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The Truth About Giants

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The Truth About Giants

Adam Schwartzbauer
Thousands of years ago, the earth was different than it is today. Man was
roaming the earth, but there were also creatures of great stature; colossal creatures that
caused death and horror. These were one of mankind‟s greatest enemies: the Nephilim.
Here, we will examine the origin of these Nephilim, (also known as giants), and their
One of the world‟s greatest mysteries is the existence of giants. We know they
existed from historical records, artifacts, ruins, and excavations of the giants themselves,
among other things. Now, we need to identify who the giants were. Genesis 6:1-7 states:
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters
were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair;
and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall
not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and
twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the
sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same
became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of
his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on
the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I
have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and
the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.” The Hebrew term that
was translated as “giants” in Genesis 6 was Nephilim, which literally means “the fallen
ones.” The term Nephilim comes from the verb nephal, which means “to fall.” In
Genesis 6, the Bible states the giants come from a union between two kinds of beings: the
sons of God, and the daughters of men. So, who were these sons of God? There are
basically two views on this: first, that they were the godly line of Seth marrying the
ungodly line of Cain, or second, that they were the fallen angels marrying the daughters
of men. When you study this, one of these views is obviously correct, and the other is
obviously wrong. First of all, no-where in the Old Testament are men referred to as the
sons of God. The only beings referred to as the sons of god are beings that were directly
created by God. Adam was called a son of God (Luke 3:38 says: “Which was the son of
Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of
God.”), and the angels were called the sons of God. Adam and the angels were both
beings that were directly created by God. No man was referred to as a son of God after
Adam. Also, everywhere else in the Old Testament, the term “sons of God” refers to the
angels. Jesus was referred to as the son of God and the son of man, because he was born
of man, and was God himself. In the Bible, Job 1:6 states: “Now there was a day when
the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among
them.” Here, the angels are referred to as the sons of God. Satan was with them, and he
is an angel. Why would you assume that the reference in Genesis 6 is any different?

Throughout all history, it had been known that the sons of God were the angels by
the Jews and Christians. It was not until much later, in the 5th century that people made
up the sons-of-Seth view. No ancient text identifies the sons of God as the sons of Seth;
rather, they all point to the angels being the sons of God.

All cultures throughout the world speak of a time when gods mated with human
women, and produced giants. If the sons of God were just normal people, then why do
cultures around the world refer to them as gods that came from the sky and mated with
human women?

The Book of Enoch, which is quoted from by James, the Lord‟s brother, states in
6:1-3: “And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days
were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of
heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: „Come, let us choose us wives
from among the children of men and beget us children.‟...” Here it identifies the angels,
and them looking for wives from the children of men, which refers to humans. Notice the
distinction between the angles and the children of men. Regarding the Watchers, the
Book of Enoch, 10:3-8: “And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of
the ages, and lo! the Watchers called me—Enoch the scribe—and said unto me: “Enoch,
thou scribe of righteousness, go, declare to the Watchers of the heaven who have left the
high heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women, and have
done as the children of earth do, and have taken unto themselves wives: Ye have wrought
great destruction on the earth: And ye shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin: and
inasmuch as they delight themselves in their children [ the nephilim], The murder of their
loved ones shall they see, and over the destruction of their children shall they lament, and
shall make supplication unto eternity, but mercy and peace shall ye not attain.” The
Watchers (angels) decided to leave heaven. According to Enoch, it was in the days of
Jared that 200 angels left “high heaven”, descended to Mount Hermon, and mated with
women. Later, in the Book of Enoch, 15:1-4: “And He answered and said to me, and I
heard His voice: „Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous man and scribe of righteousness:
approach hither and hear my voice. And go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have
sent thee to intercede for them “You should intercede for men, and not men for you:
Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and
defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done
like the children of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons?...” If the fathers of the
giants were just the sons of Seth, why is there this distinction between the men and the
Watchers? It says that the Watchers left their “high, holy, and eternal heaven.” Were the
sons of Seth living in Heaven? It again describes the women as the daughters of men,
which would make no sense if the sons of Seth married the daughters of Cain. It also
says that this union made giants. Normal people having children never produces giants.
Furthermore, it says in Jude 1:6: “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left
their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the
judgment of the great day.” Who are these angels if it is not referring to the angels that
mated with women, and had giants? Why would these angels be bound today if it was
not to keep them from producing giants?

Some try to say that the sons of God could not have been angels because, they
say, the Bible says that the angels do not marry. They try to use the following Biblical
references to prove their point: Matthew 22:30: “For in the resurrection they neither
marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Mark 12:25:
“For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage;
but are as the angels which are in heaven.” If this was referring to all angels, why would
it add the words “in heaven”? Now, read Jude 1:6: “And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under
darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” It appears that God set up a rule that
angels shouldn‟t marry. They don‟t marry in heaven. But, this doesn‟t say anything
about outside of heaven. These angels didn‟t want to follow God‟s rules.

The Greek word that was translated as habitation is oiketerion, which refers to the
heavenly bodies the angels left from. This term appears only twice in the New
Testament, and both times it refers to the body as a dwelling place for the spirit. They
left their first estate, and came down. Now, let‟s read Jude 1:7: “Even as Sodom and
Gomorrha, and the cities about them, in like manner giving themselves over to
fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth an example, suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire.” It appears as if the flood was sent for the same reason that
Sodom and Gomorrha was destroyed: genetic corruption. According to the Apocryphal
books Ecclesiasticus (16:8-9) and the Book of Jubilees (20:5), there were giants living in
Sodom and Gomorrah. Also, according to G. Ch. Alders, the king of Gomorrha, named
Birsha, probably was a giant. He says that “On the basis of the Arabic language, the
name…Birsha, king of Gomorrah,” can be interpreted “as „large man‟” (G. Ch. Aalders,
Bible Student‟s Commentary , Vol. 1, Genesis, Grand Rapids, MI:Zondervan, 1981, p.
283.) When the Bible speaks of going after strange flesh, some have said it is referring to
homosexuality. But, why would God destroy Soddom and Gomorrah for homosexuality
when He isn‟t destroying people for that today? God only destroys things when it is
necessary. If the reference was of homosexuality, why would it refer to it as strange
flesh? Why wouldn‟t it say they went after the same flesh? When it says strange flesh, it
was probably in reference to angels or giants. You will notice that when the angels
entered to go to Lot, the men wanted to have relations with the angels. They would be
going after strange flesh.

Apparently, the goal of the fallen angles was to destroy everything that God
made; they were also genetically mixing animals, plants, and humans together. Ancient
literature and artwork is full of examples of creatures that are part of one creature, and
part of another, as well as gods and giants. It is commonly thought that these stories are
myths; but are they? There are many records of beings that are part man, and part god,
such as Hercules (born from Zeus and the mortal Alcmena), Achilles (the Trojan hero
born of Thetis and Peleus), and Gilgamesh ( the two-thirds god and one-third man, born
of Lugalbanda and Ninsun.) The Book of Enoch in the seventh chapter, how the fallen
angels “sinned” against both people and animals. Other books, such as Jubilees (5:1-5,
7:21-25), say that this mingling resulted in changes in normal people and animals whose
“flesh” (genetic makeup) had been “corrupted” by the goings-on, which was probably
crossbreeding of different kinds of creatures. The Book of Jasher was referred to in the
Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18. It says in 4:18 states: “And their judges and
rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands
according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the
earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of
one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the
whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men
and all animals.” This can only be understood as genetic engineering, advanced
biotechnology, or “transgenic modification” of kinds. This also explains why Saul was
told to go in and kill all of the people and all of the animals. God does not order the
killing of innocent people. All of the people and animals in that city had genetic
corruption. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 says: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the
sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of
old time, which was before us.” Today, genetic engineering is taking place. That means
it must have happened before.

When God sent the global flood, all life was killed except for the life on the ark.
God had to destroy the corrupt flesh. This kind of mixture of animals, angels, plants and
people was going on before the flood. Why else would God have to destroy all the
animals? Why would God have to destroy all of the people? This same type of genetic
manipulation is happening today. The hybrids are either mixed together in a lab, or
somehow something was done to the creatures so that the genetic boundaries were shut
down, enabling them to produce offspring with other kinds of creatures. A transgenic
animal is an animal that had a gene from a different kind o creature implanted into it.
The gene to be transplanted is first removed from the donor, and then is reconstructed
before it is transplanted into the recipient. This is using proven methods for handling
recombinant DNA.

More evidence of genetic manipulation comes from the 6th tablet of the Book of
Enki: “To a place where the trees Ninmah he directed, a place of cages it was. In the
cages were odd creatures, their likes in the wild no one had seen: Foreparts of one kind
they had, hindparts of another creature they possessed; Creatures of two kinds by their
essences combined to Ninmah Enki was showing! To the House of Life they returned, to
a clean place with brightness shining they led her. In the clean place Ningishzidda to
Ninmah the life-essense secrets was explaining, How the essencse from two kinds
combined can be, he to her was showing. The creatures in the tree cages are too odd,
monstrous they are! Ninmah was saying. Indeed so! Enki responded. To attain
perfection, for that you are needed! How the essences to combine, how much of this,
how much of that to put together, In which womb ceonception to begin, in which womb
should the birth be given? For that your succor and healing understanding are needed:
The understanding of one who gave birth, who a mother is, is required! A smile on the
face of Ninmah was: the two daughters that by Enki she mothered she well remembered.
With Ningshzidda she surveyed the sacred formulas that on ME‟s were scattered, How
this and that were done of him she inquired. The creatures in the tree cages she
examined, the two-legged creatures she contemplated. By a male inseminating a female
are the essences transmitted, The two entwined strands separate and combine an offspring
to fashion. Let a male Anunnaki a two-legged female impregnate, let a combination
offspring be born! Thus did Ninmah say. That we have tried, with failures it resulted!
To her Enki responded. There was no conceiving, there was no birth!” (Zechariah
Sitchin, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 133-144.)

More examples of genetic engineering comes from the Book of Jasher, 36:30-35:
“And there was a day that he brought them to one of the deserts on the sea shore,
opposite the wilderness of the people, and whilst he was feeding them, behold a very
heavy storm came from the other side of the sea and rested upon the asses that were
feeding there, and they all stood still. And afterward about one hundred and twenty great
and terrible animals came out from the wilderness at the other side of the sea, and they all
came to the place where the asses were, and they placed themselves there. And those
animals, from their middle downward, were in the shape of the children of men, and from
their middle upward, some had the likeness of bears, and some the likeness of the
keephas, with tails behind them from between their shoulders reaching down to the earth,
like the tails of the ducheephath, and these animals came and mounted and rode upon
these asses, and led them away, and they went away unto this day. And one of these
animals approached Anah and smote him with his tail, and then fled from that place. And
when he saw this work he was exceedingly afraid of his life, and he fled and escaped to
the city. And he related to his sons and brothers all that had happened to him, and many
men went to seek the asses but could not find them, and Anah and his brothers went no
more to that place from that day following, for they were greatly afraid of their lives.”

Also from the Book of Jasher, 61:14-17: “And it was one day that Zepho lost a
young heifer, and he went to seek it, and he heard it lowing round about the mountain.
And Zepho went and he saw and behold there was a large cave at the bottom of the
mountain, and there was a great stone there at the entrance of the cave, and Zepho split
the stone and he came into the cave and he looked and behold, a large animal was
devouring the ox; from the middle upward it resembled a man, and from the middle
downward it resembled an animal, and Zepho rose up against the animal and slew it with
his swords. And the inhabitants of Chittim heard of this thing, and they rejoiced
exceedingly, and they said, What shall we do unto this man who has slain this animal that
devoured our cattle? And they all assembled to consecrate one day in the year to him, and
they called the name thereof Zepho after his name, and they brought unto him drink
offerings year after year on that day, and they brought unto him gifts.”

A Canaanite tablet tells about the god baal mating with an animal: “He loved a
heifer in the pasture, He lay with her seventy-seven times, She made him mount eighty-
eight times, She conceived and gave birth to his likeness”(Richard Cavendish, editor,
Mythology: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, Little Brown & Company, 1992, page 87.)

Are there any examples of the hybrids today? Yes. The field of genetic
engineering is growing rapidly, and becoming more prevalent all the time. Different
kinds of creatures in nature can not just mate, and produce offspring. But, we know these
creatures existed. The only way to combine different kinds of creatures is through
genetic manipulation, such as what was going on before the flood; this same type of
genetic manipulation is happening today. The hybrids are either mixed together in a lab,
or somehow something was done to the creatures so that the genetic boundaries were shut
down, enabling them to produce offspring with other kinds of creatures. For example, in
January of 2010, in a small town in Turkey, a very strange thing happened. There was
something very frightening born to one of the sheep there. The mother sheep needed help
giving birth, so the doctor did a c-section. The animal was born dead. The doctor was
horrified when he saw it. It had very little hair, had the body and ears of a sheep, but the
head of a human. They had never seen anything like this before. Apparently, the people
in the town burned it. What is significant about this creature is that it is an example of
genetic manipulation, and that this disproves evolution. If evolution was true, this type of
thing would be the norm. You would see creatures that are part one thing and part
another all over the place. But, you don‟t. When something like this actually was born,
it made huge news, and was a complete shock to everyone. This incident is not
something that you see happening all over the place. If evolution was true, what would
stop any creatures from being able to have offspring together? It is not just some
creatures that are only capable of producing after their kind. All creatures can only
produce after their kind. If evolution was true, any creature could mate with any other
creature and produce another kind of offspring. But, this is never observed. If evolution
was true, why isn‟t everything able to produce offspring different than themselves? Who
put up the genetic boundaries? It has to be God.

In a Minnesota facility, transgenic experiments have succeeded in making pigs

that have human blood flowing through their veins.

Sheep that have human livers have been assembled in a Nevada experiment.

Mice have been created that have human brain cells.

Certain transgenic chickens can now manufacture human proteins in the whits of
their eggs.

