Exp 2 Instro
Exp 2 Instro
Exp 2 Instro
Figure (2): Experimental step response, x exp(t), for the charging capacitor showing the 1τ ,2 τ , and 3 τ estimates of
the time constant.
1. RC step response
The system in this experiment is a resistor-capacitor (RC)
circuit, as illustrated in Figure(3). The capacitor in the circuit is
charged when it is connected to a power supply at point A and
discharges when the power is turned off (i.e., when it is
connected to point B). To avoid inconsistencies in our data due
to internal power supply dynamics, we will use a switch in the
circuit to control the input voltage while the power supply is
on. The voltage across the capacitor is the quantity we will
measure and is the dependent variable in the mathematical
model of the system.
Figure(12):low pass filter V out =V ¿ (1−e )τ
Figure(13): schematic diagram for first order system used to measure time constant.
Figure(14): first order response
If R=12 k ohm, C= 24 n F
¿ |288−245|
3. Percent error=¿ true value−exp value∨ ∗100 %= ≈ 15 % ¿
true value 288
Table 1: cutoff frequency
1. f c exp ≈ 2
≈525.85 HZ
1 1
2. f c theo= 2 πRC = =552.62 HZ
2 π∗12∗103∗24∗10−6
Ar #
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
input ferq (HZ)
¿ |552.62−525.85|
Percent error=¿ true value−exp value∨ ∗100 %= ≈ 4.84 % ¿
true value 552.62
R ' 1 1
I '' (t )+ I ( t )+ I ( t )=0 , ω 02 =
Ϛ= , ωd =ω 0 √ 1−Ϛ 2
2 √1/ LC
Ϛ <1:underdamped
Ϛ=1 :critcaldamped
Ϛ >1: overdamped
Figure(17): time vs x(t) or I(t) with change Ϛ
Rise time (Tr): is the time required for the response to rise from 0
to 90% of the final value.
Settling time (Ts): is the time required for the response to reach
and stay within a specified tolerance band (2% or 5%) of its final
Delay time (Td): is the time required for the response to reach 50%
of the final value.
Peak time (Tp): is the time required for the underdamped step
response to reach the peak of time response (Y p) or the peak
overshoot .
Percent overshoot (OS%): is the normalized difference between
the response peak value and the steady value (this characteristic is
not found in a first order system and found in higher one for the
underdamped step response
For more information about the higher order system, see this link: