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GC Paper Bag

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Paper Bag

Making And
Distribution .-


Table of content:

1 Introduction 1-3

2 Review of literature-paper bag 4-7

3 Types of Paper bag 8-12

4 Paper bag making by newspaper 13-15

5 Importance of paper bag 16-19

6 Paper bag v/s Plastic bag 20-22

7 Conclusion 23-24

8 Refrence 25

Of late, owing to the increased awareness of biologically non-disposable nature of the plastics
bags, the plastic carry bags are being banned in many cities and urban centers. The disposal and
recycling of plastic bags have created havoc and a threat to the environment. Suitable solution to
come out of this difficulty is to replace, wherever possible, plastic bags with other bio-
degradable materials such as paper bags, cotton bags, jute bags etc., considering the necessity to
solve this problem there is an immediate demand for paper carry bags, which can be made in
different sizes and thicknesses

The big brown paper bag has a long, interesting history.

Brown paper bags have become a fixture in our daily lives: we use them to carry groceries home,
tote our department store purchases, and pack our kids’ lunches. Retailers use them as a blank
canvas for their branded product packaging. The big brown paper bag has a long, interesting
Brown paper bags have become a fixture in our daily lives: we use them to carry groceries home,
tote our department store purchases, and pack our kids’ lunches. Retailers use them as a blank
canvas for their branded product packaging. Creative trick-or-treaters even wear them as masks
for Halloween. It’s easy to forget that someone, long ago, had to invent them!

As with the best inventions, the paper bag filled a need people didn’t know they had. Before the
paper bag, baskets, bowls, and other containers were the main storage solution in every home
and store. You can imagine, then, that the creation of a convenient, disposable container was
revolutionary. Business owners could stock stacks of these bags at their stores, and their low cost
and ease of use made them widely accessible for shoppers of even modest means.
So, just how did this seemingly ordinary invention earn its place in the hearts (and hands) of the
everyday consumer? A glimpse back at the history and evolution of the paper bag offers a clue.
Creative trick-or-treaters even wear them as masks for Halloween. It’s easy to forget that
someone, long ago, had to invent them!

As with the best inventions, the paper bag filled a need people didn’t know they had. Before the
paper bag, baskets, bowls, and other containers were the main storage solution in every home
and store. You can imagine, then, that the creation of a convenient, disposable container was
revolutionary. Business owners could stock stacks of these bags at their stores, and their low cost
and ease of use made them widely accessible for shoppers of even modest means.

So, just how did this seemingly ordinary invention earn its place in the hearts (and hands) of the
everyday consumer? A glimpse back at the history and evolution of the paper bag offers a clue.

We need small size bags every day for various purposes like grocery, fruits, and vegetables. We
use plastic bags for such purposes. Plastic shopping bags have a surprisingly significant
environmental impact for something so seemingly innocuous. Plastic shopping bags kill large
numbers of wildlife each year. One of the most dramatic impacts is on marine life. So to avoid
above harmful effects of Plastic Bags, viable alternative is required which is Paper Bag.

Actually, Paper Bag is being used but in very small scale. Conventional Paper Bags require
special paper which increases the overall cost of the Paper Bag. This is the main cause due to
which use of Paper Bag is less. Also initial investment cost is very much in conventional Paper
Bag Machine. So it cannot be used for small scale production. All these problems are eliminated
in the presented machine.

A machine whose initial cost is less, which does not require any special paper, which can be used
for small scale production, is developed. This machine will help a poor family to earn money
through small scale production of paper bags. The paper bag will be produced from the regular
size newspaper to reduce the cost of the bag. Once the bag is used it still can be sold to scrap
vendor earning back small amount of the cost for the paper bag. This not only reduces waste but
also promotes the recycling. Even governments are trying to reduce the impact of plastic bags
A paper bag or paper sack is a preformed container made of paper, usually with an opening at
one end. It can be one layer of paper or multiple layers of paper and other flexible materials.
Paper bags are used for packaging and/or carrying items. Paper bags are readily recyclable.
Plastic or water resistant coatings or layers make recycling more difficult. Paper, of course
comes from trees. Trees are grown or found, then marked and felled, Loges are moved from the
forest to mill, where there is a three year wait for the logs to dry before they can be used. Logs
are stripped of bark and chipped into one inch squares. The chips are cooked with tremendous
heat and pressure. Then, they are digested with limestone and sulfurous acid until the wood
becomes pulp. The pulp is washed, requiring thousands of gallons of fresh water and bleach, and
then pressed into finished paper. Cutting, printing, packaging and shipping to make paper bags
require additional time, labor and energy. Paper Bags Production. 1 2 3 4 5 Paper Bags Factory 4
Paper must be returned to pulp by using many chemicals to bleach and disperse the fibers.
Although paper bags have a higher recycling rate than plastic, each new paper grocery bag you
use is made from mostly virgin pulp for better strength and elasticity. Bags that are recycled are
often turned into corrugated cardboard, not new paper bags.

