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Measured Gain and Actual Gain Vs PBI Set (%) : 5. Result Result For Experiment 4.1

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5. Result Result for experiment 4.

1: With High Level=4V and Low Level =1 V Controller PBI set (%) V input Base Value (Vb1) 1.410 1.456 1.278 1.278 1.278 1.277 1.278 Difference V output Base Value (Vb2) 0.200 1.001 0.999 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 Difference Gain Actual (G) Gain Vout/Vi 100/P n B 0.435 0.285 0.334 0.334 0.400 0.500 0.666 0.250 0.286 0.333 0.400 0.500 0.666 1.000

High Vin=V1Rdg(V1) Vb1 4.288 3.890 5.294 3.918 4.180 3.714 4.297 2.878 2.434 4.016 2.640 2.902 2.437 3.019

400 350 300 250 200 150 100

High Vout=V2Rdg(V2 Vb2 ) 1.453 1.253 1.694 0.693 2.339 1.340 1.860 0.881 2.163 1.163 2.218 1.218 3.012 2.012

Measured Gain and Actual Gain vs PBI set (%)

measured gain and actual gain
1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

measured gain actual gain

Fig. 6: Proportional gain of the controller

PB1 = 400%

PB1 = 350%

PB1 = 300%

PB1 = 250%

PB1 = 200%

PB1 = 150%

PB1 = 100%

Fig 7 :Step Response of Proportional Controller

With High Level =2 V and Low Level = 1 V Controller PBI set (%) V input Base Value (Vb1) 1.093 1.058 1.010 1.004 1.133 1.102 1.062 Difference V output Base Value (Vb2) 1.000 0.998 1.000 0.998 1.000 1.001 1.001 Difference Gain Actual (G) Gain Vout/Vi 100/P n B 0.997 1.248 1.661 1.748 2.000 3.455 4.942 1.000 1.250 1.667 2.000 2.500 3.333 4.000

High Vin=V1Rdg(V1) Vb1 2.256 2.219 2.268 2.205 2.294 2.107 1.993 1.163 1.161 1.258 1.201 1.161 1.005 0.931

100 80 60 50 40 30 25

High Vout=V2Rdg(V2 Vb2 ) 2.160 1.160 2.447 1.449 3.089 2.089 3.097 2.099 3.747 2.797 4.473 3.472 5.602 4.601

measured gain and actual gain

Measured Gain and Actual Gain vs PBI set (%)

6 5

3 2

measured gain actual gain









Fig. 8: Proportional gain of the controller

PB1 = 100%

PB1 = 80%

PB1 = 60%

PB1 = 50%

PB1 = 40%

PB1 =30%

PB1 =20%

Fig. 9: Step Response of Proportional Controller

Result for Experiment 4.2: TI Setting (s) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Offset A Vbase (V) 3.4990 3.5680 3.6390 3.8130 3.7430 3.8120 3.8000 3.8260 3.8590 3.8130 V1 (V) 4.3200 4.3470 4.4280 4.5260 4.6010 4.6310 4.7020 4.7270 4.7830 4.8650 Gradient B dX 53.0000 39.0000 39.0000 34.5000 37.0000 33.5000 22.0000 18.5000 14.5000 7.0000 dY 0.3670 0.2950 0.3540 0.3280 0.4740 0.5080 0.4080 0.4680 0.5460 0.5640 dY/dX Offset A V1 Vbase 0.0069 0.0075 0.0091 0.0095 0.0128 0.0152 0.0185 0.0253 0.0377 0.0810 0.8210 0.7790 0.7890 0.7130 0.8580 0.8190 0.9020 0.9010 0.9240 1.0520 TI Measured (s) 118.9900 103.8600 86.6700 75.0400 67.0500 53.8900 48.7600 35.6300 24.5000 12.9900

Table 3: Integral Controller values

TI Setting vs TI Measured


TI Setting


TI Setting vs TI Measured


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 10: Measured and experimental values of T



TI= 80sec








Fig. 11: Step response of Proportional-Integral controller.

