ME306 Lab 4
ME306 Lab 4
ME306 Lab 4
Lab - 4
Aim / Objective
● To measure the parameters of a plant using frequency tests
● To describe the frequency characteristics of a first order lag
● To understand why Bode Plots are preferred over other frequency plots
● To identify the significant parts of a feedback control system and manipulate transfer
function blocks
● To derive the closed loop and error transfer functions from the forward and open loop
transfer functions
● To describe the effect of closed loop on the steady state performance and transient state
Experimental Setup
The experiment consists of two portions : Frequency Response and Principles of Feedback.
In the frequency response portion, we will plot Bode Plots and will try to find the cut-off
frequency or break frequency using three different methods : slope method, -3dB point method
and -45° method, respectively.
In the principles of the feedback system, we will look at the working of a closed loop system
with feedback and will try to find out the closed loop transfer function and error transfer
function. We will also observe the closed loop performance in steady-state and transient state.
Frequency analysis is an important aspect in control engineering. There are a number of analysis
and design techniques which are solely based on the frequency response of the plant. These are
graphical techniques and require only a knowledge of the measured frequency response of the
plant to be controlled. While studying the frequency response, it is observed that the output
signal obtained has an amplitude different from the input signal with some phase lag but the
nature of the output will be the same as of input signal. Bode plot is the plot where the amplitude
ratio and the phase are plotted separately against log frequency. Using this plot, cut-off frequency
or break frequency is calculated. Bode plot is very useful as it is quite easy to translate the
information obtained from the plot into any of the graphical forms used in control engineering
The closed loop system with feedback is as shown below:
𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝐶
For this closed loop system, the transfer function (G) is : 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
= 𝑅
Error transfer function (E) is : 𝑅
Let K be the gain of the controller, Kp be the plant gain and H be the gain of feedback. Then, a
closed loop transfer function (CLTF) is given by:
𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝐶 𝐾·𝐾𝑝
CLTF = 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
= 𝑅
= 1+𝐾·𝐾𝑝·𝐻
For unit feedback system, H = 1
𝐶 𝐾·𝐾𝑝
So, CLTF = 𝑅
= 1+𝐾·𝐾𝑝
Error transfer function (ETF) is given by :
𝐸 1
= 1+𝐾·𝐾𝑝·𝐻
For unit feedback system, H = 1
𝐸 1
So, ETF = 𝑅
= 1+𝐾·𝐾𝑝
Also, when tp is plant time constant, then the time constant of the closed loop system ( tcl) is
given by:
tcl = 1+𝐾·𝐾𝑝
Following steps are taken to perform the experiment.
Part-1: Frequency response of the system
● Make the proper wiring.
● Load the desired setup.
● Set the reference input to internal
● Choose Sine wave input with 60% level.
● Choose the frequency as 10 mHz.
● Make sure to ON the input and velocity to get them displayed on the graph.
● Switch ON and enable the plant.
● Freeze the display and click frequency ON.
● Measure the peak to peak voltage.
● Select phase D and measure the phase difference by moving the vertical line until it
intersects with the peak value.
● Repeat the above steps by varying frequencies.
● From the data obtained, make the Bode plot and calculate cutoff frequency.
Part-2: Feedback
● Load the desired setup.
● Set the reference input to internal.
● Choose DC signal as input with 50% offset.
● Make sure to ON the input, error, and velocity to get them displayed on the graph.
● Check that the gain K in the gain box on the on-screen mimic is set to 1.
● Switch ON the motor and enable the plant.
● Set the display as ‘meter’.
● Vary the value of gain and note the error and output (velocity).
● Again, load the setup and set the reference input to internal.
● Choose Step Input as input with 20% level.
● Make sure to ON the input, error, and velocity to get them displayed on the graph.
● Check that the gain K in the gain box on the on-screen mimic is set to 1.
● Switch ON the motor and enable the plant.
● Freeze the display and measure the time constant using ‘63% method’
● Measure the time constant for different gain values.
Observation Tables
1 Hz 3 60 0.5 -6.0206
1 0.1371 0.107
2 0.096 0.075
3 0.0738 0.07
4 0.06 0.07
5 0.0505 0.05
10 0.0282 0.03
● Bode Plot
Time constant
● 3 dB method
In this method, a horizontal line at amplitude -3 dB is made to intersect on the bode plot
and the point of intersection is the cut-off frequency.