THE plastic bag. Since its introduction in the 1970s, the plastic bag has become widespread, with
⅘ bags used in grocery stores being plastic (Roach, 2003). The goal of this paper is to examine
the role of plastic bag marine pollution, the cultural norms surrounding bag usage, the failures of
plastic bag alternatives, and the potential benefits of a plastic bag ban within the Davidson
community. If Davidson College bans plastic bags at its bookstore and dining halls, the sources
we have reviewed suggest that it will have a significant impact on the amount of waste and litter
that Davidson students produce.
Before instituting a ban on plastic bags, we must examine why a ban is necessary and the
negative impacts they have on marine ecosystems. Per Vince and Hardesty (2017), about 6-17
million tons of plastic enters the oceans every year. Nearly 700 species have been known to
interact with these plastics, including plastic bags, and have been linked to having lethal effects
on vertebrates to zooplankton (Weisman, 2007) (Vince and Hardesty, 2017). Weisman (2009)
recounts a story of fulmar birds washing up on the shores of the North Sea. In 95% of the
carcasses, about 44 pieces of plastic could be found in each body. Even when properly recycled,
plastic bags still manage to make their way as litter because of their flimsy nature that allows
them to be easily picked up by the wind (Roach, 2003).
Another important factor to consider is the role plastic bags have come to occupy in daily life.
Although plastic bags were originally unpopular when they were introduced, shopping without a
plastic bag today is almost inconceivable (Li et al., 2017). There is agreement within the field
that cultural norms present a major obstacle to banning plastic bags. The research by Yeow,
Dean, and Tucker (2014) explores the resistance to refraining from plastic bags within the UK,
even though the idea that using plastic bags is unethical is a widely accepted belief, which they
term as an “attitude-behavior gap” (Yeow et al., 2014).
There are other alternatives that individuals have also proposed in place of plastic bags. These
alternatives include paper and biodegradable bags, although negative environmental impacts are
still associated with their usage. Per Taylor and Villas-Boas (2016), paper bags require more
energy to produce than plastic bags. Paper bags also produce 50x more water pollutants in
production, are heavier, and take up more space in landfills. By replacing one type of disposable
bag for another, we are simply shifting environmental costs around, but ultimately still
negatively impacting the environment.

They also found that taxing plastic bag usage was only effective when reusable alternatives were
provided as a cheap replacement option (Taylor et al., 2016). The articles written by both Stern
(2007) and Weisman (2007), and the research conducted by Runjic-Sokele & Baric (2009), also
address the potential of biodegradable bags by taking a constructionist approach in their analysis
of the term “biodegradable.” Each article notes that biodegradable bags may not decompose in
the natural environment, but instead require specific circumstances which are sometimes only
achieved in industrial compost plants. Because of this, biodegradable bags which do not
decompose pose the same issues to wildlife that plastic bags do, and, in combination with their
high cost, are not a viable replacement for single-use plastic bags (Stern, 2007).
A disagreement within the field is whether plastic bags are actually a major contributor to litter,
or whether they are just the most visible; Rujnic-Sokele et. al (2009) argues that there are more
important sources of pollution for environmentalists to target. One limitation of this review is
that it fails to include a source which discusses another potential disagreement in the field,
whether economists who oppose bans in general would oppose a plastic bag ban.
Resources available on the EPA’s website list ways that can help colleges like Davidson reduce
the number of plastic bags used on campus and guide students into completely banning them all
together (EPA, 2017). Not only this, but there are many already existing frameworks introducing
a bag ban. This paper relies on several sources that list many successful bans from legislation
that was introduced from the bottom-up in small towns (Transition Wayland, 2017), cities,
district and state-wide (Li and Richter, 2015). The EPA provides a guidebook on how to ban
disposable plastics specifically in universities, a guidebook which has allowed campuses at UC
Santa Barbara, UC San Francisco, and UC San Diego to go plastic bag free (EPA, 2017). The
researchers of this article believe that a plastic bag ban would be effective at a school like
Davidson and that implementation could provide a significant decrease in the amount of plastic
waste the college produces and the overall impact on the planet.

Plastic bags are widely used in Malaysia. The most common plastic bags are made from low- or
high-density polyethylene and other polymers, which consist of long chainlike molecules, in
which the carbon atom acts as the backbone to which the hydrogen atoms are attached. The
appearance can be enhanced via additional processes such as lamination and coating. Plastic bags
also act as an important tool for marketers, because they can use plastic bags as a packaging tool
to enhance the company or product brand equity. Therefore, some manufacturers are willing to
invest time, effort and resources to improve their packaging products in order to attract and
increase the overt behaviour of consumers using plastic bags.

