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Rooftop Solar System

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Roof Top Solar Energy Generation (1MW)

Industrial Internship Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Award of the Degree of
Kanchi Sai Venkata Chaithanya
Gurram Bhavani Harishankar
Pallaki Pooja Bhargavi
Gampa Sairam

Under the Guidance of

P Venubabu


Approved by AICTE- New Delhi, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada
NH-5, Chowdavaram, Guntur
April 2024
Roof Top Solar Energy Generation (1MW)

Industrial Internship Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Award of the Degree of
Kanchi Sai Venkata Chaithanya
Gurram Bhavanu Harishankar
Pallaki Pooja Bhargavi
Gampa Sairam

Under the Guidance of

P Venubabu


Approved by AICTE- New Delhi, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada
NH-5, Chowdavaram, Guntur
April 2024


This is to certify that the Industrial Internship project report entitled Rooftop Solar
Energy Generation (1MW) being submitted by

K S V Chaithanya 208X1A0217

G B Harishankar 208X1A0214

P Pooja Bhargavi 218X5A0207

Gampa Sairam 218X5A0201

in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer

Science and Engineering to the Kallam Haranadhareddy Institute of Technology is a

record of bonafied work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

Mr P Venubabu Dr K Hari Krishna

Associate Professor

Certificate from Intern Organization

This is to certify that Kanchi Sai Venkata Chaithanya with Reg. No. 208x1a0217 of

Kallam Haranadhareddy Institute of Technology underwent industial internship in Skill

Dzire from ______________ to ___________________ The overall performance of the

intern during his/her internship is found to be ______________________________

(Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory).

Authorized Signatory with Date and Seal


I hereby declare that the Industrial Internship project dissertation entitled Roof Top Solar
Energy Generation submitted for the B.Tech. Degree is my original work and the
dissertation has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship,
fellowship or any other similar titles.

Place: Guntur K S V Chaithanya

Date: 208X1A0217

We profoundly grateful to express our deep sense of gratitude and respect
towards Sri. KALLAM MOHAN REDDY, Chairman, KHIT, Guntur for his
precious support in the college.

We are thankful to Dr. M. UMA SANKAR REDDY, Director, KHIT,

GUNTUR for his encouragement and support for the completion of the project.

We are much thankful to Dr. B. SIVA BASIVI REDDY, Principal, KHIT,

GUNTUR for his support during and until the completion of the project.

We are greatly indebted to DR K Hari Krishna Professor, & Head of the department, EEE
KHIT, GUNTUR for providing the laboratory facilities fully as and when required and
for giving us the opportunity to carry the project work in the college during Industry

We extend our deep sense of gratitude to our Internal Guide

Mr P Venubabu, Assoc Professor, and other Faculty Members & Support staff for
their valuable suggestions, guidance and constructive ideas in each and every step,
which was indeed of great help towards the successful completion of our project.

Place: Guntur K S V Chaithanya

Date: 208X1A0217

The report presents the proposal of a novel design of ROOF TOP BASED SOLAR
The increment of electricity demand in last few years and the wide difference between
generation and load, led to support the national grid with additional generations, solar
power is becoming most popular in generation sector because it is clean, inexhaustible,
dependable and available in all sizes in addition of its capital cost is continuously
decreases. It has also become more efficient since the power conversion efficiency of
converters devices and photovoltaic solar cells has increased. This work proposes a
design of 1MW grid connected Photovoltaic system under Iraq climate condition. The
work contains a studying the solar radiation estimations, system technical design, system
losses estimations, environmental impact, performance and economic evaluations for this
system. From the obtained results, it was found that the city has good solar radiation to
build PV systems in large scales, the estimated energy produced about (1757.8 MWh)
produced in the first year and reach to 40,445 MWh for the total life cycle with
performance ratio varied between 86.4% to 73 % and average capacity factor 19.83%.
The system the system will save about 27794 tons of CO2 emission during total life. The
financial analysis shows that the levelized cost of energy is around 0.0289 $/kWh which
is economically feasible

TABLE OF CONTENTs..................................................................................................................8
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................10
LIST OF tableS...............................................................................................................................11
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................12
1.1 Problem Statement...............................................................................................................12
1.2 Objectives and Future scope................................................................................................12
1.2.1 Objectives....................................................................................................................12
1.2.2 Future Scope................................................................................................................13
1.3 Background..........................................................................................................................14
1.4 SPV SYSTEMS...................................................................................................................16
1.5 PV CELL.............................................................................................................................19
1.6 ROOF TOP SPV SYSTEM.................................................................................................22
Chapter 2 ROOF TOP BASED (SPV) SYSTEM...........................................................................25
2.1 Assumption & Consideration..............................................................................................25
2.2 ABOUT ROOF TOP SPV...................................................................................................26
2.2 TYPES CRYSTALLINE SILICON CELL.........................................................................27
2.3 TYPES OF ROOF TOP SPV SYSTEM..............................................................................29
2.3.1 STAND ALONE ROOF TOP SPV SYSTEM............................................................29
2.3.2 GRID CONNECTED SPV SYSTEM.........................................................................30
2.4 ROOFTOP REWARDS......................................................................................................32
Chapter 3 Literature Review...........................................................................................................36
Chapter 4 Methodology and Implementation.................................................................................39
4.1 Methodology........................................................................................................................39
4.2. Simulation modeling tools..................................................................................................39
4.2.1 Framework for validating the simulated PV performance..........................................40
4.2.2. PVGIS........................................................................................................................40
4.2.3. PV watts.....................................................................................................................40
4.2.4. PV Syst.......................................................................................................................42
4.2.5 Availability of land and requisite approvals................................................................42
4.3 Implementation....................................................................................................................43
4.3.1 Rooftop Solar -Steps To Implementation....................................................................43

4.3.2 Identify the amount of shade-free rooftop area available/required for installation.....44
4.4 Designing of 1MW Solar Power Plant................................................................................45
Chapter 5 Operation and Maintenance...........................................................................................49
5.1 Operation of Rooftop Solar power plant.............................................................................49
5.2 Maintenance of Rooftop Solar power plant.........................................................................52
5.3 ENERGY EFFICIENCY FINANCING IN MSMEs..........................................................54
Chapter 6 Result..............................................................................................................................56
6.1 System design......................................................................................................................56
6.1.1 Number of modules in series per string......................................................................56
6.1.2 Total number of strings...............................................................................................57
6.2 Results and discussion.........................................................................................................59
6.2.1 Solar radiation.............................................................................................................59
6.2.2 System performance....................................................................................................59
6.2.3 Financial analysis........................................................................................................60
Chapter 7 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BENEFIT...........................................................61
7.1 Environmental Benefit.........................................................................................................61
7.2 Social Benefit......................................................................................................................61
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Work.........................................................................................63
8.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................63
8.2 Future Work.........................................................................................................................63

Figure 1. 1 Construction of PV Module.........................................................................................18
Figure 1. 2 Solar PV Module..........................................................................................................19
Figure 1. 3 working principle of photovoltaic cell.........................................................................20
Figure 1. 4 Typical PV Cell............................................................................................................21
Figure 1. 5 Rooftop Solar Panels....................................................................................................23
Figure 2.1 layout stand-alone connected SPV system....................................................................30
Figure 2.2 layout grid connected SPV system................................................................................31
Figure 2.3 A typical rooftop system...............................................................................................32
Figure 2.4 Large Scale Solar PV Installed......................................................................................35
Figure 4.1 design of rooftop solar plant..........................................................................................48
Figure 5.1 O & M Team.................................................................................................................49
Figure 5.2 Operation of rooftop Solar power plant........................................................................51
Figure 5.3 Maintenance of rooftop solar power plant....................................................................53


Table 2. 1 Statewise Installed rooftop solar capacity.....................................................................33

Table 4. 1 Solar PV Module specification......................................................................................41
Table 4. 2 Inverter specification ....................................................................................................41
Table 4. 3 Panal Efficiency and Space Occupied...........................................................................45


1.1 Problem Statement

Most studies evaluating solar potential utilize building topology and correlate it with
geographical solar radiation data, and these techniques are becoming more accessible as

Tools that can be used to accurately simulate solar irradiation and to precisely model PV
installation designs for building-integrated PV, which have thus advanced significantly.

Although much has been done on this topic, in terms of the assessment methods
proposed, assumptions made, data used, countries covered, results achieved, etc., there is
no unified agreement on methodologies, and further, the Lithuanian case has never been
considered comprehensively; therefore, little is known about the potential of using
rooftop solar PV systems, about the approaches and methods applied, or about the
contributions to policy formation and implementation.

In addition, for the first time, factual LIDAR and actual consumption data have been
blended and used in line with technical and economic potential assessments. These were
carried out due to their utility in identifying areas capable of supporting high levels of
renewable energy development. The production capabilities of rooftop PV systems were
analyzed because there is evidence that this can reduce the need for electrical grids and
improve network efficiency, by reducing distribution losses. The Lithuanian case is worth
investigating because of the increasing energy prices in the country and the lack of a need
for additional investment in infrastructure related to rooftop solar PV systems.

The scientific problem—how do we assess the technical and economic potential of

rooftop solar power plant?

1.2 Objectives and Future scope

1.2.1 Objectives

Energy Generation: The primary objective is to generate renewable electricity from solar energy
to meet the power needs of the facility or community where the rooftop system is installed.

Cost Reduction: By harnessing solar energy, the project aims to reduce electricity bills and
overall energy costs over the system's lifetime, providing long-term financial savings.

Carbon Emission Reduction: The project seeks to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions by
displacing electricity generated from fossil fuels, contributing to climate change mitigation

Resource Conservation: By utilizing sunlight as a clean and abundant energy source, the project
aims to conserve natural resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas, promoting sustainability.

Grid Stability and Resilience: Through distributed generation, the project enhances grid stability
by reducing strain on the centralized electricity grid and providing localized power generation,
particularly during peak demand periods and grid outages.

Promotion of Renewable Energy: By demonstrating the viability and benefits of rooftop solar, the
project aims to promote the adoption of renewable energy technologies and contribute to the
transition towards a low-carbon energy future.

Community Engagement and Education: The project seeks to engage and educate the local
community about the benefits of solar energy, fostering awareness, support, and participation in
renewable energy initiatives.

Economic Development: Through job creation, local investment, and economic growth, the
project aims to stimulate economic development in the region where it is implemented, benefiting
local businesses and communities.

Policy Support and Advocacy: The project aims to advocate for supportive policies, incentives,
and regulatory frameworks to facilitate the widespread adoption of rooftop solar and overcome
barriers to deployment.

Long-Term Sustainability: By ensuring the durability, reliability, and performance of the solar
installation, the project aims to achieve long-term sustainability and maximize the environmental,
social, and economic benefits of solar energy generation.

1.2.2 Future Scope

The scope of implementing a 1MW rooftop solar system encompasses various aspects, ranging
from technical feasibility to financial viability and environmental impact. Firstly, from a technical
perspective, the scope involves conducting thorough site assessments to determine the suitability
of rooftops for solar panel installation, considering factors such as orientation, shading, and

structural integrity. This includes evaluating the available space, roof tilt, and solar irradiance
levels to optimize energy generation.

Additionally, the scope extends to the design and engineering of the solar array, including
selecting appropriate solar panels, inverters, and mounting systems to maximize energy output
while ensuring safety and reliability. Integration with existing electrical infrastructure and grid
connection also falls within the technical scope, requiring compliance with regulatory standards
and local utility requirements.

On the financial front, the scope entails assessing the upfront costs and potential returns on
investment, considering factors such as equipment expenses, installation costs, operational and
maintenance expenses, as well as available incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and financing
options. Financial feasibility studies are conducted to determine the payback period and return on
investment, guiding decision-making and project financing.

Furthermore, the scope encompasses regulatory and policy considerations, including navigating
permitting processes, obtaining necessary approvals, and complying with local building codes
and regulations. This involves engaging with relevant stakeholders, such as local authorities,
utility companies, and community members, to address concerns and streamline the
implementation process.

From an environmental perspective, the scope includes evaluating the potential environmental
benefits of rooftop solar, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating air pollution, and
conserving natural resources. Life cycle assessments may be conducted to quantify the
environmental impact and sustainability of the project, informing decision-making and
demonstrating the environmental benefits of solar energy.

In summary, the scope of implementing a 1MW rooftop solar system encompasses technical,
financial, regulatory, and environmental aspects, requiring a comprehensive approach to ensure
successful project implementation and maximize the benefits of solar energy generation.

1.3 Background

Over the last few decades, the energy consumption levels are expanding due to increased
use at various levels, and of course, the new developing technologies are one of the
reasons. On the other side, the concerns related to the environment are also increasing.
For mitigating the increased energy demands without affecting the environment seems to

be only possible with renewable energy. The renewable energy sources like solar,
biomass, wind are the widely used alternatives for meeting the increasing demand for
electrical energy. The scenario has gained global attention, and many developing
countries are also focusing on renewable penetration into their utility grids. Owing to the
requirements, India electric grid has an installed capacity of 364.96 GW by 2019, with
mixed electricity generation from coal (56.1%), large hydro (12.5%), small hydro (1.3%),
wind (10.2%), solar (8.6%), biomass (2.6%), gas (6.9%), diesel (0.1%) and nuclear

The above statistics and the preliminary understanding of renewable energy potential in
India reveal that India has incredible scope for generating solar energy that benefited
from its geographical location. It is a tropical country with 3000 h of sunshine, receiving
solar radiation throughout the year. Relatively all regions in India receive 4.7 kWh/m 2
solar radiation. The highest potential for solar energy tapping is acquired in the states of
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab,
Rajasthan, and West Bengal due to their locations.

Consequently, the solar photovoltaic power generation had been initiated in various
regions in the country for electrification. Solar power is sometimes used in parallel with
diesel generating stations in remote areas. With the slowdown in solar energy devices and
admiration for the need for advancements of solar technologies, projects have recently
been executed. With the sliding in solar electric energy costs, grid-connected solar
photovoltaic (PV) plants have grown in various levels ranging their capacities from small
scale to large scale. Earlier, rural electrification has introduced the usage of solar lamps,
solar pumps, lighting for homes, lighting systems in the streets.

Public awareness, government schemes, solar policies, easy installation, pollution-free

environment gave a broad scope for the use of solar energy utilization. Extensive
improvement in PV manufacturing encouraged the development of solar PV plants for
industrial and commercial applications. As the technology develops over the years, it is
becoming more viable for institutions and campuses to explore means of generating their
electricity from renewable sources where solar energy is an attractive option to
supplement the electrical sourcing from the public grid. The progression of traditional
forms of energy to meet society’s growing energy needs at low prices is investigated.
Some re searchers discussed the capacity, constraints, and advantages of solar
technologies in the India as well as globally. The research in solar energy practices and
future roadmap in the field of solar technology are discussed. Solar power is one of the
trending areas in energy investments in the present scenario, but it needs an effective
economic and environmental assessment to ensure the paybacks.

In addition, a risk assessment is essential, as there are many technical problems in solar
PV systems that were explained; along with the risk, assessment in Ref. Technical
analysis proportionally plays a vital role in organizing relevant information and to have
the decision for further improvements in the performance. Research in solar PV plants
and their performance studies are ongoing, especially in the design, installation, and
analysis of the commissioning of the solar plants.

The correct prediction of the energy produced by solar photovoltaic modules in any
required location is essential for the expansions of solar generation. The energy
production varies seasonally based on the solar radiation in that location. Many computer
simulation models exist, and they are handy tools to predict the possible energy outputs
and to have performance assessment.


