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The Influence of Temperature-Time Parameter of Wel

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The Influence of Temperature-Time Parameter of Welded Joints Thermal

Treatment on Strength-Related Characteristics of Chromium-Molybdenum
and Low-Alloy Manganese Steels

Article  in  Materials Science · June 2007


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3 authors, including:

Algirdas Vaclovas Valiulis Olegas Černašėjus

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


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ISSN 1392–1320 MATERIALS SCIENCE (MEDŽIAGOTYRA). Vol. 13, No. 2. 2007

The Influence of Temperature-Time Parameter of Welded Joints Thermal

Treatment on Strength-Related Characteristics of Chromium-Molybdenum
and Low-Alloy Manganese Steels

Vigantas KUMŠLYTIS∗, Algirdas Vaclovas VALIULIS, Olegas ČERNAŠĖJUS

Materials Science and Welding Department, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,

Basanavičiaus 28, LT-10225, Vilnius, Lithuania
Received 10 November 2006; accepted 21 March 2007
The article deals with the analysis of the dependence of strength-related characteristics of welded joints from
chromium-molybdenum steel (ASTM A335 Grd. P5) and low-alloy manganese steel (S355J2G3 EN10025-2) upon the
parameters of heat treatment. Steel mechanical properties after post-weld heat treatment were analyzed. Chromium-
molybdenum (Cr – 5 %) steel and structural low-alloy manganese steel (Mn – 1.4 %) was selected as a target. The
steels of various classes widely applicable in oil industry were selected.
At the beginning, samples were welded applying the same process. When welded, all the samples were heat treated.
Tempering for each sample was performed by applying different temperature and exposure time. For analysis
systemization the parameter of temperature-time P was applied. It was calculated for each heat treatment mode. After
post-weld heat treatment each sample was tested subject to tensile and impact strength.
P-dependence of mechanical properties of each steel sample was examined. It was determined that tensile strength
and impact strength decreases by increasing P value. It showed the drop of mechanical properties value upon
considerable increase of tempering temperature or application of a very long exposure time.
Keywords: welded joints, temperature-time parameter, tempering, tensile strength, impact strength.

INTRODUCTION∗ tempering and showed the deleterious effects of 650 °C for

just 5 hours to be a 7 °C shift in the transition temperature
When welding or mechanically deforming of various [6]. As a matter of convenience, and because data seemed
constructions the residual internal stresses can reduce the to fit, the conventional Larson-Miller parameter (LMP
reliability of structure or can provoke the structure’s without dimension value) has been used to compare post
disintegration. In order to reduce of such internal stresses
weld heat treatment cycles [5, 6]. This formula is shown as:
influence, the most welded or deformed structure are cured
by heat treatment operation – tempering [1, 2]. Heat treat- LMP = (T (°F) + 460)(C + log t ) ×10 −4 , (1)
ment, once performed after welding, provides welded where C equals 20 and t is the time held in hours at
joints with numerous positive properties such as softened temperature T.
hardened areas of metal, increased ductility, positively For quantitative evaluation of the heat treatment
modified microstructures of heat treated areas of metal, parameters, European Union normative documents [6]
reduced internal stresses. Heat treatment improves corro- provide temperature-time dimensionless parameter P
sion resistance as well as stress-corrosion cracking analogous to LMP parameter, which is calculated
resistance under the influence of internal stresses. Heat according to the formula:
treatment of welded may also have some negative impacts
such as reduced tensile and impact strength, precipitation P = T (20 + lg t )× 10 −3 , (2)
hardening of certain steels which may cause fractures on where T is the thermal treatment temperature (Kelvin), t is
heat-exposed areas of metal. The cumulative effects of the time (hours) of exposure to thermal treatment
time and temperature during post weld heat treatment have temperature.
a deleterious effect on normalized base metal properties When executing the tests required to certify welding
[2]. Some scientific works report that mechanical proper- procedures for the particular steels (the tests were executed
ties of various steels are strongly connected to their com- at Mechanical Testing Laboratory of AB “Mažeikių
plex microstructure obtained after heat treatment that are Nafta”), the changes of strength-related characteristics of
generally performed in order to achieve a good hardness welded joints in response to varying parameters of the heat
and/or tensile strength with sufficient ductility [3, 4]. The treatment were noticed.
deterioration of mechanical properties caused by post weld The aim of analysis is to determine the mechanical
heat treatment in carbon steels has been well documented properties dependence of chromium-molybdenum and low-
in 1972, as has the association of those changes with time- alloy manganese steel welded joints upon thermal
temperature parameters [5]. During the later eighties treatment parameters: i. e. the variation of tensile strength
studies by Konkol detailed the effects on carbon steels of and impact strength of joints by ranging of temperature
time parameter P and the variation of mechanical
∗ properties of joints when thermal treatment parameters are
Corresponding author. Tel.: +370-687-77219; fax: +370-443-92974.
E-mail address: (V. Kumšlytis) different but P parameter is steady.

