but I ignored
her.” she is laughing her ass off. This stupid
sister of mine.

“OMG! That is so entertaining. Gosh, I wish I

was there. But only a few months left and I will
be joining you soon. Anyways, brother
Chiagozie impregnated a girl and his wife nearly
burned him alive. I am so glad you are not here
to witness all the drama.” This have me
laughing until I cry.

“I thought he was past his whoring days.” My

big brother used to be a player before he got
married. He has 3 children outside his marriage
and 2 with his wife. I guess this child is his sixth
one. We have experienced two of his crazy baby
mamas coming to drop his kids on him and
leaving like nothing happened. As a result, mom
has took care of those two kids. Luckily the
third baby mama is a bit sophisticated. Her
family just came to demand damages. She
takes care of the child and doesn’t depend on
the maintenance. She is a nurse at a clinic. “Did
Celine leave though?”
“The family talked her out of this drama but
brother is nowhere to be seen. He is really
scared of his wife.”
“Or he is busy with the new baby mama.”

“My God, that’s also a possibility. Anyways dad

said you should talk to him. Maybe he will listen
to you and come back home.” I sigh. I am the
middle child with 3 before me and 3 after me
but my parents always think I have this
superpower that make my siblings listen to me
and actually take my advice into consideration.
It’s absurd but I agree nonetheless because I
don’t wanna be woken up at 3am by dad’s call.
That’s when he usually calls and he somehow
expects you to be hyper and responsive. African

“What other drama has been happening?” she

“My boyfriend is getting a bit serious and wants
to come pay dowry to the family. I don’t know if
he is going to be this keen when he hears my
plans about moving to South Africa next year.”

“No man can be happy with his woman moving

to another country. Talk to him first before he
even starts making plans. Don’t drop the bomb
on him later and risk humiliating him.” she

“Thank you but that’s easier said than done.

Pass my regards to Mathenji. I love you sisi.”
“Pass my regards to the whole family. I love you
more.” she hangs up.

I stand up and stretch my legs a bit. I am so

glad I am not in Nigeria right now. I can imagine
what Celine is going through. We are not best
friends but we don’t have no beef either, so it
feels right to check up on her first before talking
to the whoring brother. I dial her number but it
rings unanswered. I leave a voice note on
WhatsApp and then call my brother.

“Chizoba. What’s up?” he answers panting like

he is running or something.
“You are jogging at this time of the night?” he
chuckles breathlessly.
“I am stressed, so I am trying all methods to
reduce my stress.”
“Or you can just go back home and face your
problems like a matured husband that you are.”
He huffs.
“Not you again. Celine threatened to burn me
alive. So excuse me for trying to save my life.”
“But you are causing more harm than good.
Right now she probably assumes that you are
with your latest baby mama, which I hope isn’t
the case because that would mean you are very
immature brother.” He sighs loudly and keeps
quiet for a few moments. I wait for him to
speak. I know I have somehow knocked some
sense into his head and he is considering my

“Fine.” He groans. “I will head home tomorrow

to face my troubles. When are you visiting
home?” he knows I can’t afford to visit him
regularly because they always think I am a
millionaire. They don’t even buy groceries when
I come back and suddenly everyone needs
money urgently. So I only go home for
Christmas and when there is a big family event
or ceremony.

“Maybe I will come when you decide to

introduce your ‘new baby’ to the whole family.” I
“Bye Chizoba.” He hangs up leaving me
laughing like crazy. Family drama can be
stressful but it can also be therapeutic and
really funny. I wonder if I know the new baby

I switch off the lights in the kitchen and

bathroom, then head to the bedroom. I get
under covers and retrieve the novel on my
bedside table, Captured by Vikings written by
Roxie Noir. It’s a small book but the way the
author describes the sexual scene, it makes you
wanna slide in a finger inside your cookie while
rubbing your clit with your thumb. I am
disturbed by my phone beeping three times.
Fuck. Can’t a single woman masturbate in

I check the message and it’s the lady from

room 107 complaining about the moans and
grunts from room 106 in the tenants’ group.
What the hell? My moment was disturbed by
this bored old white woman who has nothing to
do with her life? Also, how is the sexual couple
from 106 going to hear the phone because they
are always at it every night for hours? Makes
me wonder, doesn’t the lady get tired or sore?
But it’s none of my business.

‘How about you go knock in their room and

remind them about the noise rules?’

I respond to the group and immediately switch

off my data which is something I should’ve
done in the first place. Now where was I with
my book?

I am finally glad when I get a day off. And it’s a

bonus because it’s month end. The first thing I
do when I get to the mall is deposit money to
my family. I don’t want mom calling me in the
middle of my shopping spree and demanding
money. Then I also deposit my rent. When I am
done with those fixed expenses, I head to this
lady I know who do people’s hair underneath a
small gazebo. She does my hair every month
end, so we are very familiar with each other. Her
name is Comfort.

“Chichi baby.” she beams as soon as she sees

me. I laugh and hug her.
“Hey comfort. I want some short braids. You
know it’s month end and I am in a hurry.” She
“Well let’s get started then.” She leads me to a
chair and I settle down. She works with 4 other
women in this gazebo, so three of them get
busy with my head and two hours later, they are

“Thank you, Comfort.” I smile looking at my

reflection. This woman has magic hands. I pay
her and then head back inside the mall.

A friend of mine from Facebook notifies me

about a sale at CNA, so I quickly head there and
purchase two books. ‘In The Dungeon’ by
Mutshidzi Ashley and ‘A Woman’s Essence’ by
Thokozani Magagula. As much as I am into
eroticas written by authors from all over the
world, I love books by African authors so much
because you can’t help but feel connected to
the writer when reading them. I grab a few
clothes on sale at Selfast and then head to the
cinema since I booked a ticket for Marry Me.
After getting my snacks, I proceed to theatre 2
and when I reach my seat, I frown when I see a
guy sitting there. I clear my throat.

“Sorry, but you’re in my seat.” The guy turns and

looks at me. Wow, he is quite the catch.
“You can utilize other vacant seats. There is no
need to sit on the exact seat you booked.” He
drawls before turning his attention to his phone.

“But I love this seat and I usually sit here when I

come to watch a movie. So how about you be
considerate and maybe shift?” he sighs, rolling
his eyes but eventually moves to sit on the chair
next to him. “Thank you.” I settle down and put
my snack on the vacant chair on my right.

The movie finally starts. I am really enjoying it

and I think the stranger next to me is also
enjoying it because I catch him laughing at
some funny moments. The movie finally comes
to an end.

“I am pretty sure you would’ve went for

Bastian.” He states in a low voice turning to me.
I chuckle shaking my head.
“Wow. You have judged me without even
knowing me.”
“But that’s how you women are. Always going
for the handsome, rich and toxic guys. You hate
good guys.”
“There is a difference between good guys and
boring guys. Some good guys don’t want
change because they think you are trying to
control them. They don’t wanna experience new
things. So, excuse women for going for the
unsafe option.” He laughs.

“How about we continue this discussion over

late lunch?”
“It depends. Are you Charlie or are you Bastian?
Also, do you have your own Kat Valdez waiting
for you at home?” he laughs louder than the last

“You are hilarious, and no I don’t have my own

Kat. The first question, you have to find out for
yourself.” I look at the time and it’s still early.
“Well I can’t say no to free food.” He smiles

“You will lead me to an eatery of your choice.”

Smooth move. I pack my sweets in my bag and
stand up. I discard my popcorn and drink
container before straightening.
“How about Panarottis?” I suggest and he nods.
“Any eatery of your choice.”

“Let’s go then.” We walk out of the cinema. “I

don’t even know your name.” he laughs.
“I also don’t know yours. Well I am Refilwe
Sepota, I am 29 and I am originally from
Lesotho and I am currently residing in Ermelo.
How about you?”

“I am Chizoba Gwendaline. Age 25. From

Nigeria and currently residing Joburg Central.”
He nods. We get to Panarottis and we settle
down on a table. The waiter leaves menus on
the table and walks away. “What’s your
budget?” he laughs.

“Order whatever you like, Miss Gwendaline. I am

not a stingy man when it comes to feeding a
woman in every aspect.” Why does those last
words sound so sexual? Chizoba when was the
last time you were serviced down there? God,

“Don’t come crying to me when I bankrupt you.”

he chuckles and shakes his head.
“I am not much of a crier, honey.” The waiter
comes back. “I will have the Filleto Milanese
with a passion fruit soda.” He closes his menu
and looks at me. He is about to regret this lunch.
“I will have the sweet chilli chicken & feta pizza
then a cranberry Liqui fruit. Then please add the
ribs and chicken combo and the home-made
tiramisu for take away.” I fold the menu and
hand it back to waiter with a wide smile.
“Your drinks will be ready shortly.” She walks
“I see what you’re doing.” Refilwe states with a
grin. “Anyways what do you do for a living?”

“I am currently a cleaner but I am qualified

biology teacher.”
“That’s cool. I hope you find the job you desire
one day.” I smile. “Well, I am an executive
producer but I won’t mention the production I
work for or in.”
“Mystery guy.” He laughs.
“What’s mysterious about me? You know my
name and surname. You can literally go to
Google right now and find out everything other
people know about me.”
“How about you tell me something I won’t find
on the internet?”
“Ohh.” He chuckles. “Well I love sex, but who
doesn’t?” I nearly choke on my saliva. Is this a
sign from God? Does he want me to get
serviced? Dear Lord. You really work in
mysterious ways.

“That’s a revelation.” He laughs.

“You’re cute. In a very unique dorky way.” Well
that’s a compliment.
“I don’t know what to say.”
My spontaneous lunch goes pretty well. Better
than expected. At the end, we exchange
numbers and he rushes back to work while I
head to Food Lovers Market. That’s where I
usually buy my groceries. I love fresh fruits and
vegetables all the time. As I push my trolley
past the fridges after picking fish, I bump into
the arrogant couple. Dear God, why forsake me
so early after giving me a sign?

“Don’t tell me this is the rude disgusting cleaner

from Checkers.” Monica states with a sarcastic
laugh. “Are you stalking us or something?” I

“To stalk you, I would need your name surname

and reason to stalk you. You and your arrogant
jarkass of a boyfriend aren’t the first or the last
people to think they are better than me. So, no,
miss rude and Mr. arrogant. I am not stalking
you. I am here to buy food just like you.” I pass
them and Monica grabs my upper arm.

“Don’t fuckin talk to me like that. Do you know

who I am?”
“A rude bitch who thinks she is above everyone
else, even the law? Luckily I don’t know you and
I don’t wish to know you. So before you get
arrested for assault, I suggest you get your
chicken hands off Me.” she grunts before
letting me go. “Stupid bitch.” I mutter and walk

When I am done picking my groceries, I request

an Uber while standing on the line. After paying,
I head to the parking lot and I smile when I find
the Uber driver waiting for me. He helps me
load my shopping bags on the boot and just as I
am about to climb inside, I see Makhosonke
rushing to my direction. Can I please catch a
break from this Rasta and his girlfriend?
Honestly he is cute and all but his attitude
stinks and I don’t wanna be around him.

“Chizoba wait.” He breathes out loudly and

comes to a halt about 3 feet from me. “I know
Monica can be extra and all that shit, but she
didn’t mean to insult you in public. Please don’t
press any charges.”

“Oww wow.” I snort. “If you don’t have anything

better to say, please leave. You’re wasting my
time. I actually thought you were going to
realize your wrongdoings and apologize to me.”
“Let’s not be rash now.” I look at him in total
“Bye, Mr. Arrogant Jerk.” I walk to the car door
and he holds my hand. “Let go of me.” without
even thinking about my actions, I give him a
mean slap which leaves him shocked. “Don’t
ever touch me and please, pass on the
message to your girlfriend.” I climb inside the
car and the driver drives off, leaving
Makhosonke standing on the parking lot, with
his hand on his cheek, still looking shocked.
That will teach him not to go around touching

“That was badass.” The driver comments and I

can’t help but laugh. Drivers can be so nosy
“He is annoying, so I had to put him in his place
one way or the other.”
“You should’ve punched him. That would’ve
send a loud message across.”
“Next time I will.” He breaks into laughter.

“You have been glowing all morning. What

happened? Did you get laid last night?” Mathenji
asks as I enter the tea room. I chortle, washing
my hands before warming my lunch box. “Come
on, spill. You’re killing me.” I sit down next to

“My day off was very entertaining. I did my hair

and went to the movies. Then I met a guy who
took me out for late lunch.”
“A guy you met on the same day took you out
for lunch? Where did you go? KFC?” I laugh and
took a bite on my wings.
“You want one?” she shakes her head.
“I am on some kind of a diet. So, yeah. Anyways,
tell me about the date.”

“It’s not a date, just late lunch. He was at the

cinema and we were sitting next to each other.
We spoke a bit when the movie ended and then
he said we should do late lunch. I couldn’t say
no to free food. So we went to Panarottis and I
ordered a lot of food, hoping to bankrupt him
but he dismissed me with a laugh. We
exchanged numbers after that and we went our
separate ways.”

“He didn’t call last night?” I shake my head.

“I don’t really care. Yeah we vibed but that didn’t
mean I want to date him. I am okay with my
celibacy phase.”
“It’s sad but I am not comment about it further.”
I laugh.

“I also bumped into Masonke and Monica.

Monica actually said I was stalking them. She
annoyed me. I wished I could just punch her.
Then her man followed me to the parking lot
just to make sure that I don’t arrest her for
assaulting me.” Mathenji frowns.

“What do you mean by assaulting you?” I

explain the incident to her. “What if he wanted
to apologize to you but didn’t know how to go
about it since apologizing is not in his nature?”

“Well I don’t care what is in his nature or not. He

and his girlfriend are rude and I wish I never
bump into them in the future. I am tired of
seeing that Rastafarian.” She laughs.
“OMG! I have never heard someone call
Makhosonke a Rastafarian. You have some
balls, Chichi.”

“That’s what he said.” We both burst out

laughing. We continue chatting and she also
tells me about an upcoming family wedding she
has to attend. She complains about the
contribution she was told to pay.

“I mean why get married when you don’t have

enough money? If you can’t afford a white
wedding, go to Home Affairs and get a marriage
certificate. Last time I checked, it was R75. That
cheap.” I chuckle.
“You know how African families are with
weddings. Parents use that time to show
everyone that their kids are getting married and
can afford extravagant weddings. Some even
take out loans because of the wedding pressure.
When I finally get kids of my own, I won’t live my
life through them and I will teach them that
marriage is not a number one priority in life.”

“If you were to raise something like that on

social media, you would be dragged for days.”
“You know how people get when you tell the
truth. They rather be comforted with lies than
being told the truth.”

As soon as I climb off a taxi and walk inside the
building where my apartment is at, my phone
rings. A small smile plays on my lips when I see
who the caller is via true caller app.

“Chizoba, hello.” He chuckles on the

“Hello dark beauty with a gap. How are you
doing this evening?”
“I am doing okay, how are you?”
“I am fine. I am sorry for not calling last night.
The late meeting I attended ended so late. By
the time I got home, I went straight to bed.”
“Understandable.” I unlock my door and step
inside my humble apartment.

“So, I wanna see you again. How about we do

lunch on Saturday? Because I know how you
ladies get when someone suggests dinner. You
immediately think they want to sleep with you.”
I break into laughter. He is hot and I wanna
sleep with him but not so soon.

“I can’t do lunch on Saturday. I am attending a

book discussion. I am a book worm. I don’t
know if I didn’t make that clear the last time we
were together.” He laughs.

“You did. Might I remind you, you spent a lot of

time telling me about Buttons book series by
Penelope Sky. The way you explained it, I
actually bought its audio books and I started
listening to it this morning. It’s quite interesting,
but I will never understand how you women fall
for your captors. It’s a bit insane.” I chuckle.

“If it was a real life situation, I would fall in love

with a guy like Crow. But I love reading about
him. When it comes to fiction, sometimes we
just want something that’s nearly impossible
and unpredictable. Not something to obvious
and so real. It can be boring.”

“Understood. What are you busy with?”

“I just got home. I am going to shower and start
“What’s your address?” I frown. “I wanna send
flowers like those guys from your novels.” I
chortle and tell him my address. “So I guess we
can do lunch on Sunday then?”

“Or maybe dinner on Saturday. I don’t mind

dinners and I wouldn’t be persuaded to sleep
with a guy just because of a simple meal. I
would do that if I really want to.” he chuckles
and clears his throat.
“See you then, Miss Gwendaline.” He hangs up,
leaving me with a silly smile on my face.
He hasn’t told me he likes me nor has he made
his intentions clear. The only thing I know about
him is that he loves sex. I just hope he doesn’t
have ulterior motives and is only looking for a
friendship because that’s all I think I can
provide. I undress and take a quick cold shower.
I have decided on simple spaghetti with mince
this evening, so I will start it a bit later. I settle
down on the couch and start reading Brutal
Prince by Sophie Lark on kindle. I can relate to
the Aida character so much because I also
don’t like taking bullshit from other people, but
sometimes you gotta keep your head down
because not all battles are worth it.

After about half an hour into my book, I hear a

knock on the door. That’s strange. I am not
someone who gets visitors often, so I am
confused. Maybe it’s one of the tenants. I put
on my sleepers and drag my tired self to the
door. I open it and I am more confused to see a
guy from Uber Eats.

“Hi, I think you got the wrong apartment.” I say

politely. The guy smiles.
“This is a delivery for Miss Chizoba Gwendaline.
Do you have two Miss Chizobas in this
building?” I quickly shake my head no. “Well this
is for you then.” He hands me the paper bag
and two cups. “Good night, Miss Gwendaline.”
He walks away and I close the door slowly, still
confused AF. There has got to be a note
somewhere in here because I know I don’t have
a secret admirer who somehow has my address.

I settle back down on the couch and place the

two cups on the coffee table before opening the
paper bag from Nandos and emptying its
contents. The aroma hits my nostrils fast and
my tummy immediately rumbles. Chill tummy, I
got you. I finally find what I am looking for. A
serviette with a message.

-keep that tummy fed, Button. Enjoy your dinner.

– R.

I laugh when I finally connect the dots. We just

recently spoke about the Buttons Book Series
and he actually called me Button. This guy is
charming without even trying. I snap my dinner
and send a picture to him on WhatsApp with a
message ‘thank you so much, mystery man’.
We haven’t started chatting there but I guess
we are going to start now because he responds
a few moments later.

R- ‘I am glad you have received your parcel. I

was afraid it would get lost.’ I chuckle.
C- ‘Thank you. Now can I feed my tummy in
R- ‘Don’t stop on my account.’

I take the first cup and open it. I squeal when I

find a bar one milkshake. He is totally a stalker
because this is my favourite flavour. The
second cup contains a Fanta orange soda. I
quickly put it on my fridge and return to my food.
The guy actually bought me a full chicken with
chip, rolls and green salad. I am sold because I
am such a foodie. I eat a quarter of the chicken
and put the rest on the fridge.

Mathenji can’t contain her happiness when I tell
her about Refilwe’s gesture. She is convinced
that Refilwe has the hots for me and that he is
going to ask me out on out dinner in Saturday.
She actually forces me to go buy a new dress
since our shift ends at 4pm.

“You have to look extra beautiful so that he will

be blown away. You can’t go there looking like
plain Jane.” I roll my eyes.
“He asked me out looking like plain Jane, so he
has to know what he sees is what he gets.” She
groans, covering her face.
“The dress is on me, so you are getting a new
dress and that’s final.”

As soon as our shift ends, she waits until my

dress is on before she literally drags me out of
the store.
“I think a nice mid-thigh bodycon dress will do.
You do have heels, right?” she asks as we enter
Mr. Price.
“Yes I do.” we browse the whole store and
finally she settles on a mini white scoop
neckline, tie up halter neck, front cut out with a
ruched back. “I hope he doesn’t get the wrong
impression, like I am trying to sleep with him or

“But you are, because you have so much salt.”

“Shut up.”

I snatch the dress from her hands and go fit it.

It’s nice and it fits me well. It’s a bit provocative,
that’s why I am going to wear a jacket on top.
Mathenji pays for it and we head our separate
ways. I just hope the date goes well.

I get ready for the book discussion. It’s a book

club thing which I am in. we usually meet
maybe once a month if we are not too busy,
first we inform each other of a book we wish to
discuss and read it, and then come to the book
club to discuss and actually review it as a
collective. Some members always invite other
people in these discussions and they are
usually held at Phathane’s guest lounge.

I request an Uber there and when I arrive, I head

inside to find most of the members already
present. We exchange greetings and settle
down. Mihlomhle, who is one of the founders of
the book club, has brought a friend, Zokuthula
Gumbi, who sits next to me. She is a very
beautiful woman who looks like she is in her
late thirties or early forties. She looks
sophisticated and commands respect.

“So the book was The Maiden & The Bear by

Ayanda Xaba. The book is about a maiden
named Ntombi who is madly in love with a
village champion. They were like betrothed at a
young age. What were your highlights about it?”
Lihlumelo asks, looking at me.

“You know how I am such a sucker for South

African books, especially those that focuses on
one’s culture. However, Ntombi’s naivety was
truly infuriating. I just wished to get inside the
novel and slap some sense into her. Sometimes
culture is too backwards and it oppresses the
female gender. I am not about to dwell on
gender equality but I am glad she got to have a
bit of fun in varsity. She deserved it.” I answer

“For me, it was all over the place. It was hard to

follow the storyline and I don’t think the author
gave her best.” Mihlomhle states and I see a
few nods.

“It’s chaotic, but that’s how life in the rural areas

was back then, chaotic and too hard to like
follow. I hate the abuse and cheating part. I
have been married for 24 years and I can attest
that I am happily married. My husband and I
always argue about the little things like him
leaving his clothes lying around or him not
remembering to take out the trash. He has
never been abusive or cheated. So I hated the
story but I loved the book.” Zokuthula remarks
and everyone laughs. “At some point, I threw it
away, frustrated by Ntombi’s actions. I was like
‘girl what the fuck are you doing?’ But my
husband brought it back and said ‘I know you
are going to regret this’.” we continue laughing.
This is cute actually.

The others also review the book, then we

discuss it, outlining some of the events but we
don’t criticize the author’s writing method. We
take a break, having some snacks before
discussing the second book.

“I am a very observant person and I don’t mean

to come off as offensive or intrusive, but I
picked up an accent from your voice. Are you
from Zimbabwe or Nigeria?” Zokuthula asks
looking at me with a gorgeous smile. Honestly
this woman is too beautiful. No wonder her
husband has never cheated on her. How can
you cheat on a supermodel? Like what exactly
do you want in life?

“I am not offended, Mrs. Gumbi. I am actually

from Nigeria, in a small town called Nsukka in

“Your town is the home of the University of

Nigeria, right?” I nod. “And please, call me
Zokuthula or Zoe.”
“And you can call me Chizoba or Chichi.” She
smiles widely.
“So what do you do besides reading?”

“I work as a cleaner at Checkers but I am

actually a qualified Biology teacher.”
“That’s awesome. I pray that you find the job
you studied for one day.”
“I also pray for that.”

“Well I am a nail technician but I don’t know

when the last time I did someone’s nails was. I
do have three salons. One in Park Town, one in
Soweto and another in Ermelo but I hardly go
there. I am just a spoiled housewife who is
always busy reading books.” I laugh. “It’s true.
My husband doesn’t want me working to such
an extent that he turned one of the rooms in our
house into a mini library and stocked it with
books which he thinks I like.”

“God. Is he looking for a second wife?” she

breaks into laughter.
“Yeah, having your own library is a dream come
true for readers and every time I see a book I
like which isn’t in my library, I send a picture to
him and he makes it his mission to get that
“You’re the one that’s abusive.” I tease and she
“Guilty as charged.”

The lunch break ends and we move on to the

second book. The Camorra Chronicles Series by
Cora Reilly. I am in love with that series. I don’t
know how many times I have reread it. When
meeting for a discussion, we always review an
African book and one from other continents.

“The series is about the Falcone brothers ruling

over Las Vegas. Their enforcer is included in the
series because he is more like family. They are
a bunch of violent, unmerciful hooligans who
know nothing about love but all that changes
when their enforcer falls for a girl outside their
world. His loyalties are twisted, as per the title
of the book and that endangers his life. That’s
when the love can is opened and it blows up in
all the brothers’ faces. First off, which book is
your favourite in the series?” Izibele asks. I think
she is the youngest in the club but she is very
intelligent. She is studying literature and she
aspires to be an editor.

“I love Twisted Loyalties.” Zokuthula answers. “I

love the fact that Fabiano grew up to be a
strong man and didn’t let his father’s actions
hinder him from being the man he was destined
to be. And I love the relationship he has with the
Falcone brothers.”
“I love Twisted Pride.” I comment. “Remo is my
favourite and I love how fierce and brave
Serafina is. She is unbreakable but the way she
falls for Remo is amazing. She is showing
everyone that even the cruelest monsters
deserve to be loved and they do have a heart.
She fights for their love and fights for her
children’s image. That’s badass if you ask Me.”
everyone chuckles.

“I love Twisted Emotions.” Mihlomhle states.

“You all know why.” We all laugh.
“Besides the Stockholm Syndrome, Cora really
outdid herself here. I love all her books, even
the Sins of the Fathers Series.” Lihlumelo states
after everyone has mentioned their favourite
book. There are about 12 main members of the
book club and today we have three guests.
We chat more about the Camorra Chronicles
series and then review it collectively. After that,
we take lots of pictures, say our goodbyes and I
walk together with Zokuthula to the parking lot
where my Uber is already waiting for me.

“I really like your energy and vibe. I would like to

get together with you sometime if you're off
work.” She starts off and I smile.
“No problem.” We exchange numbers and hug
before we part ways.

Arriving at the restaurant, I am pleased to find
Refilwe already waiting for me. I guess he
knows not to keep a lady waiting. He smiles
when he sees me. He then stands up and greets
me with a hug before opening a chair for me.
Chill heart, don’t get attached.
“You look breathtaking.” He remarks.
“That’s the look I was going for. Thank you for
the compliment. You clean up pretty well.” He
chuckles and rolls his eyes.
“Can the compliment be clear?” I shake my

“Nope.” He laughs. A waiter comes and we

place our orders.
“So how was your day at the library?” I snicker.
“Book Club and we were in a guest lounge.”
“Discussing books, right?” he states with an
arrogant smirk. “You were in a library, admit it.”
“If it gets you to shut up.” He cracks up.

“Fine. I don't wanna upset my date. So how was

the book discussion?”

“Great experience, as always. I have been in this

book club for about a year and 3 months. Today
is the first time I made an actual friend. Even
though she is way older than me, I think we are
going to get along just fine.” He smiles.

“I am happy for you.”

“I am happy for me too.”
“So why aren't you dating?” he questions.
“Why set yourself up for a heartbreak when you
can life your peaceful life and masturbate
whenever you’re horny?” he chokes on his drink.

“That just escalated way too fast.” I giggle and

take a sip of my cocktail. “I have nothing
against masturbation. Actually it shows that
you're capable of creating your own pleasure.
That's power. But every once in a while you
need some strong, powerful strokes from a
strong man. I am sure you get tired of
pleasuring yourself with your fingers.” So we
are doing this? We are talking about sex? Well
how about I make him a bit uncomfortable.

“Who said I don’t have other means to make

myself come? I do own the most exotic set of
sex toys. Even a plug in dildo which is always so
firm and ready for action. I don’t have to dress
up for it.” He chuckles.

“Well mine is also ready whenever you are.” it's

my turn to choke on my drink.
“I thought this was a friendly dinner and we are
just getting to know each other.” He sighs and
leans back on the chair.
“I am going to put all my cards on the table. I
like you, your personality, your smile and your
vibe. But I love sex more. So I would like to
explore a sexual relationship with you, only if
you're game.” He winks and I exhale loudly.

“I need to use the restroom.” He smirks.

“Go ahead.”

I stand up and as much as I wanna run to the

restroom, I strut gracefully until I am inside and
take a huge deep breath. That was insane. I
have never talked about sex like that with a man.
I need to keep it together. Fuck, he is sexy and
so appealing. What's the worst that could
happen if I agree to this sexual relationship? I
just need to lock my heart and throw the key
under the bed. Is that possible though with a
charming man like Refilwe with his kind
gestures? Fuck I am at crossroads.

That's enough sponsoring for the day guys
😂😂 let's rest now. Ngyadlala. If you wanna
sponsor, you know where to find me 😉😉😂😂

A no strings attached relationship? Can I do

that though? He is a very sexy man and he is
charming. Having a thing with him is not such a
bad idea. Or is it? Sighing, I wash my hands and
stare at my reflection in the mirror. Don’t fuck
this up, Chichi. After gathering my thoughts, I
head back to the table, feeling a bit relived to
see that our food has arrived.
“Finally.” I breathe out loud as a I take a huge
bite from my burger. “Now where were we?” I
ask after swallowing and downing my food with
my cocktail.

“You know exactly where we were.” He says

with a smug on his face. He licks his upper lip
and I resist the urge to lean over and lick it for
“If I say no to your proposal, does that mean the
end of the friendship between us?”

He sighs and looks at his food. “I would be a bit

disappointed because I thought I had the sex
appeal.” I chuckle. “But you're a great individual
and I am not gunning for your pussy. And even
though I would be delighted to bury my head
between your thighs, I would respect your
decision and continue being just friends without
benefits.” That’s good to hear. I nod.

“You are right though sometimes the fingers

don't do much job and it's frustrating because I
have the most sexual neighbors who have sex
every evening and they are very loud.”
“Maybe it’s one woman with different men or
one man with different women.” I chortle.

“Trust me. It's the same couple. They have been

residing there for a very long time. Long before I
moved in.” he smiles.
“So does this mean you are saying yes to my

“Yeah but it's not going to be a long term thing.

We don't want it escalating to something
uncontrollable. Since we are setting the terns,
you are free to date but should you decide to
sleep with that person, our relationship will
cease to exist. You will do an honorable thing
by informing me first. And visa versa.” He nods
in understanding.

“You thought all of that in the toilet?” I shake my

“It is only coming to my mind right now. I am
able to think on my feet. It's one of the basic
skills a teacher must have because not all
situations you are faced with are in your
curriculum or syllabus.”

“School me, Miss Gwendaline.” I am amused by

his playfulness and silliness.
“But why settle for sex though? You're a
handsome and successful guy. Surely there are
some women out there who would die for a
relationship with you.” He smiles.

“Thank you for the compliment. The thing is I

have a very demanding job and I have been
dumped quite a number of times by females
who claim that I don't give them enough
attention because I am addicted to my work. As
much as I crave love, I would rather not set
myself up for a failed relationship. So a no-
strings attached relationship is a much safer
option. I also don't like getting my heart
broken.” I nod. His explanation makes sense.

“I guess we have something in common. I also

crave love, a lot. Reading novels make you wish
for that love you read about. That unrealistic
perfect love. Like dating a guy who is wealthy,
has a huge dick, treats you like a princess and
doesn't cheat. I have high expectations and very
high standards and a demanding family.” He

“I know exactly what you mean.”

“Yeah, so guys don't like being compared to
fiction characters who exist on another
dimension. So I would also settle for sex where
the only expectation is many orgasms and not
love, affection, attention and all those things
men provide in a relationship.”

“I am glad we share the same thoughts.” He

smiles, giving me a predatory look before
sipping on his drink.
“Stop undressing me with your eyes.” I murmur
and he chuckles.

“I can't help it. You're intriguing and really sexy. I

can't wait until I tap that ass.” I clear my throat,
suddenly feeling hot and heavy. The guy is
determined to seduce me with just his look and
words. God, intervene. “Are we getting desert or
more drinks?”

“Two drinks will suffice.”

“Okay then.”

Two drinks lead to an uncountable number and

instead of him dropping me off, he ends up
requesting an Uber to his house because he is
pretty wasted. When we get to his house, he
hands me an oversized t shirt and sweatpants.
Then bottled water with pain killers.

“It will help with the hangover tomorrow

morning.” He states and I smile.
“Thanks.” He ushers me to a guest bedroom.

“I am really looking forward to bedding you but I

don’t want our first time to be sloppy because
of the alcohol. We have a lot of time to give in
to our desires but not tonight.” He winks. “The
bathroom is through that door.” He points at a
door on the left side of the room near the
window. “You will find extra towels and a
toothbrush to use in the morning. There is a
charger on the bedside table for your phone.”

“You're such a life saver. Good night.” He steps

closer to me and kisses me. He licks his lips
with a lazy grin.
“Good night, Miss Gwendaline.” He closes the
door behind him and his footsteps grow fainter
as he walks to his room.
I realize a huge deep breath before undressing.
I drink the pills and then put on his clothes. This
has been rather a really interesting evening and
I can't wait to tell Mathenji all about it. I set my
alarm and then plug in my phone.

I am lucky that my shift the next day starts at
10:00. The alarm wakes me up at 7am and I
climb off the bed. I have a minor headache but I
am glad I don’t have a massive hangover. I
make the bed and head to the bathroom. It is
really neat and well kept. I locate a new
toothbrush on the mirror cabinet and use it to
brush my teeth. I take a quick shower and put
on the dress from last night.

Collecting my belongings, I quietly walk to the

lounge and I am startled to see Refilwe without
a shirt on, making breakfast in the kitchen. He
looks up and gives me a mischievous smile.

“Why are you doing the walk of shame when we

didn’t do anything shameful last night?” I
chuckle and wave at him.
“Hi.” He cracks up.
“I have known you for less than a week but I
know you're not the shy type. Is my half
nakedness making you all fuggy?” I roll my eyes
and settle on the bar stool.
“Come on. You're not all that.” He laughs.

“That's the Miss Gwendaline I know and I have

grown to like. Not the shy teenager I was
introduced to a few moments ago.” I chuckle.
“How did you sleep?”
“Like a drunk person.” He chuckles. “I have to
get going soon though. My shift starts at 9:45.”
He grunts.

“I guess we will see each other anytime you're

off work.”
“It's a date.” He hands me a fruit juice with a
plate containing an egg, strips of bacon, wors,
avocado and tomatoes. The food looks
delicious. It makes my mouth water instantly.
“This looks nice. I hope it tastes even better.”

“Ahh.” He places his hand on his chest

dramatically. “You wound me.” He sulks and I
giggle. I indulge on my breakfast and I am quite
“Not bad.” He smiles in satisfaction. We engage
in a meaningless chat. When we're done eating,
I volunteer to wash the dishes. As I wipe them, I
feel his body pressing on mine. I take a deep
breath and brace myself on the sink.

“We are not going to do anything right now.

Your ass is just so irresistible in this dress. I
can't help myself.” He whispers in my ear. He
cups my butt cheeks firmly and takes a deep
breath. “Fuck. All self control gone out of the
window.” I release a shaky giggle and turn to
face him. His eyes are focused on my mouth. “I
need to taste those lips before I lose my mind.”

I raise myself up on my toes and kiss him, a

slow, soft, lingering kiss. The moment our lips
meet, wasting no time, I slide my tongue
forward into his mouth, seeking his. I hold him
tightly as our tongues make love to each other,
stroking, probing and sliding across each other.
I can feel my heart beat speeding up, and a
taught sensation in my breasts as my nipples
begin to harden. And there is that peculiar
slightly quivery feeling in my abdomen that I get
during arousal. When our lips finally separate, I
feel his fingertips brush softly across my cheek
and up to my forehead, lightly sweeping hair
aside before kissing my own neck.


He groans into my neck and my whole body

vibrates. He raises his head and gives me an
apologetic look.

“That's probably work.” He licks his lips and

takes a deep breath. “Let me get my shirt and
drive you home.” Our sensual kiss has rendered
me speechless, so I only nod in response. “I
can't wait to taste all of you." He teases before
walking away. Fuck. That was hot.

The car comes to a halt outside my building and

he switches off the engine. He turns his whole
body to face me and has a stupid grin on his

“Tomorrow night we're having dinner at my

house. Make sure you shave.” He winks and I
crack up. “Or not. Sometimes a bush is

“My God, stop it.” He smiles. “See you tomorrow

then.” I open the door and climb off.
“No goodbye kiss?” he pouts and I roll my eyes.
“Don't get attached, Refilwe.” I walk inside my
building without even sparing him a glance.

Mathenji has about 5 boyfriends and one of
them owns a few gyms. So she somehow got
us VIP memberships at one of the guy's gyms. I
have never been to a gym before, hence my lack
of gym clothing. My friend has that all covered
because she arrives at my apartment with a
shopping bag containing a gym set which
includes a sports bra, shorts and joggers.

“You look fine as hell, mami.” She licks her lips

as we walk to the gym which is 20 minutes
away from my apartment. “They won't know
what hit them at Be Active today.” I chuckle.
“Cut it, Mathenji. Why are we going to the gym
again? I know it's not because of Bangi. You
have dated him for months now and never
asked him for a gym membership. Why now?”

“Why do you have to be such a genius?” she

groans and I laugh, shrugging. “I am a jealous
woman, you know that. So I heard he is
cheating on me and the woman is a regular at
one his gyms.”

“God, so we are going there to harass innocent

women? I have incomplete books waiting for
me, calling for me to read this right this
moment.” She rolls her eyes.
“We are not going to make it obvious. Women
talk, all the time. We just have to blend in.”
“And? If you find the woman, then what?”
“Confront him. He is weak. He is going to cry
and beg for my forgiveness and I will demand a
decent apartment.” I laugh.
“You sly motherfucker. And what do I get for
supporting you?”
“Getting all sweaty and sexy with some hunks
at the gym.” She winks and we both laugh.

We enter the gym and since it is our first time

here, we are assigned to beginner exercises. An
hour later, we walk out feeling drained. I actually
regret coming here because I don’t think I can
make it to work tomorrow, or my apartment
right now for that matter.

“If I don't make it to work tomorrow, you will

work my sections and come up with a valid
reason as to why I didn't come in.” I moan,
feeling pain in my legs as I walk. She chuckles.
“Don't be dramatic. It will be better when you
wake up. See you at work.” She winks before
jogging the opposite way and I am legit
shocked. Like star struck. How can she jog like
that after that intense workout? Traitor.

It's almost dark but I am not worried about the

thieves because the only things I am carrying
are my keys, towels and water bottle. A really
posh car drives past me and I stop for a
moment, taking in the pain and glancing at this
magnificent car which miraculously stops and
reverses. Don't tell me it's coming to me. It
actually does stop next to me and as the driver
lowers the window, I click my tongue. Not the
Rastafarian. What does he want now?

“I can see you're having difficulties walking.

Rough day at the gym, huh? Get in and I will
drop you off at your house.” He speaks up and I
roll my eyes.
“Thanks but I will manage.” He chuckles.
“I know you are more that capable, Chizoba. I
am just saving you time. I am not going to ask
you out or pounce on you in the car seat. Trust
me, I am loyal to my girlfriend. Just hop on.”
Since when does he ‘know' shit about me? To
shut him up, I open the passenger door and
slide in.

“Happy now?” I shoot him a sarcastic grin and

he smirks.
“Ecstatic.” He drives off and I quickly give him
the directions to my apartment. “By the way, I
wanted to say sorry to you that day before you
slapped me. You have some serious anger
issues, woman. Or are you sexually deprived?”
fuck him.
I scoff and look outside the window. “I find that
hard to believe. You're a lawyer, I am pretty sure
you were just doing some damage control after
your woman manhandled me. Assaulting a
foreign woman can be a serious offence
because it can be classified as xenophobia. I
am sure you were like ‘I can woo her with my
charming smile, she won't say no to this face'.”
He smirks.

“How do you know that I am a lawyer?” fuck my

big mouth. Did I just out myself?
“I just assumed. Your arrogance points to the
legal profession.” He cracks up.
“Wow. Hey there, mini stalker. So I have a
charming smile?” he has this annoying smug on
his face which I just want to wipe off with a
single punch.
“That's me.” I point at my building, feeling
relieved that I won't be in a confined space with
the Rasta in the next minute.

He parks at the gate. “I am genuinely sorry

about the way Monica and I have been treating
you. It wasn’t uncalled for and you could've
reported us but you didn't.” he bites his lower lip
in a sexy way but you can see that it's
unintentional. “We don’t deserve your kindness
but you have extended it to us, so thank you.”
“Unlike you, Mr. 12k pants, I know about the
spirit for Ubuntu, a principle most South
Africans pride themselves with, something you
clearly lack. Safe journey and thanks for the
ride.” I climb off the car and try to walk straight
into my apartment. A single car ride that lasted
for less than 10 minutes doesn't make up for all
the words he and his girlfriend have showered
me with. He is lucky I didn't insult him in Igbo.
Locking the door behind me, I quickly shower
and just as I settle on the couch with a tablet on
my lap, wearing only an oversized t-shirt, my
phone rings. I groan. Who the hell is disturbing
my reading time? I glance at it and I curse under
my breath when I see who is calling. I don’t
wanna seem like I am making excuses but I am
not in the mood for sex today, not after gym.
But I do answer his call because I don’t wanna
ignore him.

“I'm outside.” He quickly states before I can say

anything. I chuckle.
“Good for you. Come in. I am at Room 105.” I
hang up and go open the door and quickly
return to my seat. All this up and down is doing
no justice to my sore body. Few moments later,
the door opens and he walks in. He closes the
door behind him and comes to sit next to me.
He takes the tab and reads the e-book title out

“Baby Momish, what is that?” I roll my eyes.

“It's a short story and not a standalone. It's
about two individuals who end up sleeping
together but not in a relationship. The guy is
pretty older than the girl. Anyway the girl doesn't
want the child but the guy wants it. It's all a
Momish but I am liking it so far.” He nods.
“I thought I was going to find you ready for a

“Mmm about that, my friend took me to a gym

for the first time ever and my whole body is
sore. I don’t know how I am going to work
tomorrow.” He frowns.
“You have never been to the gym before?” I
shake my head. “With that firm sexy body of
yours? You're kidding, right?” I chuckle.

“I guess standing for almost 8 hours a day is a

workout on its own. Anyways I can't do a
sleepover today or tomorrow. How about Friday?
I am off on Saturday, so we have all the time in
the world.” He nods.
“That sounds like a plan.”


neighbour screams out loud in pleasure. It's
that time of the night. Refilwe grins at me.
“Those are your sexual neighbors?” he seems
really amused by this.
“Yeah. That’s them.”
“Don't you get aroused listening to that every
night?” I shake my head.

“I used to feel something the first week I moved

in but it eventually felt like listening to porn. It
may be addictive but you don’t have to watch it
or listen to it every night because it bore the
fuck out of you. Imagine hearing ‘OWW, BABY,
ALL OF IT!’ Imagine hearing that every single
night. Won't it bore you?”

“Well, if you put it that way,” he shrugs with a

small smile. “You really listen to them, you even
know their lines.”
“Whatever.” He laughs.
“Let me order dinner. What would you like to
“Something light but not a salad.”

“Got you.” He types on his phone and then puts

it away. He places his hands on my exposed
thighs. “These babies are making it really hard
for me to control myself.”
“I will go cover up then.”
“No, don’t bother. I like watching them.” He
caresses them lightly while maintaining eye
contact with me. “And touching them.” He
whispers. “Are they also sore?” I nod. “How
about I give you a massage?”
“Sure.” I manage to choke out that word. All this
sexual tension inside my body is going to kill
me. I need to release, soon.
Our night ended like that. With a simple
massage and comfort food. For a second, I
thought he was going to sleep over but he drove
to his place after 11pm because we watched
movies and got to know each other better. I can
safely say that I view him as a friend but whom I
desire sexually. He is a cool guy and all, but
after everything he has disclosed to me about
himself, I don't see a possible future with him.

The following day, Mathenji is not in. MaNyathi

says something about her having chicken pox
or something along those lines. This girl. She
drags me to the gym and takes a full day rest.
The nerve. During my lunch break, I call her. She
answers when I am about to hang up.

“Babe, what's up?” she is panting. You'd swear

she is running, at the gym or… wait, she
wouldn't. Would she?
“Don’t tell me you dodged work for sex.”
“Then I wont.” She chuckles breathlessly. “You
caught me at a bad time babe.”

“Don’t do me like that. You drag me to the gym,

knowing very well you are not coming to work
today. Bitch you did me dirty.” She laughs.
“Can I have a minute to deal with this?” she
whispers. It sounds like she is talking to the
person in the background. I hear some
smooching sounds and I gag. Finally I hear the
door shutting.

“You're subjecting me to phone sex on broad

day light? Have you no shame?”
“What's with the theatrics? Did you not get laid
last night?”
“Because of you, I did not. I could not feel my
joints. Refilwe even came by but we didn't do
anything except for kissing and eating junk food
like a fuckin cute couple.”

“Aww love, I will send a huge black dildo to you

apartment later.”
“Fuck you.” I mutter and she laughs.
“He didn't even go down on you? I am
“He did, actually.”

Whenever I am home, I don’t wear panties,

especially in the evening. So when he was
massaging me, he got curious and pushed my
tee up a bit. He released a low moan when he
saw that I wasn’t wearing panties. Then he
slightly parted my legs and began to kiss my
inner thighs. Then he ascended to the cookie
which he blew air into before parting my pussy
lips and devouring me like his last meal on
earth. It was an exhilarating experience. I ended
up pressing his head deep inside me so that he
can fuck me with his tongue. I came all over his
mouth, screaming his name and he licked me

“Babe, you did release. Now what's got you all

worked up?” I huff.
“Penetration. Yes his tongue does wonders but I
am now keen on the penis. What if he is not a
good lay and he makes up for it by making sure
he makes you cum before the intercourse?”
“You're overthinking. When are you seeing him
“We agreed on Friday because I am off on
“That's good. I will bring a dildo for you
tomorrow so that it can pave the way for Mr. R.”
she sings the last part and I groan.
“Go back to being fucked and leave me alone.”
She laughs and I end the call.

I get back to work. My work is not really

pleasant. Cleaning up after people and having
people walk on the surface you just cleaned
especially when you are just about to knock off,
that shit sucks. However, this time around I
don’t get pissed off when I see a familiar face
strutting towards. Her head us turned to the
person she is with. Her wide contiguous smile
is dominating the area. I also can't help but
“ZOE!” I call out and she turns her head. Her
smile widens as her eyes land on me.
“Chizoba.” She squeals before rushing to wrap
her arms around me. I didn't know she was
going to be this excited to see me.
“You are going to stain your clothes if you keep
hugging me.” She laughs and lets go of me.
“I'm not even bothered. I am on my way home.
Why haven't you called me?”

“You're the one who said you were going to

call.” She rolls her eyes and I chuckle. The guy
who is with her finally steps closer to us and I
nearly faint. God, what the fuck?
“Meet my son, Makhosonke.” She hooks her
arm around his.
“When you said you were old enough to be my
mother, I didn't believe it.” She laughs. “Nice to
meet you, Masonke.”

“This lovely woman is a friend of mine. We met

at the book club on Saturday. She is really
smart and I love her energy.” She tells her son
who looks a bit uncomfortable. She turns to me.
“We are having lunch tomorrow, on me. Not to
cause any inconvenience, I will pick a restaurant
in this mall. I can't wait.” She squeals again.

“I guess I will see you tomorrow then, Zoe.” She

hugs me once more and walks away, leaving
Masonke standing in front of me. “Can I help
you with something?”
“Are you really interested in my mother or you
stalked her just to get to me?” I chuckle in
“I have no superpowers, love. I can't predict the
future, so I couldn't have known that your
mother was going to be at our book discussion
since she is not even a part of our book club.
Wow, you think so little of me. Why the fuck
would I stalk you? And here I thought shit was
fine between us.” He sighs.

“I know it's a crazy thought.”

“And I have established that you are a crazy guy
with wild imagination. You should be an author.
Your conspiracies would make a thriller novel
more thrilling.”
“I am sorry. Also, please don't tell my mother
about the way Monica and I treated you. She
already doesn't like her. I don’t need no more
ammunition for her to write her off completely.”

“Now why would I do you a favour when you

have been nothing but mean to me?” his eyes
pop out.
“MAKHOSONKE!” his mother calls him and he
gives me a pleading look before walking away.
Poor Masonke. Poor him. Mr. 12k pants.

I am relieved to get home without any much
difficulties after my second day at the gym.
This time around there was no German beast to
drive me home. Mathenji was there with her
man and she was glowing. Anyways, just as I
am opening my door, Gideon comes out of his
apartment with a topless with a t-shirt hanging
on his shoulder. His six pack is out to play and
he looks so sexy. He smiles at me before
checking me out. He doesn't even care that he
is making it obvious. There is something about
his stare that makes me feel good about myself.
Being desired by a taken man, God. That feels

“Hello, neighbor.” He greets with a smirk.

“Hey, Gideon.”
“Decided to join the gym?” he asks casually.
“Something like that.” I shrug. “It was a spur of
a moment decision.” He nods.

“I feel you.” He walks towards me and winks at

me before grabbing my ass and squeezing.
“Oww yes, I feel you. I do feel you neighbor.” I
should be stopping this. This is the same man
who fucks his girlfriend any chance he gets and
makes it known to the whole building. Why is he
seducing me? And a bigger question, why am I
liking the attention? Look at me standing on
corridor and not caring that my taken next door
neighbor is groping my ass. I am really horny

“I should get inside.” I speak up and he moves

closer to me, his hand sliding towards my front,
slowly grazing my covered slit.
“Maybe you will let me come inside one of
these days.” He winks before walking away,
whistling like he didn't just do that. I quickly
step inside my apartment and lock the door
behind me. What the fuck just happened? I am
a slut. That’s the only explanation.

I take a cold shower and I don’t resist the urge

to make myself cum while imagining Gideon in
between my legs, making me scream as loudly
as Maddy always does when he bangs her.
When I am done, I wrap a towel around my body.
My phone rings and I curse under my breath
when i see whose calling.

“Hey, Chizoba my child. We received the money.
Thank you very much.”
“No problem, mama.”
“You did good by talking some sense into your
brother. Can you believe that he actually
impregnated Adelola?” I frown.

“You lie.” I sit on the edge of the bed, ready to

hear the full scoop. How did my sister not tell
me this? Adelola was my best friend from
school. We were very close until her family
moved to another city. She was even there on
my brother's wedding. How did this happen?

“I am telling you. And somehow your brother

promised to make her his second wife. That’s
what her family said when they came here. It's
chaotic. I am actually happy that you are there
because you would've added to the drama.” I
“Mom that’s not true.”

“You know how you get when you defend your

siblings. You don’t even listen to your words, as
long as you disarm the enemy.” She is right
though. As siblings, we have our moments but
the moment an outsider touches one of my
siblings, there is hell to pay. “Anyways, when are
you bringing a man this side?”

“Mama, deal with your son's drama. Don't

bother yourself about my love life. I am still
young. I can find love even in my thirties.”
“But that would be too late. I want

“My brother is excelling on that part. I have to

go ma, there is someone at the door. Love you.”
I quickly hang up. I hate the marriage topic. I am
more interested in building myself and being a
career woman instead of a mom and a wife.

Okay guys, i was wrong to limit myself. There is
no posting schedule. I will only post whenever
there is a CHAPTER ready and whevener i am
not busy. Love you all on this cold weather 😉

I am excited about my lunch with Zokuthula. If

only she didn't birth an arrogant jerk like
Masonke, then she would be the perfect
goddess. But sins of sons don't fall on the
parents. MaNyathi has a soft spot for me. So
when I ask for an hour and a half for lunch, she
doesn't mind, only requires that I come back not
a minute later. I head to the changing room and
get dressed in my boyfriend jeans with a cami
top and sneakers. Zokuthula texts me and I
quickly head to the restaurant she is at. I spot
her the minute I enter and strut to her table.

“Hello.” She looks up from her book and smile,

standing up to hug me.
“How are you, Miss? Looking beautiful as ever.”
She states and I giggle.
“Look who's talking. You are always looking like
a real housewife of Johannesburg.”

“That’s because I am. And they approached me

to feature in the third season but I was not
interested.” She winks and I am not sure if she
is joking or serious.

“You're kidding, right?” she shrugs with a smirk.

“Who knows?” the waiter comes and we place
our orders. “What degree did you say you
“Bachelor of science in education and I
measured in Biology.” She nods.
“My brother owns a private school and I can put
in a good word for you, actually I can force him
to hire you because I always get what I want.” I

“I wouldn’t want someone to get fired because

of me.”
“He will create space for you. Even if you
become a lab assistant. Forward me your CV.”
“Okay then.” I immediately send my CV to her
WhatsApp. “So how many kids do you have?”

“Four. Makhosonke is my first born, he is a

lawyer; followed by Masande who is a
physician; Mawande, my only princess who is
an actress and Malusi who is doing his first
year in varsity, studying abroad towards his
medicine degree.”

“Wow. You're kids have actually made it in life.”

She chuckles.
“That’s something every parent wishes for their
child. To be more successful and reach greater
heights. I am a proud mother.”
“Which one do you relate to the most?”
“Masande. He also loves reading. That’s a
hobby we share. We also love the same genres
but he loves fantasy fiction more. We
sometimes call each other late at night just to
discuss a book. He lives in George, so I hardly
see him.”

“That's cute. I wish I can also have one child to

share my hobby with.”
“What's your relationship status?”
“I am as single as they come. I don’t even get
bored because I have books and TV shows to
keep me company. Work also takes up most of
my time.”
“But you need some servicing every now and
then.” I chuckle.
“Now you sound like my friend, Mathenji.”

“She's wise.” Our eyes meet and we crack up.

Our food arrives and we dig in. “I wanna show
you my private library and cook lunch for you on
Saturday. Are you available?” I nod.
“It's my day off.”
“Well then, please do come. In fact, I insist.” I
“I can't say no to a nice South African home
cooked meal, now can I?”
“That would be rude.” She teases and we laugh.

“OMG! Ma, long time no see.” A familiar voice

makes us pause our conversation and turn to
the direction where it's coming. Fuck. It's
Monica. I have no problem with her boyfriend
because he has shown remorse, but I hate her
to bits because she is rude and disrespectful.
Zokuthula mutters something under her breath.
“Monica, darling. How are you?” I haven't known
her for too long but I know a fake smile and
fake excitement when I see one.
“I'm good.” She reaches our table and she is in
complete shock when her eyes land on mine.
“How do you guys know each other?”
“We are bookworms.” Zoe answers giving me a
genuine smile.
“You don’t mind if I join you?” Monica asks.

“Not at all. Just don't dose off.” Zoe teases and

I laugh. Monica pulls a chair and sits down. “So
when was the last time you saw your family?”
“Last year during the festive season. They think
I am some kind of a millionaire, so I always
save up a lot of money the whole year in order
to bless them with gifts and goodies in
“That's cute.” Monica states. “So ma, I heard
Malusi is coming home next weekend and you
are planning a family reunion.”

“Yeah, he is coming. And we are having a family

weekend reunion at my house. You, dear friend,
are invited.” Zoe holds my hand with a smile.
“Maybe you can add two of your Nigerian meals
to the menu. I would love to taste your food.” I
“If you must insist.”

“Back home, our helper was from Nigeria. Every

Friday she made us Nigerian cuisine and it was
always delicious. So I am familiar with jollof rice,
egusi soup and Do-Do.”
“Egusi soup with garri is my favourite. I last
cooked it a few days ago.”
“Then you will prepare it for my family.”

“Money first, Bella.” She frowns and then laughs

when she catches on. Monica is sitting there an
extra in the movie. Is this how their relationship
“Ma, Makhosonke signed a new client, his
biggest one yet.” She chirps in.
“He did tell me yesterday when we had lunch.
Has he said anything about marrying you?”

She giggles. “I am too young for that ma.”

“But you're living with him and you're not too
young for that. Anyways, it's none of my
business.” Imagine throwing a huge shade at
someone and then downplaying it by that ‘none
of my business line'. After God, Fear Zokuthula.
Wow. I am in stitches internally.

I am lucky to have clocked off at 3pm at work
this evening. So when I get home, I head to the
gym first and then come back to do some quick
laundry. I go hang it on the rooftop and head
back to my room to shower, get dressed in my
usual attire, an oversized t shirt and start
preparing my supper which is normal rice and
chicken curry. When I am done, I head to the
rooftop to fetch my work shirts.

Climbing the stairs, I pause, hearing moans and

whimpers. Don't tell me some people are
actually fucking on the rooftop, where we hang
our clothes and where others smoke or just chill.
Are you foreal? But I am curious. Getting to the
top, I quietly step to the roof and immediately
spot Gideon and Maddy, the sexual couple from
106, on the far end of the rooftop. So they
decided to go public this time around? I wanna
run back to my room and forget I saw this, but
when Gideon sees me and gives me a smirk
followed by a wink, I am suddenly glued to the



Lord cleanse my soul, mind and body.

But I can't stop wondering how Gideon's cock

would feel buried inside me.
“It’s Friday and you’re going to get laid.”
Mathenji sings as she mops the floor, shaking
her ass from side to side. “I am so excited, and I
just can’t hide it. I’m about to lose control and I
think I like it.” She uses the mop as her
microphone, doing some superstar dance.
Some passing kids laugh at her.

“Shut up. You’re embarrassing yourself and

me.” I mutter and she laughs.

“Oww, come on. You should be excited. You

even fantasized about your neighbor because
salt has literally replaced blood in your system
and it is coursing through your veins. Truth be
told, I am worried about your mental health.”
She pauses and places her hand on her chest,
looking like a concerned friend.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” she waves me
“And Gidigidi knows that. That’s why he is
seducing you and he is not going to stop until
you give in. friend, ushimile. If it weren’t for the
ever charming Refilwe, I would’ve taken you to a
sex club or hooked you up with one of Bangi’s
friends because you like them buffy.” I roll my
eyes and laugh.

“You have so much hope in Refilwe. Let’s just

hope he doesn’t underperforms.”
“I would literally kill him with my bare hands.
The nerve.” I laugh, even end up choking on my

“Stop it. Anyways love, I met Masonke’s mother.

Can you believe it? She was the woman I
bonded with on the book club, my new friend. I
couldn’t believe that a woman like her gave
birth to a demon.”
She laughs. “You are going to get arrested.
Calling the poor guy a demon.” I huff and push
my bucket forward.

“Ngiyakushiya nale aisle yakho. (I am leaving

you with this aisle of yours)” she even bends,
placing her hands on her knees, laughing like
“Say that again, friend. I need to hear it.” She
says breathlessly and I furiously push my
bucket. She knows how poor my Zulu is and
she likes it when I make fun of myself.

Getting to my apartment, I take a cold shower
and pack a weekender bag. I put on a mini
dress with sneakers. I tidy up around the place
while waiting for Refilwe’s call. While mopping, I
hear a knock.

“Coming.” I finish moping and quickly discard

the water. I go open the door and I am startled
by the person standing there. He smirks down
at me. He is shirtless, barefoot and has small
shorts on. I clear my throat. “Can I help you with
something?” his smirk only grows wider.
“Now that’s no way to greet a neighbour who
has made you cum without even touching you.”
he licks his lips. What a temptation. “You look
pretty by the way. Off to play with the other
kids?” I shake my head.

“I am actually waiting for my boyfriend.”

He raises his eyebrows but there is a smug on
his face. “Now that’s new. When did you guys
start dating? Before or after I made you cum?”
“Stop saying that. What are you doing here
“I wanted us to have some fun but I guess I will
see you when you come back.”

“We are not friends. What you saw was a

mistake. It shouldn’t have happened. I wonder
how you would’ve felt if a guy did that and was
actually sexually attracted to Madison.” He
clenches his jaws.
“I would break his bones and also Maddy
wouldn’t go to him.”
“How about you also don’t come to me and we
just forget that shit like that occurred?”

“But I can’t stop thinking about how firm and

sexy your ass is. Not to mention how beautiful
your pussy is. I saw it. In the rooftop. Exposed
and wet, for me.” I scoff.
“Just go Gideon. Before my boyfriend or worse
Maddy sees you.”

“We have unfinished business though. This time

around I will make you cum, all over my dick
and taste that beautiful pussy. Bye senorita.” He
winks before walking to his room. Fuck him. He
is like the forbidden fruit that you know you
should never taste no matter how hungry and
thirsty you are.

“Hello there.” I hear Refilwe’s voice before I can

even see him. He walks towards me like he
owns the place. I whistle and he laughs. “You’re
making me shy.” He covers his face with his
hands and I laugh. He gets to where I am
standing and he smiles at me. “You look
beautiful like always, Miss Gwendaline.” I blush
and look down. “Don’t tell me you’re charmed.”

“You’re good with words, so you shouldn’t be

surprised.” He laughs. “Let me quickly grab my
bag.” I strut to the living room and take my bag
with keys and phone. I lock the apartment and
hand him my weekender bag.

“You have three options to choose from to start

our evening. A friend of mine has a wine tasting
event. She owns a restaurant and she is
launching her new wine. It’s more like a
prelaunch. The actual event is happening next
week. We can go there, stay for an hour or two
and then go to my house. The second option is
an outdoor cinema. The third one is clubbing. I
don’t wanna make it too obvious that I wanna
get in your pants, or dress in this case.” I laugh.
“My friend was right. You are charming.” He
smiles as he opens the passenger door for me.
I slide inside and he joins me after a few
“So you discuss me with your friends?”
“One. I only have one friend and she is like a
sister to me. So I tell her everything.” He nods.

“So which option are you going with?”

“Because I don’t have the proper clothing, so I
think an outdoor movie is okay, if only you’re
going to give me a jacket.”
“Consider it done.”

The outdoor cinema is a great experience. I am
not someone who captures moments and post
them on social media but this time around, I do
just that. Because I am having the best time of
my life and ticking off one of the items on my
bucket list. I ask Refilwe to take a few pictures
of me with his phone of course and post it on
my Instagram and Facebook account. When the
second movie ends, we pack up and drive to his
friend’s restaurant. He gets in and after a few
minutes, comes out with paper bags. We drive
to his house and upon arrival, we eat dinner. I
clean up when we are done.

We head to his bedroom. “Let’s go for a night

swim.” He starts off and I frown.
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”
“No biggie. You can wear my robe and we will
go skinny dipping.” He insist. I agree and he
gives me some privacy.
I strip into my birthday suit and wrap the robe
around my body. He ushers me to the backyard
and then goes to the kitchen to fix us some
drinks. I drop the robe on the pool chair and
jump inside the water. The cold water engulfs
me and for a moment I freeze before swimming
to the stairs. I step on the bottom stair the
same moment he is coming off the back door.
He stops dead on his tracks just to stare at my
stark naked body.

“This will be all yours, if you get inside the

water.” I say in a seductive voice and sink back
to the water, doing a lap across the huge pool. I
smirk when I hear a splash. I turn to see him
swimming towards me. He gets to me and
encircles his arms around my waist. Mine circle
his neck and we share a slurry kiss. We break it
off and he pants. “At what age are you planning
to settle down?” I ask, distracting myself from
his growing manhood between us.

A big smirk comes across his face. “Are you

hinting that I wed you?” he asks and I quickly
shake my head.
“You wish. I am just making conversation.” He
chuckles. We are still holding each other.
“Well I am not in a hurry. I haven’t met someone
intriguing enough for me to settle down with.
Let’s just say all will be clear after I reach 30.” I

“Why thirty though? What if you meet the

woman of your dreams tomorrow? You would
wait for three years before popping the
question?” I lower my hands on his back, feeling
his muscles flex under my touch.
“I would…” he swallows hard when I wrap my
legs around his waist and start grinding against
his hard on. His hands move to my butt and he
grips it hands go back to the back of
his head and I lean forward, placing my head on
his neck.

“You would what?” I whisper as I bite his neck.

He grunts before backing me up on the pool
wall and crashing his lips on mine. I feel his
finger sliding on my pussy lips and before I can
utter a single word, he replaces them with his
big, hard cock. I moan loudly and tighten my
arms around him.

“What was the question?” I don’t even

remember it.
“Please move.” He smirks before granting my

I am woken up by my ringing phone. I groan,

snatching it from the bedside table. I am hung-
over from the best sex of my life. I glance at my
phone screen and I roll my eyes. Mathenji
couldn’t even wait for me to update her. She
wants to know the details as soon as the sun is
up. This woman. I roll off the bed, picking a
towel from the rug and wrapping it around my
body. I head to the bathroom to relieve myself
and just as I am rinsing my hands, she calls
again. I answer the call and put it on loud
speaker while I brush my teeth.

“Don’t tell me you’re cuddled up in that man’s

arms. Honey, you will catch feelings.” She starts
off and I chuckle, spitting off the toothpaste
and rinsing my teeth.
“Thank God for you then.” She laughs. “But
never, not once have I ever called you while you
were cuddling with all your men.” I can literally
feel her rolling her eyes.

“Babes, I am not afraid of catching feelings for

any of my men because that’s what they are, my
men. You made an agreement with that one to
have a no strings attached. Cuddles tend to
attach strings.” I huff and don’t answer.
“Anyways, I hope you used protection because
last time I checked, you weren’t using any
prevention method.” I frown.

“Fuck, we had our first round in the pool. It was

truly spontaneous and nobody could’ve
predicted. I guess skin to skin was too good to
realize that we weren’t using condoms.” She
“Lord help me. Go buy the morning after pill
right now.”


PROCEDURE!” Refilwe answers from the
bedroom and I freeze. Fuck he heard us talking
BREAKFAST!” I hear footsteps fading before the
door closes.

“I am never getting out of this bathroom,” I

whisper after taking the phone off speaker
mode and the woman on the other end actually
laughs. “I should shower.”
“No, don’t do that. What if you guys get down
and dirty after breakfast or maybe you have
shower sex? Then this shower you want to take
will all be a waste, unless you have turned into a
mermaid overnight.” I roll my eyes.

“What does one do on such occasion?” she

“Play it cool. Wear the top he was wearing last
night and go help him with breakfast or watch
him do it.”
“Now you want me to look like a movie star. I
know I won’t be sexy while wearing his shirt.”
“Try it, and text me the results. Bye for now.”
She hangs up and I sigh.

Walking inside the kitchen, I find him flipping

pancakes. Some are stacked on a plate and
there is syrup next to the plate. My mouth
waters instantly. I look at him.
“Hi.” He laughs.
“I love how shy you get in the morning. Anyways,
I got vasectomy because I don’t want unwanted
pregnancies on my name. A few women have
tried to pin their pregnancies on me. I mean
who wouldn't want a rich and famous baby
daddy? But shit backfired on them.”

“You're smart. But I should also get on birth

control. It's just that I haven't had sex in a while.
Maybe I last got laid a year ago, so birth control
seemed like a waste of time.” He nods.

“But your lack of sex didn't or did show because

baby girl you were on fire the whole night. I was
actually a bit scared that my dick may
disappoint me and go flaccid after maybe round
3 but it worked with me.” I laugh and pour some
syrup on the pancakes before taking a huge bite.

“Mmm, this is delicious.”

“Thank you. What are we doing today?”
“I have lunch with my friend. So after that I'm all
yours, physically, not anything else. So don't get
carried away and draw any conclusions.” He
“Damn woman, you're cold.” I chuckle.

An Uber drops me outside Zoe's gate. Damn
this woman is living the life. A beautiful
mansion in Saxonworld. I shouldn't be surprised
by her mini library. No wonder Masonke is like
this. He grew up in a fuckin palace. The gate
opens revealing a smiling man standing outside
a gold cart.
“Good day, Miss Gwendaline. I am Bongumusa
and I am supposed to escort you to the main
house.” He speaks graciously. It's like he is a
royal butler or something.
“Is the house that far?” he laughs.
“Not really but Mrs. Gumbi figured you wouldn't
like a five minutes' walk in this scorching heat.”
I sigh.
“Okay then.”

We both climb into the gold cart and he drives

down the long driveway. A beautiful fountain
shaped like a woman stands opposite the main
door. Everything about this household is
elegant, and I haven't even seen the inside.
When I climb off the cart, I spot Zoe standing on
tip of the stairs waving at me with a smile. I
climb the stairs and just as I reach her, she
hugs me with so much excitement and kisses
my cheeks.

“You look beautiful and you are actually

glowing.” that's the first thing she says to me.
Does it show in my appearance that I got laid
last night and this morning?
“Thank you. Wow. Your home is, calling it
beautiful would be an understatement.” She
blushes and dismisses me with a wave.
“Come inside. I am dying to show you my library.
There are some books I would like us to
discuss. Maybe one so I don't hold you for too
long.” I chuckle.
“Lead the way.”

She gives me a tour of the ground floor and the

backyard. She has a nice built gazebo in the
garden where she usually reads when the
weather is permitting. She the leads me to the

“I figured we should get some snacks first

before we get locked up in the library.” I laugh.
“That's probably a good idea.” I settle on the bar
stool and she places finger foods in front of me
with a jug of juice and glasses. She sits
opposite me with her own plate in front of her.
“Bon appetite.”
“Who do you live with here?”

“My husband and our staff members. How I

wish we lived with our children but they have
grown their own wings and it's best not to hold
them down just because we don't wanna be
apart from them. But I miss them so much.”
“I totally understand. I miss my family too from
time to time. They may have their drama and
scandals but there is no place like home.”
“True. So what is your relationship status?” I

“I respect that. So I won't have any follow up

questions.” I laugh and she chuckles. We finish
eating and she puts the dishes on the
dishwasher. “I can't wait for you to taste the
main course of our lunch. Now let's go to my
safe heaven.” We climb the stairs to the first
floor. “At first, my husband thought it would be
nice to have it in the basement where I wouldn't
be interrupted by anyone but I love the natural
light, so he made sure it was in the first floor,
also it's sound proofed.”

“It really sounds like heaven.” She smiles.

“Wait until you see the inside.”