In the past, most of the shopping malls, supermarkets and convenience stores provided
consumers with plastic bags to carry their purchases. However, as consumers and governments
have developed a better awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags, some countries,
including Malaysia, have imposed rules so that consumers must bear the cost of the plastic bags
given by the retailers. Consumers like to use plastic bags because of the ease they provide when
carrying goods. There are several choices for consumers: they could choose high capacity, easy
opening or plastic bags with handles, etc. The popularity of plastic bags and the demand from
consumers and retailers stems from the fact that plastic bags are cheap, convenient to use, strong,
lightweight, high supply rate from the entire world, less space consumption, easy to store and a
hygienic means of carrying food. However, the drawbacks of plastic bags are that they are
harmful to the environment. If not disposed of properly, they cause pollution and excessive
consumption of precious resources of the earth

. They are also harmful to certain types of marine mammals such as turtles, dolphins, whales, and
penguins; approximately 100,000 marine mammals and 1 million seabirds are killed annually
from ingesting plastic bags (McClatchy- Tribune Business NewsMcClatchy- Tribune Business
News, 2008). 12 Plastic bags are hard to dispose of properly. According to The Environmental
Protection Agency, in 2008, nearly 4 million tons of plastic bags were used in the United States
(McClatchy- Tribune Business News, 2010). Most of the plastic bags end up in landfills or
rubbish tips, while irresponsible consumers litter the environment, which results in plastic bags
accumulating in waterways, parks, beaches and streets.
The sewage system disposes of plastic bags into the sea or ocean, which results in the death of
marine species from the ingestion of plastic bags. This effect is compounded when scavengers
feed on the bodies of other marine life forms that have died from ingesting the bags. Plastic bags
that are non-biodegradable take more than 1,000 years to fully decompose. If they are burned,
they generate toxic gas and create more carbon monoxide, as well as carbon dioxide, which are
harmful to the ozone (The Park Banker, 2010). Petroleum is one of the important upstream raw
materials used to produce plastic bags. About two million barrels of oil are used daily to produce
plastic, including plastic bags (McClatchy- Tribune Business News, 2008). Although, plastic
bags seem cheap it is foreseen that plastic bags will not be cheap in the future due to the scarcity
of resources.

Since petroleum also supports our electricity generation and transport, etc., it is a necessary
energy source in our everyday lives. Petroleum is a key commodity that has a major influence on
the global economy. In 2008, petroleum prices reached USD 13 $140/barrel, which caused the
inflation rate in Malaysia to rise. Since petroleum is necessary in the production of many items,
once the price of petroleum is increases, the prices of transportation, food and textiles will
follow. Ultimately, consumers need to bear that cost, and should use the precious resources more
cautiously rather than waste them on producing plastic bags. Therefore nonwoven bags should be
the preferred choice for everybody. Although encouraging more people to use paper bags in the
effort to protect the earth’s resources has its merits, as paper is biodegradable and does not emit
toxic gases during degradation, nevertheless, during the manufacturing process, paper bags
generate 70 per cent more air and 50 times more water pollutants compared to plastic bags
(Tucker and et al., 2010). In addition, it takes 91 per cent more energy to recycle a pound of
paper bags compared to the same quantity of plastic bags (Tucker and et al., 2010). Although
there has been a huge debate concerning the merits of using plastic bags or paper bags, non-
woven bags present a better alternative for both plastic and paper bags. Non-woven bags can be
re-used and recycled, they are ecofriendly, durable, spacious, have high strength (can hold up to
22lbs in weight of goods), are easy to use and carry, and are washable. One reusable bag can
save about 300 plastic bags and can also be used as a gift or souvenir, which is a new trend in the
United States and Malaysia (McClatchy- Tribune Business News, 2010).

14 Non-woven bags are made from spun bond propylene (PP) fabric; they can be recycled and
degrade without emitting any poisonous fumes or toxic chemicals. PP is a by-product of crude
oil and does not require water in its production. Therefore, it can be classified as an
environmentally friendly product. Apart from being classified as an environmentally friendly
product, non-woven bags can also serve as a form of commercial promotion, as they are easy to
print and dye and can include a company logo or advertising.

Therefore, marketers can utilize the bag by printing the corporate logo and company name on
the bag, which is an efficient marketing tool to promote, increase exposure and enhance
corporate/product brand equity. Companies like Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Tesco and other
international supermarket giants have launched their own brand of nonwoven shopping bags. In
China, experts estimate that the demand for non-woven bags will reach 200 million tons, with an
average price of 20,000 Yuan per ton and can contribute a 40 billion Yuan industry (PR
Newswire, 2009). Nowadays, non-woven bags are becoming popular in both developed and
developing countries. Research has shown that populations from China, Hong Kong and India
are becoming more eco-concerned and prefer to use non-woven bags and re-use non-woven bags
at least 3-5 times (Li et al., 2010). 15 2

Types of paper bags

There are 9 types of carry bags:


