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Mackenzie, R - METATRON This Is The Healing Book (2014) - Libgen - Li

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This is the Healing Book

Copyright © 2014, Robbie Mackenzie
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means — whether auditory, graphic,
mechanical, or electronic — without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in
critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

Front cover image courtesy of the Hubble Space telescope.
Greetings! Welcome! I am Lord Metatron, the Angelic presence that
encompasses the Universe. We bring you this second book with Joy, with
Love, with Peace, with Power. Awakening you to the understanding of your
Majestic presence. As individualised beings of God. In this incarnation for
you, you understand the way that you have moved forward and you have
learned many lessons and as lightworkers you have wanted to heal the
world. When you first awoke this was the only thing that you wanted.
You must understand that the most powerful way to awaken the World is
to awaken yourself fully, wholly and completely without judgement of
anybody. Purifying your vessels, cleansing, partaking of pure food,
exercising, praying, meditating, and being at your core centre that you
embody God. That you are God and as God you can heal anything for you
understand that everything is perfect and all around you Flowers, all around
you is lifted up in your presence. This is the greatest goal of the
The healing of all will happen. All must go through the lessons that they
need for their soul but this Planet is accelerating in its ascension, is
accelerating in its purification, is accelerating in its evolution and you are
here to facilitate this Dear Ones. Understand the Power that you have.
Cleanse, meditate, purify, pray. Be at one with yourself - be ready.
In this Book we will show you what you need to do in order to bring your
vibration to the Point of purity that you may heal Mentally, Emotionally,
Physically, Spiritually, and you may be Healers to One and All. Just being
in your presence will be Healing, will be calming, will take you to the next
level of understanding who you are. Do not judge, merely absorb the lesson.
Be at one with Yourself, We Love you and we are here with you, guiding
this, guiding you always and loving you always.
Over the course of this book we are going to infuse you with Intergalactic
energies that you will be Glowing by the end of this book. If you approach
it with humility you will learn the lesson, you will take these lessons on and
you will Glow with Light, with Love, with healing, with Purity. We know
each and every one of you that is reading this Book right now and we Love
you all. Be at Peace, be ready, imbibe the Lessons that we give you and you
will be jumping for Joy. You will be rejoicing in this understanding. We
love you - you are ready. I am Archangel Metatron and I love you.

I am the Channel that Spirit used to bring this information down. It has been
my great honour and privilege to be a part of this project.
I developed as a medium in a meditation circle years ago. I didn’t
know about ascension or any of the New Age stuff before I developed, but I
always felt that there was something else in life that I should be doing.
Since learning how to channel, my life has become much better, and
I am often astounded by the stuff that comes out. The process is simple - I
go into a meditative state and I feel a great loving presence and hear a
phrase repeated over and over. As soon as I hear the phrase, I let it repeat a
few times so I know it is not just my inner dialogue, and then repeat it.
After that I just keep on talking and sometimes can still be talking half an
hour later.
This is all recorded and afterwards I transcribe it. This whole book
was written this way, and it has been wonderful to feel the bliss that the
high vibration brings. I have learned a lot from this whole process and my
life is much better for it. I hope that reading this book brings you as much
joy and understanding as it has done for me.
This is the second Book I have been asked to bring down for
Metatron. The first is ‘Metatron, this is the Clarion Call’. It is available on

Best wishes,
Robbie Mackenzie

I am Archangel Metatron, I bring you the healing book. Following this

instruction fully you will become a divine healer. This is the beginning of
the Metatron tradition. I give this legacy to you. This begins an open
energy, an open dialogue to your core energy, your source energy, your
God-self, your Angelic presence. You must understand this illusion that you
have created, how to transform it, how to subtly manipulate the energy for
maximum health, for maximum vitality and for maximum joy. You all have
this core energy dear ones. I am helping you transform, helping you open
up to an understanding of your wider selves, that is all that healing is. I am
bringing you to your at-one-ment with the Universe.
We start this journey with your mental body. For your understanding as
individualised beings of your creation starts with your mental body. With
your thoughts you make the World. You make the Universe. You have
created all that is here in this three dimensional World. You are going to
stop struggling. For it is in your struggle that you feel ill at ease with
yourselves and with others. Coming to the centre point with your mental
direction you will connect with everything. With your four-body system -
Your mental body, your emotional body, your spiritual body and your
physical body.
Peace, this is where the zero point of your source energy is. It is not good,
nor bad, it is pure energy. Understanding the power of your thoughts will be
to understand what you are about to create.