We reach a room with double ancient wooden

doors and she opens it. I am in awe. This
woman said it was a mini library but I am
looking at an establishment, not a home library.
It looks like one of those enchanted libraries
where you call a book and it just flies straight
into your hands. I take a few steps inside and
inhale the smell of books, new and old.

“Welcome to my heart.”

The room is wide and long. It looks like it

reaches the second floor. There are so many
books on the shelves. I walk closer to them and
feel them with my fingertips. I recognize some
on them. Like the Stiletto book series by
Sandisiwe Gxaba, Becoming by Michelle Obama
and Voyeur Extraordinaire by Cora Reilly. There
are so many genres like thriller, dark romance,
sci-fi, drama and many more. She has them all.
African, American, European authors and others.
I turn to her.

“How do you not live in this room?” she laughs.

“Well I have a husband for starters and I don't
want food anywhere near my library, so that’s
the biggest reasons why I leave the place,
because I even have a bathroom in here.”

“I feel like you're the Beauty and your husband

is the Beast.” She giggles. “Which book are you
currently reading?” she leads me to a table that
has maybe 20 books in it.
“After by Anna Todd, The fault in our stars and
All the Lies by Charlotte Byrd. What about you?”
“It ends with us and Dear Khethelo by Nelly
Page.” We sit down on the comfy chairs. I gotta
admit, the book cover is what attracted me the
most with ‘It ends with us'. It was just too
beautiful to leave in the shelve.

“I loved that book, Dear Khethelo. I actually have

a younger brother who is exactly like Nzulu.
Many people don't understand him and I didn't
like how he was treated in the community. My
husband is much more educated about my
brother's illness, so we hooked him into a nice
place in Cape Town called Happy Place where
patients like him are given all the attention they
need and they are not frowned upon. We do
spend time with him during the holidays but he
loves Happy Place more and I think there is a
woman involved.” She says with a chuckle.
“He is lucky to have people like you in his life.”
“Yeah. When Nelly Page released the book, I
actually bought a copy for all my family
members and made sure they read it. I also
called Nelly just to thank her for giving people
an insight about this type of mental illness.”

“The book really touched you.” She smiles.

“It did. Now have you read Her Best Friend's
Sister's by Megan?” I giggle.
“Of course. At first I thought Sarah had feelings
for Claire because her behaviour was strange
and questionable.”
“I legit thought the same thing.” We both laugh
as we continue discussing the lesbian romance
book and a few others.

We spend almost 2 hours in the library just

talking about books, arguing, laughing and even
crying about some of the saddest scenes or
moments in books. I know sex is good but
spending time discussing books with someone
who understands you is just so fulfilling.

“How many of the books have you read here?” I

ask because I am curious. She smiles.
“About 40%. I mostly donate some that I have
read to shelters or initiatives where they give
second hand books to people who really love to
read but can’t afford to buy them.” I nod. This
woman is really kind hearted. “How many books
do you have?” I chuckle.
“About 46 here and 30 back home. I also have
kindle, so I get most of them there.” she nods.
“I never really got the hang of e-books. They just
tire me.”
“I feel you.”

“We should go eat now.” She shuts the book in

her hands and stands up.
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” I state
glancing the watch on the wall.
“You’re right. Don’t you want to take any of the
books here to read at home?” I smile and look
“I am confused.” She cracks up.

“I know exactly what you mean. There is a bag

there under the table. Just take whatever you
want and join me on the kitchen afterwards. I
am going to warm our lunch.” She heads out
and I take the bag before walking to the shelves.


and 3 other titles. I know I am a fast reader, so I
can finish these books within a month. I head to
the kitchen, greeting the two helpers I pass on
the way.

“Mrs. Gumbi is waiting for you in the patio.” One

of the helpers announces.
“Thank you.” I put the bag in the lounge and
head to the patio. “What a great afternoon. I
think today is the best day of my life.” I state
settling on the couch opposite Zoe. She looks
up at me and smiles.
“I know exactly what you’re talking about. Today
is one of those days I will store as the best
memories of my life. I never thought I would
find myself connecting with someone who is
almost the same age as my daughter but I
guess books have that much power. Anyways,
for the main course, I thought steamed bread
with beans will do. Have you ever tried it
before?” I shake my head. “Then you’re in for
the surprise of your life. Enjoy.” I smile and take
my plate. I dip the steamed bread on the beans
and take a bite.

“Mmm.” I moan at the deliciousness of the food

as I chew. I bite 3 times more, swallow and then
down my food with juice. “This is really nice. I
would ask for a recipe but since I would be
confused from the start, you have to invite me
the next time you cook it.”
“Thank you for the compliment and I will be
sure to invite you.” we continue eating over a
small chat. Halfway through, a man walks
through the slide door. He looks like he is in his
thirties with a fit body, bald head and a beard.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were home?” Zoe
jumps up and throws herself into the man’s
arms. He smiles down at her and they share a
kiss. Damn, her husband is hot. Masonke is a
split image of him.

“You know I love surprising you and the warm

welcome you always receive me with.” She
blushes and then turns to me.
“Babe, this is my friend, Chizoba, the one I was
telling you about.” He smiles at me and extends
his hand. I shake it. “Chichi, this is my husband,
“You’re the only outsider here Zoe with your ‘Z’
word.” She laughs.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chizoba. The way
my wife has been talking about you, I felt like I
knew you even before I met you.” I chuckle.
“I am flattered.”

“Join us. Let me go dish up for you.” Zoe states

leading her husband to a vacant couch.
“With a glass of water, please.” He smiles at her
as she walks back inside the house. He turns to
me with a warm smile. “So what is it that you do,
Chizoba? My wife has told me a lot about you
but I don’t want to have an awkward silence.” I

“I am currently a cleaner but I am a qualified

teacher. I always emphasize my qualification to
people so that they don’t look at me and be like
‘she is a cleaner, so she is uneducated’.” He
nods. “And what do you do?”
“I make money for my wife.” I snort and he
laughs. “I am a judge of the Constitutional Court
and also own a few businesses.” I nod.
“CC? That’s like the highest court in South
Africa, right?” he nods with a smile. “I am pretty
sure Masonke looks up to you?” he frowns a bit.

“Who is Masonke?”
“Your eldest son.” He laughs.
“Ohh, you mean Makhosonke?” I giggle and nod.
“In a way, I can say he looks after me but I never
forced him to pursue a law degree. In fact my
wife and I want our kids to do their own things
without influencing them. We are just lucky that
they are successful.”
“Yeah, you’re lucky. Any grandkids?”
“No, we haven’t been lucky on that side but we
are hopeful.” We both laugh.
“How are you a judge though? Most of them are
so old and a bit tense when you look at them.”
he laughs.
“I am also tense and serious when I am in court
but when I am at my own home, I am a husband,
a father and a friend. I never judge my family or
friends and I make sure to separate my work
from my personal life.”

“Now that’s a skill.” He chortles.

“Also I finished my degree at 20 years and did
my articles. After that I got admitted and did my
Masters Part time. By age 28, I already had a
PhD and I was working at a regional court.”
“And we lived happily ever after.” Zoe chirps in
and places a tray with food and water on the
table near her husband. She laughs.

“Don’t be like that. The young one was actually

keen on getting to know Me.” she rolls her eyes.
“She was just being polite. I am sure you bored
her to death.” She sits next to him. I laugh.
“You are wrong, Zoe. He is not boring. He
actually reminds me of my own father. He is
very friendly and lively at home but at work, he
is a different person.”

“What does he do?” Mazwakhe asks. I don’t

think I will ever be able to pronounce his name
without making fun of myself.
“He is a principal at a primary school near
“That’s cool.” Zoe states with a smile.
“So you are a biologist?” Mazwakhe asks and I
shake my head.
“I was taught to teach biology not become a
biologist. There is a separate qualification I
would have to learn in order to be a qualified
biologist.” He nods.

We continue chatting and when it’s 5pm, Zoe

drives me home in her Alfa Romeo 4C. This car
just screams ‘steal me’. I hope she doesn’t get
hijacked. I direct her to my building and she
frowns when she parks outside.

“This is where you live?” she asks still frowning.

“Yeah. It’s not much but at least it’s a bit safer
than most apartments.”

“I don’t like it. It’s not ideal and safe for a young
woman like you.” she turns to look at me. I have
never seen her this serious. She bites her lip
before she starts talking. “My husband has a lot
of apartments, one building in particular is
located in Parktown. I will sleep better knowing
that you are staying there, in a safe
neighbourhood and it’s even closer to your work
“Zoe, I can’t afford a place in Parktown. I am
pretty sure the rent is 3k plus.”

“I wasn’t going to offer it to you if I was

expecting some money. My husband seems
fond of you and I know if he saw this place, he
would literally drag you to Parktown kicking and
screaming. You are my friend and I respect you,
but you are younger than my second child, so I
have every right to reprimand you and order you
around.” I pout and she laughs. “I am serious.
Text me your knock off time tomorrow and I will
come fetch you so that we can go check out the
place. Also, before I forget, my brother
responded. You should check your emails but
he said something about an interview on
Tuesday.” My eyes pop out.

“Are you foreal?”

“Check your emails before you celebrate. I will
see you tomorrow, Chichi.” We share a hug and
I step out of the car. She presses on the hoot
before driving off.

An hour later, Refilwe fetches me and we head

to his friend’s house where there is a braai
before heading back to his house to fuck each
other like there is no tomorrow.
I knock off at work and head straight to my
apartment. I actually find time to check at my
emails. Trust me, I didn’t have time to check
them last night and this morning. The catch up
session with Mathenji took forever. I hold my
breath when I see a new email on the primary
folder. Opening it, I nearly scream when I see
that it’s an invitation to an interview. There is a
date, time and venue stipulated in the email.
This is really great news. I don’t know how
many schools I have applied to but hardly got
any response, whether it was a rejection email
or what. I am not going to share these news
with anyone. I will wait until I get a job before I
announce it.

After showering, I receive a call from my older

sister, Nneka. She is a marine biologist. She
works and permanently resides at Port
Macquarie, in Australia. We are not that close
but we call each other at least once or twice a
month. I think in a way, she inspired me to
teach biology. She is a genius.

“Sister, how are you?” I ask as I sit on the couch.

Our calls are usually longer because we are just
summarizing all that’s been happening in one
phone call.
“I am good, little one. How are you?” I smile.
“I am fine. How is life at the ocean? Met any
merman yet?” she cracks up.

“Oww, how I miss you with your stupid sense of

humour.” I chuckle. “I am currently dating this
Asian guy. The relationship is still new, so we
are just getting to know each other. All I can say
is that he knows how to fuck.” I laugh.
Here is a thing about me. Being the middle child
means I am literally everyone’s best friend. The
young ones come to me with their problems
and the older ones come when they want to
vent or just to chat. I am that open. My sister’s
romantic life is very colourful. She has dated
American men, Italian, Mexican, Portuguese,
South Africa, basically all the countries she has
travelled to because her work sometimes
requires that she travels to other countries for
research purposes.

“Are his eyes small?” she laughs.

“He is Asian not Japanese. He is a mixture of
American and Asian, so he doesn’t have
Chinese eyes.” I chuckle with a nod. “What’s up
with you?”
“I am in a no-strings attached arrangement with
some guy who is in the television industry.”
“Extinguish that flame, Chichi. Fast before it
burns you.”

“Those things never end in good terms. One of

the involved parties fall for the other and when
the other doesn’t reciprocate the feelings, it
causes problems and chaos. To save yourself
time and avoid the drama, exit sister.” I sigh.
“I hear you and I will take your advice into great
consideration.” She laughs.
“You are always doing your own thing. I heard
about your brother’s shenanigans.” I crack up.
“Is he crazy though? How can he do something
like that to Celine?”
“Men are trash, that’s all I can say.”
“Not all of them.” I chuckle. “Anyways, one of
the reason I called you is because I am coming
to South Africa next month. I will be staying
there for a whole month. 3 weeks for work and
one for pleasure.” I smile widely. The last time I
saw her was at Christmas, 3 years ago. It’s
much expensive for her to travel home every
year, even if she has a job that pays her

“That’s great. Where are you going to stay?”

“At some apartment organized by the company.
It’s in Sandhurst. I don’t know how far it is from
your place but I know I am going to visit you
whenever I find time.”

“I am also going to come by at your place just

to check it out. If it has 2 bedrooms, I will
probably spend some nights there.” she laughs.
“I will hold you to it.” My phone indicates an
incoming call.
“Someone else is trying to reach me, sister. Let
me attend to the call. We will talk again
sometime soon.”
“I love you, little one.”
“I love you more.” we end the call and I answer
Zoe’s call. She tells me she is waiting at the
parking lot.

I change into denim shorts, t-shirt and sneakers.

I quickly head down and find her driving a
different car this time around. What was I
expecting? The woman is married to a
millionaire. She is driving a silver gray Ford

“I never pictured you as a ranger girl.” I state,

climbing the 4x4. She chuckles before driving
off. “In fact I never pictured you driving any type
of car. When you said you are all about
spending your husband’s money, I imagined you
being driven anywhere you go.” She laughs.

“That’s not the case. The only person I enjoy

being driven by is my husband, not a total
stranger. Because I get to pick on him and
annoy him.” I laugh. “How is everything back at

“My older brother impregnated a woman

outside marriage. Worse the woman is an ex-
friend of mine. She was even there when my
brother got married to his wife. And to top
things off, he ran from his marital home
because he was fearing his wife’s wrath.” She
laughs so hard, even accidentally hits the
hooter which has us both startled and then
laughing more.

“Your brother is an asshole though. If he were

my son, I would’ve punished him for that and
sided with his wife.” I chuckle.
“How do you punish a grown man with his own
place and job?” she gives me a side smile.
“My sons love me so much, they actually
complain when I no longer call them or check
up on them. So imagine if I were to do that for a
whole month. I am sure they would literally die.”
I crack up.

We get to this really nice building in 2

Wellington Road, Parktown and I am in awe as
we drive inside. Fuck, this place is really
beautiful. A huge upgrade from Central. She
parks her car and climbs off. I also get off and
follow her inside the building. There is an
elevator, something that we don’t have in my
apartment. She greets the doorman and we
walk inside this perfect lobby. This place
qualifies as a hotel. Real people live here? But I
shouldn’t be shocked since I have been inside
Zoe’s castle. We head to the elevator and get
off on the 4th floor. The corridor is so clean and
quiet. I think the walls here are actually
soundproof because in my apartment, you can
hear any sound when you’re in the corridor. We
stop room 403. She unlocks it with a key and
we step inside.


The room is so spacious. It is fully furnished but

there is so much space. The floor is fully tiled.
There is a cozy lounge with a long couch, TV,
TV stand and a coffee table. There is a small
dining area with 4 chairs and a table. The
kitchen has a fridge, washing machine,
dishwasher, built in cardboards and stove and
everything you might possibly need in a kitchen,
except for a kettle and the cupboards are
completely empty. We move on to the next
room which is the bedroom. It is empty but
there is a built in wardrobe. You can actually fit
in a king-sized bed here, a small couch and a
dresser. One of the built in wardrobe doors lead
to an en-suite. I am really in heaven. The
bathroom is classy. There is a bathtub, sink
with a cabinet, toilet and a nice table. We lastly
head to the balcony. The bedroom actually has
floor to ceiling windows which makes you see
everything that’s happening outside.

“How much is rent here?” I ask Zoe, still

shocked by everything I am seeing. She
“This is no rental apartment. People purchase
them. The whole place costs R1 150 000. You
can actually get a bond loan and I think it’s
round about 9k a month, I am not sure.” I gasp.

“No biggie. Anyways, the movers are waiting for

your call. I expect you to be settled in by Friday
evening so that my husband and I will come for
dinner.” She says with a smile and walks to the
front door. “I am giving you some time to take it
all in. you will find me in the car.”
“Thank you, Zoe. Honestly, this is too much. I
don’t know what to say or where to start
thanking you.” My eyes get filled with tears and
I try sniffing them away. She steps closer and
hugs me.
“Don’t cry. You are part of our family now. Your
family away from home.” She kisses my
forehead and then heads out.

I go back to touring the place with tears

streaming down my cheeks. How the hell did I
get lucky to get all this? A mere conversation
with a stranger at a book club has led me to this.
Is this God’s sign? I have no words, literally. God,
I thank you for creating people like Zokuthula
and Mazwakhe Gumbi in the world.

I love you. Stay safe this Easter Weekend. Till
we meet again on Monday.

“I honestly can’t get over this beauty. I can see

myself hosting parties here, a formal family
dinner there, a quickie there.” Mathenji points at
the couch in the living room and I laugh. When I
got to work, I told her about the apartment and
she was dying to see it. After gym, we took an
Uber to Parktown and she hasn’t closed her
mouth ever since the driver dropped us off. She
has complimented everything we passed,
including the attire of the doorman. “But this
place is supposed to have two bedrooms.
Where do they expect your visitors to sleep?” I

“With me on the bed or on the couch.” She

“You fart, so I will have to pass on sleeping with
you.” I gasp.
“Mathenji!” she rolls her eyes.
“You know I am right.”

After giving her the full tour, we heat out and

she calls one of her boyfriend to come pick us

“I have an interview on Wednesday and I don’t

know what I am going to do about work.” She
stops walking and looks at me.
“Is the salary higher?”
“It’s my dream job.”
“Wow babe.” She squeezes me into a tight hug.
“Things are happening for you. All your prayers
are being answered. All that’s left now is your
prince charming.” I chuckle, rolling my eyes.
“Forget about that. What am I going to tell
“The truth. She is not a ruthless woman and she
knows not all of us are destined to mop the
floors of Checkers forever. She has allowed me
to go to interviews three times but I was never
lucky. You just have to tell her the moment you
clock in tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you, love. I wonder how my life would’ve

been like if I had befriended MaNsele.” She
“You would’ve been one of her puppets like
Fikile and the others.” We both laugh. MaNsele
is what you call an elder. She has been working
as a cleaner at Checkers for about 9 years now.
She is in her late fifties, so no one is
comfortable with calling her by her name, so we
all settle for MaNsele. She loves meddling in
other people’s businesses and she thinks she is
actually in her twenties because she is all over
the place.

We find Bangi’s car already parked in the

parking lot. We climb inside, greet him and then
he drives off.

I finally take a deep breath as I walk out of the
science lab where the interview was held. I am
confident that I did my best and answered all
the questions honestly. I even aced the 30
minutes test that I was given. I was the only one
interviewing, so I am really hoping for the best.
As I climb inside my Uber, my phone rings. It’s
Zoe. How the hell did she know that the
interview is over? Ow yeah, her brother is the
headmaster, you idiot.

“Hey, Mrs. Gumbi.” I answer the call with a wide

“Hello, baby. My brother was so impressed by
the way you carried yourself, by how quick it
took you to solve that problem you were given
and how you answered the questions. I don’t
wanna come off as forward, but they are going
to call you as soon as possible. You better
serve your notice at work. I don’t do empty

“Thank you for doing this for me, Zoe. You don’t
know how much I appreciate it. With my fourth
salary, I will definitely take you to a weekend
getaway with my best friend and your daughter,
if she doesn’t mind.”
“OMG! That’s a brilliant idea, but we are
definitely doing it sooner. Maybe next month. At
my son’s expense because he owes me a
birthday present. He somehow forgot my
birthday.” I laugh.
“Which one?”

“Makhosonke.” Why am I not surprised? “He

apparently had a romantic getaway with his
girlfriend. My birthday is on the 14th of February,
so instead of celebrating love, my family
celebrates my arrival in the world. So he didn’t
wish me a happy birthday and he didn’t give me
a gift. He tried to make it up to me later but I
told him to hold it off, I will punish him well
when I want.” I chuckle.

“He is a bad son.”

“I know, right? And worse his girlfriend gave a
tacky apology. She was like ‘oww sorry mama,
we forgot.’ Bitch, my kids don’t forget my
birthday, period.” I crack up and the Uber driver
glances at me on the rearview mirror. I can’t
contain my laughter. Zoe is crazy. “Anyways,
what are your plans for the rest of the day?”

“I am off for the rest of the day, so I am just

going to start packing and put some of my
furniture on eBay since I won't have space for
it.” If I had means, I would've shipped all of it to
Nigeria but I can't afford that. So it's better to
sell them.
“Ohh okay. I would volunteer a hand but I am a
lazy makoti, so good luck with all the heavy
work.” I chuckle.

“Don't worry, I am the opposite of you plus I

don’t have that much stuff, so it won't take
much work packing and moving. Maybe I will be
done by tonight and I will contact the movers so
that they can transport my stuff tomorrow since
I clock in at 11 am.”

“Okay. I guess I will see you on Saturday

morning. Don’t be late.”
“Okay. Bye Zoe.” I hang up just in time as the
driver pulls up in front of my building. I pay him
and then climb off the car.

Getting inside the building, I meet Gideon and

Maddy who are lovey dovey as usual. I am so
glad I am moving. Gideon was starting to
become a temptation that one doesn't need.

“Hey, Chi. You look really sexy. Where are you

coming from?” Maddy asks and I frown. We are
not even friends, so she has no right to ask me
this. I don’t mind the compliment though. But
she is a white person and sometimes they don’t
have boundaries.

“I was on an interview.”
“That's cool. I hope you pass it. She does look
good babe, doesn't she?” she eyes her man who
is literally undressing me with his eyes.

“She does.” His eyes finally turn to his girlfriend.

“We should go. It was nice seeing you,
neighbor.” They walk away and I proceed to my

I take a cold shower just to calm myself down.

When I am done, I put on a sarong and start by
taking pictures of the furniture and appliances I
am going to sell. I post them on eBay and on
Facebook Marketplace. Then I start packing. I
begin with my clothes and shoes. Trust me, I
have a lot of those. Some are even stored in my
suitcases. When I am sure to have left the ones
I will need for the weekend, I wheel my luggage
and boxes to the lounge. I guess I should say
goodbye now to my little sanctuary.

I then pack the dishes, the pots and some of the

food from the pantry. I guess I will live with
takeaways for three days, luckily I can afford
them. By the time I am done with everything, it's
2:30 pm. I try my luck with the movers and
luckily they arrive in my apartment at 3:45pm. I
change into simple cami top and tights with
sneakers. I let them in and they manage to fit all
my packed boxes into their truck. I take my keys
and wallet and we drive to the Parktown
apartment. They unload everything and put it on
the dining room and some on the empty
bedroom. The apartment is squeaky clean, so I
just unpack and put my clothes on the closet
and hangers. I put the dishes, pots and food on
the cardboard. I place the books on the corner
of the living room. Now that I have space, I
should buy a cute bookshelf and a bean bag.

When I am content with everything, I quickly

rush back to my place, change and then head to
the gym. The gym thing started as a way of
Mathenji wanting to spy on Bangi. But it has
grown on us and we are now used to it. I think
she loves Bangi the most because I haven't
heard her mention the other guys for a week

“Don't look. Don’t look but the hot lesbian

instructor is making her way to this side.” She
whispers as we are lifting the dumbbells. She
can't be a bit serious, even at the gym. Mathenji
is always the carefree Mathenji with no filter.
That's one of the things I love about her.

“So I nailed that interview and I am sure they are

going to call me soon.” She squeals.
“That's what I am talking about. I love your
positivity and confidence.” I smile. A confidence
booster, that's what she is.
“On the other news, my sister thinks that I
should end things with Refilwe, cut all ties with
him because these no strings attached
relationships always end badly.”

“She is right on that one. Strings do get

attached, mixed up and one party gets hurt. Sex
is nice but it's better when you are in a
“Your friend is right.” A voice startles us. How
did we not see her standing right in front of us?
It's the hot lesbian instructor. She is really hot
and manly. “I a Gabs by the way.”

“I am Mathenji and this is Chizoba.” Gabs nods.

“Now I will need you ladies to bring your bodies
to a squat position and keep on lifting those
dumbbells.” We do as she says and fuck it hurts
like hell. My whole body is shivering. “We want
thick and firm thighs to show off in summer, so
we gotta work hard. I will count to 20.” Lord kill
me now.

The following day while mopping on aisle 5, I

receive a call. It’s from Thubelihle Secondary
School. I nearly scream when the admin clerk
informs me about the success of my
application. OMG! Things are happening. She
tells me to come sign the contract tomorrow. I
am also expected to start the week after the
following. Which means I must serve my one
week notice to my supervisor and she will
inform the manager. I quickly finish moping
aisle 5 and head back to the staff room. Luckily
I find MaNyathi sitting and busy with her phone.

“MaNyathi.” She raises her head and smiles at

“Chizoba, is everything okay?” I nod quickly.
“I passed my interview and I am starting the
week following the next one.” She stands and
comes to hug me.
“Wow. I am so happy for you. We need good
news around here.” I smile.
“Thank you. So can I put in my notice?” she

“I have to sort out some paperwork but it will be

all ready for you to sign by knock off time or
tomorrow morning. You are expected to serve
at least 7 full days without an off day. Meaning
we are going to let your Saturday off slide but
from Sunday, you have to work the full week
and Saturday next week will be your last day.” I
smile widely.

“Thank you so much. You are the kindest

manager I have ever dealt with.” She chuckles.
“Oww I try.”
“Modesty will get you nowhere.” She laughs. “I
better get back to work, then.” She nods and
returns to her seat.

“Are you foreal?” Refilwe asks with his
eyebrows raised.
“Have you caught any feelings?” he quickly
shakes his head. “Then why are you questioning
my decision?”
“I am not. But I thought we were still enjoying
each other. There is no need for this nice thing
to end.” I sigh and sit back.
“You have really caught feelings.” I shake my
head in disbelief.

“No, I haven’t.” his voice is higher than usual. I

raise my eyebrow. “You are a good lay, you are
a stallion in bed and I was enjoying fucking you
with no expectations. I am just disappointed
that this has to come to an end so early.” A
good lay? That doesn’t sit well with me.

“Well, I wouldn’t say we should continue being

friends because we were never friends before
the sexual relationship, but what I can say is
that, it was nice knowing you. You are a nice,
charming guy, romantic in your own way and in
the near future, you deserve someone who is
going to love you unconditionally and treat you
right.” I put my things on my bag and stand up.

“Wait,” he also stands. “I am sorry for behaving

like an ass and calling you a good lay. You are a
wonderful woman, you are extraordinary. I have
known you for less than three weeks but I can
attest that you are an amazing, kind hearted
person. I wish you all the best in your life and I
would like us to have these type of lunches
every now and again, if you’re game.” He smiles
and I chuckle.

“That will depend.” He extends his arms and I

hug him. “See you around, Refilwe.” I walk out
of the restaurant feeling the weight in my
shoulders being lifted. Refilwe was another
loose end I needed to tie before starting my
dream life.

By Friday night, I am having a mini solo house
warming at my new apartment. I have moved
everything of mine here and by luck, sold most
of the stuff I don’t need. The ones left, I have
put them in the living room corner but I know
people are going to buy them soon. I am not a
huge fan of alcohol, well I do drink on certain
occasions but I don’t have bottles of wine or
ciders just chilling in my fridge of pantry. But
today I am celebrating my new job, new
apartment and new life. So I am having a bottle
of KRONE champagne and some chicken wings
and strips which I bought at our Deli.

I settle down on the couch and decide to binge

on Dark Desire on Netflix. Heee, Chizoba. Is this
really you? Living the soft life with nice life
problem? I was not aiming for this high life but I
am glad I got it. The one person who deserve
most praise is Zoe. That woman is a superstar
and I Stan her for her big heart. Since it’s late, I
write a message to my mother and my siblings,
informing them about the changes in my life.
Mom is the first one to call. I thought she was
sleeping. She ululates loudly and end the call
with a long heartfelt prayer. Next are my
siblings and they congratulate me, Nneka
reminds me of her visit and Akose wishes to
push up her visit. She even wants me to book
her a flight when it’s time for her to visit me. My
sister is crazy.

When I am done, I actually realize I have missed

two episodes because of the phone calls. I go
back to the first episode and focus on the
series. It is quite intriguing and interesting. So,
it’s about a woman in her forties who feels
neglected by her husband and she suspects
that he is cheating on her with his secretary. So
while visiting her friend, the friend tells her to let
loose and just have casual sex with a stranger.
She does just that, thinking that this will be the
first and last time she hooks up with this guy
who is really young but that changes when she
finds out that the guy is actually her student
since she is a professor at a university. It is so
nice that I end up watching the whole season in
one night.

I arrive at Zoe’s house early because she asked
me to, so that I can help her prepare one of the
Nigerian dishes. One of the maids direct me to
the patio where I find Zoe sitting next to this
young man looking all cozy with books in their
hands. They are laughing about something. I
clear my throat to announce my presence and
they both turn to look at me. Zoe’s face lights

“Chichi, you have arrived.” She jumps up and

comes to hug me. “Looking fabulous as
“Oww please, look who is talking.” We both
laugh. She turns to look at the young man.
“This is my son, Masande and baby, this is
Chizoba, my new friend and reading partner.”
Masande stands up and extend a hand. I shake

“Finally I can put a face to the name. My mom

has been blabbing about you from the moment
she met you. I feel like I know you on a personal
level.” We all laugh.
“She has also told me about you, the one child
she relates to the most. I heard your father is
jealous.” He cracks up.

“Yes he is. I spend most of the afternoon with

my mother yesterday and that’s how things are
whenever we are together. So as much as he
loves me, he is always praying for a closer
departure.” I snort.
“Now how about we go start on that dish and
you can tell me how your first night was on your
new place?” Zoe states, hooking her arm on
“Gladly. It was nice to meet you, Masande.” He
nods and sits back down carrying on with the
book on his hands.

We walk to the kitchen and I tell her how my

night went. We prepare my favourite dish while I
tell her about Dark Desire which has turned into
one of my favourite TV show. The moment we
are done cooking and dishing up food on the
casserole dishes, Makhosonke walks in with
Monica. I am quick to grab people’s emotions
and behaviour, so I know there is trouble in
paradise with the way the room suddenly
freezes (figuratively) as they walk in.

“Hello ma.” Monica starts off with a huge smile.

She hugs Zoe and gives me a stinky eye.
Nwanyi Nzuzu. Does this girl know me? Just
because I allowed her to walk all over me at
work, doesn’t mean that will be the case again.
She better watch her behaviour because I don’t
mind mopping the floor with her fake hair.

“Hi, Chizoba.” Masonke smiles at me. Hee. The

little devil actually smiles at me. He wants that
plank of a girlfriend to bury me alive?
“Hello, Masonke.” He laughs. I don’t think I will
ever be able to pronounce his word correctly,
not that I dedicate time just to teach myself. It’s
not that important.

“Hey, son of mine. The one that forgot my

birthday.” Zoe states dramatically, folding her
arms to her chest and I can’t help but laugh.
This woman is a whole mood, a vibe. I wonder if
she goes clubbing or used to when she was
around my age.
“Mom come on.” Masonke giggles, moving
closer to her and he actually tickles her, which
makes Zoe squeal and laugh like a toddler.
Monica walks to me.

“What the fuck are you doing with my mother-in-

law? Are you trying to badmouth me or
something? If that’s the case, you won’t
succeed. No one will believe a foreigner like you
over me, their daughter-in-law.” She whispers
harshly and I actually laugh.

This woman is stupid. Really stupid. In fact she

doesn’t even deserve to be called a woman. She
is a child. At the age of 21 she should be
worrying about what she is going to wear for
her graduation, where to apply for a job or
where to go for a business funding. Instead she
is here, being bothered by the fact that her
‘mother-in-law’ is friends with the cleaner from
Checkers. Shame. She has nice life problems.

“Gee nti, nwa a, Zoe bu enyim anyi anaghi eji Ndi

n’enwero isi ka gi Agba asiri. (Listen here, girly,
Zoe is my friend and friends like us don’t gossip
about non-factors like you.) You lack the
elements and you are not that intelligent for us
to discuss about. Be relevant, be wise, be
successful, and maybe then will we talk about
you. But I doubt because we have hundreds of
books we would rather read than talk about a
little girl like you, cutie pie.” I whisper back with
a smile on my face.

The following day while mopping on aisle 5, I

receive a call. It’s from Thubelihle Secondary
School. I nearly scream when the admin clerk
informs me about the success of my
application. OMG! Things are happening. She
tells me to come sign the contract tomorrow. I
am also expected to start the week after the
following. Which means I must serve my one
week notice to my supervisor and she will
inform the manager. I quickly finish moping
aisle 5 and head back to the staff room. Luckily
I find MaNyathi sitting and busy with her phone.

“MaNyathi.” She raises her head and smiles at

“Chizoba, is everything okay?” I nod quickly.
“I passed my interview and I am starting the
week following the next one.” She stands and
comes to hug me.
“Wow. I am so happy for you. We need good
news around here.” I smile.
“Thank you. So can I put in my notice?” she

“I have to sort out some paperwork but it will be

all ready for you to sign by knock off time or
tomorrow morning. You are expected to serve
at least 7 full days without an off day. Meaning
we are going to let your Saturday off slide but
from Sunday, you have to work the full week
and Saturday next week will be your last day.” I
smile widely.

“Thank you so much. You are the kindest

manager I have ever dealt with.” She chuckles.
“Oww I try.”
“Modesty will get you nowhere.” She laughs. “I
better get back to work, then.” She nods and
returns to her seat.

“Are you foreal?” Refilwe asks with his
eyebrows raised.
“Have you caught any feelings?” he quickly
shakes his head. “Then why are you questioning
my decision?”
“I am not. But I thought we were still enjoying
each other. There is no need for this nice thing
to end.” I sigh and sit back.
“You have really caught feelings.” I shake my
head in disbelief.

“No, I haven’t.” his voice is higher than usual. I

raise my eyebrow. “You are a good lay, you are
a stallion in bed and I was enjoying fucking you
with no expectations. I am just disappointed
that this has to come to an end so early.” A
good lay? That doesn’t sit well with me.
“Well, I wouldn’t say we should continue being
friends because we were never friends before
the sexual relationship, but what I can say is
that, it was nice knowing you. You are a nice,
charming guy, romantic in your own way and in
the near future, you deserve someone who is
going to love you unconditionally and treat you
right.” I put my things on my bag and stand up.

“Wait,” he also stands. “I am sorry for behaving

like an ass and calling you a good lay. You are a
wonderful woman, you are extraordinary. I have
known you for less than three weeks but I can
attest that you are an amazing, kind hearted
person. I wish you all the best in your life and I
would like us to have these type of lunches
every now and again, if you’re game.” He smiles
and I chuckle.
“That will depend.” He extends his arms and I
hug him. “See you around, Refilwe.” I walk out
of the restaurant feeling the weight in my
shoulders being lifted. Refilwe was another
loose end I needed to tie before starting my
dream life.

By Friday night, I am having a mini solo house
warming at my new apartment. I have moved
everything of mine here and by luck, sold most
of the stuff I don’t need. The ones left, I have
put them in the living room corner but I know
people are going to buy them soon. I am not a
huge fan of alcohol, well I do drink on certain
occasions but I don’t have bottles of wine or
ciders just chilling in my fridge of pantry. But
today I am celebrating my new job, new
apartment and new life. So I am having a bottle
of KRONE champagne and some chicken wings
and strips which I bought at our Deli.

I settle down on the couch and decide to binge

on Dark Desire on Netflix. Heee, Chizoba. Is this
really you? Living the soft life with nice life
problem? I was not aiming for this high life but I
am glad I got it. The one person who deserve
most praise is Zoe. That woman is a superstar
and I Stan her for her big heart. Since it’s late, I
write a message to my mother and my siblings,
informing them about the changes in my life.
Mom is the first one to call. I thought she was
sleeping. She ululates loudly and end the call
with a long heartfelt prayer. Next are my
siblings and they congratulate me, Nneka
reminds me of her visit and Akose wishes to
push up her visit. She even wants me to book
her a flight when it’s time for her to visit me. My
sister is crazy.

When I am done, I actually realize I have missed

two episodes because of the phone calls. I go
back to the first episode and focus on the
series. It is quite intriguing and interesting. So,
it’s about a woman in her forties who feels
neglected by her husband and she suspects
that he is cheating on her with his secretary. So
while visiting her friend, the friend tells her to let
loose and just have casual sex with a stranger.
She does just that, thinking that this will be the
first and last time she hooks up with this guy
who is really young but that changes when she
finds out that the guy is actually her student
since she is a professor at a university. It is so
nice that I end up watching the whole season in
one night.

I arrive at Zoe’s house early because she asked
me to, so that I can help her prepare one of the
Nigerian dishes. One of the maids direct me to
the patio where I find Zoe sitting next to this
young man looking all cozy with books in their
hands. They are laughing about something. I
clear my throat to announce my presence and
they both turn to look at me. Zoe’s face lights

“Chichi, you have arrived.” She jumps up and

comes to hug me. “Looking fabulous as
“Oww please, look who is talking.” We both
laugh. She turns to look at the young man.
“This is my son, Masande and baby, this is
Chizoba, my new friend and reading partner.”
Masande stands up and extend a hand. I shake

“Finally I can put a face to the name. My mom

has been blabbing about you from the moment
she met you. I feel like I know you on a personal
level.” We all laugh.
“She has also told me about you, the one child
she relates to the most. I heard your father is
jealous.” He cracks up.

“Yes he is. I spend most of the afternoon with

my mother yesterday and that’s how things are
whenever we are together. So as much as he
loves me, he is always praying for a closer
departure.” I snort.
“Now how about we go start on that dish and
you can tell me how your first night was on your
new place?” Zoe states, hooking her arm on
“Gladly. It was nice to meet you, Masande.” He
nods and sits back down carrying on with the
book on his hands.

We walk to the kitchen and I tell her how my

night went. We prepare my favourite dish while I
tell her about Dark Desire which has turned into
one of my favourite TV show. The moment we
are done cooking and dishing up food on the
casserole dishes, Makhosonke walks in with
Monica. I am quick to grab people’s emotions
and behaviour, so I know there is trouble in
paradise with the way the room suddenly
freezes (figuratively) as they walk in.

“Hello ma.” Monica starts off with a huge smile.

She hugs Zoe and gives me a stinky eye.
Nwanyi Nzuzu. Does this girl know me? Just
because I allowed her to walk all over me at
work, doesn’t mean that will be the case again.
She better watch her behaviour because I don’t
mind mopping the floor with her fake hair.

“Hi, Chizoba.” Masonke smiles at me. Hee. The

little devil actually smiles at me. He wants that
plank of a girlfriend to bury me alive?
“Hello, Masonke.” He laughs. I don’t think I will
ever be able to pronounce his word correctly,
not that I dedicate time just to teach myself. It’s
not that important.

“Hey, son of mine. The one that forgot my

birthday.” Zoe states dramatically, folding her
arms to her chest and I can’t help but laugh.
This woman is a whole mood, a vibe. I wonder if
she goes clubbing or used to when she was
around my age.
“Mom come on.” Masonke giggles, moving
closer to her and he actually tickles her, which
makes Zoe squeal and laugh like a toddler.
Monica walks to me.

“What the fuck are you doing with my mother-in-

law? Are you trying to badmouth me or
something? If that’s the case, you won’t
succeed. No one will believe a foreigner like you
over me, their daughter-in-law.” She whispers
harshly and I actually laugh.

This woman is stupid. Really stupid. In fact she

doesn’t even deserve to be called a woman. She
is a child. At the age of 21 she should be
worrying about what she is going to wear for
her graduation, where to apply for a job or
where to go for a business funding. Instead she
is here, being bothered by the fact that her
‘mother-in-law’ is friends with the cleaner from
Checkers. Shame. She has nice life problems.

“Gee nti, nwa a, Zoe bu enyim anyi anaghi eji Ndi

n’enwero isi ka gi Agba asiri. (Listen here, girly,
Zoe is my friend and friends like us don’t gossip
about non-factors like you.) You lack the
elements and you are not that intelligent for us
to discuss about. Be relevant, be wise, be
successful, and maybe then will we talk about
you. But I doubt because we have hundreds of
books we would rather read than talk about a
little girl like you, cutie pie.” I whisper back with
a smile on my face.

“Hello everyone. Guess who is home?” an oddly

familiar voice screams and I turn to look at the
entry way. OMG! It’s her. Wandy G. one of my
favourite Tiktoker who also happens to be an
actress and a TV presenter. What the hell is she
doing here? And then the light bulb goes on in
my head. Her real name is Mawande Gumbi,
Zoe’s daughter who is an actress. Wow, I didn’t
think I will be meeting my favourite celeb on a
family dinner.

“Wawa.” Her mother smiles and they share a

hug. “Look at you. You are glowing. What is new
in your life? New man?”
“Eww. I don’t need to hear about my younger
sister’s dating life. It’s weird and disgusting.”
Masonke gags and I can’t help but laugh. Are all
big brothers this uncool about the possibility of
their sister’s, either young or old, dating life?
Because mine is.

Mawande rolls her eyes. “Oww I missed you too,

stuck up brother of mine. Hey Monalisa.” She
waves at Monica. Did I tell you that she is also
savage? “And who is this?” she turns to me with
a smile. She squints her eyes. “Don’t tell me. I
will remember on my own.” She bites her lower
lip. “You are… @miss_chizoba right?” I giggle
and nod. “Two points for me. I mean how can I
not recognize my biggest supporter? I was even
planning on going to a date with at least 5 of my
lucky fans as soon as I settled in and you were
going to be the first one. Wow, I can’t believe
this. What brings you here?”

“She is my reading buddy.” Masonke imitates

his mother’s voice and she slaps his shoulder.
“Ouch, ma. I am joking.”
“This is Chizoba Gwendaline. She is a good
friend of mine. And she has somewhat became
a daughter to me since all of you kids have
distanced yourself from me and never visit me
unless I say so. Some of you even forget my
birthday.” She gives Masonke a stinky eye. I am
dying of laughter inside.

“Well I love my mother very much but my job

keeps me on the road every time, so thank you,
Chizoba for being there for her and with her.”
Mawande states politely with a smile.
“I have known her for less than a month but she
has done so much for me. I am grateful to her.”
I respond.

“Okay, enough. You’re going to make me cry.

Carry these to the dining room.” she points at
the dishes and we take them dining room where
Mazwakhe is chatting with an older man and a
younger one. They turn to us.
“Daddy.” Mawande screams and rushes to hug
her father. Between Zoe and Mazwakhe, she
loves her father the most and he is usually her
Man Crush Monday. She also hugs the other
two men, ruffling the younger man’s hair.

“Hey, watch it.” The man says pouting causing

everyone in the room to laugh.
“And that’s my youngest, Malusi.” Zoe states,
looking at me and I nod.
“You’re old.” I tease and she laughs.

“I have done my part. That’s why I am waiting

for grandchildren from them except for Malusi.
He is too young to have kids.”
“Says who?” Malusi asks and the other older
man hits the back of his head. “Ouch, uncle.
That was clearly meant as a joke.”
“Better be.” The man turns to look at me. He
smiles. “Miss Gwendaline. Such a please to
finally meet you. Your interview blew me away.”
I frown. Okay. Which interview is he talking

“My dear friend is confused.” Zoe chuckles

walking closer to me. “This is my brother,
headmaster Vusikhaya Mncube, your new
My eyes pop out. “Wow. OMG! Thank you so
much for the opportunity you have given me.
You won’t regret it.” I shake his head and he

“You don’t have to be so nervous. I am a cool

boss and I love someone who is determined. I
have contacted your references and I am
pleased by all the praises you get from them. I
will be honored to work with you.” he smiles.
“The honor is all mine.”

“Okay, I am lost. Miss Chizoba is my number

one fan, so I demand to know what’s happening
here so that I can tweet about it.” Mawande
chirps in and we all laugh.
“Chizoba is a qualified Biology teacher and she
is your uncle’s newest employer.” Mazwakhe
answers for me. My eyes travel to Masonke
who looks shocked. Yeah, eat that you asshole.

The rest of the family join us. Zoe introduces

the older woman as Vusikhaya’s wife,
Khombisile and their daughter, Sinethemba. We
all get seated and start eating. They
complement the food, mostly the dish I helped
cook. When we are all done eating, Zoe orders
Mawande, Malusi and Sinethemba to do the
dishes. That just proves that no matter how
famous you are, at home, you will always be a
child. Well unless you are the breadwinner. I
stand up and head to the backyard, just to get
some fresh air because, as much as the family
is welcoming and warm, all this can be

“My family can get noisy at times. I, too, long for

some peace and quiet.” I turn to find Masonke
standing a few feet away from me. “I wasn’t
following you.” I chuckle.
“Yeah right.”

“For real. Anyways your food was really nice. I

have never had something like that before and
it’s been a while since I last had home cooked
meal because my helper is on a sick leave.”
“I think I would maybe die if I had take-outs for a
full week. I live for home cooked meals and I
am not even lazy to do a three course meal
every evening.”

“Your boyfriend must be lucky.”

“Now you’re being nosy.” He laughs. “And why
would you assume I have a boyfriend? What if I
have a girlfriend or a partner?” he laughs even
“A woman wouldn’t be able to handle all that
sassiness.” I roll my eyes.

“I should go back inside.”

“It’s still crowded and noisy.”
“But you aren’t there. So I guess it’s much
He steps closer to me, smirking. “What is your
problem with me?”
“You’re rude, arrogant and self-centered. I mean,
who forgets their mother’s birthday? A self-
centered child.” I shrug and pass him, but I see
Masande standing at the patio with a smile on
his face.

“Finally, somebody to put him in his place.

Welcome to the family, Chizoba.” He raises his
glass in the air while laughing. “I love you,

“How can you not? She is a book nerd like you.”

Masonke snaps back, passing me and heading
inside the house.
“The lawyer has a bit of a temper, huh?” I ask in
a teasing tone and Masande just laughs. He
looks like someone I would get along with.


The Gumbi siblings, with Monica and

Sinethemba, arrived at the club and immediately
headed to the VIP section where they got
served a few moments after they settled down.
Many people who saw Mawande wanted to take
pictures with her but she was too far. They
weren’t disappointed though because they
knew after a few drinks, she would head to the
general section dance floor and they would get
their chance. Makhosonke hardly drank when
he was out with his siblings because as the
eldest, it was his responsibility to look after his
siblings even though they were all majors.
“We should’ve asked Chizoba to join us.”
Sinethemba commented with a pout. “She
seemed like a really cool lady. We even
exchanged numbers.”
“But you don’t even have my number.” Monica
stated with a frown.

“Well, you’re not cool and you are much younger

than me. We wouldn’t have something to talk
about.” Sinethemba shot back and all the
siblings laughed except for Makhosonke who
held back his laugh because his family always
teased him about dating a woman more than 8
years younger than him and Mawande who was
checking in. Sinethemba was only 2 years older
than Monica but she didn’t get along with her.
Monica was too much for her and she
emphasized that her cousin deserved a better
woman than the young gold digger who didn’t
even have a single qualification under her name,
except for Matric but that’s just like a birth

“Chizoba’s body though.” Malusi groaned and

his sister and cousin laughed while
Makhosonke chuckled. “Whoever is tapping
that ass is lucky.”
“Man or woman.” Makhosonke added and he
got the meanest glare from Monica. He raised
his hands up in surrender.
“She has beauty plus brains. Any man would be
lucky to have her.” Mawande added. “Or
woman.” she teased her brother and they

“How is your woman doing, brother?” Malusi

enquired, looking at Masande who smiled. He
was a man in love.
“She is great. This week we discovered that we
were pregnant and I proposed. Well I proposed
before she told me the news. I have also been
thinking of moving back here because I know
how much it would mean to mama if her first
grandchild was only a few kilometers away
from her.” He responded with a wide smile.

“Congratulations brother.” Mawande was the

first to congratulate him with a hug and a kiss
on the cheek, followed by the rest of his siblings.
He received a cold hug from Monica but that
didn’t matter because nothing could
overshadow his happiness. “Now you’re making
us feel bad for staying away from home.”

“I don’t think the reaction would be the same if

you were to turn up pregnant and engaged.”
Makhosonke teased and they all laughed
because they knew it was the truth. Despite her
fame and success, Mazwakhe still treated her
like his little princess and they knew he would
lose it if he discovered that she was pregnant.

“Which is why I always use double protection. I

can’t afford a mistake child.” Mawande
defended herself and her brothers gagged.
“What did I just picture?” Malusi gagged once
again and Mawande laughed.
“Double standards, dear brother.” Sinethemba
said, cracking up.

The following morning, Masande woke up and
decided to go for a job. He wasn’t hung-over like
his siblings and his body was used to running
every morning. He came back from his run and
just as he was stretching on the driveway, his
phone rang. He smiled, picking it up and he was
laughing throughout the while conversation. His
fiancé was a woman with a very good sense of
humour and she was such a loving and carrying
woman. Ending the call, he turned to find his
father standing at front door and staring at him
with a wide smile on his face.

“So, you’re expecting?” Mazwakhe asked, not

carrying to hide his excitement. Masande rolled
his eyes with a smile on his face.
“Eavesdropping is not cool, old man.”
Mazwakhe laughed and didn’t say anything
because he was waiting for his son to say
something. “You caught me, your Honor.” He
walked closer to his father. “Luncumo is 2
months pregnant and we are engaged.”

“That’s my son.” Mazwakhe beamed, hugging

his son tightly. He was overjoyed about this as
he was always overjoyed about any
achievement from his children. He once
screamed like a four-year old when Mawande
won an award for Best Actress of the Year. You
can safely say that he was a good father. “Fuck,
this is amazing.” He broke the hug and quickly
wiped his tears.

“Come on dad. Don’t be like that.”

“Don’t mind me. Anyways what are you plans?
When are you telling your mother?”
“We were thinking of moving here with her so
that we can be closer to you guys.”
“Give me a minute.” Mazwakhe turned to face
the other way and Masande heard sniffs.

“Dad, if you’re like this, then who is going to

comfort your wife?” Mazwakhe turned and
finally pulled himself together.

“Let me be, son. I am teaching you that it’s okay

to be emotional in front of your kids. Real men
do cry and show emotions when they feel
overwhelmed. Lesson number one of daddy
lessons.” Masande laughed as he followed his
father who went inside the house.


Yesterday was a very nice occasion. I enjoyed

my time with the Gumbi and Ncube family.
Surprisingly, even Masonke was nice to me.
Monica was an exception but it doesn’t come
as a surprise. That girl is a special case. At
some point, I wanted to tell everyone how I
exactly met her and Masonke but Masonke
wasn’t being a jerk to me, so I let it slide. When I
told Mathenji about the dinner, she was envious.
She said I should invite her next time. She also
wants to see Wandy-G in person.

Getting to my apartment, I frown when my eyes

land on someone seated outside Room 401. I
walk closer to the person and squat in front of

“Are you okay, sir?” the person raises their head

and I nearly fall back when I see Masonke. He
looks horrible, like he hasn’t slept since
yesterday, or worse, hasn’t showered. He is still
wearing the same clothes as last night.
“Masonke, what are you doing here?”

“This is my apartment but I forgot the keys in

my car. I am too tired to head down and come
back up.” he smells like a brewery. I sigh. I am
also too drained for this.
“Do you wanna come inside my apartment? I
can make you coffee.” He chuckles.

“You live here?” I roll my eyes and standing up. I

walk to my room and turn to find him following
me. I open the door and walk inside.
“You can sit at the couch while I make you a
cup. Don’t mind the books at the corner there. I
haven’t found time to buy a shelf.”

I lead him to the lounge and he sits on the

couch. I hand him the remote and go boil the
water in the kettle. I quickly go to my room to
change into an oversized t-shirt and sleepers. I
head back to the kitchen and start making
coffee for the both of us. I warm the muffins in
the fridge and place them in a plate. I serve him
and sit down not far from him.

“Now, what’s up? I am no therapist but I can see

that you’re troubled. Or else you wouldn’t have
left your mansion wherever it is and come to an
apartment still dressed in yesterday’s clothes.”
He chuckles and takes a sip on his coffee.

“Where does one begin?”

“Literally from the beginning.” He grimaces
before biting and chewing the muffin. I can’t
seem to look away. I have never seen someone
eat a muffin so passionately except for a model
doing a muffin ad. Look at me now, I am back
to being horny and fantasizing about men. Why
did I listen to Nneke’s advice?

“So as you know, I was stupid enough to date a

21 year old girl. She is a girl, not a woman. I see
that now. She was born in 2001. I am actually a
pedophile.” I don’t mean to, but I laugh at his
facial expression.

“I think we are going to need something

stronger. Do you drink wine?” The liquor store
manager bought it because it was R40 and
handed me the bottle because he remembered
that his woman is pregnant. He frowns. “Listen,
the problem is not the age, rather the attitude. I
know 21 year olds who are much matured than
your girlfriend. Who are making money moves,
venturing into property, excelling academically
and hustling. One question. What are her
dreams, ambitions and long term goals?” he
sighs and looks down.

“She wants to be a model or brand ambassador

but every time an opportunity arises, she is too
lazy to apply. She wants jobs to come knocking
at her doorstep. She is an influencer and she
likes it when brands approach her, not the other
way around.” I nod.

“Where does she live?” he groans and buries his

face in his hand.
“With me.” I laugh.
“How long have you guys been living together?”
“Almost a year now. She moved in two months
after we started dating. And I don’t drink wine.
One glass is enough to make me light headed.”
I nod with a chuckle.
“When did you realize that you are dating a child,
not a woman?”

“I am thirty, Chizoba. I am financially stable and

I am at an age where I wanna settle down,
marry and have kids with the woman I love.
Now what do you do when the woman you’re
with hates the topic of marriage and kids?
Always tells you that she is too young for that?”

“Well, if you don’t want the same things with

you partner and there is no way to compromise,
it’s best to part ways because trust me, you
don’t wanna be a bitter adult just because you
are not getting what your heart truly desires.”
Look at me giving the arrogant jerk a love
advice. Who would’ve thought that he would
actually be sitting on my couch and watching
me play therapist?

“You are right. You are actually really smart.

Now that I have told you about my relationship
problems, how about you tell me about your
relationship status?”
“I don’t owe you anything, Masonke.”

He grunts. “Stop butchering my name. I am

Makhosonke. My name is very powerful.
Makhosi onke. It means all the kings or all the
chiefs. It’s something a king would name his

I pout. “Teach me how to pronounce it.”

“MA-KHO-SO-NKE.” He emphasizes. And I
follow his lead.
“MA-KHO-SO-NKE.” He claps his hands.
“You’re a natural.” I laugh.
“Why aren’t you at your house?”

“She is there.” I chuckle. He is like a miserable

married man. His phone rings.
“I will leave you to answer that.”

I get up and head to the kitchen. I left wings on

the less freezing part of the fridge when I went
to work. So I take them out and marinade them
while preheating the oven. Masonke walks in
while I am greasing the pan.

“What are you making?” He asks leaning on the

entry way.
“Sticky wings. I will eat them with bread. How
about you go shower and I will go get your
clothes from your apartment? You look really
drained.” He smiles.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“I am human, Makhosonke. I would also love for
someone to take care of me at my lowest and
not mock me of make fun of Me.” he nods.

“You are an angel and I can see why my mom

loves you so much.” He places his car keys on
the counter before heading to the bedroom.

Should I call Zoe? But I don’t think she would

love to see her son this miserable. I place the
wings on the heated oven and then head to his
car. Luckily I find the keys on the passenger
seat. I get to his apartment. It is so beautiful. I
love the interior décor. After admiring it for a full
minute, I head to the bedroom, passing a huge
portrait of Makhosonke on the passage. Why
am I not surprised? All these apartments are
built in the same manner, so it’s easy to find
what you’re looking for. He has really beautiful
clothes. I take a long sleeved t-shirt with
sweatpants and sleepers. It’s weird with the
underwear selection. I just pick out the first one
I see and quickly head out.

I walk inside my bedroom and I nearly run back

out when I see him seated on the bed with a
towel wrapped about his waist and reading
Someone To Die For by Ongeziwe Anezwa. He
raises his head and smiles at me when he
notices me.

“You were taking too long, so I got busy.” He

waves the book. He still looks drunk but at least
he is fresh, smells of berries. I hand him his
“I will be in the kitchen.”
“Great choice of underwear.” He shouts as I
close the door. I chuckle, shaking my head.
“Please open the door, I wanna say something.”
I roll my eyes and open it. He is standing too
close. He quickly grabs my waist, pulling me
closer to him and roughly kisses me.

“OMG! You won’t believe this.” Mathenji states,

wheeling her bucket to where I am standing. I
only have 3 days left here and I am really going
to miss her the most. I just hope different jobs
won’t separate us.

“What is it, Thenji?”

“The IT couple apparently broke up.” I frown.
Who the fuck is the IT couple?

“Makhosonke and Monica. They deleted each

other’s pictures and videos on their social
media accounts. No one knows the full story. I
am dying to know it. I keep checking out
Monica’s Instagram story, hoping she will slip
up and tell us what exactly happened or maybe
cry in a live video but nothing.” Our store has Wi
-Fi, so that’s why she is online on Instagram
right now.

Now back to the news at hand. Makhosonke

and Monica broke up? Well why am I surprised?
The guy was literally pouring his heart out to me
in my couch on Sunday about his fucked up
relationship. I guess the break up was inevitable.
“Maybe you left out some details about a drama
that occurred at the dinner. How could you have
possibly missed this?” I roll my eyes.

“Monica was mean as always. Even in front of

her in-laws. So there was nothing out of the
ordinary for Me.” she huffs.
“You’re useless.” She walks away, leaving me
laughing like crazy. She gets like that when she
doesn’t get the scoop. She should’ve been a
journalist because she loves drama and gossip.

Now back to the issue at hand. The break up. I

am not the bad guy though. After that kiss,
Makhosonke apologized for being out of line
and we had dinner afterwards. He fell asleep on
my couch and I went to bed after covering him
with a blanket because I didn’t wanna wake him
up. He looked peaceful. The next morning, I
woke up and there was coffee and muffins with
a bunch of flowers on my bedside table. There
was also a note which stated…

‘Thank you for last night. You truly know the

meaning of Ubuntu. You are a Godsend. Enjoy
your day.’

The coffee was still hot, so that meant he had

just left. His gesture made my heart melt, but in
a way, he was paying for the therapy.


She was heartbroken and couldn’t understand

the real reason behind Makhosonke breaking up
with her. She thought he was kidding until he
actually asked the helper to pack her
belongings and then he drove her to a flat in
Centurion which he bought for her as a parting
gift. She should’ve been pleased that he still
showed generosity even after dumping her but
she couldn’t because she was so confused. The
conversation between them was still fresh in
her mind.

‘He walked in around 6 pm and placed his bags

on the coffee table. He greeted her but she
didn’t answer because she was mad that he
slept out for two full nights without bothering to
even call her just to check in or actually come
back home. He sighed and sat down, staring at
his hands.

“There is something I need to talk to you about.”

He cleared his throat. “Actually tell you. I have
been doing a lot of thinking. This,” he gestured
between them, “It’s not working. We should
break up. We don’t want the same things in life.
I want kids and a wife. I wanna get married
before the year ends or even next year and I
want someone who is emotionally, physically
and financially ready for that. I don’t want to
force you to change your beliefs or your life
goals just to stay in a relationship with me. I
love you but I am not satisfied in this
relationship. It’s not about sex. Our sex life is

She looked at him, utterly shocked to utter a

single word. She took deep breaths to calm
herself down. After almost 10 minutes of trying
to process his words, she chuckled bitterly.

“Which bitch has gotten under your skin and

made you realize that you suddenly want kids
and marriage? Was it the foreigner? Huh? Or are
you jealous because your younger brother is
getting married and expecting his first born?
Why the fuck are you behaving like this? We
were fine on Saturday. What changed? Did you
cheat on me these last two days?” he sighed.

“You are not listening to me. I am not saying I

am breaking up with you because I have found
someone I wanna share the rest of my life with.
I am breaking up with you because we don’t
want the same things and I don’t want you to
compromise too much just to stay in a
relationship with you. I am not going to throw
you out in the street. I have bought an
apartment for you in Centurion. You will find a
card containing enough money to sustain you
for 6 months. By then I am sure you would’ve
found a job or something. You can also keep
the car I bought for you on your birthday.”
“No. don’t do this to me. Don’t turn me into a
laughing stock. What are people going to say?
We are the IT couple. We can’t lose our status. I

He chuckled in disbelief. “Is that all you care

about? Status? When was the last time you
actually asked me how I am feeling or wished
me a great day? It’s always ‘think of me, honey’
or ‘what did you bring for me?’ I didn’t wanna go
there but lately everything is about you, Monica.
I didn’t wanna shift the blame but you are
forcing my hand. ‘Don’t do this to me, don’t turn
me into a laughing stock’. Like what the fuck,
Monica? Do you even hear yourself when you
speak? Fuck!” he stood up, taking his bags
before heading upstairs. He stopped midway,
spotting the helper and giving her instructions
about packing Monica’s stuff.
“Fuck you, Makhosonke. Fuck you!” she yelled
before taking out her frustrations on everything
that was made of glass in the lounge. Even the

“Nica, babe. Are you okay?” her friend, Melinda,

said politely, sitting opposite her and calling for
a waiter immediately. Monica sighed and wiped
her lone tear that fell pass her huge shades.
“I am coping.” She was thinking of deleting her
social media accounts because the people who
knew the real her were not going easy on her.
The mean comments were endless.

‘Finally, it ended in tears.’

‘She stole that man from another woman. What

was she hoping for?’

‘Her walking ATM is gone. Patiently waiting for

her come crawling back to the slums.’

‘She is a child. How did she think she was going

to keep a matured man happy for long? This
was inevitable.’

The last comment really hit home because it

was like the person knew exactly what down
between her and Makhosonke. She wondered if
he saw the comments. Meanwhile,
Makhosonke had deleted the apps because he
foresaw the drama.

“He is a dick, though. How could he just kick

you out like that? After chowing you for a whole
year? You should trash him on Twitter.
Embarrass him. Humiliate him.”

Monica sighed. “He was the best boyfriend I

have ever had. He gave me everything I asked
for and when we broke up, he brought me a flat
and gave me a lot of money. He is also a lawyer.
If I badmouth him, I might face legal action.”

Melinda rolled her eyes. “He still loves you. He

won’t do anything to you. Come on. One tweet.
That’s all. Or maybe a live video. Show those
tears. Imagine the number of following you are
going to gain. This is going to be good for your
friend. Go for it, babe.” Monica sighed but she
was actually considering what her friend was
saying. Finally, she decided. She took out her

Then she went on Instagram and the moment

she went live, almost a hundred people had
joined in. she cleared her throat and removed
her shades. Her eyes were blood shot red and
she had eye bags.

“Many of you are wondering what the hell

happened between Makhosonke and I. one
night you go to sleep with everything going well
for us. You wake up the next morning to find
our social media accounts cleared of any
pictures and videos which we had taken
together or separately. Well truth of the matter,
he dumped me. He wanted to fuckin trap me
with a child and I saw right through him. He was
jealous that his younger brother had
impregnated and asked his girlfriend to marry
him. When Makhosonke found that out, he was
dying of jealousy. When he demanded a child to
me, I told him to go fuck himself and that’s
when he dumped me. He is a crazy
manipulative psychopath who goes insane
when things are not done his way. He throws
tantrums like a fuckin big baby. Screw him.” she
wiped her tears. “To all the ladies out there in
my situation, don’t compromise who you are or
what you want just because the other gender
wants to have kids. If he wants kids, tell them to
fuckin adopt. There are many homeless kids
out there. If he refuses, then that means he
wanted to impregnate you and leave you

She ended the live video and felt a bit better.


“OMG! You won’t believe this.” Mathenji states,

wheeling her bucket to where I am standing. I
only have 3 days left here and I am really going
to miss her the most. I just hope different jobs
won’t separate us.

“What is it, Thenji?”

“The IT couple apparently broke up.” I frown.
Who the fuck is the IT couple?

“Makhosonke and Monica. They deleted each

other’s pictures and videos on their social
media accounts. No one knows the full story. I
am dying to know it. I keep checking out
Monica’s Instagram story, hoping she will slip
up and tell us what exactly happened or maybe
cry in a live video but nothing.” Our store has Wi
-Fi, so that’s why she is online on Instagram
right now.

Now back to the news at hand. Makhosonke

and Monica broke up? Well why am I surprised?
The guy was literally pouring his heart out to me
in my couch on Sunday about his fucked up
relationship. I guess the break up was inevitable.
“Maybe you left out some details about a drama
that occurred at the dinner. How could you have
possibly missed this?” I roll my eyes.

“Monica was mean as always. Even in front of

her in-laws. So there was nothing out of the
ordinary for Me.” she huffs.
“You’re useless.” She walks away, leaving me
laughing like crazy. She gets like that when she
doesn’t get the scoop. She should’ve been a
journalist because she loves drama and gossip.

Now back to the issue at hand. The break up. I

am not the bad guy though. After that kiss,
Makhosonke apologized for being out of line
and we had dinner afterwards. He fell asleep on
my couch and I went to bed after covering him
with a blanket because I didn’t wanna wake him
up. He looked peaceful. The next morning, I
woke up and there was coffee and muffins with
a bunch of flowers on my bedside table. There
was also a note which stated…

‘Thank you for last night. You truly know the

meaning of Ubuntu. You are a Godsend. Enjoy
your day.’
The coffee was still hot, so that meant he had
just left. His gesture made my heart melt, but in
a way, he was paying for the therapy.


She was heartbroken and couldn’t understand

the real reason behind Makhosonke breaking up
with her. She thought he was kidding until he
actually asked the helper to pack her
belongings and then he drove her to a flat in
Centurion which he bought for her as a parting
gift. She should’ve been pleased that he still
showed generosity even after dumping her but
she couldn’t because she was so confused. The
conversation between them was still fresh in
her mind.
‘He walked in around 6 pm and placed his bags
on the coffee table. He greeted her but she
didn’t answer because she was mad that he
slept out for two full nights without bothering to
even call her just to check in or actually come
back home. He sighed and sat down, staring at
his hands.

“There is something I need to talk to you about.”

He cleared his throat. “Actually tell you. I have
been doing a lot of thinking. This,” he gestured
between them, “It’s not working. We should
break up. We don’t want the same things in life.
I want kids and a wife. I wanna get married
before the year ends or even next year and I
want someone who is emotionally, physically
and financially ready for that. I don’t want to
force you to change your beliefs or your life
goals just to stay in a relationship with me. I
love you but I am not satisfied in this
relationship. It’s not about sex. Our sex life is

She looked at him, utterly shocked to utter a

single word. She took deep breaths to calm
herself down. After almost 10 minutes of trying
to process his words, she chuckled bitterly.

“Which bitch has gotten under your skin and

made you realize that you suddenly want kids
and marriage? Was it the foreigner? Huh? Or are
you jealous because your younger brother is
getting married and expecting his first born?
Why the fuck are you behaving like this? We
were fine on Saturday. What changed? Did you
cheat on me these last two days?” he sighed.

“You are not listening to me. I am not saying I

am breaking up with you because I have found
someone I wanna share the rest of my life with.
I am breaking up with you because we don’t
want the same things and I don’t want you to
compromise too much just to stay in a
relationship with you. I am not going to throw
you out in the street. I have bought an
apartment for you in Centurion. You will find a
card containing enough money to sustain you
for 6 months. By then I am sure you would’ve
found a job or something. You can also keep
the car I bought for you on your birthday.”

“No. don’t do this to me. Don’t turn me into a

laughing stock. What are people going to say?
We are the IT couple. We can’t lose our status. I

He chuckled in disbelief. “Is that all you care

about? Status? When was the last time you
actually asked me how I am feeling or wished
me a great day? It’s always ‘think of me, honey’
or ‘what did you bring for me?’ I didn’t wanna go
there but lately everything is about you, Monica.
I didn’t wanna shift the blame but you are
forcing my hand. ‘Don’t do this to me, don’t turn
me into a laughing stock’. Like what the fuck,
Monica? Do you even hear yourself when you
speak? Fuck!” he stood up, taking his bags
before heading upstairs. He stopped midway,
spotting the helper and giving her instructions
about packing Monica’s stuff.

“Fuck you, Makhosonke. Fuck you!” she yelled

before taking out her frustrations on everything
that was made of glass in the lounge. Even the

“Nica, babe. Are you okay?” her friend, Melinda,

said politely, sitting opposite her and calling for
a waiter immediately. Monica sighed and wiped
her lone tear that fell pass her huge shades.
“I am coping.” She was thinking of deleting her
social media accounts because the people who
knew the real her were not going easy on her.
The mean comments were endless.

‘Finally, it ended in tears.’

‘She stole that man from another woman. What

was she hoping for?’

‘Her walking ATM is gone. Patiently waiting for

her come crawling back to the slums.’

‘She is a child. How did she think she was going

to keep a matured man happy for long? This
was inevitable.’

The last comment really hit home because it

was like the person knew exactly what down
between her and Makhosonke. She wondered if
he saw the comments. Meanwhile,
Makhosonke had deleted the apps because he
foresaw the drama.

“He is a dick, though. How could he just kick

you out like that? After chowing you for a whole
year? You should trash him on Twitter.
Embarrass him. Humiliate him.”

Monica sighed. “He was the best boyfriend I

have ever had. He gave me everything I asked
for and when we broke up, he brought me a flat
and gave me a lot of money. He is also a lawyer.
If I badmouth him, I might face legal action.”
Melinda rolled her eyes. “He still loves you. He
won’t do anything to you. Come on. One tweet.
That’s all. Or maybe a live video. Show those
tears. Imagine the number of following you are
going to gain. This is going to be good for your
friend. Go for it, babe.” Monica sighed but she
was actually considering what her friend was
saying. Finally, she decided. She took out her



Then she went on Instagram and the moment

she went live, almost a hundred people had
joined in. she cleared her throat and removed
her shades. Her eyes were blood shot red and
she had eye bags.

