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Fantasy Heroes - GUIDE

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I. Introduction (South Shura)

First before the game even begins, you need to pick a mode.

• Veteran (hardest mode) has all the stats as presented in this guide
with no advantage for the player.

• Normal decreases the enemy's ATK and MAT by 10%.
They also lose half of their AGI and 100 of their EVA.

• Casual (easiest mode) decreases the enemy's ATK by 15% and

DEF/MAT of 20%.
AGI is also halved, and EVA/CRI/MRF lose 100 points.
Characters are also immune to DEF and MDF debuffs.

Beginning of the game

Check out the opening cut scene.

You start the game with Tristan the Knight. He's a good, reliable fighter

He learns the following specials:

• Lv1: Heal (use it until you have no MP left instead of using items)
• Lv3: Breaker
• Lv5: Circle Slash
• Lv10: Commander Move
• Lv13: Saint Sword
• Lv16: Demon Splitter
• Lv20: Flaming Youth
• Lv25: Boss Maul
• Lv29: Brutus Strike

Tristan can equip SWORDS and all types of armors.

He has a natural 20% counter ability, as well as a 60% critical evade
rate, which makes him far less likely to receive a critical hit.
These statistics (and countless others) can also be found at the end of
this guide.

Save spots

You can save on green sparkling spots, and there is also an auto-save
each time you change map. However the auto-save only work outside
of cut-scene sequences, so do mind this. Do not shut off the game after
a map change that happened during a cut scene, as your progress will
be lost.

Arniery (first town)

Talk to everyone in town and identify the locations of the shops as well
as the inn (see below).
Then visit the world around you and look for bonus items. They can be
identified as a small trail of smoke. Avoid walking on the greener
patches of grass as they remove 4 of your health (less if you have boots
on that decrease the flood damage rate (FDR)).
In general, pay attention to your surroundings as it is helpful and
rewarding to look for hidden items. It is possible to save in a green
sparkling spot, but also by purchasing Adventurer's Books. However
we recommend you save your money for other things.

1: weapon shop
2: restoration shop
3: inn


The COCKA will have a chance to flee once its HP are below 90% of
their total, or from turn 2 on.
The STAG BEETLE is resistant to hits with its high defense, so should
be dealth with Tristan's BREAKER skill.

Detailed information about monsters can be found at the end of this


Train a bit and collect 50+ gold coins, so you can purchase and equip
an Iron Bucket, which will make you a bit slower but very difficult to

With the Iron Bucket equipped, and a few Curative Herbs, you're fully
ready to explore Wind Pass.

II. Wind Pass

The Beauty Bird should always be targeted first as it can poison you.
Should you get poisoned, it is not necessarily to cure it immediately, as
the HP decrease can be put under control with Tristan's Heal spell.
Using this strategy allows to save on Curative Herbs.
If you need to backtrack to the town, you can use the skill Emergency,
available at all times outside of battles (remember it!). Every character
has Emergency.
The Beauty Bird gives a decent amount of 12 gold coins. Killing several
of them will allow you to buy a second Iron Bucket, which is a useful
gear for your future second character.

In the second map of Wind Pass, you are joined by Melanie the

She learns the following specials:

• Lv3: Triplets
• Lv4: Beast Blast
• Lv6: Angry
• Lv8: Ippa Ippa
• Lv10: Crazy Dash
• Lv13: Ippon Toru
• Lv14: Binding of Mel
• Lv17: Pentacle Miracle
• Lv19: Weight Overturn
• Lv25: Bad Luck

She is a bit fragile. Equip her with the Iron Bucket.

If you've got money to spare, and you're playing in Veteran, it might be
good to purchase a SPEED RING for Tristan, or even 2 if you can afford
it, as it'll help your future 3rd character to be faster in battles.

The Farmer Art Boots in the second map can be an interesting pick
despite its cost, as it increases the chance to get items from monsters.

The ZARBOK will double attack every EVEN turn. If you can afford to
kill it in the first turn, it will not double attack at all.

Melanie's BEAST BLAST is an efficient attack at an affordable cost
against ZARBOK.

In the boss fight against the EMPRESS MOTH, first make sure that you
take out the BEAUTY BIRD, as it tends to poison your characters a lot,
but should die after 2 hits. Then, finish off the moth using Melanie's

1: Leather Boots
2: Secret

1: shop with interesting stuff, including a pair of boots that increases
your chances to get items from defeated monsters.

