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A Comparative Study Into The Fracture Toughness Properties of Duplex Stainless Steels

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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

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A comparative study into the fracture toughness properties of duplex

stainless steels
Nariman Afzali a, *, Georjina Jabour a, Natalie Stranghöner a, Peter Langenberg b
University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Metal and Lightweight Structures, Universitätsstraße 15, 45141 Essen, Germany
IWT-Solutions AG, Aachen, Mozartstr. 2a, Germany


Keywords: Beside their high mechanical strength, duplex stainless steels are a suitable choice in highly corrosive envi­
Duplex stainless steel ronments. These types of steels are used in steel bridges more and more frequently exposed to low temperatures
Fracture toughness and fatigue loads. However, for low temperature applications, it must be guaranteed that brittle fracture is
avoided since duplex stainless steel shows a toughness-temperature relationship similar to that of carbon steel.
SENB fracture toughness
Charpy-V impact toughness
For this reason, in the frame of the German national FOSTA research project “P 1390”, comprehensive in­
vestigations have been started into the material selection of duplex stainless steel to avoid brittle fracture
considering the fracture mechanic based background of EN 1993-1-10. For this purpose, Charpy-V impact tests
and fracture toughness tests have been systematically carried out for various duplex stainless steels in order to
create the basis for the development of toughness requirements for new duplex classes. The validity of the
already existing Master Curve concept and the applicability of the transition temperature correlation for duplex
stainless steels based on experimental fracture toughness and Charpy-V impact tests have been investigated. The
aim of this contribution is to present first results of these investigations.

1. Introduction insufficient for duplex stainless steels. For this reason, the rules have
recently been updated in the revised version of the draft prEN 1993-1-4
In the last twenty years, the use of duplex stainless steel has become [4] in such a way that maximum permissible element thicknesses
more and more an interesting alternative for steel bridges instead of depending on the stainless steel strength, its toughness quality, the
using carbon steel [1]. Duplex stainless steels offer an attractive com­ applied stress level and the reference temperature are given in relation
bination of properties, including high mechanical strength, good to the procedure used for EN 1993-1-10. Before the draft will be pub­
corrosion resistance in highly corrosive environments, low maintenance lished, the given values of element thicknesses, which, in a first step,
costs and good weldability. Furthermore, duplex stainless steels obtain have been derived on the basis of Langenberg et al. [5], shall be checked
high toughness properties at low temperatures from the austenite crys­ with results from the presented investigations.
tallographic phase, while the ferrite content contributes to an Different influencing parameters like weldments and its sub param­
improvement of the mechanical strength of the material. eters like the welding process and type of filler material may have an
Besides all these advantages, the prevention of brittle fracture is very influence on the fracture behaviour of the material [6]. Fracture
important when steel bridges are exposed to low temperatures. The toughness of both the base metal and weldments of duplex stainless steel
choice of material to avoid brittle fracture is covered in EN 1993-1-10 were already investigated in different studies in the past [7–14]. The
[2] for carbon steel material S235 to S690 while the currently pub­ results show promising results at sub-zero temperatures. However, there
lished version of EN 1993-1-4 [3] refers to different types of stainless are still some other parameters to be considered like the influence of the
steel including duplex stainless steels (1.4062, 1.4162, 1.4482, 1.4662, plate thickness on the fracture behaviour or the degree of cold forming
1.4362 and 1.4462) to be used only down to − 40 ◦ C service tempera­ on the transition temperature in order to develop a fracture mechanics
ture. As it can be seen, EN 1993-1-4 covers some different types of based concept for duplex stainless steels to avoid brittle fracture. For this
duplex stainless steel, however the stated toughness requirements are reason, in the frame of the German national FOSTA research project “P

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (N. Afzali), (G. Jabour), (N. Stranghöner), p. (P. Langenberg).
Received 28 February 2023; Received in revised form 2 October 2023; Accepted 13 October 2023
Available online 25 October 2023
0143-974X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Afzali et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