“Many of you are wondering what the hell

happened between Makhosonke and I. one
night you go to sleep with everything going well
for us. You wake up the next morning to find
our social media accounts cleared of any
pictures and videos which we had taken
together or separately. Well truth of the matter,
he dumped me. He wanted to fuckin trap me
with a child and I saw right through him. He was
jealous that his younger brother had
impregnated and asked his girlfriend to marry
him. When Makhosonke found that out, he was
dying of jealousy. When he demanded a child to
me, I told him to go fuck himself and that’s
when he dumped me. He is a crazy
manipulative psychopath who goes insane
when things are not done his way. He throws
tantrums like a fuckin big baby. Screw him.” she
wiped her tears. “To all the ladies out there in
my situation, don’t compromise who you are or
what you want just because the other gender
wants to have kids. If he wants kids, tell them to
fuckin adopt. There are many homeless kids
out there. If he refuses, then that means he
wanted to impregnate you and leave you

She ended the live video and felt a bit better.


Before heading home, I start at the gym and do

a one our session. When I am done, I walk
home. It’s not too far. I don’t like listening to
music while walking either to or from work or to
anywhere in particular. Those walking moments
is when I get time to be one with my brain.
Mathenji showed me a tweet and a video
posted by Monica, a follow up about the break-
up. Honestly, some girls out there are dramatic.
Monica is some kind of a celebrity and
celebrities usually treat break ups in a mature
way. Like posting the usual ‘we still love each
other but we decided to part ways due to
personal reasons’ statement. There is never a
dramatic video like that. But this is all none of
my business.

When I get to the fourth floor, I frown, my eyes

landing on the brand new 4-shelf white
bookcase right outside my door. Well I didn’t
order this. I step closer and I see a sticky note
attached to it.

‘Now your books are not going to be stashed on

the floor like they are waiting for you to move

I chuckle, shaking my head. How thoughtful of

him. Opening the door, I gently push the
bookcase inside my apartment. It is really light.
I correctly place it in the right space in the
lounge and smile at how it fits perfectly. Fuck. I
don’t even have his number. How do I thank him?
Well I guess he already knows I am thankful
since he didn’t leave his contact details with the

I freshen-up and start on supper. When I am

done, I go through the notes the life science
teacher sent me. She also sent me the syllabus.
So I have to be in tune with everything on
Monday. I am going to be teaching grade 10
and helping the grade 12 teacher with his
afternoon classes. It’s not much work. I just
have to prepare myself physically and mentally
to face learners. This also means I can’t
possibly entertain myself with Monica’s drama
because I know that tweet was directed to me.

I eat dinner while going through the notes and

watching a few videos. This school is advanced.
The learners use gadgets very often and notes
are shared via emails after every lesson. You
just send it to the clerk and she makes sure to
send the notes to all the learners. I get tired of
the note and pack them nicely on the bookcase.
It’s really beautiful but I will need another one
where I can store school related matters. I wash
the dishes and then read a book before heading
to sleep.


Masande stormed inside the Gumbi household

in search for Makhosonke because his PA said
he was working from home and when he didn’t
find him at his house, he knew he would be at
his parents’ house. He found him at the lounge
engaged in a deep conversation with their

“Makhosonke.” He announced his presence and

both men turned to face him.
“Son, what brings you here?” Mazwakhe asked
already standing up.
“Hey dad. Makhosonke, what were your parting
gifts? What did you give her? Because we need
to get it back. Each and everything.” Masande
was fuming. Makhosonke sighed and closed
the laptop after saving the document he was
working on.

“Parting gifts? What are you talking about?”

Mazwakhe asked, getting more and more
confused and he hated not being on the loop.
Parting gifts were some kind of a tradition
Mazwakhe’s father taught him about. He
always said that ‘if you give a woman a
generous gift upon your breakup, she won’t nag
a lot or cause unnecessary drama that might
embarrass you.’

“What’s all this noise?” Zoe asked, coming from

the kitchen. She was busy baking some
brownies because she woke up craving for
them. “Masande, when did you arrive?” she
went to hug him. He melted a bit and hugged
his mother back.
“I just landed about half an hour ago.” He got on
the first plane out because he was super angry
about this. Even Luncumo didn't know how to
handle him. She just made sure to drive him to
the airport so that he doesn't get involved in a
car accident, or worse, cause it. “I am so pissed
by what Monica did. She did not only humiliate
my brother but our entire family. It’s all your
fault, Makho. What the fuck were you thinking
dating a child?” He was back to fuming.

“Hey! No cursing in the house.” Mazwakhe

ordered with a stern voice and Masande
muttered an apology. Makhosonke was the only
one they knew to have a temper. Not Masande.
So they were quite taken back by his outburst.

“What are you on about, Sande?” Makhosonke

“You don’t know what Monica did?” he asked
and Makhosonke shook his head.
“I deleted all my apps, including WhatsApp and
made sure to mute the notifications on my
“Okay. Before I humour you brother, tell me.
What were your parting gifts?” Masande asked
once more.

“That car I bought for her birthday, an

apartment in Centurion and a card with R500
000.” Makhosonke stated.
“I want you to take all those things back. Here is
why.” He opened his phone and showed the
family the video. Makhosonke was the first one
to frown.
“How could she do this? After what I gave her.
She knows I can sue her for defamation of
character. Why would she do this?”
“That’s not all. She also humiliated Chizoba in a
tweet and her friend even attached a photo of
Chizoba in her uniform.”
“My Chizoba?” Zoe finally found her voice.
“What does she have to do with all of this?”
“Mom, dad, can you please sit down? There is
something I need to tell you.” Makhosonke said,
sitting down.
“And you, is it true that you are engaged and
expecting your first child?” Zoe asked already
sitting down but her eyes were on Masande.
Mazwakhe sat next to her.

“Luncumo, my girlfriend ma. She is two months

pregnant and yes we are engaged. It's a recent
thing. I wanted to tell you once I had sorted all
my affairs. I am sorry for not telling you.” Zoe
pouted and folded her arms to her chest. She
turned to face Makhosonke and that meant it
was time for him to speak.

He cleared her throat. “We met, sort of bumped

into Chizoba at her workplace. I had had a bad
day and I wasn’t in my best of moods. So when
I slipped and fell on the floor, I shouted at her.
Monica also joined in and insulted her. The next
time we bumped into her, we were at another
grocery store. She was shopping and Monica
sort of insinuated that she was stalking us and
kind of manhandled her. I ran after her to
apologize but I ended up being an ass and
earned myself a slap because I got distracted
by her beauty. I told her that she shouldn't press
charges against Monica.”

“You are an idiot.” Zoe jumped up to strangle

him but her husband held her back.
“Then there was that encounter where you guys
met at the store. I stayed back and asked her
not to tell on me because I didn't want you to be
disappointed in me. She told me that she does
have Ubuntu, unlike me. I also gave her a ride
one afternoon from the gym and that's when I
really apologized to her. Monica hated her from
our first encounter and when she discovered
that you guys are buddies, that angered her.
She kept on venting about how much Chizoba
gets under her skin. Her hatred grew even more
after last Saturday. When we came back from
the club, all she could shout about was Chizoba
because you guys couldn't stop talking about
her.” He didn't mention his last meet up with
Chizoba because he knew it would raise a lot of
questions. He glanced at his brother.

“So it's Chichi's fault that Monica is a spoiled

brat with a stinking attitude? Are you kidding
me?” Zoe was enraged and wished she could
whop Monica's ass.

“Take those parting gifts back and clear

Chizoba's name by suing that friend who posted
her picture. She is starting work on Monday.
She doesn't need this kind of drama on her.
Also make sure the picture is removed by
tomorrow morning. We don't care how you sort
out your shit, but spare Chizoba please.”
Mazwakhe stated sternly and Makhosonke

“Who taught you to be rude and disrespectful

towards cleaners? Is that how you treat people
who you think are below you? You are all
humans, strip your job title away, you all bleed
the same blood and one day you might need
help from ‘an illiterate cleaner'. You disgust me,
honestly. I am disappointed in you. I raised you
better than this.” Zoe stood up and headed back
to the kitchen. She was fuming. She saw it best
to knead bread dough in order to take out her
frustrations well.

The following morning at work, Mathenji is

fuming. That’s not her usual mood. When I find
out what’s bothering her, I just laugh. I never did
a single thing to Monica, yet she has thought
it’s best to humiliate me. Wow. I am not even
going to entertain her because she is not worth
my time or energy. I just hope her stunt won’t
affect my work. I decide there and then to
delete twitter and mute notifications from my
emails pertaining twitter.
Just as I am heading to aisle one, I hear noises
and curses. It sounds like some people are
fighting. I make sure to lean my working
material on the wall before rushing to the chaos.
I find two women on each other’s throats,
shouting on top of their voices. This has never
happened before. I can’t even observe because
I will be asked why I didn’t stop the fight.

“You are crazy if you think I am going to leave

that man. He is mine as much as he is yours.
He is our man. How can you even fight me while
you don’t have the ring?” the woman wearing
the weave shouts.

“I am his number one side chick, his only side

chick and it stays that way.” The woman with
braids states. “He loves me and I love him. You
are just using him for his money.”

“Honey, he is also using you for pussy. If he

really loves you he would’ve married you by now.
Polygamy is still a thing.” The weave lady
replies, pulling the other woman’s braids. This
is getting intense.

I quickly get between them and separate them.

“Ladies, please. I understand your frustrations
but can you please take this outside? You are
scaring the customers, especially the kids.”
“She started it.” The weave lady states, pouting.

“You are after my man and I am keen on

stopping you. You are just using him to
maintain your soft life. I actually care about his
well-being. Just last month he was at the
hospital and you never even once visited him. I
stayed by his side the whole time he was
admitted because his wife was out of town. I
will repeat once again, you are using him and I
hope he does see you for who you truly are.”
The braids lady responds, wiping her tears. This
is a juicy scoop but it would’ve been much more
interesting if I wasn’t in between these women
trying so hard to stop them from tearing each
other’s scalps.

“Thank you, Chizoba.” A security states, coming

towards me. “Let’s go ladies.” He grabs both
the ladies arms and escort them outside.
“What happened?” Mathenji asks rushing
towards me with Fikile behind her.
“Those two ladies were fighting and I broke it
up. They are, apparently side chicks of one
man.” I respond, taking my work equipment and
preparing to mop the aisle.

“I knew that I know them from somewhere.

They are both Mayor Mthimkhulu’s side chicks.
The one with braids has two kids with him and
they have been dating for a while now. I heard
the wife kind of knows about her.” Fikile
whispers loudly. I chuckle. I usually don’t
entertain gossip but this one seems juicy.

“What’s so special about this mayor?” I ask,

standing straight. It’s clear I am not going to do
any work with these ladies still here.

“He is so hot, chomie. He is 38 years. He is a

whole snack. Let me show you his pictures.”
Mathenji says already taking out her phone. I
laugh. She shows me a picture of a very
handsome bald man with a nice trimmed beard
and a well-kept body. A politician who is friends
with the gym? That’s a world wonder.

“I wouldn’t mind being his side chick.” I tease

and they both laugh. “No wonder these women
are fighting for him. He is so dreamy.”
“And he is not even stingy when it comes to
spoiling a lady. He takes them out to weekend
getaways, buys them really expensive gifts. The
one with braids, her name is Khanyisile and I
heard that he paid full lobola for her last month
but it’s still being kept a secret because he
hasn’t told the wife.” Mathenji spills the tea and
my eyes pop out.

“Where did you get that?”

“I live with one of his side chicks. He has many
of them. I have actually seen him come at our
building twice. His arms, Chichi. Gosh, I could
die in them.” we all laugh.
“That’s enough. Let me get back to work before
I get fired the day before my last.” I murmur and
she rolls her eyes.
“Buzz kill.” They both walk away. I definitely
would ride that mayor.

MaNyathi has given me a 2 hour lunch break
since I don’t have a day off this week. So I have
decided to take lunch which is a home cooked
meal, to Makhosonke, just to thank him for the
bookcase and also check up on him because
from the little I saw on Mathenji’s phone, things
are not going well. Drama is surrounding him
because of Monica.

His office is a 10 minute drive from work, so I

catch an Uber. I get there and head inside. The
receptionist is so friendly. She doesn’t ask
many questions, she just directs me to his
office. I don’t even knock, I barge in and find
him talking to some young woman who is
carrying a tablet.

“Excuse me, can we help you?” the young lady

speaks first. I check the time on my phone.
“What time is your lunch time around here?” I
ask and she frowns.
“It’s fine, Lorraine. We will continue this
discussion after an hour. Please close the door
behind you.” Makhosonke states, standing up
with a smile on his face. I resist the urge to roll
my eyes. And here I thought he was miserable.
The young lady scoffs before walking out, not
forgetting to sway her hips from side to side.
“I would tap that every day.” I remark as she
closes the door and Makhosonke laughs.
“You are the last person I was expecting to see.
What? Do I no longer annoy you or come off as
arrogant and selfish anymore?” he asks with a
smirk. I roll my eyes, placing the plastic on his

“That’s Nigerian Beef Suya. I made it last night.

And don’t think I went home on a broomstick
and came back this morning just to pour love
portion on it.” He chuckles.

“I wouldn’t put it past you.” he comments and I

snort before walking to sit down on the single
sitter couch facing the floor to ceiling glass
window overlooking the city. It’s a nice view. I
wouldn’t mind sitting here and reading a book
or just wanting to escape reality. “Mmm, this is
really good. Want a bite?” he asks already
chewing. I turn my head to face him.

“No. I want what you were going to each for

lunch.” He points at a door on his left side.
“Lorraine placed it on the microwave.”

I stand up and head to the closed door. It’s a

mini kitchen with a bar fridge, microwave, kettle
and other small appliances. I open the
microwave and I a greeted by a Rocomamas
paper bag. I take it out and open it. It's a burger
and fries. My mouth waters instantly. I have a
weakness for burgers. I check the fridge for
drinks and I squeal when I see a caramel cake
slice. I take it and the 1l juice. He is going to get
the glasses. I head back to the office and he
just laughs when his eyes land on the cake.
“That's my cake. Please take it back.” He states,
with a serious face.
“No can do.” I sit down on the desk and take out
e burger and fries from the paper bag. I start
eating. “Please fetch the glasses.” He shakes
his head and walk to the mini kitchen. He
comes back and pours the juice for the both of

“So what brings you here?” he sits opposite me.

“I saw the drama on the socials. I am glad I
deleted twitter and muted the notifications.
When I advised you to part ways I didn't mean
you should do it immediately.” He chuckles.
“I was supposed to wait for what? I needed that
advise and I put it to good use.”

“But look at the consequences of your actions.

The girl is humiliating you and your family. They
are also involving me in your drama. I don’t
know where I enter there.” He sighs.
“She is just jealous that she has never had that
close relationship you have with my family and
she felt like you are replacing her.”

“How though? I am not dating you neither or am

I interested in you. I don't understand your
“Well she feels threatened by you. Worse you're
smart.” I groan and sit back.
“whatever. But I don’t want drama around my
name as I am starting my new job on Monday.
Can you ensure that?”

“I am already on it. The picture has been

deleted.” I frown.
“What picture?”
“Of you in your work uniform.”
“What? Your girl is crazy and she is stalker.”
“Well she is no longer mine.”

“Still seems like it.” I finish my food and down it

with the juice. “Thanks for the cake.” He smiles.
“I didn't give it to you.”
I shrug. “well it's mine now. Bye.”
“Can I have your number?”
“Ask for it from Zoe.” I quickly head out.

It’s my last day at work and I am sad. It has only

been a few months but I have made a few
friends. Those being Mathenji and MaNyathi
who has been like a mother to me. I am going
to miss them a lot. I am going to miss the
gossip from Fikile. I am going to miss some of
the tantrums thrown by kids. Trust me, when
they are no longer throwing them, you kinda
miss them a bit.

I am going to miss people falling down and

cursing, knowing they are the ones at fault
because they ignored the caution sign. I am
also going to miss the drama. Last month this
chick came to fetch her weave from the lady at
the wine section. She didn’t say anything, she
just swiftly took it off and cat walked her way
out of the store. The wine lady was
embarrassed but she continued working with
her cornrows because there was a long line of
“So the wife found out about Mayor Mthimkhulu
paying lobola for the other side chick and she
threw a fit. Apparently she set his brand new
car on fire.” Fikile starts off, slowly pushing her
cart. She scans the area and I laugh. That’s how
a person does when she has a big scoop.
Check the surroundings and then continue with
the news.

“How did she find out?”

“It turns out, the slay queen side chick got angry
about the mayor paying lobola for the other side
chick and she texted the wife. The story didn’t
make it to the tabloids because the mayor pays
handsomely for his affairs not to be displayed
on the media.”

“How did you find out?” I mean if it wasn’t on

tabloids, how the hell did she find out? But Fikile
is Fikile. No news passes her. Even if it’s not

“Twitter honey. One tweet can go a long way.”

She also has a great number of followers on the
bird app because she always retweets the
scoops and add her hilarious captions that
make people love her. She is a low key
journalist. “On the other news, Monica is
homeless.” This time, her voice drops a key. I
narrow my eyes towards her. There is only one
Monica I know who is kind of trending these

“Where did you hear that from?”

“It turns out Makhosonke gave her parting gifts.
Those are gifts a rich man usually give his ex-
girlfriend when they part ways so that she won’t
cause drama and won’t find it hard to get back
on her feet.” I nod. I should also date a rich man,
move in with him and dump him so that I can
get parting gifts. “Makhosonke gave her an
apartment in Centurion, a card with R500k and
he told her that she could keep the car he
brought her for her birthday this year.”

“Jesus Christ!” I am super shocked.

Makhosonke has half a million lying around just
to gift and ex-girlfriend? How rich is he? “Where
does one get such a rich man?”

She laughs. “Well you can go to Gogo Maweni

and she will give you things that make the pots
to be done.” I frown. Who is Gogo Maweni now?
She rolls her eyes. “Story for another day. So
after that dramatic tweet and video Monica
posted, it landed her and her friend on hot
waters. Makhosonke took back the flat and the
money. He only left her the car which is kind of
useless unless she can miraculously get a job
in less than a week.”

“By hot waters, she means the friend got sued

for posting that photo of you.” Mathenji chirps
in. I didn’t even notice her standing there.
“When did you get here?” she laughs and waves
me off.
“The friend got sued and if it goes well, you
might get the money from the lawsuit.” I frown.
“What money?”

“You stupid friend of mine.” She groans.

“Makhosonke is an advocate and his father is a
judge. This case can take less than a month.
Melinda is guilty. All the evidence points
towards her. Which reminds me, I should really
watch what I post.” I laugh. As if Mathenji can
do that.

“Monica had brands lining up to partner with her

but after all this drama, they are all taking steps
back. Next thing you know, she is going to be a
blogger trashing celebs for a living. Or even
selling her home made tea for belly fat.” Fikile
states dramatically before pushing her cart
away, leaving us laughing.

I can’t imagine Monica doing any of those

things. But what would be wise of her is looking
for a job while applying to varsities for the next
academic year. This is a lesson to all women.
Just because your man is rich doesn’t mean
you should relax. You should also have a side
hustle, a skill or a qualification to fall back to in
case things go sideways because they do, at
times. Or worst case scenario, he starts
controlling you because he knows you are very
much dependent on him.

“We are having a party at your apartment

today.” Mathenji states with a voice that means
‘end of discussion.’
“I don’t even have a speaker and alcohol.”
“Leave that to us. I will bring everything that
might be needed.”
“How many people are coming?”

“3. See you then.” She practically runs off and I

chuckle, shaking my head. I hope she doesn’t
bring one of her boyfriends and make me hold a
candle for them while they get all lovey dovey.
When have you heard a party of three people? I
should just prepare for at least 10 people
because some black people don’t wait to be
invited to a party. They invite themselves.

By knock off time, I am already kak tired. It’s my

last day and I made sure to work my butt off.
That’s why I am this tired. I go place my clean
work material and head to the staff room. The
store has closed, so it’s so peaceful. Arriving at
the staff room, I nearly jump out of my skin
when I hear people shouting ‘SURPRISE!’

“OMG!” I place my hand in my chest to calm my

fast beating heart. The whole cleaning staff has
planned a little something in the staff room.
There is also a few employees from the bakery,
the deli and two securities. There are a few
balloons on the floor and some cake and drinks
on the table. “Wow guys.”

“No need for a speech.” MaNyathi starts off. We

just wanted to do a little something for you. We
have known you for a few months. Almost 9 to
be precise. You have been a very good
employee to me and you have never not once
bothered me or arrived at work with a hangover,
unlike others.” Some mumble and I just laugh.
Mathenji is one of those who have arrived with
a hangover at work. “We just want to wish you
all the best and we want you to be happy and

“Thank you.” I hug her and I also hug the others.

“Okay, we have been given only 15 minutes. So
let’s eat the cake.” Mathenji announces and she
starts cutting the cake. She hands me a big
piece. It’s caramel. I instantly melt. I sit down
and start devouring it.

“I made this one especially for you.” Hlengi from

the bakery states. She makes the meanest
cakes. I used to love her bar one cakes. I still
love them but I have a strong weakness for
caramel. And she makes sure to add a bit more
icing than usual just for me.

“I can tell.” She laughs. “I will continue buying

your cakes from time to time.” She also has a
home bakery and her cakes are beautiful, not
forgetting delectable. She nods with a smile.
“I appreciate that.”

I make small talks with the other employees.

We also share one of the few memorable
moments, we laugh about the funny ones,
especially the time when a woman came in the
store and took buttermilk, thinking it is Danup.
She gulped it down so fast and imagine her
surprise when she discovered that it is
buttermilk. She had no problem buying both
Danup and buttermilk but the problem started
when she vomited on the floor and fell on her
own vomit. Fikile was the one was stationed on
that floor. She had to put in a face mask and
she kept on saying ‘happy thoughts. Happy
thoughts only’, the whole time. That cracked me
up a lot. And of course there is the iconic Mr.
12k pants. They also laugh about that.

“We figured that you don’t have wardrobe for

your new job, so we each bought outfits. I told
them your sizes.” Mathenji states and I giggle. I
don’t know what I did to deserve this. “You will
open them at home. I mean, what if someone
gave you lingerie to seduce your HOD?”
“And that someone can be you.” Fikile teases
and we all laugh because that definitely sounds
like Mathenji. She rolls her eyes.
“Whatever. You have 30 seconds to say your
speech and then we pack up here. I have
already requested an Uber for you.”

“That’s so thoughtful of you. Thank you.” I clear

my throat and stand up. “Guys, this is so
beautiful. Thank you for doing this for me.
honestly when it comes to my work, I always
make sure to put in 110% effort and when it
comes to my fellow colleagues, I just make sure
to be myself and I guess that made you guys
love me. I appreciate all of this and I will forever
carry you in my heart. Thank you so much and I
love you all.” this is all so emotional to me. We
share last hugs with everyone and Mathenji
escorts me to the parking lot with all the gift

“See you in a few hours love.” she winks at me

before closing the door and walking away.
“Is your friend taken?” the Uber driver asks and I
just break into laughter. Men wanna tap that

The morning after the mini house party, I clean

up immediately after the last guest leaves. Last
night got a bit out of control. From three people
that Mathenji mentioned to almost 20 people. I
only knew 5 of those people and they were all
my colleagues. Bangi, Mathenji’s man, joined in
on the fun around 1 am. I think he was coming
from the grooves. But they provided their own
meals which means I have more than enough
left overs. We also drank and it was really fun to
let loose. We also took last night as an
opportunity to celebrate my new job. I won’t do
a housewarming soon. I want to work for at
least 2 months before officially inviting people
into my apartment. The apartment is really mine.
I was surprised to find a title deed with my
name on it on one of the drawers. The Gumbis
have been really good to me. I just hope I never
disappoint them.

When I am done cleaning, I shower and then eat

breakfast. After that, I sort out my new
wardrobe. These people really helped me.
Starting a new job in the middle of the month is
never ideal because you don’t have money to
upgrade your wardrobe since you wear different
outfits every day.
Just as I am about to rest, my phone rings. It’s
my other older sister, Udoamaka. That one
hardly calls. She does, when she is delivering
bad news. She is someone who doesn’t like
fraternizing with the family. They label her as
the black sheep. We don’t have a good
relationship nor a bad one. I just acknowledge
her as my sister who is older than me by 3

“Hey, Udoa. How are you doing?”

“I am good, Chichi. How is life treating you?
Heard you got a new job.”

She lives in Abuja where she is working as a

receptionist at some company. She has a nice
cozy flat in Jabi. She has an expensive taste
and her company always provides her with
fashion and beauty vouchers so that she can
keep looking pretty since she is literally the face
of the company. I once or twice heard about her
having an affair with the company director who
is in his late forties but we all know never to
confront her about rumours because even if it is
true, she will get mad that you are entertaining

“Yeah. I did send you a text because I didn’t

reach you when I called.”
She chuckles. “Yeah, I lost my phone 2 weeks
ago on a business trip. I bought a new one
“That makes sense.”
“Anyways, congratulations on your job.”
“Thank you very much.”
“I was actually at home for the weekend and
imagine my surprise when drama visited us.” I
sit back and prepare my ears. It’s not every day
Udoa shares gossip, so when she does, you
have to lend her an ear because it sure is going
to be juicy.

“What happened?”
“Your friend came with her family. That woman
is this close to popping. It turns out she and
Chia have been dating for almost a year and a
half. And our dear brother promised to marry
her. That’s why she got pregnant. They are in
love and he is supposed to take her as his
second wife.”

“Now that’s new. I don’t remember my brother

mentioning that the last time we spoke.”
“Chia is scared of his wife. Turns out this is not
the first time he is cheating on her but because
a baby was creating, Celine is even hinting
about divorce. She is saying that the minute
Chia marries your friend, she is out of this god
forsaken marriage.” I laugh, really hard. Men will
always be men. My brother was always
troublesome and he had multiple girlfriends
prior to his marriage. I thought he had changed
but I guess a leopard never really changes its

“So what happened to Shine? What did my

brother say to her family?”
“He said he will take care of the child and her
but that’s all. Their relationship is over.” That’s a
“We all know he is going to continue being with
Shine. Celine prohibited marriage not dating.
She should’ve been specific.” She laughs.
“So besides the new job, what’s happening in
your life? Any man interested in you?” that’s
new. She never asks about my personal life, but
I guess she is turning over a new leaf.

“I did have a fling but I ended it a while back. I

didn’t want it complicating my life. There is also
this guy I kissed. His life is complicated and he
just got out of a serious relationship. So I know
that getting together with him would mean that
I am making myself a rebound and I don’t want
that. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am
still as single as always.” She chortles.

“Settle down in your new job and get the hang

of it. Once you are used to it, then you can ready
yourself mentally and physically for a
relationship. I know how overwhelming a new
job can be. Anyways, back to me. I know you
have heard about me dating or sleeping with
the director of the company I work for.” I giggle.

“You are such a bad liar. So, his wife died about
9 months ago. There was no love lost there. So
after mourning for about 3 months, he asked
me to marry him. I haven’t said yes but we are
still dating. I said I will talk to my family first
before getting back to him. I know it’s wrong to
not answer him for months but I am a bit
skeptical. He is 42 and his age is not an issue.
The issue is he has 4 kids. The first one is 23
year old. He also doesn’t want me working once
we get married. I get an allowance of 2 million
Naira every month but he said it will increase to
5 million once we are married. I love him, little
sis, I do. But there is something holding me
back. Maybe it’s the kids. Maybe it’s because he
has too much money and I kind of feel
intimidated. Maybe it’s because I won’t feel
comfortable sitting at home and being a
housewife. I wanna work and I wanna climb the
corporate ladder and be a CEO one day but I
wanna do all that by myself without his
connections.” I sigh. This is actually the first
heart to heart conversation I have had with
Udoa and as weird as it sounds, I feel more
connected to her now that she has shared
something like this with me.

“You should have a real conversation with him

and tell him your fears, your wishes and goals.
If he really loves you, he will let you do what you
really wanna do because your happiness will
mean the world to him. Communication is
always one of the keys to keeping a relationship
“That’s awesome. Maybe you can tell him that.”
I chuckle. She hates confrontations.
“We will Skype maybe tomorrow after school.”
“No, we are coming to Johannesburg this
evening. We are staying at one of his houses in
Blair Atholl Golf Estate. I will ask one of his
drivers to come pick you up.” I frown.
“Just how rich is your man?” she giggles.

“He is a billionaire. Not in Nigeria but in Britain.

So you can imagine how much money he has. I
don’t even know his net worth. I never want to
know it because money is the root of all evil.”
“So you didn’t tell me that you’re in South
Africa?” she laughs.

“Don’t be petty. I am telling you now. We are

here for his daughter’s graduation. She was
studying at Wits and she is graduating on
Wednesday. The kids are a bit fond of me
because we got acquainted before their mother
“Wow, okay. I guess I will see you later then,
Mrs… wait, what’s his surname or name even?”
she cracks up.

“Gosh, you are not a noisy sibling.

Kosisochukwu even calls him by his name. He
is Abaeze Eesuola.” His name is really familiar.
“Anyways I will see you in a few hours. Bye sis.”
She hangs up quickly leaving me a bit confused.

That’s a new Udoa. She is free spirited and easy

going. I guess we have Mr. Eesuola to thank. I
quickly call Kosiso and she also confirms that
there is a huge change in Udoa’s attitude. She
was even cleaning the yard and cooking for the
whole family. Of course she spoiled them by
buying them gifts and all. But she was kinder
and calmer. Maybe she is preparing herself for
the wife role unconsciously. I also tell Nneka
about Udoa and she says she will call her and
we will have a reunion on Thursdays since she
will be arriving on Wednesday night. Wow, I
didn’t even realize that the time for her visit has
arrived. I wonder if Udoa will still be around on

I get dressed in a burgundy exaggerated ruffle

plunging split hem dress and tie leg suede
chunky heeled sandals. I am going to one of the
most expensive suburbs in Joburg. I have to at
least look like I am not a burglar. I put on a curly
wig and some light make-up before heading out.
On the foyer, I bump into a pretty white lady
wearing shorts, a tank top and flip flops.

“Ow hey. You’re the new tenant from the fourth

floor.” I smile at her.
“Yes, I am.”
“I am Quinn. I live in the fifth floor.”
“I am Chizoba but you can call me Chichi.” She

“We should hang out sometimes. Maybe over

coffee when you’re not busy. I am at 501 and I
knock off at work at 4 pm. I don’t work on
“Me too. I guess we will hang out then.”
“You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you.” We exchange numbers and then
go our separate ways. I find the chauffer
already waiting for me.

“Miss Gwendaline.” He does a slight bow of his

head before opening the back door.

“Thank you.” I carefully slide in and he closes it

after me. Udoa has put me on a tight spot here.
How the hell am I going to advice two grown
adults on how to face their challenges? These
people can afford therapy, they don’t need me.
but when a sibling ask for help, even if it’s
relationship advice, you have to pull through
and that’s exactly what I am doing right now.

Arriving at Blair Atholl, we enter this state of the

art mansion which is probably worth millions.
We park on the gravel driveway and I exit the
car. I spot my sister on the couches near the
pool. The night light is making this house looks
so beautiful. I wonder how it looks like during
the day. She jumps up when she sees me. She
is wearing a black one shoulder crop top &
brown paperbag waist belted pants set and
gold point toe stiletto court heels. I am glad I
wore heels.

“Hello Miss Chichi.” She beams before

engulfing me in a tight hug.
“Hey sis. You look beautiful.”
“When do I disappoint?” I chuckle. She is right
though. She is the fashionista of the
Gwendaline family. A trendsetter.

“You never. This house is beautiful.” She smiles

and looks around.
“Yeah it is. But it has nothing on his main house
in Jabi. You should come see it when you’re in
Nigeria. It is a mini heaven.”
“Maybe in December.” She nods with a smile.

“Let’s head inside. His daughter is not here yet.

She is in Milan, shopping for her graduation
dress. Perks of having a rich father. Her first
after party is going to be at Konka. She actually
booked the whole place and she will be partying
with her friends and some of her class mates.
She invited these really famous celebrities. I
heard David Guetta is also going to be there.”

“Fully book Konka? Do you even know that

place sisi? It’s one of the high class clubs in
Joburg.” She rolls her eyes.
“Apparently. Abaeze make such places look like
a tavern.” I crack up. “We have been to clubs
where they have to check your net worth on
Google first before allowing you entry. So if your
Konka is not that fancy, it’s not all that.” my God.

“Does he have a widowed friend on his level?”

she chuckles, shrugging.
“Not that I know of. Come on, let’s not keep him
waiting. He can be grumpy when I am not near
him while we are in the same place.” Sounds
like he is clingy. But I am still stuck on the
Konka part. Some people are rich out there. We
enter this heaven and I am totally blown away. It
feels like I am floating. I can never afford a
house like this in this life time, unless I venture
into the illegal kind of money making.

“Oww really?” a voice makes us both stop.

“Daddy misses you too. Yes I am with her. We
are coming back on Saturday. What should
daddy bring you? You wanna talk to her?”

Udoa smiles before pulling me to another room,

a lounge. We find this really handsome fit man
sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey on
his hand smiling like crazy. My sister rushes to
sit on the guy’s lap before taking the phone
away from him.

“Hello baby.” my sister beams. “Aww, I miss you

more. I will bring you favourite cake and candy.
Love you more. Don’t you want to say bye to
daddy?” she laughs at the response. I just make
myself comfortable on the couch near me.
“Okay, bye angel.” She hangs up and places the
phone on the coffee table.
“You hijacked my call.” The man sulks and Udoa
laughs before kissing the guy. My sister is very
happy. I have never seen her like this. This guy
brings her out of her comfort zone and just
make her feel loved and cherished. I just hope
all is well even behind closed doors.

“My sister is here. You can be a big baby after

she is gone. Then I can give you whatever you
want.” She bites his earlobe and jumps from his
lap before he tries to kiss her. “Babe, come on.”
He smiles before turning to me.

“I am being rude, I am sorry. My name is Abaeze

Eesuola, your sister’s man. I am too old to be a
boyfriend.” I chuckle. “You must be Chizoba.”
He extends his hand and I stand up to shake it
before returning to my seat.
“Let me get you something to drink because
Eze has helped himself to a drink.” Udoa stands
“This is the first and last one tonight, I swear. I
will down my dinner with water.” He gives her a
teasing look and she squints her eyes at him
before walking off. “Was she always like that?” I

“That’s the Udoa I know. The one that just

walked away. The grumpy, moody, sometimes
unbothered Udoa. The one who is so
disconnected to the family. I was actually
shocked to receive a call from her today. What
is it that you’re doing to her?” he smiles shyly
before hiding behind his drink.

“She has a really dark past. I am a very attentive

person. Whenever a person is hired in any of my
companies, they have to undergo therapy.
That’s one of the requirements or part of the
probation period. One month of therapy
because I know people deal with different
problems. I know the stress that comes job
hunting, all the pressure. It happened that she
had more underlying issues and one of the
doctors told me about her. They didn’t go I debt
with her problems, but they highlighted them.
So she continued attending therapy and she got
better. I mean when she started working, her
smile was creepy.” I don’t want to but I laugh. “I
am serious. I would visit the office often
because I was taken by her. Even by the

I am sad that my sister had issues but she

never told me about them. I always thought she
was moody or grumpy and it was her natural
state. I never knew that it was caused by
something that happened in the past. I am
horrible sister.

“Stop gossiping about Me.” she announces her

presence as she walks in with two drinks on her
hands. She hands me one and she sits next to
her man. My issues are something I would like
to talk about but we will tackle them when
Nneka is here. She told me she was coming. I
also have a mood disorder. But with Eze I have
more happy moments than sad moments.” I
sigh and take a sip to try and stop the urge to
just cry. Hearing that your sibling has a mental
disorder and you never gave yourself time to
know about her hurts like hell. It’s like I am
sitting next to a stranger. “Don’t do that to
yourself.” She holds my hand and squeezes it.

I swallow hard and smile at her. “I am not going

to cry.” She smiles.
“Yes you were. You were always more
emotional than Me.” I roll my eyes with a smile
on my face. I look at Eze and I feel like I
recognize him from somewhere.

“Wait a minute. You’re the owner of Eesuola

Holdings?” I ask and he nods. “You are major
sponsor of my university. I remember how
delighted I was when I heard that all my student
fees were settled by Eesuola Holdings.” He
smiles widely.

“I am glad to have helped you. Drowning in

student loans is a graduate’s worst nightmare.”
“You also covered mine but you don’t
remember.” Udoa chirps in and we laugh.
“I do. I even remember the day of your
graduation because I was there. You want me
to remind you the colour of the dress you were
wearing? Something orange?” Eze asks and
Udoa giggles shyly before turning to me. Her
graduation dress is one of her worst look. It
was a last minute thing after the local
seamstress let her down.

“We don’t talk about that dress. Just like we

don’t talk about Bruno. Anyways therapize us
on our relationship problems.”
“UDOA!” I squeal and she laughs. “That’s not
even a word.”
“I didn’t know we needed therapy.” Abaeze
frowns at Udoa. I take a sip of my juice and
place it on the coffee table. I sit back on the
couch and clear my throat to get both their
“I didn’t go to varsity for this but I will try. So,
Abaeze, do you know Udoa’s dreams, long term
goals and where she actually sees herself in 10
years? Not where you see her in your mind but
where she sees herself.”

He swallows hard and looks at me. “I know that

she wants to make a name for herself. To be
independent and be able to be recognized
without her name being tainted by my
connections.” I nod. At least we are off to a
good start. “She also wants to be in the Forbes
list as Udoamaka Gwendaline not Eesuola.”

I look at my sister. “Do you know what Abaeze’s

goals and dreams are?”

“To marry me, of course. I mean, come on

honey. Have you seen me?” she stands up and
twirls dramatically, earning a whistle from Eze.
Gosh, these two can be childish. Eze chuckles
before bringing her down next to him. “He has
achieved most of his goals. Now he just wants
to make sure he has at least 3 of his company
offices in each continent and he is on the right
path. He wants to create an endless legacy for
his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren
and generation after generation. He never had
that. Generational wealth. He wants to create
that for his creation.” I nod. All that’s left is
glasses and a notepad and then I will be a
certified therapist.

“Abaeze, Udoa still wants to work. She wants to

become CEO of a company. Not yours in
particular but any company because she is
qualified to have a higher position. But she
doesn’t wanna skip some ladders. She wants to
go from receptionist to other few positions
before getting to the top of the ladder. Do you
love her enough to stick by her as she work her
way to the top?” he looks at her, hooking his
fingers on hers and smiling.

“I love her, so I am willing to compromise.” I

smile. That’s all I need.

“Now, back to you sister. This man loves you

very much. He just wants one thing from you.
To be Mrs. Eesuola. He is going to support you,
stand behind you, cheer on you while you
achieve your personal goals. Can you
compromise on the marriage part? Can you
marry him and continue achieving your goal?
Can you ignore the rumours which will follow
about you getting things just because your
husband is Abaeze Eesuola? Because that
comes with the territory.” She sighs and turns
to Eze.

“I will marry you and become Mrs. Eesuola.”

That makes Eze roar in happiness.

He stands and pulls her to stand before taking

her in his arms and hugging her tightly. Kissing
her in between. Okay. I think I am intruding. Let
me give myself a personal tour of this mansion.
I just hope I won’t get lost.

Climbing off the Uber, I take a deep breath and

stand rooted on the ground. For my first day, I
decided to be a little plain. So I am dressed in a
long sleeved black bodycon dress and red court
heels. I am also carrying a red handbag and a
black laptop bag which is filled with my notes
and the things I think I will need. I take in my
surroundings. I notice some of the things I
didn’t notice the time I came here for the

There is a petrol station not far from the school

and there are restaurants like McDonalds and
Wimpy together with the small Pick and Pay
shop in the garage building. These kids are
living the life. I turn my head to look at the
school in front of me. It’s built like one of those
England boarding schools you usually see on
the movies. High buildings surrounded by well-
kept fresh grass that would be a good spot for
a picnic.

There is a long driveway leading to the

administration building which also contains the
teachers’ offices and staff room. There are also
students in burgundy and white uniforms;
wondering around and some climbing off really
expensive cars. As I am nearing the building,
three black cars swiftly pass me and then come
to a halt on the parking lot. Men in black suits
climb off and one of them open the back doors
of the car in the middle and two students, a boy
and a girl, climb off. They look like one of the
minister’s children. Then I remember, this is one
of the expensive private school in the country
where you will find children of public figures,
politicians and really wealthy people.

Before I get caught looking at the kids, I allow

my feet to move me inside the admin building. I
greet the clerk and she passes me the register
which I sign and then proceed to the staff room.
I did come here last week to sign the contract
and I am very happy with the salary I will be
getting. In no time, I will get myself a small
affordable car and then build myself a nice cozy
house back home. I enter the staff room and
everyone inside turn to look at me. I am
expecting desks with their teaching materials,
laptops and whatever but there aren’t any. Just
couches, tables and chairs here and there.

“Miss Gwendaline. You’re finally here.” a

cheerful Indian woman who looks like she is in
her thirties states with a wide smile and comes
to hug me. “I am Mrs. Gwenn Matthenson and
welcome to Thubelihle Secondary School. I am
a history teacher and I teach grade 11.”

“Nice to meet you.” some of the teachers come

to hug me and introduce themselves while
others wave where they are.
“Come this way, Miss Gwendaline. You will
carry on with the introductions later.” A
handsome man states, placing his arm around
my shoulder and leading me outside the staff
room. Other teachers follow but enter different
doors. “I am Lindikhaya Jalajala, the Life
Sciences’ grade 12 teacher and your part time
mentor. I will show you some of the ropes and
introduce you to your classes. You have 4
classes by the way. Let me carry that for you.”
he takes my laptop bag.

“You’re lucky. I never found a single gentleman

bone in him when I got here.” a woman behind
us states. Lindikhaya laughs.
“Don’t be like that.”

The woman smiles at me. “I am Khwezilomso

Jalajala. I teach Life Sciences to grade 11
students. This idiot is my husband.” my eyes
pop out.
“You guys are married, teach in the same
school, the same subject?” I ask and she
chuckles before nodding.

“I didn’t have much of a choice. But we got

married way before we came here.” I nod with a
“Don’t you guys bring marital problems to
work?” they both laugh.
“My wife is professional as fuck when we are at
work. I am even surprised she mentioned that
she is married to me.” Lindikhaya says in a
teasing tone, winking at his wife and she
giggles, rolling her eyes.

“And we are here.” Khwezilomso stops and

points at the building before us. I look up. There
is a sign written ‘SCIENCE BUILDING’.
“Teachers have their own small offices in their
departments. Here, we share the department
with Physical Sciences teachers. There is also a
science lab, a biology lab and a mini science
library. The offices make it easy for the
students to consult with the teachers whenever
they have problems. Let me show you your new
second home.” She leads me to a small but
cozy office with a table, three chairs, bookcase
and a mini cupboard at the corner. There is a
small chalk board near the window. The office
is clean and neat. “This is your office. A sign will
be up on your door by the end of today. You are
free to add whatever you wanna add at your
office, flowers, whatever you need to make this
a home.

Lindikhaya enters and places my bag on the

table. “My office is next door. Once you have
settled in, come find me and I will show you to
your classes. For today, you will be doing
introductions, time tables and your own
teaching schedule. You are free to have
afternoon and weekend extra classes but you
need to consult with the other teachers first so
that you guys won’t clash.”

“I showed you the mini kitchen. You can place

your lunch box there. If you also wanna engage
with the other teachers, feel free to use the
kitchen near the staffroom. If you are want take
outs, you can order from McDonalds and
Wimpy. They do deliver here.” Khwezilomso

“Lastly, don’t fall into temptation and date the

students. There are many handsome boys out
there and they are all rich. Some are charming
and will sweep you off your feet, but don’t give
in. it’s not worth it. The parents, however, are
not off limits.” Lindikhaya comments and I
laugh before nodding.

“Thank you so much.” I smile at them both.

They nod before heading off, closing the door
behind them. I look around and breathe in the
scent of my new office. To God be the glory.

“Morning students. This is Miss Gwendaline,
your new Life Sciences teacher. You will
officially start learning tomorrow. For now we
are just doing introductions.” Lindikhaya starts
off in the first class and all the students go
quiet. “Over to you, Miss.” He smiles at me
before leaning on the wall.
“Good morning everyone. As Mr. Jalajala has
said, I am Miss C. Gwendaline. Originally from
Nigeria so please don’t be offended if it takes
time for me to pronounce your names and
surnames well. I am looking forward to
teaching you guys and learning a thing or two
from you. This week is all about getting to know
each other and creating a stable foundation so
that we can all move forward on the same pace.
My personal email is
I am giving you all permission to write to me for
today only. If you are struggling or a little left
behind on any topic that has been covered
since the beginning of the year, don’t hesitate to
email me and I will make sure to set up a one
on one consultation so that we can tackle
whatever issue you are facing. I would like the
class representatives to give me their contact
details so that some things will be easier.
Tomorrow we will be continuing with the ROLE
OF MITOSIS. Again, I am looking forward to
teaching you guys. Have a good day.”

“THANK YOU, MISS!” the whole class chants

and I smile before heading out.

By lunch time, all the class representatives from
4 classes have stopped by at my office and we
have exchanged contact details. Before eating
my lunch box, I figure I should pay Mr. Mncube
a visit just to greet him and tell him that I
settled in well. I quickly head to his office and
his secretary smiles at me before gesturing that
I can go ahead. I knock twice and then open the
door. He is laughing with someone.
“Come uncle, I try.” A familiar voice states and
Mr. Mncube laughs.
“Try my foot.” I clear my throat to announce my
presence and both men turn to me. Ow great.
Rasta is here. His visit is rather suspicious but I
won’t point it out.

“Hello, Mr. Mncube. I just wanted to greet you

and inform you that I have settled in quite well
with the help of Mr. and Mrs. Jalajala.” Mr.
Mncube smiles and gestures that I sit next to
“I was just about to tell my secretary to call you.
I was in a meeting the time you came in. the
students aren’t too intimidating?” he asks in a
teasing tone and I chuckle before settling next
to Makhosonke.

“It’s too early to tell but even if they are

intimidating, I am here to teach and I will do my
best to make sure that everyone get pleasing
“That’s what I want to hear. Malindi was just
about to order lunch for us. Let me tell her to
add you.” he stands up and heads out.

“You look beautiful.” Makhosonke starts off and

I roll my eyes.
“You came here to torment me on my first day?”
I ask and his eyes pop out dramatically.
“Me? Torment you? I would never.” I huff.

“How much of a coincidence that you ‘visit’ your

uncle outside of your lunch hours the same day
that I start working at his school?” I whisper
“You are such an over thinker, Chizoba. I am my
own boss. So I come and go as I please. Also, I
didn’t know that you are starting work today.”
He shrugs innocently but there is an arrogant
smirk threatening to cover his mouth. I scoff.

“Yeah, tell that to someone who will believe it.”

“Believe whatever you wanna believe. I will once
again repeat, you look beautiful.”
“No one cares about your opinion, Mr. 12k
pants.” He breaks into laughter and Mr. Mncube
chooses that time to return to his office.

“Hey. How are you settling in?” a voice startles

me and I raise my head to see a young woman
in a lab coat standing at the door. I smile at her.
“Is the second day worse than the first?” I
“I am surviving.” She smiles shyly before
stepping inside and taking a seat on one of the
chairs before me.

“I am Rena Moloi. I don’t believe we have been

formally introduced. The noisy Lindi didn’t come
show you my lab. I am the one of the school’s
scientist. The school is so uptight, they
separate physics. Leaners are taught by actual
scientists. Can you believe it?” actually I can.
This school is so fancy. I wouldn’t even be
surprised that they have their own record label
for the music students.

“I am pleased to meet you, Rena. I am Chizoba.

I have been meaning to come check out the lab
but I was too distracted by work.”
“I totally understand. Have you eaten though?” I
shake my head.
“I still have 45 minutes. I think I will just warm
my lunch box real quick.”
“I was just about to head out to McDonalds.
Why don’t you join me? It will be my treat.” I
smile. I am African. I never reject free food.
Until I have a really good reason for that.

“That sounds great. Let’s head out then.” I

stand up, closing my file and taking my phone.
She also stands up and we head out.
“Let me grab my keys.” She heads to the lab
and comes back without a lab coat on. “Made
any friends yet?” I chuckle, shaking my head.
“I haven’t found time for that. Yesterday I was
locked up in my office and doing some notes
for the week.” she nods.
“Which teachers were you introduced to?”
“A few, but I remember Mr. and Mrs. Jalajala
and Mrs. Matthenson.” She nods again. We get
to the parking lot and she opens a black Audi
A4. This girl has really made it in life. “Your car
is beautiful.”
She smiles. “Thank you.” we both climb in. she
drives off. “It’s so good to have someone my
age in the science department.”

“Yeah. How old are you, by the way?”

“24 years.”
“I’m 25.”

It doesn’t take long for us to get to the

restaurant. We climb off the car and head inside.
We quickly place our order and sit down.
“How did you end up a scientist at the age of
24?” I ask and she chuckles.
“I am a product of Thubelihle Secondary. I went
to varsity and finished my degree. When a job
offer came, I took it. This is my third year
working here. And this is my second car.” She
points at her car outside.

“Your salary must be really high.”

“I earn the average scientist salary. Anyways,
which school did you teach before coming

“I have volunteered at a school where my dad is

a principal but I never got the real teaching
experience I wanted, even as a volunteer. So I
came to South Africa and at first I didn’t have
the luck of landing any teaching job. I took
whatever job I got. The last job I had was a
cleaner at Checkers and then God made things
happen. That’s how I am here.”

I am not going to tell anyone about how I landed

this job. Even though I passed an interview, I got
it because of Zoe and I am so thankful for that.
I need to buy her a nice gift when I get my first

“Where do you live?” she asks.

“In Parktown alone. I have been living alone ever
since I arrived in South Africa, so I don’t feel
lonely.” I quickly emphasize and she laughs. Our
order gets called and we go fetch it before
coming back to our seat. “Where do you live?”

“At North Cliff with my sister. She is an

accountant at some firm. We have been
together for so long, so that’s why we are still
living together even now. She is three years
older than me.”
“What happens when your boyfriends come to
“I don’t have a boyfriend and she always visit
her girlfriends at their places. They only come
to the house when I am away on a holiday or
something.” Her sister is a lesbian. Noted. I
guess this is my first real friend here at school.

We continue chatting and then head back to

work. After lunch, I have two periods. So I go
teach the students. In my last class, I notice a
child who keeps frowning at his exercise book. I
don’t draw much attention to him. I just
continue with the lesson. When the bell rings,
indicating the end of the period, the students
vacate the class. I ask the child to remain
behind. I notice how tense he gets but doesn’t
say anything. When all the kids have left, I step
closer to him and sit on the desk next to his.

“How are you?” I ask him and he shrugs. I think I

know what’s going with him but I have to
confirm first. I can’t jump into conclusion
without confirming anything. “Was the lesson
too fast for you?” he turns to look at me.

“A bit.” I nod.
“When you look at the paper in front of you,
what do you see?”
“What are you talking about?” he stutters his
eyes traveling around the room so fast.
“I am here for you and I need to help you all
pass, even if we go at your own pace. I can’t
help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” A
few students walk in and he quickly take his

“I am fine, Miss Gwendaline.” He is out before I

can even utter a single word. I have to help him,
but first I have to talk to some of the other
teachers, so that I can establish if he is having
problems with only my subject or all the

Today I also tried speaking to Mesuli. That’s the
name of the boy who seems troubled. But he
brushed me off once again. After having a
conversation with his math teacher and physics
teacher, I established that he only has a
problem in science subjects. I decided to
compile an activity for him just to test his
knowledge. He said he will do it, I just hope he
does listen to me.

I dish up my supper and chill in front of the TV.

My phone rings and I smile when I see the caller.
I answer it.

“Hey sisi.”
“Hello love. How was your first few days at
work? I am sorry I didn’t check up on you
earlier.” Zoe’s voice beams on the other line.

“It’s okay, babe. Life can be so busy. Anyways,

work was really good. I felt so welcomed. I even
gained a new friend. She is the school's
scientist. Also there is this couple who
welcomed me warmly. Nothing out of the
ordinary has happened.”
“That's good. I am so happy for you. I can
imagine the excitement in you. Doing your
dream job.”
“It feels surreal. Once again, thank you for
putting in a word with your brother. I can't thank
you enough for that.”
“Whatever.” She brushes me away and I laugh.

“Anyways two of my sisters are in town. We are

having dinner tomorrow. If you wanna meet
them, maybe we can have late lunch on Friday
after work.”
“That sounds great. I can't wait to meet them.
Are they book worms like you?” I chuckle.
“Not really. One is a marine biologist and
another is a receptionist at some company.
They don't read, well unless it's something
related to the marine life or a fashion
magazine.” She chuckles.
“I am looking forward to seeing them. Maybe I
can invite Mawande to join us since she is in
“That would be so good. See you then. Pass my
regards to Father Gumbi.” She cracks up.
“When you put it like that, it's like he is a priest
or something.” I laugh.
“Pass my regards to Judge Gumbi then.”

“That's better.” She is still laughing. “Yoh. Babe,

Chichi just called you Father Gumbi like you're
some fuckin priest.” She states in a breathless
voice and I can hear a deep voice laughing in
the background. This woman.
“Where is the girl code, Zoe?”

“There is no girl code when I am in the snake

park dear.” She snickers.
“You know what? Bye?” even before I hang up, I
can hear her loud laugh. It's refreshing and
carefree and I can't help but chuckle.

Nneka confirms that she has landed and she is

at the hotel, resting. I respond to her text and
then eat my food while watching TV. I really
should find a boyfriend or even a pet.
Sometimes living alone can be so boring.


Mabusi enters my office carrying an iPad on her

hand. She is not one of those PAs who use a
diary or a notebook. Everything happens on her
iPad. I once joked about what would happen if a
thief were to steal it. She assured me that it has
insurance and all the data is backed up on

“The accommodation and transport in

Potchefstroom is ready for you. I have paid all
fees upfront so that you won’t have any
difficulties. I will be joining you on the week of
the trial.” She states and I frown.

“What are you talking about, Busi?” I ask.

“The Serebolo case, Makhosonke. The clients
that actually paid all the fees just so this case
can go smoothly. Don’t tell me you forgot about

I sigh and run my hand through my dreads. It

has been a rough two weeks for me. From
ending things with Monica, the drama that
came with it and my feelings with all that. I
haven’t had time for myself and now I must go
work on a case which I last heard about when
the client approached me. Being a man sucks
sometimes but you gotta man up. You gotta act
like some issues don’t affect you. I look at Busi.
“Fine. You will forward me all the details about
it. When am I supposed to leave?”

“On Monday at 2pm. Finally. We will have peace

around here for once.” I actually laugh. I am not
a tough boss but I can be teasing and rude
sometimes. Busi is not afraid to call me out on
my bullshit and actually demand my respect.
That’s why she has been my PA for a very long
“Whatever. What else do you need?”

“Ohh I just wanted to confirm the flowers order.

You want them to go with chocolates,
appletizer juice and lunch, right?” I nod. “At your
uncle’s school to Miss G?” I nod again. “I can’t
wait to meet this lady, yaz. Never have I ever
been tasked with ordering flowers for your lady
friends. Well Monica doesn’t count because she
is not a lady.” I chuckle. Busi is really savage. I
think she would get along with a certain

“Get out.” she laughs.

“Ouch. Hit a nerve?” she winks, laughing and
then heads out. Crazy girl.

I am ecstatic about the dinner with my sisters.
We have never had an outing like this before. I
guess after finishing school, we all went our
separate ways, pursuing our careers, outside
the family. I am sure Akose will be so jealous
when she sees our pictures together. Hurrying
up, I get dressed and put on light make up. My
phone beeps and I check the message.

‘Hey, Mr. 12k pants here. How are you doing?’

I frown. Where the fuck did he get my number? I

don’t need his drama right now. I just ignore his
message and continue getting ready. Taking my
bag, I quickly head out, locking the door behind.
Entering the elevator, I remember Quinn from
the other day. I make a mental note to meet up
with her maybe this weekend after I have done
my laundry. I get inside the Uber and my phone
rings. It is Mr. 12k pants. I huff and decide to
answer it because I don’t want him to be a
nuisance during my dinner with my sisters.

“What?” I answer harshly.

“Hey! What has gotten into you? Are you
sexually frustrated? Need someone to scratch
that itch? It could be that because I have never
heard my mother say something about you
having a boyfriend.” I can hear amusement in
his tone. Son of a book worm.

“Why are you harassing me, Masonke? Are you

that bored? Get a life man, or go get another 2k
to deal with. After all, you have a thing for kids.”
I bite back and he laughs. Like literally laugh.
“You like me. That’s what’s I have established. If
you didn’t, you would’ve ended this call early or
just ignored it.” I huff and exercise my right to
remain silent. He is really annoying. “I know I
am right and relax, I won’t rub it in your face. I
am still trying to gain myself some points. Let
me not stop you from wherever you’re going
because it seems like you’re on the road. Have
dinner with me.”

“No. I don’t want to.” he chuckles.

“You know you want to. Stop playing hard to

“I am not rebound material. It hasn’t even been

two weeks since your break up and you are
already moving on and asking another woman
out. Worse the one who miraculously had a
hand in your break up. I don’t want no drama
surrounding me and I don’t want to ruin my
friendship with Zoe.”

“Okay. From what I have heard, you don’t wanna

go out with me because of what people might
say and because of my mother. Not because of
you. You have no problem with going out with
me. So I guess I will see you tomorrow night
then. 8 ish. I will bring some take outs.”

“No, you won’t.” I don’t hear a response and I

check the screen. The idiot have hung up on me.
Fuck. He is so frustrating.

The driver finally parks outside the restaurant

and I thank him before climbing off the car and
heading inside. I greet the hostess and then
look for my sisters. Before even spotting them, I
hear Nneka’s unique laugh and I just follow it. I
find them on one of the tables near the floor to
ceiling glass windows.

“Ndewo ndi mara mma. (Hello beautiful

people.)” They turn and Nneka screams before
standing up and hugging me.
“Lee gi anya. Oru ohuru gi hutu gi n’anya. I na-
enwu, Chizoba. Onye o bula, nke a bu ada nne m.
(Look at you. Your new job loves you. You are
glowing, Chizoba. Everyone, this is my mother’s
daughter).” She shouts and I laugh before
pushing her back to the chair.

“Na-akpa agwa. (Behave.)” She laughs.

“Ahubeghi m gi ruo mgbe ebighi ebi. Ekwe ka
m’bata gi, nu gi. (I haven’t seen you in forever.
Allow me to take you in. drink you.)” She says in
a high pitched voice and I chuckle before
turning to Udoa.
“Hey, sister. How did you cope with her?” I ask
and Udoa laughs.

Nneka has always been very loud. And it

actually contradicts her position in the family.
As the eldest child, she is supposed to be at
least tough or unfriendly and only speaks to you
when it’s really necessary. But that’s not my
sister. She even has a strong relationship with
Chukwudi who is the last born.

“Her glow is undeniable. I think a man is

involved.” Udoa drawls and I look at her with my
eyes popped out. “Hey, don’t look at me like
“We were just together a few days ago and I
never told you about a man. Which one are you
talking about now?” I ask and she chuckles.
“We don’t know. Maybe you might’ve found a
teacher who loves your black ass.” I roll my
eyes and call for a waiter.
“What happened to the fling guy?” Nneka asks
and I sigh.

“I broke things off with him. I think he had

caught feelings because he didn’t want us to go
our separate ways but didn’t give me any
difficulties. But you could see that this was
hurting him. I am glad I did it early because I
didn’t want to string him along.”

“I am glad you listened to me. You should do

that more often.” Nneka smirks at me and I roll
my eyes. The waiter gets to our table and we
place our orders.
“How are things with Mr. Eze?” I ask, looking at
Udoa. “Where is he right now?” I look around
and she laughs.

“Hey. He doesn’t follow me around like a love

sick puppy.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” I mutter and turn to
Nneka. “These two made me watch homemade
porn after I helped them solve their problems.
This sister of yours ain’t loyal.” Nneka laughs.

Udoa snorts. “Don’t be like that. He had been

waiting for my ‘YES’ for a long time. So when he
finally heard it, he couldn’t contain his

“Does he satisfy you though? Sexually? We

don’t want you marrying a man and cheating on
him few years down the line because he isn’t
doing it for you.” Nneka states in a serious tone
and I can’t help but laugh. I have never talked
about sex with my sisters on a public space. So
this is a first for me.

Udoa blushes. “He does. He is a stallion and I

wouldn’t change him any given day. He is very
patient with me and treats me like a queen. I
don’t even feel our age difference when we are
together because we are just ourselves. I allow
him to be who he wants to be and he does the
same for me. I am literally so ready to say I do.”

“AWW!” both Nneka and I say at the same time

and we laugh.
“How is the Chinese man? Doesn’t he go Bruce
Lee on you in bed?” I ask, looking at Nneka and
Udoa laughs.
“Oww, so we are on me now?” she asks and we
both nod. “Well he does go all Bruce Lee on me
in bed, teaching me all those sex position I
never knew existed. I am telling you, I can teach
advanced yoga because he has made me
flexible. His dick has stretched me so well on
the inside and also on the outside.” I don’t even
comment on this. I just laugh.

We continue chatting and catching up. I also tell

them about Zoe wanting to meet them the
follow day and they are ecstatic about that.
Nneka even wants to go see her house. My
sister is really forward.

“Mesuli.” I call him out and he turns with a

frown. He is sitting on one of the school
benches writing or drawing something on his

“Miss Gwendaline.” I smile at him.

“Is this seat taken?”
He shrugs. “By you, apparently.” I chuckle
before sitting next to him.
“What are you drawing?”
“My art which is part of my assignment. I am
doing art as an extra subject.” I nod.

“Is that something you enjoy or…?” I let the

question hang and I see a small smile on him.
“Yeah. I have two additional subjects. Creative
arts and German.” My eyes pop out.
“German? Why German?”
“It's kind of compulsory here at school but it is
not written law. You have to have one foreign
language as your extra subject and I chose
German. Don't ask me why I did. I just selected
it and rolled with it.” I nod.

“How is it though? From someone who is in a

foreign country, I find all of the languages
spoken here very difficult to learn. Don't you
find it hard?”

“Challenging is more like it. It's great to be able

to curse at someone in a language they don't
know and have never heard of.” I crack up.
“I am sure your teachers don't teach you how to
“It's homework we give each other.” I chuckle,
“Are all subjects challenging to you?”

He nods. “Some of the teachers are not patient

and persistent as you.” Okay. I don’t take
offence in that because I want to keep him
talking. He is interesting.
“How does that make you feel? Not the part
about me being persistent.” He snorts, closing
his notebook.

“I kind of feel neglected sometimes. I know I am

smart and I am capable of getting really good
grades but it takes time for me to absorb
information and process it. Time that most
educators don't have.”

“Mmm. I feel you.” The bell rings and we both

stand up. “You can come talk to me whenever
you want. You can also call me during anytime
of the day. I wanna help you reach your full
potential and that would happen if we
communicate.” He nods with a smile.

“Thank you, Miss Gwendaline. I will think about

it.” He walks away.
“Already flirting with the kids?” a voice asks and
I quickly turn. I see this tall guy standing not far
from me with a smirk. “Ow my, you are a true
beauty.” I roll my eyes.

“I wasn't flirting with my student. I am more of a

hands on teacher. My work does not only begin
and end in the classroom.” I answer and he
“Ow please. As if you haven't imagined yourself
with one of these kids. The boys are charming, I
give it to them.” My eyebrow shoots up.
“Charming? You find boys charming? Maybe
you're the one who flirts with them behind
everyone's back.” He brushes me off with a

“Don't tell me you haven't thought about. 99% of

the kids here come from very privileged homes.
Some of their parents don't even have a
monthly salary, they just get money randomly.
So don't tell me you haven't thought of shagging
one of them so that you can secure the bag.”

“I think you're a pervert.” He looks taken back.

“You are the one who go after these young girls
just because you're hoping to get a piece of the
big pie. Shame.”
He laughs. “I don't believe we have been
introduced. I'm…”

“Not interested. How about we all go and do

what we are paid for and stop this meaningless
chit chat?” I smile at him and walk away.

When I get to my office, I see a text from the

clerk stating that I should come to the reception
area as soon as possible. Okay. What is this
about now? Not wasting any more time, I head
down to the admin building. I am glad I don't
have a period currently because I would be late
for my class. The clerk smiles at me as soon as
I set my eyes on her.

“Miss Gwendaline.”
“Please, call me Chizoba.” She chuckles.
“Okay then, Chizoba. You have a parcel. It was
delivered about 30 minutes ago. There it is.”
She hands me a bunch of flowers and a huge
paper bag.

“Ow wow. Who is it from? Are you sure it's

mine?” she laughs.
“There is only one Chizoba Gwendaline in the
entire school. There is a card inside those
flowers.” This is strange but I hope the card will
give me some clarity.

“Thank you, Natasha.”

I head back to my office. I put everything on the

desk and quickly search for the card. Finding it,
I read the message on it and click my tongue.
‘I am going to be a nuisance until time stands
still. Looking forward to our dinner tonight.
Have a wonderful evening.

A text immediately comes in and it's from him.

‘I hope you liked the flowers.’

I am, once again, going to ignore him. He is full

of shit. I open the paper bag and I am a bit
pleased to find some decent food. I dig in while
telling Mathenji about this. She is intrigued by
all this drama, but then it's no surprise. My
friend loves drama. She also tells me the latest
gossip. One thing I miss about working at
checkers is the drama. It is too much and it
never ends. It's so entertaining, you don't need a
DSTV subscription.

Late lunch with my sisters and Zoe ends in a
blast. They connected and Nneka and Zoe
ended up being besties. They even exchanged
numbers. I am just a bit sad that Udoa is going
home tomorrow but I will definitely make time
to go and visit her during school holidays.

Udoa is the one driving me home. She demands

to see my flat and have coffee there. We get to
my apartment and I give her a quick tour before
preparing coffee.

“So, how are the wedding preparations going?” I

tease her and she laughs, rolling her eyes.
“I still have to tell the family about this and I am
not ready for that part. I know mom will be
ecstatic like always, but you know how dad can
get.” I nod.

“I feel you. Are you a hundred percent sure you

want to marry him?” she smiles.
“Yes, I am sure. He treats me like a queen.
Loves me like a brother but fucks me like a
husband.” I chortle.
“You've been listening to Nicki?”
“Guilty as charged.” We both laugh.

A knock disturbs us both.

“Let me quickly get that. Maybe someone got

lost.” I stand up and head to the door. I open it
and my eyes go side.
“I know I am sight sore for your fragile eyes but
you don't have to go speechless in my presence.
I understand the effect I have on people.” I snap
back and my eyes meet his. I chuckle.

“You're more crazy than I thought. What the

fuck are you doing here?”
He frowns. “We have a date. I have reminded
you about it three times already. So you can't
tell me you forgot.”
“I didn’t forget.” I hiss at him. “I just didn't want
to spend time with you. I literally ignored you.
Couldn't you take the hint?”

“Well I am here now and I am not leaving until

you dine with me or better yet, dine me.” What?
“Listen, you have to leave, my sister is inside.” I
whisper harshly and he smiles widely.
“Chichi, where did you put you… oww my.” I hear
my sister's voice calling behind me. “And who
do we have here?” she stands next to me. “Hi, I
am Udoamaka, Chichi's big sister. Who might
you be?”

Masonke smiles, his eyes travelling from my

sister, to me and then back to my sister. He
extends his hand. “I am Makhosonke Gumbi,
the guy who has fallen for your sister. Hopefully
she will catch me.” Cheesy.

“She is also Zoe's firstborn.” I state. Udoa nods.

“I am here for dinner.” Makhosonke adds.
“Then I should be on my way, then. My fiancé is
waiting for me downstairs.” I turn to her.
“Since when?” I ask.
“You know how clingy he is. He got here with
his driver and the driver dropped him off. He is
sitting in the car right now.”
“Tell him to come up. I wanna show off my
apartment.” She laughs.

“Okay then.” She walks out with a glass of wine

in her hand. And then? Last time I checked, she
was drinking coffee. When did she change?
“Invite the poor man inside.” She calls out
before the elevator closes. I roll my eyes and
open the door wide.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look when

you're pissed off?” I click my tongue and walk
back to the kitchen, leaving him in the door. I
hear footsteps follow me. “From that day I fell
at the store. When I lifted my eyes to this dark
beauty in front of me, I was in loss of words.
That's why I said what I said because I was
taken aback and I didn't want to make a fool in
front of you and my then girlfriend.” Can he shut
up already? He is just blabbering right now.

“What are you going to drink?”

“How about your juices?” my cheeks heat up.
“Tea it is, then.” I state coolly which is the
opposite of how I feel inside.

“This is really nice. Where did you learn to cook

like this?” I ask Abaeze and he chuckles.
Somehow, my sister and I ended up forcing two
grown men to cook a three course meal for us.
Makhosonke made the starters and dessert
while Eze made the main course. They made
chilli chicken livers, grilled meat with pap and
salads and then a truffle.

He sits back. “I may be a very busy man but I

am hands-on when it comes to all my
relationships. I don’t like talking ill about my late
wife but I was more present than she was. I
guess she didn’t expect that when we got
together. She thought she was just going to be
a spoiled wife with an absent husband. I cooked
every chance I got or whenever one of my kids
requested it.” He answers and I nod.