Pig-human hybrids have been grown to full maturity, allowing for the
transplanting of organs into humans. Doctors praise this practice, as it allows for quick
transplants, and, seeing as the organs can be grown using one‟s own DNA, the usual
tendency of the body rejecting the organ would be gone.

Currently, there are at least 2 legislative actions in the making for the prohibition
of the hybridization of animals and humans.

This involves transhumanism, which is probably the most dangerous problem

facing the human race. Transhumanism uses grand technology (robotics, genetics,
artificial intelligence, nanotechnology), for tools to radically redesign mankind. It is a
movement that believes that we don‟t have to wait on the long and slow process of
natural evolution anymore, but mankind can take his destiny into his own hands, and
through technology, alter what it means to be human. What some want is to create a
posthuman like a super soldier, who will be considered vastly superior to normal homo
sapiens. They want a conflict in which the posthumans will view the regular homo
sapiens as inferior, and will destroy the homo sapiens, to make room for this new super
soldier, like Friedrich Nietzsche‟s Übermensch. Work towards this goal has been going
on for some time, and knowledge in this area is growing at a very rapid pace.
Universities and authorities are already discussing these genetic monsters, and are getting
or talking about getting classes dealing with the posthumans, such as crime scene
investigation (CSI), on how to solve crimes committed by the vastly different

Do you ever wonder why the devil hates us so much? We are created in the
image of god. Every time the devil looks at us, it reminds him of god. It also appears as
if they wanted to prevent the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus was going to be born of the seed
of the woman. So, what did the devil do? Try to mess up the genetic code by having
fallen angels mix with humans creating giants, so that Jesus could not have been born to
save the human race.

1 Peter 3:19-20 says: “By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in
prison; Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in
the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were
saved by water.” Who were these spirits in prison that were disobedient in the days of
Noah when the ark was being prepared? 2 Peter 2:4-6 states: “For if God spared not the
angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness,
to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth
person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an
overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;”
What angels is this referring to if not those mentioned in Genesis 6?

The Hebrew words that were translated as “sons of God” were B’nai HaElohim.
This term is used in the Old Testament only in reference to angels. The Hebrew words
that were translated as “the daughters of men” were Benoth Adam, which means “the
daughters of Adam.” This refers to all female descendents of mankind. Note that no
specific genealogical strain is specified in the Bible.

Genesis 3:14 to 15 states: “And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because
thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field;
upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put
enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise
thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” The Hebrew word that is translated as seed is
zera, meaning “offspring, descendants, posterity, and children.” This indicates that the
devil is going to have seed. 1 Corinthians 11:10 states: “For this cause ought the woman
to have power on her head because of the angels.” What is this talking about if not to
prevent angels mating with human women?

Now, let‟s cover why the sons of God could not have been the godly sons of Seth.
Some say that the giants were just the result of the godly sons of Seth marrying the
ungodly daughters of Cain. First of all, there is no evidence that Seth‟s sons were godly.
Secondly, the word Benoth Adam, which means “the daughters of Adam” implies that the
daughters of men were not just the daughters of Cain, but were all of the females in the
line of Adam. It is referring to all women, not just from a particular line of people.
Thirdly, why is Seth different than anybody else? He is a descendant of Adam, so Noah
was in the line of Seth, so we are also in the line of Seth. If the sons of god were the sons
of Seth, why don‟t we see giants being born today? Also, why would Seth‟s sons
marrying the daughters of men produce giants? Godly people marry ungodly people all
the time today, and you don‟t get giants. Another point is that the Bible does not refer to
the sons of Seth as the sons of God anywhere.

Some say that since there is variety in the sizes of different animals, there could
be a variety in size of people. Well, there is some variety in the sizes of people: around 6
feet tall. But, there is a limit. For example, some giraffes have longer necks, and some
giraffes have shorter necks. But, you will never get a giraffe with a hundred foot neck.
The size of the giants would be out of the variety of people.

Also, have you considered that the sons of God marrying the daughters of men
would make no sense? Why would it word it as the sons of God and the daughters of
men unless it meant the angels and the daughters of men? Also, if the Sethite view was
correct, then how about the “sons of Adam?” Why weren‟t they spared in the flood if
they were innocent? What about the “daughters of Seth?”

Also, the Sethite view makes it seem as if the “sons of Seth” were the only godly
people on earth, and the “daughters of Cain” were the only ungodly people on earth.

Job 38:1-7 states: “Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins
like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid
the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the
measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon
are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the
morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” It says that the
sons of god were shouting for joy when the earth was created. Could they have been the
sons of Seth? No—people were not created yet. Before man was created, all angels were
faithful to God.

Genesis 6:7-9 states: “And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have
created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the
fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the
eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect
in his generations, and Noah walked with God.” In saying that Noah was perfect in his
generations, it does not mean that he was morally pure. There was no-one perfect except
Jesus. The word translated as “perfect” is tamiym, meaning “without blemish, without
spot.” This term is used for physical blemishes. Noah was genetically pure. This same
word, tamiym, was used to describe animals that were to be sacrificed to God. The
animals also had to be perfect and without blemish. Why would it refer to him this way
if the bloodlines were not tainted by the angelic seed? If the giants were just from the
sons of Seth, and Noah was in the line of Seth, why would it refer to Noah as being
physically pure?

The named Jared means “the descent.” The Book of Enoch tells us why he got
his name: “…and he [Mahalaleel] called his name Jared, for in his days the angels of the
Lord descended on the Earth, those named the Watchers…” If the sons of God were not
the angels, Jared‟s name would make no sense.

The idea of separate lines is suspect and contrary to the Bible. Racial and national
distinctions of people were made because of God‟s subsequent intervention in Genesis
11, after the flood. There is no reason to believe that the lines of Seth and Cain kept
themselves separate, or that they were even told to do so. The injunction to stay separate
came much later.

The idea that what is being referred to is the lines of Seth and Cain is contrary to
the Bible, which states that everything only produces offspring after their own kind. If 2
groups of normal people married, they would not produce something other than their own

Genesis 6:12 states: “And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” This says that all flesh (not just
humans) was corrupt, and not just a specific lineage. Also, the line of Cain was not
necessarily ungodly. From studying the naming of Cain‟s children, many of which had
the name of God, it is not clear all of them were unfaithful. Also, the giant offspring of
the sons of God and the daughters of men were described as mighty and men of renown.
This would not be accounted for if their fathers were only men, even if they were godly.

Another point to consider is that according to Genesis 6:4, there were not only
giants in the earth in those days, but also after that. The view of the sons of Seth and the
daughters of Cain does not explain the giants at all, let alone the giants after the flood.
Remember that in the Old Testament God gave instructions to, upon entering Canaan, to
wipe out all men, women, and children of certain tribes that inhabiting the land. Some
have called God a murderer for ordering the killing of all those people. But, they are not
acknowledging that fact that these were no ordinary people: they were giants and/or had
other genetic corruptions in them. God had to kill those monster inhabitants in order to
save humanity. Most conservative Bible scholars accept the view that the angels were
the sons of God.

Also, the Bible says that the sons of God took the women as wives. It seems that
this may not have been a voluntary act on the womens‟ part. The angels may have
forcibly taken the women, like some kind of abduction scenario.

Now that we have established that the sons of God were angels, we will examine
why the giants were so big. Some have tried to say that their giant size was because they
had gigantism or acromegaly. The fact is that neither of these are why the giants were so
big. One reason is because gigantism makes you taller, skinny, and weak, but you have
the same bodily proportions. They are never strong. Their bone structure is weak, and
they have an even weaker constitution. People suffering from this usually have very
short life expectancies. There is no way that Goliath would have been able to lift his
heavy equipment if he was just suffering from gigantism. Also, gigantism only makes
certain parts of you grow bigger, while the rest of you is the same as normal. All of the
giants described through history have been described as being extremely large and strong.
While it may be possible for someone with gigantism to be 8 feet or more, the Nephilim
were much larger than someone would be if they simply suffered from gigantism. The
giants were not only large, but they were wicked, mighty, and murderous. Gigantism or
acromegaly simply could not account for the giants.

Another theory is that environmental conditions were responsible for the giants‟
size. It is said that since other kinds of creatures and plants grew so big before the flood,
that if people were to live longer under those conditions for a long time, they would grow
bigger too. In the fossil record, there are evidences of giants, but also of regular sized
people. There is also evidence of very large plants and animals, but also of regular sized
plants and animals. The only thing is that because of today‟s conditions, you don‟t see
the big ones anymore. For example, the average dragonfly today has a wingspan of about
4 inches. But, fossils of dragonflies from before the flood have been found with
wingspans of 5 feet. The big dragonfly would have been a different kind of dragonfly.
There is too much of a range in size for the giants to have been just people that lived for a
long time under good conditions. The giants couldn‟t be examples of genetic variability
within humans, because that would have been horrendous in child birth. There is some
variety in the sizes of people: around 6 feet tall. But, there is a limit. Some giraffes have
longer necks than others, but you will never get a giraffe with a hundred foot neck. Also,
if the reasons the giants were so big was from the pre-flood environmental conditions,
then what about Goliath, King Og, the rest of the Biblical giants, and the rest of the giants
around the world that were around after the flood? Today, the pre-flood conditions are
not here. Yet, the giants still exist.

The giants could not have been an example of large genetic variability within
humans, because that would have been horrendous in child birth. A woman could not
handle someone that would be a giant. Apparently, there were problems when the giants
were born. There were also problems when the giants themselves mated with human
women: they burst the women open, since they were too big for them. The women burst
open in child birth, and there were apparently giants who cut the babies out of the
mothers. This would not be just genetic variability. Other things to consider is that if the
giants were just variations in the human genetic code, why would they hate humans so
much, and why do they look different than normal people? They do not look like normal
people- they have odd and grotesque features. The giants may have seemed more animal
like. Plus, show me people or animals today that produce offspring that are that large. It
just can‟t happen from regular human beings.

Deuteronomy 3:11states “For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of

giants; behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of
Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the
cubit of a man.” If giants were just big people, it would not say “after the cubit of a
man.” It would say “after the cubit of a regular man.”

Human DNA has a limit to how large a person can be; angel DNA may not have
that limit. When an angel and a human have offspring, the angel DNA may override the
human‟s. Or, it could be that the growth factor is just shut off when an angel and a
human mix?

The giant offspring might grow like reptiles do: throughout their life. I have
always wondered why there were giants of such different sizes. The only way to explain
it is that the giants would grow throughout their life. The older they are, the taller they
are. Age determines size. Also, we don‟t know if the angelic growth rate is the same
than humans.

Is it possible that the angels deliberately altered the DNA in mixing with human
women in order to deliberately create giant beings for the purpose of having control?

(By the way, if they were creating giants, is it possible that they were also
creating little people? Just a thought.)

How big were these giants? When most people think of them giants as being
maybe 10 to 12 feet tall at the most. There were giants that height, but there were also
giants much bigger than this. Giants have been excavated all over the world, and range
from 7 feet tall, to the 2 largest giant skeletons ever found being 36 feet tall, found by the
Carthaginians between 200 and 600 B.C. Pliny the historian wrote about the 36 footers.
Also found were molars the size of your fist, and teeth that weigh several ounces each.

Normal humans are about 6 inches from condyle to condyle. Skulls of giants
have been found that are from 18 to 24 inches from condyle to condyle. If someone‟s
skull is 18 inches from condyle to condyle, their skull would be 3 times as big as yours.
This would be someone who is 27 times bigger than you.

If a giant was twice as tall as you, you would think he would be twice as big as
you. But, this isn‟t true. He would actually be 8 times as big, 8 times as strong, and 8
times as heavy as you. He would be twice the width, twice the height, and twice the
breadth. 2 times 2 times 2. They would also be much louder and much faster than
normal people.

Some characteristics of the giants are that they had 6 fingers on each hand, 6 toes
on each foot (see 2 Samuel 21:20 and 1 Chronicles 20:6.), and double rows of teeth. For
them, these were not mutations. They were normal. The double rows of teeth are like
they had 2 complete mandibles. It was not just your baby teeth and adult teeth staying in
the jaw. Both sets of teeth were usable. Also characteristic of them was that their facial
features were different than ours. They looked strange. When they spoke, there is
evidence that they did not sound like normal people.
It appears as if Hitler‟s Aryan race was real: tall, blonde haired, blue eyed giants,
which were possibly the Celtic giants. Put in Hitler giants stuff, Cimmerians, and stuff he
was trying to reconstitute. He wanted to create a super race, which the giants were.
Hitler was looking for the DNA of the giants and the sarcophaguses of the Tibetan giants
in the Himalayas. It is interesting that the word Nepal is so similar to the Hebrew term
Nephal, meaning “to fall”. The Nazis were going around looking for the genetic material
to re-create the ancient gods.

History is full of accounts of Nephilim; it seems historians have done their best to
keep this fact hidden from the public. In the past centuries, people were well aware of
these creatures; today students are never exposed to the multitude of accounts of these
creatures. Most fighters and explorers that kept journals wrote of encounters with these
monsters. The Romans wrote of 17 foot tall Celtic giants that the legions fought with.
Others, such as Amerigo Vespucci, Sir Francis Drake, De Soto, Coronado, Narvaez and
others, all mention encounters with giants that they had on their journeys. These are
documented, eyewitness sightings. Pedro Castaneda, who accompanied Coronado, wrote
about the Cocopa Indian tribe, that they were giants, and could carry logs that 6
Spaniards could not budge. As author and researcher Stephen Quayle says,
“Archaeologists often discover these large bones in graves. But these are usually
dismissed as being the bones of “mastodons”—a premise that‟s hard to justify given the
fact that the creatures are often buried in human graves wearing battle armor along with a
shield and massive sword”(Genesis 6 Giants, pages 190-191.)