The S.O.S. bag is the preferred lunch carrier of children and office workers the world over. Recognizable
by its iconic brown color, the S.O.S bag stands on its own so that you can fill it with food, drinks, and
treats easily. Perfect for toting small items, S.O.S. bags come in a variety of colors for a touch of modern

These bags can pack a lunch – and a punch! Choose from our variety of vivid colors to find a bag
that’s perfect for your needs. Whether you need a sack for popcorn, pharmacies, packing
lunches, making crafts, gift bags, or retail needs, there’s sure to be an SOS sack for you.
Available in 12 standard sizes and more than 10 colors, they’re perfect for almost any use. From
fine boutiques to family orchards and fudge shops, our customers love the quality and
convenience offered by our stock SOS bags.

Unprinted stock bags are available for immediate shipment and 100% recyclable. Recycled
natural kraft SOS bags are compliant with bag legislation in most areas.

Custom printing and hot stamping with one case minimums are also available – call our helpful
sales team to get started on creating a bag that will promote your product or event.

2.Pinch-Bottom Bags
The wide-top construction of the pinch bottom bag allows it to remain open while being loaded.
With a tapered end, envelope-like seal, and grease-resistant glassine lining, it makes for an ideal
packaging solution for baked goods.
Pinch bottom open mouth (PBOM) bags are a packaging industry workhorse. Used for medium
to large format products of varying density, they’re also ideal for high-end and sensitive products
in the building material, minerals, pet food, animal feed, and bulk foods industries when barrier
liners are required to optimally preserve content. PBOM bags can be closed by sewing, but they
are most often closed/sealed by Pinch Bag Closers (PBC) using a pre-applied hot-melt to create
sift proof closures

3. Merchandise Bags
Merchandise bags offer a dependable, stylish way for customers to bring home their in-store
purchases. With some customization, you can add a branded touch — whether you’re a small
business owner or an event planner looking for an eye-catching container for your party favors.
Merchandise bags can be used for professional or personal purposes. They are cute and petite yet
reliant and strong. So don’t be afraid to put valuable products inside one of these. We’ve got
them in 22 vibrant colors, meaning there’s one bond to match your personal taste.
Check out the various uses merchandise bags possess and how you can incorporate them in your
life. They tend to make everyday tasks convenient and is an effortless way to keep organized.
Whether you plan to use merchandise bags for home, business, or special events; you’ll be
pleased with its versatility.
Merchandise bags are the perfect way to advertise your business. You can buy them in the color
of your company and print your logo on them. Are you familiar with word-of-mouth advertising?
Think of this as a similar approach except you’ll be using a different body part to do the talking.

Besides, actions speak louder than words. Keep your business name and logo fresh in
customers’ minds by putting it right in to their hands. They’ll keep coming back for your great
products and to get a cool bag!

Rather than putting your customers’ Happy Birthday cards and envelopes at the bottom of
gigantic plastic bags, stick little cards or stationary sets in more custom fitting bags.
Gifts/Party Favors brown paper
For birthday parties or other events, give your guests their party favors in merchandise bags! Jazz
your bags up by adding ribbon or lace and decorate the outside of a bag with stickers or glitter.
Are use a pattern punch to give it some flair. You can also put little gifts to your loved ones in
one of these babies
Candies & Treats
Are you running a bakery or candy store, or maybe you’re just one of those people who love to
create yummy treats for your others, package them in merchandise bags. The quicker they get
their hands on delicious goodies the better. It may be too early to be thinking of Halloween but if
you make personalized candy bags for each trick or treater, then these are your bags!
Whether you are selling jewelry or are giving it to someone as a gift, these little bags will ensure
they do not get tangled or lost in regular shopping bags. How annoying would it be to go to a
store and the salesman jumbled all of your clothes and jewelry together? Jewelry can be delicate
and digging to find it at the bottom of clothes and shoes could be damage enough.
Scrapbook Materials
Need an easy access place to store your scrap-booking supplies? Preserve each bag for your
stickers, stamps, stencils, and photos. Label them so you immediately know what exactly is
Sewing Supplies
Do the same for your sewing materials. Put buttons, thread, needles, pins, scissors, measuring
tape, and more in merchandise bags before you just toss them into a large bin. This way
everything will be organized and your supplies won’t get tangled together.

Planting Seeds
You’ve got your seed packets but until you plant them in your garden, do they really have a
home? Don’t misplace these tiny packets in miscellaneous places, when you’re ready for an
afternoon of gardening be ready with merchandise bags!