1: gold
2: boss fight

After exiting Wind Pass

Check out the cut scene on the worldmap once you've killed the boss
and left the pass.

Make sure you have some Magical Herbs. You can buy some from the
shop on the worldmap.

Then enter the "frozen" town and check out the cut scene.
A character will join you, while two others will attack you.

Clara is a versatile character with a healing penchant.

She learns the following specials:

Lv1: Heal
Lv2: Power & Might
Lv5: Ritual
Lv6: Creep Repellent
Lv9: Integrity
Lv12: Resurgence
Lv13: Resurrection
Lv15: Exorcism
Lv19: Revitalization
Lv22: Panresurgence
Lv26: Panexorcism

Against Tarfuhrerz and Klamyldia (the two enemies), just focus on one
of them with Tristan and Melanie's skills (Clara can defend), then deal
with the remaining one.

Once the fight is over, check out the following cut scene: you'll agree to
visit a tumulus nearby.

1: shop
2: frozen town
3: tumulus

III. Tumulus

If you haven't already, use your books to permanently increase the

stats of your characters. In general, it's best not to hoard them.
Pack on Magical Herbs, try to have a minimum of 10 to be on the safe

Once inside the tumulus, go straight to get the Faith Mantle and equip
it on Clara (see below for details on the annotated maps).

A bit of strategy about fighting enemies?

Rockroaches are resistant to normal hits but can be defeated easily
using Tristan's Breaker and Clara's Ritual.
Tomb Robbers may drop Metal Bracelets which can be equipped
especially by Melanie who is weak in defense but has a good attack
Clara's Ritual is also excellent against the Mummy but Creep Repellent,
which uses MP instead of TP, is a good alternative whenever there's
not enough TP to use Ritual.

Keep in mind full enemy statistics can be found at the end of this guide.

1: faith mantle

1: switch the GREEN lever ON (leave the RED one alone)
2: knight sword
3: bishop rod

First deal with the switch (yellow path that goes to 1) then backtrack
and take the other yellow road to proceed to the next level.

1: holy shield

Go and get the Holy Shield. Equip it on Clara.

Against 6 Rockroachs, Clara's Power & Might on Tristan before he
launches his Circle Slash works beautifully, especially if he equipped
the Knight

1: boss fight
Against the Colossus Roach (boss), there are several interesting
First of all, you should make sure to take down the normal cockroachs,
using Breaker and Creep Repellent. In the meantime, Melanie can use
Then Clara's Power and Might is a good one on Melanie, so she can use
her Triplets efficiently on the big cockroach.
Keep everyone's health high using Clara's Heal while the other 2 can
deal with the damage side of the battle.

After the boss fight, continue to the right and enter the small bricky

Check out the cut scene, then exit the tumulus. You can't do it using
Emergency so you have to walk all the way back up, which can be used
to check places you first overlooked.
Also, you can save and rest for free in the place of Clara's friend. Check
the sparkling areas to benefit from it.

Out of the tumulus?

Entering the worldmap will prompt another cut scene and Clara will
be left on her own. She's vulnerable as such, so head straight to the
point where she'll get a partner to help her with the battles (see

Tristan leaves her the Holy Shield (assuming you've found it), so it's
good to equip her with it. Whenever entering a fight, make sure to use
Creep Repellent to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Remember you can also escape, if the enemies aren't fast (it's
particularly true of normal and casual modes).

Brunhilde can learn the following specials:

• Lv5: Zap
• Lv9: Spark Arrow
• Lv14: Big Toes
• Lv20: Rain of Arrows
• Lv23: Deadly Canopy
• Lv29: Gromfarxng

Brunhilde is full of good specials. Zap is good against multiples

enemies, and Spark Arrow is mega fast if you need to get rid of a target
immediately. Big Toes is wonderful against big enemies, of which
there'll be plenty later in the game.

Follow the yellow path to find Brunhilde.

IV. Ice Pass

Although they'll be very useful shortly, avoid purchasing Stamina

Drops from the worldmap merchant as they are more expensive than
In the Ice Pass, a Guild will sell them at a normal price. There, make
sure to buy about 60 (maybe not immediately if you're running out of
money, but it would be good before going through the pass).