Some have called God a mass murderer because He told the Israelites to kill all
the inhabitants of the land. That could not be more wrong. This is why it is so important
to understand that the inhabitants were not normal people. They all had genetic
corruption. Why else would God order the killing of all the men, women, children, and
animals? God saved the human race on multiple occasions from the Nephilim that
wanted to destroy us. The flood was sent to stop the satanic Nephilim forces from totally
whipping out God‟s creation. The only way to get rid of the problem was to save those
that were not corrupted, and get them out safely. God saved us from the monsters in
Soddom and Gomorrha. The people were going after strange flesh, which can only be
understood as angels or giants. It was so bad, that if God did not destroy those cities, the
human race would have been obliterated. Now, the tribulation is near. The Bible says
the tribulation will be worse than any time has ever been (even what happened before the
flood, which made God destroy the entire world), and ever will be. God again will save
mankind from satan‟s deadly grasp. God will again save his creation.

There are also archaeological remnants that prove the existence of giants. The
evidence shows that the various megalithic structures around the world may have been
built by giants. Various Indian cultures, when asked about the cities they lived in, said
that their cities were there when they got there, and they didn‟t know where the cities
came from.

According to the legends of the Indians, the city of Tiahuanaco was built in one
night by giants after an immense flood was over. The entire city was constructed on the
scale of people whose average height was between 10-12 feet tall. Many of the stone
blocks used in its construction weigh several tons.

One example is a place in Bolivia, 30 kilometers from Lake Titicaca. There are
gigantic stone platforms all over the place. The largest platform was once 29 meters
long, and it has been calculated to weigh 900 tons. This place is 4,100 meters high in the
Andes Mountains. This means that no trees, wood, or anything grows there. It is not
possible to transport a 900 ton platform without any wooden rollers. Even with wooden
rollers, it would have been complicated. The Pre-Incan Indians, the Aymara, could not
have possibly moved it into place. Could these gigantic ruins have been built by gigantic

Another place is on the Mediterranean island of Malta. (There are 3 Maltese

islands: Gozo, Comino, and Malta.) The people of this island have an ancient belief that
their island was known as the last stronghold of the giants of Europe. This island has
gigantic temples. One of them is in Gozo, and is still called Ticantilla, which means “the
temple of giants.” One of the local legends there says that the temple was built by a
giantess Sunsuna. The blocks are so huge and heavy that no normal human could move

Another ancient megalithic site is in Ollantaytambo, Peru. There are gigantic

fortress walls made of andesite rock. The walls have tightly fitted blocks that weigh from
150 to 250 tons each. The quarry is 7 miles away on a mountaintop. To make these
walls, the builders would have to have dressed and carved the stones at an altitude of
10,000 feet, lowered them down the mountainside, crossed a river canyon with 1,000 foot
sheer rock walls, and finally raised the blocks up another mountain and fitted them into
place. Does this really make sense? No human beings could have built it. It must have
been gigantic beings who built it.

Perhaps one of the best evidences of giants is the giant ruins of Baalbek, in the
Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. More recent Roman and Greek ruins are built on top of
megalithic, ancient ruins of unknown origin. The largest 3 stones in the world ever used
for construction are there, (above the six huge blocks on the west side of the temple
mentioned below), and called the Trilithon. The stones vary in size from 63-65 feet long,
14‟6” high, and 12 feet in depth. The weight of each stone is estimated at over 1,000
tons. The stones were quarried, moved 5 miles, lifted 25 or 30 feet in the air, and were fit
together so closely that you can‟t fit a razor blade or a piece of paper in between them.
We don‟t have any idea how they did it. There is no crane in the world that can lift
anywhere near those weights. According to Arab tradition, the earliest temples there
were built after the great flood by a race of giants—for the biblical king Nimrod. The
courtyard of the more recent Roman Jupiter temple is built on top of a platform known as
the Grand Terrace. The Grand Terrace consists of a massive outer wall, as well as a
filling of enormous stones. The outer wall‟s lower courses are made of gigantic blocks
that are finely crafted and precisely positioned. These blocks range from 30-33 feet long,
14 feet high, and 10 feet in depth. Each stone weighs approximately 450 tons. Nine of
the huge blocks can be seen on the north side of the temple, nine on the south side of the
temple, and six on the west side of the temple. There may actually be more huge blocks,
but at the present time, archaeological excavations haven‟t dug beneath all of the Grand
Terrace‟s sections. In a limestone quarry about a quarter of a mile away from the
Baalbek complex is the largest hewed stone in the world: it is 69 feet long, while its sides
measure 16‟ X 13‟10”. Its weight is estimated to be 1,200 tons. This stone is called the
Hajar el Gouble, meaning the Stone of the South. It is also called the Hajar el Hibla,
meaning the Stone of the Pregnant Woman. This stone is at a raised angle, with its base
still attacked to the quarry, as if it was almost ready to be cut out and taken to the other
stones of the Trilithon. There aren‟t any folk tales or legends from Roman times that link
the Romans with the megalithic stones; neither are there any records in any Roman or
other literary sources that refer to the methods of construction or the dates/names of the
benefactors, architects, designers, engineers and builders of the Grand Terrace. Also, the
Trilithon stones do not have any resemblance to any Roman-era constructions above
them, like the Temples of Jupiter, Venus or Bacchus. The Trilithon‟s limestone rocks
exhibit much evidence of sand and wind erosion, which is absent from the Roman
temples. This indicates that the megalithic construction is from a much earlier time.
Also, the great stone at Baalbek have stylistic similarities to cyclopean stone walls at sites
that have been verified as pre-Roman, such as the Acropolis foundation in Athens, the
foundations of Myceneae, Tiryns, Delphi…and megalithic constructions in the “new
world”, such as Tiahuanaco in Bolivia and Ollyantaytambo in Peru.

Some have pointed to the carved images in Egyptian and Mesopotamian temples
that show blocks being transported by ropes, wooden rollers, and thousands of workers.
But, these dragged blocks are known to be a mere 1/10th of the size and weight of the
stones of Baalbek. Also, these dragged blocks are also known to have had long flat
surfaces with wide movement paths that they were transported on. Compare that with the
route to Baalbek, which is up hill, over rough and winding terrain. On this route, there
isn‟t any evidence of a flat surface for hauling that has been created in ancient times.

Another mystery is how these mammoth blocks of stone were lifted in put in their
precise position, after having been moved to the site. Some have speculated that the
stones were raised into place using a complex array of ramps, scaffolding, and pulleys
that were powered by many animals and humans working in unison. They have pointed
to the Renaissance architect Domenico Fontana, who erected a 327-ton Egyptian obelisk
in front of St. Peter‟s Basilica in Rome using 40 huge pulleys, which required a force of
800 men as well as 140 horses. But, they are not considering the fact that the area where
this obelisk was raised was a large open space that could easily provide for all the lifting
apparatus, as well as the men and horses pulling ropes. In the special context of how the
Baalbek stones were laid, however, there is no such space available. Where the lifting
apparatus would have to have been, the hills slope away. There is also no evidence of a
flat and structurally firm surface having been made, and then mysteriously taken away
after the building project was completed. Also, at Baalbek, it was not just 1 obelisk that
was raised into place; it was a series of massive stones that were precisely put into place
side by side.
One of the most well known megalithic structures of the past is Stonehenge, on
the Salisbury Plain. The massive stones, some of which weigh over an estimated 100
tons, were moved into place after being quarried over 75 miles away.