This is the first infusion of Metatronic energy

Be ready and be calm as you accept this energy within your vessel. You
shall feel this. This is the first of the infusions I am giving you directly.
Be in a quiet calm place where you will not be disturbed. Sit comfortably.
Put your hands into the prayer position and close your eyes. Regulate your
Accept this first transmission of light
This is your zero point energy. Feel this energy
flowing through you
The pages of this book are being infused with this divine energy. This first
exercise is very important. This first connection, Feel this energy for this
sets the scene for your learning, for your attunement, for your
understanding, for your awareness. This is the most important moment in
this book. This is pulling together your four-body system. Allowing you to
be ready for all that is to come.
It is important that once you have read through this that you sit and you
allow my energies to come through you, infusing you. This is raising your
vibration. This energetic connection will connect you to all others that are
reading this book. Infusing you with Metatronic energy.
Breathe and accept this light. Receive this purity -
receive this truth
As you feel this infusion your clarity is going to expand more and more,
your visions, your dreams and great expansion. Accept this energy, accept
this flow, you are being brought into your mastery. Allow yourself to get
lost in this energy. Do not worry about the timeline. Let all worries go, relax
into the flow. You are at the perfect point in your spiritual evolution to
accept this energy. This is your first initiation.
In order to become clear you must put yourselves in the hands of the
heavenly hierarchy, for we are overseeing humanities transition and
evolution, your spiritual evolution, mental, emotional and physical
evolution. You are changing dear ones and the higher vibration babies you
are giving birth to, many are coming in already switched on, already opened
up. All the old paradigms are breaking down and you are walking into a
brave new World. We love you and we are here with you. You will become
clear, clear individuals.
These transmissions of light that we give you must be fully integrated in
your life. As you walk forward in society you do not have to preach at all.
You have to embrace and embody these new energies, these vibrant
energies of healing and you will become healed, you will become whole,
you will become holy, this is what holy means, it means whole, complete
and integrated Human beings - the next stage of your evolution. The more
you heal, the more you awaken, the more telepathic you become and your
mental body will expand more and more as you connect to all the
individuals surrounding you that are of a higher vibration. This is linking
you to the worldwide grid on your Planet. The more you open up to this the
more you will be freed. Your old ways of acting will drop off as you
embody the bliss, as you embody the love, as you embody the truth of
The heavenly hierarchy and the Galactic council are overseeing this
whole endeavour. We are giving you exactly what you need at this time dear
ones. Do not over complicate things in your minds; rather see things for
what they are. Face and embrace your filter system so that you may clear it
from all the negatives that were given you from birth to your awakening.
All the negative attitudes, all the things that happened to you that made you
feel off centre that made you feel unworthy, that made you feel different.
You are the next stage of humanity. You are the next stage of the evolution
of mankind. Therefore appreciate yourself. Face your filter system within
your mental body. Understand what you have been given in your religious,
societal and familial conditions. Review what you have been given, review
old prejudices, review old biases. For in dealing with your mental body, in
dealing with your filter system, in clearing this away, taking away the
debris, you are in effect decanting yourself so that there is no sediment left.
This is leading to a clear mind. As we give you the transmissions of light, as
you open up to this purity, we subtly change your consciousness so that you
are not affected anymore by the old patterns and belief systems that have
held you down and have stopped you from being free. This work with this
book in tandem with you opening your merkaba will free you to do be and
have whatever you want and will allow you in the presence of others to help
them clear their mental bodies.
We encourage you to write down your conditions. For you to review all
that has happened to you in this incarnation. For you to face it and for you
to clear it so that you may move onto the next stage and be cleared human
We deal with your mental body first because this is the point at which
you create your reality. This is the point at which your mighty imagination
brings you in tandem with your level of vibration, what you create. The law
of attraction is much misunderstood and it is true that with your thoughts
you create the World however the reality you experience is dependant upon
your level of vibration for how quickly you manifest. For at a lower
vibration you are subject to other sentient beings vibration and creation.
When your mental body is clear and when you have raised your vibration
you can create whatever you want. When you understand this sliding scale
of creation you will understand why when you have tried to put the law of
attraction into action you have wondered why it has not worked for you
were thinking the right things but you were not believing fully that it would
happen and you did not raise your vibration to the point of bliss. When you
raise your vibration to the zero point of bliss things are created very quickly
in your reality. This is an important point to ponder. For when you
understand this and when you really want to create the reality that you want
to have you will put in the effort. Not only to create with your mind but to
be in the centre point of bliss. For it is this love, it is this bliss that is the
powerhouse of your creation. This is the key to your mastery; this is the key
to you transforming everything with your mental body. This is the key to
you healing completely and this is the key to you healing others.
As you come to stillness, as you clear your mind, you will understand that
everything is a reflection of your consciousness, of your imagination.
Everything that has ever been and everything that will ever be is a reflection
of your imagination, of your consciousness. All the different traditions,
religious and spiritual traditions are all true, within their own paradigm of
understanding. But understand that this is your imagination and your
imagination is very powerful as you create this three dimensional reality.
This is a holographic projection of your imagination. The collective
holographic presentation that we have made as a collective is very real and
what you create within this holographic representation once you still your
mind will be up to you. Coming to a point of complete non judgement,
coming to a point of complete understanding of your creational abilities is
coming to the understanding of your healing abilities within this paradigm
of creation.
Once you clear your mind, once you clear your filter system, once you
work in tandem with your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies
you will be in the place of the peace that passes understanding. This is the
place of no mind. This encompasses all of creation. It is the everything and
it is the nothing. It is, as above, so below. It is the point where you are the
centre. You are the seed, you are the action and you are the fruit. This is the
most powerful form of awareness, this is expanded consciousness and this
encompasses all time and all of creation. In your individualised vessels
when you come to this understanding, when you experience it, you are
ready to create and from this place you are ready to heal.
From the limited perspective of disease in human kind you look upon
disease and you see the suffering that it entails but you persist with the
structures of thought that have created this disease and allow yourself to be
stuck in a negative paradigm of experience. This will completely change
when you come to your zero point.
Relax; be open and ready to receive the next
download of energy
This download will help clear the visions of your linear past that have stood
in your way from being at peace. Sit quietly, ready, close your eyes and sit
in a comfortable position. Feel the energy come upon you. All the visions
that you are going to see in your third eye, allow them to flow through you,
take a step back from them and watch as a spectator as if you are in a
cinema, watch. This is the overview of energy and it is transforming you.
Sit, be quiet, and allow me to give you exactly what you need. This is tailor
made for your individualised vessel. Relax; allow it to come through you.
Be open and receive
We give you these downloads to bring you into alignment with your divine
self. For in your divine state you are completely healed, completely pure,
completely at your centre. These downloads are more of an opening up. It is
you coming into your divine focus, it is coming into your divine truth, it is
coming into the understanding of you as your God self.
Your understanding of healing is going to expand and extend. For once
you understand that as a divine healer the greatest work that you can do for
others is to work on your self. Your mental, emotional, spiritual and
physical bodies are very important. Your medicine concentrates on the
physical body. We will leave this body till later in this book. This is very
important for you to understand what the make up of your physical vessel
is. You understand it as an upgrade as you upgrade your computers and
your operating system becomes more efficient and you can access more
technology. With these downloads you will have all the software that you
will ever need to heal yourself and to heal others. To bring them into
alignment with their divine selves. Once you assimilate these concepts you
will be open more and more to what is happening within your vessels.
This next download we give you is to descend the bliss into your four-
body system. It is important that once you have had this download that you
drink water. This transformation overall completely, if you follow this book
to the word, will happen gradually over a seven week period. You will feel
yourself coming more into alignment with peace, with the purity of your
own self.
Relax; be open and receive this download

