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T e 1646832094 lks2 Earth Day 2024 Planet Vs Plastics Reading Comprehension Activity - Ver - 5

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24 :

a y 2 0 s
Ear th D s tic
vs. Pla
Plan e t
What Is Earth Day?

Earth Day is held every year on 22nd April. It is a day when people take
part in activities to help the planet. The theme for Earth Day 2024 is
‘Planet vs. Plastics’. It asks everyone to work together to limit our use of
plastics to help look after the Earth. On Earth Day, people take action to
make our world a better place. This includes litter picking, planting trees
and raising money for environmental charities.

Plastic Pollution

Plastic is a hard-wearing material

and some plastics can take hundreds
of years to break down. Many items Plastic in the Environment
end up in oceans and this is very
harmful to animals. Microplastics have Plastic can break down into tiny particles
been found in lots of different places! that enter the Earth’s soil and water.
There are many ways that plastic can
enter the environment, such as:
• litter
• washed-down drains
• spilled by ships
• blown out of bins
• abandoned by humans
So much plastic enters the environment
each year that it can be found in fresh
water, soil, air and oceans around
the world.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

How Can We Reduce Our Use of Plastic?

There are many steps that you can take to reduce your use of
plastics and help save our planet.

Reusable Items Did You Know…?

Many people have been working hard to 160,000 plastic bags are used
use less plastic. Instead of using around the world every second!
single-use plastic items, such as straws
and plastic bags, they buy reusable
items, such as reusable flasks and
canvas bags. You could save 156 plastic
bottles every year by choosing a
reusable bottle!
Some coffee shops even charge people Recycle Your Plastic
less if they buy their hot drinks with a If you use single-use plastics, make sure
reusable cup.
you recycle them so that they can be
turned into new things instead of being
thrown away.

Did You Know…?

By 2050, there will Plan Your Parties
be more plastic in
the oceans than Plastic party plates, glitter and
there are fish! balloons can be extremely dangerous to
wildlife and the environment.

fossil fuels: Natural
microplastics: fuels,
Small such of
pieces as plastic
oil, coalless
or gas.
than 5mm
in length.
microplastics: Small pieces of plastic less than 5mm in length.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

1. Which month does Earth Day take place in? Tick one.


2. Draw four lines to complete the sentences.

Plastic can be found... to use less plastic.

The theme for Earth in fresh water, soil, air

Day 2024 is… and oceans.

Many people have been

‘Planet vs. Plastics’.
working hard…

Plastic is a… hard-wearing material.

3. Number the sentences from 1-4 to show the order in which they appear in the text.

Some coffee shops charge people less if they buy their hot drinks with a reusable cup.
Balloons can be extremely dangerous to wildlife and the environment.
Microplastics have been found in lots of different places!
On Earth Day, people take action to make our world a better place.

4. Why is it bad for plastic to end up in the oceans? Tick one.

It’s colourful.
It’s noisy.
It’s harmful to animals.
It’s smelly.

5. Name one way that plastic can enter the environment. 

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

6. Fill in the missing word.

Plastic party plates, glitter and can be extremely dangerous to wildlife

and the environment.

7. Why do you think the author has written this text?

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

1. Which month does Earth Day take place in? Tick one.


2. Draw four lines to complete the sentences.

Plastic can be found… to use less plastic.

The theme for Earth in fresh water, soil, air

Day 2024 is… and oceans.

Many people have been

‘Planet vs. Plastics’.
working hard…

Plastic is a… hard-wearing material.

3. Number the sentences from 1-4 to show the order in which they appear in the text.

3 Some coffee shops charge people less if they buy their hot drinks with a reusable cup.
4 Balloons can be extremely dangerous to wildlife and the environment.
2 Microplastics have been found in lots of different places!
1 On Earth Day, people take action to make our world a better place.

4. Why is it bad for plastic to end up in the oceans? Tick one.

It’s colourful.
It’s noisy.
It’s harmful to animals.
It’s smelly.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

5. Name one way that plastic can enter the environment.

Accept any of the following: littering; washed down drain; spilled by ships; blown out of
bins; abandoned by humans.

6. Fill in the missing word.

Plastic party plates, glitter and balloons can be extremely dangerous to wildlife and the

7. Why do you think the author has written this text?

Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think the author has written this text to raise
awareness for Earth Day and help people understand how plastic is affecting the planet
and how we can help.

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24 :
y 2 0
Earth Da a s tic s
vs. Pl
Plan e t
What Is Earth Day?

Earth Day is held every year on 22nd April. It is a day when people take part
in activities to help the planet. The theme for Earth Day 2024 is ‘Planet vs.
Plastics’. It asks everyone to work together to limit our use of plastics to help
look after the Earth. On Earth Day, people take action to make our world
a better place through activities such as litter picking, planting trees and
raising money for environmental charities.