1390”, a comprehensive investigation has been started to close these of these duplex stainless steels.
gaps. In the frame of the presented investigations, Charpy-V impact tests
were performed for these three different types of duplex stainless steels
2. Transition temperature correlation and master curve concept with varying plate thicknesses: 1.4462 - thicknesses 25 mm and 80 mm,
1.4162 - thicknesses 25 mm and 50 mm as well as 1.4662 - thickness 25
One of the main objectives of this study is to verify the validity of the mm. All different tested types of duplex stainless steels were commer­
Master Curve concept and the applicability of the transition temperature cially produced by Outokumpu. The chemical compositions of the
correlation for duplex stainless steels as both were developed based on investigated stainless steels are given in Table 1.
experimental test results for carbon steels. Based on EN 1993-1-10, the In this study, the influence of the weldment on the impact toughness
fracture mechanics concept relies on a transition temperature correla­ behaviour of the material has been investigated as well. For this case, K-
tion combined with a Master Curve approach for temperature dependent joint weldments were carried out using the Metal Active Gas (MAG)
fracture toughness [15,16]. welding process using stainless steel plates 1.4462 (25 mm and 80 mm)
Herein, the so-called modified Sanz-Correlation describes the tran­ and 1.4162 (25 mm and 50 mm). In order to have an increased tough­
sition temperature correlation between the temperature at a Charpy-V ness of the weldment, the welding consumable 22 9 3 N L was chosen
impact toughness of 27 J (T27J) and the temperature at a fracture which provides a higher nickel content for an improved austenite for­
toughness of 100 MPa√m (T100), see Eq. (1), [16–18]: mation, see Table 1 and [6]. The selected welding gas was a combination
of 98% argon (Ar) and 2% carbon dioxide (CO2). The welding direction
T100 = T27J − 18 ± 2 • σ (1) was parallel to the rolling direction. No post-weld treatment was applied
on the welded plates. The welding parameters are presented in Table 2.
where σ is the standard deviation (σ = 13 ◦ C).
The influence of the degree of cold forming on the impact toughness
The Master Curve is given by Eq. (2) according to [19–21] to describe
of duplex 1.4462 and lean duplex 1.4162 with each a thickness of 25 mm
the fracture toughness of materials and weldments with beff = 5 ad for
was another parameter to be investigated. Cold forming was applied on
plates with a semielliptical surface crack, ad is the design crack depth at
25 mm thick duplex strips in a 1600 kN servo hydraulic universal testing
which brittle fracture occurs and Pf describes the failure probability:
machine whereby the degree of cold forming was measured by means of
[ (
T − T100
) ] ( )0.25 (
25 1
)0.25 a video extensometer. After unloading the duplex strips, the remaining
Kmat = 20 + 77 • exp + 11 • • ln (2) amount of cold forming was recorded. Three different strips with
52 beff 1 − Pf
different degrees of cold forming (4%, 9% and 11%) were prepared.
It is important to acknowledge that the Master Curve method is Afterwards, Charpy-V impact test specimens were fabricated from these
primarily intended for materials displaying cleavage initiation. Cleavage strips.
within the ferrite phase, also present in the austenite-ferrite duplex Furthermore, a total of 22 fracture toughness tests were carried out
microstructure, is mostly described by the known weakest link mecha­ for 1.4462, 1.4162 and 1.4662 steels in different thicknesses.
nism [22]. The austenite phase in the duplex stainless steel, however,
tends to inhibit cleavage crack growth in the ferritic phase [23]. This
mechanism does not lead to a fully cleaved fracture at the lowest tem­ 3.2. Charpy-V impact tests
