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Fanuc 15 Model B - Alarm List

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B–62075E/04 APPENDIX C.



C.1 ALARM LIST (CNC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364

C.2 ALARM LIST (PMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

C.3 PMC ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388



Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 003 TOO MANY DIGITS Data entered with more digits than permitted.
(See APPENDIX 2, “Table of Maximum Command Values.”)
PS 006 ILLEGAL USE OF A minus sign (–) was specified at an address where no minus sign
NEGATIVE VALUE may be specified, or two minus signs were specified.
PS 007 ILLEGAL USE OF DECIMAL A decimal point (.) was specified at an address where no decimal
POINT point may be specified, or two decimal points were specified.
PS 010 IMPROPER G–CODE An illegal G code was specified. This alarm is also generated
when a G code for an option that has not been added is specified.
PS 011 IMPROPER NC–ADDRESS An illegal address was specified. A command was specified for a
slave axis during synchronous operation or independent
operation of a slave axis.
PS 012 INVALID BREAK POINT OF NC word(s) are delimited incorrectly.
PS 013 ILLEGAL PROGRAM NO. Address 0 or N is specified in an illegal location
POSITION (i.e. after a macro statement, etc.)
PS 014 ILLEGAL PROGRAM NO. Address 0 or N is not followed by a number.
PS 015 TOO MANY WORDS IN The number of words in a block exceeds the maximum.
PS 016 EOB NOT FOUND EOB (End of Block) code is missing at the end of a program
input in MDI mode.
PS 017 ILLEGAL MODE FOR A GOTO statement or WHILE–DO statement was found in the
GOTO/WHILE/DO main program in MDI or tape mode.
PS 058 S–COMMAND OUT OF The specified spindle speed exceeded the maximum number of
RANGE revolutions allowed for the spindle motor (parameter No. 5619).
(When SAL of parameter No. 5601 is 1)
PS 059 COMMAND IN BUFFERING Manual intervention compensation request signal MIGET was in-
MODE put for a block containing no M code without buffering.
T: Only for the Series 15–T and 15–TT used with lathes

PSxxx indicates alarms related to programs or settings in
the foreground. Background alarms corresponding to
PSxxx are displayed in the format BGxxx.
Similarly, background alarms corresponding to RSxxx are
also displayed in the format BGxxx.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 060 SEQUENCE NUMBER NOT The specified sequence No. was not found during sequence num-
FOUND ber search.
The sequence No. specified as the jump destination in GOTOn or
M99Pn was not found.
PS 061 NO P, Q COMMAND AT Neither P nor Q was specified in a block of multiple repetitive T
G70–G72 canned cycles G70 to G73 for turning.
(P: Sequence No. of the start cycle block Q: Sequence No. of the
end cycle block)
PS 062 ILL COMMAND IN G70–G76 ⋅ The value specified by address D in a G71, G72, or G73 block T
is zero or negative.
⋅ The value specified by address K or D in a G76 block is zero or
negative, or the value specified by address A is out of bounds
(valid range: 0°x A°x 120°).
⋅ The value specified by I, K, or D in a G74 or G75 block is nega-
⋅ X is specified even though the value specified by I in a G74 or
G75 block is zero, or Z is specified even though the value spe-
cified by K is zero.
PS 063 P, Q BLOCK NOT FOUND The blocks indicated by the sequence Nos. specified in P or Q in a T
block of multiple repetitive canned cycles G70 to G73 for turning
were not found.
PS 064 SHAPE PROGRAM NOT The change in movement along the Z–axis in the G71 finishing T
MONOTONOUS program, or that along the X–axis in the G72 finishing program, is
not monotonous.
PS 065 ILL COMMAND IN Group 01 G code G00 or G01 has not been specified in the blocks
P–BLOCK indicated by P or Q in the blocks of multiple repetitive canned
cycles G70 to G72 for turning.
PS 066 ILL COMMAND IN A group 01 G code other than G00, G01, G02, or G03, a single– T
PROGRAM shot G codes other than G04, or G65, G66, G67, M98, or M99 was
specified in one of the blocks specified by the sequence numbers
specified in P and Q of canned cycle G70, G71, or G72.
PS 067 G70–G73 IN FORBIDDEN Multiple respective canned cycle G70, G71, G72, or G73 is T
MODE specified in a mode other than memory mode.
PS 069 ILL COMMAND IN Chamfering or cornering is specified in a block indicated by the T
Q–BLOCK sequence No. specified in Q in a block of multiple repetitive
canned cycles G70 to G73 for turning.
PS 076 PROGRAM NOT FOUND The program indicated by the program No. called by M98, G65,
G66, G66.1, or a G, M, or T code could not be found.
PS 077 PROGRAM IN USE An attempt was made in the foreground to execute a program be-
ing edited in the background.
PS 079 PROGRAM FILE NO NOT The specified program could not be found.
FOUND This alarm occurs when a program specified by M198 is not
registered in external memory.
This alarm also occurs when a remote buffer is being used and an
attempt is made to execute a program by specifying its
program No. M198.
PS 090 DUPLICATE NC, MACRO An NC statement and macro statement were specified in the same
PS 091 DUPLICATE SUB–CALL More than one subprogram call instruction was specified in the
WORD same block.
PS 092 DUPLICATE MACRO–CALL More than one macro call instruction was specified in the same
WORD block.
PS 093 DUPLICATE NC–WORD An address other than O, N, P, or L was specified in the same
&M99 block as M99 during the macro continuous–state call state (G76).