Plastic Pollution

Plastic is a hard-wearing material,

and some items can take hundreds of Plastic in the Environment
years to break down. In fact, it can take
around 1000 years for some plastics to
Plastic can break down into tiny toxic
begin to decompose! Microplastics have
particles that rapidly enter our Earth’s soil
been found in lots of different places!
and water.
Sadly, these toxic particles enter the food
chain when animals ingest them. There are many different ways that plastic
can enter the environment, such as:
• litter;
• washed down drains;
• spilled by ships;
• blown out of bins;
• abandoned by humans.
So much plastic enters the environment
each year that it can be found in fresh
water, soil, air and oceans around the
world. Worryingly, this could endanger
some of our much-loved creatures.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

How Can We Reduce Our Use of Plastic?

There are many steps that you can take to reduce your use of plastics
and help save our planet.

Did You Know…?

Reusable Items 160,000 plastic bags are used
Instead of using single-use plastic items, around the world every second!
such as straws and plastic bags, buy
reusable items, such as reusable flasks
and canvas bags. You could save 156
plastic bottles every year by choosing a
reusable bottle!

Many people have been working hard Recycle Your Plastic

to use less plastic. Some coffee shops
charge people less if they buy their hot If you use single-use plastics, make sure
drinks with a reusable cup. you recycle them so that they can be
turned into new items instead of being
thrown away.

Did You Know…?

By 2050, there will Plan Your Parties
be more plastic in Plastic party plates, glitter and balloons
the oceans than can be extremely dangerous to wildlife
there are fish! and the environment. Unfortunately,
animals may mistake balloons for food,
which may make them very sick.

microplastics: Small pieces of plastic less than 5mm in length.
fossil fuels: Natural fuels, such as oil, coal or gas.
endanger: Putting something or someone at risk or in danger.
microplastics: Small
toxic: Something pieces oforplastic
poisonous less than 5mm in length.
decompose: To break down something into smaller parts.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

1. What are examples of reusable items? Tick two.

canvas bag
plastic straw
plastic bag

2. Draw four lines to complete the sentences.

people take action

Plastic can break down… to make our world a
better place.

in lots of different
On Earth Day,...

Microplastics have there will be more plastic in

been found… the oceans than there are fish!

By 2050,… into tiny toxic particles.

3. Plastic can break down into tiny toxic particles that rapidly enter our Earth’s soil and water.
What does the word ‘rapidly’ mean? Tick one. 


4. Number the facts from 1-4 to show the order in which they appear in the text.

Animals may mistake balloons for food.

Many people have been working hard to use less plastic.
Microplastics have also been found in lots of different places!
Earth Day is held every year on 22nd April.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

5. Look at the sub-heading called Plastic Pollution.

Find and copy one word which means the same as ‘to eat or drink’.

6. Fill in the missing word.

Plastic is a hard-wearing but some items can take hundreds of
years to break down.

7. How is plastic affecting wildlife?

8. Why is using a reusable bag better for the environment than using a plastic bag? Explain
your answer.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

1. What are examples of reusable items? Tick two.

canvas bag
plastic straw
plastic bag

2. Draw four lines to complete the sentences.

people take action

Plastic can break down… to make our world a
better place.

On Earth Day,... in lots of different places!

Microplastics have there will be more plastic in

been found… the oceans than there are fish!

By 2050,… into tiny toxic particles.

3. Plastic can break down into tiny toxic particles that rapidly enter our Earth’s soil and water.
What does the word ‘rapidly’ mean? Tick one.


4. Number the facts from 1-4 to show the order in which they appear in the text.

4 Animals may mistake balloons for food.

3 Many people have been working hard to use less plastic.
2 Microplastics have also been found in lots of different places!
1 Earth Day is held every year on 22nd April.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

5. Look at the sub-heading called Plastic Pollution.

Find and copy one word which means the same as ‘to eat or drink’.

6. Fill in the missing word.

Plastic is a hard-wearing material but some items can take hundreds of years to
break down.

7. How is plastic affecting wildlife?

Pupils’ own responses, such as: Plastic is affecting wildlife as some animals mistake
plastics for food and eat it, making them sick. In some cases, is can even be fatal.

8. Why is using a reusable bag better for the environment than a plastic bag? Explain
your answer.

Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think that using a reusable bag is much better for the
environment than using using a plastic bag because most plastic bags can only be used
once and take a long time to break down whereas a reusable bag can be kept to use over
and over again.

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24 :
y 2 0
Earth Da a s tic s
vs. Pl
Plan e t
What Is Earth Day?

Earth Day is held every year on 22nd April. It is a day when people take part in
activities to help the planet. The theme for Earth Day 2024 is ‘Planet vs. Plastics’.
It asks everyone to work together to limit our use of plastics to help look after
the Earth. On Earth Day, people take action to make our world a better place
through activities such as litter picking, planting trees and raising money for
environmental charities.

