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Risk Assessment For LIFTING

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DATE Assessed: 19 DEC 2021

RA No: 0 RISK ASSESSMENT: Reviewed date: December 2022


element -02






Ser No.

Tasks Hazards identified with each task Harm / Consequence / Parties affected
(What one does in logical steps) (What can hurt one / other?) (What can happen / go wrong) Additional & or Site Controls (What additional could we do Responsible Person
Current Controls / Safeguards (What do we do to prevent incidents?)
to reduce the risk?)

Access and egress failure to designate and seprate Road traffic accident vehicle 2 3 6 M 1. Ensure all persons enteering a construciton site has attented the inductioin 1. Vehicles shall not travel on designated pedestrian routes 1 3 3 L Construciton Management and Safety Dept
exteranal traffic/ Pedestrian routes collisioin / personal injury Program, Life critical requirments and MEPI Training without a flagman/banks man
2. All persons involved must attend the Red Man/Green man training prior to 2. internal routes shall be protected against leading edges
enter the site. and open holes
3. A site TMP Plan shall be prepared. This shall detail the site boundary , 3. Entrence and exits for emergency exits shall be clearly
pedestrian and vehicle , Access, site roads , Prarking laydown area, and tepmprary marked and shall be foree form obstructions at all the time
structures 4. traffic marshalls or falg men shall control heavy traffic
traffic management signage and lighting shall be installed as necessary routes and crossing points. Flag men shall be suitably trained
4. Traffic management a arrangement for labor drop off/collection shall be
implemented. Labor shall not be pur at risk form moving vehicle and machinery
5. barriers shall be installed to seperate pedestrians form vehicle traffic.
6. Pedestrian routes shall be clearly marked and illuminated where necessarey.
7. Provide crossing doors if access raod need to cross for workers
8. Provide humps near by crossing points to control the site traffic
9. Safety sinages all through the access raod
10. Access road should be proper grade, compacted and water poring to avoid

1 lack of welfare and medical facilites Good/Drinking water contamination, 2 3 6 M 1. site welfare facilites shall be established sufficient toiltes, washing facilites , 1. Sperated hand washing facilites must be available all the 1 3 3 Low Construciton Management and Safety Dept
human waste contamination, lack of drying facilites shall be installed in line with manpower requirements. time
washing facilites, Ill health due to lack of 2. As manpowerlevel change welfare facilites shall be reviewed , Hand soap and hand sanitizer must be available at site to
recognition of medical conditioins 3. welfare facilites shall be installed in safe area where there is no risk form protect workers form covid-19 Sufficient firs aidersa or site
moving vehicle or other site hazards nure must be avialable all the time
4. Eating should not be allowed at site,
5. Rest shelter should be wide enough to take brake for multiple workers at same
6. Pedestrian walk way should be provided to rest sheltr and other faciliteis.
7. Assembly point should be provide and cleary mentioned with sign boards
8. Male nurse with ambulance and first aider should be available at site along with
first aid box
9. Embergency contact numbers should be displayed at all site and in rest shelter
10. Information about Heat stress should be provided in rest shelter





Ser No.

Tasks Hazards identified with each task Harm / Consequence / Parties affected
Additional & or Site Controls (What additional could we do Responsible Person
(What one does in logical steps) (What can hurt one / other?) (What can happen / go wrong) Current Controls / Safeguards (What do we do to prevent incidents?)
to reduce the risk?)

1. Obtain encroachment permit from SAR

2. Method Statement approved form RC
3. Lifting plan approved form RC
4. Lifting competent person approved from RC
5.Lifting Technical Engineer
6. Rigger 2 and 3 Third party approval with valid certificates
7. Cranes, lifting gears, and operators third party
Lack of documents may delay the If mentioned documents and key persons
Documentation and Equipment certifications required
work, unavailability of are not available no work should be allow to Project manager, Construction manager,
2 inspection at Supplier area prior to Work delay, Financial palenty 2 4 8 M 8. Lifting supervisors and safety officer required at site 1 4 4 L
moblization enchorchment permit will delay start. Safety manager
9. Male nurse and ambulance must be available at site.
work and may plenty from RC
8. RC approved TMP
9. Lifting competent perosn and safety manager will
inspect the cranes and lifting gears at suppleir lay down
area prior to moblize at site
10. Cranes, operators, and lifting gears TUV and
maintincance recoreds shall be check and available at site.





Ser No.

Tasks Hazards identified with each task Harm / Consequence / Parties affected
Additional & or Site Controls (What additional could we do Responsible Person
(What one does in logical steps) (What can hurt one / other?) (What can happen / go wrong) Current Controls / Safeguards (What do we do to prevent incidents?)
to reduce the risk?)