This is the bliss download. This is the centre place of your heart chakra.
Allow and absorb this. Feel this awakening within you. The centre point of
your heart opening up, breathe, allow. This is the most important download.
From this place, centred within your heart you are able to access all the
healing for your four-body system. This is the bridge to the emotional body.
This is the download that will affect you on the most profound level. That
will expand out to your whole physical experience. For this place of love is
the greatest healing place of all. Allow the tears to flow as this download
affects you. Allow yourself to be immersed in this divine centre, this divine
love. Breathe in this peace. Breathe in this love.
The healing energy that you emit when you come into your power and the
peace that you will embody will be very calming and very peaceful, very
healing for people and you will come to peace with yourself completely. As
a diviner healer understand that you are merely a channel for spirit. You are
a channel for the healing energies. So as you let go fully more and more to
the Metatronic healing power you are healed more and more. You are given
more and more bliss, you are opened up to a whole new world of peace, a
whole new world of power.
This three dimensional world is made through your merkaba, was created
through the power of the divine energy. As you connect more and more to
the Metatron, as you connect more and more to my healing power, you
begin to embody the Metatron. This is something that you can all do dear
ones. This is not putting Metatron above you or you below Metatron. This
is your higher self, this is the truth of the Universe and is a point of your
consciousness that when you reach you begin to embody these powerful
healing energies, these powerful creational energies. You rise above your
lower selves and you open to divine bliss. This is you giving you the gift;
this is you giving you this peace. The next stage of your awareness, the next
stage of your powerful healing is to come to this understanding.
We encourage your purification, we encourage you eating pure food,
drinking lots of water, meditating regularly and accepting the downloads of
Metatronic energy. We encourage you to do this regularly and as you clear
your bodies, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual your understanding
of what you are here to do, of what your divine mission is. Of the bliss that
pulls you in the direction of your own excitement from moment to moment
will become more obvious and instead of being a slave to other peoples
opinions, different patterns from your Parents, from your society, from your
religious backgrounds will fade away as you come into your power and you
appreciate your worthiness. This is you coming into your healed selves; this
is you coming into your whole selves as you walk the holy path. As a divine
awake healer, a divine awake individual your life will become more
exciting and yet more peaceful. Moment to moment you will heal everyone
that is around you.
This next download is to open up and awaken your divine Kundalini, your
divine sexuality. This will take away the shame, the negativity and all
detrimental effects that have been put upon your consciousness through
society, through religion, through your familial understanding. This will
help clear your filter system and bring you into your divine God/Goddess
selves that you may embrace your sexuality and that your kundalini will
rise through your base chakra up to your crown chakra. And you may feel
the flow of energy and not waste it in disrespect or negativity and will help
you honour this for yourself and for all others that you come into contact
with in a sexual way.
Your sexuality is a gift from the Universe, it is a wonderful and powerful
healing tool when understood correctly to help Mankind free themselves
from the bondage that they have been under for millennia. All the abuse
that has happened, all the pain that has been inflicted has been because as a
species you have manipulated and misled each other to the belief that your
sexual connections are wrong, are unholy, are sinful, even believing that sin
is what created you in the physical. This is not the truth dear ones, you are
sexual beings and once you embrace this within your vessels no matter
what your orientation is, once you embrace yourself you will help the world
be more at ease with themselves and all the pain that has come out of these
negative concepts will be released.
As you begin to understand the power of your sexual energy as it flows
through your body instead of merely understanding it from a physical
perspective of genital excitement. When you understand and honour this
your Kundalini will be free to flow and your power to heal others, to free
others, to awaken others and to embody the bliss of your own sexuality will
multiply your powers of healing.
This download is very powerful
Be open to receive this
As we give you this download we open up your base chakra, fully open. Be
at peace with everything that happens around your genitals at this time. Do
not be in fear - embrace it. As this download continues the energy will rise
up through your sacral chakra, through your solar plexus to your heart. Your
expanded awareness from your heart to your genitals will be fully accepted
as you embrace this download. From your heart the energy rises through
your throat chakra, through your third eye, through your crown chakra
connecting you to all the soul mates that you are meant to be in contact with
that will honour your sexuality that will respect your vessel and will respect
your mission and what you are here for.
There is an excitement surrounding this download such as you have never
experienced before opening your kundalini and this flow awakens you to
the new humanity of love and trust and divine sexuality. With this download
we increase the power. This download is deeply connected to your
emotional body. This will take down all the barriers and will allow you to
be in a flow state. Breathe deeply and embrace what is going on in your
vessel just now.

Open to receive this download fully

We bring you the light; we bring you the full quotient of the light within
your vessel. As you open up as divine healers you will feel this light come
upon you more and more until you fully embody the light. This healing
book is a book for your healing personally, for you healing others in their
four-body system and it is also a book for healing the World, for becoming
the beacons of healing, of light, of the truth of your core centre. As you
embody this light more and more in tandem with you opening your
merkaba you walk forward as masters of light, of love. And the reward for
this is pure bliss. You are creating new paradigms on this Earth. Clearing
the complications of negative dogma and doctrine from the past. Changing
the consciousness of the World. The balance of light has already tipped in
the favour of the new opening consciousness. In your linear understanding
of time this happened at the Winter solstice in 2012. It is a subtle change
but the balance has been tipped towards an opening awakening truthful
understanding with Humanities curiosity and acceptance and feeling that
good things are ahead for your species.
All that would entrap and ensnare Mankind are a small minority and it has
seemed in the past as if they were the Elephant and the people striving for
truth were a gnat on their back. But the truth is that the people who would
enslave mankind in all the different ways that they are trying to right now in
your linear time are beginning to understand that they are the gnat and you
are the Elephant.
All you have to do as divine healers is bathe in your own bliss and create
the paradigm that you want for your own life. Letting go of all negativity.
Not feeding into the concept of the big bad wolf or the Illuminati,
entrapping you and enslaving mankind.
This next download we give you is for this Global transformation as divine
healers, as divine lightworkers. This download will open up your
compassion towards those that will try to enslave mankind. So that there is
no opposition, that there is no duality. This will help raise them to their
highest good and that the power they hold and resources that they have may
be used for the good of Mankind to bring this Planet into a Utopia. For this
is where you are headed dear ones. You are moving forward in the right
direction. This download will help this greatly. It will clear away all fear of
these people that do not have the collectives good at heart.
Be open and receive this download
As you assimilate these Galactic energies your whole body will start to
tingle. Your whole body will start to vibrate with excitement at the higher
resonance; the higher vibration and you will begin to see things changing in
your own lives, the lives of those around you and the vibration of the World
in general. You are becoming Galactic citizens. This book will help bridge
the gap between you and the Galactic council and will allow you to feel
connected to the many different beings all over the Universe that sit in the
Galactic council. And will allow you to feel comfortable within this new
paradigm of understanding that is coming upon your vessels.
You have made many leaps and bounds in your consciousness over the
last hundred years. Your transportation has changed gradually. Your
communication has changed gradually. And in this new millennia, in your
linear understanding of time your transportation and communication is
changing even more rapidly. When you master your merkabas you will
understand that you can go wherever you want in the Universe with your
consciousness and as you open up with the help of this book your
communication will expand telepathically and you will understand the
different levels of vibration that are on your Planet at the moment. You are
complete within your vessels. This is one of the most healing concepts that
you will come to the understanding of. That there is nothing inherently
wrong with you and though things may seem faulty within your vessels
from time to time. Everything can be healed completely, totally and
unequivocally. With this book, with these downloads and a fully open
merkaba and with the transformation of consciousness. A complete and
unequivocal healing will occur.
While one is suffering on your Earth plane all are suffering. But this is
just a stage of your consciousness. And for you to bring this World into the
physical Utopia that it will become you must realize and visualise this as
already here.
Grounding yourself is important as these Galactic energies come upon you.
As you open up and as you move forward into your Galactic citizenship, as
you fully heal these vessels you spread the understanding and you spread
the awareness everything will become apparent as the bliss descends upon
you. And as you open up your vessels you will start to see things from a
clearer perspective. Fear will no longer be in the equation, as you will
understand you are eternal beings, ever evolving, ever changing.
You have been at a plateau stage for some time. Now is the time for you
to go to the next level, for you to embrace the capabilities of your individual
vessels. The limitations that have been put upon you by society, by your
family structures and by those who would hold you down in this society are
being taken off. You are being opened up so you can fly dear ones. All the
joy that you can embody is yours for the taking.
Never before has your Planet been able to communicate the way that it
can do now and as your communication moves forward more telepathically
you will be able to treat with compassion those who are not ready for this
upgrade and you will be drawn to those who will help you fulfil your
missions. For those who are in a lower vibration consciousness are
individualised in their effectiveness. Those who are opening up to the new
consciousness are unified and connected in the Christ grid. Are open to the
guidance and the joining together which is a multiplication of your
individual power. Not only will you feel more powerful but you will also
see the evidence of this throughout humanity.
Grounding yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually is
very important. Your visualisations will become much more powerful as
you open up the capabilities within your mental body.
This next download is for you to ground fully into Gaia, your Mother Earth
and for you to open up and connect fully with your Galactic tribe. As you
accept this download you will feel the energy going from your heart to the
centre of Earth. You will feel all the love going to Mother Earth, right to the
centre. She is alive with consciousness and she loves you. As all this energy
goes down to Mother Earth from your heart chakra it also goes up to the all
that is, to everything else in your physical dimensions.
This download is an upgrade which will make all your endeavours much
more successful. Will help you embrace everything that is going on within
your vessel and will help you embrace the next stages as the downloads
become much more powerful.
Be open and receive this download