Another giant site is the spiral shaped Gilgal Rephaim, which is also known as the
Circle of Og. It is located in the Golan Heights 50 miles from Damascus. It is
constructed from an estimated 40,000 tons of loose rock. When the Israelites came over,
it was already there, and they saw it. This place is a tomb that must have been for a very
powerful man-the stones are huge. It would have taken a long time and a lot of effort to
make it. This region was ruled by King Og of Bashan. Deuteronomy 3:11 says: “For
only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold, his bedstead was a
bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the
length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man.” Rephaim is the
Hebrew word for giants. From this account, Og‟s bed was about 15 feet long by 6 feet

More astounding evidence for giants comes from ancient Egypt. It is said that
during the Old Kingdom period, the first 3 pharaohs were conceived by a priest of Ra
after having intercourse with the god Ra himself. It is this that made all the pharaohs
believe that they themselves are direct descendants of the gods; pharaoh means “son of
Ra.” With further occurrences of giants (Nephilim) after the flood, some of these
offspring were called Rephaim, after one Rapha. Is it possible that this Rapha, who was
from the area of Canaan, could be the same Ra who was the father of the first three
pharaohs? These areas were only a couple hundred miles from each other, so travel and
access was relatively easy. When Abraham and Sara passed through Canaan, the entire
area was populated by the descendants of Rephaim, Anakim, and Nephilim. When David
killed Goliath, remnants of these giants still lived in the land. There is evidence to show
that the descendants of the Nephilim were in the general area of Canaan, which was close
to, and actually a province of Egypt, at one time. It is logical to conclude that these
beings were heavily involved in the affairs in Egypt. Rafah is a town that is about 20
miles south of what today is Gaza on the border between Israel and Egypt. This town‟s
ancient name was Rapha. It is likely that the Rapha, after whom the town was named,
was either a post-flood Nephilim, or one of their descendants. Also, ancient Egypt is
covered with images of giants.

Hatshepsut, mother of Pharaoh Thothmoses III, had a great funerary temple at

Deir-el-Bahari, which is on the west side of the Nile opposite today‟s Luxor-Karnak. On
the inner walls are a series of murals and hieroglyphic writing which describe how she
was born of a human mother (queen Ahmose), and the god Amon.

Originally, the Egyptians came from the land of Shinar, meaning “Land of the
Watchers.” The Egyptians called this land Ta Neter, meaning “The Land of the
Watchers”—“from which the gods came into Egypt.”
The Egyptian Book of the Dead gives more information regardingthe Watchers:
in it, there are prayers of deliverance from the Watchers (Tchatcha, the princes of Osiris),
that came from the “Far Away Land”, Ta-Ur.

The giants were so big that they could have lifted the blocks of the pyramid into

Another important find are strange skulls found around the world, including
Mexico and Peru. These skulls are supposedly from head binding, but the evidence
suggests otherwise. Some of the skulls are very distinct, as if they belong to a different
species entirely. Anthropologists admitted that the shapes of the Peruvian skulls are
unlike the deformity that is caused by head binding. The assertion that what these skulls
represent are simply deformations or pathological cases can be hardly substantiated. It is
necessary to remember that any pathological growth of the cranium has dire
consequences for the afflicted individual at the early stage of the development. This is
practically without exception. All the skulls shown here were those of mature individuals.
It could not possibly be from a pathological growth, or the individuals skulls would not
be from mature individuals. Also, the skulls have a larger cranial capacity than normal
people. Head binding would not increase the size of someone‟s skull. Other than these
skulls, additional skulls have been discovered that show absolutely no signs of
deformation by binding. Another find is a mummified unborn infant that has a fully
elongated skull. These skulls would have been from people who were around 7 feet tall.
The skulls naturally grew like that. It is interesting that various works of art in Egypt
show people with elongated heads.

An example of artifacts that have been found that belong to giants is, according to
Henry Hubert, some Celtic swords that archaeologists found from the second period of
La Tene. The swords were about 96 inches long. He later adds that some of the latest
swords are even longer. These attest to the enormous size of the Celtics that owned them.

During his excavations in Moravia, the archaeologist Burkhalter discovered stone

tools that were over 10 feet long. That weighed 300-400 lbs. These objects had been

An example of a post-flood giant is king Arioch. According to the Targum of

Palestine on Genesis 14:9, Arioch, who was one of the Babylonian kings that joined
Chedorlaomer in his punishing war against Soddom, Gomorrha, and its three neighboring
cities was a giant. He was called Arioch because of his great height. Arioch is derived
from arik, and means “tall among the giants.”

The phrase “cutting someone down to size” actually came from those who battled
the giants, cutting them down to normal human size.

A giant from history was Aymon, who was a member of the Archduke
Ferdinand‟s bodyguard. He was said to stand 11 feet tall. For many years, a carved
wooden likeness of him was in the Castle of Ambras in the Tyrol Alpines.
In 1705, at the foot of the Crussol mountain range in France, another giant
skeleton was recovered: that of the giant Bucart, the famed “tyrant of the Vivarais.” .
The skeleton was 22 ½ feet tall.

In Roy Norvill‟s book “Giants: the Vanished Race”, he reports that the bones
were 22 feet tall. They were recovered from his grave near Valencia, Spain.

Another example of a giant skeleton is that of the giant Isoret. The naturalist John
Riolan says that the tomb of Isoret could be seen near St. Germain at the close of the 16th
century. The giant was 20 feet tall.

On Kiribati, giant footprints 1.37 m long by 1.14 m wide were found in the rock.
One left print had 12 toes, as well as a palm tree growing out of it. Other, smaller,
footprints were by it, many of which had 6 toes on both feet. They were impressed 1 cm.
into the rock. The book “The Footprints of Tarawa” contains information in reference to
giant footprints. Legend says that the prints were made by the giant Tabuearki. He was
so tall that he could, without stretching, take coconuts from the tops of palm trees. He
was in the legend of „Te Bongi Ro‟, meaning „the black darkness.‟ This tradition says
that Tabuarki was in the 2nd crew of celestials that landed on the island of Banaba.
Apparently, in the 40th year of this century, the palm tree in the footprint was planted by a
clergyman, to outgrow the legend of Tabuarki.

Another recovery of giants was in Rouen, France, in 1509. An ancient tomb was
uncovered by ditch diggers. In the tomb was a skeleton over 17 feet tall in his armor.
The following engraved identification was affixed to the tomb: “In this tomb lies the
noble and puissant lord, the Chevalier Ricon de Vallemont, and his bones.”

Yet another giant was reported by the Journal Litteraire of the Abbé Nazari. It
reports the skeleton of a giant that was exhumed in Calabria, Italy. The skeleton was
eighteen roman feet. The man‟s teeth weighed at least an ounce each.