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 094 G CANNOT BE ARGUMENT Address G was used as the argument of a macro.
PS 095 TOO MANY TYPE–2 More than 10 sets of type–II arguments were specified for custom
PS 100 CANCEL WITHOUT MODAL Call mode cancel (G67) was specified even though macro continu-
CALL ous–state call mode (G66) was not in effect.
PS 110 OVERFLOW: INTEGER An integer went out of range during arithmetic calculations (valid
range: –231 to 231–1)
PS 111 OVERFLOW: FLOATING A binary floating point number went out of range during arithmetic
PS 112 DIVISION BY ZERO An attempt was made to divide by zero in a custom macro.
PS 114 VARIABLE NO. OUT OF An illegal variable No. was specified in a custom macro.
PS 115 READ PROTECTED An attempt was made in a custom macro to use on the right side of
VARIABLE an expression a variable that can only be used on the left side of
an expression.
PS 116 WRITE PROTECTED An attempt was made in a custom macro to use on the left side of
VARIABLE an expression a variable that can only be used on the right side of
an expression.
PS 118 TOO MANY NESTED Too many brackets ([ ]) were nested in a custom macro.
PS 119 ARGUMENT VALUE OUT An argument of a function in a custom macro is out of range.
PS 121 TOO MANY SUB, MACRO 1) The total number of subprogram and macro calls exceeds the
NESTING allowable range.
2) An M98 or M198 command was called by external memory or
a subprogram.
The program specified by M198 contains an M98 or M198
PS 122 TOO MANY MACRO Too many macros calls were nested in a custom macro.
PS 123 MISSING END STATEMENT The END command corresponding to a prior DO command was
missing in a custom macro.
PS 124 MISSING DO STATEMENT The DO command corresponding to a post END command was
missing in a custom macro.
PS 125 ILLEGAL EXPRESSION There is an error in the format used in an expression.
PS 126 ILLEGAL LOOP NO. DO and END Nos. exceed the allowable range.
PS 128 SEQUENCE NO. OUT OF A sequence Nos. was out of range (valid range: 1 to 9999).
PS 131 MISSING OPEN BRACKET The number of left brackets ([ ) is less than the number of right
brackets ( ]) in a custom macro.
PS 132 MISSING CLOSE BRACKET The number of right brackets ( ]) is less than the number of left
brackets ([ ) in a custom macro.
PS 133 MISSING “=” An equals sign (=) is missing in a custom macro.
PS 134 MISSING “/” A division sign (/) is missing in a custom macro.
PS 135 MACRO STATEMENT There is an error in the format used in a macro statement in a cus-
FORMAT ERROR tom macro.
PS 136 DFA STATEMENT FORMAT There is an error in the format used in a DFA statement in a
ERROR custom macro.
PS 137 IF STATEMENT FORMAT There is an error in the format used in an IF statement in a
ERROR custom macro.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 138 WHILE STATEMENT There is an error in the format used in a WHILE statement in a
FORMAT ERROR custom macro.
PS 139 SETVN STATEMENT There is an error in the format used in a SETVN statement in a
FORMAT ERROR custom macro.
PS 141 ILLEGAL CHARACTER IN A SETVN statement in a custom macro contains a character that
VAR. NAME cannot be used in a variable name.
PS 142 VARIABLE NAME TOO The variable name used in a SETVN statement in a custom
LONG macro is too long.
PS 143 BPRNT/DPRNT STATE- There is an error in the format used in a BPRNT or DPRNT
MENT FORMAT ERROR statement specified for external output from a custom macro.
PS 144 G10 FORMAT ERROR There is an error in the G10 format.
PS 145 G10.1 TIME OUT The response to a G10.1 command was not received from the
PMC within the specified time limit.
PS 146 G10.1 FORMAT ERROR There is an error in the G10.1 format.
PS 150 G31 FORMAT ERROR The G31.8 command contains one of the following errors :
– No axis is specified.
– More than one axis is specified.
– P is omitted.
PS 180 ALL PARALLEL AXES IN All of the parallel axes for an address are parked (the parking sig-
PARKING nal is on).
PS 181 ZERO RETURN NOT During automatic operation, a movement command was issued for
FINISHED an axis for which reference position has not been performed since
PS 182 CIRCLE CUT IN RAPID F0 (rapid traverse in inverse feed or feed specified by an F code
TRAVERSE with one–digit number was specified during circular interpolation
(G02, G03) or involute interpolation (G02.2, G03.2) mode.
PS 183 TOO MANY SIMULTA- A move command was specified for more axes than can be
NEOUS CONTROL AXES controlled by simultaneous axis control.
PS 184 TOO LARGE DISTANCE Due to compensation or similar reasons, a movement distance
was specified that exceeds the maximum allowable distance.
PS 185 ZERO RETURN The axis specified in G27 (reference position return check) has not
CHECK(G27) ERROR returned to the reference position.
PS 186 ILLEGAL PLANE There is an error in the plane selection command (parallel axes
SELECTION are being specified at the same time).
PS 187 FEEDRATE IS 0 The cutting feedrate has been set to 0 by an F code.
PS 188 DRY RUN FEEDRATE IS 0 The maximum feedrate or the dry run feedrate has been set to 0
by parameter.
PS 190 CUTTING FEEDRATE IS 0 The maximum cutting feedrate has been set to 0 by parameter.
PS 191 RADIUS TOO LARGE An arc was specified for which the difference in the radius at the
start and end points exceeds the value set in parameter 2410.
PS 192 ILLEGAL LEAD COMMAND In variable lead threading, the lead compensation value set with
(G34) address K is greater than the maximum allowed value (the lead is
negative or greater than the maximum allowed size).
PS 193 ILLEGAL OFFSET NUMBER An incorrect offset No. was specified.
PS 194 ZERO RETURN END NOT The axis specified in G28 (automatic reference position return)
ON REF was not at the reference position when positioning was
PS 195 ILLEGAL AXIS SELECTED An incorrect value was specified in P in a G96 block or
(G96) parameter 5640.
PS 196 ILLEGAL DRILLING AXIS An illegal axis was specified for drilling in a canned cycle for
SELECT drilling.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 197 OTHER AXIS ARE A command was issued for another axis at the same time a
COMMANDED command was being issued for the index table axis.
PS 198 ILLEGAL INDEX ANGLE A value other than an integer multiple of the degree increment
used by the index table was specified.
PS 199 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN An illegal command was specified for indexing using the index
PS 200 PULSE CODER The grid position could not be set during grid reference position
INVALID ZERO RETURN return using a digital position detector, because the one–revolution
signal was not received before leaving the deceleration dog.
PS 201 ILLEGAL LEAD COMMAND During circular threading, a command for changing the long axis
(G35) G02.1/03.1 was issued.
PS 201 G02.1/03.1 FORMAT The specified arc exceeds the range where interpolation can be
ERROR performed.
PS 205 TURRET REF. NOT Indexing was specified without first performing reference position
FINISHED return of the turret axis.
PS 206 ILLEGAL TOOL NO. An invalid tool No. was specified.
PS 210 ILLEGAL WAITING An M command with three–digit number is issued to a tool post TT
M–CODE which then entered a waiting state while a different M command
with three–digit number was issued for another tool post.
PS 211 PROGRAM NUMBER ODD/ An attempt was made to execute an even–numbered program on TT
EVEN ERROR the first tool post or an odd–numbered program on the
second tool post.
PS 212 ILLEGAL BALANCE CUT- A G68 command was issued to a tool post which then entered a TT
TING G–CODE waiting state while a G69 command was issued for another tool
post, or a G69 command was issued to a tool post which then en-
tered a waiting state while a G68 command was issued for another
tool post.
PS 213 ILLEGAL USE OF PS213 Conditions are not correct for starting or cancelling polar
G12.1/G13.1 coordinate interpolation.
⋅ G12.1 or G13.1 was commanded in a mode other than G40.
⋅ An illegal plane was selected
(error in parameter 1032 or 1033).
PS 214 ILLEGAL USE OF G–CODE A G code which cannot be specified in G12.1 mode was specified.
PS 215 TOOL RETRACTION The retract command was specified incorrectly (long axis was spe-
INCORRECT cified in threading).
PS 217 ILLEGAL OFFSET VALUE Illegal offset number
PS 218 FORMAT ERROR Illegal format
PS 223 ILLEGAL SPINDOLE Although spindle control is disabled (G10.7 P0), an S code is spe-
SELECT cified.
PS 229 G10.7 FORMAT ERROR Address P specified in the G10.7 block is not 0, 1, or 2.
PS 270 OFFSET START/STOP IN C An attempt was made to start or cancel tool tip radius compensa-
MODE tion during arc mode.
PS 271 CRC: ILLEGAL PLANE An attempt was made to change the plane while offset C was in
PS 272 CRC: INTERFERENCE The depth of cut is too great while offset C is in effect.
PS 280 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SPI- An illegal command was specified for spiral or conical interpola-
RAL tion. (R was specified.)
PS 281 OVER TOLERANCE OF The difference between the positions of the specified and calcu-
END POINT IN SPIRAL lated end points exceeds the permissible value.
PS 299 CRC: NO INTERSECTION There is no point of intersection in offset C.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 300 ILLEGAL ADDRESS An illegal address was specified while loading parameters or pitch
error compensation data from a tape.
PS 301 MISSING ADDRESS An address was found to be missing while loading parameters or
pitch error compensation data from a tape.
PS 302 ILLEGAL DATA NUMBER An invalid data No. was found while loading parameters or pitch
error compensation data from a tape.
PS 303 ILLEGAL AXIS NUMBER An invalid axis No. was found while loading parameters from a
PS 304 TOO MANY DIGITS Data with too many digits was found while loading parameters or
pitch error compensation data from a tape.
PS 305 DATA OUT OF RANGE Out–of–range data was found while loading parameters or pitch
error compensation data from a tape.
PS 306 MISSING AXIS NUMBER A parameter which requires an axis to be specified was found
without an axis No. while loading parameters from a tape.
PS 307 ILLEGAL USE OF MINUS Data with an illegal sign was found while loading parameters or
SIGN pitch error compensation data from a tape.
PS 308 MISSING DATA An address not followed by a numeric value was found while load-
ing parameters or pitch error compensation data from a tape.
PS 400 PROGRAM DOES NOT The program in memory does not match the program stored on
MATCH tape.
PS 410 G37 INCORRECT No axis or more than one axis was specified in a tool measure-
ment command block.
PS 411 G37 SPECIFIED WITH D/H A D or H code was specified in the same block as an automatic
CODE tool–length measurement command.
PS 412 G37 OFFSET NO. No D or H code was specified before the tool length measurement
PS 413 G37 SPECIFIED WITH A T code was specified in the same block as a tool length mea-
T–CODE surement command.
PS 414 G37 OFFSET NO. No T code was specified before the tool length measurement com-
PS 415 G37 ARRIVAL SGNL NOT During tool measurement, the measurement position arrival signal
ASSERTED went on before the machine was in the area specified by parame-
ter ε, or the measurement position arrival signal did not go on at all.
PS 418 SPINDLE & OTHER AXIS Spindle and other axis are specified in the same block for spindle
MOVE positioning.
PS 419 SPINDLE NOT ZERO Orientation (zero position return) was not completed in spindle
RETURNED positioning.
PS 421 SETTING COMMAND Command for setting tool data (G10L70 to G11, G10L71 to G11) is
ERROR specified incorrectly . (Tool number specified for tool offset.)
PS 422 TOOL DATA NOT FOUND The pot number, tool length compensation data, and cutter com-
pensation data has not been set for the specified tool number (tool
number specified for tool offset).
PS 425 TOOL DATA CANNOT BE Tool data specified by the tool selection command cannot be de-
DELETED leted.
PS 426 TOO MANY ADDRESSES More than one of I, (J), K, or R was specified in the same block as
chamfering or cornering.
Example) G01X––––K––––R ;
PS 427 TOO MANY AXES FOR I–R There is no single–axis movement command specified in a block
MOVE in which chamfering or corner rounding is specified.
Example) G01X––––Z––––K–––– ;
PS 428 MISMATCH AXIS WITH I was specified with axis X or K was specified with axis Z in a block
CNR, CHF in which chamfering or corner rounding is specified.
Example) G01X–––– I –––– ; G01Z––––K–––– ;


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 429 MISSING VALUE AT CNR, The specified movement distance is less than the specified cor-
CHF nering or chamfering amount in a block in which chamfering or
cornering is specified.