“I don’t mean to pry…” I start off and he laughs.

“Please do.” I chuckle. Sounds like a guy who
has nothing to hide.
“What happened between you and your wife?
What was the cause of you asking my sister out
knowing very well that you were married? I am
not trying to be difficult but these are the type
of questions my father will ask if you guys get a
one on one sit down.” He nods.

“I understand. I am a very clingy lover. Maka

can attest to that.” Udoa chortles.
“You have also taught her how to be clingy.” I
point at my sister who is sitting at her fiancé’s
lap. We all laugh.

“I love affection and attention and I do

reciprocate the same feelings. I did the same
with my late wife and sometimes it would get
‘too much’ for her. She would leave for a
weekend if I loved her too much. She did this a
couple of times until one of my associates said
he saw her flirting with some man. I didn’t
confront her but I did my own research and
what I discovered shocked me to the core. She
wasn’t hooking up or having an affair with one
man. It was a different man every time. That
killed me. I don’t wanna lie. But I didn’t divorce
her and I didn’t even confront her. So I
pretended all was well. And then this particular
day, I saw this awfully dressed but really
beautiful girl. I didn’t wanna jump her from the
get go. So when I heard she was hired at my
company, I knew fate brought us closer.” That’s
so cute.

“You dare talk about my graduation dress one

more time, I will castrate you.” Udoa threatens
and we all laugh.
“I feel so left out. Is there a picture of the
famous dress?” Makhosonke asks and I quickly
page my phone, showing him the dress. He
makes eye contact with Udoa. “It’s a really nice
dress. I love satin.”

“No you didn’t.” I crack up and Udoa just rolls

her eyes.
“How about you guys?” Eze asks. “What’s your
story? How did you meet? And Makhosonke,
you have to tell it because I know how woman
like to exaggerate when narrating some
stories.” I chuckle, eyeing Makho and he just

“I was really rude to her the first few times we

met. I insulted her. I was with my ex that time.
The next time we met, my ex was unnecessarily
rude to her and I wanted to apologize to her, so
I followed her to the parking lot but guys, when
she turned, I was blown away. I was speechless.
I was dumbstruck. I ended up saying the
opposite of what I wanted to say and earned
myself a slap.” Both Udoa and Eze laugh.

“You’re lying.” I interject and he just laughs.

“You will never understand how difficult it is to
act proper in front of your crush. You are always
going to end up making a fool of yourself, one
way or the other.” he states and I roll my eyes.

“What about the time you gave me a lift from

gym? Was that you acting proper?” he laughs.
“I am a lawyer. I have a poker face and I also
have arrogant masks which I use in different
situations. When you got into my car, I suddenly
felt suffocated and shoved into a little corner
with no air to breathe. You wouldn’t have
noticed, but I did turn up the air conditioner to a
higher level. You made my whole body heat and
your body Chizoba, good Lord.” He breathes out
loud dramatically and the couple with us laugh.

“You had no words?” Eze asks, still laughing

and Makho laughs.
“I am so glad someone understands me here.
When I found out that she is friends with my
mom, I knew fate brought us closer.” He
repeats Eze’s words and we laugh at him. “I am
still trying to earn a place in her heart though.
So give me pointers, Mr. Abaeze.”

“Make love to her, even tonight and she will

open her heart for you.” Eze answers and I
“That’s what you did to my sister?” I ask and he

“Your sister is a very hard nut to crack. She was

always super friendly but a no-nonsense taker
when you wanted to talk about something not
work related. This other day, we got stuck in an
elevator for two hours. I thanked the Gods and
made my move there. I seduced her, kissed her
and fingered her in that elevator and things
were never the same.” He kisses Udoa’s
temples and wraps his arms around her. Makho
looks at me.

“Don’t even think about it.” I warn and he laughs

and before I know it, I feel his lips on mine. My
eyes go wide and he grins before sitting back.
“I think I should serve dessert now.” He stands
and heads to the kitchen.

“Follow him.” Udoa whispers harshly. “I wanna

have a stolen make out session with my man.”
I roll my eyes. “You’re dramatic.” I collect the
dishes and walk to the kitchen. I place them in
the sink and just as I turn, Makho pins me
against the sink and stares at me, particularly at
my lips.

“Can I kiss you?” he whispers and before I can

even answer, he cups my cheeks and kisses me
softly. I pull him down and deepen the kiss. He
squeezes my butt and I snap back to my senses.
“Makho.” I clear my throat and place my hands
on his chest. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Why not?” our eyes meet.

“You should take me out, like on a proper date,
where you won’t get the chance to seduce Me.”
he snorts deeply and squeezes my butt tightly
before letting go.
“Full disclosure, I can seduce and kiss you
anywhere, even in front of the Zulu king.” He
dishes up the dessert and I breathe out loud.
God, this is too much temptation for one
innocent girl like me.

I turn and wash the dishes to keep myself busy.

Makho is not bad. He is really handsome, has a
good job, more than financially stable and
comes from a good home. Home. Fuck. Zoe
might be the biggest obstacle ever should I
consider dating him. I don’t wanna break our
friendship but I also don’t wanna not try out this
relationship only to live with regrets.

“You called me Makho.” He states in a low tone.

“You are the first person to call me that and I
think I like it. I also like it when you call me
Masonke. It’s original and kind of cute.” I roll my
eyes. This one is a drama queen with a huge

“You are full of yourself.” He chuckles.

“So how is work treating you?” he asks casually
and I resist the urge to chuckle.
“Not bad, other than meeting jerks like you,
work is pretty normal. Better than expected.”

“Jerks like me? What are you talking about? Is

there someone mistreating you?” I grimace,
turning to him.
“Why? You’re the only one who is allowed to be
a total asshole to me?”
“Yes and I am about to pay for it big time. Back
to the jerk at school, who is he? What did he do
to you?” I sigh.
“I am not going to tell you his name. Well, I don’t
even know it. He wanted to introduce himself
but I wasn’t interested. Anyways, he saw me
engaging with one of the students who I
assume is a special case. He is not disabled or
something but I suspect that he is dyslexic. So I
was chatting with him during lunch, trying to
figure him out. Then the teacher just straight
but assumed that I was hitting on the kid. Come
one, he is like 14 if not 15 years old. So that
teacher said the boys are ‘charming’ and I
accused him of being gay. The encounter didn’t
end well and your flowers just made my day

“But they were supposed to brighten up your

day.” he pouts and I laugh.

“They didn’t serve their purpose. You should go

demand a refund from the florist.” He chuckles.
“I think we should go back to the dining room. I
don’t want Udoa and Eze to be the first people
to actually have sex in my apartment, not the
owner.” I carry the two dessert bowls and walk
to the dining area. I hear Makho laughing and I
don’t turn. I expect to find the couple eating
each other’s faces but instead I find them
laughing at something on my sister’s phone. “I
am disappointed.” They both look at me and
they laugh.

I decide it’s time to pay Quinn a visit because I

have been prolonging seeing her. I get done
with my laundry, clean up and then take a bath.
When I am done, I put on some tights with a
crop top and head to the fifth floor. Just as the
elevator opens, I spot her walking down the

“QUINN!” I shout and she turns. She smiles

when her eyes land on me. I step out of the
elevator and head to where she is standing.
“Hey, Chichi. How are you?” we exchange a hug.
“I am doing good babes. How are you doing?”

“Better now that you have accepted my

invitation.” I giggle. “Come on in. I have made
some lunch. I will just set up in the balcony
table so that we can have a nice view while
getting to know each other.”
“That seems like a plan.” She opens her
apartment and we step inside. Talk about
elegance. She has changed her whole
apartment to something really fancy. It belongs
in Beverly Hills or something.

“Please don’t mind the mess.” I nearly laugh. I

have recently read a tweet that said ‘people be
like, “don’t mind the mess” while you can
literally eat off their floor because of the way it
shines.’ We all know how modest white people
can be. “You can make yourself comfortable
here while I set up.” she leads me to the lounge
and heads out.

“Do you read?” I ask as I spot a book case filled

with books. There is literally no space for other
books but as a reader, I know I would buy more
even if the case is full like this.
“No. my boyfriend does. We live together. He is
visiting his parents this weekend.” She shouts
from the kitchen.
“Mind if I take a look?”
“Not at all.”

I step closer to the shelf and I smile when I spot

some of my favourites. There are also some
that I have never seen, like Death Cup and
Almost Love, amongst many others. I take
Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score and
read the synopsis. I am a sucker for small town
romance, so I am already looking forward to
reading the whole book. I snap it and put it back
on the shelf. I do the same with two other
books before Quinn calls me outside. This lady
though. It looks like a high class tea party rather
than a last minute lunch set up.

“This looks beautiful. Mind if I take pictures?”

she chuckles.
“Not at all.” I take a few pictures of the set up
and then we sit down. We start eating. “So
where are you from?”
“Nigeria, and you?”
“Australia.” Thank God I asked instead of
assuming that she is South African. I nod.
“How long have you been in the country?”

“A couple of years. This country is very

interesting and has a homey feeling to it. I
initially came here because I needed a breather
from my family but after a month, I decided to
stay because I felt at home. I started looking for
jobs and it didn’t take long to find employment.
I am an interior designer by the way.”
“Why am I not surprised?” we both laugh. “I
moved here because of employment and I am
currently a Life Sciences teacher at some
private school.”
“That’s cool. I am sure you excel in your job. I
wouldn’t dream of doing it because I am too
emotional.” I chuckle. “So any boyfriend or
girlfriend in your life?” I smile.
“Just a potential one.” I tell her the whole
Masonke story and she laughs.

“God. This reminds me of those high school

teenage love dramas. The boy is mean to a girl
because he doesn’t know how to express his
real feelings. It’s stupid though but cute in the
end when they live happily ever after.” I laugh.
“I don’t think that would be my fate with the
lawyer.” She takes a sip of her juice and then
sits back.

“I say give him a chance. Let him mess it up but

don’t let this opportunity pass you. What have
you got to lose? You aren’t even a virgin.” I
“No hymen I guess.” We both laugh. “And you?”
she smiles widely.

“My boyfriend’s name is Bradley and he is a

sound engineer. We have been together for 15
months and we are still growing strong.”
“That’s cute.” I am not being judgmental but the
vat & sit level with white couples is too much.
But who am I to judge?

When I get back to my room, it’s already late
and I am feeling tired. So I just shower, put on
an oversized t-shirt and chill on the couch,
reading a book. Since there is some left overs in
the fridge, I will just warm them up when I get
hungry. Just as I am nearing the end of a
chapter, I hear a knock. Ayy I am famous these
days. I wonder who that might be. I get up and
go open the door. I roll my eyes when I see who
is behind it.

“I think I have seen enough of you this week.”

he chuckles.
“I come bearing gifts. You can’t hate me for
that.” he shows me the paper bags and my
stomach immediately rumbles. Traitor. I huff
and head back to the lounge. I hear the door
close behind me. I go back to my seat and open
the book I was reading. A few minutes later, he
walks in with a tray filled with meat, rolls, fries
with a bottle of wine and glasses.

“Let’s eat, my lady.”

“Only because I am hungry, Masonke.” He
“Yeah right. So how was your day?” that’s how
the conversation begin. We eat while we down
our food with sweet red wine which is really
delicious. We both collect the dishes when we
are done and we wash them. We sit on the
counter and continue with the drinking and just
getting to know each other.

“What is your favourite book?” I laugh.

“That’s a trick question. It’s like asking who your
favourite person in the world is. You get torn
between your parents, your siblings and partner.
International, it would have to be the Camorra
Chronicles series by Cora Reilly and in South
Africa, it is Hlomu The Wife series by Dudu
Busani Dube.” He nods.

“How many books does each series contain?”

“6 and 5.”
“Whew, that’s a lot.” I laugh. Does he want to
read them?

Nearly an hour passes, along with a few more

drinks. We talk, joke, laugh and overall have a
nice evening in. I am already feeling quite dizzy
and light headed. I have low tolerance when it
comes alcohol intake.

“I think I have had enough.” I admit and he

“Let’s get you to bed then, little drunkard.” I
giggle. He puts his arm around my waist and
guides me to the bedroom. When we get inside,
I turn to him, wrapping my arms around his
shoulders and burying my face against his
“I think I am horny.” I mumble and he cracks up,
before wrapping one arm around my waist and
the other around my shoulder and begins to
stroke my hair.


Waking up is a struggle. Fuck, one glass of wine

is really enough. I blink for a few moments
before rubbing my eyes and sitting up. I hear
someone groaning softly and I turn my head
only to see Makho half-naked in my bed. Oww. I
nearly forgot about last night. Shit went
sideways fast. I hate wine. I have never given
myself on a silver platter like that to any man,
especially one who is still courting me. Well
Refilwe is an exception because there was an
agreement between us. I climb off the bed and
he sits up.

“Good morning.” He says in a deep, running his

hands through his dreads. They were tied last
night. Did things get wild to such an extent that
they automatically untied themselves?

“Hey. Umm…”
“Please don’t say last night was a mistake
because it wasn’t. You are a smart, independent
woman who knows the consequences of her
actions. Also don’t blame your doings on the

I huff. “I need to brush my teeth.” I walk to the

bathroom and pee before brushing my teeth. He
walks in and uses the mouth was to clean his
teeth before staring at me.

“I am going to Potchefstroom tomorrow for a

case and I will be there for three weeks.” Ow
wow. Great. How about a one night stand
before a stressful three weeks? Fuck the
foreigner and be done with it. I am such an idiot.

“Yay! Good for you.” I say sarcastically and walk

out of the bathroom. I locate my t-shirt and put
it on. Then I begin making the bed.
“Good for you? What does that mean?” I hear
him ask from behind me.

“How much of a coincidence is it? You court me,

you fuck me and suddenly you have a case
outside the province. That’s too much of a
coincidence. Even for you, Mr. Lawyer. Try
coming up with another way of dismissing me
now that you have slept with me without
making it obvious.” I flip the comforter with
more force than necessary.

“Chizoba.” He places his hands on my waist and

turns me to face him. “I am too old for games. If
I wanted to fuck you once and never look back, I
wouldn’t have sent you flowers. I wouldn’t have
dined with your sister and her fiancé. I wouldn’t
even have went for you because you’re my
mother’s friend. If I wanted to hit and run, I
would’ve done it the same night where I first
met you.”

“You would’ve cheated on your girlfriend.” I

point out.
“You are too much of a temptation, she
would’ve understood.” I roll my eyes. “I love you,
Chizoba. It’s crazy but it’s the truth. You’re real.
You are not intimidated by my success of even
attracted to the power I have at such a young
age. You aren’t afraid to yell at me or insult me.
I wanna get to know you better and possibly
spend my life with you. I feel like I have met my
match and there is no way I am going to let go
of you. Not in this lifetime. So, Miss Gwendaline,
this is not a fling or a one time wonder. I am in it
for the long haul, well only if you will have me.”

“You know how to think lies on your feet.” He

cracks up.
“Come on. I have just bared my soul to you and
you think I am lying. Chizoba, you have major
trust issues.” I chuckle.
“No, I don’t. I half believe you. You just have to
prove how much you really love me and make
up for fucking me without taking me out on a
proper date.”
“Who fucked who?” he asks and I laugh.

“Hey, you came prepared. What was the

condom doing in your pocket?” he scratches his
“Fair point. I guess we are both responsible for
last night. Can I at least take you out for
breakfast? Please.” He pleads, pouting his lips
and I giggle.
“Stop pouting, big baby.” he laughs. “Fine. It’s a

“Also, will you be my woman?” I blush and look

sideways. He cups my cheeks and turns my
face to him. “I didn’t hear that.”
“Yes, I will be your woman.” I mumble and he
jumps for joy before picking me up. I laugh and
wrap my legs around his waist. We share a slow
passionate kiss before he drops me on the bed
and towers over me.

“Before we get carried away, I work with

evidence. So I would like to prove that I am
really going away for work.” He snatches his
phone from the bedside table and dials
someone’s number. He puts it on loud speaker
and places it near my head before paying
attention to my planting soft kisses on my neck.

“What is it, idiot?” a grumpy female voice

beams from the phone. Makho chuckles.
“Is that the right way to address your boss?”
“Oww, it’s you. What do you want, asshole? Did
you see the time? It’s Sunday and you don’t pay
me for Sundays.” He laughs.
“You are fired.” Makho states.

“Thank you, Lord. You better write a perfect

recommendation letter or else I will tell the
whole world that you’re gay. Trust me, they will
believe my story more because I am practically
with you all the time.” This time I can’t stop
myself. I crack up. This woman is savage. “Who
is that?” she asks.

“The flowers lady friend. We are official now

and she doesn’t believe that I am going to North
West for business.”
“Yeah. Don’t believe that asshole, lady friend.
Too much menemene that one.” Makho laughs.
“Just kidding. I really need this job. So he is
going out of town for work. The clients paid up
front way before the Minion drama. So shit was
scheduled long ago.”

“That was all. Bye now.” Makho says reaching

for the phone.
“Hey, wait. Lady friend, you should come by at
his office so that we will have lunch and gossip
about him. I have a lot of juicy stories to tell.” I
“I will definitely come.” I respond and she

“Let me categorize all the embarrassing

moments in my brain.” Makho hangs up and I
laugh. He is such a drama king.

“Now where were we?” he asks with a smirk

and we hear a knock on the door almost
immediately. He groans. “What does a guy have
to do to get morning glory around here?” he
asks particularly to no one and I laugh. “Let me
get it, just in case it’s some man wanting to try
his luck with you.”

“You are so jealous.”

“Remind me to leave one of my cars with you. I
don’t want no Uber driver courting you.” I crack
“Go get the door.” He gets off me, puts on his
boxers and head to the lounge. I giggle, getting
up and continue fixing the bed.

“What are you doing here? Practically naked?”

am I dreaming or is that Zoe’s voice? Fuck.
What is she doing here so early? I quickly walk
to the lounge and find her standing in the
middle of the room with her hands on her hips.
She is wearing a bodycon dress, sandals and a
shawl on her shoulders. She turns to look at me.
“Hi. I think I am in the wrong apartment. I am
looking for Chizoba, my friend and definitely not
my half naked son.” I don’t know if that’s her
being sarcastic or what.

“Hey Zoe.” She sighs.

“How long has this been going on?” she asks.
“There is definitely nothing between me and
him. Last night was a moment of weakness and
he is just leaving.” I quickly state and Makho

“Aibo Chizoba.” He turns to his mother. “Ma,

Chizoba and I are dating. I have been courting
her ever since I broke things off with Monica.
We made things official a few minutes ago
before you disturbed us. We were about to
consummate our reunion.”

“Makho!” I scowl at him and he grins.

“You are an attractive and intelligent woman. So

much like my mother. What’s that saying? You
should marry someone like your mother or
something along those lines. So mom don’t be
angry at us. I love her and she doesn’t hate me,
so that’s progress. I will come and officially
introduce her to the whole family as my woman
when I come back from my work trip.” Zoe
looks so confused. Makho talks too much.

“So you guys are dating?” she asks still wearing

a confused mask.
“Something like that.” I shrug.
“Wow. Talk about a plot twist. I did not see that
coming.” She sits on the couch and places her
bag on the table. “Get dressed, Makhosonke.”
He chuckles before walking to the bedroom.
“Sit down.” She states looking at me and I
quickly sit on the rug. My couch is not made for
three people. “How did this happen?”

“Your son is such a nuisance, Zoe. He is a go

getter, I will give it to him. He has been
pestering me and basically following me around
like a fly.”
“That’s a lie.” He re-enters the lounge wearing
my robe which looks so uncomfortable on him.
I crack up.
“You are ruining my gown.”

“I will buy you a new one.” He winks before

sitting next to his mother. “Mom, how my
relationship with Chizoba started is not
important. What’s important is that I plan on
treating her right, spoiling her and making sure
she stays happy. I am not trying to take your
friend away from you. I am pretty sure I would
get bored if she were to start discussing Pride
and Prejudice with me. That’s where you come

“So, I’m like a backup?” Zoe asks.

“Come on, dad’s girlfriend. Don’t be like that.
Don’t make things difficult for me.” she sighs.

“As long as you don’t take her away from me.”

she pouts and turns to me. “I actually wanted to
take you out for breakfast. There is this really
nice place called Page Heaven. It’s a book store
slash coffee shop slash mini library. Some girl
called Asante posted about it on her wall and I
wanna go check it out. I tried calling you but
your phone sent me straight to voicemail.” I bite
my lip and turn to Makho.

“It’s fine. It’s fine. She wins this round but when
you come back, you’re all mine.”
“Did you guys have plans?” she asks, standing
up and heading to my book case.
“Yeah, a breakfast date.” Makho responds. I get
up and go stand next to Zoe.

“I saw this book called Things We Never Got

Over by Lucy Score in my neighbour’s book
case. I loved the cover and synopsis. I wanted
to go purchase it after work tomorrow.” I start
off and she smiles.

“I actually bought that book a while ago but I

didn’t read it. I don’t know what made me buy
two copies. Maybe we can read it on Saturday.
Unless you guys have plans.” She turns to

“I am going to North West for business. I will be

back after three weeks.”
“When were you going to tell me?”
“Hawu ma.” I guess I sighed up for. Some
mother-son drama every now and then. And so
it begins.



“I still can’t believe it. How did you guys get here?
Phela the only thing I remember is how he
disrespected you. How did you go from tearing
each other apart to waking up in the same
bed?” Zoe asks as we sit on a quiet booth at
Page Heaven and wait for our order. I blush and
look down. Zoe is my friend, but she is also the
mother of my man, ow wow, that was fast.
From asshole to my man. We really moved fast.
I look at her.

“You have to understand that there are some

things I won’t discuss with you, Zoe because it
will fill so weird. But first things first, there is a
very thin line between love and hate. As thin as
a string of cotton.” She nods.

“It’s also a bit uncomfortable for me, but I just

hope that it won’t come between us.” I smile.
“Never.” I look around again and I can’t help but
fall in love. This is paradise. It’s a place which
any writer or reader has to know of. Each town
has to have at least one shop of Page Heaven. I
stand up. “Let me check if I will find any book I
like in these shelves.”

Zoe smirks at me. “1 chapter then we are done.

I don’t wanna be on my son’s bad side. I also
don’t want us to be even. He still owes me a
trip.” She stands and I just laugh quietly. We
surf through the book shelves and I finally find
The Fugitives by Nathi Olifant. I have read the
first book. I just never found time to purchase
the second one. “It looks thick. Just make sure
it doesn’t keep you here all day.” I chuckle.

“What are you reading?”

“Scarred by Ayanda Xaba.”
“The title is interesting.” She nods.
“Yeah. If I like the first chapter, I will buy it.”
We return to our booth and we find our food
already waiting for us. We eat as we page
through the books. Time flies when you’re
having fun, or in our case, reading books. I am
only disturbed by a hand shaking my shoulder. I
raise my head and I chuckle when I see Makho.

“Hey. What brings you here?” I ask. He looks at

his wrist watch.
“Your breakfast is 5 hours?” he asks and I frown.
“It’s 1pm love. I thought you were going to text
me sooner but I guess you got lost between the
“Shh.” Zoe shushes Makho and I giggle.

“Hey, call your man. I am leaving with my

woman.” Makho states, folding his arms to his
chest. I am not going get involved in this
squabble. I quietly stand up and look at Makho
with an innocent smile.
“I like this book. It’s R295.” I give him puppy
“Also add this one.” Zoe says placing the book
she was reading in my arms. Makho chuckles.

“I should get you a gift card which I will refill

every month so that I don’t have to buy books
randomly.” He drawls, taking the books into his
arms. I was definitely not planning on making
him buy the book for me. It was just a spur of
the moment decision. I hope he doesn’t see this
action as me exploiting him.

“Son, that’s one of your most important duties,

buying new books every now and then. My wife
is not afraid to call me in the middle of a trial
just to tell me, ‘Siba Panono has released a new
book titled Relapse. I want it’ and then she
hangs up.” We hear Mr. Gumbi’s voice before
we see him wrapping his arms around Zoe’s
waist. “You leave me in bed so early in the
morning just to disturb poor kids?” he asks his
wife and she just giggles.

“Sorry.” She mumbles.

Makho grabs my hand and pulls me to the

counter. He pays for the books and then gives
his mother her book. We proceed to his car. He
hands me the keys.

“Do you have a license?” he asks.

“The question should be ‘do I know how to
drive’? Because having a license and knowing
how to drive in South Africa are two different
things.” he laughs. “Fortunately I am skilled in
both.” I snatch the keys from him and climb into
the driver seat. He settles into the passenger
seat and I drive off. “So you had to track us

He chuckles. “I am leaving tomorrow afternoon.

I have even decided to move my flight to 6pm
so that I can spend a bit of time with you after
“Are you always this clingy?”
“No, but I stofu siku 6, so I can’t seem to leave.
The heat is pulling me in.” I frown.
“What does that mean? The sotofu thing?” he

“You will understand some day.” he types in

some coordinates on the navigator and then
sits back.
“Where are we going?”
“Follow the coordinates.” I roll my eyes. “Now,
tell me something I don’t know about you. Let’s
start with your family. I mean it’s only fair I
know about them because you have met mine.”

I chuckle. “I have seven siblings and I am the

middle child.”
“Do you get attention from your parents? Middle
children are always neglected.” I snort.

“That’s not the case, at home. I think I was the

most spoiled one growing up because I love
both parents equally. Most of my siblings are
kind of biased. My oldest sister, Nneka, is a
marine biologist overseas. She is also in town
for some work but we will spend time together
after she is done with her project. You met the
other one on Friday. Then there is my brother,
Chiagozie, who is currently in hot waters with
his wife because he impregnated his side chick.
The fifth child is probably my favourite sibling
because she is a younger version of me. Her
name is Kosisochukwu and she is so intelligent.
Ndidiamaka is a daddy’s girl. And lastly,
Chukwudi is a mama’s boy. Kinda like you.” he

“That’s not true. Masande is a mama’s boy.”

“Not from what I observed. They are closer
because of the same hobby they share. You are
the only child who didn’t move to another
province or country after varsity. That’s not
because of work opportunities. You just didn’t
wanna go far away from your mother. You also
regret forgetting her birthday. It might be made
a joke from time to time but it haunts you.”

He grunts. “You can shut up now.”

“Ouch, hit a nerve?”

the white lady behind the navigator states as I
stop the car in the gates of Four Seasons Hotel
The Westcliff. My mouth is wide open. I am
sweating and I am shaking. Fuck. I think I am
going to pass out just from staring at the
entrance. Why didn’t he warn me? I turn to him.

“Why didn’t you tell me we were coming here? I

could’ve dressed better.” He smirks.
“If I thought there was something wrong with
your outfit, I would’ve politely told you to change.
Now please drive in, unless you want security to
think we are here to rob the hotel.”

I try to stay calm and drive in, slightly waving at

the security. We climb off at the driveway and a
valet takes the car keys. Soft life, I am telling
you. We step inside the hotel and I am in awe. Is
this what dating Makho is all about? Fine dining
and visiting luxurious hotels at random times of
the month? Well if that’s the case, count me in.
what girl doesn’t want a bit of spoiling every
now and then? I can’t wait to tell Mathenji, Rena
and Quinn about all of this. Maybe I should
invite them over to my house this weekend. We
are led to the restaurant and the hostess leads
us to our table, with her ass swaying from side
to side. I can’t help but notice it. It’s so huge.

“Please be seated. A waiter will bring your

menus shortly.” She states in a polite voice,
smiles and then walks back to the door. We sit
“Did you see her ass, though?” I ask Makho in a

“Yeah. It looks fake.” My eyes pop out. Did he

just say that out loud? Is he crazy? He chortles.
“How can I be staring at someone’s ass while
yours was just a few centimeters away from me?
All I wanted was to grab it and squeeze it but I
don’t wanna be arrested for public indecency.”
Is he this sexual or he is just sex hung-over?

“You’re crazy.” I mutter.

“For you.” the next hour is spent with him trying
to make jokes but I am laughing because he is
making a joke of himself. “I am the worst,
right?” he asks and I laugh harder.
“I didn’t say anything. Maybe it’s the language
barrier.” I tease and he laughs because we have
been speaking English the whole time.
“I should get a tutor to teach me Igbo.” I quickly
shake my head.
“No, I need to be able to gossip about you with
my sisters.” He laughs.

“That’s not a good enough reason. You should

also get someone who will teach you Zulu so
that you don’t feel left out at times.”

“I will ask Zoe.”

“Good luck. She doesn’t have the patience for
teaching. You guys will end up gossiping or
discussing books anyways.” I break into
“That’s not true.” He gives me a knowing look
and I smile, rolling my eyes. “Whatever.”

“Miss Gwendaline, Mr. Ntanzi is asking that you

come to his office.” The Science clerk states
standing at my door. I frown.
“Who is Mr. Ntanzi and which department is he
in?” I enquire because I have not heard of or
met any Ntanzi since I arrived here.

“He is the Arts department. He teaches dance.

You know the building, right?” I nod. “His office
is the first one after the clerk’s office.”
“Okay. Thank you. Any idea why he is looking
for me?”
She shakes her head. “I was only told to pass
the message.” She nods at me and walks away.

I lock my office and head over to the Arts

building. My mind travels to last night. I had so
much fun with Makho last night, I don’t wanna
lie. I got spoiled and he actually made me feel
loved. He had his asshole moments but he was
real with me the whole time. We ended
spending the night at the hotel and he fucked
me the whole night. I got to rest at 3am. I am
lucky that the hotel actually provided us with
condoms, at his request because I would’ve
been pregnant by now. Which reminds me, I
should go get a contraceptive tomorrow after
school because a baby is not something I need
right now as my career is picking up.

I finally get to the Arts department and it

doesn’t take long for me to locate Mr. Ntanzi’s
office. I have never been called by any teacher
here to their office, so I am really confused by
this summoning act. I hope this mister will
provide some clarity. I knock and open the door
at once. I leave it open and step inside this
office. It’s really huge and very different from
mine but I won’t compare myself with someone
who has been at the school for longer than me.
A small door on the left side of the office opens
and someone emerges. I nearly curse under my
breath. It’s that asshole who said the boys are
charming. I turn to make my way out and he
speaks up.

“Oww come on. I thought we left last week’s

news in last week. Or were you that offended?” I
huff and turn to face him.
“Not even a single bit. For me to be offended
would actually mean I am guilty of something. I
just don’t like being summoned like a child. I
don’t owe you anything. You are not my
superior, so you don’t get to call me to your
office only to talk shit.”

“Ouch.” He places his hand in his chest like he

has been injured or something. “Are you always
this serious and so uptight? I swear the only
time I saw you smile was with Mesuli, so that’s
why I am so convinced that you were actually
flirting with him. Why am I not afforded the
same smile?”
“You don’t deserve it. Why am I here?” I ask,
folding my arms to my chest.

“I am no caveman, Miss Gwendaline. I don’t

finish all business while standing. Please, take a
seat.” I scoff and seat on the chair he has
pointed at. “We went our separate ways on bad
terms last time. I would like to tell you that I am
no jerk and I don’t get charmed by boys. I am
quite fully invested in your gender actually. So
whatever conclusion you have made about me,
scratch it out. I am Kwenzokuhle Ntanzi and I
teach dance to grade 10, 11 and 12.” I nod, not
sure how I enter in all of this because I am not
interested in knowing him. “I already know
about you.”

“That concludes the introductions. Am I free to

leave now?” I ask and we frown.
“I thought we were still talking.”

“The word ‘we’ entails two people doing the

same thing and in this scenario, you were
talking and I was in between listening and
dozing off. But I did get your name and
surname, Kwanzo Ntanzo. I will make sure to
tattoo it on my arm so that I don’t forget it.” I
smile at him before standing up and heading
back to my office. Some educators have time to

I head to Mesuli’s class and he smiles at me
when I enter the classroom. I teach them
today’s lesson and when they are done, they
show me their weekend’s activity and how they
did it. When I get to Mesuli, I discover that he
did it but in a totally different way, somehow the
outcomes are the same with everyone else, it’s
just that his method is very different and foreign.


PLEASE STAY BEHIND!” I announce and the
students pack their bags before heading out.
Mesuli comes to my desk with his head hung

“I failed, didn’t i?” I smile at him.

“You didn’t. You just did things differently. You
actually taught me a new way of analyzing life
sciences and I am really proud of you. How did
you come up with this method?” I ask and I see
his smile spreading through his cheeks.

“I really did well?” he asks. Not believing my

“Yes, you did. Before I say anything else, explain
to me how you did it.”

He blushes. “Well it’s about something you said

on Friday. You said there are many ways to kill a
cat. Just because your method is not the same
with others doesn’t mean it doesn’t get things
done. So I tried it with my school work and
compared it to the study material you gave us. I
was surprised to see the same results.” I smile
at him.

“You are a genius. Has anyone ever told you

that?” he shakes his head. “Don’t be ashamed
by this. I need to sit down with your other
teachers and parents and actually show them
this. You can actually make history, Mesuli.
Don’t be ashamed of who you are. We are going
places, you are going places.” He nods with a
newfound confidence.

“Thank you so much Miss Gwendaline.” The bell

rings. “Have a great day.” he walks out and I
smile. I have never encountered something like
this before. It’s like a story one of my lecturers
once told us back in varsity. I really need to set
an appointment with his other teachers and
parents. We could be harboring the school’s
genius without even knowing it because some
of us lack knowledge.

“Let me drop you off.” Rena offers as we exit
the science department after school.
“If that won’t trouble you too much.” I murmur
and she smiles.
“Not at all.” I nod and we head to her car. We
climb inside and she drives off.
“Do you know Mr. Ntanzi who teaches dance?” I
ask and she nods.

“He is the school’s biggest douchebag. He has

slept with most of the unmarried female
teachers. He usually targets the new ones like
you. I guess I didn’t make it to his hit list
because I am kind of like an alumni. Some of
the teachers still treat me like a student.” I

“I feel you. Anyways this asshole found me

chatting with one of my students, Mesuli, and
he said I was flirting with the student. That
angered me. I just left him standing there and
today he actually had the audacity to summon
me to his office like I am his servant or

She laughs. “Ladies usually love that arrogance.

One teacher from language department said the
same arrogance turned her on.” I roll my eyes.
“One arrogant jerk in my life is enough. There is
no room for another one.” She chuckles.
“Did I miss something?” I shake my head,

“No, except for the fact that I am inviting you for

dinner at my place Friday night. I am planning
on inviting two of my other friends, so I don’t
want you to get confused when you get there.”

“I will definitely be there. Thank you. I need to

book myself into a hotel this weekend anyways
because my sister’s fiancé is coming and I don’t
wanna disturb them.” I nod. She parks outside
my apartment.

“Thank you for the lift. See you tomorrow at

“Pleasure babes.”

I get off the car and she drives away. I greet the
security guard at the gate before proceeding to
the building. The elevator carries me to the 4th
floor and the moment I enter my apartment, I
take off my heels. Walking in them all day is no
joke. Just as I am about to close the door,
Makho steps in carrying a shopping bag.

“Shame, you look tired.”

“It’s all your fault.” I murmur and he laughs.
“What did I do?”
“You kept me up till dawn. It’s a miracle that I
didn’t yawn during my classes.” He chuckles.

“I am sorry, love. I am here to give you a mini

spa treatment before I leave.” He shows me the
bag. It has a spa logo on the outside.
“You better do a splendid job.”
“My love, I excel in everything I do.” he says with
a smirk and I roll my eyes.

I walk inside the empty lab to find some of the

teachers and an unfamiliar lady already seated.
There are two strange men in suits outside. I
guess this is Mesuli’s parent or guardian. I
smile at everyone and go stand at the front. I
am a bit nervous about what I am about to say
to all these people but I remember my motto
‘NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND’. So I am going to do
this thing, even though it’s a bit scary.

“Hey, Mesuli.” I greet him. He is sitting at the

front alone. He smiles and waves at me. I hand
him a clean paper and a pen. “I need you to go
to my office which. Sit down and write on that
paper. Write about something that makes you
happy. Write about a few occasions in life
where you were completely carefree and happy.
If you run out of paper, feel free to take one
from my desk.” He frowns but doesn’t say
anything. He stands up and heads out.

I clear my throat and move my eyes around the

room. “I won’t beat around the bush. I will go
straight to what has brought us here today.
Firstly, I am Miss Chizoba Gwendaline, Mesuli’s
Life Science teacher. Thank you for coming
here today and clearing your schedule for this.
First things first, do we all know what dyslexia
is?” a few teachers nod while others shake their
heads. Mesuli’s mother is still.

“It’s a learning disorder that makes a student’s

learning ability slow or very difficult.” One
teacher states and I nod.
“Thank you for that answer. I will not dwell in
the explanation. Please take note of everything I
am about to say. Dyslexia is caused by an
overburden of impairments in reading abilities
that the person cannot adjust with effectively.
Dyslexia doesn’t mean the person is
intellectually low. Rather, a person with dyslexia
may have a better intelligence quotient than a
regular person. There are four types of dyslexia:


difficulty in processing sounds of the individual
letters and syllables and cannot match them
with the written forms.

- SURFACE DYSLEXIA involves difficulty in

recognizing whole words which probably result
from vision issues or visual processing
difficulties in the brain.

- RAPID NAMING DEFICIT involves difficulty in

naming a letter, number, colour, or object
quickly and automatically. Speed is low and
takes time to name them.


Double Deficit Dyslexia (DDD) shows deficits in
both the phonological process and naming
speed. The majority of the weakest readers fall
under this category.

Are you guys still with me?” I ask and they all
nod. Mesuli’s mother has leaned in and seems
to be a bit interested in this. Good.

“The last type of dyslexia which is Double

deficit dyslexia is very important for our
discussion. I am no medical doctor who usually
does evaluations or tests for such disorders but
I am quite observant and in my week teaching
in this school, I have observed that one of the
leaners may have DDD. Dyslexia symptoms
differ according to each age group. For teens
and adults, the symptoms are as follows;

• The person takes time processing or

summarizing what they read or write.
• They struggle with spelling or learning a new
• They mispronounce words or have difficulty
memorizing text or doing math.
• Difficulty reading aloud.
• Difficulty conveying a story.
• Poor handwriting.
• Poor academic performance.

Now as I have stated the above symptoms, with

regards to Mesuli, is there something you guys
wanna share?” I ask and one teacher stands up.

“I am Mr. Chouinard, Mesuli’s German teacher.”

I nod. His Mesuli pronunciation is funny, but we
are the same. “Mesuli struggles so much with
learning German and it’s not even about the
language being foreign. I once said to him I am
going to chase him out of my class because,
and I apologize deeply for what I am about to
say, he is too stupid for me to teach. He begged
me and asked that I give him time. He is so
slow, I actually have to spend an extra 20
minutes with him after every class so that I can
check if he heard well.” He sits down and I see
Mesuli’s mother clenching her jaws and looking
at the wall. I can understand her pain.

“I am Miss Ximba, his math teacher. He is a

very special kid. I have some understanding
with him. By the end of January, I noticed how
he usually failed math and I was concerned. So
I decided to pay attention to him. I actually
watched him do a sum and it was a painful
thing to watch. He kept clenching his jaws,
squeezing his pen and frowning. 20 minutes
passed and he hadn’t written anything. I gave
myself homework and type when I observed
online. I found out about dyslexia and I tried to
give him as many methods as I could to help
him with math. He went for one that seemed
easy to him and he has been passing math ever
since. I thought he had difficulties with
numbers only, that’s why I never said anything.”
She sits down and all the other teachers stand
one by one, telling their different stories. Some
are a bit painful because other kids have
actually made fun of Mesuli before and the
teachers did nothing about this.

Mesuli’s mother stands up at the end and looks

around. “I feel a bit ashamed because I am a
workaholic. I don’t pay attention to most things,
including what might seem to be a learning
difficulty with my son. It’s true, my husband is
the more hands-on parent than me and he
wanted to come here today, he is just out of
town on business. I have observed certain
behaviours from my son from a young age but I
didn’t take note to it. His speech was a bit
audible at the age of 4 and at the age of 7,
that’s when he knew how to write his name,
surname and some alphabets. So he actually
started grade R at the age of 8 which is very late.
I won’t disclose everything but what I can say is
that thank you, Miss Gwendaline for being so
observant and raising this in an open platform
like this. It’s much better to find out about this
through a teacher and not a gossip blog.”
“It’s my pleasure.” She smiles and sits down.
Mesuli chooses that moment to reenter the
room. He hands me the papers and scratches
his head.

“I don’t know if I have done well.” He murmurs

and I smile.
“Do you want to present or read this in front of
everyone?” I ask and he quickly shakes his word.
“I am not comfortable with public speaking.” I

“I understand. Well as a reader myself, I can’t

wait to dive into this essay. I will give you my
feedback tomorrow.” He smiles. “You can go
wait for your mother outside.”
“I have practice.” He says looking at his mother.
“We will see each other at home.” She responds
and he nods before heading out. I turn to

“I will make a copy for everyone to read

tomorrow. Before we conclude our meeting,
there are a few Dos and Don’ts when dealing
with someone who is dyslexic. The first and
important rule is to not shout at the person.
Trust him. Be patient with him. Help him learn in
his own way. Give him the time he needs. Help
him keep faith in himself. Be by his side and
help him rise when he falls. Encourage him
when he struggles. Treat him equally, he is not
different but unique. Focus on his strengths and
remember, he is gifted. That’s all from me.
Thank you for coming and I hope together we
will help Mesuli reach his true potential. I hope
we won’t help only him but other students here
at the school who have the same disorder as
him. Have a great evening.”

We converse with the teachers a bit and they

leave. Mesuli’s mother stands up and comes to
me. She clears her throat and straightens. She
looks so gorgeous and she smells really nice
and expensive. I wonder what type of job she

“Thank you for what you have done for my son.

Someone else would’ve demanded money just
to help him but you have done all this from the
goodness of your heart. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“My family is very famous, especially in this
province. So, please don’t share with anyone
anything with regards to my son.” I frown. I am
wondering what’s special about her family
“Oww you don’t know?” she asks. “That’s a first.
My husband is the mayor, Mayor Mthimkhulu
and I am the National Prosecutor.” Wow. That
means she is more important than her husband.

“I didn’t know about any of that, Mrs.

Mthimkhulu, but what you and your husband do
doesn’t concern me. I am only concerned about
the wellbeing of your son. That’s what I get paid
for.” She nods.

“I hope it stays that way. My husband may

come see you. As I said, he is the more hands
on parent, so he will want full explanation from
“I don’t mind giving it to him.”
“We shall see each other soon.” she gives me
half a hug and heads out. That was awkward. I
head to my office, take my bag and walk to the
parking lot.

Amongst four of the luxurious cars that he

owns, Makho decided to give me his Jaguar F-
Pace. It’s the least flashy car that he owns. The
other ones were too much and he didn’t wanna
take no for an answer. I slide inside and drive
For those who may find the chapter boring, it
was dedicated to dyslexic people. I hope you
got educated about the disorder through this

It’s Friday and I can’t wait to get out of here so

that I can prepare for my friends’ dinner. It’s
going to be the first time hosting them or even
having them in one place. I just hope their
personalities click and we have a smooth
evening. I told Makho about the dinner and he
sent 12k just so I can ‘prepare’ for it. It was
ironic and I remembered the day we met, when
he told me about his 12k pants. I swear to God,
when I finally sleep over at his place, I will tear
those pants apart of even burn them, just for
control. Imagine getting 12k just to prepare for
dinner. If I were to ask for cosmetics money,
how much would he give me? But I don’t wanna
start asking for money from him because I will
make it a habit. It’s okay if he just gives it to me
randomly, although it’s too much, I won’t
complain or be modest about it. I love money,
just like any other human in the world.

I sigh, walking out of my last period for the day.

I had only 3 periods today and they were all
before lunch. The moment I enter my office, I
take off my heels and breathe out loud. I toss
them away and place my file and textbook on
my desk.

“Miss Gwendaline,” the clerk calls out and I turn

to look at her. “There is someone here for you.”
“Okay. You can send them in. please ask Rena
to order for me whatever she is ordering.”
“I will do so.” She walks out and I sit down on
my chair, waiting for the surprise guest.
A few moments later, a gentleman walks in. he
looks good, handsome even. He is wearing a
brown three-piece suit with Italian shoes. He
closes the door behind him and makes himself
comfortable on the chair opposite mine without
even greeting. Okay.

“I am Mr. Mthimkhulu, Mesuli’s father. I believe

his mother told you I will be stopping by to hear
what’s happening with my boy.” He states
arrogantly but there is a bit of politeness

“Hey, how are you? I am Miss Gwendaline,

Mesuli’s teacher. Next time you arrive at
someone’s office without an appointment or
even if you made an appointment, greet first
before stating what you are there for.” He
frowns. “Now, how about you greet me first
before we talk about anything else?”

He looks taken aback. “Wow, okay. Good day

Miss Gwendaline. How are you?”
“I am well, thank you for asking.” I sit back and
then start explaining Mesuli’s condition to him.
He keeps nodding and asking questions and
follow ups, like a true parent, not that I am
talking bad about Mesuli’s mother. Now I
understand what she meant by ‘the father is a
more hands on parent’.

“Thank you so much for this observation, Miss

I smile. “It’s my pleasure but I might be wrong.
Please take him to a doctor for some testing
and evaluation. The doctor’s professional
opinion is always important.”
He nods. “I will do so. Now how much do you
want for all this work you have done?” I frown,
sitting back.
“Excuse me?”
He smirks. “I am not trying to offend you. I am
sure this whole research interrupted your
personal time, so I would like to pay for it.”

“Listen here, Mr. Mayor. What I did was for my

student. I actually get paid by the school to
teach leaners and care for them. You don’t need
to pay me for whatever extra shit I do on my
extra time. I am doing it because of the love I
have for teaching and for my students. I think
that’s all. You can leave now.” I take my phone
and Mr. Mthimkhulu clears his throat. I look at
“I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“Ow no you didn’t. It’s always money talk with
you people. I only hope that your child gets all
the help he can get without you offending other
people further. Also, stop carrying so much
about your image and put the child first.

He sighs before standing up. “I apologize for my

behaviour, Miss Gwendaline. Is there a way to
make it up to you?”
“I don’t care about you. My only concern is your
son, my student.”
“I hope you will find it in your heart to put this
behind us.” he smiles at me before walking out,
his expensive cologne dominating the office
even after he has closed the door behind him.
Nneka texts me, asking that we hang out on
Saturday morning because she is off work and I
agree because I don’t have plans. A few
minutes later, Rena walks in with both our
lunches in her hands. We eat while catching up
and she tells me about this traffic cop guy who
is courting her. You can see her blush as she
explains how he has been sending cute texts
and calling her every morning and every night.

“By the way, I will be bringing an overnight bag

just in case our dinner extends to longer hours.”
She states as she gets up, putting the
takeaways in the trash can. I chuckle.
“I don’t mind sharing my bed with you.”
She smiles. “See you tonight then.”

After knocking off, I head to the mall and pick
up a few things for dinner and a chocolate cake.
I also buy bottles of wine and then some finger
foods. I decide to drive to Zoe’s home before
heading to my apartment. When I get there, I
find Mazwakhe in the lounge, reading a

“Hello, Mr. Gumbi.” I greet and he raises his

“Makoti.” He smiles widely. “How are you?” I am
not good with Zulu but I know makoti means
daughter-in-law. I am not going to comment on

“I am good. I just came to check on Zoe.”

“And not to visit your in-laws?” he asks with a
smile and I chuckle, shaking my head.
“No. nobody knows me as Makho’s girlfriend
here. So how about we wait for him to introduce
me before I come and visit the in-laws?”

He smirks. “You’re wise. Anyways, my wife is in

the theatre room. She is actually binging on
some new series and I know she will bite my
head off if I disturb her.” I laugh.
“I know exactly what you mean. Let me sneak
up on her.”

“Good luck.” He calls out after me and I chuckle.

I get to the theatre room and I light it up since
its dark.
“I swear to God, I am going to murder you today,
Mazwakhe Gumbi.” Zoe states with a stern
voice without even turning. I snort.
“We should look for another wife for my future
father in law if you’re treating him like this.” I
remark and she turns her head.

“Hey.” She pauses the series. “Why didn’t you

tell me you were going to stop by? I would’ve
made some snacks for you. I am sure you’re
hungry.” I smile as we share a hug.
“I will grab something on my way home.” She
nods. “I just had a thought. How about you guys
come over my place Sunday evening and I cook
dinner for you? It’s unfair that you have hosted
me a couple of times and I have never, not once,
hosted you.”

She beams. “I am game. As long as you will

cook Nigerian dishes.”
“That’s not a problem.” I answer and she does a
mini dance which is hilarious I end up laughing.
She hooks her arm on mine and we head out of
the theatre room.
“How is my son treating you?” I roll my eyes.

“I last saw him on Monday and things were

good. We parted on good terms and we talk
every day. Ohh and he sent me money just
because I told him I am hosting a few of my
friends for dinner tonight.”
“That’s not out of the ordinary. He should give
you money every chance he gets. For the fact
that you agreed to be his girlfriend, that’s
someone he should pay for every day.”

I gasp. “That’s daylight robbery.” She chuckles.

“It’s not, according to her.” Mazwakhe chirps in.
“I actually pay the girlfriend tax even after 30
plus years of marriage.”
I turn to my friend. “You are a phara, Zoe.” She

“Hey, he should pay for fucking me every day.

He should appreciate me every waking day. He
should be glad that he gets to wake up next to
greatness and not a monster wearing sheep
skin every day. I am a blessing in his life and he
should count thrice when counting Me.” she
says proudly and her husband smiles.

“I know how lucky I am. Sometimes I look at

you sleeping or when I just stare at you
absentmindedly as you explain your books to
me and I wonder what good deed I did in my life
for God to reward me with someone like you.” I
am touched, guys.

“Let’s renew our vows.” Zoe states out of the

blue and she is also surprised by her words
because her eyes pop out. Mazwakhe laughs
and nods.
“Before you get lost in your love bubble, come
to my apartment for dinner Sunday.” I hug them
both and walk out.

“We will see you there, dear daughter.” I hear

Mazwakhe saying as I walk out of the door and
I chuckle. The love they share is so
extraordinary. I want that too when I finally get

As I am finishing up cooking dinner, my phone

rings. It’s a video call from Makho. I smile
widely. Crucify me, I don’t care, but I am falling
for Zoe’s son. But I hope he will be there to
catch me in the end. I place the phone by the
bread bin and answer the call so that I will be
able to speak with him while clearing the

“Hey Makho.” I answer and I see him smiling as

he ruffles his dreads. Last time I saw him, he
had them in an updo. When did he let them
loose? “When did you change your hairstyle?” I
can’t help myself, and he chuckles.

“This case has been stressing me, so I had to

do anything to reduce my stress levels and that
included me untying my brain.” He is also
“Great. I was tired of talking to a stupid dude all
the time. I guess I am yet to experience the
more intellectual side of Masonke Gumbi.” He
“Ow wow, Miss Gwendaline, you got jokes
now?” I giggle.
“Something like that.” I shrug.
“What are you busy with?” he questions.
“I am cleaning up. I am done preparing for
dinner. The only thing left is to shower and then
wait for my guests. How about you?”

“I am craving your cooking. How come I have

tasted it once but I am the boyfriend?” I snort,
wiping the counter.
“I promise to spoil you rotten with my home
cooked meals when you’re back. You just have
to be good friends with the gym. I don’t want
you panting like a pig on top of me when you
have a huge belly because that’s what my
cooking provides.”
He titters, sitting back only to reveal his six
pack. “My love, nothing can take away this great
body of mine, even if I don’t go to the gym for
30 days straight, I will still have that body many
ladies dream of touching.” He flexes his biceps
and I giggle, turning to place the dishes on the
sink so that he doesn’t see that he has turned
me into a love sick teenager. “Take off that shirt
and turn around slowly.”

I roll my eyes, still giggling. “I am not about to

do phone sex with you, Makho.” I turn around to
see him smirking.
“So, did anything interesting happen today at
work?” he inquires and I sigh.

“I met Mayor Makhulu and God he was so

arrogant. Why do rich people think that
everything revolves around money? If I didn’t
care so much about my work and my student, I
would’ve insulted him so bad.” He frowns.

“You mean Mayor Mthimkhulu?” he asks.

“Yeah, that one.”
“What was he doing at your work and which
student are you talking about?”

“I am not allowed to tell anyone about Mesuli,

but remember the kid I told you about? The one
who might be dyslexic?” he nods. “Well, I dug
deeper into his issue and found out that he
might have DDD. I told his teachers and mother
about my research and mayor was not there. He
only came to see me today and tried to pay me
off for the research. I nearly strangled him.”
He chuckles angrily. “You should have. I don’t
want men doing shit to you while I am out of
town. Maybe when I am back, I will pay him a
“Okay. Let’s not make a big deal of this. It
happened and I put him in his place just like I
did with you. I know how to handle your kind,
arrogant assholes that is.” he grins, licking his

“That is something I know ow too well. Please

send me some nudes after taking a shower.”
“Or you can just drive an hour for the real deal.”
I respond in a sexual voice, tilting my head to
the side.

He groans, shifting on his seat. “Don’t plant

ideas in my mind, babe. Because honestly I
wouldn’t mind driving only to be buried into your
paradise.” I chortle. Men when it comes to sex,
they would do almost anything, including
crossing a sea full of deadly piranhas.

“I will just send you those nudes you requested

so that you can jerk off while looking at them.
How about a sneak peek even now?” I unbutton
my shirt slowly, revealing my push up bra which
makes my boobs look so sexy.

He grunts deeply, biting his lips. “Baby, you’re

killing me right now.”
“I don’t want you dying on me then. I am
hanging up.” I tease.
“No, don’t.” he shouts almost immediately and
then recovers a bit. “Before you hang up, even
though I am the one who called, I just wanna
remind you that I love you and I miss you so
much. Besides sex and all that, I just wanna
wake up with you in my arms and just enjoy
your company without limited time.”

My heart flutters. My stomach is swimming

with butterflies. This guy is going to be death of
me. “I love you to, Makhosonke.” I reply softly
and he smiles widely.
“We will talk later, my Nubian queen.” he blows
a kiss and I grab it before he hangs up. He has
left me a blushing mess. This guy. I slap my
cheeks a few moments just to recover from
that love spell coz wow. Is it even legal to be
madly in love these days?

I take off my shirt completely and snap a few

pictures of my boobs still in my bra. I have
never sent nudes to anyone before but there is
a first time for everything, right? I quickly send a
few to him and then put my phone on flight
mode because I know he is going to call after
receiving them and we are definitely going to
have phone sex.

I clean the kitchen and then head to my

bedroom. I undress and take a slow bubble bath.
When I am done, I take a few pictures of my
naked wet body and even a slow motion video. I
am tempted to send him a video of my shaved
pussy but that is just too much for him. I lotion
and get dressed in simple shorts with a crop
top and sleepers. I disable flight mode on my
phone and forward the rest of the nudes. He
just sends coffin emojis and burst out laughing.
He is such a drama king.

I lay out the finger foods on my foldable table in

the balcony since I decided we should have
starters there, just watching the sunset and
catching the chilled breeze because it was quite
hot today. I make a boomerang of the set up for
Instagram and post it on my story. I hear a
knock and I quickly attend to it. I squeal when I
see Mathenji. It’s been a while since I last saw
her. I haven’t been able to adjust to my new job
so well that I have lost a few days at the gym.

“Babe, you are glowing. The new job is treating

you well, so is the dick.” I laugh before leading
her inside.
“Oww, my dear friend. Dick is always at the tip
of your tongue.”

She snickers. “Why are you surprised? I always

lick it, so it has to be at the tip.” I roll my eyes
still laughing. She is just a free spirited person.
“I come bearing gifts because I figured this is
an unofficial housewarming and I have seen
that white people bring at least something
when invited for dinner.”

“And since when are you white?” I ask, leading

her to the lounge.
“Since I am fucking a white dick. Honey, that
stereotype shit about white guys having small
dicks or poor sex game is all lies. Nathan
knows how to fuck a pussy. Damn, friend. I
think I am in love.”
I crack up. “Are you okay, my love?” I touch her
forehead to feel her temperature and she slaps
it away playfully. “Okay. Does he check all the
boxes though? Money? Sex game? Body type?
Looks? Age group? Everything?”

She smiles. “He does. Can you believe he gave

me one his cards and he said there was no limit?
I am telling you, babe. I have finally met my
match.” I smile at her.
“I am happy for you and I hope he doesn’t
switch on you after fishing you in. Anyways, are
you quitting the game?”

“Hell no. just pausing.” We both laugh. “Here is

your gift.” She hands me the gift bag. I open it.
It’s a kitchen knives’ set. That is so considerate
of her.
“Thank you so much for this, friend.” I hug her
“You’re welcome.”

Another person knocks and I get up to attend it.

It’s Quinn holding a bottle of wine and a small
gift bag.

“Hello, neighbour.” She beams cheerfully and

we share a hug.
“How are you?”
“I am great, thanks. These are for you.” she
hands me the wine and the gift bag.

“Thank you. Come on in.” I lead her to the

lounge and she sits next to Mathenji. “Babe, this
is Quinn, my neighbour and new friend. Quinn,
this is my best friend, Mathenji.”

They shake hands while I head to the kitchen. I

place the bottle she came with on the fridge
and retrieve a cold one. I open it and grab three
glasses from the cardboard. I go over to the
lounge and place the wine and glasses on the
table before I attend to another knock. I open it
to reveal Reno standing there with a paperbag
and an overnight bag.
“Finally, the party can start.” She laughs before
stepping inside.
“This is for when the wine has sunk in.” she
hands me the paperbag and I chuckle, taking it.

“I will also put this away for you.” I take the

overnight bag and she smiles. I place the
paperbag on the kitchen counter and we head
to the lounge where Mathenji ad Quinn are
chatting up a storm. “Guys, this is Reno, my
colleague and friend. Reno, this is Mathenji, my
best friend and Quinn, my friend and
neighbour.” They exchange pleasantries while I
go put Reno’s bag in my bedroom.
Throughout the starter, we get over the
introductions. Mostly what we do for a living,
where we live and our families. Reno volunteers
to do the first round of the dishes as we move
back to the lounge because of the chilly
weather. After Reno comes back to the lounge
and Mathenji starts the highly anticipated topic.

“So, about Makhosonke, how did that happen?”

she even leans in, showing just how interested
she is in this discussion. I just giggle, rolling my

“Soooo, he came to work on my first day and

disguised his visit by saying he was there for
his uncle. Then he straight out complimented
me, saying that I looked beautiful. To say I
wasn’t charmed by that moment would be a lie.”
I blush and they all giggle.
“The man is a charmer.” Reno adds and we all
crack up.
“No lie there. Do you know how he looks like?”
Mathenji asks Quinn who shakes her head. “Let
me make things easy for you.” she retrieves her
phone, taps on it for a few moments before
showing Quinn a picture. Her eyes pop out and
she looks at me.

“Not that I don’t do black men or anything, but I

would definitely do him.” she comments and I
just laugh. “Please continue with your story.”
“Then he sent me flowers, chocolate and lunch.
I don’t know which day was that. He also
coerced me into a date which turned out to be a
double date because my sister was there with
her fiancé. He outright declared his intentions
and I was sold guys. Look at that face, that
body and tell me how long you can actually
resist him.”

“I would’ve opened my legs for him the minute

he complimented me at his uncle’s office.”
Mathenji chirps in and we all just laugh. I
wouldn’t put that past my friend. Not that she is
cheap or easy but she loves sex and handsome
guys. I have never seen her with an ugly guy.
She once told me that she doesn’t do ugly. She
doesn’t want someone who she is ashamed to
walk with in public. Imagine if a mistake
happens and you fall pregnant for the ugly guy.
Mathenji is downright crazy and I don’t think
there is a cure for her.

“And I know you aren’t kidding.” She laughs. “So

during the double date, he gave me a seductive
kiss which left me all fuggy and wanting for
more. The following night, he came back
because he seriously wanted to spend time
with me, alone. We had a really great time,
dinner and lots of wine. You know how wine has
the ability of making you super horny and you
can’t control your urges when you’re around a
hot attractive guy like him.” they all laugh.

“That’s an excuse, but carry on.” Quinn

comments and I give her a look.
“As if you can say no to your man.” I have seen
him twice and Lord have mercy on my

She laughs. “Honey if you live with a beast that

has a stamina of a stallion and knows how to
work it, your ability to say no flies out the
window every time he enters the room.
Sometimes I would start off with ‘babe we need
to talk about… ahh.” She moans the last word
and we break into laughter. This ladies are
going to kill me today.
“At what point does your panty come off?” Reno

“Who said it stays on?” OMG! “Brad is the type

that rips off panties and I don’t mind because
he knows what type I love and he does buy
them. So I only wear panties when I am going
out. When I’m home, I go commando because I
know I can be fucked at any moment.”

“Yoh, sabaweli. I don’t know when the last time I

got fucked, thoroughly was.” Reno comments.
We just laugh at her.

“How much are you sabaweling? I can hook you

up.” Mathenji teases but I know she is telling
the truth.

She once made me go on a blind date with this

other guy. He was nice but too plain for me. Not
that I love bad boys or what, but your partner
must be someone who makes your blood boil in
a good way when he is around. Someone you
can be silly and also serious with. Someone
who understands you and doesn’t want you to
change your lifestyle in order for it to sync with
his. I don’t know where Mathenji got that guy
but when I told her about the date, she was also

Reno makes no comment and I take that as a

cue to continue my story. “So he fucked me, a
good thrilling two rounds which left me
satisfied. Honey the boy can move his waist. 10
points for that. That’s all the scoop you are
gonna get about what happens behind closed
doors. I don’t wanna over share.”

“Not that I have trust issues, but I love not over

sharing about my sex life or love life in
particular. Our gender is not to be trusted and I
have been burned a number of times from
trusting friends.” Quinn adds and we all nod.
“Even siblings are not to be trusted when it
comes to dick my love.” I knew Mathenji was
going to chirp in.

“So the next morning, he declared his undying

love to me and just as he was about to give me
morning glory, his mother, Zoe, who also
happens to be my friend, knocked at my front
door. I was still contemplating on ways to break
the news to her but she just found out that way.
I thought she wouldn’t be happy but it was the
opposite. So he took me out and then fucked
me again. Monday, we spent some time
together before he left. Guys I am falling deeply
in love with Makho. Please stop me.” I sigh
happily and they giggle.

“Don’t include us, babe. This is your bed, lie in

it.” Mathenji responds, standing up. I just laugh.
“Let’s go dish up. I am famished.” I roll my eyes
before following her to the kitchen. We dish up
the main course while making small talk. She
even tells me about the latest drama from work.
We place the food in the dining table and call
the other ladies. We all sit down and indulge on
the food.

“This is really delicious. Are you sure you didn’t

order it?” Reno asks in a teasing voice and I
“Is there a place that sells Nigerian cuisine
around here?” I ask.
“Yes. There is this cozy eatery a few minutes
from my place. A guy called Charlie is the owner
and the chef. We have ordered a couple of
times. He only serves Nigerian food and it’s so
delicious.” She states and I smile.

“I should definitely pay a visit.”

“You won’t be disappointed.” She turns to
Mathenji. “You didn’t tell us about your man.
Who is he? What does he do? How does he
treat you?”
“Which one?” Mathenji asks with a smirk and I
laugh because I am the only one who
understands her statement. The other ladies
look a bit confused, so I come to their rescue.
“Mathenji has multiple partners and they all
serve a purpose in her life. They all spoil her like
Quinn looks shocked. “How do you do it? I tried
cheating once, a long time ago and I got caught
before the week even ended.” She challenges
and Mathenji just laughs.

“I mastered the art at a really young age. I have

recently found the one worth leaving that
lifestyle for but I am still a bit skeptical. I don’t
avail myself so much to all of them and they
know my life is busy. I have work and I have
gym, so I hardly get time to chill with them. If a
guy wants to spend time with me, it has to be in
a special place, not just his house and they
know to send an allowance even if we haven’t
seen each other for quite some time. They
shower me with gifts and one of my exes
actually bought me a house.” Their eyes pop

“Is your vagina made of gold?” Reno blurts out

and both Mathenji and I laugh at her.
“It’s not about sex. It’s about how I make them
feel when we are together. Men have huge egos
and they wanna be worshipped. But they also
want to be challenged, even if they won’t admit
that. So I challenge them as much as I carter to
their egos. I don’t know the amount of money I
have made from them but I know it has reached
a 6 figure amount because I save the money I
am given, most of the time.”

“You play the game with skill and precision.”

Quinn compliments and Mathenji nods.
“Yes honey.”
“How are you still a cleaner?” Reno asks.

“I love my job and I also love the amount of

drama that happens at work every day. I don’t
think I can find drama like that at any other
place. Also I have a journalism degree but I am
not keen on officially being Miss Isolezwe.
Maybe I will get enough encouragement in the

We continue eating while getting to know each

other on a deeper level. I love how we don’t
have awkward pauses and moments of
uncomfortable silences. I really hope we can
form a great friendship and even go to
vacations together in the future. I also hope that
we can do those cute friendship goals.

The evening doesn’t end. In fact the ladies

decide on a sleepover and we spend the whole
night drinking, talking about sex, giving each
other tips, we even call Reno’s traffic cop and
by the end of the phone call, all is set for their
first official date.

“Knock-knock.” The voice draws me out of my

deep peaceful sleep. What the hell? I am not
expecting anybody this morning, so who the
fuck is disturbing my beauty sleep? I groan,
sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I look around
and a chuckle escapes my lips. I don’t know
when did we sleep but I do know that all four of
us squeezed ourselves in my bed in a very weird

I climb off the bed, put on a robe, sleepers and

head to the bathroom. Whoever is at the door
will have to wait until I am done urinating and
brushing my teeth. Coming out of the bathroom,
I smile at Quinn who is yawning and stretching
her arms.

“Morning love. Who’s the angry man at your

door? I swear he is trying to kick it down.” She
mutters and I laugh quietly.
“Only one way to find out.” I walk to the front
door and open it. I frown, seeing an unfamiliar
man standing on the other side, carrying a
bunch of flowers and a board.

“Good morning. Are you Miss Chizoba

Gwendaline?” the man asks and I nod. “Well this
is for you. Please sign here.” he hands me the
small board and shows me where to sign. I am
still confused but I sign nonetheless. “Here you
go.” He gives me the flowers. “Can we please
enter?” who is we?
“What is this about?” I ask.

“We are just doing our job, Miss. We promise to

be out of your hair in less than 5 minutes.” I
don’t answer, I simply step aside. “Thank you.”
he turns to the side. “Gents, you can come in
now.” I enter to make space for them. Guys in
black and white uniform enter carrying bunches
of beautiful flowers. They place them in
whatever space they find in the lounge. They
then come back and ask for the kitchen. I direct
them and they place multiple paper bags there.
They all head out and the one who I was
speaking to smiles at me. “Here you go. Have a
good morning.” He hands me a card and then
walks out, closing the door behind him.

That’s all the card states. That’s definitely not

Makho. He would’ve written Mr. 12k pants or
M.G, the G for Gumbi.
“Okay. Am I in heaven?” Mathenji’s voice
startles me. I turn to face her and find the other
ladies standing with her. “This doesn’t look like
a pleasant surprise.” She steps forward and
takes the card from me. She reads it out loud
and frowns. “It’s the mayor.”

“What?” my own voice shocks me. I told them

about my encounter with the mayor last night. I
don’t know what she means by what she is
“This is his way of apologizing for being an ass.
He usually does this to his side chicks. You
know how some ladies don’t care about making
it known to the world that they are dating the
mayor. That weave lady who fought with the
braids lady once posted something like this on
her story and the same card. I don’t know what
he was apologizing for, then.”

“Wow, talk about grand gesture.” Reno

comments, walking to the kitchen counter and
opening one of the paper bags. “Pardon me.
The aroma was calling me. I am famished.” We
all join her around the counter and unload some
of the paper bags. There are ribs, wings, chips,
sea food, some English breakfast. Anything you
can think of that is usually served at restaurants.
“This dude is generous AF.”

“What are you going to do about this?” Quinn

asks the million dollar question and I sigh.
“I will keep the rest of the food in the fridge. I
don’t know about the flowers.” I respond

“Maybe we can go give each rose to any of the

ladies or even men at any mall.” She suggests
and I look at her. That’s not a bad idea. I don’t
wanna look like an idiot with so many flowers
on my garbage.

“That’s one solution to one problem. What

about the mayor? What are you going to do
about him? This is no gesture you send to your
kid’s teacher. This is something he would send
to one of his women. This actually means he
has his eyes on you.” Mathenji remarks and I
frown. “You need to put him in his place but not
right now, while the news are still fresh. Maybe
go give him your peace of mind Monday after
work.” I nod and bite one of the ribs. They are
still hot and so juicy.

“What about Makhosonke?” Reno asks. “I think

this is something you would disclose to your
boyfriend unless…” she shrugs and I huff.
“I most def have to tell him about this because
when I told him about my encounter with the
mayor, he got pissed. But I will do that after we
solve the flowers issue. Which mall are going
to?” I ask.

“How about Bara Mall?” Mathenji suggests and

we all agree on it.

We finish eating and they help me load some of

the food in the fridge. Quinn heads to her house
while the other ladies shower. I decide to call
Makho that same time, because of the privacy I
now have. I take my phone and head to the
balcony. His phone rings twice before he picks
it up.

“If I tell you say I love you, o

My money my body Na your own
O baby
Thirty billion for the account, io
Versace and Gucci for your body, o baby
No do, No do
No do garagara for me.” he answers in a really
bright mood and I can’t help but laugh. He has a
great voice and I love it.

“Are you saying if I check my account now I will

find 30 billion in it?” I tease and he laughs.
“You may never know, love. How are you this
morning? God, I can’t wait to sleep and wake up
with you in my arms. When I come back, you at
least have to spend a week in my house. Just
so we can get to know each other better.” I
giggle, rolling my eyes. That getting to know
each other involves too much sex, I presume.

“I am over the moon love, well expect for the

minor headache I am experiencing due to the
wine we drank last night. Why are you in such a
bright mood?”
“It’s a love thing, you wouldn’t understand.” He
jabs and I crack up. “I am serious baby. When
you’re in love with a beautiful woman and
receive an actual phone call from her early in
the morning, especially after dreaming about
her the previous night, you can’t help but be this

Fuck. I am a blushing mess. Thank God I didn’t

opt for a video call. “Well, if you put it that
way…” he chuckles. “I don’t know if this will
dampen your mood.” Here goes nothing.
“I am a lawyer, I think I can handle it.” He
answers with a voice void of the happiness.
Let’s hope so.

“Mayor Makhulu sent me flowers and breakfast

this morning as a way of apologizing.” I
mentally cross my fingers, while waiting for his
“Really? Send me a picture.”
“What?” I am shocked by his response or rather
“Just kidding. Don’t worry about Mthimkhulu
and don’t feel guilty about enjoying his gifts. I
will handle him when I am back.” That sounds a
bit too serious for me.

“Okay. I just hope nobody gets hurt in the

process.” He chuckles.
“I am not promising anything.”
I think of a quick way to change the subject. “I
am hosting your parents for dinner tomorrow

“Really? That’s great. You’re making me wish I

was there to join you guys.”
“I am not inviting them as your parents but as
my friend and her husband.” he laughs.
“Whatever that makes you sleep well at night.” I
snort. He is crazy.
YOU CAN GO IN NOW!” Mathenji shouts from
“I AM ON THE PHONE!” I shout back and I can
literally hear her running towards the balcony.

“Is it Makhosonke?” she asks as soon as she

appears and I hear Makho laughing on the line. I
nod and she smiles. “Put him on speaker.” I
chuckle before doing so. I wonder what she is
going to say to him. “Hey Makhosonke. I don’t
know if you know me but I do know you. I am
Mathenji, Chichi’s girlfriend. By the way, you still
owe be the girlfriend tax.”

Makho laughs before replying. “Hi, Mathenji. I

will make sure to take both you and my babe
out for lunch as soon as I am back.”
“And a shopping spree.” She adds and I laugh.
“Yes, and a shopping spree.” Makho adds.
“Thank you, by the way, for looking after my
babe in my absence. I am still thinking of a
special gift for you.”

“Yay!” Mathenji jumps up in excitement and

Makho just laughs. “Bye for now.” She says
before heading back inside.
“Is she gone?” he asks and I laugh.

“Now that’s a ball of energy. How do you keep

up with her?”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait till you meet
her in person.” He groans and I chortle.
“A single, beautiful, fresh rose for a gorgeous
lady.” I state with a smile, handing a rose to one
of the passing ladies. She blushes and accepts
the flower.

“Thank you. I have never received flowers ever

before. This one is beautiful.” She responds
before walking away, still smiling.
“We still have about 5 bunches to go. So that
means a couple of dozens more of that type of
smile.” Quinn states and I huff.

“If these smiles weren’t getting to me, I honestly

would’ve thrown all these flowers in the trash
can.” I retrieve another bunch.
“Let’s head inside the mall and give singles to
the employees, but those who work at places
that don’t sell flowers.” Reno suggests and we
all agree.

“Guys, we are trending. Someone just posted us

on twitter and people are retweeting, especially
the ladies. They are saying what we are doing is
really beautiful. Others have even posted the
roses we gave them.” Mathenji says, scrolling
down her phone. “We are celebs now.”

“I am sure it takes more than a few retweets for

a person to become a celeb.” I respond to her
and she rolls her eyes.
“Bitch shoo with the negative energy.” Nwanyi a
ezie. (This woman, though.) I can’t stop

We enter the mall and go to a few stores. The

flowers get depleted after an hour and we
finally catch our breaths. We disperse and I go
back to my apartment, to prepare myself for a
day out with my sister.

“O na-ada ka onye mara mma. M ga-enye ya

onwa isi. O buru na unu ka nokwa mgbe ahu,
agaghi m enwe nsogbu izute ya. (He sounds
like a nice guy. I will give him six months. If you
guys are still together then, I will have no
problem meeting him.)” Nneka states in her
deputy parent voice and I nod. I actually thought
she would be over the moon and want to see
Makho but I don’t blame her. You don’t
introduce every partner you get to your family.

“M ga-agwa ya na. (I will notify him that.)” We

go to different clothing stores and she picks so
many clothes, even shoes and jewelry. “That’s a
lot of baggage for you.”

She rolls her eyes. “Maka onye nkuzi, I nwere

ike idi nwayo. Uwe ndi a bu nke gi.
N’agbanyeghi na I na-aru oru, a ka m bu nwanne
gi Nwanyi toro gi, m na-agakwa oru m, nke na-
emebi gi mgbe m nwetara ohere. (For a teacher,
you can be so slow. These clothes are yours.
Even though you’re working, I am still your older
sister and I am doing my duty, which is spoiling
you when I get the chance.)” I smile at her.

“Daalu nwanne. (Thank you, sister.)” You don’t

go all modest when your sibling spoils you.

When I think we are done with the shopping,

she pulls me to Mac. She asks the shop
assistants to do our make-up and then buys the
whole kit when they are done. I don’t even think
I recognize my own reflection right now. I look
so stunning and I feel great. You know that
feeling, after putting on make-up, the
confidence boost you get is out of this world.

“Well, little sis, I have to love and leave you. I

have a date.” She winks at me and I frown.
“You haven’t been in SA for more than a month
and already you have a date?” I ask, bewildered.
“You would be surprised by how attractive
literate foreigners are.”

“And what about Jackie Chan?” she cracks up,

attracting attention to us. Her laughter is
contagious and intoxicating, so I also end up
“What happens in Africa, stays in Africa, love. I
won’t tell if you don’t.” she winks and I just
chuckle, shaking my head. Since when is Nneka
this open to fucking around? “Oww relax. It’s
not like I am going to be impregnated by this
Tshonana man.” she states, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, that. It’s just harmless fun. You don’t
actually turn down dates just because you’re in
a relationship. How can you say no to a free
“Your bed, sis. But can we not fall victim when
Bruce Lee hears about this?”

“How would he hear? Unless he is a warlord,

then this won’t reach him. Bye for now.” She
kisses my lips and walks away, swaying her
hips from side to side. I catch a few guys
gawking at her and I chuckle before heading to
my temporary car.

As I am about to start the car, a WhatsApp text

comes in from an unsaved number.

‘Hey love, Mawande here. Please meet me at

this location in 20 minutes. I am sorry for the
short notice but it will all be worth it when you
get here.”

I smile at the text. I have been wanting, no,

wishing to meet up with the only Gumbi sister
who also happens to be my favourite celeb. I
am excited about this, but I don’t think I am
prepared. Maybe it’s urgent though. I check my
outfit and it seems okay. A nice yellow mini
dress and white sandals. I feel a bit insecure
about it because I know how Mawande dresses.
But she ambushed me, so I shouldn’t care
about my outfit. Yeah, let me go and hear what
she has to say.


Hearing that the mayor disrespected my

woman really angered me but the stunt he
pulled today was enough to make me put aside
my work and drive back to Joburg. The drive
from Potchefstroom to home is close to 2
hours but I make it there in less than 45
minutes. I won’t tell mom about this because I
know she is going to eat me alive. Luckily when
I arrive at my parents’ house, I discover that
mom has gone out with Mawande. I know those
two can shop till they drop. Who knows? Maybe
they told dad they were going to Sandton Mall
but turns out they are in Gateway Mall in Durban.

“You aren’t supposed to be here. What’s

wrong?” dad asks as soon as I walk inside his
study. He is busy doing some reading.
“Which case are you working on?” I ask, making
myself comfortable in the chair across him. He
rolls his eyes before taking off his reading

“A gay man was killed by his lover’s girlfriend. I

am presiding over that case and there is
enough evidence pointing to the girlfriend but
her father actually tried to pay me off and when
that didn’t work, he tried to threaten me.”
I smirk. “How did that work out?”
“Let’s just say, wherever he is right now, he
knows never to mess with the Gumbis.”

“Talking about messing with the Gumbis, Mayor

Mthimkhulu is becoming a thorn under my
feet.” He sits back, his eyebrows arching. “He is
going after my woman, hard and fast and I don’t
like that. I don’t wanna go to his office and
confront him like some blue balled boy but I
want him to back off of my woman. Can you
believe he actually turned her apartment into a
flower shop today and bought her food enough
to feed an orphanage?”

“That’s extreme. Your woman knows how to

handle such situations, so let her warn him. I’m
sure she won’t like it when you meddle in this
and make her look powerless. If Mthimkhulu
doesn’t listen to Chizoba’s warning, then I will
deal with him personally.” I nod.

“Thank you. Now I wanna plan something nice

for her, which will happen tonight. A grand
gesture. Not that I am competing with that
mayor fool, but I want him and everybody to
know that Chizoba is mine and mine alone.”

He smiles. “Here is what I have in mind.”

“Are you sure she is coming?” I ask, pacing up

and down. I don’t know how she took the
message. Maybe she was too busy, she didn’t
even see it.
Mawande rolls her eyes, leaning on one of the
pillars. “She saw my message and then replied
with a thumbs up emoji. Maybe she was driving
but I am sure she is on her way here.”

“Maybe she changed her mind and…”

She groans but her reaction changes fast like
lightning when her phone beeps. “She is here.”
she smiles widely before taking my phone from
me and skipping to the parking lot.

Fuck I am so nervous. Why am I this fiddly? It’s

not like I am going to propose or anything. Just
a good gesture for my girlfriend. Come on,
Makhosonke. Pull it together. Uwu Somkhanda
wena. You can’t be defeated by something as
small as…
“I am so sorry for lying to you.” I hear my
sister’s voice before I see them walk by the
terrace. My breath hitches when my eyes land
on my Nubian queen. She is dressed in a yellow
short dress and white shoes. She looks so
fucking amazing. I swallow hard when our eyes

“OMG! Makho!” she exclaims before rushing to

me and throwing herself at me. I instinctively
wrap my arms around her. I didn’t know she
missed me this much. Mawande gives me a
thumbs up as she films the whole thing. I inhale
my woman’s scent and I finally feel at peace, at

“I love you.” I murmur with my eyes closed and I

hear her giggling.
“A hukwara m gi n’anya. (I love you too).” She
whispers and I put her down.
“What does that mean?” I ask, cupping her face.

“Your homework.” She winks at me before

turning around and gasping. “Wow. Makho. Is
this all for me?” she looks utterly shocked and I
am pleased with my efforts. Well it was a family
effort but this is my moment, so let me shine.

I am in awe of everything that is surrounding us

right now. I have seen Winston Hotel on social
media before, even visited their website, and it’s
beautiful but what they have done with the
terrace, the pool and the grass near the pool is
simply breathtaking. And to think all this was
done by Makhosonke for me. I am speechless.
There are balloons everywhere, lanterns lined
up, leading to a cabana made of LED lights.
Inside there, there is a throw laid out, two
pillows and food. I turn to him.

“You did this? For me?” I ask, in an estranged

voice and he smiles before cupping my face
and planting a soft kiss on my lips.
“You are my woman and you deserve all the
nice things in the world. This is nothing. I am
yet to show you the world, my love.” this is not
the arrogant jerk I met at Checkers. This man
has the ability to make all my insides melt. His
words, his actions, him. Dear God. I wrap my
arms around his neck and gently kiss him. He
kisses me back and I quickly break it off before
we get carried away.

“How did you do all this?” that signature grin of

his makes an appearance before he leads me to
the magical cabana.
“My love, ngiwu Somkhanda kay 1. Like
Nedbank, I make things happen.” I chuckle SMH.

“What does Som what-what means?” he laughs.

“Somkhanda baby. And that’s my favourite clan
name. Please don’t butcher it.” I inwardly roll my
“You have to teach me so that I don’t butcher
“Gladly.” He sits down and brings me to sit on
his lap. I squeal before giggling.
“My cushion is over there.”
“And I want you in my lap, in my arms. So this is
where you're going to sit.”
“I am ending this right now.” Mawande reminds
us of her presence and I blush before burying
my head in Makho's neck. He chuckles.
“Thank you, my wing lady.”

“You know how much you owe me.” I raise my

head to look at her. She hands him his phone.
“You, missy, I am sorry for tricking you but as
you can see, it was all for a good cause. To
make it up to you, I am taking you to Cape Town
on a shopping spree on Saturday. Also, I will
bring your car tomorrow. Adios love birds.” She
blows us kisses before walking away. She has
no problem saying ‘my car' in front of Makho.

“The car is yours now. I have no desire of

seeing my woman get into different Ubers or
taxis.” I roll my eyes.
“You're being dramatic. That has been my life
for what, almost 2 years. It’s really normal.”
“Can we not talk about transport right now? Can
we enjoy this moment?” he asks, already
planting soft kisses on my neck. “I missed you. I
think you have bewitched me. I can’t be this in
love with you. It’s not normal.” I snort.

“You’re not all that. Just admit you’re whipped.”

He laughs.
“I admit. Now let’s eat.”
He brings the other pillow next to him and
makes me sit there. The man is hooked. We eat
and he tells me how his week has been like.
“You’re lying.” He laughs.

“I am telling you the truth babe. I went to the

restroom and when I came out, she flashed her
yellow teeth and motioned that I come closer to
her with her dirt stained nails.” I chortle.
Apparently he grabbed the attention of a
homeless crazy woman and she has been
following him around town.

“You should maybe get a restraining order

against her.”
He scoffs. “Getting a restraining order means I
have to know her name and her address. I don’t
even wanna know that. So I told my PA to get
me another accommodation because I can’t
deal. I would rather stay in a hotel than be
stalked by a crazy woman.” he is a drama king.
That’s what I can say.

We finish eating and walk around the hotel

talking about anything and everything. Then we
finally head to his house. It is really beautiful
and I love the furniture. As soon as we get to
his bedroom, I ask to see his closet. He points
at it and I head there. Luckily his clothes are
neatly packed and arranged. So it doesn’t take
long for me to locate the 12k pants. I dash to
the kitchen with it tucked safely in my belly.
When I see no sign of him downstairs, I head
over to the pantry and retrieve the bleach. I
place the pants in the sink and pour bleach all
over them. It doesn’t take long for them to
change colour. I smile at my work of art and
then call Makho.

“Babe! Babe! I have a surprise for you.” a few

moments later, he enters the kitchen topless.
He frowns at me.
“Where’s the surprise?” I walk closer to him,
perk his lips and then pass him. I stand at the
doorway and point at the sink.
“There it is. Take your time with it.” He takes
careful steps to the sink and I don’t wait around
for his reaction. I sprint to his room and lock the
door behind me.


screams on top of his voice and I giggle like a
small kid after being caught eating sugar. His
footsteps near the bedroom and when he gets
there, he tries to open the door. His frustrations
escalates and he bangs the door. “CHIZOBA!

“So what? You can beat me? I don’t think so.

Well, I guess now we are even now.”
“Even about what?” he asks, clearly shocked.
“I love you but I hadn’t forgiven you about how
you treated me on the day we first met. So that
was pay back.” He sighs.
“Baby, please open the door.” He says after a
few minutes of silence. I unlock it and open it.
He stares at me with eyes full of remorse. “I
guess the Zulu saying is really true. Umenzi
uyakhohlwa, umenziwa akakhohlwa.” Say what
now? “It means the perpetrator always forgets
but the victim always remembers. Once again, I
am sorry about how I treated you when we first
met. It was really stupid of me and it is not my
proudest moments. I will live to regret it and it’s
a story I would be ashamed to share with our
kids one day.”

I exhale loudly. “It’s not that I wanted us to

revisit that day. I just really wanted to burn
those pants because they annoy the fuck out of
me.” he smiles.
“I will make sure the maid burns them when she
comes to clean. Now come give your man
some love.” he opens his arms and I smile shyly
before soaking myself into his loving arms. He
spanks my butt and I shriek. “That’s for locking
the door.” I chuckle. He is crazy.

“You are not even supposed to be here. Look
now, you’re disturbing me.” I squint my eyes at
him and he smirks before raising his hands,
mocking a surrender reaction. His phone beeps
and I am grateful for it. I quickly pour the stew
on the casserole dish and place the pot on the

“Baby, you’re trending.” He states and I frown.

“For what good reason?”
We spent the night at his house where he
fucked me till dawn. Then he took me out and
we had seafood for breakfast. All this while, I
didn’t have the chance to pay enough attention
to my phone, well except for the one time when
I confirmed the time Zoe and Mazwakhe would
be joining me, or us, for dinner.

“People tweeted about our dinner. Wande was

live on Instagram last night, so people
screenshotted it and posted it on twitter. Many
have made memes about it and some have
made fun of Monica using our pictures. So
Monica reacted and said some really stupid shit
which landed her in hot waters with one
particular influential celebrity.” I take his phone
to see what he is talking about. I immediately
see Monica’s tweet.
‘Black as a charcoal. He could have at least
went for someone more beautiful than me.
What a downgrade.’

My word. Such bitter words from this child. Is

she okay upstairs? I scroll down, reading the
comments, some dissing Monica and some just
entertaining her. One particular retweet stands
out. From Thuso Mbedu.

‘I am black, she is black. We are both rich in

melanin. Shall we bleach ourselves because we
don’t fit the criteria of your beauty standards?
Queen Chizoba, you are beautiful.’

I nearly scream. Such recognition from an

international star. I am honored and blessed,
actually. A new retweet pops up. This one is
from none other than Lupita Nyong’o.
‘I am black and that’s my color. I got it from my
mama. Rise Queen Chizoba.’

“Baby.” I can’t even recognize my voice. Makho

chuckles before coming closer to me. “Thuso
and Lupita just tweeted, about me.” all this is
impossible. Like a dream.

“That will teach Monica never to mess with my

queen.” he kisses the side of my face before
heading to the door. I frown at him and quickly
smile when I see him returning with Zoe and
Mazwakhe. I didn’t even hear them knock.

“I am loving the aroma, my love. And that is this

thug doing in your apartment?” Zoe asks,
stepping inside the kitchen and coming to
embrace me in a hug. I laugh and hug her back.
“And who is the thug, mother?” Makho asks.

“Look at iphara asking the obvious.” She

responds and her husband laughs before
coming to hug me.
“Thank you the invitation, my child. We brought
you this.” he hands me a gift bag. I smile.

“Thank you. Please get settled in the dining

table. I will bring the appetizers shortly.”
“Come.” Zoe pulls Makho. “I don’t want you
getting all naughty with my friend in my
presence.” Zoe though. I crack up. Makho
definitely took the crazy and dramatic traits
from her.

“Ndzi serious, bro. I lay ya kahle naswona u

sasekile hakunene. Yeah, ndza swi tiva leswaku
nchumu wa hina a wu nge pfuki wu ye kwihi na
kwihi. Hi le ku tiphineni ntsena. Kambe swi nga
ha tshama swi ri karhi swi tlhelela eka yena loko
a ha ti eAfrika-Dzonga. Perks yo kundzana na
munhu wa matiko mambe. Loko se a fambile,
swi ta va onge a nga si tshama a va laha
naswona munghana wa mina wa vukati a nge
twi hi yena. Hambiloko a endla tano, a nge vi na
nchumu wo vilela ha wona. (I am serious, bro.
she is a good lay and really beautiful. Yeah I
know our thing can never go anywhere. We are
just having fun. But I might keep going back to
her while she is still in South Africa. Perks of
fucking a foreigner. Once she leaves, it will be
like she was never here and my fiancé won’t
hear about her. Even if she does, she will have
nothing to worry about.)” I clear my throat and
he turns to look at me with a smile. “I have to go
man. Talk soon.” he hangs up and comes to the
bed. “Hello, angel.” He kisses my lips and I

“What was that call about?” I can’t help myself. I

may not understand a word he said, but I feel
like I was included in that conversation and I
need to know what he was saying.
“You don’t need to worry yourself about that.”
he brushes his hand across my chin, giving me
a charming smile.

“What is your relationship status?” I enquire,

wrapping the bed sheet around me. I am an
idiot, I admit, but last night was really great.
From the dinner to the sex. The guy is
handsome and knows how to spoil a woman,
from what I have seen. So chances of him being
single are zero.

He chuckles and sits next to me. “It’s

complicated.” He shrugs.
“Uncomplicate it for me, then.”
“Why? It’s not like this thing of us will last. Just
a temporary fling until you leave South Africa.”

“Wow.” I get away from him and stand up. I

locate my clothes and start putting them on.
“Nwa agbogho Nzuzu. I bu onye Nzuzu, Nneka.
Enyem gi ya. N’ihi gini ka okwu-Ya di gi n’obi?
Ibu nwanyo ukwu. I dighi mkpa fuckers di ka ya
na ndu gi. O kadi mma na o gosiputara ezi
ebumnobi ya ugbu a karia ka emechaa. (Stupid
girl. You’re an idiot, Nneka. I give it to you. Why
are you hurt by his words? You’re a big girl. You
don’t need fuckers like him in your life. It’s even
better that he showed his true intentions now.)”
I murmur to myself. I zip up my jacket and pick
my purse from the floor.

“Where are you going?” he asks, putting on his

“You are right. This is just a fling. I shouldn’t
even have stayed over. We got carried away, but
I won’t make the same mistake with the next
man. Bye.”
“What the fuck? I thought we understood each

“I misunderstood you, but now things are

clearer. Boy bye.” I head out and climb into my
rental car as soon as I am outside. I am such an
idiot. I take a few deep breaths before driving
Arriving at my apartment, I first charge my
phone and switch it on. Dozens of notifications
come in and I roll my eyes when I see missed
calls from my mother. She is not my favourite
parent. She is the one who always tells me that
I should set a great example for my siblings. If I
am not married and don’t have any kids at this
age, what are my siblings learning from me?
Studying and working overseas didn’t get to be
categorized as an achievement in her books.
My family has been to where I live, at least 4
times, but she only came once and always had
excuses the other times.

While I am still contemplating on returning her

call, Udoa calls. Well, she is better company
than mother. I answer her call. “Dear sister.” she
“Hey. Did mom reach you? She called me earlier
on and said she couldn’t reach you.”

I sigh, walking to the bathroom. “She must’ve

had really important news to tell me. I had a late
night last night, so I woke up a few minutes ago.
What’s up? Who died?”

“Apparently Chia moved out of his marital home.

No, let me correct that. His wife chased him out
and said if he comes back, she will burn him
alive. I never thought Celine could be this
I chuckle. “That sounds dramatic. Now why was
mother calling me?”
“She said Celine deserves some intervention
and she thought we could talk some sense into
her.” I scoff.
“That’s bullshit. If you or Chichi were in the
same predicament, I would tell you to outright
divorce your husbands. What Chia did is
unspeakable. Our family is wrong for wanting to
force peace down her throat. And there is no
fuckin intervention that’s going to happen. We
are not going to corner Celine and do this to her.
I refuse, and tell your mother to go fuck

She chuckles. “Should I pass on the message

“If you do, I swear to God, I will tell her you’re a
home wrecker.”
“Woah, woah. Easy. Who pissed you off this
early in the morning?” I exhale loudly, sitting on
the toilet.
“I went on a date with this guy. Things were
going great and he was romantic. Well, until he
straight out told me that this was just a fling,
nothing more. That was after we fucked the
whole night.”

“Wow. That’s a lot to process.” I hear some

movement. “Babe, this is private. Buzz off.” I
hear a door closing before she giggles. “Eze can
be such a nuisance sometimes. Anyways, you
have your Japanese man. Why did the South
African guy’s actions hurt you?” Asian, asshole.

“They didn’t necessarily hurt me. But I was

supposed to be the one dismissing him, not the
other way around.”
She laughs. “So, you’re only mad that he beat
you at your own game? That doesn’t seem like
the truth. Talk, sister. I won’t judge. Did you
have other expectations from your union?”

“I am stupid, I know. But it’s over now. Anyways,

I need to shower and get some rest.”
“I will leave you to it then. Do call mother, I don’t
want it to seem like I didn’t tell you that she was
looking for you.”

“Fine, but I am not going to meddle in our

brother’s marriage.”
“Keep well.” We say our farewells and hang up.

I take a long warm shower, just getting rid of all

the tiredness. When I am done, I clean up and
get dressed in an oversized t-shirt and sleepers.
I make breakfast and just as I am about to sit
down and enjoy it, my phone rings. I am quite
popular today, but can that not be mother? I am
not ready to talk to her. Luckily, the person
calling is Chung, but guilt starts eating me up.
He is a nice guy. He doesn’t deserve this hoe
which is me. I should put him out of his misery
as soon as I am back in Port Macquarie.

“Hey love.” I answer the call in a chirpy way and

nearly slap myself for being so idiotic.
“Good morning baby. Which way is your
apartment?” I frown.
“That’s not something to joke about, babe. You
are halfway across the world and you know I
miss you.”

He chuckles. “You are one of the smartest

women in the world. Don’t act dumb now. I am
at the airport and I am asking which way is your
apartment?” holy fuck. Why did I go cheat on a
man who would travel to another continent just
to see me? I am dumb. Fuck me.

“Should I come fetch you?” my voice is already

“No, I don’t wanna trouble you. Just send me
your location and I will catch a cab.”
“Okay. I love you, Chung.”
He chuckles. “I love you more, Nneka.” He
hangs up and I just break down.

Guilt is eating me up. I call Chichi but her phone

goes straight to voicemail. Fuck. I am disturbing
her. I know she is busy with her man because
he came back last night. She posted a short
video of her surprise picnic and then went
offline. I don’t have time to mope around. I first
forward my location to Chung and I throw my
breakfast in the trash can because there is no
way in hell I am going to eat that now. I go wash
my face and apply some foundation and lipstick
before doing some quick cleaning. After a few
minutes, I hear a knock and I hold my breath. Do
I look like someone that has been fucked? I
hope not. I walk to the door and open it. Some
of my worries vanish when my eyes land on that
perfect comforting smile.

“My queen.” he bows a bit and I giggle before

throwing myself at him. “Woah, somebody
missed me.
“You have no idea.”

Time really flies when you’re having fun. My

weekend went by very fast. My highlight was
the time spent with Makho. I had so much fun
with him, I even forgot that Mayor Makhulu had
sent me stupid flowers and food. I know my
friends advised that I should approach this
issue in a calm manner but the mayor’s actions
really pissed me off. I am not one of his toys
and I don’t want him to think I was charmed by
that little stunt he pulled. With the help of the
clerk, I manage to get the mayor’s number. I
hide my number and then call him because I
don’t want him calling me. But I am stupid. If he
knows my address then he knows my number.
He answers after a few rings.

“Mthimkhulu here, hello.” You can detect

arrogancy from his tone. I nearly click my
tongue but I stop myself.

“Good afternoon. This is Miss Gwendaline,

Mesuli’s teacher.”
“My God, Miss Gwendaline. How are you this

“Cut the mocking formalities. You sent me

flowers and food on Saturday and don’t dare try
to deny it.”
He chuckles. “I wasn’t going to deny it, Miss
Gwendaline. I am glad that you received my
gift.” I huff.

“What you did was uncool. I ate the food

because I was hungry and I am a sucker for
food but I gave away the flowers because
someone decided to turn my apartment into the
Garden of Eden on a Saturday morning.”
“So you like a part of your gift? That’s nice.”
“I didn’t like any of it. Don’t put words into my
mouth. Don’t ever do something like that. If you
wanted to humble yourself and deliver a
genuine promise, a simple ‘I am sorry’ would’ve
sufficed. Also, life was going on very well
without your apology because I don’t take what
your kind says into heart.”

“My kind?”
“Yes, your kind. The rich kind who thinks the
world revolves around money. That thinks
everyone can be bought or charmed by useless
grand gestures. The kind that thinks they are
Gods just because they are richer than most
rich people. You don’t owe me anything, Mr.
Mayor, so don’t ever do something like that.”

He clears his throat. “I hear you, Miss

Gwendaline, but…”
“That would be all. If you want to talk about
your kid’s progress, you would have to use my
school email. That’s what’s our little
relationship is based on. A parent-teacher
relationship and I hope from now on, you won’t
go over your boundaries.” I hang up and feel a
huge weight being lifted from my shoulders.
That had to be done.

I continue with my marking, leaving a few notes

for the students. I then remember that waking
up this morning, I had tons of missed calls from
my family. Most of them were from mom and a
few from my siblings, Nneka, Udoa, Chia and
Kosiso. I didn’t get a check to respond to them
because I had to rush to work. I think about
responding now but a call comes in from Bangi,
one of Mathenji’s men. Why the fuck is he
calling me? I let it ring and the moment it stops,
I quickly dial Mathenji’s number.

“Chichi I was with you the whole weekend.

Please.” Her voice sounds distraught.
“Okay.” She hangs up and I frown. How the fuck
do I account for Saturday and Sunday night
because I was with Makho? I hope I am good at
lying as I am good at reading. Bangi calls again
and I answer this time around.

“Bangi, hello.”
“Hey, Chizoba. I am sorry for disturbing you. I
just wanna know if you happened to see
Mathenji this weekend.”

“Yeah. She arrived at my apartment on Friday

evening and spent the night here. On Saturday
we went to the mall to give out flowers and then
drove to Zoe’s place. Zoe is my friend and she
also happens to be my boyfriend’s mother. We
spent the evening together and I only left for the
surprise my boyfriend had for me. When we
were done dining, we both went back to Zoe’s
house and Mathenji was still there. We drank
wine and slept really late. She had work
yesterday, so she left Zoe’s house at the
morning.” I am going to hell for this but this is
standard girl code or bro code. Lies to cover
your friend’s ass should always be at the tip of
your tongue.

“Ohh, thank you for that clarity. I thought I saw

her with a white man on Saturday. I guess I was
seeing things.”
“Yeah, it may be that. Mathenji could never
survive with a white person. I even struggle
making conversation with her because we
always must communicate in English.”
He chuckles. “Thank you for the clarity. Have a
good evening, and I am sorry for disturbing
“It’s no problem, really.” He hangs up and I sigh
in relief. What the fuck have you gotten yourself
into, Mathenji?

I put my phone away and walk to the kitchen.

Having friends like Mathenji is both a blessing
and a curse. I don’t know what kind of shit she
is into and I don’t know if I wanna know. I drink
water and do some few breathing exercises. I
am startled by a hard knock on the door.
Seriously, why doesn’t security ever call me to
confirm my visitors before letting them up?

“Babe, it’s me. Open up.” Mathenji screams

from the other side and I exhale loudly. I walk to
the door and open it. She is still wearing her
work uniform. She just barges in and starts
pacing up and down as soon as I have shut the
door. “I am in deep shit, friend. I don’t know
where to go. I don’t wanna sleep here because I
don’t want to endanger your life. I am sure
Makhosonke would skin me alive if I were to put
you in harm’s way.” I frown.

“What the fuck are you on about? What is


“Nathan found out about Bangi and Mthoko and

Ofentshe. He gave me three days to end it with
them if I still want to continue with him. Friend,
Nathan is a gangster. He is the right hand man
of this gang lord whom his name I have
forgotten. So I wanted to dump Bangi first but
when I came to his place to end things, he
asked me about Saturday. Nathan purposefully
took me out in a very busy mall and he kept
showering me with kisses. Bangi saw us but I
didn’t see him. When I told him that I was
dumping him because of his stupid insecurities,
he said over his dead body.”

Wow. This is a lot to take in. I head to the fridge

and retrieve a bottle of wine. I open it and drink
it straight from the bottle. I pass it over to
Mathenji and she takes a huge gulp. “How do
you feel about Nathan though? Do you love
him?” she sits down on the floor and sigh.

“I think so. Before he discovered about my other

‘sponsors’, he was very loving, very gentle with
me and so kind. He is still like that but he just
wants me to get my affairs in order before really
getting back with him.”
“Why did you make me lie to Bangi? You
could’ve told him the truth to avoid drama. You
would’ve hit two birds with one stone.”

“Because he had a deadly look when he was

confronting me. When he walked out to call you,
he banged the door and I got scared. I am
actually scared of him. Have you seen how
muscular he is? It’s sexy when he is about to
pick you up and fuck you in many ways
imaginable, but if you have wronged him,
chances of him crushing you like a bug, are a

I look at her and sit next to her. “What are you

going to do?”

“Nathan can provide for me for eternity, but u

don’t want him to force me to change the way I
live. I can dump the men I am with and I am
going to dump them but I am also going to
dump Nathan. If I let him dictate this small
thing, he will control me and dictate the way I

“That’s probably a great idea. How are you

going to finance your life though?”
She chuckles. “I have money saved for rainy
days and it can finance my lifestyle for a whole
“Okay then. Let’s do it. Let’s dump the men.”

“Door to door, friend.” We stare at each other

and break into laughter. We are crazy but we
are going seriously going to go door to door,
dumping Mathenji’s hundred boyfriends.
“But you’re on your own with Nathan.” She rolls
her eyes.
“Coward.” She mutters and I laugh.
“What’s that saying you Zulu people like?
Cowards always survive. So let me be a coward
in peace.”

My phone rings and I bite my lip when I see who

is calling. I swallow hard and then answer it.

“Hey love.” I shriek and I immediately want to

kill myself. Why the fuck did I just do that? This
man will see right through me. He is a lawyer
for godsake.
“I don’t want it to seem like I am keeping tabs
on you or what, but my car has a tracker and I
don’t like your current location. What the fuck
are you doing near Digger’s place?” he is not
shouting but I can sense his anger through the

I look around and luckily I spot a nice cozy

coffee shop which you can really miss if you’re
in a hurry. “I just recently leant that there is this
lovely café around here. It is so peaceful and
they serve good muffins.”

He scoffs. “I thought Page Heaven was the

place for you. I am not trying to control you or
anything, but you are in a danger zone. One of
the most dangerous gangsters in Joburg lives
only a few meters from where you’re parked. I
swear, when I come back, I will personally go
and buy those muffins for you. Just promise
me you won’t return to this place. Please.” I
detect something I have never heard in his
voice before. Fear. Is Nathan really that
dangerous? I swallow hard and nod but then
remember that this is not a video call and my
words are needed.

“I promise you, babe. I won’t ever come here

He sighs. “I need to go. I am on a late meeting
with a witness. I love you.”
“I love you too.” I hang up and exhale loudly.

Since I have lied about their muffins, I might as

well go and check how they taste. Maybe they
are awful. I take my card and climb off the car. I
head inside and the heavenly scent of fresh
coffee welcomes me. It is so warm and cozy
inside. Jesus Christ. I feel at home. This would
also be a great place to read or even write. I
smile as I make my way to the counter.

“Good evening and welcome to Cindy’s café.

How can I make your afternoon brighter?” the
super friendly cashier asks and her smile is
“This is my first time here and I just lied to my
boyfriend that you guys serve the most
delicious muffins in town. Is that true?”

She laughs. “I believe so. Our owner, who is a

pastry chef, makes it her own mission to bake
every morning. She has a secret recipe and,
because we don’t like lying to customers, she
always make extras just for tasting. But that’s
only valid to new customers. Would you like a
“Why are you even asking?” she chuckles before
taking a box from behind the counter.
“Here you go. You can sit there for now while
doing your tasting. Would you like a juice or
coffee in the mean time?”
“A café latte will do.” I head to the single chair
and table vacant.


I tap on the door with my sweaty hands. He did

open the gate for me, but now he is just making
shit hard for me. I mean why else would he not
leave the door open while expecting a visitor?
With the others, it was easier. Although they
didn’t understand what they had done, they did
let me go. The person who seemed not to take
this well was Bangi. He even shed a few tears
and begged me but my mind was made up.

I wish I can say he is the guy for me and when I

am done fixing my life, maybe we can give love
a try if he is still single but I know that’s not the
truth. The fact that I was able to fall for Nathan
in such a short space of time means whatever I
felt for Bangi is not strong enough for me to
want to be monogamous with him. A few
moments later, the door opens and there is my
soon to be ex-boyfriend standing there in just a
Calvin Klein underwear. He frowns at me and I
know that means I should say something. I
clear my throat. I might as well finish what I
came for here on the door without even
entering the devil’s lair because once I am in, I
won’t be able to get out.
“I like you, really. Without your dangerous,
freaky life and the threats you have issued after
finding out about Bangi and I, you are a really
great guy and any woman would be lucky to
have you. I would also be lucky to have you, but
I don’t deserve you. You deserve to be with
someone who will make you their only choice
and not some back up or whatever. I hope that
you do find the woman you deserve because I
am not the one for you.”

He chuckles, shaking his head before stepping

aside. I shake my head and his eyebrow arches.
“It’s either you enter willingly or I drag you inside
and you won’t like the latter.”

I huff. “Someone is waiting for me.”

He rolls his eyes. “She is on her way to Cindy’s
café right now and judging by how much of a
book nerd she is, I am sure she will find an e-
book to keep her busy.”
“How did you…”

“I know everything that happens near my place.

You can never be too safe or careful here. Don’t
worry. My guys are keeping an eye on her.” he
catches my hand and pulls me inside the house,
shutting the door behind us. He leads me to the
kitchen and let’s go of my hand before
retrieving a beer from the fridge. “So from what
I heard from you little speech at the door, you
came here to dump me?”

“Don’t insult me or my intelligence. It wasn’t a

speech, just a statement and I know you’re too
smart to have deciphered the meaning of my
words even though they had no hidden

He licks his lips. “Feisty.” He leans against the

pantry and stares at me. “You wanna know why
I chose you out of all the women in the world?”
“I am not here for that.”
“I gave you a chance to spew out garbage at the
door. Now it’s my chance to speak and you are
going to listen to me.”

I chuckle angrily. “You are even lucky I came

here to dump you in person and not over a text.
My mouth is not a trash can that spews out
garbage. If you are going to continue talking like
this to me, I am going to leave because this
clearly means you don’t want me to listen to
what you have to say.”
“I can do whatever I want, including binding you
in a chair and gagging you so that you will listen
to me without interrupting Me.” fuck him. How
did I not recognize this side of him earlier? Ow
how could I when he fucked me on the first
night we got to know each other and some
things were just not that important? You are
really stupid sometimes, Mathenji. Well, all the
“That’s how you are going to win my heart? By
forcing me to do your bidding? Over my dead

I turn and furiously march to the door. I am

grateful when I find the gate opened. I walk to
the car and frown when I don’t find Chichi inside,
and then I remember that Nathan said
something about a café. I look around until I
spot the pink store. I take hurried steps there
and the moment I enter, my eyes find my friend
who is seated on a chair and staring at her
phone with a serious look. I know she is reading.
I head to the counter and order black coffee. I
drag a chair to Chichi’s table and it’s only then
she looks up. She frowns at me and places her
phone on the table.

“And then? What happened? Did we win?” she

asks and I scoff.
“That son of a bitch is too arrogant. I don’t
know what I saw in him. I must have been
dickmatized because all the rubbish that was
coming out his mouth made me want to smash
his head on the wall or stich his mouth

Chichi cracks up and I roll my eyes. “My God. I

have never seen you so worked up. Is it too late
for me to want to meet this amazing man?”
“Fuck you.” she continues laughing. My friend is
such an idiot.

“Okay. Okay.” She catches her breath and wipe

her tears. “Start from the beginning. How did he
welcome you? How did he take the news of you
dumping him? Did you even reach the part
about fetching your life and all that?”

I shake my head and thank the waitress who

has brought my coffee. “I just wanna get out of
this place. I feel like he is going to barge in here
and drag me back to his place kicking and

“Quite the opposite actually.” My hand freezes

midway, the coffee hitting my nostrils. Chichi’s
mouth and eyes are wide open.
“This is thee Nathan?” she asks loudly. I place
he cup back to its sauce and nod at her. “Damn,
why the hell would I dump someone like this?”
why is my friend embarrassing me?

“Please look at me, Babe.” His voice is soft and

low. I don’t comply with his pleadings. He
comes to stand in front of me and literally goes
to his knees. “I am an idiot, I admit.” He starts
off and I scoff.
“This looks so romantic and all, but I got here
first, so you guys are not about to ambush my
table and make me feel awkward.” Chichi states
and Nathan chuckles nervously.

“My apologies. I am Nathan Jacobs, nice to

officially meet you, Chizoba Gwendaline.” He
extends his hand and Chichi shakes it.
“I like you. Don’t fuck this up. Now shoo, give
me some space.” She chases us and Nathan
laughs before making me stand. He leads me to
an empty table.

“Why are you breaking up with me? What have I

done?” he asks and I swallow hard. How does
one answers such question? It’s a trap, I know it
and I know I am not going to win this one.

‘She rubbed her thumb over Claire’s pebbled

nipple, then used her index finger to pinch and
twist the sensitive nub until a needy whimper
escaped from Claire’s throat.’

I sigh and put my tablet away. Fuck, these

lesbian books have a way of corrupting you and
making you wish to experience, even if it’s for
one night. It’s temptation and I am actually
thinking of deleting the e-book but something
tells me not to. The best way to resist a
temptation is to be strong against it and face it
but not succumb to it.

“Don’t you ever rest?” a teasing voice snaps me

out of my dreamland. I chuckle when I see
Lindikhaya at the door.
“I do rest. Reading is part of resting.” He rolls
his eyes and leans on the door frame.

“Resting is relaxing, closing your eyes and

breathing slowly while trying to hard not to think
about anything and not to sleep. Well the latter
usually happens with me but that’s how I relax.
You should try it too.”
“You should’ve just said meditation.” He cracks

“Whatever, genius. Let’s go. You never want to

be late when Mncube calls a meeting.”
“Ohh, that. What should I bring? A notebook

He shakes his head. “He probably wants to talk

about the upcoming tournaments that are going
to be held here at school.” I nod and put on my
heels before standing up. I take my phone and
head to the door. He closes it behind me and
together we walk to the main staffroom. “So,
you’re dating his nephew?”

I huff, rolling my eyes. “Something like that and

no, I didn’t get this job because of Makho.”
“Even if you did, love, I wouldn’t say anything
because you deserve to be here. You’re one
observant teacher and after the Mesuli thing,
many teachers are paying close attention to
their students. You are some kind of a hero.”

I smile. “Thanks. Where is Kwezi?”

He laughs. “It’s Khwezi and she is already at the
“Do you guys have kids?”
“Yeah, three. Two boys and one girl. My
princess is 4 years old but she is my wife’s
mirror image. Even the attitude. Well she does
have respect but she is stubborn as hell.” I

“Sounds like so much work.”

“She is, but I love her like that.” we enter the
staffroom and Lindikhaya quickly locates his
wife who has saved two chairs on either sides
of her. We head to her and she smiles when she
sees me. We shake hands and I settle on her
right side.

“You are quite the celebrity around here.

Everybody is talking about what you did for the
mayor’s kid and how you actually gave away the
flowers he bought for you.” my eyes pop out.
“Who told you about the flowers?” I ask.

“The mayor, himself. Malindi says he came to

the principal’s office and told Mncube
everything he did to you and how you treated
him. He told Mncube about the money issue,
about his extravagant apology and the last time
you guys saw each other.” she answers and I
frown. I don’t mind Makhulu coming out and
speaking the truth but now everyone knows
about it and I don’t know how I feel about that.
Already I am the talk of the school because of
the stunt Monica pulled on weekend, and now
people know about the mayor’s shenanigans.
Ow I hope this doesn’t affect my work or

“Have you seen Reno?” Khwezi asks.

“No. she said something about calling in sick.” I

“That child is so kind hearted. I remember how

her fiancé left her hanging at the alter last year.
She was so broken but she didn’t stay away
from her job. She allowed it to be her anchor.”
Say what? Reno was nearly married and she
didn’t tell me? But she doesn’t owe me anything.
Just because we have known each other a few
weeks doesn’t mean I am entitled to her secrets
or her past life.

“Timothy still deserves a beating, even now.”

Lindikhaya chirps in. I swear these two are
gossip buddies and they don’t even care about
lowering their voices. I give him a confused look.
“Ohh, Timothy is the ex-fiancé. Apparently, he
had slept with his ex on his bachelor party and
come morning, he didn’t feel like continuing
with the wedding.”

“He just waited for Reno to walk down the aisle.

He didn’t even admire how beautiful she looked.
He was just like ‘I can’t do this anymore. I love
someone else and it’s not fair to continue with
this if my heart is with that person’. And then
the boy left.”- Khwezi.

“That’s evil. How did Reno recover from that


“Mncube gave her a month leave and when she

tried to turn it down, he threatened to fire him.
He had her booked into this rehabilitation
centre for people with mental health issues.
When she came back, she was back to her old
self, smiling genuinely and doing goodwill. That
child has been through a lot. I would kill my
fiancé if he made fun of me like that in front of
my family, loved ones and colleagues, even
haters.”- Khwezi. Yoh, after God, fear men. I was
wondering how they got the detailed scoop of
what happened on the day in question. Turns
out they were really there. I should go check up
on Reno after work. Maybe her sickness is
emotional rather than physical.

“Good day everyone, I am so glad you all could

join me today.” Mncube’s voice beams
throughout the whole staffroom, commanding
respect followed by utter silence. “Before
moving on to what I called you here for, I would
officially like to address the rumours that have
been going around about our newest addition to
the Thubelihle family. Miss Gwendaline was not
hired here because of her relationship with my
nephew which I know nothing about, if I may
add. She got this job because she qualified for
it and her interview impressed the panel. If
some of you want to see the interview, then
that’s no problem. I can forward the tape on
your emails. She is a young lady who is very
dedicated in her work. You saw how she dealt
with a dyslexic student and how she opened
eyes to most educators here. If she really got
this job because of someone she is sleeping
with, do you think she would’ve been excelling
in her job without expecting any additional
payments? Now I hope that this is the last time
I address this issue. I don’t want a young lady
walking uncomfortably in these corridors
because someone people are talking badly
behind her back. Understood?” a firm ‘Yes’
comes from all the educators.

“On to the next issue. It has come to my

attention here that there are male teachers who
are actually sleeping with the female students.
And don’t worry about going out to threaten
them or shut them up. We already have enough
proof to lock you up and throw away the key.”
He sighs and shakes his head. “A basic
principle which one has been taught and has
known since at a young age. These students
are our kids. When their parents bring them
here, they not only trust us to teach them
academic stuff only, but they entrust their
mental health and physical health to us, even
though we are not therapists or doctors.
Imagine taking your kid to school and finding
out that she or he has been violated by a
teacher. I am a civil and understanding man, but
if someone would do something like that to my
child, I would kill them with my bare hands.”

Fuck. Shit is real here. I wonder who did it. I

have my suspicions on someone but uttering
one’s name is kind of illegal, especially with no
valid proof. I am also just glad that he has
addressed my rumour. I did get the job because
Zoe recommended me to her brother, but I am
pretty sure if I hadn’t aced that interview on my
own, I wouldn’t have gotten the job.

“Moving on to the real reason for the meeting,

the upcoming tournament…”

I park my car and turn off the engine. I hope this
neighbourhood is safe, according to Makho’s
safety guidelines. I walk to the door and knock. I
hear some shuffling before the door is opened,
revealing an emotionally drained Reno.

“Chichi, you’re here, in my doorstep.” She says

hurriedly, running her hands through the mess
which is her hair.
“I was worried about you. That’s why I came
straight here after work.”

She sniffs. “I am fine. Just flue.” I tilt my head to

the side. I am finding that hard to believe. I step
closer to her and just wrap my arms around her.
She stiffens for a second before letting loose
and breaking down in my arms.
“It’s okay, babe. I am here now. Everything is
going to be okay.” I wait for her to calm down
and when she is finally calm, she detaches from
my arms.
“You have to excuse me. I have no manners
today. Please come in.” she opens the door
wide and I step inside. She closes it and leads
me to the lounge. “Please excuse the mess.”

I chuckle. I don’t mean to, but I do. Her house is

spotless clean and very tidy. Nothing is out of
place, well except those few used tissues on
the floor near the coffee table which I suspect
she recently used. “You sound like a rich person
right now.”

She snorts. “You can sit down. Let me get you

something to drink.” she hurries to the kitchen
before I can utter a single word.

She comes back with a cup of coffee and some

muffins. She places the tray in the coffee table
and sits on the couch next to me. “Don’t worry. I
am hydrating myself.” she shows me the 2l
water bottle.

“Thanks.” I take one of the muffins and eat it.

“Mmm, this is nice. Where did you buy them?”
“I baked them.” my eyes pop out. “I know, right?
Mom is a pastry chef, so I learnt baking via her.”
I nod. “Where is she?”

“South Carolina. She has a huge bakery there

and her own TV show.”
“OMG! That’s super cool. That means she is
rich and has made it in life.”
She chuckles and shrugs. “I guess.”
“What about your father?”

“He lives in Polokwane and is married to some

deputy minister lady.”
“Why don’t you stay with your mother though?
Between South Africa and South Carolina, I am
sure SC is more developed.”
“There is no love lost between my mother and I.
It’s better if there are oceans separating us.”
sounds like a story there but I will not rush her.
“So why aren’t you at school? You seem okay.”

She chortles before sitting back. “I saw my ex

the day before yesterday.” I frown. “Let me
unconfuse you. Two years ago, I met a guy.
Timothy Donavan.”
I sit back. “You have dated a white man before?
Am I the only one in our circle who hasn’t
shagged a pink dick?”
She laughs. “And you never will.”
I tilt my head to the side. “Why?”

“Because you are going to be with Makhosonke

forever. You know, I watched his IG live on
Saturday. That man loves you. He wasn’t doing
that just for show. The way he was looking at
you. The way he smiled at things you said. He
had that look. That ‘I see you’ look and trust me,
that look is a forever thing.” That’s a mouthful.
“Anyways, as I was saying, I met Timothy two
years ago at a science fair. He was or still is a
cosmetic scientist. We really hit it off. He was
very charming and so loving. After a month of
courting me, I finally agreed to be his girlfriend.
We dated for like 9 months before he asked me
to marry him. He was perfect, Chichi. There
were no red flags. I guess that was the biggest
red flag of all; that he seemed to be too good to
be true. I was drunk in love and every time I
thought of his love, I would find myself floating
in the clouds. On the night before our wedding,
we decided to get loose. We went to different
clubs and spent the night in hotels. At the
morning, I was dying of a hangover but the
thought of marrying the love of my life
energized me. When I got to the alter, he waited
until the pastor said ‘we are all gathered here
today to witness…’ before he stopped him.”

Her hands shake as she takes a tissue. I hold

her hand. “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk
about it.”
She gives me a tearful smile. “I wanna talk
about it. My therapist said talking about it more
will make it hurt less. He said, ‘you’re an
amazing woman, the best I have ever met really.
You aspire me to do good. Your heart is warm
and pure.’ I actually thought he was ignoring the
pastor and rushing with his vows. And then he
broke my heart. He proceeded to say, ‘You
deserve someone who puts you first. Someone
who doesn’t hurt you or take advantage of your
love. I made a mistake last night. I regret
hurting you but I don’t regret it. I slept with my
ex and as much as I felt guilty about what I was
doing to you, besides that, my heart was
complete. We talked and I realized that I still
love her and you don’t deserve someone who is
with you but still loves their ex and is willing to
break an engagement for them.’ I swear to God,
my heart stopped.” She gasps and heaves out
sobs. I shift closer to her and hug her. She wails
and I rub her back.

After what feels like eternity, she stops crying

and just sniffs. She wipes her tears and looks at
me. “I am mess, aren’t I?”

I shake my head. “On the contrary, you’re not a

mess. You’re a strong woman. You managed to
get through this and smile like you have never
been hurt or humiliated before. I admire your
strength and will-ness. I don’t I would’ve been
strong like you.”

She gives me a small smile that doesn’t even

last for longer that five seconds. “Anyways, I
saw him. He was with a woman, whom I
presume is the ex. He was carrying a toddler in
his arms while looking at the woman like she
was the only girl in the world. They were both
wearing rings, so I guess they got married.
That’s what triggered my depression.”

“I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but

I really admire your strength. Reno, you’re so
young but you have faced such difficulty in your
life. I wish I can say from now on, your life will
be smooth and you will find someone who will
love and cherish you but I know we don’t always
get what we want. I just hope that the traffic
cop guy doesn’t disappoint you.”

She looks down. “I kind of dumped him

yesterday. He kept on pushing for a date and I
was already a mess, so I insulted him and
dumped him. Then I blocked him.”
“Yoh, Reno.”
“But did you see some real potential with him?”

She shakes her head. “I didn’t wanna stay single

and look pathetic, you know. But after seeing
Tim, I realized that I haven’t healed from what
he did to me. From the humiliation, the pain, the
anguish. I was rushing myself.”
“You should take your time.”
She smiles. “Yeah. Which is why I have decided
to take a job offer from Sweden.”
“Say what now?”

“I like South Africa and all, but it’s time I go out

and find myself in another country, just like
you.” I chuckle.
“That’s not the same. I left because I didn’t get
a satisfying job. You have a great job, a car and
a really fancy house. Why?”
“I need a fresh start. I don’t know. Maybe I
might come back after three years but I need to
go, for my own sanity. I promise to come back
for your birthdays and your wedding.”

I chortle and sniff. I quickly wipe away my tears.

“Don’t be a stranger, then.”
“Scouts honor.”
“It’s good to see you smiling.” A voice disturbs
us and I turn to find a very gorgeous lady
standing not far from us. “You must be Chizoba.
I am Rea. Reno has told me so much about
I quickly stand up and we shake hands. “You are
really beautiful.”

She smiles. “Thank you. I am ordering take outs

for dinner. What are you guys going to be
“Ohh no. I just came to see Reno. I will be
leaving in a few.”
“Got a husband or kids waiting for you at
home?” she asks and I shake my head. “Then
you’re joining us. I guess I will go for a combo.”
She catwalks out of the lounge and I turn to
Reno. She laughs.

“She is a bit of a bully but you get used to her.”

she taps on the spot beside here where I was
seated. “Now tell me. I heard something juicy
happened at the staff meeting today.”
“You have no idea.”

“Where is my mother?” Masande asked one of
the servants.
“In the garden.” She replied with a smile.
Masande nodded before leading Luncumo to
the garden.
“Pictures do no justice. This house is a
masterpiece.” Luncumo complimented and
Masande smiled.

“I know. My father worked with Mr. Hlongwa,

the architect, to make sure it comes out this
perfect.” He spotted his mother sitting on her
favourite bench with a book in her hand. “You
could actually sneak up on her and she wouldn’t
hear you when there is a book in her hand.”
Luncumo giggled and that seemed to snap Zoe
out of her bookland. She raised her head and
smiled when she saw Masande.
“My son.” She placed the book on the concrete
table before her before standing up and
meeting the couple halfway. She hugged
Masande first and proceeded to hug Luncumo.
“Welcome to my home, finally.” Luncumo

“It feels good to be able to finally see this

magnificent house in person.”
“Well you ain’t seen nothing yet, hun. I will show
you the rest of it later. You guys must be tired
from your trip. I will tell Corey to dish up so that
we can eat.”
“Mom what are you doing outside? It’s almost 7
pm.” Masande questioned and Zoe rolled her
“You of all people, know that time flies when
you have your head buried in between pages.
Now what brings you here?” she asked as they
stepped into the dining hall.
“I wanted to officially introduce Luncumo to
everyone and we have a commitment this
weekend here. I figured I kill two birds with one

“If it isn’t my future daughter in law.”

Mazwakhe’s voice beamed before he even
stepped inside the dining hall. “You, my dear,
are a true beauty and I can see that our little
cub is treating you so good. How are you
doing?” he asked as he gave Luncumo a hug.

“I am fine, baba.” She responded shyly and Zoe

“He is charming but full of lies, don’t fall for
him.” she warned and the men laughed.


“Babe, there is something I shout tell you.”

that’s how this whole thing started off. The guilt
was eating me up so bad and I knew that I had
to come clean about what I had done. Chung is
such a nice guy and he doesn’t deserve a hoe
like me for a girlfriend. I admit what happened
between me and the South African guy was a
moment of weakness and it was very childish
of me knowing very well that I had a man back

He looked up at me with a loving smile. My

heart was beating fast, threating to escape its
rib cage. I just hoped he couldn’t hear it. But
how could he? Unless he was a vampire. Stop
thinking about stupid things and get back to the
task at hand. I reprimand myself. “Out with it,
my love.” he turned to face me and I swallowed

What I was about to do determines my whole

life. I don’t know how Chung is going to react to
these news. What if he beats me up or kills me?
Or worse, what if he kills himself? But our
relationship is not that deep. I try convincing
myself but I don’t get far because I saw how
deep our relationship was to him when he
followed me across an ocean. I should’ve told
any of my siblings about this so that they would
know instantly if something bad happened to
me but I didn’t want to stress them. Downside
of being the deputy parent, the young ones can
come to you when they are having problems but
you can’t go to them. You have to appear strong
and well-kept at all times. Fuck my life. Well it’s
now or never.

“I am stupid.” I started off and he frowned. He

was about to say something when I raised my
hand to stop him. “I made a huge mistake. I did
something terrible which might make you hate
me and resent me for the rest of your life. I
slept with a man. It was a once off. It didn’t
mean anything but I hate what I did because it
was not worth it. You love me, I have seen you
prove it countless times but I did this shitty
thing and never considered how you would feel
if you were to find out. I know what I did is
unforgettable and I know I wouldn’t like to be
forced to forgive and forget if the roles were
reversed. What I want you to know is that I love
you so much and I am so sorry. I gave in to
meaningless temptation and I know my actions
are loud enough to end this relationship. When
you’re ready, please find it in your heart to
forgive me.” I sniffed and quickly wiped my
tears when I was done speaking. I know he was
waiting for me to say I am joking in the middle
of my monologue but as he gauged my reaction,
he knew this wasn’t a prank.

He stood up and took a few steps away from

me, seemingly not trusting himself around me.
“What are you saying to me?” I didn’t reply,
instead I sobbed because I didn’t know how to
respond. “No. stop it with the tears and answer
“I am sorry, baby.” my voice was shaking. He
shook his head.

“Don’t. Just don’t.” he said before picking up his

rental car keys, wallet and phone.
“Babe, please don’t leave.” I quickly stood up
and rushed to him.
“Don’t touch me.” his voice came out so sharp, I
got startled and stepped back. He walked out
and banged the door without looking back.

And here I am today, alone and miserable and

still stuck inside the house even after 3 days
Chung left me. I am worried about his wellbeing.
What if something bad happened to him? But I
quickly brush off that thought aside. Beside him
being angry at me, he has sent me a text
message every after four hours, notifying me
that he is okay. My heart breaks even more
because even when I have disappointed and
angered him, he still cares about me and
doesn’t want me worrying about him. And to
think this all happened because of a Tsonga
man who didn’t even bother calling me after
fucking my brains out the whole night with his
oversized dick. I have learned my lesson, shame.


Wandy texted me yesterday just to confirm if I

hadn’t forgotten about our dinner date this
evening. Well I am looking forward to spending
an evening with my favourite celebrity. Knowing
how much of a fashionista she is, I opted for a
black surplice neck ruched backless split thigh
satin dress and apricot rhinestone décor stiletto
heeled ankle strap sandals. After putting on
some make-up and a brown curly weave I
recently purchased, I am ready to go. I feel so
good about myself. I take my bag with my keys
and head to the door. Just as I open it, I am
startled to see Makho on the other side. I smile
at him.

“What is going on?”

“Is that what you’re going to say to your man
after not seeing him for 4 days?” I chuckle. This
one is too dramatic. He inherited Zoe’s genes to
the bone.

“Hey, my love. How are you doing? How have

you been? Did you miss me?” I ask as I reach up
to perk his lips and hug him. He holds me tight
just as I am about to let go. He inhales my
scent deeply and finally breaks the hug but
keeps me in his reach.

“I am much better now that I have hugged you

and inhaled your scent. It feels like home. You
are home to me.” how can one not blush when
her man is uttering such things? “Can I take my
time to drink in your beauty?” I giggle, shaking
my head.

“I am going to be late for my date with your

sister.” he smiles.
“She asked me to fetch you and don’t worry, I
know all the shortcuts in Jozi. So we will be
able to reach your destination in no time.” I
smile at him.
“No more tricks and crazy surprises this time
around.” he chuckles.

“Not today but I am not promising anything

about the weekend.” This man. He makes sure
to lock my door before leading me to his car
downstairs. It’s a matte pink Range Rover
Lumma. I look at Makho, trying to hold in my
laugh. How can a tough man like him drive
around in a pink car? He is lucky the windows
are tinted or else everyone would’ve thought he
was gay. “Proof that I was sent by Mawande to
fetch you.”

“I didn’t say anything.” I chuckle before sliding

inside the car. He drives out. The seats feels so
great. The car’s interior smells so good and
feminine. “Why didn’t you tell me you were
coming back?” I ask after I am done admiring
this beautiful pink beast.

He shrugs. “I figured not returning on weekends

is unrealistic since Potchefstroom is less than 2
hours away. Plus I missed my family and the
love of my life.” He smiles at me and I can’t help
but smile back at him. He is very charming.
I frown when I see him driving up the Gumbi
mansion. I turn to look at him. “And then?”

He chuckles. “Wande’s orders.” He mocks a

surrender with his one hand and reaches for the
gate remote. We drive inside the mansion which
I find very mesmerizing every time I enter it. I
am confused when I see about a dozen cars
packed on the driveway. What is going here?
“Come now.” I am startled by him extending his
hand. I didn’t even see him climbing of the car
and coming to my side. I leap off the
comfortable seat and straighten my dress,
trying to cover a bit of the split. I am a bit
embarrassed because this dress is too
revealing to be worn at your prospective future
in-laws house. “What are you doing?”

“Should you had warned me about starting here,

I would’ve changed into something more
He smirks. “I love you like this. Plus the men in
there won’t be gawking at you and practically
undressing you with their lust filled eyes.”
before I can even respond, he drags me inside
the house. Men? How many is he referring to?
What the fuck is going on here? We bump into
Wandy on our way to the lounge. She gives me
an apologetic smile before hugging me.
“I am the worst, I know. But this time I got
hijacked by the pensioners and you don’t say no
to those unless you have a death wish.”
I chuckle before shrugging. “It’s fine, I guess.”
No, it’s not fine but I am not about to bite
Makho’s sister’s head off.

“You look stunning by the way. We should hit

the club after dinner. Men have to see that
sexiness.” Her brother gives her a death stare
and she just giggles before hooking my arm on
hers and pulling me to the kitchen. She is
wearing a barely there satin red dress and I
guess it doesn’t count because she is a child in
this house. At your home you are allowed to
wear whatever you wanna wear, even walking
around in a bikini. “Look who’s here looking like
a supermodel.” She announces my presence to
the women in the kitchen, Zoe, Mncube’s wife,
her daughter and two other ladies I haven’t been
introduced to.

“Are you by any chance going to the awards

love?” Zoe asks, already hugging me. I laugh.
“You know very well the awards I would attend
would be the Writers’ Awards and you would be
my plus one.”

She chuckles. “You bet your ass I would be.”

She turns to the ladies I don’t know. “That is
Masande’s fiancé, Luncumo and my husband’s
baby mama, Zibuyile.” Say what? My eyes are
evident to my shock and all the ladies break into

“Great way to break ice, mam’ Zo. Anyways, I

am Zikhona, Wande’s best friend.” The other
lady states with a smile.
“That’s better.” I release a breath I didn’t even
know I was holding and they continue laughing.
I know my assistant admin informed you of a
project I am busy with. Well that’s true but there
is also something going on. I recently got two
piece jobs and I work every day of the week. So
this means I won’t have enough time to attend
to my stories even after I am done with my
project. I just love you all and I hope I will adjust
to my new life schedule.

We all move to the dining hall with casserole

dishes in our hands. We place them in the table
and I proceed to greet the men. I hug both
Masande and Mazwakhe and then shake hands
with Mr. Mncube. He is practically family but he
is still my boss, so I have to try and be
professional with him all the time. I look around
and I don’t see the Gumbi lastborn. I guess he
couldn’t make it to whatever this is.

We all settle down around the table and Makho

sits next to me, no surprise there. While
Sinethemba leads us into prayer, Makho’s hand
brushes my exposed thigh and I pinch him. He
jumps up as everyone is saying Amen and they
all look at him.
“I just felt the Holy Spirit upon us.” he states
and I laugh quietly. Holy Spirit my ass.

We dig in and throughout the whole dinner, we

exchange small talks. Zikhona, apparently, has
been friends with Wandy for 10 years. Now
that’s a long time. I wonder if Wandy is dating
or not because she has never posted her
partner on socials. But then if you want a drama
free life as a celebrity, you don’t publicize your
relationship, just like Beyoncé. When we are
done eating, we take the dishes to the kitchen
and the helpers tend to them. Zoe ushers
everyone to the lounge. We find sits next to our
partners and Wandy with Sinethemba serves us
drinks. I quickly put a cushion on my lap
because the slit of my dress has gone up,
revealing almost my whole thigh. I also don’t
want a repeat of what happened at the table.

Masande stands up and clears his throat. “You

might all be wondering why I hijacked your
plans and called you here in such a short
notice.” He extends his hand to Luncumo who
smiles before taking the hand and standing
next to him. “As you all know, this is my woman,
Luncumo. I asked her to marry me a few weeks
back and she said yes. She is also carrying your
first grandchild.” He says the last part looking at
his parents. “And your first niece or nephew.”
He directs that to his siblings. The whole family,
including myself congratulates the lovely

“I am going to be an aunt.” Wandy rejoices

before squeezing the couple into a hug once
again and we all laugh.
“We will definitely baby sit for you guys when
you’re in town so that you can have some
privacy.” I state.

“That’s so nice of you.” Luncumo replies.

“Sorry, but we will not. I won’t listen to a
screaming toddler instead of spending time
with my woman.” Makho remarks and his
siblings just laugh.
“You love sex too much, brother.” Wandy
comments and yoh, the stares she gets from
the males are enough to send one to an early
“What do you know about sex?” Mazwakhe
asks with a stern voice.
“I know that it was done in order for me to be
born.” She says, giggling and hiding behind her
mother. “But come on, dad. I have shot sex
scenes before. I know what it is.”
“Is this child telling me about sex, sbari?”
Mazwakhe asks looking at Mr. Mncube.
“I hope not.” He answers. Men will always be

“Back to me.” Masande grabs everyone’s

attention once more. We have recently
purchased a house in Rosebank and that is
where we are going to raise our children and
hopefully grow together.”

Zoe is the first one to scream and then engulfs

her son in a bone crushing hug. “OMG! I AM SO
HAPPY! Why didn’t you tell me about this
sooner?” she scolds him while wiping a few
tears that have managed to escape her eyes.
Shame, I am sure my father would be this
ecstatic if I were to find a job in my home town.
Speaking about my old man, I should give him a
call tomorrow morning. I miss him so much.

“It’s called a surprise mother.” Makho states

before he hugs his younger brother once again.
“I am happy for you, man. I can’t wait to get
drunk with you and tell you all about Chichi’s
abusive tendencies.”

“HHAYBO!” I shout unexpectedly and the whole

family laughs.
“I am just joking, babe.”
“There goes the chance of you getting laid
today.” Masande chirps in and the men laugh
while Makho pouts.
“Angithi you would never deprive me, my love?”
he gives me puppy eyes. As if I can say no to

“HEY! There are kids in here. You can’t be

talking about sex in front of them.” Mrs.
Mncube reprimands.
“But ma we are all above the age of 21.”
Sinethemba defends.
“And that gives you the right to talk about sex
freely in front of you parents?” she quickly
shakes her head. I chuckle inwardly. Mr.
Mncube’s wife seems like a no-nonsense

Makho clears his throat and everyone turns to

him. “I also wanna announce that I am dating
this amazing, fierce and beautiful woman,
Chizoba. We have recently started dating but I
see a future with her. I see someone who I can
build a life together with. I see a wife and the
mother of my children in her. So family, this is
her. Please don’t get shocked when I pop the
question few months later.” Now this stupid
man of mine has put me on the spotlight.
Everyone is looking at me. “I love you, baby.” I
giggle and nod. “Don’t you love me?” he asks
with a smirk. He is so not getting it tonight.

“I love you.”
“Say my name.”

“Okay, that’s enough Love Chronicles for the

night.” Wandy disturbs the moment and I am
grateful for her bursting our bubble. The fucker
wanted me to mispronounce his name in front
of the whole family.

“Mom loves you. The last time we had dinner
with the family, she was talking about you the
whole way home.” Sinethemba states as we
settle on the table. We are at some elite club
which is called Primier. They say it is owned by
one of the richest women in Africa. Her name is
Simamkele Mkhize and she is a self-made
billionaire. I don’t wish to be her because with
more money comes more problems.

“Well please tell her I also love her. I think she

has that feistiness in her.” I respond and she
“That is definitely my mother. Between my
father and her, she is the stricter one but has a
really loving heart.”

A waiter comes to our table and serves us

drinks. Makho’s hand is already on my thigh and
this time around I am not going to take it away.
I saw how he grabbed my waist possessively
the minute we climbed off the car. He is overly
protective but I guess my outfit is also

“I just love your relationship though.” Zikhona

comments, looking at Makho and I. I smile
because I don’t know how to respond to her. “I
mean I have known Makhosonke for quite some
time and I have seen him with girls before. He
has never told the world or even his family
about what he felt for them. For example,
Monica. I was there when he introduced her. He
was like ‘family, this is Monica, my girlfriend’.
And it ended there.”