A solar power plant with a 1MW capacity or greater may be taken into consideration as a
“Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant, Solar Power Station or Energy Generating
Station”. These solar energy structures produce a big amount of power that is more than
enough to strength any corporation independently or can eventually be bought to the
government. Today, each person can installation a solar electricity plant with a ability of
1KW to 1MW on their land or rooftops. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) and state nodal groups are also presenting 20%-70% subsidy on solar for
residential, institutional, and non-profit groups to promote such green energy resources.
State energy boards and distribution businesses will assist you for the duration of the
complete manner. These incentives/schemes will boost the strength technology in India
and encourage human beings to put in sun power structures. In a developing united states
like India, the intake of power is increasing constantly and its production is restricted. In
addition, we do not have enough assets to store so much strength. Therefore, because of
the upcoming energy intake, it would be a sensible thing to install a sun power plant
Solar photovoltaic (SPV) is a field of solar energy generation where solar radiation is
converted into electricity or electrical energy using a device called photovoltaic (PV) cell
or solar cell. A solar cell is made up of a semiconductor material like silicon or other
semiconductors material like Galas. When sunlight (in the form of photon) falls on these
semiconductor materials, electricity is generated. The amount of this generated electricity
depends upon some factors like intensity of solar radiation etc.
A photovoltaic system, or PV system, is a power system designed to supply usable solar
power by means of photovoltaic’s. It consists of an arrangement of several components,
including solar panels to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity, a solar inverter to
change the electric power current from DC to AC, as well as mounting, cabling and other
electrical accessories to set up a working system. It may also use a solar tracking system
to improve the system's overall performance and include an integrated battery solution, as
prices for storage devices are expected to decline. Strictly speaking, a solar array only
encompasses the ensemble of solar panels, the visible part of the PV system, and does not
include all the other hardware, often summarized as balance of system (BOS). Moreover,
PV systems convert light directly into electricity and shouldn't be confused with other
technologies, such as concentrated solar power or solar thermal, used for heating and
PV systems range from small, rooftop-mounted or building-integrated systems with
capacities from a few to several tens of kilowatts, to large utility-scale power stations of
hundreds of megawatts. Nowadays, most PV systems are grid-connected, while off-grid
or stand-alone systems only account for a small portion of the market. Operating silently
and without any moving parts or environmental emissions, PV systems have developed
from being niche market applications into a mature technology used for mainstream
electricity generation. A rooftop system recoups the invested energy for its manufacturing

and installation within 0.7 to 2 years and produces about 95 percent of net clean
renewable energy over a 30-year service lifetime.

Figure 1. 1 Construction of PV Module

Figure 1. 2 Solar PV Module


A slab (or wafer) of pure silicon is used to make a PV cell. The top of the slab is very
thinly diffused with an "n" dopant such as phosphorous. On the base of the slab, a small
amount of a "p" dopant, typically boron is diffused. The boron side of the slab is 1,000
times thicker than the phosphorous side. Dopants are similar in atomic structure to the
primary material. The phosphorous has one more electron in its outer shell than silicon,
and the boron has one less. These dopants help create the electric field that motivates the
energetic electrons out of the cell created when light strikes the PV cell.

Figure 1. 3 working principle of photovoltaic cell

The phosphorous gives the wafer of silicon an excess of free electrons; it has a negative
character. This is called the n-type silicon (n = negative). The n-type silicon is not
charged-it has an equal number of protons and electrons but some of the electrons are not
held tightly to the atoms. They are free to move to different locations within the layer.
The boron gives the base of the silicon a positive character, because it has a tendency to
attract electrons. The base of the silicon is called p-type silicon ( p =positive)

The p-type silicon has an equal number of protons and electrons; it has a positive
character but not a positive charge. Where the n-type silicon and p-type silicon meet, free
electrons from the n-layer flow into the p-layer for a split second, then form a barrier to
prevent more electrons from moving between the two sides.

Figure 1. 4 Typical PV Cell

This point of contact and barrier is called the p-n junction. When both sides of the silicon
slab are doped, there is a negative charge in the p-type section of the junction and a
positive charge in the n-type section of the junction due to movement of the electrons and
"holes" at the junction of the two types of materials. This imbalance in electrical charge
at the p-n junction produces an electric field between the p-type and n-type silicon. the
PV cell is placed in the sun, photons of light strike the electrons in the p-n junction and
energize them, knocking them free of their atoms. These electrons are attracted to the
positive charge in the n-type silicon and repelled by the negative charge in the p-type
silicon. Most photon- electron collisions actually occur in the silicon base.

A conducting wire connects the p-type silicon to an electrical load, such as a light or
battery, and then back to the n-type silicon, forming a complete circuit. As the free
electrons are pushed into the n-type silicon they repel each other because they are of like
The wire provides a path for the electrons to move away from each other. This flow of
electrons is an electric current that travels through the circuit from the n-type to the p-
type silicon.

In addition to the semi-conducting materials, solar cells consist of a top metallic grid or
other electrical contact to collect electrons from the semi- conductor and transfer them to
the external load, and a back contact layer to complete the electric circuit


Several cities and towns in the country are experiencing a substantial growth in their peak
electricity demand. Municipal Corporations and the electricity utilities are finding it
difficult to cope with this rapid rise in demand and as a result most of the cities/towns are
facing severe electricity shortages.

 Various industries and commercial establishments e.g. Malls, Hotels,

 Hospitals, Nursing homes etc housing complexes developed by the

 builders and developers in cities and towns use diesel generators for

 back-up power even during the day time. These generators capacities

 Vary from a few kilowatts to a couple of MWs. Generally, in a single

 establishment more than one generators are installed; one to cater the

 minimum load required for lighting and computer/ other emergency

 operations during load shedding and the others for running

 ACs and other operations such as lifts/ other power applications.

With an objective to reduce dependency on diesel genets, a scheme to replace them with
SPV is being proposed. Further, in order to utilize the existing roof space of buildings,
the scheme proposes to promote rooftop

Figure 1. 5 Rooftop Solar Panels

SPV systems on buildings to replace DG genets installed for minimum load requirement
for operation during load shedding. These loads are generally varying between 25 kW to
100 kW or so. A roof top SPV system could be with or without grid interaction. In grid
interaction system, the DC power generated from SPV panels is converted to AC power
using power-conditioning unit and is fed to the grid of 11 KV 3 phase line or of 220 V
single-phase line depending on the system installed either at institution/commercial
establishment or residential complex. They generate power during the daytime, which is
utilized fully by powering the captive loads and feeding excess power to the grid as long
as grid is available. In cases, where solar power is not sufficient due to cloud cover etc.
the captive loads are served by drawing power from the grid. The grid- interactive
rooftop SPV systems thus work on net metering basis wherein the beneficiary pays to the
utility on net meter reading basis only. Ideally, grid interactive systems do not require
battery backup as the grid acts as the back-up for feeding excess solar power and vice-
versa. However, to enhance the performance reliability of the overall systems, a

minimum battery-back of one hr of load capacity is strongly recommended. In grid
interactive systems, it has however to be ensured that in case the grid fails, the solar
power has to be fully utilized or stopped immediately feeding to the grid (if any in
excess) so as to safe-guard any grid person/technician from getting shock (electrocuted)
while working on the grid for maintenance etc. This feature is termed as 'Islanding
Protection' Non-grid interactive systems ideally require a full load capacity battery power
back up system. However, with the introduction of advanced load management and
power conditioning systems, and safety mechanisms, it is possible to segregate the
daytime loads to be served directly by solar power without necessarily going through the
battery back up. As in the previous case of grid-interactive systems, minimum one hour
of battery back up is, however, strongly recommended for these systems also to enhance
the performance reliability of the systems. The non-grid interactive system with
minimum battery back are viable only at places where normal power is not available
during daytime. In case the SPV power is to be used after sunshine hours, it would
require full load capacity battery backup, which will increase the cost of system, which
may not be economically viable even with support from Government.


2.1 Assumption & Consideration

Shading consideration: No shading has been considered at the site during the
calculation design. So it is advised that at the time of execution, please check whether
there is any kind of obstacle in the site which may cause partial/full shading on PV
strings and/or PV array. If the shading occurs, then the estimated power generation will
not match the actual power generated.

Load Factor: It is assumed that the produced power from the PV plant will be fed to the
local utility grid. So, while designing the system, no unbalanced load considered in 3-
phase configuration.

Meteo data: The calculation based on the meteo data collected from NASA website,
which is very reliable. Now, based on the co-ordinates the values have been presented in
this report. So, total design is based on this data. For a different location (coordinates),
the system design will differ. It is advised not to copy and implement the design without
consulting the author or any certified PV professional because this design estimation is
valid only for a particular site.

Site consideration: this design has been done by considering the PV modules & array
will be ground-mounted and the site-elevation angle taken 30.

Cost Estimation: 1MW Solar PV power plant cost estimation has done considering the
current PV market scenario (Sept-Dec 2013), so after few months the cost may vary
according the market.

CAD design & layout: I have not uploaded/attached the CAD design. If anybody
interested in setting up the plant then only contact at the given e-mail ids to get the design

Transmission & wheeling losses: Here, in this report, while doing the technical
assessment, the distance from nearest substation to the 1MW solar PV power plant taken

within 1.5 KM and so the wheeling losses considered as 3% of total power transmission.
And in the financial assessment, no wheeling charges have been considered.

Design Criteria: While designing & estimating the technical components & solutions, all
the required/applicable standard design codes have been considered. Mainly the IEC
(International Electro technical Commission) Codes, IS codes from BIS have been
considered thoroughly.