Here the line intersects at fc = 0.552 Hz
ω𝑐 = 2π𝑓𝑐 = 2(3. 14)(0. 552) = 3. 467 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
1 1
τ1 = ω𝑐
= 3.467
= 0. 288 𝑠𝑒𝑐
● -45o
In this method, a horizontal line at phase -45o is made to intersect on the bode plot and
the point of intersection is the cut-off frequency.
Here the line intersects at fc = 0.594 Hz
ω𝑐 = 2π𝑓𝑐 = 2(3. 14)(0. 594) = 3. 734 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
1 1
τ2 = ω𝑐
= 3.734
= 0. 268 𝑠𝑒𝑐
● Slope method
In this method, a line of slope -20 dB/decade is drawn at higher frequency on the bode
plot and its x-intercept is the cutoff frequency.
Here the line intersects at fc = 0.594 Hz
ω𝑐 = 2π𝑓𝑐 = 2(3. 14)(0. 6166) = 3. 874 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
1 1
τ3 = ω𝑐
= 3.874
= 0. 258 𝑠𝑒𝑐
τ1+ τ2+ τ3 0.288+0.268+0.258
Average of the three methods, τ𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 3
= 3
= 0. 271 𝑠𝑒𝑐
1 9.346 7.531
2 8 12
5 4.436 16.39
10 2.494 18.367
20 1.174 16.8
50 0.616 23.077
1 21.955
2 21.875
3 5.14
4 16.667
5 0.99
10 6.383
In this experiment, the closed loop system and the relationship between its output and error value
and the change in gain (K) value are first examined. We saw that as the gain was raised, the
output value rose and the error value dropped. The theoretical tendency and the observed trend
are consistent. In the second experiment, we calculated the time constant of the closed loop
system using both the theoretical calculation based on the plant time constant and the 63%
technique from the graph. The differences between the measured and estimated time constant
trends with varying gain K indicate a problem with the instrument. The final component of this
experiment looks at open loop system frequency. By adjusting the frequency value, we assessed
the amplitude and phase angle between the input and output. Using the ratio of amplitudes and
phase angle, we drew the bode plot. Three alternative methods—the slope method, the -3dB
method, and the 45° method—were used to determine the cut-off frequency from the bode plot.
Results and Discussion ( By Apeksha - 2020MEB1268)
In this experiment, we study the frequency response of the first order lag system and how a Bode
plot is plotted. Using the Bode plot, cut-off frequency of the system is determined using several
methods and for lower frequency, straight line represents gain. Thus, we can say that a first order
lag is characterised , in frequency domain, by its low frequency gain and its cut-off frequency. At
cut-off frequency the actual curve is 3dB below the low frequency level.
In the closed loop control system with feedback, we observed that the steady-state error
decreases as loop gain is increased. However, with high gain the output becomes noisy and the
motor in the system will start making peculiar noises. Here, we used a unit feedback system to
get exact errors so that the controller can be tuned such that the error decreases and thus
obtaining the required output for a particular input. We also observe that error transfer function
(ETF) value decreases as the gain is increased. It implies that increasing the gain of the controller
reduces the error in steady state and the output obtained is nearly the same as input when gain is
high. It can also be noted that with increasing gain, time constant also decreases. This implies
that with increasing gain, time to achieve the desired output decreases, i.e., desired output is
achieved faster with higher gain.
In the first part of the experiment, the frequency response of the DC Motor (plant) is measured
and parameters like low-frequency gain and time constant are measured by plotting the Bode plot
of the system. A first order lag is described, in frequency domain, by its low frequency gain and
its cut-off frequency. Bode plot shows the variation of amplitude ratio and phase difference with
respect to the frequency. For the calculation of cutoff frequency, three methods were used
namely, -3 dB method, -45o method and slope method. From this cutoff frequency, the time
constant of the system is calculated. At cut-off frequency the actual curve is 3dB below the low
frequency level and the phase lag is 45o. The time constant calculated from time response and
frequency response were very close and thus, add the layer of verification in the results obtained.
In the second part of the experiment, unity feedback is also added to the system, making it a
closed loop control system. First, the steady state performance of the system is characterised by
measuring the steady state error. It was observed that increasing the gain will make 𝑅
→ 1 and
→ 0 indicating that steady state error will decrease as the loop gain is increased. However this
comes at the cost of noisy output at higher gain. One important detail to mention is that the unity
feedback is used to get errors directly. For characterising the transient state performance, time
constant of the closed loop system was measured. It was observed that time constant decreases
with increasing gain indicating that it will take less time for the system to achieve steady state at
higher gains.