I chuckle looking at Makho. That’s so savage.

“But you spoiled her. I saw your posts on the
socials. Your captions.” I comment.

“All those captions were from Google.” I give

him a look and he laughs. “Okay, fine. I did love
her at some point but I guess I slowly fell out of
love with her. I don’t know at what time exactly,
but it just happened.” He shrugs. “And then the
devil’s daughter came and changed the whole
game.” He points at me with his head and
everyone laughs. I pinch his thigh and he half
screams. “See what I was talking about? She is

“But you’re provoking her.” Luncumo comes to

my defense.
“Thank you babe.” I respond and she giggles.
“Us, girls, have to stick together against these
big headed Gumbi men.”
“Hey, let me remind you that you’re carrying a
Gumbi in your womb.”- Masande.
“Another big headed person.” Sinethemba
teases and we all laugh.
“Can you please accompany me to the
restroom, Chichi?” Wande asks and I smile
before nodding. We both stand up and walk
away from everyone. I frown when we enter an
“The restroom is on another floor?” I ask and
she chuckles nervously.

“No.” the elevator opens, revealing a nice cozy

setting which has very few people and soft
music playing. “Come.” She pulls me to a corner
table where we find two men seated. One of
them stands up and hugs her before kissing her
passionately like I am not there. Finally, they
break the kiss and he gives me an apologetic

“I am sorry. It’s just that I get so carried away

whenever I see her.” the man states and then
extends his hand. “I am Mogotsi Moagi.”
I shake his hand. “You’re the guy who owns
M&M Corporate?”
He smiles. “Guilty as charged.”
“I am Chizoba Gwendaline.” He nods.

“I am just going to spend a few moments with

him and head back to you guys. Please cover
for me.” Wande pleads. I guess she respects
her brothers and also wants to keep her
relationship out of the public’s eye.
“I will say you met Jaylene and you were
catching up.”
She smiles widely. “Yes. I will be downstairs in a
few minutes. I owe you big time.” She hugs me
before turning to her man.

I take that as my cue to walk back downstairs.

Wande is dating Mogotsi? Who would’ve
thought? I honestly pictured her with a soccer
star or some celebrity but not a businessman.
But you can never really judge a book by its

Makho did not want to leave. His brother and

father invited him to a brunch and he didn’t
want to leave. He kept on sulking, saying he
wanted to spend the whole weekend with me. I
finally chased him out, after threatening him
and he called me a devil’s agent. He is such a
spoiled brat. I blame Zoe for this.

After he left, I showered and made breakfast for

myself. I am actually glad to be alone. I feel like
I have been spending so much time with people
that I haven’t even found time to bond with my
books. Marking and lesson planning is usually
reserved for Sundays, so I take out a copy of
The Duke & I by Julia Quinn. I made a mistake
of watching the TV series before reading the
book but I hope they haven’t omitted most

In between chapter 3, a knock disturbs me. I

huff and close my book. I know that whoever
the unannounced guest is, they are going to
take so much of my time and I won’t be able to
continue reading in peace.
“COMING!” I put on my sleepers and drag my
tired ass to the door. Don’t judge me. We came
back at 3 am from the club and my man wanted
2 rounds of sex before sleeping. So I think we
slept at 4 or 5 am. I open the door and I smile
when I see Wandy standing there carrying many
shopping bags.
“Peace offering.” She hands me the gifts and I
“Peace offering for what?” I ask taking the gifts
and walking inside. She closed the door and
follows me to the lounge. I place the bags in the
coffee table and turn to her.

“Well I promised to take you out twice and both

those times, I deceived you. I would’ve taken
you out today but I figured that you’re tired or
you’re spending the day with my brother.
Speaking of him, where is that God Forsaken
human being?” she looks around and I laugh.
“He is out with your brother and father. Some
brunch thing.” I respond.

“Mmm. I am sure mom is out and about with

Luncumo. You should’ve joined them.” I shake
my head.
“It would’ve made Luh uncomfortable because
Zoe and I tend to talk about books most of the
time when we are together. It’s kind of an insult
to someone who is not an active reader.” She
“Aren’t you going to ask me about last night?” I
“Do you want to tell me about last night?” she

“I have been dating Mogotsi for 2 years now. He

is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I love him so much. He has been wanting to
meet with my family and make things official
but I don’t want the media finding out about us.
I don’t know how to control an event, make it
private so that word doesn’t get out that Wandy-
B tied the knot. I am not ashamed of him but I
don’t want people all up in our business.” I nod
in understanding and sigh. Dr. Chichi,
relationship councilor reporting for duty. Where
my haters at? Honestly these people should
start paying for these sessions.
“How does he feel about this?” she folds her
legs to the sofa and stare at the blank TV.

“He has been so understand about this. He has

seen things from my point of view and doesn’t
have a problem but now he wants to take our
relationship to the next level. He wants me to
be his wife. He wants people to know about us,
well my family to be precise. But you heard how
dad got when I made a comment about sex. Do
you think he will be open minded about this?”

I clear my throat. “I understand that you wanna

be a mysterious celebrity who keeps her private
life private but some things are bound to come
out. You don’t have to tell the whole world that
he wants to marry you, just give him permission
to pay lobola for you. Have a private wedding
which will have less than 50 guests. Keep your
things low profile but just love your man and
allow him to make you his officially. Now has he
ever bought you anything for birthdays or
valentines?” she blushes.

“He bought me a car last year for my birthday

and this year he bought me a house. On
valentine’s day he bought me shares of some
property group.”
“Damn, you’re rich.” She giggles.
“Yeah but I am sure dad would throw a fit if he
were to find out about these things.” I chuckle,
that’s for sure. “I guess next time you are
invited to a Gumbi family dinner, it would be
about me introducing my man.”

“Girl you have to ease him in first. You can’t just

show up with him out of the blue. You have to
inform your father about it first. Also talk to
your mother so that you will have her full
support in case your father is too furious.”
She sighs. “Thanks for that. But ain’t no
pressure. It’s not like I am dying tomorrow.” I
“You may never know, Mawande. So it’s better
to have your affairs in order.” This feels like
another Udoa situation.

After trying on some of the things that Wandy

brought for me, we had some lunch and she left.
I receive a text from Nneka and I am instantly
worried. I want to go check her out but I don’t
wanna invade her privacy. But what the hell?
She is my sister. Family is allowed to invade
one’s privacy in times of need. I don’t change
my oversized t-shirt and sleepers. I just take my
phone and car keys and quickly rush to her
apartment. Her door is opened. That’s a red flag.
She is in a foreign country and although security
is high in her building, she wouldn’t leave the
door open.

“Nneka! Sister!” I call out, walking in and closing

the door behind me. I search for her in the
kitchen, lounge and bathroom. I walk to the
bedroom and I don’t find her. Now I am getting
more worried. I walk to the en-suite to find her
curled up on the bathroom floor not far from the
bathtub. I rush to her and lift her up. “You are
going to catch a cold.” I lead her to the bedroom
and get her warm under the covers. “Mind
telling me what is going on?” she shakes her
head. I have never seen my sister like this. She
is always the free spirited one, the responsible
one who looks after the young ones (us). So
seeing her like this breaks my heart. “Where is
Chung?” she shakes her head. I guess she
doesn’t wanna talk about it. I sigh. “You can
sleep now. I will prepare supper for you.”
“Daalu, obere. (Thank you, little one.)” Her voice
is barely audible. Before I can answer, she
closes her eyes.

I sigh and make my way to the kitchen. I decide

I am going to make Beans porridge (Ewa Oloyin)
for her. It’s one of her favourite dishes and I
hope it will cheer her up. I prepare the porridge,
adding plantains, yam, sweet potato and
chopped liver in it, and then cook rice and stew.
While waiting for the food, I clean around the
apartment because it’s so untidy. This is also
unlike Nneka but she is going through a lot, so I
am not going to hold this against her. I put the
dirty clothes in the washing machine and mop
the floor. As I am about to go check on my pots,
my phone rings. It’s Makho. Fuck, I didn’t tell
him about coming to see Nneka. He is probably
at my apartment right now. I answer the call.

“Not me knocking over and over in my woman’s
door and not getting any answer. I swear the
white lady from room 9 was giving me an
accusing eye.” I chuckle. I am getting used to
his dramatic ass. The theatrics never end.

“I am at my sister’s apartment. She needs me.

She is going through some stuff, so she is not
okay.” He sighs.
“I understand, my love. I just wish you would’ve
told me first.”
“Yeah, there was no time to text you because
her text scared me. When I come back, I will
bring you some Beans Porridge which I
cooked.” I change the subject because I don’t
want to discuss my sister. Imagine her waking
up and finding out that I am gossiping about her
to my boyfriend?

“Beans and porridge? In one dish? What kind of

msunery is that?” he asks dramatically.
“It’s her favourite dish. I won’t explain it to you
because you will get confused. You just have to
wait to taste it before judging it.”
“Yuh, I am judging it, babe. I just don’t see
porridge and beans mixing. It’s a recipe for
disaster.” I laugh. He sounds like a gay man
right now.
“I will have to blindfold you when I feed you.”

“Yah, I think that will work.” We conclude our

call and I finish cooking. As I am watching
some series on the TV, the front door opens
and I am startled. I sit up and a few moments
later, a Chinese guy makes his way in. he looks

“Ow, sorry. I didn’t think anyone was in here.” he

starts off and I frown. This must be the Chung
guy. But I am confused. Shouldn’t they be
inseparable like Makho and I since the guy
followed her to another continent? “I am Chung
and you must be Chichi.” He extends his hand
and I shake it. “Where is Nneka?”

My eyebrow automatically arches. “I should be

asking you that question. Where did you leave
her?” I don’t mean to come off as harsh but I
am frustrated because I don’t know what the
fuck is going here.

Chung scratches his head. “I will be right back.”

He walks to the bedroom and I turn my
attention to the TV. Maybe I should leave now
because the guy is back but I deserve some
explanation as to what is going on here.

Chung entered the bedroom and his heart broke

when he saw the position his love was sleeping
in. he could easily read anything she did and
judging by her sleeping position, she was
devastated. He got into bed and shook her
gently. She stirred a bit before opening her eyes
and she was shocked to see Chung back but
she couldn’t react before she was tired
emotionally and physically.

“I am sorry for leaving you. I left you when you

needed me the most and I got selfish. I was
busy nursing my ego and I neglected you.” his
voice was low and soft.
Nneka sniffed. “Your actions are justifiable.
What I did was unforgivable and I am sorry. I
was stupid and I put our love at risk. Do you
forgive me?” her voice was scratchy and almost

Chung’s heart broke. He loved Nneka so much

and seeing her hurt, broke his heart into small
pieces. “I forgive you, babe. You know, at first I
was furious. I drank so much until I had food
poisoning. Woke up at the hospital the next
morning. It wasn’t that bad, so I got discharged
in that morning. Then I thought about hurting
you the same way that you hurt me. I asked
some woman out on a date and we talked.
When I invited her up to my hotel room, I
thought I was going to sleep with her. She was
beautiful and attractive. But as she came closer
to me, the look in her eyes brought me back to
my senses. She was not you. No woman will
ever be you and that’s when I realized that I was
ready to forgive you and overlook this mistake
you made.”
“Babe.” Nneka sobbed as she clung into
Chung’s body like her life depended on it. “I love
you so much and I will never hurt you like that
again.” She spoke in between her sobs and
Chung comforted her. She was relieved. She
couldn’t believe that God had actually come
through for her. God had given her a second
chance with the love of her life and she was
going to treasure it.
“I love you too, more than you can ever
imagine.” They clung into each other for a long
time before Chung created some space
between them. “So,” he started off and Nneka
looked up. “I met your sister, Chichi. I don’t think
she likes me that much.”

Nneka chuckled. “I was miserable and I couldn’t

get ahold of you, so I called her. She came here
and helped me get to bed. I thought she had left.
I didn’t tell her about us because as much as
she is my sister, she is still young and I don’t
want her knowing all my business.”
“She probably thought I was out cheating on
you.” Nneka sighed. “I think she cooked. Let’s
go eat. I know you haven’t eating since the day I

“That’s not true. I did eat.” She defended and

Chung gave her a serious stare. “An apple
counts as food, right?” He rolled his eyes and
sat up. He climbed off the bed before he pulled
her to a standing position.
“I wanna feed you. I want all those curves back
in shape.” He kissed her forehead before
leading her to the kitchen. They found Chichi
dishing up. She turned and frowned when she
saw that love lived here.
“Ow, so you guys patched things up? Whatever
those things were?” she asked curiously and
Nneka smiled.

“Yes, little one. Thank you for coming to my

rescue and thanks for cooking. Wait, is that
beans porridge I smell?” she asked already
sniffing her way to the pots. Chichi gave her a
knowing smile.
“Yes. I dished up for both of you. Your food is in
the warmer. I will be on my way now. My man is
already complaining that I have neglected him. I
guess I won’t find out about the issues you two
are or were facing.” – Chichi.

“We have sorted it out. Thank you for being

there for her.” Chung chirped in.
“That’s what family is for.” Chichi hugged her
sister before making her way out with food
“Beans porridge is my favourite dish but I can
never make it the way Chizoba makes it. She is
a pro.” Nneka stated, heading to the oven.


Chiagozie made his way inside his marital

home. He had come to fetch more changing
clothes because his wife didn’t want him
anywhere near her and she had made it clear
that she will not leave her marital home
because of his whoring ways. Well that’s unless
he signed the divorce papers. But even then,
she would get the house because she wanted
primary custody of the children and they
needed a stable shelter. Mrs. Gwendaline had
tried to talk some ‘sense’ into her but Celine
was having none of it. Chia did not only
disrespect her by going outside of their
marriage and having an affair, he had to come
back and want to force the bitch down her
throat. Celine wasn’t going to stand and watch
the Gwendaline family turn her into a crazy
woman and she didn’t sign up for any polygamy.

The house was quiet. Chia made his way to

their bedroom and he frowned when he didn’t
find his clothes at his wardrobe. Did Celine do
something to them? He didn’t wanna bother her,
so he moved to the guest bedroom and his
clothes were shoved into black plastic bags. He
sighed before he took the bags and went to
place them in the lounge. He walked to the
kitchen and was shocked to find Celine cooking
while wearing the shortest dress he has ever

“Ihunanya m. (My love).” he called out and

Celine chuckled.
“Are you lost perhaps? I hope you did find your
clothes. It was either the guest bedroom or
finding them in ashes. I figured the former was
less strenuous. And please don’t call me your
love. You know when you lost the right to
address me with that name. Now you have a
new ‘my love’.”

“But babe you know that what happened with

me and that woman meant nothing. I never
wanted to marry her. Her family was just
forcing my hand. I was never going to leave you
for her or even force you to get into a
polygamous marriage. Don’t listen to what
everybody around us is saying. Listen to me,
your husband.”

Celine chuckled bitterly. “My husband? My

husband, i na-ekwu? (You say?)” She clapped
her hands dramatically. “The same husband
who fucked a whore and planted his seed inside
her? You fucken left evidence. You didn’t care
about my health or wellbeing. You slept with her
without protection, so don’t fuckin patronize me,
telling me that your new wife meant nothing.
You planned this. The whole pregnancy thing.
You planned it.” She was shaking in rage.
Talking about this issue infuriated her even
more. It was bad enough that both their families
were keen on the second wife issue. Nobody
cared about her. Even his sisters, which she
thought loved her, hadn’t said anything to her
since these news broke out. That meant they
weren’t on her side. That really broke her heart
because she had no friends.
“I know you are upset and I understand your
frustrations.” Chia spoke calmly and that
seemed to enrage Celine more.

“Frustrations? You understand my frustrations?

You don’t understand shit, Chiagozie. If you did
understand, you wouldn’t set your sticky legs on
my house. You would make sure I don’t see
your ugly face or hear your squeaky voice. You
have broken me. Congratulations. You have
turned me into a lunatic. Turned me to a
laughing stock. Degraded me. Shamed me and
worse of all, betrayed my trust and our vows. So
don’t fuckin stand there and say you understand
my frustrations because what you have put me
through is more than just frustrations. Don’t
patronize me.” She was already panting and
trying so hard to keep her tears at bay.
“Babe, I am sorry.” Chia made a mistake by
touching her because she screamed and in one
swift motion, took the boiling pot and emptied
its contents in him. It was hot porridge and the
man screamed loudly.

“OMG!” Celine was shocked by her own actions.

Yes, she was beyond angry from his
transgressions but she didn’t want him dead.
She dragged a screaming Chia to the car and
dropped him off at the nearest hospital. She
went back to her house and packed a few
clothes before booking herself into a hotel in
Port Harcourt.
After spending the night and morning with
Makho, he drops me off at Zoe's house. I spent
the night at his house and I had so much fun.
We actually didn't have sex which is rare for us.
We took some time, getting to know each other
on a deeper level. We even played some games
just to make the knowing each other better
thing more fun. He told me what he used to do
for fun when he was still in his teens. Who
would've thought that the arrogant Makho
would actually visit his friend in Tembisa just so
he could play soccer in the street with him and
his other friends? I guess he wasn't a snob
growing up.

I didn’t know that he and his siblings studied

overseas. It's one of the things they never brag
about. Makho studied at Stanford while Wandy
went to Guildford and Sande went to Harvard. I
am sure if I were to have a child, he or she
would study in one of the Ivy League schools.
You would’ve thought that Mazwakhe also
studied overseas but he actually went to
University of Zululand for his LLB, did his
Master's at UKZN and his PhD in UP. This
family is filled with smart and hardworking

“What is Makho's favourite Zulu dish?” I ask Zoe

and she laughs.
“You want to surprise him with a home cooked
meal?” her response is a question and I roll my
eyes. She laughs again. “Come on. It's just a
“Yes. He has been doing a lot of surprises for
me and I figured it's time I balance the

She snorts. “You will never balance the equation

my love. Trust me, I gave up on my 2nd year of
marriage. These men are always a step ahead
when it comes to the spoils.”
“I can at least try.” She smiles.
“Yeah. Try.”
“Before you answer, what is umxabiso?” she
frowns but there is an unmistaken amusement
hidden on her face.

“It's a dish that he said he is going to make me
eat because I made him eat Beans Porridge
which was very delicious by the way and made
by yours truly.” She cracks up.

“Gosh, Chichi. I sometimes forget that you're

not a South African. Anyways umgxabhiso, how
can I put this in a way that you can understand?
It's a stew but without the spices, curry powder,
soup and what not. Basically you boil everything
and eat it as it is.”
“Eww, how do you eat that? I'm sure it's
tasteless.” She chuckles.

“It's really delicious. Mrs. Gumbi Snr who is my

mother in law loves that dish. Over the first
years of my marriage, I was taught how to
perfect it. I will cook it for you one day.” I cringe
visibly and she laughs. “Anyways, my son's
favourite dish is usu with uphuthu. He also
loves ulamthuthu when it's paired with

I am so confused right now. All my two years in

South Africa, I have never heard or seen such.
“What the fuck is that? You would have to teach
me how to make it because wow.”
She chortles. “You are the worst daughter in law
ever. When I am preparing one of these dishes, I
will call you.” I nod. “But be warned, usu brings
flies. It's automatic. Once you start cooking it,
they miraculously appear from nowhere and
there is no way you can control them, but you
can try and lessen them by pouring vinegar and
chopped onions in your pot.” I frown.

“You are confusing me more and more. Let’s

just close this topic.” She laughs. “Did you hear
that Dudu Busani Dube is releasing Hlomu The
End this month?”
Her eyes pop out. “For real?” I nod. “I thought it
was just rumours. I will have to ask Mazwakhe
to get a copy for me as soon as it’s out.”

“Why not go get it yourself?”

“And what would he be doing? Judging people
for a living instead of making sure his wife gets
what she wants? No way.” I laugh.
“Maybe I will also ask Makho to get me a copy
as soon as it’s released.”
“Cheers to us.” she raises her tea cup and we
toast before laughing. We are such bullies, but
it’s for the good cause, right? A call from Udoa
comes in.

“Sorry, I have to take this.” she nods. I stand up

and walk a few steps away from her before
answering the call. “Nwanne. (Sister)”
“You have to come home as soon as possible.”
she doesn’t even greet. There is noises in the
background. What is going on? Did something
bad happen to my parents or one of my siblings?
Her tone is startling.
“Udoa, what’s going on?” she sighs and I hear
movements. Soon, there is less noise in the

“Celine burned our brother with porridge and

now he is in the hospital.” My first instinct tells
me to laugh but I know this is not what Udoa
needs right now. She is not one to be calm and
handle situations like this in a right way. But I
have to give it to Celine though, the girl has
“Where is Celine right now?” I ask and I can feel
that she is taken aback.

“Why are you asking me about that woman?

Your brother is in the hospital for crying out
loud, Chizoba. I have booked you a flight to
Murtala Muhammed International Airport which
leaves at 6pm in OR Tambo. Nneka will meet
you at the airport. You will be there in time,
right?” she asks but I know that’s a statement,
not a question.

“Yeah, I will be there.” But I have work.

“Sharp.” She hangs up and I sigh. I am sure
porridge doesn’t sting that much but I have to
be there for moral support. Maybe I can finally
see Celine and find out how she feels about all
the drama Chia has brought in her life. I head
back to Zoe who is smiling at her phone. She
looks up at me and she seems to sense that
something is wrong. She puts it down.

“Is everything okay?” she asks and I shake my

head. I take the sit next to her and sigh.
“My brother’s wife poured hot porridge all over
his body because he cheated on her and
impregnated his mistress. Now I have to go
home. My sister has booked a flight for me for
this evening.”

“You don’t seem too stressed about this.”

I huff. “I have work tomorrow, remember? What
am I going to say to Mr. Mncube? I don’t want
him thinking that I am undermining my job just
because I am dating his nephew.”
She rolls her eyes. “I know how to handle my
brother.” She dials his number and he answers
after the second ring.

“My beautiful sister.” she smiles.

“Hello my lovely brother. The one I love more
than all of my siblings and any of the Mncube
family members.”
He groans. “What do you want Zokuthula?”
She giggles. “Hawu, how could you say that? I
am just showing you some love.”
“I know you, Zokuthula. So out with it.” She
laughs, rolling her eyes.

“Chizoba has a family emergency she has to

attend in Nigeria. Her brother had an incident
with his wife, something you have been through,
so she needs to go and see him.” something he
has been through? Does that mean Mr. Mncube
has cheated on his wife before and did she burn
him with porridge?

“Noma engasale esehamba nelobola nje. (We

can just give her lobola so that she can give it
to her family on our behalf.)” Zoe cracks up. I
wonder what Mr. Mncube is saying.

“Ngine sure ukuth umshana wakho uyofuna

ukuziyela mathuba. Angeke abe nandaba noma
angashayela ebheke khona. (I am sure that your
nephew would want to go there himself. he
wouldn’t even mind driving all the way there.)”
They both laugh and I feel so left out.

“It’s fine, sisi. You can tell umakoti to take a

week off but she has to submit a letter and a
copy of her flight ticket as evidence that she
was indeed home.”
“Thank you, I love you and bye.” She hangs up
and turns to me. “That’s sorted. Do pass my
regards to your mother. Tell her I will see her in
December.” I smile.

“Will do. I have to go pack.” I stand up and we

share a hug before I drive to my apartment. I
text Makho about my sudden trip and he
doesn’t respond. I guess he is busy with
I get to my apartment and pack a few clothes. I
pack some books on an overnight bag. I have to
come back with some of my books which are
that side. Some are classics and some from
local Nigerian authors. As I am packing my
toiletries, I hear the door opening. I know my
boyfriend who have no manners is here.

“Chizoba! Baby!” he calls out.

“I am in the bathroom.” Few moments later, he
walks in. he looks so out of place. His dreads
are all over the place.
“But I want to spend time with you.” he sulks.
Ncoah, my 30 year old man is sulking because I
am going home for a few days. This man is
drunk in love shame. He knows he can’t say
anything to stop me.

“I still have a few hours till my flight.” I smile

apologetically at him and he sighs. “Don’t be
sad, babe.” I place my hand on his cheek,
caressing it and he breathes out loud. “You
know I love you, right?” he nods. He looks like
an innocent baby right now. Let me test him.
“How about I plait your hair?”

“Hhaybo sthandwa sam.” He steps back and I

laugh. I knew that would snap him out of his

Arriving at the Lagos airport, we find a man sent

by Udoa already waiting for us. He asks if we
would like to see our brother first or go home. I,
for one, would like to go home first because I
am feeling sticky and need a proper shower and
some rest. Nneka also wants to go home, so
the chauffer drives us home which is a one hour
drive from the airport. Also its midnight, now
unless he is in some kind of a private hospital,
no hospital would let you see a patient at 1 am.
Plus his condition is not that serious. I can't
wait to see my old man and Akose. Yeah, my
main priority should be my brother but he
brought this upon himself, so he must deal with
the consequences.

I also have to visit Celine at the morning. I was

also going to see her and eventually contact her
but Makho said something that opened my eyes.
He said underneath that whole rage and anger
is a woman broken, betrayed and lost. She
needs people in her corner and he is pretty sure
that no one cares about her feelings right now.
They are all tending to the “injured” cheater
instead of checking on her. That really broke my
heart because I like Celine and I don’t want her
to feel like I have neglected her or something.
When we get home, it's around 2 am but
someone is awake because there are lights on
in the lounge. The chauffeur takes our luggage
to the front door and bids us farewell after the
door has been opened. Akose comes out
wrapped in a fluffy gown with sleepers and a
head wrap.

“My favourite sisters in the whole wide world.”

She manages to jump us and squeeze us both
in a hug. One thing about my favourite little
sister, she is a ball of energy. She would get
along so much with Mathenji but I wouldn't
hook them up because my friend would corrupt
my sister.

“Akose, why are you awake at this time of the

night?” Nneka asks as we make our way inside
the house. Akose locks up behind us.
“I wanted to open for you guys. If not me, you
would've woken up dad who have work
tomorrow or the young ones who are going to
school.” She responds. “Anyways, I plugged in
some bath water for both of you. I figured after
a 6 hour flight, you will want to bath before

“You are a mind reader.” I tease and she laughs.

“Are you guys’ hungry? Ndidiamaka cooked.”
She asks and I frown.”
“Since when does he know how to cook?”
Nneka asks the question that’s on my mind.
“Since last year.” Akose replies with a shrug.

“We are fine though. Makho and Chung made

sure to buy us enough fast food to last us for
three days. Here.” I hand two of the paper bags.
“You can pack those for people's lunch boxes at
the morning. I would love to see them before
they leave but I know I will still be resting.” She
nods with a grin.

We walk towards the room I share with Nneka.

It's really big. It contains two double beds, a
built in wardrobe, a bookshelf which is
overcrowded, a dresser and bedside tables near
each bed. I place my luggage near the wardrobe
and sit on my bed. I sigh, feeling content and at
ease. You know that feeling when you get home
and everything just feels right? You just feel
peace reign within you? Yeah, that’s what I am
feeling inside.

“While you’re still day dreaming, I will go ahead

and bath.” Nneka startles me. I chuckle. I didn’t
even realize she had changed. That’s one thing
about Nneka. She knows how to do things
quietly and very fast.

“Go ahead. I need to call Makho anyways.” She

“It’s 2 am, Chichi. Let the poor man rest.” I snort.
“If only you knew, sister. Let me prove it to you.”
I take my phone out and dial Makho’s number,
putting it on speaker. He answers after one ring.

“Baby.” his voice is normal. There is no trace of

drowsiness in it.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” I inquire.
“How can I sleep comfortably not knowing if
you got to your destination safely?” he asks and
my heart flutters. I glance and Nneka who rolls
her eyes, smiling at me and heads out.
“I am okay, babe. I have just arrived at home.
Can you believe that Akose was waiting for us?
I am sure she is going to demand presents
tomorrow morning.” He laughs.
“I will send you money via Pay Pal so that you
can spoil her and everyone else.” I smile. I know
not to deny his money or act all modest
because he hates that.

“Thank you, baby. Now go to sleep. You have

court tomorrow.” He grunts as if I am telling
him something new. Makho is such a baby.
“You’re coming back tomorrow, right?” he asks
and I crack up.
“Good night, Somkhanda wami, ngiyakuthanda.”
It took long for me to perfect that. At first, he
goes completely mute. For a moment, I think he
has hung up on me but that’s not it.
“Wow, babe. You just made me emotional. You
are so special to me. You are my everything.
Umm… let me try this.” he goes quiet for a few
moments and then clears his throat. “Abali oma,
Ihunanya m. a huru m gi n’anya. (Good night, my
love. I love you.)” My whole stomach is floating
with butterflies.

“Babe.” I sniff and quickly wipe away my tears.

Fuck, I have fallen deeply in love with this man
and I don’t think there is a turning back now. I
am in it for the long haul.

Waking up, I prepare for the day ahead. I smile

when I see a note from dad which states:
‘I heard you coming in at the morning. If you
love me, you will come see me. – Dad’

I laugh at his note. He could’ve sent a message

but he wanted to make sure I get this one and
see that it’s from him. He and Makho share the
same dramatic trait. I call him and ask for his
car. He has two cars. One that he drives to work
every day and a Toyota Corolla which stays in
the garage. I am not worried about driving it
around because it is always serviced and ready
for the road. I get on it and drive to Port
Harcourt. I called Celine when I woke up and
she told me to come and meet up with her in
the Vineyard Shopping Centre.

On my way to the mall, I chat with Zoe who asks

me about the state in which my brother is in.
she is not surprised by the fact that I decided to
check on the wife first before going to see Chia.
I get to the shopping centre and head to Jerky’s
Grill. I immediately spot Celine occupying one
of the tables.

“Celine!” that comes off as a shout and people

turn to look at me. “Sorry.” I mumble and walk
towards her. She giggles before standing up
and we share a hug. “Look at you glowing and
all. Burning up people loves you.” she laughs.
“Oww, I thought South Africa could change
“Oh please. It’s not all that.” we sit down.

“I have already ordered for both of us.” I smile

at her. Few moments later, a waiter comes to
our table with grilled meat and drinks. “Thank
you.” the waiter smiles before walking away.
“Now, tell me about that man of yours, the one
you have been posting nonstop on your status.”
I chuckle.
“Where do I begin?”
She gives me a pointed look. “From the start.”

“Well I met him while he was dating his ex. I

hated him at first because he was a jerk. He is
still a jerk but he is my jerk now. Anyways, after
breaking up with his ex, he courted me and I
ended up falling for him. He is so charming and
dreamy. Sometimes I ask myself, what good
deed I did in life to deserve such a man.”
She smiles widely. “You’re in love. I wish you all
the happiness and the joys that come with new
love.” I smile back.

“Now, what about you? How are you doing,

Celine? I am sorry for not checking up on you
sooner. It’s just that I got my dream job and
settling in was quite challenging than I thought.
I also found a man and juggling between new
love, a new job and apartment isn’t a walk in the
part. I honestly think I haven’t really settled
down but I am not here to talk about me. Now
spill. Dr. Gwendaline, self-certified relationship
councilor is listening.” She chuckles.

“I feel lost. That’s the honest truth. Not that my

marriage defined me, but I was content and
complete with Chia by my side. I felt like I could
conquer the world. I bragged about him to
anyone who cared to listen. I knew that no
matter what obstacle I was facing, my husband
will always be there for me. He was my best
friend, my lover, my number one supporter and
my confidante. Imagine losing all that in one
single moment. I don’t have this woman he
impregnated. Yeah, she was stupid for sleeping
with a married man but I have nothing against
her. Well, a bit of resentment for destroying my
marriage but that’s all. With Gozie, I loathe him,
Chichi. He has turned me into a mad woman. I
have this rage inside me that is barely
containable. I felt sorry when I saw him
screaming after I burned him but when I woke
up yesterday, I wished I could’ve done more
harm, even killed him. That’s why I left. It’s
because I don’t feel any remorse towards my
actions. Does that make me a bad person?” she
asks. Her tone is hollow and almost absent.
She is there but she is not there at the same
time. I can feel her pain, her misery and most of
all, her anger. Loving hard is really bad
sometimes because when you get hurt, you self
-destruct or destroy the ones near you.

“Are you ready to hear my diagnosis?” she sighs.

“Give it to me.”


“There is no guarantee that your marriage will

survive this or not. But what is important now is
your mental health. I won’t refer to Chia as my
brother because that would defeat the whole
purpose of this session. It’s up to you if you
want to stay in this marriage or not. For now I
suggest you go on a retreat. You have to get out
of this country. Breathe another air, meet new
people. While on that retreat, get a professional
therapist, not a self-made one, who will help you
navigate your new life. You have so much to live
for, Celine. Your kids still need you. Even if you
think you are sinking, let them anchor you to the
surface. You don’t owe them a happy home.
Whomever that might tell you that you should
stay for the kids and risk your mental health, tell
them I said they must go and fuck themselves.”
She chuckles. I smile because I can see the
light at the end of the tunnel. There is some
hope shining in her eyes. “Now, what do you

She huffs and sits back. “I am going to go on

that retreat. Honestly, I don’t like the anger that
is coursing through my veins.” I nod.

“Moving onto your vigilante behaviour,” she

snorts. “I understand that you felt overwhelmed
and all, but next time, when a situation like that
occurs, try breathing from 0 to 10 to calm
yourself down. If the counting doesn’t help,
walk away. I am saying this because, yeah Chia
deserved the punishment but what if Raymond
or Raven were there? What if they jumped out of
nowhere, wanting to come into dad’s aid and
end up getting hurt? What would you had done
if your kids got hurt instead of the perpetrator?”
She looks down. “They were not in the house.”
She mumbles.

“But what if they were? Would you have forgiven

yourself for your actions?” she shakes her head.
“The retreat is a great idea. Take a break from
this country. You deserve it. When you come
back, you would know what to do with your Chia
situation.” She nods.
“Thank you, Chichi. And here I thought you had
deserted me and sided with your brother.” That
breaks my heart.

“When Chia introduced you to me, he said,

‘sister, this is your new sister, Celine. Treat he
like you treat all your other sisters but don’t
bully her.’ so I took his words to heart. I see a
sister in you and even if you were to divorce my
asshole of a brother, you will always be my
She sniffs and quickly wipe away her tears.
“How much is your consultation fee?”
“Finally.” We both crack up and it’s good to see
her laugh genuinely.

I arrive at the Enugu State Teaching Hospital in

time for the visiting hours. I don’t even know if
my brother is awake or not. I enquire about his
room at the receptionist and when I have the
information I need, I walk to his ward which he
is sharing with 2 other people. I find him lying
on the bed and staring at the ceiling. I hope he
is doing some self-introspection.

“You are not so bad.” I start off, entering the

room. He turns his head to look at me and
“I heard you were in town. Why are you only
coming in now?” I roll my eyes.

“I brought you cake.” I place it on the desk near

his bed. I sit on the chair near him. “How are
you doing? What did the doctors say?”
“I have my wife to thank for everything. If she
didn’t rush me here in time, real damage
would’ve occurred, but also, hadn’t she burned
me, none of this would’ve happened.” There is a
bit of remorse in his voice but I also detect
some anger.
“But why, brother? Don’t you have enough
offsprings? What was your aim this time around?
Just to hurt your wife?” he sighs, before he
goes back to starring at the ceiling.

“I fucked up. I know that. I thought she would’ve

forgiven me by now, as usual. But I guess this
hit deep. I don’t know what to do now. I know I
have lost my wife but I still have hope that she
will forgive me and come back to me.”

I fold my arms and lean back on the chair.

“Come back to you? You know how much
backlashing and criticism she is going to get
from both families if she comes back. After
burning you, nobody remembers the fact that
you cheated. What’s on everyone’s minds is her
cruelty. You want her to come back to that? You
know our mother already despised her before
this incident. How do you think she feels about
her now? You lost her brother. You should
accept whatever decision she decides to take in
the future and respect it.”

“This is my wife we are talking about. We made

vows to stick together through thick and thin.
We can survive this. Our love is strong.”

I chuckle, clapping my hands dramatically. “You

are delusional brother. Look at you talking
about vows whereas you’re the one who broke
the vows you made with her in front of
hundreds of people and God. I am not going to
beat by the bush, you brought this upon yourself.
You fucked Celine over and now you are going
to deal with the consequences. Yeah, you are
my brother and I am sad that you’re lying here
but that’s all on you. You could’ve prevented all
this. You could’ve chose to ignore the Felicia
temptation. By the way, how the hell do you
cheat on Celine with someone older and uglier
than her?”

“Now stop being disrespectful, Chizoba. I am

still older than you.” I roll my eyes.
“Maybe I will come see you tomorrow. Keep
well, brother.” I squeeze his hand and walk out.
He honestly doesn’t deserve Celine. This gender
is so self-absorbed.

“Ahh, the most amazing teacher in the whole

wide world.” dad beams as soon as I walk into
his office. I laugh and rush to hug him. “You
look beautiful. Are they treating you well in
South Africa? But I don’t need to ask because
it’s written all over your face.” I smile.

“Yes. They are treating me so well, dad. I am

doing great at my new job. I feel at home
whenever I am teaching in a classroom. I have
actually taken note of some kids who need
special attention. All is well.”
He smiles. “That is exactly what I wanted to
hear. Did you go see your brother?” I sigh and
sit down.
“Yes, I did. Your son is the worst.” He chuckles.

“I honestly just distanced myself from his whole

drama. Your mother is so invested in it, I am
sure she would have a heart attack should
Celine and Chia decide to get back together.
She is gunning for Celine’s head.” I scoff. I know
my mother and I knew that she wouldn’t
sympathize with Celine. “By the way, she called
a family meeting which will take place
tomorrow evening because Chia is going to be
discharged tomorrow morning.”

“Is Celine’s family going to be present?” he nods.

Fuck, I don’t wish to be there. I can imagine the
rubbish they are going to utter because they
actually see nothing wrong with Chia wanting a
second wife. To them, this is all just normal.
“Did Udoa come and speak to you?”
He shakes his head with a smile. “No, but she
said you will be the one to tell me what’s going
on.” But why, Udoa? Being the middle child is
not on. These people always put their problems
on my shoulders.

Fuck. Here goes nothing. “She is getting

married.” I start off and the smile on father’s
face dissolves.
“I am sorry, what?”
“She is dating a matured man and he is very
serious about her. He wants to make her his as
soon as possible. I have met them and I can tell
that he really loves her. Maybe he might be
coming to pay dowry in December, or even
earlier than that.”

He frowns. “Who is this man?”

“Abaeze Eesuola.”
“The billionaire who also happens to be her
boss?” I nod. “Isn’t he married?”

“His wife died.” He sighs, sitting back. “Dad you

should’ve seen how carefree she was in front of
him. She is not the same Udoamaka we know.
She is happy, forever smiling genuinely. He is
the best thing that has ever happened to her
and you know she deserves happiness.”
He scratches his head. “I would have to meet
this man before he even sends his delegates.”

I smile. “That’s all we want. By the way, I am

also dating.”
His eyes pop out. “CHIZOBA!”
“I am joking, old man. now let’s feed you.” I
place paper bags in his table. I steal a glance at
him and he looks spooked. I laugh internally. He
is going to die young.

“CHIZOBA!” A familiar voice calls out my name
and I turn to find Joseph standing not far from
me. He is smiling widely like he is seeing Santa
for the first time.

“Joseph.” I put the yoghurt that I am carrying in

my trolley and give him my attention. “Long
time no see.”
“Yeah. I heard you were in town. You look so
beautiful by the way. South Africa is really
loving you.”
“I guess so. I found my dream job. I think that’s
one of the things that is treating me well.”

His smile widens. “That’s great. I am so happy

for you. We should have lunch before you
“Umm, I don’t know about that, Joe.”
“It doesn’t have to be awkward, Chizoba. We are
just going to talk like old friends.”

“Except we were never friends, just exes.”

He sighs. “One sit down, for old times’ sake.
I huff. I don’t know how Makho is going to feel
about this but just one lunch won’t matter. It’s
not like someone is going to tell him about it or
whatever. Also it's just an innocent lunch not
dinner at a hotel. “Sure. We can do lunch.”

“How about today?” I laugh.

“So fast?”
“Yeah, it’s still 10 am. We can meet up around 2
The sooner the better. “Fine. Where are we
going to meet?”
“At our restaurant.” I inwardly roll my eyes. I am
the one who introduced him to the nice cuisine
served at Kilimanjaro.
“See you then.” I walk away and breathe out

My relationship with Joe was good, some

people even envied it. He really loved me and
showed it. We were together for a year before
he decided to take things to the next level and
asked me to marry him. He had paid the dowry
and one day during the second week of ije mbu
(my first official) visit to his home, a young lady
showed up with a huge swelling baby bump and
claimed the child as Joseph’s. Joe didn’t even
try to deny it, he just apologized and to say I
was heartbroken would be an understatement. I
just packed my bags and went back home.
When I told dad about what Joe had done, he
immediately paid him back half his dowry and
said the half will serve as damages because he
had broken his promise to the Gwendaline
family and humiliated the family name. After
that, I only saw Joseph once and he was doing
baby shopping with his mother. He didn’t show
any remorse, so I don’t know why he wants to
meet but I guess I will know soon.

After I am done with the grocery shopping, I buy

some grilled chicken for everyone and fruits
from the street vendors for my ‘sick’ brother.
Mom came to me last night and told me that I
should inform Celine about a family meeting
which will be held tomorrow evening since my
brother is being discharged from the hospital
tomorrow morning. I don’t wish to be part of
that meeting because I know only drama and
chaos will reign in there but I have no choice
because I am the mediator of the family and I
also need to be there for Celine seeing that
everyone has turned on her.

As I am driving to the hospital, a call from Udoa

comes in. “Hello sister.” I answer, placing it on
“Hey you. What did dad say about Eze?” she
gets straight to the point, like the old Udoa I
“He is a bit skeptical but he has agreed to a
meet up. I have done my part. Everything is in
your hands now. Just don’t do something that
will rub off the wrong way to dad.”

“Okay. Thank you. I guess he will want to meet

Eze as soon as possible now that he knows I
am dating.” Yeah, dad can be really anxious.
“Plus I told him Eze's name. Seems like dad
know him.”
She grunts. “Who doesn’t? But thanks for your
intervention, little one. I will return the favour
when Makho wants to marry you.”

I giggle. “Let's not count our eggs before they

hatch. Anyways I am on my way to see your
She groans. “Yoh, that one is the worst. Last
night I happened to go see him while Celine was
also there. Their conversation was cold and I
could sense that it wasn't because of the
incident. I think our brother has fallen out of
love with Celine but he just doesn't want it to
seem as if his marriage failed because of his
cheating ways.”

“Now that’s an observation.”

“I am slowly becoming you.” I crack up. She is
back to being the carefree Udoa. I sometimes
think my sister has bipolar. One minute she is
cranky, the next she is chirpy. “Anyways, I am
meeting up with Celine for lunch. I have been
too focused on my cheating brother, I didn’t pay
attention to our sister in law.”

“Well good luck. Are you coming to the

“I wouldn't miss it for the world, sister. I know
mom will be bringing in the big guns.” We both
laugh. We know mom loathes Celine for what
she did to her son.

We conclude our conversation and then hang

up. I pass by the hospital just to drop off the
fruits for Chia and then head home. I get there,
unload all the groceries and decide to cook
lunch while doing some spring cleaning. When
the clock strikes 1:30pm, I get ready and drive
to Kilimanjaro eatery. Arriving there, I find him
already waiting for me. We place our orders.

“So, why did you call me here?” I cut straight to

the chase and he chuckles.
“So you changed just for our meet up? I am
happy about that.” He says wearing an ugly
smug on his face.
“I was cleaning and cooking, so I had to freshen
up and you literally can't put dirty clothes after
freshening up unless you are at another
person's house.”

“Mmm.” He nods. “So how have you been? Any

many who has managed to charm you in South

I smile, thinking about Makho, that crazy man of

mine. “Yes, I am in a committed relationship
with a loving man. He is amazing and he treats
me well. He loves me wholeheartedly and he is
a very jealous and possessive man.” I catch his
fake smile before he replaces it with a smirk.
“That's one of the reasons why I am glowing. So,
how about you? How are things with your baby
mama? Oww, how is your kid doing? How old is
she now?”

For the first time since we sat down today, I

recognize a genuine smile and a bit of
excitement in him. “It's a he. He is doing fine.
He is growing really fast. His mother and I are
not in a relationship.”
“What a shame. Now that you have provided
this platform for me, I wanna ask, why did you
do me like that though? Why did you cheat on
me? I would like to think I was a great candidate
and had the potential of being an even better
wife. What happened?”

He sighs. “Temptations, Chizoba. I never meant

to hurt you. I realized my mistake when you
upped and left me without a single
confrontation or explanation. You were the
bigger person and that made me feel awful. I
am sorry, Chizoba. The only good thing that
came out of me sabotaging our marriage was
my son, other than that I regret my actions
because they cost me a good woman.”

“Mmm. True that.” I don’t know what I was

expecting but I am somehow content with his
“So is there a chance that we could be maybe
friends or more in the future?” I chuckle SMH.
“Sorry dear but you're looking at the future Mrs.
“Mrs. What now?” my phone chooses that
moment to disturb us and it's none other than
my jealous handsome man. I wonder why he
isn't in court.

“Babe.” I answer.
“Hey, my love. How is your day going?” My God.
From our initial meet up, I never thought that we
would end up where we are now. I never
thought that Masonke was capable of loving
someone the way he loves me. I also wonder
what good deed I did in the past to be gifted
with a man like him.

“It's just a normal day. I am having lunch with a

“A friend?” I can literally picture him frowning
and I inwardly laugh. “You never said anything
about having a friend, well except the one who
fucked your brother.” Ex friend. But I don’t
correct him because it seems like the ‘friend'
just ticked him off.

I sigh. “Okay, he is not a friend.”

“He?!” OMG! Maybe I shouldn't have specified
Joe's gender. “You are having lunch with a man,
Chizoba? For what good reason?”
“He is an ex and he just wanted some closure.
It's a once off thing and I swear it won't happen

“Won't happen again? If I didn't call, would you

have told me?” I shake my head but don't utter a
single word. “See, you would've omitted this
from me because you know how wrong it looks
like. If I were to meet up with Monica and not
tell You, how would you have felt had you find
out from someone else?”
“But babe I love you, only you. There is no one
else out here or in the entire galaxy that could
make me feel like how you make me feel. You
have to understand.”
“Yoh, hhayi Chizoba.” He hangs up and I feel my
heart shattering into pieces. I take my bag and
stand up.
“Where are you rushing off to?” Joe asks
quickly and I shake my head.

“I shouldn't have come here. Things ended

between us a long time ago and no amount of
‘closure’ would ease the humiliation and
embarrassed you put me through. Bye though,
and I wish you a good life.”
He smirks. “Am I that much of a threat to your
I scoff. “First off, he is a man not a boyfriend
and you could never be a threat to him, even
when you wanted to. You are like Spiderman
and he is Thanos. So much difference. He is on
another level which you could never reach.” I
head out, dialing Makho's number. How can I
convince him to forgive me when we are miles


I try his phone for the 10th time and it goes to

voicemail. I don’t know why people bother
calling a person more than two times when
their phone is off. Maybe it’s the hope that there
will be a coincidence that he opens his phone
and bump into your call. Fuck this. And Joseph
is not even worth it. I feel so guilty that my
relationship might end for someone so
irrelevant. I sigh and start dishing up lunch for
everyone because they are going to be home in
no time. When I am done, I cover their plates on
the counter and walk to the room I share with
Nneka. When she sees me walking in, she
blushes and walks away. It’s only when she
passes near me that I notice she is talking to
someone on the phone. I sit on the bed and dial
Zoe’s number.

“Hello dear.” She greets cheerfully.

“Hey Zoe. I am sorry to trouble you but have you
heard from Makho today?”
“No. I last spoke to him yesterday after lunch.
Why? What’s going on, Chichi?”
I might as well tell her what’s going on. After all,
she is my friend. “I had lunch with an ex-fiancé
because I wanted closure and Makho called
while I was sitting with him. I tried to reassure
him that nothing is going on between us. It’s
just that Joseph cheated on me while we were
engaged and never really gave me his reason or
remorse. I am not trying to defend myself but I
hope you get me.”

Zoe chuckles. “I am your friend before I am your

future mother-in-law and I am compelled to
listen to you and give you some sound advice.
Eating out with an ex is never good. You might
have come with the intention of closure but
maybe he expected a different outcome form
your meeting. I have dined with an ex before
and the act was purely innocent but Mazwakhe
went crazy and didn’t speak to me for 48 hours
straight. Men’s egos bruise easily, Chichi and
men like my son love hard. So when you do
something like this, unexpected, it feels like you
are betraying him, his love and the love you
share. Anyways what did ex say?”

“You’re right. He had hope that I would

somehow get back to him. He is delusional.”
“Wait for Makhosonke. He is probably out
somewhere sulking. He will contact you soon
when he has calmed down or maybe allow you
to contact him.”
I nod. “I will get a flight ticket for tomorrow
night. I don’t have time to baby a cheating
brother. Look now, it is jeopardizing my
Zoe cracks up. “I need to thank you for this
though. If it were under different circumstances,
I would’ve sent a kiss to Joseph. Men out there
need to know that they are irreplaceable.”

“You’re evil.” She laughs harder. “You are

actually rejoicing in your son’s misery. The kind
of mother you are. You and Mrs. Gwendaline
are birds of the same feathers.”
“Ow come on. Right now, I am talking to you as
a friend, not Makhosonke’s mother. Besides, I
would not blame you or Luncumo should you
decide to burn my sons for their infidelity.”

“You’re the coolest.” She laughs.

“I know.” We conclude our call and she even
informs me that some young author by the
name of Cathrine Phiri is having a book launch
for her latest book, Married at 16 and she has
RSVP’d for us. You can never separate Zoe with
“I will start cooking dinner now.” Nneka informs
me from the door. “When you’re done going
through a lot, you can join me. We can have
I chuckle, shaking my head. “We need to be
sober minded for the upcoming meeting, but we
can drink afterwards, and maybe even spend
the night at Eze’s mansion.”

She grins. “That sounds like a plan. I will inform

Udoa and maybe we will take Akose.” I don’t
know if dad will agree, but we will just say we
are having a girls’ night out and even invite
Celine. She will need some cheering up after the
“Also, I am heading back to South Africa
tomorrow evening.” She nods in understanding.
“Book tickets for the both of us using my card.
There was really no reason for us to come here,
well except for seeing the family before

I nod and take her laptop. I quickly book our

tickets and then walk to my storage box which
is filled with my books. Honestly, I feel like my
life is in South Africa. So, even if I end up
married with Makho, my life will be rooted in SA.
So I have to ship my books there. I will just take
them to Udoa’s house and ask them to bring
them if she happens to travel to SA in her man’s
jet. I take out one of the books and sit on my
bean bag, indulging in the paperback.

“We have all gathered here today to come up

with the solution to problems the young couple
are currently facing. Both parties have wronged
each other dearly and we wish for a way
forward, a real solution that will not lead to the
dissolution of this union. If anyone wishes to
speak, please don’t raise your voice high or
curse at anyone. We are all adults here. There is
no need for someone to be disrespectful.” Mr.
Oyetoro, who is Celine’s uncle, her father’s
younger brother, states. He is the voice of
reason in the Oyetoro family and he is the only
one who is neutral.

“The mistakes are not the same. Your daughter

nearly killed my son.” My mother starts off and I
scoff inwardly. This meeting is about the way
forward and not dwelling on the past and yet
she is bringing up the incident. But I am not
surprised. This is my mother after all. “As a
family, we can’t just forget about that and move
on. It won’t be that easy.”
“And as the Oyetoro family, we can’t just simply
forget and your son’s infidelity. He went out of
his marriage, cheated on my sister and came
back with a child. Is that acceptable? My sister
is no barren. She has proved to the family that
she can bear children, both male and female. So
no one can blame her for her husband’s
transgressions. Also, she is not to be blamed
for burning him. She asked for space and he
agreed. Why did he come and crowd her? You
think forgiving a cheating partner can be timed?
You think that a week or two is enough? If the
roles were reversed and it was Celine who
came back with another man’s child, you
would’ve chased her out like a dog. So why
should she forgive this bastard?” Aimo’s voice
is so strong and almost commanding. She is
Celine’s older sister and I last saw her at
Celine’s wedding. She is the Nigerian Army
General and she is tough as fuck. I am sure
everyone in this room is intimidated by her. The
whole room goes silent. I glance at my father
and he is just sitting at his chair unbothered.
You can see that he can’t wait for everyone to
leave. I know I have to say something soon to
clear up this awkwardness and tension.

Nneka clears her throat. “We were not here for

the first nor the second meeting but we heard
all that was said and done. As Chia’s siblings,
we won’t accept and welcome his baby mama
with open arms. The child is innocent and it has
our blood running in its veins, that’s if it is really
his child, so we won’t neglect it. But should he
decide to go ahead and marry the baby mama,
we won’t take part in any of it. Our loyalty is
with you, Celine and we are sorry that we didn’t
check on you soon. As women, it is very
important that we stick together in times of
need and sorrow, right mother?” her eyes travel
to mom who mutters something inaudible. Chia
looks defeated.

I clear my throat and everyone turns to look at

me. “I would like for both the couple to be given
a chance to speak because this is the only
chance they will get to speak on common

“I will start.” My brother speaks up. His eyes

travel to Celine. “I am sorry for my actions. I
deeply regret them and I now understand how
much they hurt you. I may have appeared like a
jerk or selfish bastard but the truth of the
matter is that I love you, Celine. I didn’t marry
you because I felt like it. I fell in love with you a
long time ago and I continue to fall for you day
by day. The reason I cheated was that I was
weak and an idiot. I am the only one to be
blamed for my transgressions. I know what I
am asking is impossible, but can you please
find it in your heart to forgive me and welcome
me back into our home? I won’t rush you this
time around. I have realized my mistake. I will
give you as much time as you need, even a
year.” He sounds so remorseful but I am not
convinced. I know that as much as I love Makho,
I would never take him back if he ever cheated
on me because what will stop him from
cheating again?

“And what happens if she wants to divorce

you?” Aimo asks.
“That is not an option and it will bring shame
into our family name. We don’t need that kind of
shame.” Mrs. Oyetoro speaks up. Tjo. Shame?
We are the ones who should be ashamed that
our brother couldn’t keep it in his pants. This
woman is poison, just like my mother. I wonder
how Celine keeps up with her.

“As much as I still love Chiagozie, I can’t forgive

him and just forget about what he has done. I
know that my next words might get me
disowned by my family but I am going away for
2 weeks and when I come back, I will be filing
for divorce. A leopard never changes its stripes
and I don’t wanna be bitten twice. This is for my
sanity.” Celine finally states calmly. Her words
are follow by utter silence that you can hear a
needle dropping and then there is mayhem and

My father gives me a sad look as I inform him
that I am leaving in the evening. “I can’t say I
blame you for leaving. There was no real reason
for you to come in the first place. Your mother
was just being dramatic for summoning you
here.” I chuckle.

“You can’t call your wife dramatic.” He rolls his

eyes but retains a smile on his face. “I want you
guys to come visit me in South Africa. You guys
can choose any weekend. I want you to see my
apartment and my place of work.”
He smiles widely. “We will definitely come. And
maybe I will get to see some of your friends.”

I chuckle. “Ow yes. I have four. Mathenji, the

crazy one whom you have spoken to before.
Reno who is also my colleague, Quinn who is
white and is my neighbour and then there is Zoe,
she is my reading buddy and more like a mother
figure in another country.” And also my future
mother in law.

“How is your apartment going to accommodate

the whole family?” he enquires as he walks me
to the car. I will be driving with my siblings to
Lagos just to spoil them a bit and Akose will
drive the back. Nneka will be with us.
“I have a friend and she will willingly lend her
apartment to you guys. It’s on the same floor as
mine.” He nods.
“We will plan and come before the year ends.
Now are you short with anything?” he asks,
taking out his wallet. I laugh and stop him.

“Dad, I am working now. I can take care of

myself. Now I need you to buy yourself a nice
cold drink.” I take out a few hundred dollars and
slip them inside his pocket. “I love you daddy.” I
kiss his cheek and rush to the car before he
hands me back the money. I can hear his
laughter as I slide inside the car.
“I love you too my angel.” He blows a kiss and I
catch it.
“You and your father are too much.” Nneka
complains from the passenger seat and I laugh,
rolling my eyes.
“Jealousy will make you nasty, sister.” I stick
out my tongue at her and the younger siblings

We are with Akose, Ndidiamaka and Chukwudi.

We get to Lagos and drive to the Mega Plaza
where we give the young siblings a chance to
go crazy. They pick a few clothes and some
goodies. We then take a stroll and when the
time arrives, we drive to the airport.

“I will see you guys soon.” I say as I hug all of

them. “And you, Miss Akose, please pack my
books and when you’re done, take them to
Udoa’s house.” She nods.
“I love you and I will see you soon.” she hugs
me once more. We never say goodbye because
it sounds so permanent. We enter the airport.

When we land in South Africa, I am so tired, all I

wanna do is go to sleep but I can’t because I
have to go and check on Makho. I know that he
is in his house, I can feel it. I take a cab to my
apartment. I shower change into jeans and a
blouse. I remember that I haven’t worn any
shoes as I enter the car but that’s not important.
I try calling him once more as I drive to his
house but his phone goes straight to voicemail.
I feel like he has blocked me because no sane
person can switch off their phone for more than
24 hours.

I am lucky that the car keys also contain the

remote to his gate. So, I open his gate when I
get there and drive inside, closing it after me. I
park the car outside the garage door and climb
off. I am startled when my eyes land on Makho
shirtless and standing at the garage door. Why
didn’t I see him there? He is lurking like a
fucking creature of the night. I step closer to
him and his eyes hold me hostage.
“Babe.” I start off as I stop in front of him.


“Vuka sikhulume. (Wake up, let’s talk.)” His

voice drags me from my deep slumber. What
the fuck is wrong with this man?
“Babe, not now.” I mumble and turn to face the
other side.

“Aibo, Chizoba. We need to talk.” Is this what

men are faced with every time a woman
demands a talking session? Especially in the
middle of the night? I mumble some curses in
Igbo while sitting up. He is seated on the edge
of the bed with his legs folded. The only source
of light present is the side lamp. I lean on the
head board and sigh.

“What is it that you wanna talk about?” I ask,

fully awake. This man is not without drama.
“Who is Joseph?” I wanna laugh so badly. Why
couldn’t he ask me this when I arrived or at the
“Fuck, Makho. What time is it?”
“02:36 but that’s not important. Who the hell is
Joseph?” why does he sound like a scorned
woman right now?

I scoff. “I never told you his name. How do you

know it?”
He rolls his eyes. “The one who gave birth to me
sent me an email after not reaching me on my
phone and the email stated ‘hello star ka
Joseph’. So that’s why I know the priest’s

“First of all, he is not a priest. He is a junior

accountant at some firm but that’s not
important. Joseph is my ex fiancé.”
“I am sorry, your what?” he asks, shocked.
“We were engaged to be wed.”
“When was this? Why didn’t you tell me about
this fiancé of yours? Why am I hearing about
him now?”

“This was 4 years ago. I was head over heels in

love with him. We dated for several months and
then he sent his family to pay dowry to mine. All
was well. After the dowry, I went to his family
homestead for the first visit. When I was there,
a woman came and claimed to be pregnant
with his child. He confirmed the pregnancy and
I broke the engagement. My father was more
than happy to return back the dowry money
because he thought I was too young to get
married. Since that incident, I never spoke to
Joseph. I only bumped into him three days ago
and we went to lunch. Honestly, I needed the
closure and I got it. I am sorry if it made you
feel insecure and distrust me. I never intended

He sighs. “Come here.” he opens his arms and I

crawl to them. He engulfs me and I melt in his
embrace. “No woman deserves to be cheated
on, let alone humiliated like that. I can imagine
what your neighbours and haters said when
they leant of your failed engagement. Now, is
Joseph married to this woman he

I shake my head. “He said he regrets his actions

and he wants me back.”
“Shame. I envy him because I am never letting
you go.” I grin. This man is so jealous and it’s
“I love you.” I murmur, already sleepy.
“Hey, we are still talking.” He looks at me and I
chuckle lazily.
“We can still talk tomorrow.” He pouts and I
perk his lips. “Now tell me you love me so that I
can sleep peacefully.”
He chuckles. “I love you infinity times infinity.”

Again I am awakened by this troublesome man
of mine. This time around he is demanding sex
with the cutest facial expression I have ever
seen. I am sure if we were to ever have kids,
they would always give me this puppy face
every morning when they want something.

“Babe, stop it.” I say, pulling the cover over my

head. After fucking me last night, we went to
sleep naked and even after our midnight talk,
we never put on any clothes. He goes
underneath the cover and I feel his tongue on
my feet. I giggle loudly. “Makho, stop. I have
work today.”

“Oww, hell no you don’t. Nobody knows that

you’re back and we are going to keep it that way,
at least until I am satisfied which I know won’t

I giggle. Can he not be crazy for a day? After

persuading me, I finally give in and his dick
makes me sing notes I never knew existed. Very
high notes. I should be a presenter of Imizwilili
after this. We shower and he only allows me to
wear his navy shirt which barely covers my
thighs. Also I have nothing to wear, which
means I can drive in this to my apartment and
risk his wrath or wait until very late and head
back to my apartment with my dirty clothes.
That’s correct, the clothes I put on last night
were dirty but I wasn’t thinking straight. The
man had me on a spell.

“So, I am going to be a prop in your house

walking around in a skimpy shirt while you go to
work?” I ask, settling on his bed and watching
him put on dress pants, a dark green shirt and
loafers. He grins at me.

“You look like every man’s sex dream. I want to

fuck you so bad right now and render your legs
numb for the rest of the day but I don’t have
time for that. How about you cook something
really nice for me and we will have a nice cozy
lunch? After that, I will take you out for dinner.”

I smile widely. “Looking forward to going out in

this shirt.”
He chuckles. “Not a chance. This situation will
be remedied soon.”
“What if you don’t have the ingredients I need to
prepare a nice lunch?”

“Use the Checkers app to order. It’s installed in

my tablet that’s downstairs. Now give me some
sugar before I go.” I roll my eyes but I can’t hide
the smile in my face. We share a long sensual
kiss before he leaves me feeling loved and

Dear God, how did I get so lucky with this one?

But when I think about his drama from last
night, I can’t help myself. I crack up.
Makhosonke Gumbi is very dramatic,
temperamental and all but he loves purely and
genuinely. I am sure another man would’ve
butchered me or even forced me into obedience.

Getting downstairs, I check what’s on the fridge

and pantry. I decide on what I am going to cook
for lunch while preparing a porridge for myself. I
then order the missing ingredients which is
basically everything because the things on
Makho’s fridge are the ones healthy freaks eat.
He even has brown rice on his pantry. Freak.

I think of who to call as I am indulging on my

porridge. Reno? No, she is at work. Mathenji?
That one with a gangster boyfriend. But I am
sure she is also at work. But Mathenji can
sneak out just to spill some gossip, so I text her
and then think of another person. Wandy? Yeah,
I haven’t chatted with her that much after she
told me about her mysterious man. Besides
being her fan, I really want to build a
relationship between us since she is Makho’s
sister and I want to treat her as a friend
because she looks like she really needs
someone to confide in.

Mathenji calls me back after a few moments. I

chuckle before answering the call.
“Hey love. What you’re doing?” I ask in a childish
“Hello girl. What are you doing there by the
Nsukka village? Has any chief approached you
yet? I can imagine your Rastafarian going crazy
at the thought.” I break into laughter.
“If only you knew, my friend. Anyways, I am
back in South Africa. Makho is the reason I
came back early. I went to lunch with an ex and
he found out. Actually, he called in the middle of
the lunch.”

“You lie. Tell me more.” she asks with pure

interest. I narrate the whole story to her, up until
the events that occurred at 2am today. She
laughs so crazy, she ends up coughing. “OMG!
Friend, your life deserves a reality show.
#KeepingUpWithADarkBeaty. Because wow.
Zoe is savage though. I wish to have a mother
in law like that someday.”

“Talking about a mother in law, what’s up with

you and Nathan? Any danger yet?” she snorts.
“Not that I can think of. Actually some woman
came to his house while I was there and she
threatened to beat me up if I didn’t leave her
baby daddy alone. She was with the most
adorable creature I have ever laid my eyes on
and the creature looked exactly like Nathan, his
female version.”

“What did Nathan say?”

“Fortunately he came while the baby mama was
still at his house. They exchange some strong
words but she ended up leaving. I told Nate that
I won’t stand that treatment. He better deal with
that airhead because I wasn’t going to stand it. I
then gathered my things and as I was about to
leave, the dude backed me up against the wall
and fucked me into obedience. I enjoyed every
single moment of it and when he was done, I
left. I just showed him that I won’t be persuaded
with sex. He should learn to respect me.”

“Damn girl. You’re the one who deserves a

reality show. #ATouchOfDangerWithMathenji.”
“I know, right?” we both laugh. “Anyways, we
should hook up. I miss you so much babe. And I
want to plan a farewell party for Reno. She is
leaving in two weeks.” Mmm, I didn’t know that
but I am happy for her.

“We will chat once I am out of this prison.”

She laughs. “If you ever need help escaping, just
shout. SHOUT! LET IT ALL OUT!” she sings the
last sentence and I chortle.


When he comes back home, he finds me settled

on a couch, watching a k-drama called Love

“Is it going to ring now that I am within a 10

meter radius from you?” he asks and I laugh.
“It wouldn’t ring because I currently hate you for
locking me up.” he laughs and places a dozen
of shopping bags on the coffee table. I pause
the episode because I know he is not going to
let me watch it in peace.
“But yours will ring because Ngiyazifela ngawe.”
He sings the last part and I am shocked
because that sounded so good.
“Please sing again.” I plead and he smiles shyly
before taking a shopping bag and handing it to
“This is yours and it is important.” I take it,
frowning at him.

“I wonder what it is.” I take out the first small

box inside and my breath hitches when I see the
iPhone 13. “Babe.” I mutter breathlessly and he
gestures that I check out the rest of the
shopping bag’s contents. The second thing that
comes out is an iPad, a smart watch and a
MacBook. “Thank you! Thank you!” I jump him
and shower him with kisses all over. He giggles
and cages me in his arms.
“You look so cute right now.” He perks my lips
and I blush. This nigga is making me feel things.
“Let me quickly go and dish up for us.” he
“You’re running away from me. Worse you
haven’t opened all your gifts.” I snort and head
back to my gifts.

Most of them consists of clothes, shoes and

even lingerie. I am sure he is expecting me to
model for him. There are also grocery gift cards,
a clicks one, another from woolies and the last
one from bargain books. I guess this guy never
went to work. He just went shopping.

“For this, you might get a lap dance.” I wave the

Bargain Books gift card and he laughs.
“I knew it.”
“Thank you babe.” I hug him once more and
then place the gift bags at the corner in the
lounge. “Let me dish up for us.” I have already
set up a table in the patio. I quickly dish up and
then go place the food and juice in the table. I
put on one of his boxers and then call him. He
comes with a bunch of white lilies and my heart
melts. “I thought you were done with the gifts.”

He smiles. “This is not a gift, love. It’s an

‘Indoda must’.” I laugh and take the flowers. I
smell them like most flower lovers do and I love
the smell. It’s fresh and unique. “Pose for me.”
I giggle. “With your shirt and boxers?”

He grins. “I know how to take pictures, love.” I

roll my eyes and then pose for him. He takes
dozens of pictures, I end up being grumpy and
he laughs. “Let’s go eat then.” We head to the
patio. “Wow, babe. This is beautiful.” He takes
pictures of the set up and I laugh. “All this was
made by this amazing beautiful woman.” he
turns to phone to me and I hide behind the

“Stop it.” He laughs. We sit down and start

“Mawande has invited the whole family to
dinner at her house.” He starts and I
immediately know that she wants to introduce
her man to the family. She is brave and I like
that she is doing this sooner rather than later.

“Awesome. I can’t wait to see her house.”

He shrugs. “It’s girly like her.”
I laugh. “That means it has more class than
your house.”
“Take that back. My house is elegant, classy
and manly.”
“That manliness is boring.” His eyes pop out
and I crack up.

“Please tell me the perfect weekend getaway

destination for you guys because I am tired of
my mother rejoicing in my misery.” I chortle.
Zoe is such a whole mood. I don’t know what
combination would come out if she and
Mathenji were to spend a whole afternoon
“It has to be in Durban or any town in KZN. I
have never been there before and I would love
to go there.” he nods.

“My mother is originally from Durban so I don’t

think she would love to go there. However, there
is this town which is 2 hours away from Durban
and it is called Richards Bay. It is really beautiful
and I have been to Tuzi Gazi before. There is a
beach in the area. I know she would love to
spend time there. Even if it’s for a weekend.”

“Then it’s decided. When is this trip going to

take place? I need to buy some swimsuits for
“Please don’t buy things that are too revealing.”
I roll my eyes.
“All swimsuits are revealing. Next thing you are
going to say I should wear them.”
“That also sounds like a great idea.” He says
with a satisfied smile and I groan. He can be
impossible if he likes.