Tea Bags
Not everyone is too keen on keeping the large carton their teabags come in. Any who, if you’re
one of those people then place your tea bags in merchandise bags and write the flavors on the
outside of them. They’re cuter and smaller than tea packaging and unlike tea boxes, you can
travel with them anywhere!
Teachers have their needs and should be able to reach into their stash and have supplies there.
Put chalk, erasers, paperclips, stickers, whiteout, stamps, and whatever else you don’t want your
students to snatch. Such an easy solution to prevent you from losing your precious supplies.
However, merchandise bags don’t have to be a device for the things students cannot touch.
Teachers can also utilize these bags for classroom crafts and holiday gift bags filled with candies
and treats.

4.Euro Tote
Think of the euro tote as the lunch bag’s sophisticated cousin. High-end retailers often use euro
totes as their branded merchandise bags, adorning them with customized designs and branded
logos. With ribbon handles and glitter embellishments, they make great alternatives to traditional
gift packaging.

5. Bakery Bags
Bakery bags are crafted specifically to protect your food products. With glassine and wax paper
linings, these bags preserve the taste and freshness of perishable items, making them perfect for
bread, cookies, and even coffee.

6. Party Bag
Celebrate birthdays, bachelorette parties, and other special occasions by filling party bags with
sweets, gift cards, and other mementos. Your guests will love going home with an aesthetically
pleasing bag full of keepsakes.

7. Mailing Bags
Envelope-style mailing bags are perfect for sending important documents and small products.
With their extra layer of protective padding, they’re an ideal option for shipping fragile items to
customers or business partners.

8. Recycled Bags
With the rise of e-commerce, consumers and retailers alike want to do everything in their power
to reduce their carbon footprint. Recycled bags — made with environmentally-friendly materials
— can help us all go green, and can even be reused for other business needs

9. Vogue Bags
The vogue bag makes for an elegant alternative to plain paper. Filled with fun tissue paper and a
handwritten card tucked inside, vogue bags can take your gift wrapping operation to the next
Making paper bag by newspaper
This instructable will show you how to make an easy bag from an ordinary newspaper in less
then 5 minutes!

This idea came to me when the newspapers kept stacking up in my dormroom and I didn't have
any other use for them but to throw them out... Which is a waste since there is so much to do
with them!
I then looked on the internet for creative uses with newspapers and found out some people make
bags out of them, which is perfect since I'm always short on good bags.

I tried some of the tutorials and took the best things out of them to make the (in my opinion)
most durable newspaper bag. The process is really easy and with a little practice you can easily
make them in under 5 minutes. Plus you can make several from one newspaper!

They are handy and best of all green and recycled!

Step 1: Tools and Materials

You really don't need much to make this easy bag and I'm sure you'll have everything already in
your possession.
You'll need:

Piece of cardboard
Rope or handles of an old broken bag
(Optional) Ballpoint to make holes if you use rope

Step 2: Folding and Stapling

9 More Images
Okay take your newspaper and spread it open. Take two sheets of newspaper out, we don't need
more for one bag. If you want something specific on the outside select the sheet that looks the
best and put it on top
Now fold it horizontally and staple the loose side. Staple it completely leaving distances of
around 1 inch between the staples
(1 inch = 2.51cm)
Fold the side you just stapled 2 inch (5cm) inwards as shown on the photo and then flip it and
fold it again to the other side. Do the same for the other side of the newspaper.

Then fold both sides inwards as shown on the photo.

When you are done make a small fold on the bottom side and staple it shut leaving again a
distance of 1 inch between each staple.
Then fold 2 inch of the bottom side you just stapled and flip it both sides.

Then press the bottom carefully to strengthen the bottom. Put one hand inside the bag and the
other one outside to do so. Now you should have something like on the last photo.

Congratulations your bag is almost done, the only thing remaining now is support and handles!
Step 3: Support and Handles

The last thing that remains is to make some support preventing your bag from collapsing in the
To do this simply cut out a cardboard rectangle and put it on the bottom. You can glue it down if
you want to but it's not needed.

When you're done you can attatch the handles. I used the handles of an old bag that ripped open
and just stapled them on.
If you don't want to do that you can also use some rope. First cut two pieces of rope of the same
length. Then simply use a ball point to make two holes on each side of the bag. Then put rope
through the holes and knot the ends of!
Importance of paper bag

Packaging presentation provides a big factor that contributes to the great first impression of
whatever product is inside. More often than not, the external appearance of a product is a big
factor in persuading the buyers to buy a certain commodity. The color, design, feature and size of
the packaging are essential aspects of a product that warrants extensive design and study before
being used by the suppliers. The presentation of a brown paper bags must be able to attract the
targeted buyers. Likewise, certain packaging must have a certain functionality of preserving the
product contained in the package.

Liquid items should be contained in glass or plastics. Toxic materials must be stored in packages
that cannot be easily opened. Other consumable products such as food should have a non-toxic
and biodegradable package. However, the package that has increasingly been used by suppliers
is the paper-based package. Hereunder are the reasons why more and more people prefer paper
as packages for their products:

Paper packages are easy and simple to design. Even without the use of specialized machines, a
person can mold, shape and form a paper package by just using his hand. Moreover, paper is
easily available and very versatile in its features because of its texture and quality. Unlike
plastics where a special mold or machine is needed to form the package, designing a paper
package is more cost effective. Also, as compared with glass which can be easily broken, a
paper is a tough and flexible material to use as a package.