Once this is assimilated fully within your vessel your acceptance will be
complete and you will be open to the fireworks that will start to emanate
from your body in an energetic fashion. This download anchors you fully
for your Galactic mission. Once you have read through this, drink some
water, get into prayer position and allow.
This is the halfway point and after this download is complete the intensity
will multiply. Your bliss will multiply and your understanding of reality will
be changed forever.

Be open and receive this upgrade

From here on in you will only be able to read past this point and fully
assimilate the information in the downloads after you have fully integrated
the first downloads that have happened so far. Understand dear ones, this
book is an initiation for you to become fully open and integrated Human
beings with your DNA fully opened, your aura clear, your filter system
cleared, your Kundalini ignited, awakened and raised with your openness to
walk into a whole new world and fully embrace your potential.
When we say you are becoming clear we mean that all falsehood is
disappearing as you come into your natural selves, as you flower as
individuals. As your higher self becomes your lower self, as you become
your source energy, as the essence of you opens up you become more
whole, complete and clear from all the lies that you have been told and all
the manipulations and subversions of the truth fade away. You come into
your confidence as embodiments of love. For that is the truth of your being,
it is no more complicated than this dear ones, you are love, this is your
As you join together with the people who you love in this incarnation you
are joining with people who remind you of your true self. But the truth is
this is all an illusion dear ones. All are love at their core and so the more
clear you become the more you see this within others and the more you see
this within others the more it affects the vibration of the World. For as you
do to one you do to all. As you do to another you do to yourself. So the
benefit of becoming clear has a ripple effect for the rest of the World. The
most important thing within your experience is that you come to this
understanding yourself as an individualised being. From this place of bliss,
from this place of understanding, from this place of peace all healing
becomes very effective. Those who you will heal as a divine healer do not
have to understand these concepts in order to be affected by your higher

The next part of this book is going to concentrate on your physical vessel
and give you the tools as divine healers to be able to affect healings that
will heal the individuals that you will be consciously laying your hands
upon. In order to heal others effectively you must begin with yourself and
feel the sensations of healing that come through your body for yourself.
This next exercise requires your physical participation
Sit in a comfortable place, on the floor would be preferable, on a cushion so
that you are comfortable.
Sit with your back straight
Put your feet together, bending your knees so your soles are touching and
your legs apart
Put your hands over your heart
This is a transmission of light codes for healing
Stage one – For healing yourself
Regulate your breathing
Allow these light codes to come through you
Individuals have their own light codes therefore in this place open your
mind and allow these light codes to come upon you.
I am transmitting this directly to you for stage one of physical healing.
Breathe and embrace this
As you absorb the light codes take your hands from your heart
and place them on your feet
For each individual there will be a different sensation. Embrace your own.
You are like snowflakes dear ones, all individual merkabas and so the
experience of this will be different for all.
Embrace the tingling sensations.
Move your hands to your calves
Feel the energy that is being encoded into your physical vessel right now.
Move your hands to your knees
You are building and anchoring your lightbody and healing on a cellular
Move your hands to your thighs
As you feel the power of this healing keep moving your hands through your
First to your base chakra
Then to your sacral chakra
To your solar plexus
And to your heart
Remain at your heart now as the rest of the download is
encoded upon you
Your higher three chakras are open and flowing all the information through
to your heart chakra. Your lightbody is being fully rebuilt, your cellular
memory is being restored and your body is being replenished.
Your breath is being regulated now
Metatrons cube is fully opening up in your heart
You are at the centre point of creation
You are the zero point
This evolutionary step is a conscious one. As you open up more and more
your physical vessels will feel the lightness of being that comes from being
fully open in your four body system. So much has weighed you down in
this incarnation and so much is weighing others down. As you come to this
lightness of being do not be afraid. Allow the energy to flow through you.
You will take away the heaviness from others just by being in their presence
and as you give them a formal healing, when you lay your hands upon them
the codes of light will be transmitted from your hands. You are being lit up
dear ones, freed completely.
This awakening is happening all over the Globe to differing degrees and as
you embrace your mission you further accelerate everybody’s growth.

Stage two in the physical healing process

Transmitting the codes of light
It has to be a cooperation dear ones for there has to be an acceptance within
your vessels. If people wish to experience pain, suffering and disease for
their soul journey it is not your place to affect a healing. This is a healing
statement within itself for when you understand that everything is perfect
and the growth of the universe is happening in complete divine timing,
these experiences will benefit you greatly.
As you connect with another individual physically. Sit together, facing
each other in a comfortable position. Place each other’s right hand flat
on each other’s left hand.
Feel the flow of energy connect you
Feel your breath synchronising
Feel your Merkabas synching
At your hearts see Metatrons cube
Spinning in sync
Allow the download of energy
Allow the person to lie down in a comfortable position. Always asking for
Place your hands at the person’s feet
Allow the transmission of the codes of light to
I will guide you from this point as you intuitively move from the feet to
the calves, to the thighs, to the side of the buttocks with both hands.
Moving through all chakras till you get to the Crown chakra. When
you are at the Crown chakra the greatest download will begin.
Allow the energy to flow through you
At this point you may feel all the ailments that the person you are
healing is feeling. Allow yourself to absorb this and it will dissipate.
Advise the person to drink lots of water and to not eat any animal products,
preferably indefinitely but for an effective healing for at least 48 hours.
You do not have to try to affect a healing. You are
being a channel for this energy. All you have to do
is allow.
As divine healers you must consider your nutrition. What you put in your
body is very important. Within your species more than half of your diseases
are caused by what you eat. Eating other sentient beings is not good for
your vibration for many different reasons. You absorb the vibration from
the animal on several different levels. The final energy of fear that these
animals experience in feeling and understanding that they are going to their
death is absorbed in their cellular memory. You cannot cook this vibration
out. Although you can cook out a lot of the damaging things that would
harm your body immediately through cooking you cannot cook out the
vibration of the animal. Not only this final time before slaughter that is
embedded in their consciousness are you imbibing but you are also taking
on the nature of the animals that you are eating. This is not good for your
vibration. It is confusing to your vessels and is part of the reason why you
as a species have not come to peace. Without considering this, without
accepting responsibility for what you are taking into your vessel you will
not be able to rise to the highest vibration of your healing capabilities. Once
you do you will see a marked difference in the clarity of your mind, in your
vibration, in your four-body system. Giving up animal products does not
only heal your vessel and help you become a more effective healer but it
helps the world and helps break down the systems that are in place right
now that are forcing a fear vibration over the whole of humanity. Not only
this but in giving up animal products you will be helping the world towards
economic freedom. This is the most important thing as divine healers that
you will actively do to heal yourselves, to heal others and to heal the planet,
Do not take this point lightly for the majority of things that need healed will
be healed by this simple act once it is embraced by the whole of humanity.
This is where your species are heading as you understand the nature of
disease and you make the commitment to really heal the world, to really
heal others and to really heal yourself. This is not a point that can be
ignored. As you begin to embrace a plant based diet your vibration will
raise rapidly. The majority of sensitive’s that are at this point in this book
already understand this but for the ones who have not do not fool
yourselves into believing that this does not matter and that you can heal
effectively whilst embracing the suffering of other sentient beings. Things
are changing rapidly dear ones. Commit yourself to this process.

