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4.0 STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT REPORT A) INTRODUCTION - to the topic under study, e.g. If It Is a study on Marketing Research practices, an Introduetion as to what Is Marketing Research and Iis practices, and otter Information should be given 8) BACKGROUND - A brief background about the company/organization under study. ke Name, Location ete. ang also relevant details like organization structure, existing systems related to the particular subject, Under study and a briet write up of the problem you want to study in that organization (©) METHODOLOGY - It forms the crux of the report. It should clearly identi the Problem, the main objectives of tne study, the scope whieh Indicates the usefulness of the project. now applicable Its, and how itean be used by the organ'zation for impraved performance 4) Revlew of Literature can be dane Included, whlen Indleates the research done so far with regarc to the particular subject. 2) The relevant data gathered should be presented In the farm of tables, graphs, flow charts et. 3) Detalled discussion about the present practices related to the subject. If new practicesfaugments, have been Introduced, a discussion of the same may be done. 4) Analysis of ine data collected or the effect of the new practices on the exiting one. 1D) CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS : Based on the sludy done, what conciusionsinferences can be drawn? Recommendations are based on the conclusions of the study. It's Important lo Incleate that a set of recommendations snould follow from the conclusions Inferred. The recommendations snoula have value to ine organization. If possible quantity the benefts that can be gained from following the recommendations. Indications as to what other techniques can be applied Improve the eystems viz. Cost saving techniques, precautions, E) LIMITATIONS of the stugy If any should be highitgntes 5, IMPORTANT GUIDELINES FOR WRITING THE PROJECT 4), Students should use simple ana good English while wrting the report. Avold grammatical errors. 2) The report should be submited as @ MS-Word document only and NOT In the form of MS. PowerPoint slide printouts 3) The problem ana opjectives snould be specie and clearly stated. Avola amaigutty 4) No aspects ofthe structure ofthe report should be omitted 5) Important to include Biolography and List of tables 6) The report should also incluce Certiteate trom the guide (f nelp trom a gulge nas heen taken) and ‘acknowledgements (If any) 7) The report should be In about 60-70 pages minimum. 6. OTHER DETAILS TO BE CONTAINED IN THE REPORT The following shouldbe included in tho Project Report in th same soquence as given below: 4) Acknowledgment -to all those who have helped the student complete the project. 2) Gerticate trom the guide (I nelp trom a guide has been taken) (See appendix |) 3), Table of contents, citer wise withthe appropriate page numbers. 4 Actual project content following the glven format 5) Bibliography - Its important for students to list the BOOKS 7. FORMAT OF THE PROJECT REPORT A) 8) ° D) TITLE PAGE The first page should contain the following details, oP + The Tie ofthe reportin block capitals, properly centered CENTRE 1) Fullname of the candidate in capital letters 2) Admission Mo. (eg. DPGD/JL08/0001) 3) Specialization Name (0.9. SPECIALIZATION: MARKETING) BOTTOM —: Name of the Insitute, Year of Submission (2.9 DECEMBER 2008) MARGIN :Left 25mm (1), Top 25mm (1°), Right 25mm (1), Bottom 25mm (1°). Font + Asia (11 pt) or Tes New Roman (12 pt) PAGE NUMBER : Shall at he bottom of the page centrally located

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