Clara's Resurgence (if you have it) is a good skill to use whenever
facing one or two Winterpillars, as it protects from poison, and they
have a spell that is potentially able to poison all characters at the same
Brunhilde's Spark Arrow and Clara's Creep Repellent are efficient
against Werewolves and Winterpillars, too, depending on the urgency
to get rid of them.
If you face Paku Pakus, use Brunhilde's Zap. It will not kill them, but
they are very likely to all go away next turn. In order to kill at least 1,
make sure to use Spark Arrow next (this skill is faster than the Paku
Pakus and will be enough to kill it).

Weirdoes again?

You'll have to fight those 2 henchmen of the big bad boss again.
In fact, twice, even.

The first time against Tarfuhrerz and Klamyldia, use Brunhilde's Spark
Arrow and Clara's Creep Repellent, to get rid of one of them quickly,
and then the other one.

The second fight against Tarfuhrerz and Klamyldia can however be

lost with Clara and Brunhilde. If that happens, Tristan and Melanie will
join, for a repeat.

Once this fight is over, and if you've got money to spare, it might be a
good idea to return to the Guild and purchase one or two of those
500G swords that they have. This will considerable boost Tristan’s and
Melanie's ability to hurt their enemies. Remember to also maintain a
high stock of stamina drops.

With the addition of Tristan and Melanie you now have a shot at
getting rid of big group of Paku Pakus, which yield a lot of EXP and
GOLD. Use stamina drops so that all characters have more than 50TP.
Then use Brunhilde's Zap, Tristan's Circle Slash and Melanie's Crazy
Dash. Clara can boost the Circle Slash with Power and Might if

1: shop
2: tombstone that gives +4MMP (wait for Tristan and Melanie to rejoin
to make the most of it)
Both ways (yellow path) go to the next map.

1: first fight against the weirdoes
2: snow gloves

1: guild (acts like a shop, has stamina drops)
2: nest of Paku Pakus
3: second (harder) fight against the weirdos - can be lost
The path to the right goes to an optional zone.

This is the optional zone. It goes to a library that sells Books of Life and
Magic, at 250 and 150 gold respectively.
Unless you're very rich, it's generally preferable to buy Stamina Drops
which will help greatly in using your skills whenever needed.

1: yellow path shows the way to the exit. There'll be a boss to defeat
(see next page).

Against Toskaar (boss), use and abuse Brunhilde's Big Toes. It's a skill
that is specially designed for that kind of enemy. Melanie can also use
Ippon Toru. Don't forget Clara's Resurgence to avoid taking the risk
that the Winterpillar poison one or several characters, which is always
an annoyance.

V. North Shura

There is a lot to do in this place, before you can enter the final dungeon
of the game.
1: first village, you need to check all 5 houses individually
2: second village, check the house on the left, this will take you to a cut
scene, from which you'll end up in an underground.

VI. Underground

This area is a bit mazey and the few loots aren't very rewarding.
For that reason, we recommend going straight to the exit (see map
below), but if you're interested collecting all the items, feel free to

The Detritus Golem is very good at debuffing your characters. Use

Clara's Integrity to prevent this from happening. Big Toes and Ippon
Toru are also particularly effective, it being a "big" monster.
Bear in mind also that it's a slow monster, so whenever you face it
alone, it's very easy to escape from it, if that's your prefered option.
Brunhilde's Zap is a good spell whenever they're a lot of smaller
monsters on the screen.

VII. North Shura (again)

Back on the worldmap.

You now have access to 3 (see below), which is were you can buy
items and/or sleep for free. Remember to keep a stock of Stamina
Drops above 40-50, f possible.

Also, you get a fifth character, which means your party is finally

Taros can learn the following specials:

• Lv1: Fire Army
• Lv5: Schlachten
• Lv8: Mass Reparation
• Lv9: Mass Destruction
• Lv15: Draak Portal
• Lv20: Divine Intervention
• Lv25: Genocide
• Lv30: Fire Coffin

3: Taros' place (has a shop and a place to rest for free)
4: shop (sells a good sword you should buy if you have the money)
5: final dungeon

Explore around and then go to 5.

VIII. Reflection Labyrinth & Ice Fortress

There'll be a lot of different enemies there.