Be at peace with yourself as you embrace the many different sentient beings
from all over the Universe that are surrounding your planet right now. Many
different species that have been around for millennia that have been around
for billions of years, that evolved long before you did and that have been
watching you with great interest. The older the civilisation the more
benevolent they are and there are many ancient civilisations that are
connecting now to your consciousness, helping you telepathically, helping
you move into your power, helping you embrace your peace, giving you
technology and showing you the different options for your species to move
Part of the transformation of consciousness is understanding that you
have these beautiful benevolent souls as allies and the ones that are here on
a healing mission only wish to help you see how you can bring effective
healing into your lives and how you can develop as a species in connection
with the different realms, the different dimensions, the different planetary
resources that you have at your fingertips but have not been at a sufficient
space within your consciousness to be able to utilise this or even grasp these
The linear time in your species evolution has arrived and there is a
sufficient amount of like-minded souls in your species ready to embrace
Embracing your metatronic energy is embracing the core of the Universe
and bringing you into sufficient autonomy as sovereign beings of light to
understand that you have the power within you to connect and that you are
ready to understand your true nature. We are giving you the blessing of the
understanding of your interconnected interdependence with all living beings
from all over this Universe and also the connection to the different
dimensions that will benefit you as you evolve into oneness as a species.
This next download is a communications package. A tuning dial if you will.
To give you the capabilities to connect directly, each and every one of you,
not only with souls who are physically incarnated in this universe but souls
from many different universes in many different dimensions. This is a
download to awaken your antenna if you will and this download will
sensitize your whole being.
Relax and embrace this download
This tuning dial will connect you directly to the Galactic council. Will show
you the template for humanities evolution and give you the confidence to
know you are not alone in the universe and that the majority of extra
terrestrial civilisations wish to embrace you now as a species as your
quarantine is over and you are being embraced with open arms by the many
different cultures and civilisations that look upon you very fondly from all
over the universe. Your lights are shining dear ones.
Do not fear these connections, they are benevolent and your lives will be
enriched from these connections. Your technology will take leaps and
bounds and as your scientists and engineers open up their antenna the world
will be healed more rapidly and you will understand what true harmony is.
Your understanding of time is changing. As you fully sit in the centre place
at the zero point within your Metatrons cube in your merkaba you open up
to the understanding of time being always one. When you fully assimilate
this concept your experience of life will change dramatically as you
understand you can affect the World around you and you can access all the
technology from the future and correct the mistakes of the past as you see it
in your understanding. This is a very healing thing for you understand that
you create yourself from moment to moment and that everything in the
universe is morphable. As a creator being fully in your mastery you create
the reality that you want to have.
The downloads we have given you so far have affected your four body
system and have helped you within the paradigm of existence that you have
created as a species. This next download will bring you fully into the zero
point; will give you complete access to the zero point energy that you may
experience ‘no time’ and will open up your control of your merkaba so that
you can control it more efficiently. Understand that these downloads are to
be used in tandem with you opening your merkaba.
Regulate your breathing as you accept this download
Hold at the bottom of your breath
Hold at the top of your breath
As you experience this download you will be given symbols that
will appear like yantras in your third eye as you fully embrace this
Concentrate on these symbols
Concentrate on your breath
Your intent is very important as a healer. As you heal peoples four body
systems what is being healed is not always very apparent. Being in your
presence after you have assimilated all these downloads fully and
completely and once you have opened your merkaba with you accepting the
place within you that is completely healing you will heal people on many
different levels. The emotional body will be balanced out while in your

The old paradigm of friendship will drop as you come into more mastery of
your energy. Others will rise to you and seek your company. You must be
discerning in this for as healers and lightworkers you are here yes to heal
them and to help them but you must understand that while they are using
you as their source they are not embodying their own power. So you are
here first to help them plug in and to stay separate. This is showing
unconditional love, this is empowering. Bringing them into their mastery
without having your energy leached. This is a very important point we
mention right now. As you have reached this point in the book you are
ready to open fully and assimilate all the Galactic energies that we are
going to put through you, that you are going to start to flow with for the rest
of your life. As your life becomes a symphony of joy, of peace, of
tranquillity, of excitement and it does not matter what others are doing. You
must not concentrate on what others are doing or judging them at all for this
is your creation now. You are in the centre flow, you are connecting to the
Galactic council and you are connecting to all the other beings who are in
their sovereign state and as you in your sovereign state are more
compassionate to the plight of others yes this is true however in
understanding to help them heal, to help them come into their sovereignty is
to allow them to make their mistakes, to allow them to suffer.
This is your magic carpet ride; this is you embracing the next stage of
your consciousness, the next stage of your joy. As divine healers you are
not here to fix any situation, you are here to create new situations, create a
whole new paradigm of existence.
The more you move into your complete mastery, your complete
sovereignty the more you will find that people will be healed just by
touching you and by you touching them. Your distance healing will become
much more effective. You will recognize other healers on their path

