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Oathbound - Horrors of Penance

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Horrors of Penance

by Brannon Hollingsworth & Ken Marable

Table of Contents
Horrors of Penance ................... 1 Tying Up Loose Ends .........................................32
Introduction ........................... 2 The Plot Thickens ................................................32
Adventure Preparation ........................................2 Anelie’s Tomes .....................................................33
The Fires of Damnation ......................................34
Scenario 1: Craving Darkness ........ 3 Facing the Devil ...................................................36
Background ............................................................3
Conclusion 1: Playing into
The Initial Trap ......................................................5
the Devil’s Hands .........................................36
Main Floor (Level 2) ..............................................7
Conclusion 2: Refusing to Play the Game .......37
Second Floor (Level 3) ..........................................9
Final Battle ............................................................39
Observatory (Level 3) .........................................13

Horrors of Penance
Basement ...............................................................14 Conclusion ............................. 41
Totembound Soul ................................................42
Conclusion ............................. 18 Statistics for NPCs ...............................................43
Statistics for NPCs ...............................................18
The Lectors ...........................................................18 Further Adventures – A
Allies ......................................................................19 Coven of Ideas .................. 46
Monsters ...............................................................20 The Flesh Gatherers ............................................46
Scenario 2 - Totem ..................23 The Empty City ....................................................47
Background ..........................................................23 Plague of the Penitent .........................................47
Synopsis ................................................................23 Bloodlord Thrall ..................................................47
The Ritual .............................................................23 Brotherhood of the Bane ....................................48
Character Hooks ..................................................24 Curse of the Decaying Flesh ..............................48
The Death of Samuel Viss ..................................25 March of the Beasts .............................................48
Clue Checklist ......................................................26 Rain of Blood ........................................................48
Visiting Aunt Anelie ...........................................27 Restless Spirits .....................................................49
The Deadpit ..........................................................28 The Thirteen .........................................................49
A Slew of Swarms ...............................................30 The Brood .............................................................49
The Mist ................................................................49

Design Cartographer
Brannon Hollingsworth and Ken Marable Jeremy Simmons

Editor Typesetter
Robert Vaughn Jack Gray

Art Director Oathbound Concept

Jim Butler Greg Dent, Jim Butler, and Todd Morasch

Cover & Interior Artist

Jesse Mohn

Dedicated to all the late-night odd noises and moving shadows that I swear are just the cats. –klm
To all those nights spookin’ with the gang. –blh

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Open Content: Only materials indicated in Section 15 of the Open Gaming License on the last page of this PDF are considered Open Content. All other content is Product Identity
and copyrighted by Bastion Press, Inc.
Introduction Adventure Preparation
As these adventures are intended to be used in the
The Forge is a place of extremes. Newcomers to the Oathbound campaign setting, it is highly recom-
Forge soon learn that every perception, every emo- mended that the GM possess the book Oathbound:
tion and every sensation that they experience here is Domains of the Forge. With a little work, though, a
hammered into its most acute and intense manifes- GM should be able to adapt the encounters to an-
tation by the unique properties of the plane. Fear, other setting. In such a case, all that is required to
while often overlooked, is one such emotion, and use these adventures are the three core d20 rulebooks.
there is no other place in the known universe where All non-player character (NPC), monster and item
fear can be as concentrated or palpable as on the statistics have been provided at the end of each ad-
Forge. This product focuses on that single aspect and venture in an abbreviated form or in the adventure
offers adventures and adventure ideas that delve into where appropriate. When necessary, the proper re-
the fear-invoking and truly horrifying side of the source is clearly referenced. In addition, Minions, e-
great City of Penance, the largest settlement on the Minions (or Minions: Rebirth), Arms and Armor, and
Horrors of Penance

Spells and Magic, all from Bastion Press might also

Horrors of Penance includes two complete adven- prove useful. These tomes contain the expanded ver-
tures specially designed to spawn feelings of fear, sions of many of the creatures, items, and spells men-
disgust, and horror in the characters and to send shiv- tioned within.
ers down the players’ spines. The Forge is home to It is highly recommended that the GM read over
the mightiest of heroes; it takes a great deal to instill each adventure fully and have a keen and clear
fear into such stalwart and heroic hearts. understanding of the events that are about to unfold
Horrors of Penance begins with Craving Darkness, before running it. Both are fairly non-linear, and
an adventure for characters of 10 th level. While what happens in one moment or location will
traveling through the Undercity, the characters find dramatically affect what occurs in other times and
themselves in a centuries old mansion that has been places.
cursed and plunged into utter darkness. Even the Note that text that appears in shaded boxes is
most powerful mortal spells can only barely pierce considered player information, which you can read
the seething darkness. The characters are forced to aloud or paraphrase as appropriate.
traverse the maze-like rooms and corridors blindly Lastly, it is the goal of the adventures herein to
as they seek their way out again. This task alone inspire a healthy dose of fear and trepidation in your
would prove difficult enough, were it not for the pair players. Establishing and maintaining an
of undead lectors (Oathbound, p. 335) that continually atmosphere of creepiness and uncertainty is essential
stalk them and the many insidious these villains to achieve that goal. GMs might consider any
have placed. number of “real world” alterations to the typical
Second, Horrors of Penance offers up Totem, an gaming ambiance to keep their players on edge, a
adventure for characters of 17th level. The simple factor which will naturally bleed over into their
totems of a kindly old lady seem to ease the pain of characters’ moods and actions. Some tips and tricks
grieving families. Unbeknownst to them, these are listed here as an initial source of inspiration:
totems also act as a doorway for a powerful devil. Take advantage of a stormy night for your
Now that the door is open, a rash of horrific and gaming session and use the storm as emphasis in
puzzling murders breaks out and the characters soon your game. Draw audio and visual examples from
find themselves facing angry mobs, plagues of the impressive and awe-inspiring show that is going
insects, and finally a pit fiend in his own lair. All of on around you.
these obstacles must be overcome if they are to save Turn off all of the lights and play by only the light
both Penance and the souls of their departed loved of a few candles. Use the reduced light to show the
ones. players how their characters see their surroundings.
Lastly, Horrors of Penance provides a Coven of Select a new and unfamiliar location for your
Ideas, a selection of thirteen horror-themed gaming session. The experience of being in a strange
adventure seeds meant to be planted in the most locale will help considerably in setting your players
twisted corners of your imagination. These seeds can (and their characters) on a fear-stirred edge. We’re
serve as the inspiration for any number of other thinking more along the lines of someone’s basement
possible adventures that will immerse the characters or an isolated cabin than of a gaming store, which is
even deeper into the dark places of Penance. pretty far from “eerie”.
Play moody and eerie background music. Music,
especially when played at very low volume, becomes

an almost subliminal force that will heighten the retrieved the sword without their knowledge. They
levels of suspense and tension around the gaming would not listen to reason as they exploded into a
table. furious rage and began slaying their companions.
The party’s ceptu cleric was the last to fall, and with
her dying breath she called upon her god to curse
Scenario 1 the two betrayers and murderers.
Though her deity had no power in the Forge,
Craving Darkness something that many consider a myth answered the
call: the palethian (Oathbound, p. 144).
An adventure for 10th level characters, wherein a Bolthor and Sissel were killed in a flash of intense
house cursed in darkness holds captives, deadly evil and the house filled with a dark curse that
traps, and two ravenous undead. blinded any who enter. Because they so coveted an
item of magical power, Bolthor and Sissel’s
punishers thought it just that they be animated as
Background the undead creatures known as lectors. Such beings
The legendary magic sword Red Shard traveled usually roam the Undercity, attuned to and attracted

Horrors of Penance
through the seven domains of Penance until it was by items that are cursed or imbued with negative
picked up on the fields of Arena by Purepath, a haze energy. These two were inflicted with an additional
warrior. It served him well for decades as he wan- ironic and darkly humorous punishment: forever
dered the Forge on a variety of adventures. Time hungering for items of negative energy, they were
eventually caught up with Purepath, and he trav- bound to the scene of their crime and, unbeknownst
eled to the great city of Penance to retire. With the to them, to the location of a powerful weapon of
riches gained from a lifetime of adventures, he pur- positive energy. The proximity of Red Shard would
chased a fine estate where he lived until his death at cause them an eternal pain that they would never
a ripe old age. The mighty sword Red Shard, a friend understand. So they remained and sought solace for
as much as a weapon, was displayed in honor upon their pain by preying upon unwary explorers for
a wall. No one could find Red Shard among several centuries, satiating their hunger for cursed
Purepath’s belongings when he died, nor had he com- items with whatever these unlucky souls brought
municated a desire to bestow it upon any heir. After with them.
ferocious searching, all interested parties, both foul Of course, anything so unusual as a darkness-
and fair, gave up. The house was abandoned and the flooded mansion was bound to draw attention,
city grew up over it. especially one with a link to the fabled Red Shard.
Red Shard remained hidden in the house, though, Rafter after rafter, delver after delver traveled to the
and waited for someone to come and claim it. cursed home, seeking the truth and the wealth
After discovering a mention of the sword and the behind the house and its rumored treasures. The vast
haze’s home in ancient annals, a group of delvers majority of them met nightmarish ends at the hands
decided to make the trek into the Undercity for the of the covetous, vicious lector couple.
weapon and any other treasures that might be found Finally, Einian Quickfinger, a dwarven rafter and
within the old warrior’s estate. It turned out to be a part-time trap maker that stumbled onto the house,
difficult expedition, and the group almost turned managed to elude the lectors for a time through the
back several times. Thanks only to the urging of two creation of impromptu traps made from the
strong-willed party members (Bolthor, a male orc, belongings of past victims. His delaying tactics
and Sissel, a female human) did the group press caught their attention, so when they inevitably
onward. caught him, they spared his life. They kept him as
Whether it was the maddening depths of the both a toy and a servant, forcing him to set traps in
Undercity, or a problem deep within their minds that several of the rooms to ensnare other visitors.
had been lingering for quite some time, the deeper Einian has been recreating and setting traps for
they traveled, the more obsessed the two became. almost a year now. He has hopes that some group
Obstacles of the journey and the rest of the group’s will arrive and help him to escape and to destroy
trepidation only pushed them further. Finally they the lectors, if possible. His hopes were almost made
found the home and began exploring it…and reality when a week ago a powerful group of rafters
discovered they were too late. Perhaps lost to entered the house. Encountering the deadly traps,
another group of delvers, or magic, or the Queen they tried to avoid them by digging out through the
herself – the sword appeared to be gone and with it basement. Unfortunately a monstrous jaggon had
went Bolthor’s and Sissel’s sanity. They believed the made a lair near the cursed darkness and it was into
rest of the group had somehow duped them and this very lair that the delvers dug, releasing the
creature into the basement, where it immediately

attacked the group. Einian does not know for certain, of the current characters is a descendant of one of
but he suspects that one of the party might still be the original party members and themselves are
alive down there. What the dwarven trap-maker plagued by these dreams. If this hook is used, it could
does know for sure is that the jaggon is still down make the final confrontation with Bolthor and Sissel
there – and is growing hungry. all the more dramatic and fear inspiring, especially
if one of the characters is a direct descendant of what
Synopsis is now an evil undead abomination! With this as
the adventure’s background, the adventure could be
As the characters are traveling through the Under- simply started with the handing down of a family
city, they come across the “entrance” to the cursed heirloom that leads to an investigation via city
mansion, which is a pit that drops the characters into records or a divination into who these past
the midst of the house. Chances are that not all of the adventurers were and what they were looking for.
characters will fall prey to the trap. However, the lec- In the end, all that is truly necessary to begin this
tors encourage Einian to yell for help and lure would- adventure is that the party be traveling through the
be rescuers to their doom. Undercity. GMs are welcome to use as much or as
After entering the darkness, the characters must little of this information as they wish.
Horrors of Penance

make their way out by passing through several

trapped rooms and survive multiple hit and run
attacks from the lectors. There are three possible The Darkness
allies they can find in this home in their attempts to The curse placed upon the house goes beyond a mere
destroy the lectors and survive to see light again. magical darkness. It was crafted by the palethian as
There is Einian who is more than willing to destroy a bitter and ironic metaphor for the blindness that
the lectors (and in fact will not leave the house Bothor and Sissel exhibited in the insane slaughter
knowing they are still around). Also, a valco
paladin named Sorib lak Haran is trapped in the
basement with the jaggon. Lastly, an ort named
Mafuane is inside the house terrified at what it has
stumbled onto. It will gladly help anyone who can
guide it out of the darkness.

Character Hooks
The hook for this adventure is quite easy to inte-
grate into any campaign – simply get the party into
the Undercity. Their reason for entering the Un-
dercity can be literally anything: they can be there
in search of an item, to map a certain region, on a
task for a bloodlord (or other important individual),
or merely passing through on their way to another,
ultimate destination (if used in this last manner, it
would be very simple to insert Craving Darkness
as an extended “Side Trek” adventure). Whatever
their mission is, it should not be so urgent that they
are unwilling to take an impromptu trek to assist
someone in need.
Alternatively, their purpose there could be tied
more directly to the background of this adventure.
Perhaps they could have come to this area in search
of Red Shard or they may be searching for someone
who entered the house recently, such as Sorib lak
Haran’s party or possibly Einian himself.
Another variation is that the characters are
hired to investigate the death of the original
adventuring party (the one composed of Bolthor
and Sissel before their cursed deaths). Perhaps one
of the party member’s relatives is continually
haunted by dreams of her death, or perhaps one

of their party. It generally blinds any creature in the A Note on Room Descriptions
house. This is not to say that creatures with alterna-
tive forms of vision are unaffected; the curse simply The bold italicize text descriptions of the rooms as-
smothers and makes useless a creature’s main sen- sume that the characters cannot “see” and try to con-
sory apparatus. Indeed, creatures that do not nor- vey the sensations experienced by secondary senses.
mally rely on vision may never have experienced One of the primary means of exploring blindly is with
blindness before and may be even more severely the tactile sense. Therefore, do not read certain sec-
panicked by finding themselves thus affected. Nor- tions of the descriptive text aloud until the charac-
mal vision, lowlight vision, and darkvision are use- ters feel their way over to the object described.
less. A haze’s mindsight is similarly “blinded”, as is Obviously, if the characters are able to muster
a grimlock’s blindsight. A creature with vision and some reasonable means of illumination, then the ob-
the scent ability, for example, would lose vision but jects can be described without the characters having
retain the their secondary ability to pinpoint other to physically come in contact with them. Feel free to
creatures by smell; on the other hand, a creature that embellish the descriptions with details of how all of
has no eyes and relies almost entirely on scent would the furniture and other décor are mildly lavish, but
have that sense “blinded”. As explained in the DMG, very old. Occasional damage can be detected from

Horrors of Penance
blindness has the following effects: the various fights that have occurred within this
• 50% miss chance in combat house, but unless otherwise mentioned, no bodies
• loss of positive Dex bonus to AC are present.
• movement at half speed Also, the entire house is thick with the musty
• -4 on Search and most Str and Dex based aroma of a house several centuries old mixed with
skills (GM’s discretion) the metallic scent of blood from the lectors’ many
• Spot checks or other visual based victims. Most of the walls and floors are stained with
activities are impossible the lifebloods of countless races, a sign of the
• Opponents receive a +2 on their attacks inhabitants’ violent reception of guests. All floors
against the blinded character other than the basement, the floorboards will creak
Trying to pierce or dispel the darkness is nearly as people walk across them (causing a –5
impossible. Mundane light sources do not work. A circumstance penalty on all Move Silently checks).
light spell only illuminates a 1’ radius, and daylight Lastly, all windows throughout the house are
only creates a 5’ radius. Remove blindness/deafness and broken with some shards of glass remaining along
remove curse allow any creature to “see” again with the edges. The lectors can navigate through them
its main sense, but only to a distance of 5’ and only easily without injury. Others who try to feel their
for a duration of 10 minutes/level (identical to a way through the window opening take 1d4 points
daylight spell). True Seeing will allow any creature of slashing damage from the broken glass.
to “see” within the house normally.
Other spells that enhance a creature’s main The Initial Trap
sensory system, like a spell specifically for hazes that
improves their mindsight, may work at the GM’s At some point while traveling through the Under-
discretion; ideally, however, no spell effect other city, read the following:
than true seeing should allow a creature any greater
visibility than daylight does for vision-based As you emerge from a small winding cav-
creatures. ern, your shadows stretch out before you onto
In order to try and dispel any of the darkness, a what was once a main city street. There seem to
dispel magic check (DC 26) must be made. If the dispel be several openings and archways leading fur-
attempt succeeds, for every point above 26, a 10’ by ther into the maze, but every one you investi-
10’ section can temporarily be “seen” normally (there gate reveals only a dim, shadowy pocket that is
are no natural light sources here, so creatures relying sealed with rubble and stone after only a few feet.
on vision would have to illuminate it by some other Only the countless tiny tunnels marring the
means). However, the darkness returns at rate of 5’ walls and ceiling of your subterranean road seem
by 5’ every 10 minutes. Light within the mansion to progress very deeply, and they are no wider
simply seems to grow dimmer every moment. than a picker’s slender fingers. This once proud
A limited wish, wish, miracle, or other similarly thoroughfare is the only reasonable path along
extremely powerful spell will allow an entire floor which to progress, but it is far from pleasant.
to be illuminated, but darkness will encroach at same The statues lining the road leer at you with an
rate as above. Only once the Forge has been rid of ancient haughtiness. The dust puffing up from
the foul pair of lectors can anyone permanently your footsteps seeps beneath your clothes and
remove the darkness from the house. armor to scrabble at your flesh. Based on the lack

of supports, the area around you should have col- seem trustworthy, if exceedingly desperate, and is
lapsed along with everything else; it seems al- not enchanted in any way. Even though the lectors
most as if some foul presence keeps the passage demand that he cries for help whenever the trap is
open out of spite. Your footsteps echo as if you sprung, he does desperately want help.
were in a tomb, and the passage continues for-
ward in a straight line for as far as your light Open Elevator Shaft
can reach.
Characters that avoid falling into the pit trap will
Hopefully the characters are on edge, expecting have to negotiate a 30’ descent before entering the
a possible attack from the shadows and not focusing house itself. The walls of the pit for those first 30’ are
on searching the ground before them. The lectors smooth stone with no handholds, and will either re-
have created a 10’ x 10’ pit trap here to catch quire a rope (Climb check DC 15) or some sort of
passersby. It stretches across most of the width of magic to get down. After 30 feet characters will en-
the tunnel, and the tight confines of the passage tend ter the cursed darkness as the pit opens into the house
to ensure that at least one member of any passing elevator shaft. If they are climbing, read the boxed
group will fall in. text below. If they are flying or levitating down and
Horrors of Penance

Pit Trap (60 ft. deep): CR 6; no attack roll not feeling the sides of the shaft, they be completely
necessary (damage special, see below); Reflex save unaware of the spiders. They will be level with the
(DC 20) avoids; Search (DC 30); Disable Device (DC observatory (Level 4) after 40 feet but won’t be able
20). The trap automatically resets itself after being to find an opening until they reach the second floor
triggered. The pit is roughly 60' deep and funnels (Level 3) at 50 feet. See map 1 for a cross-section of
into the top of the former elevator shaft of the house. the pit/elevator shaft.
Characters that cannot stop their descent drop into
Area 1 on the main floor, where they are As you touch the wall, you feel the squish of
automatically engulfed by the gelatinous cube at the some sort of insect or other extremely small crea-
bottom of the shaft (MM, p. 145). This is a mixed ture under your hand, and then all around you
blessing; characters take less damage by the the walls erupt in scurrying and shifting. A chill
cushioned landing, as if falling into water (1d6 runs down your spine as you feel dozens upon
subdual and 2d6 normal damage from this height). dozens of tiny legs crawling over your hand –
On the other hand, they are now engulfed by a over and under your clothing and armor – like a
hungry ooze. Because the cube’s entire body is a writhing blanket sliding over your arm and onto
mindless and primitive sensory organ, it is your body.
uninhibited by the cursed darkness.
Development: Whether one of the characters The walls of the elevator shaft are covered with
actually falls into the pit or not, a series of ropes and hundreds of spiders of the normal, non-monstrous
bells alert those within that the trap has been variety. Characters reaching into or climbing
triggered. Einian begins yelling for help from where through the shaft will be immersed in them. Treat
he is chained in the house. For characters that fall, the spiders as a permanent, stationary summon swarm
skip to the main floor (Level 2) below. For those that from a 9th level caster. There is an additional effect,
did not fall, use the Open Elevator Shaft section that however: the feeling of being covered in spiders is
follows. so horrifying that a character must make a Will save
to do anything, including climbing, other than
As the floor panel begins to swing back into fighting them off.
place, you hear the distant cry of a male voice, Once within the shaft, characters will find knot-
possibly dwarven. “Help me!! Please somebody!! ted ropes hanging from the walls. They originally
If anyone is there, please help!! I’m trapped down served the purpose of moving the elevator, but can
here! Help!!!” As the panel closes, the muffled now serve to aid the characters in climbing up or
pleas continue, more desperate, from deep within down the shaft (DC 5). However, tiny shards of bro-
the pit. ken glass and metal have been strewn through the
ropes, so characters suffer the equivalent of caltrop
Trying to communicate with the dwarf is attacks while climbing the ropes (melee attack at +0,
difficult. If anyone yells down to him, he will shield, armor, and deflection bonuses to AC do not
honestly yell back that he can barely hear them and count, though gauntlets provide a +2 bonus to AC).
can’t make out what they’re saying. This is because If damaged, the character’s movement is not im-
of the acoustics of the shaft, which the lectors altered paired (as per actual caltrop damage), but all attacks
to hamper attempts at two-way communication.
Sense Motive checks (DC 14) reveal that Einian does

shrink and escape through the 5-foot
opening, the lectors make sure to give
it enough food that it maintains its
healthy 10-foot size. Creatures of
medium-size or smaller who fall down
the shaft are entirely absorbed by the
cube. Larger creatures are only partially
Absorbed characters who resist
paralysis may make a grapple check to
move through the cube. If they win the
opposed grapple check, the amount
they win by is the distance in feet they
can travel - up to half of their normal
movement rate. It is also important to
remember that characters whose heads