peratures, it does indicate fracture initiation and the corresponding
fracture toughness level. Despite this known facts, different studies show In total, 371 Charpy-V impact tests were performed for 1.4462,
that the Master Curve method as such is applicable as a practical tool 1.4162 and 1.4662 duplex stainless steel base material, weldments and
[5,12,22,24,25]. The following described investigation is based on this cold formed base material. Herein, the influence of the degree of cold
and own studies because it was shown that the method can effectively forming was investigated for both 25 mm thick duplex 1.4462 and lean
describe the fracture toughness behaviour of duplex stainless steel, duplex 1.4162 stainless steel plates.
particularly in the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature region [22]. The Charpy-V impact tests were conducted according to ISO 148-1
[33] on a pendulum motion “Charpy 450 J" from Zwick/Roell at Uni­
3. Experimental investigation versity of Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Metal and Lightweight Struc­
tures, Germany as shown in Fig. 1 (a) and (b). Charpy-V impacts tests
3.1. Material and preparation of the specimens offer a practical and worldwide accepted method to qualitatively assess
the toughness behaviour of a material as a function of the temperature.
Duplex stainless steels benefit from the properties of both austenitic The V-notch of the ISO 148-1 Charpy-V test specimens had a notch angle
and ferritic stainless steels. They are formed by a two-phase micro­ of 45◦ , a notch radius of 0.25 mm and a notch depth of 2 mm, see Fig. 1
structure with a phase balance of approximately 50% ferrite and 50% (c). For the welded test specimens, the test specimens were fabricated
austenite. The austenite contributes to a high corrosion resistance and with the notch placed in the heat affected zone (HAZ). For each test
high toughness at low temperatures and the ferrite provides high series, at least 21 tests were performed at different temperatures be­
strength and resistance to stress corrosion cracking [12,26]. tween room temperature down to about − 196 ◦ C. Fig. 2 shows some
The more highly alloyed duplex stainless steels, as exemplary sample photos of fractured surfaces of duplex 1.4462 (25 mm) test
1.4462, display a very great corrosion resistance, especially to stress specimens at different temperatures.
corrosion cracking. Beside chrome, nickel is one of the most important Based on the experimental results, hyperbolic tangent curve fittings
elements in the composition of such duplex stainless steels which is used have been conducted based on the Oldfield regression model [34] to
as an austenite stabilizing element to increase the toughness [26,27–30]. achieve impact toughness transition curves, see Eq. (3). Herein, CVE is
However, high nickel prices have more recently led to a demand for the Charpy V-notch energy in J, T is the temperature in degrees Celsius
replacing the costly nickel by more cost-effective manganese and ni­ and A, B, and C are fitting constants. The applicable transition temper­
trogen. Due to this cost factor, lean duplex stainless steels with lower atures criteria, like T27J or T40J, have been determined by means of the
nickel content started to receive a great deal of attention in recent de­ achieved fitting curves.
cades in the industry [31]. For this reason, it is very important to verify a [ ( )]
T− B
satisfactory fracture toughness for duplex stainless steels with low nickel CVE(T) = A • 1 + tanh (3)
content. Finally, in the presented study, 1.4462 and the lean duplex
stainless steels 1.4162 and 1.4662 were included in order to investigate The impact toughness transition curves for all different test series are
the influence of the nickel content on the impact and fracture toughness presented in Fig. 3 in different groups in order to show the influence of

