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Klaus Verrater

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Klaus Verrter

Human Sorcerer/6th Degree, Witch/2nd Degree

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma

Fortitude Reflex Will

10 16 12 16 12 16

+3 +1 +3 +1 +3

Hit Points



Armor Class (AC)

+3 +5 +9 Touch Flat-Footed

13 10


+3 +9


none Damage


Resist Crit

OFFENSE Base Attack

Melee Ranged

+4 +7

Weapon Maneuvers
Offense (CMB) Defense (CMD)

Cursed Dagger

+4 17 1st level 2nd level 3rd level



0th Level

Umbral Heritage
Cloak of Shadows: Grant +3 bonus to Stealth in shadows for 3 rounds to one target. Nighteye: Darkvision 30





Feats, Traits & Abilities
Accursed Hex Extra Hex Spell Bluff Spell Penetration Silent Spell Evil Eye Misfortune Disguise

Bluff Disguise Fly Knowledge (Arcana) Knowledge (Planes) Perception Spellcraft Stealth

* +1 to cast whenever in dim light or darkness.


+14 +11 +10 +10 +14 +9 +14 +14

NOTE: The benefits of most of your traits have already been calculated into the rest of the character sheet. If not, theres an explanation of them on the next page.

Wand: Key Cursed Dagger


Languages Known: English, German, ., .. Ability Descriptions:

Spellcasting: In order to cast a spell, the sorcerer must wave his wand and say the name of the spell, then roll a d20. Add your Spellcasting bonus to the die roll, and if it is equal to or higher than the minimum for that spells level, then you cast the spell successfully. If your target is allowed a saving throw, they must roll equal to or higher than your Spellcasting roll. Casting is a tricky thing, and if you try to cast a spell while standing next to an armed opponent in combat, they will get an attack of opportunity on you. You can try to cast defensively to avoid this, but you will take a -4 to your casting roll. Other circumstances, such as standing on unstable ground or trying to shout over a lot of noise might also grant a penalty to your roll. You can attempt to counter another sorcerers spell as they are casting it at you, if you have not yet acted this round. However, unless you are involved in a duel, this will cost you your action for the round. You must first make a successful Spellcraft roll to identify the spell being cast, and then cast an appropriate spell with a higher Spellcasting total than your opponent rolled in the first place. An appropriate spell would be either the same spell, an opposite spell, or dispel magic. Sorcerers duels are special battles in which two sorcerers are solely focused on casting and countering spells with each other. This allows you to both cast your own spell and counter your opponents spell in a single round, but you cannot take any actions directly towards any other targets (nearby enemies caught in the splash of a fireball aimed at your dueling partner do not count). Also, you are considered flat-footed to anyone other than your dueling partner. Spell Bluff: You know the principles of arcane dueling, and when fighting other spellcasters, you have learned to hide the true nature of your spells until the last possible moment. If another spellcaster tries to counterspell your casting, they take a -4 to their Spellcraft roll when trying to determine your spell. Spell Penetration: If you target a creature with spell resistance, your casting total is considered +2 for the purposes of overcoming the spell resistance. It does not increase your spellcasting roll for the purposes of meeting the spells minimum or setting the saving throw DC. Silent Spell: You can cast your spell without making any sound. You must declare the use of this feat in advance, and it raises the minimum Spellcasting roll for the spell by 2. Umbral Heritage: Whenever you cast a spell in an area of dim light or darkness, you get a +1 to Spellcasting rolls. Cloak of Shadows: As a standard action, you can grant one target a cloak of shadows. This cloak gives the target a +3 bonus on Stealth checks made in areas of dim or no light equal for 3 rounds. Nighteye: You gain darkvision 30. Hex: Witches learn a number of magic tricks, called hexes, that grant them powers or weaken foes. These are similar to spells, but the witch is so practiced with them, he does not need to make a spellcasting roll to use them successfully, and they do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The saving throw DC to resist hexes is always 17. Evil Eye: You can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that you can see. The target takes a 2 penalty on one of the following (your choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for 6 rounds. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. Misfortune: You can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A Will save negates this hex. This hex affects all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Disguise: You can change your appearance for 6 hours, as if using disguise self. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Bleed Dancing Lights Daze Detect Magic Detect Poison Flare Mage Hand Mending Message Putrefy Food and Drink Ray of Frost Read Magic Stabilize Touch of Fatigue

Ray of Enfeeblement Shield Beguiling Gift Cause Fear Charm Person Chill Touch Delusional Pride Detect Secret Doors Fumbletongue Ill Omen Interrogation Silent Image Ventriloquism Vocal Alteration

Acid Arrow Darkness Darkvision


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