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Effect of Alloying Elements On Thermal Wear 2006 Journal of Iron and Steel R

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Effect of Alloying Elements on Thermal Wear of

Cast Hot-Forging Die Steels
WANG Shu-qi' , C H E N Kang-min' , CUI Xiang-hong' , JIANG Qi-chuan' , HONG Bian'
(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China;
2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, Jilin, China)

Abstract: The effect of main alloying elements on thermal wear of cast hot-forging die steels was studied. The wear
mechanism was discussed. T h e results show that alloying elements have significant influences on the thermal wear of
cast hot-forging die steels. T h e wear rates decrease with an increase in chromium content from 3 % to 4 % and mo-
lybdenum content from 2 % to 3 % , respectively. With further increase of chromium and molybdenum contents,
chromium slightly reduces the wear resistance and molybdenum severely deteriorates the wear resistance with high
wear rate. Lower vanadiumicarbon ratio (1. 5-2. 5) leads to a lower wear resistance with higher wear rate. With an
increase in vanadium/carbon ratio, the wear resistance of the cast steel substantially increases. When vanadium/car-
tion ratio is 3 , the wear rate reaches the lowest value. The predominant mechanism of thermal wear of cast hot-forg-
ing die steels are oxidation wear and fatigue delamination. The F e 2 0 3 and Fe,O, or lumps of brittle wear debris are
formed on the wear surface.
Key words: hot-forging die; cast steel; alloying element; thermal wear; mechanism

Hot-forging dies play an important role in some ported. T h e cast die steels used earlier have the
industries, such as automobiles, general machinery, same composition as the commercial die steels, for
farm machinery, and so on. Cast hot-forging dies as instance, 5CrNiMo, 5CrMnMo, and H13. Later,
a new alternative for production of hot-forging dies the compositions of cast hot-forging die steels were
have many advantages: high utilization ratio of ma- slightly changed based on the commercial die steels,
terials, low finish allowance, short process time and by the addition of some alloying elements. T h e mod-
regenerative use of obsolete dies. Cast hot-forging ified H13 cast steel is developed by the addition of
dies have been studied and applied since the 1940s. RE or Ni to improve some propertiesi5961-.It must be
Now cast hot-forging dies are manufactured in a noted that these cast die steels usually have unrea-
large scale and utilized widely in some developed sonable alloying composition design, with no ideal
But lives of domestically made cast foundry properties and mechanical properties. T h e
hot-forging dies should be improved further because special composition designs for as-forged steel are
of the lower wear resistance resulted from unreason- not suitable for as-cast steel. T h e characteristics of
able alloying composition design. Alloying composi- as-cast steels are different from as-forged steels.
tion design of the cast steels is the key factor deter- T h e alloying composition design for cast die steel
mining the life of the cast hot-forging dies. It is must take advantage of the superior properties of
found that the long-life dies always have high wear cast steels : high thermal stability, high resistance to
resistance. Researches on the alloying composition thermal fatigue and thermal wear with avoiding low
design of cast hot-forging die steels are sparsely re- plasticity. T h e purpose of the research is to study
Foundation Item: Item Sponsored by Early-Term Key Technology of Industrialization and Whole Set Equipment From Plan Committee of China
(1999317), 863 Project of China (2002AA331180), and Project of Key Lab of Universities in Jiangsu Province of China
Biography: WANG Shu-qi(l962-), Male, Doctor, Professor; E-mail: shuqi-wang@ujs. edu. cn; Revised Date: September 6 , 2005
* 54 Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Vol. 13