MISSING VALUE AT CNR, When a block with cornering or chamfering was inserted, the origi- M
CHF nal movement command range was exceeded.
PS 430 CODE ISN’T G01 AFTER The command following a block in which cornering or chamfering
CNR, CHF was specified is not G01.
Example) N1 G01X–––K––– ; N2 G00Z––– I ––– ;
PS 431 MISSING MOVE AFTER The direction or movement distance specified in the block follow- T
CNR, CHF ing a block in which cornering or chamfering is specified is incor-

Direction Movement distance

PS 431 MISSING MOVE AFTER The block following a block in which cornering or chamfering is M
CNR, CHF specified is not a linear or circular interpolation block.
PS 437 ILLEGAL LIFE GROUP A tool group number exceeded the maximum value.
PS 438 TOOL GROUP NOT SET A tool group which has not been set was specified in a machining
PS 439 TOO MANY TOOLS The number of tools specified in a single tool group exceeded the
maximum allowed number.
PS 440 T COMMAND NOT FOUND No T command was specified in a program which sets a tool
(G10L3) group.
PS 441 NOT USING TOOL IN LIFE An H99 or D command was specified when no tool that belongs to
GROUP a group was being used.
PS 442 ILLEGAL T COMMAND AT The tool group of the tool specified in the tool command (return
M06 tool group) after the M06 command in a machining program does
not match the current tool group.
PS 443 NOT FOUND P, L No P or L command was specified at the beginning of a program
COMMAND that sets a tool group.
PS 445 ILLEGAL L COMMAND The value specified in an L command in a program that sets a tool
group is 0 or a value greater than the maximum tool life.
PS 446 ILLEGAL T COMMAND The value specified in a T command in a program that sets a tool T
group is greater than the maximum allowed value.
PS 446 ILLEGAL H D T COMMAND The value specified by an H, D, or T command in a program that M
sets a tool group is greater than the maximum allowed value.
PS 447 ILLEGAL TYPE OF TOOL The tool change method is set incorrectly. M
PS 448 UNUSABLE ADDRESS A command that cannot be specified in a program that sets a tool
(G10L3) group was specified.
PS 449 NO TOOL LIFE DATA A tool group was specified in a machining program even though
no tool groups have been set.
PS 450 IN PMC AXIS MODE In the PMC axis control mode, the CNC issued a move command
for the PMC axis. This alarm can be suppressed by setting NPAA
of parameter No. 2405 to 1.
PS 533 S CODE ZERO The S code for rigid tapping is not specified.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 573 EGB PARAMETER EGB parameter setting error.
SETTING ERROR (1) SYNAXS, bit 0 of parameter 1955, was erroneously set.
(2) The rotation axis was not specified (bits 0 and 1 of parameter
No. 1006). The synchronous start command with the number
of turns was specified for the slave axis.
(3) The number of pulses distributed per turn was not specified
(parameter Nos. 5996 and 5997).
PS 574 EGB FORMAT ERRO Format error in the block in which the EGB command was specified
(1) No command was specified for the master or slave axis.
(2) Data which is out of range was specified for the master or
slave axis.
(3) A travel distance was specified for the master axis although the
axis was not an NC–controlled axis (parameter No. 5998 was
set to 0).
PS 575 ILL–COMMAND IN EGB One of the illegal commands shown below was specified during
MODE EGB synchronization.
(1) One of commands specified for the slave axis, such as G27,
G28, G29, G30, and G53
(2) One of inch/millimeter conversion commands, such as G20
and G21
PS 577 G80 FORMAT ERROR Format error in that block in which the G80 code was specified
(1) R falls outside the valid range.
PS 578 G80 PARAMETER SETTING Erroneous G80 parameter setting
ERROR (1) The acceleration/deceleration parameter is invalid.
PS 580 ENCODE ALARM When an attempt was made to read a program, the specified pass-
(PSWD & KEY) word did not match the password on the tape and password on
tape was not equal to 0.
When an attempt was made to punch an encrypted tape, the pass-
word did not range from one to 99999999 inclusive.
PS 581 ENCODE ALARM When an attempt was made to punch an encrypted tape, the
(PARAMETER) punch code parameter was set to EIA.
An incorrect command was specified for program encryption or
PS 585 G81 PARAMETER SETTING Erroneous G81–parameter setting 1
ERROR (1) SYNAXS, bit 0 of parameter 1955, was erroneously set.
(2) The slave axis was not specified as a rotation axis
(bits 0 and 1 of parameter No. 1006).
(3) Parameter No. 5995 was not set.
(4) The acceleration/deceleration parameter is invalid.
(5) The automatic phase synchronization parameter is invalid.
PS 586 G81 FORMAT ERROR Format error in the block in which the G81 code was specified
(1) T (number of teeth) was not specified.
(2) Data which was out of range was specified for T or L.
(3) An overflow occurred in the calculation of synchronous coeffi
(4) R falls outside the valid range.
(5) The synchronous feedrate for the workpiece axis is greater
than or equal to the rapid traverse rate (parameter No. 1420).


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 587 ILL–COMMAND IN G81 One of the illegal commands shown below was specified during
MODE G81 synchronization.
(1) One of commands specified for the C–axis, such as G27, G28,
G29, G30, and G53
(2) One of inch/millimeter conversion commands, such as G20
and G21
PS 610 ILLEGAL G07.1 AXIS Axis which cannot perform cylindrical interpolation was specified.
More than one axis was specified in a G07.1 block. An attempt
was made to cancel cylindrical interpolation for an axis that was
not in cylindrical interpolation mode.
PS 611 ILLEGAL G–CODE USE A G code was specified that cannot be specified in cylindrical inter-
(G07.1 MODE) polation mode.
PS 625 TOO MANY G68 NESTING 3–dimensional coordinate switching (G68) was specified more
than twice.
PS 626 G68 FORMAT ERROR There is a format error in a G68 block. This alarm occurs in the
below cases:
(1) When I, J, or K is missing from the block in which G68 is speci-
fied (when the coordinate rotation option is not available)
(2) When I, J, and K specified in the block in which G68 is speci-
fied are all 0
(3) When R is not specified in the block in which G68 is specified
Note) For the 15–T/TT, read G68 as G68.1.
PS 630 HPCC:ILLEGAL START U/ G05P10000 was specified in a mode which cannot enter the
CANCEL HPCC mode (See Section 2.1.1 )
The HPCC mode was canceled without canceling the cutter com-
pensation mode (G41/ G42).(G40 is required before G50P0.)
PS 631 HPCC:NOT READY STATE The RISC processor board is not ready for operation.
PS 632 HPCC:ILLEGAL The setting of a parameter is invalid.
PS 633 HPCC:CRC OFS REMAIN The HPCC mode was canceled with a cutter compensation value
AT CANCEL retained.
PS 634 HPCC:ILLEGAL COMMAND An invalid code was specified in the HPCC mode. (Refer to 2.1.2).
CODE In a block that includes positioning, or auxiliary function, cutter
compensation (G41, G42), cancel (G40), vector retention (G38),
corner arc (G39), or macro call was specified.
PS 710 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN An error was found in the specification for three dimensional
SPACE–CIR circular interpolation.
PS 711 ILLEGAL COMBINATION OF M codes of the same group are specified in the same block.
M CODES Or, an M code which must be specified alone is specified with an
other M code in a block.
PS 805 ILLEGAL COMMAND A command is specified incorrectly in a block.
PS 891 ILLEGAL COMMAND G05 G05 was specified in a state in which G05 cannot be specified. M
PS 895 ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN The setting (parameter No. 7636) that specifies the axis for which M
G02.3/G03.3 to perform exponential interpolation is incorrect.
PS 896 ILLEGAL FORMAT IN The format for specifying exponential interpolation is incorrect (ad- M
G02.3/G03.3 dresses I, J, or R are not specified, are set to 0, or the span value
is negative).
PS 897 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN An illegal value was specified in exponential interpolation (i.e. pa-
G02.3/G03.3 rameter 1n is negative, etc.)
PS 898 ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN An illegal parameter (6068 to 6076) was specified for fixture offset.
PS 900 G72.1 NESTING ERROR G72.1 was specified again during G72.1 rotation copying.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PS 901 G72.2 NESTING ERROR G72.2 was specified again during G72.2 parallel copying.
PS 920 ILL–COMMAND IN G05.1 An invalid command was specified in G05.1 Q1 (look–ahead ac-
Q1 celeration/deceleration before interpolation) mode.
(1) F1–digit command
PS 935 ILLEGAL FORMAT IN The end point of an involute curve, or I, J, K, or R was not
G02.2/G03.2 specified.
PS 936 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN An illegal value was specified in involute interpolation.
G02.2/G03.2 (1) The start point or end point is specified inside the basic circle.
(2) I, J, K, or R was specified as 0.
PS 937 OVER TOLERANCE OF The end point is not positioned on the involute curve that passes
END POINT through the start point (the value specified in parameter No. 2510
is out of range).
PS 990 SPL : ERROR The spline interpolation axis command is invalid.
In NURBS interpolation by high–precision contour control using a
RISC processor:
(1) An invalid rank was specified.
(2) No knot, or an invalid knot, was specified.
(3) Too many axes were specified.
(4) Another program error was detected.
PS 991 SPL : ERROR A G06.1 command was specified in a G code mode in which the
command is not supported.
PS 992 SPL : ERROR Movement was specified for an axis other than those used for
spline interpolation.
In NURBS interpolation by high–precision contour control using a
RISC processor:
(1) A program error was detected in the block to be read in ad-
(2) Increase in knots is not monotonous.
(3) A mode which cannot be used in NURBS interpolation mode
was specified.
PS 993 SPL : ERROR A three–dimensional tool offset vector cannot be generated.
In NURBS interpolation by high–precision contour control using a
RISC processor, the first control point for NURBS is invalid.
PS 994 SPL : ERROR In NURBS interpolation by high–precision contour control using a
RISC processor, NURBS interpolation was resumed after manual
intervention with the manual absolute switch set to ON.
PS 996 G41.3/G40 FORMAT A move command was specified in the block in which the G41.3 or
ERROR G40 code was specified. A G or M code which suppresses buffer-
ing was specified in the block in which the G41.3 code was speci-
PS 997 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN A G code other than G00 or G01 in group 01 was specified in the
G41.3 continuous state of the G41.3 code. An offset command (G code in
group 07) was specified in the G41.3 mode. The block following
the block in which G41.3 (start up) was specified did not have a
move command.
PS 998 G41.3 ILLEGAL START UP The G41.3 code (start up) was specified in the continuous state of
a G code other than G00 or G01 in group 01. The angle formed by
the tool–direction vector and the movement–direction vector was 0
or 180 degrees at start up.
PS 999 ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN A parameter which determines the relationship between the rota-
G41.3 tion axis and rotation plane was erroneously set
(parameter Nos. 1022 and 6080 to 6089)


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

SR 160 INTERNAL DATA OVER Coordinates specified in an absolute or machine coordinate sys-
FLOW tem are out of range.
In general, this alarm is generated when the rotational axis is ro-
tated a number of times and an absolute coordinate becomes
greater than +99999.999 or less than –99999.999 (for increment
system IS–B).
Perform reference position return when this alarm occurs.
SR 310 H, S, C ERROR G10.3, G11.3, or G65.3 is used incorrectly.
SR 311 H, S, C ERROR A command not permitted during high–speed machining was spe-
SR 312 H, S, C ERROR Address P, Q, or L is out of range.
SR 313 H, S, C ERROR High–speed machining data does not exist for the number that
was called.
SR 314 H, S, C ERROR No cluster exists for the number that was called.
SR 315 H, S, C ERROR An attempt was made to register a number for which high–speed
machining data already exists.
SR 316 H, S, C ERROR Memory is full.
SR 317 H, S, C ERROR The maximum number of sets of high–speed machining data has
been registered (no additional high–speed machining data can be
SR 318 H, S, C ERROR An attempt was made to register high–speed machining data dur-
ing background editing.
SR 319 H, S, C ERROR There is an error in the format of high–speed machining data.
SR 320 H, S, C ERROR A macro interrupt occurred during high–speed machining.
SR 424 OVER MAXIMAM TOOL An attempt was made to register new tool data even though the
DATA maximum number of sets of tool data has already been set (tool
No. specified for tool offset).
SR 590 TH ERROR TH alarm (A character with a parity error was entered in a signifi-
cant data area.)
SR 591 TV ERROR TV alarm (The number of characters in a block was not even.)
SR 592 END OF RECORD EOR (End of Record) was specified partway through a block.
SR 600 PARAMETER OF RESTART There is an error in the specification of the program restart param-
ERROR eter.
SR 805 ILLEGAL COMMAND An attempt was made to use an illegal command for the reader/
punch interface. This is generally a system error.
SR 806 DEVICE TYPE MISS An attempt was made to use a command which is invalid for the
MATCH currently selected I/O device. For example, this alarm occurs
when an attempt is made to perform a file head search even
though the medium is not a FANUC floppy disk.
SR 807 PARAMETER SETTING ER- An I/O interface which was not selected as an option was speci-
ROR fied, or the settings or parameters related to the I/O interface are
set incorrectly.
SR 810 PTR NOT READY The ready signal for the tape reader is off.
SR 812 OVERRUN ERROR (PTR) The next character was received by the tape reader before it could
read a previously received character.
SR 820 DR OFF(1) The data set ready signal for reader/punch interface 1 went off.
SR 821 CD OFF(1) The signal quality detection signal for reader/punch interface 1
went off.
SR 822 OVERRUN ERROR(1) The next character was received by reader/punch interface 1 be-
fore it could read a previously received character.
SR 823 FRAMING ERROR(1) No stop bit was detected for a character received by reader/punch
interface 1.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

SR 824 BUFFER OVERFLOW(1) The NC received more than ten characters of data from reader/
punch interface 1 even though the NC sent a stop code (DC3)
during data reception.
SR 830 DR OFF(2) The data set ready signal for reader/punch interface 2 went off.
SR 831 CD OFF(2) The signal quality detection signal for reader/punch interface 2
went off.
SR 832 OVERRUN ERROR(2) The next character was received by reader/punch interface 2 be-
fore it could read a previously received character.
SR 833 FRAMING ERROR(2) No stop bit was detected for a character received by reader/punch
interface 2.
SR 834 BUFFER OVERFLOW(2) The NC received more than ten characters of data from reader/
punch interface 2 even though the NC sent a stop code (DC3)
during data reception.
SR 840 DR OFF(3) The data set ready signal for reader/punch interface 2 went off.
SR 841 CD OFF(3) The signal quality detection signal for reader/punch interface 3
went off.
SR 842 OVERRUN ERROR(3) The next character was received by reader/punch interface 3 be-
fore it could read a previously received character
SR 843 FRAMING ERROR(3) No stop bit was detected for a character received by reader/punch
interface 3.
SR 844 BUFFER OVERFLOW(3) The NC received more than ten characters of data from reader/
punch interface 3 even though the NC sent a stop code (DC3)
during data reception.
SR 860 DATA SET READY DOWN The data set ready signal for the 20 mA current loop interface
(ASR33/43) went off.
SR 861 CARRIER DETECT DOWN The signal quality detection signal for the 20 mA current loop inter-
(ASR33/43) face went off.
SR 862 OVERRUN ERROR The next character was received by the 20 mA current loop inter-
(ASR33/43) face before it could read a previously received character.
SR 863 FRAMING ERROR No stop bit was detected for a character received by the 20 mA
(ASR33/ASR44) current loop interface.
SR 864 BUFFER OVERFLOW The NC received more than ten characters of data from the 20 mA
(ASR33/ASR44) current loop interface even though the NC sent a stop code (DC3)
during data reception.
SR 870 DATA SET READY DOWN The data mode signal for the RS–422 interface went off.
SR 872 OVERRUN ERROR (RS422) The next character was received by the RS–422 interface before it
could read a previously received character.
SR873 FRAMING ERROR (RS422) No stop bit was detected for a character received by the RS–422
SR 874 BUFFER OVERFLOW The NC received more than ten characters of data from the
(RS422) RS–422 interface even though the NC sent a stop code (DC3)
during data reception.
SR 880 NOT DRAWING Communication cannot be made with the graphic CPU.
SR 890 CHECK SUM ERROR (G05) A check sum error occurred (high–speed remote buffer).

Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

OH 000 MOTOR OVERHEAT A servo motor overheated. Axis type
OH 001 LOCKER OVERHEAT The NC cabinet overheated.

Axis type : Error codes of this type are specified for each axis for which it occurs.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

SB 010 GRAPHIC RAM PARITY A parity error occurred in the graphic ROM.
SB 011 GRAPHIC RAM PARITY A parity error occurred in the graphic work RAM.
SB 011 GRAPHIC RAM PARITY A parity error occurred in the RAM for red graphics.
SB 011 GRAPHIC RAM PARITY A parity error occurred in the RAM for green graphics.
SB 011 GRAPHIC RAM PARITY A parity error occurred in the RAM for blue graphics.

Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

SW 000 PARAMETER ENABLE Parameter setting is enabled
SWITCH ON (PWE, a bit of parameter No. 8000 is 1)

Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

OT 001 +OVERTRAVEL (SOFT1) This alarm occurs in the following cases: Axis type
– While moving in a positive direction, the tool exceeded the limit
set in stored stroke limit 1.
– While moving in the positive direction of a hypothetical axis,
the tool exceeded the limit set in the hypothetical axis stroke
– While moving in the positive direction of a hypothetical axis,
the eccentric tool length (R) was exceeded.
OT 002 –OVERTRAVEL (SOFT1) This alarm occurs in the following cases: Axis type
– While moving in a negative direction, the tool exceeded the
limit set in stored stroke limit 1.
– While moving in the negative direction of a hypothetical axis,
the tool exceeded the limit set in the hypothetical axis stroke
– While moving in the negative direction of a hypothetical axis,
the eccentric tool length (R)was exceeded.
OT 003 +OVERTRAVEL (SOFT2) While moving in a positive direction, the tool exceeded the limit set Axis type
in stored stroke limit 2, or the tool entered the out–of–bounds
chuck/tool stock area.
OT 004 –OVERTRAVEL (SOFT2) While moving in a negative direction, the tool exceeded the limit Axis type
set in stored stroke limit 2, or the tool entered the out–of–bounds
chuck/tool stock area.
OT 005 +OVERTRAVEL (SOFT3) While moving in a positive direction, the tool exceeded the limit set Axis type
in stored stroke limit 3. T
OT 006 –OVERTRAVEL (SOFT3) While moving in a negative direction, the tool exceeded the limit Axis type
set in stored stroke limit 3. T
OT 007 +OVERTRAVEL (HARD) The stroke limit switch located at the positive side was turned on. Axis type
OT 008 –OVERTRAVEL (HARD) The stroke limit switch located at the negative side was turned on. Axis type
OT 021 +OVERTRAVEL The tool exceeded the limit in the positive direction during the Axis type
(PRE–CHECK) stroke check before movement.
OT 022 –OVERTRAVEL The tool exceeded the limit in the negative direction during the Axis type
(PRE–CHECK) stroke check before movement.
OT 030 EXCESS ERROR ALARM 1 Alarm 1 for excess synchronous error was generated. Axis type
OT 031 SYNCHRONIZE ADJUST The system is in synchronous adjustment mode (bit 1 of parame- Axis type
MODE ter No. 1803 is set to 1).