N. Afzali et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

Table 1
Chemical composition (wt%) of base material and welding consumable.

Cr Ni Mo Mn Si N P C

1.4462 (25 mm) 22.25 5.67 3.14 1.34 0.39 0.17 0.025 0.014
1.4462 (80 mm) 22.41 5.65 3.18 1.40 0.41 0.17 0.260 0.017
1.4162 (25 mm) 21.30 1.60 0.46 4.35 0.57 0.25 0.026 0.023
1.4162 (50 mm) 21.40 1.55 0.33 4.25 0.56 0.23 0.025 0.029
1.4662 (25 mm) 23.90 3.70 1.59 2.86 0.41 0.29 0.025 0.023
22 9 3 N L1 21.00–24.00 7.00–10.00 2.50–4.00 2.50 1.00 0.10–0.20 0.030 0.030
Welding consumable according to ISO 14343 [32].

temperature shift of the transition temperature shall be considered for

Table 2
each percent degree of cold forming (see Eq. (4) with ΔTεcf is the
Welding parameters.
adjustment for the degree of cold forming εcf in ◦ C and εcf is the degree of
Welding Root Groove Heat Current Voltage Welding cold forming in percent):
process gap angle input (A) (V) speed
(mm) (kJ/ (mm/ ΔTεcf = − 3 × εcf [◦ C] (4)
mm) min) ±
± 25% 10% The results obtained for both duplex 1.4462 and lean duplex 1.4162
Metal 2 50◦ 0.8 160–190 24.9–27.6 350 show that each percent cold forming degree reduces the T40J tempera­
Active ture by <3 ◦ C (ΔTεcf/εcf < 3) for all specimens with different degrees of
Gas cold forming, see Table 3. For this reason, the existing statement in EN
(MAG) 1993-1-10 seems to be somehow conservative for the investigated
stainless steels. For this reason, up to now, it can be assumed that the
the material, plate thickness, weldment and degree of cold forming on temperature shift relationship of EN 1993-1-10 for covering the degree
the transition curve behaviour. Table 3 presents the transition temper­ of cold forming is applicable to stainless steels as well.
atures T27J and T40J for all test series.
As expected, it can be seen that the duplex stainless steel 1.4462
3.3. Fracture toughness tests
shows a higher impact toughness in comparison to the lean duplex
stainless steels 1.4162 and 1.4662, see Fig. 3 (a). This phenomenon can
The Charpy-V impact test is a qualitative test method since the re­
be explained by the higher nickel content of 1.4462, see Table 1. The
sults only allow the comparison of materials but cannot be used directly
experimental results also indicate a higher transition temperature for
for the evaluation of components neither gives any information about
1.4662 with a higher nickel content than 1.4162, see Fig. 3 (a).
how the material resists a crack from growing. In order to investigate the
Additionally, as expected, the results show the obvious influence of
crack growth resistance of 1.4462 stainless steel, fracture toughness tests
the plate thickness on the impact toughness especially in the transition
were performed and evaluated according to ASTM E1820-20b [35],
zone, see Fig. 3 (b). As it can be seen in Table 3, the T40J values increase
using standard single-edge notched bend (SENB) specimens. The ge­
to higher temperatures with increasing plate thickness for both duplex
ometry of the test specimens was 25 × 50 × 230 mm, see Fig. 4 (a).
1.4462 and 1.4162 stainless steel plate materials.
Notches were machined in a way that the cracks grow in the rolling
The test specimens with a notch in the heat affected zone (HAZ) show
direction along the elongated microstructure of the material. The spec­
noticeably lower impact toughness values and consequently higher
imens were pre-fatigued at room temperature up to a pre-fatigued crack
transition temperatures in comparison to the base metal, see Fig. 3 (c)
length of about 4 mm, providing an a0/W value of 0.5. Side-grooves
and (d) and Table 3.
were machined with an angle of about 45◦ after the pre-fatigue has
As known from ferritic carbon steels, it can be shown for the duplex
been introduced to ensure a straight crack front. The depth of the side-
grades that cold forming has a similar influence on the impact tough­
groove was 2.5 mm on each side, summing up to 10% of the original
ness. As can be seen from Fig. 3 (e) and (f), with increasing degree of
ligament width. The side-grooves help to have highest constraint (plain
cold forming, the impact energy in the upper shelf region decreases and
strain) across the specimen, also on the flanks where normally plane
the transition temperatures increase.
stress would dominate. The distance between the outer loading points of
According to EN 1993-1-10, for non-ageing carbon steels, a 3 ◦ C
the SENB specimens was 200 mm. The fracture toughness tests were

Fig. 1. Pendulum impact testing “Charpy 450 J" machine and geometry of the Charpy-V specimen.

N. Afzali et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

Fig. 2. Sample photos of fractured surfaces of Charpy-V test specimens of duplex 1.4462, 25 mm.