Horrors of Penance
are still within the cube cannot breathe
or speak and drowning rules (see DMG,
p. 85) soon come in to play.
Gelatinous Cube: hp 69; see MM p.
Development: Any sounds of
movement, especially combat, alert the
lectors that they have guests to attend
to. Sissel will quietly drop onto the main
floor via the hole in the northeast corner
of the covered porch. Bolthor will wait
and listen to determine where the
are at –2. Further, some skills that rely heavily on the characters go. If they move onto the second floor first,
character’s hands may be aversely affected at the he will stay on the covered porch and perform hit
GM’s discretion. and run attacks on the party. If they go to the first
floor, Sissel will make hit and run attacks from the
covered porch, and Bolthor will go up to third floor
Main Floor (Level 2) to knock Einian unconscious before moving back
down to assist Sissel in the attacks.
1. Former Elevator Shaft See the Northeast Bedroom (Level 3, Area 5) on
the second floor for more information on the lectors’
If a character falls into this area or descends under tactics.
their own power, read the following: If the characters manage to destroy the gelatinous
cube, they discover that it was resting on the top of
As you drop, you note a change in the sur- the elevator car, which long ago fell to the basement
rounding darkness. The inkiness of the shaft be- level. There is a hatch in the top of the elevator car
comes all-consuming, growing so black that you leading down into the elevator itself, and through
almost feel it pressing in against you. You are that into the basement. Small sized creatures can fit
only able to consider this for a moment before through the hatch with a simple Climb check (DC
you fall feet-first into a strange substance, far 10), failure meaning they fall to the floor of the car
thicker than water but not altogether solid. Al- taking 1d6 points of subdual damage. Medium sized
most immediately after being encased in the stuff creatures must make an Escape Artist check (DC 15)
you feel a sharp burning sensation as your flesh in addition to the Climb check in order to fit through.
is eaten away. The opening is simply too small for large-sized
Creatures: The lectors were quite happy when a
gelatinous cube happened upon their pit trap. It fell
to the bottom of the shaft and landed atop the old
elevator (which now rests in the basement). The ooze
is trapped by the shaft’s metal framework on the
main floor of the house; while it would eventually

2. Southwest Sitting Room more. The hooks for cloaks and coats hang empty,
the moldy piles of fabric beneath them the only
The velvety texture of the couches in this evidence of their original purpose.
room is occasionally marred by cuts in the fab-
ric where the stuffing now puffs through. The
wood is nicked and scarred as if someone whiled
away many hours poking at it with a knife. 5. Kitchen
Along one wall is a small, rickety, wooden In this area, it seems that everywhere you
desk with a single drawer on the front. The desk’s go, you note numerous drawers hanging open.
surface is covered with a combination of fine dust Above them rests a smooth, cold, stone counter.
and rough, granular sawdust.
The kitchen includes a number of small traps.
There are three couches in this room arranged in Within each drawer and every few feet along the
a rough circle. Along the north wall sits a desk. wall are small spring-loaded blades. Anyone
Opening the drawer will release a club trap that may reaching into the drawer or along the wall risk
target any 4 people in the room (see below). The having a finger or even hand severely damaged, if
Horrors of Penance

rough sawdust on the desk is from the continual not severed.

resetting of the trap and may alert the characters that Traps: CR 2; + 4 melee (1d4); Search (DC 10),
something is amiss. Disable Device (DC 20); on a critical there is a 50%
Hanging Club Trap: CR 4; +10/+10/+10/+10 of losing a finger and 10% chance of losing an entire
melee (1d10+2 per hit); Search (DC 20); Disable hand.
Device (DC 25).
6. Banquet Hall
3. Southeast Sitting Room The unmistakable stench of a rotting corpse
The velvety texture of the couches in this overpowers all other scents. It is not difficult to
room is occasionally marred by cuts in the fab- find the source: a sticky, cold, humanoid shape.
ric where the stuffing now puffs through. The As your hands tentatively trace its length, you
wood is nicked and scarred as if someone whiled find, to your horror, that one of its sides seems
away many hours poking at it with a knife. far too pliable and riddled with gaps and holes.
Along one wall is a small, rickety, wooden
desk with a single drawer on the front. The desk’s There is a fireplace on the eastern wall of this
surface is covered with a layer of fine dust. On room. Small creatures may use it to travel between
the other side of the room are two doors, one very floors with a Climb check (DC 15). Medium-sized
solid and laden with several locks. creatures must make an Escape Artist check (DC 15)
in addition to the Climb check, and large creatures
This room is nearly identical to area 2, however simply cannot fit. In order to enter at all, however,
it is not trapped. The windows are more open here one must first remove the metal fire grate with a
to give the lectors easier access. The cloak closet Disable Device check (DC 23 to remove it silently,
(Area 4) is thoroughly locked by several deadbolts DC 13 will remove it with a loud grating noise).
and key locks placed by Einian, but not to protect There are three corpses in this room – all of them
anything valuable; the lectors commanded him to grimlocks that followed the trail of Sorib lak Haran’s
do so merely as a ruse to delay adventurers. The party into the house a day behind them. They had
lectors have the keys embedded in their hideous heard that the party planned to explore a magically
skeletons. Picking the locks requires three separate darkened mansion in the undercity, and decided that
Open Lock checks (DC 25, 30, and 30). with their blindsight they’d either be able to beat
Development: If characters stay here and take them to the best loot or perhaps even murder and
the time to pick the locks to the cloak closet (Area loot the party themselves. To their surprise, they
4), one or both of the lectors will attack according to became as blind as any human when they feather fell
their standard tactics. down the shaft. They only survived a few minutes.
Two were killed by Sissel directly while the third
4. Cloak Closet ran blindly across the room into a sword trap in the
western half of the floor.
As the door finally opens, the musty odor of Traps: Dozens of swords, polearms, and other
rotted clothing crawls over you like a brood of bladed weapons have been stuck in the western half
carrion crawlers. This is an old closet, nothing of the floor with the points up. Creatures are often
driven across this room into them, or they fall from

area 6 of the second floor onto them. Characters see more than a few feet. Light sources and magical
feeling their way through the room must make a effects near the edge will illuminate their full range
Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid taking 1d6 points of outside, but are still limited inside (creating an ob-
damage. Otherwise, whether moving at higher speed long area of illumination).
or falling, use these statistics: There are numerous 1’x 1’pillars lining the porch
Bladed Floor Trap: CR 4; +10 melee (1d6 blades and supporting the roof above. Strung between these
for 1d8+4 points of damage per successful hit); pillars from floor to ceiling are lines of barbed wire
Search (DC 5); Disable Device (DC 10). At the GM’s strung throughout with small, sharp objects: shards
discretion, melee attacks against running characters of glass, knives, broken bones, stakes, and metal and
may receive a +2 circumstance bonus per 5 feet of wood slivers. It is impassable without removing or
movement moved. cutting through several feet of the barbed wire
(hardness 5, 12 hp/foot).
7. Lounge Casually touching the wall of sharp objects
without adequate protection causes 1d4 points of
Thousands of sharp splinters of wood are all damage. Walking into it or being knocked into it
that remain of what you can only assume was causes 2d4 points of damage, and the character must

Horrors of Penance
once the furniture in this room. They cover the make a Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid becoming
floor, making crunching noises as you step and entangled. To remove oneself takes either a Strength
rolling under your feet like severed fingers. In check (DC 15) or an Escape Artist check (DC 20).
one corner of the room, you find a pile of larger Merely attempting a Strength check to remove
pieces of splintered wood. Beneath it, you detect oneself causes an additional 3d4 points of damage.
something smooth, cool, and large - perhaps a An unsuccessful Escape Artist check causes 2d4
chest. points of damage, where as a successful Escape
Artist check only causes 1d4 points.
Treat this room as being covered in half-strength Though unlikely, anyone specifically inspecting
caltrops: +0 melee per five feet traveled (no damage, the ceiling in the northeast section will find the 10’ x
reduces movement by ¼, characters receive +2 AC 10’ opening up to the next floor. Give characters
for soft-soled boots, +6 AC for steel-shod boots). passing directly underneath a Listen check (DC 25)
The metal chest is in the southwest corner of the to notice a change in the acoustics.
room where one of the lectors can easily reach Development: The lectors can typically be found
through the window to grab anyone in front of it. on the porch either at this level or the one above.
Bolthor and Sissel use the chest to store assorted less They move silently around to the rooms observing
valuable knick-knacks and trinkets they find on their the characters and striking and retreating quickly.
victims. All of the true valuables they collect are Often they will climb along the barbed wall instead
stored in their room (Level 3, Area 5). The chest is of walking along the creaky floor. They particularly
trapped with a poison needle trap containing carrion like to grab the last member of a passing group,
crawler brain juice. whom they then carry into the house to be killed
Trap: CR 5; +8 melee (1 plus carrion crawler brain and looted as quickly as possible.
juice: contact, DC 13, paralysis for 1 hour/0); Search
(DC 30); Disable Device (DC 30).
Second Floor (Level 3)
8. Covered Porch
The air here seems slightly different here, less 1. Former Elevator Shaft
claustrophobic and musty. While the floor still The elevator shaft opens upward, providing access
feels stable, it creaks more loudly and feels some- to the pit shaft. Reference the Open Elevator Shaft
what . . . hollow? The near wall is comprised of section for information on the spiders and ropes lo-
rough, slightly warped wood that smells of moldy cated here. The shaft used to open onto the observa-
water. As you feel out for the opposite wall, you tory, as well, but the lectors sealed that floor off to
feel nothing but sharp barbs and blades. prevent their pet trapmaker, Einian, from being eas-
ily found and rescued. The only entrance to the ob-
This 15 foot wide porch encircles the entire house servatory now is through their lair (Area 5, Level 3).
and is also drenched in the cursed darkness; the ef- The shaft would provide access downward to the
fects of the curse end just outside of the porch. How- main floor (Level 2) were it not for the gelatinous
ever, looking out from the porch towards the “non- cube filling the area and forming the semblance of a
cursed” area will not reveal any light from beyond. floor. Please note, however, that the gelatinous cube
One must be outside the area of the curse in order to supports no weight and trying to step on it will drop

the character to the main floor (see Area 1, Level 2). grown extremely paranoid, and is terrified of
Bear in mind as well that characters standing near anything it hears approach.
the second floor section of the elevator shaft may face Creature: Mafuane, Ort Clr7, hp 54.
attacks from the gelatinous cube’s pseudopods. Development: Mafuane will remain motionless,
Gelatinous Cube: hp 69; see MM p. 145. though a Listen check (DC 15) will alert the
characters that there is something moving in the
2. Southwest Bedroom room. It is Mafuane quivering in fear. If a character
succeeds at the Listen check by 5 or more, he can
A Search check (DC 10) reveals some bits of wire determine that the sound is coming from beneath
across the doorway attached to three levers. While the bed. If the characters investigate, read the
these wires and levers do not actually do anything, following:
they should keep the characters investigating long
enough for a lector to attack. If the characters believe Underneath the bed, you hear a rustling
that the wires and levers have a purpose, a Disable noise, akin to a faint shuffling of paper. You can
Device check (DC 20) will prevent the levers from smell the distinct, sickly sweet aroma of rotting
being “tripped”. If the initial Search check succeeds garbage coming that direction.
Horrors of Penance

by 15 or more, the characters realize the wires and

levers are pointless. If anyone touches the ort, it will immediately
If they proceed further into the room, read the explode into attacks with its tendrils while screaming
following: in total horror to be left alone, as well as for whatever
is attacking it to show mercy. Mafuane will not press
You locate two pairs of furniture, probably any attacks, but will stay in place and attack anything
some sort of wooden dressers, one tall and slen- that comes near it. It is possible to talk the ort down
der and the other short and squatty. You also from the attacks with a Diplomacy check (DC 18) or
encounter the remains of a bed. It seems to have through magical means. If the characters promise to
all but turned to dust, the bits of decaying mat- help the cleric get out of the house, it will gladly
tress clinging to your hand like damp pieces of accompany them. At first it will be hesitant to enter
dead flesh. into combat with either lector, but will help the
characters if they press their attack. After all, it
Creatures: An ort Undercity druid
named Mafuane is hiding in this room.
It fell into the house a couple weeks ago
and fortunately, due to its unique physi-
cal structure, it landed on but was not
automatically engulfed by the gelati-
nous cube. Despite its hard-won expe-
rience battling Undercity menaces, it
was quickly overwhelmed with terror
by the sudden trap, the acidic cube, and
the stalking lectors.
Terrified and blind, the ort quickly
crawled out and managed to pass
through the trip wires in the doorway
of this room. Bolthor searched for the
creature that had triggered the initial
(entryway) trap, but did not recognize
the “pile of garbage” within this room
as a living thing. Thinking it was
another false alarm (for there are some,
especially animals and small
humanoids large enough to set off the
trap but too small for the cube to leave
anything behind).
Mafuane has remained in this room
since then, listening to the lectors hunt
down and kill several more hapless
victims. Needless to say, the ort has

would prefer they not be killed, leaving it all alone former belongings of their victims. Nearly
with the lectors (who would then be aware of its everything here is imbued with the fear and terror
presence). of their owners’ last moments, which the lectors can
taste and revel in. Anything more valuable to the
3. Southeast Bedroom lectors, like items that have histories of evil acts, have
been incorporated into the villains’ skeletal bodies.
You have to step up slightly in order to enter Characters’ movement is halved (in addition to
this room. Feeling around, you notice that the the movement penalty imposed by the darkness) if
walls and floor are bare and relatively smooth to they wish to maintain stable footing. Moving any
the touch. faster requires a Balance check (DC 15).
The slight step up is due to floor being a false one. One shrieker fungus and two violet fungi guard
A thin layer of loosely connected boards gives way each entrance in to this room (one group by the door
when 400 pounds of weight is placed on it, drop- to the hallway, another group by the door to the
ping the characters a few feet onto a lowered floor covered porch).
below. Within this shallow pit is every single Shrieker Fungus (2): hp: 16, 15 (see MM, p. 93).
tanglefoot bag that has entered this mansion. While Violet Fungus (4): hp: 19, 19, 18, 17 (see MM, p.

Horrors of Penance
not inherently dangerous, the trap can be danger- 93).
ously debilitating while the lectors press their assault. There is also a crate in the southeast corner of
Trap: CR 5; no attack roll necessary; Search (DC the room that contains twenty monstrous centipedes.
27); Disable Device (30); Reflex save (DC 20) avoids; Bolthor and Sissel like to use these to help poison
characters who fall in are automatically hit by, and the crossbows on the third floor. The vermin will
fail their reflex saves against, 1d4 tanglefoot bags. attack anyone who opens the unlocked chest that
they are kept in, and then attempt to flee in any
4. Hallways direction possible.
There are numerous sharp and rusty nails sticking Tiny Monstrous Centipedes (20): hp: 1 (see MM.
up through the floorboards within the hallways of p. 207)
this floor of the mansion. GMs should treat the en- Finally, this room contains a trap door in the
tire area as if covered with caltrops. Also, the floor is southwest corner that leads up Einian’s room in the
slicked with blood from recent victims. Treat as a non- observatory. Once the Shrieker Fungus is destroyed,
magical version of grease spell (Reflex save: DC 15). characters may make a Listen check (DC 10) to hear
If characters fall prone, they suffer 1d10 points of the dwarf calling for help from above. Two-way
damage from nails and may be infected by a disease communication is fairly easy here, and the dwarf
(Filth Fever – Injury; Fort save DC 12; incubation will be able to guide them to the trap door. If Einian
period 1d3 days; effects 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con). has been knocked unconscious by the lectors, the
trap door is not terribly difficult to find with a Search
check (DC 10) due to the rope dangling from its
5. Northeast Bedroom handle. If the trap door is opened, a rickety set of
Both doors into this room are well locked (Open Lock folding stairs opens along with it.
DC 40) and solid (hardness 5, 20 hp, Break DC 25). Tactics (for Bolthor and Sissel, the lectors): Both
lectors prefer hit and run attacks. They will start off
As you begin to enter this room, your foot on separate floors so that they can readily get at the
slips on some small, loose, smooth objects on the party wherever they are. However, if it looks as if
ground. A momentary clinking noise seems to the characters are intent on remaining on a single
indicate that you have just stepped on a large floor, the lectors will converge on them, typically
amount of coins. The welcome sound of spilling from different directions and angles in order to keep
riches is suddenly torn asunder by a pair of ear- them off balance.
piercing shrieks. Tearing through your mind, the For their initial attack, the lectors will move in,
high-pitched, droning scream echoes through the strike one or two characters and then quickly retreat
house; there is little doubt than everyone and ev- in order to gauge the party’s threat potential. Keep
erything within a mile knows exactly where you in mind that they may use the Move Silently skill as
are at this moment. soon as they step back into the darkness by moving
at half speed. After withdrawing, they will move as
Unlike most lectors, these two are cursed to quietly as possible on the covered porch and observe
remain in one place and have therefore made this the characters. If one passes close to a window or is
room into a lair for themselves. When they are not delayed somewhat apart from the group (such as
stalking prey in the house or overseeing Einian’s by one of the traps), one of the lectors will strike and
resetting of the traps, they lounge here among the try to drag the character out onto the porch. It will

then try to carry the character at least a quarter of and now litter the roof). Anyone entering or
the way around the house where it will meet the searching the chimney risks becoming infected with
other lector to finish off the character and take his or the disease known as the shakes (Fort DC 13, 1 day
her belongings. Sissel prefers to use her net to snag incubation, 1d8 Dex). Upon the initial discovery of
the character, whereas Bolthor is more brutal in the fireplace, read the following:
striking the character as hard as possible with his Tentatively sliding your hands along the
ring of the ram before grappling and dragging her wall, you eventually discover a section of stones
away. roughly cemented together. After about a foot of
If the lectors hear the shriekers, they will both go stone, there is an abrupt opening in the wall.
to windows outside their room and attack anyone If they search or otherwise reach into the
inside. They are willing to fight to the death to fireplace, read the following:
protect their treasure, but would prefer to force
characters to flee. Furthermore, they still try to drag A few feet beyond the yawning void in the
characters out onto the porch in order to further stone wall you soon discover a similar one, which
separate and confuse the party. If the characters seems to form a backing of sorts. The echoing
leave this particular room, the lectors will not pursue sounds of your breath and a fairly steady draft
Horrors of Penance

immediately; first they will make sure the room is of cooler air inform you that the opening seems
relocked and no characters are hiding inside. to form a shaft reaching into the floor. Reaching
Treasure: There are heaps of mundane items, up, however, your blood freezes as you grasp the
clothing, and gear here; characters enterprising and familiar but deathly cold shape of a humanoid
greedy enough to haul it all out might fetch hand.
anywhere from 500 gp to 2,000 gp for the lot of it.
None of the treasure here is cursed as is normal with The hand is a part of the lowest body in the chim-
a lector’s belongings, but does seem somehow . . . ney, and is attached to a silver that has been here for
unpleasant. The following monetary and magical over a month. Removing the body requires a Strength
treasure is spread out over the floor of this room: 25 check (DC 15). All of the silver’s gear has been added
pp, 3800 gp, 12,500 sp, 11 gems (500 gp, 200 gp, 2 x to the lectors’ loot or the traps. Removing other bod-
100gp, 6 x 50 gp, 10 gp), potion of reduce, potion of ies is possible, but the DC steadily increases by two
invisibility, potion of spider climb, wand of cure light for every 5’ traveled up the shaft. If all of the bodies
wounds (27 charges remaining), wand of daylight (3 are removed (20’ to reach the top of the house), a
charges remaining), and a Horn of Fog. The command character may attempt to climb out (DC 20). Con-
words for the wands are inscribed on their surfaces, tracting the shakes remains a danger, and the Fort
the cure light in common and the daylight in valco. save DC listed above increases by 2 for every 5’ trav-
Clever PCs might discover these words by feeling eled.
them with their fingertips. The Horn of Fog, while its
effects are not very noticeable to the blinded PCs, 6. Northwest Bedroom
might be a useful tool for evening the odds against
the lectors. The creaks and groans of the floor beneath
Development: Because of the shaft-like your feet echo through this room. The wall
construction of the fireplace, it is possible for small around the doorway feels rough, as if someone
creatures to use it to travel between floors. Medium- or something has repeatedly clawed the wood
sized creatures must make an Escape Artist check from about chest high all the way to the floor.
(DC 15) to climb through, and large creatures simply The entire floor of this room has been removed
cannot fit. In order to enter at all, however, one must except for a 5’ x 5’ section directly in front of the door.
first remove the metal fire grate with a Disable That section has been hinged so that it feels like the
Device check (DC 23 to remove it silently, DC 13 rest of the floor until someone puts his or her weight
will remove it with a loud grating noise). Once the onto it. At that point it will drop that person onto the
grate is removed, accessing the main floor or the blade trap in the Banquet Hall below.
basement can be accomplished by climbing down Trap: CR 4; no attack roll necessary (1d6), +10
(Climb DC 20) through the fireplace shaft. Climbing melee (1d6 blades for 1d8+4 points of damage per
up the chimney is considerably more difficult, as this successful hit); Search (DC 20), Disable Device (DC
space is used by the lectors to dispose of the corpses 20); Reflex DC 20 avoids.
not used to feed Einian or the gelatinous cube. The
bodies, once stripped of all of their goods and
valuables, are shoved up into the chimney. It is
currently full of diseased, rotting corpses (and even
a few skeletons which have been forced out the top

Horrors of Penance
7. Covered Porch that may have once been an elf. Also, you find
This area is identical to the covered porch on the main first one, then several crossbows. Each crossbow
floor save for the 10’ x 10’ opening in the northwest. is aimed towards the center of the ceiling and
Characters failing to notice it with a Search check (DC has a light chain leading directly up.
10) must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or fall to the
main level and take 1d6 damage. This is where the lectors keep Einian. He is
suspended from the ceiling 10 feet off the ground
by chains attached to each of his limbs.
Observatory (Level 3) Unfortunately for Einian, the chains are also attached
The stench of filth, waste, and rotting meat to twelve crossbow traps – all pointed directly at him.
pours over you. Moving into this room, you also Einian Quickfinger: Dwarf Rog10, hp 21 (82
hear the familiar sound of breathing. Given its max).
slow and steady nature, you wonder if the indi- There are twelve nearly identical traps here –
vidual breathing is even conscious. crossbows all aimed at Einian. Nine of them are light
If the characters move around the room, they can crossbows (one of them a +2 light crossbow) and three
find the following (either read it all at once, or in sepa- of them are heavy. Additionally, Unbeknownst to
rate groups as the characters move around the room): Einian, the lectors like to dribble monstrous
centipede poison on the bolts (Fort DC 11, 1d2 Str,
Portions of the room are full of loose bits of 1d2 Str); pick 1d6 crossbows at random to have been
clothing, waste, and various ropes, chisels, scraps poisoned. Any strong movement of any of the chains,
of wood, small hammers, and other tools. You whether by Einian or a PC, causes all of the
find the gruesome remains of a half-eaten corpse crossbows to be triggered.