A rooftop photovoltaic power station, or rooftop PV system, is a photovoltaic system that

has its electricity-generating solar panels mounted on the rooftop of a residential or
commercial building or structure. The various components of such a system include
photovoltaic modules, mounting systems, cables, solar inverters and other electrical

Rooftop mounted systems are small compared to ground- mounted photovoltaic power
stations with capacities in the megawatt range. Rooftop PV systems on residential
buildings typically feature a capacity of about 5 to 20 kilowatts (kW), while those
mounted on commercial buildings often reach 100 kilowatts or more.

The urban environment provides a large amount of empty rooftop spaces and can
inherently avoid the potential land use and environmental concerns. Estimating rooftop
solar insolation is a multi-faceted process, as insolation values in rooftops are impacted
by the following:

 Time of the year

 Latitude

 Weather conditions

 Roof slope

 Roof aspect

 Shading from adjacent buildings and vegetation

India's solar market, especially solar photovoltaic, has seen significant growth after the
launch of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission in 2010, with an installed capacity
of over 3 GW in just four years. The Government of India is determined towards
achieving 100 GW of grid interactive solar power capacity by 2020, of which 46 GW
would be deployed through decentralized and rooftop-scale solar projects. Rooftop solar
PV would play a prominent role in meeting energy demands across segments. It has
already achieved grid parity for commercial and industrial consumers, and fast becoming
attractive for residential consumers as well. As a result, multiple state governments have
taken necessary steps to kick-start implementation of rooftop solar PV projects.



In this, silicon produced as a single crystal in continuous

internal structure is used for making mono-crystalline cells.
This type of silicon is made into a large cylindrical ingot. In
mono-crystalline, thinly sliced are used to create water cells
which are usually black or dark blue in colors. This
manufacturing processes demanding greater resources than
the poly-crystalline cells. Their cost is generally more but
offering slightly higher efficiency


They are also known as multi-crystalline material in which

silicon cell is generally made from multiple crystals. They
can give a distinct flaky look and often blue in appearance.
This type of silicon can be manufactured in square ingots
and generally a less resource-intensive to produce. The
process of manufacturing poly-crystalline wafers has

improved in a stage where the performance and efficiency of a polycrystalline panel are
much affordable to that of the mono crystalline panel and at less in price

Thin Film:

It is made by the deposition of exceptionally

thin layers of the photovoltaic material
substrate on thin-film technology. They
employ a range of materials including
copper, silicon, and cadmium to create a
solar cell. In this, both flexible and rigid
modules can be created. We saw that solar
generation to be better integrated into
buildings and products compare to other
crystalline silicon. In most countries, thin-film solar panels are no longer available due to
the lower efficiency and higher cost as compare with modern poly silicon panels.


Most photovoltaic cells use basically one main material which contains specially chosen
impurities which are added. It converts energy
from the light into electricity. These cells only
use a certain part of the light spectrum like
color, the wavelength to convert the whole
light energy to the electricity. On the other
hand, they have multi-junction cells that have
different material combinations that allow
converting more of the received light energy
into electricity. The cells produced are much
similar to thin film cells but are more
expensive and more complex to manufacture.
They can achieve significantly higher efficiency than conventional solar cells. These cells
are used only for specific purposes and not available for the common people.


The rooftop SPV system can be installed in two configurations, namely

i. As A Standalone System

ii. As A Grid Interactive System

In urban areas, the grid interactive systems are more feasible than the standalone systems
as almost all locations are connected by grid. These grids act as storage for an
intermittent source of generation. In this study, we are focusing on grid interactive
rooftop SPV systems. In the grid interactive systems, there are different grid
interconnection configurations depending on the reliability of electricity supply to the
loads and the consumer needs.


Solar Photovoltaic Technology is employed for directly converting solar energy to

electrical energy by the using "solar silicon cell".

Non-grid interactive systems ideally require a full load capacity battery power back up
system. However, with the introduction of advanced load management and power
conditioning systems, and safety mechanisms, it is possible to segregate the daytime
loads to be served directly by solar power without necessarily going through the battery
back-up. As in the previous case of grid-interactive systems, minimum one hour of
battery back-up is, however, strongly recommended for these systems also to enhance the
performance reliability of the systems. The non-grid interactive system with minimum
battery back are viable only at places where normal power is not available during
daytime. In case the SPV power is to be used after sunshine hours, it would require full

load capacity battery backup which will increase the cost of system which may not be
economically viable even with support from Government.

There have been several initiatives from the Government of India to promote solar PV
applications. From time to time the Ministry has implemented various schemes for
demonstration and promotion of solar energy devices.

Figure 2.1 layout stand-alone connected SPV system


The grid- interactive rooftop SPV systems thus work on net metering basis wherein the
beneficiary pays to the utility on net meter reading basis only. Ideally, grid interactive
systems do not require battery backup as the grid acts as the back-up for feeding excess
solar power and vice versa. However, to enhance the performance reliability of the
overall systems, a minimum battery-back of one hr of load capacity is strongly
recommended. In grid interactive systems, it has, however to be ensured that in case the
grid fails, the solar power has to be fully utilized or stopped immediately feeding to the
grid (if any in excess) so as to safe- guard any grid person/technician from getting shock
(electrocuted) while working on the grid for maintenance etc. This feature is termed as
Islanding Protection.

Figure 2.2 layout grid connected SPV system

Figure 2.3 A typical rooftop system


Encouraged by the decline in solar panel cost as well as the operational success of
established projects, major plans are afoot to promote roof top solar power generation
across the country. At the central level, the Solar Energy Corporation of India is
executing a pan-Indian grid-connected rooftop photovoltaic (PV) program. Meanwhile a
dozen states have announced policies for rooftop solar and net-metering. The government
is recently unveiled roadmap for 100 GW of solar power by 2022 involves the installation
of 40 GW on rooftops. As the India moves towards the implementation of this plan.

One of the most significant measures in this direction has been the subsidy reduction for
rooftop solar projects from 30% to 15%.

The industry has responded well to this call, as is an evident from the growing number of
companies wanting to capture opportunities in this segment. The establishment of these
systems is also picking up among government agencies and educational institution. Based
on inputs from industry players who have been working with industrial and commercial
energy consumers, the absence of net metering is emerging as a critical factor that is
holding back the roof top solar segment.

Table 2. 1 Statewise Installed rooftop solar capacity

S. No. STATES / UTs Solar Power Capacity in MW

1 Andhra Pradesh 4565.60

2 Arunachal Pradesh 11.79

3 Assam 155.81

4 Bihar 223.54

5 Chhattisgarh 1072.24

6 Goa 35.76

7 Gujarat 10549.07

8 Haryana 1240.47

9 Himachal Pradesh 111.55

10 Jammu & Kashmir 54.98

11 Jharkhand 121.77

12 Karnataka 9412.71

13 Kerala 859.01

14 Ladakh 7.80

15 Madhya Pradesh 3170.05

16 Maharashtra 5080.28

17 Manipur 13.04

18 Meghalaya 4.19

19 Mizoram 30.43

20 Nagaland 3.17

21 Odisha 473.03

22 Punjab 1266.55

23 Rajasthan 18777.14

24 Sikkim 4.69

25 Tamil Nadu 7360.94

26 Telangana 4712.98

27 Tripura 18.47

28 Uttar Pradesh 2740.87

29 Uttarakhand 575.53

30 West Bengal 194.06

31 Andaman & Nicobar 29.91

32 Chandigarh 64.05

33 Dadar & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 46.47

34 Delhi 237.29

35 Lakshadweep 4.97

36 Puducherry 43.27

37 Others 45.01

Total (MW) 73318.49

Figure 2.4 Large Scale Solar PV Installed

Chapter 3 Literature Review

A brief literature study is carried out in understanding the role of simulation tools in the
performance assessment of solar PV systems. AP Dubos summarized the calculation
methods used in the PV Watts photovoltaic system performance model. The technical
reference details of the individual sub-models, documentation assumptions, and hidden
parameters were addressed. Detailed pre sensations of the sequence of calculations that
yield the final performance estimate of the system are presented. Kumietal. Aimed at
progressing a standard approach in the design of large-scale academic grid-interactive
solar PV systems utilizing the rooftops of buildings and car parking. Using RET Screen
technology for grid-connected solar PV systems, a probability analysis of renewable
energy projects was performed.

