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JSA - Structural Steel Errection Anerrection and Dismantling

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Job Safety Analysis Job: Sheet Fixing Date:26/11/2020 Analysis by: Reviewed by:
JSA number:JSA-Sheet Parmesan/swaroop
Barrication -044
Revision number: Sheet
Title of employee doing job: Supervisor: Department: Section: Approved by:
structural steel errection and projects-GTI
Location: 6-acre and Activity and Associated Conditions- Structural steel errection and dismantling
9- Acre
Sequence of Basic Job What Could Go
Potential Hazards Recommended Safe Job Corrective Action
Steps. Wrong
Material ( Steel structure) Over loading while Don’t allow workers to lift
shifting to the site Slip &trip, shifting excess weight.
Fall of materials,
Injury due to sharp edge, Use of damaged PPE’s Inspection before using.
cut and crush injury
Daily tool box and proper
Must follow permit system checking
All work area and path ways should
be free from obstructions,
Proper supports and lashing should
be provided,
Sharp edges with softener (cloth),
PPE’s should be provided to the
workers (cut resistant gloves, safety
goggles ,shoes, helmet)
Structural Steel Erection Must follow Permit system
Toppling of Crane equipment. Crane must be placed on even surface. Use of uncertified and All the rigging tools must be
and dismantling by
Crane must be inspected before starting thedefective tools. inspected by competent person
crane/Faranah ( Tandom
Lift if required ) job before starting the work.
Crush by crane parts. No one is allowed to enter under any All the tools must be inspected
Striking with overhead circumstances in to the level one and certified by the competent
utilities. barricading zone. Fall of tools /Materials
while dismantling. person.
Maintain safe distance ( up to 25000 volts
– 09 meter , Over 25000 volts – 15 Ensure all personnel
Failure of crane , lifting gears meters ) from the over head power lines. engaged in the process
are trained working at
and equipments.
Crane operator & Rigger must have valid
Struck with adjacent plant third-party certification
structures or equipments Barricading to be in
place to prevent
unauthorized entry while
Crane counter weight / outrigger
crew working above.
area has to be barricaded by Red &
White barricading chain and signs
must be placed. Ensure that working tools
Lifting area has to be barricaded by and items are kept within
red-white barricading and a secure container and not
signage’s to be posted. left loose.
Safe distance to be maintained
from existing equipment’s. Daily housekeeping at the
Information tags for barricade must end of the shift to be done
. be placed. Tools tie shall be used .
Imbalance of the load No one is allowed to use hands to
control loads All platform openings
Minimum of one tag line to be used to must be covered with
control the load. adequate means of
Barricading .

Fall of personal from trailer Fall prevention or protection systems must Do not carry the tools
be in place before allowing individuals while ascending
accessing the trailers. Need to use life /descending the ladders
lines if required. Work at height permit
must be obtained
Ensure all materials are
Fall of matertial Ensure the load is secured secured and fastened with
Inspect the load on trailer from ground straps and or chain pullers
level , if safe to off load then only proceed Need to use proper containers or
boxes for transporting the tools

Vehicle collision Driver shall obey all traffic

Maximum allowed speed limit
Reverse alarm shall be in working

All the electrical tools must be

 Maintain proper body positioning
and communication.
 Keep body parts away from the
pinch points
 Use tool tie with all hand tools.
 Avoid personnel from line of fire.
inspected and certified by
Noise , Pinch Points ,Contact  Ensure all rotating parts must have
competent person.
Bolt Tightening & the guards Defective Tools
or entanglement.
Hammering  Use hearing protection Proper PPE must be given to all
 No loose clothing shall be used Defective PPE
Electric shock. the workers.
 All the electrical tools must be
inspected and certified by
competent person.
 ELCB connection is must for all the
extension boxes and Power supply
Name Signature & date

Prepared by project engineer Kumaresan

Reviewed by Safety in-charge Ramu Kandula / Mohd Mujeebuddin

Reviewed by Project Manager RAJESH

Approved by Plant manager Atul Sharma

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