The rule of thumb,, though, is that the robots are the most annoying.
Brunhilde's Big Toes and Melanie's Weight Overturn (when she gets it)
are the best skills against them. Ippon Toru and Schlachten (Taros)
aren't bad too.

Remember the Snow Gloves recover +3 extra TP per turn.

They are useful to maintain Brunhilde's TP at a high level.
Of course, use Stamina Drops to keep her total above 50.
Use Clara's Integrity whenever entering a big fight, as it's a great
protection all-around.

Why is Big Toes so good against robots?

Big Toes is a technic where Brunhilde uses the weight of the enemy
against itself. It is particularly efficient against robots, which are found
in sizeable quantities in the Ice Tower. Melanie's Ippon Toru (and then
Weight Overturn when she gets it) and Taros' Schlachten also do
decent damage, but not quite as comparable to Big Toes.
There are 3 types of Guardians plus a boss, the strategy applies to all of
them, albeit a bit less against the boss.
Guardian #3 (the snow one) has some large damaging skills that inflict
a lot of damage. Use Taros' Mass Reparation in case you receive one of

Here is a tactical tip for you: when all monsters are paralyzed, or when
a given skill from a character is needed to get rid of all the enemies at
once, have all the characters defend so that they restore their TP. In
the case of paralyzed enemies, expert players will also gradually
decrease their HP, so that they are easy to kill (one or two hits) once
the paralyze effect wears off.

Now onto the maps!

1: Faust Mirror
2: Perthus Rod

Both above pieces of equipment represent a significant detour,

however they are worth it. You can also train your characters this way.

There are treasure chests to be found in this level if you explore, but
they do not contain valuable pieces of equipment. Therefore, it's your
call whether or not you want to fully cover the whole area, or go
straight to the next level.

1: boss fight (make sure to save before)
2: wintermuhl (this is a good shield to protect your most vulnerable

In the boss fight, do NOT miss Clara's Integrity as otherwise you could
end up in a sea of troubles. Brunhilde's Zap at turn one is a good one to
clear up the scene a bit.

1: one extra level for all party members.

Make sure they aren't CLOSE to getting their next level, in this case you
might want to give them a few extra battles before using the boost.

1: Mammoth Horn
2: Right part of the fortress
3: Left part
You need to visit right and left parts before you can progress to the
middle one.

This is the right wing of the fortress.

1: Switch the lever ON (boss fight)

2: Lavender Red (big armor)
3: Mega Health Splash

This is the left wing of the fortress.

1: switch the lever ON (boss fight)

You might want to use the save spot shown at 3 before you fight the
2: Crystal of Eternity
3: Save spot

This is the middle part of the fortress, accessible only after switching
both levers ON.

1: shop (it sells a good sword as well as some protective equipment

and a couple of items)

1: Bearmaster (helmet)
Go straight to the throne at the top, you'll be teleported to the final
boss. Make sure to save before.

IX. Final boss

The final sequence consists of 3 fights in a row. So make sure you are
well prepared, with MP and TP maxed out.
Use your permanent items if you've been hoarding them up until now.

First fight: 2 Mangradills

Focus on one of them. Melanie's Binding of Mel works well at
decreasing their attack, which is where most of the danger comes from

Second fight: Zaromur and friends

Use large damaging spells to get rid of the minor enemies. The book is
resistant to magic in general. Zaromur is a boss and a human so use
skills that are good against either bosses or humans to do the
maximum damage.
Since Zaromur can confuse with a normal attack, use Clara's
Panresurgence if she's learned it (LV22).

Third Fight: 3D (aka the demon with 3 impossible names starting with
the letter D)
He's a dangerous enemy all around, and he can one-shoot your
characters, especially in more difficult modes. Clara has a great
reviving spell, so has Taros (a group one). Use items if you have no
other choice.
As this is a long fight, also use protective/enhancing skills, such as
Melanie's Angry, Brunhilde's Deadly Canopy, Tristan's Commander
Move, Clara's Integrity and/or Resurgence. They'll help you greatly
deal bigger damages and sustain the ones from the boss.

Once this fight is over, congratulations! Just enjoy the final sequence.