Plastic Pollution Plastic in the Environment

Plastic is a hard-wearing material and Countless amounts of plastics enter the

some items can take hundreds of years environment each year. Plastic can break
to break down. In fact, it can take down into tiny toxic particles that rapidly
around 1000 years for a plastic bag to enter our Earth’s soil and water.
decompose in a landfill! Microplastics
There are many different ways that plastic
have been found in lots of different
can enter the environment, such as:
places! Sadly, these toxic particles enter
the food chain when animals mistake • litter being carelessly thrown or not
the plastics for food and ingest them. disposed of correctly;
Sometimes, animals can become trapped • washed down drains;
in plastic too, causing serious injuries
and even death. • spilled overboard by ships;
• blown out of bins by poor weather
• abandoned by humans e.g.,
fishing nets.
Plastics can be found in freshwater,
soil, air and oceans around the world.
Worryingly, this could endanger some of
our much-loved creatures. It is estimated
that by 2050, there will be more plastic in
the oceans than there are fish!

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

How Can We Reduce Our Use of Plastic?

In 2015, it became compulsory for shops to charge for single-use carrier bags. The
government is beginning to tackle the plastic problem by introducing restrictions or bans
on buying and selling single-use plastics, such as cotton buds, straws and polystyrene
cups. There are many other productive steps that you can take to reduce your use of
plastics and help save our planet.

Reusable Items

Instead of using single-use plastic items,

Recycle Your Plastic
such as straws and plastic bags, buy
reusable items, such as reusable flasks If you use single-use plastics, make sure
and canvas bags. You could save 156 you recycle them in the correct bins so
plastic bottles every year by choosing a that they can be turned into new items
reusable bottle. instead of just simply being thrown
Many people have been working hard to away. A wide variety of products can
use less plastic. For example, some coffee be made from recycled plastic, such
shops charge people less if they buy as drink bottles, polyester fabrics and
their hot drinks with a reusable cup. carrier bags.

Plan Your Parties

Plastic party utensils, glitter and balloons

can be extremely dangerous to wildlife
and the environment. Unfortunately,
animals may mistake balloons for food
and ingest them, which may make them
very sick.

microplastics: Small pieces of plastic less than 5mm in length.
fossil fuels: Natural fuels, such as oil, coal or gas.
endanger: Putting something or someone at risk or in danger.
microplastics: Small
toxic: Something pieces oforplastic
poisonous less than 5mm in length.
decompose: To break down something into smaller parts.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

1. How long can it take for a plastic bag to degrade in landfill? Tick one.

2050 years
22 years
6 months
1000 years

2. Draw four lines and match each sub-heading to the corresponding sentence from that

Microplastics have been

Plastic Pollution found in lots of
different places!

Plastics can be found in

Earth Day 2024 freshwater, soil, air and
oceans around the world.

In 2015, it became
How Can We Reduce Our essential for shops to
Use of Plastic? charge for single-use
carrier bags.

The theme for Earth

Plastic in the
Day 2024 is ‘Planet vs.

3. List two reasons why plastic is bad for the environment.



4. Fill in the missing word.

You could save 156 plastic bottles every year by choosing a bottle!

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

5. Look at the section with the sub-heading How Can We Reduce Our Use of Plastic?
Find and copy one word which means the same as ‘put a limit on’.

6. Why do you think that so many people celebrate Earth Day?

7. The government is beginning to tackle the plastic problem…

Why do you think the author chose to use the word ‘tackle’?

8. Predict the impact on the planet if plastic bags were banned.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

1. How long can it take for a plastic bag to degrade in landfill? Tick one.

2050 years
22 years
6 months
1000 years

2. Draw four lines and match each sub-heading to the corresponding sentence from
that section.

Microplastics have been

Plastic Pollution found in lots of
different places!

Plastics can be found in

Earth Day 2024 freshwater, soil, air and
oceans around the world.

In 2015, it became
How Can We Reduce Our essential for shops to
Use of Plastic? charge for single-use
carrier bags.

The theme for Earth

Plastic in the
Day 2024 is ‘Planet vs.

3. List two reasons why plastic is bad for the environment.

Accept any two of the following:

• endangering wildlife;

• microplastics been found in lots of different places;

• animals ingesting plastics;

• entering oceans;

• not being easily degraded and taking up space.

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Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

4. Fill in the missing word.

You could save 156 plastic bottles every year by choosing a reusable bottle!

5. Look at the section with the sub-heading How Can We Reduce Our Use of Plastic?
Find and copy one word which means the same as ‘putting limits on’.

6. Why do you think that so many people celebrate Earth Day?

Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think that so many people celebrate Earth Day because
people want to help look after the planet and make it a better place for everyone in
the future.

7. The government is beginning to tackle the plastic problem…

Why do you think the author chose to use the word ‘tackle’?

Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think that the author chose to use the word ‘tackle’
because it suggests fighting against plastic pollution to make a difference.

8. Predict the impact on the planet if plastic bags were banned.

Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think that if plastic bags were banned there would be
a lot less pollution in the oceans and it would be better for all wildlife as many animals
are being harmed by plastic.

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