performed in a test rig containing a three-point loading fixture in a results and a cubic polynomial fitted equation based on experimental
cooling box. Using liquid nitrogen, the cooling box can be cooled down data presented by Ericsson et al. [24]. JIC was determined by fitting a
to a testing environment temperature of minimum − 150 ◦ C, see Fig. 4 power law, considering the data points between 0.15 mm and 1.5 mm
(b). offset lines parallel to the construction line, see Fig. 5 (c) and (d) and Eq.
The construction line has been calculated based on Eq. (5) and Eq. (5), with C1 and C2 are the power law coefficients. As it is shown in
(6) with σYS is the yield strength and σTS is the ultimate strength of the Fig. 5 (c) and (d), JIC was defined as the intersection point between the
material in MPa. fitted curve and 0.2 mm crack growth offset to the blunting line (con­
The testing temperature could be held constant with ±0.2 ◦ C during struction line). Regarding the applicability of the Master Curve method
the entire testing. The SENB fracture toughness tests were carried out (ASTM E1921) to duplex stainless steels, it must be pointed out that
with a 100 kN hydraulic testing machine. The load was applied defining the critical initiation remains a challenge. The Master Curve
displacement controlled at a constant rate of 0.01 mm/s, while the crack method is traditionally designed for materials displaying a clear cleav­
mouth opening displacement (CMOD) was measured with a clip-gauge. age initiation, posing an inherent difficulty when applied to materials
The compliance method was used to carry out the fracture toughness like duplex stainless steels, which do not undergo a fully cleaved fracture
tests. The SENB specimens were subjected to different loading/unload­ mechanism when the temperature decreases. For this reason, it is a
ing cycles whereby the unloading ratio was set to 50% of the actual challenge to define a precise critical initiation criterion for these mate­
maximum load, see Fig. 5 (a). Up to now, fracture toughness tests were rials. Having SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) images would help to
performed for 1.4462 stainless steel material of plate thicknesses 25 mm visually demonstrate semi brittle fracture despite the stable J-R curve,
and 80 mm at different temperatures. Fig. 5 (b) shows exemplary the particularly in the context of the 0.2 mm crack extension offset criterion.
load-CMOD diagram for duplex 1.4462 (25 mm) at − 150 ◦ C. This analysis is scheduled to be conducted in the near future. However,
Fig. 5 (c) and (d) exemplary show the J-Δa curves for 1.4462, 25 mm some studies (like [22]) show that the 0.2 mm crack growth offset to the
at − 150 ◦ C and 1.4462, 80 mm at − 80 ◦ C. Herein, J is the fracture en­ blunting line, although not synonymous with the critical initiation,
ergy per unit fracture surface area and Δa is the crack extension in mm. proves to be a suitable and consistent criterion. ESIS P1–92 [38], which
pertains to the assessment of fracture resistance in ductile materials, also
J = 2σY Δa (5)
endorses this criterion. This criterion correlates well with prior fracture
σYS + σ TS events, effectively capturing the fracture behaviour in duplex stainless
σY = (6) steels. By considering the discussed points and arguments, KJC was
calculated based on Eq. (6), where E is Young's modulus of duplex
To achieve the material properties, yield and tensile strength, tensile stainless steel at test temperature and ν = 0.3 is Poisson's ratio.
tests were carried out for 1.4462, 25 mm with standard tensile tests √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
specimens at room temperature. All tensile tests were carried out in a EJ IC
200 kN servo hydraulic universal testing machine with a video exten­ KJC = (8)
(1 − ϑ2 )
someter to measure the specimen elongation according to ISO 6892-1
[36] requirements. Table 4 provides the material properties for All fracture toughness test results are presented in Table 5. The re­
1.4462, 25 mm and 80 mm, 1.4162, 25 mm and 50 mm, and 1.4662, 25 sults show the direct influence of the temperature on the fracture
mm as achieved from own tensile tests or as given in the inspection toughness of the material, as with decreasing testing temperature, the
certificates 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 [37]. However, since the tensile fracture toughness decreases as well, see Table 5. Furthermore, from this
properties at low temperatures are essential for the evaluation of frac­ table, it can be observed that the plate thickness has a noticeable in­
ture toughness test results, the Young's modulus as well as the yield and fluence on the fracture toughness of the material, too. The fracture
tensile strength of the material at each fracture toughness testing tem­ toughness results for the higher plate thickness are lower.
perature were obtained by considering the room temperature tensile test The results also show that the highest fracture toughness values were

N. Afzali et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

Fig. 3. Impact toughness transition curves based of experimental tests.