The simulation results show an annual energy yield of approximately 1159 MWh, which
is 12% of the annual electricity utilization. Manoj Kumar et al. analyzed the viability of
developing a 1 MW grid-connected solar plant on different campuses of (UMP)
University Malaysia Pahang. The commercial and domain aspects of the PV plant were
assessed with standard parameters using PVGIS and PV Watt software tools. Kumar et
al. Evaluated the feasibility of installing a 100 kWp grid associated photovoltaic system
with a PV Syst simulation tool. The feasibility analysis showed that 100 kWp plant
generates 165.38MWh/year. CS Psomopoulos et al. presented the performance of
existing PV parks in Greece (i.e., 9.6 kWp roof-integrated PV array, 105.6 kWp PV
plant, and an installation featuring 2-axis tracking mechanism of 98.4 kWp). PVGIS, PV
Watt, and RET Screen simulation tools are used to measure and quantify the output of
electricity from existing PV parks.

The software results were validated with real-time values highlighting the advantages of
each software tool. Baitule and Sudhakar analyzed the viability of developing a 100%
solar PV 2 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 18 (2020) 100602 S. Thotakura et al.
base on an academic campus at MANIT – Bhopal, India. A proposal is made to set up a 5
MWp PV plant in the open space and rooftop area on the campus. The technological and
financial feasibility of the solar PV plant proposed is examined using Solar Advisory
Model (SAM) and the PV Syst software tools. Abbood et al. proposed a design of a 1
MW grid-connected PV system under the Iraq climate condition. It was observed that the
city has considerably high solar radiation potential to build PV systems on large scales.

The estimated 1757.8 MWh of energy was generated in the first year and achieved a total
life cycle production of 40,445 MWh, with a performance ratio ranging from 86.4% to
73% and an average capacity factor of 19.83% . Renu Sharma and Sonali Goel presented
different parameters of 11.2 kWp rooftop grid-connected solar PV plant monitored in a
time duration of one year.

It was observed that 14.960 MWh of energy generated per annum, with a module
efficiency of 13.42%, inverter efficiency of 13.42%, and a performance ratio of 0.78.
Huld presented in detail about the PVMAPS software tool to calculate solar irradiation
and photovoltaic power on inclined and tracking surfaces over large geological areas. A
simulation tool has been implemented to provide data on altitude, horizon, average
temperatures, solar irradiation, and also to measure the impact of wind variations on the
output of solar plants. Akash Kumar Shukla et al. focused their study on analyzing the
performance of a 110 kWp rooftop solar PV plant using Solar GIS PV planner software.
Simulation is carried for four different types of modules to determine the performance
ratio and energy yield.

The authors concluded that the performance ratio ranges from 70 to 80%, and the energy
yields range from 2.67 kWh/kWp to 3.36 kWh/kWp are observed. Malvoni investigated
the performance of a 960 kWp photovoltaic (PV) system monitored over 43 months in
southern Italy, to assess the energy yields, losses, and efficiency. A comparison is made
with other photovoltaic plants built in different climates in terms of degradation rate. By
implementing two commonly used PV simulation methods, SAM and PV Syst, the actual
performance of the studied PV system are compared with the expected results. Results
show that SAM underestimated the annual average energy injected into the grid by 3.0%
and PV Syst by 3.3%, but overall, PV Syst outperforms the SAM method.

Kumar and Subathra proposed a machine-learning algorithm to forecast the solar

irradiation for three years ahead. The article highlights that this algorithm can estimate

future energy potentials and degradation rates for improving the power project capacities.
Kumar et al. adopted the PV Syst tool to predict the operation of a 200 kWp rooftop
photovoltaic solar plant on a complex. Annual feasibility of 292,954 MWh of energy can
be produced with an energy loss of 77.27% and a PR loss of 26.5%. The performance
analysis of 3 MWp solar plants located in Karnataka state, India, monitored for the years
2010 and 2011 is presented in Ref.

Variations in the solar plant are tracked regularly and seasonally. Inverter failure and grid
failure losses were evaluated. Due to inverter failure losses in 2010, the performance ratio
was found to be less than 0.6 and an annual average of 0.7 reported in 2011 with
decreased inverter failure losses. In the literature review, researchers have shown the
applicability of software tools in modeling a PV plant and in addition to assess the
performance feasibility. From the review, it is understood that only a few software tools
are widely used in literature say, for example, PV Syst. PV system is a premium software
tool where one has to purchase the login for their use. In this study, we see scope for a
few other open-access tools PVGIS and PV Watts. We tried to explore these two
software tools performance with a premium software modeling tool. Hence, three
different modeling are selected for this study along with real-time monitored data.

Chapter 4 Methodology and Implementation

4.1 Methodology

India’s energy sector holds the key to the country achieving much of its development
goals. The government’s policy thrust on promoting renewable energy has become
imperative due to rapid urbanization and industrialization - thus expanding the share of
renewable sources in its energy supply mix. A major trigger for the renewable energy
push has been rising environment concerns/climate change and depleting fossil fuels. In
2014, Government of India (GoI) set an ambitious target of reaching 100 GW of solar
capacity by 2022. The target principally comprises of 40 GW of Rooftop solar and 60
GW through Large and medium scale grid connected solar power projects against which
total installed solar power capacity stood at 28.18 GW as on March 31, 2019. India has
made tremendous progress in the recent past in developing a renewable energy led power
generation eco-system. Between FY15-FY19, there was an almost 11-fold growth in
installed solar power capacity. Solar power projects are capital intensive in nature and for
funding them, recourse to publicly issued debt would be necessary. CARE Ratings has
developed a rating methodology for debt issues of solar power project developers. The
rating procedure is designed to facilitate appropriate credit risk assessment, keeping in
view the characteristics of the Indian solar power sector. CARE’s rating looks at a time
horizon over the life of the debt instrument being rated and covers the following areas
while rating solar power projects.

4.2. Simulation modeling tools

The simulation tools used in this article for the assessment of the grid integrated 1 MWp roof-top
solar PV plant in University campus are PV Watts, Photovoltaic geographical information system
(PVGIS), and PV Syst.

4.2.1 Framework for validating the simulated PV performance

Figure 4.1 Framework for validating the simulated and real-time monitored PV performance

4.2.2. PVGIS

Photovoltaic geographical information system (PVGIS) is an explorative, graphic and

policy-support tool for solar resources. It is one of the great tools for estimating the solar
electricity production of a photovoltaic system. This tool is developed with combinations
to provide solar irradiation, performance evaluation, and economic parameter analysis.
PVGIS allows the user to calculate the monthly and annual potential in electricity
generation [kWh] of a solar photovoltaic system with defined solar modules tilt angles
and arrangements.

4.2.3. PV watts

PV Watts calculator is a useful map-based tool to analyze the photovoltaic sites. National
Renewable Energy Laboratory designed it. It provides the global annual energy output of
grid-connected PV systems. It can also provide PV energy output hourly values. PV
Watts calculator can estimate monthly irradiation, annual solar irradiation, energy output
in kilowatts, and energy value. The input parameters for the PV Watts tool are the DC
rating of the PV plant, DC to AC derates factor, PV array type, PV array tilt angle, and
azimuth angle.

Table 4.1 Solar PV module specification.

Parameter Details

PV technology type Poly-crystalline (p-Si)

PV module manufacturer Trina

Frame length 1960 mm

Module width 947 mm

Module thickness 40 mm

Maximum power 325 Wp

Maximum current 8.73 A

Maximum voltage 37.2 V

Short circuit current 9.19 A

Open circuit voltage 45.6 V

Table 4. 2 Inverter specifications.

Parameter Details

Inverter technology String

Inverter manufacturer KACO

Maximum DC operating current 108 A

Output voltage 400–480 V

Frequency 50 Hz

Efficiency >98%

4.2.4. PV Syst

PV Syst is a computer simulation tool for the study, classification, and data analysis of
complete solar photovoltaic systems. This software deals with grid-interfaced, stand-
alone, DC-grid solar photovoltaic systems. PV Syst tool can perform the monthly PV
system yield evaluations, load profile, estimated system cost using few system
characteristics. Within the framework, the utilizer can perform different simulation
iterations and compares them with existing values. PV Syst tool can define more detailed
parameters of the system and it assesses light effects like thermal behavior, wiring,
quality of modules, mismatch and incidence angle losses, partial shadings of near objects
on the array. The results from the tool include dozens of simulation variables, which are
displayed in monthly, daily/ hourly values, and the data can be transferred to other
software tools [8,9,12,24].

4.2.5 Availability of land and requisite approvals

Land acquisition & related approvals is considered to be very critical for timely
implementation of solar power project as this activity usually takes maximum time in the
entire implementation schedule of the solar power project. Solar parks offer a plug and
play model with availability of land, shared infrastructure and all the related approvals.
Accordingly, a solar power project being implemented in a solar park faces relatively low
level of risks related to land acquisition & related approvals as these risks are borne by
the solar park developer. For projects outside solar parks, usually IPPs delegate the work
of land acquisition to EPC players due to their local connects and expertise in land
acquisition. Accordingly, in such cases, terms of EPC contracts should be critically
verified obligations of EPC players for timely acquiring requisite area of land. Off-
late, considering the challenges in land acquisition, some off-takers have started to build-
in land acquisition timelines in PPAs. In such cases, timely land acquisition would Rating
Methodology – Solar Power Projects 3 become more critical as any delay beyond the
defined timelines could result in reduction in tariff or cancellation of PPAs or curtailment
of awarded capacity.

Location of the project, Power generation potential and Quality of resource assessment

Complexity in the topography of the region is low for rooftop solar projects. However,
level of irradiation and other climatic and geographical factors including but not limited
to areas prone to floods, heavy rains, storms etc. play an important role in determining the
viability of a site for a solar project. For estimation of the expected power generation of a
site, CARE relies on the report of an external agency hired by the project company for
conducting resource assessment study. Agency conducting resource assessment study
normally provides power generation estimates for the given site at three probability of
confidence levels viz. P-50, P-75 & P-90 whereby P-90 level is considered to be most
likely estimate. For completed projects, CARE takes actual generation vis-à-vis projected
generation to gauge the deviations (if any) and the same is built into the projections as
well. CARE considers P-90 level of power generation for its base case analysis of a

4.3 Implementation

4.3.1 Rooftop Solar -Steps To Implementation

Simple Steps for You to Have Your Own Solar Rooftop

Following are the steps that need to be followed before the rooftop solar system
installation to ensure for a reliable performance of the system.

Lay down the purpose for which the solar plant is desired

This is the first and most important step as it forms the basis on which the other decisions
can be made. Some of the alternatives before you include

 Feeding into the grid – If the state solar policy permits, power generated from
your rooftop can be fed into the grid and payment received based on a Feed-in-
Tariff (FIT) or net-metering

 Diesel substitution – The plant will need to integrate with the diesel generator
and the grid power supply to act as a backup for diesel generator and grid power.
Also the inverter should be capable of switching between sources. This solution
can be quite complex if multiple diesel generators are used

 Off-grid solution – Used in areas where grid power is absent, this solution
requires an off-grid inverter

 Night-time usage – As solar power is generated during the daytime, energy

storage solutions will need to be considered as part of the plant rooftop

4.3.2 Identify the amount of shade-free rooftop area available/required for


Factors affecting roof area required by rooftop solar PV plants

The extent of roof area required by a solar PV plant (and therefore the amount of energy
that can be generated) is dependent on two factors

 Shade-free roof area

 Panel efficiency
Unused rooftop area will have to be assessed for incidence of shadows through the year
to determine the extent of shade-free area available for installing a rooftop solar PV plant.
We emphasize shade-free roof area because shadows affect the PV plants’ performance
in two ways

 Output – When a shadow falls on a PV panel it reduces the output from the plant.
Where string inverters are used, a bit of shadow on one panel can curtail the output
from the entire string of panels
 Panel damage –When a shadow falls on part of a panel, that portion of the panel
turns from a conductor into a resistance and starts heating up. That portion of the
panel will eventually burn out and the entire panel will have to be replaced. This will
not be covered by warranty
It is therefore critical to ensure that no shadow falls on the PV plant throughout the year

Panel efficiency

Panel efficiency influences rooftop space requirement because efficiency is calculated
with respect to the area occupied by the panel. A simple way to understand the
relationship between panel efficiency and rooftop space required is to remember that a
rooftop plant that uses panels with a lower efficiency rating will require greater rooftop
space than a plant that uses panels with higher efficiency rating
Shade-free area required at different plant capacities and panel efficiencies
If a 1 kW plant with 15% efficiency panels requires 100 sq.ft of rooftop space, then a 1
kW plant with 12% efficiency panels will require 125 SF of rooftop space. We can
extend this to different combinations of rooftop plant capacity and panel efficiency for
our understanding.

Table 4. 3 Panel Efficiency and Space Occupied

Plant capacity 1 kW 2 kW 5 kW 10 kW
Panel efficiencyRooftop space required (Sq.ft.)
12.0% 125 250 625 1,250
12.5% 120 240 600 1,200
13.0% 115 231 577 1,154
13.5% 111 222 556 1,111
14.0% 107 214 536 1,071
14.5% 103 207 517 1,034
15.0% 100 200 500 1,000
15.5% 97 194 484 968
16.0% 94 188 469 938

4.4 Designing of 1MW Solar Power Plant

1. Know your requirement (Load)

2. Select the excellent-acceptable PV panel (sizing)

3. Preparing the format of the device

4. Inverter to be used

5. Battery to be used

6. Designing in Detail

1. Know Your Requirement The solar electricity plant that you design could be the
maximum efficient one best if it's miles in conformation with your requirement. You can
calculate your requirement in approaches: Either you could take a look at and analyze
your three to four preceding month’s electricity payments and recollect the biggest of
them as your requirement. It is recommended to estimate your requirement a chunk larger
than the most important of the above estimation. Or you may analyze your load. This can
be completed via calculating the entire quantity of electrical system working in your
house, in conjunction with their power rankings and number of an hour every paintings in
a day.

2. Selection of PV Panel The maximum fundamental but the most important attention in
designing a solar energy plant is the choice of the PV panel for use. Due to the supply of
numerous sorts and capacities of solar panels, it will become even more complicated to
pick one. But in case you become well aware of your load, then it is easy to select the
panel. The panel can either be a monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin movie. But
Polycrystalline is more normally used because of is fair performance and fairer fee truth.
From your load, you may decide the range of solar panels you'll require. E.G., if your
requirement is two kW, and your panel is of 250 W capacity, then you'll need eight
panels. Along with the range, the size of the panel is also an crucial issue. The available
vicinity for installation should be known. The general size of a panel is 65 inches with the
aid of 39 inches for residual installation.

3. Preparing a Layout of your Design The format is the real design of your sun plant. A
layout has issues of each: the capability of solar panels and their length as nicely. A
layout deals with the location available as properly. The panels, in line with the
requirements, can be organized in: Series: Here, panels might be linked in collection, the
voltage generated by every of them. But cutting-edge via every remains the identical.
Parallel: Here, the panels are linked in parallel; the currents add up, retaining the voltage
the identical. Mixed: A layout may also encompass a mixture of collection and parallel
linked panels. But then, positive matters ought to be kept in mind.

4. Selecting an Inverter The number one function of an inverter is to transform the DC
output of the solar panel into AC for making it appropriate for gadget. Various types of
solar inverters are: Micro inverters: These are easy in design and set up. It is a plug and
play device. They electrically isolate the panels from each other so that shading and
different elements do no longer have an effect on the output. But its cost in line with top
Watt is high. Off-grid inverters: These have bidirectional conversion ability, i.E., DC to
AC and vice versa. Hence it may preserve the PV voltage as well as the battery voltage.
4. String inverters: These are reliable, without problems handy, and fantastically efficient.
Central inverters: These are normally ground-set up. Five.

5. Battery: Batteries are used for constant electricity supply and garage of electricity. The
batteries have to have a huge lifetime, reliability, and of direction, performance. Care
need to be taken while choosing a battery due to the fact a battery of higher energy than
required would boom the overall value of the machine.

6. 1MW Solar Power Plant Design: A 1MW solar photovoltaic system can be design and
customize as per your requirement. You can change this design after concerning a team
of solar experts. Here we have a rough design of 1-megawatt solar power system below.
Components required for 1MW Solar Power Plant Quality solar components are a key to
a successful and efficient solar power system. To set up a 1-megawatt solar power plant
at any place, you need the following components. You can customize the solar system by
increasing or decreasing the quantity of these components according to their power

Figure 4.2 design of rooftop solar plant

Chapter 5 Operation and Maintenance

Why do we need an O&M for Solar PV power plant? As every plant needs a regular
maintenance work to make it functional & in well condition, so in this case a PV power
plant requires a sound & efficient operation & management team to perform all the work
after plant commissioning. A detailed structure of O&M team has been provided here in a
hierarchy model to demonstrate in a simpler way.