Trap: CR 10; ranged attack +10 (3
heavy crossbows, 1d10 each), +10 (8
light crossbows, 1d8 each), +12 (+2
light crossbow, 1d8+2); Search (DC 10),
Disable Device (DC 25). Each
crossbow requires a separate Disable
Device check.
Development: When the
characters arrive, Einian is lost in a
deep, semi-conscious slumber. If
woken up (gently so as not to trigger
the trapped crossbows), he can help
talk any characters through disabling
the traps. However, they will need to
convince Einian that they are skilled
enough to attempt disabling these
Horrors of Penance

traps. Have Einian and one character

that is attempting to convince him of
her skill make opposed Disable
Device checks (which represents the
two of them arguing over the
intricacies and subtleties of traps). Other
characters may provide a +2 circumstance
bonus by succeeding at a Bluff (DC 20) or
Diplomacy (DC 20) roll. If the characters win
the check or fail by 5 or less, Einian will talk the
characters through disabling the traps as quickly as
If the characters fail by more than 5, Einian will
tell them not to try to disable the traps. He will give
them as much information as possible about the
lectors, the traps in the house, and means of escape,
and will plead with them to get away and bring back or have some way of illuminating them, and plan
help. If the characters insist on trying to disable the their escape or assault. The bad news is that the base-
traps anyway, Einian will begin shouting for the ment is already occupied by a being arguably as dan-
lectors. After all, the dwarf would much rather the gerous as the undead harriers above.
lectors dealt with any incompetent rescuers than
having them botch the disable attempt and end his 1. Elevator
life. While Einian despises his existence here, he is
at his core a survivor (in truth, to have gone through If the characters descend to the basement through
all that he has and still live, he would have to be) the trap door in the top of the elevator (which as-
and is not about to give up his one hope of seeing sumes they must have destroyed the gelatinous
the light of day and the death of his captors. cube), they will enter into this room.
If Einian assists a character by trying to talk him Fragile, musty cloth that may have once been
or her through disabling the trap, the character gains quite expensive lines this small chamber. On one
a +5 competence bonus to each check. side is a pair of folding doors that are currently
closed. To the right of these doors is a small, cold
metal cone jutting out of the wall. As you trace
Basement the length of the cone with your hands, you find
The good news is that the lectors have no way of get- that it connects to a small, pliable tube that dis-
ting into the basement; the many blades and trinkets appears into the wall at a downward angle.
jutting from their skeletal bodies make it impossible
for them to fit down the chimney or the trap door in The elevator came to rest here in the basement,
the top of the elevator. This should therefore be a and now supports the bulk of the gelatinous cube. If
safe place for the characters to lick their wounds, re- not for the metal skeleton of the chamber and its
memorize spells for those that don’t need spellbooks metal roof, the gelatinous cube would have long ago
dissolved it entirely. There is an exit panel in the

ceiling of the elevator, but characters must
either pass through or move the gelatinous
cube for it to be of any assistance to them.
What remains of the elevator’s ropes, the
bulk of which were long ago dissolved by
the gelatinous cube, dangle just above the
horrid cube; if they were somehow
reattached to the elevator’s pulley system
or replaced with new ropes or chains, such
as via a Knowledge (engineering) skill check
(DC 19), the elevator could again work
The metal cone and tube assembly is a
device which was used by individuals using
the elevator to communicate with the
servants in the basement Pull Room (Area

Horrors of Penance
2), who would then move the elevator to the
appropriate floor.

2. Pull Room
Thick, braided strands of coarse rope
snake their way across the well worn floor.
You soon find that you must walk carefully
to avoid tripping over their entangled
The metal door (hardness 10, 60 hp, Break DC
The ropes that lie on the floor within this room 30) is locked (DC 30) and protected by a magic missile
wend their way through a series of pulleys, and were trap that will fire at anyone attempting to open it.
once used by servants to pull the elevator to different Trap: CR 5; no attack roll necessary (5d4+5); Search
floors. If the ropes above the elevator are somehow (DC 26); Disable Device (DC 26). Unlike the
repaired or replaced (see Area 1 for details), mechanical traps throughout the house, this trap
characters may move the elevator up with a Strength resets itself immediately.
check (DC 30). Multiple characters may pull on the
ropes at once, stacking their bonuses. If the elevator
happens to be located on a floor other than the 4. Vault
basement, or is raised by the characters, lowering it Similar to the small chamber before it, this
again requires a lower Strength check (DC 20) in entire room is made of smooth stone. Well-carved
order to ease it down without damaging the and sanded wooden shelves line three of the four
mechanism. If it is damaged, another successful walls, all of them empty. In the rear of the vault,
Knowledge (engineering) check (DC 15) will fix it a lone pair of ornamental hooks, crafted from the
again. A series of locking mechanisms throughout fluted horns of some massive creature, is
the system keep the elevator from slipping, which mounted; it seems from their placement that they
at least makes sure falling damage is not an issue. were used for supporting an object in an obvi-
ous place of honor.
3. Vault Entry
All the loot from the vault was removed and
The interior of this small, cool room is made stored in the lectors’ room shortly after they took up
of a smooth stone rather than the wood found residence here. However, unknown to them, there is
throughout the rest of the house. On the far wall a secret compartment within the vault in the floor of
stands an impressive metal door inlaid with the northeastern corner. It requires a Search check
strange etchings and what seems to be an entire (DC 30) to detect, and is again trapped (an additional
series of bas relief embellishments. Search check is required to detect the trap once the
compartment has been found). The secret compart-
The etchings and embellishments are decorative only ment is lined with lead and contains a permanent
and detail a few of Purepath’s adventures through- miniature antimagic field, both of which prevent find-
out Penance. ing it by magical means.

Chain of Lightning Trap: CR 12; individual 6, 7, 8. Storage
opening compartment (12d6) and others in room
(6d6); Reflex save (DC 19) for half; Search (DC 31); Rough wooden crates bound shut with rope
Disable Device (DC 31). Anyone of neutral good and moldy, rancid sacks occupy this space. The
alignment can open the compartment without sheer volume of dust in here burns your nose
triggering the trap. This trap resets once the and stings your eyes.
compartment is closed. Creatures: In Room 7 a small pack of dire rats is
Treasure: In the truest twist of irony, Red Shard hiding from the jaggon; they attack anything that
never left the house. Shortly before Purepath died, moves.
he conversed with the mystical blade and they Dire Rats (8): hp 5 (see MM, p. 56).
determined that no worthy heir had been found.
They did not want one of Purepath’s servants or 9. Servants’ Quarters
associates to take the cherished weapon as bounty. If the PCs have been in Room 5, describe this as a
Therefore, Purepath placed the sword within this very similar room. If they have not, read the follow-
secret compartment in the hope that the proper ing:
individual would someday come, retrieve it, and
Horrors of Penance

wield it in the name of good. The sword, being In direct contrast to everything else you have
virtually immortal, could wait (for more encountered in this abysmal place, almost noth-
information, please see the “Statistics for NPCs” ing seems disturbed within this room. A thick
section for details on Red Shard). layer of throat-coating dust lines what can only
It was hidden in this compartment with magical be various pieces of furniture, many of which
wards to prevent the detection of its presence via are on the verge of falling to pieces.
magic. Bolthor and Sissel were so embroiled into
their own manic fears and steeped in paranoia that Fourteen beds and wooden lockers fill this room.
when they found the sword missing, they instantly Searching it (DC 25) will reveal various trinkets,
assumed that their companions had betrayed them. personal belongings, and even a spellbook hidden
In reality, that which they so desired was just a few throughout.
inches below their feet. Treasure: 5gp, 20 sp, 40 cp, a fine silk wedding
Lastly, the fluted horn hooks are hand carved gown carefully stored within a cedar-lined trunk
from the horns of a massive gnarl, and worth (worth 120 gp), scarab of golembane (flesh), arcane
approximately 600 gp to a collector or other spellbook containing: arcane eye, black tentacles,
interested party. comprehend languages, detect thoughts, fly, gaseous form,
ghost sound, magic mouth, magic weapon,
5. Guards’ Barracks prestidigitation, and sepia snake sigil, as well as 5 pages
If the PCs have been in Room 9, describe this as a of gibberish where the last owner (who was
very similar room. If they have not, read the follow- apparently not a spellcaster but inherited the book
ing: from her father) tried to learn how to write the
In direct contrast to everything else you have magical runes.
encountered in this abysmal place, almost noth-
ing seems disturbed within this room. A thick 10. Rubble
layer of throat-coating dust lines what can only The walls and floor in this area have been
be various pieces of furniture, many of which torn asunder violently. Boards, stonework, and
are on the verge of falling to pieces. even metal rafters from below the house form a
Seven beds and small wooden lockers fill this twisted mound here. Raspy breathing seeps up
room. Searching this area (DC 22) will reveal a few from the mound.
weapons and other seemingly personal items still
hidden within beds or under floorboards. Creatures: A valco paladin named Sorib lak
Treasure: 50 gp, longsword, (rusted but Haran is trapped beneath this confusing mishmash
functional), shortswords x 3 (each slightly rusted but of rubble. He was part of a group that recently be-
functional), shortbow, 10 arrows, and a light mace came trapped within the mansion and attempted to
+1. dig their way out. Their digging soon unearthed the
lair of a jaggon that had been attracted by the cursed
darkness. The wizard of that doomed party managed
to partially seal off the tunnel in a cataclysmic spell,
but the jaggon had already made its way into the
basement. The paladin was trapped in the rubble,

both of his legs broken, and forced to listen to the working on the rubble or trapped beneath. This also
dying screams of his comrades as the Jaggon tore has the unfortunate side effect of destabilizing the
them apart. rubble and raising the DC for safe digging by 2.
Sorib quickly discovered that as long as he Beneath the rubble, the darkness curse continues
remained motionless and buried out of reach, the ten feet into the ground itself and outwards to the
foul creature could not detect his presence. Since that mansion’s perimeter. The area that can be accessed
terrible day, the paladin has only been able to keep beyond the darkness seems to be a former apartment
himself alive through magic and by his valco ability building that was once three stories high; several
to gain nutrition from nearly anything, even passing passages exit from it into the mazelike paths of the
insects and moldy rations. Despite his best efforts, Undercity.
he cannot get himself out. Sorib has been able to keep
tabs on the movements of the monster from the 11. Work Area
sounds it makes, and has thus been able to pick and
chose the most opportune times for making the slight If the PCs have descended via the fireplace, they will
movements required for casting his spells. emerge in the center of the work area. Adjust the
The paladin is hesitant to attempt to fully heal boxed text appropriately.

Horrors of Penance
himself for several reasons, the greatest of which is The strange echoing sounds of your breath
that even at full health, he could not remove the and your footfalls inform you that this room is
boulders atop him or face the beast single handedly. substantially larger than most others you have
Also, he fears that casting a healing spell while still explored thus far. What seem to be the broken
under the boulders would either cause his leg bones remnants of various tools and splintered work
to set improperly, or worse, simply cause them to benches are scattered throughout the room.
be broken again (a painful experience that he is not Creatures: The jaggon that Sorib lak Haran’s
eager to repeat). However, Sorib is quickly growing group accidentally released into the house remains
desperate. here while it waits for prey to enter the basement.
If he hears anyone entering or approaching the While its blindsight is affected by the curse, its
area, he will try to warn them of the creature and of secondary means of locating prey, tremorsense, is
his presence, though he will try to do so without working just fine. Anyone managing to fly or levitate
alerting the jaggon if the awful beast has not already is effectively invisible to the creature, but anyone
sense the newcomers. touching a wall or floor is immediately pinpointed.
Sorib lak Haran: Valco Pal9, hp 74 (max hp 92). If it hears any noise or detects any movement, it will
Development: It will take approximately ten quickly move to investigate and attack. Of course,
minutes to extract Sorib from the rubble without its horrific appearance will not affect blinded PCs;
additional injury. Magical means or careful those that have managed to push the darkness back
engineering can speed this up at the GM’s discretion. with magic may prefer blindness to the sight of the
If the jaggon from the Work Area (Area 11), has not hideous beast that lunges at them from the shadows.
been dealt with, it will definitely come to investigate Jaggon: hp 129 (see Oathbound, p. 533).
any movement within the rubble, and will hungrily Tactics: The jaggon is both at an advantage and
attack any creature it can locate. disadvantage within the cursed mansion. On one
Sorib is able to cast spells from where he is, but hand, it can fully “see” in this cursed darkness but
is also blind like most creatures within the cursed on the other, it cannot detect anything more than 60
mansion. He will do everything he can to assist the feet away. Therefore, as long as characters are quiet
party if they are attacked by the jaggon. Sorib in what they do, the jaggon will not know of their
believes the best thing he can do is cast spells to boost existence unless they come within 60 feet of it.
the party in their fight, but he is willing to risk Currently, the jaggon lies in wait in the
offensive spells against the jaggon if the fight is going southeastern corner, hoping to hear Sorib so it can
badly and the characters need the assistance. pinpoint his location. In this position it will not be
A Search check (DC 17) in the rubble reveals an able to detect characters coming in through either
opening to the area below the house. Without any the elevator or the fireplace chimney. As long as
attempts at widening it, only small creatures can characters stay in the western and northern halves
currently get through, but a successful Craft of the basement and remain fairly quiet, it will most
(stonemasonry) check (DC 14) or Knowledge likely not know they are there (although the
(engineering) check (DC 14) and 1d10+5 rounds can characters are very likely to hear the jaggon moving
safely widen it for to allow for the passage of around).
medium to large sized creatures. Failing either check GMs can elect to have the jaggon move around
by more than 5 will simply collapse the rubble even the room, as it is constantly hungry and could be
further, causing 2d6 bludgeoning damage to anyone patrolling for vermin to eat; if it comes within range

of the characters or if they make any sort of chooses which of the three standard curses at the
movement that it might detect (such as a cascade of time of biting. Bolthor prefers the -4 penalty on all
falling rubble), it will immediately dive in and attack attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill
with a ferocity born of unending hunger. After its checks because of the overall weakening effect it has
first kill, the jaggon will try to drag the body off to on his opponents.
consume it, but if the party presses the attacks, the SQ – Greater Darksight: Lectors can see through
creature will stay and fight to the death. magical darkness to a range of 60 ft. Normally this
would be limited by the darkness curse, but Bolthor
and Sissel can see to the full range of their darksight
Conclusion – perhaps so that they will always see the cage they
are trapped within.
Even with the lectors destroyed, the memory of that SQ – Profane Aura (Su): A profane aura appearing
dark day is permanently stained upon the mansion. like flames around the lector’s head provides a +5
The curse of darkness will remain in perpetuity a bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws,
miracle, wish, or other powerful magic manages to and Armor Class (included above).
dispel it, or perhaps if some truly heroic, sacrificial SQ – Sense Bad Juju (Su): Lectors can sense items
Horrors of Penance

or good deed is performed in that area. Until that that have an evil taint (GM’s discretion) within 100
time, the vacant and blood-stained mansion may at- ft., and feels a tug in the direction of the item.
tract other nefarious occupants who will undoubt- SQ – Undead: Immune to mind-influencing
edly put the vile curse to use for their own devious effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and
means. disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage,
ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
Statistics for NPCs damage.
Possessions: +1 chain shirt of silent moves, ring
of the ram (22 charges remaining).
Notes: Bolthor’s orcish heritage follows him even
The Lectors into undeath. He is dense, brutish, and violent. He
Note: The Lectors listed here are variations on the is also very covetous of his ring of the ram, assuming
normal undead creature listed on p. 335 of Oathbound: that everyone, even Sissel, means to steal it. He
Domains of the Forge. Slight changes have been made knows that its power is limited but is too stupid to
to individualize the villains and reflect the fact that have counted the number of charges expended, and
they retain unique characteristics from their previ- therefore uses its power only when faced with
ous existences. If either one is defeated, GMs should extremely powerful opponents. He prefers to use
feel free to describe a variety of mundane and magi- spring attack on opponents in any case, especially
cal objects implanted on and entwined within their those that have some form of illumination, as it
bodies. Anything magical should be a cursed item, allows him to watch their terror as his hideous
either from the DMG or the GM’s imagination, and skeletal form leaps into the light, claws at them, and
even mundane items should have a feeling of un- then disappears . . . possibly with one of their fellow
ease or bit of bad luck about them. Indeed, an object party members in his clutches.
found in the lectors’ skeletal forms could be the hook Sissel: Lector; CR 12; Medium-size undead; HD
to another adventure. 10d12; hp 110; Init +5 (Dex); Spd 30ft, climb 20 ft.;
Bolthor: Male Lector; CR 12; Medium-size AC 27 (+6 Natural, +5 profane, +5 Dex, +1 Dodge);
undead; HD 10d12; hp 110; Init +5 (Dex); Spd 30 ft, Atk +16 ranged touch (net); or +14 melee (1d8+9, 2
climb 20 ft.; AC 31 (+6 Natural, +5 profane, +4 Dex, claws), or +12 melee (1d6+7, bite); SA curse; SQ
+5 armor, +1 enhancement); Atk +15 melee (1d8+10, greater darksight (60’), profane aura, sense bad juju,
2 claws), +13 melee (1d6+8, bite); SA curse; SQ undead; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +13; Str
greater darksight (60’), profane aura, sense bad juju, 18, Dex 20, Con -, Int 16, Wis 12, cha 17.
undead; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +12; Str Skills and Feats: Hide +10, Intimidate +6,
20, Dex 20, Con -, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 15. Knowledge (arcana) +13, Listen +13, Move Silently
Skills and Feats: Hide +6, Intimidate +5, +20, Open Lock +10, Search +14, Spellcraft +13, Spot
Knowledge (arcana) +2, Listen +10, Move Silently +13; Alertness, Dodge, Expertise, Exotic Weapon
+16, Open Lock +5, Search +2, Spellcraft +2, Spot Proficiency (net), Multiattack.
+8; Dodge, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, SA – Curse (Su): Anyone bit must make a Will
Spring Attack. save (DC 17) or be cursed (as bestow curse) – the lector
SA – Curse (Su): Anyone bit must make a Will chooses which of the three standard curses at the
save (DC 17) or be cursed (as bestow curse) – the lector time of biting. Sissel prefers the -6 penalty to an
ability score, namely Dexterity. This decreases their

AC significantly, making it easier for her to catch Notes: Einian is a survivor above all. Escaping
them within her net, as well as making it more from the mansion intact is more important to him
difficult to escape it. than getting back at the lectors and, indeed, more
SQ – Greater Darksight: Lectors can see through important to him than the lives of his rescuers. He
magical darkness to a range of 60 ft. Normally this holds bitter hatred for his captors, but recognizes
would be limited by the darkness curse, but Bolthor that escaping and coming back with the appropriate
and Sissel can see to the full range of their darksight help, prepared with the proper spells and
– perhaps so that they will always see the cage they equipment, is the best way to accomplish his
are trapped within. vengeance. If he cannot talk the party into leaving
SQ – Profane Aura (Su): A profane aura appearing by the quickest route possible, he may attempt to
like flames around the lector’s head provides a +5 escape on his own. He might not be above betraying
bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, the party if he can broker a deal with the lectors,
and Armor Class (included above). and if he can be convinced that they’ll stick to the
SQ – Sense Bad Juju (Su): Lectors can sense items bargain.
that have an evil taint (GM’s discretion) within 100 Mafuane: Male Ort Clr7; Medium Aberration; CR
ft., and feels a tug in the direction of the item. 5; HD 7d8+7; hp 54; Init +2; Spd 30, Burrow 5; AC 14

Horrors of Penance
SQ – Undead: Immune to mind-influencing (+3 natural, +1 Dex); Atk tentacle slam +5/+5/+5/
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and +5 (5 ft. reach), or +5/+5 (10 ft. reach) or +5 (15 ft.
disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, reach); dmg 1d3 plus 1d4 acid; SA – Corrosion,
ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive spells; SQ – Malleable; AL CG; SV Fort +6, Ref +3,
damage. Will +8; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 17, Cha 10.
Possessions: +1 net, boots of elvenkind. Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Heal +5, Hide
Notes: Sissel lets Bolthor do most of the hand-to- +7, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +2;
hand fighting and distraction, while she attempts to Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item.
quietly net someone that is further away from the SA – Corrosion (Ex): Can choose to secrete acid
party and drag them through a nearby door or (1d4), can apply to object struck (especially armor)
window. She prefers to attack from the same level, SQ – Malleable (Ex): can flex body into unusual
as she isn’t strong enough to haul trapped creatures proportions (10 ft. by 10 ft. sheet few inches thick, 3
up from above. She is also fairly intelligent, and uses ft. sphere, 20 ft. long cylinder few inches thick),
her lector-granted Spellcraft and Knowledge spring new appendages: 4 x 5 ft. long, 2 x 10 ft. long,
(arcana) to guess what magic items, tactics, and or 1 x 15 ft. long tentacles.
spells a party will most likely use after watching Domains: Protection, Travel
them in action for a few rounds. Spells Prepared (Clr 6/5/4/2/0): 0 - create water,
detect magic, detect poison, light, purify food and drink,
resistance; 1st – bless x2, obscuring mist, protection from
Allies evil, shield of faith; 2nd – find traps, lesser restoration,
Einian Quickfinger: Male Dwarf Rog10; Medium silence, sound burst; 3rd – daylight, summon monster
Humanoid ; CR 10; HD 10d6+30; hp 21 (82 max); Init III.
+2; Spd 20; AC 12; Atk +8 base melee, +9 base ranged; Notes: Mafuane is an ort, a shapeshifting race of
SQ: Darkvision (Ex), Dwarven traits (Ex); AL N; SV subterranean creatures that live beneath Penance
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int (see Oathbound, p. 336). He is a courageous wanderer
17, Wis 9, Cha 9. of the Undercity, protecting those in need and
Skills and Feats: Appraise +11, Balance +12, Climb ferreting out dangerous creatures. That is, he was . .
+11, Craft (Carpentry) +5, Craft (Metalworking) +5, . until yesterday. After falling down the pit, being
Craft (Stonecarving) +3, Craft (Stonemasonry) +3, partially corroded by acid, and stalked by vicious
Craft (Trapmaking) +16, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +3, lectors, he is now a nervous wreck with little more
Decipher Script +7, Disable Device +14, Hide +9, courage than the pile of garbage he resembles. He
Intuit Direction +3, Listen +3, Move Silently +8, will be of little use to the party until someone goes
Open Lock +10, Profession (Armorsmith) +1, unconscious or is snatched away by the lectors, at
Profession (Blacksmith) +1, Profession which point his protective instincts will kick in. From
(Metalworker) +1, Profession (Miner) +1, Profession that point on, he will be a courageous asset to the
(Stonemason) +1, Profession (Weaponsmith) +1, party. His bravery will become so strong, and his
Search +16, Spot +9, Use Magic Device +12, Use Rope shame at his previous behavior will be so deep, that
+15; Blind-Fight, Dodge, Endurance, Skill Focus: he will go so far as to give his life holding off the
Craft (Trapmaking). lectors so that the characters may escape.
If asked about his religion, Mafuane will neither
be able to confirm nor deny any connection between

it and Israfel, Queen of Penance. He simply refers to will do his share of the fighting, but will not give his
a connection his people have with the “keening”, life so that others may escape.
some sort of beautiful sound that only they can hear.
It is to this “sound of the maker” that they pray, he
says, and from this that they receive their spells.
Keep in mind that the spells listed above Dire Rats (8): CR 1/3; Small animal (3 ft. long); HD
represent Mafuane’s repertoire after having spent 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC
some on healing and some trying to pierce the 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural); Atk +4 melee (1d4,
darkness. He will be able to regain spells several bite); SA disease; SQ scent; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +5,
hours after the characters find him, having been too Will +3; Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4.
flustered previously to pray for more. Skills and Feats: Climb +11, Hide +11, Hide +9,
Red Shard: +2 intelligent keen falchion; Speech – Move Silently +6; Weapon Finesse (bite).
common and draconic; PA – Spider climb for 20 SA—Disease (Ex): Filth fever (bite, Fortitude save
minutes on wielder 1/day, wielder gains uncanny (DC 12), incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3
dodge (as a 5th-level barbarian); AL NG; Int 12, Wis temporary Dexterity and 1d3 temporary
9, Cha 15.
Horrors of Penance

Appearance: Red Shard is named for its blade, Gelatinous Cube: CR 3; Huge ooze; HD 4d10+36;
which is comprised of a strange obsidian-like hp 69; Init -5 (Dex); Spd 15 ft.; AC 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex);
crimson stone. Its pommel is polished ivory with a Atk +1 melee (1d6+4, slam and 1d6, acid); SA engulf,
carving of a humanoid with tentacles sprouting from paralysis, acid; SQ blindsight, ooze, transparent; AL
its face at the bottom. N; SV Fort +5, Ref -4, Will -4; Str 10, Dex 1, Con 19,
Sorib lak Haran: Male Valco Pal9; Medium Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1.
Humanoid; CR 9; HD 9d10+18; hp 92; Init -2; Spd Skills and Feats: None.
20; AC 17; Atk +13 base melee, +7 base ranged; +15 SA - Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly, a
(1d8+6, Adamantine Battleaxe); AL LG; SV Fort +12, gelatinous cube can simply mow down Large or
Ref +3, Will +8; Str 18, Dex 6, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 16, smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot make
Cha 15. a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Diplomacy +6, The gelatinous cube merely has to move over the
Heal +15, Knowledge (religion) +2, Listen +5, Spot opponents, affecting as many as it can cover.
+5; Alertness, Great Fortitude, Leadership, Power Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the
Attack. cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving
Spells Prepared (Pal —/2/1): 1st – Create Water, throw. Those who do not attempt opportunity
Cure Light Wounds; 2nd – Delay Poison. attacks must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13) or be
Possessions: Adamantine Battleaxe; Light engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside
crossbow; Dagger; Silvered dagger; Short sword; (opponent’s choice) as the cube moves forward.
Masterwork banded mail; Large mithral shield; Bag Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube’s paralysis
of holding (Bag 1); Ring of Minor Elemental Resistance. and acid, and are considered to be grappled and
Notes: Sorib is an honorable Valco who did trapped within its body.
everything he could to help his previous party, but SA - Paralysis (Ex): Gelatinous cubes secrete an
now realizes that pragmatism is the only thing that anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a cube’s melee
will get him out of this situation. He will do or engulf attack must succeed at a Fortitude save
everything he can to help a party that rescues him. (DC 16) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. The cube
That does not mean, however, that he does not have can automatically engulf a paralyzed opponent.
a strong need to avenge his previous party and a SA - Acid (Ex): A gelatinous cube’s acid does not
moral obligation to destroy the lectors, if he can. If harm metal or stone.
he believes he can do this with the party’s help, he SQ - Blindsight (Ex): An ooze’s entire body is a
will attempt to convince the party that the lectors primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by
must be destroyed before they depart. He realizes scent and vibration within 60 feet.
that some of them may die before the battle is SQ - Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
through, but feels that it is worth it. If the party poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and
refuses, he will be disappointed but will accompany polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.
them in their escape. He will not, ironically, be as SQ - Transparent (Ex): Gelatinous cubes are hard
courageous a defender as Mufuane; if the party will to see, even under ideal conditions, and it takes a
not focus on destroying the lectors, he feels it is his successful Spot check (DC 15) to notice one.
duty to get out and bring back a party that will Creatures who fail to notice a cube and walk into it
obliterate this mansion and its evil occupants. He are automatically engulfed.

Jaggon: CR 10; Large Aberration; HD 12d8+48; AC 14; Atk -3 base melee, +4 base ranged; +4 (1d3-5,
hp 129; Init –1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.; AC 18 Bite); SA: Poison (Ex); SQ: Vermin; AL N; SV Fort
(+1 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size); Atk +13 melee (3d10+5, +2, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int —, Wis
bite), and +11 melee (1d4+2, sting and poison); SA 10, Cha 2.
blindsight, horrific appearance, poison; SQ Skills and Feats: Climb -1, Hide +14, Spot +4;
immunities, resistant to blows, tremorsense; AL NE; Weapon Finesse.
SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +7; Str 21, Dex 12, Con 19, SA – Poison (Ex): Fort DC 11, Initial and
Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 7. Secondary 1 Dex.
Skills and Feats: Hide +7, Jump +8, Listen +8, Move SQ – Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing
Silently +10, Spot +8; Alertness, Multiattack. effects.
SA – Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a jaggon Shrieker Fungus (2): CR 1; Medium Plant; HD
is so revolting that anyone who sees one must make 2d8+2 (Plant); hp 11; Init -5; Spd AC 13; Atk +1 base
a Will save (DC 15), or be weakened suffering 1d6 melee, +1 base ranged; SA: Shriek (Ex); SQ: Plant;
points of temporary Strength damage. Those who AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -4; Str —, Dex —, Con
succeed at the save cannot be affected by the same 13, Int 1, Wis 2, Cha 1.
jaggon’s horrific appearance for an entire day. SA- Shriek (Ex): Movement within 10 feet cause

Horrors of Penance
SA – Poison (Ex): Creatures struck by antennae to emit piercing shriek for 1d3 rounds.
must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or experience SQ – Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
vivid hallucinations (equivalent to the spell poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and
confusion) for 2d6 minutes. polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.
SQ – Blindsight (Ex): With their antennae, jaggons Violet Fungus (4): CR 3; Medium Plant ; HD
can ascertain all foes within 60 ft. Beyond that 2d8+6; hp 19; Init -1; Spd 10; AC 13; Atk +3 melee
distance, they are blind. (1d6+2, 4 Tentacles); SA: Poison (Ex); SQ: Plant; AL
SQ – Immunities (Ex): Jaggons are immune to gaze N; SV Fort +6, Ref -1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16,
attacks, visual effects, illusions, sonic attacks, sonic Int 2, Wis 11, Cha —.
spells, and all other attack forms that rely on sight SA – Poison (Ex): Tentacle, Fort DC 14, Initial and
or sound. They are still susceptible to scent-based Secondary – 1d4 temporary Strength and 1d4
attacks. temporary Constitution.
SQ – Resistant to blows (Ex): Due to their thick, SQ – Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
rubbery hide, and near lack of vital organs, physical poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and
attacks deal only half damage to jaggons. polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.
SQ – Tremorsense (Ex): Jaggons can sense the
location of anything moving within 60 ft. that is in
contact with the ground.
Monstrous Centipede, Tiny (20): CR 1/8;Tiny
Vermin ; HD 1/4d8 (Vermin); hp 1; Init +2; Spd 20;

Horrors of Penance
Scenario 2 - Totem Synopsis
The characters become involved in this adventure to
An adventure for 17th level characters, wherein seem- investigate the unusual circumstances surrounding
ingly innocent remembrances of lost loved ones se- the death of Samuel Viss. Whatever their initial pur-
cretly open a doorway for a bloodthirsty devil. pose for becoming concerned with this murder, they
soon learn that it is far more than a mundane killing.
Background As the search progresses more gruesome murders
occur. Soon, the few common aspects of each death
“Aunt” Anelie likes helping families in pain. She used begin to emerge from the eerie backdrop: that each
to care for the ill with poultices and simple spells; of the dead had lost someone close to them; that each
but nothing could help those experiencing the ulti- of the dead had visited Aunt Anelie; and that each of
mate pain, the loss of a loved one. A decade ago she them had possessed one of her totems. These clues
found something in her mother’s notes that would quickly lead them to Aunt Anelie, but once they ar-
do just that. She found a ritual that allowed her to rive they do not encounter the serial killer that they
create totems to take away the grief of losing a loved seek.

Horrors of Penance
one. While many are initially suspicious of the aged Aunt Anelie is initially brusque with the
matron, eventually, most discover that she can in- characters – after all, she has only been trying to
deed comfort them far more than anyone else, and assuage peoples’ grief and would never harm
hanging the unusual-looking totem in their home anyone. Once she realizes that the victims were all
seems to be a small price to pay in order to continue her customers and understands the painful deaths
that sense of comfort. they must have suffered, she agrees to help. The
Unbeknownst to Aunt Anelie, she is merely the fiend Cernu’ba’donn learns of these attempts to foil
pawn of a great evil. The ritual she uses to create the his plans and sets out to eliminate those who behind
totems does indeed ease suffering, but only as a them, beginning with Aunt Anelie. Before her
byproduct. A family’s grief seems to lessen because untimely demise, however, the matron is able to
the spirit of their departed is still there with them. The devise a clue that will help the characters destroy
ritual traps the newly departed spirit to the totem the fiendish threat.
itself. Additionally, the totem and the spirit trapped The characters must then make a painful decision:
within are now bound to the ritual’s creator, a devil destroy the totems, and therefore damn each of the
named Cernu’ba’donn. This vile pit fiend developed 1,000 souls to eternal torment, or let the pit fiend
the ritual, then made sure that it was found by into the Forge. The characters must simultaneously
someone with just enough ability to perform it, but deal with a riotous mob stirred up by a local
not enough to understand it. Aunt Anelie was that inquisitor. As powerful members of the community,
unfortunate individual. attention turns to the characters to make the decision
Cernu’ba’donn’s goal was to enter the Forge to – destroy the totems and damn their loved ones, or
harness its power and, if possible, destroy and take attempt to slay one of the most powerful beings in
the place of one of the Seven. He would then use his the Abyss?
nearly unlimited power to turn an entire domain of
Penance into his personal vision of hell. The totems
were his key to entering: with every totem Anelie The Ritual
created, a new soul was bound to the fiend. When No matter what the characters decide to do, the re-
he amassed 1,000, he would have the raw materials sult will probably not be what they expected.
necessary to teleport his entire citadel to the Forge Cernu’ba’donn is, after all, a devil, and therefore a
in any location he chooses. master of misdirection and deceit. The characters will
Last week, Aunt Anelie created her thousandth eventually learn that he must harness 1,000 souls to
totem and gave Cernu’ba’donn began the final phase enter the Forge; what they will not discover without
of his plan to open a doorway into the Forge. clever and persistent research is that his ritual will
Families are already being found slaughtered in their have the most powerful result if he also sacrifices
homes, and the only link appears to be the kind and those souls through the destruction of their totems.
matronly Aunt Anelie. The characters are drawn into Completing the ritual in this manner would allow
this bewildering tangle of clues and must discover him to not only enter the Forge, but also to bring his
the dark truth behind the totems. fortress and his minions with him and to designate
their arrival in an unclaimed canton within Penance.
He would instantly attain bloodlord status thanks to
the population of devils he would control, would be

protected by the Queen’s laws, and
would be able to begin his conquest of
the Forge . . . legitimately. Luckily for
the citizens of Penance, he cannot com-
plete the ritual in this manner himself;
the souls must be both bound and de-
stroyed on the plane he wishes to en-
How to accomplish the totems’
destruction without doing it himself?
Why, by making the local populace
terrified of them, of course. First draw
attention to the totems with seemingly
random and evil murders. Then leave
difficult clues for the heroic defenders
of Penance or the leaders of the riotous
Horrors of Penance

mob, either one, to follow. Trick them

into thinking they’ve uncovered his
weakness, then let them do the work:
destroy the totems, thereby
completing the ritual for him. If
everything goes according to
Cernu’ba’donn’s plan, the righteous
heroes of Penance won’t stop to
wonder why the devil drew attention
to his totems in the first place.
On the other hand, careful and
extremely moral characters might
refuse to destroy the totems either
because they uncover the secrets of
Cernu’ba’donn’s plan or because they
realize that the spirits within would
then be obliterated. The alternative is
less ideal for the pit fiend but will do in a pinch: 666 Grief stricken: The characters themselves have
hours (or 27 days) after the 1,000th soul is bound to a recently lost a loved one (perhaps even an old party
totem, Cernu’ba’donn will be able to teleport, alone, member) and seek to assuage their feelings of
anywhere in Penance that he wishes. This would remorse and grief. They journey to Aunt Anelie in
give him the flexibility and time to remain hidden order to receive one of her totems and as a result
while he amasses power and minions. Additionally, become deeply embroiled in this twisted and bizarre
the souls bound to the totems would be consumed adventure. GMs are encouraged to, if this hook is
during the teleportation, their remains taking form used, to make the decision of whether or not to
as demonic creatures under Cernu’ba’donn’s destroy the totem towards the end of the adventure
control. particularly personal.
Obviously, neither of these options is in the Eyewitnesses: The characters become involved
interest of the characters or the well being of the because they are nearby when Samuel Viss is literally
Forge. It is up to the heroes to decide which is the eaten alive. As material witnesses, they will
lesser of the two evils, or to find another alternative. undoubtedly be questioned by the bailiffs and could
even become suspects. For those PCs that need an
additional bit of prodding beyond threat of
Character Hooks punishment, the bailiffs can announce that a hefty
There are several ways to involve the characters in reward hangs in the balance for any who can assist
this adventure beyond the classic motivations of with the more “challenging” aspects of the
bloodlord request, professional curiosity, or heroic investigation.
obligation. GMs should feel free to use any of the Should either self-preservation or the reward be
ideas below, or one of their own devising, to put the a major motivating factor for the party, GMs may
characters in the middle of the tale. wish to consider and plan for the party’s reaction to
the “big question” at the end of the mod: to destroy

the totems or face Cernu’ba’donn. If the party is ested in the investigation, as well as prevent them
particularly mercenary, they may not care one way from becoming frustrated with it, communicating the
or the other about damning 1,000 souls to eternal essential elements of the scene, and doing so clearly,
torture and servitude; but you can bet those souls is paramount.
will care, and revenge is a very strong motivator . . . Samuel Viss’ twin brother, Sallous, was killed
Pall bearers: Samuel Viss could easily be a close nearly a decade ago in a construction accident.
friend, family member, confidant, informant, or Samuel took the untimely death of his brother
business associate of the characters and they feel that poorly, and eventually visited Aunt Anelie, the local
it is only right that they attend his last rites. While wisewoman, for herbs and medicines to ease his
there, they pick up the whispered rumors that some suffering and sleeplessness. He became the first
foul sorcery had something to do with the man’s recipient of one of Cernu’ba’donn’s totems.
sudden and horrific death and that somebody should Soon after it was placed within his small, simple
do something about it; the characters become those home, Samuel began to feel the grief seep from his
“some bodies”. Alternatively, the characters need soul and he slowly got better, returning to his normal
not be personally involved with the man, but instead daily activities. He came to cherish the totem as a
the bloodlord (or other powerful individual) with keepsake of his beloved brother. Ten years later, fate

Horrors of Penance
which they are affiliated was, and he sends the came full circle. As Cernu’ba’donn felt the 1,000th
characters in his stead. soul to bind to him, he became able to control the
Similar circumstances: Perhaps the characters totems and cast spells through them. The lawful but
hear about Samuel Viss’ death and it rings a bell; corrupt pit fiend decided that since Samuel was the
something they have recently seen, experienced, or first to purchase a totem, he should also be the first
investigated is strikingly similar. Seeking a possible to be killed by one.
connection and additional clues, or perhaps desiring Cernu’ba’donn commanded the totem to use its
to lend their recently gained expertise on the subject summon swarm ability (see Appendix) while the man
to the investigation, they quickly become embroiled slept. The insects engulfed Samuel and slowly ate
in the strange events. him alive. The man was awake and aware
Arcane interest: The characters are interested in, throughout but could not struggle or call out because
for any number of reasons, the totems Aunt Anelie of the paralyzing effect of the insects’ venom. There
uses to draw the grief away from those she helps. is little doubt that it was a horrendous death. Once
Perhaps they desire to learn as much as they can their ghastly task was complete, the insects literally
about the totems and the ritual used to create them vanished into the woodwork, leaving only a neatly
in order to lessen other emotions, like anger or fear stripped skeleton in their wake. While every insect
or even happiness. Perhaps they desire to use the that bit Samuel died, there were hundreds left over
totems for a ritual or spell that they are researching, to carry away their fellows’ remains with them into
or they might even discover that the totems have the walls.
something to do with traveling to and from other As a result, the crime scene is remarkably bare
planes and wish to use them escape from the Forge. and devoid of evidence and there are no witnesses
Bug collectors: A local wizard, cleric, or druid is whatsoever, as nothing out of the ordinary was seen
deeply interested in the weeping beetles that Aunt or heard. Once the characters arrive at the scene, read
Anelie uses in her totem-creation rituals and sends the following to the players:
the characters to fetch some. However, once the
characters arrive, they quickly learn of the nefarious As you step into the simple but well kept one-
nature of the ritual (and possibly the beetles as well) room dwelling, an overpowering stench invades
and take it upon themselves to investigate further. your nostrils. For no reason that you can dis-
cern, the scent suggests death. It is not the typi-
cal cloying smell of decaying flesh and gas-
The Death of Samuel Viss bloated organs; rather it is as if pure and abject
While the characters are assumed to arrive on the fear had taken the form of an odor and is radiat-
scene of Samuel Viss’ death sometime after it has ing from the walls and floors around you. All
occurred (and because of the fact that it is treated as within the small home seems orderly and nor-
a crime scene) there is a certain amount of back- mal with the exception the complete skeleton on
ground information required to make this encoun- the small, rustic bed. It is lain out as in a pose of
ter run smoothly. GMs are advised to use the clue sleeping or resting. The bones gleam as if recently
checklist featured within this section to make certain polished and the skull lies in a neatly formed
that they at least attempt to deliver as many of the depression on the straw-filled pillow. The only
hints as possible. In order to get the characters inter- sound, other than your short, shallow breath-

ing, is the steady tap-tap of a fat, shiny fly try- Nothing seems to have been ransacked or out
ing to escape the confines of the room via its of place. A Search check (DC 10) brings to light the
single, smoky glass window. fact that at first glance, nothing seems to have been
ransacked, misplaced, or stolen (apparently, Samuel
was a very tidy individual). However, those that
Clue Checklist succeed at Wisdom check (DC 20) or a Spot check
There are no witnesses to the murder. Neighbors (DC 30) will notice that the strange, folksy looking,
and locals interviewed reveal nothing, Sense Motive stick-cloth-and-straw figure hanging over the bed
checks (DC 20) show that they are hiding nothing, or seems to stand out from the victim’s other
if they are hiding something, it has little to do with possessions. Despite even the closest examination,
Samuel’s death. Further, Gather Information checks however, this particular totem remains completely
(DC 15) reveal that for the most part, Samuel was inert, simply staring back at the characters with its
well liked by most folks, that he was a quiet fellow beetle-shell eyes.
that mostly kept to himself (he was an artist) and The results of any divination spells cast are
that he had no known enemies or dealings with shady cryptic at best. Essentially, they reveal that someone
named Cernu’ba’donn forced someone named
Horrors of Penance

characters. Other than the extreme grief with which

he responded to the death of his brother a few years Sallous to kill Samuel. A legend lore or similar spell
back, no one can remember anything remarkable cast on the name “Cernu’ba’donn” reveal only vague
about him. references to a powerful outsider that should be
There is no sign of forced entry. Any Search closely watched and feared. Following up on the
checks (DC 20) reveal that the single door and name Sallous with neighbors will quickly reveal that
window of the dwelling have seen nothing more this was the name of Samuel’s brother who was
than normal use. A Knowledge (Architecture) check supposed to have died several years ago. One
(DC 15) denotes that no signs of recent repair exist neighbor, a crotchety old frey named Curdle, is quite
on any of these portals either. However, a Search sure that Sallous is dead, having watched him be
check of DC 30 reveals that the walls of the dwelling interred 10 years ago along with Samuel (of course,
have an unusual feature – they are nearly, but not it will take a bribe of at least 500 gp and a Diplomacy
totally, hollow, almost as if they are honeycombed check of DC 25 to get him to admit this, as interring
with very small passages. Any sort of demolition the dead without a permit is a crime in Penance. See
will reveal this to be the case, as the wooden walls the sidebar “Things To Do In Penance When You’re
(and even portions of the floor) are riddled with tiny Dead” for more information).
tunnels, such as the kind used by wood boring Development: There is little else that can be
insects. A subsequent Knowledge (Nature) check gleaned from this encounter, with a couple of
(DC 20) reveals that while wood boring insects are exceptions: general information about the totem and
common in this area, an infestation of this magnitude Sallous. If the characters ask the bailiffs or the locals
would have likely been noticed long before it became about the totem, most of them can direct the PCs to
this severe. Further, there would be a very likely Aunt Anelie as the maker of these “Weeping Beetle”
chance of infestation in the nearby homes as well totems. In fact, they can inform the characters on the
and if checked, there is no indication to be found in general purpose of the totems, Aunt Anelie’s
any of the surrounding dwellings. affiliated history with them and provide them
The skeleton appears human and is totally directions to her hovel, which lies only about one
intact. A Heal check (DC 20) reveals that either the day’s travel (on kithback) from Samuel’s home.
skeleton was once a living being, or that the If questions about Sallous are raised, things get a
individual that placed it here had an inordinate great deal more confusing for the characters. First,
amount of skill and knowledge about the body and the characters must determine whom to ask about
its structure. Further, the bones seem to have been Sallous. They will not immediately know to ask
polished to a high sheen, not from buffing but rather Curdle about anything, and he does little but mutter
from a more organic process. A Search check (DC and stare at the characters from his front porch.
30) reveals minuscule scrapes and scours in the bones Gather Information checks (DC 20) will reveal “that
from the insects’ mandibles, while a Search check old cat across the street has been here the longest.”
(DC 35) reveals what appear to be a few dark specks A Gather Information check of DC 25 will allow the
on the skull. A subsequent Knowledge (Nature) characters to actually track down some of Samuel’s
check (DC 20) can confirm that these are, in fact parts old friends, who will be far more willing to help the
of insects (a shred of a wing, a chip of a piece of characters than Curdle. Even they will require some
exoskeleton, part of an antenna or leg, etc.). prodding (Bluff or Diplomacy check DC 18) before
divulging information; this DC will be lowered by 2
if the characters can assure the friends that they are

sad to hear about Samuel’s death and are her frame stooped and bent from her advanced
investigating his murder at least in part to make sure years.
he is avenged. If successful in questioning these The beetles themselves are utterly ordinary
friends, the characters will learn some good news creatures. Their carapaces are a shiny black and their
and some bad; they will learn the location of Sallous’ single unique characteristic is that they often make
body so that they can investigate it, but they will a tiny, “weeping” sound by emitting short bursts of
also discover that the location happens to be in a air through openings in their
dangerous part of the Undercity. thorax. While this gives these
GM Note: Due to the very nature of the beetles their name, druids and
investigation, the remainder of the adventure sages agree that this is merely a
greatly depends on the choices the mating or communicative call
characters make and clues they and provides no mystical or
decide to pursue. In order to magic powers.
account for this When the characters initially
dynamically branching visit Aunt Anelie, read the
nature of the following:

Horrors of Penance
investigation, the
following several The tiny hovel in
encounters (up to, which Aunt Anelie re-
but not sides looks as if it could
including easily collapse in the
“Facing the next big storm. Crafted
D e v i l ” ) from a patchwork collec-
should be run tion of cast off parts and
in whatever pieces of other struc-
order the GM, or the tures, it is hobnailed to-
flow of play, determines. gether by a variety of
For ease in game play, means: ropes, nails, mor-
each encounter, as tar, and mud. Upon enter-
written, assumes no ing, the interior strikes
prior knowledge of any you as quite similar to the
other encounter. At the exterior: piles of miscella-
end of each encounter, a neous and unidentifiable
list of “Alternative junk lying, standing, and
Outcomes” are even plastered to the walls
presented to aid the GM – it is almost too much to
in running the event. take in at once. One common
They are based on theme does scream forth from
information that the characters might have at the the chaos, however: Aunt Anelie’s her beetles and
beginning of the encounter. her totems.
Hanging from the low slung, sloping roof are
hundreds of tiny, hand made cages – in each are
Visiting Aunt Anelie a pair of strange looking beetles scurrying tire-
It is crucial that at some point the characters visit lessly. You occasionally detect a small sound, like
Aunt Anelie. In fact, as the investigation proceeds, a child’s whispered weeping, emerging from the
all signs begin to point to her. At worst she could cages.
become the prime suspect of the murders and at best Between the beetle cages hang small, folksy
she could be considered a valuable information looking totems, all in varying stages of comple-
source and witness. tion. The totems are composed of sticks, straw,
Aunt Anelie lives in a tiny, humble hovel with cloth, and hair, all sewn loosely together in a me-
only her hundreds of “Weeping Beetles” to keep her ticulous manner; some of the more complete to-
company. It is obvious to any who enter that the aged tems possess pairs of blank, staring eyes made
woman does little other than care for the beetles, from the shells of the caged beetles.
meticulously craft cages for them to live in, and craft Aunt Anelie, her back to you, stands before a
the totems for which she is known. Aunt Anelie massive, hand carved cupboard that looks like it
herself is barely taller than four feet tall, and with has been handed down for generations. She is
nearly doubled over working on yet another to-

tem, and does not look up but instead calls in a not detect anything nefarious in her demeanor, just
voice that sounds like a crow’s croak. “Welcome, that she is scared and wants to be alone.
childs. Have yous come to rid your hearts of Characters suggest that the totems have
grief? Aunt Anelie can helps yous, that’s for something to do with the deaths: Aunt Anelie
sure.” admits that this is possible, but that she must perform
her rituals and meditations to be sure. If it is the case,
Aunt Anelie assumes that the characters have she admits that time is of the essence to prevent more
come to purchase one of her totems, and it takes murders. She further adds that destroying the totems
some time before her aged and feeble mind can be should end the threat, but is surprised that they are
coaxed out of its single-minded path and on to the powerful enough to cause so much damage. She is
subject at hand. However, once the characters are unsure how the ritual that she performs on the
able to make Aunt Anelie understand what has totems could imbue them with that much power.
happened, she expresses true remorse; it is obvious Characters admit that they have been “attacked”
that she has seen far too much death in her years by one (or more) of the totems: Aunt Anelie will
and would welcome a time without its presence. act completely surprised and a bit frightened; she
It is apparent that Aunt Anelie has no knowledge will ask the characters to tell her in precise detail
Horrors of Penance

about these deaths and any Sense Motive checks (DC about the incident(s) and then tell them that they
20) confer that she has nothing to hide. Any rash must leave, or they might be in danger. She whispers
accusations against the aged woman rile her ire and for them to come back when she is finished with her
she becomes slightly defensive on the subject, at least rituals and mediations and she will have additional
for a while. She eventually offers to assist the information for them.
characters, obviously wanting to help end the
suffering that she has so long railed against. She tells
the PCs that she has some helpful “rituals” and
The Deadpit
“meditations” that she must perform, but they must If the characters elect to descend into the local
be done in private. She will patiently and truthfully Deadpit in search of clues about Sallous Viss, they
answer any and all questions put to her (unless the soon find themselves thrust into a nightmarish land-
situation is slightly different, at which point GMs scape littered with the corpses of Penance’s dead. A
should refer to “Alternative Outcomes” as listed massive chasm measuring roughly 500 yards in cir-
below), but then will kindly ask the characters to cumference, located half within a canton and half
depart and return on the morrow. within the wrack and covered by a thin layer of re-
If a character happens to cast detect magic while built city, this Deadpit spirals deep into the Under-
in Aunt Anelie’s hovel, the cupboard and a half city in a slowly collapsing combination of rope
dozen of the more finished totems radiate magic. If bridges and tunnels. Its walls and pathways are lit-
asked about the cupboard, Aunt Anelie will only erally honeycombed with slowly decaying bodies.
state that it is her property, “an heirloom (which she Deadpits are not Penance’s top spots to visit.
pronounces “hair-lum”) from my mother and her Visiting the Deadpit it should make a striking
mother a’fore her…” she will not allow the characters and lasting impression upon the characters. Read
access to it under any circumstances. the following to the players:
GM Note: GMs might want to vary the amount
of time Aunt Anelie needs to complete the rituals Long before you reach its edge, the foul stench
and meditation, depending on which scenarios have of the Deadpit reaches out to smother you. The
already transpired and what sort of pacing they thick, nauseating smell seems palpable all around
desire. Don’t make the characters wait all night if you, making you gag involuntarily and your eyes
the Cernu’ba’donn is due to arrive in 4 hours, for stream with bitter tears. Echoing cries of mourn-
instance. ers, their voices magnified and carried aloft by
the natural, giant amplifier in which they trod,
Alternative Outcomes reach your ears, sounding more like the unholy
wailing of banshees or spirits than the living.
Characters describe Samuel’s body or the unusual The sounds drift past you from below and seem
clues found within his home. Aunt Anelie seems all to hover near the ceiling, seeking egress into the
the more interested in performing her rituals and city above.
meditations to learn the truth. Your hear the creaking of ropes as you near
Characters describe other deaths related to the the edge and notice several grief stricken figures
totems: Aunt Anelie tries to hurry the characters clothed in ragged, dark colored robes climbing
along – she seems worried that something might be the ancient, rickety rope and bone bridges out of
terribly wrong. A Sense Motive check (DC 20) does

Things To Do In Penance When You’re Dead
There’s plenty of room in Penance, but most of it’s in the wrong places: either in the lost Undercity
or out in the wrack. Truly accessible space is constantly fought over by the bloodlords and their
teeming masses, and therefore there’s little room for the dead. Unless, of course, you can pay.
At the high end of the burial spectrum, the wealthy may have access to their church’s
mausoleums or to family burial chambers on their own property. At the lowest end are the folk
who have to simply cart their loved ones’ bodies to the edge of the plateau and dump them.
Finally, most folk just pay the handful of silver it takes to have the bodies destroyed at the local
crematorium. After all, this is the Forge, where beings focus on being alive, not being dead.
But there are those few aberrations in society who feel that they have to hang on to their loved
ones and can’t bear to see them go hurtling over the edge of the plateau, nor consumed by fire. Yet
they can’t afford to inter the bodies in outrageously expensive burial chambers, nor will most
bloodlords allow bodies to be kept on private property nor amassed in any business or public area
without appropriate permits . . . to do so would be to invite plague, poor sanitary conditions, and

Horrors of Penance
the occasional undead menace.
So those who believe strongly in burial are forced to go underground, so to speak. Throughout
Penance there are Deadpits, pieces of the Undercity that are recently covered over but that the
local bloodlord hasn’t noticed yet or can’t be bothered to patrol. They are, as with any part of the
Undercity, filled with dangerous creatures, hard to navigate, and unstable. But it is there that the
desperate go to bury their dead. Some say these Deadpits are only visited by those who are so
miserable at losing their loved ones that they wish to join them; there are plenty of predators in
such places, both living and dead. Others say that the bloodlords know about them, but keep them
open as a source for corpses should they ever have need of an undead army.

the mammoth chasm now before you. Some are to go. Detecting these unsteady portions requires a
well-armed and look as if ready for trouble; oth- Spot check (DC 25), Search check (DC 15), or a
ers wear little more than rags. As they pass you, Knowledge (Architecture) check (DC 15). Some GMs
looking like strange, pale faced, and tattered black may elect to allow a Rope Use check (DC 15) as well
birds, you notice that one of them holds some- to discern this information.
thing familiar – one of the beetle-eyed totems said This knot of rope bridges exists for the sole
to be crafted by Aunt Anelie. A shiver runs down purpose of providing a means to traverse the gulf of
your spine, but you cannot tell if it is due to the space between the hedging walls of the Deadpit
glassy-eyed stare of the totem or the cold draft itself, wherein the dead are interred. Their paths are
that has begun to stir in the Undercity about occasionally interrupted and added to by debris and
you. collapsed tunnels falling in from above, creating an
unstable and confusing web. Most parties will
simply elect to fly, but even then the bridges and
The Deadpit: Overview tunnels will create obstacles and obscure their view,
making travel difficult.
The Deadpit is a spiderweb of rope bridges, hastily Tombs of various sizes, shapes, and types mar
and haphazardly strung together and patched over the sides of the Deadpit as far down as the eye can
the years with whatever was handy at the time. see. They range from well-crafted stone coffins set
Merely walking along these uneven, angled, and into deep depressions to crudely preserved bodies
wobbly rope passageways requires frequent Balance placed into simple, shallow holes. Thousands of
checks (DC 15) and occasional mysterious gusts of creatures, from minor undead to gigantic vermin,
wind from below will force characters on them to scuttle about the walls in search of flesh whether
make Reflex saves (DC 20) or fall off. living or dead.
Many of these bridges are well known by the Countless sets of wooden stairs and platforms,
locals to be thoroughly unstable, and yet no one will ropes, rope ladders and hanging scaffolds line the
attempt to remove the unstable parts, for fear of stone walls like vines on a rotten tree, obviously used
bringing the entire interconnected tangle down upon
their heads; they simply stay away from the unsound
parts, taking circuitous paths to get where they need

to aid in the creation process of these tombs. There The Search for Sallous
are several locations scored deep into the rock walls
where weary mourners can stop their journey to the Cernu’ba’donn is watching the party via scrying and
bottom of the Deadpit, sit and rest for a while, and spies. If the characters have come this far, he worries
then continue. Many of these spots, as well, contain that they may be clever enough to figure out his en-
tunnels and passageways that wind back into the tire plan and prevent it. Once they investigate Sallous’
walls of the Deadpit, where new tombs are formed body it will be a short jump to realizing that his spirit
as well as into the pathways of the Undercity. is trapped in the totem. Therefore, he has arranged
While the characters are exploring the Deadpit, for a surprise for the characters.
the opportunities for encounters are plentiful. The Even with directions from Samuel’s friends, the
high-level parties that this adventure is designed for characters soon find that it is a difficult task
will inevitably wade through most of the minor navigating the bewildering, three dimensional maze
undead and scavengers here; simply describe those created by the Deadpit’s rope bridges and tunnels.
encounters in cinematic style, but do not let them Further, since the vast majority of all who come here
pass by unnoticed. These hives of death are scattered either do not plan to return (because they are dead)
throughout Penance, and the endless swarms of or they already know where the body they seek is
Horrors of Penance

undead and dark creatures should promote a feeling interred (because they placed it there), there is little
of weariness, hopelessness, and a corrupt city being need for any sort of guide or overseer. Even with
gnawed from the inside out. A few of the more location and divination spells, it will be difficult to
challenging encounters below should be played out figure out how to choose the right path to take. That’s
to give the PCs a chance to stretch their sword arms. where Oed comes in.
Feel free to create appropriate backgrounds and Oed is an old, leprous faust that lives within the
specific settings for any such encounter. Deadpit. He makes his living preying on the weak
GM Note: Fully 90% of the bodies the characters and the grief stricken, demanding “taxes” of those
see within the Deadpit are host to Death’s Bloom. that come here to bury their dead before he allows
GMs should see the entry in Minions for further them to pass unhindered. Mostly a creature of bluff
details on this plant and its possible encounter and and talk, Oed rarely harms anyone, but only because
post-encounter applications. there is little need to do so. In this case, however,
Death’s Bloom (varies): CR 1; hp1. Oed is being well paid by Cernu’ba’donn to make
sure the characters never find the body . . . and to
ensure that the characters’ bodies are never found,
Deadpit Random Encounters either. He knows that he can’t take the party in a
Solitary advanced (12 HD) Allip direct fight, but he knows the Deadpit better than
2-4 advanced (10 HD) Belkers any living creature. He plans to offer his services as
2-4 advanced (13 HD) Bodaks a guide and collapse a large section of tunnel or
2-5 advanced (9 HD) Carrion Crawlers rubble on the party when they least expect it, then
Solitary advanced (12 HD) Choaker finish off the survivors. Assume that he can lead the
7-12 advanced (10 HD) Cloakers party into a collapsible area that is equivalent to a
6-10 advanced (12 HD) Howlers Crushing Wall Trap, which he will set off at the
2-4 advanced (16 HD) Mohrgs beginning of his ambush.
6-10 advanced (14 HD) Mummies Trap: CR 10; no attack roll necessary (20d6);
3 advanced (12 HD) Night Hags on advanced (10 Reflex save (DC 20) avoids if in the front or back of
HD) Nightmares the party; Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 25);
Solitary advanced (12 HD) Black Pudding Rafters of 3rd level or higher, as well as dwarves with
6-11 advanced (9 HD) Shadows at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (engineering) or
6-15 advanced (6 HD) Skum anyone else with at least 8 ranks in Knowledge
6-11 advanced (10 HD) Spectres (engineering) may notice the trap with a Spot check
2-4 advanced (12 HD) Umber Hulks (DC 30).
12 Vampire Spawn Let the party wander for a few hours, and deal
20 advanced (3 HD) Vargouilles with an encounter or two before encountering Oed.
2-4 advanced (12 HD) Will-o’-Wisps He will offer his services in exchange for magical
6-11 advanced (10 HD) Wraiths items or scrolls (he does not want to be burdened
2-5 colossal Zombies (at the bottom of the with coins) worth at least 2,000 gp; the party will be
Deadpit) able to haggle him down to 1,000 gp. Without Oed’s
assistance, the faust will be happy to point out, the
search for Sallous’ body could easily take up to 3d4

Oed: Veiled Faust Rog9/Rafter3/Assassin3, hp the murders, and he wants the characters to follow
80. his trail so his plan can come to fruition. For ease, a
Whether or not they take Oed up on his “business “Clue Summary” is provided at the end of each
proposition” or not, he will attempt to ambush them murder scene entry, so that GMs can have a checklist
at some point during the search for the body. of sorts to make sure that characters are hopefully
Assuming he fails, the party will eventually dig its getting all of the required pieces of the puzzle.
way through a dizzying numbers of rotting corpses,
ancient skeletons, silent tombs and slithering The Second Murder
monstrosities to the final resting place of Sallous
Viss. Both the description of the dead man and his Dymara Stonebreath, a barked dwarf, is found dead,
burial place exactly match that given to the her mouth, nose and throat nearly ripped to shreds
characters by Samuel Viss’ neighbors and all clues by her own bloody fingers. Dymara recently lost a
indicate that the fellow has not, in any way co-worker, another dwarf by the name of Colys
imaginable, recently been up and about killing folks. Longbeard in a freak mining accident; she also had
From the state of the body’s decomposition, it is visited Aunt Anelie within the last three months with
apparent that Sallous has been dead for several years the purpose of obtaining one of her totems.

Horrors of Penance
and he could not have been responsible, corporeally Her death was actually caused by a massive
at least, for his brother’s death. Because his soul is swarm of insects flooding down her nose and mouth,
bound, no form of communication or resurrection suffocating her. The bailiffs, however, are calling this
of Sallous is possible. Divination spells will reveal death a “freakish suicide”. Telltale signs of the actual
relevant information as to the location of the soul, reason for her death can be located by sharp-eyed
and how it got there, as a GM determines PCs – crushed and blood-soaked insects can be
appropriate. discovered lining her swollen and bloody esophagus
and nasal passages and the floor all around the
dwarf’s corpse is marred by hundreds of small
A Slew of Swarms “greasy spots”. Apparently, the feisty dwarven lass
The day after the investigation begins with Samuel’s managed to squish a large portion of her attackers
strange death, the characters should learn of some before they killed her, but the devil-called vermin
additional and equally disturbing deaths in the area. consumed their own dead before departing the
The occurrences of these subsequent deaths are com- scene. The totem in at this scene hangs above the
pletely optional, but it would be advisable to run at Dymara’s doorway, facing inward, looking over the
least one of the following scenarios in order to rein- scene with its cold, beetle-shell eyes.
force the clues gained earlier in the investigation, to Clue Summary: Obviously, the connection to
drive home the horrific nature of these deaths and Aunt Anelie and the totem should be noted by the
the individual orchestrating them, and to heighten PCs, however, the presence of the crushed insects
the senses of fear and trepidation hopefully imparted within Dymara’s throat and nose as well as the
upon the PCs. By this point in the adventure, much “greasy spots” at this murder scene should
of what the characters have learned might still seem strengthen the initial suspicion spawned by the
mostly happenstance and haphazard; these encoun- “insect parts” found around and underneath the
ters can be used to help connect the dots, so to speak. skeleton of Samuel Viss or in the other murders.
While it is perfectly viable for GMs to run all of
these scenarios, they should keep in mind that this The Third Murder
adventure’s pacing and its mood of slowly building Gayomard of the Gray Quill, a quiet, bookish hu-
suspense is crucial to its overall “creepiness”. With man sorcerer is found burned to a crisp in his own
that in mind, GMs should strive to not bog their home. Several years ago, Gayomard’s parents passed
characters down with too much tedious away (of natural causes) and to alleviate his grief, he
investigation during play if they notice that the purchased two totems from Aunt Anelie. Having
overall feel of the session is suffering. From this point forgotten about the totems long ago, Gayomard was
on in the adventure, GMs are given complete leeway taken totally by surprise when two massive insect
to determine which skills the PCs need to use and swarms descended upon him from his closet (where
what DCs they must meet in order to gain required the totems were stored). Reacting instinctively,
information; if the PCs are on the “right track,” Gayomard tried to destroy his attackers with a burn-
there’s no need to give them additional help. If they ing hands spell, and set his book- and scroll-filled
don’t seem to be making the connections, however, house ablaze as a result.
make sure to ask for skill checks that the characters The insects that were not incinerated in the initial
can succeed at. After all, Cernu’ba’donn is causing blast attacked the sorcerer, who fell victim to a hold