achieved for duplex 1.4462 base material with a thickness of 25 mm investigated test series. The results are added to the transition temper­
because of its high nickel content in comparison to the other lean duplex ature correlation diagram according to EN 1993-1-10 in the range
materials. The specimens made from the thicker plates show lower limited by the lower and upper bounds considering a two-time standard
fracture toughness values for both duplex 1.4462 and lean duplex deviation (σ = 13 ◦ C), see Eq. (1). By adding the evaluated results, it
1.4162. The results obtained for the welded duplex material 1.4662 becomes obvious that for all test series, these values vary in the pre­
show significantly lower fracture toughness in comparison to the base sented range. By calculating the standard deviation based on the actual
material. results for the base material of the different duplex stainless steel grades,
One of the objectives of this contribution was to prove the applica­ the standard deviation shows a rather small value of σ = 12 ◦ C. Based on
bility of the existing correlation between T27J and T100,exp and the val­ this observation, it can be concluded that the transition temperature
idity of the Master Curve concept for duplex stainless steels. Different correlation according to Eq. (1) is applicable to the investigated duplex
studies started to check the applicability of these concepts, see stainless steels.
[5,24,39]. As the experimental investigations in this project are ongoing In the frame of this investigation, the results were evaluated ac­
and not finalized yet, in the frame of this study, the available results up cording to ASTM E1921 [40] and analyzed with regard to the Master
to the point of preparing this contribution were used for this validity Curve concept. The Master Curve concept was originally developed for
check. The T100,exp-temperature was calculated based on the fracture carbon steels [21] and the validity of this concept shall be checked for
toughness tests for all test series, see Table 5. The relationship between duplex stainless steels. The aim of this analysis was to observe the scatter
the transition temperature T27J resulting from Charpy-V impact tough­ of the actual individual fracture toughness test results (KJC) to check the
ness tests and T100,exp is presented in Fig. 6 (a) for the different validity of the Master Curve expressed by Eq. (2) for all fracture

N. Afzali et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

Table 3 steels is a constituent of the austenite-ferrite duplex microstructure. This

Transition temperature T27J and T40J for different test series. weakest link mechanism does not result in a complete cleaved fracture
Material Plate Base Degree of T27J T40J ΔTεcf but still adheres to the Weibull distribution model.
thickness material/ cold [◦ C] [◦ C] 2
/εcf 3 As expected, the scattering of the results for the weldments is more
[mm] HAZ 1 forming [◦ C/ pronounced since it is difficult to have the notch and the fatigue crack
[%] %]
exactly in the heat affected zone and the material in the weldment is
1.4462 25 Base – − 137 − 119 – more inhomogeneous in comparison to the base material. However, the
material results obtained for the welded materials fit quiet well with presented
25 HAZ − 116 − 101
Master Curve and they are closer to the upper and lower bound of the
– –
25 Base 4% − 127 − 108 − 2.8
material Master Curve.
25 Base 9% − 121 − 100 − 2.1
material 4. Conclusions
25 Base 11% − 119 − 96 − 2.1
80 Base – − 115 − 100 – In the frame of a German research project, a comprehensive inves­
material tigation has been started to verify the applicability of the fracture me­
80 HAZ – − 86 − 72 – chanics based concept to avoid brittle fracture for ferritic carbon steels
1.4162 25 Base – − 81 − 65 – in EN 1993-1-10 to duplex stainless steels. In this paper, first results are
25 HAZ – − 45 − 28 –
presented based on Charpy-V impact and fracture toughness tests. A
25 Base 4% − 72 − 55 − 2.6 total of 371 Charpy-V impact tests on three different types of duplex
material stainless steel were performed. The highest impact toughness was ach­
25 Base 8% − 71 − 53 − 1.5 ieved for 1.4462 following by the results achieved for lean duplex
1.4662 and 1.4162. This behaviour confirms that the higher nickel
25 Base 9% − 71 − 53 − 1.3
material content has a great influence on the toughness of the material. However,
50 Base – − 65 − 50 – lean duplex toughness is still on a sufficiently high level concerning
material upper shelf toughness and transition temperature. Furthermore, the
50 HAZ – − 53 − 40 – results show that for the larger plate thickness investigated, the impact
1.4662 25 Base − 114 − 99
toughness is lower and the transition is shifted to higher temperatures.
– –
Furthermore, it can be seen that the HAZ in the weldment of both 1.4462
Notch was placed in heat-affected zone (HAZ) and 1.4162 shows lower impact toughness. An effect that was expected
Is the adjustment for the degree of cold forming εcf and is known from ferritic carbon steels, too. The question was if the
Degree of cold forming in percent.
degradation from a commercially performed weld remains within the
requirements drawn from the EN 1993-1-10 concept. This question will
toughness test results. be answered with the finalisation of the research project. Another factor
Fig. 6 (b) shows the individual fracture toughness values plotted that affects the impact toughness is the degree of cold forming in the
against the temperature difference between the individual testing tem­ material. A higher percentage of cold forming reduces the toughness of
perature (T) and T100,exp (T- T100,exp). As mentioned before, T100,exp was the material. EN 1993-1-10 suggests a 3 ◦ C temperature shift per percent
calculated for each data set and is presented in Table 5. In Fig. 6 (b), the of cold deformation for carbon steel. From the results in this study, this
Master Curves for 5%, 50% and 95% failure probability are presented. It assumption seems to be conservative but acceptable for both duplex
can be seen that all fracture toughness values lay between the upper 1.4462 and lea duplex 1.4162 stainless steels.
(95% failure probability) and lower bound (5% failure probability) and A total of 22 fracture toughness tests were performed so far for three
are in a good agreement with the presented Master Curve. The outcomes different duplex stainless steels in different thicknesses. As it was ex­
depicted in Fig. 6(b) indirectly validate the Weibull distribution model pected, the results show that a drop in the testing temperature has a
in accordance with ASTM E1921 for duplex stainless steel, even though negative influence on the fracture toughness of the material. The results
it is primarily intended for ferritic steels. As highlighted earlier, in so far obtained show that the plate thickness plays an important role
duplex stainless steel, cleavage occurs within the ferrite phase based on regarding the fracture toughness behaviour of the material, as already
a weakest link mechanism, whereby the ferrite phase in duplex stainless known for carbon steel. Lower fracture toughness values are achieved