the influences of main alloying elements on thermal molybdenum content, and vanadium/carbon ratio
wear for the alloying composition design of cast hot- have significant influences on wear rate.
forging die steels. T h e mechanism of thermal wear With an increase in chromium content, the wear
is also discussed. rate apparently decreases. But as chromium content rea-
ches 5 ,% , the wear rate slightly increases [Fig. l (a)].
1 Experimental Procedure
T h e hardness of the cast steels tempered at 440 "C
T h e raw materials for cast hot-forging die steels and 600 'C are 45 - 48 H R C and 38 - 32 H R C , re-
were melted in a 250 kg medium frequency induction spectively. A n increment in chromium content re-
furnace with non-oxidation method. A t 1 550 'C, sults in a slight reduction of the hardness of the cast
the melt was deoxidized with aluminum, then steel tempered at 440 C , whereas hardness reduc-
poured. T h e modified agents containing R E , titani- tion of the cast steel is obvious when tempered at
um, and niobium were put in a ladle for modification 600 'C. Although the steels tempered at 440 'C and
of the melt and finally the hedge sample was cast. 600 'C have different hardness, their wear rates are
T h e steel was austenitized a t 1 020 'C for 1 h and approximately similar.
quenched in oil to obtain the complex structure inclu- With an increase in molybdenum content, the
ding martensite and bainite, then tempered at 440 "Cor hardness of the cast steel remains unchanged. T h e
600 %. hardness of the cast steels tempered at 440 'C and
T h e thermal wear test was carried out on an 600 "Care 4 5 - 4 4 H R C and 40-39 H R C , respec-
MG-2000 type pin-disk high-temperature wear test- tively. But the wear rate first decreases, and then
er. T h e test norms were specified as dry friction, increases [Fig. 1 ( b ) ] . T h e wear rate of the cast
and the test conditions are: test temperature 400 'C , steel with molybdenum content of 3 % is the lowest.
load 100 N , sliding speed 2 m / s , and total sliding Excessive molybdenum obviously deteriorates the
distance 1. 8 X lo3 m. T h e pins are made of cast die wear resistance with high wear rate.
steels with dimensions of $6 m m X 1 2 mm and disks The influence of vanadium content on thermal wear
of CrlZMoV, 58 H R C with dimensions of $70 m m X rate is shown in Fig. 1 (c). Vanadium is a strong car-
8 mm. bideforming element. In steel, vanadium preferential-
Before test, pins and disks were polished and ly combines with carbon to form V, C,. T h e amount
degreased. T h e pin specimens were cleaned with ac- of V,C? is dependent on the relative amount of vana-
etone and dried before and after the test for weighing dium and carbon, i. e. , the vanadium/carbon ratio.
the wear loss by the balance with an accuracy of Therefore, the effect of vanadium/carbon ratio on
0. 01 mg. T h e wear rate, W,, is calculated in term wear rate reveals the comprehensive function of car-
of the formula: bon and vanadium. With increasing vanadium/car-
W,=AV/p d (1) bon ratio, the hardness variations of the cast steels
where a V is wear volume loss (wear weight loss/ tempered at 440 O C and 600 "C follow almost the
density); p is load; and d is sliding distance. T h e same rule that the hardness first increases and then
morphology, composition, and structure of the wear decreases. When vanadium/carbon ratio is 3, the
surface and debris were analyzed with an AMRA- hardness of the cast steels reaches the climax with
lOOOB type S E M with supplement E P M A and a D/ 47- 49 HRC. T h e steel tempered at 600 'C has a
Max-2500/pc type X-ray diffractometer. T h e hard- high wear resistance than that tempered at 440 "C.
ness was measured on an HRC150 type durometer. Consequently, the wear resistance has no corre-
sponding relation with hardness. High hardness
2 Results and Discussion does not always mean high wear resistance. T h e cast
steels tempered at different tempering temperatures
2. 1 Effect of alloying elements on thermal wear rate exhibit different variation rules of the wear rate. For
T h e effects of main alloying elements on the the steel tempered at 440 "C,the wear rate first
thermal wear rate are shown in Fig. 1. T h e cast hot- slightly increases with variation of vanadium/carbon
forging die steel is typically Cr-Mo-V alloy steel. ratio from 1. 5 to 2. 5, then arrives at its lowest
Chromium content, molybdenum content, and vana- point when vanadium/carbon ratio equals 3 . 0 , after-
dium/carbon ratio are the important alloying fac- wards slightly increases. With an increase in vanadi-
tors. It is obvious in Fig. 1 that chromium content, um/carbon ratio, t h e wear rate decreases till to the
No. 5 Effect of Alloying Elements on T h e r m a l Wear of Cast H o t - F o r g i n g Die Steels * 55 *


16 2


2 3 .1 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Chromium rontrnIPh Molybdenum contenlPh Vanadinndrarbon ratio

1-Wear rate of steel tempered a t 440 C ; 2--Wear rate of steel tempered at 600 C ;
3-Hardness of steel tempered at 440 'C ; 4 Hardness of steel tempered a t 600 ~C
Fig. 1 Effect of alloying element on thermal wear rate of cast hot-forging die steels

the lowest value when vanadium/carbon ratio is T h e effect of chromium content on the wear
3. 0 , and then slightly increases for the cast steel morphology is revealed in Fig. 2. With an increase in
tempered at 600 'C. chromium content from 3 % t o 4 % , the delamination
region decreases. With further increase in chromium
2. 2 SEM morphology of wear content from 4 % t o 5 % , the delamination region
SEM photographs of the wear surfaces of the starts to increase again. Meanwhile, the morpholo-
cast die steels with different compositions are shown gy of the delamination region changes from large
in Fig. 2 to Fig. 4. T h e alloying elements have obvi lump delamination t o small lump delamination, and
ous influences on the morphologies of wear surfaces. finally much flocky granula appears in the delamina-
It is obvious that there are two different regions on tion region.
the wear surface: the delamination region and the T h e effect of molybdenum content on the wear
non-delamination region. T h e area and morphology morphology is obvious in Fig. 3. With an increase in
of delamination region vary with the kind and amount of molybdenum content from 2 % to 3 % , the delamina-
alloying elements. tion region decreases. T h e morphology of delamina-