It is also important that the package should be able to complement the product inside. Cake
boxes, in some instance, are more important than the taste of the cake itself. It is common
knowledge that the consumers are attracted to the package of the product and they are even more
than willing to pay additional amount for a nice wrapping. People not only pay for the product
but also the packaging that goes with it. Moreover, the covering of the product prevents it from
spoilage and contamination.

Most cake boxes even help prolong the cake’s life and also provide costumers with product information
in which it is legally required in most part of the world. Before, paper is not a good package that can
provide the necessary protection and preservation of the products. However, there is already an existing
technology which makes paper bags and boxes able to provide a much improve capability to protect and
preserve the products inside. There are already paper materials that are coated with special and non-
toxic coating which makes the packaging water proof and air resistant. The color of the package is also
important part of the design of the package and that paper packages can easily be colored and painted.

But as the package conscious consumer in the world increases, so is the environmental consequence
that goes with it. Nowadays people are more conscious of the environmental hazards that is brought
by plastic and metal wrappings that is why more and more people preferred packaging that is
made out of paper and other recyclable materials. Used papers, plastics, rubber and metal can be
added to paper in order to provide a more detailed and unique look.

The environmental friendly feature of using paper bags is not the only reason why it is advisable
to use it but also the convenience and affordability of paper bags. Paper bags are cheaper as
compared to plastic bags and it is more convenient because it can store more things.
With the gaining popularity of paper bags there are also many innovations in paper bags
industry, many paper packaging company present personalize and more easy to style paper
products. They offer different styles, colors and sizes for various kinds of products. Makers of
paper bags also cater to all kinds of products, idea or occasion where the designs of the bags are
based. Makers of paper package also allow their clients to design their own packages for a more
personalized look.

As environmental awareness become part of the people psyche, more businesses try to adapt
with this trend. In a more developed countries, the trend is that the groceries are already
beginning to change their plastic bags to a more environmental friendly brown paper bags
because they are affordable and safe to the environment.
The use of a biodegradable and environmentally friendly materials are encouraged by the
government and that several laws has been passed in order to encourage not only supermarkets,
groceries and other retail establishment to use these materials but also other business
establishments who are willing to support the protection of the environment. Several incentives
are given by the government to businesses who uses brown paper bags such as tax breaks,
promotion and government subsidy.

Using of paper bags is way better than using plastics or metal because it is more environmental
friendly and its use can be a good marketing strategy to the business. In these days when people
are more aware of the environmental danger that is brought by plastics and metals, most people
will only support the products that help preserve the environment.

That is also the main reason why consumers now prefer the use of papers as gift bags and in
other purposes that require packaging. By using environmentally friendly materials as a gift bag,
the giver not only put his gift in a very nice wrapping but more importantly, he encourages other
people to be more helpful to the environment and that they should also do their own part in
preserving Mother Earth.

Many studies have shown that the use of plastic contributes a very big part in climate change.
Plastics are made of non biodegradable materials and are very hard to dispose because they last
for thousands of years. Just imagine what the world will look if we continue using plastics. Using
recyclable materials such as paper will help you save money and for those in business, these
materials will also help you gain more profit and a chance to help save the mother earth.

Paper bag is the new fad these days. We can see men and women carrying paper bags from
almost everywhere. They bring it in schools, malls, offices and grocery stores.
This trend might have been developed because of the clothing sector. Famous clothes store
design their paper bags with their own company or brand logo to attract customers. The people
holding these particular bags get recognition because it gives those who see them an idea that
they own a classy product. Printing company name or logo on paper bags serve as a form of
promotion or marketing strategy. Also, many people prefer using paper bags because they are
easy to carry, neat and can hold a lot of items.