Crane Lifting (Unloading/ loading

of SAR Track Machines)

1. STARRT Cards implementation.

2. RC approved lifting Methodstatmetn and Lifting plan
3. All key personalls including Lifting Engineer, Rigger level 2, Rigger level 3, Lifting
Competent perosn and Lifting supervisor along with Safety team must be
abailable form start to end at site
4. Crane opperator trained/3rd party certified/experienced and having valid
driving licence for SA and Crane have 3rd paty certificate and inspection.
5.Red man gree man training required for all workers involved in lifting activiites.
6. Crane positioning should be at compected ground and out rigger fully opened ,
Out rigger pads should be used as per lifing plan
7. SAR Machines at trailer must be bring as close as possibile for the operator
8. Reversve alarm should be available for the trailer along wiht safety flash light
9. Rigging shall be done by certifide rigger level 3 and inspet by rigger level 2 and 1.Redman/Green Man trainings for all workers sticker should
be visibile at helmets
lifting competent perosn at site
10.Lifting caclulation shall be prepaired agian at site as per actual boom lenght 2.Barrication of the area and all unauthorized/unrelated
and radious persons should not be allowed to enter
1. Crane turn over/Over loading Fatal / serious injury to workers and 4 4 16 H 11. Lifting caclulation shall be explain by lifting engineer to operators, riggers, and 3. Lifting should be only as per lifting caclulation sheet or 1 4 4 L Site Engineer / Operator / Rigger / Lifting Competent Person /
2. SAR TRACK MACHINES Falling major property damage lifting competent eprosn at site. lifting plan ,Safety officer must recheck caclulaiton. Safety officer
12. Lifting competent person shall recheck and verify the lifting caclulations 4. Lifting must be under 88% capacity of the crane all the
13. All lifting gears shall be inspected, and color coded time
5. Center of gravity identified and tag line used
14. Operators and rigger must need to understand each other in theory for lifting,
to quick repeat the how to do lift,
15. Tendem lifting is critical lifting, Non of crane should be allowed to use more
than 88 % of its capacity.
16. Counter weight and out rigger along with area compaction shall be consider
most important
17. All persons need to sign the STARRT Card and Lifting competent perosn will
sign the lifting caclulation sheet
18. Only rigger shall be allowed to give the signals to perators
19. Liftin zone shall be established
20. Provide barication and all un related person keep out
3 21. Provide sign boards and good practice sigages for lifting





Ser No.

Tasks Hazards identified with each task Harm / Consequence / Parties affected
Additional & or Site Controls (What additional could we do Responsible Person
(What one does in logical steps) (What can hurt one / other?) (What can happen / go wrong) Current Controls / Safeguards (What do we do to prevent incidents?)
to reduce the risk?)

Crane Lifting (Unloading/

loading of SAR Track
1. Lifting gears should be inspected by liftig competent perosn and provide color
Use of faulty lifting equipment, damaged, Crashed by the load, struck by lifting 2. Third party certificates of inspection by a recognized inspection body for lifting
improvised lifting gears. Unmarked SWL on gears due to failure of lifting equipment. 2 4 8 M gears, like lifting beam, Unfit lifting gears must be tagged with "Do Not Use," and 1 4 4 L Site Engineer / Operator / Rigger / Lifting Competent Person /
lifting gears. Load fall from height and damage to 3. Load bearing test report for D-shackles , chain slings, should be discarded from use.(Plant Dept). Safety officer
property, personnel injuries, fatalities 4. All lifting activities must be under lifting competent person,
5. Rigger daily chekclist must be filled prior to start the work
6. Dammaged lifting ghears should not be used at site.

Insufficient barricading & signage Unauthorized access to job site/ Injuries 1. Lifting zone, crane boom + 10 M shall be barricated Training on understanding the Signs & barricades and Site Engineer / Operator / Rigger / Lifting Competent Person /
to authorized workers due to crane 2. All persons have training for green man and red man redman, green man Safety officer
movement / moving loads/parts/ 3. Only red man shall be allowed to enter in lifting zone Safety supervision to keep out all un required perosns form
Personnel injuries / property / or 4.Provide lifting sinages and good practice sinages for lifting at site. lifing site
equipment damage/ fatality .