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

OT 032 NEED ZRN (ABS PCDR) The counter value of the absolute pulse coder does not match the Axis type
machine coordinates.
OT 034 BATTERY ZERO The battery voltage of the absolute pulse coder is 0 V. Check Axis type
(ABS PCDR) whether the battery is connected properly. If the battery is con-
nected properly, replace it.
O T036 BATTERY DOWN (SPLC) The battery voltage of the serial pulse coder is low. (Built–in unit)
O T037 BATTERY DOWN (EX) The battery voltage of the additional detector is low.
(Separate unit)
O T038 BATTERY ZERO (SPLC) The serial pulse coder battery voltage is 0 V. (Built–in unit)
O T039 BATTERY ZERO (EX) The serial pulse coder battery voltage is 0 V. (Separate unit)
OT 100 SPINDLE ALARM The spindle motor alarm was generated, but the code for specify-
ing the cause of the alarm is 0.
OT 101 SPINDLE MOTOR The spindle motor overheated.
OT 102 EXCESS VELOCITY The difference between the speed set for the spindle motor and
ERROR the actual speed of the spindle motor was too great (15% to 20%).
OT 103 FUSE F7 BLEW Fuse F7 for the speed control unit of the spindle motor has blown.
OT 104 FUSE F1, F2 OR F3 BLEW Fuse F1, F2, or F3 for the speed control unit of the spindle motor
has blown.
OT 105 FUSE AF2 OR AF3 BLEW Fuse AF2 or AF3 for the speed control unit of the spindle motor
has blown.
OT 106 EXCESS VELOCITY The speed of the spindle motor exceeded the maximum rating
(ANALOG) (analog detection).
OT 107 EXCESS VELOCITY The speed of the spindle motor exceeded the maximum rating
(DIGITAL) (digital detection).
OT 108 VOLTAGE (+24V) TOO The voltage of the 24 V power supply for the speed control unit of
HIGH the spindle is too high.
OT 109 POWER SEMICONDUCTOR The power semiconductor overheated.
OT 110 VOLTAGE (+15) TOO LOW The voltage of the 15 V power supply for the speed control unit of
the spindle motor is too low.
OT 111 VOLTAGE EXCESS The voltage in the DC link for the speed control unit of the spindle
(DC LINK) motor is too high.
OT 112 CURRENT EXCESS The current in the DC link for the speed control unit of the spindle
(DC LINK) motor is excessive.
OT 113 CPU ERROR The CPU or a peripheral circuit of the speed control unit of the
spindle motor is faulty.
OT 114 ROM ERROR The ROM of the speed control unit of the spindle motor is faulty.
OT 115 OPTION ALARM Optional alarm for the spindle motor.
OT 116 DISCONNECTION POS The position coder is disconnected.
OT 117 SPINDLE OVERHEAT Spindle alarm was detected by the function for detecting fluctua-
tions in spindle speed.
OT 120 UNASSIGNED ADDRESS The upper four bits (EIA4 to EIA7) of an external data I/O interface
(HIGH) address signal are set to an undefined address (high bits).
OT 121 UNASSIGNED ADDRESS The lower four bits (EIA0 to EIA3) of an external data I/O interface
(LOW) address signal are set to an undefined address (low bits).
OT 122 TOO MANY MESSAGES Requests were made to display more than four external operator
messages or external alarm messages at the same time.
OT 123 MESSAGE NUMBER NOT An external operator message or external alarm message cannot
FOUND be cancelled because no message number is specified.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

OT 124 OUTPUT REQUEST An output request was issued during external data output, or an
ERROR output request was issued for an address that has no output data.
OT 125 TOO LARGE NUMBER A number outside of the range 0 to 999 was specified as the num-
ber for an external operator message or an external alarm mes-
OT 126 SPECIFIED NUMBER NOT This alarm occurs in the following cases:
FOUND – The number specified for a program number or sequence
number search during external data input could not be found.
– The number specified for a workpiece number search could
not be found.
– There was an I/O request issued for a pot number or offset
(tool data), but either no tool numbers have been input since
power–on or there is no data for the entered tool number.
OT 127 DI. EIDHW OUT OF RANGE The value input by external data input signals EID32 to EID47 is
out of range.
OT 128 DI. EIDLL OUT OF RANGE The value input by external data input signals EID0 to EID31 is out
of range.
OT 129 NEGATE POS CODER 1 The CPU or a peripheral circuit of the position coder is faulty.
OT 130 SEARCH REQUEST NOT No requests can be accepted for a program No. or sequence No.
ACCEPTED search because the system is not in memory mode or the reset
OT 131 EXT–DATA ERROR ⋅ An input request was received for a pot No.or offset value
(OTHER) while tool data was being registered with G10.
⋅ An error occurred during reading or writing of tool data.
OT 132 RETURN ERROR (PTRR) The tool did not return to the stored position along the axis in tool Axis type
retraction mode.
OT 150 A/D CONVERT ALARM The A/D converter is faulty.
OT 151 A/D CONVERT ALARM The A/D converter is faulty.
OT 184 PARAMETER ERROR IN An invalid parameter was specified for torque control.
TORQUE (1) The torque constant parameter is set to 0.
OT 200 INTERFERENCE DATA The tool figure data specified for the tool post interference check is TT
ERROR incorrect (I > X or K > Z in tool figure data).
OT 208 INTERFERENCE X1 MINUS An interference alarm occurred while the first tool post was moving TT
in the negative direction along the X axis.
OT 209 INTERFERENCE X1 PLUS An interference alarm occurred while the first tool post was moving TT
in the positive direction along the X axis.
OT 210 INTERFERENCE Z1 MINUS An interference alarm occurred while the first tool post was moving TT
in the negative direction along the Z axis.
OT 211 INTERFERENCE Z1 PLUS An interference alarm occurred while the first tool post was moving TT
in the positive direction along the Z axis.
OT 212 INTERFERENCE X2 MINUS An interference alarm occurred while the second tool post was TT
moving in the negative direction along the X axis.
OT 213 INTERFERENCE X2 PLUS An interference alarm occurred while the second tool post was TT
moving in the positive direction along the X axis.
OT 214 INTERFERENCE Z2 MINUS An interference alarm occurred while the second tool post was TT
moving in the negative direction along the Z axis.
OT 215 INTERFERENCE Z2 PLUS An interference alarm occurred while the second tool post was TT
moving in the positive direction along the Z axis.
OT 300 S–SPINDLE LSI ERROR An error occurred in communication with the spindle.
OT 301 MOTOR OVERHEAT Motor overheat


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

OT 302 EX DEVIATION SPEED Excessive deviation in speed
OT 307 OVER SPEED Excessive speed
OT 309 OVERHEAT MAIN CIRCUIT Excessive load on the main circuit
OT 310 LOW VOLT INPUT POWER Low voltage in the input power supply
OT 311 OVERVOLT POW CIRCUIT Excessive voltage in the DC link
OT 312 OVERCURRENT POW Excessive current in the DC link
OT 313 DATA MEMORY FAULT CPU Error in CPU internal data memory
OT 318 SUMCHECK ERROR PGM Sum check error in program ROM
OT 319 EX OFFSET CURRENT U Excessive offset in U–phase current detection circuit
OT 320 EX OFFSET CURRENT V Excessive offset in V–phase current detection circuit
OT 324 SERIAL TRANSFER Error in serial data transfer
OT 325 SERIAL TRANSFER STOP Serial data transfer was stopped.
OT 326 DISCONNECT C–VELO The Cs axis control speed detection signal is disconnected.
OT 327 DISCONNECT The position coder signal is disconnected.
OT 328 DISCONNECT C–POS The Cs axis control position detection signal is disconnected.
OT 329 OVERLOAD Temporary overload
OT 330 OVERCURRENT POW CIR- Excessive current in input circuit
OT 331 MOTOR LOCK OR V–SIG The motor locked up alarm is issued or the speed detection signal
LOS is disconnected.
OT 332 RAM FAULT SERIAL LSI Faulty RAM exists in LSI for serial data transfer.
OT 333 SHORTAGE POWER Insufficient power charge in DC link
OT 334 PARAMETER SETTING ER- Parameter data is out of range.
OT 335 EX SETTING GEAR RATIO An excessive gear ratio was set.
OT336 OVERFLOW ERROR The error counter overflowed.
OT 399 S–SPINDLE ERROR A miscellaneous spindle amplifier alarm occurred.
OT 512 EXCESS VELOCITY The feedrate specified during polar coordinate interpolation mode
(G12.1) was greater than the maximum cutting feedrate.
OT 513 SYNC EXCESS ERROR The difference between the positional deviations for the synchro- Axis type
nized axes during simple synchronization was greater than the
limit set in parameter.
OT513 SYNC EXCESS ERROR The difference between the master and slave axes to be synchro- Axis type
nized with each other has exceeded the maximum compensation

Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PC 010 PC ERROR A parity error occurred in a PMC ROM.
PC 020 PC ERROR A parity error occurred in a PMC RAM.
PC 030 PC ERROR An I/O unit was not allocated correctly.
PC 500 WATCH DOG ALARM A PMC watch dog alarm occurred.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