( a ) , ( b ) Chromium content 3 % ; ( c ) , ( d ) Chromium content 4. 0 % ; ( e l , ( f ) Chromlurn content 5. 0 %

Fig. 2 SEM images of thermal wear surface of cast die steel with different chromium content and molybdenum content of 2%
* 56 * Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Vol. 13

( a ) , ( b ) Molybdenum content 2 % ; ( c ) , (d) Molybdenum content 3 % ; ( e l , ( f ) Molybdenum content 4 %

Fig. 3 SEM images of thermal wear surface of cast die steel with chromium content of 3 % and different molybdenum content

tion region changes from large lump to granula. 2.3 Mechanism of thermal wear
With further increase in molybdenum content from In atmosphere, high surrounding temperature
3 % t o 4%, the delamination region starts t o in- and friction heat result in oxidation of the wear sur-
crease when flocky granula appears on it. face of cast die steels, and the oxidation speed dur-
Fig. 4 shows the variation of wear morphology ing wear procedure is higher than that of static oxi-
of the cast steel with different vanadiumicarbon ra- dationC7. The EDS analysis of the wear surface is
tio. When vanadiumicarbon ratio is 1. 5-2. 5 , there shown in Fig. 5. High oxygen content is contained on
are more, larger delamination regions with much the wear surface. Through semi-quantitative analy-
flocky granula. As vanadiumicarbon ratio increases sis, the oxygen content on the wear surface reaches
to 3. 0 - 3. 6 , the area of delamination region with 24. 38 %. T h i s is typically characteristic of oxidation
granula decreases. Wearia-121 . Phase analysis by X-ray diffraction reveals

( c ) , ( d ) Vanadium/carbon ratio 3. 0 ;
( a ) , ( b ) Vanadium/carbon ratio 2. 5 ; ( e ) , ( f ) Vanadiumjcarbon ratio 3. 6
Fig. 4 SEM images of thermal wear surface of cast die steel with different vanadium/carbon ratio
No. 5 Effect of Alloying Elements on Thermal Wear of Cast Hot-Forging Die Steels 57

845 2 500
I Fe
2 000

1 500

2 1000

0 2 4 G 8 10
EnergykeV 0

Fig. 5 EDS analysis of wear surface of cast die steel
Fig. 6 XRD pattern of wear surface of cast die steel
that the oxides are FezO3 and Fe30, (Fig. 6 >. T h e
morphology and composition of the wear debris are lamination region continues to oxidize. T h u s , oxida-
shown in Fig. 7. It is obvious that the brittle lump tion and delamination occur alternatively till equilib-
wear debris contains more oxygen. T h e largest di- rium is reached. T h e wear rate is dependent on the
ameter of the debris reaches 60 pm. amount of delamination oxides falling off from the
A layer of oxide is easily formed on the wear friction system.
surface owing to the elevated temperature resulted T h e chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium
from the surrounding temperature and friction heat. are the dominant alloying elements of cast hot-forg-
It has been reported that F e 2 0 3 and Fe,O, can pro- ing die steel. T h e steel has higher resistance to tem-
tect from ~ e a r I ' ~ ~ l jTherefore
'. the wear rate de- pering and secondary hardening at 520 CI']. During
creases. Meanwhile, the oxide film is easily delami- wear process, the microstructure and properties of
nated from the matrix metal in the case of heavy the cast steel change because of the higher tempera-
load, because of the brittleness of oxide. Some de- ture, which depends on the relative amount of allo-
laminated oxide films fall off from the wear surface ying elements including chromium, molybdenum,
in the form of lump debris. T h e residual delamina- and vanadium.
ted oxides are ground into granular or flocky granu- More chromium in a-Fe increases the thermal
lar oxides, which were retained in the delaminated strength. a-Fe in the steel tempered at 440 'C con-
region. Granular oxides retained in the delaminated tains more chromium than that tempered at 600 %.
region have a large binding force to prevent wear to In this case, the steels tempered a t 440 "Chave low-
some extent. Flocky oxides float on the delaminated er wear rate than that tempered at 600 'C. For the
region and easily fall off from the wear surface, thus steels tempered a t 440 "C, with a n increase in chro-
increase the wear rate. In most cases, oxide delami- mium content from 3% to 4%, the chromium con-
nation is attributed to low thermal strength of the tent in a-Fe increases in order to increase the thermal
matrix metal. T h e steel with low thermal strength strength for supporting the oxide film and prevent
cannot support oxide film. T h e force leads to d e - delamination. As a result, the wear rate decreases.
formation of the matrix and separates it from the o x - Rut excessive chromium ( 5 ,%) results in the forma-
ide film. High thermal strength is the key factor of tion of a large quantity of Cr7C3and CrZ3C, , and a
keeping the binding between the steel and the oxide reduction of chromium in a-Fe. These types of car-
film. T h e steel with high thermal strength can s u p - bides having lower thermal stability are easy to
port the oxide film to protect the wear surface from coarsen. This leads t o a decrease in the thermal
wear. T h e thermal wear resistance is closely related strength. Consequently, the oxide film is liable to
to the chemical compositions, microstructures, and delaminate and the wear rate increases. Similarly,
properties of steel. As a result, the cast hot-forging for the steel tempered a t 600 C , Cr,C3, and Cr,,C,
steel with high wear resistance needs an optimal al- are completely precipitated. Therefore, excessive
loying design. chromium ( 5 % ) can be used t o strengthen a-Fe to
After delamination of oxide, the steel in the de- some extent, so the wear rate continues to decrease
. 58 - Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Vol. 13