MATERIALS (141 process LST EN 24063). BÖHLER EMK 8 electrode
wire was used, manufacturer – Böhler Schweßtechnik
Chromium-molybdenum steel (ASTM A335 Grd. P5)
Austria Gmbh. Wire type – EN 1668: G4Si1. Specimens
and low-alloy manganese steel (S355J2G3 EN10025-2)
from ASTM A335 P5 steel were welded in the same
were selected for the analysis [7, 8]. These different
process (141 LST EN 24063 process). Auxiliary wire type
alloyed structural steels were selected in order to determine
EN12070: W CrMo5 Si (BÖHLER EMK 5-IG electrode
the influence of heat treatment on the welded joints from
wire) was used.
differently graded steels. Structural low-alloy manganese
Chemical composition as well as mechanical
steels are mostly used for manufacture of units operated
properties of the weld metal is presented in Tables 3, 4.
within the range of – 40 °C to +475 °C temperature. Heat-
resistant chromium-molybdenum steels are used for
manufacture of structures operated at higher temperatures.
The experimental research was performed on specimens All 6 specimens from S355J2G3 EN10025-2 steel and
made from a 12 mm thick sheet S355J2G3 EN10025-2 7 specimens from ASTM A335 P5 steel were welded. All
steel and a weldless hot-rolled pipe (∅ 219.1 × 12.7) steel the samples were welded at the same position (PF
ASTM A335 Grd. P5 (Tables 1 – 2). ISO6947, vertical upward weld). When welded, all the
specimens were heat treated under different regimes
Table 1. Chemical composition of the main component of the
specimens, manufacturer's data (Tables 5 and 6). Heat treatment modes for low-alloy
manganese steel samples were selected the same as in
Composition (mass), % WRC bulletin 481 in order to compare the results with the
Steel analysis performed by K. E. Orie and Ch. R. Roper [2].
grade Heat treatment modes for chromium-molybdenum steel
C Si Al Cr Mn Mo S P
samples were selected the ones commonly applied by
S355J2G3 “Mazeikiu nafta” in repair of piping of such steel.
0.18 0.26 0.032 0 1.39 0 0.014 0.021
EN 10025 The temperature-time parameters of each regime were
P5 ASTM calculated according to formula (2). After evaluating the
0.13 0.34 0 4.31 0.46 0.51 0.003 0.012 possible tolerances of postweld heat treatment temperature
and time measures, the tolerance of parameter P should be
Table 2. Mechanical properties of the main component of the equal 0.026.
specimens, manufacturer's data After thermal treatment process, the analyses of
welded metal listed below were carried out:
Tensile Yield Elongation, • to check the quality of the weld the radiographic
Steel grade strength, Rm, strength, Re, A5,
X-rays analysis was used (level B) [9]. The analysis
N/mm2 N/mm2 %
was performed using X-ray generator RAPAN
600 467 21
EN10025 • to check the tensile properties then cross-tensile test
P5 ASTM [10, 11] was used. Specimens were cut mechanically.
515 333 40
A335 3 specimens were cut out of each welded joint. The
tensile test was carried out in a MIRI-500K tensile
Table 3. Chemical composition of the weld metal, manufacturer's machine. The tolerances of cross-tensile test are 1 %.
data • strenght properties wereevaluated by impact strength
test [12, 13]. 3 specimens were cut out of each welded
Wire Composition (mass), % joint. Specimen type – KVWS 0/1 (Charpy pendulum
grade C Si Mn Cr Mo V-notch, weld-metal notch, notched surface parallel to
the specimens surface, notch over central area of
BÖHLER weld). The tolerances of impact strength test are 1 %.
0.10 1.0 1.7 0 0
0.08 0.4 0.5 5.8 0.6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
After the X-rays analysis we can state that all welded
Table 4. Mechanical properties of the weld metal, manufacturer's
joints conform to technical requirements. We didn’t detect
data any defects, influencing the results.
As shown in Fig. 1 the tensile strength decreases
Tensile Yield uniformly with the increase of parameter P. After the heat
Wire Elongation, Impact work
strength strength
A5, % ISO-V KV, J treatment (tempering) of welded joints from steel
2 2
Rm, N/mm Re, N/mm S355J2G3, change of parameter P by one unit results the
BÖHLER 50 tensile strength decrease by ~18 N/mm2, that is approxi-
600 470 26 mately 3 %. Analyzing results of impact strength test of
EMK 8 (at – 40 °C)
steel S355J2G3 welded joints (Fig. 3) it is evident that the
620 510 20
(at +20 °C) impact strength decreases almost linearly with the increase
of parameter P.
Specimens from S355J2G3 EN10025-2 steel were Analyzing the test results of the samples having equal
welded using gas shielded tungsten arc welding process or similar parameter P (samples 3 and 4) the attention

Table 5. Heat treatment parameters of welded specimens from S355J2G3 EN10025-2 steel

Preheat rate
Specimen Equipment used for Temperature of heat Time of Cooling rate, Temperature-time
starting from
No. heat treatment treatment, °C (K) exposure, h °C/h parameter P
300 °C, °C/h
1 Electric furnace 150 620 (893) 1 150 17.86
2 Electric furnace 150 650 (923) 1 150 18.16
3 Electric furnace 150 620 (893) 16 150 18.94
4 Electric furnace 150 680 (953) 1 150 19.06
5 Electric furnace 150 650 (923) 16 150 19.57
6 Electric furnace 150 680 (953) 16 150 20.20