Makho drops me off in my car, well his car, and
then gets into an Uber. When I get into my
apartment, I find a box on top of the coffee
table which I didn’t leave there and I won’t say I
didn’t see it when I arrived because I was in a
hurry. I go place my shopping bags in my bed
and then come back to this mystery box. Is it a
bomb? The only person who has a spare key to
my room is the maintenance man for
emergencies but I think he would’ve told me
about this when I saw him in the elevator. After
convincing myself that this isn’t a bomb, I find
the courage to open the box. I am hit with the
smell of brand new books. God, they smell
heavenly. I see 2 ceramic bookmarkers with
leather straps. I take the first one and I
recognize my name in the ceramic part. It is
engraved in a beautiful font. The other side of
the bookmarker has PAGE HEAVEN logo. I
almost miss the message written on the leather
strap because it is the same colour as the strap.
It is written ‘there is no one like you’ and I
instantly know who these are from. This man is
going to kill me with this much love. It’s too
much for one woman, not that I am saying he
should take a second wife. I would kill him.

I sit down and take out the books from the box
one by one, reading the summary at the back,
smelling them and putting them aside. I grin
when I see the ones I have been meaning to buy.
This man of mine is a godsend and there is no
one else for me. I have to buy him something
extravagant which will try to top off his gift,
even though I know that’s impossible. I just
have to find a friend of his or maybe ask
Masande what his brother likes. It then hits me
that he has never introduced me to his friends
but he seldom talks about them, so I guess his
family is more important than his friends.

I take a few pictures of my new books and the

bookmakers and then post them on social
media, not forgetting to tag Page Heaven and
the authors. I then put them on my book case. I
clean around the house and when I am done, I
sit down and set up my new gadgets. Luckily,
we have Wi-Fi here, so I don’t have to worry
about data. But Makho also bought me a router
to use when I am not home. I know Akose
would love to have this phone I am currently
using but I don’t want her getting my sloppy
seconds. I plan on buying her a new phone on
her birthday or when she gets here. I check out
Makho’s Instagram and I see so many pictures
and videos of me from today. This guy is
whipped. I screenshot the ones I like and then
post them. He deserves a nice treat and while I
prepare for dinner, I will teach myself some
stripper dance moves. I need to wow him.

I put on a tape to hold up my boobs and then

put on my red sheath long sleeve zipper V-neck
party mini dress which hugs my body like my
second skin. Underneath I have a lace
underwear which is crotch-less. I know my man
will go crazy when he sees them. My make-up
and hair is on point. I finish off my look with
black tie leg stiletto heeled sandals. I put my
phone and other small things in my black purse.
The sound of a knock informs me that he has
arrived. I decide to tease him by leaving my
zipper open. I head to the lounge and open the
door. When his eyes settle on my body, he goes
into a shock. I laugh inwardly. Tease successful.
By the time he has snapped out of it, I am
halfway to zipping up my dress.
“Aibo, why are you locking away such beauty?”
he asks, placing his hands above mine to stop
me. I laugh.
“This is for desert, babe.” I drawl in a seductive
“No. this is the starter, main course and desert.”
“Hey, you said you were going to take me out.
Don’t tell me I dressed up for nothing.” He
“You woman, are going to be the death of Me.”
he allows me to zip up my dress and then we
walk to the elevator with him walking behind me.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Zoe murmurs
as we climb the stairs leading to Mawande’s
front door. I chuckle.

It feels great to be the only one who knows

what is happening here. From what I have
gathered, Mawande doesn’t invite her family
over for dinner. She has never done so in the
past. Every time she has something to
announce, she just calls everyone to the Gumbi
household. So I understand why Zoe is uneasy.
Makho on the other side, is super chilled. He
thinks his sister is going to announce
something about her getting a role on TV show
overseas or something like that. Well they are
all in in for the surprise of their lives.

“Is there something you know that I don’t

know?” she asks and I laugh.
“Girl, come on. Your daughter has been wanting
us to meet up for some time now but the girl is
so busy. So we haven’t had a chilled sit down.”
Well except for the time when she came to my
apartment to tell me all about her man. But Zoe
doesn’t need to know about that, at least not for

She groans. “You’re useless.” She opens the

door and walks inside, leaving me laughing at
the entrance. She reminds me of Mathenji when
I have no gossip for her.
“Why are you standing at the door?” Makho
asks as he stops in front of me with his father
beside me.
“I was waiting for you. Zoe left me.” I answer
honestly and he smiles.
“Let’s go then, my love.” we step inside the
house and I must say, I am amazed by its

The lobby and the furniture near the walls is

strictly white and gray. There is a huge portrait
of Mawande on the wall looking like a goddess,
and not far from it is another with her parents
and then another with her siblings. We move to
the lounge which is also white and gray. I
honestly would love to have a house like this.
On the far end of the lounge, there is a white
piano and a guitar leaning on it. I have seen a
video of her playing a guitar once. It was taken
when she was visiting some orphanage and she
chose to sing for the kids. They were very
pleased by her performance. She has an
amazing voice. This girl is multi-talented.

“Hello everyone.” Mawande appears from the

kitchen wearing white and gold high rise pants,
a Versace Greca border sports bra and white
point toe stiletto court heels. This woman
always understands the assignment. Even when
she is playing hostess, she dresses the part.
She hugs everyone and hugs me at last. “Thank
you for coming.” She whispers in my ear.

“Can’t wait for the drama to unfold.” I mumble

and she chuckles nervously.
“You’re increasing my anxiety.” She whispers
back and I mumble a ‘sorry’. “Come this side.”
She announces to everyone and leads us to the
backyard. She has a nice terrace that almost
reaches her glowing pool. We find Masande,
Luncumo, Sinethemba and her parents already
waiting for us at the table. This is huge. We
exchange hugs and greetings. We settle down
and our hostess disappears inside the house. A
few moments later, helpers come with starter

“Wande has outdone herself. She has grown.”

Mrs. Ncube states and Zoe nods in agreement.
I wonder how they are going to feel once they
know the real reason why they are here.


I pace back and forth on the front door

contemplating on whether I should let him in or
not. Now I really wish I had told my father about
the whole meeting. Maybe I wouldn’t be this
nervous. Now it’s going to be a surprise to
everyone. I am not even looking forward to the
disappointed glances I will get from everyone.
The doorbell rings again and I know I can’t keep
him outside for longer. He is going to sense
that something is off. I force my body to stop
shaking and then open the door.

There he is. The one who managed to steal my

heart within a month. Honestly I never thought
our relationship was going to last but Mogotsi
had faith in us from the beginning. Whenever I
am with him, I feel free and alive. I know I am
young but I see a future with him and I really
want to become his wife. I know that he will
allow me to pursue my career further even after
we have tied the knot because he is my number
one supporter and cheerleader.

“I take it everyone has arrived.” He starts off

and I nod. He takes hold of my hand and brings
it to his mouth to kiss it. “Don’t worry.
Everything is going to be okay. Now let’s do this
thing.” I take a deep breath and then allow him
to step inside.
“Everyone is at the terrace.”
“There is that beautiful voice of the woman I fell
in love with.” My God. How can I not blush when
he says things like that? I just smile and lead
him to the terrace. He is carrying a huge gift
bag and I wonder what’s inside.

“Wait here.” I mumble as we are about to reach

the back door and he nods in understanding. I
go to the terrace and find everyone indulging on
the starters. My eyes immediately locate my
dad who raises his eyebrow at me in question.
Damn, this man knows me well.
“We were about to complain about a
disappearing hostess.” He teases and I chuckle
nervously. After this, he would wish I disappear
for real.

Well, here goes nothing. “There is a reason why

I invited everyone here for dinner. There is
someone who is very special to me and it would
mean so much to me if you guys were to
welcome that person into our family. I know this
is an ambush and I apologize in advance.
Please forgive me and I love you all. Try to be
accommodative.” I give them my most innocent
smile and then turn back before either of them
say anything.

“I knew it.” I hear my mother as I walk away.

Dear God, please don’t forsake me in this time
of need. I take Mogotsi by the hand and lead
him to where everybody is at. I stand at the end
of the table and clear my throat.
“Mom, dad and family, this is Mogotsi Moagi
and he is, well we are dating. Have been for a
while now.” I drop the bombshell and everyone
goes silent. I look at my father who has a stoic
mask on his face. Fuck, I have only seen that
mask in court, not around me and it breaks my
“Welcome to the family, Mogotsi.” Mom is the
first one to stand up and shake Mogotsi’s hand.

“Thank you so much, ma’am. You are more

beautiful in person. Pictures do you no justice.”
Mogotsi replies and mom smiles genuinely.
“Good evening everyone.” He greets and a few
respond. I know my and uncle probably wanna
skin him alive. He starts dishing out gifts.
Flowers for the other ladies and a book for my
mother. Then he hands the men small gift
boxes. I hope they don’t take it the wrong way.
“I figured it would be rude of me to come empty
handed. I hope the gifts don’t rub anyone off the
wrong way.” He speaks graciously without any
fear or anxiety, or maybe he is just hiding it well.

“Sit down.” My father states and it’s only then I

realize he was waiting for permission to sit. He
sits down on the vacant chair between Chizoba
and Sne. My chair is on the other side of the
table between my parents, where I always sit. I
quickly go sit and then drink a glass full of
water in one go.

“Calm down, my love. You know how you get

when you start coughing.” Mogotsi states and I
suddenly feel like that’s inappropriate, even
though my whole family know my problem with
coughing. I look at Masande and give him
puppy eyes. He knows he has to somehow
break the ice. He sighs and looks at Mogotsi.
“I think my sister has told you everything you
need to know about us.” he starts off and
Mogotsi nods. “Please tell us about yourself.”

“I am 30 years old and I am an entrepreneur. I

live in East Rand and I have a four year old
daughter whose mother passed on while giving
birth to her. I have been dating Mawande for
two years but she has met my daughter less
than 5 times because I didn’t want her to think
she is compelled to be a mother figure to my
daughter. She may resume that role if she likes
after we get married, but for now I don’t wanna
put my baggage on her shoulders. My family
lives in Mafikeng and that’s where my daughter
also resides.” He replies and Masande nods.

“You’re saying entrepreneur like you’re some

start-up business owner.” Makhosonke accuses
and I want to punch him.
“I am wealthy and that’s not a secret but I know
you don’t care about that. You care about the
safety, wellbeing and happiness of your sister
and I respect that very much. Even if I had
trillions in my account, that wouldn’t matter if I
treated Mawande like trash.”

“The young man is courageous.” My aunt states

and I can hear amusement in her tone. “Ow
won’t you stop looking at the child like you
wanna eat him alive. Grill him or whatever but at
the end of the day, you will have to accept him
like it or not because we don’t want an unhappy
Wande in our lives.” She gives my father and her
husband an accusing look.
“What attracted you to my daughter?” my father
Mogotsi chuckles, seeming to be thinking of an
inside joke. “When I first saw her, like really see
her, she was wearing a white pantsuit. She was
arguing with some guy which I later leant was
her agent. I was on my way to a meeting but I
just stopped on the pavement and stared at her.
She continued walking and shouting at the guy
and then she came to an abrupt stop when her
eyes landed on a homeless woman who was
cradling a baby in her arms. She bent down and
started talking to the woman. I didn’t hear what
she was saying but from the smile on her face, I
knew it was something good and comforting.
She then helped the woman stand up and led
them to a car. I never spoke to her on that day
and I never told her about it until today. Her
genuine kind heart is what attracted me to her. I
didn’t even know who she was before that day.”
My heart somersaults. And here I thought
meeting him at a bakery month later was pure
coincidence. I look at my father and he senses
me. He turns to stare at me and I reach out to
hold his hand. He sighs and turns to Mogotsi.

“Mawande is my first daughter and she is my

first love. Year after year, I have treated her
mother with nothing but respect and I have
loved her every day since I met her. I have never
raised a hand on my wife or insulted her. This is
because of the love I have for her but also
because I wanted to show my children how a
man treats a woman, how my sons should treat
their wives and how my daughter should be
treated. She is my pride and joy. If you ever
harm a single hear on her head, I will look for
you, I will find you and I will give you the most
painful death you can imagine.” He finishes off
and I am sure everyone in the table can feel the
intensity of his threat.
Mogotsi nods. “Thank you, sir. I will never
disappoint you.” I have hope. I hope that this
means my father will give my man a chance. I
know he won’t accept him overnight.



“Let’s take a walk.” My father states looking at

Mogotsi. They both stand up and I follow them
towards the garden. I see my uncle and
Masande right behind me. “You guys are like
women. You love news.” He says staring at us
and we just laugh. He stops when we are at a
safe distance from the women and I quickly
settle on the concrete bench, folding my legs
and stare at Mogotsi. I am not comfortable with
his relationship with my sister.

“I am not comfortable about you being 7 years

older than Mawande.” My uncle starts off. “You
seem like a nice guy but sometimes looks can
be deceiving.” My uncle is like our second
father. I remember when we were younger.
Whenever he would find our father disciplining
us, he would jump right in and assist him, and
only ask what we did after delivering the
punishment. “But your age means you are also
mature and reasonable, or am I lying?”

“Yes sir. You’re right. I can say I am mature and

reasonable.” Mogotsi responds.
“You guys have been dating for two years.” Dad
states matter-of-factly. “How did you feel about
not having freedom to show her affection in
public? I know how my daughter likes to keep
her private life private. She treats herself like
Beyoncé.” The last statement is a joke but
Mogotsi doesn’t dare laugh.

“At first I thought this was her way of keeping

me her dirty little secret. I don’t wanna lie.
During the first month of our relationship I was
really annoyed by her not wanting us to dine out
in public or even sleep in hotels. Then one day
she told me that she doesn’t like to be famous
for anything else other than her talent and work.
She wants to be known for that and not just
another rich guy’s girlfriend. I understood her
and so I tried to make the relationship work in
her terms. That’s when I started closing
restaurants down on one nights just because I
wanted to eat with her or even go to a secluded
hotel or a very expensive resort just so I can
make sure nobody can recognize her or even go
crazy on her. She also emphasized her love for
her family and didn’t want them finding out
about us on some tabloids. She really loves you
guys, especially you Mr. Gumbi.” He looks at my
dad. “I get jealous of the relationship you have
with your daughter and most of the time I pray
that I get to have a relationship like that with my
daughter. You know one day I had planned for
us to go to Netherlands and a few hours before
our flight she was like ‘daddy needs me, so I am
out’.” he imitates Wande’s voice and we laugh
while dad chuckles. “I was so defeated. I was
like ‘but love we planned this trip and we have
known about for weeks.’ Her response was
‘now I should bail out on the man that brought
me on this earth for you?’” dad cracks up. “I
swear my jealousy went overboard that minute
and when she gave me puppy eyes, all was
“Women will be our undoing, I swear.” Masande
adds and we all laugh.
“And we have no choice to accept you or else
we are taking the couches tonight.” My uncle
chirps in. I guess these women have us
wrapped around their little fingers and they
don’t even realize it.

“My daughter is really young, Mogotsi. She is 22

years old. But hearing you mention hotels
means you guys are sexually active. I know you
are planning on making her yours for good. This
is very difficult for me, but when are you
marrying her?”
“She turned down my proposal last year. She
said she will only say yes when you think the
time is right. So I guess you hold the cards of
the future of our relationship. You are more like
the first wife. Your approval is the key.” –

“And what happens if I say no?” dad’s question

goes unanswered. He chuckles shaking his
head. “I guess denying you your request would
be selfish of me because I married her mother
she was 20 years old and by that time she was
already pregnant with our first child. I am a very
good judge of character, pun intended. But you
know how our judgement gets clouded when
our families are involved. My children are my
biggest achievement and I love them all
shamelessly. I am not just saying this to scare
you or anything. I am warning you, no I am
promising you. I made Mawande a promise
when I first held her. I told her that I will be the
big bad wolf that chases every monster, those
coming from the sky, the window and under her
bed. That I would burn alive any man who
abuses her emotionally, physically and sexually.
I intend to keep my word. I don’t care about
prison. My son would make sure I escape
justice.” My uncle laughs. God, how can he
laugh while dad issues such a threat?

“Let’s go eat desert. I bet you all she prepared a

peppermint cake.” my uncle teases as he hooks
his arm over Mogotsi’s shoulder and together
they walk back to the terrace. We follow them. I
also know that my sister prepared peppermint
cake. That’s her favourite cake in the whole
world and she doesn’t care if there is someone
who doesn’t like it. I sit next to Chizoba and kiss
her cheek. She blushes and looks at her plate.

“Please feed me.” I see her eyes popping out

before I hear laughter from the whole family.
“Hey, don’t judge me. I also want love and
affection and attention.”
“How about when we are not there because
now you’re putting her in the spotlight?”
Sinethemba comments.

“Hhay, my son is right. We do want attention.

Please feed me my wife of 30 plus years.” Dad
pouts looking at mom who just laugh at him.
“Come here wena daddy. I will feed you.”
Mawande chirps in and Masande and I make a
gagging sound. “Jealousy will make you nasty
brothers. In any case, if you have any problems,
go and ask for milk from mom’s boobs.” And
the opinionated Mawande is back.

“It was better when you were still walking on

eggshells. Now you’re back to being annoying.”
I comment and she rolls her eyes at me.
“Next time I won’t help you with your woman’s
shopping, I swear.” She responds.
“Hawu. Why are you being a sell out?” she
sticks her tongue out at me before laying her
head on dad’s shoulder who in turn kisses her
head. She is daddy’s little girl, yoh. I hope
Chizoba is not like this with her father because
if so, then I have a lot of groveling to do.

We eat our desert in a lighter environment. I

catch Mogotsi and Mawande sharing a small
smile and I can actually understand how he
feels. Women have this power of arriving in your
life and turning it upside down. When we are
done, the women help Mawande collect the
dishes and they head to the kitchen. I know they
wanna gossip because what they are doing
could’ve been done by the helpers. We head to
the front porch. I stand next to Mogotsi.
“I understand how you feel about my sister. My
woman and I have been dating for less than two
months but the moment I first really met her, I
just knew I had to make her mine. She actually
punched me and that punch made me really see
her.” I state and he laughs.

“I don’t know if this will gross you out or

anything but before Mawande found out about
my daughter, she caught me saying ‘baby’ and ‘I
love you’ while talking on the phone. She didn’t
say anything but as we were about to do the
deed, she just grabbed my dick and twisted it
hard, and I honestly thought it was going to fall
off. I have never cried in my before but that day
I allowed myself to be vulnerable while telling
her the whole story about my daughter and
asking her to call back the number I last
contacted.” I break into laughter. Ohh Mawande
is lethal and evil.

“Babe, can I have the keys? I wanna take my

jacket from the car.” I hear Chizoba speaking
behind me. I hand her the keys and she
descends the stairs. Mawande comes and
stand between Mogotsi and I.
“I hope you are making Mogotsi as comfortable
as I have made Chichi.” She starts off and I
“You didn’t need to make her comfortable
because mom took care of that.” she rolls her
eyes and turn to Mogotsi with a smile.
“I guess I will see you soon.” he nods. They
share a hug and he bids us farewell before
heading to his car.

He drives out and he pauses to check on the

upcoming cars before joining the street. As he
does so, an SUV comes out of nowhere and hits
his sports car hard it crashes with Mawande’s
fence. The SUV drives away in a fast speed. I
hear Mawande screaming before she kicks her
heels away and runs down the stairs. We are all
still too shocked to move. After her, Chizoba
follows with the car.

“MOGOTSI!” I see them struggling to take him

out of the car but a few moments later, they
place him on the backseat of my car before
Chizoba drives off in high speed.
“What the fuck just happened?” Sinethemba
asks. I have never seen an accident happening
so fast. Like I blinked for a millisecond and just
like that, it occurred.
“We have to follow them. now.” Mom states
already rushing to dad’s car. I follow them
because I currently have no car. Was this a
premeditated hit and run? I am so confused
right now. I can’t even think straight.


I have never seen Wande this hysterical. Well

truth be told, I haven’t known her for that long,
so there are a lot of things I don’t know about
her. But I know she is not the type of person to
lose her cool. However, the girl went crazy as
soon as I parked the car outside the hospital.
She called the porters fast and they were
wheeling Mogotsi inside the hospital within a
blink if an eye. What I didn’t anticipate were the
number of people actually filming what was
happening. What is wrong in this world? They
didn’t care about whatever Wande was going
through. What they cared about most was the
content. Inside the hospital, they were filming
Mawande as she paced up and down the
corridor with blood soaked clothes. I had to
shove her into a bathroom and lock her in while
I raced to Makho’s car to retrieve my overnight
bag which contained a dress, some cosmetics
and shit. I cleaned her up with facial wipes and
then helped her get dressed in my burgundy
dress. It was two sizes bigger than her but it
was better than her clothes. The family arrived
at the hospital half an hour later.

“Baby.” Mazwakhe drawls and that is enough to

snap Wande out of it. She jumps up from her
seat and goes to throw herself in her father’s
“There was so much blood, dad. What if he is
dead? What if I lost him? I love him. He can’t
leave me. He promised to marry me. He can’t
just break his promise like that.” Wande sobs in
her father’s arms and I see Mazwakhe sighing
before he moves both Wande and himself to
the couches. They sit down and he rocks her
back and forth.

“Did you find out something about the car that

drove away?” I ask Makho as he comes to put
his blazer around me. He shakes his head.
“We will get someone to look at the security
footage outside Wande’s house to see if they
can pick up something about whoever that hit
Mogotsi.” He explains and I nod. “Did someone
contact Mogotsi’s family or friends? It would be
very bad if they heard about this from the

“Wande doesn’t have her phone with her.” I

“I have it right here.” Sinethemba hands it to me.
“There have been some journalists that have
called. It’s funny how bad news travel faster
than flash.” I walk to where Wande is.
“Can you please open your phone for me? I
need to tell Mogotsi’s family about this.” I tell
her and she takes it away from my hand.
“I will do it. I will call his mother and she will tell
the family.” I go back to my seat while she dials
a number. She speaks in a hushed voice and
ends the call a few moments later.

30 minutes later, a woman in her late fifties

comes in followed by a man her age and two
young men. The woman goes straight to Wande.
She touches her arm and Wande looks up. She
jumps into the woman’s arms and start crying
loudly again. Her cries break my heart. I can
imagine the pain and anguish I would be in if
Makho was in the same position.

“Can somebody please tell me what’s going

on?” the older man asks. He looks like an older
version of Mogotsi. There is no doubt that it’s
his father.
Masande stands up. “Sir. I am Masande Gumbi,
Mawande’s brother.” He extends his hand and
both men do a handshake.
“I am Mohapi Moagi. Mogotsi’s father. This is
my wife, Keabetswe and my sons, Boikanyo and
Gaone. What happened to my son?” he asks in
a cool tone.

“Well Mawande wanted to introduce him to our

family, so we had dinner and when it was over,
we walked him to the driveway. Just as he was
driving out to join the road, a car came out of
nowhere and hit his car, sending it flying to the
fence. Everything happened so fast. One
moment we were shocked by the quick
accident in front of our eyes, we didn’t even see
Mawande running to Mogotsi and Chizoba, my
brother’s girlfriend, follow her with a car.
Mawande singlehandedly managed to drag
Mogotsi out of his car and the two women put
him on the backseat of the car. They drove
away so fast and brought him here. The car that
collided with Mogotsi’s car sped off straight
after it hit him. We can’t help but wonder if it
was a mere accident or something that was
premeditated.” Masande narrates and Mohapi

“Have the doctors said anything?” Gaone asks.

Masande shakes his head. As if they sensed it,
two doctors come to the waiting room.
“Gumbi family, right?” the coloured doctor asks.
“Yes. What is going on with my son?”

“I am Doctor Forbes and this is my colleague,

Doctor Mahlawe and we have been working
together to help Mr. Moagi. He sustained a
head injury, his head stroke against the window
at the time of the collusion and he also
sustained neck injuries from the whiplash. We
have to commend the ladies who brought him
in because they helped us prevent some major
damage. He will be going to surgery soon
because his x-ray results showed that he broke
some ribs and his right arm.”
“Is he going to be okay? When can we see him?”
his mother asks.

“Seeing him won’t be possible right now, Ma’am.

We are preparing him for surgery. The past hour
we have been trying to stabilize him and
neutralize any threats. We will come inform you
about his health after we are done working on
him.” Dr. Mahlawe responds. “If you will excuse
us.” she starts walking away.
“You may want to go home, rest a bit and come
back in the morning because we might be done
with his surgery after midnight. Even after that,
we don’t think we will be allowing visitors until
we know for sure that he is out of danger.” Dr.
Forbes asks.

“Can you please allow me to see him? Even if

it’s for a millisecond. I don’t think I will be able
to close my eyes or do anything. The last image
of him is seeing his unconscious bloodied body
and it is traumatizing me. I am even scarred of
blinking because the images just come back
stronger than ever. Please let me.” Wande
pleads in a broken voice. She even attempts to
kneel on the floor but her father quickly catch

“Please doctor. She is not going to touch him or

anything. She is just going to stand in the door.
This is my son we are talking about and believe
me, I wanna see him as soon as possible just
so I can be sure that he is alive and that you
aren’t just lying to us. But I understand
Mawande’s feelings. I have been there before.
Please allow her.” Mrs. Gumbi please and Dr.
Forbes sighs.

“We will allow you for only a minute.” She

replies before walking away. Mawande walks
behind her but at the very last moment, she
grabs my hand and literally drags me out of the
waiting room. I don’t dare say anything. I know
she needs support, even though she can’t voice
that out loud. We turn a corner and then come
to a halt in front of a closed door. Dr. Forbes
opens it and steps inside. “Only a minute,
Wandy G. I am only allowing you because I am a
fan.” She smiles.
“Well this is one of the few times I am glad I am
famous.” Wande states before walking inside
the ward.

She stops a few feet from the bed and stares at

Mogotsi. She doesn’t move and I am worried
that she has even stopped breathing. After a
while she turns and heads out. I follow her. The
door closes behind us. Once in the hallway, she
leans on the wall and slides until she is sitting
on the cold tiles. I can’t help but notice people
filming her. People have no shame. I guess to
them, a tough time like this means nothing if
you are a celebrity. I sit in front of her and try to
hide her from the prying eyes.
“He wasn’t moving, Chichi. He is just laying
there like a dead man. He is scarring me. I can’t
do this life thing without him. He can’t do me
like that. Please tell him he can’t do me like
that.” tears fall on her beautiful cheeks and she
doesn’t bother wiping them. I bring her into my
arms and embrace her. Sometimes when a
person is going through a lot, they don’t need
you to say something to them. a hug can be
exactly what they need because it assured them
that you are there for them and won’t let them
walk through the valley of the dead alone. After
a few minutes of sitting on the cold floor, I start
feeling cold. I stand up and help Wande up. We
head back to the waiting room.

“How is he?” Makho asks and I shake my head.

“Well, we have a problem.” Sinethemba states
and we all turn to look at her. “You are trending
and it’s not looking good.”


“What are we going to do?” Zoe asks after

almost two hours of silence.

When Sinethemba announced about Wande

trending, we all got into our phones and
discovered a very ugly story. Well a woman who
dated Mogotsi a while back whose name is
Dineo, she wrote a post stating that Wande is
nothing but a man stealing whore who did all in
her powers to take Mogotsi from her. She
actually said that Wande was Mogotsi’s side
chick and when Dineo found out about their
relationship, she threatened to out Wande to
the brutal social media so that they could
shame her and bully her. Mogotsi did end the
relationship and unfortunately for Dineo,
Mogotsi’s lawyers gave her an ultimatum. She
could either leave the relationship in peace and
not bother the couple, or post something shitty
about Wande and end up being charged with
defamation of character.

It’s really crazy that this woman is talking like

this now as if she won’t be held responsible for
defaming Wande. Social media is driving her
crazy and while some are on her side, Wande
has thousands of fans defending her and her
dignity. The women in Dineo’s side were
actually slutshaming Wandy and it’s brutal. I
guess seeing a young woman who is very
successful getting sucked into a scandal like
this one, it makes other people happy. It’s the
pull her down syndrome and it will never end.
Dineo went on to say that Wande might’ve tried
to kill Mogotsi since he was coming out of her
house. I mean South Africa has had a story
similar to that. So Wande ended up being
compared to this other woman and it’s insane.

In my personal opinion, I think it would be wise

to just wait for Mogotsi to gain consciousness
and then together with Wande, they will decide
on what they wish to tell the media. If they wish
to confirm the rumours of them dating, then
they should do so together because if she does
it alone, it might backfire in a way. But I also
wish they can just stop focusing on her. Like
don’t these people sleep? It’s like nearly
midnight but they are still posting and even
sharing pictures of Mawande covered in blood.
What happened to the South Africa that was
known to have humanity? How can you take a
video or a picture of someone who is literally
going through a lot? It’s insensitive and
borderline inhumane. I really wish they can all
pay for this but you can slap a thousand people
with lawsuits in their faces. What’s more painful
is the video they took of me and Wande trying
to take Mogotsi out of the car. He looked
horrible and for a moment, he looked dead.
There is someone who took that video, shared it
on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.
The things people would do to stay relevant is

“At the end of the day, this Dineo woman

violated whatever agreement she had with
Mogotsi and his lawyers. She should be
charged with defamation of character and cyber
bulling. And the people who were the first ones
to share pictures of my daughter here in the
hospital should be charged with invasion of
privacy because they took pictures of her
without her consent and in a terrible state. What
they did was inhumane and disgusting. Imagine
if I didn’t know about her relationship with
Mogotsi and just as I was checking on the
socials before going to sleep and I bump into a
picture of her covered in blood? Do they
imagine the amount of pain and suffering they
are inflicting on the families affected by this
issue?” Mazwakhe leaves us all quiet and
looking at this from a different point of view.
How do these people think Mogotsi’s daughter
will feel if she sees something like this? Yes,
she is young and might not understand what’s
happening, but no child should see or
experience something like this.

“We will let the publicists deal with this. They

are getting paid to do this anyways.” Mohapi
responds. “What I want is to find out who tried
to kill my son. Whether it was unintentional or
intentional, the person will pay, one way or

“I guess we should head back Wande’s house

and get a lot at the CCTV footage. Masande,
please take Luncumo home. She needs to rest.”
Zoe states and Masande nods. He walks to hug
Mawande and then heads out with his woman.
Everyone else follows till I am left with Makho
and Wande.
“Wande, we need to head back to your house.
You need to shower, get some sleep and then
we will come back here in the morning. Don’t
worry, they will allow you to be by Mogotsi’s
side tomorrow. Maybe you can even spend the
whole day with him.” she sniffs and nods.
“Thank you for being here, Chizoba. I don’t know
if I could’ve survived this. You literally saved
Mo’s life.” She states in a cracked voice.
“You don’t have to thank me. We are a family
now. Your brother is the one that owes me a
thank you.” she smiles and Makho laughs.
Together we walk out of the hospital and climb
into Makho’s car.

The following morning, I wake up early and

prepare breakfast for Makho and Wande. Both
my man and I spent the night her because we
couldn’t leave Mawande alone. After I am done
cooking, I go shower and put on a t-shirt and
short which I find in the closet and I know they
belong to Makho. It’s his style. As I wait for
Wande whom we had to drug last night because
we knew she wouldn’t sleep with all that she
went through, I go on the socials and bump into
a new story about Wande dating one of her
producers last year. There are actually
screenshots of conversations between the two
people calling each other babe and saying they
will meet at certain hotels. This won’t end well.
There is also a friend of Mawande who
‘confirms’ the producer’s allegations. Jesus
Christ. How could your own friend throw you
under the bus in times of need?

“What’s new?” Wande asks as she enters the

kitchen with her brother. “Mmm, this looks
good.” She takes a strip of bacon and toss it
into her mouth. “Yummy.” She is dressed in a
hot pink lapel neck double breasted blazer &
pants suit, a pink Apperloth A beaded sequin
insert applique cami top and black artificial
patent PU open toe jeweled detail high heels.
Her make-up and weave are on point. Now
that’s what I call a comeback. She looks like
she is actually going to a high class event of
some sort.

“It’s crazy. The world is upside down.” I respond

and she chuckles.
“It always is.” Makho laughs. “I know you don’t
have something to wear. There is a dress which
my designer made for me. I was going to wear
it at Mo’s family reunion this year. It’s really
cute. You can wear it. I will find something else
to put on.”

“Thanks love. I will change before we leave.

Anyways, word is out that you cheated on
Mogotsi last year with a producer of yours.
There are even screenshots to ‘prove’ the claim
and a witness who is a friend of yours.” I
announce and she frowns. “There are even
texts about between you guys setting up
meetings at hotels.”

“Fuck. I am sure it looks bad and South Africa

has already prosecuted Me.” she answers in a
low tone and Makho holds her hand.
“We will get through this, sisi. You have good
team of lawyers behind you. When they are
done causing all this chaos on social media,
that’s when they will feel what actual fire feels
like.” Makho states.

We indulge our breakfast trying so hard to

ignore what is happening in the outside world.
It’s not easy but sometimes you have to put a
pause on drama in order to complete the tasks
you need to do. When we are done eating, I go
to Makho’s room and find a red and white
sleeveless floor-length tie-dye mid waist
pullover dress. It is really beautiful. I put it on
and pair it with my heels. I fix my hair and make-
up and then head downstairs. I find the siblings
teasing each other in the lobby and they look so
cute. I can’t help but secretly take a few
pictures of them and a single video. I then make
my way to them and Makho bites his lip when
he sees me.

“Ngakhetha emini ka bha mina. (I chose my

woman during the day.)* I don’t even know what
he means but I blush because it sounds so
“You two can be nauseating.” Wande imitates a
gag and I laugh. As we are about to head out,
someone roughly opens the door and I see one
of Wande’s friends making her way in. she
looks pisses. Her eyes seize us up and then she
stares at Wande with so much vile in her face.
“How could you hide this from me, Mawande? I
thought we were friends. 2 years? 2 whole years
you have been dating this guy and you didn’t
trust me enough as your friend to tell me about
this? I had to lie to journalists and say I knew
about this whereas I didn’t. Is this something
you can hide to your friend? Really?” she asks.
She is clearly upset. This is not something you
can just ask when your friend is going through a
lot. You support them and ask them questions

Mawande sighs. “I know I have been secretive

but you have to put yourself in my shoes and
understand my situation.”
“Your situation? What situation? That you are
secretive? Or did you think I was going to take
away that man of yours just because he is a
billionaire? Is that it? You were afraid of
competition?” yoh! Friends we keep.

“I honestly don’t have time for this. My man is

fighting for his life in a hospital bed right now. I
am traumatized. I am trying to keep it together
but my heart is broken into a lot of pieces and
you actually have the nerve to come here and
ask me about petty things. I am beginning to
wonder if you are a true friend or not. A real
friend would’ve burst through that door and give
me the most comforting hug before slapping
me. We are done here. What you have done just
showed me that you’re a fake friend and I
wouldn’t be too surprised if you’re the friend
who is the reliable source to journalists.” She
walks out and I follow her. Makho waits until
the friend is out before locking the door.


When we get to the hospital, I am surprised by

the number of journalists that stop us from
making it to the entrance. I thought this thing
happened in movies or overseas. I have never
seen it happen in real life. But then again, I
didn’t have a friend who is a celebrity before.
Dozens of mics are shoved in Wandy’s face. I
think I am glad she decided to dress up and be
fabulous. I am sure they were expecting her to
come up looking all miserable but the girl
disappointed them. And then the questions
start pilling in.
“Wandy, is it true that you are dating the
billionaire, Mogotsi?”
“Was it your intention to kill him because people
say he cheated on you?” what the flipping hell?
Where did that come from?
“Did you use love portion on him? Is that why he
can’t break up with you?”
“Are you two timing him with your producer?”
“Are you ashamed of him? Is that why you hid
your relationship?” these people don’t care
whether she answers them or not, as long as
they get their stupid questions through. How I
wish to punch at least one of them.


GENTLEMEN!” a man from nowhere. “OUR
YOU!” He hooks his arm on Wande and leads
her inside the hospital. We follow through as
the journalists pave way for us. Whoever that
man is, holds some power.

“Thanks for that. How did you know I needed

you?” Wande asks as we enter the waiting room.
The man chuckles.

“I have a sixth sense for this parasites. I know

they are going to write a lot about that mini
statement of mine but I don’t care. There is not
much to grasp there, unless they are too
intellectual, which we all know they aren’t.”
Wande giggles, then she looks at me.

“Oww, I am sure you’re confused by whoever

this loud man is.” I chuckle and nod. “He is
Celumusa Khathide and he is my publicist. He
loves to stare up drama and confuses the
enemy but he is very good at his job. I am the
private person that I am and all praises go to
him. He knows my every secret. And Celi, this is
Chizoba, my future sister-in-law.” I shake hand
with the lousy publicist.

“You look even more beautiful in person.” He

flashes me a seductive smile.
“Back off Khathide.” Makho warns and Celi
laughs before raising his hands in surrender.
“I know better than to go after your woman. I
learnt my lesson the hard way.” He responds
with a grin. Just as we are about to sit, Mrs.
Moagi appears from the corner leading to
Mogotsi’s room.
“Thank God you’re here. He is awake and has
been asking for you. He thought that something
happened to you, so he doesn’t believe us when
we say you’re okay and you’re coming.” She
talks fast, holding Wande who just takes off to
Mogotsi’s ward.


The minute I enter this ward, my heart skips a

bit. He is sitting up and laughing or trying to
laugh at something his brother is saying. I can
see that he is trying to stay strong but he is
“Why are you sitting up?” I can’t but ask as I
make my way to his side and adjust his bed so
that he is lying flat on his back. I fix his pillows
and put back his oxygen mask on. “You are not
fully healed. Don’t act all Van Damme here. I
don’t want you being hard headed on this
situation. You need to heal and let nature take
its course, for me, please.” My voice breaks. I
never thought I will see him awake so soon. I
guess he recovered very fast. He smiles at me
and removes his mask.

“I am fine, mosadi waka. I love it when you take

care of me like this. I love you.” hearing his
voice makes it seem all too real. I can’t stop the
sobs that escape my mouth. I try to muffle
them with my hand. He tilts his head to the side.
“Guys, can you please give us a few minutes?” I
don’t see them but I hear footsteps before they
fade and the door gets shut. “I am fine, babe.
You can see me.” he reaches out for one of my
hands with his uninjured hand and I grab it,
moving closer to him.

“I thought I had lost you. When I saw all that

blood, I thought you were going to bleed out in
my lap. When I saw that car hit you, I thought I
was going to find you dead. Many things have
been going through my mind the past 24 hours
but the clearer one was my thoughts of losing
you. I don’t think I would’ve survived it. I am not
strong enough to face the world without you,
Mogotsi. Please don’t make me face it.” I shake
my head violently as tears stream down my

“Shh. My love I am not going anywhere. I don’t

think I would’ve faced death well knowing that I
am leaving behind such a work of art. Imagine
all this beauty being seen by some other
asshole who can’t appreciate it.” I giggle but
tears haven’t stopped falling. I don’t think they
will any time soon.

“I am glad you’re okay. Have you eaten?” he

nods. “Please rest now. I need you well rested
and healed so that we can face the world
together and get married afterwards.” He grins
and I smile. I so wish to find whoever that hit
him with the car. That person needs to pay, one
way or the other.

“Ohh, I love that last part, Mrs. Moagi.” He winks

at me before closing his eyes but still holding
on to me.


My friend is going through a lot these days. I

don’t know how she is keeping her head held up
high in spite of everything that’s happening
around her. First, her brother was burned by his
wife and she had to up and go to Nigeria. Then
Makhosonke got mad about her having lunch
with an ex and she was forced to come back to
SA as soon as possible just so she could put
out a fire she had unintentionally caused. When
she thought everything was going well, she was
sucked into the drama of Wandy’s man’s
accident. I love drama but even I would go crazy
with that amount of it.

Which is why I have decided to take her to the

gym just to blow off some steam. Last night I
stole one of Nathan’s cars but he was totally
cool with it and actually laughed at me this
morning when he realized what I had done. I
don’t know how he is going to react when he
finds out that I am going to a studio owned by
an ex. But I won’t tell if you don’t. I get to
Chizoba’s building in Park Town and find her
already waiting for me outside in her gym

“What a beast.” She compliments as she climbs

into the passenger seat.
“Oww I try, but thanks for the compliment.” I
respond modestly and she laughs.
“I will just as if I didn’t see the NATE 3 number
plate and be happy for your success, my friend.”
I roll my eyes, laughing at her.
“So, how is everything?” I ask and she sighs.
“In all honesty, I am just glad that Mogotsi is
awake. That part was the one that was driving
Wande crazy. I could feel her pain and misery.
She cried every now and then, she still cries
even now but it’s better because she gets to
see him and talk to him.” I nod.

“How about you and Makhosonke? Is everything

She giggles. “He was just being a big baby that
needed some assurance. He actually bought
me an iPhone, iPad, MacBook, airpods and a
smart watch, amongst many other clothes and
“He is the boyfriend you read about in one of
your novels.” She cracks up.
“Precisely, friend. Now how about you? How is
white dick treating you?” it’s my turn to giggle
like a love sick teenager. God the things this
over-affectionate men make us do.

“It is well with my soul and vagina, chomie yami.

He spoils me like hell, loves me like a
possessive mafia king, fucks me like a
dominant, everything about him is overboard
but I guess that’s what I ordered from God.
Someone to satisfy me in all aspects and
darling, the guy is perfect for me.”

She smiles genuinely. “I am happy for you. I

never thought I would see a day where you are
happy and satisfied with one man. God works in
mysterious ways.” Amen to that. “Now, does he
know we are going to your ex’s gym?”
“My lips are seals as so are yours.” She laughs.
“Always stirring up trouble, Mathenji. You never
rest.” I chuckle.
We get to the gym and start exercising. I get a
personal trainer who takes me through most of
the courses. Halfway through our session,
Bangi comes our way. God, I had hoped I
wouldn’t see him today, but what are the odds
of bumping into him in his establishment?

“Jama, I will take it from here man. Go help her

friend.” He points at Chizoba and Jama smiles
before walking away. “I thought I would never
see you here again.”
I sigh. “I didn’t know that I was banned from
coming here. If so, we will be on our way and
look for another gym.” He rolls his eyes.

“That’s not what I said, Mathenji. I am not petty.

I wanted, no, needed your love but I guess I
wasn’t fit enough or rough enough for you.
That’s why you went for a well-known
dangerous gangster, right?”
I scoff. “I thought you said you weren’t petty but
here we are. I am leaving.” I pick my towel and
bottle from the floor.
“No. don’t leave.” He stops me.

“Actually, I think leaving is what’s best for

everyone.” My whole body freezes instantly.
What was I hoping to achieve? Of course he
was going to find out that this gym was owned
by Bangi. It’s Nathan that we are talking about.
The man can even find out Shaka’s shoe size of
he wanted to. “And you’re not coming back
here.” he gives me one look and I huff. It’s not
like I did anything wrong. I walk to Chizoba and
my face says it all. She takes her things and we
walk out. Nate follows us. When we reach his
car, Chizoba turns to face.
“Nigga you have to chill. Today was about me
not about your girlfriend reconciling with her ex.
If she wanted to do that, she wouldn’t need me
to hold out the candle for her. You need to trust
her and be less controlling. That’s all. If you
keep behaving like this, I won’t be rooting for
you.” she slides into the car and Nathan looks
at me.
“Not cool, gorilla.” I mutter as I climb into the
driver seat. God, he can be so frustrating some
times, well many times.


“You are going to need this.” Mathenji shoves a

sexy lingerie in my arms and I laugh.

We are shopping for the trip Makho planned.

Zoe decided to invite Mathenji too. So it’s me,
Wande, Zoe and my friend. Zoe and Wande are
also with us. Mawande is doing really great. The
past two weeks have been really hard on her.
From Mogotsi’s accident to the media chaos
and finally finding the person who caused the
accident. It was a bitter sweet revelation. The
person actually has a business related grudge
against Mogotsi because he recently acquired
some company shares that this guy, Bambela
Mchunu, has been gunning for. I really don’t
know why he wanted to kill Mogotsi because
even if he succeeded, he wouldn’t have gotten
the shares. But then again, the reason for the
accident was just some revenge, I guess. This
guy was just bitter and he is a sore loser.
Mogotsi has been discharged from the hospital
and he is using crutches to move around but
the doctors are impressed by his speedy

On the other news, Reno left on Saturday. Friday

before she left, Mathenji threw her a massive
party at her home where she invited a lot of
people. I had so much fun there, I also drank a
lot. At the end of the night, I took an Uber to
Makho’s house and because I didn’t bring my
spare key, I shouted at the gate for a whole 10
minutes before he opened for me. He was
super pissed that I put myself in danger but I
think I passed out halfway through his rant. The
following morning I had to deal with a grumpy
Makho and a massive hangover. I don’t know
who was more annoying between the two.

“I am going to Richards Bay with just women

and I am not looking for a weekend shag
because I am in a serious relationship. So what
am I going to need the lingerie for?” I ask as I
walk to the swimwear section. Makho booked
us into this hotel called BON Hotel Waterfront.
It has some lake thing near it and a beautiful
pool, so one needs a new swimwear to rock. I
am just going to make sure it isn’t too revealing.
I don’t want to provoke Makho. I would rather
wear something provocative when I’m with him.
In that way, I would get to seduce him all I want.

“That man of yours can be too serious. You

need to show him what you’re made of before
we leave so that he will think of you every
second you are away from him.” she follows me,
with her shopping basket full of lingerie and
short dresses.
“What do you suggest I do then, genius?” she
“Bound him and then give him a strip show.
After that you can fuck his brains out until he
has the urge to report you to his mother.” she
suggests, already licking her lips.
“My God, TMI Mathenji.” Wande chips in as she
comes from behind us. I just laugh. Well I am
glad Zoe is not the one who heard Mathenji’s
comment. “But then, does that always work?”
she asks in interest and both Mathenji and I

“My boyfriend is intimidating as fuck.

Sometimes I am scared of him but I know I
have no reason to be because he loves me like
crazy and I know he would die before he lays a
finger on me. But that doesn’t include
spanking.” She winks and Wande giggles. “If
you have a naturally dominating man, you
should use sex as a means of getting equal
with him. He will start giving in and before you
know it, you will have full control of the

“Do you have it?” I ask and she rolls her eyes.
“Not in this lifetime dear. That man can just
seize control any moment and he doesn’t even
need to spill it out. One look and I am weak and
longing for him.”

“That’s good to know.” Jeez, this guy is

everywhere. We all turn to find Nathan standing
behind us. Does he have to follow Mathenji
everywhere though? “After the great sex you
gave me this morning, I didn’t think you would
just up and leave me in bed. Imagine my
surprise when I get up to find the space next to
me empty and cold. Not cool.” Mathenji smiles.
No, she blushes. This girl is head over heels in
love with her gangster and it’s not even funny
“I wanted you to come after me. I was testing
you.” she responds and Nathan chuckles.

“You are such a handful.” He takes out a card

and hands it to her. “The pin is the first 5
numbers of your ID.” He then turns to me. “I
promise, I am not here to take her away this
time around.” I snort. “I will make it up to you. I
am not some gorilla who loses their cool when
he sees his woman talking to another man but
an ex is a trigger.” I nod.
“I understand. I know I would also go crazy and
honestly, I would kill Makho if I were to find him
at a gym with one of his exes.” He laughs.

“Well, you’re more nuts that I am.” He then

looks at Wande. “Hello Miss G. you could’ve
come to me and asked me to deal with the man
who tried to kill your lover man. I would’ve
sorted him out without involving paperwork.”
Wande smiles at him. “Thank you for your
concern but I am happy that the issue is done
with and now we can move on with our lives.”

“An issue is never done with until a bug has

been killed. Anyways have a great weekend,
ladies.” He looks at Mathenji lovingly. Okay, the
guy is whipped. “I will be waiting for you at A-
Class. I have a meeting there which might last
for 30 minutes.”

Mathenji smiles. “I will see you then and I love

you.” they share a kiss before Nathan walks
“Now you are making us feel guilty on behalf of
our man for not stalking us.” I comment and
she laughs.
“It can be too much sometimes but he is
handsome, so he gets away with the stalking.”
We all laugh. Men will be the death of us shame.

When we are done with our shopping, Mathenji

heads to Nathan while we go to the Gumbi
mansion. Getting there, we indulge on the lunch
prepared by the helpers.

“Masande is finally moving next month. He says

he is going to invite us to see his house and
then have a house warming a month later.” Zoe
“Is your lastborn going to be there?” I ask and
she nods.
“I love my kids and all but being separated from
them by a thousand miles can kill a person.”
She complains.
“You are saying your heart will break if Mogotsi
and I get married and then move to another
country?” Wande asks and Zoe turns to look at

“Don’t play like that.” Wande chuckles.

“I am sorry mommy. You’re super sensitive
these days. What’s up? You’re not even your
usually playful person.”
Zoe dismisses her with a hand wave. “It’s
nothing one can’t handle.” Okay. Now I am also
keen on knowing what’s eating my friend.
Wande’s phone rings and she moves away to
answer it.
“Spill. What’s up?” I ask and she scoffs.
“My mother has cancer and she has been told
that she has 6 months to live. I haven’t told my
kids because I know how fond they are of her.
They are going to feel guilty because they
hardly visit her because of their busy lives and
all. I know Malusi is going to take it the hardest.
He will even want to move back to South Africa.
I just don’t know how to break the news to them.
Mom has been traveling the world and doing
most things on her bucket list with her husband.
I guess she doesn’t want people getting worried
about her, instead she wants them to continue
living their lives. Fuck, this is stressful.” She sits
back and caresses her neck.

“I can tell Makho on your behalf and I know

Mogotsi won’t mind breaking the news to
Wande. Luncumo can also tell Masande and
you will be left with the burden of telling
Malusi.” She sighs.
“I think that’s a plan.” Wande comes back with a
wide smile and we quickly shift our topic to
discussing about a recently released book,
Iph’ithule by Sukoluhle Nontokozo Mdlongwa.
After eating, Zoe walks us out. As we descend
the stairs, I am shocked to find hundreds if not
thousands of flowers of all sorts lined in the
driveway circling a kneeling Mogotsi in the
middle of it all. Wande gasps. When we get to
the end of the stairs, Mogotsi clears his throat.

“MaGumbi, Skhende, Jele, Ngubo yengwe,

Somkhanda, wena owakhanda amadoda, wena
ka-Mathumb’ayiphanyeke, Ntongande, Mdakane,
Mehl’enkomo, Ntini, Nozingelayo, Ndandali,
Wena kaNgoni, Mlotshwa! (Gumbi Clan names.)
I know I have asked you to marry me before but
I didn’t have the blessing from both your
parents. And now I do. Mawande you are very
young but you’re intelligent, caring, loving and
just downright a great person. You showed me
so much support and courage these past two
weeks. Even a hard-headed person can see your
love for me. Not marrying you would be the
biggest mistake I can make. I want to spend the
rest of my life waking up next to you and going
to sleep next to you until we take our last breath
together and leave this earth. Now, my love,
please marry me.” that is so romantic.

“You have to stand up first because you’re

inflicting pain on your knees.” Wande says
already walking to him. She giggles with tears
streaming down her cheeks while she helps him
up. “Okay. I will marry you.” Mogotsi slides a
beautiful ring on her finger before kissing her.
We cheer for them because they deserve good
times after what they have been through. I am
so happy for both of them.
Don’t forget the giveaway. #intando


“I heard about the Prize Giving Day at the school.

Also a little birdie told me that your subject
came out second.” Zoe starts off and I chuckle.
Of course that little birdie of is her brother. I
honestly love how they always have Prize Giving
Day each term at the school. It encourages
students to do better and some to pull up their

“Yeah, I am thrilled that Mesuli is the top

achiever in this term. I don’t have favoritism but
I hope he can reach his full potential and prove
his haters wrong.” I respond and she nods. We
are currently on a plan to Richards Bay for our
weekend getaway.

The past three weeks have been nice. Yeah, we

shopped for a trip that was set this late but I am
pretty sure we are not the only ones who hate
last minute shopping. Zoe ended up calling all
her kids and telling them about her mother. It
was a bitter revelation. Makho seldom talks
about his grandmother but the night he found
out she was dying, he actually once stayed with
her while he was young and as he grew up, he
went to visit her on holidays. He wanted us to
go see her as soon as he heard but I chickened

I don’t mind spending time with Zoe because I

don’t take her as my mother in law but Makho's
grandmother, that’s a bit intimidating and scary.
It’s like Makho is finally going to introduce me
to his actual family not his cool family which I
am accustomed to. But the woman is dying, so I
have to meet her sooner rather than later. The
weekend after this trip, there will be a family
gathering at Zoe's home now in KZN and
Makho said we are going. That jerk didn’t even
ask. So I will be meeting the fam. Then 2 weeks
after that, my family will be coming to SA and I
will have to introduce Makho to them. God, I am
not ready for that. So please ask the time
keeper to extend the weeks.
When we land at the airport, we take a cab that
drives us to the hotel. Richards Bay is really
beautiful. It has that chilled, calm vibe
compared to the king bee, Joburg. As we enter
the suburb called Meerensee, I am shocked by
the great number of lodges and guest houses in
one place. It’s like a mall of lodges. When I spot
KFC, I ask for the driver to park so that I can
stretch my legs a bit and get milkshake. He
agrees. When all the ladies climb out of the car,
I just laugh. Sinethemba and her mother also
joined us. Luncumo was feeling under the
weather, so she stayed behind.

“You guys could’ve stopped the driver.” I start

off, stretching my arms above my head. They all
“You are like that on passenger who asks to be
dropped off at the bus station and then boom,
half the taxi gets up with her.” Mathenji teases.
“I know the feeling.” Sinethemba adds. Her
parents bought her a beautiful luxurious car on
her 21st birthday but she is one of those rare
people who actually enjoy using public
transport and only uses her car at least 5 times
a week.

We head inside the franchise and I order a

chocolate milkshake with some medium pops.
The other ladies also order snacks and Zoe
pays with Makho’s card. The trip is sponsored
by my boyfriend. At least the clothes weay
decide to purchase are sponsored by the
honorable Mazwakhe Gumbi. We get back into
the car and the driver takes us straight to the
hotel. BON Hotel Waterfront. It is really beautiful.
When we get off the car, I actually take my time
to just pause and breathe in the sea breeze. It is
calming and soothing. Meerensee people are
blessed. Imagine experiencing this breeze every
waking day. Pure Bliss. This is a five star hotel
and it is living up to its stars. I don’t even see
the ladies taking pictures because I am still
taking in the beauty of this place. It’s my first
Time in a place like this, so let me be, people.

We head inside the grand lobby and first check

in before taking a dozen of pictures because we
don’t want security chasing us it and calling us
chancers. We then head up to our suites. I am
sharing a room with Mathenji while Wande is
with Sinethemba and Zoe with her sister in law,

“Friend, can we stay here forever?” Mathenji

groans as she throws herself into bed. “My God,
I am stealing this bed.”
I laugh. “Gangster girlfriend vibes.” She gives
me the middle finger and I just continue
laughing as I check out our suite.

Everything here is absolutely gorgeous. It

screams elegance and high class. After
wandering around, I unpack my clothes and
head to the balcony. From here I can actually
see the sea, and the boats and all. This is the
life man. All thanks to Makho forgetting his
mother’s birthday. I can’t help myself. I just
snap the scenery and post it on my Instagram
and then video call my man because he said I
should call him as soon as I land. He answers
the call and I see the black court gown. Truth be
told, I have never seen him wearing it and
sometimes I even forget he is a lawyer. The
girlfriend I am. I should rectify this situation.
Anyways, this gown makes him look 10 times
hotter and I just wanna fuck him in it.
“My African Queen.” He greets with a smile.
“Yes, my advocate. Gosh, seeing you in this is
making me feel so hot and needy. I wanna fuck
you so bad while holding tight to that gown.” I
lick my lips and he groans.
“My love, you don’t just say that to me while
you’re this far. You want me to get on a plane
now? Because I’m game.” He asks and I gigge
while shaking my head.

“No, babe. I need you to wait for me. On Sunday,

I need to find you lying naked on your bed. If I
am not too tired, I will give you the best blowjob
ever and fuck your smart brains out.” He groans
and closes his eyes.
shouts from inside and I laugh.
“Please enjoy your trip my love and stop
torturing me.” I giggle and nod.
“Chat later, lover boy.” I blow a kiss at him and
then hang up. I take a few selfies and head back
to the room. “Jealousy is an ugly emotion, my
dear. You will die young.” I tease her and she
throws a cushion at me. I snort.
“Shut up, bitch.” She murmurs.
“Hey, why aren’t you calling gangster bae?” I ask
as I sit next to her on the comfy king sized bed.

“He went on a mission and he said I shouldn’t

call him because I might endanger him. He also
loved that I was on a vacation because that will
take my mind off his absence. So I am basically
waiting for his call.” She sits up and leans on
the headboard.
“You do understand that should you guys want
to take things to the next level, this is going to
be your everyday life? Are you prepared for that?
Have your insecurities been briefed about this
situation?” she smiles sadly.

“I wish he didn’t spoil me with too much

attention and affection. Now I miss him too
much. It’s all his fault, that fucking egomaniac
sexy beast.” She covers her face with a pillow to
control a scream that follows quickly after.
“Okay, now that you have let that out, cheer up. I
am sure he wants you to enjoy your vacation
and that’s exactly what we are going to do. I am
sure you already know of clubs nearby.” She
places the pillow down and smirks at me.

“Now you’re talking my language. We have the

hottest club in town, Neighborhood Shisanyama,
and the best part is that it’s only a walking
distance from here. So we are going to get
wasted all night, my Lord.” She fans herself and
I laugh. My friend is back.
“Remember, we are not going there to fish, just
drink and have fun.”
She rolls her eyes. “Nathan would surely come
out of the grid just to murder any guy who touch
me in that way. Now let’s go swim.”

We change into our bathing suits with kimonos

and step out of the room. We head to the pool
which is literally a few feet from the beach it
maybe it’s called a lake? I don’t know and I don’t
care. We find the other ladies already chilling on
the pool chairs sipping on cocktails. That was

“We took the liberty of ordering for you guys

since you were taking forever.” Sinethemba
points at the cocktails in the table between two
vacant chairs.
“Thank you.” I reply and she smiles. We sit and
sip our cold and refreshing drinks.

“Finger foods are on their way. We wouldn’t

want to get this party started on empty
stomachs.” Wande is in such a bubbly mood
these days but who wouldn’t? Her fiance faced
death, came out alive and asked her to spend
the rest of her life with him. The man is also
back in shape, so the girl is entitled to this

“We are going out tonight. Zoe and Sno, it’s fine
if you wanna sit this one out. We will
understand bogogo.” Mathenji provokes the
eldery women and they just laugh.

“An opportunity like this never arises in Joburg,

so best believe we are going to use it today with
no shame. And honey, I am no gogo.” Sno
responds while showing off her slim waist and
we hope her. The women has that Connie
Ferguson body. I heard she works out very often.
I have to go back to the gym too if I wanna stay
fit. Too bad a free membership is no longer

I watch as Mathenji put on a black Joyfunear
floral Jacquard knot front shirt dress that
shows off her cleavage, hugs her curves and
displays 85% of her things. My God. This outfit
is going to drag Nathan from whatever grid he
is at. My Non-Gangster fearing friend has
decided to pair the outfit with nude rhinestone
décor tie leg design stiletto heeled suedette
strappy sandals. This woman is fire. Well on the
other hand, advocate's woman is wearing a
burgundy PARTHEA drapped collar wrap ruched
satin Cami dress. At least one thigh is showing,
not both, and I have my silver block heels on.

After helping each other with hair and make up,

we head to the lobby to meet with the other
ladies who are looking fine as help. As always,
Wande is looking Superfly while Zoe settled for
beautiful cotton pants with a nice blouse and
heels. I think we are going to charged and
sentenced for her cuteness. I will never get
used to the amount of pictures these ladies
take before leaving. Worse, Wande has to take a
thousand photos and only choose one or two
worth posting. My God, celebrities can be

We take a short walk to the club which is really

full. I guess there is some event today. The
bouncer inform us and we pay for a VIP table.
We are ushered inside by a young handsome
waiter and as soon as we are seated, we place
our orders. As the night proceeds, we have a lot
of drinks and tons of fun. We get drunk and
leave the club after 2am on a high note.

“I should call honorable. How is he asleep while

the world is awake?” Zoe drawls in a slurry
voice on our way back to the hotel. We all laugh
at her as she pulls out her phone from her
breasts and speed dials a number. She puts it
on loud speaker. Her husband answers after a
few rings.

“Mkami, what’s wrong?” he asks in a deep

sleepy voice.
“You are asleep while the world is awake. While
your phakade is awake. I mean, how can you do
that? The nerve!” my word. This woman.
Mazwakhe grunts. “My love, I love you with all
my heart and soul, but this is the last call I will
be answering from you tonight.”
“Hhaybo, why? Who am I supposed to talk to?
You knew this was how I am when you married
me.” I dig drunk Zoe. She got more balls.

“Malusi’s mother, do you want me to get a

private jet, come there right now and fuck that
alcohol out of your system?” Heee! Chineke!
“No, my handsome husband. I am sorry for
waking you up. Sleep well. I love you.” Zoe went
from feisty to submissive village wife in 1
second. I Stan the judge.

“I love you more.” He hangs up and we all

literally hold our breaths for a few seconds
before breaking into laughter. That was hot.
Now I know where Makho got the dick threats'
lessons from.
“Nigga just made me horny. Luckily, I brought a
vibrator.” Mathenji chirps in. What am I going to
do with her?


Waking up, I scretch my arms above my head

before taking in my surroundings. My head
hurts so bad. Alcohol is not for everyone. I don’t
know how groovists survive this every weekend.
The life is not for me shame. I spot a huge
bunch of roses which seems to have notes in it
on the table right next to the balcony door. I
wonder who they are from. I climb out of the
bed and Mathenji groans.
“What time is it?” She mumbles and I clear my
“I don’t know but I am more interested in those
roses on the table. She lifts her head up and
squints her eyes at me.
“I am sure Makhosonke sent them. Do we really
need to wake up today? My head is pounding. I
feel like the sangoma initiates are beating their
drums and stomping their feet in my head.
Make them stop.” I chuckle. My friend doesn’t
stop being sassy even when hungover.

“Come on, let’s check out the roses.”

She sighs and sits up then leans on the
headboard. “Check the note.”

I shrug and walk to the table. There is about a

hundred roses here and each of them are
wrapped in R200 notes. My God. When I get
closer, I see another bunch of white lilies, a
smaller one with R100 notes. I take the card
from the roses and open it. “My beautiful
Mathenji.” I immediately stop reading it and
close the card. “Friend, these are for you. You
better get that ass out of the bed and read the
note. I am dying to know what it says.” She
chuckles before getting up and walking towards
me. I hand her the card and check out the lilies.
They also have a card. I open it and smile.

'Dear Chichi
I know I have a lot of sucking up to do but a
man has to start somewhere. I hope we can be
friends someday because my woman is crazy
about you. This is only the beginning.

PS: can we please have dinner when I come

back? You’re free to invite your lawyer 😉'
This dude is charming. No wonder my best
friend is smitten. I turn to see Mathenji smiling
widely like a lunatic.
I nudge her on the elbow. “what does the card

“My beautiful Mathenji. You looked really hot

last night. It took a lot of effort not to come
there and appreciate your beauty in person. I
love you and I am thinking about you. Please
buy more of those dresses with my card, every
colour.” She giggles like a teenager and I laugh.
She is a goner. You have to respect white dick

“Hangover flew out?” I tease and she laughs.

“Yes. What does your card say?” I hand it to her
and she reads it. She snorts. “This is so cute.
You see why I love him?”
I smile at her. “I understand. Now let’s bath,
look fresh and take photos with our flowers.”
“Sounds like a plan.”

We call housekeeping before taking a shower

together. Our friendship can be weird to most
but we are close like that. She even suggest I
wax because I am hairy down there. Girl is
being extra. I swear I shaved a week ago. When
we are done showering, we lotion our bodies
and then put on the white robes, towels
wrapped in our heads and sleepers. When we
reemerge, the bedroom is spotless. The cleaner
is fast.

We take our flowers and snap a lot of pictures

with them. I even do a boomerang and post it
on my Instagram story and WhatsApp status. I
make sure to post also the card but only for
Makho to view it because I know he will have a
lot of questions. I know my man very well. A
few minutes after the post, he video calls me.
He agrees to the dinner invitation but he is still
uneasy with Nathan because of his gangster

The rest of the weekend we have so much fun.
We even visit some place with horses near a
place called Mzingazi where we ride the horses.
We even go to Cubana, which is also a walking
distance from our hotel. On our last day, after
checking out, we go shopping at the boardwalk
mall. I see this lovely boutique which sells
traditional attires. Since I will be visiting the old
in laws soon, I might but a nice Ankara dress.
As soon as I enter the boutique, a shop
assistance comes to me. I end up purchasing
two dresses, one which is a knee length
mermaid dress and another which is fit and
flare. I also buy a few ubuhlalu because it’s
irresistible. We eat lunch at this place which
serves Zulu traditional food called KwaMalume.
It is next to a wedding gowns' boutique so
Wande checks it out since u girl is a gone girl.
When we are done eating, we head to the

Arriving at Joburg, we find Mazwakhe, Vusi and
some other guy waiting for us. We bid farewell
to the other ladies and Mathenji leads me to the
white dude looking at us.

“Hey Rick.” She greets him and they share a hug.

“Babes, this is Rick, Nathan’s brother and Rick,
this is my best friend, Chichi.”
“Hey Chichi.” The guy greets shyly. It is then I
realise that he is very young and looks shy.
“Hey Rick.”
“I was sent here to fetch you, guys. You will tell
me where to drop you off, Chichi.” I nod. We
enter the car and then tell him Makho's place's

“You can’t wait to see your lawyer, huh?”

Mathenji smirks and I chuckle.
“Go to hell.”

On our way to Makho’s house, I get to know

Rick a bit better. He is at varsity studying
zoology. He knows about his brother’s
“occupation” but Nathan doesn’t want him
involved in any way. They drop me off and I am
shocked by the number of cars in the driveway.
Is he having a party that he didn’t tell me about?
There are like 6 cars on the driveway. I walk to
the door and let myself in since it’s open. I am
welcomed by men laughter coming from the
lounge. I have no choice but to head there.
Walking in, I see at least 8 guys on the couches.
The one I am sleeping with is standing next to
the TV.

“Hey everyone.” They all turn to look at me.

That’s creepy. Makho smiles and walk to where
I am. He hugs me and kisses me in front of
everyone. Can you believe this guy?
“I was actually about to come and fetch you, my
“Anyways, I want you to come and meet my
friends.” He pulls me to where he was standing
when I came in. “Gents, this is the angel I was
talking about. This is Chizoba Gwendaline and
she works in my heart and mind 24/7.” That’s
cheesy but cute. “Babe, this is Lulonke, my best
man; Nzuzo, our wedding officiator; Zenzele,
our ring bearer.” His friends laugh while I frown
at him.

“That’s not how introductions go.” I tell him and

he chuckles.
“They are not that important. As long as they
know your name.” he smirks at me.
“You are the worst. How do you put up with
him?” a guy who appears on the hallway states.
He has a smug face on. I think he will try to
embarrass my babe. “I am Themba by the way. I
am his best friend and I’m a designer.” I think I
have seen him on Makho's timeline a couple of

“I am happy to meet you all and I will be happy

to get to know all you names and occupations
as time goes by.” That’s a way of saying
Makho takes me to his bedroom and closes the
door behind us. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you
about the guys coming over. I swear I had
completely forgotten about them. We usually
have meet ups like these after every two
months or so. I can chase you them away.” His
hands are already all over me.

I smile. “You can’t ditch your friends for me. I

am sure they are all super busy and clearing out
there schedules for this Meetup is not easy. Do
they all stay in town?” he shakes his head.
“Some of them live outside the country.”
“See? So you can’t just send them away. I will
head to my place and see you tomorrow.”

“No, you’re not leaving. I will even tie you to the

bed.” I laugh.
“That’s not going to happen.” His eyebrows
arches As if he is daring me. “Fine. I am

“Let me see if the food is ready. Themba and

Xola cooked.” I frown. “Relax. All my friends are
great cooks. We lost this dare in varsity and had
to do a one year culinary course but I don’t brag
about my skills.”
“You? That’s new.” He laughs.

“You are killing it on Instagram. I showed those

pictures of you with the flowers to Khaya and
he made a jealous remark.” Khwezi whispers
the last sentence and I chuckle. We are
currently at the teachers' cafeteria eating our
“What exactly did you say to him?” I ask
because I know Khwezilomso is savage and
she always teases or provokes her husband.

“Don’t be like that. I am not evil, I swear. I just

said some women get moneyed flowers while
others get farting husbands.” Jesus. This
woman is too much. How does Lindikhaya keep
up with her? But I guess he knew what he was
signing up for when he asked her to marry him.
She is unfiltered and a straight talker but I like

“How does he put up with you though?” she

“he loved my nuttiness from the beginning. It’s
one of the things that attracted him about me.”
She smiles as she says that. I guess she is
remembering the early stages of their
“Now I am curious. Pray tell how you guys met
and where.” She sits back and relaxes.

“We did our final year practical’s in one School.

You know how handsome and friendly he is. So
this one time he approached us. I was sitting
with two other girls from my varsity. Well, he
first went to the yellow bone because you know
guys always follow the gold. They were flirting
and everything and that shit annoyed me
because I was kind of attracted to him. So I just
blurted out that he had a really huge head. Isn’t
it too heavy for him?” I crack up. My God, that
sounds exactly like something Khwezi would
say. She sounds like a slight older version of
Mathenji. I guess I always befriend psychos.

“I’m sure his ego was bruised. How did he

respond?” I am keen on knowing the full story.
It’s better than listening to boring office gossip
that can get you mixed up in shit that doesn’t
concern you. Before you know it, they will be
coming to you and asking, no, ordering you to
tell them “who said what” behind their backs.
Yeah, I know. Even teachers can act like
teenagers sometimes.

“He was about to say something witty for sure,

but as soon as he starred at my face, he went
blank, had no comeback whatsoever. The
yellow bone got jealous because she was now
being ignored, something she was not used to.
Lindikhaya had nothing to say. He just left
without uttering a single word. I thought he
would never speak to me again but the next day
he came to me and said his head is just right
for him and it is not heavy, but he couldn’t say
the same about my legs. No wonder I was
always dragging my feet, my legs were too
much for me.” My God, these two are hilarious. I
guess they are a match made in heaven and I
am sure there is never a dull moment at their

“Did you also go blank?”

“Hell no. I always have a clap back at the tip of
my tongue. From there on, we always teased
each other. It got to a point that we accidentally
kissed. Well it was no accident on my part.
After that we just went with the flow. We even
had a quickie at the school’s science lab. When
the practical’s ended, he asked me to be his
girlfriend and when we graduated, he asked me
to marry him.”

“Aww, that’s so romantic. I am jealous.”

“Well I am jealous of the flowers, so we are
even.” We both laugh.
“I want to do something special for Makho. I
know buying a gift won’t seem so personal and
I have also cooked for him before. I just want to
do something that will make him see that I
appreciate all the effort he puts in our
relationship.” She smiles. Really. Makho has
done a lot of things for me. If I had money, I
would gift him with a brand new car because he
is really amazing.
“I once creeped in while Khaya was teaching.
He was so far gone that when our eyes met, he
was shocked and then stumbled a bit. I didn’t
know that I had the ability to make him lose his
steps without even taking off my clothes. When
we got home, he told me how surprised he was
to see me and how that made him happy. So I
think seeing Makhosonke in action will catch
him off guard and make him happy, but I don’t
know. People are not the same.”

“I was actually thinking of showing up in court

unannounced and sit in on one of his cases. I
also think he will like the surprise. I just pray he
doesn’t want to strip me off and fuck me right
there and then.”
She laughs. “Lets not go there.”
“Tomorrow I have a free period after the first
lunch. Who do I talk to in order to stay our for
more than 2 hours?”
“Me, and you have done just that. Tell me how it
went when you come back.”
“Thanks Mrs. J.”

First thing I do is ask for Makho's court
schedule from his PA who loves me by the way.
She once said she was rooting for me because I
know how to handle her boss. Don’t know how
that means though.

I inform Khwezi about my departure and then

drive to the Joburg High Court. I get there in
time and wait for everyone to go inside before
slipping inside at the last minute. Makho’s is on
the left side with his client, so I sit on the right
side at the back so that I can see him well. I
know phones aren’t allowed in court rooms but I
snap on in secret and then put my phone away.
Makho is so good at this. I must be a bit
unhinged because how else do you explain me
being turned on by my man discrediting a
witness? The woman is even crying. She gets
off the stand and another gets on. I don’t even
know what the case is about but I am enjoying
it. I think my new favourite thing is watching
Makho litigate.

“Miss Busiswa Ntuli, that is your real name and

surname, right?” Makho asks and the woman
nods. “I would love to hear your words. We don’t
work with Body language.” Arrogance and
confidence is oozing out of his body. I can
literally feel it from where I am seated. This is
Makho’s territory and he owns it without shame.
“Yes, I am Busiswa Ntuli.” The witness answers
and I see a grin on Makho’s face. It looks like
that’s the answer he was hoping for.
“Your Honour, if I may?” Makho says to the
judge while carrying a few papers on his hands.
“you may approach me, counsel.”

He hands some papers to the court orderly who

hands them to the judge. He also hands another
set of papers to the other lawyer.

“What am I looking at, Advocate Gumbi?” the

judge asks.
“In front of you are two copies of two different
identity documents. One of Miss Tania Miller
and another of Miss Busiswa Ntuli. As you can
see, your Honor, this is one person. I don’t know
what made Miss Busiswa alternate between
two identities and that’s none of our
businesses unless she is a wanted criminal.
One question before I proceed, which name am
I supposed to use, Miss?”

The lady swallows hard and looks at the other

lawyer. I wonder how Makho got this
information but as a lawyer, you have to be
resourceful. “Miss Ntuli.”

Makho nods and then steps back. “On the night

my client allegedly attempted to murder his
girlfriend, you said, and I quote “the back
window was open, so I could see Phumlani
strangling Amanda to death.” That’s what you
said in your statement and your testimony
earlier on. I would give you time to recall your
words but I don’t want to waste the court’s time
and resources.” He shakes his head before
standing straight and looking at the judge.
“Your worship, on those documents I handed to
you there is proof that Miss Tania Miller
boarded a plane to Mozambique at 6pm. Can
someone help me understand how one person
can be in two places at the same time unless of
course the purpose was the obstruction of

“Do you have something to say for yourself?”

the judge asks looking at the witness but she
shakes her head. The judge looks at the other
lawyer. “Advocate Mkhize, this is not
acceptable. Your witness is not only wasting
our time but she has committed a crime.
Alternating between two identities and
producing a testimony that is clearly a lie is
unacceptable. Unless you have proof to dismiss
Advocate Gumbo's allegations, Miss Ntuli or
Miller will be detained. Court is adjourned. Next
date is 27 September.” He hits the gavel. I don’t
even care about what is said next. My eyes are
on my man as he walks back to his desk. He
raises his head and it takes a few moments for
our eyes to meet. His eyes pop out, he was
clearly not expecting this. I wink at him and look

“Gumbi has already won this case. Don’t know

why the judge is dragging his feet here.” A guy
next to me says.
A lady seated next to him chuckles. “the judge
is giving Gumbi the chance to embarrass
Mkhize. It’s fun to watch.”

I see everyone stand up and also stand. As I

pass the corridor, I spot Makho talking to his
client. It’s like he senses my presence because
he raises his head and looks at me. He
conclude his chat with the client and rushes to
me. He pulls me outside and soon as we reach
the parking lot, he pins me against his car and
kisses me. Wow. That’s not the reaction I was
expecting but I’m not complaining.

“How?” he asks after breaking the kiss and I

“I am full of surprises.”
“I can tell.” We both laugh.


I am literally sweating. I have been dreading this

day for so long but it’s finally here. I am glad
that Makho was against us all travelling in a
family car because I don’t think that would’ve
helped with my nerves. I am with Makho in the
car while Zoe is driving with her husband and
Malusi. He arrived this morning just for this trip.
Authors make traveling in and out of the
country look so cheap. I was shocked when
Makho told me about Malusi's traveling costs.
It’s too much. No wonder people working
overseas hardly visit home. Mogotsi is also
traveling with Wande. He is going to pay dowry
for her in two months. Masande and Luncumo
will be taking a flight from Western Cape.
Makho booked a hotel for us not far from his
grandmother’s house. There is a reunion and he
knows that the house will be full and there
won’t be enough rooms for us.

“Babe, are you hungry?” he asks as we enter

another petrol station.
“I could use some sweets and a bathroom.” He
parks the car and we both climb out. He holds
my hand as we enter Pick n Pay express. This
man is so clingy. I actually dug my grave with
these bum shorts because he thinks people,
especially men, are going to eat me alive.
“There is actually Wimpy here. Can we order
lunch?” I smile at him and he smiles back.

“Okay.” He perks my lips and let’s me go. I

quickly head to restroom and relieve myself.
When I come out, I find Zoe washing her hands.
“I didn’t see your car outside.” I say as I wash
my hands. She is also dressed in shorts but
hers are almost knee length.
“I am hungry so I told my husband we should
stop and have lunch. The others also decided to
join us.”
“I am nervous about meeting your mom.”

She chuckles and hooks her arm in mine as we

walk out of the restroom. “She is not too rural
or anything like that. She is super cool and
down to earth. Kind of like me and I know she is
going to love you. We also have to go to by the
Gumbi household before we drive back to
Joburg on Sunday afternoon. Just to see them.”
“That was not on the agenda.”
She laughs. “Better get on with the programme.
When traveling with us, there are always
spontaneous side trips which gets squeezed

I shake my head. “That doesn’t sound like

Judge Gumbi. He is supposed to be the most
straight to the schedule person in the family.”
She laughs.
“That Judge Gumbi shit ends in court. I am the
supreme judge in this family.”
“I am not even going to add on that.” Mazwakhe
startles us and Zoe just laughs.

“Good to know that you know there are some

battles you will never win.” She sits on his lap
and they share a kiss.
“Eww.” Malusi looks disgusted which causes
everyone in the table to laugh. I sit next to
Makho and he places his hand between my
thighs. I look at him and he smirks. This dude.
Two waiters bring a lot of food in our table and
we start eating. “How are your students treating
you? I saw a video on TikTok. They listed
reasons why they love you.” He is looking at me.
I frown. A video? Why didn’t I see that?

“I didn’t know there was a video.” He takes out

his phone, taps on it for a few moments before
handing it to me.

It’s the students from 10B and a few from other

classes. The video is captioned “Why We Love
Miss Gwendaline!”

1st student: “she is a fashion icon and I love her

walk.” I giggle. I don’t think much about my
dress code. I just decide on what to wear that
particular morning and roll with it.

2nd student: “she is polite, open and lovable.”


3rd student: “she drives a beautiful car and she

smells nice.” I chortle. That’s unexpected.
Makho chuckles.
Mesuli: “She is very loving, patient, caring,
understanding and the best teacher I have ever


before blowing kisses. My God, this makes me
emotional. I hand the phone back to Malusi and
look down. Makho places his arm on my
shoulder and brings me closer to him.

“Take your time. Nobody is watching.” He

whispers in my ear and I snort.

We get to the hotel, check in, freshen up and I
change into a floral maxi dress and sandals.
Mathenji said I shouldn’t wear a doek because a
girlfriend isn’t supposed to wear a doek unless
she has been paid dowry for. Yeah, I know. Zulu
culture can be complicated. We all drive to the
Ncube household and we get there by 5pm.
Makho tells me to wait in the car while they go

I check on that video made by my students just

to pass time. The comments are so sweet. I
save it and repost it on my TikTok account,
Instagram and WhatsApp story. I am still
overwhelmed by this shout out. Some students
have a way of making teachers feel so special.
All special teachers need to feel this feeling at
least once in their career. A call from Celine
comes in. I really forgot about her, not in that
way but my life has been so busy. As an adult,
you sometimes forget about other people
because your own life can be so overwhelming
and stressful.

“Celine, how are you?”

“I am fine, Chizoba. I just came back from that
vacation and it helped me very much. I also met
a life coach and he gave me a lot of advice and
guidance on how to move on from this current
situation I am facing.”
“That’s good to hear, doll. Do I need to know
what the guy said?” she laughs.

“Well he said a lot about self introspection. He

also said I should be selfish and put myself first.
I should also make my children understand our
current situation and not lock them in the dark.
They deserve to know what is happening.”
“That’s great advice. So what have you
decided?” I know I am being nosy but I deserve
to know.

“Leaving him was always part of the plan.

Moving forward was going to be a bit hard but
now I know where to start. Separation can never
be easy but knowing where to go from here is
the key.” That’s very mature of her. Getting over
an ex is never easy. It’s worse when people
expect you to just move on and be happy
afterwards. It’s crazy.

“I am proud of you, sis. You should come and

visit me soon. Maybe we can go to the club and
turn up.”
She laughs. “You and turning up? What have
those South Africans done to you?”
I also laugh. Partying has never been my thing
but I not closed off to the chance of going out.
“My man is the out going type, so I will adjust
when he wants us to go out.”

“He is so hot by the way. That picture you

shared of him in court, dear God. I can’t believe
you get to see that every day and actually fuck it
I break into laughter. Celine has never been the
vocal type. I guess the vacation really helped. I
see Makho walking towards the car and I know I
have to conclude the call. “We will talk later. I
have to go.”

“Bye Chichi.” I hang up just as Makho opens my

“Come baby.” I climb off the car and take his
hand. He leads me to this bigger house in the
yard. The door is already open, so we get inside.
In the lounge, we find an elderly couple, Zoe and
Wande. Mogotsi stayed behind. They didn’t
want to overwhelm the gogo so much in one
evening. “Gogo no mkhulu, this is the woman I
have decided to spend the rest of my life with.
She is special, amazing and the perfect life
partner for me. Her name is Chizoba
Gwendaline and she is from Nigeria.” All this is
said while we are standing. “Chizoba, this is
maternal grandmother and grandfather.”

“Hello.” I greet and they both respond.

“You are really beautiful, MaGwendaline. I love
your skin tone. Come here.” His grandma
gestured that I come closer to her. I look at
Makho and he nods with a smile. I walk closer
to the woman and kneel in front of her. She
brushes my cheek. “My grandson chose well. I
wish I can witness your wedding before I leave
this world. Umlobola Nini? (When are you
paying dowry for her?)” that last statement is
directed to Makho who just laughs.
“I will make sure to consider you in my plans.”
He responds with a wide smile.
“Welcome to the family, makoti. Don’t abandon
us when they make you one of them, the
Gumbis.” His grandfather states. He has a deep
scratchy voice.

“Thank you for the warm welcome.”

“Sit here.” His grandma pats on the sit next to
her. “Zokuthula, space.” She shooshes Zoe and
I am literally holding in my laughter. I think the
woman is as Savage as her daughter. I sit next
to her and she starts interrogating me about
anything and everything.

The next morning we head back to the

grandma’s house. There are a lot of people
today. I am glad I am wearing my brand new
Ankara dress. I have a lot of fun with Makho's
grandmother. She is so fond of me. She is
telling me a lot of stories from the past. I learn
that she used to be an accountant but retired
early to take care of her kids. That’s Noble of
her. I don’t know why people don’t appreciate
mothers who quit their jobs just to take care of
their kids. It’s a huge thing to sacrifice that
Independence and a bit of freedom just for your
kids. Out there, there are some women who
leave their children just to pursue different

Most of the family doesn’t seem to have

problem with me but I overheard his cousins
saying nasty things about me. I am not sure
about a lot of words they say but I did hear
kwerekwere and Makhosonke's name and that
made me but two and two together. I didn’t tell
Makho about it though because I have no
intention of tearing the family apart. Whether I
am foreign or not, it won’t change my feelings
for my man or his feelings for me.

The following day, we visit the Gumbi

household. More family members are hostile
towards me but I think they need time to warm
up to me. I was told that them liking me is a
huge deal since they are Makho’s family but if
they wanna discriminate me, fuck them.

“Your place is really nice, elegant and just you.
The pictures don’t do it any justice. I can see
your touch everywhere and it wouldn’t be your
place without a book case.” My sister, Akose,
says as she looks around my apartment.

They landed about an hour ago and I had to go

and fetch them straight from work. Zoe
borrowed me a family car which is a metallic
black Mercedes Benz Vito. They use it for local
family vacations or whenever they want to go to
family events together. When I told her that my
parents are coming with my siblings and two of
my brother’s children, she insisted that I use it. I
had to test drive it yesterday under Makho's
supervision because I have never driven mini
bus before. I can safely say that Makho
wouldn’t have survived a day in my occupation
because that guy has no patience whatsoever. I
could see that my father had a lot of questions
when I picked them up but I know he is waiting
for the right time to ask.

My father is not the crazy uncontrolled type. I

have never seen him discipline his kids publicly.
He always wants until we are alone at home
before asking for the whole story and then
shouting at you or beating you, if necessary. My
mom is a different case altogether. That
woman is unhinged. If you are accused of
something, she will discipline you at that same
moment without even hearing your side of the
story. She is every bit of an African mom and
when she gets like that, you just have to accept
the punishment and wait for maybe a few
weeks before addressing the issue.

“How can you afford this place?” she asks,

making herself comfortable on the couch in the
“A friend of mine bought it for me. She lives not
far from here. She saw my previous apartment
and she immediately knew that it was unsafe
for a single young woman to say alone there.” I
answer her. Then it hits me that I only told Dad
about Zoe and everything. I don’t have a tight
relationship with Mom. We only take when she
is asking for money or when there is a crisis.
When I have daughter in maybe 6 years, I will
make sure that I have a healthy and
comfortable relationship with her.

“I am hungry.” Chukwudi complains, sitting on

the rug next to dad who is on the couch with
“I ordered some late lunch for you and I was
wondering if we could go out for dinner. I just
came back from work, so I hadn’t had time to
cook and everything.” I explain because I don’t
want them thinking that I live off on takeaways.
I get up and head to the kitchen. I put chips,
biscuits and some muffins on the tray. I go
place it on the coffee table and serve them juice.
“You can nibble on this while we wait for food
to be delivered.”

“Thanks sister.” Ndidiamaka says in a polite

voice. She is normally shy which is very rare in
our family.

I have just joined gym which is a few minutes

from my place and Makho actually goes there
with me. You know, for a handsome and rich
guy, he sure is insecure and clingy. I had these
really short gym shorts which I wore on our first
gym session together. The next day, I found him
here at my place with a gift bag which had
brand new Adidas gym gear. It was a loose vest,
sports bra, over the knee tights and trainers. I
thanked him and I told him I had a gym gear. He
just showed me what used to be it in the sink.
The asshole actually burned it. Stupid Jerk.

I hear a knock on the door and quickly tend to it.

Great. Food is here. I didn’t up for everyone and
then go take a shower. Makho calls me while I
am shaving my legs.

“Are you sure I can’t see you?” he asks and I

just laugh. He can be a cry baby sometimes,
well most of the time when I am not near him.
“I don’t mind, as long as you’re willing to face
my father’s wrath. The man probably thinks that
I gained back my virginity after my failed
engagement.” He laughs. We are at a great
place now, where my past engagement doesn’t
pisses him off as it used to. It took a while for
us to get here. I actually found it weird when he
straight up asked me to tell him about my
relationship, but I have come to terms with the
fact that Makhosonke Gumbi is weird, arrogant,
annoyingly smart, confident, territorial and
everything in between but he does have a lot of
love for me and he isn’t afraid to show it.

“Joseph didn’t know how to put it down. That’s

why I found you as tight as you are. They must
tell how to come to me and ask for pointers.”
What did I say? The guy is unapologetically
“Who said you know how to put it down?” I
tease him and he laughs.

“Honey, that’s not what you were saying last

night when I banged you. I actually googled
every word you said in your mother tongue. Shit
was hot as hell. You couldn’t get enough of my
Zulu dick.” Can someone please shut him up?
Last night was nothing short of amazing. We
had dinner at his house in the patio and then he
fucked me the whole night. I gave him a strip
show just to entice him and he brought out the
big guns. Hand cuffs, nipple clamps and other
kinky shit. I didn’t know he was into that type of
think but now I know and I swear I will go all
dominant on him soon. He won’t know what hit

“I am hungry, love.”
“Okay. Go eat. I guess I will see you tomorrow
or Sunday.” We planned that I should tell my
father about him today or tomorrow and then
they will have dinner or lunch together. I just
hope it doesn’t go South.
“Let me check if you didn’t leave any underwear
in my closet.” He laughs.
“I don’t know. Maybe I left three as a motivation
for you to come clean as soon as possible.”
“You love me too much to hurt me like that.” He
“Yeah, I love you. See you soon.”

We end the call and I get dressed. I first make

sure that everything is set for my mom and dad
in my bedroom and then go place my overnight
bag in the table near the lounge. The kids will be
sleeping in the lounge in inflatable mattresses
which I brought just for this visit but I know they
will help me again in the future should they
decide to visit. Akose and I will be sleeping in
Makho’s apartment. I am too old to sleep on the
floor. I find everyone already done eating.
Ndidiamaka and Nicola, my niece, are washing
dishes while Akose is taking selfies on the
balcony. I walk to where my parents are seated.
“You can come and freshen up or even take a
nap in the bedroom.” They nod and get up.
“This place is really beautiful.” Dad
compliments. I love my old man though. He is a
king of compliments. He is a down to earth,
chilled guy, well until you mess with his family.
“Thanks Dad. I try really hard to make it a

“You do know that a house cannot be

completely a home without a husband and
kids?” mom states matter of factly as she sits
on the bed. “This is comfortable. Look, Chizoba,
I am not trying to pressure you or anything, but
everyone deserves some love and happiness in
their lives and men bring just that.” Why is my
father so quiet? I feel like this is a trap, but
mom always preaches about marriage and kids,

I steal a glance at dad and he chuckles. “Act as

if I am not here. Where is the bathroom? I would
love to shower.”
“That side.” I point at the door which leads to
the en-suite. He nods and walks away.
“Now where were we?” mom though. I like her
better when she is pretending as if I don’t exist.


“Wait for it.” I hear the shower running and she

smiles. “Your father thinks I don’t know him. I
know she is a natural born eavesdropper.” I
giggle. I don’t know my father like that. “Now
tell me, who is he?”
I frown. “Who is who, ma?”

“Child, I was not born yesterday. I know how to

spot a woman in a happy relationship,
especially when that woman is my child. I did
see how you were when you came home but I
didn’t want to comment too much because my
focus was still on Chia. Now this weekend is all
about you. So spill? Who is he?” I guess there is
no use avoiding the inevitable.

“His name is MA-KHO-SO-NKE Gumbi but I call

him Makho because his name is complicated.
He is a lawyer and he is rich.” She smiles. I
know the rich part was going to entice her. My
mother loves money, but then who doesn’t?
“Wait. Is he also an old man like Udoa's man?”
ow come on. Eze is not that old.
“Don’t give me that look. I know most of you
youngsters prefer them old with beards and
heavy pockets. I don’t know why but it’s not my
problem. So continue.” Who is this and what
has she done to my mother?

“He is 30 years old. His parents are the ones

that gave me this apartment but before we
started dating. His mother and I share the same
obsession, which is books. So we met, hit it off
and all.”
“So when am I meeting this Makhosonke guy
and how far is your relationship? Meeting
parents, well that’s huge, even though it
happened prematurely.”
“You can meet him whenever you like. I met his
maternal and paternal grandparents two weeks
back and most of his family members from
both sides, so I guess the relationship is pretty

She nods. “That’s what I want, my baby. You

may think that I am being too hard or harsh on
you but there is nothing I want more than to see
you happy. Giving birth to a girl can be a
nightmare. You don’t want anyone hurting her
or taking advantage of her but you also want
her to receive and experience genuine love and
connection. I know that you have a good job
now and a better life but you know it’s not really
complete unless there is someone to warm
your bed or comfort you on dark days because
we all have those dark days when we feel like
nothing is going right. I am worried about
Nneka though, but I guess I will have to go to
whichever hole she has hidden herself in to find
out how she is doing.” This woman is really an
imposter in my mother’s body. But wait till she
finds out she has a Chinese son in law.

“You can meet Makho even now. I am sure dad

will want to take a nap.”
She smiles. “Tell him I will be ready in 20
minutes.” She takes her toiletry bag and head to
the bathroom. Please don’t tell me my parents
are about to have shower sex in my bathroom.
That’s traumatizing.

“Mom wants to see you in 20 minutes.”

I send him the text and he calls back almost
“What? Why?” that’s the first thing he says as I
“What do you mean why? You were going to
meet with them this weekend. She just
happened to want to meet sooner because we
were just talking about you.”

“So, you were talking about me?” there is the

arrogant man I fell for.
“Yeah. Pick a spot and we will meet you there in
less than half an hour.”
“The pressure you like to put me under. But it’s
fine. What does your mom like eating?”

“Nothing fancy but nothing to heavy since she

ate a few moments ago. Something like Page
Heaven maybe but not really because I wanna
know what you guys are talking about without
being distracted by the smell of books.” He
“Okay love. I will see what I can do about it.”

We end the call and I rush back to the bedroom.

Glad to hear the shower still running. I change
into a red summer dress and sandals. I also
take my bag and walk to where the kids are at.

“Don’t you wanna see where we will be

spending the night and maybe get settled?” I
ask Akose and she frowns.
“I thought we would sleep on the couch or the
floor.” She suggests and I quickly shake my
“No can do. I have a friend who didn’t mind
lending me her flat for the weekend. It’s just
down the corridor. Let’s go.” I was only talking
to Akose but all the kids are suddenly on their
feet and ready to go. These kids though.
I lead them to Makho’s place and I hear gasps
and wows behind me as they take in its
appearance. I admit, my flat is just beautiful and
simple and homely, not over the top or anything
like that. Makho’s apartment screams money.
From the huge flat screen TV mounted on the
wall to his expensive leather couches, the
mushy beautiful rug, everything in here is
expensive, even the few art pieces on the walls.
Normally when him and I spend time here, I
never take notice of how different it is from

“Please borrow me your phone, sister. I need to

take high Quality pictures for Instagram.” Trust
Akose to take pictures everywhere she goes.
Honestly it wouldn’t be too hard to track her last
known location using her social media
accounts should she go missing because she
makes sure to include her location on every

“How about settling in first?” she rolls her eyes.

I am sure she is mentally saying “unpacking is
temporary, drip is forever.” This generation
though. Everything is about posing and posting.
I am not saying ours is any different but I am an
exception since I prefer books to grooves. We
enter the bedroom and Akose throws herself in
the bed. If that bed could talk, mmmm.

“Now this is life.” I would promise her a queen

sized bed but I know she is moving to another
country, possibly South Africa, once she is done
with whatever she is doing.

“Auntie, can I please go to the restroom?”

Nicola pleads in a soft tone. If only God could
gift me with a daughter like her but I know that’s
just asking for too much. My daughter would
never be the shy, polite, introverted type with
parents like Makho and I, a crazy grandmother
like Zoe and an even crazier aunt like Mathenji.
Honestly it would take some serious convincing
for me to let Mathenji babysit my children even
for a day. I love her, God knows how much I do,
but that woman is unhinged.

“Come love.” I lead her to the bathroom and

wait outside while she does her business. She
is a child but she also deserves her privacy.
When she is done, I let Akose take hundreds of
pictures with my phone.
“My Handsome Jerk with a heart emoji is
calling.” She announces while starting at me
with a semi smug.
“Mind your business, child.” I take my phone
and answer the call. “You’re ready for us?”
“Yes baby. You will find me at Maxis.”
“Okay. See you soon.” I hang up and turn to the
kids. “I am spending the early afternoon with
mom and dad will be taking his nap. So do you
guys wanna watch TV or visit a friend of mine
who lives in a mansion?” I ask but I already
know the answer, at least from Akose because
she is of the soft life.

“We wanna go to the mansion! Right kids?” she

enquires looking at the kids and they all nod.
“mansion it is.”

“Don’t go anywhere, I will be right back.” They
nod like a bunch of respectful kids. Well Nicola
and Simon are respectful. I can’t say the same
about my younger siblings.

Mom and I climb off the car and walk to the

restaurant. I am a bit skeptical about this
meeting. After the talk with my mom earlier on, I
figured that she wants what’s best for us, but
this is Mary Gwendaline we’re talking about.
She can turn at any moment she like and
wouldn’t bother being apologetic. Makho on the
other hand loves me and will do anything to be
with me but that man is arrogant, so confident
and so full of himself. I don’t know how this
meetup will go but I am hoping their
personalities won’t clash too much. We enter
the restaurant and it takes me less than 10
seconds to spot my Rasta. As we get closer to
his table, he stands up when he sees us.
“Mrs. Gwendaline.” He extends a hand and
mom shakes it.
“Hey Mark.” I am not even going to correct her.
“Hi Chizoba.” I can see that he is restraining
himself from hugging and kissing me. He is not
shy when it comes to PDA.

Mom turns to look at me. “Pick me up after an

hour and a half.” Hhaybo. What will they be
talking about this whole time and why am I
excluded? “Don’t give me that face, angel. Bye.”
She sits down.
Makho gives me a smile. “See you soon, Miss
Gwendaline.” Oww no he didn’t.
“Sure Rasta.” I walk out.

We get to Zoe’s house and find her in the patio.
She smiles when she sees the kids. I introduce
them and she hugs all of them. She even picks
up Nicola.

“Can they stay with me for the weekend? They

remind me so much of my four ninjas when
they were their age.” She is treating Nicola like a
toddler and I feel like the girl is enjoying the
“Maybe they can visit you during recess but
they are troublesome, so I know for sure you
will send them back after two full days.” Akose
clears her throat as to disagree with what I am
saying and Zoe laughs. Mazwakhe chooses that
moment to join us.

“Look, my love. I have a new born.” She shows

him Nicola and he chuckles.
“A newborn who looks exactly like our makoti
and has full grown teeth?” Akose and I laugh
while Zoe pouts. It is weird but Nicola looks
exactly like me, even has the gap between her
front teeth. Mazwakhe greets the kids and
walks away with Simon and Chukwudi.

“What do you guys wanna do?” Zoe asks.

“I would like to see your house.” Ndidiamaka
responds. I expected this from Akose but I
guess Ndi has a nosy bone in her body.


“You’re handsome.” She starts off and I don’t

know how to respond to that but I mutter a
simple 'thank you’. “With the dreads and all.”
She chuckles shaking her head. “But I guess
they complete the look.” Chizoba is the only one
who has openly made fun of my dreads but she
loves them. I don’t know if this woman is
dissing them or what. I have never been so
uncomfortable. Even writing board exams was
less stressful than this. I don’t even know how
to react to any of her statements. She has
breathed less than 40 words but damn, I am
sweating. If I am like this with Chichi's mother
then I guess her father is going to make me
bury myself alive. “I don’t like sitting down and
waiting for food. I am still going to do that later
on. Buy me coffee and we can take a stroll and
talk at the same time.”

I don’t know if I should be relieved or what. This

woman is an enigma. I order coffee and then a
milkshake for myself. I pay and then we walk
“So how long have you been dating my
“A few months.” Though it feels like a lifetime
and sometimes it feels like a couple of days.
She is amazing. That’s why she makes me feel
like this.
“What are your intentions for her?”

“Only the good ones. Men these days have a

tendency of introducing women they know they
won’t marry to their families. That’s not the
case with me. Chizoba is the first woman I have
introduced to both my maternal and paternal
grandparents. I am at a point in my life where I
have everything I wanted to achieve and I am
short of one thing. A permanent life partner and
I intend on making Chizoba that.”

“So you want to marry her?” I nod. “As in

yesterday?” I chuckle and shrug. “What jewelry
would you buy for your mother on Mother’s
Day?” okay. Why is she asking this?
“Rose diamond earrings, necklace, bracelet and

“Well I want that since you didn’t get me

anything for Mother’s Day.” Say what now? Is
this what daylight robbery feels like? But she is
Chizoba's mother so what she wants, she gets.

We head to the nearest jewelry store and I buy

her the set she wants. The woman ends up
taking a dark index ring for her husband. Now I
don’t know the man but I don’t think he is the
type to wear a random ring other than his
wedding band but I’m not judging. If there is
anyone who can make us wear anything, it’s the
gender that got us kicked out of Eden. As w exit
the store, someone jumps on my back and I
instinctively balance the person on the back of
their thighs with my hands. In this whole world,
only two people would do this in public, my little
sister and my woman.

“Little one.”
She grunts. “How did you know?” she climbs off
my back and I chuckle.
“I can sense when you’re nearby.” She rolls her
eyes and we share a hug. Even though we
hardly spend time together, my sister knows I
love her to death.
“Who is she?” Chizoba’s mother startles me.
For a moment there I forgot she was here.
“Mrs. Gwendaline, this is my little sister,
Mawande Gumbi.”
Wande grins stupidly. “Such a pleasure to meet
you. You are as beautiful as Chichi but I can see
she inherited the good looks from you, not the
other way round.” My sister is such a charmer.
“You are also really pretty. Who has the good
genes?” I don’t get her question.

“Well it’s a collective thing. Mom is a bombshell,

drop dead gorgeous woman while my father is
really handsome. So it’s a mixture of beautiful
genes but we look like our father.” Chizoba’s
mom laughs. Its actually the first time I have
heard her laugh since we got acquainted. The
woman is tough. Lord protect me from her
husband’s wrath.

“Baby, where are you? I know you’re in here?”
His voice startles me and I get back to my
position. I swear I was not sleeping, I just dozed
off. But now, I am wide awake and ready to
show this stupid man of mine who I really am.
Like who the fuck goes on a mission and
promises to come back in two weeks but ends
up coming back after a whole month? An entire
month? At first I was so pissed off, then it
escalated to anger, went down to sadness but
then back up to anger. You can’t leave your
woman for a full month. Who the fuck do you
think is servicing her?

I love sex so much, I once thought I had a

succubus spirit in me because Chichi called me
that once after she read some story on
Visionary Writings written by a Precious Moloi.
That story is downright scary. I am not even a
reader but if I were, I would stick to dark
romance and leave the horror to
amadelabuthongo. My friend was honestly
kidding about the succubus thing but I was so
worried. So I researched about it and I was
relieved to find out that I don’t have an evil sex
goddess spirit in me. If my vibrators and dildos
could talk, they would ask for a vacation
because wow. After this, I just realised that I
would never survive a long distance relationship
or date a soldier. Sorry. Mark me absent.

“There you are.” He says as he enters the

bedroom. “I have been looking everywhere for
“Well not hard enough because I was right
here.” I am still leaning on the headboard
wearing a lace bra with a matching crotchless
“You look so sexy right now. You are making
me think I shouldn’t leave you behind the next
time I go to a mission.” I snort. As if I would
want that. I love the idea of seeing him in action
but I am not stupid. I would never go to a
mission. First, that’s suicidal and I could get
arrested because I am not street smart like him
and his friends.

“I will pass.” I mutter. He places the bags he is

carrying on the floor and crawls into bed. When
he reaches me, he kisses me. I missed these
lips and this body but I am not going to change
my plan. “Flip.” He knows what I want. He grins
as he flips us. I am now straddling his lap and
he is leaning in the headboard. “Did you miss
“Every single second.”
“Good then.” I lean forward and kiss him. He
responds, planting his hands on my hips and
bringing me closer to him. I shake my head and
he chuckles.
“What now?”

“I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes.” He

smirks at me but follows my instructions. No
wonder this gender was defeated by Delilah.
One instruction from a woman and they are
goners. I cuff his left hand to the bedpost and
his eyes open really fast.
“What is happening?” he seems agitated.
Shame. He will live.

“I need you to relax and trust me, my love. This

is all part of the surprise.” He seems reluctant
but he gives me his right hand. I smile widely
and reward him with a kiss before continuing
with the cuffing. I then take off his pants
followed by his boots and unbutton his shirt. I
can’t take it off, so I guess I will just leave it
open. I climb off the bed and pick my phone.
“Do you promise to keep quiet or do I need to
gag you?” he snorts.

“The gagging isn’t necessary, my love?”

“If you say so.” I shrug and then start playing
music. Dirty laundry booms all over the room
and I start dancing provocatively while my eyes
are trained on his, grasping his every reaction. I
slowly undo my bra and let it fall to the ground.
Another song comes in. I climb onto the bed
and continue with my provocative dancing. I
crawl to his lap and rub his dick for a few
moments before replacing my hands with my
pussy lips. I keep on rubbing his cock there with
no intention of putting it inside me. Yes I have
been craving for him but he has to learn his
lesson. I reach for the phone and lower the

“How do you feel, baby?” I ask as my hands

caress his upper body.
“Like I am going to die any second from now if
you don’t let me inside your safe haven.” His
voice is hoarse and his eyes are so small.

“Poor you, baby. Poor you.” I put some distance

between us, squeeze his insanely hard dick and
crawl to the bedside table. I open the drawer
and retrieve a clear dildo. I sit in front of him
with my legs spread wide. “So while you were
away this whole time, I was needy and
desperate for your touch. You made me like this.
You turned me into your addict. You set the bar
so high and then you vanished. I don’t give a
fuck whether you were out guarding the
president or what. Truth of the matter, you left
me and u don’t think I can let that go anytime
soon. So you are banned from entering my
pussy until further notice.”

“Baby you can’t be serious. I was out there

doing my job, risking my life. You can’t punish
me for that.”
“Yes I can and yes I am who did you leave me
with while you played Mr. Hero? Who? And don’t
fuckin tell me about the guards or is there some
unknown rule that I was not made aware of?
That stipulates I can help myself to the guards
whenever their master is away?”

“Fuck, Mathenji. Why are you doing this?” he

has never pronounced my name before. So this
is new. I guess he is becoming really angry.
Luckily for him, the feeling is mutual.
“You left me needy and craving you for more
than a whole month. What the fuck were you
hoping to achieve? That by the time you came
back I would’ve regained my virginity? Now deal
with the consequences of your actions.” I rub
the dildo on my pussy and moan at the
I know it’s short. Please blame Eskom. I love
you all. Less than 4 chapters left.
I am glad that meeting between Makho and my
mom went well, even though Mary robbed my
man. That woman is unpredictable as the
weather, I swear. Who in their right mind does
what she did? She is a special case. Maybe she
is Mathenji's mom. Speaking of that one, my
friend is crazy beyond repairs. Even admitting
her to the psychiatric ward won’t do no
difference. In fact she will coach other lunatics
on how to become more crazy. She told me
about what she did to Nathan, and how she fled
before he woke up. She is currently in some
township in Bloemfontein.

She said that whatever courage she had last

night forsaken her at dawn when she woke up.
She just quietly untied the man and ran for her
life. She is just being dramatic though. I know
for a fact that she will be cuddled up in bed with
Nathan before the day ends. Now her being
away means she won’t be able to meet my
parents today. She can only meet them
tomorrow afternoon. But God knows how much
I need her now because my father will need a
mood booster after his meet up with Makho.
Speaking of that old man…

“Daddy, I brought you your favourite.” He is

seated on the balcony table, reading a
newspaper. It’s something he always do on a
Saturday morning. Sort of a tradition of his. He
looks up and rolls his eyes when he sees the
tea I am carrying. He knows the drill.

“What have you done?” yes. This is a peace

offering tea after you have done something bad.
You know he will never reject it, never. It’s green
tea with raw mint leaves and honey. A weird
combination but he likes it like that. He even
calls it the Gwenda tea. I place the tray on the
table and sit across him. Well here goes nothing.

“Daddy, there is this guy named Makhosonke

Gumbi. He claims to love me and says he sees
his future in my eyes. He wants to meet you
before we take things to the next level.” I know
my way of delivering news is not the best but
you have to put yourself in my shoes. The
minute I uttered the word 'guy' he deserted the
newspaper and gave me a penetrating gaze
that was enough to make me confess my sins
or better yet, chicken out.

“Exactly how long have you known this guy?” he

asks after he has taken a sip of his tea and sat
back. My dad is my favourite parent but he can
be a bit unhinged when boys are mentioned in
the same sentence with his daughters. I heard
he wanted Eze to sit on the grass mat when he
came home just so he could see how serious
he is with Udoa. Luckily the guy is humbled, so
he did as he was told. I can imagine how
differently that would’ve went if it was Makho.
Firstly he would’ve complained and told my
father how much his pants cost. It’s not even
about the price. It’s just his arrogance, that
idiotic beautiful man of mine.

“I have known him for a few months, papa.”

“And in those few months you have slept
together? Or should I ask how many times did
you sleep together?” My God. Open a hole and
bury me. Siri, how do I rewind time and erase
my words? I knew it was going to be difficult
but I was never ready for this question. What
the fuck is wrong with dad? Is he trying to make
me sweat?
“Yes, papa. We have engaged in sexual
activities.” There is no better way to admit to
your father that you have been made a full
chicken, Turned upside down all in the name of
pleasure. Couldn’t he ask me about Makho’s
background or occupation?

“So you meet a guy and open your legs for him
without leading him home and have him do
right by you before engaging in sexual activities?
What would you had done had you fallen
pregnant because your generation has a phobia
of protection? Would you have rejoiced if he
decided to up and leave you? You have just
settled down and got the job of your dreams,
and now you want to add a man to that
equation? Really?” why is he being like this? I
can date and still excel in my job. I am no horny
teenager who can’t think just because he has
gotten into a new relationship.

“It was wrong of me to sleep with him before he

paid dowry. I wasn’t thinking, papa. I am sorry.”
There is no other way to get out of this
interrogation with dad other than humbling
yourself and apologizing. He exhales loudly and
takes a few sips.

“So when am I meeting this ugly ashy man of

yours?” Hebana. Does he want to see pictures
of my handsome Rasta first? But I am in no
position to defend Makho. He is already in hot
“He wanted to meet for brunch or lunch today.”

“Mmm. Tell him to come pick me up in an hour

for brunch and if you dare warn him or tell him
about our talk, I will know and I might not give
him my blessing.” Why is he being like this? But
I guess I have no choice but to play to his tune.
“Also call him now and put him on speaker.”
Say what now? Is my old man bored or
something? I would’ve hooked him up with
Mazwakhe but that would be kind of conflict of
interest or whatever. I take my phone, release a
deep sigh before dialling Makho’s number and
putting it on speaker.

“Hey baby. How are you this morning?” he

answers cheerfully.
“Morning Makhosonke. My father wants to
meet you for brunch in an hour.” I hope that
relays the message and also reveals that I am
not alone.
“Ohh okay. Do I have to pick him up or will you
drop him off at the destination?” my clever
lawyer. He caught on.
“No. Pick him up. See you soon and don’t be
late.” I hang up.
“No you won’t come out. You will just show me
which fucker he is and then come back here.”

Is there a place where dads are given up for

adoption? If so, plug me in.

I am a ball of nerves as the elevator descends.

Jesus Christ. I knew a meeting between my
father and Makho wouldn’t be nice and smooth.
But I also didn’t anticipate his reaction. I have
never talked to my father about sex before. So
for him to ask me about it that straight up was
weird and scary. And now I am scared for
Makho. May the Gods protect him. As the
elevator reaches the ground floor and opens, I
suddenly wish I had the power to freeze time
but God doesn’t love all his children.

“Chichi!” a squealing voice forces me to look up

and I smile when I see Quinn. She is no time
machine but at least she will delay us a bit with
greetings and introductions.
“Hey babe.” We step out of the elevator and I
hug her. “You’re looking suspiciously beautiful
this morning. Where are you off to?”
“I am having brunch with my cousins but I
forgot my car keys upstairs.” She looks behind
me. “Hello.”
How I wished for him to disappear. “Quinn, this
is my father, Mr. Gwendaline and dad this is
Quinn, one of my friends.”
They shake hands. “Nice to meet you, young
lady. I hope we can talk later on. Let’s not keep
you waiting.” He smiles at Quinn and then pulls
me to the front door. This man has no chill. He
can’t wait to terrorize my man. We walk to the
parking lot. Makho is already standing outside
his car. I can see that he is contemplating on
whether to come to us or not. “Is that him?” I
nod. “Okay. Your journey ends here.”

Aibo! Why? “But dad…” he doesn’t say anything.

He just gives me one glance and then walk
towards Makho. They are not too far from
where I am standing. So I hear Makho muttering
a greeting. Dad doesn’t reply. He just looks at
him from top to bottom and then gives him a
mean slap that shocks me hard, I actually
scream. What the fuck? What’s wrong with dad?
I rush to them.
“So you’re the one who has been sleeping with
my daughter without paying for her dowry?
Is this even legal? Dad is being so unreasonable
and I am in disbelief of his actions.
“I am sorry, sir. I am willing to pay anything to
make things right.” Makho responds. You never
respond to these type of questions because
these dinosaurs have a way of twisting your

“So you having money means you can restore

my daughter's virginity by means of payment
since 'you are willing to pay anything'? Is that
what you’re saying?” my what now? See what I
was saying? He is twisting Makho’s words and
my baby can’t even apply his lawyering skills
because dad will murder him.
“No, sir. That’s now what I was saying.”
“Then what were you implying?”

“Dad please.” I plead with him and he just gives

me one look that is enough to humble me.
He turns to Makho. “Lead the way.” My man
hurries to open the passenger door and dad
slides in like a king. He then comes around to
his door.
“I love you.” He whispers, flashing me a shy
smile before climbing in.

This idiot still has the will to smile even after

that slap. My man though. But if he survives this,
he will get unlimited access to this pussy, I
swear. I watch the car driving out and I finally
head back inside.


I was playing SETE on repeat on my way here,

so I just leave it on but lower the volume. I don’t
wanna give this man more ammunition. I don’t
even know how to start a conversation. My
cheek is still burning from that slap. Honestly I
don’t understand why I was slapped. It’s not like
I found her sealed and stuff. But you have to
suffer for true love, and that’s what’s happening.
I’m suffering.

After a whole 10 minutes of suffering, I figure I

should say something because the silence is
not comfortable. Now how does one start a
conversation with a man like this? What would
Mazwakhe Gumbi say? As if he is sensing my
misery, a call from him comes in.
“Somkhanda.” I answer with a smile.
“What fucked up shit have you gotten yourself
into, son?” his voice beams all over the car.
I try stifling a chuckle. My old man can see right
through me. “Nothing, dad. I’m just in the car
with Chizoba's father and you’re on speaker.”
This guy actually breaks into laughter, not even
caring about what I just said. “Ukushayile? (Did
he hit you?)”

“That’s none of your business. See you later.”

He continues laughing. “Thule ubaba Chizoba
ushaye indodana yakho. (Chizoba’s father hit
your son.)”
“Umshaye kancane Uma esakwazi ukukhuluma.
(He didn’t hit him enough if he still is able to
talk.)” My mom responds. It’s official, my
parents hate me.
“Goodbye Devil’s best friends.” They both laugh.
I am never going to hear the end of this. I hang

“Are those your parents?” he asks and I nod

with a smile.
“Yes. They are a bit unhinged but they are great
“Mmm. You don’t need to justify their
craziness.” Okay Phela judge Judy. “So what is
it that you do?”
“I am a lawyer.”

“You must’ve manipulated my daughter with

your words because there was no way she
could’ve fallen for an ugly fucker like you.
Worse, you have dreads. Yoh!”. I have never
been degraded like this in just one statement. I
know he is supposed to be hard on me, but Yoh.
I am someone’s child bathong. Tell him to have
mercy on me. I don’t respond to his statement
and he chuckles. “I thought lawyers are
supposed to always have a come back, or are
you one of those who bought their certificate?”
People by LLB certificates? For real? I don’t
think that’s possible. Not everyone is that phara
guy from SUITS.

“We are here.” I am relieved as I park outside A-

Class Restaurant. We make our way inside and
we are led to a table I reserved an hour ago. We
place our drinks' orders and they come back
within 5 minutes.
“So what are your intentions with my daughter?”
no small talks, I see. Straight to the point.
“I intend on marrying her as soon as possible. I
know it hasn’t been that long since we started
dating but I know I want to spend the rest of my
life with her, legally.”
He frowns. “So you want my blessing?”
“That would mean a lot, sir.”

“But I don’t know you and I don’t trust anyone

with my children. What if you break her heart
like her ex fiancé or worse, break her bones?
Maybe you have a temper she doesn’t know
“I am not going to paint myself as a good guy or
anything. But one thing I will assure you with is
my unconditional love for Chizoba. I love her
more than my mother and my baby sister and I
would die if something were to happen to her. I
will protect her with my whole life or even hire
guards to watch her when I am not around but I
promise you, I will never harm your daughter in
any way.”
“But words are just that, words. If I give you my
blessing, I am putting my full trust in you. I am
trusting you with my most unpriced possession.
So if anything happens to her, that would mean
you have broken her trust and mind. And since
you are smart, you know trust is like a soul.
Once it’s gone, it’s gone.” That’s a mouthful.

“I hear you, sir. And I will try to not disappoint

He nods. “Now when is your family coming to
pay dowry?”
“Next month.” That answer just came out of
nowhere, but I know it won’t cause a dent in my
He grins. “We are in no rush. But it’s fine.”
Now that it seems like he won’t be hitting me
anytime soon… “I would like to propose to
Chizoba tomorrow.”

He frowns. “So soon?”

“There is no reason for any delays.”
“Mmm. But I have to punch you after this outing
so that you will know what awaits you should
you abuse my daughter.”

I thought we were bonding. Clearly I was wrong.

Things we do for love.


I know my actions are valid. I mean the man did
leave me for a whole month without a
substitute, so I was right for doing what I did.
It’s just that he said he will get me for what I did
to him, that was before he dozed off. So I ran. I
am naughty and problematic but I am scared of
punishment. I knew the moment I saw three red
sports cars driving in through the guesthouse's
window that the man has come for me. Even
though I registered under a false name, it’s only
a matter of time before he finds me and there is
no escaping. I see him stepping out of the car
dressed in all white. Five other man follow suit.
He says something to them and then he enters
the guesthouse with one guy.

I take my handbag and rush to one of the

storerooms that one of the staff members
showed me. It won’t hold for long but it will buy
me some time. My phone rings and I curse
under my breath. I know Nate didn’t track me
using it. Phela I have dated a hacker before and
he gave a chip that I should insert in my phone
to prevent anyone from hacking it or tracking it.
I frown when I see that Makhosonke is the one
calling. What does he want? Wait, did
something happen to Chichi?

“Makhosonke, what is it?”

“I thought the white guy was back. So why are
you grumpy?”

I grunt. Makhosonke is a jerk and he is always

ready to say nasty comments. That means
nothing is wrong. “I am hanging up.”

He chuckles. “Wait. Wait. Geez. Your man need

to pull up his socks. Anyways, Chizoba’s father
gave me his blessing. Now I need that plan of
ours to be put in motion.”
I roll my eyes. “You must’ve bribed him because
there is no way he would’ve gave you his
blessing like that. It’s so soon. You had what? A
day to convince him?”

“One outing really but that’s none of your

business. Chizoba said you’re out of town and I
need you back as soon as possible so that we
can do this thing tomorrow night.”

I groan. “Fine. I will text you when everything is

set. You’re house, right?”

“Don’t forget the money.” I hang up just as the

door opens and I am faced with Nathan. He
looks angry. He doesn’t even have that usual
spark he possesses whenever he sees me. “Hi,
baby.” My voice is shaking. It’s actually dawning
in me that I am dating a dangerous man.
He sighs in relief. Or is it exhaustion? “Do you
ever think of the consequences of your actions,
Mathenji?” Holy Hell. I am in deep shit. Not once
has he ever pronounced my name like this,
without any hesitation. “You know what? Let’s
just get out of here.”

He grabs my hand and pulls me out. We head to

the parking lot. There are more cars now. About
5 red SUVs and 2 yellow sports cars. Some are
parked on the street. What the fuck is going on
here? All for retrieving one girlfriend? A bulky
coloured guy comes towards Nate’s car and
Nate forces me to stop. The man is wearing
yellow sneakers, black jeans and a yellow T-
shirt. Too much yellow for my liking. But it
seems like shit is about to hit the fan. So I will
keep my mouth shut.

“She hasn’t said anything?” he asks looking

between Nate and I. Said anything about what?
“No, boss. But I believe it was pure coincidence.
She doesn’t know anything about anything.”
Nate responds, his eyes traveling between his
boss and mine.
“Coincidence? I think not. She may have lured
you out here so that you will show up vulnerable
and they will take you out. Weakening my

Weaken? Lure? Take out? “Wait. Hold up. What

the fuck are you talking about?” I thought I was
going to keep quiet and let them talk about
whatever shit that’s going on but to accuse me
of setting up Nathan? That’s low.
“Babe, not now.” Nathan pulls me towards him
and I shake my head.
“No. Tell me what’s going on right now. I only
left Joburg because of what I did. Even though
my actions were justified, you threatened me
and I wanted you to chase me because I missed
“Couldn’t you have went to Durban or Port
Elizabeth?” Polar asks walking towards us.
“That’s predictable.” I roll my eyes.

“Well your cat and mouse game has put

everyone at risk. We are in enemy territory, baby
girl. Our worst enemy ever. His uncle.” The boss
points at Nathan with his head. “Should
something happen to anyone of us, be proud of
yourself.” He walks to the yellow car, leaving me
as confused as ever. I turn to Nathan and he
shakes his head.
“I will explain later.” He opens the passenger
door for me and just as I am sliding inside,
Polar shouts.

Nate makes sure my door is closed before

moving to his. It doesn’t take long for him to get
the engine started and drive out, following the
other cars. After a few minutes, I hear gunshots
not far from us and I can’t stop the scream that
erupts from my throat. Nate curses under his
breath as he drives faster.

“Don’t worry. The car is bulletproof and we will

be at the field where we parked the chopper in a
few minutes.” That’s all he says. His voice
sounds super chilled.
“What is happening, Nathan? Why are we being
shot at?” I am freaking out right now. I won’t lie.
“Babe, don’t worry about it. Nothing is going to
happen to us. I will tell you all about it when we
get home.”
“No. Tell me now.”

He sighs. “My uncle is a crime boss and we are

rivals. We never enter each other’s territory
under any circumstances. Us being here means
that we are disrespecting him. We are not
scared of him or anything but we are at a
disadvantage here.”
Mathenji you’re stupid though. I bury my hands
in my face, momentarily forgetting about the
bullets flying towards our direction. “I am sorry,
baby. I literally thought of a city in the middle of
nowhere. A challenge. I didn’t think it might
endanger you. I am telling the truth.”
“Hey. Look at me.” I remove my hands from my
face and turn to look at his handsome face. “I
believe you. I do. The boss is just not in the
mood and I get it because everything seems
suspicious. But I love you and I believe you.”

We get to an open field where there are 5

choppers lined up. I didn’t even realise the
shooting stopped. We exit the car and climb
into one of the choppers. As it takes off, I turn
to look at Nate.

“What’s going to happen to the cars?”

“Don’t worry yourself about that.” Nice life
problems, huh.


“How does your cheek feel?” I ask as I strike it

and he winces. I roll my eyes. He is being a
softie right now. We are currently chilling at my
building’s rooftop since I can’t leave and he
can’t come in his apartment.
“Baby, your father is really rough. I felt like Mike
Tyson had punched me.” I don’t mean to, really,
but I break into laughter. I am not laughing at
his misery but he is hilarious.

“You’re going to be fine. Do I need to massage

your cheek?”
“Baby, you’re not taking me seriously. Anyways,
I have a question for you. Does my hairstyle
turn you off?”
I frown. “Where is that coming from? Babe, I
have never heard you question your look. Why
now?” he shakes his head with a small smile.
“It’s nothing. I was just asking.”

I cup his face and run my hand through his

dreads. “Tell me.”
He sighs. “I love you, baby and I am glad that
your father gave me his blessing. Soon I will be
sending my family to represent me and make
our union legit.” Why is he changing the subject?
I hope it’s not my dad that has made him
question his appearance.

“What are you saying?”

“You will understand me soon. Now come here
and give me a kiss before I leave.”
“Why so early? It’s not like you have someone
waiting for you at home and stuff.”
He chuckles. “You need to rest. I don’t want you
dozing off at brunch.” We are supposed to have
brunch with his family since my parents gave
him their blessing and stuff. Mathenji promised
to be there and also Quinn. The whole thing will
be at Lubelihle Resort.

“One round and I will let you go.” He laughs.

“You’re insatiable. I wish your father can hear
how demanding you are when it comes to sex.”
“That one said our generation is allergic to
protection.” We look at each other and we both
laugh. Dad is a savage, but hitting Makho was
not necessary.


“This place is really beautiful.” Quinn
commends as we get seated at the Lubelihle
Resort dining table. I am seated between her
and Mathenji, the trouble friend. Makho is on
the other side of the table with his family. Even
Mogotsi and Mawande are here. I guess the
Gumbi family has really accepted and
embraced him. I wish to get to that stage with
Makho and my parents. But I guess he will have
to get hit by a car in their presence for them to
have mercy on him.

“You're absolutely right. I have never seen a

place like this before. It’s magnificent and
breath-taking. I can’t wait to post pictures on
my socials.”
“You can use my phone to snap those pictures.”
Makho chirps in and Akose grins.
“Thank you very much brother in law.”

Makho looks so handsome today. I think he

want to the salon because his dreads are styled
differently and his beard has been nicely
trimmed. He is also wearing a bit of foundation
to hide the blue eye. Even with makeup on, his
manly beauty is unmissable. He has that sex
appeal and he is making me wet. I make eye
contact with him and I lick my lips. Sorry, but I
can’t help it. Besides, this is my man. He just
smiles and shakes his head.

“How is everyone doing though? And why is

Makhosonke not spotting a blue eye?” Mathenji
asks and I punch her. She squeals and looks at
me. “What? I just wanna know what has been
happening. I think a lot has happened the past
24 hours.”
“If you must know,” Zoe leans in. “Mr.
Gwendaline hit my son and thank you for that
by the way. I feel like I would’ve been labelled as
an abuser if I slapped him for…”
“Come on, Zoe. Give him a break about that.” I
interrupt because I know she was going to talk
about Makho forgetting her birthday. She
laughs and raises her hands up in surrender

“Today is a special occasion for both the Gumbi

and the Gwendaline family. I have known
Chizoba for a while now and I can safely say
that she is special and kind hearted. Plus she
connects with my wife. So that’s a bonus. I am
looking forward to creating a long lasting
relationship between the two families. My son
is blessed to find a woman like Chizoba and I
wish them nothing but the best.” Mazwakhe's
words melt my heart. Can your future father in
law ever?

“We are glad that we have been afforded this

type of gathering before the serious talk begins.
Now, what do you do for a living?” my father
asks Mazwakhe. He seems cool today.

“I am judge.” He responds.
“I am a housewife and a bookworm.” Zoe.
“I am a singer, songwriter and an actress.”
“Well I am Mogotsi, Mawande's fiancé and I am
an entrepreneur.” Mathenji chuckles.
“Understatement of the century.” I snort. Why
does my friend have to always involve her
madness even when people are being serious?
“My husband is a school principal. I, on the
other hand, am a housewife, a mother and a
grandmother. Those two last roles are full time,
I am telling you.” Mom comments and Zoe

“I can relate. Raising 4 children plus a grown

man ain’t a joke.” They share a look and then
both of them break into laughter. I just caught
on hit I won’t let it show. However, Mathenji
doesn’t give a fuck about holding it in. She
laughs with the older women.

“I can imagine how much fun it was, repeating

the process 7 times. You’re the G mama
Gwendaline.” Nathan’s woman though. Is there
a way of making her vanish? Mom doesn’t even
mind. In fact, she laughs harder. I think she and
Mathenji will get along quite well because of
their personalities.
We finish eating while making small talks.
Makho hardly said anything during the meal. He
is just smiling, laughing and nodding. Dad asks
to speak to Mazwakhe in private. As they get up,
Makho also gets up. He is looking deliciously
handsome in a formal shirt and pants which are
quite similar to the ones he wore when we first
met. The 12k pants. I chuckle, not believing it. I
remember burning those.

“Can I please take Chizoba out for dessert?

Maybe buy her a book on the way?” Makho ask,
looking at dad.
Dad shakes his head. “If I say no, what are you
going to do?”
“Dad come on.” I stand up, fixing my dress. I
look at Makho and he smiles. “Once you
mention books, you know I won’t listen to a
word after that.”
Dad laughs. “I still love my pretty face, so go.”
I hug both my friends and then Makho and I
walk out.

“You look pretty today.” My baby compliments

as he opens the car door for me.
“And you look awful in those pants.” He chortles.
“I knew you would have something to say about
my pants.” He gets inside the car and drives out.
“Your dad has zero chill, baby. I am always on
edge around him. He needs to loosen up a bit.
Does he drink?”

I giggle and roll my eyes. I knew a quiet Makho

wasn’t gonna last. “So which book are you
going to buy for your lady?”
“Which one do you want?”
“Love Tangled, Unmatched Hearts and A
Burning Desire, all by Takalani M.”
He smiles. “Consider it done. So what is the
name of our first born?”
“Baby, we have to make one first before naming
them. Also no children out of wedlock.”

“I was thinking Nkosana if it’s a boy. The name

can be translated to male heir. If it’s a girl, she
can be Makhosazana, a young queen.”
“I might as well entertain this idea. How about a
Yoruba first name?” he shakes his head.
“Sorry love. Our children will be 75% Zulu and
25% Nigerian. So Zulu first names are
compulsory. I want no child of mine to be
named Remember or Christmas or even Joseph.
Hell no.” This is one of the deepest shades he
has ever cast but I am just going to ignore it.
“Whatever that makes you sleep at night.”
“You’re giving up? Without a fight?”
“We will cross this bridge when we get to it.”

I turn up the volume. This SETE song comes on.

He is obsessed with it these days. He has
recently posted a video of us dancing and
kissing while it was playing on the background.
He winks at me and starts singing. I record him
for my Instagram story.

“Uyang'sanganisa, ofana nawe

Angek' aphind' akekh nak'lelizwe
Kukhon' ok'thize ngathi ngik'dlile,
Angith' uthanda mina? Ng'cela
Uyang’sanganisa, singanqoba
Nempi singayihlanganisa
Kukhon’ ok'thize ngathi ngik'dlile
Ungenza ng'phile

Ungithath' ungibeke, ngeke

Heh basihlukanis' uthando
Ngcel' ubabheke izithele, oh
Zigqwele ungavumi zingene

Athi ngik'sete, ngik'sete

Athi ngik’sete, ngik'sete
Athi ngik’sete, ngik'sete
Uthando lwakho lungenza ng'shelele.”
I don’t even know what the lyrics mean but the
affectionate look he is giving me says it all. This
is a love song. My God, I am in love with
Makhosonke Gumbi, my Rasta. We finally get to
our destination. Page Haven of course. Where
else am I going to buy books if not here? We
head inside and Makho leads m to the counter. I
see this beautiful lady who usually assists Zoe
and I when we come here. Her name is Thingo. I
also heard that she is a lesbian.

“Hello Thingo.” My man greet her like they are

old buddies.
“Hey, Makhosonke. Hey Chizoba. What can I do
for you guys today?”
“I just need my special book for now and you
can pack Love Tangled, Unmatched Hearts and
A Burning Desire be Takalani M. We will take
them later.”
“Cool.” She walks away and comes back after a
minute with a small book in her hands. She
gives it to Makho who hands it to me. The cover
is all white with no pictures or writing. I frown,
looking at him.

“What is this?” I bring it to my nose and the

smell of a fresh new book hits me. I close my
eyes and breathe it in.
“Love.” I open my eyes and look at him. He
chuckles. “It’s a mysterious book. Go sit down
and read it.”
“Weird but okay.” I walk to my favourite book
and take a sit. I open the book and frown at the
title on the first page.


'Once upon a time, there was a handsome guy
who was full of himself and super confident. He
dated an evil princess who lived to tarnish and
torment those she thought were beneath her.
One day the guy met this beautiful dark beauty.
Because he was with the evil princess he was
rude to the dark beauty. He said some awful
words and the dark beauty got mad at him. The
next encounter was also not good because the
evil princess manhandled the dark beauty. the
guy didn't like what the evil princess did but he
didn't want things to look as if he cared for the
dark beauty. So he followed her outside and
instead of apologizing to the deputy he said
some words which didn’t sit well with the dark
beauty. So she punched him.

Time and time again they bumped into each

other and she's slowly warmed her way into his
heart. One of those times he gave her ride and
after she got off his car he was left with only
has sent that penetrated his Cold Heart deeper
and deeper. The dark beauty befriended his
mother and he thought she had ulterior motives
but it turns out the friendship was genuine. On a
certain night, he met her and he one of his
lowest moments. He was going through a lot
and she helped him out of that awful situation.
Her words of wisdom shook him up and made
him realise he needed this woman in his life. He
cut all ties with the evil princess and pursued
the dark beauty. It wasn't an easy journey but
they our love was strong enough to make them
realise they were stronger together, compatible,
the match of the century and could also not
leave without each other.

Dear Dark Beauty

You are amazing. You are special. You are
smart. You light up my whole body and life. You
are the generator responsible of making my
heart beat every second. Out of all of the
women in the world, it is you that I love, you that
I need you that, I want and you that I would love
to grow old with. there is no one like you. I love
your skin tone, your beauty, your sassiness,
your ability to mize everything around you as
soon as you have a book in your hand just like
you’re doing right now even though I am
kneeling in front of you with a ring on my hand
and wishing you agree to spending the rest of
your life with me.’

My eyes pop out and I raise my head to see him

really kneeling on one knee before me. I am
feeling all kinds of emotions right now. Tears
can't stop falling from my eyes. I knew that one
day he will propose and it will be special but I
never thought he would make it this personal
and so sedimental. How does one stop crying
though because I think I’m ruining the moment?

“I can’t stop the tears.” I whisper and he

chuckles. “Ask me.”
He laughs. “Chizoba Makhosazana Gwendaline,
will you marry me?”
“Yes, I will marry you, you arrogant handsome

He smiles and puts the ring on my finger. It’s so

beautiful but I will study it later. Right now I
need to pay attention to my man. He pulls me
up and we share the most passionate kiss ever.
We break it and just look at each other, blushing
like idiots.
“Thank you for saying yes. But even if you said
no, I would’ve been a nuisance until you
changed your answer.” I giggle. That sounds
exactly like him. He is a go getter. I look around
and see people cheering for us and some even
taking videos. Thingo comes to us with a
bouquet of roses and a gift bag. She hands
both things to Makho. I wonder how much he
paid for all this trouble. Makho hands me the
gifts. I think I will check what’s inside the gift
bag in the car.

“So what do you wanna eat?” he asks as we

step out of the store. He is carrying a red carrier
bag with the books I requested and also our
special book. I will forever Honor that one.
There are a few pages I didn’t get to but as
soon as I find time, I will dive right in.
“I just want ice cream, and a milkshake and a
cake slice. All from Enhle’s Sweet Tooth.”
He gives me that panty dropping smile.
“Anything for my fiancé.”

We drive to the bakery and he purchases what I

have requested. He knows my favourite
flavours. While he is busy in the boot, I open my
gift bag. My God. This man lives to make blush.
He bought me an iPhone 14. Worse, it hasn’t
been long since he bought me the 13 model.
This is the first relationship where I have been
spooled this much. He also bought me a
luxurious black handbag. I open it to find a lot
of cash stacked inside. He chooses that
moment to renter the car. I turn to look at him
with new years now. I can’t even hold them in.

“Baby, this is too much. What am I going to do

with this money when you make it your life
mission to buy things for me?”
He chuckles. “if I don’t spoil you, then who will?
Besides, this, gifts and all, is my love language.
So let me be, woman.” I lean over and kiss him.
Is there anything called too much love and
affection? I think this will be my cause of death.

I don’t even realise we are driving to his house

until he parks on the driveway which has a few
cars lined up. I think the families have come to
celebrate with us or something along those
lines. I quickly use facial wipes to clean my face
as we walk towards the front door. I am met by
a squealing Mathenji when Makho opens the
door. My friend is jumping up and down with
pure joy and excitement.

“The ring. The ring babe. I wanna see the ring.”

She screams as she pulls my left hand. She
gushes over the silver band and pulls me to a
tight hug. “I am so happy for you, my love.
Congratulations.” No more tears now. I am tired.
“Thank you.”
“Now welcome to your new home. Sorry. I
couldn’t stop myself, but come.” She leads me
to the dining area and as soon as the doors
open, people scream 'SURPRISE!' I nearly run
out. Makho is full of surprises.

“Welcome to your engagement luncheon baby.”

Makho’s voice brings me back to the present
“Thank you, love.” I hug him. I am actually
thanking him for a lot of things but I can’t put
them in words, right now. Maybe tomorrow.
Everything is so beautiful and everyone looks
classy. My parents come to congratulate me
together with my younger siblings. Followed by
the Gumbi family. All this is making me
emotional once again. Is it 'Make Chizoba cry'
day? Because wow.

We move around as he introduces me to his

friends, colleagues, business associates and
even neighbours. Even though I know my face is
puffy From all the crying, I am glad my dress is
not that bad. After all those pleasantries, people
get settled in the two long dinner tables and are
served starters. I am glad there are no formal
speeches and all. I quietly stand up and make
my way to Mawande.

“A word, please.”
“Okay.” She stands up with her bag and I lead
her to the nearest bathroom. “What’s up?” She
asks as soon as I close the door.
“I need some quick make up. Maybe even 10
minutes quickness just to rid of all the
puffiness and oiliness.” She smiles.
“Don’t worry sister in law. I got you.” I sit on the
bench and she starts doing her magic. She
always carry an emergency make up bag. “So
how does it feel to be engaged to the mighty
Makhosonke Gumbi?”

“Still hasn’t sunk in.” I shrug and we both laugh.

“I am happy, beyond happy and overwhelmed by
his love. When he does something, he always
go all out and sometimes I feel guilty because I
don’t know how to reciprocate those actions.
Especially when it comes to gifts.”

“Get him flowers, homemade chocolate,

whiskey, cufflinks and pants. My brother is a
softie and a hopeless romantic. He loves the
cute stuff and is obsessed with cufflinks and
pants. As long as they are expensive and
“Wow. Thank you for that. I once burned his
pants but my actions were justified.” She laughs.

“You are going to be my favourite Gumbi wife.

And I think we are done.” I stand up and look at
my reflection in the mirror. This girl is a miracle
“Thank you so much, babes. This is beautiful.
You are good. Quit singing and acting already.
You know your true calling.”
She giggled. “I will firstly discuss this with my
fiancé and we will see. Who knows? Maybe he
might build me my own MAC. Now let’s go back
before they send a search party for us.”

We head out just in time to see Makho asking

one of the waiters about me.
“Hey. Have you seen my fiancé? She is the most
beautiful woman here. A melanin queen. She
has on this gorgeous green dress which is
showing off her curves and white heels. She is
yay tall and has a bright platinum ring on her
finger.” I giggle and he turns towards us. He
starts walking to me. “Thank God. I thought you
had run away from me or something.”

I smile. “Never. You’re stuck with me forever,

bhuti.” He laughs and hugs me. My Rasta cutie.

-------THE END-------

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