SV 000 TACHOGENERATER The tachogenerator is disconnected. Axis type
SV 001 EXCESS CURRENT IN The servo motor was overloaded. Axis type
SV 002 BREAKER The breaker for the velocity control circuit tripped. Axis type
SV 003 ABNORMAL CURRENT IN Excessive current was detected in the velocity control circuit. Axis type
SV 004 EXCESS V TO MOTOR Excessive voltage was detected in the velocity control circuit. Axis type
SV 005 EXCESS DISCHARGE I Excessive discharge current from the motor was detected in the Axis type
FROM MOTOR velocity control circuit.
SV 006 VELOCTY UNIT POWER Low voltage was detected in the velocity control circuit. Axis type
SV 008 EXCESS ERROR (STOP) Position deviation when stopped is larger than the value set in Axis type
parameter No. 1829.
SV 009 EXCESS ERROR (MOVING) Position deviation while moving is larger than the value set in pa- Axis type
rameter No. 1828.
SV 010 EXCESS DRIFT Drift compensation is excessive (exceeded 500VELO). Axis type
SV 011 LSI OVERFLOW The value specified for position deviation compensation is not Axis type
within the range of –32767 to +32767, or the command value of
the D/A converter is not within the range of –8192 to +8192. In
general, this alarm occurs due to incorrect settings.
SV 012 MOTION VALUE A speed greater than 512,000 pulses per second (frequency con- Axis type
OVERFLOW verted into detection units) was specified. In general, this alarm
occurs due to incorrect setting of parameter CMR or the feedrate.
SV 013 IMPROPER V–READY OFF The speed control ready signal (VRDY) went off even though the Axis type
position control ready signal (PRDY) was on. When a multiaxis
amplifier is being used, specifying controlled axis detachment for
any axis driven by the amplifier causes alarm SV013 to be issued
for the other axes driven by that amplifier.
SV 014 IMPROPER V–READY ON The speed control ready signal (VRDY) went on even though the Axis type
position control ready signal (PRDY) was off.
SV 015 PULSE CODER The pulse coder is disconnected. Axis type
SV 017 ILL POSITION CONTROL A fault occurred in the LSI for position control. Axis type
SV 018 INCORRECT DSCG A fault was detected in a resolver or inductsyn feedback frequency Axis type
SV 019 INCORRECT PULSE A fault was detected in the feedback pulse from the pulse coder. Axis type
SV 020 INCORRECT PHASE SHIFT The resolver or induction phase shift cannot be obtained correctly. Axis type
SV 021 1–REV PULSE SIGNAL The single–revolution signal for the pulse coder went on at an in- Axis type
INCORRECT correct position.
SV 022 1–REV PULSE MISSING The single–revolution signal for the pulse coder did not go on with- Axis type
in the appropriate range.
SV 023 SV OVERLOAD A servo motor overloaded. Axis type
SV 024 EXCESS ERROR ALARM 2 Alarm 2 for excess synchronous error was generated.
SV 025 V–READY ON During servo control, the speed control ready signal (VRDY) is on Axis type
(INITIALIZING) even though it is supposed to be off.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

SV 026 ILLEGAL AXIS ARRANGE- Parameter No. 1023 for specifying the arrangement of servo axes
MENT is set incorrectly.
SV 027 ILL DGTL SERVO There is an illegal digital servo parameter.
PARAMETER – A correct motor model type is not set in parameter No. 1874.
– The number of pulses per motor rotation is not set in parame-
ter No. 1876.
– The direction of motor rotation set in parameter No. 1879 is
neither 111 nor –111.
SV 030 EMERGENCY STOP Emergency stop occurred
(when ENR, a bit of parameter No. 2001, is 1).
SV 031 EXCESS SPINDLE DIST Excess position deviation occurred for the spindle during rigid tap-
(SPDL) ping.
SV 032 LSI OVERFLOW (SPDL) Data for the LSI used for spindle control overflowed during rigid
SV 050 ILLEGAL AXIS Parameter No. 1023 is set incorrectly.
SV 055 Parameter No. 1023 is set incorrectly.
SV 056 Bit #6 of parameter No. 1817 is set incorrectly.
SV 99 SPINDLE–AXIS ERROR An amplifier alarm occurred during spindle contour control.
SV 100 SACOMP, VALUE The value set for straightness compensation is not within the M
OVERFLOW range of –32767 to +32767.
SV 101 DATA ERROR (ABS PCDR) A correct machine position cannot be obtained because the abso- Axis type
lute pulse coder is faulty or the machine moved too far during pow-
SV 110 PULSE CORDER ALARM An error was detected in the serial pulse coder (serial A) or feed- Axis type
(SERIAL A) back cable.
Replace the cable or pulse coder.
(For details on the alarm, refer to the “FANUC AC Servo Amplifier
Maintenance Manual.”)
SV 111 PULSE CORDER ALARM An error was detected in the serial pulse coder (serial C) or feed- Axis type
(SERIAL C) back cable.
Replace the cable or pulse coder.
(For details on the alarm, refer to the “FANUC AC Servo Amplifier
Maintenance Manual.”)
SV 114 ABNORMAL REV. DATA The serial pulse coder (serial A) is abnormal. Replace it. Axis type
SV 115 ABNORMAL A serial pulse coder communication failure occurred. Axis type
COMMUNICATION (SPLC) Replace the pulse coder, feedback cable, or CNC axis board.
SV 116 MCC WELDING ARARM The contact of the magnetic contractor (MCC) in the servo amplifi- Axis type
er has melted. For details, refer to the “FANUC AC Servo Amplifi-
er Maintenance Manual.”
SV 117 ABNORMAL CURRENT Digital servo current conversion is abnormal. Replace the CNC Axis type
OFFSET axis board.
SV 118 DETECT ABNORMAL An abnormal servo motor load was detected. Reset to clear the Axis
TORQUE alarm.
SV 119 DETECT ABNORMAL An abnormal load was detected on the first spindle motor.
TORQUE (1ST SPDL) To reset the alarm, press the RESET button.
SV 125 EXCESS VELOCITY IN In torque control, the specified maximum allowable velocity was
TORQUE exceeded.
SV 126 EXCESS ERROR IN In torque control, the maximum allowable accumulated movement,
TORQUE specified with a parameter, was exceeded.


Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

SV 323 DISCONNECT ALARM BY Disconnection of the serial pulse coder was detected.
SOFT (Software)
SV 324 DISCONNECT ALARM BY Disconnection of the serial pulse coder was detected.
HARD (Hardware)
SV 325 PULSE CODER ALARM1 An abnormality was detected in the serial pulse coder or feedback
(SPLC) cable. (Built–in unit)
SV 326 PULSE CODER ALARM3 An abnormality was detected in the serial pulse coder or feedback
(SPLC) cable. (Built–in unit)
SV 327 ABNORMAL REV. DATA The serial pulse coder is abnormal. Replace the pulse coder.
(SPLC) (Built–in unit)
SV 330 ABNORMAL A serial pulse coder communication error occurred. (Built–in unit)
SV 331 PULSE CODER ALARM2 An abnormality was detected in the serial pulse coder or feedback
(SPLC) cable. (Built–in unit)
SV 333 PULSE CODER ALARM4 An abnormality was detected in the serial pulse coder or feedback
(EX–LIN) cable. (Separate linear)
SV 334 PULSE CODER ALARM5 An abnormality was detected in the serial pulse coder or feedback
(EX–ROT) cable. (Separate rotary)
SV 335 ABNORMAL REV. DATA The serial pulse coder is abnormal.
SV 336 BATTERY ZERO (EX) The serial pulse coder battery voltage is 0 V. (Separate unit)
SV 338 DETECTOR OVER LOAD The serial pulse coder is overloaded. (Separate unit)
SV 339 ABNORMAL A communication error occurred in the serial pulse coder.
COMMUNICATION (EX) (Separate unit)
SV 340 PULSE CODER Disconnection of the serial pulse coder was detected.
DISCONNECT (EX) (Separate unit)

Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

IO 030 CHECK SUM ERROR The check sum for a page of NC memory is incorrect.
IO 031 INVALID CODE An invalid code was read from NC memory.
IO 032 OUT OF RANGE MEMORY An attempt was made to read data from or write data to an ad-
ACCESS dress outside of bubble memory.

Number Message displayed on CRT Contents Remarks

PW 000 POWER MUST BE OFF A parameter was set for which the power must be turned off then
on again.
PW 100 ILLEGAL PARAMETER The parameter for setting straightness compensation or the parame-
ter for setting inclination compensation is specified incorrectly.


C.2 (1) PMC–NA

Message Alarm description

THERE IS NO ALARM Normal condition. Machine usually operates under this condition.

action: Refer to the Chapter III–7.5 “Data Input/Output From/To RAM
Board (PMC–NA)” in the Programming Manual of FANUC PMC–N/NA

ER02 PROGRAM DATA ERROR Sequence data is wrong or corrupt.

ER03 PROGRAM SIZE ERROR Sequence data exceeding the print board capacity was input.

ER04 SERIES UNMATCH Sequence data of another series was input.

Note) In this case, a ladder program cannot run.

ER10 TCB SETTING ERROR The task entry address setting. Stack address, level, or starting condi-
tion parameter is incorrect.

ER11 NO C LIBRARY OPTION There is no C library option.

ER12 PASCAL DATA ORIGIN ERROR Another data area is used instead of the PASCAL DATA AREA, or an
odd number address is set.

ER13 PASCAL ORIGIN ERROR Another area is used instead of the PASCAL AREA, or an odd number
address is set.

ER21 SLC ERROR The I/O Link LSI is defective.

Corrective action: Change the PMC print board.

ER22 SLC ERROR (xGROUP) LSI detection of an I/O device has occurred in the x group, or abnormal
communication has occurred.
Corrective action: Replace the print board or the I/O device.

ER23 SLOT SETTING ERROR An attempt was made to specify 11 or greater as a slot number.

ER24 TOO MUCH DATA (xGROUP INPUT) More than 33 bytes were allocated to the input x group.

ER24 TOO MUCH DATA (xGROUP OUTPUT) More than 33 bytes were allocated to the output x group.