Another giant was reported by John Cassanio in his book “De Gigantibus.” He
told of Francis 1 of France (1494-1547), who, while in Bordeaux, saw a giant that was so
tall that he immediately enlisted him as one of his guards. Apparently, this giant, who
became an archer subsequently, was so tall that normal sized men could walk between his

In the slopes of the Cascade Mtns. in 1904, J.C. Brown discovered gigantic bones
in an ancient tunnel that was cut into solid rock, according to Fortean researcher Pippa
Braybook. This tunnel was “lined with tempered copper and hung with shields and wall
pieces made of gold.” There were other rooms deeper into the tunnels with similar
objects; some of them had carved drawings and hieroglyphics. Apparently, Brown left
the treasure there for 30 years, until in 1934 he tried to again find it. His friends say that
they saw him last going into the area with enough supplies to last him a month. No-one
has ever seen him since.
Yet another giant‟s skeleton was found in 1692 near Angers, France. The
skeleton was 17 feet and 4 inches.

Another giant that was found was a warrior, who was found wearing his armor,
buried in a corn field at St. Bees, in Cumberland. This giant was 13 ½ feet tall.

Romans encountered giants at the little river Allia in 387 B.C. The Senone giants
made the Roman army make a hasty retreat. When Rome heard of this defeat, practically
the whole population fled the city. Shortly after that, the giants burned Rome to the

Another giant was written about in Hector Boetiu‟s “History of Scotland.” It

relates that the bones of a Scottish giant who was nicknamed “Little John” were 14 feet
long, and could still be seen in his day.

Evidence of giants has also been found in Australia. In 1970 some huge
fossilized footprints were found that caught the eye of Dr. Rex Gilroy, who is the director
of the Mount York Natural History Museum at Mount Victoria, New South Wales. He
began excavations in the area, and over the years has collected enough evidence to prove
that there was a race of giants that lived on Australia. Strange finds were found near
Bathurst. Gilroy had found stone implements, hand axes, clubs, pounders, adzes, knives,
and other tools. They were so large that only giants that had extra large hands and
strength could have made any beneficial use of them. The utensils often weighed from 8
to 25 lbs. Also found by Gilroy were giant molars, as well as other fossilized footprints
that measured up to 30 inches in length. He wrote “The implications are that men of 12
to 20 feet in height once roamed this continent”(Norvill, Giants: The Vanished Race,
page 11.)

Buffalo Bill Cody wrote that he was camping on the South Platte when a
Pawnee Indian came to him with a giant bone: the Army Surgeon there pronounced that it
was a giant human thigh bone. The Indian told him that a race of giants lived in the area,
who were 2 times bigger than normal people. They could outrun a buffalo, and carry it.
Buffalo Bill wrote in his autobiography: “These giants denied the existence of a Great
Spirit, so he caused a great rain storm to come, and the water kept rising higher and
higher so that it drove these proud, and conceited giants from the low ground to the hills,
and thence to the mountains, but at last even the mountain tops were submerged and then
those mammoth men were all drowned. After the flood had subsided, the Great Spirit
came to the conclusion that he had made man too large and powerful, and that he would
therefore, correct the mistake by creating a race of men of smaller size and less strength.
This is the reason, say the Indians, that modern men are small and not like the giants of
old, and they claim that this story is a matter of Indian history, which has been handed
down among them from time immemorial.”

The giants that occupied Europe from the Middle Ages include someone
surprising: Saint Christopher. Modern stories about him make it seem as if he was a
regular man; however, the people who actually saw him had a different story. According
to his peers, he was a member of a tribe of dog-headed, cannibalistic giants. Jacques de
Voragine writes about Saint Christopher in his book “The Golden Legend”: “He was of
gigantic stature, had a terrifying mien, was twelve coud—es tall.” The Coud—e is an
antique measurement that is equal to or larger than the English linear measurement of a
foot. According to this account, Saint Christopher was between 12 and 18 feet tall. This
fact has become hidden in or even erased from church history. While the Western icons
of him do not show him as a giant, the icons of the Eastern churches do. In historic
accounts it is suggested that he was the offspring of a human being and an Anubis.

Another historian who made reference to the giants was Josephus. He wrote in
“Antiquities, 5.2.3.”: “And when they had taken it, they slew all the inhabitants. There
were till then left a race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so entirely
different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and terrible to the
hearing. The bones of these men are still shown this very day, unlike to any credible
relations of other men.” He wrote that the Jews who lived at Hebron, as late as his day,
had sometimes dug up gigantic human bones that apparently were those of the Anakim,
who once dominated the region. Josephus also writes that the King of Persia sent a Jew
called Eleazar the Giant to Rome along with some other hostages as part of a peace
agreement. The giant stood 7 cubits tell, which would be over 10 feet tall. He also wrote
other things concerning giants.

Another characteristic of giants is that they were engaged in homosexual acts.

According to Athenaeus, the giants were accustomed to sleeping with 2 boys. According
to the historian Diodorus: “Although their wives are comely, they have little to do with
them, but rage with lust in outlandish fashion for the embraces of males” (Diodorus,

Giants were cannibals; it appears that cannibalism started with giants, who spread
it to others. The Mayas, Aztecs, etc. were not just pulling people‟s hearts out for the fun
of it. Apparently, they were not only cannibals, but they also were doing this to feed the
giants they worshipped. These giants had an insatiable appetite. It has been a mystery
where the ancient Mayas, Easter Islanders, Aztecs, etc. disappeared to. It appears that
they disappeared because they were eaten out of existence by the giants.

Fossil evidence also proves the existence of giants. Various fossilized footprints
have been found. For example, in Dinosaur Park in Glen Rose, Texas, a giant footprint
(contemporaneous with dinosaurs) was found. This footprint, commonly called the
Burdick Print, exceeds 18 inches in length. The footprint belonged to a woman, based on
compression studies of the cross-sectional cuts. It is estimated that she was 10 feet tall,
and weighed 1,000 lbs.

Over 100 footprints trials have been discovered in the Paluxy River area, some of
which are of giants. Quite a few of the footprints are 16 inches (40,64 cm) long. But,
several trails have footprints that are 21 ½ inches (54.6 cm) long, which were from a man
with a 7 foot (21.3 dm) stride. It has been estimated that the being that made the 16 inch
footprints was 8.8 feet (27.06 dm) tall. It has also been estimated that the being that
made the 21 ½ inch footprints was 11.94 feet (36.94 dm) tall. “An anthropological rule
of thumb holds that the length of the foot represents about 15 percent of an individual‟s
height” (Mary D. Leakey, “Footprints in the Ashes of Time,” National Geographic, April
1979, page 453.) Some have dismissed these footprints as being carved by modern
people. But, as author and researcher Carl E. Baugh says: “This assumption has been
disproved by cross-sectioning. Carving would randomly cut across the internal rock
features. However, if those structures follow the contours of the impression, the carving
theory would be falsified. Internal structures dramatically conform to the shape of both
the heel impression…and the great toe impression…demonstrating that this is an original
impression in limestone well known for dinosaur prints” (Carl E. Baugh, Why Do Men
Believe Evolution Against All Odds?, page 95.)