In this next part of the book we are connecting you to the divine healers all
over the Universe. You are part of a team now and all the healers who have
passed the ring pass not will help facilitate you in your healing endeavours.
It does not matter where they are from for they understand that we are all
one. Some of these beings may be from trillions of light years away. As you
connect to more advanced healers, advanced civilisations that are nowhere
near this Universe physically you connect to them telepathically,
This next connection is an active download and meditation in one. For
this download/meditation you must stand with your legs slightly apart
and your hands crossed over your heart chakra. Moving your hips
from side to side and swivelling them around clockwise and anti
Regulate your breathing
Keep moving your hips round and round
Holding onto your heart chakra
Now spread your arms out to your side
Tilt your head back - still swivelling your hips
Regulate your breathing
As you move a beam of light will descend that will go all the way
through you. Keep moving as you accept this.
We are connecting you energetically to all the healing teams from all over
the multiverse in this physical Universe and in all the different dimensions.
You are connecting into the multiversal agreement between all healers that
is purely benevolent.
Accept this connection
Come to stillness in your physical vessel. Put your hands down halfway and
feel yourself connecting to all the healers that are surrounding your planet
at the moment. Your hands are connecting as you are holding their hands.
The many different humans you are connecting in this way and the many
different species that are connecting to you, lending their support at this
time. Opening up the consciousness of mankind, healing your species
completely. Facilitating the eradication of all the negatives that have
plagued your society. Bringing you into an understanding of your oneness
with your hearts all over the globe. As you embrace all the beings
surrounding your planet and all the other human healers they are now
raising the vibration in connection and communication with you. You are
accepting the multiversal agreement of selflessness and service.
Repeat this statement of intent
I _________ accept my responsibility as a divine healer in selfless
connection to all that need help in the evolution of mankind in the
transformation of this planet. I connect to all the divine healers in the
multiverse of all of creation. I accept and allow all the divine
technology from all the different advanced civilisations that I am
connecting with now. I accept the flow of the Universe within me now
and my purpose to affect healings and to facilitate miracles is upon me.
So be it, Amen.
Put your hands back upon your heart chakra and relax in the bliss of
the new connections you have made in this physical universe and in all
the multiverse that you are now connected to consciously.
Your vessels are changing dear ones. You are becoming more and more
sensitive to each other’s vibrations. As you open up to the power within
you, the healing power, the transformational energy within you you come
closer to your source. As you come closer to your source you transform
your reality.
This time on the Earth plane is perfect for your transformation. You are
ready as a species to take this next leap into your understanding and your
cooperation with each other. The old ways you have communicated
energetically are dying out. They have to for your survival as a species. The
new paradigms of awareness and awakening are being spread far and wide.
We are opening you to your conscious healing, your most definite mental
understanding. We are connecting you into the frequencies of light that will
help your mental telepathy and will help you to heal others mentally. For
there are many who are going through self-deception and addiction who are
trying to drown out the pain because they are sensitive’s. Sensitive to all
around them and the societal paradigms that you have put on each other and
put yourselves down as being weak. You do not want to show each other
how weak you are so in your mental understanding you prove how strong
you are through the ingestion of substances and laugh. It is this fear of
ridicule and not wanting to be an outcast in your society that has caused
many in your species to self-destruct. There are a myriad of different
reasons but the main one is the disconnection to your spirit.
As we empower your mental body and tune you into the frequencies of
light these things will not affect you anymore, as you will see them for what
they are and you will not feed into these deceptions. Not only will this not
affect you but you will be able to change the mental frequency of those who
need healed and helped and brought onto a more powerful path within
As a species you are very susceptible to autosuggestion and there are those
who take advantage of this to keep you dumbed down to your television
sets through giving you false propaganda and helping to keep you asleep.
You have had an analogy of this in your film ‘The Matrix’ which is
embedded in your consciousness. Rather than this being a literal
understanding of the plot this is an analogy for mankind being hypnotised
by mainstream media that is controlled by those who do not have your best
interests at heart.
As you are unplugged from this hypnotising you come into an awakening
of what is really happening on the Earth plane and at first this may seem
overwhelming but this is all perfect dear ones. For the control systems that
are in place are being broken down and truth will be sought by each and
every one of you who comes out of this trance. And the truth will set you
free dear ones.
You are more powerful than you have been led to believe and your ability
to heal is much stronger than you have been led to believe also. Even many
of your physicians do not understand your healing power as they are being
trained to deal with your symptoms instead of the root cause of your
problems. The understanding of medicine will take leaps and bounds the
more and more of you that awaken and the more that vibrational energy and
healing are integrated into your medicinal paradigms.
Do not misunderstand us – the majority of doctors who take your
Hippocratic oath are very eager to heal and to help but the majority of that
system in its current paradigm is based upon the selling of drugs instead of
the understanding of well-being.
This is changing dear ones, as you take responsibility for your own
vessels, as you take responsibility for your own vibration, as you take
responsibility for your own light. For the majority of your ailments, the
majority of your physical symptoms will be dealt with when you awaken
and you start to treat your bodies with love and respect. With proper
nutrition, with the understanding of Alkalising and hydration, proper breath
in meditation and the taking away of stress in connecting into your higher
As divine healers, once you have worked on yourselves this is part of your
mission to bring people into their proper understanding of the world and
their power.
Exercise will become paramount in your awakened society. And the
exercising of your brain waves, of the understanding of what that means
and how you can influence others, who are allowing themselves to be in a
low vibration, trapped in a sleeping society, controlled subliminally by
those who only seek to make a profit will become apparent.
Everything is changing dear ones. The next downloads are to bring you into
the vibration of mental calm and will bring you to the point as adepts where
you can affect this mental vibration in all that are surrounding you.
Sit in a comfortable position
Regulate your breathing
Accept this download
As we give you this download the grid of mentally connected beings that
are of a similar vibration to you will become clearer. The flower of life and
its mental vibration is connecting you to all the adepts that are here to
awaken humanity. Here to take them out of this collective hypnotism that is
not benefitting your society.
This is a mental upgrade
Put your hands over your heart chakra
Accept this download
Be at peace
The fact that you are reading this book and have gotten to this point in the
book means that you are of a higher vibration than the majority of humans
walking this planet. The more and more people that absorb this information,
the more and more lightworkers that walk fully onto this path will join you.
For all are love at their core dear ones. You have accessed your love and
have an open understanding that something has to be done consciously to
bring this planet’s vibration to the point where the whole world will heal.
Not all that are reading this book will get to this point for not all are ready
for the transformational energies that will bring you into the more multi
dimensional awareness that the downloads past this point will facilitate.
This has to happen bit-by-bit dear ones so it is not too overwhelming. The
gentle flow of love that you will give all will be felt by the most asleep, the
most ignorant and even the ones stuck in hatred and violence. Only focus
on love always and their understanding will expand.
The downloads from here on in will expand your conscious awareness of
the flower of life and your multi dimensional self. Hold your heart chakra
as we give you this next download. This will connect you directly into the
power of your Sun in this physical universe. As you connect into the power
of the Sun you will be greatly energised and your body will begin to
vibrate. Do not fear this vibration. This is a very powerful connection. You
are grounded into Mother earth and the connection to the Sun will complete
the physical connection and allow you to start radiating from your heart the
energy of your central Sun. the power of this will change the reactions of
people around you as they will feel your warmth and in your presence your
radiating light will help heal them. It is important that before you fully
absorb this that you fully assimilate the previous downloads as this is a very
powerful point in this book and you may find yourself overwhelmed with
this power. But after fully absorbing this into your heart centre your healing
apprenticeship will be complete and you will move forward as a master.
From this point onwards you will not have any time for anything that
does not serve you, for anything that does not serve your highest good and
for anything that does not serve your mission here on Earth. Your power
will be felt greatly as you embody the Sun. This is what is to be known as a
Sun of God.
Embrace this power dear ones
Allow yourself to glow
Allow yourself to embody your divinity
Embrace your power
Accept your divine path
As you fully embrace this download it is all the fuel you need for your
merkaba. In this place you can affect complete and immediate divine
healing, instant manifestation, bi location, time travel, the power to awaken
those who are sleeping and the power to awaken the masters who are
waiting to be activated. There are many masters in your society who have
not realised who they are yet. The masters are here. You are one of them.
You are the Christ, the Christed ones, embracing your divinity. The World
merkaba is being activated - you are ready for this.
As the World merkaba opens, the vibration of the Planet naturally raises
and the World is brought towards harmony. As this happens all that is not
required must drop off. And so it seems as if the chaos intensifies, the
fighting, the violence, the manipulation, the greed, and the hunger for
power, for domination. It is at this crucial time that those who are here to
raise their vibrations and lift all of mankind through this turbulent time
awaken from the dust. That time has come.
This is the rapture of mankind that has been spoken of. You must not focus
on the chaos, do not subscribe to it. Focus on your individual missions,
opening your hearts, being in connection with each other bestowing peace
upon those who are ready for this transition and respecting those who have
chosen destruction as their path. For Mother Nature does not get it wrong.
A flower will only open when it is ready. As you are reading this book you
are ready. You are ready to flower. No longer remaining in poverty,
accepting your divine inheritance. Walking into your power.
Your Earth is a Spaceship and you were seeded here to pilot it. Your
consciousness in connection with each other in your mastery connecting
fully with the heartbeat of the Earth will plug you into your divine power
The divine fire is here; it is upon you now and all that are ready for this
will synchronise with you. Divine timing is always at work but as you raise
your vibration you see the signs of this and you recognise the
synchronicities that are here to help you along your pathway. You recognise
the people that you are meant to connect with, for there is no such thing as
I am raising your vibration; it is akin to flying outside of your atmosphere
around your globe. Your physical vehicles have gone through much
transition and within a hundred years you will be able to go from one end of
your planet to another within a couple of hours. As you break the barrier of
the gravity of your planet and you travel outside there is less resistance and
your speed multiplies. This will be a regular understanding for you and
within your lifetime your engineering prowess will multiply and your
technological advances will take your breath away. This in tandem with
your spiritual development will bring this World into the Utopia that it was
always meant to be and this phase of the experimentation of the expansion
of your consciousness will be complete.