ER25 I/O SETTING ERROR (xGROUP INPUT) Insufficient I/O area (allocation after the output x group is invalid).

ER25 I/O SETTING ERROR Insufficient I/O area (allocation after the output x group is invalid).

ER26 I/O DEVICES ARE UNLINKED I/O devices are connected only up to the (x–1) group although alloca-
(AFTER xGROUP) tion data is created for the x and subsequent groups.
Note) If the system is started, the ladder program is not automatically
executed. (Pressing the “RUN” key, however, executes the
ladder program.)
Corrective action:
Correct I/O device allocation, or check the I/O device configuration.


Message Alarm description

ER27 I/O DEVICES ARE UNDEFINED The I/O allocation data is created for only up to the (x–1) group al-
(AFTER xGROUP) though I/O devices are connected to the x and subsequent groups.
Note) If the system is started with the ROM cassette mounted, the
ladder program is not automatically executed. (Pressing the
“RUN” key, however, executes the ladder program.)
Corrective action:
Correct I/O device allocation, or check the I/O device configuration.

ER28 I/O ALLOCATION ERROR (xGROUP) Because I/O UNIT Model A exists in x group, data can not be automat-
ically allocated.
Note) In this case, I/O is not inputted output.
Corrective action:
Press the “IOSTAT” key or power on again after making alloca-
tion data.

ER31 I/O DEVICES ARE UNLINKED I/O devices were connected only for groups “X–1” and lower, when
(AFTER xGROUP) they had been assigned for groups X and higher. In addition:
Value specified at “NUMBER OF I/O LINK GROUP” on the [MODE]
screen > number of connected groups
Note) In this case, no sequence program is started when the power is
switched on. (Pressing the [RUN] key starts a sequence pro-
gram, however).
Corrective action:
Correct the I/O device assignment, or check the configuration of
the I/O devices.

WR20 NO I/O DEVICE An I/O device is not connected.

Corrective action:
Confirm the optical cable and I/O power source are properly

(2) PMC–NB

Message Contents and solution

ALARM NOTHING Normal status

ER01 PROGRAM DATA ERROR (RAM) The sequence program is defective.

(solution) Please clear the program and input LADDER again.

ER02 PROGRAM SIZE OVER The size of sequence program exceeds the maximum size of LAD-
(solution) Please change MAX LADDER AREA SIZE at the SYSPRM
screen and restart the system.

ER03 PROGRAM SIZE ERROR (OPTION) The size of sequence program exceeds the option specification size.
(solution) Please increase the option specification size.
Or, reduce the size of sequence program.

ER04 PMC TYPE UNMATCH The PMC model setting of the sequence program is not corresponding
to an actual model.
(solution) Please change the PMC model setting by the offline program-

ER17 PROGRAM PARITY The parity error occurred on memory for sequence program or the
debugging RAM.


Message Contents and solution

ER18 PROGRAM DATA ERROR BY I/O Transferring the sequence program from offline programmer was inter-
rupted by the power off etc.
(solution) Please clear the sequence program and transfer the se-
quence program again.

ER19 LADDER DATA ERROR Editing the LADDER was interrupted by the power off or by the switch
to the CNC screen by the function key etc.
(solution) Please edit LADDER once on PMC.
Or, please input LADDER again.

ER20 SYMBOL/COMMENT DATA ERROR Editing the symbol and comment was interrupted by the power off or
by the switch to the CNC screen by the function key etc.
(solution) Please edit symbol and comment once on PMC.
Or, please input symbol and comment again.

ER21 MESSAGE DATA ERROR Editing the message data was interrupted by the power off or the
switch to the CNC screen by the function key etc.
(solution) Please edit message data once on PMC.
Or, please input message data again.

ER22 PROGRAM NOTHING There is no sequence program.

ER23 PLEASE TURN OFF POWER There is a change in setting LADDER MAX AREA SIZE etc.
(solution) Please restart the system to make the change effective.

ER32 NO I/O DEVICE Any DI/DO unit of I/O Unit or the connection unit etc. is not connected.
If I/O devices, such as the I/O Unit, are in use:
Make sure that power is supplied to the I/O devices. Also check the
cable connection.

ER33 SLC ERROR The LSI for I/O Link is defective.

(solution) Please exchange the module of PMC engine.

ER34 SLC ERROR (xx) The communication with the DI/DO units of the xx group failed.
(solution) Please confirm the connection of the cable connected to the DI/
DO units of the xx group.
Please confirm whether the DI/DO units turned on earlier than
CNC and PMC. Or, please exchange the module of PMC en-
gine on the DI/DO units of the xx group.

ER35 TOO MUCH OUTPUT DATA IN GROUP The number of the output data in the xx group exceeded the max.
(xx) The data, which exceed 32 bytes, become ineffective.
(solution) Please refer to the following for the number of the data for each
“FANUC I/O Unit–MODEL A connecting and maintenance
manual” (B–61813E)
“FANUC I/O Unit–MODEL B connecting manual”(B–62163E)

ER36 TOO MUCH INPUT DATA IN GROUP The number of the input data in the xx group exceeded the max. The
(xx) data, which exceed 32 bytes, become ineffective.
(solution) Please refer to the following for the number of the data for each
“FANUC I/O Unit–MODEL A connecting and maintenance
manual” (B–61813E)
“FANUC I/O Unit–MODEL B connecting manual”(B–62163E)


Message Contents and solution

ER38 MAX SETTING OUTPUT DATA OVER The assignment data for a group exceeds 128 bytes.
(xx) (The assignment data of output side of xx group or later become inef-
(solution) Please reduce the assignment data to 128 bytes or less for the
number of the output data of each group.

ER39 MAX SETTING INPUT DATA OVER (xx) The assignment data for a group exceeds 128 bytes.
(The assignment data of input side of xx group or later become infective.)
(solution) Please reduce the assignment data to 128 bytes or less for the
number of the input data of each group.

WN01 LADDER MAX SIZE ERROR The MAX LADDER AREA SIZE in the system parameter is illegal.
(solution) Set the correct value to MAX LADDER AREA SIZE and re
start the system.
WN02 OPERATE PANEL ADDRESS ERROR The address setting data of the operator’s panel for FS–0 is illegal.
(solution) Please correct the address setting data.
WN03 ABORT NC–WINDOW/EXIN LADDER was stopped while CNC and PMC were communicating.
The functional instruction WINDR, WINDW, EXIN, DISPB, and etc.
may not work normally.
(solution) When restarting the system, this alarm will be released.
Execute the sequence program(Press RUN key) after con-
firming whether there is a problem in LADDER or not.
WN07 LADDER SP ERROR (STACK) When functional instruction CALL(SUB65) or CALLU(SUB66) was
executed, the stack of the LADDER overflowed.
(solution) Please reduce the nesting of the subprogram to 8 or less.
WN17 NO OPTION (LANGUAGE) There is no C language option.
WN18 ORIGIN ADDRESS ERROR The LANGUAGE ORIGIN address of the system parameter is wrong
(solution) Please set the address of symbol RC_CTLB_INIT in the map file
to the LANGUAGE ORIGIN of the system parameter.
WN19 GDT ERROR (BASE, LIMIT) The value of BASE, LIMIT or ENTRY of user defined GDT is illegal.
(solution) Please correct the address in link control statement and build
WN20 COMMON MEM. COUNT OVER The number of common memories exceeds 8.
(solution) Please reduce the number of common memories to 8 or less.
It is necessary to correct a link control statement,build file and
the source file for the common memory.
WN21 COMMON MEM. ENTRY ERROR GDT ENTRY of the common memory is out of range.
(solution) Please correct the address of GDT ENTRY of the common
memory in the link control statement.
WN22 LADDER 3 PRIORITY ERROR The priority of LADDER LEVEL 3 is out of range.
(solution) Please correct the value of LADDER LEVEL 3 in the link con-
trol statement within the range of 0 or 10–99 or –1.
WN23 TASK COUNT OVER The number of user tasks exceeds 16.
(solution) Please confirm TASK COUNT in the link control statement.
When the number of tasks is changed, it is necessary to cor-
rect the link control statement, build file and the composition
of the files to be linked.


Message Contents and solution

WN24 TASK ENTRY ADDR ERROR The selector of the entry address to the user task is out of range.
(solution) Please correct the table of GDT in build file to the value within
WN25 DATA SEG ENTRY ERROR The entry address of the data segment is out of range.
(solution) Please correct DATA SEGMENT GDT ENTRY in the link con-
trol statement and the table of GDT in build file within
WN26 USER TASK PRIORITY ERROR The priority of the user task is out of range.
(solution) Please correct the TASK LEVEL in link control statement with-
in the range of 10–99 or –1.
Note: Only one task can have TASK LEVEL –1 (including
WN27 CODE SEG TYPE ERROR The code segment type is illegal. The code segment of RENAMESEG
in the binding control file is wrong.
(solution) Please correct the entry of the code segment in the link control
statement to correspond to the entry in the build file.

WN28 DATA SEG TYPE ERROR The data segment type is illegal. The data segment of RENAMESEG
in the binding control file is wrong.
(solution) Please correct the entry of the code segment in the link control
statement to correspond to the entry in the build file.

WN29 COMMON MEM SEG TYPE ERROR The segment type of common memory is illegal. The segment of RE-
NAMESEG in the building control file of the common memory is wrong.
(solution) Please correct the entry of common memory in the link control
statement to correspond to the entry in the build file.