Figure 5.2 O & M Team

5.1 Operation of Rooftop Solar power plant

When focusing solely on the operation of a 1MW solar power plant, the primary objective is to
ensure consistent energy generation while adhering to safety and regulatory standards. Here are
the key aspects of operating such a facility:

Daily Monitoring: Regularly monitor the performance of the solar panels, inverters, and other
equipment to ensure they are functioning optimally. This involves checking energy production
levels, voltage, and current outputs.

1. Remote Monitoring: Utilize remote monitoring systems and software to track the
performance of the solar power plant in real-time. This allows operators to
identify any issues promptly and take corrective action.

2. Grid Connection: Ensure seamless integration with the grid by maintaining

proper synchronization and voltage regulation. Monitor grid parameters to comply
with utility requirements and maximize energy export.

3. Dispatch Control: Manage energy dispatch and scheduling to meet demand

requirements and optimize revenue generation. This involves adjusting the output
of the solar power plant based on market conditions and contractual agreements.

4. Fault Detection and Diagnostics: Implement systems for detecting faults and
abnormalities in the operation of the solar power plant. Perform troubleshooting
and diagnostics to identify the root cause of issues and minimize downtime.

5. Performance Optimization: Continuously optimize the performance of the solar

power plant to maximize energy yield and efficiency. This may involve adjusting
tilt angles, tracking systems, and operating parameters based on weather
conditions and solar irradiance.

6. Compliance and Reporting: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements,

environmental standards, and contractual obligations. Maintain accurate records
of energy production, maintenance activities, and safety inspections for reporting

7. Emergency Response: Develop and implement emergency response procedures

to address unexpected events such as equipment failures, grid disturbances, or
natural disasters. Train personnel on emergency protocols and coordinate with
relevant stakeholders for swift resolution.

8. Customer Relations: Maintain open communication with customers,

stakeholders, and utility providers regarding the operation and performance of the
solar power plant. Address any concerns or inquiries promptly to build trust and
ensure satisfaction.

9. Continuous Improvement: Seek opportunities for improvement through regular

performance analysis, feedback collection, and technology upgrades. Invest in
research and development initiatives to enhance the reliability, efficiency, and
sustainability of the solar power plant operation.

By effectively managing the operation of a 1MW solar power plant, operators can
optimize energy production, ensure grid stability, and contribute to the transition
towards renewable energy sources.

Figure 5.3 Operation of rooftop Solar power plant

5.2 Maintenance of Rooftop Solar power plant

Maintenance of a 1MW solar power plant is essential to ensure the longevity,

efficiency, and reliability of the system. Here's a breakdown of the maintenance
activities typically involved:

1. Regular Cleaning: Solar panels accumulate dust, dirt, and debris over time,
which can reduce their efficiency. Regularly clean the panels using water, soft
brushes, or specialized cleaning equipment to maintain optimal sunlight

2. Inspecting Panel Integrity: Conduct visual inspections of solar panels to check

for any signs of physical damage, such as cracks, scratches, or delaminating.
Replace any damaged panels to prevent performance degradation.

3. Checking Mounting Structures: Inspect mounting structures, including racks

and frames, to ensure they are securely fastened and aligned correctly. Tighten
bolts and screws as needed to prevent loosening and maintain structural integrity.

4. Monitoring Inverter Performance: Inverters are critical components of a solar

power plant. Monitor inverter performance regularly to detect any abnormalities
or malfunctions. Address issues promptly to prevent downtime and optimize
energy production.

5. Inspecting Electrical Components: Regularly inspect electrical components

such as cables, connectors, junction boxes, and combiner boxes for signs of wear,
corrosion, or overheating. Replace faulty components and tighten connections to
ensure safe and efficient operation.

6. Testing System Voltage and Current: Periodically test system voltage and
current levels to verify that the solar power plant is operating within the specified
parameters. Adjust settings as needed to optimize performance and prevent

7. Maintaining Grounding System: Ensure the grounding system is intact and

effectively dissipating electrical currents to prevent electrical hazards. Inspect
grounding electrodes, conductors, and connections regularly and repair or replace
any damaged components.

8. Monitoring Environmental Conditions: Keep track of environmental factors

that may affect the performance and lifespan of the solar power plant, such as
temperature, humidity, and weather extremes. Take appropriate measures to
mitigate risks and protect equipment.

9. Performing Preventive Maintenance: Implement a preventive maintenance

schedule based on manufacturer recommendations and industry best practices.
This may include lubricating moving parts, replacing worn-out components, and
conducting system performance tests.

10. Record Keeping and Documentation: Maintain detailed records of all

maintenance activities, including inspections, repairs, replacements, and
performance data. This documentation is valuable for tracking the health of the
solar power plant and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

By prioritizing maintenance activities and adhering to a comprehensive

maintenance plan, operators can maximize the efficiency, reliability, and lifespan
of a 1MW solar power plant, ultimately optimizing its performance and return on

Figure 5.4 Maintenance of rooftop solar power plant


Financing plays a key role in facilitating procurement and implementation of energy

efficient technologies and products in any industry. Government has given EE financing
in MSMEs top priority since the sector contributes significantly towards India’s
economic growth. However, existing financing options are not sufficient to meet the
financing requirement in the sector due to the large size of the sector. MSMEs using
various financing schemes for technological upgradation are still very less, as most of
them use their own capital fund rather than making use of external financing models.
Although financing models were very successful in some clusters, the scale-up of such
activities is rather slow. This slow pace in implementation of energy efficiency financing
in MSMEs is due to the various sector specific challenges in the sector.

Some of the key barriers to finance EE projects in the sector are:-

• Lack of available capital for investment as EE interventions being small may not get
financed through FIs as they do not qualify as term loans

• Lack of clarity on financing schemes- repayment mechanism and complex procedural


• Lack of availability of financing model that cater to the particular requirement of the

• Lack of awareness among MSMEs with respect to benefits of implementing EE


• FIs consider MSMEs as a high risk category due to low credit flow to this sector. This is
due to several factors such as poor book-keeping practices, weak balance sheets, poor
credit history and smaller sizes of MSME loans.

• Collateral based lending, advocated by FIs, restricts MSMEs from availing loans

• No formal M&V procedure available to estimate the savings achieved by implementing

EE measure

• Risks associated with repayment of loans which include technical, commercial and
performance risks

Chapter 6 Result

6.1 System design

The main system design is undertaken based on the amount of generated power (1MW),
the generated output power from the PV system is at 0.4 kV AC voltage level. It stepped
up from 0.4 kV to 11 kV by one step-up distribution transformer with 50Hz, 1250 MVA
rating, the output of the power transformer is synchronized with the national grid.

6.1.1 Number of modules in series per string

The maximum number of modules in a string is defined by the maximum DC input

voltage of the inverter to which the string will be connected, this design can be made in
the coldest daytime temperatures at the site location, the different operating voltages at
the maximum and minimum site temperatures can be calculated using the following

𝑉(𝑡) = 𝑉@25° × (1 + 𝛼(𝑇𝑋 − 𝑇𝑆𝑇𝐶)) (13)

where; V(t) is module voltage at any temperature; 𝛼 is temperature Coefficient of Voc,

TX is cell temperature in °C and TSTC is temperature at standard test conditions. The
temperature range for modules in Iraqi climate is chosen for worst case to be from (-
10°C) to (80°C), so the operating voltages at this range are:

𝑉𝑚𝑝𝑝(−10°) = 31.2(1 + (−0.0033) × (−10 – 25)) = 34.8 𝑉

𝑉𝑜𝑐(−10°) = 38.1(1 + (−0.0033) × (−10 – 25)) = 42.5 𝑉

𝑉𝑚𝑝𝑝(+80°) = 31.2(1 + (−0.0033) × (+80– 25)) = 25.537 𝑉

𝑉𝑜𝑐(+80°) = 38.1(1 + (−0.0033) × (+80– 25)) = 31.184 𝑉

Now, using Eq. (13) the maximum number of modules per string is calculated [6, 7, 13]:
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠⁄𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = (𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥)𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟/ (𝑉𝑂𝐶)(−10°) (14)

𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠/𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 1050 42.5 = 24.7

Which must down to 24 modules/string for safety? In addition, the minimum number of
module per string can be found using the following relation: [6, 7, and 13]
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠/𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = (𝑉𝑚𝑝𝑝) 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 / (𝑉𝑚𝑝𝑝) (+85°) (15)
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠/𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 581 25.537 = 22.75

In addition, for safety conditions 23 modules/string were selected, thus the 24

modules/string choice is not available because the maximum system voltage which equal
to (24 ×42.05=1009.2 V) which exceeds the module maximum voltage (1000 V DC).