This next download we give you is to empty you completely of all

resistance and to give you the experience of floating outside of your Earths
gravity and giving you mastery over dark gravity. Once you have fully
assimilated this download you will be lighter. And your four-body system
will be able to rise unencumbered by gravity. The deeper you go and the
more you let go, the more you allow this download the easier it will become
for you to levitate in your consciousness and physically. If you bring
yourself into the centre point and assimilate this download connecting fully
to the zero point of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual vessel -
you must let go of all incredulity and bathe in this light, this lightness of
being will physically affect your vessel and will speed up your vibration
once again.
Accept this download
Be at peace

Masters of light we give you this as a gift for as you celebrate your
birthdays on Earth this too is a celebration. Of you coming of age, of you
understanding what you have been given over the ages in your prophetic
words. The ones that you have most resonated with, the time is now,
The more you let go and the more you empty yourself the more you will be
filled by these downloads. These downloads must be taken seriously. Each
time you sit in a relaxed and comfortable position, regulate your breathing
and allow them to fill you. As you are reading this book you are on a path
of truth. The truth towards your real self, your divine self, your expanded
self, your glow will be obvious. And as you integrate these downloads more
and more you will come to an ease within your life as if you are flying on
the outside of the Earth with no resistance. This is the point where the law
of attraction is most powerful. Your manifestations become instantaneous
and you are able to affect those around you and heal those around you with
ease. Many will be drawn to you for your healing power for the affect you
have when you are in Peoples Company.
Do not look upon healing as merely healing the physical ailments that you
have in your vessels. For you will come to realise more and more that these
are all points of experience that you have chosen. Everything that happens
within the Earth plane is a choice at some point in your consciousness. The
acceptance of this will bring you great ease, will bring you great peace and
will centre you into your God self.
The different levels of light that you can assimilate are dependant upon
how much you are prepared and ready to let go of all that weighs you down.
This expansion of consciousness is what the World has been waiting for.
You must start to look at the World as a whole for your species to evolve.
No one can be left behind in your consideration. Although they may choose
destruction themselves, it is not your place to take this away from them or
to reinforce it. Do not help them to their doom instead picture them with an
immaculate conception and you will help facilitate their rise in vibration.
This next download is for you to help the leaders of the World let go of their
egos and be in their integrity. Seeing them all with an immaculate
conception that they may break the shackles of outside economic interests
and hold their offices in pure integrity. Wherever you are geographically in
the World this is best directed to your closest leader first and then at all
leaders so that there will be harmony.
You do not have to be involved in individual issues politically however
you will be led by your passion at what it is you are here to fulfil. Always
be ready and open to accept that a divine solution will be in your best
interest better than one that you feel led by your ego to make a stand for.
For all is not always as it seems. There is an organisation that is going on on
the Earth plane right now. Do not resist anything for at this point in your
vibration it is most important to see the bigger picture and to allow the
Angelic influences to do their work. As Masters you are individually
responsible for the raising of the vibration and for being in bliss and being
in peace which will result in your leaders being given the support to
straighten their mental bodies in such a way that they facilitate the
transition of this Earth from ego led, power based decision making which is
influenced by separate economic interests to that of a pure, transparent and
divinely acceptable way of being governed.

Relax and accept this download

Be at peace
Understand that healing comes in many forms dear ones. As Masters you
are here to facilitate everything that needs done. Relax and embrace your
missions, embrace the peace.
The closer you get to your zero point, to fully assimilating sitting in this
place at all times the more your ego will trick you into thinking that you are
better or less than others, thinking you are superior or inferior. This is
merely a trick for how can you be superior to yourself. All are one and
when you are genuinely sitting in your divine centre point, fully in the zero
point there will be no thought of superiority or inferiority. You will be in a
bubble of truth not influenced by your ego or others egos and the truth of
the saying ‘Thy will be done’ will be complete, for my will and thy will
will be one. This is the duality of thinking that will change as you come
more and more to the bliss and the peace that passes understanding. For in
the saying ‘Thy will be done’ you are acknowledging an outside source, a
higher power. Something that is not in your control that you are giving over
your control to God, Spirit, the Universe, however you want to quantify this
concept. When you come into your full zero point you will recognise and
fully understand and there will be no duality.
Humility is needed for this next download. Surrender, complete surrender to
your higher self, to the divine will. This download will expand your power.
This download is a very powerful initiation. Only accept this download
once you have assimilated all the previous downloads and when you are
fully ready to walk into your mastery. Once this download is fully
assimilated there will be no need for words. You will find yourself
communicating more powerfully, more intentionally with more focus and
although you will still speak, brevity will be your friend and you will
communicate more fully and completely from your God self. Your
experience will be of the fountainhead of bliss. Your physical vessel will be
anchored fully.