X. Full extensive enemy database
(for perfectionnists and collectors!)
Cocka 200 250 100 100 100 150 100 3 2
Stag Beetle 150 300 290 100 150 50 80 8 5
Beauty Bird 400 280 100 160 150 130 180 10 12
Zarbok 1200 350 120 140 120 180 110 25 11
Empress Moth 2680 300 110 200 140 150 190 50 50

Rockroach 150 340 350 80 140 160 80 16 3

Tomb Robber 850 420 120 140 110 150 160 50 25
Ancient Mummy 720 360 180 200 160 130 120 42 14
Dust Golem 2000 330 100 150 150 120 120 70 0
Colossus Roach 2550 400 420 170 240 90 160 200 5

Gongus 1000 290 290 150 160 110 70 63 15

Winterpillar 2590 500 190 190 180 130 140 106 9
Werewolf 1050 550 240 240 230 230 160 78 4
Paku Paku 700 250 150 290 280 580 330 80 30
Toskaar 5590 720 400 150 180 120 150 487 75

Fridge Bug 510 250 590 240 250 70 100 53 4

Giant Polar Bear 28860 750 300 300 300 220 250 1500 255
Guardian #1 3000 560 620 240 400 180 150 300 20
Crystal Beast 1970 500 180 330 360 230 260 168 102
Guardian #2 6000 600 600 440 360 160 240 550 65
Guardian Lord 25000 660 540 460 420 300 450 1500 1695

Hydrofen 740 320 290 280 230 160 150 58 2

Dranha 570 390 350 110 210 300 120 52 3
Detritus Golem 8000 340 240 340 320 120 50 140 37

Snow Pixie 790 580 300 420 400 200 240 109 43
Lykrylaly 1810 630 290 490 490 300 230 268 16
Soulflame 1230 670 380 470 410 290 220 133 17
Guardian #3 12000 900 700 400 290 150 200 990 101
Icecrusher 46000 890 600 370 450 250 220 3600 1590
Jzemgoran 21770 830 340 500 310 350 360 2292 447

Mangradill 18590 740 450 420 410 420 320 1850 0

Wizardry Book 12000 600 200 450 510 210 300 900 0
Dedrodey'idr 83550 910 350 530 350 300 290 6660 0

Tarfuhrerz 1220 380 110 140 120 180 110 100 0

Klamyldia 990 370 130 220 130 170 100 90 0
Zaromur 19340 610 520 530 600 390 180 2600 2954

Enemy LOOT #1 LOOT #2 LOOT #3
Stag Beetle Decanter 1/55
Beauty Bird Curative Herb 1/4 Sanity Herb 1/7 Magic Herb 1/10
Empress Moth Book of Magic 1/1 Book of Magical Attack 1/1 Super Potion 1/3

Rockroach Body Herb 1/8

Tomb Robber Tonic 1/3 Curative Herb 1/3 Metal Bracelet 1/4
Ancient Mummy Corpse Herb 1/6 Corpse Herb 1/7 Corpse Herb 1/10
Dust Golem Tonic 1/10
Colossus Roach Body Herb 1/2 Fluid Herb 1/2 Sanity Herb 1/2

Winterpillar Magic Herb 1/5
Werewolf Stamina Drop 1/6
Paku Paku Sanity Herb 1/8 Health Splash 1/13 Book of Magical Attack 1/100
Toskaar Healing Herb 1/3

Fridge Bug
Giant Polar Bear Combinator #1 1/3 Combinator #2 1/3 Jar of Gods 1/3
Guardian #1 Super Tonic 1/2 Super Potion 1/6
Crystal Beast
Guardian #2 Decanter 1/4 Decanter 1/4 Combinator #1 1/11
Guardian Lord Jar of Heroes 1/4 Jar of Gods 1/6 Lich Soul 1/1

Hydrofen Body Herb 1/5 Body Herb 1/6

Detritus Golem

Snow Pixie Potion 1/5 Book of Magical Atk 1/11 Enchanted Wand 1/12
Soulflame Stamina Drop 1/9 Lich Soul 1/15
Guardian #3
Jzemgoran Book of Attack 1/1 Book of Attack 1/1 Book of Attack 1/2

Wizardry Book Book of Magical Atk 1/1 Adventurer's Page 1/1 Adventurer's Page 1/1

Zaromur Book of Magical Atk 1/1 Book of Magical Def 1/1 Book of Luck 1/1


Cocka 95 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Stag Beetle 90 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0