Result for Experiment 4.3: Time TD Setting (s) Steady State Vb (V) Offset Va (V) Value of TC (Vb-Va) Constant TC (s)= (Vb-Va) x 0.632 60 40 20 10 4.612 4.612 4.044 4.090 3.208 3.208 3.152 3.180 1.404 1.404 0.892 0.910 0.887 0.887 0.564 0.575 2.059 8.738 2.559 6.857 Derivative Gain m=B/A

Td Measured m x TC (s) 1.827 7.751 1.443 3.934

Table 4: Derivative Controller values

TD Measured vs TD Setting
9 8

TD Measured

6 5
4 3 TD Measured vs TD Setting

2 1





Fig. 12: Derivative response curve





Figure 13: Step Response of Derivative Controller

DISCUSSION a) P Control Effect of changing PB

With High Level = 4 V and Low Level = 1 V From result, we know that the gain value increased from approximately 0.25 to 1 when the PB is decreasing from 400% to 100%., the high level of the input voltage is decreasing while the high level of the output voltage is increasing when the PB is changed from 400% to 100%. The output signal is always lower than the input signal because the high level of the output voltage never exceeds the high level of the input voltage. The bigger percentage of PB setting, the smaller output signal compared to the input signal. The input and output is almost the same when we setting the input ratio to output ratio to closely become 1.

With High Level = 2 V and Low Level = 1 V

From result when the gain increased when the PB is decreasing from 100% to 25 %, the high level of the output voltage is also increased .The high level of the output voltage exceed the high level of the input voltage when changing the PB <100%. Thus, the P control modes changes the controller output in proportional to the error. The adjustable setting is controller Gain (Kc) or proportional Bind (PB). The control action is proportion to the both the controller gain and error. The higher the controller gain, the higher the amount of output action and so will larger error and vice versa.

b) PI Control Effect of changing Integral TI The system response is slower when TI=100sec compare to TI=20sec which response is much faster. Therefore, if the TI is smaller, to archive the response time setting is faster and vice versa. Hence, we can observe clearly the slope for TI=100sec is smaller compare to TI=20sec.

The integral control mode of a controller produces a long-term corrective change in controller output, driving the error or effect to zero. Integral action appears as a ramp of which the slope in determined by the size of the error, the controller gain and the integral time(T1) is increases, the slope will be decreases. c) PD Control Effect of changing Derivative TD From the result from experiment 4.3, we found that TD Setting(s) is proportional to the time constant TC(s). This means that when the time of TD setting is increased, the time constant TC(s) also will be increased. , the longer time constant will be consist if the TD is set to be longer. When the time of TD setting is set smaller, the response will become faster. The response will become slower when the bigger time of TD setting(s) is set. As the time of TD setting(s) is bigger, the positions of the compensator zero can quicker the uncompensated system.

The derivative control mode produces an output based on the rate of change of the error. Its action is dependent on the rate of change (slope) of the error. If has adjustable setting called derivative time(TD) which is the D-setting of the controller D action=Kc X Td . dE/dT, the slope will increase when Td is increases.

d ) PID Control i) Effect of changing PB Changing of PB provides a contribution which depends on the instantaneous value of the control error. The amplitude ratio is dip near the center of the frequency response when PB is changed. It will drift the response away when the percentage of PB is set too low whereas as the setting is too high it will make the response to oscillate. It also will make the rise time is faster. Beside, the overshoot also will be increased until it is not stable.

ii) Effect of changing TI Changing of TI gives a control output that is proportional to the accumulated error, which is implies that it is a slow reaction control mode. It gives high gain when the frequency is low. The reset time constant must be greater than the process response, or else it will cause a continuous oscillation to occur. Besides, reset will over response to any offset causing this oscillation. The process will take longer to settle down the set point if the reset value is too high and oscillation of the output will be response if the time of TI is set too high. This will make rise time become slower and decreasing the overshoot, but the stability of the system is increased. iii) Effect of changing TD Changing TD affects on the rate of change of the control error. Therefore, it is a fast mode which disappears in the presence of constant error. It can cause the gain to start rising. The time constant is the amount of time any effects caused by rate will be in effect when rate is activated due to a slope change. The more rate time will be affected if the bigger the time constant. If the rate time constant is too large, it will cause the process to heat very slowly and vice versa. If the time of TD is set too high, it might cause the output response to oscillate whereas if the time of TD is set too low, it might cause the response to sluggishly. When the time of TI setting is increased, it will make the rise time become faster and affect to increase of overshoot. Therefore, the stability of the system might become worse.

CONCLUSION As a conclusion, we had learned about the concept and principle of PID controller. Besides that, we also understood the definition and function of the PID parameter. Beside, we are able to recognize the methods of perform a step test on a PID controller as well as study the output responses of the different modes from this experiment. Next, we learned to demonstrate the skills of instrumentation in setting up a step test to obtain the different output responses of PID controller. We have studied the gain and time constant or process during experiment. We also study closed loop tuning process in this PID experiment. Now we are able to familiarize with advance control such as cascade, feed forward and ratio control.

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