Accept this download

Breathe in this bliss
Be still
Embrace your I am
I am that I am
There is nothing that is not me
Be at peace

Let go of all attachments. Empty yourself of everything. As you empty

yourself you will be filled with spirit. You will be filled with healing. You
will be filled with light. You will be filled with bliss. As you do this your
personal circumstances will change, will become more fluid and you will
embody bliss on a more regular basis. You will be a walking embodiment of
light, love and healing.
This book comes at an important time. For the healing of mankind, for
the transformation of consciousness that is happening on the Earth plane at
the moment. You are blessed to be at the cutting edge of consciousness. You
have chosen this. You are more masters than you think.
As you sit in meditation
Picture your Sacral chakra (Below your belly button) connected into
your base chakra, connected into Mother Earth.
Picture your Solar plexus (Above your belly button) connected into
your heart chakra, connected into your higher three chakras and into
Father Sky.
Picture this vividly
Breathe deeply into this vision
Now connect the circuit
From your sacral chakra, below your belly button to your Solar plexus
just above your belly button. As this connected point of lightning
occurs you will feel electricity flowing through your body.
Breathe deeply into this
Lift your hands in front of you, spread all your fingers, feel the Chi
flowing through your body and out through your finger tips
Hold this position
Visualise the point between your Sacral chakra and your Solar plexus
very vividly

Picture the lightning bolt between the two points

The more you picture this, the more you feel the chi flowing through
you the more you will be energised.
You are now a conductor for healing Chi
Hold your hands in front of you as if you are holding a ball. This is a
ball of healing Chi. Energise it still picturing your connection, your
lightning bolt between your Sacral chakra and your Solar plexus. You
are energising this ball of Chi.
Now picture the recipient of this healing ball of Chi. Picture them
within this ball.
Quickly Clap!
You send the energy to them
Hold this ball once again
Now picture the Earth
Quickly Clap!
Picture this ball once again
And picture yourself
Quickly Clap!
Hold your hands out at your side’s palms up and picture the lightning
bolt between your Sacral Chakra and your Solar plexus.
Come into prayer position
Breathe this energy in deeply
Practice this as often as you can
You are part of the Golden Army of light and as you empty yourself more
and more, more and more you will be filled with light. This is an
unstoppable force; the time has come for mankind. Embrace your power,
embrace your healing, and embrace the lightning force. The time has come.
This book in conjunction with the Clarion call will bring you into a place of
complete fulfilment, completely in the moment. As time stands still and you
embody the love - all is one. Feel this joy emanating from your heart
chakra. We are with you every step of the way and we are you. We are your
higher self. Have confidence dear ones. For the more you expand your light
the easier it becomes.
Do not worry about anything, worry is a wasted energy, It would be better
using that energy to take action. Worry only debilitates. Make positive your
visualisations and you will be led to where you need to go.
Each individual master that is reading this book has a unique blueprint
within themselves for what will bring them their ultimate bliss. For this is
the important thing dear ones – that you follow your bliss, that you follow
what makes you happy. This will result in the healing of all mankind, the
transformation, the ascension. You are conduits of love.
Do not fear anything for this illusion will bend to your will when you
come into your power. Seek first to empty yourself, for as you empty
yourself of your ego you are filled with your truth. You have much to do.
This next download will connect you into the over seven billion souls that
are incarnated on this planet at the moment, all the Animals, all the marine
life, all the birds, all the physical life, even the insects and the tiniest
minutiae. This is a very powerful download and will expand your empathy
for all life and will expand your understanding of who you are and what
you are here to achieve.
Relax and embrace this download
Be open and receive
Standing firm as a pillar of light, connecting into the Golden Army,
connecting into all levels of your consciousness on your path towards
becoming a full embodiment of the divine, an Avatar of light, understanding
the blueprint of creation you will be given more and more as the light flows
through you. As the Golden power starts to emanate from your heart to all
beings you start to operate on the super highway of consciousness.
Connected fully to the Galactic council and all that are here to help
We are going to give you the steps to fully open up your D,N,A.
These words are infused with divine purity. Your vessel is a vessel of divine
You are ready for this.
Feel the bliss descending upon you.
Sit in Prayer position
Repeat these words
“I accept the responsibility of my divine heritage. I appreciate
all that has gone before and all that is to come and as all
strands of my D,N,A are opened I may be fully activated and
that all gifts are bestowed upon me. I ask that the Holy Spirit
blesses me with all the gifts that are my divine heritage. I claim
my inheritance now. I ask that the light of the one flows
through me and that all that I say and do from this point forth
is in alignment with divine will. I am that I am. I am here to
serve. I release this vessel into divine service. Purify and
sanctify this vessel. I put all judgement to the side and open to
divine intelligence. All that I am, all that I do is in accordance
with divine will. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Amen”
You are a Christed being and in understanding what this means you will
jump for joy and your energy will transform all that come into contact with
you. All that lay eyes upon you will be in darshan and will be transformed.
You are the Golden light, you are the love and you will now embody the
peace that passes understanding. This will permeate all levels of your being.
This is a transformation on all four body systems, mental, emotional,
physical and spiritual. Allow the light dear ones. We love you and we are
here for you.
This next download is the final download in this book. It is the Chrysalis to
Butterfly download. Be brave as you assimilate this download. For this is
you coming out of your Chrysalis and emerging as a divine golden
Butterfly. Serving the one of all. Be light, allow this energy to flow through

Be at peace

Be ready
Be open and receive this download

From this point onwards as you assimilate all these downloads in this book
understand that we have put it to you in such a way that you understand that
like your computer systems until you have completely downloaded a
programme you cannot use it. Therefore this book must be used as a
workbook. Over and over for you to sit and assimilate these energies and
you will know when you are ready for the final download. You will know
when you are ready to embody the bliss. You will know when the healing
flows through you. You are ready for this. As a species you are ready but
the Masters that are reading this book on the cutting edge of creation within
this paradigm are leading the way. You are a blessing to Humanity, coming
to this place with your impeccability and your light. You will shine upon
others. Be at peace with yourselves dear ones. We love you and we are with
you always.
The more reverence you have for yourself, the more reverence you will
have for the outside World. And when you realize that all is one and you
come together within yourself you will become a server of the light
completely. For reverence for self is reverence for God and all that come
forward to the light are coming home, you are coming home to yourself. In
the beginning of your soul journey you gave yourself a sort of amnesia so
you could explore your creation through subjective eyes and as you become
whole again you become holy and complete and you see things from the
higher perspective.
Respect this book in its brevity. Do the exercises, assimilate the truth of
yourself and you will be fit to walk the path of the initiate.
We love you all.
I am Archangel Metatron.
I leave you with the healing book.

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