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03 Right On 1 - Mod 3

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Module 3

Daily routine/Free-time activities

1 Look at the pictures and complete the text. Use: does, gets, finishes, goes (x2),
brushes, plays, has (x3), walks.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11

In the morning, Ben 1) _____________ up, 2) _____________ his teeth and 3) _____________
breakfast. After that, he 4) _____________ to school, he doesn’t take the bus. At noon, he
5) _____________ lunch at school. At 2 pm he 6) _____________ school and comes back home. First,
he 7) _____________ his homework and then he 8) _____________ to basketball practice. In the
evening, he 9) _____________ dinner and then 10) _____________ video games. At about 9 pm, Ben
11) _____________ to bed.

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Module 3

The time

2 Look at the clocks and write the correct times.

1 It’s ______________ 2 It’s ______________ 3 It’s ______________

4 It’s ______________ 5 It’s ______________ 6 It’s ______________

School subjects

3 Label the pictures.

1 M____________ 2 A____________ 3 G____________ 4 H____________

5 E____________ 6 M____________ 7 S____________ 8 P____________


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Module 3

Free-time activities

4 Complete the table. Use: puzzle, skateboarding, golf, a mall, piano lessons, board games, a
film, friends (x2), music, an amusement park, the theatre, a charity, bowling.

go to
hang out with
listen to
spend time with


5 Choose the correct item.

1 Dave never cheats in/on tests.

2 Do you and your family always have dinner at/in home?
3 ‘Can we eat or drink in/at class?’ ‘No, you can’t.’
4 Don’t be rude at/to your friend!
5 Do the buses usually arrive on/at time?

Present simple (affirmative/negative)

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.

1 Mario _________________ (catch) the bus at 8:30 every day.

2 Mary and Jenny _________________ (not/ enjoy) their Geography class.
3 Jenny _________________ (have) lunch at school on Mondays.
4 Tomas _________________ (not/do) martial arts at the weekends.
5 He _________________ (wash) his father’s car every Sunday.
6 The boys _________________ (not/arrive) home at 3:30.
7 Justin _________________ (try) hard at school.
8 The lesson _________________ (finish) at 6 pm.
9 Sheila _________________ (spend) time with her family at the weekend.
10 We _________________ (not/do) jigsaw puzzles every day.

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Module 3

Prepositions of time

7 Choose the correct item.

1 Our piano lesson is at/on/in 4 o’clock.

2 I have dinner with my parents at/on/in the evening.
3 What time do you get up at/on/in Sunday mornings?
4 They always visit their grandparents in Madrid at/on/in the summer.
5 Let’s meet at/on/in one hour.
6 My mother’s birthday is at/on/in 3rd December.
7 We have lunch at/on/in noon.
8 I see my cousins at/on/in Christmas.

Adverbs of frequency

8 Put the words in the correct order.

1 watches/Sarah/always/Saturdays/on/films.
2 usually/dad/home/3:30/my/arrives/at.
3 they/to/walk/mornings/in/sometimes/the/school.
4 often/our/ride/the/summer/in/bicycles/we.
5 a/never/Tony/restaurant/eats/at.

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Module 3

Present simple (interrogative & short answers)

9 Use the words in brackets to ask and answer questions, as in the example.

1 A: Does James get up (James/get up) at 7 am every day?

B: Yes, he does.
2 A: ______________________________ (your sister/like) Science?
B: No, _______________ .
3 A: ______________________________ (Sue/have) a big family?
B: Yes, _______________ .
4 A: ______________________________ (you/take) a shower in the morning?
B: Yes, _______________ .
5 A: ______________________________ (your parents/drive) to work?
B: No, _______________ .
6 A: ______________________________ (you and your brother/finish) school at 3 o’clock?
B: Yes, _______________ .
7 A: ______________________________ (your friend/chat) online every evening?
B: No, _______________ .
8 A: ______________________________ (you/prepare) breakfast every day?
B: No, _______________ .

Linkers/-ing form

10 Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it.

1 I get up and first that I have a shower. _____________________

2 In the evening, next I have dinner and then I watch TV. _____________________
3 Jane and her sister hate to chat online. _____________________
4 Jon does his homework and then that he goes to football practice. _____________________
5 Do you like to playing board games with your friends? _____________________

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Module 3

Question words

11 Choose the correct item.

1 Whose/Who’s is this packed lunch?

2 What/Which is his name?
3 Which/What is the national game of England: football or cricket?
4 When/Where do you usually go to the cinema?
5 What/How do your parents get to work? By car.
6 How/What old is your granddad?
7 When/Where are you from?
8 Who’s/What’s your favourite footballer?


12 a Fill in: must or mustn’t.

School rules
1 You ___________ respect other students.
2 You ___________ arrive late to class.
3 You ___________ use a mobile phone at school.
4 You ___________ listen to your teacher. It’s your duty.

b Write two school rules: what you must/mustn’t do.

1 __________________________________________________________________________
2 __________________________________________________________________________

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Module 3

13 Read the text and complete the sentences.

A Typical School Day

Lisa gets up for school at 7:30 am and has her breakfast. She gets dressed and brushes her teeth. She
lives near the school, so she walks every morning. Her best friend is Charlotte and she lives on the same
street. They usually walk to school together.
Lisa reaches school by 8:30. She has fifteen minutes to play in the yard with her friends before school
starts at 8:45.
There are twenty students in Lisa’s class and they have lessons until the break at 10:30. At break time,
the students get a small snack and have fifteen minutes to play outside. After the break, there are more
lessons until lunchtime at 11:45. Lisa usually packs a lunch from home but many of her classmates buy
a hot lunch from the school canteen.
Classes start again at 12:30 and there is another break in the afternoon at 2:15. Classes finish at 3:15
and Lisa and Charlotte walk home. Lisa reaches home at 3:30 and does her homework. After that, she
sometimes watches TV or chats online with her friends. She takes a shower and then she has dinner
with her family. She often reads in bed and usually goes to sleep at 10 pm.

1 Lisa gets dressed after she ____________________________ .

2 Lisa and Charlotte go to ____________________________ .
3 Students have a ____________________________ half past ten in the morning.
4 Lisa brings a packed ____________________________ .
5 When school finishes, Lisa and Charlotte ____________________________ .
6 Lisa ____________________________ and then she watches TV.

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Module 3

14 Listen and complete Claire’s schedule.

7 am get up

1) ____________________ leave the house

11 am finish 2) ____________________

at 3) ____________________ catch a bus

from 1 pm to 2 pm guitar lesson

from 5 pm to 7 pm 4) ____________________ friends at the mall

5) ____________________ have dinner

6) ____________________ go to bed

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Module 3

Portfolio Activity
Make a timetable for your perfect day. Complete the day planner below. Then write
a short paragraph describing it.

My Perfect Day!
Time Activity

In the morning

In the afternoon

In the evening

Top three things to do


My perfect Day!


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