Table 6. Heat treatment parameters of welded specimens of specimens from ASTM A335 P5 steel

Preheat rate
Specimen Equipment used for Temperature of heat Time of Cooling rate, Temperature-time
starting from
No. heat treatment treatment, °C (K) exposure, h °C/h parameter P
300 °C,°C/h
1 Electric furnace 250 750 (1023.15) 5 150 21.17
2 Electric furnace 250 750 (1023.15) 3 150 20.95
3 Electric furnace 250 750 (1023.15) 8 150 21.38
4 Flexible elements 100 750 (1023.15) 1 200 20.46
5 Flexible elements 400 750 (1023.15) 2.5 200 20.87
6 Flexible elements 100 740 (1013.15) 2 200 20.56
7 Flexible elements 100 730 (1003.15) 3 200 20.54

– for the sample 4 temperature was T = 680 °C and

Tensile strength Rm,

540 exposure time t = 1 h.

Tensile test results for the steel P5 (Fig. 2) show that
the tensile strength decreases with the increase at P as well.
When P value change from 20.46 to 20.87 the change of a

480 value Rm compounds is ~40 N/mm2 per one unit of the

parameter P. The average rate of variation tensile strenght
of steel P5 on equal ~70 N/mm2 per unit P, that is
17.5 18 19 20 approximately 10%.
Fig. 1. The dependence of the tensile strength of welded joints
from S355J2G3 steel on the temperature-time parameter 260
Impact strength KV, J/cm2

Tensile strength Rm,

620 200

580 180

20.5 21 21.5 150
Temperature- time parameter P

Fig. 2. The dependence of the tensile strength of welded joints

from ASTM A335 P5 steel on the temperature-time 17.5 18 19 20
parameter P Temperature- time parameter P

should be paid that values of the tensile and impact Fig. 3. The dependence of the impact strength of welded joints
strength are similar. from S355J2G3 steel on the temperature-time parameter
However, the samples tempering temperatures and P
exposure time differ (Table 5): Steel P5 impact strength varies almost linearly with the
– for the sample 3 temperature was T = 620 °C and parameter P (Fig. 4). By increase of parameter P value in
exposure time t = 16 h; one unit, the impact strength decreases ~ 24 J/cm2.

Impact strength KV, J/cm2
treatment must be in the interval 20.4 − 20.6. Such
200 particular value of the temperature-time parameter secure
190 the optimal strength-related characteristics of welded
180 joints.
1. Bernshtein, M., Rahshtadt, A. Metals Science and Heat
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deleterious effect on base metal properties. Each increase 4. Thomson, R. C., Miller, M. K. Carbide Precipitation in
1.0 magnitude in parameter P above 17.5 in general lowers Martensite during the Early Stages of Tempering Cr- and
tensile strength by approximately 2 %. Our results are bit Mo-containing Low Alloy Steels Acta Metallurgica Inc.
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quantitavely they are agreement with [2]. 5. Gulvin, T. F. The Influence of Stress Relief on the
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CONCLUSIONS Presented at the West of Scotland Iron &Steel Institute One
Day Conference, 1972.
1. More intensive (at higher temperature or longer time 6. Konkol, P. J. Effect of Long-Time Postweld Heat
of exposure – than typically) heat treatment with the Treatment on the Properties of Constructional-Steel
increasing temperature-time parameter P has a negative Weldments. WRC Bulletin 330 New York Welding
impact on strength-related characteristics of welded joints Research Council, Inc. 1988: pp. 11 – 26.
from S355J2G3 EN10025-2 and ASTM A335 P5 steels. 7. LST EN 10025. Hot Rolled Products of Non-Alloy
Such heat treatment regime decreases the tensile and Structural Steels.
impact strength of welded joints. 8. ASTM A335. Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-steel
2. The values of strength characteristics of welded Pipe for High-temperature Service.
joints are alike, when the temperature-time parameter P is 9. LST EN 25817. Arc-welded Joint in Steels. Guidance on
similar, though the temperature and time of exposure Quality Levels for Imperfections.
differs. 10. LST EN 895. Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic
3. For heat treatment of welded joint from S355J2G3 Materials. Transverse Tensile Test.
EN10025-2 steel, it is necessary to apply the processing 11. LST EN 10002-1. Metallic Materials. Tensile Testing. Part
regime with the temperature-time parameter which would 1: Method of Test.
not exceed 19. In case the value of the temperature-time
12. LST EN 875. Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic
parameter is higher, the tensile strength of the heat treated Materials. Impact Tests. Test Specimen Location, Notch
steel is smaller than the minimum one specified in the Orientation and Examination.
standard. The latter is to be taken into account when pre-
13. LST EN10045-1. Metallic Materials. Charpy Impact Test.
calculating the strength of constructions. Part 1: Test Method.
4. When heat treatment (after welding) is applied to
chromium-molybdenum steels with 5 % chromium
content, the temperature-time parameter of selected heat


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