2 3 6 M 1 3 3 L

Manual handling Back injury due to manual handling Manual material handling can cause 2 3 6 M 1. STARRT Cards. • In case of group manual handling: Group must be 1 3 3 L Site Engineer / Supervisor and safety officer
personnel Injury due to sharp 2. Provide information and training on manual handling to all workers. fully instructed about the method of handling, load
edges, , back injury, spinal 3. Frequent Brakes and rest destination, responsibilities within the group. Like
dislocation etc for involving crew. 4. None of worker should lift more than 20 kg manually Who will do what? During lifting. Proper co-ordination
5. Provide Mechanical aid as much as possibile must be maintained within the group members. Lifting
6. Provide more number of workers if load need to lift and shift must be led by a single person, who will observe &
• Load to be lifted shall be checked for its weight, availability of instruct accordingly for the group movements.
personnel, PPE, lifting equipment, availability of grip, clearance for grip • For different levels mechanical means must be
etc. considered as first choice for handling. i.e. crane,
• Preparation shall be made at the storage place before lifting the load. boom truck, chain pulley blocks etc.
• Clear access way to move the load from one place to another must be • Ensure that all employees aware of the lifting
ensured before lifting the load. techniques.Male nurse should be avaialbe if any issue
• Ensure proper position of feet; bend through knees to face the load to workers can consult him
be lifted. Workers should be trained and know the procedures
• Grip properly the load to be lifted, chin facing to the load, keeping back to contact/Consult male nurse
• Keep arm close to the body while lifting the load, transfer the load on
feet & not on back during lifting process.
• Do not turn through waist with load, turn on your feet.
• Do not block eyesight by load while walking with the load.
4 • Adequate clearance shall be maintained between load & the ground
while placing the load on the ground to allow load handlers take their
hands out safely. For maintaining clearance, wood or similar hard
material shall be used.
• Appropriate type of hand gloves must be used.
• Using handling aids.

5 Housekeeping & Clean-up Pinch point and cuts while pulling-out waste
and debris
first aid to Serious injury to worker 2 2 4 L 1. STARRT Card Responsible person to supervise the work, Maintain 1 2 2 L Site Engineer / Foreman / Workers
2. Keep pathways unobstructed housekeeping,
3. Watch where you are walking Keep check on using PPE
4. Watch your footsteps while walking on surface materials
5. Wear the required safety shoes
6. Observe careful hand placement
7. Wear the required hand gloves
8. Material arrangement is the key to avoid the trip hazards, always
material should be arranged.





Ser No.

Tasks Hazards identified with each task Harm / Consequence / Parties affected
Additional & or Site Controls (What additional could we do Responsible Person
(What one does in logical steps) (What can hurt one / other?) (What can happen / go wrong) Current Controls / Safeguards (What do we do to prevent incidents?)
to reduce the risk?)

Irresponsible handling and disposal of wastes Serious injury to worker 3 3 9 M 1. STARRT Card Responsible person to supervise the work 1 3 3 L Site Engineer / Foreman / Workers
2. Employ only trained & experienced workforce Disposed at only designated area
3. Ensure to segregate waste according to class Disposed material as per category of material
4. Ensure to use Personal Protective Equipment in handling wastes. Remove form site as soon as possibile

Adverse weather condition Adverse weather condition (Heat stress, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat 2 3 6 M 1. STARRT Cards 1.Heat stress campagin in summers to educate 1 3 3 L Site Engineer / Nurse / Operator / Workers
Eyes irritation, Winter or Sandstorm) cramps, Eyes pain due to UV, 2. Provide temporary shelter with drinking water. workers for heat stress
headache and fatigue may lead to 3. Wear appropriate clothing and avoid dark color 2. Usage of flag system to inform wokers regarding
minor to serious issues to workers 4. Heat stress information and training to workers tempretures and precaustions accordingly
halth 4. Wear dust mask N95 to avoid dust. 3. Restrected Hours Strictly implemented at site in
5. Flag system should be applied in summer, summer
6. Workers must be trained about flag system 4. Work must be stopped in sand strom and high
tempreture/humidity as per Head index chart
5. No work form 12 :00 to 15:00 H from 15 June to 15
6. Sufficent water and shelter must be avialabe for
survey team if wooden shulter not possibile then Car
with AC must be available for workers to take rest
7. No lone work minimum 2 to 3 workers
8. Emgergency contact number must be saved in
survey team mobiles
9. first aider must be available at site and Male nurse
with ambulance must be available with in 10 Minits

Std PPE: Additional PPE:


Risk Rating =
Probability x Severity
1 Unlikely 1 First Aid or slight injury 1 2 3 4 5

2 Rare 2 Recordable, medical and restricted work 1 1-Low 2-Low 3-Low 4-Low 5-Medium

3 Possible 3 Lost time injury or permanent disability 2 2-Low 4-Low 6-Medium 8-Medium 10-High

Probability (P)
4 Likely 4 Single fatality or permanent disability of 3 or more person 3 3-Low 6-Medium 9-Medium 12-High 15-High

5 Very Likely 5 Multiple fatalities 4 4-Low 8-Medium 12-High 16-High 20-High

5 5-Medium 10-High 15-High 20-High 25-High

REV: 03
Name Signature Designation Date
Prepared by: Sajjad Ahmad Khan ES&H MANAGER



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