Beauty Bird 90 -5 0 -10 0 0 0 0

Zarbok 100 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Empress Moth 95 10 0 20 0 0 0 2

Rockroach 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tomb Robber 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ancient Mummy 90 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dust Golem 90 5 0 0 0 0 5 0

Colossus Roach 90 5 0 15 0 0 0 0

Gongus 80 -10 0 0 0 0 10 0

Winterpillar 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Werewolf 95 5 10 0 10 0 0 0

Paku Paku 90 25 0 0 0 0 15 0

Toskaar 80 -15 15 0 0 0 0 0

Fridge Bug 90 -10 0 0 0 0 10 0

Giant Polar Bear 90 5 10 50 0 0 25 0

Guardian #1 90 -5 0 30 0 0 0 0

Crystal Beast 90 5 0 0 0 35 0 0

Guardian #2 90 20 0 0 0 0 0 2

Guardian Lord 100 -100 0 0 0 0 0 2

Hydrofen 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dranha 90 10 0 0 10 0 0 0

Detritus Golem 90 -40 0 0 0 0 0 2

Snow Pixie 100 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lykrylaly 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 10

Soulflame 90 5 0 0 0 15 0 0

Guardian #3 90 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Icecrusher 100 -10 0 0 0 0 0 1

Jzemgoran 100 15 15 0 15 5 0 0

Mangradill 100 20 50 0 0 0 45 0

Wizardry Book 90 5 0 0 40 0 0 2

Dedrodey'idr 90 -15 15 40 0 0 25 1

Tarfuhrerz 95 5 5 0 0 0 0 0

Klamyldia 95 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

Zaromur 90 5 0 0 15 0 0 5

Enemy Attack Special #1 Special #2 Special #3

Cocka Normal Flee

Stag Beetle Normal

Beauty Bird Normal Beauty Parade

Zarbok Bleeding +20% Double Attack

Empress Moth Poisoned +10% / Speed +20 Purity Hurts Great Balls of Pollen

Rockroach Paralyzed +10% Pinchers Flee

Tomb Robber Bleeding +50%

Ancient Mummy NORMAL Malevolent Curse

Dust Golem NORMAL Dust Fog Dust Bed of Death

Colossus Roach Poisoned +50% Rolling Thunder Pod

Gongus Normal Drain

Winterpillar Normal Toxic Pollen Freezing Germs

Werewolf Bleeding +40%

Paku Paku Confused +20% It's Cold Flee

Toskaar Normal Flatten Sweep

Fridge Bug Paralyzed +10% Sticky Spores

Giant Polar Bear Bleeding +60%, 2 hits Sweep Mad Roar

Guardian #1 Confused +20% Pincher Rifle

Crystal Beast Poisoned +25% Ice Breath Crystal Army

Guardian #2 Double Attack Fulfurpunch Laser Cage/Overheat Gonghead

Guardian Lord Double Attack Razor Axes Mental Breakdown Dephaser Ray + 1 more

Hydrofen Bleeding +20%, 2 hits Drain

Dranha Bleeding +40%

Detritus Golem Normal Dirty Mess Big Belly Big Mouth Drown in Detritus

Snow Pixie Thunder element Confusion Snowfall

Lykrylaly Normal Snowfall Glass Cage Blitz

Soulflame Fire Element Cold Flames Unequity

Guardian #3 Normal Spectrum Phaser Earthquake Drill + 1 more

Icecrusher Confused +30% Earthquake Ionic Pulse Drill + 1 more


Mangradill Poison +50%, Bleed +75% Speed +35 Fury Scratch Sick Scratch

Wizardry Book Holy element, Confused +50% Holy Purification Holy Neutering


Tarfuhrerz Bleeding +20%

Klamyldia Bleeding +40%, Speed +10

Zaromur Dark element, Confused +100% Blood Mutation Hellgate Mega Punishment

Enemy Phys Fire Thund Holy Dark Beast Demon Human Undead Big Boss

Cocka 100 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Stag Beetle 100 75 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Beauty Bird 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 125 100

Zarbok 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 125 100

Empress Moth 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 175

Rockroach 100 100 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Tomb Robber 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 125 100