Fig. 4. SENB fracture toughness test specimen geometry according to ASTM E1820 and test setup.

N. Afzali et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

Fig. 5. Exemplary loading programme and J-Δa diagram for duplex 1.4462.

for the specimens fabricated from thicker plates for both duplex 1.4462 duplex stainless steels. Furthermore, the Master Curve approach pre­
and lean duplex 1.4162. The results obtained from welded 1.4462 sented in ASTM E1921 which was developed for carbon steel material is
stainless steel plates show lower fracture toughness values for the heat also valid for the tested duplex stainless steels.
affected zone in compared to the base material.
The achieved test results show that the transition temperature cor­
relation according to EN 1993-1-10 is applicable to the investigated

N. Afzali et al. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 212 (2024) 108283

Table 4 CRediT authorship contribution statement

Material properties for duplex stainless steels from tensile tests and inspection
certificates 3.1. Nariman Afzali: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,
Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing – original draft,
J = C1 (7)
Visualization, Supervision, Project administration. Georjina Jabour:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Investi­
gation, Data curation. Natalie Stranghöner: Conceptualization, Meth­
Material Plate Yield strength acc. to the Tensile strength acc. to the
thickness inspection certificate 3.1 material certificate 3.1 odology, Validation, Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Project
[mm] [MPa] [MPa] administration. Peter Langenberg: Conceptualization, Methodology,
1.4462 25 479 726 Validation, Writing – review & editing.
80 536* 745*
1.4162 25 485 713 Declaration of Competing Interest
50 505* 757*
1.4662 25 539* 765*
according to inspection certificates 3.1 acc. to EN 10204 [37]

Table 5
Fracture toughness test result.
Material Plate thickness Base material/HAZ Temperature JIC KJC T100,exp
[mm] [◦ C] [kJ/mm2] [MPa√m] [◦ C]

1.4462 25 Base material − 100 272 251 − 173

− 100 266 248
− 120 230 231
− 150 95 149
HAZ − 140 10 46 − 126
− 150 9 44
− 150 44 98
80 Base material − 20 1510 584 − 148
− 40 1089 497
− 60 449 320
− 80 322 272
− 100 190 210
− 150 51 109
1.4162 25 Base material − 100 42 99 − 102
− 120 30 84
− 130 29 82
50 Base material − 120 14 57 − 64
− 130 9 46
− 130 14 57
1.4662 25 Base material − 120 96 149 − 140
− 140 43 100
− 150 40 97
Notch was placed in heat-affected zone (HAZ).

Fig. 6. Transition temperature correlation and Master Curve.

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