6.1.2 Total number of strings

The number of strings in parallel can be found according the power generated needed (1
MW) using the following relation:

𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑙 = 1000000/99.1% 23 × 275 = 159.5 ≅ 160

Thus, the total number of solar modules required is (23×160=3680 modules) connected in
best available method as shown in Figure 4. With solar inverter contain 16 separately DC
inputs grouped into four maximum power point tracker (MPPT) each has four inputs, so
each MPPT contain 40 string distributed among its four inputs by 10 circuit combiner
boxes, since there is a single inverter used, there is no need for synchronization between
the served inverter and just the synchronization to the grid is needed.

MATLAB software is used to calculate the plant generated energy, performance,

environmental impact & economic evaluations for the proposed system according to the
flow chart shown in Figure 6.2 with the input data of average solar radiation from the
output of the first program, 1012 kWp plant.

Figure 6. 1 MW grid connected PV system single line diagram.

Figure 6.2 Flow chart of the MATLAB program used for system parameters estimation

6.2 Results and discussion

Two MATLAB programs were used to get the complete study for installing large scales
PV system in Guntur. First, the solar radiation estimation and its' results are used as input
for the second program to get System performance, generated energy, environmental
impact and economic evaluations as follows.

6.2.1 Solar radiation

Figure 5.3 shows the optimal tilt angles settings for Guntur city with their respective
annually average solar radiation in (kWh/m2 .day), the fixed tilt angle is calculated by
finding the average value of the tilt angles for the all months of the year which it is found
to be equal to latitude of the location (32o ), while the seasonal adjustment for solar
collectors was achieved by taking the mathematical average of each six months to
represent one season which was equal to ( latitude + 15°) for winter months whilst in
summer months equal (latitude -15°).

Figure 6. 3 optimal tilt angles settings for Guntur city

6.2.2 System performance

Performance Ratio (PR) is widely used to access the quality of PV system installations
that are commonly reported on a daily, monthly or yearly basis, the PR for every month
for first year of generation plotted is shown in Figure 7-a. Performance Ratio is varied
between 86.4% in January month to 73 % August, evidently, the PR is low in the summer
months compared with the winter months, this due to profoundly effect of temperature in
system performance. The annually average PR is about 78.78%, which is acceptable in
case of large-scale PV system. The capacity factor in each month for the first year is
varied between 16.73% in December to 21.9% in April with annually average of 19.83%,
(Figure 6.4) which is mainly depending on the amount of solar radiation falling on the
panels, so the variation of its values distributed as the same as the solar radiation for fixed
tilt type that shown in Figure 6, the capacity factor percentages is acceptable compare
with that for real PV power plant installed in different countries in Asia.

Figure 6.4 Performance ratio

6.2.3 Financial analysis

The economic analysis of 1MW PV plant with 1170508$ total life cycle cost and 40,445
MWh life cycle generated energy, the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is 0.0289 $/kWh
with installation cost of 0.7515 $/Wp. The relationship between the electricity selling
price ($/kWh) and NPV, IRR and PBP has been investigated in Table 8 with 5% discount
rate, obviously, the NPV & IRR are increased considerably with an increase in the
electricity selling escalation and the NPV has positive value and the IRR is higher than
the discount rate, then the project is economically profitable.

The PBP is important to know for an investor to get his investment back, Figure 10
shows the cumulative cash flow and the expected equity payback period with three
selling prices, the payback period, in the present case are found to vary between
minimum of 6.8 years for 0.1$/kWh selling price and maximum of 11.5 years for
0.06$/kWh selling price and the other is shown in the table according to the unit price
that chosen since the price value is depend on demand sector and the amount of energy


7.1 Environmental Benefit

A resource-efficient business demonstrates a responsibility towards the environment.

Energy and the environment are so closely linked, that, in addition to saving energy and
reducing utility expenses, there are additional and often unreported benefits from
conserving energy, saving natural resources being an important benefit. Energy efficiency
plays a major role, even where company output is increased, energy efficiency
improvements can contribute significantly in most cases to reducing the negative impact
of energy consumption per unit of output. Any increase in pollutant emissions will thus
be minimized. Significant environmental benefits gained by adopting energy efficient
technologies and processes may include lowering the demand for natural resources,
reducing the emission of air pollutants, improving water quality, reducing the
accumulation of solid waste and also reducing climate change impacts. Improving energy
conservation at the facility can improve the facility's overall efficiency, which leads to a
cleaner environment.

Reduction in Pollution Parameters

The proposed EE measure of installing 1MW solar roof top would result in annual
electricity savings of 30,660 units which is equivalent to 2.64 TOE per annum. The
proposed EE measure will result in decrease of CO2 emissions by 25.14 TCO2 annually,
thus resulting in reduced GHG effect.

7.2 Social Benefit

Work Environment

The Factories Act, 1948 covers various aspects relating to working environment
maintenance and improvement. The good maintenance practices, technology up
gradation, efficient use of energy and resource conservation not only contribute to energy
and pollutant reduction but also contribute in ensuring safe and clean working

environment to the employees of the organization. Many units have also been doing
review of safety process and have provided access to safe working environment to the
workers. Basic facilities such as first aid kit, PPE gears and many others have been made

Skill Improvement

Implementing energy efficiency measures requires mix of people and skills. It involves
up skilling workers at all levels from the shop floor to the board room to understand how
companies manage their energy use—and to identify, evaluate and implement
opportunities to improve energy performance. As the project involved identifying energy
saving projects, implementing and verifying the savings, the unit has understood how to
estimate energy savings with respect to energy saving proposals and also energy wastage
have been identified.

The activity has been successful in bringing the awareness among workers on energy
wastage reduction, technology up gradation possible, etc. Each new technology
implemented in a dairy plant will create an impact on the entire Sikkim Dairy cluster as
each dairy unit can replicate the new technology, promote the concept of energy
efficiency in entire Sikkim Dairy Cluster, and thus reduce the overall energy
consumption of the cluster as a whole. Technical skills of persons will be definitely
improved. As the training provided by the OEMS on latest technology will create
awareness among the employees on new trends happening in market. The training also
helps in improving the operational and maintenance skills of manpower required for
efficient operation of the equipment.

Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Work

8.1 Conclusion

The successful design and implementation of a 1MW rooftop solar power plant represent
a significant milestone in the transition towards renewable energy. Through meticulous
planning and execution, this project embodies a commitment to sustainability, energy
independence, and environmental stewardship. By harnessing the abundant power of the
sun, the solar power plant not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also mitigates
greenhouse gas emissions and fosters a more resilient energy infrastructure. With careful
consideration of factors such as site assessment, component selection, and regulatory
compliance, the project displays technological innovation and best practices in renewable
energy deployment. Moreover, by engaging stakeholders and fostering community
awareness, the solar power plant promotes economic growth, job creation, and local
empowerment. Overall, the project serves as a beacon of progress in the pursuit of a
cleaner, more sustainable future, demonstrating the tangible benefits of investing in
renewable energy solutions.

8.2 Future Work

Looking ahead, the future work for the rooftop solar power plant project involves several
key areas of focus. Firstly, there's potential for expansion and scaling of the project,
either by increasing the capacity of the existing plant or replicating the model across
additional rooftops to maximize energy generation and extend the project's reach.
Additionally, integrating energy storage solutions like batteries could enhance the plant's
capabilities by storing excess energy for use during periods of low sunlight or high
demand, thus improving grid stability and reliability. Advanced monitoring and analytics
systems can be implemented to gather real-time data on energy production and
consumption, enabling proactive maintenance and optimization of operational efficiency.
Exploring the integration of other renewable energy sources such as wind or geothermal
energy could create hybrid systems that offer increased resilience and flexibility.

Furthermore, community engagement initiatives and educational programs can raise
awareness about renewable energy and promote sustainable practices, while advocating
for supportive policies and collaboration with stakeholders can drive systemic change and
accelerate the transition towards a clean energy future. Through these avenues of future
work, the rooftop solar power plant project can continue to evolve as a beacon of
sustainability and innovation, contributing to the global effort to combat climate change
and build a more resilient energy infrastructure.


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