There are bigger reasons why the use of paper bag is advantageous. Aside from being reusable,
they are recyclable, biodegradable, environment friendly, inexpensive and practical to use. Paper
bags are made from wood. Like newspapers, magazines or books, they can be recycled and
produced into a new paper.
Waste papers are biodegradable so they can easily decay and would not pile up on dump sites.
Paper bag does contain harmful chemicals that will deteriorate our environment. It will not affect
the land where it will decay. It is inexpensive because we can get one free as they come as a
packaging material when we buy clothes on shopping stores. We can also buy them at very
cheap price especially if they are bought wholesale. Owning a paper bag is practical because you
will get the value of what you pay for. You can use them on groceries and the good ones can be
used as paper gift bags. If they reached a very bad condition, collect them and sell to junk shops.
Using paper bags will be a lot of help to the environment. However, we should not overdo it. It
will also take some time to replace the trees that are cut down in order to produce papers.
The enormous amount that plastic and its products are used these days has created a lot of buzz
among people. With the help of advanced technology, it seems that everything is available made
from plastic – primarily, bags are produced with micro-plastic which is highly responsible for
devastating the ecosystem as it does not break down and sits in landfills, clogs waterways, and
devastates wildlife. More and more consumers are looking to reusable bags paper bags, which
have made a grand comeback in the market.
In ancient times, way back before plastic bags were invented, people used to carry their
essentials in a reusable material bag – this usage vanished with the technological revolution that
upturned the creation of plastic bags. These days, things have changed again and we have
reached that point when we need to think about our impact on the earth. For this reason, it is
becoming more and more suggested to use Eco-friendly products in our day-to-day life.
When it comes to benefits of using paper and reusable bags, some of the considerable advantages
are noted below:
1.They’re Reusable
Bags that are made from either paper or material are designed to be used again and again. Unlike
plastic bags, they are not supposed to be disposed of after a single usage – this is one of the most
significant advantages of these reusable and paper bags. They also can save you money as you
don’t have to purchase them every time you go to the store.
If any reusable bag is ripped or has worn out after a few years of use, it can be recycled where
facilities exist – this means it doesn’t create any solid waste that could harm the environment.
Your paper bags can also be recycled.

Icegreen offers a wide range of reusable wine bags, insulated lunch bags, grocery bags and much
When it comes to cleanliness, reusable bags serve us with an option to wash them when needed.
Most reusable bags can me machine washed on the gentle cycle with an Eco-friendly laundry
soap and line dried. For instance, if your lunch or grocery items have leaked in the bag, a quick
wash can return your bag back to clean hygiene.
Due to the excessive utilization of plastic bags, our ecosystem gets disturbed. Apart Plastic bags
are so light that they can catch a breeze and travel in the air, ending up in places where they
negatively impact the ecosystem. This harmful impact is not only on the terrestrial area but also
it is highly responsible in endangering the life of marine creatures. Due to this reason, it is
suggested to switch from plastic bags to reusable bags.
Reusable bags are manufactured from strong materials such as jute, canvas and woven recycled
and synthetic fibers. Unlike plastic, reusable bags have built-in high endurance capabilities; they
can retain their quality for an extended period of time as the material used is sturdy and durable,
reducing the possibility for early wear and tear.
If a single swap from plastic to paper or reusable can help you protect the ecosystem, then why
not make that choice?!Well, we’ve just made a minor attempt to cover the
Now, it’s up to you whether or not to make the choice to switch to paper or reusable and do your
part to decrease the amount of UN-recyclable plastic waste on our planet

Paper bag v/s Plastic bag

1. On Resource Use – Renewable Versus Non-Renewable Resources

Paper bags have a much higher global warming potential (GWP).
The manufacture of paper bags is much more resource intensive than plastic consuming larger
amounts of energy and water. See below, or the section next section, Paper versus Plastic—The

paper grocery bagspaper LCBO bags

Post-consumer recycled paper used to carry heavy items is problematic.
The Liquor Board of Ontario (LCBO) switched to paper bags. They started with 100% recycled
paper content but have since discovered that the bags did not perform well, so the recycled paper
content was modified. The four bottle bag is made from virgin paper to carry heavy loads. The
one and two bottle bags, which carry very little weight, are made with 35-40% recycled paper

Plastic Bags and Natural Gas

Plastic bags were invented as an alternative to paper grocery bags in the late 1970s to protect
trees and prevent clear-cutting of our forests.
Plastic bags are a by-product of natural gas extraction and provide an environmental solution to
the burn off of this gas during the refining process.
The polyethylene material used for conventional plastic shopping bags is made from ethane,
which is the strand of natural gas that is burned off during the refining process to lower the BTU
value of the gas so that the gas does not burn too hot (so it can be used as fuel in our homes).
Essentially, the strand of ethane gas is conserved, captured and frozen before it can be burned off
into the atmosphere.

2. On Manufacturing - Plastic Bag Manufacturing is More Environmentally Friendly

Life Cycle Assessments (LCA’s) show that the manufacture of paper grocery bags has a heavier
environmental impact than the manufacture of plastic shopping bags.
According to the Scottish government's 2005 Report on Plastic Shopping Bags, the manufacture
of paper bags consumes four times more water than the manufacture of plastic bags and paper
generates three times more greenhouse gases.
The EcoBilan Carrefour Life Cycle Assessment shows that in their manufacture, paper bags
consume 2.2 times more non-renewable energy than the manufacture of plastic bags; paper bag
manufacture consumes 4.7 times more water, emits 3.1 more greenhouse gases and 2.7 times
more acid gases than the manufacture of plastic bags.
Each study discloses slight differences in results, but all studies agree that paper bags carry a
substantial environmental impact in their manufacture that is not seen with plastic bags.
See the section on Plastic versus Paper – The Studies for more detail.