1 200

Fig. 7 SEM images and EDS analysis of wear debris of cast die steel

slightly. But the bad function of excessive chromium strength of the steel is reduced, and hence, the wear
starts to act. rate increases slightly. T h e harmful tendency of ex-
With an increase in molybdenum content from cessive vanadium for wear resistance can be found.
2 % to 3 % , molybdenum partly solubilizes in a-Fe
3 Conclusions
and partly precipitates in the form of Mo2C with
high hardness and thermal stability. T h e thermal ( 1) Chromium content, molybdenum content,
strength of steel can be enhanced. T h e wear resist- and vanadium/carbon ratio have significant influ-
ance increases with a low wear rate. However, in ences on the wear rate of cast hot-forging die steel.
the case of excessive molybdenum (4%), M o 2 C is T h e wear rate apparently decreases with an increase
converted to Mo6C with low thermal stability. Addi- in chromium content from 3 % t o 4%, and an in-
tionally, this type of carbide segregates in the aus- crease in molybdenum content from 2 % to 3 % , re-
tenite grain boundary and martensite grain bounda- spectively. But, a s chromium content reaches 5 ,%,
r y , which results in the brittleness of the steel"". the wear rate slightly increases. Excessive molybde-
T h e oxide film on the wear surface in this steel is li- num (4%) obviously deteriorates the wear resist-
able to delaminate with a high wear rate. When the ance with a high wear rate. T h e steels with lower
steel is tempered at 440 'C, Mo6C starts to precipi- vanadium/carbon ratio ( 1. 5 - 2. 5 ) have a higher
tate with less quantities. When tempering tempera- wear rate. With increasing vanadium/carbon ratio,
ture is increased t o 600 'C, much Mo6C appears. the wear rate decreases. As vanadium/carbon ratio
Consequently, excessive molybdenum is extremely reaches 3 , the wear rate decreases to its lowest
harmful to the wear resistance of the steel tempered point.
a t 600 'c. ( 2 ) T h e predominant mechanism of thermal
With increasing vanadium content, carbon in KFe wear of cast hot-forging die steel are oxidation wear
decreases and V, C,increases. As vanadium/carbon ra- and fatigue delamination. T h e oxides from wear
tio increases from 1. 5 t o 3. 6 , the carbide V, C, can process are F e 2 0 , and F e 3 0 4 , and lump of brittle
wholly precipitate for the steel tempered at 600 'C. debris exists on the wear surface.
T h e steel with more V,$C, has high thermal stabili- ( 3 ) T h e wear rate is dependent on the amount
ty. For the steel tempered a t 440 C , the amount of of delamination oxide falling off from the friction
V,,C, is relatively less. Consequently, the steel tem- system.
pered at 600 'C has lower wear rate than that tem- (4) T h e oxide delamination is attributed to the
pered at 440 'C. It is found that the variation of low thermal strength of the matrix metal. T h e steel
wear rate is similar to that of hardness. With in- with a high thermal strength can support the oxide
creasing vanadium/carbon ratio, V, C, increases and film and prevent delamination. T h e cast hot-forging
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