person cast by Cernu’ba’donn through one of the inordinate number of huge spiders dropping out of
totems, leaving his half-eaten and burnt corpse the ceiling, and scurrying down the walls sometime
standing like an ash statue amongst the smoking in the wee hours of the morning.
ruins of his home. His face is frozen in a horrific Clue Summary: The presence of several totems
charred mask of fear and his arms are raised as if at this murder scene should be a clarion call to the
blocking an unseen attacker. characters to pay a visit to Aunt Anelie, if they have
The totems were completely undamaged by the not already done so by this point. Additionally,
flames despite being in the midst of the fire. This characters examining the corpse of the child may
should be an initial hint to the PCs that they will note the numerous tiny welts from the spider bites.
need to research other methods if they wish to
destroy the totems. In fact, any damage-dealing or
destructive divine spell cast by a non-evil spellcaster
Tying Up Loose Ends
will affect the totems, from as lowly as a shatter or There are, of course, several spells or magical devices
sound burst to as dramatic as a flame strike. the characters could use during the course of the in-
Clue Summary: Again, the link to Aunt Anelie vestigation to speed things along considerably. Spells
and her totems should be strengthened at this
Horrors of Penance

like speak with dead or resurrection could dramatically

murder scene. In fact, it should be even further shorten the amount of investigation required by the
emphasized by the fact that the only thing that was characters. If the PCs decide to raise Samuel or any
unscathed by the blaze was the totems. While the of the other victims from the dead, be sure to have
fire at this scene removed all traces of the insects, it them give an account in agonizing detail of their
is fairly obvious that fire alone was not responsible painful death.
for all of the damage caused to Gayomard’s corpse. There is little doubt that the ranting of a recently
Further, the evidence of some form of spell casting deceased man about being eaten alive by a mass of
(as the hold person spell will remain for some time swarming bugs will do little more than reinforce and
until its duration lapses) should add an entirely new supplement the skin-shivering eeriness required for
and bewildering aspect to the investigation. the adventure. Even if the victims (or their bodies)
are somehow spoken with, there is little more
The Fourth Murder information that they can give the characters than
the characters can discover for themselves by
The horrible scene at Lady Kumare’s home is enough gathering and piecing together all of the various
to shatter the heart of even the most cold-blooded clues left for them.
stone giant. Lady Kumare, a dover noble well known One important note, however, is that due to both
in and around the city of Penance, is found dead in the mysterious ritual used to bind an individual to
the same room as her infant child. The mother ap- a totem and the infernal, foul magics used by
pears untouched, but the child is little more than a Cernu’ba’donn to then bond all of the totems
desiccated shell, drained of all fluids and internal together, spells such as raise dead and resurrection are
organs. ineffective on individuals bound to the totems (such
Both deaths were caused by an insect swarm cast as Sallous, Gayomard’s parents, etc).
by Cernu’ba’donn, but only one was in a direct
fashion, the other was completely unexpected and
indirect. A swarm of spiders (as well as other insects The Plot Thickens
that feed primarily upon the bodily liquids of their Once GMs feel that the characters have sufficiently
prey) descended upon the newborn, drawing all of covered the bases and are ready to propel them into
her precious fluids from her as she slept. The foul the next phase of the adventure, they should either
creatures were long gone by the time the mother hear from (or initially visit) Aunt Anelie. If the PCs
awoke from her nightly slumber and came in to are making a return trip to the aged woman, then
check on the child. Seeing her baby in this truly please proceed with this encounter. However, if this
dreadful state, Lady Kumare died instantly, her heart is their first meeting with Aunt Anelie, the encoun-
shocked into silence and stillness. ter should play out as presented previously.
Lady Kumare had recently lost one of her two Once the characters return to Aunt Anelie’s
twins in childbirth; to ease both her and the
residence, they are met with something wholly
perceived suffering of her baby girl, she purchased
unexpected – Aunt Anelie is dead, lying half eaten
nearly a score of totems from Aunt Anelie and hung
in a pool of her own blood and entrails. Upon their
them in the child’s room over her crib. Of special
entry, read the following aloud:
note with this particular murder, an Ort witness
named Dolyup, who resides beneath the Kumare
residence, in the Undercity, noted a frighteningly

The all-too-familiar, tangy scent of blood as- haphazard pile and a Search check within this well
sails your nostrils as you shove open the door. read and dog-eared book will reveal a hastily
Something impedes the door’s ability to open, scrawled note from Aunt Anelie in the inside cover.
something piled on the far side, but you finally A Decipher Script check is required to read it and
heave it inward. Your mind reels in horror and confirms that it was recently written. The note
disgust as you see what preventing the door from contains the following message:
opening fully – Aunt Anelie’s body, half con- far worse than I had feared…sacred mothers
sumed, lying in a pool of her own viscera and help me…if I would have only known, I would
lifeblood. Her still dead eyes stare up at you and never have given so many…the totems are a
you notice that a large hunk of her scalp is bare doorway to evil and death…please forgive me
and bloody; her blood and organs stick to your sacred mothers, I only wanted to
feet… help…destroying the totems the only way to free
the souls and close his doorway…but the door-
Other than this horrific and nauseating detail, the way is open…its already open….
tiny hovel is precisely as it was upon their earlier why…why…why…why was I such a fool???
visit except that the beetles are all gone. Search my dear sacred mothers, why…why did I not

Horrors of Penance
checks will reveal that large portions of the beetles see? why did I give so many?? what has IT
lost antennae, legs, and other portions of their done…what has it done to them…what has it
anatomies escaping from their custom made cages. done to my poor people, my totems, my
A Knowledge (Nature) check can confirm any beetles…my…beetles….sacred mothers….my
suspicions that this is abnormal behavior for insects beetles….
of any kind. To any reading the message, judging from the
Anyone paying particular attention to what is left handwriting, it is apparent that the message ended
of Aunt Anelie’s body may make a Search check to abruptly. Of course, Anelie’s understanding of the
note two perplexing details: in her left hand, Aunt text is incomplete. Characters that read the tome and
Anelie has a huge mass of hair torn from her own use appropriate bardic lore checks, divination spells,
head and her right hand, stained dark brown with or Knowledge (arcana) checks will realize that
dried and spattered blood, lies beside three letters destroying the totems will not actually free the souls,
badly scrawled on the floor. A Decipher Script check but will destroy them completely. They will also
is required to make out the letters, which are written learn, if given time, several alternatives that can be
together in the form of a word, are “lum”. Putting used to deal with the menace.
these two clues together provides not only the But that will have to wait, for while the characters
location of some valuable information, but also the are reading the note from Aunt Anelie,
word which allows one to access its hidden location Cernu’ba’donn, through one of the dozen totems
– “heirloom”. hanging from her ceiling, uses create undead to
If the characters spoke at any length with Aunt animate the aged matron’s half-eaten body as an
Anelie previously then they will likely deduce that advanced (10 HD) wraith. Cernu’ba’donn then casts
her heirloom cupboard is the source of the the following spells on the body, hopefully without
information. The cupboard itself is magical (mostly the PCs becoming aware of it: magic circle against
protective spells against age, wear, and damage) and good, improved invisibility, unholy aura and desecrate.
trapped against any not of Anelie’s bloodline with a The wraith then attacks, gaining surprise on the
forbiddance spell; all that is needed to bypass the spell unsuspecting characters.
(if it is not disabled) is speaking the word “heirloom” Once combat is joined, the wraith that was once
just before opening it. Aunt Anelie continues to attack until totally
Trap: CR 10; Greater Glyph of Warding: forbiddance; destroyed and Cernu’ba’donn continues to throw
only those of chaotic neutral alignment may access spells each round, each time alternating from which
the cupboard or affect its contents; caster level 16. totem the spell originates.
Once the characters gain access to the cupboard, Totem (12): CR 2, immune to most normal attacks
they find several ancient and well kept books, all and spells, against divine spells of 2 nd level or higher
dealing with subjects pertaining to herbal remedies, they have a hardness of 2 and 4 hp.
the duties of midwives, spiritual growth through the Tactics: Cernu’ba’donn can only use one totem
administration of potions and poultices, as well as a at a time for focusing his spell-like abilities.
book of rituals which claim to bleed away or infuse However, he can (and does) move his focus from
certain emotions into individuals. While it is totem to totem as a free action, and will use a
apparent that the books are normally kept neatly different totem every round. His tactics at this point
stored, they are all scattered hither and yon without vary; if he believes the characters will take Aunt
any rhyme or reason. The ritual book lies atop the Anelie’s note at face value and begin hunting down

and destroying totems, he will attack them to harm and powerful divinations will reveal that there are
but not to kill (or at least not kill all of them), simply indeed two less heinous but equally dangerous op-
providing incentive for them to carry on and having tions.
a bit of fun as well. If, on the other hand, the The first, and probably safest option for the
characters seem intent of scrutinizing the book and characters but most immediately dangerous for the
doing further research, he will attack with all of his citizens of Penance, is to use the link between the
available resources. He will start off with a creeping totems and Cernu’ba’donn to draw him and his
doom spell in hopes of killing the characters and fortress into the city of Penance into a canton of their
destroying all evidence that way. After that, he will choosing. The ritual requires both an arcane caster
focus on various damage causing abilities like and a divine caster, each of which must devote a 7th
summon swarm in conjunction with hold person. He level spell slot to the ritual. It has a preparation time
will focus his strongest efforts on the character of 1 day and a casting time of 1 hour. If they were to
holding the book that contains the ritual. If the choose a canton that is currently held by a living
characters create a lasting flame source with one of bloodlord, Cernu’ba’donn would have to overcome
their spells, he will immediately use pyrotechnics to that bloodlord by force of arms to gain bloodlord
attempt to destroy the book. If the characters cannot status and come under the protective laws of the
Horrors of Penance

figure out how to destroy the totems or refuse to do Queen. Meanwhile, the adventurers and whatever
so, escape is always an option: Cernu’ba’donn cannot allies they could muster might be able to destroy
harm them after they move beyond the range of his the pit fiend. The down side to this option is that
spells. Cernu’ba’donn would feel the ritual pulling him to
GM Note: It is completely conceivable that the Forge as soon as it began, and would perform a
characters are unable to piece together the puzzle counter-ritual that would drag his fortress and
left for them by the dying Aunt Anelie. If this is the thousands of his minions along with him to the
case, then an alternate method for delivering the Forge. Even if an army were amassed to fight those
same information would be to allow the characters minions, the lives of thousands of everyday citizens
to perform a Search check of her hovel. Success in would probably be swept up in the conflict.
this search reveals a secret compartment located The second option, which would be the most
beneath one of the floorboards; within this dangerous for the PCs but the least dangerous for
compartment are two scrolls, with the following their friends and fellow residents of Penance, would
spells: protection from evil x 2, aid, holy aura, mass heal, be to use the link between the totems and
speak with dead x 2, consecrate. With these scrolls in Cernu’ba’donn to travel to his plane and kill there.
hand, they should be able to speak with the body of They would be on his home turf and in an alien
Aunt Anelie, which can tell them the same environment where magic and the laws of reality
information (and possibly a little more) as that to be might not exist the way they expect . . . but there
gleaned from the cupboard. would be no collateral damage to innocents, and they
Alternatively, some GMs may wish for the would have the advantage of surprise. The travel
characters to unlock the puzzle of the cupboard and ritual also requires a day of preparation and 1 hour
find the scrolls, which is perfectly acceptable as well. to cast, though it only requires 6th level spell slots
from both an arcane and a divine caster.
Both options use the totems as a material
Anelie’s Tomes component, and must therefore be done within 50’
It will take a character an entire day to find the rel- of one of the totems. GMs should use their discretion
evant information within Aunt Anelie’s family tomes. when determining how Cernu’ba’donn would
They contain a maddening variety of herbal cures, respond to the rituals they are using, what sorts of
folklore, spellcasting rituals, and family history. A offensive spells he might cast to disrupt them, if any,
Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (arcana) check and what effect the PC’s defenses (placing the totem
(DC 25) will reveal how the basic totem-binding ritual in a secure container, making sure it is silenced or
works and the consequences to the souls trapped protected from scrying, surrounding it with an
within if the totems are destroyed. It will addition- antimagic field, etc.,) would have on his ability to
ally take a Knowledge (planes) or bardic lore check do so.
(DC 30) to unearth the truth behind the ritual as it is
explained in the adventure introduction. Finally,
characters may try to find an alternative to the two
The Fires of Damnation
options presented. Difficult Knowledge checks (DC During the time that the characters have conducted
35) on the appropriate subjects, bardic lore checks, their investigation, a similar one has been underway,
conducted by the tyrannical and haughty inquisitor

Horrors of Penance
Dalmott Raa. Dalmott Raa is a severely thin picker, The mob and characters may interact in any
with a neck that seems far too long for his skinny number of ways, depending on the approach the
frame and an odd-looking, oval shaped head (even characters have decided to take. If they are
for a picker). Small, beady eyes, a thin, and a slit for researching the totems, the mob will surround the
a mouth complete his visage. One would think that library or establishment the characters are in and
an individual that was so unfortunate looking could demand that they turn over any writings on the
have little long lasting effect on people. Sadly, how- material. If they already plan to destroy the totems,
ever, this is not the case. the mob will demand that the characters help them,
The truly evil picker exudes some sort of and accuse the characters of collecting them for their
perverted and powerful charisma from his very own nefarious purposes. If the characters have
pores, drawing simple-minded people to his side like spread the word that the totems must not be
moths to a flame. He is a master of doublespeak and destroyed, the mob will opine that the characters are
fabrication and is somehow able to twist every the evil behind them and must be killed or tortured.
situation to his favor. Dalmott was a rogue and a Finally, if the characters are performing the ritual to
scoundrel for a long time, haunting Penance’s streets, bring the pit fiend into the forge or to travel there
stripping those he encountered of their valuables, themselves, the mob will assault them beginning in
Horrors of Penance

their pride, and often much more. That was, at least, the first hour to attempt to stop it.
until Dalmott found religion. Dalmott Raa: Foul Picker, Rog2/Clr4/
Dalmott’s chosen patron is Hillengall, Lord of Inquisitor10, CR 16, hp: 60.
Peaks and Valleys. The god’s teachings consist of a Dalmott’s Lieutenants: 10 4 th lvl Clerics of
bewildering collection of teachings on fate, Hillengall
punishment, and rewards, all of which Dalmott use Dalmott’s Mob: 120 1st level commoners
to turn any situation to his benefit. Dalmott saw Development: Dalmott already has the crowd in
immediately that a high-ranking position within the a state of enrapture. He has used all of his Inquisitor
church and an unquestioning flock of his own was prestige class abilities (see Oathbound, p. 52) to
precisely what he needed to set himself up for life. “program” his mob toward violent ends, including
In no time at all, Dalmott had just that: a temple of creating martyrs.
his own creation. He became its first and foremost
inquisitor, converting all available souls for their
own good.
Facing the Devil
Dalmott’s motivations are many: wealth, glory, The characters’ choices throughout the adventure
power, and in fact a true devotion to his deity; will inevitably lead them to an ultimate decision re-
granted, that devotion exists merely in the hopes that garding the totems and Cernu’ba’donn. Their choices
he himself will be rewarded, but it is earnest may lead to them facing the devil himself, something
nonetheless. So when he heard the tales of the totem he does not desire but is prepared to deal with, or
murders, he quickly grasped at them for many they might actually help the pit fiend in his designs
reasons. On the one hand he wishes to retain his and end up facing only a minor threat as their “re-
power of his flock, and knows that it wanes without ward.”
some impending “valley” or threat to keep them
afraid. On the other, he sees a true threat to his flock
from these grisly attacks and entertains images of
Conclusion 1: Playing into
himself as the savior of his people from the murders.
Finally, he believes that this may be a test from
the Devil’s Hands
Hillengall and wishes to face it head-on.
Through his contacts and his clergy, Dalmott Path A: Inaction
learned that the totems were somehow involved
Whether the characters actively prevent the totems
with the deaths. He was quick to make the logical
from being destroyed or simply do not finish their
connections and denounce the items, calling them
investigation in time, some of the totems survive.
the work of evil and dark powers. It was not long
Cernu’ba’donn’s ritual reaches completion, and he
before the temple filled with the rumblings of a riot.
teleports into the Forge on the 666th hour since the
Dalmott now leads his fanatical followers from
bonding of the 1,000th soul. There is neither fanfare
house to house, calling for all totems “to be cast into
nor warning associated with the event, and no
brimstone and flame and purged from the face of
scrying or divination spell will reveal the location of
the Forge forever more!” He and his followers will
the fiend. However, sometime after the teleportation,
have already collected several dozen of the totems
the characters will begin hearing rumors of attacks
by the time the PCs hear of the mob.
and even assassination attempts by unknown de-

monic assailants. Soon after they will be attacked kill thousands and lay waste to countless cantons
themselves by the creatures: a group of Totembound throughout Penance.
(see NPC statistics), 1 for each PC, sent by Bloodlords and citizens throughout Penance will
Cernu’ba’donn. The attack will occur while the char- swear vengeance upon the new devil bloodlord, but
acters are resting, if possible; if not, while they are with their armies and probably champions
weakened from a previous fight. The encounter is a destroyed by the Totembound attack, most will be
punishment from Cernu’ba’donn for foiling his op- in no position to challenge him for some time.
timal plan and a “reward” for assisting in his sec- Neither will appealing to the Queen accomplish
ondary one. The characters have proven themselves much, as he has broken none of her laws. Unable to
powerful, capable, and most importantly, easily take out their grief and anger on the devil himself,
manipulated. Such a group would make ideal ser- who knows what would happen if the PCs were
vants for a devil. It is all the warning they will re- linked to the devil’s arrival . . .
ceive that Cernu’ba’donn has entered the Forge and
may have plans for them . . .
Conclusion 2: Refusing
Path B: Destruction to Play the Game

Horrors of Penance
If the characters decide to round up and destroy all
of the totems, or simply do no prevent Dalmott from
doing so, you may “fast forward” through the ac-
Path A: Drawing the Devil
tual destruction process. If the PCs are doing it, de- The characters may decide that they need to stop the
scribe the time-consuming, tiring, and down-to-the- pit fiend’s plans, but that they cannot do so on their
last-minute challenge in making sure they are all ac- own. In this case, summoning the devil to the Forge
counted for, fighting off Cernu’ba’donn’s spells and in a place of their choosing is probably the best op-
attacks (half-hearted ones, of course, though the PCs tion. The only limitation to the location is that it must
would not know that) from the totems themselves, be somewhere within the city of Penance (because
and finally destroying the last hoard of them en- Penance was the location of the original binding of
masse. Describe the appropriate howling of pain as the souls). It is up to the characters to choose whether
the souls are destroyed, the supposed angry raving it be somewhere in the Undercity, in the wrack, or
from Cernu’ba’donn (Sense Motive checks might be even in an occupied canton; if the latter, it is also up
appropriate), the flash of bright light as the magic is to the character whether or not to inform the
released . . . and then silence. Let the characters re- bloodlord that Cernu’ba’donn is coming. Wherever
joice in their success for several moments. Then, tell they choose, the characters must spend both the full
them they hear screams . . . and laughter. day of preparation and the full hour of casting in that
Assuming the PCs are in Penance at the time, they location.
will be able see Cernu’ba’donn’s hive-like fortress Once the summoning is complete, read the
quite clearly, towering over the ruins of the nearest following (with changes as necessary depending on
unclaimed canton. Swarms of devils already circle location):
above the skies about it, creating an impenetrable As the dark ritual is completed, a single drop
wall of sentries. Most importantly, of course, are the of blood runs out of the totem before you. When
humanoid figures flying, charging, and chewing it hits the ground, it seems to spread out not as
their way outward from the canton in a gigantic ring blood, but a small growth of veins. The veins
of death. They are the after-affects of the ritual, the grow at a phenomenal pace, spreading outward
remains of the souls that were destroyed along with and taking root in the ground as a small round
the totems. And they are angry. While pod starts to emerge from their center. Abruptly,
Cernu’ba’donn and his devils are official citizens of the pod bursts forth in size. While the truth is
Penance and will remain safely law-abiding in their that it is growing more rapidly than is physi-
new canton, the Totembound are soulless abyssal cally possible, you feel instead as if you are be-
monstrosities that are out of his control, constructs ing rushed forward toward an immense sphere
more than anything else, that plan to reave, rape, that has always been here, waiting for some
and kill anything in their way. For some reason, large threshold to be crossed. Everything surround-
bands of them seem particularly interested in the ing it is battered and destroyed as the sphere
characters. The PCs will have one round to prepare grows.
before the wave of Totembound hits them; assume The characters need to make a Reflex save (DC
that they face a new group (1 for each PC) every 20) to avoid being smashed between the pod and
minute until they have faced 5 such groups or they their surroundings (such as wagons, walls, and other
escape. Meanwhile, the other 900-odd Totembound structures) as the pod grows to enormous

proportions. Anyone failing takes 10d6 points of The PCs appear in a cleft in the ground, hidden
bludgeoning damage, -1d6 for every 10 feet away from view of passing devils. Once they have a chance
from the totem they were when the ritual was to orient themselves and take in the area around
completed. them, read the following:
As suddenly as it began, the pod stops grow-
ing after it reaches a towering height. Before you You stand in a small depression in the middle
is a sphere nearly 200 feet in height floating above of a vast landscape consisting of mounds of blood-
the ground, its bulk apparently supported by the red moss and small depressions like yours that
vein-like growths reaching up to it from the resemble gigantic burst pustules on the flesh of
ground below. The sphere’s surface is hive-like, the land. The ground itself is comprised of a yield-
filled with hundreds of swollen pustules. Upon ing substance that resembles flesh, blood, and
closer examination, it can be seen that within plasma, though beneath that you can hear and
each of the inflamed growths a humanoid being feel the cracking of what sounds like piles of in-
writhes, trapped. sect exoskeletons. The sky is a sickly yellow with
Neighboring buildings lie demolished, as a spattering of gray storm clouds that appear in
crowds of people flee through the streets to avoid the shapes of shifting faces caught in the throes
Horrors of Penance