3. On Reuse – Plastic Outperforms Paper

Whatever type of bag is used, the key to reducing its environmental impact is to reuse it as many
times as possible.
Paper bags tend to fail on reuse because they tear easily and are not waterproof.
Conventional plastic bags are highly reusable and outperform paper. They are reused as carry
bags and as kitchen catchers for garbage and organics, among their many uses.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment audit data that tracks the province’s 50% bag reduction
program shows a 59.1% alternate rate for plastic shopping bags. The 2011 LCA by the UK
Environment Agency identified a reuse rate of 40.3%.
The 2011 UK Environment Agency study of supermarket carry bags (LCA) found that paper
bags contribute three times more to global warming than conventional plastic shopping bags do.1
4. On Solid Waste – Paper Generates More Waste
The most significant and immediate impact of a switch from plastic shopping bags to paper
grocery bags is the additional volume and tonnage that paper adds to the waste stream. This
additional volume correlates directly to significant increases in the amount of greenhouse gases
emissions produced to transport it.
Paper grocery bags are heavier than plastic bags. The typical plastic shopping bag weighs 6-8
grams; a standard Kraft paper bag weighs 55 grams. This leads to additional waste, waste
management and recycling costs.
It takes seven trucks to transport two million paper bags, versus one truck to carry two million
plastic bags.
The differences between paper and plastic strongly supports why bans don't work. In 2006,
Taiwan rescinded a ban on plastic bags in their fast food sector. The ban led to an increase in the
use of paper bags with a resulting massive increase in tonnage, waste management costs and
greenhouse gas emissions.

5. On Recycling - Both Bag Types are Highly Recyclable

Paper bags tend to have higher recycling rates than plastic bags.
Canada has, over the past decade and half, developed a highly effective network of plastic bag
recyclers across the country – large and small. Some of the larger players are Merlin Plastics in
B.C. and Alberta; EFS in Ontario; Gaudreau Environment; and Inteplast in Atlantic Canada.
Recycling rates of plastic bags in Canada are high. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment's
2010 report on the 50% Plastic Bag Reduction Program determined a 36% recycling rate in
municipalities recovering bags in the blue box. In B.C. and Alberta over 30% of the bags are
recycled. In Quebec, 33% of all plastic shopping bags are recycled. And in Atlantic Canada,
which pioneered bag to bag recycling systems working with large grocery retailers, rates are
higher: 50% in NS and 57% in PEI
Plastic bags affect many people, not only the consumers but plastic bags also affects the
environment and animals. We are affected by plastic bags because we all dispose of them
incorrectly and because we are unaware of the consequences of using plastic bags. Research
shows that “It takes 500-1,000 years for plastic to degrade” this means the plastic we use isn’t
really going away anytime soon.

The amount of plastic bags we use is important because once we throw the plastic bags away
they will just pile up and create pollution, which is harmful to the environment because how we
dispose of the plastic bags isn’t really going to help due to the amount of time it takes for them to
decompose. Something important to know is that “50 percent of the plastic we use, we use just
once and throw away” this should be taken into consideration because the plastic bags are just
being used once then thrown away, this contributes to the pollution being created. This is how
we are affected by the use of plastic bags.

The environmental effects of plastic bags are important because they not only affect the
environment ,but also affects humans. The environmental effects due to plastic bags are
pollution, litter, loss of resource, and pacific trash vortex.Plastic bags are extremely harmful to
the environment because we use them in massive quantities. This is important because plastic
bags are used worldwide and are mostly used once then are thrown out and because of this we
are just harming ourselves by continuing to use plastic bags.

Environmental and human costs are related because they both negatively impact us in many
ways. “Over the last 10 years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last
century.” This piece of evidence is important because it has a couple of meanings. The first
meaning is related to the environmental impact, we are using the resources which is being used
for something that isn’t necessary. What I mean by this is that we are using up oil to make these
plastic bags which really isn’t something we “need”. The human impact is that we are polluting
our environment because we dispose of the plastic bags incorrectly.

An alternative for plastic bags would be using reusable bags made of other fabrics instead of
using plastic. Using reusable bags would reduce the effects of plastic bags because we would
lower the amount of plastic being produced and disposed by simply using a reusable bag.”
Reusable bags are an alternative for plastic bags because they are environmentally friendly and
can be used repeatedly to reduce waste.” Something to keep in mind is that plastic bags are not
only beneficial to the environment, but they also benefit us because we would be able to reuse
them over and over again.

To make things better I would use an alternative for plastic bags, which in this case is using a
reuseable bag. People would begin to use reusable bags as soon as possible because doing so we
could be able to cut down on the negative impact created by plastic bags. Using reusable bags
instead of plastic bags is something that should be done worldwide because the impact that
plastic bags has would be reduced.

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