Dr. Burdick, in his book “Footprints in the Sands of Time”, writes of “a sequence
of from 15 to 20 perfect giant barefoot human tracks, each about 16 inches in length and
eight inches in width. The stride was about six feet until the fellow started to run, then
the stride lengthened to nine feet, and only the balls of the feet showed, with the toes.
Then the series of tracks disappeared into the blank.” These footprints were found in a
Cretaceous limestone formation near Glen Rose, Texas. Roland T. Bird, a paleontologist
from the American Museum of Natural History, examined these tracks carefully, and
reported: “Yes, they apparently were real enough. Real as rock could be…the strangest
things of their kind I had ever seen. On the surface of each was splayed the near-likeness
of a human foot, perfect in every detail. But each imprint was 15 inches long!” (Roland
T. Bird, “Thunder In His Footsteps,” Natural History, May, 1939, page 255.) Clifford L.
Burdick also published some of his envestigations‟ results in: (The Naturalist, Vol. 16,
Spring 1957) and (Signs of the Times, July 22, 1950.)

Giant footprints similar to this have been found in Arizona, near Mount Whitney
in California, near White Sands, New Mexico, as well as other places. At White Sands,
New Mexico, sandaled footprints 22 inches (55.8 cm) long have been found. “The
remains of giants have been found in Java, twice the size of gorillas, and later the
petrified remains of a giant were found in South Africa and reported by the world-
renowned anthropologist, Robert Broom. [Based on those finds] Dr. Franz Weidenreich
(1946) propounded a new theory to the effect that man‟s ancestors were actually giants.
Dr. [Clifford] Burdick also tells about one of the unsolved mysteries of the Great White
Sands National Monument Alamogordo, New Mexico. Here is an area of about 175
acres [857,000 sq yd] consisting of alabaster, white as snow. It is believed that this
gypsum was precipitated as arid winds dried up an inland sea. As this muddy sediment
was beginning to harden, some prehistoric giant walked across the drying lakebed,
leaving a series of tracks made by sandaled feet. There are 13 human tracks, each
approximately 22 inches [55.8] long and from 8 to 10 inches [20.32-25.4 cm] wide. The
stride is from four to five feet [121.9-152.4 cm]”( H.R. Siegler, Evolution or
Degeneration: Which?, 1972, page 83.)

Many of the giants in the Bible are from after the flood. It appears from various
records that giants are also alive today. For example, in the Solomon Islands, particularly
in Guadalcanal, there may be a race of giants living today. Giants have also been
reported in Peru. An expedition that was led by Phil Miller in 1982, retreated away from
a mountain pass. Why, you may ask, did they retreat from a Peruvian mountain pass? It
was because they were blocked by a giant with a spear. The giant was described as “one
of the largest humans Phil had ever seen” (Swank magazine, “Golden Raiders of the
Amazon,” June, 1982.) The giant apparently signaled that they were not to enter the
place that he was guarding.

Luke 17:26-29 states: “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the
days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in
marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed
them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought,
they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it
rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.” Matthew 24:37-39 says:
“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in
the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in
marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came,
and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Daniel 2:43
states: “And whereas thou sawest iron mixt with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves
with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed
with clay.”

Many church leaders throughout history believed that the antichrist would be the
forerunner of the return of the Nephilim; he may be a giant himself. After all, the world
is not looking for some normal person to come onto the scene and rule the world. The
world is going to be looking for an intergalactic god, who will be superior to all others,
will miraculously fix the world‟s problems, and will bring peace to the world. As
Christians, we know that this world leader will be the Beast, the antichrist. The world
will worship this false god, who only wishes to enslave them. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says:
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” According to
this, the antichrist is going to be the male progeny of “perdition”, which in the Greek is
apoleia, or Apollyon. The man of sin, the antichrist, is going to be the physical offspring
of the destroyer devil; a super-transgenic.

Are fallen angels going to be involved in the tribulation? Revelation 9 says: “And
the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was
given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a
smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were
darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts
upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any
green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their
foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should
be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he
striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall
desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto
horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their
faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth
were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and
the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power
was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the
bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue
hath his name Apollyon. One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more
hereafter. And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the
golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose
the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were
loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay
the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred
thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the
vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and
brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths
issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by
the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For
their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and
had heads, and with them they do hurt. And the rest of the men which were not killed by
these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship
devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can
see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor
of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” Here is a clear reference to transgenic creatures,
coming out of the bottomless pit. The king over them is the fallen angel Apollyon. Then,
to make matters worse, the 4 angels that are currently bound in the Euphrates river are
loosed. Then, the 200,000,000 army is out. It appears that this army is going to be an
army of Nephilim, out for the kill. Their horses are also described as transgenic

There are also many other reasons to believe that the Nephilim will be involved in
the tribulation.

Some say it‟s not theologically important whether the sons of God were the
angels or not. It was the reason the flood was sent. It was why Saul was told to kill all
the inhabitants. It was why Soddom and Gomorrha were destroyed. It may play a big
role in the future tribulation. I‟ll let you decide.
Aliens and Fallen Angels by Stephen Quayle
Alien Encounters by Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman
Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates
Alien Races and Fantastic Civilizations by Serge Hutin
Apollyon Rising 2012 by Thomas Horn
Companion Bible King James Version by E.W. Bullinger
Cydonia: the Secret Chronicles of Mars by David E. Flynn
Bible Student‟s Commentary by G. Ch. Aalders
The Book of Enoch by Enoch
Book of Jasher by Jasher
Coast to Coast am broadcasts with George Noory and Stephen Quayle
Curse of the Hatana Gods by Jonathan Gray
Dead Men‟s Secrets by Jonathan Gray
The Evolution Handbook by Vance Ferrell
The Garden of Eden (creation seminar 2) by Kent Hovind
The Genesis Flood by John C. Whitcomb, Jr. & Henry M. Morris
Genesis 6 Giants by Stephen Quayle
The Giant Cities of Bashan and Syria‟s Holy Places by Rev. J.L. Porter
The Giants of Noah‟s Day by Stanley Price
Giants-the Mystery and the Myth by Discovery Channel
LongWalkers by Stephen Quayle and Duncan Long
Mysteries of Ancient South America by Harold Wilkins
The Mystery Clouds by Donald P. Coverdell
The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse by Patrick C. Heron
The Omega Conspiracy by I.D.E. Thomas
Pathways to the Gods by Erich von Daniken
Politics, Prophecy, & the Supernatural by L.A. Marzulli
Prophecy in the News Magazine by J.R. Church
The Puzzle of Ancient Man by Donald E. Chittick
Q-Files broadcasts with Stephen Quayle, Thomas Horn, and Russ Dizdar
Questions and Answers (creations seminar 7) by Kent Hovind
Shatter the Darkness radio broadcasts
Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth by Timothy Green Beckley
Survive2Thrive radio broadcasts with Stephen Quayle
There Were Giant Upon the Earth by Zechariah Sitchin
Why Do Men Believe Evolution Against All Odds? By Carl E. Baugh

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