this horrific, nightmarish structure. of pure agony. In the far distance, you see hordes
Because of his prior warning, Cernu’ba’donn will of pallid, pathetic creatures consuming what
have surrounded his fortress with thousands of his limbs, heads, and organs they can tear from their
minions. Assume that the characters have full companions. The sounds of their feasting and
concealment from the remains of whatever their screams are all too clear.
structures were destroyed in the pod’s growth. From Your destination is impossible to miss. The
their hiding spot they will see a full retinue of devils, vast plain is broken only by a sphere nearly 200
everything from lemurs to gelugons, roaming the feet in height, floating above the ground, appar-
land and air within a hundred yard radius around ently supported by vein-like growths reaching
the fortress. What occurs next depends on the plans up to it from the ground below. The sphere’s sur-
the characters have made. If they’ve mustered allies face is hive-like, with hundreds of swollen pus-
to help them fight the pit fiend, assume an all-out tules filling its surface. It appears there is a hu-
battle begins between the characters’ allies and the manoid being trapped inside each of the inflamed
devils. The fight should allow the characters to growths.
proceed unseen to Cernu’ba’donn’s sphere. When
they get there, proceed to Entering the Hive, below. If the characters keep to the cover of the mounds
of moss and the depressions, as well as take at least
Path B: Paying the Devil his Due minor measures to disguise themselves (cover
themselves in blood or moss to blend in, use
If the characters use the ritual to travel to invisibility or disguise spells, etc) they should be able
Cernu’ba’donn’s plane, they will arrive just outside to get to the sphere undetected. If they are otherwise
the fiend’s lair. From the moment they arrive, they brazen or idiotic, they will manage to attract the
will have exactly ten minutes before they are pulled attention of the devils and destroy their only
back by the strong bindings that the Forge has upon advantage in this situation: surprise. In such a case,
all who dwell there. The following alterations to let the characters get within 200 feet of the sphere
magic will be in effect: through sheer luck and surprise before the devils
• All spells with the good, healing, and are alerted. At that point, they will be assaulted by 4
chaos descriptor are cast at a –2 caster cornugons, followed the next round by 2 gelugons
level. and 2 erinyes, followed the next round by 4 hellcats
• Spontaneous healing spells (converting and 4 barbazus. If they don’t get the message that
other spells to healing spells) require a they are overmatched and need to get to the sphere
Concentration check (DC 30). immediately, feel free to overwhelm them with devils.
• All chaotic or good beings take 1 point Assuming they manage to reach the sphere, whether
of negative energy damage each round by sneaking or fighting their way through, proceed
they are on the plane; beings that are to Entering the Hive, below. If they were attacked
both chaotic and good take 2 points of in the process, Cernu’ba’donn and his minions will
negative energy damage each round. begin the combat with any possible preparatory
For each Knowledge (planes) check (DC 25) the spells already cast.
PCs make before traveling to the plane, they will
learn of one effect, starting with the 10 minute time

opponent at a time. The Totembound will not leave
Final Battle the pustule willingly. Cernu’ba’donn needs and
binds them there to maintain his connection to the
Entering the Hive totems. Each one that is destroyed or removed
weakens, but does not break, his connection with
The characters can climb the veins that support the the Forge.
sphere (which contain flowing blood and pus) quite Development: Cernu’ba’donn will know the
easily within just a few moments (Climb DC 15). moment someone enters his lair - even the outer
Upon closer examination of the pustules lining the shell. He will immediately send his lemures and
outside of the sphere, they will be able to see a hu- cornugons in that direction to meet them once they
manoid in each one, their faces and bodies seemingly enter the inner sanctum. Cutting through the other
comprised of a riot of insects. The first one they en- side of the pustule to enter the inner sanctum is also
counter, assuming they start at the bottom, presses easily accomplished as a standard action.
its face against the wall of its prison and says in a
wailing voice of desperation, “Samuel!”
Canny PCs will realize that these are the
Inside the Hive

Horrors of Penance
souls that are bound to the totems, and this one in The interior of the sphere is open, vast, and
particular is Samuel’s long-dead brother, Sallous. If dripping. The sphere here is somewhat less than
the characters respond to the trapped soul, it will 100 feet in radius, with the same swollen pus-
continue to rave madly at them until they call it by tules lining the inside. Thick veins cover the skin
name. Once they’ve done so, they will be able to have of the interior, circulating blood up from a deep
an at least somewhat sane conversation with it. It pool in the bottom of the sphere to the top, where
will seem very intent on describing the decade of it drips down in a constant crimson drizzle.
terror and pain it has endured and will constantly A web of walkways composed of bloody, rot-
demand rescue. A Diplomacy check (DC 30) ted flesh lie horizontally on a fairly level access
followed by an explanation that they are here to to meet in a center platform. Countless beetles,
destroy its tormentor, Cernu’ba’donn, and avenge ants, centipedes, and other insects crawl through
its brother Samuel, will calm the soul sufficiently the fleshy pathways, darting in and out of black-
that it will “invite” the characters through its pustule. ened holes rotted and eaten into them. Reaching
While it cannot escape, it can allow others to pass up from the pool of blood is a long shaft of the
through without Cernu’ba’donn being alerted. same porous flesh that pierces the center plat-
This encounter tests the PCs’ patience and form, and ends in a fleshy throne about 10 feet
wisdom. They will need to use up valuable time above the platform. Sitting upon the throne is
speaking to Sallous to enter the hive undetected; the most purely evil being you’ve ever seen. Its
however, if they do not stop and speak with him, bat-like wings folded about it like a cloak, cov-
they will have to cut their way through his or another ered in the dripping blood and crawling insects
pustule to gain entrance. Doing so will pit them that are the lifeblood of this hellish plane, it stands
against the pustule’s resident Totembound (see NPC suddenly and peers intently about it.
statistics) as well as alert Cernu’ba’donn and his Cernu’ba’donn knows that you’re here.
minions of the intruders and give them a full round
to prepare for the assault. If the characters cut their way through one of the
Cutting through or piercing any of these pustules pustules, Cernu’ba’donn and his minions have taken
is a standard acting and is quite easy with any whatever preparatory measures they can and will
weapon. Opening a pustule will reveal an ovoid have moved towards the area the characters will
interior approximately 10 feet in diameter. The enter from. If they negotiated their way through, the
resident Totembound will immediately attack first three PCs that enter the inner sanctum will have
anyone attempting to gain entrance if they have not free partial actions as a surprise round before
been invited. Although the Totembound attacks, it Cernu’ba’donn and his minions realize they are
is apparent in what remains of its face that there is there. The web-like walkways provide at least half
no malice, but merely demonic compulsion. These cover to the surprised devils.
poor souls have no choice in what they are doing, Due to the blood and the uneven surface of the
but retain enough of their consciousness to suffer walkways, moving at anything more than half speed
the horror of their condition and their actions. on them requires a Balance check (DC 15 for moving
Creatures: Totembound - CR 12, hp 144. across a slippery uneven floor - each move action
Tactics: The Totembound will first unleash its requires a separate check). A successful check allows
insect swarm attack. After that it will attack with its the character to move at normal speed. Attempting
poisonous claws and bite focusing on a single a charge or double move incurs a -5 penalty on the

Horrors of Penance Top View of the Hive

Side View of Hive

check. Failing by 4 or less means the character has vent any from entering. Whether the PCs negotiated
used up that move action and has not gone with them or not, they recognize that their tormen-
anywhere. Failing by 5 to 9 means the character falls tor is being threatened, and will do their best to make
prone where she stood. Failing by more than that sure no devils can come to his aid. Because his sphere
amount means the character has slipped off of the is his source of power, he will not retreat, preferring
walkway and fallen to the pool of blood below. instead to fight to the death with the logical assump-
Thankfully, the bloody pool is not deep and the tion that his minions will soon breach the sphere and
character can climb out quite easily; she will, come to his aid. His organized and evil mind simply
however, have to deal with regaining her footing on cannot comprehend the force of will that the tor-
the walkways while being attacked by a mob of mented and extremely chaotic Totembound bring to
lemures that gladly leap down to assault her. bear when keeping the devils from doing so.
Climbing the sides of the sphere is fairly easy (DC Treasure: In addition to the devils’ individual
10) thanks to the abundance of think veins to act as possessions, the pool of blood contains 500 pp, 760
footholds and handholds. gp, a carved bone statuette (50 gp), a ceremonial
Creatures: Cernu’ba’donn is lounging inside the electrum dagger with a star ruby in the pommel
sphere with his personal retinue of guards (or food, (1600 gp), a solid gold idol (10 lb.)(1000 gp), potions

Horrors of Penance
depending on his mood): of blur, clairaudience/clairvoyance, hiding, and
Cernu’ba’donn: CR 16, hp 152 spiderclimb, a +3 buckler, a +4 warhammer of disruption,
Gelugon: CR 13, hp 144 a scroll of holy word, a gem of brightness, a staff of
Cornugon (2): CR 10, hp 106, 106 (one with a ring woodlands (42 charges remaining), boots of levitation
of force shield) (with a pair of humanoid feet still in them), and the
Lemures (13): CR 1, hp 9 following gems: amber (100 gp), black pearl (500 gp),
Tactics: Cernu’ba’donn will instruct his minions bloodstones (50 gp x 2), red tears (1,000 gp), and
to charge into combat while he and the gelugon hang white pearls (100 gp x 3).
back and cast bolstering spells on themselves. The
dim-witted lemures will be the first to attack, herded
forward by the cornugons like cattle. Once the
lemures engage the characters in combat, the With (hopefully) the death of Cernu’ba’donn, the
cornugons will not hesitate to get into the action as souls of the totembound are released to their appro-
well. After prepping themselves, the gelugon and priate afterlife.
Cernu’ba’donn will attack from a distance with their As Cernu’ba’donn dies, you see in every swollen
spell-like abilities. Other than the lemures, the devils node of the shell, the creature trapped within flails
are willing to coordinate summoning other devils, about for several moments as if electrocuted. They
so that, for example, one cornugon protects the other beat against the sides of their cells wildly before sud-
while it summons reinforcements. The gelugon and denly bursting into a swarm of insects. The insects
Cernu’ba’donn will coordinate their summoning as quickly dissolve into dust, leaving nothing behind.
well. All devils will attempt to summon the most You feel an immense wave of warmth flow through
powerful fiend possible. you, almost knocking you off balance. An almost elec-
Cernu’ba’donn and the gelugon are not afraid of tric charge dances across your skin as a thousand
unleashing area of effect spells that will harm souls that were trapped are instantly released for their
lemures as well. They will try to avoid the cornugons eternal rest. The sphere begins to deflate around you,
- only because they are a more suitable buffer, but and you are buried in torrents of blood and pus.
will include them in the area as well. If the characters When you can finally clear the film from your eyes,
take the fight to Cernu’ba’donn or destroy the you find yourself standing in a pool of the stuff just
cornugons, Cernu’ba’donn will gladly meet them in outside the Hub Tavern. What bits of
melee with his +3 huge unholy keen spiked chain. Cernu’ba’donn’s fortress that traveled with you to
Cernu’ba’donn has faced enough would-be heroes the Forge quickly drains away into the Undercity.
to know that their weapons tend to be the focus of The sun shines on several bewildered and disgusted
their magical and offensive power, and so generally faces as a crowd gathers to stare at the grisly sight
uses his spiked chain to disarm them as they come your party makes. As the last of the blood drains
through his 20 foot reach. If a weapon should fall, it away, you see that it was not all that followed you
has a 50% chance to land on a walkway and a 50% back: beneath it was a pile of riches and items, now
chance to fall into the pool of blood at the bottom of revealed. Granted, you’re not being given a hero’s
the sphere. welcome, and few are aware that you saved thou-
Cernu’ba’donn will call for reinforcements from sands of souls, both dead and living, from an exist-
outside the sphere throughout the fight, but the ence of abyssal torment. But no one is trying to kill
Totembound forming the walls of the sphere will pre-

you, you’ve got a pile of treasure for your troubles,
and the Hub Tavern stands before you, eager to
accept its prodigal adventurers home.

Totembound Soul
Medium-size Outsider (Evil, Chaotic)
Hit Dice: 12d10 (114 hp)
Initiative: + 3 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 23 (+3 Dex, +10 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +13 melee, bite +11 melee
Damage: claws 2d8+7, bite 3d6+3 and poison
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Energy Drain, Insect Swarm, Poison, Soul Ex-
Special Qualities: Devil or Demon Qualities, Damage Reduc-
tion 20/+2
Horrors of Penance

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +11

Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con —, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +12, Jump +12, Listen +10, Move Silently +10,
Spot +10.
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Varies
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 13-17 HD (Medium), 18-24 HD (Large), 25-30
HD (Huge).

When a dearly loved family member or friend dies, soul; the creature can spew forth swarms of these as
it is possible to ease the grief of those left behind by a spell-like ability. Other masters might have more
creating a special totem that has, at its core, a single of a penchant for flame, frost, acid, mud, etc.
Weeping Beetle. With this totem representing the If reduced to 0 hp, the Totembound crumbles to
dearly departed, the grief is magically eased. How- dust and reforms 24 hours later in its master’s lair.
ever, there is far more to this ritual than most are The only way to permanently destroy a Totembound
aware. is to destroy its master, which will set the trapped
The deceased being’s soul becomes bound to a spirits free to proceed to the afterlife they deserve.
powerful outsider named during the ritual that cre-
ates the totem. Part of the soul becomes trapped Combat
within the totem while the rest resides on its master’s
home plane. If encountered there or if certain factors Energy Drain (Su): Creatures struck by the claw
of the ritual are completed, the soul may take on solid attacks of a Totembound must make a Fortitude save
form. Such creatures, called Totembounds, may be (DC 16) or suffer 2 negative levels.
mindless servants, compelled intelligent beings, or Insect Swarm (Sp): This spell-like ability func-
ravaging monsters, depending on the conditions tions as creeping doom but is only ¼ of the size - in-
under which they were bound and the details of the flicting 250 hp of damage and covering a 10' by 10'
ritual. All of them, however, are driven insane by area. The swarm lasts for 5 minutes.
their binding. Poison (Ex): Totembounds that succeed at a bite
Totembound appear roughly as they did in life. attack attempt to breathe their dark innards into the
Their flesh is grey and flaky and composes a shell victim. This “poison” inflicts 1d8 Dex and 1d6 Str as
less than an inch thick that crumbles under hard initial and secondary damage (Fort save DC 17 ne-
enough blows. Their eyes and mouths are gaping, gates).
empty sockets. In the case of Cernu’ba’donn’s Soul Exchange (Su): If a Totembound kills a crea-
Totembounds, looking into those sockets would re- ture, what remains of its soul will filter into the new
veal swarms of transparent, writhing insects within. body within 1d4 rounds. Upon completion, the
These insects are the remains of the Totembound’s victim’s body will be healed to 1 hp and the
Totembound, now in a new body and thinking itself
free, will probably attempt to flee. Unfortunately, the
soul is neither coherent nor healthy enough to con-
tinue to exist without its master. The body slowly

withers and collapses into dust in 1d6 hours, the re- SA - Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the
mains of the soul that inhabit disappearing into pit fiend must hit a Medium-size or smaller
oblivion. The victim whose body was stolen takes opponent with its tail slap attack. If it gets a hold, it
the place of the old Totembound, forming for the first can constrict.
time in its master’s lair 24 hours after its death. SA - Constrict (Ex): A pit fiend deals 2d4+10
points of damage with a successful grapple check
against Medium-size or smaller creatures.
Statistics for NPCs SA - Summon Devil (Sp): Twice per day a pit fiend
Cernu’ba’donn: Male Pit Fiend; CR 16; Large Out- can automatically summon two lemures, osyluths,
sider (Evil, Lawful); HD 13d8+65; hp 152; Init +1; Spd or barbazu, or one erinyes, cornugon, or gelugon.
40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average); AC 31; Atk +22/+17/+12 SQ - Immunities (Ex): Devils are immune to fire
melee (2d6 + 10 [18-20], +3 huge keen unholy spiked and poison.
chain) and +14 melee (1d4+3, 2 wings) and +14 me- SQ - Regeneration (Ex): Pit fiends take normal
lee (2d6+3, bite) and +14 melee (2d4+3, tail), or +19 damage from holy and blessed weapons of at least
melee (1d6+7, 2 claws) and +14 melee (1d4+3, 2 +3 -enchantment.
wings) and +14 melee (2d6+3, bite) and +14 melee SQ - Resistances (Ex): Devils have cold and acid

Horrors of Penance
(2d4+3, tail); SA: Fear aura, spell-like abilities, im- resistance 20.
proved grab, constrict, summon devils; SQ: devil SQ - See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see
qualities, DR 25/+2, SR 28, regeneration 5; AL LE; perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created
SV Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +12; Str 25, Dex 14, Con 21, by deeper darkness spells.
Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 16. SQ - Telepathy (Su): Devils (except lemures) can
Skills and Feats: Bluff +17, Climb +20, communicate telepathically with any creature within
Concentration +19, Disguise +17, Hide +4, Jump +19, 100 feet that has a language.
Knowledge (arcana) +20, Listen +20, Move Silently Possessions: +3 huge keen unholy spiked chain, boots
+17, Search +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot +20; Combat of speed.
Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Dalmott Raa: Male Foul Picker; Rog2/Clr4/
Improved Critical (spiked chain), Improved Inquisitor 10; CR 16; Small humanoid (reptilian); HD
Initiative. 2d6+ 14d8 - 16; hp 52; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18 (+3
SA - Spell-Like Abilities: At will — animate dead, natural, +2 Divine Knowledge, +1 Size); Atk +14/
blasphemy, charm person, contagion, create undead, +9/+4 melee (1d6 +1, masterwork sickle); SQ - detect
desecrate, detect good, detect magic, dispel magic, hold magic, enhanced memory; AL LE; SV Fort +11, Ref
person, improved invisibility, insect plague, magic circle +14, Will +21; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 18, Wis 17,
against good, major image, polymorph self, pyrotechnics, Cha 24.
suggestion, summon swarm, teleport without error (self Skills and Feats: Appraise +9, Bluff +23,
plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy aura, and Concentrate +12, Diplomacy +32, Disguise +12,
unhallow; 1/day- creeping doom, and symbol (any). Escape Artist +5, Gather Information +26, Hide +16,
These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17th-level Intimidate +26, Knowledge (religion) +21, Listen +8,
sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level). Once per year a Move Silently + 5, Open Lock +5, Pick Pocket +5,
pit fiend can use wish as the spell cast by a 20th- Search +9, Sense Motive +18, Spot +8, Use Magic
level sorcerer. Device +10; Combat Casting, Iron Will, Leadership,
SA - Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a pit fiend Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Penetration.
can create an aura of fear in a 20-foot radius. It is Gifts: Charm.
otherwise identical with fear cast by a 15th-level SQ-Detect Magic (Sp): A picker can detect magic,
sorcerer (save DC 19). If the save is successful, that as the spell, at will. This works as if cast by a wizard
creature cannot be affected again by that pit fiend’s of level equal to the picker’s hit dice.
fear aura for one day. Other devils are immune to SQ - Enhanced Memory (Ex): A picker can recall
the aura. with great precision every detail that it knows about
SA - Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 21); any object of interest that it has seen, heard of, or
initial damage 1d6 temporary Constitution, read about. This only applies to items; its memory
secondary damage death. is normal in regards to everything else.
SA - Disease (Su): Even if an affected creature Domains: Luck, Protection.
saves against the poison, it must succeed at a Spells Prepared (Clr 6/7/6/6/4/4/3): 0 - Detect
Fortitude save (DC 14) or be infected with a vile Magic x2, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and
disease called devil chills (incubation period 1d4 Drink x2; 1st - Bane, Cause Fear, Sanctuary (d),
days, damage 1d4 points of temporary Strength). Doom, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Good,
Random Action; 2nd - Calm Emotions, Desecrate,
Enthrall, Hold Person, Aid (d), Silence; 3rd - Animate

Dead, Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, SQ - Resistances (Ex): Devils have cold and acid
Invisibility Purge, Protection from Elements (d), resistance 20.
Remove Blindness/Deafness; 4th - Air Walk, SQ - See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see
Freedom of Movement (d), Inflict Critical Wounds, perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created
Tongues; 5th – Spell Resistance (d), Greater by deeper darkness spells.
Command, Mark of Justice, Summon Monster V; 6th SQ - Telepathy (Su): Devils (except lemures) can
- Greater Dispelling, Mislead (d), Word of Recall. communicate telepathically with any creature within
Devil, Cornugon (2): CR 10; Large Outsider (Evil, 100 feet that has a language.
Lawful); HD 11d8+33 (Outsider); hp 106; Init +1; Spd Devil, Gelugon: CR 13; Large Outsider (Evil,
20ft., Fly, Average 50 ft.; AC 25; Atk +15/+10/+10 Lawful); HD 12d8+60; hp 141; Init +1; Spd 40; AC
(1d4+5, 2 Claws; 1d4+2, Bite; 1d3+2, Tail); or +15/ 28; Atk +17/+12/+12 (1d8+6, 2 Claws; 2d4+3, Bite;
+10 (1d4+5, Bite; 1d3+2, Tail); SA: Spell-like abilities, 3d4+3, Tail); or +17/+12 (2d4+6, Bite; 3d4+3, Tail);
Fear aura, Stun, Wound, Summon devils; SQ: SA: Spell-like abilities, Fear aura, Cold, Summon
Damage reduction, Regeneration, Resistance: Spell, devils; SQ: Damage reduction, Regeneration,
Resistance: Acid, Resistance: Cold, Immunity: Fire, Resistance: Acid, Resistance: Cold, Resistance: Spell,
Immunity: Poison, See in darkness, Telepathy; AL Immunity: Fire, Immunity: Poison, See in darkness,
Horrors of Penance

LE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +9; Str 21, Dex 12, Con Telepathy; AL LE; SV Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +14; Str
17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14. 23, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +14, Climb +16, Skills and Feats: Bluff +16, Climb +20,
Concentration +15, Hide +7, Listen +14, Move Concentration +20, Disguise +17, Jump +19,
Silently +14, Search +14, Sense Motive +14, Spot +14; Knowledge (arcana) +20, Listen +22, Move Silently
Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder. +16, Search +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +20,
SA - Spell-Like Abilities: At will: animate dead, charm Spot +22; Alertness, Cleave, Dodge, Power Attack.
person, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, detect SA - Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dead,
thoughts, dispel chaos, dispel good, magic circle against charm monster, cone of cold, desecrate, detect good,
good, major image, produce flame, pyrotechnics, detect magic, fly, magic circle against good, major
suggestion, and teleport without error (self plus 50 image, polymorph self, suggestion, teleport without
pounds of objects only); 3/day-fireball and lightning error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy
bolt; 1/day-wall of fire. These abilities are as the spells aura, and wall of ice. These abilities are as the spells
cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell
level). level).
SA - Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a cornugon SA - Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a gelugon
can create an aura of fear in a 5-foot radius. It is can create an aura of fear in a 10-foot radius. It is
otherwise identical with fear cast by a 12th-level otherwise identical with fear cast by a 13th-level
sorcerer (save DC 17). If the save is successful, that sorcerer (save DC 19). If the save is successful, that
creature cannot be affected again by that cornugon’s creature cannot be affected again by that gelugon’s
fear aura for one day. Other devils are immune to fear aura for one day. Other devils are immune to
the aura. the aura.
SA - Stun (Su): Whenever a cornugon hits with a SA - Cold (Su): A hit from a gelugon’s tail or spear
whip attack, the opponent must succeed at a attack induces numbing cold. The opponent must
Fortitude save (DC 17) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 21) or be affected as
SA - Wound (Su): A hit from a cornugon’s tail though by a slow spell for 1d6 rounds.
attack causes a bleeding wound. The injured creature SA - Summon Devil (Sp): Once per day a gelugon
loses 2 additional hit points each round until the can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures or 1d6 barbazu
wound is bound (a DC 10 Heal check) or the creature with a 50% chance of success, 2d4 osyluths or 1d6
dies. hamatulas with a 35% chance of success, or another
SA - Summon devil (Sp): Once per day a cornugon gelugon with a 20% chance of success.
can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures or 1d6 barbazu SQ - Immunities (Ex): Devils are immune to fire
with a 50% chance of success, 1d6 hamatulas with a and poison.
35% chance of success, or another cornugon with a SQ - Regeneration (Ex): Gelugons take normal
20% chance of success. damage from holy and blessed weapons of at least
SQ - Immunities (Ex): Devils are immune to fire +2 enchantment.
and poison. SQ - Resistances (Ex): Devils have cold and acid
SQ - Regeneration (Ex): Cornugons take normal resistance 20.
damage from acid, and from holy and blessed SQ - See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see
weapons of at least +2 enchantment. perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created
by deeper darkness spells.