WN30 IMOPSSIBLE ALLOCATE MEM. The memories for the data and stack etc. cannot be allocated.
(solution) Please confirm whether the value of code segment in build file
and USER GDT ADDRESS in link control statement is correct
or not.
Or please reduce the value of MAX LADDER AREA SIZE of
the system parameter and the size of the stack in link control
statement at the least.

WN31 IMPOSSIBLE EXECUTE LIBRARY The library function cannot be executed.

(solution) Please confirm the object model of the library.
Or, system ROM of PMC must be replaced with one of later ver-

WN32 LNK CONTROL DATA ERROR Link control statement data is illegal.
(solution) Please confirm whether the address of symbol RC_CTLB_
INIT in map file is set to LANGUAGE ORIGIN of the system pa-
rameter. Or, please make the link control statement again.


C.3 The following appears on the screen if an alarm condition (error) occurs:
PMC ERRORS 08:511D:SERI:0005:0094H581
08: : Slot number
511D : ID number of printed circuit board
SERI : ROM series
0005 : ROM version
0094h581 : Last 8 digits of drawing number
BUS : Description of error (See 5.6 (2).)

(1) Error codes

Error code Message Description

PC010 PC ERROR PC ROM parity error

PC020 PC ERROR PC RAM parity error

PC030 PC ERROR NC RAM parity error

PC040 PC ERROR PC system error

PC050 PC ERROR Error related to DI/DO

PC070 PC ERROR MPC2 watch dog timer alarm

PC500 WATCH DOG ALARM PC watch dog timer alarm

(2) System error messages

Bus error (Access was made to an unusable address.)
<Message>: 31 characters

BUS ERROR xxxxxx (yyyyyy):PC040

xxxxxx: Access address

yyyyyy: Execution address


Address error (Access was made to an odd–numbered address.)
<Message>: 31 characters

ADR ERROR xxxxxx (yyyyyy):PC040

xxxxxx: Access address

yyyyyy: Execution address



Tried to execute an illegal instruction
<Message>: 24 characters

ILG ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


Division by 0 was attempted.
<Message>: 24 characters

ZDV ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


Register limit check error (Register limit has been exceeded.)
<Message>: 24 characters

CHK ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


Overflow trap
<Message>: 24 characters

TRV ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


Privileged instruction violation
<Message>: 24 characters

PRV ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


CPU trace (hardware error)
<Message>: 24 characters

TRC ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address



Tried to execute an instruction whose operation code is Axxx.
<Message>: 24 characters

L10 ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


Tried to execute an instruction whose operation code is Fxxx.
<Message>: 24 characters

L11 ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


An interrupt occurred when it should not have (hardware error).
<Message>: 24 characters

NAE ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


An interrupt occurred, but its cause was not identified
(hardware error).
<Message>: 24 characters

SPI ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


A trap occurred when it should not have (hardware error).
<Message>: 24 characters

NTP ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


PMC ROM parity error (PMC control ROM error)
<Message>: 20 or 24 characters

ROM PARITY zzz yyy:PC010

zzz, yyy: ROM number



CNC system error
<Message>: None


I/O error in battery powered RAM
(printed circuit board BASE0 faulty)
<Message>: 24 characters

T15 ERROR (yyyyyy):PC040

yyyyyy: Execution address


Memory error (PMC NA faulty)
<Message>: 36 characters

RAM ERROR <B.RAM> xx (yyyyyy):PC020



P. RAM : PMC RAM board
K. RAM : PMC DATA (battery–powered RAM area)
XX : Detailed information about RAM parity error
bit 0 : Error occurred when the lower byte of the DRAM
serial port was read.
bit 1 : Error occurred when the upper byte of the DRAM
serial port was read.
bit 2 : Error occurred when the lower byte of the DRAM
RAM port was read.
bit 3 : Error occurred when the upper byte of the DRAM
RAM port was read.
bit 4 : RAM type (0 = Basic RAM, 1 = Optional RAM)
bit 5 : Error occurred when SRAM was read.
bit 6 : bit 7 bit 6
bit 7 : 0 0: Error occurred during host access.
0 1: Error occurred during BOC access.
1 0: Error occurred during direct memory access.
1 1: BOC racing error during direct memory
yyyyyy : Execution address



I/O communication error
<Message>: 22 characters

SLC ERROR xx (yy):PC050

xx : Detailed information on host SLC error

bit 0 : CRC error or framing error
(detection of an error such as a reversed bit)
bit 1 : Error detected by the slave unit
bit 2 : Communication error
bit 3 : Internal parity error
bit 4 : External parity error
bits 5 to 7 : Undefined
yy : Detailed information on slave SLC error
bits 0 to 4 : Serial alarm number
bit 5 : CRC error or framing error detected by the slave unit
bit 6 : Error detected by the slave unit
bit 7 : Watch dog timer alarm or parity error detected by the
slave unit

Subtracting 1 from this number yields the I/O group number.
Assume “00011” is displayed. 3 – 2 = 2. Therefore, the
alarm occurred in an I/O device in group 2. Note, however,
that this information is valid only when bits 0 and 1 of xx (host
SLC error detail information) are 1.


(3) PMC–NA
Display error messages Error contents

1 ROM PARITY add bbb : PC010 PMC ROM parity error has occurred aaa,bbb: defecitive ROM

2 RAM PARITY <a.RAM> bb (yyyyyy) : PC020 PMC RAM parity error has occurred
bb: RAM PARITY ERROR information

3 BUS ERROR xxxxxx (yyyyyy) : PC040 Bus error (impossible to use address access) has occurred

4 ADR ERROR xxxxxx (yyyyyy) : PC040 Address error (odd number address access) has occurred

5 ILG ERROR (yyyyyy) : PC040 Attempted to execute execution–impossible command

6 ZDV ERROR (yyyyyy) : PC040 Tried to execute division with a divisor of zero

7 CHK (yyyyyy) : PC040 Register has exceeded the range in the register limit check

8 TRV (yyyyyy) : PC040 Overflow trap has occurred

9 PRV (yyyyyy) : PC040 Privilege command violation error has occurred

10 TRC (yyyyyy) : PC040 CPU has entered the trace status

11 L10 (yyyyyy) : PC040 Attempted to execute a command with the command code ap-
pearing to be Axxx

12 L11 (yyyyyy) : PC040 Attempted to execute a command with the command code ap-
pearing to be Fxxx

13 NAE (yyyyyy) : PC040 Unexpected interruption has occurred

14 SPI (yyyyyy) : PC040 Interruption whose cause is unclear has occurred

15 NTP (yyyyyy) : PC040 Unexpected TRAP has occurred

16 SLC ERROR aa : PC040 Abnormality in DI/DO has occurred

aa: DI/DO ERROR information

17 PC500 WATCH DOG ALARM PMC watchdog alarm has occurred

(xxxxxx:access address; yyyyyy: execution address)


(4) PMC–NB
Message STATUS LED Contents and solution

RAM ERROR <a> bbcc xxxx: yyyyyyyy: PC010 The parity error occurs on the debugging RAM of PMC.
a : RAM which generates RAM parity.
bb, cc : RAM PARITY information.
xxxx : Segment selector where system error occurred.
yyyyyyyy : Offset address where system error occurred.

ROM ERROR aaaaaaaa: PC020 The parity error occurs in PMC system ROM.
STATUS LED lL aaaaaaaa : ROM parity information

DIVIDE ERROR xxxx: yyyyyyyy: PC040 Division error occurs such as a divisor is 0 in the division instruction.
xxxx : Segment selector where system error occurred.
STATUS LED lL yyyyyyyy : Offset address where system error occurred.

BUS ERROR xxxx: yyyyyyyy: PC040 The BUS error (access on illegal address).
xxxx : Segment selector where system error occurred.
STATUS LED lL yyyyyyyy : Offset address where system error occurred.

STACK FAULT xxxx: yyyyyyyy: PC040 The stack exception such as the violation of the limit of the stack.
xxxx : Segment selector where system error occurred.
STATUS LED lL yyyyyyyy : Offset address where system error occurred.

GENERAL PROTECTION xxxx: yyyyyyyy: The general protection exception such as segment limit over was
PC040 generated.
xxxx : Segment selector where system error occurred.
STATUS LED lL yyyyyyyy : Offset address where system error occurred.

SLC ERROR aa (cc) : PC050 The communication error occurred in the I/O Link.
aa, cc : I/O Link error information.
This error may occur by the following causes.
1. When I/O Unit–MODEL A is used, base1, 2 or 3 is not connected
though allocated.
2. The connection of cable is insufficient.
3. Defects of cable.
4. Defects of DI/DO units (I/O unit, Power Mate etc.)
5. Defects of PMC board (printed circuit board on host side where I/O
Link cable is connected.)
(solution) Investigate the cause of error.
1. Please confirm the allocation data (by “EDIT”→“MODULE” screen)
and compare with the actual connection.
2. Please confirm whether the cable is correctly connected.
If you cannot find the cause with the ways above, it may be the defect
of hardware.
Please investigate a defective place by the following methods.
3. Please confirm the specification of the cable referring to “FANUC I/O
Unit–MODEL B connecting manuals(B–62163E)”.
4. Exchange the interface module of I/O Unit, the cable and the PMC
board, etc. one by one and, confirm whether this error occurs again.
The communication may fail by the noise etc. when this error still oc-
curs after replacing all DI/DO units.
STATUS LED JL Please investigate the cause of noise.

STATUS LED (green) are LED1, LED2 on PMC–NB.

j : Off J : On lL : Blinking


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