Ancient Mummy 100 150 100 175 100 100 100 100 200 100 100

Dust Golem 100 150 100 100 100 100 125 100 100 150 100

Colossus Roach 100 100 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 200

Gongus 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 100 100 100

Winterpillar 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 100

Werewolf 100 100 100 150 100 200 100 125 100 125 100

Paku Paku 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100

Toskaar 100 100 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 175 200

Fridge Bug 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Giant Polar Bear 100 200 100 75 100 200 100 100 100 200 150

Guardian #1 75 50 150 50 100 100 100 100 100 150 125

Crystal Beast 100 75 125 25 125 150 100 100 100 125 100

Guardian #2 50 25 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150

Guardian Lord 100 50 100 150 100 100 125 125 100 200 200

Hydrofen 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Dranha 100 100 150 100 100 125 100 100 100 100 100

Detritus Golem 100 75 100 100 175 100 100 100 100 200 100

Snow Pixie 100 125 50 100 125 100 100 125 100 100 100

Lykrylaly 100 175 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 125 100

Soulflame 100 0 100 150 0 100 175 100 100 100 100

Guardian #3 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 175

Icecrusher 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150

Jzemgoran 100 100 100 100 150 100 200 100 100 100 200

Mangradill 100 125 100 100 125 200 100 100 100 100 150

Wizardry Book 100 150 50 25 150 100 200 100 100 100 100

Dedrodey'idr 100 100 100 200 100 100 200 100 100 175 200

Tarfuhrerz 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 125 125

Klamyldia 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 125

Zaromur 100 100 100 200 100 100 150 200 100 100 200

Enemy Dead Pois. Bleed. Paral. Conf. Specials

Cocka 100 100 100 100 100 No

Stag Beetle 100 0 50 100 100 No

Beauty Bird 100 100 100 100 50 No

Zarbok 50 100 100 100 100 No

Empress Moth 50 100 100 100 100 No

Rockroach 50 0 50 100 100 No

Tomb Robber 100 100 125 100 100 No

Ancient Mummy 0 25 50 100 100 No

Dust Golem 0 0 0 50 100 No

Colossus Roach 0 25 0 50 100 No

Gongus 100 100 100 50 100 No

Winterpillar 50 25 100 100 100 No

Werewolf 50 100 50 25 100 Atk DBF Immune

Paku Paku 100 100 100 25 0 No

Toskaar 0 25 50 100 100

Fridge Bug 100 100 100 100 100

Giant Polar Bear 0 0 0 0 0

Guardian #1 0 0 0 25 0 Def DBF Immune, Atk DBF 50%

Crystal Beast 50 0 0 100 100

Guardian #2 0 0 0 0 0 Mdf DBF Immune, Def DBF 50%

Guardian Lord 0 75 0 0 25 Atk/Def DBF Immune, Mat/Mdf DBF 50%

Hydrofen 100 50 100 50 100

Dranha 100 0 75 25 100 Extra action 40%, another extra action 10%

Detritus Golem 0 0 0 0 0

Snow Pixie 100 75 50 75 150

Lykrylaly 25 100 100 25 50 Mat DBF Immune

Soulflame 0 0 100 75 75 Atk DBF 50%

Guardian #3 0 0 0 0 0 Def DBF 25%, Atk DBF 50%

Icecrusher 0 0 0 0 0 Def DBF Immune

Jzemgoran 0 0 0 0 0 Mat DBF 50%

Mangradill 0 25 25 0 125

Wizardry Book 0 0 25 0 25 Mat DBF Immune

Dedrodey'idr 0 0 0 0 0 Atk/Mat DBF Immune

Tarfuhrerz 100 100 100 50 100

Klamyldia 100 50 100 100 100

Zaromur 0 0 0 0 50 Mat/Mdf DBF Immune

And also a bit of information about the characters!

Tristan 100 10 20 60 0 0 20 0 0 0 120 150 100 100 100 75 100
Melanie 95 25 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Clara 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 100 100 150 100 100 100 100
Brunhilde 100 15 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 50 100 100 150 100 50 100
Taros 90 -10 10 40 10 0 0 0 1 0 100 100 125 100 125 75 110

Hero Attack Specials

Clara Cancel surprise, Poisoned 50%
Brunhilde Poisoned +25% Raise Pre-emptive, Poisoned 75%, Bleeding 25%


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