SQ - Telepathy (Su): Devils (except lemures) can Skills and Feats: Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Intuit
communicate telepathically with any creature within Direction +6, Listen +17, Search +10, Sense Motive
100 feet that has a language. +8, Spot +17; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat
Devil, Lemure (13): CR 1; Medium Outsider Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus:
(Evil, Lawful); HD 2d8; hp 9; Init +0; Spd 20; AC 13; (incorporeal touch).
Atk +2 base melee, +2 base ranged; +2 (1d3, 2 Claws); SA—Constitution Drain (Su): Living creatures hit
SQ: Damage reduction, Resistance: Spell, Mindless, by a wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed
Immunity: Fire, Immunity: Poison, Resistance: Acid, at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or suffer 1d6 points of
Resistance: Cold, See in darkness; AL LE; SV Fort permanent Constitution drain.
+3, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int —, SA—Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by
Wis 11, Cha 5. a wraith becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Spawn
SQ - Immunities (Ex): Devils are immune to fire are under the command of the wraith that created
and poison. them and remain enslaved until its death. They do
SQ - Mindless (Ex): Lemures are immune to all not possess any of the abilities they had in life.
mind-influencing effects. SQ—Unnatural Aura (Su): Both wild and
SQ - Resistances (Ex): Devils have cold and acid domesticated animals can sense the unnatural

Horrors of Penance
resistance 20. presence of a wraith at a distance of 30 feet. They
SQ - See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see will not willingly approach nearer than that and
perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as
by deeper darkness spells. long as they are within that range.
Oed: Male Metabolized Faust; Rog9/Rafter3/ SQ—Undead: Immune to mind-influencing
Assassin3; CR 18; Medium-size Humanoid; HD effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and
9d6+3d8+3d6+45; hp 119; Init +11; Spd 80 ft; AC 28 disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage,
(+8 Dex, +6 natural, +2 studded leather of shadowy silent ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
moves); Atk +22/+18/+13 melee (1d6+8, +4 short damage.
sword ), or +19/+15/+10 ranged (1d8+6, +2 SQ—Incorporeal: Can be harmed only by other
masterwork mighty comp longbow), or +14/+14 (1d8+4, incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons,
claws), +9 (2d4+2 bite); SQ: darkvision, scent, or magic, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage
evasion, uncanny dodge, sneak attack 7d6, death from a corporeal source. Can pass through solid
attack (DC 13), spells, poison use, +7 save vs. poison, objects at will, and own attacks pass through armor.
extra partial action; AL NE; SV Fort +10, Ref +25, Always moves silently.
Will +8; Str 18, Dex 27, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14. SQ—Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): Wraiths are
Skills and Feats: Appraise +2, Balance +18, Bluff utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a
+22, Climb +4, Craft (maps) +4, Disable Device +12, daylight spell) and flee from it.
Hide +38, Innuendo +5, Intimidate +6, Intuit Wraith of Aunt Anelie (all spells active): CR 12;
Direction +4, Jump +34, Knowledge (arcane) +4, Medium Undead; HD 10d12 (Undead); hp 74; Init
Listen +5, Move Silent +32, Open Lock +14, Pick +7; Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good); AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4
Pocket +12, Read Lips +4, Search +4, Spot +5, Tumble deflection); Atk Incorporeal touch +9 melee (1d4+1
+21, Use Magic Device +7; Dodge, Improved and 1d6 permanent Con drain); SA: Con drain, create
Initiative, Mobility, Quickdraw, Spring Attack, spawn; SQ: Undead, incorporeal, +5 turn resistance,
Weapon Finesse (short sword). unnatural aura, daylight powerlessness, SR, improved
Possessions: +4 short sword, +2 masterwork might invisibility; AL LE; SV Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +14; Str
comp longbow, ring of jumping, ring of feather falling; –, Dex 16, Con –, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15.
bag of holding (Bag 3), +2 studded leather of shadowy Skills and Feats: Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Intuit
silent moves, cloak of resistance +3, potion of cure serious Direction +6, Listen +17, Search +10, Sense Motive
wounds, potion of improved invisibility, potion of gaseous +8, Spot +17; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat
form, scroll of dimension door, two gems worth 600 gp Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus:
each. (incorporeal touch).
Wraith of Aunt Anelie (base): CR 5, double xp; SA—Constitution Drain (Su): Living creatures hit
Medium Undead; HD 10d12 (Undead); hp 64; Init by a wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed
+7; Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good); AC 15 (+3 Dex, +2 at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or suffer 1d6 points of
deflection); Atk Incorporeal touch +8 melee (1d4 and permanent Constitution drain.
1d6 permanent Con drain); SA: Con drain, create SA—Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by
spawn; SQ: Undead, incorporeal, +2 turn resistance, a wraith becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Spawn
unnatural aura, daylight powerlessness; AL LE; SV are under the command of the wraith that created
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +9; Str –, Dex 16, Con –, Int 14, them and remain enslaved until its death. They do
Wis 14, Cha 15. not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

SQ—Unnatural Aura (Su): Both wild and dying children in the Cofferdam Orphanage, which
domesticated animals can sense the unnatural was burned to the ground in the great fire. The
presence of a wraith at a distance of 30 feet. They Cofferdam had long been an institution within the
will not willingly approach nearer than that and Lost City (it had existed nearly 500 years before the
panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as fire) as a home to the outcast and forgotten children
long as they are within that range. of Penance – the waifs of the exiles, the abandoned
SQ—Undead: Immune to mind-influencing of the miscreants, and the forgotten of the social
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and abominations. These ghostly children now plague
disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, the dreams of Thymtoff, and they are beginning to
ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive plague the dreams of others. Other monks within
damage. the Great Archive have begun suffering, and
SQ—Incorporeal: Can be harmed only by other whatever foul vapor infests the Archive seems to be
incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, spreading to the wrack as well.
or magic, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage The characters, seeking a valuable piece of
from a corporeal source. Can pass through solid information from the Archive, learn of this situation
objects at will, and own attacks pass through armor. when the monks, sleep deprived, simply cannot help
Horrors of Penance

Always moves silently. them find what they seek. Only by helping the
SQ—+5 Turn Resistance: Combined effect of monks rid themselves of these tormenting
natural turn resistance the desecrate effect. nightmares can they help themselves. The answers
SQ—Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): Wraiths are can only be uncovered at the nightmares’ source –
utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a the ruins of the Cofferdam. There, the characters will
daylight spell) and flee from it. uncover horrible secrets about the orphanage and
SQ—Spell Resistance: SR 25 against good spells its proprietors. Will they be able to escape with this
and spell cast by good creatures. important knowledge or will they fall prey to the
SQ—Strength Damage: Any successful melee lonely and vengeful spirits that reside there? It is
attack against the wraith causes the attacker to said that children can be so cruel . . .
receive 1d6 points of temporary strength damage
(Fortitude save DC 21 negates).
SQ—Improved Invisibility: All attacks against
The Flesh Gatherers
wraith have 50% miss chance, all attacks by wraith Throughout the streets of Penance gangs of frey with
gain +2 to hit, all enemies lose their Dexterity bonus strangely marked and dyed pelts, seeming no more
(if positive) to AC. than hoodlums, are savagely attacking random citi-
zens. They appear from the shadows of alleys and
deserted buildings to descend upon unwary indi-
Further Adventures – viduals. The oddity is that they never rob these vic-
tims or even set out to kill them, but always cut a
A Coven of Ideas body part off of the victim and then vanish into the
darkness as quickly as they appeared. Sometimes it
This section presents thirteen suggestions for further is a finger they claim, sometimes a foot, or ear, and
horror-themed adventures in the world of the Forge. unfortunately the occasional head. They always seem
These ideas are just that, ideas; the GM should feel to know which “piece” of the victim they want when
free to add, drop, or change any element as his whim they attack.
dictates. Behind this madness are the insane arcane
experiments of a frey shaman known only as
The Orphanage of the Exiles WhiteEye, called thusly for his cataract-filled blind
eyes. Apparently, WhiteEye is intent on assembling
The Lost City of Penance is well known as the refuge an army flesh golems built from the still-living flesh
of the outcasts of society. Populated with exiles, mis- of these victims. The frey shaman believes that not
creants, social abominations and far worse, it is a only will the golems be even more potent than those
place where few seeds dare tread. A year ago, a large normally created, but that they will also give him
section of the wrack was obliterated in a massive fire control over those whose flesh they bear. While this
– good riddance to those it killed, many said. Few in seems like the babble of one who has lost his wits,
Penance mourned the huge death toll in the Lost City those wounded by the frey are starting to have
that day. strange dreams of doing things they would normally
One in Penance mourned, however, and still does never do; while in his fitful sleep, WhiteEye has
– a monk in the Great Archive by the name of prophetic dreams that tell him the race and body
Thymtoff has become haunted by dreams of the

part that his gang must gather next. His insanity will all fanatical religious beliefs, however, the definition
eventually lead him to produce a golem that will of impure continues to shift as even the pious become
incorporate his own brain, the “perfect” immortal infected.
body with which to lead his armies. Neighboring bloodlords take a more practical
than theological interest in the plague: they want it
to remain in its current bloodhold at all costs.
The Empty City Banding together, they seal off the area both
A teleport attempt interacts strangely with the weave physically and magically in hopes that the disease
of reality that makes up the Forge and deposits the will run its course like any other plague.
characters into what seems to be Penance, but is en- Unfortunately, the few peacekeepers, including the
tirely abandoned. Every street, both in the unclaimed characters, are quarantined as well. Somehow, they
and claimed territories, is utterly vacant. Even the must now survive the plague and as well as tension
citadel of Queen Israfel seems oddly quiet with the that is growing into outright anarchy.
ever-present bridge golems missing.
The reason for this is completely up to the GM.
Perhaps it is a parallel version of the Forge created
Bloodlord Thrall

Horrors of Penance
for some insidious arcane reason. Perhaps a A powerful bloodlord has become the thrall of a
powerful mage, extra-planar creature, or even deity, vampiric psionic savant known as DarkThought.
needs this “perfect model” of the city in order to gain Now the nightmarish creature pulls the strings of the
control over it. The characters, because they have bloodhold, giving orders that border on breaking the
inadvertently stumbled upon it, must now be Queen’s laws. All throughout the bloodhold, people
eliminated. begin disappearing and no one seems to be asking
Alternatively, it may be the far future after the any questions.
citadels have been unlocked, the imprisoned god As agents of a neighboring bloodlord or
freed eons ago. With their god free and their oaths alongside of a force of bailiffs, the characters are
broken, the Black Flock had no reason to remain or asked to investigate these strange occurrences and
to pull fresh beings into the Forge. Without the locate the missing individuals. As they journey into
power of the Seven and the unnamed god to keep the bloodhold, they find that all within it seem to
their world alive, the residents lived short hopeless shun the light and prefer to talk with them at night.
lives and the entire population died off, neither food Additionally, every man, woman, and child seems
nor magic nor energy left to keep their world going. obsessed with a new drink that has taken the
The plane is left empty, but the characters must find populace by storm. Strong smelling and vicious, it
a way to return home. is repulsive to the characters, until they happen to
Or perhaps everything is perfectly normal, and try it – at which point they too begin to change.
the problem lies with the characters. They may be Exactly what is happening is up to the GM to
“out of phase” in some unusual “bordering plane”. decide, but it is safe to say that a vampiric
However, they are not alone here and have caught community, or some would even call it an army, is
the attention of the locals, a race of hideous creatures growing within Penance. Whether the vampire
that reside in this plane and stalk those in the normal simply seeks a few cantons to remake in its own
world. image or desires something far grander is unknown.

Plague of the Penitent Brotherhood of the Bane

A small bloodhold has been plagued with a terrible A cunning group of lycanthropes of several breeds
disease that appears to have a 100% mortality rate. have come together under the name the Brotherhood
Those infected progress rapidly through phases of of the Bane. Their goal is to take over Penance and
intense pain caused by horrifying larva-filled boils. make it their capital; their method of attack is two-
Whether it is merciful or not, the victims are driven fold.
insane before they succumb to the disease and so far First, they begin causing a rash of murders in such
magic has not revealed the cause of the disease nor a manner as to incriminate certain individuals that
been able to stop its steady advance. have taken the Focus of the Beast. The bodies from
Panic begins to spread and the characters are sent these murders disappear shortly afterward. The
in to keep the peace (and do a little investigating Brotherhood is actually not killing them, but rather
before the disease spreads to their home bloodhold). attacking, infecting them with lycanthropy and then
Many begin to believe that the disease is a curse from causing them to appear dead for a short period
the gods and only the impure are infected. As with through alchemical means. As soon as it’s safe,

agents of the Brotherhood sneak back, retrieve their undead abomination themselves. The bloodlords of
new recruits, and take them to a safehouse to “re- Penance begin to fear that if the horde of undead
educate them” until their transformation is complete. creatures does not trample the city to the ground
Secondly, they have begun making dark pacts that the aftershocks of disease and the undead host
with some choice abyssal lords, promising the will decimate it for sure.
undying servitude of their growing gang of minions The characters are sent as an advance scouting
if assistance will be given in their ultimate battle. It party that must try to deduce the origins of and
is only after their dark army has grown to epic perhaps a solution to this foul threat before more
proportions that the battle can begin: the communities (Penance among them) are wiped from
Brotherhood of the Bane wishes to fight Israfel the face of the world.
herself. With an entire city of their brothers at their
side, backed by the might of the Abyss, how can they
Rain of Blood
Soothsayers and prophets across the city of Penance
begin declaring that the end of the world is near.
Curse of the Decaying Flesh
Horrors of Penance

Much like they have since the city’s founding, the

The characters are sent to collect treasure from an citizens of Penance simply ignore them – until the
ancient tomb deep in the Undercity. Once they re- sky turns black and the rain begins.
turn victorious and give the agreed-upon portion to A constant rain of warm blood begins and shows
whomever sent them, they begin having serious no sign of ending – the warm rain collects and slowly
problems - their extremities seem to be decaying begins to rise, threatening to flood homes and
away before their eyes. Their finger and ear tips are businesses. Before long, the Wellspring itself
slowly withering and turning to dust. They soon becomes tinged with crimson and it is then that the
learn (from nightmares, investigation, and so on) that creatures begin to rise. Creatures that defy mortal
there was a curse on the tomb that can only be lifted description, composed of pure blood, erupt from the
by gathering all of the items they took (or perhaps bloody liquid and drag people down to their dooms.
one particularly powerful item) and returning them There is no sign of the kidnapped victims, and even
to their original locations. giants are being pulled down into pools of blood no
However, the individual who sent them had prior deeper than a child’s bath, vanishing without a trace.
knowledge of the curse and the threat it would pose Panic erupts throughout the city and no one
to those who raided the tomb. He has now vanished knows the reason for the never-ending blood rain.
and has sold off a large number of the items. The Has some powerful wizard cast a curse upon the
characters must track down the belongings and get entire city? Is Israfel or one of the avatars angry and
them back by any means possible (often from the out to destroy them all? Is this an invasion of some
owners who either refuse to give up their newly unknown creature from the depths of hell?
gained treasures or are only willing to sell them at Whatever the cause, only the mightiest of heroes can
an exorbitantly steep price). All the while the begin to explore the cause let alone have a hope of
characters are slowly and painfully deteriorating. stopping the flood of blood.

March of the Beasts Restless Spirits

Word has traveled across the plains to the city of Pen- During the course of their adventuring, the charac-
ance of a horde of massive undead creatures that are ters must destroy an enormously powerful artifact
destroying village after village, town after town (it could be the scepter of the necromancer ruler of
across the domain. The horde is composed of gar- an Undercity cult, the phylactery of a lich-lord, or
gantuan animals and creatures that have become the clockwork heart of some mind-bogglingly com-
zombies, ghouls, and wights. Nothing has yet slowed plex dread siege engine). Doing so results in a mas-
their dread advance. A vast swath of devastation, sive explosion of divine and/or arcane energy that
disease and undeath marks their path; they are utterly destroys the artifact, but also literally blasts
headed straight for Penance. the characters’ spirits right out of their bodies (alter-
Whether these mind-boggling creatures are natively, it could also completely destroy their bod-
directed by some fell necromancer, or are mindlessly ies as well).
running rampant, gathering together only out of As ghosts, the characters soon learn that they
some deep seated herding instinct is not known. have only a finite amount of time before they must
What is known is that every being they come in either merge with the great beyond (and whatever
contact with contracts a foul disease or becomes an destiny awaits them) or return to the material world

and reclaim their lives there; they soon discover, of the proverbial iceberg. An insane cult of half-breed
however, that only children or animals can see them and abomination wizards, sorcerers, priests, and
and these individuals are typically frightened of druids have taken it upon themselves to re-craft the
them. Now they must either track down their world in their own likenesses; too long has the world
physical remains (or if their bodies were destroyed, been ruled by the weaker, “chaste ones”, now is the
discover some way to reform them) and enter into time for the stronger creatures, or the Taint, as they
them before their time literally runs out. call it, to rule. The characters soon learn that this
cabal has amassed an entire army beneath the streets
of Penance – an army of horrific, twisted creatures
The Thirteen that are bent on revenge for their former
A cabal of evil beings informally known as mistreatment and hungering for the taste of blood.
the Thirteen have acquired several cantons and
established themselves as their bloodlords. Not
coincidentally, each of their domains is positioned
The Mist
upon a particular magical nexus. The Thirteen An unusually thick mist settles over the city of Pen-
plan on carrying out an enormously complex and ance, penetrating even into the most well built struc-

Horrors of Penance
formidable ritual that will conjoin the powers of tures with its cold, clammy fingers. At first it is merely
the nexuses and the life energy of the 13,000 in- a nuisance and a novelty. Slowly, as the weeks pass
nocent residents of their cantons, unleashing a and there seems to be no sign of the mist departing,
terrible evil upon the Forge. it begins to have another effect altogether.
Folks begin to board themselves up in their
Whether it is a plot to create a massive portal to a homes, refusing to go to work, or even to the market
nightmarish realm and plunge the entire city into in fear of the omnipresent mist and the “foul vapors”
incarnate chaos, or a plan to use the ritual to cover that swirl within its cold, wet confines. Before long
the Forge in darkness and place an unnamed god of the entire city grinds to an oppressive halt, and
absolute evil upon a throne formed from the Sevens’ Penance, whether it knows it or not, falls under siege
bones, there is only one thing that is for certain – it by an enemy it cannot face. Starvation and disease,
will spell doom for Penance and the Forge as it is coupled with the apathetic and superstitious
currently known. Unless, of course, the characters behavior of the inhabitants, threaten to consume all
can unravel the conundrum of the Thirteen and undo within weeks.
their abominable plot. A mysterious “benefactor of the city” calls in the
characters and equips them with unusual breathing
devices of an ancient and powerful design and asks
The Brood them to find the source of the mist and vanquish it
Pets, livestock, familiars and animals of all kinds are utterly. However, once the mist detects the actions
disappearing. There seems to be little rhyme or rea- of the characters, it begins to defend itself, striking
son to the disappearances but soon thereafter, a rash with thousands of invisible hands and mouths. The
of attacks by unusual beasts begins to plague Pen- characters have marked themselves as threats and
ance. Eyewitnesses and victims describe the feral at- now find themselves surrounded by an enemy the
tackers as “normal critters all stuck together and with size of a city. They must find its weakness or perish
their body parts switched.” within it.
Investigation by the characters soon uncovers
that the nightmare brood of creatures is only the tip

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Horrors of Penance

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original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Con- rang blade, Razor Cyrene, Razor Krug, Sath, Seer of the Wellspring,
tributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights Sestos Malvacius, Seth Drannos, the Seven, Shallaver, Shallinathos,
to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Sheffus, Silumj, Sirilis, Sovereign, Utopia, Verdane, Wellspring, Wild-
wood, Yazarak, Zilkuss. All Proper Nouns (people, places, and things)
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NO- presented in Open Content are considered Product identity.
TICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or
distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the
copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly li-
censed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each ele-
ment of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility
or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in con-
junction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such
Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity


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